Sunset Shimmer and the Shadowbolts

by KittyrinnAiko

Chapter 11: Invitation to Dinner and an unpleasant surprise.

“Sunset!” Dean Cadance called as Sunset was making her way through the main hall at the end of the school day.

“Dean Cadance, can I help you?”

“It was so good of you to help Twilight today.”

“It was nothing, really,” Sunset pleaded as a feeling of dread come over her.

“Well, it means the world to me and her family. Any chance you could tell me what actually happened that forced Twilight to change out of her uniform in the middle of school?”

“Good luck with that,” Indigo offered as she walked past.

“Ms Indigo Zap, I believe I need to talk to you as well… Come back here!”

Indigo broke into a run.

“Sunset, Sunset, don’t you run away too?”

“I’m sorry, my dad will be waiting.”

“I’ve already called him, and he will be meeting us at the Sparkle residence for dinner.”

“Great,” Sunset said under her breath.


“I said that’d be great, can’t wait.”

“Oh, Twilight, I see you have your uniform back on.”

“But I always put it back on after Physical Education?” Twilight replied. She was understandably confused.

“Care to talk about it?” Cadance pried. “It’s alright, you can tell me.”

“Tell you what? Not like phis-ed is all that difficult.”

“Now’s probably not a good idea,” Sunset admonished hopefully. “Look, if we are going, let’s get going.”

“Sunset and her father will be joining us for dinner tonight.”


“Twilight, I’m going to be your study buddy,” Sunset offered, hoping that would be enough.

“But I don’t need a study buddy,” Twilight protested.

“Well, I do. I just transferred in and you come highly rated as a top tutor. Come on Twilight, I need help, I’m floundering. Seriously though, today’s tests had me saying holy mackerel to myself. Can you blame me for angling for a little kelp - I mean help.”


“Come on, the longer we linger the less study time we get.”

“Alright, I guess.”

“Good, then it’s oh-fish-oil.”

“Cod you be any punier,” Twilight offered with a smile.

“When I grow up, I want to be a bass-pro-physicist.” Sunset was hoping Pinkie wouldn't find out she’d stolen some of her best puns.

“What say we get going,” Cadance suggested with a pained look on her face.

“Bass-pro physics,” Twilight repeated with a smile on her face.

“Come on, new friend,” Sunset prompted followed by the two following along with Dean Cadance.

“So, um, your new?” Twilight asked as they headed for the back door.

“I officially start next quarter, but they are letting me take the tests for this quarter so I can get credit for the end-of-quarter tests without having to go back to my old school.”

“Where you not able to finish the quarter at your old school?”

“Things got complicated,” Sunset explained hoping Twilight wouldn't ask too many questions.

“Sunset was experiencing a lot of harassment at her school,” Cadance provided knowing full well Twilight would ask too many questions if she didn't intervene. “Probably best not to press the matter.”

“Alright, I understand.” Twilight seemed to close up a little.

“We are going to try to cure Indigo of a certain bad habit,” Sunset offered as they went outside. “She’s not a bad sort, she’s just lacking in social graces.”

“It’s alright. She’s annoying; her I can deal with.”

“Twilight, if you are having problems with anyone you need to let us know.”

“Dean Cadance, It’s not always that simple,” Sunset supplied. “And Twilight, we should hang out more. If the people who are giving you problems see you have friends they’ll back off.”

“Hang out?”

“Yes, have lunch with us tomorrow. Stick around after class.”

“I’m kind of working on what I think might just be a discovery of an as-yet-unnamed energy particle.”

“Oh?” Cadance prompted as the three made their way to the faculty parking.

“It all seems to be coming from Canterlot High.”

“Twilight, you might not want to pursue that study,” Sunset said softly. “And before you object, I was right in the middle of each major incident over there. The first was when I’d gotten ahold of a dangerous artifact. What happened is being explained as a gas explosion.”

“Gas explosion?” Twilight asked astonished. She knew full well there’d been no gas explosion.

“Afraid so. What really happened is being covered up.”

“Wait, wait, wait… does that mean artifacts are real and not an urban legend?”

“I gather you’ve got a good idea of what actually happened. I’d think twice about trying to submit any studies on anything having anything to do with them. You could probably continue your research, it’s just that you probably aren’t going to be able to do a whole lot with it.”

The trio stopped by one of the cars.

“Listen, I kind of know someone who could help,” Sunset offered meekly.

“I fear there’s a but, isn’t there?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not supposed to call unless it’s an emergency or I’m ready to go to work for him. He also requested that should I discover any more artifacts I might do best by quietly dealing with them myself.”

“Oh wow,” Twilight said breathlessly. “Wait, you wouldn't be messing with me, would you?”

Sunset decided that instead of trying to say anything Twilight might dispute, she pulled out her smartphone and showed it to her.”

