In the wake of Anon-A-Miss

by General Alduin

Bon-Bons confession

The door slammed open, causing Candy Dasher to look over from the kitchen to see Bon-Bon running in. “Oh! Bon-Bon, I wasn’t expecting you. I thought you were going to hang out with Lyra for a few more-” she stopped talking when she realized her daughter was crying. “Honey what’s wrong?”

Bon-Bon said nothing and ran into her room, slamming it shut. Candy Dasher turned the oven off and immediately made her way to Bon-Bons room. She placed her ear against the door, hearing her daughter’s muffled cries on the other end. “Bon-Bon? Honey, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

Bon-Bon didn’t respond, continuing to cry inconsolably, Candy Dasher desperately trying to get her to open the door. She turned her head back to the kitchen when her phone went off, making her way to the device and answering it. “Hello?”

Candy, is your daughter home yet?” Aura Melody asked on the other line.

“She is. She’s also crying, did something happen?” 

I’m sad to say something did.” Aura answered. “It seems Bon-Bon told that Mystable account about Lyras belief in Unicorns.

“What? Why would she do that?” Candy asked with shock. “She swore she wasn’t responsible when I asked her.”

It was a misguided attempt to help Lyra, she didn’t want Lyra to be afraid of her secret getting out anymore. Seems those girls responsible for Anon edited it to make Lyra look worse.

“I can’t believe this.” Candy sighed in exasperation. “I’m so sorry about all this, I expected better from her.”

It’s not your fault Candy. I just hope they can get through this, Lyra practically broke up with her.

“That explains why she’s crying…” Candy said mostly to herself. “I hope the two of them can get through this too, but I’m still punishing her for this.”

I would hope so. I love your daughter and all, but this definitely crossed a line.” Aura said with an annoyed tone. “I’ll ask Lyra whether she was involved in what that account said about Bon-Bon, just in case both girls had similar ideas.

“I doubt it, I’m pretty sure those girls just made that up themselves.” Candy looked over to Bon-Bons door. “I’ll let you go Aura, I think we both have emotionally distressed teenagers we need to deal with.”

Aura said a small goodbye and disconnected the call, Candy placing her phone on the counter and walking back to Bon-Bons room. “Bon-Bon? I just talked with Lyra's mother and I know what happened.” Bon-Bons crying fit quieted down. “I know you’re upset, but we need to talk about what’s going to happen going forward.”

There was a long moment of silence before Bon-Bons door was suddenly unlocked and swung open, revealing Bon-Bon staring up at her mother with a teary face, bloodshot eyes, and messy hair. 

Candys heart nearly broke to see her daughter in such a state. She walked in and pulled her into a small hug, calming the girl down just a little. They stayed like that for a few moments before Candy pulled away. “Come on, we need to talk.” Bon-Bon nodded nervously, both of them sitting down on her bed. “I know you’re going through a lot right now, but I just have to say I’m… disappointed in you.”

“I know.” Bon-Bon nodded. “I’m so sorry mom.”

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” Candy responded. “I’m going to give you some time to calm down, but you are being punished for this. Not only did you lie to me and betray Lyras trust, you also hurt all your friends.” Bon-Bons shoulders slumped and she wiped her eyes. “First, I want you to call up all your friends and tell them what you did.”

“What!?” Bon-Bon jumped up. “I can’t! Th-they’ll disown me! I won’t have any friends!”

“Just like Derpy?”

Bon-Bon had no words, staring blankly at her mother as shame creeped onto her face as she sat back down. “I can really only call Octie, everyone else blocked me and I want to talk to Derpy face to face.”

“Just as long as you do it.” Candy nodded. “You know, Lyra’s probably going to do the same thing, it could help you get in her good graces again if you confessed to your friends and took full responsibility.”

“I doubt it.” Bon-Bon said sadly. “But it can’t hurt, right?” Bon-Bon pulled out her phone and found Octavia’s caller ID, pressing the ‘call’ button.

Octavia sighed as she pushed her door open, closing it behind her and reflexively locking it. She sloppily placed her purse and cello case onto the nearest table, which was rather out of character for her.

She was deep in thought over the plan that Lyra told her about after school. It was… insane, ambitious, and was probably going to fail spectacularly. But Lyra seemed to have hope that it would help Sunset, if even a little.

Though, it doesn’t seem like it’ll matter anyway. Sunset was unlikely to run for princess if Derpy didn’t try to convince her. Octavia would probably have to just help Lyra with her apology speech, which seemed like the safer option anyway.

