//------------------------------// // Today's a good to to make a new Friend // Story: Pokémon/Digimon Mystery Dungeon: The Adventure Begins // by StormPhoenix246 //------------------------------// Tom groaned as he stirred awake, his body still feeling the after results of his last fight. He opened his eyes, squinting as the sun shone down on his face. His vision began to adjust to the blinding light before noticing he was sleeping on a bed. Not just any bed. It was a bed with a mattress, a warm cover over his body and a soft pillow under his head. This was the first real pillow he’s seen since coming to this world. He looked around and saw he was in some sort of bedroom from a fairy tail. At the foot of the bed, he saw his treasure bag sitting on a wooden trunk. Once he got his bearings, he started to remember everything that happened to him before blacking out. Him running through the forest. The Manticore. The two fillies. Him… killing the manticore. It all returned to his mind all at once. Out of nowhere, he felt some movement against his body. He lifted the blanket off his body, and found Pikachu sleeping against his bandaged stomach. She was comfortably sleeping next him while clutching his body with her tiny paws. This brought a smile to his face. He scratched behind her ears to show his gratitude and she responded with a cute moans. While he was sitting up, he caught a glimpse of something outside the window next to the bed. It seemed like he was asleep for a long time, seeing how the sun was close to setting. He saw a few Starly and Pidove pass by the window seal. This was all that he needed to figure out where he was. From just the design of the room and the sounds of animals, it was obvious he was back in Fluttershy’s house, inside her bedroom. All the while he was enjoying the sounds of the animals outside, never taking his eyes off the window, Pikachu was beginning to stir in her sleep, having felt the constant ear rubs. Once she opened her eyes, she looked up from her spot on the bed and saw her friend awake. Tom felt movement beside him and saw his friend finally awake. “Pikachu. I’m so happy you’re sa-“ He was interrupted by a sudden slap to the face by his friend’s small paw. The look on her face and the tears streaming from her eyes told was all that he needed to know how worried she was. So, he aloud her to continue slapping out all of her frustrations. ‘I deserve this…’ She just kept slapping him. Tom turned to her right as she started to speak. “IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT!” Tom didn’t say a word; she needed to get it all out of her system. “Why? Why did you do that? Do you know how worried I was for you? You almost died! I could have helped you without you getting so hurt! How dare you do that to me! Why? Why?” Through all of the slaps, Tom realized just how much he’d caused Pikachu so much pain. The slaps came to a close and was replaced with a hug, followed by soft sobbing. “Why didn’t you let me help you?” Pikachu asked before looking up towards her injured friend, while more tears fell down her face. “I… I just concerned that if the two of us were fighting, then there wouldn’t be anyone protecting those fillies.” Tom said, rubbing the mouse’s head, comforting her in this tough moment. “But didn’t you trust me to help you?” Pikachu asked, tightening her grip around her friend and earning a small grunt. “Of course I trust you. That’s why I left you to protect those fillies. If I didn’t make it, then it would have been up to you to get them to safety. Losing you would’ve brought too much pain to me, but if I had died then I knew you would have been fine.” Tom explained, making the Pokémon’s eyes grow wide. All of his words touched Pikachu’s heart. He was prepared to die so long as she made it out alive. She couldn’t have been more lucky to have found a friend like him. She hugged.”You’re an idiot. We’re family now. That means we face everything together, including the tough times. When either of us are ever in trouble then the other should be there to help. Just promise you won’t do something like that again.” Pikachu said while plugging her face into his stomach. “I can’t promise that. The best I will do everything in my power to keep living for the both of us. Okay?” Tom said with Pikachu nodding her face in his bandaged stomach. All while never speaking or separating from each other, Tom felt like it was time to get up from his position. Once he and Pikachu separated, Tom climbed out of the bed he was in, he ended up falling on his face. Grumbling in annoyance from his friend’s giggling behind him, the young man picked himself back up to his four legs. Before he knew it, the door to the bedroom opened. From within the doorway, the kind form of Fluttershy appeared with Angel on her back. She was shocked when she saw her new friend out of bed. “Tom? You’re awake? You should be back in bed to recover from your injuries.” Fluttershy said, with Angel shaking his