Spike And The Ninja Turtles

by Dragonfan101

28: Target, April O Neil

It was another night in New York again as we see a shot of Shredder's lair as we hear Shredder speak on a hologram.

"So daughter, not only did you disobey my orders in my absence, but your petty scheme failed miserably." Shredder said in disappointment.
"It was those stupid footbots, they couldn't keep up with the turtles and dragon. But one good thing, the Kraang have been upgrading them, so.." Karai said before Shredder stopped her again.

"Hear me Karai. You will have no more dealings with the Kraang until i return." Shredder ordered and Karai sighed.
"Understood father.." She said a little upset at this.
"Wait for my command, and do not disobey me again, the consequences would be.. unfortunate." Shredder warned as Karai gripped her hands and started to think Spike was right..

We cut to a Kraang lab as Karai looks around at all the high tech, more Kraang aliens were working on the bots as Karai was brought up to the center. A new mech suit rises from the ground in front of her.
"Not bad, how much longer till it's done?" Karai asked impressed at what she was seeing.
"By Kraang's calculations, nine earth hours before.." The droid said before Karai stopped him.
"Nine hours? I want to test it on someone now, and i've got the perfect target to, April O Neil." Karai explained.

This caused all of the droids to screech in surprise.
"Is there a problem with that?" Karai asked crossing her arms.
"Kraang sees no.. foreseeable problem, one called Karai." A droid said in response.
"Good, now let's speed up the process, you don't want to keep the Shredder waiting now, do you?" Karai asked as we see the new robot once more..

April was currently walking through the streets again alone, Donnie was secretly following her from the rooftops as she went through an alleyway, but she was able to catch onto it quickly.
"I know your following me! Come out so i can see you!" April said as she drew her fan, she saw some nearby trashcans and got the idea, she threw her fan like a boomerang and it came and hit Donnie knocking him out of his hiding spot.
"Donnie?" April asked confused.

H.. hey April, funny the both of us happen to be passing through this shady back alley at the same time huh? So.. how have you been doing." Donnie said nervously as she crossed her arms.
"Oh you know, homework, chess club, dealing with a father who turned into a mutant bat!" April accused again.
"April.. it wasn't completely our fault, Spike's been losing sleep trying to find a retro mutagen, we're really sorry about.." Donnie said before April stopped.

"Not as sorry as i am! I wanna be left alone Donnie, i don't want anymore talking mutants in my life, i never wanna see you again!" April said with anger as she started walking off.
"April? Some things are just beyond our control.." Donnie said sadly, she looked back at him one more time before she walked off again leaving him alone.

Spike was sleeping in the room again as he tried making up his lost hours, the others were watching the tv show again while Donnie came into the room looking upset and his sounds woke Spike up and he saw Donnie.
"You okay Donnie?" Spike asked with a yawn as he stood up and sat next to the others.
"I'm okay.." Donnie sad sadly which concerned him. The next episode they were watching showed the heroes defeating another monster, but the pilots forgot the princesses birthday and was hurt by that and left them.

"Whoa dude, this show like totally paradoxes your life." Mikey said in surprise.
"The last show kinda did that too didn't it?" Spike asked curious.
"It's parallels and it does not okay? It's just a cartoon." Donnie said a little annoyed.

"Besides the princess has quit the team like 27 times, she always comes back." Leo reminded.
"I kinda find that annoying, because it's most likely gonna be used again, and that gets old fast." Spike said slightly annoyed.
"True." Raph said in agreement.
"Come on Spike, let's try and find anything to help April's dad." Donnie said as Spike got up.
"Yeah, that sounds okay right now." Spike said as they walked off to the lab.

They opened the doors and Spike saw Donnie was looking sad still, most likely from April's words again, but before he could speak with him, they both saw the Kraang orb going off again.
"Oh no, the Kraang communicator! How long's it been going off?" Donnie asked concerned as he and Spike pushed some stuff out of the way.
"I don't know, but it can't be good news. Guys! Somethings wrong!" Spike shouted to the others.

We cut to them in the Shellraiser again as it drove through the streets once again at fast speeds.
"From what we translated from the orb, it seems the Kraang are building some kind of heavily advanced weaponry." Donnie said as he looked at the results.
"Any guesses in what it could be?" Leo asked the others.
"Don't know, my guess is, it could be related to those foot bot soldiers we've fought recently, must be making a tougher version of it." Spike said worried.
"Well if that's true, we'll find the weapon and destroy it, and then we get Mexican pizza." Leo told them and Spike smiled at that.
"Then let's go!" Spike said as he drove the car at faster speeds.

