Unexpected Confessions

by Dianwei32

Getting Burned

Unexpected Confessions

Chapter Sixteen

        Getting Burned

        Fluttershy reached the east wall of her living room and stared out the window, looking at the tops of Ponyville’s taller buildings which were barely visible from her house. She bit her lip and turned around to pace the length of the room yet again, just as she had been doing all morning. She walked mindlessly, forcing herself to move only because she couldn’t bear to stand still. Her hooves ached, her muscles burned, and she tasted the metallic tang of blood on her tongue from chewing on her lip so hard that she broke the skin. Despite all of this, she continued to pace her living room while her thoughts followed the same tired loop they had been since she got back from Rarity’s house.

        What should I do? I have to choose. The longer I put it off, the worse it’s going to be... but how can I? If I pick one, I’ll have to break up with the other. That would hurt them. She stopped her pacing and turned to Angel’s hutch, where the rabbit was currently glaring at her over an empty food dish. “Oh Angel, what should I do?”

        Angel began hopping around, gesturing in her direction, and squeaking angrily. After several seconds of ranting, he kicked the empty food dish, sending it sailing directly at his caretaker’s head. The pegasus mare dodged it easily, fixing the irate rabbit with a stern gaze.

        “Angel Bunny, such language is not acceptable in this house.” Fluttershy trotted over to where the dish had landed and picked it up with a wing, never breaking eye contact with her favorite furry friend. “I know it’s lunch time, but if you can’t ask nicely, then you’ll just have to go without food for the day.” She waited patiently, engaging in yet another battle of wills with the rabbit. They stared at each other for nearly a minute before Angel caved in, huffing and pressing his paws together while looking up at his owner pleadingly.

        “That’s better. Thank you.” She nodded and walked into the kitchen, pausing to drop the bowl on the table before she opened her refrigerator and pulled out a head of lettuce, a couple carrots, and a cucumber. She tore a few big leaves off of the lettuce and was cutting up the carrots when a new thought froze her in her tracks.

        What if one of them figures it out? What if they discover I didn’t really pick one of them? Her mind immediately filled with images of Rarity and Rainbow Dash, but both of them wore pained expressions. She cowered, trying to hide under her table and escape the hurtful things her marefriends were saying in her head.

        Not cool, ‘Shy. Rainbow spat, her face a mixture of anger and sadness. After all we’ve been through, you try this? Going behind my back? I didn’t even ask you to pick me, did I? Just to pick one of us. She blinked away tears forming in her eyes, her shoulders slumping. Did you ever stop to think about what would happen when we found out? Did you even think about how much it would hurt us? She sniffed and looked away. I can’t believe you would be so cruel.

        Darling, please understand. I’m not angry, but I am disappointed. I expected better from you. I cannot and will not, be somepony’s mistress. Rarity explained, looking down on her with thinly veiled disgust. I shall have to reevaluate our friendship after this. She looked off to the side and shook her head. How could you? She and Dash turned and walked away, pausing only to throw one last dejected gaze over their shoulders.

        A slice of carrot smacked her in the head, pulling her back to reality under her table. Fluttershy looked up to see Angel leaning down to look at her, his growing frustration clear on his face. She sheepishly crawled out from under the table and quickly finished chopping up the vegetables.

        “Here.” She pushed the bowl across the table, where the rabbit was tapping his foot impatiently. He looked over the contents carefully before diving in, any earlier irritation forgotten.

        The cream-colored mare walked back into the living room and flopped down on the couch, burying her face in the pillows. She pressed her hooves over her ears, but the words continued to echo in her head.

        I can’t believe you would be so cruel.

        I expected better from you.

        Every repetition broke her heart a little more. Her eyes welled with tears, which spilled over and trailed down her cheeks. She would have preferred them to be angry. She could hide from anger, but disappointment? The look of hurt and betrayal in their eyes cut her like a knife and crushed her. She rolled over and stared at the ceiling, taking deep breaths to try and sooth herself. Calm down. They don’t know yet. I just have to choose soon and this will all be over. She stood up and started pacing the room again, weaving around her furniture.

