My Little Sister is a Dragon: Ester Dracos Arc

by AleximusPrime

3. The Land of the Longs

Nightwatch and Buttercream rode on Aster’s back with Buttercream in front. Aster meandered through the sky with Lily and Pansy by his side. They had already passed the shores of the western bank of Equestria and were now over the South Luna Ocean, where they would eventually find the continent of Ester Dracos. They listened as Nightwatch finished telling his new friends the story of his last adventure with Buttercream.
“So then she left with Noctura for Canterlot. Butter and I got home the next day, we were really tired, and we just went straight to bed and told Mom and Dad the whole thing later…and yeah. That’s how we met Princess Luna.”
“Wow! You weren’t kidding when you said you guys took on a giant robot ram!” Lily beamed.
“Robots in Equestria. That’s something else. Sounds like you two really lived the biggest action film experience of a lifetime,” Aster jested.
“You bet we did!” Buttercream chimed in. “And now we’re about to experience our first trip outside of Equestria!”
“I’m glad Luna let us do this,” Nightwatch added. “It’s a good chance to get out, meet new friends and also help her out with some of her own work. Now that I’m her protégé, I should do this more often.”
“And you guys are gonna love the Emperor,” Lily continued. “He’s a very wise and kind dragon. He’ll totally understand if Luna couldn’t make it, but he’d love to speak with both of you. Right, Pansy?”
“Auf!” Pansy yapped as Lily brought her in to rub her belly.
Aster then cupped his hands over his mouth and spoke through his fingers to make his voice sound like it was going through an intercom system.
“Attention passengers. This is your captain speaking. We are approaching our destination and will be arriving shortly. Turbulence is low, so we should have a safe landing.”
Buttercream’s eyes widened. She climbed up on top of Aster’s head and held onto his antlers. The clouds parted and they all saw the land before them. Ester Dracos was very mountainous with luscious, green trees everywhere. The architecture comprised of imperial pagodas, dojos and old stone temples. There was one enormous pagoda on top of a tall mountain, looming over the capital city. This was undoubtedly where the Emperor resided. Nightwatch and Buttercream noticed tons of other longs flying above the towns, but there were several larger ones flying slowly amongst the clouds. Some of them were so long; they could have been over a half a mile in length. There were also some water-dwelling longs in the ocean and rivers cutting into the land. Some of them even sat on top of large rocks at sea. Nightwatch had brought along a camera and began to take pictures to show his parents.
“WHOOOOA! Nighty, look at those guys!” Buttercream exclaimed, as she put her hand over her forehead to get a good view of the huge longs in the sky.
“They’re bigger than I was expecting!” Nightwatch added.
“Those are the guardians,” Lily explained. “They have vast magical powers and use them to control the weather and prevent natural disasters. If a tidal wave comes in, Mizu the Water Guardian can stop it with her powers! There’s also Hono the Fire Guardian, who puts out fires; Shokubutsu the Tree Guardian, the keeper of all plant life; Jishin the Earth Guardian, who prevents earthquakes; Inazuma the Thunder Guardian, who protects against lightning; Tsundora the Ice Guardian who regulates the flow of snow in the winter; Kaze the Wind Guardian who keeps the air fresh and prevents cyclones; and plenty more all over the continent! They’re all ancient beings of power and have been doing this for millennia!”
“Is Antirrhinum one of them?” asked Nightwatch.
“He’s not quite as old as them, but he’s a ‘great long’ too. He’s been leading for just over a thousand years and he meets with them every so often to talk politics and figure out weather schedules.”
“So they control the weather over here. Most provinces in Equestria do that too. We even have a cloud factory in Cloudsdale.”
“Nighty, this is so cool!” Buttercream interrupted, not able to control her enthusiasm.
“Alright, Butter, let’s not get in over our heads. Though I will admit, this place really is beautiful. I’m enjoying myself already!”
