Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked

by Wildcard25

The Final Shock, Part 3

The Ninjas, Rainbooms, Titans, Gear, Rubberband Man, Gear, She Bang, Snowstorm, Shot Cord, Permafrost, Anansi, and Black Lightning could only watch in horror as Ebon prepared to squash Static’s head.

“Static!” Gear cried.

Ebon smirked as he lifted his leg. But just as he was about to stomp on the teen, Polarity stood in his way.

“You got something to say to me, Polarity?” Ebon glared.

Just then Carmendillo spoke, “Uh Ebon?”

“What?” Ebon then looked where Carmendillo was pointing to see Talon, Boom, and the rest of the escaped walking up towards the battlefield.

“Traitors! All of you!” Ebon shouted.

“This ends now, Ebon.” Not far behind were Nightingale and the rest of the Nightbreed, along with She Bang’s parents as Circuit Breaker dropped their mutagen collars on the ground.

Ebon was down to the last of his patience as he pulled out a remote, “You’re all too late! Our little rocket is due for its launch!” but when he pushed the button, nothing happened, “WHAT?”

“Scuse me,” Everyone looked up to see Spike near the rocket with some ripped out circuits, “But something tells me that these were important.”

“Arachnid was more than just infiltrating your rocket, Ebon!” Twilight called, “It was carrying my dog and made a hole for him to sneak in and destroy the control units!”

Ebon shouted in anger as the metahumans joined the battle, helping the heroes. Polarity helped Static up and got him to safety. Then, Boom blasted at Heavy Man and hurried to help Applejack up.

“Thanks.” The cowgirl thanked.

Heavy Man scoffed, “You picked the wrong time to play turncoat!” as he stomped towards the big guy, Boom fired soundwaves at him. Struggling at first, Heavy Man slowly was making his way to the teen, “You think this’ll stop me?” he yelled.

“No! But it’ll slow you down!” Boom smirked.

Hearing that made Heavy Man realized he was starting to feel heavy again, “No! Not again!” he looked around for more mutagen only to get hit really hard by Applejack.

“Oh no you don’t!” the cowgirl glared. Heavy Man was on his knees before he was too heavy to even speak again. She then turned to Boom, smiling, “Thanks for the assist. You’re good.”

“You’re very tough yourself.” Boom nodded as the two locked hands.

Fade rose from the concrete to see Nails scratching Armaggon’s suit and before the shark could deal with her, Cyborg and Nightwing flipped while Nightwing threw some birdarangs and Cyborg used his supersonic cannon to blast the bounty hunter, sending him crashing to a wall.

“Still got the Sonic and you got the Boom.” Cyborg grinned smugly.

“Nice work, Cy.” Nightwing nodded as they fist bumped.

Fade was about to sneak up behind them before Nightingale blocked him.

“Don’t even think about it, Traitor!” she declared before preparing to blast him. Fade tried to turn the other way before he was zapped from behind. Turned out it was Casey who shocked him with his taser.

“Goongala.” He grinned.

“Very nice.” Black Lightning commented as Nightingale smiled.

She Bang slashed another Kraang droid before running to hug her parents, “Mom! Dad!”

“Shenice! You’re alright!” Dolores embraced her daughter.

“How did you escape?”

Johnathan explained, “The Nightbreed broke us out and took out our mutagen collars.”

Echo jumped right by them, “We agreed it was our best option to redeem ourselves. We led Nightingale and the others to the base.”

“Circuit Breaker destroyed the defenses, and we found the Vales and it was only a matter of slicing off those mutagen collars off.” Tech added as he grabbed a Kraang blaster and fired at the Kraang droids.

Meanwhile, Kraang Subprime was hiding behind the rocket, working on fixing his Shredder exosuit. He was so stressed out his suit kept shorting out, angering him more.

“I don’t know where those freaks and brats get their friends from, but they all PAY!” he growled to himself.

“Having a little trouble there, Subprime?”

Subprime turned to see Hotstreak staring down at him.


“Didn’t know if you needed help or not.” Hotstreak said unfazed.

“Well, I DON’T! Now get out there and GO CRACK SOME SHELL!” Subprime ordered.

“I’m done taking orders.” Before Subprime could answer, he was quickly yanked off his exosuit and dangling in Hotstreak’s grasp.

“Exosuit! Activate-!” But before Subprime could complete his command, Hotstreak punched the Shredder suit, impaling it. As it shut down, Hotstreak blew fire in it before yanking his hand out, revealing to have pulled a portal device.

