//------------------------------// // Dr. Karl Marx // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// The next day, while Virgil and Richie were at school, the Turtles gathered supplies from a salvaged yard while the Rainbooms, April, and Casey got a feel for Dakota City. While Donnie made a makeshift minilab, Mikey found a couple TVs and hooked them together. “What’s the matter, Mikey?” The Turtles looked to see the Rainbooms, April, Casey, Virgil, and Richie entered as Richie continued, “Can’t decide what to watch?” “I got bored last night not having anything to watch. All work and no TV make Michelangelo a dull dude,” As Mikey plugged them all in, no one noticed a street downtown Dakota City blacking out. When Mikey turned on the sets with the remote, the TVs all pulsated with brightness and sound, causing everyone to shield their eyes and ears. Shutting it off, Mikey eyes widened in awe, “Whoa.” “Here. Let me help.” Richie grinned as he walked over and started to rewire. Virgil noticed Donnie’s little makeshift lab, “Hey, Donnie, What’s with the lab?” “Just my work away from home. I just want to be prepared because the Kraang will no doubt try to mutate people. Once we collect some mutagen, I can work on making retromutagen if needed.” “Good idea, D.” April grinned as Virgil nodded. Twilight then noticed they were two turtles missing, “Hey. Where’s Leo and Raph?” “Leo wanted to get to know the city so he and Raph went out in hopes of finding a clue to Kraang Subprime. He didn’t want to draw any more attention after the fight in the school.” “I was afraid somebody would recognize us from yesterday. But surprisingly, no one noticed any of us when we wore sunglasses.” Rarity explained. “I’m just glad no one stared at us.” Fluttershy breathed. “How do people not recognize you just because you wear sunglasses?” Rainbow asked, as she put hers back on, causing Pinkie to gasp. “Who’re you and what you do with Dashie?” “Seriously?” Rainbow Dash bluntly huffed. Richie then stood up after finishing rewiring, “Okay, Mikey, try it now.” “Rock n Roll!” Mikey cheered as he turned on the TVs, only to change his expression to bored as the sets showed a news report, “Boring.” “Wait. I wanna see this.” Twilight stopped Mikey from changing the channel. “Another metahuman outbreak? After the attack at Dakota High and the giant amoeba, city council grows more concerned. We now go to genetics expert, Dr. Karl Marx, for an opinion.” The group saw an elder looking scientist appear and spoke. “We had thought after curing a couple metahumans we would see a decline in metahuman activity. But it appears that the events of yesterday are the signs of a new outbreak and must be taken to alert.” “You think this Karl Marx guy might be a target for the Kraang?” Sunset asked. “Possibly.” Twilight pondered. “I heard he does his research at the university not far from town. He studied the original Bang Baby gas for a vaccine and possibly cure should another outbreak happen” Richie remembered. “Might be a good idea to check up on him.” April figured. “I’ll call Leo and Raph and let them know.” Twilight pulled out her phone. “Just enough time for us to suit up.” Virgil said as he and Richie hurried to change. Meanwhile, Ebon and Subprime were watching the same news broadcast. “That the guy?” Ebon pointed to Dr. Karl Marx. “That’s him. I was thinking about an audience with him when we were in Gotham, but never could get to him due to being put up with that Joker freak!” Subprime growled. “I can arrange that.” Ebon said as Slipstream entered. “What can I do for you guys?” “You and your boys must find this Dr. Karl Marx and bring him here with some of that gas he studies.” Ebon ordered. “And don’t you DARE come back empty handed!” Subprime glared. “Me and my boys don’t even know the meaning.” Slipstream assured as he turned to leave before Ebon stopped him. “Before you go, take one of the newbies with you.” As he said this, a shadow walked up punching his fists. Slipstream looked at him and shrugged. “You’ll do.” And the figure followed him out. The group met up with Leo and Raph around the town area on top of the building. “So where’s this university?” Raph asked. “Just a couple blocks away. Follow us.” Gear said as they headed out. “You guys enjoy your tour of the city?” Static asked Leo. “Getting a good feel for the city. It’s not New York, but it’s kinda identical.” Leo explained. “Where