Misty's Adventures in Galar

by Brian Sheil

13. More Mine Madness: Part 2

The heroic trio continue their journey through the second Galar Mine. They went there to find Kabu, gym leader of Monostoke.
"This Mine is vast." Firefly said. "But, we do see a bunch of Pokémon."
"I agree." Misty replied. "All of these Pokémon like Shellos, Stunfisk, and many others look amazing."
"Guys," Paradise interrupted, "we have company."
They found themselves face to face with two big thugs from Team Yell. Misty got annoyed. "Team Yell again?!"
"That's us, gym challenger." One thug said. "We saw how you battle. But, what about your two mates?"
"That's right, lass." The other thug said. "We want to see how they battle."
Paradise and Firefly stepped up.
"We accept your challenge." Paradise replied.
"Yeah." Firefly added. "Bring it on!"
The two thugs brought out Thievul and a bigger version of Zigzagoon. Misty gets out her Pokédex.
Linoone, the Rushing Pokémon and the evolved form of Zigzagoon. The Pokédex said. It runs in a straight line. Running around curves can be difficult.
Paradise is impressed. So, that's what my Zigzagoon will evolve into.
Firefly gets out her Poké Ball. "Let's go, Rolycoly!"
As Rolycoly comes out, Paradise makes her choice. " You're up, Yamper."
Yamper cane out. The thugs aren't impressed.
"Linoone," One of the thugs said, "use Fury Swipes on that wimpy Yamper!"
Linoone rushes on to scratch Yamper. Paradise got mad. "Nobody calls any of my Pokémon wimpy. Yamper, use Spark!"
Energizing, Yamper unleashed an electrical attack and Linoone. The other thug decided to double Team the Puppy Pokémon. "Thievul, Assurance."
Thievul is full of dark energy. Firefly stepped up. "Nobody double crosses honorable trainers. Rolycoly, use Smack Down!"
Rolycoly had Thievul crash on the ground. Both Pokémon were defeated. After the thugs recalled there Pokémon, everybody saw Rolycoly and Yamper glowing. That means they're evolving. When the glowing ended, Rolycoly became a living mine cart full of coal and Yamper is now a lean looking dog.
Misty first studies the rock creature. Carkol, the Coal Pokémon and the evolved form of Rolycoly. Coal dropped from this Pokémon once helped people's lives in Galar. Then, she studies the dog. Boltund, the Dog Pokémon and the evolved form of Yamper. It can generate electricity through it's legs. This helps it run fast.
"Not bad evolutions." One of the thugs admitted. "But, we're not done yet!"
The thugs then called for a large cat and a panda. Misty gets out her Pokédex again. "A Liepard and a Pancham."
She studies the large cat. Liepard, the Cruel Pokémon. It can move very quietly so it won't be detected.. Next is the Panda. Pancham, the Playful Pokémon. No matter how tough it tries to act, it can'thelp being adorable.
Paradise has an idea. "Boltund, return." She then makes her next choice. "Zigzagoon, you're up."
Her Zigzagoon is ready for battle. After returning her Carkol, Firefly calls for her next choice. "Charjabug, let's go!"
Out pops a creature that looks like a plug. Misty studies this Pokémon with her Pokédex. Charjabug, the Battery Pokémon and the evolved form of Grubbin. Energy from food broken down is used as electricity.
"When did your Grubbin evolve?" Misty wondered.
"After you battled Bede," Firefly explained, "I went to train some of my Pokémon, including Grubbin."
The Team Yell thug interrupted them. "Let's see how that little bug does against my Pokémon. Pancham, Arm Thrust!"
Pancham rushed in and struck Charjabug.
"Fight back, Charjabug." Firefly said. "Counter with Spark."
Charjabug gave a shock to Pancham. The Playful Pokémon got weary from the shock. The thug with the Liepard was surprised. "No way."
"Yes way." Firefly replied.
"Liepard, Fury Swipes."
Liepard scratched Zigzagoon. Paradise struck back. "Zigzagoon, use Headbutt!"
Getting back, Zigzagoon rammed it's head to Liepard. Suddenly, it fired projectiles at Liepard. The Team Yell thug was shocked. "No way! That's Pin Missile!"
"Pin Missile?" Paradise gasped. "Good work, Zigzagoon. You learned a new move."
After the thugs recalled Pancham and Liepard, they decided to take a hike. The girls then saw Zigzagoon glow. Seconds later, it evolved into a Linoone. Paradise was happy. "Now, I have my own Linoone."
Misty and Firefly were very happy. As they continue their walking, they saw Hop and the man they were looking for: Kabu.
"Hi, girls." Hop greeted. "I just met up with Kabu. He was challenged by some Team Yell goons. He made good work of them."
"I sometimes come here to challenge any water Pokémon." Kabu said. "This way, I can counter my Pokémon weaknesses."
"Nice to meet you." Misty said. "I can't wait to see how your training pays off."
"I remember seeing you during the opening ceremonies, Miss Brightdawn. I'll meet you and Hop here in Monostoke."
Kabu jogged out of the mine. Hop got excited. "Come on, you guys. Let's head back to Monostoke!"
Hop runs off. The girls walked in his direction.
"I can't wait to get out of this mine." Paradise said.
"I hear that." Firefly added.
Misty is looking forward to her third Gym battle.

End of Chapter 13


In the Sanctuary


Linoone (Galarian)