        Right. All I have to do it pick one... and break up with the other. I have to break the heart of one of my best friends after lying to them and building up their hopes. She fretted in her usual quiet way. Oh, I’m a horrible pony. Maybe I should just move away and send both of them a letter explaining what I did... but that would make both of them sad instead of just one. I don’t deserve either of them. She stopped and leaned forward, resting her head on the wall. Oh Celestia, I can’t do this. I should just-

        Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door which made her jump a little. She edged closer to the entryway cautiously calling out to her visitor. “Wh-Who is it?”

        “It’s me, ‘Shy.” Rainbow’s voice carried through the wood. “You, uh... you got a minute?”

        Fluttershy seized up, her heart rate rising and her ears flattening against her skull. She knows! She forced herself to take a deep, slow breath. No. Calm down. She just wants to talk. She doesn’t sound angry. There was something in Dash’s voice that gave her pause. She sounds... sad? Oh no. She took a moment to recover and trotted over to the door, pulling it open. “Hi, Rainbow Dash. Please, come in. What did you need?”

        “Nothing.” Dash shrugged and walked through the doorway, though her step lacked its normal cocky swagger. She made her way over to the couch and took a seat, avoiding making eye contact. “I haven’t seen you in a couple days, so I just came by to check up on you.” She finally looked over at the other mare, giving a small smile. “Do I have to have a reason to see my marefriend?” She nestled down into the cushions and patted the spot next to her. “So, whatcha been up to?”

        Fluttershy froze at the question. Relax. She just wants to talk. She doesn’t know... hopefully. Taking a deep breath, she walked across the room and sat down on the couch, leaving a small space between her and Rainbow. Her heartbeat hammered in her ears, and she had to fight the urge to hide behind her mane. She hated it. She didn’t want to feel this way around Rainbow Dash. She loved Dash, but that was the problem, wasn’t it? I love them both, so why can’t I be a good marefriend and just choose one of them? “Oh, um, I haven’t been doing any- Eep!” She let out a squeak as a cyan wing fell across her back and pulled her closer to Rainbow.

        “What’s wrong, ‘Shy?” Dash asked, lifting her wing slightly.

        “Oh, nothing!” Fluttershy responded, a little too quickly. She stared down at her hooves while she tapped them together. “You just, um, s-scared me a tiny bit.” She bit her lip, tasting a hint of blood again. I... I should tell her. I have to tell both of them. She looked up, running a hoof through her mane to move it out of her eyes. “Um, Dashie? I... I have something I need to tell you.” She felt Rainbow tense up next to her, causing her racing heart to spike even higher. She jumped. Why did she jump? Does she know? Oh Luna, she knows and now she’ll hate me!

        After a moment, Dash relaxed again, but her eyes darted around nervously. “You don’t have to worry, ‘Shy. You can tell me anything, I promise I won’t get mad.” She smiled, but her voice betrayed her concern. “What kind of marefriend would I be if I wasn’t there for you?”

        “Um, well, you see...” Fluttershy felt her already weak resolve crumbling in the face of Rainbow’s support, but she tried to press on. “It’s like this... I kind of... last night, Rar-” She stopped, wanting nothing more than to simply fall through the floor. I know she won’t get mad, but she’s going to be so disappointed! That’s worse. She squeezed her eyes and tried to blurt the truth out before she lost her nerve, but all that came out was a high pitched squeak. She let her head fall, silently cursing her own cowardice.

        “It’s okay, ‘Shy. You don’t have to worry.” Dash gave her struggling marefriend a squeeze, trying and failing to keep an amused little smile off of her face. “I know what you’re trying to say.” She leaned over and kissed the other mare on the forehead.

        “You do?” Fluttershy bolted upright, bumping into Dash’s nose as she sat up. Oh Celestia, she knows! The images and words her mind had conjured earlier came back, causing her to cringe in anticipation of the verbal assault her marefriend was surely preparing. “I’m sorry.” She whimpered.

        Rainbow shook her head, chuckling to herself. “Seriously, ‘Shy. It’s fine. I’m not mad.”

        Oh no! She’s not mad; she’s going to say she’s disappointed,that she hates me!

Dash reached out and laid a comforting hoof on the pink-maned mare’s cheek, then pulled her into a hug. “Stop worrying. Rarity told me everything.”

        Fluttershy froze as her brain tried to process what she had just heard. Rarity... knows? Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. She looked into her marefriend’s eyes, feeling tears well in her own. “Please, Dashie. I can ex-” Her explanation was cut off by a pair of cyan lips.