We cut to a hockey arena as we see April walk inside and she sees Casey practicing around in the ring.
"Red? Did i miss another study session again?" Casey asked as he slid up to her.
"No i'm just here to hang out." April replied and he had a smug.
"With the infamous Casey Jones?" Casey asked as he slid around on the ring again.

"Unless you like me only for my trigonometry" April said as he came up to her again.
"So what's your deal? I never see you hang out with anybody? Anti social much?" Casey asked curiously.
"Not really.. i had five really close friends. i don't talk to them anymore.." April said sadly.

"It happens.. me and my best friend nick were up against the tromo towns in last year's play offs right?" Casey asked as he shot another goal once more.
"He came up behind me just as i was about to sink another goal and wham! swollen face, split lip.. my best friend since second grade. Never spoke to me again.." Casey said with regret
"Oh.. it's not like you meant it.." April said concerned.
"Right.. some stuff is just beyond our control.." Casey said sadly as April recalled Donnie's words.

"Give me a second to grab my gear, we can go get something to eat. Pizza." Casey offered as he walked off a little, April sighed and looked at her T phone.
"Donnie.." April said sadly. An explosion suddenly happens and she sees some foot soldiers much to her shock.
"Foot soldiers?" April asked confused.

The bots charged at her with their weapons drawn, April took out her fan and tried fighting them off, but they're enhanced reflexes proved to be a difficult challenge, and was made more strange when they pulled out some extra arms with weapons.
"Um.. didn't you guys used to be human?" April asked nervously. The droids lunged at her as she slid back onto the ice ring, the bots seemed to slip around for a bit, until they're eyes glowed red again and they started sliding around more naturally.

"Yo! If there's one thing Casey Jones has, It's crackerjack timing." Casey said with a smug.
"Casey run!" April warned as the bots drew they're weapons.
"What so you can have all the fun?" Casey asked while he slid into the ring, he tossed two pucks in the air and threw them at the bots and knocked them down for a moment.
"I got em, you go!" Casey shouted as he put some more on the ground.
"No, i got em, you go!" April countered as she slashed at another one with her fan.

April was about to be attacked by another until Casey slammed into the one on front of her.
"Cross checking, two minutes!" Casey shouted as he slid to the other one, he sweeped the other with his hockey stick and slammed it on the ground.
"If it ain't a penalty if they deserve it right?" Casey asked turning to her, the bot managed to recover and knocked Casey off the ground , it was about to attack him until April threw one of they're weapons at its head.

"Nice, you got some rink rage red." Casey complimented.
"You should see me play Ping Pong." April said proudly as he slid next to her.
"So, you owe these guys money or something?" Casey asked confused. They looked ahead of them and saw even more Foot bots with weapons coming onto the arena, they slid off for a moment until they learned how to skate again and started charging at them.

"Or something, Casey just go, i didn't mean to get you into this!" April said as she tried making him leave.
"Are you kidding me? Do you know what this is? This is Casey Jones verses evil robo ninjas!" Casey announced as rock music played.
"Coolest freaking thing in the universe! Goongala!" Casey shouted in anger as he charged at the bots.( I like Casey's battle cry, it's pretty cool honestly.)

Casey was now engaged with the foot bots on the ring and he was blocking they're attacks the best he could.
"Hey foot bots! You want me? Come and get me!" April announced as she jumped out of the ring and two more chase after her.
"April!" Casey shouted with worry as the two went after her, he grabbed and extra hockey stick and slid up to the bots.
"Nice, now the fights fair, eat this!" Casey shouted as he proceeded to fight them off.

April was currently running off from the foot bots right now, she used some knifes that were thrown on a wall in order to climb to a higher ledge. She started to head on the rooftops as Karai saw everything happen.
"She's traveling north on the rooftops. Move>" Karai ordered as the foot bots charged after her. April was still running from the bots as she knew this wasn't gonna be easy.
"I hope your available Spike.." April prayed as she took out her T phone and started to call Spike.

On another rooftop, Leo and the others were currently looking down at the lab they need to go to.
"There's our entry point, we just need a distraction." Leo said as they tried thinking of something.
"Dudes, i got the best plan!" Mikey announced as he ripped down a nearby lamp on a billboard.
"Why do i feel slightly nauseated?" Raph asked annoyed, they were about to let this happen until Spike's T phone suddenly went off.

"Who could be calling at this.. time?" Spike asked as he was surprised it was April calling.
"Who's calling?" Leo asked curious.
"Guys, it's April! Everyone be quiet." Spike said as he answered it and held it to his ear while everyone was really surprised.
"April, are you okay? what's wrong?" Spike asked hoping that she was cool with him at least.