do you guys live?” Twilight asked curiously. “It’s a couple blocks that way. But….. I‘m not so sure my dad would be too happy meeting you.” Gear bit his lip, recalling how difficult his father could be with different people. “Why not?” Twi asked. Static took a deep breath, “It’s... complicated. Besides, aren’t you guys supposed to, you know, lay low and not draw any attention to yourselves?” “I guess. Not to mention we did make a scene with the giant amoeba.” Leo shrugged. “Here we are!” The group looked across the street to see a university. But before they can enter, April clung to her head. “April. What’s wrong, darling?” Rarity asked in concern. “What’s wrong?” Static asked. “April gets that way when she senses enemies,” Donnie explained before turning to April, “April?” “Guys? We’re not gonna be alone in there.” April gasped. “Then we better proceed with caution and find Dr. Marx before they do.” Leo stated as they all hurried to the university. “Okay. I’ll pick the lock and we’ll-” “Done.” Leo looked to see Gear was able to open the window. “That works.” Leo grinned as they hurried in the window. “According to the directory, Dr. Marx is in the second floor.” Gear analyzed a map on the wall. “Let’s move!” Leo cried as they made their way in the building. Little did they know, they were already too late. Slipstream and his boys, the Cyclones, had already met the scientist and had him take them to the laboratory for the bang baby gas, which was held in big containers. “Here is the chemicals you want.” Dr. Marx said, showing no signs of fear. “Excellent,” Slipstream answered then turned to his boys, “Grab those containers and let’s split.” The Cyclones were about to grab the chemicals when a shruiken nearly struck one of the men. “Sorry. The souvenir shop is on the first floor!” Slipstream turned to see Raph with his brothers, the Rainbooms, April, Casey, Static, and Gear at the door. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Static and Gear! And they have some new buddies! The Turtles and Rainbooms I’ve heard so much about.” “Who’s this guy?” Rainbow asked. “Slipstream. One of the Bang Baby ring leaders. His men are called the cyclones.” Static answered. “I’m guessing his powers are making tornadoes?” Sunset guessed. “You better believe it, Missy!” Slipstream barked, “And I’m gonna leave with what I came for whether you like it or not! Rough’em up, Boys!” “Take’em down, Guys!” Leo declared, as they drew their weapons and charged at the villains. As the two groups fought, Sunset blocked Slipstream from Dr. Marx. “Stay behind me, Doctor!” she ordered. “Uuuh, thanks.” Dr. Marx shrugged. When it looked like Slipstream started to overwhelm Sunset, Static hurried over and knocked Slipstream’s cane out of the gangster’s hand and held him by the collar. “Give it up, Slippy! Whatever you’re planning ain’t gonna happen!” “Oh gee. If only I brought someone to help.” Slipstream said with a blank expression. “Oh wait. I did.” “Me!” another voice came from behind Sunset and Static as they were swatted towards the others. Out from the shadows came a familiar blonde teen to Static and Gear. He was wearing a yellow suit with green boots and vest and red gloves. “Aaron Price?” gasped Static. “You remember me. Good. Because I HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN WHAT YOU DID TO ME!” Aaron shouted, as he fired a strange liquid at the group who dodged. Donnie then noticed the liquid was eating away the wall behind them. “Guys! That stuff is acid! Be careful!” he gasped. “Is he a metahuman?” Fluttershy asked. “Wasn’t the last time we saw him.” Gear answered. “I’m different from the last time! You’re gonna pay for spoiling my plans last time!” Aaron declared. “All you did was use your stepbrother who you never cared about!” Static shouted, causing the ninjas to gasp. “How cruel!” Fluttershy covered her mouth. “Well, you’re about to see how true brothers work!” Raph declared as the Turtles charged at him. As the Rainbooms, April, Casey, Static, and Gear battled Slipstream and the Cyclones, The four turtles tried to fight off Aaron while avoiding his acid attacks. As he grabbed Mikey by the neck, the party dude struggled, “This acid dude’s got a tight grip!” “Grip, huh?” Aaron pondered before declaring, “From now on, Static, I am called Acid Grip!” “Huh. Wasn’t really trying that time.” Mikey raised his brow before Raph kicked Aaron off his