//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale // by BronySonicFan //------------------------------// The magical land of Equestria! A place where friendship and harmony have lasted for centuries, or at least until one day, Earth ponies, Pegasi and unicorns stopped talking to each other. But thanks to the valiant efforts of 5 ponies and a blue hedgehog from another dimension, the magic is back, and all the ponies are getting along again. Just now, in Maretime Bay, there were those 5 ponies: Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Hitch Trailblazer, Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals. They were fine-tuning the last details of the structure of what would be their new home: the Crystal Brighthouse. "Phew!" Zipp exclaimed. "I can't believe it's almost done!" "I know!" Izzy exclaimed happily. "I can't wait anymore!" "I find it hard to believe that it only took us a month to finish it," Hitch said. "We should have taken several months at least!" "Thank magic for making the job easier, Hitch!" Sunny said, giving the sheriff a little shove on his shoulder. "Soon we can start decorating the interior, and then we can start our lives together!" "Sorry we had to build on the foundation of your old house, Sunny…" Pipp commiserated. "I know you had a lot of memories at the lighthouse before… well, you know…" "Aww, don't worry Pipp" Sunny assured. "Besides, I'd rather build a new house if it means I can live with my best friends!" The 5 ponies reunited in a group hug after that. "Well let's move on, the faster we get this done, the faster we can pack up and start decorating!" Zipp exclaimed, as he flew away. "Speaking of going fast... has anyone seen Sonic?" Hitch asked out of curiosity. "He must be running around to 'stretch his legs' as he calls it" answered Pipp, as she picked up a golden material that functioned as a balcony. When she turned around, she was met with confused looks from her friends, and a warning look from Zipp. "He usually runs in the mornings. He told us when we thought he left without saying goodbye!" the pegasus exclaimed, but seeing that her friends didn't seem to understand anything, her expression turned bored. "You don't remember, do you?" Hitch whistled innocently, Sunny rubbed her neck, Zipp smiled nervously, and Izzy was more direct and said "Nope!" with a smile. Pipp just rolled her eyes and bowled to the top of the Brighthouse. "You just have to wait, he'll be here any minute..." Whoo! Oh yeah! Meanwhile, in the field where he first appeared, Sonic was running at full speed with a smile. Rollin' around at the speed of sound Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow! He jumped over a small cliff, and the moment his feet hit the ground, he shot off into the mountains where Zephyr Heights was located. Can't stick around, got to keep movin' on Guess what lies ahead, only one way to find out! He ran over the buildings and screens of the city at full speed, without going unnoticed, although that wasn't his plan. Several pegasi were surprised at the blue blur that passed through his city, until it stopped at the highest point of the castle to contemplate everything around it. I don't care what lies ahead No time for guessin', follow my plan instead After appreciating how big the land of Equestria was for a while, he grinned and jumped from his spot. Just as he was reaching the mountains, he managed to touch the rocky surface with his feet, and once again shot off, this time towards Maretime Bay. Find that next stage, no matter what that may be Take my lead, I'll set you free He ran around Bridlewood Forest, curling into a ball as if to charge his SpinDash, as he sped through a field of flowers at top speed. Follow me, set me free Trust me and we will escape from the city I'll make it through; prove it to you Follow me! Follow me! Finally, he reached his destination: the Crystal Brighthouse, where his new friends were already finishing building the new lighthouse. I'll make it through Oh yeah! He braked before he could hit anything, and once he stopped, he began to walk slowly towards the construction site. "Sup, everypony!" greeted the hedgehog. "Sorry for getting late, had to stretch my legs a little. Also, I like to appreciate how beautiful Equestria is." "Don't worry, Sonic" Sunny assured with a smile. "We're already finishing up anyway." Sonic decided to take a closer look at the Brighthouse: at first glance, it was quite obvious that it was bigger than the previous lighthouse; it was painted pastel blue with a turquoise ceiling and white trim; around it there were pink trees that gave it a more lively touch; the front door was pink and framed by an arch of stained glass. There was even a replica of the Unity Crystals - as they decided to call the 3 united crystals - at the top of the building. Sonic whistled in awe of how nice the new lighthouse at Maretime Bay was looking. "A month of work for a spectacular result. I love the taste that you ponies have with decoration, it is a great contrast to how simple the buildings are at home" added the hedgehog. "Sounds like there are things that are very different on your home, Sonic" said Hitch, approaching him. "In some aspects. There are others that I do feel familiar with" Sonic confessed. "Anyway, let's finish this once and for all, it's not going to decorate itself!" And in that the 6 friends spent the rest of the day, finishing fine-tuning some details in their new home. Several hours later, they were walking around town to hang out and rest after spending all day finishing up the Brighthouse. "Isn't it great to see the three tribes together again?" Zipp said after a while. "Great? Great?! My dad and I have dreamed of seeing this since I was a little girl!" Sunny exclaimed, jumping up and down with joy. "The truth is that I'm glad I was involved in all that journey to find the crystals and unite all the ponies. I had to see to believe" Hitch confessed. "Admittedly, it was fortunate that the sheriff followed us to Zephyr Heights despite all the chaos Izzy and I inadvertently caused here in Maretime Bay" Sonic commented. "All the fun would have been lost! By the way, did you finally remove all those traps that are now useless?" Hitch snorted. "Don't worry, Sprout and some trusted ponies deactivated those traps after we made friends with the three tribes," he stated. "Although it was a headache to hear Sprout rub it in my face how easy they were to remove..." "Are you still upset that I