Spike And The Ninja Turtles

by Dragonfan101

32: Metalhead Rewired

We see a small light form up before a monitor appears on screen, the camera looks over and sees Spike and the others looking over him.
"We did it, he's back on!" Spike said in victory as they saw him move his head around. Donnie adjusted the camera for a moment before turning around.
"I give you, the new and improved.. Metalhead!" Donnie announced as they saw he didn't look to different.
"We've been upgrading his A.I so he'll be the perfect training tool!" Donnie said confidently.
"Why don't we test him out? We made sure he won't have any bugs this time." Spike said with a smile.
"Might as well, let's see what he can do now." Leo said drawing his sword as they all circled him.

"We programmed him to simulate dozens of fighting styles, including the foot and the Kraang." Donnie explained as he aimed his blaster at them.
"Pssh, can't simulate my fighting style!" Mikey said casually.
"Let's just go already!" Raph said as he charged at him.

Metalhead stomped down before he charged into the air and delivered a strong punch to Raph's head. Leo jumped in the air from behind and tried slashing him, but Metalhead grabbed his sword and kicked him over and over with his leg and to the wall. Donnie tried sneaking up from behind, but Metalhead grabbed it and threw him back, he then activated his blaster and fired lasers at Spike who was flipping over them all. Mikey came from behind and tried attacking again, Metalhead shot some eye beams at him in response which had Mikey deflect them, Metalhead then charged up his fist and shot it towards Mikey who was grabbed aggressively.

"Get it off!" Mikey shouted as he kept screaming while flying all over the place.
"Okay that's enough, Metalhead deactivate training mode." Spike instructed, Metalhead made a beeping noise and the fist returned to him with Mikey falling face flat in front of them.
"Oh i think he put my chin on my nose.." Mikey said in pain.

"Sorry about that sensei, but overall i'd say that was a pretty successful test." Donnie said as they all sat in front of Splinter again.
"Successful? Donnie, he almost ripped Mikey's face off. " Leo said annoyed.
"Please, i had it all under control." Donnie replied calmly.
"And when you don't?" Leo countered.

"Donatello and Spike have created a powerful tool, it is to our advantage to study the enemy's techniques. But you must use that tool wisely." Splinter instructed, Metalhead suddenly opened it's mouth making a loud sound.
"What's wrong with him now?" Leo asked annoyed.
"Something tripped the security wires, it's approaching the lair fast!" Donnie said worried which shocked them.
"Then let's move!" Spike shouted as he started running out.

Spike and the others made they're way to the sewers and were looking around.
"Do you think it's footbots again?" Leo asked them, they heard gunfire again and saw a familiar shadow come from it.
"ow!" A familiar voice said.
"Was that? Nah it couldn't be.." Raph said in disbelief.
"We haven't seen that guy in months!" Spike pointed out. They heard him continue to scream again and decided to see what was happening. They heard him screaming again and saw him running down the hall.
"Ahh! Spider Bytez!" Mikey screamed in fear.

"You frogs gotta help! Those foreign triplets are after me!" He said horrified.
"We are not frogs. Wait, what?" Leo asked confused, they suddenly saw more gunfire and saw the Kraang droids after them, they were knocked down as they watched Spider Bytez be chased down.
"They're heading for the surface!" Leo shouted as they started moving upwards, Donnie pressed on a button and that activated Metalhead again.

"Help! You can't do this to me! I want my phone call! I have my rights as a Spider!" He said as he was brought into a van and locked inside.
"Help! Help!!" He shouted as the van drove off.
"They're getting away!" Leo told them.
"Why is that our problem? That slobbering bug gives us nothing but trouble." Raph said refusing to go.
"It doesn't matter if he does, if the Kraang want him, it isn't for anything good, we need to follow them!" Spike said seriously.
"Fine then, so how are we supposed to catch up.." Raph said right before the Shellraiser passed by them.
"I called for backup." Donnie said confidently as Metalhead opened the doors.

Spike was sitting next to Metalhead while he continued to drive.
"Nice Donnie, when did you teach him how to drive?" Mikey asked before he made a hard turn which made them all scream.
"You did teach him how to drive right?!" Raph shouted in annoyance. Metalhead drove the van faster and they came upon the van which pulled out some new weapons.
"Huh, that's new." Donnie said shocked, the weapons proceeded to fire rockets which had them shake all over the van.
"Eat this punks!" Spike shouted as he took the garbage cannon, he started firing it at the van at multiple areas, Spike did a lock on before he fired another shot and knocked that one off.