head, agreeing to her owner. “Don’t worry. My injuries are weren’t too severe. I can just fine without it being too much of a problem.” Tom said, moving around the bedroom, emphasizing his point to the Pegasus. “Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked with a worried look sprawled on her face. “Yes, Fluttershy. I’m fine.” Tom said, making a few popping sound while rolling his neck. “Okay.” Fluttershy said, while making circles in the floor, looking like there was something she wanted to ask. This did not go unnoticed by him. “Is there something wrong?” Tom asked, curious of her strange behavior. “Well… I heard from Apple Bloom saved Sweetie Bell that you saved them from a Manticore… but…” Fluttershy said as tears were forming in her eyes. This sight broke his heart. “…did you have to kill him?” He sighed. “Fluttershy… I didn’t have much choice at the time. I saw how much he was angry and tried to reach some kind of compromise. He was just too angry to see reason. All he wanted to do was kill all of us, and my main focus was saving the two fillies. He attacked us and tried to hurt them no matter what I said. I… I won’t say that I enjoyed killing him, but I won’t say I regret doing it. It was something that needed to be done, no matter how upset I was over this. I’m so sorry you had to learn about this. I know how much you love animals, so hearing about animal killings must upset you. If I’m ever in a situation like that again, then I will try harder to find a more peaceful solution where no one will get hurt. This is my promise to you.” Tom finished with a single tear falling from his eye. Even though this was their second meeting, Fluttershy could tell that everything he was telling was the truth. When he finished talking, she rushed towards him and hugged him. “Thank you, Tom. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell h already told us what happened in the Everfree forest. I just wanted to hear it from you. After saving Angel, I knew you weren’t the type to cause pain without a good reason. Please forgive me for making you worry.” She said while carefully avoiding the bandaged areas of his body. “You‘re already forgiven.” He said, hugging her back. “Wait, did you say us?” “Yes. My friends came over once they heard Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell left for the Everfree forest without a grownup. My friend Applejack was the one who carried you back.” Fluttershy said, separating from Tom, as Angel jumped on her back and Pikachu jumped on his. “Then, I’d love to thank them for their help.” Tom said, throwing his bag over his shoulder with his mouth. “Good. They wanted to thank you for saving for saving Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell. I’ll introduce you to them.” Fluttershy said, exiting the bedroom with Tom following right behind her. “By the way, I wanted to apologize for breaking you teacup when I left.” He said, walking up to her side. “Oh, it’s alright. I have plenty of teacups, and Minty had a great time cleaning it up.” She said with sign of being angry at him. A few minutes later, they could hear voices coming from the first floor. As they were nearing the stars, Tom looked over the railing to see the origin of those voices. The first voice came from a unicorn with light purple fur and an navy blue-colored mane and tail, stylized with rim cuts, and also has two lighter-purple and pink stripes running down both. She also had purple irises and prominent eyelashes, and also, thicker eyebrows. She had a moderately-sized horn, and a mark on her flank had a pink six-pointed starburst mark with five smaller white stars. The next one looked like an average size for a pony. Her body was made up almost entirely of the color pink, her main color a light pink whereas her cotton candy mane and tail hold a darker hue of the same color. Her eyes are an innocent light blue, and the mark on its flank were three-party balloons: two yellow and one blue. The third pony, sitting next the pink pony and the small unicorn filly, had a silvery-white coat, blue eyes with blue eyeshadow, and a purple mane with multiple layers to it. It contains different shades of indigo, but the main portion of it is indigo. Her tail was the same shade of indigo that ended with a swirl. On her flank were marks of three blue diamonds. The fourth pony had light-orange fur with white freckles on her cheeks, green eyes, ponytailed tail and mane topped off with a brown cowboy hat. Her cutie mark is three red apples. She was sitting next to the yellow filly with the red bow. The last pony in the room was a light blue pegasus pony with magenta eyes. She has six colors in her mane, those being the colors of the rainbow. Her mane was a mix of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple with a tail to match. Both her mane and tail are spikey and look messy. Her mark was a lightning bolt with red, yellow, and blue stripes on it. They all stopped talking once they heard Fluttershy