Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale

by BronySonicFan

28. Pippsqueaks Forever

At Mane Melody, both Pipp and Tails were working on new products for Pipp's fans, while they both wore protection goggles and Tails even had a little shield on his back just in case.

"Totally amazing new products coming at ya!" Pipp said with sparkling eyes, as she shook a drooper with a blue liquid and dropped all the content on a bowl.

"Wait! You shouldn't have––!" Tails tried to warn, but once the entire content dropped on the bowl, it exploded and threw lots of blue glitter around the room, and almost on Pipp and Tails' faces as well if it wasn't because of the shield. "... drop the entire thing..." Tails finished once the explosion passed.

Pipp sighed in relief that she didn't got all that glitter on her face. "Thanks again for the help, Tails" she thanked him. "This could be a very difficult task without your help" she admitted with a smile.

"Glad to help" Tails replied with a smile. "The most I can do the better, since Sonic and Knuckles are still recovering from whatever happened a few days ago" he added. "Let's try again with another substance, but this time just put a drop" he advised.

After cleaning up the room, Pipp tried again with a pink liquid, but she dropped again the whole thing, and Tails looked on with worry. This time there wasn't an explosion... the content came out of the bowl like a rocket instead, and jumped all over the room. Both Pipp and Tails dodged the 'rocket', but when it was going to crash on Pipp's face, Tails used the shield again, and the substance just dissipated.

Once again they cleaned the room, and this time Tails decided to be the one putting the drop on the bowl. The liquid was green this time, and he putted one drop in the bowl, just as planned, but not even that worked because the content of the bowl floated like bubbles, and then exploded in the air. This time, Tails wasn't fast enough to take out the shield, and the explosion covered their heads with green glitter, or something similar to glitter.

Pipp growled in frustration and shook her head to take off the glitter. "What. Is. HAPPENING?!" she cried out in panic.

"This isn't working as we thought" Tails replied, taking of the 'glitter' with a towel. He then looked at Pipp's boring expression and his eyes widened. "Oh! It was rhetorical..." he realized and chuckled nervously.

After cleaning up the room again for the third time that day, Pipp went over a shelf and looked for something. "Aha!" she cheered with sparkling eyes, pulling out a bottle with a rainbow liquid on it. "There you are!" she added with a smile.

"Um... are you sure about this, Pipp?" Tails questioned. "Everything hasn't work out pretty well so far..." he pointed out with worry.

"Oh, I'm sure this one will work, Tails" Pipp said with a confident smile.

She pulled some of the content of the bottle with the dropper and shook again. Carefully she dropped the whole content on the bowl, and both she and Tails stepped back with Tails using the shield, but since nothing exploded this time, they both got closer to the bowl and saw it glowing on a rainbow color.

"Wow!" they both said in awe.

But then, the substance exploded on their faces, and covered them and the room on rainbow glitter.

"Ugh!" You have got to be kidding me!" Pipp cried out with frustration.

"This is the fourth time we have to clean up the place" Tails said with a bored expression. "Guess we'll have to keep trying until it works" he pointed out.

"But I promised the Pippsqueaks a new product! Today!" Pipp pointed out with worry.

"Hey, it's not that big of a deal" Tails tried to calm her down. "I get it! Why don't you get out and try to clear your mind? A little walk always helps the ideas to flow" he suggested with a smile.

Pipp's eyes sparkled and she shook the rainbow glitter out of her mane. "Great idea, Tails!" she said with a smile.

However, Tails looked at her in shock since she had a rainbow beard, and Pipp didn't seemed to notice it. "U-Um..." he tried to warned her, but Pipp walked towards the exit.

"I'm just gonna get a smoothie and then I'll came back and try again!" Pipp said with a nervous chuckle. "No point on freaking out!" she added, then she got out of the salon.

"Pipp, wait!" Tails shouted and shook his head too, but then he noticed that he had a rainbow beard as well. "Oh no!" he exclaimed with panic. "Ok, don't panic, Tails. Just find a way to take the beard off, clean the place and then go look after Pipp" he stated to himself. "Let's just hope that nobody notices her..." he whispered to himself, although he knew that she wasn't going to be unnoticed.