“Did you really think you could fool us? Ebon may think we can trust you, but I know once we mutate this city, you’re gonna dump us! Ain’t happening! This city’s mine!” he pushed a button causing a portal to open. He then turned to Subprime, “Go conquer someone else!” he then threw a screaming Subprime in the portal as well as kicked the Shredder exosuit in too. When, the portal closed, Hotstreak headed back to the battlefield. He walked up to Ebon who spoke.

“Where’s Kraang Subprime?!”

“He ditched us.” Hotstreak shrugged.


“I saw him jump in a portal and take off.” The hot head lied.

This made Ebon even angrier, “You want something done, gotta do it yourself!” he stomped away while Hotstreak smirked as he snuck away.

Soon, all the Kraang and Bang Babies were lying in defeat. Cyborg then threw a device that became a containment chamber that captured all the Kraang.

“That should hold them!” he grinned.

“Nice work!” Casey cheered.

Static then turned to Talon as Polarity helped him up, “Why did you help us?”

“Your speech to Ebon motivated us.” The bird girl answered.

“All of us.” Polarity smiled.

“You heard?” Static raised a brow.

“Your fight was being filmed on the news,” Talon pointed to Shelly and her cameraman. Mikey responded by waving at them before Raph clonked him on the head as Talon continued, “I wanted Ebon to pay for mutating me, but I’m no match for him. So I made a deal with your red head friend over there.”

Everyone turned to Sunset who sighed, “She became our spy inside Ebon’s forces in exchange to be cured once Donnie finished the retromutagen.”

“Then she was the one who dropped the key card to help us escape!” Snowstorm realized.

Boom walked up as he put his hand on Talon’s shoulder, “When the Kraang locked up my sister, they made it personal for me. Thanks to Talon, we staged a jailbreak to free her and the others.”

“And we have enough retro mutagen that’ll return you all back to your regular selves before Ebon mutated you.” Donnie assured them.

But just when everyone was feeling high spirited, Bursting to the scene was Ebon, who glared at them all. Static, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and Titans jumped in front of the escapees.

Ebon growled, “We’re not through yet!”

“Just save yourself the trouble, Ebon! It’s all over!” Gear declared.

“The battle is yours, but the war is far from over! Not as long as I got THIS!” Ebon held up a canister of mutagen.

“Mutagen!” Fluttershy gasped.

April still stood tough, “Hand it over, Ebon.”

“Of course! In small doses. Through future Bang Babies!”

“You’ll have to get through us first, PAL!” Rainbow pumped her fists.

“A pleasure.” Ebon smirked.

Just then, Spike jumped on the Bang Baby leader, causing him to lose the canister. As it rolled away on the concrete, Anansi hurried and grabbed it. Ebon tried to grab Spike, only for the dog to jump away and land in Twilight’s arms as the girl smiled.

“You think it’s over?” Ebon clearly having enough, “Not by a long shot! As long as I still have mutagen, I’ll make more Bang Babies and come back stronger than ever!”

Static stepped up, “No matter how many Bang Babies you make, you’ll never be a match for one special power!”

“And what, pray tell, would that be?” Ebon squinted.

Static ducked as the Turtles and Rainbooms held hands as their geodes and medallions began to glow.

“Our Friendship!” Twilight declared before they all shouted, “Booyakasha!” as they fired a huge Rainbow blast at Ebon, whose eyes shrank before he was sent flying and screaming into the rocket that exploded on impact. As he went flying, no one noticed another canister tucked Ebon’s back beginning to crack.

After the Turtles and Rainbooms powered down, The Titans were amazed at what they saw.

“Whoa.” Awed Beast Boy.

“Dang!” Gasped Cyborg.

“Wow.” Raven blinked.

“So this is what they meant of the Friendship is Magic?” Starfire asked.

“I remember the Rainbooms doing that to the Joker, but- wow.” Batgirl added.

“Agreed.” Nightwing added.

Static walked up to Leo and patted his shoulder, “Nice one.”

Leo smiled and nodded before pointing to the broken rocket, “C’mon. we better make sure he’s defeated.”

“Agreed. Let’s go!” Nightwing agreed as he led the group to the rocket site. They immediately began looking for the Bang Baby leader. After looking around for what seems like hours, Cyborg spoke.

“You’ve never disintegrated anyone with that Friendship Rainbow, did you?”

“Not that I’m aware of. It usually destroys corrupted magic forms, but not an entire body.” Sunset recalled.

