Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale

by BronySonicFan

36. Taking Flight

In the sky, both Zipp and Tails were flying around as they flew high with a few loops and looked a Maretime Bay below her.

"Wow! Look at this view!" Zipp said with a smile and sparkling eyes. "Flying is the best!" she cheered.

"Heck yeah!" Tails cheered.

"Thanks for tagging along, Tails" Zipp said with a smile. "W-We really haven't spend a lot of time together lately" she added with a slight blush.

"No problem!" Tails said, with a smile that made Zipp's heart jump happily. "I owe it to you after I... you know, I was a jerk with you instead of just talk calmly" he pointed out with a guilty expression.

"Hey, it's okay. I kinda deserve it for getting too overboard with my 'detective side' and all" Zipp said with a smile. "And, what better way to bond than flying?!" she said, making a quick loop in the sky.

Tails chuckled as he flew around Zipp happily. "Flying's the funniest way to make amends! Hands down!" he said with a smile.

And then suddenly, Izzy somehow came next to them, in the sky, as she sighed with a smile. "Isn’t it just?" she asked.

"Wind in your hair, total freedom…" Zipp listened out with a smile, while neither she nor Tails realized that Izzy was flying next to them somehow. "There's nothing else like it!" she announced with a smile and sparkling eyes.

"Could not have said it better myself" Izzy said with a smile, as she gave her friends a wink. "Cheerio, Zipperoonie! Milesy! Whoo-hoo!" she cheered as she flew down.

Zipp laughed happily. "See ya, Izz" she called out with a smile, but then she and Tails realized who they just spoke to.

"Wait. Izzy?!" they both called out in shock.

"How, when, what, why?!" Tails asked out in shock.

It turns out that Izzy made a glider, that she levitated with her own magic.

But after a while, her glider snapped into pieces and the magic stopped glowing. Izzy turned and looked at her broken glider in shock. "Uh-oh..." she said, now falling from the skies... with a smile. "Wheeeeee!" she cheered as she started to fall right beside the abandoned Canterlogic building.

Zipp and Tails started to sweat in worry and anxiety, seeing that Izzy was about to hit the ground. They both flew at a fast paste to Izzy before she turned into Pony Pancake on the pavement.

Izzy kept smiling as she fell, but that ended when Zipp and Tails grabbed Izzy as they carried her and took to the air, but the glider came off as it fell on the pavement in front of Posey, which startled her as a pony stallion next to her gave a confused look, wondering what just happened.

Izzy, Zipp and Tails all screamed, about to hit the roof of the Canterlogic building, which had some stuff and something big under a tarp in the middle of it as the three friends hit the roof and they rolled across it before hitting the thing under the tarp. Once they crashes, they groaned from the impact of the hit.

Zipp got up as she gave Izzy a look while sweating a bit from the sudden fright of Izzy nearly killing herself. "Izzy! What were you thinking?! You could've been hurt!" she scolded.

"Worse case scenario? You could have killed yourself!" Tails said, as he also sweated a bit.

Izzy fixed her mane as she got it out of her eye sight and gave an apologetic look to her friends. "Sorry, Zipp, Tails" she said, then smiled at them. "But you two made flying look so fun, I wanted to do it, too!" she explained as she gave sparkling eyes.

"Still, doing something so reckless could have costed your own life, Izz. And that would be no good" Tails pointed out with a frown.

"Yeah. It would be amazing if we all could fly. But we can't" Zipp pointed out. "So––" she tried to add, but was cut off when Izzy got between Zipp's and Tails' cheeks with a smile and sparkling eyes.

"Maybe we can?" Izzy asked with a smile as Zipp raised an eyebrow at Izzy and Tails looked on confused. Then, Izzy grabbed the tarp behind them and unraveled to show the old run down tramcar Izzy showed the others after they'd found Sparky. "Ta-daaaaa! My ultrasonic, fantastatronic, skyblastonic flying machine!" she called out excitedly, while Zipp and Tails raised their eyebrow before the tramcar door falls from Izzy’s weight as she fell to the floor while her two friends looked at her to see if she’s okay, but then Izzy got her head up and pointed her hoof at them with a smile. "I'm okay!" she called out.

