Misty's Adventures in Galar

by Brian Sheil

34. Gym Battle 8-Misty vs. Raihan

The next day, Misty and her friends walked out of the Pokémon Center. Misty is excited for her eighth and final Gym Battle.
"Okay, guys." Misty said proudly. "My final gym battle awaits!"
Suddenly, they were approached by Sonia, Leon, and Hop.
"Hello, everyone." Sonia greeted. "Looks like you're set to meet the gym leader, Misty."
"I sure am!" Misty replied.
Hop got excited, "You're going to face the toughest gym leader of them all. I'm just glad that my brother bested that Dynamax Pokémon."
"It wasn't easy." Leon added. "But, me and Charizard are an unstoppable duo."
"I can't believe that a power spot just showed up." Sonia said with worry.
Just then, Sonia's grandmother, Professor Magnolia, arrived.
"Grandma!" Sonia gasped. "What are you doing here?"
"I figured to help you out, my dear." Magnolia replied. "The chairman is very worried about these circumstances."
"I can't blame him." Firefly said. "This sudden appearance of Dynamaxed Pokémon can scare anybody."
Sonia had a thought. "Do you think it's connected with the Darkest Day?"
"Possibly." Magnolia replied. "With all of the findings you made, there might be a connection." The professor has an idea. "I'm off to do some more research. I would like it if you come with me.'
"Do you think it can help with my own research, Gran?"
"I believe so. Working together, we'll solve these mysteries."
Sonia thinks it's a good idea. As she and Professor Magnolia leave, Leon turns to Misty and Hop.
"Meanwhile, you two keep fighting in the Gym Challenge." Leon said. "Let's meet again in the Championship Cup."
Leon leaves the crew. Hop is ready to continue his journey. "Misty, Raihan is tough. But, with your friends cheering you on, you'll do great. Meanwhile, I'm going back to Spikemuth to battle Piers. Later!"
Hop leaves the area. Misty, Firefly, and Paradise looked at the castle like building. Soon, they walked into it to prepare for Misty's gym battle. Inside, Raihan was waiting for them.
"Hello, Misty." Raihan greeted. "Are you ready for your final gym challenge?"
"I sure am." Misty replied.
"Excellent. Now, here's some advice. This gym battle is going to be a double battle."
"You mean, two Pokémon fight on each side at the same time?" Paradise asked.
"That's right. So be ready for anything."
Raihan leaves to prepare. Paradise and Firefly head for the stands while Misty changes into her challenger outfit. Later, the arena has many people cheering for the battle. Firefly and Paradise were in one area of the arena. Opaline and Squirk watched from another. Out steps a lovely woman with flowing blonde hair and wearing a long green gown and black platform shoes.
"Welcome, everybody, to Hammerlocke Stadium." The woman said to the crowd. "I am Miss Morning Glory, your charming host. Now, here are the contestants." She pointed to her left. "In this corner is the mighty dragon master. The strongest gym leader in Galar: Raihan!"
The crowd cheered for Raihan as Morning Glory continues her announcement. "His opponent is a great trainer who's one step away from the Championship Cup." She points to her right. "From Canterlot City, here's Misty Brightdawn!"
Misty steps in to prepare for her battle. A curly haired woman dressed as a queen with a lowing white cape steps in.
"This shall be a four on four battle in the form of Double battles." The queen announced. "It will end when all Pokémon from either side are unable to continue. Also, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon."
Raihan threw out two Poké Balls at once. "Gigalith, Flygon, let's go!"
Out came a rock creature with orange crystals and a flying green creature with red eyes. Misty used her Pokédex to study them.
The Pokédex first identifies the rock creature. Gigalith, the Compressed Pokémon. The crystals on it's body can absorb sunlight for energy. Then, the flying creature. Flygon, the Mystic Pokémon. When it flaps it's wings fast, it sounds like someone is singing.
Misty made her first choices. "Inteleon, Frossmoth, you're up!'
Out came her Inteleon and a white winged bug. Firefly was confused. "What Pokémon is that?"
Paradise looked it up on her tablet. "Frossmoth, the First Moth Pokémon and the evolved form of Snom. It protects mountainous areas from troublemakers by blowing icy winds to chase them away."
Raihan looked at Frossmoth, and thinks it's an easy hit. "I don't know about Inteleon. But, that insect is easy pickings. Gigalith, use Rock Blast on that Frossmoth!"
Gigalith started to fire rocks on Frossmoth. Misty reacts quickly. "Frossmoth, dodge it. Inteleon, use Water Pulse on Gigalith!"