“Ebon has been able to sneak under our noses. Maybe he escaped.” Gear pondered.

“Maybe he’s setting a new distance world record!” Pinkie guessed.

“Doubtful.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Anything?” Black Lightning asked.

“Nothing.” Anansi shrugged.

“He’s probably toast! Face it, we moped the floor with Ebon!” Casey boasted.

“Yeah, we got the touch! We got the power!” Beast Boy added.

“It’s pizza time!” Mikey gleamed as the three clapped it up.

Suddenly, both Raven and April gasped in fear as the cloaked Titan said, “Oh no!”

“Guys! He’s near!” April warned.

Suddenly, a giant dark hand bursted through the dock they were on, startling the group. There was roaring as the hand kept bursting through the flooring, causing the heroes to fall to the lower level. As they all regained their composure, Raph cried, “Look!”

Everyone gasped in fear at what they saw. Ebon was bulkier than before with muscles that could rival Bane. He growled as he slowly walked towards them.

“Oh. My.” Trembled Fluttershy.

“He must have had another canister on him!” Applejack figured.

“What he do, drink it?” Gear gulped.

“He’s as ugly as Super Shredder!” Pinkie trembled.

“He’s a Super Ebon!” Mikey held her.

As Ebon walked, Starfire flew at him, throwing star bolts at him. Unaffected, Ebon swatted the Tamaranian away, but Nightwing was able to catch her.

“He is the too strong!” she gasped.

“Great! Now what are we supposed to do?” She Bang feared.

Ebon roared as he destroyed supports to the dock, causing the place to shake.

“This dock can’t take much more of this! Not with all that stuff on top!” Raven looked up.

Desperate, Rubberband Man ran up to reason with his brother, “Ebon! You gotta listen to reason! You’re gonna destroy us all!”

Ebon’s answer was grabbing him and growling, “Then so BE IT!” he threw him back to the others.

“You okay?” Rainbow checked.

“Yeah. Thanks.” Rubberband Man sighed.

“Hey! It’s all coming down!” Lightning cried as Ebon continued to smash.

“I’m too good looking to go!” Rarity hugged Anansi, who only raised a brow.

Static looked around and saw a fuse box. He then turned to Leo, “Leo, get everyone off the dock! I got an idea!”

“Are you sure?” the leader in blue asked.

“Trust me.” Static nodded.

Knowing there was no time to argue, Leo nodded before ordering the group, “Everyone! Clear the dock!”

Everyone evacuated the dock. Starfire carried Nightwing, Beast Boy transformed into a pterodactyl and carried Mikey and Pinkie, Lightning carried Anansi, Gear used his rocket shoes and carried Donnie, and Everyone was carried by either Rarity’s Diamond shield or Raven’s energy disks.

Soon, only Static and Ebon were left on the collapsing dock. Static glared at Ebon.

“This ends now, Ebon!” he cried.

“Staaatiiic!” the overpowered Bang Baby growled.

Static then put his arms out. One aimed at Ebon and the other at the fuse box. He then blasted his electricity at the fuse box. Because it had electricity stored in it, it doubled his powers as his other arm fired at the Bang Baby leader. Static held nothing back blasting at Ebon. His eyes lit up as he screamed when the dock collapsed on the two, as everyone looked in fear.

“STATIC!” they cried.

As the dust settled, everyone hurried back to the dock to find their friend.

“Please be okay!” Leo prayed.

“We’ll find him, Leo. We have to.” Twilight put her hand on his shoulder, while concerned herself.

“I can’t believe he did that.” Rainbow said with disbelief.

“Guess he figured that was the best way to beat Ebon.” Applejack figured.

Gear was franticly looking through the rubble trying to find any sign of his friend. He then stopped when he found Static’s mask.

“If anything happens to him, I’ll never-” Rubberband Man mumbled before hearing rubble move.

Everyone looked to see a hand merged from a pile of rubble. They immediately recognized the hand.


They all hurried and unburied their friend. Static, unmasked, coughed as Leo and Gear helped him up.

“Easy, Static. We got you.” Leo smiled.

“You had us worried, buddy.” Gear said.

Pinkie ran and hugged Static bawling. “Thank goodness you’re alright!”

“Yeah, Pinkie. I’m fine,” Grunted Static before she released him, “I figured it was the only way to beat Ebon.”

“Looks like it was very effective.” Sunset observed.

“You did good, kid. You did good.” Lightning patted his shoulder while Nightwing and Anansi nodded in approval.

Static smiled before something caught his eye, “Uh oh.”