"Yeah! Garbage beats Kraang rocket!" Mikey said victorious.
"Pull up alongside." Donnie instructed.
"Let's do this!" Spike said as they all got up. The van got up close to the other and the three of them got out.
"This bug better be worth it!" Raph shouted as they landed on the top. The droids noticed this and tried shaking them off, Donnie got stuck in between it and almost fell of.
"Ah! A little help?!" Donnie shouted. Donnie was about to fall until Raph caught him.
"Gotcha!" Raph shouted pulling him up. They heard a stab sound and saw Spike impaled a robot with his sword through the head and threw him off the top.

Spike and the others got back on the Shellraiser and Metalhead slammed right against the side of the other van, this caused the van to spiral out of control and fly into a wearhouse.
"Watch out!" Leo shouted as the Shellraiser went straight into a car. The door beeped again and all of them came out coughing and knelt down to the wearhouse.

"There's no way out of there." Leo said as Spike and the others landed down.
"Let's not do that again.." Spike said feeling dizzy from all of it still.
"Metalhead, stay with the Shellraiser before you blow anything else up." Leo instructed.
"He stopped the truck didn't he? The Kraang know we're coming, he can help." Donnie defended, Metalhead pulled out his weaponry and even some rocket wings and flew into the air.
"Ugh.. whatever.." Leo said slapping his face.
"Let's just go guys.." Spike said as they started moving inside.

They all peaked inside the place before charging in to it but they noticed they were gone.
"They just disappeared? That's impossible!" Raph said annoyed.
"This isn't magic, it's something else, let's see if there's a hidden passage somewhere" Spike suggested as he started moving around.

"Metalhead, use your scanner to try to find any hidden rooms or passageways" Donnie instructed, Metalhead beeped and started to scan all around the room and the scanner went over them.
"That feels so weird.." Spike said getting a chill down his spine.

"Tickle ray? Real useful feature Donnie." Leo said annoyed.
"It happens to be a three dimensional volumetric scan. " Donnie corrected as he flew down to him and gave his response.
"But that doesn't make sense. There should be a tire mark, or seam on the floor, but the Kraang left no trace at all." Donnie said really confused.
"Just how are we gonna find Spider Bytez now? "Spike asked annoyed.

"Gasp! A super macho burrito!? Yes! it's the ultimate combination of pizza and burrito!" Mikey said as he saw one inside a vending machine.
"Mikey, do you have any idea how long that's been in there?" Spike asked as he saw him trying to take it.
"I'm going in." Mikey said as he put his hand through the machine and tried reaching it, but he couldn't and got stuck.
"Your stuck aren't you?" Spike asked crossing his arms.
"Possibly.. maybe.. on purpose.." Mikey said as he and Raph groaned in annoyance.

Spike and Raph grabbed his legs and tried pulling him out.
"You need to stop doing things like this!" Spike said as they pulled him out, but that somehow opened a secret door with a bunch of Kraang tech.
"Whoa.. it's like a vending machine from the future.." Mikey said in complete shock.

"A Kraang computer? Mikey.. your a genius!" Donnie said going over to it.
"That's how i role!" Mikey said casually.
"You think this is how Slash disappeared?" Spike asked curious looking at it.
"Let's see, Metalhead see if you can access it's database, it should tell us where to go." Donnie said to Metalhead.

Metalhead beeped and plugged himself into the computer.
"Donnie, you sure we should be plugging him into this? What if he gets hacked?" Spike asked worried.
"Don't worry Spike, the Kraang processor in his head makes him compatible with their computers." Donnie assured. Metalhead suddenly started to short circuit and made and R2D2 scream and he made a loud explosion.

Spike and the others were coughing roughly as they got up, they looked back and saw the computer was destroyed.
"I told you so Donnie." Spike said annoyed blowing the dust away.
"Not to mention he blew up my super macho burrito!" Mikey said terrified as Metalhead got up and was covered in electricity.
"It must have been some kind of energy surge, you okay there little buddy?" Donnie asked Metalhead, he beeped and gave a thumbs up before his fist went flying off again. The fist was about to grab Mikey again, but Spike grabbed it with his mutant arm making him sigh in relief.
"Thank you Spike.. can we just go home now please?" Mikey asked ready to go.