They flew down to a nearby hill outside of the city and made their way to a small pagoda house surrounded by gardens. Aster continued to speak in his airline pilot voice.
“And with that, we’ve reached our destination. Please remain seated until the flight comes to a complete stop. Welcome to Ester Dracos! Thank you for flying with us and enjoy your stay!”
Aster descended and landed daintily on the dirt path in front of the property. Nighty and Butter hopped down as Lily and Pansy landed next to them. A bright green female long with wavy magenta hair poked her head out of the front door.
“Mom, Dad, we’re back!” shouted Lily.
The mother dragon crawled the rest of the way out of the door and stood on two legs like Aster and Lily. She had a very happy and welcoming look on her face and started to speak in a kind, motherly tone.
“Aster, Lily! You’ve brought visitors from Equestria?” asked the mother dragon.
“Sure did! This is Nightwatch and Buttercream! Guys, this is my mother, Azalea!” Lily said, pointing to her friends as they bowed politely.
“A unicorn and a dragon? My goodness! Equestria already has started opening up to the dragons!”
“Well, not quite, Mom. She’s the only dragon we’ve encountered in there so far,” said Aster, “Little Buttercream here was adopted by a pony family.”
“Yeah, I found her egg years ago,” Nightwatch added.
“This is my first time outside of Equestria, but I’m so happy to be meeting other dragons!” Buttercream said, putting herself under one of Nightwatch’s front legs.
“Oh, how nice of you ponies! Well she’s a Northern Drake I see. You know, I have some friends with some Northern in them. They’d be really happy to see her!”
“Oh, and guys, look! There’s Dad!” Lily said, pointing behind everyone.
“Tigrinum, my love, come quickly! We have guests!”
Azalea waved in the direction Lily was pointing at. They all glanced at a nearby sakura tree. On one of its branches was a longer, pine green dragon. This was Lily and Aster’s father, Tigrinum. He had a bright green underbelly, orange hair and a mustache under his snout. Next to his mustache were two long, bright orange whiskers on both sides of his upper lip that waved about in the wind. One thing that made him stand out where the visible bright green scales on his fore arms and legs. Trailing behind his arms and legs was hair the same color as the hair on his head and going down his back. He stood proudly in the tree and smiled to his family. Leaping off the branch, he gracefully flew through the air and landed right next to Azalea. He was so long; he decided to stand on all fours so his guests would not have to look too high to speak with him.
“Welcome to our abode,” Tigrinum said in a deep masculine voice. “So this is a Northern Drake adopted into a unicorn family, eh?”
“That’s right, sir,” said Nightwatch. “We’re honored to be here.”
“Ester Dracos is so beautiful!” Buttercream added.
“It is a lovely place to live. The longs of Ester Dracos will welcome a pony and Northern Drake into the land just fine. The Emperor is ready to open up to Equestria again. Speaking of which, Lily, Aster, were you able to make contact with the princess?”
“Oh, sorry Dad,” Aster said. “Princess Luna’s a bit busy over in Equestria with her sister. She might make a little visit later, but she said we could bring these two along in her place. They both know the princess and Nightwatch is her student believe it or not.”
“Interesting. So Nightwatch, my lad, how fares the princess?”
“She’s alright,” Nightwatch replied. “It’s been rough for her ever since Nightmare Moon was exorcised from her soul. She’s taking some time to settle in, but I think she’s feeling a lot better.”
“That’s good to hear. The Emperor has been very concerned for the royal sisters, but he would happy to speak with you in Luna’s place. I work for the Emperor as a messenger and I can take him to you once he makes time in his schedule later.”
“For now, would you two like to take a tour of the capital city market? It’s a lovely place!” said Azalea.
“Absolutely!” said Buttercream.
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a look around. I am curious to know more about the longs,” Nightwatch said.
“Azalea, would you be willing to show them around with the kids while I go alert Antirrhinum?” asked Tigrinum.
