//------------------------------// // Arc 18-3: Daybreaker and the Elements of Harmony // Story: My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" // by SaburoDaimando //------------------------------// Daybreaker and the Elements of Harmony “The choice is yours, dear sister.  Stand down and surrender to me, or use the Elements of Harmony and be alone….FOREVER!” Those were the words of Daybreaker, the former form of Past Celestia, now possessed by the Pony of Shadows.  Princess Luna looked like she was about to break down, standing in front of Wanda Young, while Abigail Albright held onto Misty Brightdawn. “I don’t want to do it,” Past Luna thought to herself.  “I don’t want to seal my sister on the moon.  But I can’t let the Pony of Shadows rule over this world with an iron hoof.  If only I could…separate them from each other.” Past Luna stood up to Daybreaker before turning towards Wanda Young. “Wanda is it?” Past Luna said.  “Go to the castle and retrieve the Elements of Harmony, deep within the cellar.  I know it will cost me my sister.  But I will do what it takes to ensure our survival.” “But….” Wanda Young said, only to be interrupted by Luna. “I know what I’m doing,” Past Luna said.  “Besides, I’ll hold off Daybreaker until you bring them here.” Wanda nodded towards Past Luna before she ran off towards the only building within the forest, while Past Luna stared down Daybreaker. “Give me your worst shot,” Past Luna said. “Gladly,” Daybreaker said. Daybreaker flew up into the air before staring down at Past Luna and fired off blasts of magic.  Luna dodged the shots as they hit the trees nearby, knocking them down. But as Wanda took off, Misty and Abigail noticed the Man’s Cub making a break towards the castle. “Come on,” Misty said.  “We have to help her out.” Abigail nodded before she released her hold on Misty.  The duo chased after Wanda, just as Daybreaker continued to fire more blasts of magic at Past Luna. “So,” Daybreaker gloated.  “Do you think you can survive against my powerful magic?” “Bring it on, “ Past Luna yelled.  “Even if the night lasts forever, I can keep this up.” “Careful with what you wish for,” Daybreaker smirked. Meanwhile, Wanda ran as fast as she could through the forest.  Despite the tears falling from her eyes, she looked determined to make it to the end.   “Gotta get to the castle,” Wanda said to herself.  “Gotta find those Elements of Harmony.” “Wanda!  Wait up!”  Wanda looked behind her to see Misty Brightdawn and Abigail Albright run up to her side. “Misty,” Wanda said. “You’re heading to the castle to get the elements?” Misty asked. “Yeah,” Wanda yelled.  “So I can save Princess Celestia from the Pony of Shadows.” “By the way, is this true?” Misty asked.  “Are you really the adopted daughter of Princess Celestia in the future?” “I am,” Wanda replied.  “And everything that the Pony of Shadows said is true.  I got sucked through a portal and somehow wound up back here.” “So what’s the future like?” Misty asked. “It’s a wonderful place,” Wanda replied.  “But with its fair share of nasty ponies.  That being said, I dunno if I will be returning back home.” “How come?” Misty asked. “Because I don’t know of a way back to my home,” Wanda said.  “And I may end up being stuck here, forever.” “I’m sorry that you had to suffer like that,” Misty said.  “It’s like we have a lot in common.” “I feel like we do,” Wanda said.  “But I think if we can stick together, we can defeat the Pony of Shadows.  So let’s go.” But as Wanda ran towards the castle, Misty Brightdawn just looked at her while running alongside Abigail. “I don’t know why,” Misty said.  “But something about her reminds me of mommy.  Like she’s giving off the same aura that mommy gave off.” “Your mommy?” Abigail asked. Misty looked down at Abigail and said “I didn’t know you could talk.” “Yes,” Abigail nodded.  “But…not much.” Misty nodded back to Abigail as they followed Wanda towards the castle. Deeper in the forest, Past Luna dodged the blasts of magic coming from Daybreaker, who laughed at the alicorn’s misery. “How does it feel to know that your end is near?” Daybreaker said.  “After all, I may just end you like I did with Stygian.” “You have a lot of nerve to bring his name up,” Past Luna yelled as she dodged another shot.  “You’re the worst being I have ever known next to Queen Icelina.” “Must be a high honor,” Daybreaker gloated.  “But it wouldn’t be enough to be worthy of this title.” Daybreaker paused from firing her magic at Past Luna before looking over the horizon.  She noticed a small stack of houses nearby and her face grinned evilly. “In fact,” Daybreaker grinned.  “How about I go beyond what I did and end the lives of your own citizens?” Past Luna’s eyes shrunk down as Daybreaker flew off towards the village.  She quickly kicked dust into the air and ran after Daybreaker, firing magic at her. “Don’t you dare ruin my sister’s reputation with that,” Past Luna yelled. “Deal with it,” Daybreaker said as strafed out of the way of the shots. Daybreaker flew upwards in the night sky as Past Luna tried desperately to blast her down.  Seeing her foe in the air, Past Luna extended her wings and took off towards Daybreaker. “I’ve got no other choice now,” Past Luna said to herself.  “If I don’t blast my sister down, many ponies will die by her.  I’ll have to hit her at point-blank.” Past Luna sped up towards Daybreaker, charging her horn up.  But the moment she approached, Daybreaker turned around and hit Past Luna with a blast of her own.  Luna screamed loudly as she fell down towards the forest. “What are you screaming about?” Daybreaker laughed.  “The hit wasn’t fatal.” As Daybreaker took off towards the village, Luna’s eyes lit up before her wings extended further.  She stopped herself in the middle of her fall before she flew back up towards Daybreaker. “YOU SPOONY BARD!” Past Luna yelled.  “YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT!” Past Luna charged up magic in her horn before firing off a powerful beam of magic, hitting Daybreaker directly and sending her flying out of control in the air.  But when Luna looked ahead, her eyes freaked out a bit. “Oh no,” Past Luna said.  “I sent that fiend flying towards the town.  I have to hurry.” Past Luna immediately flew ahead towards the small pony village, where everyone there was fast asleep.  The moon princess gazed up at Daybreaker, who fell out of control towards the village. “Not on my watch,” Past Luna said. Before Daybreaker could hit the ground, Past Luna charged up her horn and hit her at point-blank range, knocking Daybreaker into the trees.  The possessed Celestia groaned as the trees behind her fell onto the earth, waking the ponies of the village. “You release your hold on my sister, this instant,” Past Luna commanded. “Never,” Daybreaker said as she got up on her hooves. Behind Luna, many ponies exited their houses and saw Princess Luna stare down at Daybreaker.  One look at her demonic gaze caused some to be horrified. “Princess Luna,” one of the villagers said.  “What’s going on?” “The Pony of Shadows has taken hold of my sister,” Past Luna said.  “You all need to leave the village for your sake.” In a loud scream, the villagers ran away from Past Luna and Daybreaker, making their way out of the village.  Daybreaker, noticing the commotion, smirked gleefully and flew up into the air.  “Thank you for giving me a clear shot at those weak, pathetic fools,” Daybreaker laughed as she charged up her horn.  “Now I can take them out, one by one.” As Past Luna was about to fly up towards Daybreaker, the demonic alicorn pointed her horn at a baby filly crying in the middle of the village.  Her sickening grin widened as her horn glowed brightly. “Today must be a good day for offing the off-spring,” Daybreaker grinned. As Daybreaker fired a shot of magic at the baby filly, Past Luna flew up and took the shot, screaming loudly on impact.  She fell down and landed near the filly, badly hurt. “Well,” Daybreaker said.  “You’re willing to defend a worthless life by using yourself as a shield.” Daybreaker gloated as she flew down towards the injured Past Luna, who slowly got up before she picked up the filly and held her close.  Past Luna glared at Daybreaker, who looked more and more amused. “You’re going to pay for this,” Past Luna snarled.  “Taking control of my sister, attacking the ponies of Equestria, and even going as far as to take the life of an innocent soul?   You’re a monster.” “Now you’re resorting to compliments,” Daybreaker laughed.  “How amusing.  Oh and by the way, your sister is seeing everything that I am doing with her body, and she is so ashamed at what I’m doing for her.  It’s so hysterical..” “Don’t you DARE bring her up,” Luna yelled as Daybreaker laughed. “But do you know what else would really shame her?” Daybreaker said, raising her front hooves in the air.  “THIS!” Daybreaker slammed her hooves on the ground, creating a wall that blocked the ponies from escaping their village.  Luna looked on and could only reach outer in horror. “What did you do?” Past Luna said in a meek voice. “Why, I’ve decided to round them all up for their own demise,” Daybreaker said before she blew on her hoof and rubbed it on her chest.  “Might as well ensure that you stay alone.” “You’ve gone too far,” Past Luna snarled, glaring at Daybreaker.  “I don’t want to do this, but you’re leaving me with no choice, but to take my sister’s life.” “Go ahead and try,” Daybreaker taunted.  “You can’t beat me without the Elements of Harmony, and you know it.” Meanwhile, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Misty Brightdawn arrived at the royal castle.  But one look at it caused something to pop up in Wanda’s mind. “So this is the place where they live?” Wanda asked. “Yeah,” Misty replied.  “Mommy use to take me and Big Brother Sombra up to this place, where we usually talked with Aunt Celestia, Aunt Luna and Grand Pappy Starswirl.” “I don’t know why,” Wanda said.  “But something about this place looks familiar, like I’ve been here before.” “What do you mean?” Misty asked. “I think my answer will be in front of me when we go inside,” Wanda replied. “Right,” Misty nodded. Wanda walked up the steps of the castle and went through the archway, with Misty and Abigail following from behind.  But when Wanda stepped inside, she came to a stop and stared at the interior design. “Wanda,” Misty said. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” “No, I haven’t,” Wanda said.  “Even though the inside of this castle looks different, there is a sense of familiarity within here.  As if this were some sort of school.” “What do you mean by that?” Misty asked. Wanda’s face beamed out with an eureka moment. “I just realized something,” Wanda explained.  “This whole castle?  I’ve been down here before when it was called ‘The School for Gifted Unicorns.’  That explains why it felt familiar.” “The School for Gifted Unicorns?” Misty asked. “It’s a place I go to, everyday,” Wanda said.  “Except it consists of unicorn-ponies, and I’m the first non-unicorn, let alone the first non-pony, to attend the school.” “So by attending this school, you actually know the layout of this place?” Misty asked. “That’s right,” Wanda said. “By the way, is this place called Zacharle Palace?” “It is,” Misty said.  “Named after the first ruler of Equestria.  Did that answer your question?” “Yeah,” Wanda said.  “And if my instincts are correct, there are two staircases that lead to the cellar or, what I call, a basement.” “That’s the spirit,” Misty cheered.  “Let’s go find the Elements of Harmony.” Wanda walked down the Grand Foyer of the castle before turning to her right, with Misty and Abigail following right behind her.  She looked around the castle interior before spotting a set of stairs that leads downwards. “That’s the spot,” Wanda said, pointing to the stairs. “You’re right on that,” Misty said.  “I’ve been inside the castle, but I didn’t know you would use it as a school in the future.” “Come, “ Abigail said, scratching Wanda’s socks.  “Elements.” “Oh, right,” Wanda said as she walked down the stairs with Abigail and Misty right behind her. When they reached the bottom, they looked around the cellar.  The ceilings had arches formed at the top, while the floor was littered with various treasures, decorations, barrels and flasks full of mysterious liquids.  Wanda, Misty and Abigail looked around the cellar in their search for the Elements of Harmony. “Wanda,” Misty said, looking around.  “Have you ever been down here before?” “No,” Wanda said.  “We were forbidden from going downstairs at all, even as members of the royal family.” “Who’s we?” Misty asked.   “Myself, my sister Sunset Shimmer and Big Sis Princess Cadance,” Wanda replied, scanning the room with her eyes. “You really had a fine family,” Misty replied. “I know,” Wanda replied.  “I just wish I could see them again.” “On that note,” Misty asked.  “How about we go further in case we see the Elements?” “Good idea, “Wanda replied. Wanda, Misty and Abigail walked down the cellar area, ignoring the various treasures that filled the room.  When they reached the center of the room, they looked around once more, catching anything that would be out of the ordinary. “If I were the Elements of Harmony,” Wanda said, “Where would I be?” “From what mommy told me,” Misty explained, “It’s not the shape of the elements that matter, it’s how it brightens when you approach it.” “Gotcha,” Wanda said.  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Abigail turned to her left and saw something shiny in front of her.  She rubbed her paw on Wanda’s leg, meowing loudly. “What is it, Abby?” Wanda asked. “Elements,” Abigail said, pointing to the light in a lonesome part of the room. “That must be Elements of Harmony,” Misty said.  “Come on.  Let’s go grab them.” Wanda, Misty and Abigail ran up to the light, dodging the other treasures that lay on the floor.  When they approached the warm glow that lit up the cellar, they saw six gemstones on an odd, planetary altar.  Five of them were shaped in an octagonal-cut, each of which were colored purple, orange, red, pink and blue.  