"What about the Kraang?" Leo said in response.
"What about em? Spider Bytez is they're problem now." Raph said crossing his arms
"But what do they want with him?" Leo asked again as Spike and Donnie looked at Metalhead again.

We cut back to Donnie's lab as they're running tests on him.
"Metalheads memory core isn't too badly damaged" Donnie explained while Spike was running tests.
"I think that the algorithms Metalhead tried decrypting were too complex. And he couldn't download what was in the computer because of it." Spike explained as he punched Mikey away who was messing with him.

"He might take a little time to fix though" Donnie said as his body was smoking up.
"How long?" Leo asked curious.
"Well in technical terms.. a while" Donnie said as Metalhead launched his arms out again and grabbed Mikey once again.

Spike and the others were in the living room again as they heard Donnie working on Metalhead again. A fist went flying out again and Raph kicked it down like he expected it.
"We know the Kraang rebuilt TCRI, what if they got the portal working again?" Raph asked waving his arms around.
"That's what we need to find out." Leo replied as they avoided some laser fire.

"You sure you don't need my help Donnie?" Spike shouted waiting for his response.
"Don't worry Spike, i'm good!" Donnie shouted right before a fire happened and he was screaming and ran out of the lab before landing on his face..
"Okay Donnie, it's late, give it a rest." Leo said tired of this.
"I've almost got it, just working out the bugs.. Whoa!" They all shouted as they avoided the eye beams again and it made a loud explosion.

Donnie had went back inside to try and fix him but Leo had had enough.
"Donnie, you gotta shut down his A.I." Leo ordered.
"What?! Leo he's still functional, that would be like turning off his brain!" Spike said in shock.
"He's just too dangerous guys." Leo said as Metalhead turned his head around.

"We need him Leo, the Kraang are more armed up then ever." Donnie said trying to convince him.
"It's not worth the risk, Metalhead was glitchy before he plugged into the Kraang computer, he was taken over by the Kraang once already, you sure you two can trust him." Leo asked looking at him again. Donnie sighed and looked at Spike who looked down sadly.

"Maybe your right.. i'll take care of it.." Donnie said regretfully.
"Sorry guys, it's for the best." Leo said patting they're backs before he left them.

"Donnie, you can't do this, he still can help us!" Spike said trying to stop him.
"Sorry Spike, but Leo may be right on this.." Donnie said as he went over and got a screwdriver which Metalhead saw.
"Just a little reboot, wipe your memory and then you'll be all better.." Donnie said nervously while Metalhead shook his head refusing to do it. Spike and Metalhead looked at eachother before nodding in agreement.
"Why are you doing that Spike?" Donnie asked curious, Spike turned to him looking serious.
"Sorry about this Donnie." Spike said as we cut to the outside where Donnie screamed loudly.

This caught the others attention and they ran into the lab.
"Donnie, what are you doing?" Raph asked as he was in the bacteria.
"Yeah dude, you know better then to go algae diving without a spotter." Mikey said helping him up, Spike and Metalhead snuck out and they locked the doors.
"Spike! let us out of here!" Donnie shouted hoping he would.
"Sorry Donnie, but Metalhead is onto something, i'll let you out when i get back!" Spike shouted as they heard him leave.

"Metalhead welded the door shut." Raph said as they tried opening the garage door.
"Donnie i told you he was dangerous, now he's probably out there trashing the city!" Leo said annoyed.
"Spike's with him, if anything goes wrong he'll stop him, we just gotta get out of here!" Donnie said looking around.

Mikey screamed and started banging on the door.
"Help, help somebody! Killer robot on the lose!" Mikey shouted in fear.
"What are you doing? We don't want Splinter to..." Raph said before Splinter opened the door looking upset at them.
"Do you boys have any idea what time it is?" Splinter asked annoyed.

"Uh.. pizza time?" Mikey asked nervously.
"Why was the door locked?" Splinter asked again.
"Ah.. you know.." Leo said nervously.
"No reason at all.." Donnie lied.
"Metalhead tried to kill us and took Spike with him." Mikey admitted which made them all growl at him.

"Leonardo?" Splinter asked rubbing his beard.
"The truth is sensei uh... We gotta meet April, at Murukami's! Big mutant sushi problem! We'll be back before dawn" Leo lied as they all ran out.
"Ugh.. teenagers.." Splinter said annoyed.

