//------------------------------// // Twilight Sparkle vs. Bullit // Story: The Case of the Invaders of Canterlot City: A C.O.P.S. Crossover // by Brian Sheil //------------------------------// Getting some time off, Officer Shining Armor decides to take his sister, Twilight Sparkle, to a military museum. "It's so nice of you to take me here, my BBBFF." Twilight cheered. "This is a very interesting change of pace for me." "My pleasure, Twi." Shining replied. "Of all the museums you probably went to, this should be a new experience." "I think you're right." Inside the brother and sister are amazed at the displays of rifles, uniforms, weapons, and other military stuff. Soon, Shining sees a unique looking man. He is bulky with red hair. He wore a red outfit with blue gloves and boots. He also has on a red hat and sunglasses. "I haven't seen a soldier like him before." Shining Armor said. "He's not a military soldier, Shiny." Twilight replied. "Okay, quiz kid. Then, who is it?" Twilight gave her brother a specific answer. "That is Sgt. Colt Howards from Philadelphia. Codename: Mace. Specialty: Special Weapons and Tactical." The man known as Mace heard the conversation, and made his way to Twilight and Shining. "Well, well." Mace said. "If it isn't the brother and sister team of Officer Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle." They are both shocked knowing that this man knows them. "You recognize us?" Shining asked. "I sure do." Mace replied. "You're known by reputation in this town." This impressed Twilight as the two police officers talk to each other. "So, took a day off to be with your sister?" Mace asked. "You bet." Shining answered. "Twilight has been to many museums, especially during school field trips. This is sort of a nice change of pace for her." Mace then turns to Twilight. "I often heard that you would be open to new things. I guess I'm right." Shades of red are forming on Twilight's face. She replies to the comment. "Aw, Mace. You're making me blush." Just then, Shining Armor's radio went off. He quickly responds. "Officer Armor here. Go ahead." From a patrol car heading heading for the museum, one of Shining's superiors contacts him. "Officer Armor, it's Sgt. Cobalt speaking. Sorry to interrupt your day off, but we have an emergency." Twilight felt sunk. Her day with her brother just got shot down. But, Mace tries to comfort her. "What's the problem?" Shining asked. "A brutal looking person is heading for the military museum." Cobalt reported. "Officers are heading there now." "Me and my sister, Twilight, are already at the museum. Give me the description of this person." "He's wearing a dark green outfit, bullet belts criss crossing his body, and is wearing a bullet shaped helmet." The description got Twilight's attention. She whispered something into her brother's ear. He soon got the idea. "Sgt. Cobalt," Shining said, "my little sister thinks that this perpetrator could be Bullit, the munitions fanatic." "Bullit?" Cobalt gasped. "He's one of Big Boss' gang. Be ready for anything." "Right away, Sarge." Shining said. "10-4." As Shining Armor rushes outside, Twilight ran after him, only to be stopped by Mace. "Hold it, Miss Sparkle." Mace said. "Bullit is one of the most dangerous crooks in Empire City." "But, that's my big brother going out to face him." Twilight pleaded. "I have to make sure he's okay. Besides..." Twilight holds on to her necklace. Mace gets the idea. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt for you to lend moral support. Just be careful." Twilight nodded. Then, she and Mace went outside. A team of police, including Shining Armor and Mace, stood outside the museum. Soon, something approaches. It was the described Crook pushing a rolling cannon up the road. "Your sister is right, Officer Armor." Cobalt said. "It IS Bullit." As soon as Bullit stops, he makes an announcement. "All right, coppers! Out of my way! I'm going in that museum!" "Not with all of us here, you won't." Shining said. "So, you're Officer Shining Armor. I heard about you. Even you won't stop me." "What's your business here anyway?" "There's a nice display of automatic rifles in that museum. I'm determined to add them to my collection." "He must mean those guns we were looking at earlier." Twilight said to Mace. The S.W.A.T. Officer nodded as Shining addressed. "You'll have to get through our squad here to get those rifles, Bullit!" "With pleasure." Bullit replied. The munitions fanatic fired a few rockets from his cannon. Just when they were going to hit the police, a purple field surrounded the rockets. "What the...? Bullit gasped. The rockets were lowered to the ground. It turns out that Twilight used her magic to stop the onslaught. "That'll put your plans on hold, Bullit." Twilight announced. "So, you're that mystical genius: Twilight Sparkle!" Bullit realized. "That's one way to describe me, I suppose." Bullit soon got into a fighting stance. "I don't need my big guns to beat you, kid!" Bullit rushed in to tackle Twilight. But, Shining Armor cuts him off. "Nobody hurts my little sister!" Shining Armor pushes the crook under a lamppost. Taking out his laser bazooka, Mace makes his move. "Get back, Armor!" Mace fire his bazooka at the lamppost. Shining got out of the way in time as the post lands on Bullit. The police cheered for the heroes. "Thanks for the backup, Mace." Shining Armor said. "My pleasure." Mace replied. Bullit got out from under the lamppost just to see his cannon lifted by Twilight's magic. "Hey!" Bullit said angrily. "What are you doing to my cannon?" Twilight then used her magic to disassemble Bullit's cannon, and let the pieces fall to the ground. "So much for your big toy, Bullit." The munitions fanatic got angry. "You're going to regret that, Sparkle!" Bullit then ran away fast so the police won't catch him. "Let's hope we see the last of that guy." Sgt. Cobalt said. "Yes, sir." Shining replied. "With your permission, I'd like to resume my day off with Twilight." "You earned it, Officer Armor. Me and Mace will finish things here." Happy to hear that, Shining Armor and Twilight left the area. "How about I treat you to lunch, Twi?" Shining suggested. "Good thinking." Twilight replied. "That battle with Bullit sure gave me an appetite."