        “There’s no need.” Dash ran a hoof through her friend’s mane and leaned forward for another quick kiss. “Rarity already told me all about your dinner and your little plan.”

        Plan? Fluttershy opened her mouth to respond, but couldn’t find any words. What plan? “Wh-What did she tell you?”

        Rainbow leaned back into the couch, pulling the other mare down to snuggle. “She told me about dinner, the kiss, and how you two were going to talk to me about the three-way relationship again.”

        “How did you find out about our... dinner?” Fluttershy asked, her mind working frantically to try and figure out whether Dash knew the dinner had been a date or not.

        “Twilight saw you two leave the restaurant and kind of... followed you for a bit. That’s how she saw you kissing.” Dash shifted for a moment, then shook her head. “That doesn’t matter though. Like I said, Rarity told me about your plan, but I told her that it wouldn’t work, so she bowed out.”

        Fluttershy felt like her head was going to explode. She needed time to process what she had just heard. She scooted to edge of the couch and hopped down. “Could you, um, excuse me for a moment?” Without waiting for a response, she galloped up the stairs to her bedroom and shut the door behind her. She started pacing, trying to sort out all of the information she had just gleaned from Dash.

        Okay, Rainbow Dash knows about Rarity and me having dinner, but doesn’t think it was a date. Rarity told her it was part of some “plan,” but why? She stopped as something Rainbow had said hit her. Rarity... bowed out? She gave up? Why? Does... does she not love me anymore? She sat on the edge of the bed. No, that’s not it, but then what is? A thought took root in her mind, but she tried to ignore it. Maybe she... no. What if... no.

        She put her head in her hooves as the realization hit her like a kick to the stomach. Rarity gave up so that Dashie and I could be happy together. She sacrificed her own happiness for ours. She rubbed away the tears forming in her eyes, feeling her chest tighten as another thought struck her. Her legs gave out and she slid off the bed, landing on the floor with a dull *thud*. She took the blame so that Dashie wouldn’t be mad at me. She figured out that I was dating both of them, but she made it look like last night was her idea. She sniffed and closed her eyes, causing a tear to roll down her cheek and fall to wet the fur on her stomach. No. No crying. Not while Dashie is here. She’ll know. She got back to her hooves slowly, taking a moment to dry herself with the blanket from her bed.

        Sweet Celestia, what have I done? I’m sorry Rarity. I won’t waste this chance you’ve given me. She trotted over to the door, pausing to take a few calming breaths, and went back downstairs, where Rainbow was still sitting on the couch.

        “Everything okay, Shy?” Dash asked, leaning forward and hopping down from the couch. “You got out of here in a hurry.”

        “Oh, yes. Everything’s fine.” Fluttershy ducked her head to hide behind her mane. She belatedly realized she needed an excuse for her rapid departure. “I just... really had to go to the bathroom.” An audible growl sounded from her stomach, and she felt an embarrassed blush bloom in her face. “Sorry. I, um, haven’t eaten lunch yet.” She perked up as a new idea came to her. “Would you, um, like to stay for lunch?”

        “Sounds great.” Rainbow trotted toward the kitchen, licking her lips. She reared up on her hind legs, flaring her wings for balance, and started pulling open random cabinets. “I’m actually starving.” She looked over her shoulder and saw her marefriend giving her a questioning look. “I went running with Twi earlier today and missed lunch to go see Rarity. Whatcha feelin’ for lunch?”

        “Well, um...” Fluttershy crept up behind Dash, watching the other mare rummage through every cabinet in the room. “I picked up some fresh daisies this morning, so I could make us some sandwiches.” She winced as her marefriend knocked a glass out of a cabinet, but let out a sigh of relief when the speedster caught it before it hit the floor.

        “That sounds good. Where’s the bread?” Rainbow pulled open another cabinet and poked around, knocking a large porcelain bowl over. She dropped down onto all four hooves and lunged out with a wing to catch it, laying it on the counter gently. She made her way over to the table and sat down. “On second thought, I’ll just stay out of your way.”

        Fluttershy busied herself with making lunch, heaping daisy blossoms onto a couple slices of bread. She tried to focus on the task, but something that her marefriend had said kept running though her head.

