//------------------------------// // Arc 26-5: A Mermaid's Remorse // Story: My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" // by SaburoDaimando //------------------------------// A Mermaid’s Remorse Princess Celestia and Coldnelius Snap flew above the skies of the Equestrian mainland near Mount Aris with the surviving pegasi soldiers following from behind.  Below, Queen Chrysalis marched through on land with her tentacles, carrying the dead pegasi soldiers.  Immediately, the airborne ponies spotted the crowd of hippogriffs, changelings and cultists nearby before they landed. “They’re alright,” Princess Celestia said. “Come,” Coldnelius Snap said.  “Let us tend to our own before we depart.” Princess Celestia and Coldnelius Snap landed on the ground as the hippogriffs, changelings and cultists approached them.  Queen Chrysalis arrived and laid down the dead soldiers nearby.  Queen Novo was quick to hug Princess Celestia. “Thank Neptune and Athena that you survived,” Queen Novo said. “I came this close to losing my life,” Princess Celestia said.  “Even with the help of Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis.  Gold Banks has become too powerful for any of us to handle.” Suddenly, someone shouted “MOMMY!”  Princess Celestia looked down and saw Wanda standing on top of her mermaid tail.  Celestia picked up Wanda with her magic and gave her a hug. “I’m sorry I worried you, my darling Wanda,” Celestia said.   “I’m just glad you made it back,” Wanda cried.   “I don’t know what would have happened.” “It’s okay,” Celestia said. “I won’t leave you.” But when Celestia turned her head, she saw Crystal Snow channeling her magic into Princess Skystar, who was unconscious. “Crystal Snow, was it,” Princess Celestia said, walking over to the Winterian with Wanda holding onto her adopted mother.  “Will she be alright?” “She will,” Crystal Snow said.  “The ice cuff that I placed on her was able to get most of the miasma out of her body.  But she will need some time to recover.” “Thank goodness,” Princess Celestia said.  “The last thing we need is for a mother to lose her daughter.” “That I agree on,” Queen Novo said, walking up to Princess Celestia and pulling out another necklace. “Aunt Novo,” Wanda said.  “Is that?” “I’m sorry you lost your original necklace to Gold Banks,” Queen Novo said, holding the necklace out to Wanda..  “Luckily, I still had plenty left over.  This will restore your human legs and allow you to walk again.” Wanda looked down at the necklace and reached out to it, only to just simply withdraw her hand away. “I’m sorry, Aunt Novo,” Wanda said, ashamed.  “But I can’t take it just yet.  I nearly lost Princess Skystar and I unintentionally killed one of Gold Banks’ foot soldiers.” “Wanda,” Princess Celestia said.  “I didn’t know you did that.” “It’s true,” Wanda said as Celestia levitated the Man’s Cub onto her back.  “I fired off my magic in hopes of knocking the trident out of the soldier after he struck Aunt Novo and Princess Skystar.  Instead, it exploded and took his life.  Seeing that reminded me of how I nearly took the life of a little birdie.” “And it’s not your fault,” Queen Chrysalis said as she laid down on her tentacles.  “You did what you had to do.  Sometimes, the more pacifist choices aren’t the best choices.” “I never thought I would say this, but I agree with Queen Chrysalis,” Princess Celestia said.  “Sometimes, we fight to defend our home from those who would threaten it.  But I can understand why you’re upset about taking another individual’s life.  It’s because you see life as precious.  And sometimes, to save a life, may require taking a life.  But only as a last resort.” Wanda looked down at the necklace on Queen Novo’s palm before turning to Princess Celestia “Mommy," Wanda said.  "Could you hold onto my necklace until I feel like I’m ready to be human again?” “By your wish, I will,” Princess Celestia said as she levitated the necklace into the air and placed it around her neck. “And that wish I will respect, smallfry,” Queen Novo said. With that, Coldnelius Snap turned to Queen Novo and said “Despite the fact that we were the ones who invaded, none of us came out the victors.  Gold Banks has won.” “Though I am disappointed by yours and Chrysalis’ decision to invade our land, I unfortunately know why,” Queen Novo said before turning to Queen Chrysalis.  “Two of your former citizens informed me that Gold Banks took over the lands of the Changelings and the Winterians, driving your kind out.” “As much as I am not proud of this and because of the backlash we might have gotten,” Princess Celestia said, “I would have been more than happy to assist your races in crisis.  While your invasion did put the truce in jeopardy, Gold Banks’ victory on Mount Aris, the Changeling Hive and Winteris has renewed it.  