//------------------------------// // Episode 5, New Comrades, Old Foes // Story: Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! // by Stalin with Da Spoon //------------------------------// New Comrades, Old Foes... Zim's Basement. "Invader skoodge!?! What are you doing in my basement!" Zim said staring down his fellow invader, standing on top of him, his eyes narrowed, wondering why the heck Skoodge of all invaders was in his basement. After all, he was the very first invader to complete his assignment for Operation Impending Doom Two, and while Zim did not admit it, he respected Skoodge not just for his victory, but achieving it with his small size. Anyways, as he stared down his Irken comrade, Skoodge gave a weak response. "Can you get off of me? Your squishing my squeedlyspooch." Upon realizing he was hurting his Irken comrade, Zim quickly stepped off of Skoodge, who proceeded to stand up. "Sorry for not telling you until now Zim, but... Yeah, I've been living in your basement." Cue Zim's jaw hanging wide open. "WHAT? YOU DARE LIVE WITHIN THE MIGHTY BASE OF ZIM WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION?" Zim said, as he practically shouted in Skoodge's face. "Look, I had no where else to go when I got shot out of that cannon for the organic sweep, ok? I may be okay now, but trust me, it hurt a florpaton when I made impact, and I barely got off-world before the sweep finished. So, when we were done training on Hobo Thirteen, I followed you back to your base in my Zhook cruiser, that Invader Larb gave to me out of pity, which honestly, even if I accepted it, he was still worthy of it." Zim slowly nodded, taking in Skoodge's words, and understanding his predicament. Zim was especially angry that the tallest stole away Skoodge's glory and fired him out of the cannon for the organic sweep, believing that Irken's of all sizes deserved their glory. "Yes, Invader Larb is a fellow glorious invader, but you are far more deserving of the legendary cruiser! After all, you were the first one to complete your assignment, so by extension, you are the best invader, besides me of course. But anyways, how have you managed to hide for so long down here, especially from me? My security system must be faulty, even after my constant attempts to improve it!" "I'm pretty sure your system just didn't think I was an intruder due to me being Irken." Zim was about to protest, before realizing he had indeed set the security settings to allow his fellow Irkens inside the base. "Hmmm, I see... Remind me to adjust those settings..." Cue a villainous light bulb going off in Zim's head, as he snapped his fingers. "This is actually an excellent coincidence! You can assist me with my latest and greatest plan!" Cue Skoodge having a look of skepticism on his face, before it turned to excitement. "Ooooh, what is it?" Zim's slight smile turned to a maniacal grin, as he slightly chuckled. "You shall soon see, Skoodge... Now come, we must be ready for skool!" Zim said as he darted down the long metal hallways of the base, with Skoodge in tow. "Pretty sure its pronounced 'School'." "DO NOT CORRECT ZIM!" It is now fifteen minutes until it is time to go to school, as Zim and Skoodge are standing in the preperation room. Zim already has his disguise on, but he realizes something. Skoodge doesn't even have a disguise! With this knowledge, he quickly pushes his fellow Invader into the center of the room, before walking over to a hovering computer terminal. "Alright Skoodge, you require a new human disguise in order to blend in at the human learning institution." Skoodge just smiled and nodded, as Zim scrolled through the disguise options. "Too ugly!" "Too stinky!" "Too fat!" "Too skinny!" "Too short!" "Too tall!" After going through several more in-sufficient disguises, he finds the perfect one. "That one looks good!" And with the press of a red button, the large machine above Skoodge's head slowly whirred to life, with loud beeps and electronic lights flickering on, until two large pods extended out of the machine, lowering down to his sides, as they then squish Skoodge together, as the pods begin to violently shake, light emitting from them as he yelled out. "Ahhh, why does it hurt!?!" "You'll get used to it, Skoodge!" Finally, after a few seconds, the pods broke apart, as steam hissed, shrouding the invader until it dissipated, with Zim having a wicked smile on his face. "Excellent... The perfect disguise. Come, invader Skoodge, it's time for school..." Ten minutes earlier... Membrane Household, Dib's Room Dib was currently busy pacing around the room, until a knock on the door rang out, as he walked over and opened it to see his new friend Twilight Sparkle, who simply waved. "Hey Dib!" Dib smiled, gesturing for her to enter, as he quickly closed the door behind her. "Great to see you came this morning, sorry for the short notice text, but I felt you should see this." Dib said walking over to the wall where he had a large board taped to. Twilight then gazed to the board that Dib had tacked on several photos of her, her friends, Zim, Gir, and several other strange people, including