        Like I said, Rarity told me about your plan, but I told her that it wouldn’t work, so she bowed out.

        She put the sandwiches onto some plates and added a generous helping of baked oat chips. Then she grabbed a pair of glasses and filled them with water before balancing all of the food and drink on her back. She walked carefully over to the table, where Dash helped her unload the plates, eyeing her sandwich hungrily.

        I told her it wouldn’t work...

        “Dashie?” The word was out of Fluttershy’s mouth before she realized it. The mare in question looked up at her with a mouth full of sandwich, arching an eyebrow questioningly. “I was just, um, wondering...” She poked at her own sandwich with a hoof, doing her best to avoid eye contact. “Earlier, you said that Rarity told you about... our plan, and you told her it wouldn’t work.” She gathered her courage and looked up, meeting her marefriend’s gaze. “Why wouldn’t it work?”

        Rainbow slumped down and pushed her food away. “It’s... a long story, and one I don’t really like to get into.” She picked up her glass, taking a quick drink before poking at her sandwich.

        “Well, um...” Fluttershy put down her food and rubbed her hooves together nervously. “I would really like to know, if that’s okay with you.” She saw that Dash was still unconvinced, but her resolve was wavering. She leaned forward and pouted slightly, batting her eyelashes. “Pretty please?”

        Dash chewed on her lip for a second before letting out a resigned sigh. “Ugh. Fine.” She grabbed an oat chip and popped it in her mouth, then pointed a hoof at her marefriend in mock-accusation. “That’s not fair, by the way. Nopony could resist that.” She lapsed into silence for a moment, taking one final deep breath before launching into her story.

        “You remember my mom from when we were in Flight School, right? Did you ever wonder why you never met my dad?” She asked, earning a timid nod from the other mare. “Well, it’s because he ran off... with my mom.”

        Fluttershy froze, the oat chip she had picked up falling back to her plate. She blinked a few times in confusion, trying to piece together what she had just heard. “So, your father ran off with... your mother?”

        “Yeah... you know Moonshine, my birth mom. You never met Sunny Day, my other mom.” She chuckled as her marefriend stared at her in disbelief. “Oh jeez, that reaction never gets old, but yeah, I had two moms growing up. Moonshine was my biological mom, but I had another mom. They both loved my dad, and they were friends at first, I guess.” She shook her head. “Not that you could tell by the way they acted around one another. My mom, Moonshine, was always putting Sunny down because... she was sterile.” She smiled and moisture pooled in her eyes. “It didn’t matter. Sunny loved me like I was her foal. Hay, she was a better mom to me than Moonshine was. Don’t get me wrong, I was grateful to have a mom leftover after Sunny and my dad ran off, but Moonshine never loved me like Sunny did.”

        “Things got bad the year before I started Flight School.” Dash picked up another oat chip and tossed it in her mouth. “Moonshine saw how close Sunny and I were getting, since she was helping me with my flying. Moonshine put Sunny down every chance she got, calling her worthless because she could never have a foal of her own and accusing her of trying to steal me, like I was a piece of property.” She wiped a hoof across her eyes, removing the tears there before they could fall. “Later on, I realized that she was scared. She was afraid that she was losing me, that I loved Sunny more than her. You know what? She was right. Sunny was a way better parent than she was, and I loved her more.” She grabbed her water glass, just to have something to do with her hooves. “It sounds horrible, but there were times that I wished I was Sunny’s foal. You could see it in her eyes how much she cared, how much she wanted a foal of her own, but she couldn’t have one.”

        Rainbow blinked, not bothering to try and stem the tears flowing from her eyes. “I should have said something... done something. Maybe if I had, she wouldn’t have...” She shook her head, trying to dislodge the treacherous thoughts. “No. What happened, happened, and me beating myself up over it won’t change that. Anyway, Moonshine just kept giving Sunny a hard time, but she didn’t stop there. She started monopolizing my dad. They had been sharing him, but Moonshine started pulling him away from time with Sunny for ‘emergencies’ that didn’t exist. She did anything she could to keep him away from her.”