“Of course, dear,” Azalea replied, giving him a kiss.
Tigrinum took off flying toward the city to meet the Emperor. Azalea turned back to talk to her guests.
“Well everyone, if you’re ready, the marketplace awaits!”
“Lead the way, Mom!” Lily said, excitedly.
“Auf auf!” barked Pansy.
“Nighty, can we buy a few little things in the marketplace?” asked Buttercream.
“I’ll let you get a few trinkets, but let’s not overspend,” said Nightwatch. “Remember, we’re here to talk with the Emperor, but we’ll keep ourselves busy in the meantime.”

As they all walked through the marketplace, various longs the size of Azalea and Tigrinum passed by, saying hello to Azalea and her children and staring in amazement at Nightwatch and Buttercream.
“Is that a baby Northern?!” asked one long.
“It is! And she’s with an Equestrian unicorn!” said another.
“Mommy, is that really a unicorn?” asked a young long.
“I believe so, dear!” his mother answered.
Buttercream waved happily to everyone, as Nightwatch did the same. It was a bit overwhelming being the center of attention, but he was glad the longs were so welcoming. He managed to take plenty of pictures of the marketplace, but was running out of film, so he saved the last for pictures of him with Buttercream and all his friends before getting it developed. A few dragons had already started tossing little flowers to Buttercream and giving her snacks for free. Nightwatch had to keep some of her new gifts in a bag. Azalea stopped at a nearby flower shop and took a moment to introduce them to her friends inside.
“Nightwatch, Buttercream, this is where my friends work!” she said. “Hosta, Amaryllis, Daisy, I have some visitors you need to see!”
A green female eastern dragon walked out from behind a decorative column of flowers. She had light green hair with white stripes. She seemed like an Eastern Drake, but her body was shaped differently. While her neck and tail were long and slender, her body was curvy. She almost had the appearance of a voluptuous mare standing on two legs. Most of the female dragons Nightwatch saw in his book looked like this. The only other parts of her that weren’t eastern were the fins on the side of her head. They closely resembled Buttercream’s, though they had four rounded points instead of just two. She still had dark brown antlers like the others. Next to her stood a taller bright green dragon with a pink underbelly. This one had a serpentine body and mammalian ears, but the rest of her looked more like a horned dragon Nightwatch had seen in his book. She had a small white horn coming out of her beaked snout and two curvy horns pointing upwards. Instead of hair, she had red dorsal spikes going down her head and back and a spade-shaped point at the end of her tail. She was the only one with bat-like wings. The shortest one was bright blue with a white underbelly. She had brown antlers, yellow curly hair, a doggish snout and floppy ears. Unlike her sisters she was fat and round, though her tail was still quite long and had a tuft of fur at the end. Nightwatch could already tell which ones had the right names based on their appearances. Hosta’s hair actually resembled the leaves of a hosta, while Amaryllis was tall and had prominent red at the top just like the plant of the same name, and Daisy’s poofy hairdo made her resemble the flower she was clearly named after. All three of them walked in and spoke to Azalea first.
“Azalea! Great to see you, girl!” said Hosta.
“HEY! So nice of you stop by with the kids!” said Amaryllis, giving her a big hug.
“So what brings you to…oh my goodness! Hosta, Ammy, look! It’s a baby Northern Drake!” Daisy said, staring at Buttercream.
Buttercream rushed up to the stand and looked up at them as they peered over the counter dotted with flowers. They all put their hands to their cheeks and fawned over the adorable baby dragon before them. As Amaryllis spoke, she flapped her wings and flew outside of the stand, while her sisters hovered like regular longs and joined her in examining their visitor.
“OH. MY. GOSH! I can’t believe we’re seeing a Northern here!” said Amaryllis.
“Aw, Daisy, she looks a lot like you did as a kid!” Hosta added.
“She kinda does!” Daisy replied. “She’s got my body, Ammy’s spikes, and your fins! She’s so cute! What’s your name, little lady?”
