//------------------------------// // 5. The Ceremonies Begin // Story: Misty's Adventures in Galar // by Brian Sheil //------------------------------// Misty and her friends arrived at Monostoke to rest up from their trek through the Wild Area. After healing their Pokémon at a Pokémon Center, they followed Hop to another part of the city. "Arrangements were made for us to stay in the Budew Drop Inn." Hop informed. "One of the perks of being endorsed by my brother." "Indeed." Paradise replied. "I heard about this place. Me and Firefly were invited here months ago by Firefly's cousin: Rainbow Dash." "Rainbow Dash?" Misty gasped. "She was friends with Sunset Shimmer. Wasn't she?" "Still is, Misty." Firefly said. "Rainbow, Sunset, and the rest of the Rainbooms still keep in touch." Just as they made their way to the desk, they noticed a bunch of hoodlums getting their way. Some are plump, some are thin. They wear black and dark pink outfits. And, they have dark pink make up on their faces. Misty walked up to the thugs. "Hey! What's going on around here?" One of the big thugs stepped up to answer her question. "We are Team Yell! We ensure that one particular Gym Challenger makes it to the finals." One of the thin thugs steps up to join him. "And, nobody gets in our way!" Misty didn't like the sound of that. "That doesn't mean you have to disrupt this place." "Quiet, brat!" The plump said as he and his partner take out Poké Balls. The fiends of Team Yell summoned a Galarian Zigzagoon and a small fox creature. Misty studies about this new Pokémon. Nickit, the Fox Pokémon. The Pokédex said. This Pokémon has soft padding on its feet so it can move quietly. Just then, Hop sees the situation and joins Misty. "Two against one doesn't look fair." Hop said as he throws his Poké Ball. "Let's go, Wooloo!" His Wooloo pops out ready for battle. Misty studies this Pokémon. Wooloo, the Sheep Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. Wool coming from this Pokémon is made very strong when woven into clothing. "Let's go, Sobble!" Misty calls out. Sobble comes out and joins Wooloo. "Zigzagoon," the big thugs said, "use Headbutt on that wimpy Sobble!" Zigzagoon runs out and hits Sobble on the head. Sobble wasn't hurt hard. But, it started crying badly. "You'll pay for that!" Hop declared. "Wooloo, use Doubke Kick!" Wooloo used its back legs to kick Zigzagoon. The thin thugs reacts to this. "Here's something for your Wooloo, mate. Nickit, Snarl!" Nickit snarled loudly. Recovering, Sobble blew a blast of water to the Fox Pokémon. Misty was surprised to see this. "That's one powerful Water Gun." "Gun, nothing." Firefly said. "I think Sobble learned Water Pulse." The impacts of the attacks from Sobble and Wooloo caused Team Yell's Pokémon to be knocked out. Coming to the scene was a black haired girl wearing a black leather jacket over a pink dress. The thugs saw her and cheered for her. "Marnie!" The big thug cheered. "We're here for you!" "That's enough, boys." Marnie said. "Why don't you just run along and let these people stay in this hotel?" The boys nodded and ran off. Paradise was impressed. "Amazing that someone like her would have a following." "Are you a Gym Challenger?" Hop asked. "I'm impressed that you already have a fan club." "I do apologize for their actions." Marnie said. "Sometimes the boys of Team Yell get carried away when supporting me." She then turned to Misty. "Perhaps we will battle each other. Farewell, for now." As Marnie left, Misty and her friends heard somebody clapping. They soon saw Miss Opaline and Squirk applauding. "Miss Opaline!" Misty gasped. "Are you here to give me more trouble?" "Calm yourself." Opaline replied. "I am not here to criticize you. We watched your battle against those bullies. I must say, you are impressive." Squirk saw Misty's wristband. "I see you have a Dynamax Band. Did you experience this phenomenon?" "Yes, I have." Misty replied. "I saw a Dynamax Mudbray. I summoned my Sobble, and Dynamaxed him. After the battle, I caught Mudbray. It was wild." "The Dynamax