The sixth gemstone was cut to look like a six-pointed star.  “These,” Wanda said.  “These are the Elements of Harmony?” “They must be because of the light that surrounds them,” Misty said.    “Now would be a good time to retrieve them.” Wanda nodded before she reached out towards the gemstones.  But when her hand touched the six-pointed star-shaped gem, her eyes flashed brightly. In Wanda’s vision, she saw a gemstone in the shape of a lightning bolt fly by with Rainbow Dash giving her a wink.  A balloon-shaped gemstone floating to the air with Pinkie Pie holding onto it, cheering.  A diamond-shaped gemstone twirling on by with Rarity trotting behind it.  An apple-shaped gemstone fell down with Applejack catching it with her legs.  A butterfly-shamed gemstone flew into the atmosphere with Fluttershy flying along it.  Finally, the six-star-shaped gemstone looked far more refined, where Twilight Sparkle teleported in front of Wanda and approached her. “Wanda,” the Illusionary Twilight said.  “If you can hear this, we miss you so much.  I hope that you can find your way home, back to where we all will reunite with you.  Because no matter what, you are our friend, and we stick by each other, to the very end.  Never forget that.” When Twilight Sparkle disappeared, Wanda’s eyes returned to normal as she found herself back in the cellar of the castle, holding the six-star gemstone in her hand.   “Wanda,” Misty asked.  “What happened?” “I saw them when I touched the Elements,” Wanda said.  “My friends from the future.  But I’m not so sure why, or even why Twilight sent me a message?” “Who’s Twilight?” Misty asked. “A friend of mine,” Wanda said when she shook her head.  “And an important one to me.” “What do you think they have to do with the Elements of Harmony?” Misty asked. Wanda pulled the six-star gemstone to her and said “I don’t know.  But right now, we need to deliver these to Princess Luna, and save Princess Celestia from the Pony of Shadows.” But as Wanda held the gemstone close to her, the other stones levitated into the air and circled around Wanda, Misty and Abigail. “What is this?” Misty asked. “I think this might be the true power of the Elements of Harmony,” Wanda explained. In a flash of light, Wanda, Abigail, Misty and the Elements of Harmony disappeared from the cellar of the castle without a trance. Some time later, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Misty Brightdawn appeared out of nowhere with the Elements of Harmony surrounding them.  They quickly regained themselves as they observed the forest around them. “Where are we?” Wanda asked. “I think we’re back in the forest,” Misty said.  “The elements must have teleported us here.” “You’re right,” Wanda said as she barely saw the castle in the distance.  “But I wonder where Princess Luna and Daybreaker are?” Suddenly, they heard the sound of Princess Luna screaming in the distance.  Wanda, Abigail and Misty look southward to see smoke emitting from a nearby village. “I think that was Luna,” Wanda said.  “And it sounds like she’s in danger.” “We have to get to her,” Misty replied.  “Hurry, before it’s too late.” Wanda nodded as she, Misty and Abigail ran towards the smoke plume that rose from the village, sprinting as fast as possible through the forest. “What do you think is happening up there?” Wanda asked. “I have a bad feeling about this,” Misty replied.  “It’s as if Daybreaker wants to destroy as many ponies as possible.” Wanda looked up at the smoke plume and said to herself “Mommy.  Please break free from that monster.” Up ahead, Daybreaker breathed fire on Past Luna, who held it back with a magic shield of her own.  Around her, ponies held themselves in the back of the stone wall as their village was set ablaze, while the baby filly stood by Luna, bawling her eyes out.  Though Daybreaker stood undeterred, Luna looked exhausted. “Don’t you see?” Daybreaker said as she quelled the flames from her mouth.  “I’ve ruined the reputation of Princess Celestia in just one night.  Every pony will fear her, and call her tyrant.  No one will be able to respect her again.” “You’re…wrong,” Luna said as she was exhausted.  “I…still believe…in my sister.  And as long…as I believe…in her, others…will believe…in Princess…Celestia.” “Oh, still reciting sappy statements,” Daybreaker gagged humorously.  “I could kill you right now.  But I find it more pleasing to just hurt your emotions.” Daybreaker looked at the pony villagers in the back, each consisting of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns.  Her smile deepened as she walked around the weakened Luna. “Look at those poor unfortunate souls,” Daybreaker gloated.  “Weak, helpless, scared. And vulnerable.” “No,” Luna said as she struggled to take a step forward.  “Don’t you dare.” “Oh I will,” Daybreaker said as small embers left her mouth.  “All just to make you brood for as long as you live.” Flames began to lick around the inside of Daybreaker’s mouth as the ponies backed up to the stone wall stared at her in pure fear, unable to move from that spot. “Sister….Starswirl,” Luna cried.  “I’m…sorry.” “DAYBREAKER!  YOUR DAYS OF TORMENTING PRINCESS CELESTIA ARE OVER!”  The flame in Daybreaker’s mouth went out as she turned around to see Wanda Young, Misty Brightdawn and Abigail Albright run up and stand next to Past Luna and the baby filly.  The Elements of Harmony circled around the man’s cub as she stared down the very alicorn possessed by the Pony of Shadows. “I never thought you would do it,” Daybreaker laughed.  “But you did.  You brought over the Elements of Harmony.  Now Princess Luna can fulfill her destiny and banish her sister to the moon.  But you better act fast.  The night is almost over, and the day will break over this land once more.” Wanda and Misty turned towards Past Luna as Abigail stood by the baby filly and hissed at Daybreaker. “You…” Past Luna said.  “You brought the Elements of Harmony.” “Here,” Wanda said as she held out the palm of her hands where the Elements of Harmony landed upon.  “Save her.  Save the one that I will call mommy in the future.” “I will,” Past Luna said. Past Luna closed her eyes as the Elements of Harmony encircled her.  Wanda and Misty backed away as a glow of warm light surrounded Past Luna, reenergizing her. “It’s so pretty,” Misty Brightdawn said.   Daybreaker, seeing Past Luna rise into the air with Elements of Harmony, stepped forward, gloating at the princess. “So the time has come,” Daybreaker said. “Go ahead.  Banish me and Princess Celestia to the moon.  Not only will you suffer mentally for the next thousand years, but I will figure out a way to break myself free from my prison with the aid of the stars.  You cannot escape your destiny.” But Past Luna looked down at Daybreaker and said “You will not take my sister.  Sure I quarrel with her from time to time like any sibling would.  But I care for her, and if I lose her, I will forever be alone.  You will be going to the moon, but not…WITHOUT…MY….SISTER!” With that, Past Luna focused her magic into the Elements of Harmony.  They shot out a powerful rainbow beam of pure light at Daybreaker, who only breathed fire at the incoming bean. “You can’t win,” Daybreaker said.  “Either you banish me and your sister to the moon, or you will lose EVERYONE!” “YOU WON’T LET ME DECIDE MY FATE!” Past Luna yelled.  “I’LL DECIDE MY OWN FATE, AND YOU WILL NEVER…HARM ME, MY SISTER, OR MY PEOPLE EVER AGAIN!!!” The power of the beam was more than enough to quell Daybreaker’s fire.  The corrupted alicorn could only stare in disbelief as the beam hit her, engulfing the pony in a warm light. “It’s working,” Misty Brightdawn yelled. When the light disappeared, Daybreaker was gone and in its place were Past Celestia and the Pony of Shadows, separated into two aura bubbles.  Past Celestia’s aura bubble floated to the ground before it popped, leaving her lying unconscious, while the bubble that surrounded the Pony of Shadows was pulled to Past Luna. “You’ve done the unthinkable,” The Pony of Shadows yelled.  “You’ve separated me from Princess Celestia with the Elements of Harmony.” “Nothing is unthinkable,” Past Luna said.  “We decide our own fate, no one else.  The fact that you wanted to force me into an eternity of solitude proves just how much of a sick, twisted individual you truly are.” “You haven’t seen the last of me,” The Pony of Shadows roared.  “When I break free from my thousand year banishment, I will make sure that the society you and your sister build will be reduced to rubble, and every creature will suffer for eternity.  After all, I’ve made Starswirl suffer, and I’ve made my creator Hydia suffer.” “If you do, I’ll be ready,” Past Luna yelled.  “In the meantime, I WANT YOU OUT OF MY KINGDOM! NOW!” Past Luna pointed the Pony of Shadows towards the full moon before focusing her magic into the Elements of Harmony.  With a powerful blast, the Pony of Shadows was sent flying towards the moon before it hit the surface and exploded in a powerful rainbow light.  When the light faded, an image of him formed on the moon looking down at the world. “Good riddance to bad rubbish,” Past Luna said as the Elements of Harmony circled around her. As the horrified villagers look down at the unconscious Past Celestia, Past Luna picked up the very baby filly next to her and walked up to her sister while Wanda, Abigail and Misty ran up to the alicorn and rubbed her on the shoulder.  