“I’m Buttercream! It’s great to meet you all!” she told them.
“I’m Hosta! These are my younger sisters, Amaryllis and Daisy. We run this flower shop. I work with the shrubs and perennials, Daisy does bouquets, and Ammy specializes in potted plants. As you can see, we’re mixed breeds. Our mother was a pure-bread Eastern while our dad was part Southern and part Northern.”
“We had no idea we’d get a visitor from Nordo Dracos!” Amaryllis chimed in.
“Nordo Dracos? Is that where my kind comes from?” Butter asked.
“Oh…you’re not from Nordo Dracos?”
“Well I don’t know if I am.”
“I’m her adoptive brother,” Nightwatch said. “I found her as an egg and we’ve raised her in Equestria ever since. We still don’t know where she came from, but we tend to not worry about it.”
“Awww, how sweet!” said Daisy. “A unicorn and a dragon is something we never thought imaginable! Gosh, I really wish we had gone to Nordo Dracos ourselves. We might not be purebred Northerns, but we’re most certainly happy to see one!”
“Yeah, we’ve never seen a unicorn, or a pony for that matter!” said Amaryllis.
“Have either of you kids ever been to Nordo Dracos?” asked Hosta.
“Not yet,” answered Nightwatch. “Equestrians don’t really know much about dragons sadly.”
“You guys should’ve seen Nighty last night!” said Lily, hugging Nightwatch. “I got caught up in a storm while Aster and I were in Equestria, and he rescued me and brought me into his parents house!”
“Well what a swell little unicorn he is for rescuing our little Lily!” Amaryllis said, rubbing Lily’s head.
“And we weren’t able to bring Princess Luna back, but they’re good friends of hers and they’re gonna go talk with Antirrhinum right now,” Aster said.
“Not bad, Aster! Everyone’s getting ready for the Emperor to open up trade with Equestria again,” said Hosta. “Might take some time to really get the relations between dragons and ponies up and running. I don’t know if ponies take kindly to dragons in Equestria nowadays, but here in Ester Dracos, we’ve all pretty much put aside our differences and can’t wait to do it.”
“And we were so lucky to have come across Nightwatch and Buttercream!” said Azalea. “Not only do they know the princess, they’re proof that dragons and ponies can coexist!”
Azalea put her arms around her kids and wrapped her tail around Nightwatch and Buttercream. The three sisters looked tenderly at the heartwarming image of all of them together.
“Well girls, I think it’s only fair we send this adorable little dragon home with some fresh flowers from our stand!” Daisy said, bringing in a crown made of freshly-picked flowers to put on Buttercream’s head.
Amaryllis gave her a small pot of mums while Hosta gave her a pack of assorted perennials to plant back at home. Buttercream hugged the mums with a big smile on her face.
“Thank you so much, everyone!” she said, joyfully.
“Any time, sweetheart!” Daisy replied.
“You’re welcome to come by our stand any time you’re visiting Ester Dracos,” Amaryllis added.
“Alright ladies,” Hosta told her sisters, returning to the stand. “We’ve got a bit of a line forming. Take care, Azalea, and Nightwatch and Buttercream, you two have an excellent time in Ester Dracos!”
“Thanks, ladies!” Nightwatch said.
“Bye!” called Buttercream.
Buttercream gave Nightwatch the mums so he could carry them for her and he put the pack of perennials in his satchel.
“Oooh! Butter! Remember when I told you about Mr. Myosoti?” Lily asked.
“This is his stand!”
Buttercream turned to see a vendor stand on the other side of the street. Behind the stand was a large sign that said “Tendonin” in red letters and a red circle around it. There were video game controllers, game cartridges and monitors sprawled out over the table. Several dragons stood behind the stand to tend to customers, but the one that stood out the most was Myosoti himself. He was purple with navy blue hair and a bright blue underbelly. On the side his face were sideburns, a beard and two long whiskers like most of the males had. He wore glasses and a green shirt with a joystick controller. He spoke in an accent that reminded Nightwatch and Buttercream of the martial arts masters from some of the cartoons they watched. He sounded very wise and steadfast. As his friends arrived to greet him, he put his hands together and bowed his head respectfully.
