Your Name Across The Multiverse


Chapter 2: Meeting More New Faces

"What could have happened here?" thought Terra as she scanned the impact crater with her high-tech visor.

"Wait, are you telling me that in your universe, you are in a big space war with an alien race called the Changelings and a high-tech race called the Greys?" asked Rain as she lit her cigarette with her lighter.

"Yeah, I'm not a scientist or anything. Only trained for the war, but the Greys have a lot of tech that outtechs ours," said Terra as she took off her visor and faced Rain. "Don't believe in aliens?"

"Aliens are real. In my universe, they sent us a message about wanting to destroy us and how one of their mechas sent out the recovery beacon. My best friend was blamed for it, so I was on my way to save her when-" Rain said before stopping herself.

"We ended up here?" finished Terra as she looked around the strange forest, as reality was slowly breaking down around them and changing colors. "In my universe, I was fighting the changelings and was doing well until Jackie from the flagship came over the coms and told me there was a large energy spike in my area, and well, you know the rest."

"Yeah, but we need to get out of here," said Rain as she started walking in a random direction. Terra followed her.

"Where are we going? We have no idea how to get back home," Terra asked as she looked at Rain.

"The only thing I can think of is finding the one who summoned us. Then beat the answer out of them," said Rain.

"You aren't my commander, but sure, act like her!" laughed Terra.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Rain said with a small smirk as she blew a puff of smoke.

Rain and Terra continued through the forest as the sky and ground became more unstable. They both saw the colors start to become more and more different, and the trees and grass became more and more abstract.

"Shit!" shouted Rain.

"It doesn't look like we're going any further, it seems," said Terra as the women stopped. In front of them was a scattered reality space, and the land they were on was the only piece of land left.

"You think if we go back, there will be a "back" or nothingness?" asked Rain as she took out her last cigarette.

"Worth going back, I guess. It seems we're on ground zero for this event." Terra said.

Rain lit her cigarette, walked beside the edge, and looked at the colorful nothingness and cracks.
"Let's head back then," said Rain angrily as she tossed her empty cigarette pack into the void.

Terra nodded and headed back towards where they came from when she suddenly felt something or someone nearby. "Stop!" shouted Terra. Rain stopped and looked at her. "Something's out there!"

"It could be the person that brought us here." said Rain as she turned to face the other way.

Terra took out her rifle and slowly walked around the area, her weapon raised. Rain also took out her rifle and looked around the area; she knew she could hit anything with her marksman skills.

"Whoever or whatever you are, we know you're out there!" shouted Rain.

Terra heard movement to her right. She moved over and got behind a large tree, preparing herself for the threat to make itself known.

"We don't want any trouble! Show yourself!" shouted Terra.

Then, walking out between a few brushes was a version of Rainbow Dash, who didn't look very happy.

"So, what did Lunar cook up this time? Another stupid trap?" angry called out this Dash as she slammed her fists into each other. "Well, I'm getting sick of it!"

Rain walked over, stood beside Terra, and looked at this new arrival.

"Another version of..." said Rain.

"You? But you're different, and she's looking for this "Lunar" person?" Terra said as she looked at the angry person in front of them.

"You two! Part of her game, are you? Thinking stupid guns can hit me! Ha! Nothing can stop me, Flashing Rainboom!" said Flash, as a bright flash and a bright blue light started to emit from her, and in a second, she was gone.

"Shit! Where did she go?" panicked Rain as she looked around.

"I'm not sure, but watch out!" said Terra as a kick appeared from nowhere and knocked the rifle out of her hands.

"Ha! Is that the best you got?" laughed Flash as she flew above the two.

"Damn it!" said Terra as she threw a grenade. The explosion shook the ground and caused dust to fill the air.

"Hahaha! You missed, idiot!" said Flash.

"You think so!" shouted Rain, who shot Flash with her sniper rifle, a bullet hitting her right leg and another hitting her right shoulder.

"ARGH!" she shouted, as Flash was in pain as she held her wounds and fell to the ground. Her body started to glow a red color, and her body began to repair the wounds.

"Wow! That's fucking bullshit!" cried Rain in disbelief and anger.

"What the hell are you?" shouted Terra as she got her rifle back and pointed it at her.

"I'm the ultimate fighter, and I'll save her, no matter what!" laughed Flashing as she jumped forward and knocked the rifles out of the women's hands.

"Damn it!" cursed Rain as she dodged a punch.

"Shit!" whispered Terra as she punched her. Flash didn't even flinch, which shocked her.

"Is that all you got, you little fry?" laughed Flash.

"Hey, you little bitch!" shouted Rain as she threw a solid left hook. Flash blocked it, and Rain quickly followed up with a right uppercut to her chin, but it was like hitting a steel wall as she pulled back her fist. "Damn it! She's too strong!" thought Rain.

"We have to hold her off until we can think of a plan!" thought Terra as she backed away and joined Rain.

"This chick is crazy; nothing we can do can hurt her!" whispered Rain.

"I have an idea," whispered Terra, and she explained her plan to her.

"Are you nuts? Are you sure that will work on her?" whispered Rain.

"We don't have a choice," whispered Terra.


"I'm getting bored with this!" said Flash.

"Then let's finish this!" said Rain as she ran towards her.

"Oh goody, I'm tired of waiting!"

As soon as she finished talking, Terra had already run behind her and tried to hit her. Flashing noticed this and blocked her attack, while Rain went for a right hook but was blocked as well.