It was enough to get her to slowly open her eyes and raise her head. “What…have I done?” Past Celestia cried.  “I’ve nearly killed the very ponies I promised…to look after.” “It wasn’t your fault,” Wanda said.  “It was the Pony of Shadows who did it.” “She’s right,” Misty said.  “What the Pony of Shadows did was against your own will.  Please, don’t give up on us.” Past Celestia looked up and saw the villagers hold themselves back in fear.  When she got up, they all cowered in a corner as if they were afraid of their life. “No,” Past Celestia said. “What I did, I cannot forgive myself for.  Even if the Pony of Shadows did take control of me, I’m afraid I’ve become too dangerous for their own good.” “Sister,” Past Luna said, walking up to Past Celestia with the Elements of Harmony surrounding her and the baby filly in her right arm.  “Don’t say that.  I only saved you because I didn’t want to be alone.  And besides, you’re the only one I have left in this family.” “I’m sorry,” Past Celestia said. “But I wish you banished me to the moon with the Pony of Shadows.  Now I can’t confront them after what I did.  I wish I could just…hide away in the castle.  Or even…in Tartarus.  I can’t let them see this.” “Sister,” Past Luna said before she grabbed Past Celestia and gave her a hug. “I don’t know why you’re willing to forgive me,” Past Celestia said.  “I nearly killed you, dear Luna.” “Don’t you dare, Mommy,” Wanda cried. “Mommy?  Me?” Past Celestia said. “That’s right,” Wanda said. “In the future, you will adopt many wonderful younglings as a means to keep your spirits high, to give them a new chance in life, and to allow Equestria to grow.  I would end up as one of those younglings you will adopt.” “That sounds like a great idea,” Past Luna said as she released her hold on her sister.  “Perhaps as a way to help the colts and fillies who lost their family.” “But…” Past Celestia said.  “How would I, if I would hurt them in the end?” “Because I remember what you told me in the future,” Wanda said.  “And even if I do get knocked down, I still remember how it goes.  ‘Don’t give up on your life.  The very ponies who look up to you are only here to help you.  They know what you went through.  They are your family.  And as a family, you are one together.” Before Past Celestia could say anything, Wanda reached out and gave her past foster mother a hug while tears flowed down her cheek.  Misty also reached out and hugged Past Celestia, crying a bit. “She’s a point,” Misty cried.  “I’ve lost so many loved ones at the Crystal Empire.  If I lost you or Aunt Luna, I don’t know what would be of me.  Please, for her sake, open up.” Past Celestia looked down at Misty and Wanda before giving them a warm hug.  The villagers looked at Past Celestia as their fear began to melt away.  They slowly walked up to the Princess, still afraid, but now with hope in their hearts.  One colt from the pack emerged to approach Past Celestia. “Princess Celestia,” One of the colts said. “We forgive you for what you were.” “She’s right,” An elder stallion said.  “What the child says is true.  Don’t let whatever that monster did affect your mind.  Know that your people will always back you up to the end of time.” Past Celestia looked at the villagers and said “Thank you.  All of you.  And if I have taken a single life, I will honor their memory to pay for what I did.” “Well I have good news,” one mare said.  “We all survived that incident.  And that’s something you should be thankful for.” The audience cheered loudly into the night sky as Wanda and Misty embraced Past Celestia while Abigail Meowed into the night.  But a few inches nearby, Past Luna  looked at her sister with a warm smile on her face while she held the baby filly in her right arm and the Elements of Harmony encircled her. “I’m proud of my sister,” Luna cried with pride.  “I’m glad she was able to stay here in Equestria and not have to be banished to the moon.  I know we will have our quarreling every once in a while. but it’s better than being all alone.” Past Luna looked down at the baby filly, who cheered and giggled at the sight of Past Celestia. “You know, you’re absolutely right,” Past Luna said.  “The day is about to come soon, and I figured I should give her something to celebrate.  And I think I have an idea on what thay day will be: The Summer Sun Celebration.  That way, it will remind my sister that she’s not alone.” And thus, everyone cheered in the ruins of their village as the moon with the Pony of Shadows’ visage began to settle into the distance and the sun began to rise in the eastern sky. To Be Continued in… A Warm Return