“Nighty! This is the guy that makes video games!” the eager little dragon said, pulling her brother’s leg.
“Hey, Mr. Myosoti!” Lily said.
“Aster-san! Lily-san! Good day to you, children!” he said.
“We have some new friends of ours we’d like you to meet,” said Aster. “This is Nightwatch and Buttercream. She’s his little adoptive dragon sister. You could say fate brought us all together and they’re here right now to do a little ambassador work in place of Princess Luna.”
“Ah, I see! A young dragon of the northlands and a unicorn. It is an honor to meet you both.”
“You’re Myosoti? Lily’s told us you do video games!” Buttercream said, staring in amazement at all the cartridges.
“Butter and I have played video games for years,” Nightwatch said. “We’ve never met an actual game developer though. Now I’m not familiar with these types of cartridges. Are they compatible with the MEGA Exodus by any chance?”
“Oh no. These are for the Tendonin Entertainment Console, or the TEC. They are not available in Equestria right now due to the trade embargo with the ponies, but I hear that Emperor Antirrhinum is preparing to lift that embargo soon. Equestria will be able to enjoy Tendonin games.”
“Nighty, I want this game!” said Buttercream, picking up a random cartridge.
“Well Butter, we can’t play that game until the TEC comes to Equestria.”
“I know, but we’ll be able to play it when we get one eventually! I just…I dunno, I just like these little things! I wish I could have them all!”
Buttercream stared at all of the cartridges in wonder. She felt a strange desire to collect them all. She didn’t even think about the content on the cartridges. She just wanted them. She was staring so much; she didn’t realize she had started taking a few more in her hands, until Nightwatch spoke up.
“Um…Butter, remember we gotta pay for those.”
“Huh? Oh, sorry about that. I’ll just take the first one then. It’s called Dragon Warriors. What do you do in this game, Mr. Myosoti?”
“I’m glad you asked,” said Myosoti, as his antlers glowed and several art pages floated around him. “This is a game I have wanted to make for such a long time and it is finally in production. Dragon Warriors is a fighting game where you can play as historical dragons like Smelt the Warrior or Sizzle the Inventor.”
As he spoke, he brought forward some of his pages. The first one showed Smelt, a green dragon with a bright orange underbelly, orange spikes and two curvy horns. He carried a crystal sword and was equipped with a bow and arrows. The one next to it showed Sizzle, a young orange dragon with a yellow underbelly, smaller horns and red spikes. He wore goggles over his eyes, had a belt with some vials full of chemicals, and was carrying an over-the-shoulder launcher with a sharp crystal loaded inside.
“I think Buttercream will be interested in this one. This is Grumblebog. He was a dragon that is said to have befriended Princess Celestia and Princess Luna over a thousand years ago.”
Myosoti then held up another page of a massive, fat dragon. He was red with a pink underbelly, green spikes and yellow eyes. He had no horns but there were bright green fins on the side of his head that looked a bit like Buttercream’s but were sharp and webbed. Underneath his chin were fins that resembled a goatee. His arms were muscular and he was clearly a brawler character, while the other two were weapon-wielding types.
“That guy’s pretty big!” Nightwatch remarked. “And he’s a Northern Drake like Butter, I take it?”
“That is right. Grumblebog was a Northern and there are other dragons like him in this game.”
“They look so awesome! I wonder if Grumblebog’s my dad!” said Buttercream.
“Well I’m sure he’s either too old or long gone by now, Butter,” Nightwatch said.
“Aw. Well maybe an ancestor or something. Still, this game looks so fun! Are they all dragons?”