said your traps were worse than Eggman's?" Sonic asked with a little smirk. "You had to mention it…" Hitch grumbled. Soon, the group was passing by other ponies, who greeted our heroes, as it was thanks to them that all the ponies were reunited. The Mane 5, as the ponies were called, waved back, and Sonic also waved to those who were looking at him in surprise. Their entire adventure went viral, and there wasn't a single pony or creature in Equestria that didn't know about the exploits of the Mane 5 and Sonic. Those who greeted the most were Sunny and Sonic: Sunny for being the alicorn who took the first step for a change, and Sonic for being from another world and also being crucial in uniting the ponies. But Sunny felt so embarrassed, and she hid behind Sonic's spikes, careful not to get too close so she wouldn't accidentally prick herself. "Uh... everything okay back there?" Sonic asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Don't worry, Sunny. It's over" Hitch assured. Sunny peeked out, then sighed in relief, then felt a little embarrassed. "Sorry about that, I'm still not used to being famous..." she confessed. "Why not Sunny? You and Sonic have become celebrities all over Equestria! Even my Pippsqueaks explode with excitement when I post videos or photos with you two" Pipp said. Although more when only Sonic is there, but he doesn't have to know, she thought. She then took out her phone and took a selfie with both of them, then uploaded it to social networks. And within seconds, there were hundreds of likes and positive comments on the photo. "See? Even my Pippsqueaks love you!" "Well, I don't really care. I save people from a robot with Eggman's mustache at least 2 times a week, so this is something I've had to learn to live with" Sonic confessed with disinterest. "But not everyone's ready to be famous, Pipp. A little time for yourself and your private life isn't going to kill anyone... except maybe extreme fans." "Well, when you put it that way... it's understandable. But that doesn't stop me from being so happy to have my Pippsqueaks back!" Pipp exclaimed as she flapped her wings happily. Zipp rolled her eyes with a smile at his little sister's antics. "As long as you're happy and don't lie to them, I'm fine with that" she said, as her sister smiled at her. "Put me on that train too, seriously. No more lies Pipp" Sonic said. "I'm just happy to be with you!" Izzy exclaimed, jumping up and down with joy. "I'm glad we don't have to be apart!" "I'm glad I helped solve all this" Sonic said with a smile. "Although, if these ponies were more open minded, we would have been spared the battle with a robot with Sprout's face and immense damage to private property" he whispered the last to Izzy, who was walking beside him, while the unicorn he nodded energetically. "Well, I'm sorry to cut the fun short, but Pipp and I have to go. We're going back to Zephyr Heights to pack up our stuff and start decorating the Brighthouse tomorrow," Zipp explained. "Don't worry, we'll wait for you here tomorrow" Sunny assured. The sisters said goodbye to their friends, and flew to Zephyr's Heights. "I should go to Bridlewood to pack too. See you tomorrow!" Izzy said, also saying goodbye to his friends. "I must attend to my duty as sheriff, I'll see you later!" Hitch said, waving goodbye to Sonic and Sunny, walking back to the station from him. "I have to put dad's things in the basement, that will give us more space" said Sunny. "What will you do in the meantime, Sonic?" "I think I'll buy some things to decorate my room" Sonic replied with a thoughtful face. "And I'll also go buy a new phone, because mine... well..." Sonic pulled his phone out of his quills, which had a cracked screen and was slightly bent. It also gave off a few sparks, indicating that it was rendered completely useless. Sunny looked at the phone somewhat embarrassed, and Sonic with a confused face. "This thing has survived hundreds of punches and attacks from Eggman, but this guy Sprout comes to hit me once, and it leaves my cell phone in a mess..." said the hedgehog with some frustration. "Anyway, I think I'll go running a little more too. The faster the better, just the way I like it." "Well, have fun!" Sunny said, waving goodbye to Sonic. "And try not to get in trouble!" "When have I ever gotten into trouble?" Sonic asked into the air with a confused expression. "Don't make me answer you!" Sunny yelled from afar. Sonic just put on a bored expression, rolled his eyes and quickly started moving around various shops in Maretime Bay, using the money Pipp generously gave him. I'll make it up to her one day, Sonic thought, because he didn't see it as fair to receive something without giving something else in return. After having bought several posters that he liked, a laptop, some new headphones, a new blue cell phone, a figure of himself - that not even Sonic understands how they made it so fast - and a bedding set that fit With his likes, Sonic ran back to the Brighthouse, and went up to the place of the rooms. There were 5 beds in the place, of which only 1 was decorated, Sunny's one, while the remaining 4 had notes with the name of who that bed belonged to. "AHA!" Sonic exclaimed when he saw the bed that had his name on it, and in a heartbeat, his entire 'section' was already decorated with everything he just bought, except for his phone, which he kept in the quills with him. "Perfect! And now that I've finished decorating my room - and saved that part for tomorrow - let's go for a walk!" he told himself. Afterwards, he shot out of the Crystal Brighthouse and decided to go this time through a strange forest that he had never been before, which made him go and explore even more. The forest was large, and the trees mostly covered the sky, making it hard to tell if it was day or night, in case he accidentally got stuck there. But when he reached a darker area, deep in the forest, something caught Sonic's attention. There was a point with 3 glows of red, blue and green respectively. Sonic felt his heart stop for a moment, because he could recognize that glow anywhere. No... it can't be... it's not possible... the hedgehog thought. He quickly approached that place. The glitters came out from under a rock, and he with some effort he lifted the stone and moved it away. As soon as he saw what was below, he gasped in disbelief. "Holy chilidogs…" Sonic blurted out, seeing what had left him stranded in Equestria: 3 of the Chaos Emeralds, right in front of him.