Phenomenon is a very big thing here in Galar." Opaline informed. "It must be treated with respect." "If you have faith in yourself and your Pokémon," Squirk added, "there is no limit to what you can accomplish. The Dynamax Phenomenon is part of your journey." Misty felt teary-eyed, knowing that Opaline is supporting her journey. She felt very honored. "Miss Opaline, Mr. Squirk, I will do my best." "Excellent." Opaline said. "We'll be watching the ceremonies tomorrow. It will give us a chance to see how you will receive this ovation." As Opaline leaves, Squirk shook Misty's hand in friendship. "Take care, my friend." Paradise and Firefly walked up to Misty as they watch Opaline and Squirk walk off. The next morning, the Monostoke Stadium is packed with people. Firefly and Paradise sat in one area while Opaline and Squirk sat in another. Soon, a man wearing a light grey suit walks out to greet the crowd. A tall blond haired woman stands by his side. "Hello, everybody." The man said to the crowd. "I am Rose, Chairman of the Pokémon League. Those of you in this stadium and watching at home have been waiting for this moment. It is time for the Pokémon Gym Challenge!" The crowd cheered and applauded. This is a great moment indeed. "The goal is for all challengers to defeat the eight gym leaders." Rose continued. "Once the challenger has all eight badges that person will have an opportunity to face our great champion. Now, here are the gym leaders!" Soon seven people came out to greet the crowd. Rose introduces one at a time. First, is a burly man with curly light brown hair. He wore a straw hat, white shirt and green shorts. "First, the fighting farmer. The grass type leader: Milo!" Milo waved to the crowd as the next leader is introduced. This is a slender woman with long navy blue hair with sky blue streaks. Her outfit is like a swimsuit with spandex shorts. Rose announces her. "A great wave of power. The water type master: Nessa!" Nissan blows a kiss to the crowd. Next up is a gray haired man with a red shirt and white shorts. His shirt has black sleeves. Rose makes an announcement. "This veteran is fired up for action. He is the fire type user: Kabu!" Next to come is a girl with light gray hair she wore a white and black outfit, knee pads, and is barefoot. Rose introduced her. "A powerful barefoot beauty. Nobody is better in fighting types that Bea!" Bea bows to the crowd as an elderly woman wearing a striped outfit and walking with a cane comes along. She is introduced by Rose. "Don't let her looks fool you. She is the fairy type leader: Opal." Next to come is a white haired man with yellow on the end. He wore a gray jacket over a white shirt, gray shorts, and sunglasses. Ross gave a good introduction. "We are ready for a rocking time with the rock type leader: Gordie!" Gordie took off his sunglasses and waved to the crowd. Up next, is a red haired man wearing a black jacket with a lime green front and blue shorts. "Last, but not least," Ross announced, "Is a powerful dragon type user. The most powerful gym leader here in Galar: Raihan!" The crowd cheered for Raihan. Rose continued his speech. "We are missing one gym leader. But, never the less, let's hear it for our gym leaders!" The seven gym leaders get a great ovation. Soon, the gym challengers came out wearing white long sleeve shirt and shorts. Both with green vertical stripes. Misty came out wearing the outfit and looks around. She is very humbled when she saw many people cheering. Later, after changing back into their regular clothes, Misty and Hop have a discussion. "Did you see that crowd?" Hop cheered. "What an ovation! I am more pumped than ever!" "I'm excited too." Misty replied. "Even Miss Opaline was cheering. Maybe she'll realize that I'm ready for this." "We better get going then. The village of Turffield is first up. Bye!" Hop rushes off. Misty is now ready for her journey. Especially with Paradise and Firefly by her side. End of Chapter 5 MISTY Sobble Rookidee Mudbray FIREFLY Scorbunny Grubbin PARADISE Grookey Zigzagoon (Galarian)