"... You want to transform a tram car... into a flying machine..." Tails said confused. "Not the weirdest thing I'd ever heard, but still..." he added with concern.

"Yup! It might need a little work, but it's got good bones!" Izzy called out as she tapped it with a smile.

But then the tramcar began to creak, and the front titled to the front, and then the middle of it began to crack in half as the back half rolled backwards, which made Tails, Zipp and Izzy gasp at this.

Then, Izzy used her magic to put a spare wheel at the back end of the back-half to keep it from rolling off the roof as she came next to it while having some sweat from the effort she used. "So, uh, what do you say, Zipperoonie and Milesy? Fix it up together? Take it to the skies?" she asked them with a smile.

Zipp gave an unsure look as she tapped on the mirror of the tramcar. "The skies?" she repeated, but after the second tap of the mirror, it nearly fell off as Zipp caught it and put it back gently. "I don't know, Izzy. This thing is in no condition to fly" she pointed out with worry.

"Hmm... with some slight modifications, we could make it actually fly up to the skies..." Tails pointed out with an analytical look.

"And who knows more about flying than you, Zipp?" Izzy pointed out with a wink. "And who knows more about vehicles and technology than you, Tails?" she added by giving a wink to Tails. "With your knowledge, guys, and my creativity, we'll have this baby uni-cycled in no time" she declared, after waving her hooves when she mentioned her 'creativity', then a piece of the floor behind the tramcar fell off as Izzy looked at it.

"I don't see why we can't try!" Tails said with a smile. "I'm on board, captain!" he joked while making a salute.

Zipp, on the other hand, sighed after thinking about what Izzy said. "It would be pretty sweet for all of us to be able to fly together" she said with a smile.

"Yes?" Izzy asked with a smile as she got closer to Zipp.

"Just think – day trips in Zephyr Heights…" Zipp listed with a smile.

"Yes?!" Izzy asked again, very excited with wide and sparkling eyes.

"...weekends in Bridlewood…" Zipp added.

"YES!" Izzy cheered, very excited while waiting for Zipp's answer.

Zipp turned to her with a determined expression and a smile. "Okay, Izzy! I'm in!" she declared.

Izzy squealed in excitement as Zipp and Tails came up to her with smiles on their faces. "Go, Team Zipzyils!" she announced cheerfully as they tapped hooves/hand as Zipp, and Tails gave her small smiles and walked off to get some tools and make plans for the tramcar. "Get it? It's Izzy, Zipp and Tails but all squishy up!" Izzy added with a wave of her hooves.

"No nicknames!" Zipp called out to Izzy.

"Aw..." Izzy groaned in disappointment.

"Good names though, Izzy!" Tails called out, making Izzy smile a bit.

In the meantime, at the streets of Maretime Bay, Sonic was sneaking around the town as he acted like a ninja and moved quietly and nimbly.

He stopped in front of a building, looking at both sides, then making a sign with his hand to indicate someone to move.

Sunny, who pocked her head from behind a dark alley, go back inside it, and then come out of it again, this time lifting some boxes on her back as she sneaked on Sonic's direction. Behind her came both Hitch and Knuckles, with the former carrying some boxes as well on his back and the latter lifting some wooden planks.

The three of them waited for Sonic to open the door of the building he was in front of, then the hedgehog pushed the door open, still on 'ninja mode', as the two ponies and the echidna entered the place. Then, Pipp quickly arrived flying, with a box on her hooves, as she nodded to Sonic before entering the building, then Sonic himself entered as well.

Inside, he and Pipp covered the windows with curtains, and Knuckles putted a 'Sorry, we are closed' sign in the front door, then sighed in relief.

"We didn't forgot anything, right?" Knuckles asked.

"The prints!" Hitch said with panic. "Dang! I probably left them on..." he tried to add, but...

"The kitchen table?" Sonic asked, pulling out the blue prints Hitch was talking about. "I took them before leaving the Brighthouse" he added with a confident smirk, rolling up the prints on a table to show some places and machines that Tails wanted to put... on his own workshop.

"What are we seeing exactly?" Pipp asked.