As of now, Gold Banks is the biggest threat to Equestria in this day and age.” “That I agree with you on,” Coldnelius Snap said as Crystal Snow walked up to him and stood by his side.  “Effective immediately, we have agreed to extend our truce with you until Gold Banks is dealt with.” “And we agree with Coldnelius Snap,” Queen Chrysalis said as Princess Chrysalis II, Locust and the Predacon Brothers took sides with the cecaelia Changeling Queen.  “Until Gold Banks is dealt with, our eternal rivalry will have to be put on hold.” “Which reminds us,” Coldnelius Snap said.  “What will be of the Hippogriffs now that they have lost their home?” “I’ve decided to let them live in the Golden Land until further notice,” Princess Celestia said. “What about you?  Will you join us?” “I’m afraid not,” Coldenlius Snap said.  “Though our truce has been renewed, our differences will put us at risk with the ponies of Canterlot.  So we decline for the moment.” “We’ll find another home until Gold Banks is dealt with,” Queen Chrysalis said.  “But I vow to you that my revenge against Gold Banks will override any other desires.” “That I will keep in mind,” Princess Celestia said. “Then we should be on our way,” Queen Chrysalis said before she transformed back into her changeling form.  “Come.  Let us find a new home within the badlands.” With that, Coldnelius Snap and Crystal Snow ran off in another direction with the Windigo’s Guild following from behind, while Queen Chrysalis, Princess Chrysalis II, Locust, Inferno and Quickstrike led the changelings out.  Waspinator turned towards Wanda with a somber smile on his face. “Promise Waspinator that you’ll make it?” Waspinator asked. Wanda looked at Waspinator with a smile on her face and said “I promise.” “Then there is nothing left for Waspinator to say, except take care, Wanda-bug,” Waspinator said before he leaped into the air and flew off after the rest of the changeling swarm, leaving Princess Celestia, Wanda Young, Queen Novo, General Seaspray, Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream behind with the surviving Hippogriffs and Pegasi soldiers, the deceased who laid nearby, and the unconscious Princess Skystar laying nearby. “We’ve entered into tough times now, and I fear it’s going to get worse,” Princess Celestia said to herself. Meanwhile, deep in the abandoned throne room of Seaquestria, sea pony Gold Banks and cecaelia Grand Philosopher stood in front of a large hole that was covered in a bright light.  Nearby, a grand table had been pushed out of the way and smashed in two as if it were crushed by tentacles. “This must be where the location of the Hippogriff’s secret land is,” Gold Banks said. “And the source of their power,” Grand Philosopher explained.  “Once you acquire the power of the hippogriffs, nothing in Equestria can stop you.” “I feel that’s an understatement after I was able to best Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap all at once,” Gold Banks said.  “But regardless, let’s press on.” Gold Banks swam downward into the light, descending through a tunnel that led downward.  Behind her, Grand Philosopher swam after her.  As they descended downward, they saw the entire underwater world around them as the color of the ocean went from dark blue to purple to black, with a number of fish and other aquatic marine life surrounding the tunnel. At the bottom of the tunnel, they emerged in what appeared to be a beautiful land that looked like a mix between the underwater world and the mountain ranges scattered across.  In front of them was a palace that looked like it was built atop a mountain.  A pillar of magic flowed out from the top of the castle. “That must be where the hippogriff magic is located,” Gold Banks said. “What are you waiting for?” Grand Philosopher said.  “Go and get it.” “With pleasure,” Gold Banks smirked. With that, Gold Banks swam out from the light tunnel towards the castle at a brisk speed with Grand Philosopher following from behind. Inside the castle, the layout was nearly similar to that of Seaquestria Palace, but it looked more ancient and mysterious.  Gold Banks swam through the halls of this mysterious castle before she arrived in the throne room, where the magic flowed out. “The magic of the Hippogriffs,” Gold Banks said in awe.  “And it’s all mine.” Gold Banks swam up to the pillar of magic before she held her amulet out.  Immediately, the magic flowed into her amulet as it glowed brightly.  When the magic stopped flowing into the amulet, Gold Banks held it close to her with a devilish grin on her face as it glowed a bright ocean blue. “So much magic flowing within,” Gold Banks said, satisfied.  “And it’s all mine.” “It’s a shame that the magic of the demon ponies is lost,” Grand Philosopher said.  “With that kind of power, you could even eclipse the Pony of Shadows, or even more.” “That won’t be necessary,” Gold Banks said.  “I have more than enough magic to overthrow Princess Celestia and take my rightful place as Empress of Equestria.” “And what of Magistrate Creme Dream?” Grand Philosopher asked.  “After all, you desire revenge on her for the humiliation she put you through.” “You’re right,” Gold Banks said, releasing her hold on her amulet as it dropped below her beck.  “Besides, there might be one last source of power I plan on acquiring before I begin my conquest of Canterlot.” “And what would that be?” Grand Philosopher asked. “Rumor has it that a secret land exists under the ruins of Castle Everfree,” Gold Banks explained.  “Much like how we found the magic under Mount Aris, what’s left of the Changeling Hive, Winteris, and Manehattan.” “The ancient land of Queen Eternia and Icelina?” Grand Philosopher said.  “I’ve forgotten about that area.” “Well it wouldn’t hurt to go down there and acquire a bit more magic before we begin our conquest of Canterlot,” Gold Banks said.  “Shall we?” With that, Gold Banks swam out of the throne room with Grand Philosopher by her side, laughing out loud within the secret land of the Hippogriffs.  But on her way out, Gold Banks pulled out a necklace that she took from Wanda. “Fascinating that I also obtained a little trinket from my trip here,” Gold Banks said.  “I wonder how its magic will affect my Alicorn Amulet.  That is something I can’t wait to try out.” But meanwhile, in the palace of the Golden Land, Princess Skystar slowly opened her eyes up as she moved slowly. “Uggh,” Princess Skystar said.  “What happened?” “You were badly hurt and you nearly died.”  Princess Skystar shifted her head to her right, where Princess Celestia walked up to her.  The only thing Skystar did upon seeing the alicorn was to shift her head away with a sigh. “I messed up, big time,” Skystar said.  “Didn’t I?” “What you did was wrong when it came to taking my daughter away,” Princess Celestia said.  “But that pales in comparison to what happened on the foot of Mount Aris.” Skystar’s eyes lit up for a bit before she said “Wait.  Was it because I took a blow for my mom?” “You did,” Princess Celestia said.  “And you scared her with that stunt.  Had it not been for Windigo’s Guild member Crystal Snow, you would have died.” Princess Skystar shifted her head away from Princess Celestia as she struggled to move her body. “Uggh,” Princess Skystar said.  “That explains why I feel so weak.” “It’s going to take some time for you to recover from your injuries,” Princess Celestia explained.  “Until then, you’ll be confined to this palace.” “I’ll take it,” Princess Skystar said.  “Better than being dead.” Princess Celestia giggled before she said “But that’s not the only punishment you’ll have to endure.  In fact, there is someone who’s here to see you carry it out.” Immediately, Princess Celestia walked out of the way as Wanda Young, still a mermaid, walked in on Sunset Shimmer’s back.  Next to her were Abigail Albright, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace and Pinkie Pie, the latter which was carrying a cake in a wagon she was pulling. “Wanda,” Princess Skystar said.  “You’re still a mermaid.” “Yeah,” Wanda said.  “After what happened on Mount Aris, I felt extremely shameful.” As Sunset Shimmer approached the bed that Princess Skystar was lying in, Wanda hopped off and sat on the bed before pulling her mermaid tail on it.  Starlight Glimmer and Golden Lace pulled a table up close before they both placed the cake on top. “What do you mean, Wanda?” Princess Skystar asked. “When you were struck down by the magic of the Debt Collectors,” Wanda explained, “I was horrified.  I mean, it was one thing for you to take me away from Canterlot.  But it’s another for you to take a shot for your mommy.” “She’s right,” Sunset said.  “Regardless of what you did, your death would have been far worse.” Before Skystar could speak, she noticed the ring on Sunset Shimmer’s horn. “Sunset,” Skystar said.  “What happened to you?” “My own demon form tried to take control, and it nearly overwhelmed mother and sister Cadance,” Sunset said.  “So mother was able to use an equinox ring to keep it in check.  And so far, it’s doing well.  But at the cost of my magic.” “So, you won’t be able to do magic anymore?” Princess Skystar asked. “Until a solution is found,” Sunset said.  “Right now, I’m going to have to function without a single shred of magic.” “I’m sorry to hear that,” Princess Skystar said.  “I hope you do find it.” “Thanks, Skystar,” Sunset Shimmer said.  “I appreciate it.” But Skystar turned her attention back towards Wanda, who barely turned away from her. “Wanda,” Skystar said.  “It looks like something else happened to you while I was out cold.” “It was,” Wanda explained.  “When the mean soldier tried to blast you and your mommy, I overreacted and fired a blast of magic at him.  