Spike was currently following Metalhead through the streets trying not to be seen.
"So what is it you wanted to show me Metalhead?" Spike asked as as they kept moving, Metalhead stopped and looked at him making a beeping noise.
"Well i wasn't gonna let Donnie shut you down like that, i saw something in you, i wasn't gonna let that happen, i'll be here to support you no matter what happens, are we good?" Spike asked holding his hand out. Metalhead beeped in response and shook his hand.
"Great, lead the way metal buddy." Spike said as he continued to follow him.

Spike continued to follow him to what looks like a porta potty.
"Why would you bring me here?" Spike asked confused, Metalhead simply walked up to it and opened the door and it revealed to be a portal much to Spike's shock.
"Whoa.. this must.. this must be how all the mutants are vanishing! We gotta see where it goes!" Spike said as he and Metalhead went inside just as Leo and the others arrived in the Shellraiser.

"They went into.. a porta potty?" Leo asked confused.
"Maybe he needed Spike's help to change his oil?" Mikey suggested.
"That's just gross dude." Raph said in disgust, Leo drew his sword and opened it, but it was revealed to be a normal gross porta potty.

"Wait! I've seen this on a magic show, there's a secret door, down here. Hello? " Mikey said as he looked in the seat.
"ugh! definitely not a secret door! I think i'm gonna hurl.." Mikey said in disgust. Mikey opened the door again, but this time it became a portal of some kind and Mikey quickly closed the door.
"What was that?" Leo asked in shock. Donnie went over to open it again, but it was normal once again.

"I don't understand.. it was just.." Donnie said as he tried opening it again, Mikey went over again and opened it revealing the portal.
"Um.. ta da!" Mikey announced.
"What?!" Donnie asked as he tried opening it again and again, but it was normal once more.
"How did you do that?!" Donnie asked annoyed.

"I just got the magic touch!" Mikey said as he opened it once again and the portal appeared again.
"It's some kind of dimensional gateway, like.. like the Kraang portal.. This must be how they disappeared " Donnie said interested.
"I wonder if.." Donnie said as he put his finger in the portal, he pushed in further, but now his arm got stuck and was being pulled in.
"Whoa! Guys!" Donnie shouted in fear trying to escape.
"Donnie!" Leo shouted as he tried helping him out, but they both screamed and they got pulled into it. Mikey and Raph looked at eachother before deciding.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as they jumped inside.

Spike was currently sneaking around this new place, he ended up in a place that looked to be a prison for all the mutants that were captured, he looked around and saw Slash, Snakeweed, and even Kirby..
"I'll save you Kirby." Spike said seriously as he was next to Metalhead.
"So what's the plan?" Spike asked curious. Metalhead looked over and pointed at the console.
"You need me to cover for you while you free them? Got it!" Spike said drawing his sword.

He watched as Metalhead walked up to it and was about to follow, but he suddenly heard screaming and Leo and the others made it.
"About time." Spike said as he snuck on over to them, they all were looking around in shock as they were trying to process this, Spike suddenly landed next to them which shocked them.
"Spike! There you are! What were you thinking going with him?!" Raph whispered really upset at him.
"I'm sorry guys, but Metalhead must've detected this place, this is a prison for mutants." Spike said as he pointed at all the cells.

"Wait till i get out of here! I'm gonna break every tentacle in your pink.. ahh!" Slash shouted as he had a device planted on his head and remained motionless.
"They even got Kirby here." Spike said as they saw he was trapped here too.
"So you followed Metalhead to free them?" Leo asked confused as they ducked down.
"Yeah, i'm sorry i left you guys there like that, but this is bad news if we don't do something about it, Metalhead wasn't glitching, he was trying to find the place to free them." Spike said as he pointed over to Metalhead who was at the console.

"Well i'll be, guess i owe you an apology Spike." Leo said impressed.
"We'll discuss this more when we freed the others, i'll take care of the droids, you cover Metalhead." Spike instructed as he went over to deal with them.
"You heard him, let's go bros!" Mikey shouted as they went over to fight the Kraang bots who were surrounding Metalhead.

Spike drew his sword and was tearing through the bots guarding the mutants, Spike breathed fire on another droid and melted it's suit before Spike grabbed the brain and threw him to the side. Spike went over to the cell Spider Bytez was in and shut it down, he grabbed the device and ripped it out which made him regain focus.