Octavia was torn from her thoughts as she ran right into Vinyl, both girls stumbling back. “Oh, sorry love, I was just in my own world.” Vinyl said nothing, just crossing her arms with a blank look on her face. 

Octavia’s shoulders slumped. Even if it had been weeks since Vinyl stopped talking to her, it still hurt. Especially since Octavia had no one to blame but herself. “...Lyra reached out to Derpy today, she said she’s willing to be friends with Lyra again. That’s a pretty good sign for all of us isn’t it?” She offered with a hopeful smile.

Vinyl didn’t respond, turning away and walking to the living room. Octavia merely sighed in defeat and walked to the kitchen. She stopped when her phone began ringing from her purse. With an annoyed groan, she grudgingly began walking back to her purse and answered. “This is Octavia Melody speaking, how can I help you?”

Hey Octie.

“Ah, Bon-Bon.” Octavia smiled. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Her smile dropped immediately when Bon-Born began crying. “Bon-Bon, love, what’s wrong? Did I do something?” Vinyl's head perked up with interest and she looked over.

N-no, sorry.” Bon-Bon sniffled and regained her composure. “I just… Lyra broke up with me.

What!? Why? I saw you two an hour ago and everything was fine. Did something happen?”

I… Yeah, i guess you could say that.” Octavia said nothing as she waited for Bon-Bon to continue.”... I’m so sorry Octie, I messed up big time.

“Bon-Bon, what’s going on? You’re not making any sense.”

You know how Anon posted about Lyra?

“Um, yes, that was the whole reason our group split up. Why are you bringing this up now?”

It was me, I sent an email to those girls telling them everything.

Octavia gasped. “Bon-Bon! Tell me you’re joking.”

I’m not, I’m so sorry Octie, I wanted to tell all of you multiple times, but I… I was scared. Scared of being kicked out of the group and losing Lyra.” Bon-Bon sniffled from the other end. “I know I should’ve said something, our group splitting apart was entirely my fault. I’m so sorry, for everything.

“This is… unexpected. But you can’t take full responsibility for how things ended up. I’m the one who suggested we kick Derpy out, remember?” Octavia offered. “Look, love, I think I need some time to think things over and talk to Lyra. I don’t want to lose another friend, but I’m… not sure where we stand right now.”

Ok Octie, I understand.” Bon-Bon said miserably. “Bye.

The call ended and Octavia turned her phone off with a stressed sigh. “Who was that?” Octavia jumped when Vinyl spoke up, turning towards the DJ. Octavia stared at Vinyl blankly for a few seconds, trying to discern if she was just imagining things. “Well?”

Octavia’s eyes widened. It was a shock to hear Vinyl's voice after so long, she wasn’t entirely sure if she was dreaming or not. “It was Bon-Bon, she called and told me she was the one who told Anon-A-Miss Lyra's secret.” 

Vinyl stared at Octavia for a few seconds before smirking and chuckling to herself. Octavia looked annoyed at her roommate's insensitive reaction. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s just I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.” Vinyl answered getting up and walking to Octavia.

“And what, pray tell, might that day be?” Octavia asked with an annoyed tone.

“The day I was right, babe.” Vinyl answered with a prideful and cocky grin, eliciting an exasperated eye roll from Octavia.

“Perhaps it was better when you didn’t talk.” She said teasingly, just glad Vinyl stopped her silent treatment for now. “How did you know it was Bon-Bon? Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

“It’s called intuition babe, nobody else knew and it couldn’t have been Derpy, so it was most likely Bon-Bon. And people think you’re the smart one.” Vinyl said, tapping Octavia’s forehead. “And would any of you have believed me if I accused Bon-Bon? You probably would’ve kicked me out like Derpy, Lyra would’ve scratched my eyes out for accusing her girlfriend, and Bon-Bon would’ve killed me to tie up a loose end.”

Octavia looked at Vinyl with shock at that last comment, relaxing when Vinyl flashed her a joking smile. “Suppose I have yet another thing to apologize to dear Derpy for.” There was an awkward pause. “And you.”

“Eh, giving you a silent treatment for a month was enough for me.” Vinyl looked off to the side in thought. “On second thought.” Octavia squeaked when Vinyl wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “Maybe you could make it up to me tonight?”

Octavia groaned and rolled her eyes in annoyance, Vinyl laughing in response.