"Well, as I've been telling you for a few days now, Tails' birthday is tomorrow, and I want to give him something more special than a simple gift" Sonic explained with a smile. "And I discovered this prints of his a few days ago. So... here we are!" Sonic said, pointing at the empty building they were right now.

"So you wanna turn this place into a workshop, and give it to Tails as birthday present..." Knuckles summarized. "You're certainly getting better at this 'bro' thing" he added with a mocking smirk.

"Yeah, laugh it up, Knucklehead..." Sonic said with a bored expression.

"Wait!" Sunny said suddenly. "I think this is a great idea and all, but... shouldn't we worry about Tails coming in suddenly, ruining the whole surprise?" she asked with concern, while Hitch at her side nodded in agreement.

"That's why we asked Zipp to take Tails out for the day" Pipp pointed out with a smirk.

"And Izzy said something about needing their help with something, so they'll be out for a while" Knuckles added with a smile.

"Okey then" Sunny said with a raised eyebrow, but with a smile as well.

"If we're done already, let's get started!" Sonic declared with a smile.

Sometime later, Zipp and Tails got some tools they would need for the tramcar as they turned and saw Izzy coming in with some wallpaper and paint, as well as Sunny’s lantern on the wagon she strapped herself with.

Izzy, Zipp and Tails started to have lunch as they chomped on their sandwiches. Zipp putted her sandwich down and took out her phone and drew down the designs for the tramcar for it to fly. She shows it to Tails and Izzy, with Tails smiling at the design and Izzy nodding with sparkling eyes, then she showed her desert that she shaped it into a vehicle with wings before it dissolved.

"Huh?" Zipp asked in confusion before she groaned from that, while Tails chuckled nervously.

A little bit later, Zipp tried to put a star in an area of the tramcar, but couldn’t keep it in place.

Izzy came to her as she held up a blowtorch and placed her blowtorch’s mask down on her face, then held two blowtorches and wielded the star in place.

Izzy and Zipp smiled at this as Zipp nodded in accomplish of Izzy’s work, but as she tried to walk off, her tool sash got stuck on the star Izzy wielded, which gave the unicorn an irritated look from the pegasus as Izzy smiled sheepishly at her mistake.

Sometime later, Izzy levitated her glitter cannon on a wooden wing on the tramcar with sparkling eyes.

"Glitter cannon! Check!" Izzy announced with a determined smile.

But then the weight of her glitter cannon made the wooden wing fell, which made the glitter cannon roll across the roof as it turned to Tails who was measuring something for the tramcar. Then, he turned and saw the glitter cannon facing him, which made him look on confused.

The glitter cannon then went off as a ball of purple glitter hit his face, which made him look on shocked.

Izzy got to the fox, giving him a sheepish yet apologetic look as she sweated nervously. "Y-You actually... have a little something on your…" she said, then tried to wipe the glitter off him, but after a wipe, his face was now covered in rainbow glitter as he gave an irritated look at Izzy. "Yeah..." Izzy simply said.

Tails shook his heads with a cough as he got the glitter off his face and some on his mouth, and then he looked on with a tired expression.

Zipp then arrived to Izzy as she got to her face. "Izzy! We have to start working together as a team, or this thing will never fly!" she called out as she pointed to the tramcar, which both halves are glued back together with mac and cheese and the two wooden wings fell off as they fell on the ground.

"And please, no Glitter Canon this time, Izz" Tails begged with a bored expression.

"You guys are right. Team Zipzyils?" Izzy asked them as she raised her hoof to them.

"Team Zipzyils" both Tails and Zipp said in unison as they gave Izzy a hoof tap with smiles.

"Now, let’s get to work!" Tails said with a determined smile, as the three friends started to work together.

Sometime later, the three friends got to work on making the tramcar flight worthy.

Just a little touch-up
Just a little paint
And we'll be done in no time

Izzy was searching through a box while tossing some things away, looking for something as Zipp came by her side, holding a rope on her hoof with a smile as Izzy smiled at her.

On the planning table, Tails was going through the plans that the three friends thought together.