"Spike, i'm sorry for being so silent lately, but i need your help!" April shouted as she kept running from the foot bots.
"Help? From who?.. let me guess, the Foot clan?" Spike asked as he heard foot bots on the other side.
"Yep! They're robots now, and there are a bit to many, i really need your help!" April shouted as she dodged another attack.
"Don't worry, i'll trace your location, and i'll be there soon!" Spike said as he hung up and started tracking the location.

"April's in trouble, she needs my help, looks like i'm sitting this one out guys." Spike explained as he was trying to find the right direction to go.
"What? April's in trouble?! I'm coming to!" Donnie said with anger before Spike stopped him.
"No, she wants my help, she might still be mad at you, but i could help fix all of this. I need you to stay with the group while i help save her." Spike said seriously, the others looked at eachother for a moment until Leo agreed to this.
"Be careful Spike, wherever there's the foot clan, there's Karai. Keep you guard up." Leo warned.
"I'll be safe, see you guys soon!" Spike shouted as he started jumping across the rooftops to rescue April.

"Are you sure we shouldn't go after him Leo?" Donnie asked worried for both of them.
"Donnie, i know you care about her, but this is Spike were talking about, i'm sure he'll be fine." Leo assured while Donnie still looked worried.
"Alright, now let's resume my plan, watch and learn guys, i've been practicing this." Mikey said as he held his hands to the lamp to make a shape.

Casey was still in the ring fighting off the foot bots with pretty great hockey skills.
"Wrist shot, slap shot!" Casey shouted as he threw another puck at the robots head.
"You might wanna get that looked at!" Casey joked as the other robots threw they're knives at him, Casey whooped in joy as he dodged each and every one of them and charged at another, he ripped off the head and threw it into the goal net.
"One Zip, home ice leads! Who's next? Come get some!" Casey said as the other drew they're weapons and they charged at him again.

April was currently running through the park trying to avoid them, but there were too many and they all started to surround her.
"Fine, you want a fight?" April asked seriously as she drew her weapon, but another bot appeared from the air and it restrained her, another in front of her was about to grab her until a familiar red blade sliced off it's head, the robot fell on the ground and it was revealed to be Spike.

"Spike!" April said in relief. Spike screamed in rage as he grabbed another's head and slammed it into another bot, he then took out his sword and sliced the others to pieces, he finally took a deep breath and shot a stream of fire at another group and that melted them, and they fell on the ground.
"April, are you okay?" Spike asked worried as he took down the one holding her.
"I'm fine now Spike, thank you." April said gratefully. Spike looked down sadly as he still felt bad for what happened with Kirby.

"April look.. i'm' sorry about Kirby.. We tried stopping the canisters but there were just to many.." Spike said with deep regret.
"No Spike.. i'm sorry, i was told by not just Donnie, but another friend of mine that things are just beyond our control, i should've thought about what i said before running out like that.." April said regretfully as well., Spike's senses went off as he felt another presence.
"Look out!" Spike shouted as he blocked another ninja star, they looked ahead and saw Karai with another weapon with more foot bots.

"Karai.." April said in anger as Spike got in a defensive stance.
"I was hoping that at least one of the turtles would be here for this, but it being you should make things more interesting." Karai said as she got in a stance.
"Karai, don't do this, Splinter didn't do anything to you, he would never take another's life!" Spike shouted as he tried making her stop.
"Sorry Spike, but my father's still after you as well, and i can't disappoint him!" Karai shouted as she and the bots charged at him.

We cut to the lab where the turtles were spotted and were now fighting off the Kraang robots, Leo slashed through some more in front of him, while Raph rolled on the ground and stabbed another on the chest, Mikey flipped over another one and wrapped his chain around the bot's gun, he redirected it into the other bots while he kept firing. Mikey finished it off by jumping in the air and kicking it in the face. Leo climbed up to the center as he tried getting to the weapon.

"Donnie, you need to shut this thing down!" Leo shouted as he tore through another bot. Donnie twirled his staff around and screamed in anger as he knocked the other aliens in pods away, they soon came upon the heavily armed foot bot that looked deadlier then the others.
"Whoa.. that thing is awesome! In an evil kind of way." Mikey said in amazement.
"No no no no! We're too late!" Donnie said in fear as the power was fully transferred to it.

It's eyes turned on revealing a pink glow, the wires dethatched from it and it towered over it.
"Um guys.. giant freaky robo ninja just finished charging!" Leo said in fear.
"Maybe if we keep it occupied long enough, it'll run out of power?" Donnie suggested.
"You don't look so tough!" Mikey said casually, he charged at the thing in anger, but the thing took out a whip of some kind and it whacked Mikey to the ground.