        Her voice cracked as she kept talking. “Even that didn’t hurt her. All mom cared about was me, and making sure that they didn’t fight in front of me. After a while, Moonshine figured that out and started keeping me away from Sunny. That’s what finally broke her. That’s why she left.” She looked down at the table as a box of tissues slid toward her. Looking up, she saw her marefriend smile timidly. “Thanks.” She said, grabbing one to wipe her eyes.

        “You’re welcome.” Fluttershy mumbled, taking a tissue for herself to dab at her own moist eyes. “So she, um, Sunny Day, just left your real mom and dad?”

        “Yeah.” Dash nodded, pulling another tissue from the box. “She left me a note. It s-said that she w-wanted me to know that she l-loved me, and that she... she left so that I wouldn’t have to be around her and Moonshine arguing all the time. A few days later, my dad left too.” She wiped the tissue across her eyes as a fresh round of tears flowed out. “He said he was going to find Sunny and bring her back, but we never saw him again.”

        “Dashie, I... I’m so sorry. So, that’s why Moonshine was always... seeing new ponies?” Fluttershy asked, dropping her gaze to the table.

        “Seeing them?” Rainbow scoffed. “I don’t know about that, but that’s why she slept around so much.”

        “Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy reprimanded the cyan mare. “Now, I know that you didn’t like the way your mom chose to live her life, but it was just that, her choice.” She paused, and her voice was softer when she started speaking again. “I know you were disappointed in how she chose to... sleep around, but surely you could see that it was the way she dealt with her pain.”

        “Her... pain?” Dash looked up questioningly. Her gaze hardened as the meaning behind those words hit her, and her upper lip pulled back in a snarl. “Her pain? What about my pain? What about how I lost my mother? The one pony in the world who really cared about me. What about-” She stopped, closing her eyes and taking several deep breaths. “No. That’s not important. This isn’t about the past, it’s about us. It’s why we can’t do this. I like Rares, I really do. I like all you girls, but we’d only be doing it so that we could both be with you, so that we could share you. It might work out at first, but it wouldn’t last.” She shuddered as the conversation brought up more painful memories. “Rares and I would start arguing and fighting because one of us thought we’d been cheated on some stupid little thing. We’d both be jealous of the time you spent with the other... I can’t do that. I won’t do that.” She got up and stalked over to the couch to sit down, letting her head lay on the arm rest.

        Fluttershy joined Dash on the couch and extended a wing over her shoulders. "Nopony wants to make you do anything, Rainbow. I never realized what you went through as a foal, it really helps to have it explained. Thank you for trusting me." Even though I really don't deserve it. No, stop it now. Be worthy of her trust. They snuggled together on the couch for some time after that.

        Rainbow finally lifted her head from the embrace, clearing her throat. "I was supposed to tell you something... um... Rares said she still loves you. She gave us her blessing. I dunno, like I needed it, but it felt kinda nice... Like she was saying 'no hard feelings,' you know?" She smiled at that, but it was a very sad smile.

        Fluttershy didn't know what to say, it was all too much for her to process right then. It's okay? She still loves me, even knowing I was dating them both, and she just wants me to be happy? She was fighting back tears, Rarity loved her. No matter that she had messed everything up, Rarity loved her enough to do this for her.

        Dash seemed nervous at her lack of response. "Shy, do you... want to be with her instead?” She paused, visibly struggling to maintain her composure. “I-I mean... I love you, and I want you to be happy. If you need to be with Rares... It would hurt, I won't pretend it wouldn't, but I would be happy for you as long as you were happy. I love you, and even though I don't love Rares... I know she loves you, she would make you happy.” She looked into her marefriend’s eyes as tears welled in her own. “I-Is that what you want?"

        Fluttershy had to choke back a sob. She was being offered a choice again, after Rarity had effectively taken it from her. Looking down at the morose mare in her embrace, however, it was not a real choice. Rarity was the strongest of them, she had taken the burden. Oh, I wish I could be as strong as she is. She had taken her chance at happiness and selflessly given it to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, giving up to let them be happy. Rarity knew what she had done, and still loved her. She even gave her blessing for this to happen. Rainbow and Fluttershy needed one another to be strong.

        "Thank you, but I made the right choice. If it can't be all of us... you need me, and I need you." Fluttershy smiled and pulled Dash closer and they nestled down into couch.

        “I love you, ‘Shy.” Rainbow whispered, giving her marefriend a quick squeeze.

        “I love you too, Dashie.”