bigfoot. Twilight wasn't really big on cryptids, but she was big on aliens, and from what she had learned about aliens, Zim was for sure one of them. Twilight didn't have any idea what GIR was though. "Do you have any photos of Zim or GIR outside of their disguises?" Hearing that sentence made Dib cringe. "No, my evidence always winds up destroyed, but what I know so far is, Zim comes from a space of inter-galactic conquerors named Irken's, who have these strange insect-like eyes and antenna, with these strange PAK's attached to their back's, which seems to store their memories, their personality, their tools, heck, it's what allows them to survive! One time when I tore Zim's PAK off, it stuck onto me and tried to erase me and turn me into a new Zim! It was freaky! Luckily, Zim found me before that happened and got the PAK on right before he kicked the bucket, so we both won that day." Twilight was simply dumbfounded by this knowledge, her mouth hanging wide open. Had she heard it from anyone else, she would have doubted them, but considering Dib had been dealing with Zim for years, she believed him, as she asked question. "What the heck is his dog?" "It's his robotic assistant! I dunno what GIR stands for, but it's a dangerous robot! Don't let it's dumb demeanor fool you! Well, I think it might actually be dumb, but still, don't trust it." Twilight slightly chuckled, finding it hard to believe that the same green dog who did funny dances and talked about taco's all the time could be villainous. "Good luck trying to convince Fluttershy about that." Dib slowly nodded, understanding that Fluttershy was a kind and trusting animal lover, so unless she saw GIR physically remove his disguise, she would doubt the dog was actually a dangerous irken robot. Anyways, he then pointed to an image of a girl with purple hair, eye shadow, and a sinister smile on her face. "This is Tak, the Irken I mentioned when we saw Tak's ship, before it jetted away. Before it left, it said something about a signal..." "Maybe Tak is calling her ship back..." "But that means she was in range to send out the signal... Uh oh, we might have a problem." "Yeah... Anyways, we oughta go ahead and get ready for school." Dib quickly nodded as he grabbed his backpack. "Right, off to school!" Dib said rushing out of his room and down the stairs, only to be slapped right in the face with some french toast. As Dib peeled the toast off of his face, he then saw his father's greatest invention, Foodio-3000, as the robot smiled. "Apologies for smacking you with your breakfast, but I didn't want to slow you down." "It's fine, foodio." Dib said scarfing down the french toast, while Twilight stared at the robot, marveling at it. "Woah, a robot chef? That is so cool! Can I have some toast too?" "Of course, miss Twilight!" Foodio said as his chest opened up and a piece of french toast fired out of it, landing right into Twilight's mouth, as she held it there, shouting a muffled 'Thanks!'. However, before Twilight and Dib were ready to leave, a new voice announced itself. "Oh son, you forgot yo pudding!" The unknown voice shouted, as a bowl of pudding was launched into Dib's face, much to Twilight's amusement and surpised, as she looked to see the source of the pudding, appearing to be a... Quite horribly deformed professor membrane, with a fish like head, one giant arm, and one noodle arm. He kinda looked like if Membrane was having an allergic reaction to radioactive bees. Twilight simply turned to Dib, who had already wiped the pudding off his face, as he answered here already forming question. "Thats Clembrane, creation of Zim, meant to replace my father, but rebelled." "Oh, that's pretty cool!" Clembrane slowly turned to Twilight, with a smile on his face, and a bowl of pudding in hand. "Would you like some pudding, miss Twilight sparkle?" "Uhhhh... No thanks, im good!" Twilight waved to Clembrane, who waved back with his noodle arm and a smile, along with Foodio, as she and Dib and ran out the door, with Gaz already waiting outside in the Professor's car, also having a piece of toast in her mouth, and a bowl of pudding next to her. "See you at school, Dib!" Twilight said waving to Dib as she ran down the sidewalk while Dib entered the car, as Professor Membrane made a happy announcement. "Oh dear, it would seem we are going to be late! It appears this is a good time to test the rocket thrusters!" "The rocket what now?" Before his father could answer, the car rocketed forwards down the street, as blue flames emitted from massive thrusters mounted to the back of the vehicle. "AHHHH-" Twilight simply watched with amazement as the vehicle sped to school, but then she noticed a red and black bike following it, recognizing it as Zim's bike. Except, it wasn't just Zim on the bike. There was someone else on it with him. As she noticed Zim and the unknown figure speed past, she heard loud jet engines overhead, seeing a massive aerial jet fly overhead, the logo 'Deelishus Weenie' on the side. From the looks of it, the jet was rather advanced, and it was flying towards the school. "As if this day couldn't get any weirder..."