Everyone looked to see Talon, Boom, and the rest of the escaped metahumans had just seen Static unmasked for the first time.

“I don’t believe it.” D-struct gasped.

“Virgil Hawkins?” Dwayne asked.

“You’re Static?” Tantrum added.

Polarity walked up with a shock look on her face as she saw her childhood friend was a hero, “Virgil? Is it really you?”

Static sighed in defeat, “Yes, Molly, it’s me.” He then was taken aback by a hug from Polarity who smiled.

“Thank you. For helping me. Again.”

Hearing that made Static recall that same time he and Molly went exploring in that closed off alley. He was almost out when he heard a cry from help. He hurried back to find Molly with her foot caught in rubble. Virgil hurried over to break away the rubble enough for Molly to get her foot out and they both got out safe and sound.

Back in the present, Talon chuckled as she walked up to Static, “So, we had Static when we kidnapped you. And you two tricked us into thinking otherwise. Ebon would’ve definitely been mad. Don't worry, it's high time I did the right thing.”

Boom then grabbed Static’s mask where Gear dropped it and handed it to Static, “Don’t worry. We won’t tell anyone. We’re all going to do the right thing.”

“I've been on the wrong side and trusted the wrong people too long. About time I start making the right choices.” AquaMaria admitted.

D-Struct walked up, “You stopped me from joining Ebon's crew, a mistake that'd have ruined my life. If that's not the makings of a friend, I don't know what is. Besides, I still owed you a favor for tutoring me.”

“You traveled all the way to Gotham to help me and stopped me from making a mistake. I think it's time I repaid the debt.” Nails added.

“You tried to warn me about Aron and I didn't listen. I owed you this much.” Dwayne spoke.

“You helped me when no one else would. About time I use my powers for good.” Permafrost smiled.

Tantrum sighed as he came clean, “I guess I owed you for helping me with my problem. Plus, I guess I should repay the damage I did to your house.”

“I think it's about time I use my powers for good. Besides, I'm not giving up on my brother just as he didn’t give up on me.” Mirage smiled.

Static smiled to hear more of the good he’s done and the ones he helped as he accepted his mask and put it back on. He looked over to Leo, who smiled and winked before helping him up along with Gear.

“Too bad Ebon couldn’t say the same thing.” Rubberband Man sighed as they began to walk away.

Everyone stopped when they heard Beast Boy cried, “Look!”

Everyone gasped at what they saw. It was Ebon’s hand slowly emerging from the rubble.

“No way!” Cyborg jawdropped.

“It can’t be!” Fluttershy gasped.

“Nobody could’ve survived that!” Rainbow added.

Suddenly, another pillar fell on top of where Ebon was buried, knocking him out again. They looked to see it was Applejack who knocked it over.

“That should hold him until the authorities arrive.” The cowgirl dusted her hands off.

After breathing a sigh of relief, everyone walked back up to the street. Static then turned to the metahumans as Donnie and Cyborg brought out the canisters of retromutagen.

“As promised, Donatello here was able to make the retromutagen that’ll restore you all back to normal. However, I’m letting you decide to be cured. If you want to keep your powers, I promise we can make this town a better place. Not by greed and crime, but by justice and freedom. If you choose a life of crime, we will find you. And you won’t win. But, the choice is yours.”

Everyone then looked to see the police standing there as the lieutenant nodded in agreement. Just then, a pizza van drove up by the police vehicles and a blue haired guy with glasses came out.

“Excuse me, I have an order of sixty-five pizzas for a…. Mr. Cyborg?” he double checked the receipt.

Everyone looked at the said Titan who shrugged, “I kinda ordered them for the victory party before they blasted Ebon.”

“I think we can make things more festive!” Pinkie then pulled out her party cannon and fired streamers confetti, and balloons which decorated the waterfront, “Let’s get this party started!”

“We can help as well.” Johnathan spoke for himself and his wife.

As Donnie, Cyborg, and the Vales began curing the metahumans while everyone else began to party as the police gathered the unconscious villains before themselves joined the festivities. Hearing about the cure, Kangor walked up to Leo and asked, “Have you seen Ferret?”

“Yes. He was the first Bang Baby we cured.” Leo answered.

Kangor smiled as he got in line for the cure.

Not far, Hotstreak was already long gone before the police arrived. He took one last look at the direction of the waterfront.

“Enjoy your victory, Static. Next time, I’ll be calling the shots. You and your friends, especially Raphael and Sunset, will be at my mercy.” He said to himself before walking away.