“Not all of them,” Myosoti continued. “Here is one of the enemy characters. This is Emperor Grogar.”
Myosoti pulled up a page of a blue ram with red eyes and large curly horns. He wore a red collar around his neck with a silver bell hanging in front. The collar resembled the ones Bellow and Bleat wore. Nightwatch felt a sense of dread looking at this picture and recognized the name right away.
“Grogar? Like, the same sorcerer that took over Equestria?” he asked.
“Yes,” said Myosoti. “A dark and horrible ram that has faded into legend. His forces attacked Ester Dracos during his invasion.”
“Wow. This ram has made a name for himself, hasn’t he, Butter?”
“Yeah, we met some weird guys back in Equestria that worship him and think they can bring him back or something,” added Buttercream.
“Interesting. Well there are many other playable characters and I plan on making more. I am not the founder of Tendonin, nor did I develop all these games, but they hired me after I pitched my designs. The company is growing and we look forward to sending our products to Equestria over the next few years. I hope to bring many societies together with this game and teach them dragon history. I am already drafting plans for its sequel: Super Dragon Warriors.”
Nightwatch looked down to his sister. She was holding the cartridge close to her, hugging it like it was a small pet animal. She looked up to him with big cute eyes. He smiled and started to reach for the wallet in his satchel.
“So do you take Equestrian bits by any chance?” Nightwatch asked Myosoti.
“Oh, you can have that one for free. Take good care of it and let your friends know it is a game that all Equestrians will be able to purchase and enjoy one day.”
“EEEE! Thank you so much, Mr. Myosoti!!” Buttercream squealed.
“It was a privilege to meet you both,” Myosoti said, bowing again. “May our paths cross again.”
Buttercream and Nightwatch walked over to join Lily, Aster, Pansy and Azalea. They all waved to Myosoti and continued on down the street.
“Wow, Mr. Myosoti made such an awesome game, Nighty! I’m so glad I got this cartridge! Can I get more things?”
“Butter, remember what Mom and Dad said about wanting too many things,” Nightwatch reminded her.
“Okay, but like… just a few more things?”
Suddenly, Tigrinum flew in to meet them all and Buttercream and Nightwatch directed their attention to him.
“Everyone, I have good news,” he began. ”Antirrhinum can see Nightwatch and Buttercream right now. He was expecting Luna, but he is happy to meet with her protégé and see a fellow dragon from lands afar.”
“That’s great news! Thanks, Tigrinum,” said Nightwatch. “And that’s his castle up there?”
“That’s it. We can take you there now.”
“Alright, lets go Butter…uh…Butter?”
“Oh, young lady, don’t forget you have to pay for those,” said a female voice in the vicinity.
Nightwatch followed the voice and looked over to see Buttercream in front of a stand, taking several fruits out of a basket.
“Buttercream!” Nightwatch said, raising his voice a little.
Buttercream reared her head in shock and dropped some of the fruits. Nightwatch used his magic to put all the fruits back. The lady dragon at the stand was professional and smiled as Nightwatch apologized to her.
“Sorry about my sister, ma’am. This is her first time in Ester Dracos and she really loves all the sights. Butter, what do you say to her?”
“Sorry. I don’t know why, but I just really love all the stuff around here,” she said, bashfully.
“That’s alright, dear,” said the dragon. “I’m pleased to see we’re getting a visit from a Northern Drake and a unicorn!”
“Thanks. Maybe if we have time later we’ll stop by to pick some up,” said Nightwatch.
The two smiled and then walked away. Buttercream felt sorry for what she had done.
“I’m sorry Nighty. I don’t know what got into me. I’m not even that hungry right now.”
“It’s okay, just try to keep your claws to yourself, alright?”
“I promise.”
They hugged and all was forgiven. They looked over to see the family of longs they had befriended waiting patiently for them. Continuing down the market street, they made their way toward Antirrhinum’s palace to meet the powerful Emperor.