Zipp was trying to get the engine block in a dryer machine, with googly eyes and a heart on its door in front of the tramcar, but it was too heavy since she can’t get it off the ground. But then the engine block levitated as Zipp let go of it as she saw it go into the dryer and smiled when she saw Izzy using her magic to hold the block in place as she smiled back.

'Hey, this is looking great!' Izzy thought to herself with a smile as she used her blowtorches to wield the railings of the front of the tramcar in place and fixed up the controls of it as she smiled at Zipp and Tails.

'Cause they say many hooves
And the work gets lighter

Tails attached a broken bike wheel into the place where the steering wheel is on the controls as he attached it.

Izzy used her magic to repaint the tramcar, with a little rainbow color on the boarded woods on the windows.

And working with your friends
Will make the whole day brighter

Zipp and Tails used gray paint to repaint the roof top of the tramcar, while Izzy levitated a paintbrush and painted some pink reddish color.

Gonna work, work, work
Got so much to do
Well, I don't mind the work
'Cause I get to work with you

And then, Zipp was on top of the tramcar to indicate Izzy where she should put the wings on the tramcar as she focused her magic on where to put it, while having a hard time placing it where it suppose to go as Zipp smiled, then Tails flew and kicked the wing in place.

Zipp and Tails landed with Izzy as they looked at their flying vehicle. They finished with smiles and sparkling eyes and gave each other hoof/hand taps at their hard work together.

Gonna work, work, work
Make our dreams come true
'Cause when we work together
There's nothing we, nothing we can't do

And then, the two ponies Cutie Marks began to glow as Sunny’s lantern then started to flew pass them as they saw it in shock and amazement, while the lantern float itself to the front of the tramcar, which used it’s magic to transform it into into a motor vehicle with pegasus wings on it’s side, big window in front for the driver with a door with a heart window at the back and the windows on the side. The colors are light blue, purple, pink and white as well have a symbol of the Unity Crystals on the front of it.

"Whoa!: Zipp awed as Izzy and Tails looked at it in amazement. "Look at this thing! Incredible!" Zipp added with a smile.

"I did not see that coming" Izzy said in amazement.

"Sunny's lantern is full of surprises. It used the Prisbeam power to upgrade the tramcar into… This!" Tails said in awe.

A little bit later, Tails, Izzy and Zipp entered the new vehicle as Izzy pressed her hoof on a hoof scanner.

"Thrusters?" Zipp asked Izzy.

"Check!" Izzy answered, as the wings opened up from the side.

"Ignition?" Zipp asked again as Tails flipped a switch.

"Check!" Tails answered with a smile, as the engines started roaring and the tailpipes in the back burst out rainbows.

"Super-cool shades?" Zipp asked again with a smirk as she, Tails and Izzy got their sunglasses on and put them on their eyes.

"Check!" all three friends said in unison.

Zipp grabbed the wheel with her hooves as she moved it forward with a click and the new flying motor vehicle began to move forward with a rainbow trailing behind.

"Mare Stream ready for takeoff, Zippster and Milesy!" Izzy announced to her friends.

"Whoo-hoo!" Zipp cheered, before realizing what Izzy just said as she turned with a smile. "Did you say 'Mare Stream'? I love it!" she declared.

"Put the full speed, Zippster!" Tails declared with confidence.

"Whoo-hoo! Let's go!" Izzy cheered as the Marestream took flight, leaving a rainbow trail behind in the process as it took to the skies.

At the building, the rest of the gang was finishing up the last details for Tails new workshop.

Sonic and Sunny were painting the walls of the building with yellow and orange colors, since it were the basic colors to recognize Tails.

Pipp was placing some decorations around, like a small replica of the Tornado I in the ceiling, some clouds to decorate the place and even the two tails sign that Tails had originally on his workshop back on Mobius.

Knuckles and Hitch were placing the tables and some of Tails' inventions around. They also brought Tails' tools for work.

After a while, they finally finished up the basic parts of the workshop.

"Well, that's settled" Knuckles said with a smile. "Now what?" he asked.

"We surprise Tails tomorrow! He'll decide if he wants to add something else or not" Sonic stated with a confident smile. "Thanks again for the help, guys. Buying the building was one thing, but getting this far for us..." he tried to add, but Sunny cut him off.

