//------------------------------// // The Gun that can Kill the past // Story: Kill your past // by Netap //------------------------------// How long has it been? One Hundred years, Two hundred, More perhaps? Spike doesn't remember, he stopped counting a century after Twilight passed away. Leaving him alone. He tried to continue his duty as Peacemaker, to help the Ponies find peace and happiness. But he's tired of it. Why would a Pony listen to a Dragon? With Twilight passing away and The Elements Of Harmony no longer being together, it was time for new wielders to pick them up and bring harmony to the world. But when those new wielders never came. Spike new that something had gone wrong, something that's stopping the new wielders from appearing to pick up the Elements of Harmony and bring peace to the masses. They never came. Peace didn't arrive. The Ponies split once more, as they had before Equestria was founded and just like when Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow almost destroyed Equestria all those many years ago. Something must have happened, in the past, long before the rift between ponies grew to the monstrous size it is in this day and age, and Spike has only one shot of fixing it. Somewhere around her Fortieth birthday, Starlight Glimmer vanished from the face of Equestria. Everypony thought she died in a magical mishap, or was simply tired of living among civilization and left to who-knows-where. Only for her to return forty years later, old and decrepit, With a story to tell. A story of what she was doing during those 40 years of absence. A story that was never recorded and never saved, told only to Two creatures, Twilight and Spike. It was a story of how she received a vision about the ends of magic after staring into a crystal ball for a full day without blinking, of how she needed to make a countermeasure to make sure Magic never ends, that it will continue to exist. It was a story of how Starlight Glimmer made a dimensional anomaly and hid it far across the ocean, A Place where time will Reset every time somepony enters it and when they leave it. A massive tower, built deep into the ground, stretching for miles upon miles of bricks and stones. How she spent years building traps and creating Golem's and Automaton's to protect the treasure she made at the deepest depth of the Tower. A Gun that can Kill the Past. A magical treasure capable of rewriting the course of history, creating a separate timeline that will overtake the existing timeline. Hearing all of this, Twilight immediately banished Starlight from Equestria, Not only did she betray her friends trust, but she meddled with Time once more, all because of a vision from a crystal ball? It was preposterous. Even Spike couldn't believe Starlight would meddle with Time once again, especially not after what she once did. There was a reason why Twilight, for all her love for knowledge and books, forbid the study of Temporal Magic of any sort. But right now, when Twilight is long gone and the absence of magic is starting to be felt across the world, Spike had a way out. Starlight's dungeon, The Gun that can kill the past, The last remaining magical location in the world that has a chance of fixing the future. Spike grunted with effort as he flapped his wings and rolled to the left, a large red magical bolt narrowly missing his body. But it wasn't time to relax, as another tidal wave of red magical bullets exits the mechanical dragons mouth. Spike, seeing the wave of bullets approaching, quickly drew out a revolver loaded with blue, core-less jackets, blanks. His large claw narrowly passes next to a glowing green orb floating by his holster. With a mighty flap of his wings, Spike flew until he was at face height with the Dragun, The final golem protecting Starlight's treasure at the bottom of the Gungeon. After several long trips down the tower, Spike has memorized the moves of the Dragun, while it seemingly forgets his every time it kills him, resetting his location back to the breach of the Gungeon. But he was ready, he had the Mechanical Dragon Gun's movements memorized, and with a tap of the trigger, a blank was shot, and the tidal wave of red bullets disappeared from the room. As soon as the Shockwave caused by the Blank being fired erased the bullets in the room, The Green Orb next to Spike moved to his claw and transformed into a gun. The Sprun, one of the many treasures Starlight hid in the Gungeon, perhaps during a bout of insanity when she was working on the tower. The Sprun, once meeting a certain condition, temporarily transforms into the Windgunner, an automatic weapon with infinite ammo for the duration of it's usage. One of those conditions is the usage of a Blank. Now with the room empty of red bullets, Spike Aims the Windgunner straight at the Dragun's exposed core, shooting it with the guns magical bolts of power. And with a large explosion, The Dragun was destroyed for the second time since it's creation, Opening up the path to The Void. Landing on the floor of the room with a thud, Spike takes a deep breath before moving towards the door behind the mechanical monster. Moving past a shower of bullet casings, Spike enters the Void. An empty world devoid of matter, except for the bridge connecting the Gungeon to the chest at the other end. Once Spike takes a step into the void, the door behind him vanishes, trapping him in the nothingness at the bottom of the dungeon. There was nothing in this Aimless Void but the bridge that once connected the Gungeon to the Aimless Void, and The Gun that can Kill the past. Slowly walking down the bridge, Spike reaches the chest at its end. With a deep breath to compose himself, Spike open the chest and reveals the Gun That Can Kill The Past. It's design is that of a simple revolver, but with the barrel of the gun making a half-loop, pointing back at the person holding it. Opening the chamber of the gun, Spike inserts a small black bullet before closing the chamber and giving it a spin. Lifting his arm up, aiming straight ahead, the gun pointing at his own face, Spike presses the trigger. BANG And Goes Back in Time.