//------------------------------// // A Chapter 12 For True Believers // Story: The Serenade of Silver Belles // by Your Antagonist //------------------------------// The Serenade of Silver Belles By: Your Antagonist A Chapter 12 For True Believers Something angry had fallen from the sky. Throughout the galaxy it was revered as a hero and a warlord, and yet on countless more worlds, including the place from whence it spawned, it was antagonized and branded a beast and a menace. At this moment however, the only thing one would have thought to call it was the force behind a colossal crater that had leveled half of a nearby forest. On unsteady legs it stumbled forth, effortlessly causing small rocks to bounce with every step as the ground beneath its feet shook and shattered. This world was quite similar to one that had rejected him long ago, but instinctively, the creature knew it was not the same terrafirma that it stood on. Yet it did not care. It was lost, it was sick of this stupid woodland it had been smashing through for the past few hours, but above all it was pissed. The creature was in the middle of smashing through a tree that had foolishly grown in its path when it saw a glimpse of something red out of the corner of its eye. Smiting the tree anyway for its poor choice in real estate, the creature barreled through the rest of the thicket that had been obscuring the red thing it so eagerly sought. Before it stood something the monster had not seen for the longest time, as it had been trapped in a small floating pod hurtling aimlessly through space: a wooden building. Had it been more rational minded, it’d have identified it as an older model school house, the type that hadn’t been used on his home planet for years upon decades. Sadly, it was not more rational minded, and gave next to no thought as it stomped towards the building, its hands clenching into cast-iron fists eager to bring it down and smash purposelessly until their owner felt somewhat sated in his rage. That’s just what it would have done had it not heard something from an open pit just next to the school. Curious, the creature drew nearer, lending its inquisitive ear to the wind as it investigated the hole. To its surprise it heard something it hadn’t heard in almost an eternity: voices. “Wow, you look mad, better do something about your face before it gets stuck like that,” spoke an arrogant-sounding being. “You look like you’ve got something you want to say.” “I’m not going to let you do this, Diamond Tiara!” Cried a high-pitched voice. “I won’t let you hurt Silver Spoon!” The creature’s curiosity piqued, it began to descend into the hole, its ear primed to pick up any more back and forths between the two voices. “Ha! You won’t let me? And just how are you going to stop me?” The arrogant voice said. “These are ready to be passed out a moment’s notice.” There was a small thumping sound in the silence, but the monster  paid it no mind. It wanted to hear more of these two. “All I have to do is give the word to Featherweight, and this story will spread like wild fire.” “I’ll just tell Ms. Cheerilee!” screeched the high pitched one, it's voice even cracked a little bit. “You’re going to tell her now of all times? While class is still in session? Why that’s such a great idea! I think I’ll tell her too! We’ll go together and tell her exactly what we found in the school paper in front of the whole class! I’ll make sure to yell it nice and-- hey, what's that shaking?"  "How should I know?" “Well, whatever it is, it doesn’t change anythi—” “Wh-what’s that?” the shrill one interrupted, pointing at the curious observer as it stepped into a strange room full of printing equipment. It didn’t give a second look "Ha, nice try, Blanky-Belle,” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes as she turned around to see what imaginary plight her desperate victim had concocted to distract her. “But you’ll have to do better than that if you want to—” The filly’s train of thought careened over a cliff the moment her eyes met with Sweetie Belle’s very non-imaginary plight. “Wh-what the hay is that?!” The tiny pink aggressor shrieked, as it took in the heavily breathing form of a fifteen-foot-high mass of bulging green muscle and ungiven fucks that had somehow strong-armed its way into the basement. Frozen in fear, Diamond Tiara could do nothing but tremble before the awesome creature as it spoke. “Hulk...” the giant green ogre breathed. “Want pointy hat horsey!” “What? I-I... Help me you dumb blank-flank!” Diamond Tiara shrieked as a massive green vice of a hand wrapped around her tiny body and effortlessly hoisted her into the air. “Stop! Let me go! Help me! Help me you idiot!” “Diamond TIara,” yelled Sweetie Belle, I’ll—” “You no try stop Hulk!” the Hulk snarled at Sweetie Belle, who nodded frantically as she scurried away from the mass of anger. “Okay! Okay!” Sweetie Belle backed away “I won’t try to stop you! Please, just don’t hurt me!” Satisfied that he’d lain his dominance down quite flat, the Hulk snorted and punched the stack of newspapers into oblivion, then turned, sprinting out of the basement. As the thudding footsteps and Diamond Tiara’s screams disappeared from the basement and into the distance, Sweetie Belle, still trembling from her run-in with the self-proclaimed “Hulk,” shakily made her way out of the basement. She looked for any sign of the creature, but only saw massive footprints that were spread impossibly far apart. It was as though the thing had leapt away into the forest from whence it came. It was almost too shameful to admit and it sounded even worse on paper, but Sweetie Belle couldn’t deny that she was somewhat relieved that Diamond Tiara had been abducted. But where the Hulk had taken her classmate, he’d left the unicorn with a quandary in exchange. Nature was calling, but was her personal relief more important that reporting even the most despised of her classmates, who moments ago had been on the verge of blackmailing and ruining the life of her very special somepony? Sweetie Belle picked up the phone. The end.