and Tom walking down the stairs. All on eyes were on them while the entire room went quiet. Once they made it to the base of the stairs, everyone was waiting to talk, but no one said anything. Fluttershy was the first to start. “Girls, this is Tom and Pikachu. And Tom, these are my friends.” Fluttershy said, gesturing to all of the ponies in front of them. He cleared his throat. He said, “Ummmmm hi?” Fluttershy was getting irritated a little irritated by her friends’ silence. She said, “C’mon, girls. Say something.” The violet was the first one to break the ice. She said, “Hello, Tom. My name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s nice to meet you” “Nice to meet you too, Twilight Sparkle,“ Tom said, bowing his head in respect, earning a smile from the unicorn. Up next was the white unicorn. She said, “My name is Rarity. It’s very nice to meet you, darling. I heard what you did for my sister, and I wanted to personally thank you for saving my sister.” “You are very welcome, Ms Rarity. I only did what I could for her at the time.” Tom said, once again offering a bow to the new pony. “Oh my. It appears we have a true gentlecolt here.“She said, blushing at his politeness, before the orange mare stepped up. “Howdy partner, nice to meet ya. The name’s Applejack”, she extended her hoof to make the hoof/fist bump, which Tom reciprocated. “Thanks for saving my sister back there. I can’t thank you enough for doing that.” “It’s nice to meet you too, Applejack. It was my pleasure to help them out. I should be the one thanking you for carrying me all the way back here.” Tom said, bring a soft blush to the mare’s face. “Oh, that was nothing. Consider it a repayment for for saving my sister.” She said, rubbing the back of her head with her hoof before glaring at the laughing rainbow paganism behind her. She stopped laughing and flew up to him. “Hey, dude. The name’s Rainbow dash, the fastest flyer in Equestria. After hearing what you did, it looks like you could be a little strong. Thats… cool but not as cool as me.” Rainbow Dash said, boasting about herself, earning some eye roles. “Wow. Thanks, Rainbow dash. That quite the complim-“ Tom was interrupted by an object, tackling him to the floor. He looked up and saw what tackled him was the pink mare. “HELLO. MY NAME IS PINKIE PIE, BUT YOU CAN CALL ME PINKIE IF YOU WANT. I’M THE OFFICIAL PARTY PONY IN PONYVILLE. TELL ME, DO YOU LIKE PARTIES?, I HOPE YOU DO. I WILL MAKE YOU THE BEST PARTY YOU EVER HAVE. WILL YOU BE MY FRIEND? PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEA-“ The pink mare, he now realizes is Pinkie Pie, continue before he placed his hoof against he mouth. “Okay. Slow down. First, I do like parties. Second, of course, I’ll be your friend. And lastly, can you please can off me?” Tom said while looking up at the hyperactive mare. The mare grew a giant smile before hoping off of him and back towards her chair. Once he stood back up, he felt two things slam into his front legs. He looked down and saw it was the two fillies he saved in the forest. “Hi. I’m Apple Bloom and this is Sweetie Bell. We just wanted to thank you for saving us from the Manticore.” The filly said with a southern accent similar to the orange mare. “Yeah. It was so cool how you fought it with your little mouse friend.” The white unicorn filmy said, looking up at him with a gleam in her eyes. “It was nothing, really. We just did what we what we did to protect the two of you,” Tom said, petting the two of them after they let go of his legs. “Pika.” Pikachu responded from the floor before being tackled by Rocky. “She said your welcome.” Tom translated for those that didn’t understand her. “You can understand her?” Twilight asked. “Of I can. We are both Pokémon.” Tom said. “What are Pokémon?” Applejack asked. “That’s what I, Pikachu and the rest of the creatures in the room are.” Tom said, gesturing a hoof to all of the different of species of the cottage. “So, you’re one of the creatures that has appeared in Equestria?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Sort of.” Tom said. “What do you mean sort of?” Rarity asked. Tom was not sure if he should tell these ponies about if he should tell them his story. Pikachu was the only one who he’s told this story to and hasn’t mentioned since. He felt something touch his leg and saw it was Pikachu with Rocky right behind her. She nodded her head, saying that they could trust these ponies. He sighed before looking toward all of the ponies in the room. “To answer your question, I’ll have to go back to a few days.” Tom said, ready to tell them the truth. “Oh, story time.” Pinkie said before grabbing a tub of popcorn from out of nowhere. Tom did not question it and began his story. He began from the beginning where he was originally a human before meeting Arceus and Mew. Then, he told them about the mission given to him by the Celestial Pokémon, and finished with how he’s spent the last few days in the Everfree Forest. They all