//------------------------------// // The humble begings // Story: A special adventure thru the Inbetweens // by Panda the fazbear128 //------------------------------// "Huh where am I?" Izzy found herself in a patch of flowers in an unfimilliar place. "I'm alone welp let's get moving maybe I will find somepony!" She noticed she was on a steep hill and slowly started getting down she made it down succesfully. And so Izzy's adventure began. Walking around she noticed a wierd creature, she started walking closser to it. She was also passed out and slowly started waking up. Izzy in her ussual nature greated the creature with a warm "Hi new friend!" "Aaa a unicorn, wait a talking unicorn please don't kill me!" The "creature" screemed scared of Izzy. Witch the unicorn was confused by. "Why would I kill you new friend?" Izzy looked confused at the accusasion. "Wait you're not gonna kill me?" The "creature" asked shaking a bit. "No I won't, but what's your name?" Izzy gave a warm smile witch the "creature" returned. "Im Luz Noceda, what's your name?" Luz asked "Izzy Moonbow." Izzy answered streching out the moon part of her name giving it a spacy feel. "And can I ask Luz what are you it's clear you're not pony." Izzy asked courious. "Im a human. And now that we somewhat know eachother can I ask for some help, my girlfriend got kidnaped thru a wierd portal, and I followed them here but I don't know where I am, or where I'm supposed to go." "Im so sorry Luz, but I don't even know where I am! But I have an idea what if we find out together, I will help you find your girlfriend and we'll find a way back home! How does that sound?" "That sounds great, Izzy then let's get going there's no time to waste!" Luz said exited she grabbed her bag and of they went. Thuse our heroes united and their quests beacame one, they headed on to find anwsers about their where-abouts and where to go to resque Luz's girlfriend and go home. "Luz, I just have a couple of questions is it a problem if I asked them? Izzy asked walking by her new friends side. "No it's not, ask away my unicorn companien!" Luz said looking ahead. "Okay then question number one, Why did you think I was gonna kill you?" Izzy asked "I had some bad expiriences with some bad unicorns at a tiny circus." Luz said her smile disaparing as she answered shuddering a bit even, then reaparing when she finished. "Oh okay then question number two, who is your girlfriend?" "My awsome girlfriend's name is Amity Blight! She is the best girlfriend anybody can wish for, and an awsome witch!" Luz blushed while answering. Izzy smiled though she was a bit suprised that Luz said "anybody" in stead of "anypony". "Okay, cool she must be really sweet and cool!" "Oh trust me she is!" Luz responded and Izzy quickly continued "Qustion number three, where are you from? So you don't have to ask I am from Equestria to specifcly Maretime Bay!" "I am from the human realm but I'm currently Iiving in the Boiling Isles!" Before Izzy could ask another question however they were inturupted by huge beast that tried atacking them. "Looks like we have to wait with the questions Izzy!" Luz got her glyths out and choose a fire one puting the rest away, while Izzy got her horn ready to attack. "Do not underestimate us beast! For I am the Good Witch Luz, worrier of peace. Now eat this sucker!" Luz shouted out as she shot out a fire ball, that hit the beast and took it down single handedly. Izzy didn't even need to do anything. "Oh. My. Harmony, that was amazing how did you do that! And what you said was just so cool! You were like 'don't underestimate us beast!' And 'Now eat this sucker!' It was so cool! Did you come up with it yourself? Or is it from somewhere else? It was just so cool!" Izzy gused while Luz was just giggling and blushing she grabbed something out of her bag. "It's from this book, here I think you'd like it!" She handed the book to Izzy. "The Good Witch Azura." Izzy read. "Thank you so much Luz I can't wait to read it!" "No problem, but let's keep going it's getting late and we must set up camp somewhere!" Luz said as she put her bag back on. Izzy put the book away and catched up with Luz. "So what's the book about? When can I read it?" "It's about this awsome witch called Azura and her adventures! And you can start reading it when you want Izzy!" Luz anwsered. "No you idiot boss asked to arrive at the castle with the treasure!" A voice could be heard from the distance. "We should follow it! It sounded like it was coming from the bushes, over there." Izzy remark as she pointed to bush ahead of them. Luz nodded. They went and noticed two gard looking figures with a tied up Amity. Luz did not hasite a bit and took immidiate action. "Now what do you two think you're doing!" Luz jumped out. "Yeah, what are you doing! Ouch!" Izzy said as she triped on a twig. "Luz! What are you doing here? It's dangerous!" Amity said concerned "I just came to save my awsome sweet potato!" "Enough chit-chat Steve, kill them!" Guard one said sternly "Okay, you're the boss!" Steve added he got a staff and charged at Luz. She dogged it. "Hey, Izz what if we combane our powers, I'll stick a glyth to your horn and you just zapp!" Luz said getting herself ready. "Sure thing partner! Put it... here!" Izzy pointed to the tip of her horn. Luz put an ice glyth where Izzy pointed. And sure enough where ever Izzy shot a spark of magic it inmedeatly turned into a sharp piece of ice. Izzy shot the ice pieces and Luz used a plant glyth to help Izzy. After a while Steve was down "Hehe... you fell in our trap human. Well good luck saving your girlfriend byeee!" "Wait what do you mean?" Luz looked around and Amity and the first guard just disapered. "We... we got tricked." Luz looked down frowning "Hey Luz don't worry we will save Amity together!" Izzy put her hoof on Luz's shoulder. "Yeah come on let's find somewhere to rest." They set up camp near some trees. "So Izzy you asked me some questions let me ask you some, if you don't mind." Luz also wanted to get to know Izzy.