Tomorrow War

by Battwell

Convergence (Part 2)

"Okay, hang on a second, our worlds have MERGED? What the hay does that mean?" Rainbow asked Twilight, who's eyes were the size of pinpricks.

The Alicorn turned to the rainbow maned Pegasus with a shocked look on her face, "R-Rainbow....Our three worlds have formed into one universe."

Rainbow still looked confused.

Twilight sighed, "Dash, someone has taken our three separate universes and merged them together. We're not only on Equis, but we're also on Earth AND Mobius."

It was then that Rainbow's eyes widened in realization, "So...what you're saying is that Earth, Equis, Mobius....they're all in the same universe?"

Twilight nodded.

Rainbow let the realization hit her as she floated down and landed on the ground.


"How exactly did this happen?" Sonic asked Tony.

"I have no idea, but I could figure it out. All I need to do is get to Stark Tower and I could try to find out what happened." Stark replied.

"I have already dispatched a Quinjet to your location, sir. It should be there soon." J.A.R.V.I.S informed the billionaire.

"What about Celestia and Luna? We can't just leave them here, they need help." Tails said to the group.

Cap stepped forward, "We'll take them with us. They can recover in the med-bay in Stark Tower."

Applejack stepped towards Cap with a determined look on her face, "Now hang on an apple buckin' minute. Don't think that ya'll are doin' this alone!"

"Yeah! I mean, there wouldn't be much of a story if we didn't come with you." Pinkie added.

"This is our fight too. We're coming with you." Twilight finished.

Steve smiled at the group of Ponies, "You girls have a lot of guts," he turned to the Mobians, "What about you guys?"

All the Mobians nodded and smiled, sans Shadow, who merely nodded.

Sonic gave Cap a thumbs up, "Another chance to go on an adventure? No way am I passing that up!"

Cap then turned to his team, "What do you guys think?"

Each member of The Avengers looked at one another before turning to Cap.

"We need all the help we can get." Natasha stated.

Cap then turned to Spider-Man, "And I assume that you're in as well?"

Peter folded his arms, "Wouldn't miss it, Cap."

Cap then turned to the Mobians and Ponies, "Alright then team, let's move out!"

They all turned and looked into the sky to see the Quinjet flying towards them.

"Here we go again." Twilight thought to herself as the Quinjet approached.

"Ugh, what the hell happened?"

Peter Quill lifted himself to his feet with the help of his chair. He rubbed his head as he looked around the Milano, watching as all the other Guardians of the Galaxy woke up.

"Peter Quill, did we "Get Hammered" as you say last night?" Drax asked as he got to his feet.

"No, I don't think we did." Gamora replied as she stood up.

"Grah, my skull's ringin' like a bell!" Rocket complained.

"I am Groot?" Groot asked Quill, who was still a little dozy.

"Well, last thin I remember was getting chased …by....." Peter's eyes widened as he quickly got into his seat.

He then quickly looked at the map on his HUD to see if the Sanctuary ll was still behind them. He breathed a sigh of relief when no enemy blips appeared on the map.

"Okay, we're clear. Thanos isn't chasing us."

Rocket folded his arms, "That still doesn't explain what the flark happened, Quill."

"There was a bright light. Bright light's usually signify death. Are we dead?" Drax asked.

Gamora pinched the bridge of her nose, "No, we're not dead, Drax. But that does beg the question. What the hell was that light?"

"I am Groot?"

Rocket slapped his forehead, "Didn't we JUST establish that we're NOT dead?!"

Drax folded his arms, "How are we to know if we are dead or alive?"

Rocket turned to Drax, "Are you dumb? We're not dead!"

Drax arched an eyebrow, "How do you know?"


"GUYS!!!" Everyone turned to Peter, who had a confused look on his face, "Why does the map look different?"

Confused, they all walked over to Peter and peaked over his shoulders to look at the map. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw new planets and solar systems that one, they had never heard off, and two, that were not there before.

"What the flark?!"

Two Chitauri Soldiers walked into Thanos' Throne Room behind Ebony Maw, both holding Chitauri Rifles in their hands.

All three of them kneeled before their master, who rose from his throne and walked down the steps with his hands behind his back.

"Report!" Thanos commanded.

Maw stood up and addressed his master, "Sire, it appears that the anomaly that we encountered during our chase with the Guardians teleported us further away from Earth. It will now take twice as long to reach Earth."

