The Rise Of An Empire

by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Chapter 6

At Canterlot, every citizen of Equestria, and a few non ponies were gathered, eagerly waiting for Celestia's torture to begin.

"This is so exiting!" A stallion exclaimed.

"I know, right?" said the pony next to him. "Oh, the readers of the Equestria Daily will just love to read about this!"

"You work for Equestria Daily?"

"Yes, I'm actually their..."

While the crowd talked about their excitement, Twilight was with King Sombra, who was helping her prepare herself.

"Look Twilight, it'll be fine. Don't focus on the ponies watching you, focus on the vermin that you're torturing."

"I'll try, but what if I suddenly freeze? It'll be so embarrassing..."

"You won't freeze, love, because I'll make sure you won't."

Twilight blushed. "But-"

She was prevented from finishing her sentence by Sombra joining their lips together.

"Don't worry, Twilight. Everything will be fine."

Half an hour later, Queen Heartbreaker stood in front of a curtain on her balcony, drawing the crowd's attention. "Citizens of Equestria and many other lands, you are all gathered here today for the much awaited event- the execution of your former ruler- Celestia. No, she's not going to be granted a quick death, that would be too good for her. Instead, she will be put under the most painful torture, and her soul will be trapped inside of her body so that she shall never truly pass on. If you are not a fan of gore, or have a weak stomach, I advise you to turn away immediately as this execution will contain lots of it." Two guards stood on either side of the curtain, ready to open it as soon as they were given their cue.

"And now, the execution shall begin! And the one who shall be given the honors are... Twilight Sparkle!" At this the guards pulled the curtain open to reveal Twilight hovering above Celestia who was chained to a pillar.

There was a vast collection of knives on a side, and the crowd cheered as Twilight flew beside Heartbreaker.

"Ponies of Equestria, and citizens of other lands!" she began, using a voice amplifier to make sure that all could hear her. "I am Twilight Sparkle, the lucky mare who has been given the honors to end this traitor's life! But before I start, I must address the elephant in the room- Why is Celestia getting executed? Well, the reason is because of her, we all could've been the slaves of the changeling Queen Chrysalis today. She, Celestia, knew that Chrysalis would attempt to take over Equestria on the date that was set for Queen Heartbreaker to marry the useless stallion who was the former captain of the Royal Guard. And did she do anything useful about it? No, she decided to sit back and let me do all the work. She thought 'Twilight and her friends will save Equestria like always'. But what happened? She got branded as a traitor, and is going to be executed today..."

While Celestia's execution was taking place in Canterlot, Spike was starting to take advantage of his new role as Dragon Lord.

"My subjects! I am Spike, and am your new Lord! My first command to you all is that you shall work for a mare whom I consider my sister- Twilight Sparkle."

Shouts of protest began. "Work for a pony?!" yelled Garble. "And why should we do that?"

"Because, my sister and her...partner are the most powerful ponies in the land, and whatever race doesn't pledge their loyalty to him will be wiped out or forced to be slaves."

"You're just protecting yourself, aren't you?!"

"Protecting myself? Twilight would never kill me, Garble. So all I'm trying to do here is make sure that all of you stay safe. I mean, the changelings and batponies have already submitted, what's left are us dragons, the griffons, and the sea ponies. Sure, we could resist, but even if we breathe fire and all that, we don't stand a chance against dark magic or umbrums. I'll give you all a week in which to decide what you will do, and after that, what's done is done."

In Canterlot the foals and ponies who were unable to handle the gore had fainted after seeing Celestia's wings ripped off brutally, with her horn being broken by a hammer.

She was covered in blood, and her throat was sore from having screamed in pain.

Twilight savored every moment of her former mentors pain, using a spell to intensify her agony so it was actually ten times worse.

"I bet now you wish that you hadn't betrayed Equestria, huh Celestia?"

"P...please...have mercy!" screamed the mare.

"Mercy?" Twilight laughed. "Why should I have mercy on you? Mercy is only given by the weak, and agony is given by the powerful. And as we all know, I am not weak. You get no mercy Celestia."

"P-please Twilight, I beg you. I-I'll do anything you want."

"Anything I want? Well, all I want is to do this to you." Twilight laughed as she electrocuted the mare with a spell.

A few more cuts later, Celestia's skin was ripped off, revealing the pink flesh beneath. She threw up.

Just as Twilight was about to begin cutting body parts of the former alicorn, an umbrum guard interrupted.

“One second ponies, and I'll resume giving this traitor justice.”

Once they were aside, the guard said, “Miss Sparkle, I am sorry to interrupt your…fun, but a mare has shown up at the Castle. She said her name is Starlight Glimmer, and that she has the powers of time travel. She says she knows all about you and everything else and shall join you if you do her one favor. ”

She has the powers of time travel? That would make her a useful ally and a dangerous enemy.

“And what is this favor?”

“She wishes to tell you herself.”

“Very well. Tell her I will see her an hour later.”

“Miss… she told me that she wished to see you immediately, and made it clear that she was not known for her patience. And that if you did not see her straight away, she would use her powers to destroy you.”

Destroy me? She is brave…And as much as I want to continue my fun, my will to see this mare is stronger.

“Go back to the Empire and tell her I shall be there within a few minutes.”

“As you wish, Miss.”

The umbrum went and Twilight flew back onto the stage. “I am sorry to announce that I am urgently needed at the Crystal Empire, and because of that the traitors punishment will be postponed to a later date.”

With that, she gave orders to the guards to keep the traitor in a dungeon and alive, and then she teleported away.

King Sombra did the same, and once they were back in the Crystal Castle Sombra asked, “What's the emergency?”

“Some mare named Starlight Glimmer wanted me to do her a favor, and in return she'd join us. She wanted to talk with me immediately and if I delayed, she threatened to use her time travel powers to destroy me.”

“Then let's not keep her waiting any longer. With powers of time travel she could be a useful ally and a dangerous enemy.”

“That's exactly what I was thinking.”

Starlight Glimmer was in the throne room, pacing. “Is she coming or not?”

Just as she was about to leave, the doors to the throne room opened and King Sombra and Twilight Sparkle entered.

“King Sombra, Twilight Sparkle,” Starlight bowed “it is a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Starlight Glimmer, and I have come here to ask for a favor. I used to live in a town called Hollow Shades and had a friend named Sunburst. However, he went to some school and never came back. There were rumors that he was lost. So… could you please find him? In return for that, I will join you.”

“Give us a few days and he will be found,” Sombra told her. “In the meantime, you are welcome to stay at my castle as a guest.”

“Thank you King Sombra and soon to be Queen- Twilight Sparkle."