Somehow, it caused his weapon to explode and kill him.” “You actually….killed someone?” Princess Skystar said, horrified by Wanda’s words. “Yeah,” Wanda said before she turned her head away. “When Wanda told us about what she did, we were horrified,” Starlight Glimmer said.  “To think that our best friend would be forced to take a life.” “But unfortunately, she had a reason to do so,” Golden Lace explained. “It was to save yours and your mother’s life.  Had Wanda not taken that course of action, we could have lost you and your mother.  A shame that it wound up resorting to the death of a soldier, even if he was from my mom’s private military.” Princess Skystar struggled to get herself up on the bed as she tried to reach out to Wanda.  The mermaid man’s cub turned to Princess Skystar and noticed her struggling.  So Wanda scooted over to the hippogriff, allowing Skystar to place her arms around her. “Wanda,” Princess Skystar said.  “I’m sorry you had to take a life, even if he was a big meanie.” “Thanks,” Wanda said, still depressed.  “I’ve asked my mommy to keep me as a mermaid for the rest of today.  Just to at least keep you comfy while you recover from your injuries.” “But what about the necklace that Golden Lace took from you?” Skystar asked. “Mommy was given another necklace from Aunt Novo,” Wanda said as Abigail jumped on the bed.  “But I asked her to keep it temporarily till I am ready to return to being human.” “So that’s why you chose to remain a mermaid,” Princess Skystar said. “That’s right,” Pinkie Pie said, cutting a slice of cake and placing it on a plate.  “Wanda felt real sorry for you, and I think her decision makes a lot of sense:  A reminder to be humble towards others.” Pinkie Pie handed the plate of cake to Princess Skystar, who only turned her head away. “I don’t know if I should accept this,” Skystar said.  “I don’t deserve it after what I did.” “Oh just take it,” Pinkie Pie laughed.  “After all, it was Wanda’s idea.” “That’s right,” Wanda said with a smile forming on her face as she held a fork out.  “So as princess of Equestria, I hereby sentence you to eat that cake.” With that, Wanda cut into the cake slice with the fork before picking it up and held it out to Skystar, who took a bite into it.  After she swallowed, her beak cracked a smile. “This is the best punishment I have ever gotten in my life,” Skystar cried.   Immediately, Sunset, Starlight, Golden Lace and Pinkie Pie all burst out into laughter. “Oh Skystar,” Starlight said.  “You’re so silly.” Wanda laughed as well as she cut off another piece of cake and held it in front of Princess Skystar, who bit into it.   Princess Celestia smiled from afar before she walked out the room where Queen Novo waited for her. “I’m glad she’s recovering well,” Queen Novo said.   “But I’m still surprised by Princess Wanda’s decision to remain a mermaid until further notice.” “It’s a silly decision she chose to make,” Princess Celestia said.  “But I respect her choice.  The way I also see it is that it’s a means of showing sympathy towards your daughter, especially after what she went through.” As Princess Celestia and Queen Novo walked away from the door, the hippogriff queen looked out a nearby window with the sun setting in the Golden Land. “I’ll have to be honest,” Queen Novo said.  “I thought I would lose my daughter that day after she used herself as a shield.  It almost reminded me of how I lost my father and mother.” “No doubt that Gold Banks has become far more dangerous than any villain I have confronted in my life,” Princess Celestia said.  “And unlike you and me, she has no regard for her own off-springs.  Tells you a whole lot about what their character truly is.” “That reminds me,” Queen Novo said.  “Since we left Mount Aris, your mind has been a bit preoccupied with Wanda’s well-being.” Princess Celestia came to a stop as she turned to Queen Novo and said “It has.  I still recall what Gold Banks said to me.  She told me that I could take Wanda to the far ends of Equestria, and she will still find her and bring her back to Daisy Joy Tech.  And considering the power that Gold Banks has, I fear it would only be a matter of time before I lose Wanda for good.” “Don’t let Gold Banks trouble you on this,” Queen Novo said.  “We’ll bring that monster down, one way or another.” “Even so, I fear I’m putting my darling Wanda in grave danger,” Princess Celestia replied.  “So I may actually have no choice, but to have Wanda return to Evevanya.” “Back home to where she came from?” Queen Novo asked.  “Are you sure about that?  What would she say about it?  What would her friends say?” “I know they won’t be happy about it,” Princess Celestia said.  “But it’s for her own good.” As Princess Celestia walked away from Queen Novo, the hippogriff queen just stood there completely worried. “Neptune and Athena,” Queen Novo said.  “Please give Princess Celestia the guidance needed so that she can get through these hard times.” To Be Continued in Arc 27: A Dog Gone Revelation The Return of Karen the Bulldog