Harry Potter & the Obligatory Adventurer

by ScarletRhine


After Dinner, the staff gathered in an empty classroom to discuss the first day.

"The first day of the school year has passed and what have we noticed about our first years?"

Snape surprised everyone by saying, "I believe I was put in my place by three first years.” The tone he used indicated he was more surprised than upset. “I had noticed he was writing as I was talking so I asked Mr Potter three questions that unless he studied his book beforehand would have gotten wrong or could not answer. Evidently, he did because he got them right. Then I heard Mr Viator snickering and when I confronted him he showed no remorse for it. Miss Ride then stood up and berated me for getting on Potter's case because he was doing what muggles drill into their students so they don’t miss what their teacher is saying because it’s important. Finally, Mr Viator told me I shouldn’t think of Harry as the son of the man I hated but as the son of the mother I cared for. I was shocked he deduced that and out of reflex I asked how he knew of Lily.”

“And his answer?” Professor Sprout asked.

“He didn’t. The comment was as he put it, ‘A shot in the dark’”

“That I believe is an example of the famed Viator perception.” Professor Flintwick commented.

Snape then added, “It would seem the muggles teach something in which precise measurement is needed as he had measuring tools that were useful in potion brewing. I noticed him cleaning the tools after use when I asked why he did that he responded, ‘Safety.’ then Miss Greengrass asked me to leave Mr Viator alone as he measured the last ingredient. After class, I advised him to leave the tools in the classroom and to learn scourgify.”

“And what was the resulting potion?” McGonagall asked.


“Then I suggest you ask young Viator to teach you how to use such tools," Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye. To that, Snape nodded.

"I'll teach young Viator scourgify after class so he could save to in potions," Flintwick said.

Dumbledore then looked to their head nurse, "What of our self-proclaimed Planeswalker Miss Ride?"

"Miss Ride seems to have very little respect for authority, having said multiple times that that is because she had been fighting for her life against adults for at least 12 years." Madam Pomphrey said remembering how much disdain the girl had for medical evaluations of any kind magical or mundane. "And I believe her, she has multiple signs of physical and mental trauma, along with those wings of hers are scars that could not have been formed through play or even learning how to fly with those wings, most specifically a scar on her lower abdomen of four marks reminiscent of a werewolf's strike."

"That does not surprise me, her magic is definitely different from others but the three that are similar to Miss Ride, those Fillies?"

"They are most certainly horses of some kind, especially the one with the horn Sweetie Belle. Matching her tail hair to one from our resident herd shows that it has the same magical potency and can be used as a wand core. Surprisingly each of the three can use their hair as wand cores, showing that their own internal magic flows throughout the entirety of their bodies." Snape said "I suspect Ollivander to have somehow got a sample of each of their hair to make personalized wands, Miss Sweetie Belle, especially considering her horrible talent with potions. instead of crafting a wart removing potion she somehow created an aerosol agent that can swap genders temporarily." The thought of such a drastically different effect coming from such a simple potion-making session actually caused Snape to smile, the result of him reminiscing about his own accident in creating such a potion during his younger years of experimenting. "Luckily Miss Applebloom is a natural talent when it comes to potions and was able to mitigate the effects by neutralizing the potion within seconds. When I asked her how she knew to do that she said 'I've been trained by another potions master and I'm somewhat of a journeyman myself. Sweetie Belle once set water on fire so I was already prepared for this to happen, not this specifically but something like it.' I suspect this is why Potter studied up on his potion book, looking for general cures in case of something like this. Everything I asked was related to neutralizing something or a cure it would have easily come up in his studies. Even my question with the wolfsbane plant, since the answer would be found in the form of trivia."

“That reminds me of something.” Professor McGonagall stated. “Young Mr Viator via book managed to get three subscriptions to the same number of muggle newspapers for himself and the school. He says the subscriptions are donations for muggle studies.”

“How will they Arrive?” Dumbledore asked. “Hogwarts is unplotable.”

“The reason on how ye’ll get yoah bundles of newspapers.” A sprite, riding on a bat that three tiny packages tied to it said. “This place may be unplotable on this Prime material plane, but it’s completely plotable from mirror planes, like the Faywild or Arcadia as you know it.” The sprite dismounted the bat then removed the bundles and placed them on the table. “Besure to unshrink them after I leave. As the sprite remounted the bat he added, “Once Tuvious and I leave, the delivery of the following days papers will Arrive by either Raven or bat depending wiether it’s a daytime delivery.” With that the bat flew of and flew through a mirror which rippled like a pond that a pebble landed in.