"Tails is also our friend, Sonic. And, we're glad to help!" Sunny said with a smile.

"Besides, this is something he really needs right now" Pipp pointed out. "You know, he's been a little... messy in the Brighthouse lately..." she said, remembering the few times Tails caused a mess because of his job.

"Yeah, I know" Sonic said with a little smile. "Let's just hope Tails likes it..." he added a bit concerned.

Sometime later, the Mare Stream flew above the clouds as Izzy looked out the window in amazement.

"Zipp! Tails! We're flying!" Izzy said cheerfully as she got to the controls, but she accidentally knocked Sunny’s lantern off its spot.

Without Sunny’s lantern to power Mare Stream, the motorhome vehicle lost its power, then it fell from the sky.

"IZZY!" Tails cried out as he hung on to the vehicle.

"WE'RE NOT FLYING!" Izzy cried out as she tried to place the lantern back in place but couldn’t.

"Guys! Nothing is working!" Zipp cried out as she kept pressing on the controls, but nothing was happening.

"Sunny's lantern is the power source! Without it, we'll be part of history!" Tails cried out with worry.

"We're going to crash!" Zipp cried out. as they saw they were about to fall into the forest.

Izzy started to grow nervous as she sweated, then tried to use her magic to lift the Mare Stream or slow it down a bit, but it frizzed out as the Mare Stream kept falling and Izzy panted from the effort. "We're falling too fast! My magic isn't strong enough!" she cried out.

"I wish I knew Chaos Control!" Tails cried out. "The temporal moment were time stops around could be really helpful right now!" he pointed out with concern.

"There must be something!" Zipp cried out to her friends.

Izzy started to whimper as she looked around for something they can use, then turned to the interior of the Mane Stream and saw a giant cloth attached to a rope. "I've got something, but I'm not gonna lie to you, guys–– it's risky!" she called out to them as she held the rope.

"Just do it, Izzy!" both Zipp and Tails called out.

Izzy opened the ceiling window roof of Mane Stream and got the cloth out while attaching the rope to it with the other end attached to the Mane Stream with a grunt effort. "There we go!" she called out with a smile.

At the controls, Zipp and Tails were pressing buttons in desperation. "Izzy, we are still falling!" Zipp cried out to Izzy who came back to them with a smile on her face.

"What did you did anyway?!" Tails questioned in anxiety, as he and Zipp brace themselves for the impact.

"Wait for it… Now!" Izzy called out, as the Mane Stream now got tugged into the sky, since Izzy used the tarp as a parachute to slow the Mare Stream down.

Tails, Izzy and Zipp cheered with laughter as they felt relieved that they were saved. The Mare Stream landed on something with a thud as the three friends took off their sunglasses and looked at each other with smiles, relieved that they were saved.

Zipp opened the door with a smile, but looked down once she saw that the Mare Stream landed on top of some trees and groaned at this. "Ugh. Izzy, Tails, how are we gonna get this thing down?" she called out with concern.

"No idea, I never had this kind of struggle before with any version of the Tornado, so... I don't know how to get something this big down of here either..." Tails admitted.

Izzy gasped before smiling. "No idea either. But if there's one thing I know for sure, Zipper-doodle, it's that we can do anything together. Hoof bump!" she called out as she raised her hoof, while Zipp and Tails smiled as well and raised their hooves/hands as well. "Team Zipzyils" Izzy cheered as the three friends bumped hooves/hands with each other.

But then, the Mare Stream started rattling, which made the three friends look in shock as the motor vehicle then started to fell from the trees, seeing that the trees are not strong enough to support the weight.

"Whoa!" all of them cried out as Izzy held onto the couch, while Zipp and Tails hit the ceiling from the force of the fall as the Mare Stream parachute then got caught on some branches, preventing the Mare Stream from crashing to the floor.

Izzy and landed on the couch once the fall was over and smiled when she realized she was okay. She turned to give Zipp and Tails another hoof bump, but then looked up and saw Zipp and Tails crashing into the floor with a thud, since they didn’t had time to react to hang onto something or use their flying skills.

