//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 // Story: Let The Chaos Come // by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler //------------------------------// Let The Chaos Come Chapter Ten Written By KingSombraTheTyrantRuler Lysander's P.O.V: “That's a nice name,” I say after a few seconds. “Thanks,” he replies, and just like that, the silence has returned. “So… What school did you go to before? Why did you change it?” I ask, because I don't really like it when a conversation runs out of juice. “I used to go to California High. My parents weren't satisfied with the new curriculum, and they heard a lot about this school. Especially how it's the most prestigious school around, and how about ninety five percent of the students get good careers and so on.” “Oh,” I remarked, not knowing what to say, and turned around, only to slam into a hard chest. “Ouch…Who the fuck-” My sentence remains unfinished as my gaze travels upwards to see none other than Luke Sterling there, looking ready to murder someone. I gulp as he steps forward. He grabs my wrist, and with a forced smile, tells Karl, “I'm afraid I must borrow Lysander for a while.” Karl nods and Luke pulls me down the stairs to the library, which is pretty much abandoned these days. After making sure that not a single soul is in there, he slams the door shut and looks at me angrily. “You will talk to no one other than me, understand, Lysander?” he hisses demandingly. “What the fuck?” escapes my mouth as I pinch my arm to check whether this is a dream or not. “Why?!” He sighs. “I just can't bear it, watching you talk to other people. You're my best friend… I can't let anyone steal you away.” I blink. I must be imagining this. First, Luke somehow is my best friend, and now he's supposedly my possessive best friend? Yeah, I'm not buying this. “What the hell do you want, Luke? What will you gain by pretending all of this?” He looks confused. “Did you hit your head or something? I'm not pretending. We've been best friends since fourth grade, when you transferred to this school.” “No, we stopped being friends in August that year. We were good friends, and then one day, you acted like you never saw me before. You acted like you knew no one.” “But-” “I'm leaving,” I say, and run to the class without waiting for a response. “Let's get down to business,” begins Mr Schmidt, and is about to say more, but before he can… It's safe to say everyone has different ideas. “To defeat, the huns,” we all say in unison, grinning. “Did they send me daughters, when I asked, for sons?” This causes the teacher to groan and faceplate as he says, “Ihr seid alle auf der High School. Auch Ihre Prüfungen stehen vor der Tür. Be serious.” Seeing that no one is repenting for their sins, he adds, “I was supposed to keep this a secret, but in order to be able to choose what subjects you'll take after the mid term, you'll need perfect scores in every language. And while I was planning to spring this on you all at the last minute, I guess my little surprise will have to be ruined as none of you are serious.” He pauses for a few seconds, surveying us all. If this was just to have us hanging on his every word, it's working alright. "I intend to make you all act out a German musical, and it shall be like a school play, but you all will be receiving forty marks each, in both German and Art class as a reward for dein effort. Und before anyone asks, nein, this ist nicht optional. You will either participate, or have forty marks cut from your overall scores." He succeeds this time, because everyone straightens up and immediately pulls out their Beginner's Guide To German books, and a few even get ready to take notes, holding their pens and notebooks. Mr Schmidt smiles. Right now we're having Italian class. Mr Esperanto got bored, so he decided to have some fun with us, which came in the form of asking us what we'd buy if we had only ten pounds, and now it's Steve’s turn. “A phone for nine hundred and seventy five pence, and twenty five one pence chewing gums,” he says as if he'd memorised it. Everyone laughs. “Is it possible to buy a phone for that price?” asks the teacher in disbelief. Steve blushes. “No Sir, but you said we could say anything.” “Well, what would you do if you had another ten pounds? I don't think you'd be able to survive if you bought a phone and chewing gum with the only money you had.” Steve thinks for a while, and then says, “Save money and live like a poor man.” “Steve, you're too fucking funny,” I say and burst into laughter. By the time all the lessons are over, I'm exhausted. Why? Why are we all punished like this? The teacher leaves, and I'm about to run the hell out of this building, but someone shuts the door before I can and says, “We can't live like this! It's fucking ridiculous! How the fuck are we supposed to study about twenty subjects, give or take, and still have time for anything else?!” “You're right!” shouts someone. “Let's do a strike,” I suggest. “Yeah! Starting today, we won't come to school for a month!” Everyone cheers and we go our separate ways. As soon as I'm home, I collapse on the couch while Discord transforms and approaches me with a rare look of concern. That's not to say that he usually doesn't give a shit about me, it's just that I've never actually seen him with a concerned expression. "So...are you okay? You look like you've run a marathon and went to travel through the realm of chaos straight after." I sigh and begin to unbutton my shirt, unwilling to stay in the uniform longer than I have to. "I'm totally exhausted, and it's just the first day of extra classes. My back aches so badly...At least we've all agreed on a month-long strike," I respond, yawning. "Hey, Discord," I say as I drift off. "I'm just gonna sleep