"Ugh.. what? Where am i?" Spider Bytez asked looking around, he looked down and saw Spike looking over the place.
"What is this place? What's going on here?!" He asked in rage.
"Look, i don't have time to talk, if you wanna get out of here, you need to help me take down those robots" Spike said pointing at the bots who were fighting off the turtles.
"Hmph, guess i owe you for this, just make sure i get out of here!" Spider Bytez shouted as he jumped over to the droids.

Spike flipped on down and was tearing through the bots with anger.
"Guys, those devices on their heads are mind control devices! We need to get them removed!" Spike shouted as he tore of a robots head. Metalhead analyzed the devices on the mutants heads before he saw a Kraang droid near the console. Metalhead got the idea and took down the bot near it, he ripped off it's arm and placed it on a button. This shut down any devices that were on the mutants and freed they're minds.

"Metalhead, see if you can open a portal, we're getting out of here!" Donnie instructed.
"Right, all of us, mutants too!" Leo added. Metalhead beeped in response and plugged himself into the console again, all the shields holding the mutants went down and the portal above them opened again.
"Way to go Metalhead!" Spike shouted as he crushed another bots head with his mutant arm again.

The shield holding Slash went down and he chuckled looking at the droids.
"My turn." Slash said seriously as he grabbed the robots head and threw him into the others. Slash roared with rage and he and the other mutants started to escape. Raph and Spike tore down a few more robots until one came behind them, it was about to fire at them until Slash landed down in front of them and looked at them.
"Respect kid." Slash said looking at Spike, he roared and jumped off leaving Spike and Raph glad he was free.

They watched as all the mutants left and made it out.
"Every spider for himself!" Spider Bytez shouted as he swung out as well.
"The machine that opened the portal must close the portal!" A droid said as they fired at Metalhead, the portal closed and that caused the wasp mutant to fall down, Spike stepped on it and burned it to ash with his fire.
"I ain't doing anything with that freak again!" Spike said running off.

"Metalhead, you got to keep the portal open!" Donnie instructed, Metalhead gave a thumbs up and plugged back in and shot at the droids.
"We gotta get out of here, move!" Spike shouted as he and the others were jumping to the top again. They saw April's dad being tasered again and Spike growled with rage. He and Donnie jumped on over to him and crushed the droids hurting him.

"Mr O neil, you gotta fly out of here, for April, go now!" Donnie shouted as he looked at the portal.
"We'll restore you one day Kirby, i promise, go!" Spike shouted as well, the mutant Kirby roared and he flew off to the portal and left again.

"Metalhead, we're leaving!" Leo shouted as they hopped over the pods and we're almost at the top.
"Come on you tin can, move!" Raph shouted to him, Metalhead beeped again and Donnie looked shocked.
"He has to keep it open for us.." Donnie said in complete shock.
"But what about him?" Leo asked worried.

They saw Metalhead shooting down the bots again, and they had no choice.
"We don't have a choice.." Donnie said sadly.
"I'm sorry Metalhead.. thank you for everything." Spike said with tears as he looked down at him, Metalhead looked up and gave them a thumbs up and Spike and Donnie did the same before all of them proceeded to escape. Metalhead knew what he had to do, and he fired a laser at the console and that blew the whole place up...

We cut back to the streets where everything was empty, lightning cackled from a mail box until it floated in the air and we see Spike and the others screaming as they were launched out of it and only the head of Metalhead remained..
Spike and Donnie looked down at the head sadly and saw it was shut down.
"Metalhead.. i'm so sorry.." Spike said with regret as he and Donnie picked him up.

Mikey groaned as he and Leo got up.
"Dude.. he saved us.." Mikey said sadly.
"He saved all of us.. your right Donnie, i should have trusted you. And Spike.. you did the right thing by trusting him, sorry we didn't listen.." Leo said regretfully.
"It's okay Leo.." Spike said while he looked at his head.

"I programmed him to be intelligent.. but i didn't realize how much he had evolved.." Donnie said sadly.
"I could.. i felt something in him, and i'm glad i trusted it.." Spike said as they got up and went to the others.
"Guys, i'm sorry about Metalhead bros, i didn't mind it when he grabbed my face. His hands were soft.. for a robot." Mikey said with a smile which made Spike chuckle.

"Thanks Mikey.." Donnie said gratefully.
"Do you think you two can try building another Metalhead?" Leo asked curiously, Spike looked down at it and rubbed its head.
"Maybe one day Leo.. one day.." Spike said as he looked at it, they may have freed the mutants, but it wasn't without a cost, Spike was just glad they saved the mutants, and hope they can rebuild him in the future..