had mixed expressions of confusion and shock from hearing his story. Once he was done, he waited for any response or questions that may have. “So… you’re a monkey?” Rainbow Dashed asked, being the first thing that came to mind. He chuckled. “No. My species just evolved from monkeys and only share about 99.6% of our DNA with them.” “So, what is this threat?” Fluttershy asked, with a hint of concern coming from her voice. “I don’t know. Arceus didn’t give me clues to what I’ll be facing or when that threat will appear.” Tom said. “You don’t seem too concerned about facing a mysterious enemy after being turned into a new form.” Rarity said in Trans-Atlantic accent. “I mean, it is a lot to take in. I could worry myself crazy over whatever could happen but if I then I’ll never accomplish anything. No matter what comes my way, whether it’s a menacing beast or an evil doer, I accept my mission without regret so long as innocent lives are not hurt.” The human/Pokémon said with a look of determination in his eyes. Everyone was impressed by his complete dedication to his mission. He was endangering his own life for their sakes. From listening to him speak, they knew they could trust him. “That… is… awesome!!!” The rainbow mare exclaimed. “Huh?” Tom asked, surprised by the mare’s reaction. “You were turned into a new species and given cool powers to so you fight off an a great evil. Even I’m jealous at that.” Rainbow said, flying around the room before getting in his face. “So, you trust me?” Tom asked. “Of course we trust, darling. You had your entire life erased so no lives could be could get hurt. We should be thanking you.” Rarity said. “You don’t have to thank me. I haven’t done much to earn your gratitude.” Tom said, denying the gratitude he was receiving from the ponies. “Except saving my sister and her friend from being eaten by a Manticore.” Applejack said, reminding him of his previous accomplishment. “And you saved Gummy from an angry monkey.” Pinkie said, lifting up her tail and showing the small crocodile biting her cotton candied tail. “Well, when you put it like that, then I guess I really have done a lot.” Tom said, rubbing his head with embarrassment. “Tom. We may have just met, but after getting to know you, it’s safe to say that you a somepony we can trust.” Twilight said with the other ponies nodding their heads, agreeing with her. He was happy that he had gained such great friends. Outside the window, Rainbow could see the sun was going down. She said, “Looks like it’s getting dark. Time to head home. See you around, Tom.” She quickly exited out of the door. “Quite right. I must get my beauty sleep. Goodbye, Tom. Come by the boutique some time. I really want to create an outfit for you. Come on, Sweetie Bell.” Rarity said before getting up and heading towards the door. “Okay. Bye, Tom.” Sweetie Bell said, waving towards her new friend just as he waved back. “Yeah. I gotta get home now, so I can wake up early to do my chores. See yah, Tom.” Applejack said waking towards the exit with her sister following right behind. “And I have a surprise party to plan at Sugar Cube Corner. See you later, Tommy.” The pink mare said, hopping out of the cottage, with the crocodile still clinging to her tail. “It does look like it’s getting dark. Come on, Pikachu. We have to get home before it gets too dark.” Tom said, walking towards the door with the mouse Pokemon hopping back his back. “Where are you living?” Twilight asked before getting up from her seat. “We’ve been living in a cave in the forest.” Tom said, as shocked expressions made their way on to Twilight and Fluttershy’s faces. “You’ve been living in the Everfree Forest?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, but it hasn’t been so bad. We live in an area where none of the dangerous creatures usually hunt.” Tom said, stopping in the middle of the doorway. “Well, that stops now. You are coming to my home and staying with me.” Twilight said. “What? No, I couldn’t impose on you, Twilight. We just me.” Tom said, trying to deny the unicorns offer. “True, but I will not allow two of my friends stay in a dangerous place when there was something I could do.” Twilight said, surprising both the two Pokémon that they were already her friends. “With that kind of offer, how could we refuse?” Tom said, with Pikachu agreeing with him. “Good. Follow me, Tom. Goodnight, Fluttershy.” Twilight said, passing Tom in doorway with him following behind her. “Goodnight, Twilight. Goodnight, Tom. Goodnight, Pikachu.” Fluttershy said, wishing both her old and ew friends a good night. “Goodnight, Fluttershy.” Tom said. “Pika.” Pikachu responded. With all of her guests gone, Fluttershy watched the last of her friends leave her home before closing her door. Up above the pony village and the dark forest was a mountain with a large kingdom clinging to the side of it. The setting sun gave the kingdom a more elegant viewpoint . Within this kingdom was a castle where many ponies in