for a while...Don't burn my house down." He chuckles. "I'm the Lord of Chaos; rather than asking me not to burn the house down, you should make sure I don't lose your house in a random dimension!" When I wake up, it's to see Discord next to me, playing video games. He's moving so rapidly that he almost elbows me in the face as I get up, and winces. "Sorry Lysander, I didn't hear you wake up." I tell him, "It's okay," and head upstairs to have a shower. When I step out and dress myself, I hear a knock at the door, so as annoying as it is, I decide to go check because God knows Discord can't check. I look through the peephole and see Sara. I mouth, "Discord, hide somewhere," and he nods muttering something about how an invisibility charm should work. Or better yet, his budgie form. Meanwhile, I open the door and awkwardly wave at her. "So... why'd you come?" "Oh Lysander," she exclaims almost immediately, "you won't believe it! I was locked out of my own house, like, my parents went on a business trip and I lost the key! As I'm the only one there right now, there's pretty much nothing that I can do to open the door, and I tried climbing through the windows but they were locked too! You lived the closest to me out of my other friends, so I came here to ask if you could let me stay for the night." I look at her. Knowing her feelings for me, can I really trust that what she described above actually happened? No, I can't. So I gaze into her pleading eyes, and tell her, "Sorry, but I can't." “Are you really going to leave me out here?” she asks and I groan. Suddenly, she leans against the door, saying, “My ankle is sprained…” When will she stop pretending…? Not any time soon, apparently. “Fine,” I say, lifting her up. “Let me help you.” Upon carrying her in, she whispers lustfully, “You're so handsome,” and I set her on the sofa before getting some bandages. I take her shoe off, and begin wrapping her ankle…only for her to scream and wriggle around. “Stay still!” I command. “It's my first time!” she yells back. “Your first time?” I ask, trying to put some plasters on while wondering if she was trying to make some sexual innuendos. “Take it easy!“ she yells. Running out of patience faster than I get it, I pin her down, saying,“There's always a first time for everyone!“ “It hurts so much! Can you be gentler?” she whines, and as soon as I've put the plaster on, she starts kicking, screaming, “Take it off!” “Don't move,” I command while lamenting over the fact that were anyone else to hear this with no context, they'd think I was fucking Sara. Oh fuck, Discord's still in the house. Knowing him, he'll relentlessly tease me over this. Not to mention he probably disguised himself as a budgie and is in this very room, laughing his little budgie lungs out. I'm brought out of my thoughts by Sara screaming, “Be gentler! Take it off!” I try to push the plaster down for the last time, but she kicks her legs and wails, “It hurts! Do it gently! “ “Stay still!” “It really hurts! Do it gently!” “Stay still! Don't move.” “It really hurts… “ “Don't move.. “ “It's painful to apply medicine for the first time, can't you take it easy?” I ignore her question as I cut the gauze and stand up. “You said no one was home. That's why I'll let you stay the night.” Seeing her hopeful look, I add, "In the guest room." “Are you asking me to sleep in the guest room by myself?” she asks in horror. “Aren't you feeling weak?” “I am," she says, leaning her head on my shoulder. “I'm really ill, you should believe me.” “Go to bed if you're sick,” I say and get up, to carry her,but she clings onto me. “No, I can't. Listen, I get cold when I'm sick at night. I'll feel very cold. Really, really cold… you have to keep me company.” I try to move but she holds me tighter and says, “I'm so cold, you have to keep me company.” An idea forms in my mind, and I say, “Okay,” and take her up. Once we're there I put her on the bed. She looked at me, surprised I agreed so easily. She stays on the bed, and I lean down towards her. She blushes and leans back, expecting me to kiss her, and puckers her lips, but at the last moment, I pull out a remote for the heater and put the heat up. “You won't feel cold anymore, right?” I ask, showing her the temperature. “Yes”, she says, but then, “no. Why are you like this? You used to be worried sick whenever I felt cold. You would hug me to sleep like this,” she says, putting her arms around my body. “You would put your arms around me.“ “Hug you to sleep?” I ask, wondering when I ever did that. “Okay,” I say as I think of a plan. She looks at me hopefully as I say, “Wait here.” A few minutes later, I returned with blankets in my hands, which I began to drape over her. “You won't feel cold this way, right?” I ask, hoping she'd stop. She attempts to remove her woolly hat, but I stop her, saying, “Don't take your hat off, aren't you feeling cold? Don't take it off.” I brush a finger against her cheek and say, “You're breaking out in cold sweat. Look, I'll get you another one.” “No!” she exclaims. “There's no need to! wait. Well, have you forgotten that I have a habit of kicking the baskets off when I sleep? Then I'll catch a cold, right? So I still need your company. “ “Got it,” I say,and walk off, only to return with a belt in my hands. I smirk as I see the change in her expression, the sudden fear of what I would do. “What are you doing?” She asks, and I smirk, placing one hand on the headboard while the other is on the blankets, still clutching the belt. A few seconds later, I'm proudly standing over a completely tied up Sara, who's unable to even move an inch. "I'd say this solves your blanket problem, hm?" She whines as I step out of the door. "But-" "No buts," I say, resisting the urge to laugh. "See you in the morning."