Thanos frowned as he glared at Maw, causing him to gulp in nervousness.

"This development displeases me, Maw!"

Maw raised his hands defensively, "B-BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS, SIRE! Thanks to the scans that were picked up by our scanners, we now know that it was all six Infinity Stones that caused the anomaly. In doing so, they scattered across the planet Earth. It's not doubt that those heroes will search for the Stones, when they find them all--"

"I can take them all at once." Thanos finished with a smile, "I want an update every few hours, Maw."

Maw bowed to his master, "Of course, sire."

Thanos then returned to his throne and sat down, "When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist. Destiny SHALL arrive. Everything will be perfectly balanced, as all things should be."

As the Quinjet flew through the air, Dr. Bruce Banner, now returned to normal, was checking on Celestia and Luna's vitals as they lay rest on the bench. Luckily they had a medical set up installed in the Quinjet for such an emergency. Bruce sighed as he walked away and sat down next to Natasha, his head bent down.

To say that Twilight was shaken up would be an understatement. How could this have happened? Everything was going so well. Everything was perfect. Everyone was happy. Why did this have to happen? How could things have gone so wrong so fast?

She was snapped out of her train of thought as Sonic sat down beside her.

"How're you holding up?" Sonic asked with concern evident in his voice.

Twilight sighed and looked at the azure Hedgehog with a sad expression, "A little shaken, but I'll manage."

Sonic looked concerned, "What's wrong?"

"Everything was going so well. Everyone was happy. Everybody was laughing and connecting with one another. But now it's ruined. Somehow our worlds have combined and innocent creatures are either hurt or worse. To think that I deluded myself into thinking that everything was going to be okay."

Sonic placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Sometimes things don't go as planned. But you just have to power on through, don't let anything keep you down."

Twilight chuckled a little, "How do you always stay so optimistic?"

Sonic shrugged, "Because if we lose hope, we let the bad guys win."

The two smiled at one another. Twilight's heart was racing, did she really feel this way about her friend? COULD she? Was it right or wrong? Did he feel the same way? What if this broke their bond? She couldn't risk it. She WOULDN'T risk it. But she'll have to tell him eventually. Maybe when all of this is over?

Her train of thought was broken when Pinkie shouted, "LOOK!!! IT'S SNOWING!!!"

Thor's eyes widened as he walked up to the cockpit and gazed out the window.

He frowned at what he saw.

"This is not natural snow."

It was then that everyone gazed upon New York, covered in ice and snow. An endless snowstorm covering the city. Thor looked downward and frowned even more at what he saw walking below them.

"Frost Giants." Thor sneered as they flew over the city.

But before they could continue further, a red blast hit the wing of the Quinjet.

Everyone gasped and held on tight to whatever they could.

"HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!!!" Tony shouted as he piloted the Quinjet, no longer in the Hulkbuster armor.

The Quinjet spun several times as it descended to the earth below. Tony tried with all his might, but he couldn't prevent the crash that soon followed. The Quinjet slid across the frozen street and finally came to rest in the middle of the road. Everyone groaned in pain as they stood up.

"No movie AND a bad landing? Remind me never to fly with this airline again." Peter joked to lighten the mood.

Cap walked over to the bay door and opened it by pulling a switch to his left.

Once the door opened everyone on the Quinjet, sans Celestia and Luna, who were still unconscious, stepped out of the Quinjet. Amy held herself as she shivered from the cold, the Ponies doing the same.

"What the hell hit us?" Asked Hawkeye, who readied his bow.

Suddenly, a loud step was heard to the right of the group. They all turned and saw a war suit walking right towards them.

Thor glared at the approaching suit.

"Uh, what they hay is that?!" Applejack asked as she took a step back.

Thor tightened his grip on Mjolnir, "The Destroyer."

Thor then raised Mjolnir into the air and shot a bolt of lightning into the sky. The lightning shot back down, the electricity surrounding Thor as his Asgardian attire replaced his civilian attire.

Thor turned to his friends with a sour look on his face, "Friends. I believe I know who is responsible for this endless winter."

Tony's armor formed over him as he aimed his Repulsor Rays at The Destroyer, "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's your brother?"

"Brother?!" The Ponies and Mobians shouted in unison.

Thor frowned as he held a firm grip on Mjolnir.