As Frossmoth dodged the rocks, Inteleon fired a stream of water at Gigalith. The impact confused the rock Pokémon.
"I still got another Pokémon to squish that bug." Raihan said. "Flygon, Sonic Boom!"
Flygon flapped it's wings fast, creating a force to push Frossmoth back. Misty then unleashed another surprise. "Frossmoth, use Icy Wind on Flygon!"
Frossmoth unleashed a super cold wind blow hard. So cold, Flygon soon fainted.
"Flygon is unable to battle." The queen announced.
"With a powerful ice move," Morning Glory said, "Frossmoth took down Flygon. Now, Raihan is down to three Pokémon."
As Raihan recalled Flygon, he praised his opponent. "Well done, Misty. You figured that dragon types are weak against ice moves."
"Thank you, Raihan." Misty replied.
"Now, here's my next Pokémon to join Gigalith. Go, Sandaconda!"
Out pops a snake with huge coils on his neck down to it's back. Misty checks this Pokémon out.
Sandaconda, the Sand Snake Pokémon and the evolved form of Silucobra. The Pokédex said. It can hold more than it's weight in sand with it's sack.
Misty was shocked when Raihan gave a quick order. 'Gigalith, use Rock Blast on Frossmoth!"
Snapping out of its confusion, Gigalith started to unleash rocks. Frossmoth tried to fly around them. But, one hit this moth, and caused it to faint.
"Frossmoth is unable to battle." The queen announced.
"Return, Frossmoth." Misty said, recalling her Pokémon. She then makes her next choice. "Go, Mudsdale!"
Mudsdale comes out, ready to go. Misty then makes her move. "Mudsdale, use Double Kick on Gigalith. Inteleon, use Snipe Shot on Sandaconda!"
Inteleon fired it's water bullets on Sandaconda. The Sand Snake Pokémon survived. Mudsdale kicked Gigalith twice. The Compressed Pokémon soon fainted.
"Gigalith is unable to battle." The queen announced.
"Misty is turning out to be quite the competitor." Morning Glory said as Raihan recalled Gigalith. "But, Raihan can now call on his final Pokémon."
"And, here it is." Raihan declared. "Go, Duraladon!"
Out popped a steel like creature that looks like a statue. Misty studied this Pokémon carefully.
Duraladon, the Alloy Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. It's lightweight so it can move fast. But, it rusts easily.
Suddenly, a sandstorm is whipped. Raihan explains. "When my Sandaconda gets hit, it's Sand Spit ability kicks in."
"Inteleon, return." Misty said as she recalls her Pokémon to call for another. "Go, Ninetales!"
The beautiful Fox Pokémon emerges for battle. Misty decides to deal with Sandaconda. "Mudsdale, use Rock Smash on Sandaconda!"
Mudsdale uses the fighting move to hit Sandaconda. The Sand Snake Pokémon soon fainted.
"Sandaconda is unable to battle." The queen announced.
"Now, Raihan has one more Pokémon left." Morning Glory said to the crowd. "But, that one is all he needs."
On that moment, Raihan recalled his Duraladon. The ball grew big, and he threw it in the air. "Gigantamax!"
Duraladon popped out, and grew gigantic. Misty countered it by recalling her Ninetales. Her ball grew as she prepared herself. "It's Dynamax time!"
Ninetales grew gigantic. Misty has a small advantage with two Pokémon against one. But, Raihan is not worried.
"Go, Duraladon." Raihan called out. "Max Wyrmwind!"
Duraladon unleashed a power burst on Ninetales. The fire fox is still standing. Misty counterattacks. "Mudsdale, use Double Kick!".
Although smaller than the giant Pokémon, Mudsdale's effect was still felt.
"Follow it up, Ninetales!" Misty calls out. "Max Flare!"
Ninetales unleashed a firey burst. Being a steel type Duraladon felt the heat harshly. Soon, between the fire and Mudsdale's attack, the Alloy Pokémon soon fainted and returned to normal size.
"Duraladon is unable to battle." The queen announced. "Since it was Raihan's last Pokémon, the winner of this battle is Misty Brightdawn!"
"And, that's it!" Morning Glory said. "With a burst of intense fire, Ninetales helped secure a win for Misty!"
The crowd cheered as Ninetales returned to normal size. Misty rushes in to hug both Ninetales and Mudsdale. Raihan recalled his Duraladon and walked up to his opponent.
"You and your Pokémon are amazing, Misty." Raihan admitted. "You truly earned the Dragon Badge."
Misty received a golden fragment with a purple dragon design. She was excited. "I have the Dragon Badge! That's badge number eight!"
She puts her badge in her case. All eight badges come together to become a medallion with eight symbols.
With this last badge, Misty thought, I'm now qualified for the Pokémon Championship Cup.

End of Chapter 34


at the Sanctuary