"Mikey!" Raph said in worry, the bots eyes lit up and it somehow shot lasers from them while Raph rolled out of the way.
"This thing clearly is a hunting bot of some kind!" Donnie said in fear as he screamed while dodging some more laser fire. The bot took out an energy sword and the turtles engaged in battle with hit, all of them tried using they're best skills, but the robot was too tough and was tearing through them. The thing beeped for a moment until it spoke suddenly.

"Subroutine program taking over. Target April O Neil, located." The bot said as it took off with some jets attached to its feet and it flew out of the roof. ( Ah ah! He said the thing!)
"It's going after April, come on!" Raph shouted as the four of them started running out of the lab until Mikey saw another gun.
"Too awesome! Whoa!" Mikey shouted as he fired the lasers at the others who barely dodged it.
"Are you on our side or not?!" Donnie asked annoyed as Mikey looked nervous.

Spike was currently fighting off the bots as he was using his mutant arm and delivered another devastating punch to the bots head and knocked it off.
"Stay away from April!" Spike shouted in anger as he sliced another bot to pieces.
"Foot bots, keep Spike busy." Karai ordered, the other bots charged at Spike as he kept slicing his sword through them.

"I'm really glad i got this thing upgraded!" Spike shouted as he twisted another bots arm and ripped it off, he then aggressively threw the arm into another and sliced the other bots in half. Spike breathed another stream of fire onto the other bots which knocked them down.
"Even if they learn my skills, i always develop new ones on the fly!" Spike shouted as he breathed his fire on his sword again and it was surrounded by fire.
"How is that thing not being melted?" April asked shocked as she slashed her fan at Karai who was fighting her now
"I think it's because of the Kraang tech we used to upgrade it, it's way more durable then it could've been!" Spike shouted as he twirled his sword around like Donnie's staff and delivered a spin attack that took care of some more bots.

"You talk to much!" April said to Karai as she hit Karai with her fan like a boomerang, Karai was trying to attack her still until Spike came in and blocked her attack.
"I won't let you hurt her!" Spike shouted as he delivered another kick to her and sent her back. They heard whooshing suddenly and Spike saw the weapon from before land in front of them.

"Um Spike? i'm thinking retreat." April said worried as Karai went over to the bot.
"Like my new toy? Robot, eliminate the girl." Karai ordered.
"Bring it on!!" Spike shouted in rage as he engaged with it. Spike was about to attack him until the robot suddenly spoke again.
"System override, capture April O Neil." It said in a robotic voice.
"What?!" Karai asked in shock. The robot was about to attack April until Karai sweeped it out of the way with her spear.

"Why isn't it doing what i said?!" Karai asked in anger as she and Spike charged at it.
"It's a Kraang bot remember? And if you remember they're goal, they need her for they're invasion!" Spike shouted as he dodged it's energy whip and flipped into the air.
"Those bots can barely be relied on!" Karai said annoyed as s he tried fighting through it's energy blade.
"April, get out of here now!" Spike shouted as he grabbed the whip and pulled the bot to him and used his arm once more and sent it to the wall.
"What about you?!" April asked worried.
"I'll be fine! Just know i am deeply sorry for what happened! We all are, things are beyond our control, but i promise you i'll fix it! Go!" Spike shouted right before he was punched by the robot and knocked to the ground for a moment. April looked back at him with worry but knew she couldn't fight it off now, and she left to escape hoping Spike could handle it.

Leo and the others were driving through the shellraiser to find the weapon.
"Left Leo, left! I'm getting a signal!" Raph shouted as Leo turned the car in another direction. Spike and Karai were still fighting it while April was hiding in another place, they heard tires screech as they saw the Shellraiser come into the park, it turned around and knocked it down to a wall with its weight while Mikey came out with Manhole covers.
"Aw yeah! Firing manhole covers! Eat it chrome dome!" Mikey shouted as he repeatedly fired the manholes at the robot.

The robot was hit in the head a few times, but it barely dented it, it's eyes glowed pink again and it shot a laser which sliced the remaining covers in half. It took out it's energy whip and knocked Mikey off the vehicle. it ran over to the Shellraiser and used it's amazing strength to flip it off the side and it rolled over as Leo and Raph and Donnie landed out.
"Aw.. i just waxed her too." Leo said disappointed. They heard battle cries as they saw Spike and Karai trying to fight the mech once more.
"Okay are they enemies or friends? They seem to have a weird connection by this point?" Donnie asked confused.
"Dudes, i so want plasma nun chucks!" Mikey said amazed

The robot ripped another foot bot in half and they saw there was a hatch behind it's back.
"Guys i see a hatch on it's back! Spike, keep it in one place!" Donnie shouted as they charged at the bot.
"Got it!" Spike shouted as he blocked another sword swing from the bot.