The gathered professors looked at each other before Snape bluntly said, “Well. That just happened."

Alex was standing outside the castle doing a practice kata with his rapier. The rapier was wooden and carved with runes that made it act like it was the real thing. Not far away was a weapon rack with wooden replicas with identical runes that gave them the weight and feel of the real thing. His target was a manikin wielding an identical weapon. The weak wood golem struck at Alex attempting to do enough damage to knock Alex down, while Alex attempted to do the same to it. A translucent cat jumped onto Alex's head then through the golem causing the training aid to shut down. "MING TOI!" A witch with rainbow hair

Max had followed Alex this time and was Sparing against Vartarcar and the fight was brutal as Max even in her regressed body was as strong as a full-grown adult, along with this Max proved she had killed before with her fighting style. Vartarcar had to use elixirs multiple times to heal broken bones gouged-out eyes and a broken spine.

“You are a warrior willing to kill, impressive.” the Drow said wiping her mouth after drinking another Elixir, this one as a break since they both needed the cool down. “You’re getting better at using your elements in melee combat gathering the power in your limbs for each strike.”

“Thanks, it’s tiring though,” Max said drinking her elixir to replenish her expended power. “I hate it, but I’ve killed family even if it was unknowing.” The memory of her brother’s first death haunted her. “Still he got better and his final death helped to save me.”

"Let's not dwell on the past," Alex said. "Hogwarts is supposed to be a place to prepare for the future." He then placed his practice weapon on the rack. Ron looked at it puzzled and asked, "Why are you practicing with weapons? Aren't wands supposed to be the preferred weapon of wizards?"

“I looked into that and sword fighting is a good way of improving wandwork since before the statute was signed wizards often fought muggles in sword to sword in duels,” Herminoe explained. “Fencing developed as a way to combine wand movements and sword fighting since certain styles use a shorter second blade which was actually how wizards fought when sword dueling just replace the short blade with a wand and there you have it! Gryffindor had a famous sword that had gone missing on the night of You Know Who’s defeat proving that sword fighting used to be a major part of the wizarding world if one of the founders had a blade.”

Alex shrugged and said as he began to walk to herbology. "That's good to know. Did you know earplugs are better than earmuffs?" When Hermione and the others looked at him in surprise he commented, "Guess not."

“Neither work all that well for me,” Max said “but I knew a guy who needed noise-canceling headphones and heavy-duty sunglasses just to function after Itex modified him.”

Later in Herbology, Professor Sprout was instructing the class on reporting mandrake noticed Alex instead of putting earmuffs on, put something in his ears, after which he put the provided pair of earmuffs. "Mr Viator." She said out of curiosity. "What did you put in your ears? "

"Ear Plugs." Was his response.

"Ear Plugs?"

"Small items you put in your ears to dampen sound," Alex said before he put his earmuffs on. The lesson proceeded almost without a hitch. Neville passing out was a minor hiccup.

Harry was spending some time exploring the castle with Ron when they heard. "I doubt Mr Viator will even attend flying class Minerva." Looking about he noticed Professor McGonagall talking to Madam Hooch.

"Why is that? I understand Maximum not attending what with her wings but Alex is required to learn broom riding to pass the year.” Minerva said.

Madam Hooch sighed then said, "I'll see if I can convince him that…"

The conversation faded as both professors walked out of range. Puzzled he went on to find Ron & Hermione.

Later ten minutes before class Madam Hooch and Alex were having a meeting. Alex looked at his flying Professor and asked, "Why are you guys insistent I learn to fly a broom? I'll be spending most of my adult life on adventures, most of which are in the Muggle world."

"Be that as it may," Madam Hooch replied, "It is a requirement. But I might as well ask why are you refusing to learn to fly a broom?"

Alex sighed and said, "Brooms and my family never have gotten along. The only magical method of flight we can use is carpets. Every time we try to use a broom for flight, it ends in disaster. You know one of the windows on Gryffindor Tower? It didn't exist when the castle was completed. Five hundred years later Jack Viator crashed into the tower going through the wall. They fixed the tower by turning the hole into a window. Skele-grow was perfected because of his repeated crashes."

Madam Hooch's eyes narrowed before she said, "You will participate in class or Griffindor will lose 75 points." Sighing with resignation Alex nodded. Ten Minutes later he was standing by a broom. He followed her instructions and said, "Up." His selected broom rose and smacked him in the face hard enough to knock him out.

