The Case of the Invaders of Canterlot City: A C.O.P.S. Crossover

by Brian Sheil

Fluttershy vs. Nightmare

Fluttershy spread a blanket in a nice quiet area in Canterlot State Park. It's a perfect day for a picnic. Many people are doing the same thing. Some people enjoy some food, others took their pets with them. Seeing happy animals always make her smile. Just then, Starlight Glimmer went to the park. Seeing Fluttershy, she went right over to her.
"Hey, Fluttershy." Starlight called out.
"Starlight Glimmer." Fluttershy gasped. "This is a nice surprise. What are you doing here?"
"I was just taking a quiet walk here in the park when I saw you. Having a picnic?"
"Nope. Just came for the peace and quiet. It's always relaxing when there's no special events."
Starlight looks at a bunch of trees nearby. "You also probably have plans to explore the woods near here."
"You know me well." Fluttershy replied. "The forest is always a good place to see some animals in their natural environment."
Both girls chuckled, knowing that Fluttershy has a point.
"How's Tree Hugger?" Starlight asked. "I heard about your encounter with Boll Weevil. I'll bet Tree Hugger was worried."
"Me and Tree Hugger are both okay." Fluttershy replied. "Besides, nobody should disturb an animal sanctuary. Especially criminals!"
"At least Boll Weevil doesn't represent Big Boss."
Soon, a noble looking man was greeting the people. He wore a dark blue jacket over a white shirt, blue pants and tall black boots. As he adjusted his black gloves, Starlight realizes who it is.
"Fluttershy," Starlight said, "That person is Hy Watts from Seattle, Washington. Codename: Taser. Specialty: Non-Lethal Detainment Specialist."
The man named Taser went to the two girls. "Greetings, ladies. Enjoying the day."
"We sure are, Officer Taser." Fluttershy said. "Clear blue skies, cool breezes, it's so relaxing."
"Probably why you like nature, Miss Fluttershy. I've been learning about this city's citizens. Including you."
"You know about me?"
"I learned that you and some friends of yours were busy handling the criminals of Empire City."
Fluttershy soon blushed. Starlight couldn't help but giggle. As Taser returned to his patrol, the two girls continued to enjoy the park. Suddenly, people started to panic. Fluttershy and Starlight got concerned.
"Do you think a swarm of bees are chasing people?" Starlight asked.
"I hope not." Fluttershy replied.
Marching through the park is a strange character. Most of his body is like a robot. One of his hands is replaced by an extending whip. His head is covered by a square shaped helmet a glowing eye.
"Oh my." Fluttershy gasped. "That's one creepy looking cyborg."
Starlight soon recognized this machine man. "It's Nightmare. A cybernetic criminal android. He's part of Big Boss's gang."
"A robotic criminal? Oh dear. He looks very powerful."
The girls see the android march towards the forest. Seeing that, Fluttershy got concerned. "Many animals in that forest could get hurt. I've got to stop him."
"Wait, Fluttershy." Starlight pleaded as she grabbed Fluttershy's arm. "Dealing with Nightmare is harder than dealing with Boll Weevil."
"He might be stronger. But, I've got to try! Nobody dares to disturb the peace of the forest!"
Fluttershy runs off to deal with the android. Starlight watches with concern as Taser comes back.
"Where's your friend, Miss Glimmer?" Taser asked.
"She zipped into the forest." Starlight replied. "We saw that high tech horror, Nightmare, march in there."
"Nightmare is causing trouble in the forest? And, miss Fluttershy is going to battle him?"
"Looks that way to me."
Taser admired Fluttershy's bravery. "That friend of yours is very protective of nature and animals. Isn't she?"
Starlight nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, inside the forest. Nightmare is marching through.
"Out of the way, foolish organic creatures." Nightmare said, looping his whip around. "I am here to conquer this forest."
Deer scattered around. Some animals ran into the trees protecting their babies.
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Shouted a female voice.
Nightmare turned and saw Fluttershy with a determined look on her face.
"You will not hurt the animals in this forest, Nightmare!" Fluttershy said. "I'm here to stop you."
"So, you are the young girl named Fluttershy." Nightmare said. "And, you're very concerned about nature."
"That's right. Your reign of terror in this forest is over!"
Nightmare laughed viciously. "You are very amusing. How can a young teenager like you stop a Hi tech horror like me?"
Fluttershy used her geode to bring out a powerful bear to confront the android. The bear soon picked up his opponent.
"Put me down, you overgrown teddy bear!" Nightmare demanded.
"You heard him." Fluttershy said to the bear. "Put him down."
The Bear threw him to the ground, and went back to the woods. As Nightmare recovered, a deer came along. Nightmare decided to cause trouble on the animal.
"Time to have you disciplined, Bambi!" Nightmare said cruelly.
Seeing what's going on, Fluttershy used her magic to call for an eagle to pounce on Nightma's head. This gave the deer time to run away.
"I told you that you're not wrecking this forest!" Fluttershy demanded.
The eagle flew off, leaving Nightmare a little rattled. That amulet she wears must be the source of her power over animals. I wish I had her abilities.
At that moment, a skunk looked at the Android and got scared. Just then, Taser flew by on his jet pack and grabbed Fluttershy just as the skunk sprayed its nasty stench.
"Thanks for showing up, Taser." Fluttershy said.
"I'm glad I showed up before you got sprayed." Taser replied. "Let's get going."
Taser flew Fluttershy out of the forest while Nightmare ran off.
"This stink is noxious!" Nightmare screamed. "It'll take weeks before it vanishes!"
Taser and Fluttershy left the forest. Starlight was relieved to see them.
"Fluttershy!" Starlight said with relief. "You're okay."
"It was little tense." Fluttershy admitted. "But, I stood firm."
"Pinkie is right. They should call you FlutterBOLD." A thought came to Starlight's mind. "What happened to Nightmare?"
"Let's put it this way." Taser answered. "Nightmare learned that messing with nature is a real stinker."
Fluttershy giggled, even though Starlight wasn't sure what happened.