"You'll have to do better than that!" said Flashing. Rain smirked and punched her in the gut. She wasn't surprised, as Flashing didn't even react to her punch. "See ya!" Flash kicked away Rain, but she quickly felt something on her stomach. She looked down and saw a gray gel-like grenade stuck to her belly. "Huh? What is this?" she asked, and then an electricity explosion knocked her back. "What the hell?" shouted Flashing as she fell to the ground, and her body spasmed violently from the electric shock.

"It's an anti-psychic matter gel grenade; it can shut down any form of psychic power. It looks like your powers are or almost are like ghost psychic energy after all," Terra explained as she walked over to the Rainboom.

"But when? I didn't see you hand her anything before you split up." asked Flashing as her body got heavy.

"Using my psychic powers, I tricked your eyes; I gave her the grenade right in front of you," said Terra as she picked her up and tied her arms up with the steel wire she had in her pack belt.

"Damn it! Let me go, you assholes!" cried Flashing.

"Sorry, no can do," said Terra.

"Not until you calm down and tell us who this "Lunar" is and how you got here," said Rain.

"Here?" repeated Flash as she finally looked around and noticed the breaking down of this reality. "I don't know. One second, I was in the locker room before my next fight, and before I knew it, I landed inside a crater. Then I walked for a few minutes, saw you two, and thought Lunar was at it again."

Before the women could reply, another voice from the trees above them chimed in.

"I see; you were teleported here as well. Very fascinating!"

The group looked up and could see...

"Holy shit, it's another version of you? A freaking talking pony, too!" called out Rain as she turned to Terra.

"This got weirder," whispered Terra as she walked over to the unicorn.

"Midnight? Why are you small?" said Flash as she watched the unicorn turn on her robotic wings and hover down to meet Terra. "Also, cool wings, by the way!"

"Your friend said I looked like you?" asked the unicorn as she put on her glasses.

"Yes? I think?" explained Terra as she removed her visor and face mask, revealing her face. In the background, Flashing was gasping with awe and confusion.

"Hmm. Interesting! Another version of me!" exclaimed the unicorn as she walked around Terra.

"Who are you?" asked Terra.

"Oh, sorry, how rude. My name is Wanda, and I'm a genetically enhanced pony created on the lunar moon base. May I have your name?" asked Wanda.

"Uh...Sure? My name is Terra, and I'm a ghost unit and lieutenant in the Element Raiders. That's Rain, and our new friend over there is Flashing." introduced Terra.

"I see, I see!" whispered Wanda as she trotted over to the other two and checked them out.

"I'm a great warrior, little Wanda," said Flashing.

"I'm a school teacher who has seen combat," Rain coughed as she moved her rifle away from Wanda's hooves.

"Interesting! The multiverse is a vast place!" smiled Wanda.

"Oh good, you already know what's up." happily replied Terra as she walked over.

"Of course. I was on a mission with my team when I appeared in a crater near here. I was gathering information about this universe, and it's falling apart for unknown reasons," Wanda explained.

"Do you have an idea why?" asked Terra.

"I can only guess from my findings, but I believe something powerful came into contact with another powerful object and scattered this universe apart, and it seems to be drawing other versions of "us" to this point. I don't know why yet, but if the collapse isn't fixed soon, this universe is done for and along with everything that came here," answered Wanda as she and Flashing bodies started to turn a solid orange color as the sky above cracked more. Their bodies began to return to normal.

"You're a genius, right? You can fix this somehow." Rain asked as she stood beside Wanda.

"With my current calculations, no, I need time to study the area and get more info...oh?" Stopped Wanda as she looked up and saw the Rainbow Comet, which was frozen in place and glitching out. "The Rainbow Comet? That shouldn't be here. It wasn't meant to appear in my universe until another ten years."

"The holy rainbow comet? It's meant to show up in my world in a few months," Flash said.

Wanda turned to the others and asked about the comet.

"Fifteen years in my universe," answered Rain.

"Thirty in my universe; I believe it's a naturally occurring phenomenon in every universe," answered Terra.

"Possibly...I need to study the impact site some more; I believe this whole thing is connected to the comet somehow," stated Wanda.

"If we help, can you figure out what's going on?" asked Rain.

"Of course, the more data I get, the more accurate the solution is," stated Wanda.

The three looked at each other and nodded.

"Then let's go!" shouted Terra.

The group headed towards the site but left behind Flashing as she cried for them to come back.

Back at the impact site, a magical pink wand rose from the crater as someone stepped out.

"Owwie! Are you okay, Tanky?" said this alt version of Dash as she petted her turtle head. "Where are we? Where are the girls?"

This Dash walked out of the crater but stopped as a high, mighty female voice spoke from above.

"So, you're the one who's summoned me!" ordered the voice as Dash looked up and saw...

"Who are you?" whimper Dash as she turned on her magical wand and pointed it to the standing sorceress, her eyes turning bright purple.

"I'm the supreme sorceress of Equestia-8720! Dr. Wonder!" shouted the voice as she summoned magical runes and fired a beam of lasers at Dash.

Back with the other four, they could see smoke coming from the crater site.

"What was that?" asked Terra as they all stopped and could see smoke.

"There must be another version of us fighting. I'll get there first and stop it!" answered Wanda as she turned her wings on and blasted off to the site.

"I'm coming, little Wanda!" shouted Flashing as she sped off quickly.

Without saying anything, Terra dashed off after them with unreal speed.

"I'll catch up...soon," sighed Rain as she ran faster. "Man, I want a cool jet pack with wings or superpowers. This fucking blows! It's like I'm the lame one here!"

end of chapter 2