Three hours later Alex woke up in the infirmary to see Madam Hooch in the bed across from him bruised and burned. “Vaitor you’re exempt from broom flying and no points will be removed because of you.” the Witch said “Although that isn’t the case for your friend Maximum who will be getting detention thanks to her little comet reenactment!”


"I have a headache thanks to you Madam Hooch," Alex said with a growl. "I hope I don't lose any points for Gryffindor." Rolanda Hooch smiled and said, "No. Like Ms Ride said, I disregarded your warning and you paid for it. 25 to Gryffindor for the attempt."

Madam Pomphrey walked up to Max and said as she handed her a goblet filled with a milky white liquid, "Drink up. This skele-grow with have your legs back to normal." She then looked at Alex and added, "Now be off with you. It's lunchtime."

Alex needed no further prompting and scampered off.

In the dorm room that night Max was grumbling while sitting in the fireplace her anger caused her phoenix-like healing magical flames to expand from her. She willingly sat in the hearth to not risk anyone getting burnt. “Hooch has to be on her namesake if she is that stupid! I mean seriously, I can kinda of excuse needing proof and a firsthand experience but laughing at pain?! When I do it it’s to mask my anger of disgust at those I fight nothing more nothing less! I hope Dumble Head makes her get an assistant like i suggested!” The others looked at her with astonishment “I call him that since i can’t pronounce his full name Just Dumble and he’s head of the school-” The girl shuddered at that word “So it’s a play on headmaster mixed with his name not an insult!”

“Ah. Ok.” I say and after a thought, I say with some relief, “I'm glad no one has thought to challenge the notion modern electronics won't work here. Or my being knocked out by my own broom would've been plastered over the internet.”

“Timeline dude we’re in the 90s BEFORE YouTube became big,” Max said as her flames died down allowing her to leave the hearth. “Also, i have a magic surge-protected laptop with an uninterruptible internet connection.”

“YouTube is pretty big right now. Anyhow, we better hit the potions books because we have double potions tomorrow. Not looking forward to.it.”

The next day, Alex had managed to herd the pride of cats that were his fellow Gryffindors and get them to sit in the class that the Slytherins couldn't group. Once he was at his table, he cleaned his cauldron, stirring rods, measuring tools, mortar & Pistol. A house elf popped I. A d handed him a fresh chopping board and left after Alex thanked her.

“MISTER VIATOR!.” Professor Snape snapped “What are you doing?”

Alex smiled before saying with no hint of intimidation, “Making sure that my tools are uncontaminated. Or do you want an accident because of the residue of a previous potion contaminating the one I was working on?”

Snape froze in his planned chewing out as Alex’s argument made him review accidents in the past. He then explained calmly,

“Far point but there is some benefit to leaving a cauldron and stirring rods unclean for a time, the ingredients' magical properties will seep into the metal of the cauldron and other such items making it stronger, that’s why family cauldrons are so prized. This can also make certain potions stronger so don’t assume that cleaning all equipment is a good thing every time. Knives and other such things are fine since silver can tarnish easily so clean them thoroughly but remember that items like a cauldron can take some things remaining in it for a while.”

“Okay,” Alex said. “I'll check my vault for the Viator Family cauldron over summer break. In the meantime, I'll refrain from cleaning my cauldron and stirring rods from now on. In chemistry, the child of potion making, clean equipment is essential for getting uncontaminated results.” Alex then tooked at Professor Snape and said, “Maybe you could reduce the number of dunderheads in class by taking ten to fifteen minutes of questions and answers to pass on lore like what you passed on to me. By sharing information like this could reduce the number of mistakes made.” He then began to rub oil into the cutting board.

Five minutes into brewing the day's potion Sweetie Belle gave off a cute sneeze And the room was filled with anthros of snakes & lions with a unicorn, pegasus, Thestral, horse and Fox, even a tengu Maximum. “Gesundheit,” Alex said. “I'll go get Madam Pomphrey.” With a nod from Snape Alex scampered out.

“5 points from Gryffindor for that botched potion and ten points to Gryffindor for showing the intelligence to go bring Madam Pomphrey to us,” Snape said as he carefully slithered around checking on the class. “Also since this will most definitely ruin all your potion attempts we’ll be doing this over another time.”

“I’m going to also make sure they look over you. I may hate doctors besides my mom but I meant it when I said you will fly Scoots” Maximum said her hawk beak making the glare she gave the pegasus demonic-looking.