After a while, Pipp was near Sunny's smoothie stand with a worried face. "I'm totally freaking out!" she cried out in panic. "Sunny! Help me!" she begged to her earth pony friend.

Sunny was blending some strawberries for Pipp's smoothie with a smile. "Morning, Pipp!" she greeted to her pegasus friend. "I have your inspiration packed strawberry ripple smoothie ready for you–– Agh!" she said, bringing the smoothie to Pipp, but she stopped at the end once she noticed Pipp's rainbow beard.

Pipp took the smoothie with sparkling eyes and a smile. "You are a total lifesaver!" she said to Sunny.

"Ahah..." Sunny replied with a nervous smile while she sweated a bit.

Pipp slurped a bit from the smoothie, and then looked at Sunny with worry. "My morning has been a complete disaster!" she started to explain.

"Ahah..." Sunny said again, still with a nervous smile.

"I'm supposed to reveal my new product today!" Pipp kept explaining with worry. "But everything keeps exploding!" she pointed out. "And Tails has being trying to help me, but the explosions keep happening!" she added. Sunny then turned around and started to laugh nervously, grabbing an apple to distract herself. "Sunny, you're acting weird... Is everything okay?" Pipp asked her.

Sunny chuckled nervously again and turned back to Pipp. "W-Well... Now that you mention it... There is... something you need to see..." she told Pipp, then brought out a mirror so Pipp could see herself.

Once Pipp looked at herself, she screamed in panic and touched her rainbow beard. "I. Have. A. BEARD?!" she cried out in panic. She tried to took it off, but it didn't worked. "How did this happen?!" she yelled with worry and panic. "Why didn't Tails told me anything?!" she asked to the air, while Sunny just looked at her nervously.

"Just keep refreshing, Glory" Seashell's voice spoke.

"Oh no, Pippsqueaks!" Pipp cried out in panic. "They can't see me like this!" she said, before entering the smoothie stand and hid behind the table.

Glory, Seashell and Peach Fizz arrived to Sunny's stand, with Glory and Seashell holding their phones, waiting for Pipp to post her new product. "Refresh! Refresh!" Glory said, as she refreshed the page, but still nothing.

"Three strawberry ripples please!" Seashell requested to Sunny with a smile. "That's Pipp's favorite, right?" she asked.

"Sure is!" Sunny replied with a smile. "Coming right up" she added, and then got back to make the smoothies.

"Ugh, still nothing!" Glory cried out. "But Pipp said it's coming out today" she pointed out.

"Just keep trying, Pipp wouldn't let us down!" Seashell pointed out.

Meanwhile, inside the stand, Pipp grew nervous when she heard her Pippsqueaks say that, knowing that she doesn’t have a new product to show yet.

"There you go" Sunny said to the three fillies as she brought out three smoothies. "Exactly how Pipp likes it. Enjoy!" she added.

The three fillies looked at the smoothies with sparkling eyes, and then they slurped from the smoothies. They thanked Sunny for the smoothies and then left, while Sunny waved a hoof to the fillies. And right at that moment, Pipp came out of her hidden spot and looked at her Pippsqueaks leaving with a worried expression.

"See Sunny?" Pipp called out. "The Pippsqueaks are waiting for my new product and all I am going to do it's let them down!" she cried out with sadness.

Sunny started to think for a moment. "Aha!" she said, once she got an idea to help Pipp. "Maybe if you got to know the Pippsqueaks a little better, making products they love would be easier!" she explained with a smile. "You could even create something together!" she pointed out.

Pipp then smiled and looked at Sunny. "Sunny! You are a genius!" she said. "It's time to go undercover!" she announced with a grin.

"Uh... I-I didn't mean..." Sunny tried to correct herself, but Pipp cut her off.

"Now, all I need is a disguise..." Pipp said while rubbing her rainbow beard.

Then she putted a hat and pink sunglasses, then got out of the stand and followed the fillies. And in that exact moment, Tails came out of Mane Melody, now without the beard and holding a spray with a yellow liquid and a towel. He saw Sunny's stand and boosted towards it.

"Sunny!" Tails called out to her, which startled Sunny a bit. "Have you seen Pipp?!" he asked with worry.

"She left a few minutes ago" Sunny replied with a little smile.

"What?! No!" Tails cried out. "I really need to find her!" he explained.