brother. “Okay. I’ve had just about enough of this,” Slipstream began to form a twister, causing the group to be sent flying across the room. He then turned to his boys, “Grab the doc and chemicals and let’s split!” “Static!” Sunset cried, as she tossed him a kunai. Catching on, Static threw the dagger at the chemicals and focused his lightning at, causing it to conduct on the containers of chemicals and explode them. This caused the tornado to cease, but by the time the heroes came around, Slipstream, the Cyclones, Acid Grip, and Dr. Marx were gone. “Typical. They got away!” Raph slammed his fist on the ground. “And they got Dr. Marx as well!” Twilight gasped. “Worse yet, Aaron Price is back and calls himself Acid Grip.” Gear breathed. “Did he really took advantage of his stepbrother?” Applejack asked the duo. “’Fraid so,” Static sighed. “Y’see, his stepbrother, Dwayne, is a pre-teenaged boy who possessed reality-manipulating powers after exposure to Big Bang gas, allowing him to change things into anything else he can clearly imagine. Dwayne was shy, misguided, and didn't have very many friends; he even liked to conjure characters from his favorite comic books, computer games, TV shows and commercials, bringing them to life with his powers. When Aaron found out about his powers, he talked him into getting him free money and other goods from the banks and malls of Dakota. I tried to tell Dwayne to stop listening to his brother, but he didn't believe me and tried to kill me in a rage. Then, I played a tape of himself as Virgil and Aaron talking. The tape was all that Dwayne needed to hear, as Aaron frequently expressed his dislike of Dwayne in the recording. Dwayne, hurt by Aaron's lies, decided to stop using his powers. My pops has worked with Dwayne, and found Aaron to be a very bad influence on him and I knew he was a better role model for Dwayne.” “How dreadful.” Rarity feared. “The poor thing.” Fluttershy sympathized. Leo then noticed Static secretly clenched his fist with an angry look on his face, “Static? You okay?” Static quickly shook it off, “Uh yeah. Just a lot on my mind.” “So, why would that Slipstream guy and Aaron….. I guess it’s Acid Grip now… would want Dr. Marx?” April pondered. “Could it have something to do with this?” Mikey looked in a nearby closest. He opened up the door and revealed something that got everyone’s attention. The closest was full of canisters of mutagen. “What the hey?” Rainbow gasped. “That is a lot of mutagen!” Pinkie gasped as well. “That’s the mutagen?” Gear asked as Twilight nodded. “How did he get this much?” Sunset pondered. “Doubt he had it shipped from Gotham.” Casey glared. “Either way, we should take most of these to make retro mutagen.” Donnie stated. Everyone agreed and worked together to empty out the closet. Twilight and April levitated a big amount while Static used his powers to lift the rest. “Y’know, if these things weren’t dangerous, they could’ve made sweet lava lamps.” Gear grinned. “At least we stopped them from getting those dangerous chemicals.” Static nodded. “Agreed. I just hope we can rescue Dr. Marx and soon.” Twilight pointed out. “C’mon. Let’s head back.” Leo said and they left the university. Back at the warehouse, Slipstream and Acid Grip faced Ebon and Subprime while Bixolio watching. “Did you get the chemicals?” Growled Ebon. Acid Grip turned away, “Static destroyed the containers.” “But not all of the chemicals,” Slipstream reached into his shirt and pulled out a sample tube of the chemicals, “Managed to salvage a sample of the chemicals. Told ya I wouldn’t return empty handed.” Subprime took the tube and grinned as he analyzed it, “There’s enough in here to duplicate. I’m impressed. You metahumans succeeded where Kraang droids would obviously fail MISERABLY! So don’t spoil my good mood and tell me you got the other part?” “Better yet. He came with us willingly.” Slipstream made way for Dr. Marx, who was surprisingly being escorted by the Cyclones. “Excellent.” Bixolio handed the tube to a Kraang droid, “Take this for duplication.” “Understood.” The droid responded and left the room. Both Subprime and Bixolio faced Dr. Marx, who showed no signs of fear. “It’s been a long time, Dr. Marx. Or can I still call you…… Kurosa!” Subprime grinned. “Kraang Subprime. Bixolio.” Dr. Marx acknowledged. Then his body opens up, revealing him to be a droid piloted by a rogue Utrom, “Been a long time.”