Spike backflipped across the floor and he landed on the ground ,the bot took out its plasma whip again and threw it to Spike, but Spike caught the thing with his arm and pulled it to him, Spike delivered a strong kick to the bot and took it's whip.
"Let's see how you like it!" Spike shouted as he twirled the whip around and wrapped it around the bot and restrained him.
"Guys, now!" Spike shouted as he was using his strength to hold it down.

"Ugh, guys, some help please?" April suddenly asked as Karai had caught up with her and was pushing her back.
"April!" Donnie shouted with worry.
"I'll help April, you guys take down the robot!" Leo ordered as he went to help her.
"Donnie, now!" Spike shouted in anger as he held it down, Donnie jumped on it's backed and used a knife to open the hatch and he ripped the wires out. The robots eyes twitched suddenly and it started moving around like crazy.
"Error, error, error.." It repeated as it tried moving, but Spike was holding it down the best he could with the plasma whip. The thing dropped it's energy blade and Spike saw this as the way to finish it.

"Guys, hold it down!" Spike shouted as he handed the whip to Raph and Donnie, Spike grabbed the energy sword and screamed in rage as he jumped into the air. Spike twirled the blade around and finished the thing off by stabbing it right in the face.
April was still fighting off Karai as she used her fan to block another attack, Leo suddenly came into the air and he kicked her to the floor, Karai got up but saw Leo had his sword out in front of her.
"It's over Karai!" Leo said seriously.
"For now!" Karai shouted as she jumped in the air and used a smoke bomb to escape.

The bot fell on it's knees and powered down, Spike took some heavy breaths and took out the sword and got the whip from the others again.
"I'm gonna use these for later Kraang stuff, that's for sure." Spike said as he put them away for now.
"Aw! How come Spike gets to keep the cool plasma weapons?!" Mikey said really jealous of this.
"Because Spike wouldn't do anything reckless with them, just use them sparingly Spike, okay?" Leo asked turning to him
"Got it." Spike replied as he helped April up.

"April, you okay?" Spike asked worried as the others came up to her.
"Yeah, i just need to catch my breath.. thanks guys.. i just wanted to say.. on no! I forgot about Casey!" April said worried as she ran off which surprised them.
"That's what she wanted to say?" Donnie asked confused.
"I think she was talking about that other friend she made, let's just go home for now." Spike said as they started to leave back home.

April ran all the way back to the ice ring but saw Casey finish off the last bot.
"And that is how you play hockey." Casey said looking down at it
"Casey are you okay?" April asked worried as she jumped on the ring and slid over to him.
"Of course i am, whoa steady there red." Casey said as he caught her from slipping off again.
"Oh.." April said in relief as she was glad she was okay.

Spike and the others were now back in the lair again while Spike was looking at the plasma weapons he got.
"Man, Twilight will be jealous to know about the cool stuff i got here." Spike said as he looked at them.
"Don't over use them Spike, that would make you too overpowered, and where's the fun without a challenge you know?" Raph asked as Spike put them away.
"Don't worry, i'll use them sparingly." Spike assured as they saw the princess on the cartoon return to the team once more.

"Hey guys." April announced as they saw her come into the lair again.
"April!" Spike said in relief as he came up to her.
"What up?" Mikey asked while the others looked relieved as well, and the same was with Splinter.
"Hmm, it is very good to see you April." Splinter said with a smile.

"I missed you Master Splinter, i hope we can start training again soon." April said hopefully.
"Of course. Whenever you wish." Splinter said gladly, April sighed and turned to the others.
"I never got a chance to tell you guys how sorry i am for everything." April said sadly.
"Your sorry? But we were the ones who screwed up." Leo said confused.
"It was an accident, and more importantly.. your my friends. i never want to hold that kind of grudge again." April said with a smile.

"It's great to have you back April, i promise you we'll save your dad soon. We all will." Spike assured as the others smiled at her.
"Thank you Spike, Donnie , for always being there, even if i didn't want you to be. "April thanked before she gave them both a hug which surprised them both. Spike smiled gladly and returned it.
"Your welcome April, friends look out for eachother, always." Spike said gladly, she then turned to Donnie and kissed him on the cheek which made Spike chuckle at his reaction.
"So.. awesome..!" Donnie echoed as we see him fall into a white void before he takes off around the earth in amazement.
"I love being a turtle!!!" Donnie said in amazement while Spike was laughing at his reaction.