"This is because of her beard, isn't it?" Sunny asked with a grin.

"Yeah..." Tails replied, and then boosted out flying to search for Pipp.

In a little park, the three fillies from before where playing on the swings, while Pipp spied them from behind a bush.

Seashell pushed Peach Fizz on the swing, and then Glory sprayed her hair. Once Peach Fizz stopped moving, she looked at her hair glowing and sparkling, and smiled with joy.

Pipp was looking trough her binoculars, then gasped in awe at Peach Fizz' new style. "So creative!' she said, and then wrote down what she was looking.

Later, Pipp followed the fillies again and watched them from a three branch downwards.

Seashell and Peach Fizz where dancing to a song that Glory was singing on her mic, connected to a speaker. But then, Glory flew a little over her friends, and accidentally disconnected the mic from the speaker, which made the three fillies feel disappointed.

"Total design flaw" Pipp said and wrote on her notebook, but then she fell from the tree.

A little bit later, the three fillies went to Rufus sunglasses stand, where he sell some lip gloss as well.

The fillies grabbed a lip gloss each and passed it over their lips, but then Seashell stopped with a disappointed look. "Ugh, mine didn't work!" she complained. "Look! My lips aren't sparkly at all!" she pointed out.

"Yeah, this glitter isn't sticking to mine either" Peach Fizz added.

Pipp was watching them behind some kind of cardboard copy of her without eyes, but of course, now it had her eyes since she was listening to her Pippsqueaks. "Glitter... lips..." Pipp repeated, and then she gasped with excitement. "Yes, that's it! Pippsqueaks, you are brilliant!" she called out, and then came out suddenly from the cardboard, startling the fillies. "Pippsqueaks! I need your help!" she said to them with a smile.

The fillies screamed when they saw Pipp. "Help you?! We don't even know you!" Seashell cried out, and then turned to her friends. "Come on, ponies! Let's get out of here!" she said.

"Wait! It's me! It's Pipp!" Pipp cried out as she took off her hat.

"Um, no" Glory answered, not convinced. "That is Pipp" she pointed to the cutout behind her, which made Pipp gasp since she forgot about her rainbow beard. "You have a beard. Nice try" Glory said, while she and her friends walked away.

Pipp though on a way to make the fillies realize she was the real Pipp. "Let out your light, shining bright, can ya see it? At Mane Melody!" she sang, while the fillies came back and looked at her with sparkling eyes, realizing that she was Pipp after all.

"Wow! It really is you!" Seashell said with sparkling eyes. "But... what happened to your face?" she questioned a little confused.

Pipp gave the fillies a sheepish smile before answering. "That is a seriously long story" she replied, looking at all directions with embarrassment. "And more importantly, your lip glitter idea is genius!" she said with a smile.

"Ah!" the fillies said together with smiles.

"Would you ponies want to create it together?" Pipp asked with sparkling eyes.

The fillies giggled at Pipp’s request, knowing that this is one of the best moments of their lives to actually help their favorite pop star.

"Our answer is yes!” Seashell answered, as she and her friends looked at Pipp with sparkling eyes.

"Pipp!" Tails' voice called out, as he landed next to the pegasus. "I finally found you!" he added with joy.

"Tails!" Pipp said with a smile. "Where have you been?" she asked.

"I've been looking around for you" Tails confessed. "I tried to warn you about the beard, but then I realized I had the same problem!" he said, as he showed the spray with the yellow liquid inside.

"Really? How did you––?" Pipp tried to ask, but Tails sprayed her beard and then passed the towel. When he retired it, the beard was gone, and Pipp touched her chin, confirming that she was free from her rainbow glitter beard. "Tails, you are a lifesaver!" she said with sparkling eyes and hugged the fox.

"I'm glad to help!" Tails said with a smile. "Now, I heard about the idea your fans gave you" he added with a smirk. "How about we go back to the salon and make it come true?" he suggested to both Pipp and the fillies.

Sometime later, and back in Mane Melody, Pipp placed her goggles over her eyes. "Ready?" she asked her fellow Pippsqueaks and Tails next to her, wearing goggles as well.

"Ready!" the fillies answered with sparkling eyes.

"I was born ready!" Tails stated with a smile.