around guardians various areas of the building. And from within the castle’s throne room stood one of the kingdom’s rulers. In the throne room, a large, white, winged unicorn with a luminescent, flowing mane. Standing before the tall mare was a creature standing over her. It did not have a mouth, but she could sense the overwhelming energy that just radiated off of it. It was the alpha Pokémon, Arceus standing before the equine ruler. "Who are you?" The ruler asked with no hint of fear in her voice. It was almost like the sudden appearance of the unknown creature did not cause her to experience fear “My name is Arceus. I am the ruler of my kind. I’m assuming the same could be said for you?" The divine Pokémon asked. "No. I am only the ruler of this country with my sister. And what do you mean you kind?” “I mean the Pokémon, one of the group creatures that have appeared in this world." “So, that’s the name of your species? Can you explain what you’re doing in Equestria? And what are these other creatures that have appeared with them?" “That I cannot answer. Many rifts have been appearing in my world and others and are increasing with each passing day. The causes of these rifts continue to elude me.” “Could it be one of your kind?” “Perhaps. There are a few capable of opening portals in space, but it is too early to make a conclusion." “I see. There have been sights of your kind across the land with very few problems. Do you know what could happen if our two worlds were to mix?" “To venture a guess, it seems like something or someone is watching from afar while watching as we topple over one another.” “That does sound like a few enemies I’ve faced in the past. Thank you for providing everything you could know about these rifts.” Celestia said, relieved should provide her citizens with more information. “Of course. Whatever I can do to help.” “Do you know how long these rifts could be opening?” “Too soon to tell. Rifts opening across dimensions happen all the time. It could last for a few days, or could be a couple of years.” “I see. Thank you for your help.” “And thank you for harming my kind when we first appeared,” Arceus said before disappearing in a white light. Her first encounter with the new species has not bad. She learned after meeting with the leader of the new race in her country. Maybe this could be the beginning of a new relationship between Ponies, Pokémon, and Digimon. Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Twilight was still leading Tom toward her home. This light walk gave him the opportunity to see various ponies go about their days before heading to their homes. He was greeted by a few of the village ponies as they got to know more of this world’s inhabitants. While walking, he caught sight of a few Pokémon either on top of houses, running in the road, or hiding in the alleys. A couple of minutes later, they finally made it to their destination. They came up to a tree with a front door and multiple windows on the sides. “This is where you live?” Tom asked. “Yes. This is the Golden Oak Library. I love her with my number one assistant.” She said, walking up to the front door. “Yeah. Kinda makes sense for a knowledgeable pony like yourself.” Tom said, complimenting his new friend, missing the red coming across her face. “Oh, thanks.” She said, opening the door for herself and her guests. When they walked in, Tom saw various books on the wooden shelves and a staircase leading up to the second floor of the library. “Hmm. Spike must’ve gone to bed.” Twilight said. “Who’s Spike?” Tom asked. “My number one assistant. He probably went to sleep when he finished all of his jobs. Come on. I’ll show you to the guest room.” Twilight said, walking up the stairs before with the Pokémon following suit. They walked up to the second floor and walked down the hallway. After passing a couple of doors, they came to a stop at one of them. “This is where you two will be sleeping,” Twilight said, illuminating her horn in a magenta aura and then around the doorknob. It slowly turned before the door was pushed open. Tom walked in and saw the room had a nice bed and a nice stand with a lamp. “My room is just down the hall. If you need anything, just come and find me.” Twilight said before walking back down the hallway. “Twilight,” Tom said, catching the unicorn’s attention. “Thanks again for giving us a place to sleep.” She smiled and said, “It was not trouble. We’re friends, right?” He smiled back at her. He responded, “Right.” After that, the two of them went into their bedrooms. Tom closed behind him and walked towards his bed. He removed his treasure bag from his body and placed it on the bed’s frame. After that, he dropped down on the bed’s pillow while Pikachu curls up right next to his head. After a long day of running and fighting, they finally had a chance to take a rest. Tom pulled the blanket over both their bodies before the two of them closed their eyes and began their journeys into the dream realms.