//------------------------------// // Ice and Fire, Thunder and Dark // Story: My Little Pony: Ice and Fire, Thunder and Dark *Teaser* // by Gipercrafter //------------------------------// Moment. Just a moment was not enough. The very moment in which it was necessary to be faster. Be faster to win. Unity Crystals, sources of magic for the inhabitants of all the lands of Equestria, were in the most vulnerable position ever. Sunny Starscout, her faithful friends, and the ponies that decided not to stand aside and fear the enemy, all of them now could only watch as the crystals were deprived of magic, and shattered into many fragments. At that moment, the weather changed, became more cloudy, even darker. The magic stolen from the crystals was slowly assimilated into the body of one who had once only been able to function in the shadows. Opaline Arcana. Her body was undergoing a slow metamorphosis from the sheer amount of magic received. She got bigger, stronger. The hair of the alicorn became darker, the mane, wings and horn began to emit a large aura of purple turquoise flames. A sense of increased power permeated every part of her body. After so many years, she was able, she got all the magic of Equestria. She got what she thought was hers. And now there is one more thing to complete. The alicorn turned her gaze to her fallen foes. And she spoke very loudly. "That's all over. All of you pathetic attempts only delayed the inevitable. A long time ago I defeated Twilight Sparkle! Did you all little ponies hope for a victorious outcome?" Many ponies began to recover. Some just stood up, some just opened their eyes. All of them eventually paid attention to the one who exclaimed about her power. "Nothing helped you all. Not friendship, not perseverance, not you all campaign to the north. But all of you were very persistent, I give one last chance. Submit to me, and then all of you will become my servants that will be able to help me in any matter. Unless of course you can direct perseverance in the right direction. “If you all obey, then bow before me!” All the ponies were in a different state, someone was scared, someone was angry, but all the ponies were united in one, no one was going to obey the villainess. Several minutes passed like that. Nobody bowed. "Why are all Twilight Sparkle's followers the same?" thought Opaline. "OK! If you're so stubborn, that's no my problem. I gave all a chance, you all didn't take it. SO I WILL SEND YOU ALL TO YOUR PRINCESS!" The fiery alicorn fired a massive beam of magic from its horn. The attack hit its target, and the ponies disappeared in a bright flash... A few seconds passed. The shot of a giant magic ray at the ponies standing on the ground raised a huge dust curtain. Opaline was sure that she could get rid of her enemies forever, and no one else would be able to poison her life, but, nevertheless, she remembered every case when Sunny Starscout and her friends got out of even the most desperate situations. That is why, even being confident in her absolute power, she decided to check for sure so that her opponent was definitely destroyed. A few powerful flaps of the wings were able to clear the way for the eyes. Only a giant burn was visible on the ground, a trace of a powerful magic hit. There was only silence around, the wind began to howl gently... it was starting to get a little cold. There was no one visible on earth who could show signs of life, as if her targets had completely evaporated from the collision with such a strong energy. For a couple more minutes, Opaline looked around to look around better. Not finding the targets, she decided to fly around the nearest neighborhood to cover a large area with her gaze. But no one was ever found. Alicorn stopped. The wind around them began to howl more and more, but Opaline did not hear it. She was lost in her own thoughts... "I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. Is this reality? Did I really achieve my goal? "Even these little ponies, for so many years they have not let me rest, put sticks in the wheels, dared to oppose my plans. But now... It seemed too easy, even despite the fierce battle for magic recently. Even they are now destroyed." Opaline smiled maliciously. "Well, a small group of rebels has been destroyed, it's time for me to go to those who were more fortunate, to those who could not join this confrontation!" She began to fly quickly towards the nearest settlement, Bridlewood Forest. When suddenly... The wind became too strong, and the ground began to freeze. "What?!" Giant ice crystals began to grow out of the ground at an incredible speed. It happened so fast that Opaline didn't even have time to understand how the crystals formed the walls and ceiling around her, even the floor was covered with crystals. Another moment and new crystals began to grow from all surfaces in different directions. Opaline opened fire in all directions, each of her shots pierced through her trap, leaving large holes. However, the damage overgrown faster than she had time to get out. The shots became more and more powerful, and the crystals became more and more. A whole maze formed around her, and her reflection was visible on almost every surface. "Something's not right here. How can anything resist me at all?" Those were her thoughts. More and more, she felt like she needed to get out of here. Using teleportation seemed like the best way out. At some point, the mighty alicorn found herself outside of this strange place, and a strange view opened up to her. The crystals formed a small mountain . Too small to be called big, but huge enough not to be small, and if inside its entire area was occupied by a maze, it was easy to get lost and get lost there forever. Just as she was about to fly away from here as far as possible, she crashed into something. Looking around, she realized that she was inside again. After making several more unsuccessful attempts to teleport from here, she realized that the crystals were bringing her back "Oh, seriously?!" Someone was obviously playing with her. This place was getting on her nerves. Moreover, she was angry at the very fact that someone could clearly resist her, even though she had taken all the magic of the unity crystals. "Whatever it is, if I destroy everything at once, in one explosion, it will definitely fall in front of me. DO YOU HEAR THAT?! YES, YOU! WHOEVER YOU ARE, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO KEEP ME WITH YOUR LITTLE TRICKS!" It was getting colder and colder in this place, and despite the apparent absence of cracks, a light breeze began to walk inside. Opaline began to prepare a giant clot of magic to finally get out of here and punish the unknown joker. Suddenly she heard the sound of someone's hooves. "Oh, did you finally decide to show up and surrender to me?! This is the right decision, but do not count on mercy for the outrage you have committed." But no one answered, only a low, sinister laugh was heard. Judging by the voice, it was a mare. And the voice seemed very familiar to her. The hoof beats accelerated and got closer. Suddenly, a shadow flashed through the reflections, and each time the shadow appeared closer. Opaline felt more and more cold on herself, as if her fiery aura could not help her in any way. "STOP PLAYING WITH ME!" Opaline opened fire on the crystal mirror, hoping that if she got into the silhouette of the shadow, she could put an end to it. But she couldn't hit it, and the shadow was getting bigger. Anger was replaced by a slight panic, she could not believe what was happening. She couldn't understand who so powerful could resist her? When suddenly the clatter of hooves stopped. Opaline looked around more and more, expecting an attack and putting a magic shield around herself. One of her reflections stopped coordinating with the original. It turned around in a sinister smile, and silently walked out of the crystal. It went through the shield as if it wasn't there. Opaline heard a soft whisper near her ears. "That magic was not yours to give!" Opaline's skin crawled, and before she could react, she felt the strong hoof of the one standing behind her hit her in the face. She flew off in the opposite direction, the blow was very strong, strong enough to crack the wall, and only her body strengthened by magic allowed her to withstand a sudden hoof strike. She saw her opponent, her reflection. She couldn't figure out if it was someone's cheap trick, or if there really was a copy of her in front. But the copy was with a different voice. The reflection began to slowly approach, and the closer it got, the more it changed and took on the features of another pony, a very familiar pony. Another alicorn stood in front of her. "IMPOSSIBLE! You're not real! YOU'RE JUST SOMEONE'S ILLUSION! FAKE! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" "And yet," the other alicorn replied frighteningly calmly, "I've come for you."