Izzy came down to Zipp's and Tails' level as she gave them a smirk. "Perfect landing, captain!" Izzy said cheerfully, while Zipp smiled back at the unicorn.

"Zipp..." Tails called out, and then Izzy giggled when she saw that Zipp was over Tails, almost crushing him into the ground. "Please get off me..." he begged with a bored expression and puffed cheeks, while Zipp blushed slightly and chuckled before slowly standing up and give some space to Tails.

"S-Sorry for that, Tails..." Zipp apologized.

"It's okay, Zipp" Tails said to her with a little smile, standing up and shaking his body.

The next day, Tails got suddenly woken up by Sonic, who only told him to put a bandage on his eyes, grab his hand and follow him.

"Sonic..." Tails called out for the millionth time already. "Can you tell me were are you taking me already?" he asked in annoyance, since he was suddenly woken up and had no idea what was happening.

"Trust me, lil' bro, it's a place I know you'll like" Sonic assured with confidence, and even tho Tails could not see his face, he knew he was smirking, which made him feel more annoyed now.

At the end, Sonic suddenly stopped, which caused Tails to stop too, since his arm was being grabbed by Sonic.

Sonic let go his arm and stepped away slowly from him. "Okay, Tails. Remove your bandage in three... two... one!" he counted down.

Tails sighed in relief and removed the bandage, as he started to get used to the light of day once again. And once he got his sight completely back, he gasped in shock at the sight: a yellow brick building with orange trim was in front of him, with a sign at the top of the main doors... that had the logo of his new business, 'Electronic Tails', with the letter s on his own name having two tails shaped at the start.

"SURPRISE!" Sonic cheered to his brother, standing in front of the building.

"T-This... This is..." Tails tried to say, but no words came out of his mouth.

"I knew you'll like it" Sonic said with a smile, placing a hand on Tails' back. "What do you say if we go inside and take a look?" he suggested.

Tails was speechless, but he managed to move a bit towards the main door. Once he opened it, he felt a wave of emotions through his body when he saw the inside of the building. His inventions, the decoration, even his two tail logo on the wall, it all hit like home for him... it was perfect.

"Happy birthday, Tails!" the Mane 5 and Knuckles said, as they came of of their hideouts to congratulate the young fox.

More emotions got into him because of that. "D-Did you guys did all of these?" Tails managed to ask.

"Yup!" Sunny replied with a smile.

"I mean, Izzy and I got you a bit busy yesterday... but yeah, this place is a gift from all of us to you, little guy" Zipp said with a smile.

Tails chuckled slowly, and some tears of happiness fell down his cheeks. "D-Dang it... I got emotional too soon..." he said with a smile, getting a big hug from Sonic.

"You're growing up fast, lil' bro. You're 24 now! I couldn't be more proud of you!" Sonic said, ruffling his brother with his hand.

Soon enough, Knuckles and the Mane 5 joined the hug, with some like Zipp and Sunny nuzzling the fox to congratulate him.

"T-Thank you, guys..." Tails said with a smile. "I really appreciate this..." he added.

During the last 2 months, Eggman hasn't talk with Opaline, mainly because he threat her with killing her.

However, this month hasn't been any useless for the doctor, because he had some books from Opaline's library.

As he was still trying to translate the glyphs from the cave Metal Sonic, Metal Pipp and Metal Sunny found a while ago, he found two very interesting things on those books that called his attention: the first one was a story about a place called the Starfall Islands, were ancient technology was waiting for him, or at least that's what Eggman tells himself.

The second thing was about a Wishing Star, that had the power of grant a wish to those who could take a look at it. And as the evil genius he is, he was planning to steal the power of said star, or destroying it in the attempt.

"All the magical properties of this star amaze me..." Eggman told himself. "But the vital thing that I'm missing is the exact coordinates of the closest spots where the star will travel..." he said with concern.

And then, a thought came to his mind, one that could succeed if he planned everything carefully.

"I know just the person that can help me on this assignment... or should I say pony?" Eggman said with a grin, as he pressed a button on his computer, and the image of a certain earth pony mare showed up. "It'll be a pleasure to finally meet you properly, Sunny Starscout" he stated with a confident smile.