“Where’d you get that? Those aren’t even on the market yet.”

“A special gift,” Sunset replied with a smile.

“Sunset?” Cadance prompted with a car door open.

“My dad is some kind of fancy detective when he’s not being a rodeo star,” Sunset explained, followed by climbing into the car. “After the trouble I had at school, a friend of his decided to give me a phone that is supposed to be hackproof.”

“And the tech is rated secret,” Twilight offered as she too climbed in. “Naturally every computer geek and hacker worth their chips knows about them.”

Cadance climbed into the driver’s seat and a moment later they were on their way.

They’d gone a block and a half when a stone slightly smaller than a balled-up fist came hurling at the windshield, smashing it. Both Cadance and Twilight let out a scream as Cadance slammed on the breaks. Sunset jumped out of the car no more than a moment after it came to rest.

It was Gilda and Garble.

Gilda!” Sunset shouted even as Crystal Academy students began to converge on the scene. When Gilda and Garble saw several Neriks advancing on them the two decided to make a hasty retreat.

“Is everyone alright?” inquired a tall dark girl with a magenta mohawk.

“Twilight?” Cadance inquired frantically.

“I’m alright.”

“Dean Cadance, are you alright?” Sunset asked as she got out her phone and dialed the local emergency number.

“We are OK, just shook up,” Cadance offered, though her voice betrayed how shook up she was.

“Sunset, wasn’t it? Names Fizzlepop. You know those two?”

“Gilda Griffin, and Garble Torch. I fear this is a personal vendetta on their part.”

“I know the name. Gilda has her own little gang, doesn’t she?” Fizzlebop asked.

“She does, and she’s already got the Neriks looking for a little payback. Not to mention-”

Someone picks up on the other end of the phone. Canterlot Police department, what’s the nature of your emergency.

“Yes, hello, Gilda Griffin and Garble Torch were just seen a block and a half from Crystal Prep headed south on Sapphire Street. One of them just smashed Dean Cadance’s windshield with a rock. Why? Probably because I was in the car. Those two have multiple warrants out on them. Look, Twilight Sparkle is with us, can you get word to Officer Shining Armor Sparkle, she’s his sister. Everyone is alright, but the car is undrivable thanks to the smashed windshield. We are all OK, just shaken up.”

It didn’t take long for every patrol car in the area to come screaming down on the location.

“Dad!” Twilight shouted as her father got out of a patrol car. She and Cadance had by then gotten out of the car. She ran to him and gave him a hug.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Nightlight asked the sound of concern in his tone.

“I’m alright. And I seem to have a surprising number of people who are worried about me.”

“I’m sorry,” Sunset offered to Officer Sparkle.

“There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. If it’s anyone's fault it’s my own for not bringing those two to justice.”

“Saw the whole thing. Hi, I’m Dentin Rook,” Offered a boy as he stepped up even as more patrol cars showed up. A couple of cars stopped, some officers got out while others drove on by to begin a systematic search. The last to arrive was Dusty. Sunset had called him to let him know what had happened.

“Hi dad,” Sunset offered as Dusty went to check on her.

“I’m a little curious, surely she knows you had nothing to do with that blog by now?” Dusty asked as he gave her a one-armed hug.

“What, Gilda?” Sunset replied. “She did time because of me. Not a whole lot of time but she did time. Granted it was only a couple of nights and community service, but I’m pretty sure she’s connected the dots. That or she’s just stupid that way. It was her ‘first offense’ so the judge went easy on her.”

“Ah, the anonymous tipper,” Officer Sparkle replied just as Shining Armor drove up in a cruiser. He stopped, got out, and went to give Twilight a hug, followed by giving Cadance a hug.

“I’m glad everyone is alright,” Shining offered. “Hang on…” Shining, Nightlight, and just about every other officer there seemed to zone out for a moment as they listened to the radio.

“Sounds like I better get going if there’s to be anything left for me,” Shining Armor announced with a grin, rushed back to his squad car, got in, and took off in a big hurry.

“I could give everyone a lift,” Dusty offered a moment later.

“I’ll need to wait for a tow truck to take my car to a glass repair shop,” Cadance replied.

“Tow truck will be here any time now,” Nightlight offered.

“Come on Twilight, let's get our school bags. We can climb into the back of the truck, get a little studying done and enjoy the warmth of the heater.”

“Sounds like the best of both worlds to me,” Twilight confirmed and a few minutes later they were in the back of the Bronco.

“Well, I must say I never thought I’d see my little girl with a friend,” Nightlight mused.

“One of those silver linings I’d say,” Dusty offered. “Sunset’s been through a lot. Even so, she still wants to reach out to others. She’s a good kid. Just wish I hadn’t waited so long to come home.”