The four ponies and the fox started pouring contents in a white bowl, lemons, flowers, and some honey, while in a blue bowl smashed some vegetables together to liquefy them and Pipp stirred them together.

The bowl filled with purple glitter started to sparkle, while the fillies, Pipp and Tails looked at it in amazement with sparkling eyes. The fillies' and Pipp's Cutie Marks began to glow while the content was in the air before landing back down on the bowl, turning into a rainbow sparkle glitter that glowed. Pipp, Tails and the Pippsqueaks gasped in fright and ducked for cover, with Pipp holding a shield to cover herself while Tails covered him and the fillies with his shield.

"Hmm?" Pipp said, realizing that the glitter didn’t blow up this time.

"Oh!" the fillies called out once they realized that it didn’t blow.

"Wow" Tails said, also looking that the bowl didn't exploded this time.

The five of them cheered with giggles, looking at their now successful new product, and then they high hooved each other, with Tails putting his fist instead since he has fingers.

Later on, Pipp started her Livestream to show her new product to her fans, and to everyone who watched the livestream in general.

"Hey, Pippsqueaks! My newest product is finally here!" Pipp cheered in the video. "And this one is extra special because the idea came from you, my friends!" she said while looking at Tails and the fillies, who giggled in response. "And here with a sneak peek at lip glitter is…" she said, then turned the camera to her fellow Pippsqueaks.

"I'm Seashell!" Seashell called out with a yellow lip glitter on her. "And I call this color 'Maretime Bay Babe'! Mwah!" she winked before blowing a kiss to the camera.

The camera turned to Glory, who had a pinkish lip glitter on her. "And I'm Glory! And my lip glitter is called 'Pega-Sassy'!" she said and winked to the camera.

The camera turned finally to Peach Fizz next, with a purple lip glitter on her. "Hey, it's me, Peach Fizz! And this lip glitter is called... uh... uh…" she stopped with a nervous look, and started to think on something. "'Unicorny Morning Breath'!" she announced with a nervous smile.

Pipp brought the camera back to her, laughing nervously from the name Peach Fizz gave to the lip gloss. "Well, you know, we're still working out all the details" she said to the viewers, holding the said purple lip glitter with a wink. "But lip glitter is coming soon! Laters!" she said, and then ended the live stream. "'Unicorny Morning Breath'?" she asked Peach Fizz in amusement.

Peach Fizz felt embarrassed when that weird name came out of nowhere. "Uh... I'm so sorry, Pipp!" she cried out as tears began to form. "I-I panicked! I've never done a livestream before!" she cried out.

And then Pipp, Tails, Seashell and Glory started to laugh at Peach Fizz panic. Then, Glory and Seashell brought her in a group hug, while Pipp brought the three fillies into a big group hug, wrapping her hooves around her three Pippsqueaks with a laugh.

"The time has finally come to take some action!" Eggman declared with an evil grin, as he pressed a button that opened the capsules in front of him.

Slowly, the five capsules containing the Metal Mane opened up, as the five robots eyes turned on and they stepped out of the capsules to put on formation and Face Eggman.

"My masterpieces, my Metal Mane, your mission to blame and destroy the Mane 5 will have to wait" Eggman started to explain. "Right now, your priority has to be find the location of the remaining Chaos Emerald" he declared. "Even if the ones I posses right now aren't at their full potential, having the remaining one must be a warning for Sonic to understand that I'm not playing around this time" he stated.

He then walked to his computer, then made some images of Maretime Bay, Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood appear, then he turned back to the Metal Mane.

"Search up and down on each one of these cities" Eggman ordered with a frown. "Brake into places, mad some ponies, look under every single place, heck, even on the ocean if you have to! But don't you dare to return unless you have that Emerald, understood?!" he questioned with a big frown to the Metal Mane.

"Yes, doctor" the five robots replied.

"Very well, then. Now, fly up!" Eggman ordered, as the five ponies got out of the lab by a secret passage, so Opaline won't notice them.

Eggman turned his gaze back to the computer, and made an image of Team Sonic and the Mane 5 appear.

"Sonic, little ponies, be as happy as you can. Soon enough, I will erase those smiles" Eggman declared with an evil grin, as he then started to laugh maniacally, ready to finally kill Sonic.