Trixie's Class Of Theatrical Arts

by Yukito

3 - Complications

“No way!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“Not happening!” Diamond Tiara added.

“No how!”

“I’d sooner do Math homework!”

“Girls,” Trixie began, “Trixie has selected you for these roles because she feels that you’re right for them.”

“But we don’t get along together!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“And there’s no way I’m going to dance with this, this… common farmer!”

“Well ah don’t wanna dance with some snooty poser, either!”

“Hey Trixie!” Scootaloo called over, drawing Trixie’s attention towards where she, Babs, and Sweetie Belle were gathered around a wooden chest. “What’s in here?”

“That’s Miss Trixie!” Trixie shouted. “And those are various props for performances! Do not open that!” With a sigh, Trixie turned back to the problem at hoof: these two bickering fillies who were to play the lead roles for their play. “Look, you two don’t have to get along. Just act like you do. If you can do that, then you’ll be true theatre ponies, and Trixie will be more than happy to graduate you from her class.”

Diamond Tiara scoffed at the idea of even pretending to get along with Apple Bloom. “Well, maybe if she could learn how to take a shower, I could try.”

Apple Bloom shot a glare at the pink filly. “Ah take plenty of showers! Ah just don’t spend every second of mah life prettying mahself up, ‘cause ah know this thing called fun!”

“Are you implying that I’m not fun?” Diamond Tiara asked, taking a step towards Apple Bloom. “I know how to have fun just fine! Like, last week, I had fun with these three losers who were deluded enough to think they could get their Cutie Marks in being dumb! Oh, good times!”

Apple Bloom took her own step forward. “All ya did was call us blank flanks like ya always do, made Scootaloo trip, then laughed at yer own lame jokes! And we were getting’ our Cutie Marks in badminton, for your information!”

“Clearly not, since you’re still just a loser blank flank.”

Apple Bloom attempted to tackle Diamond Tiara, but was stopped mid-charge by a purple aura wrapping around her body. Diamond Tiara stuck her tongue out at the enraged filly, and proceeded to laugh at her, before being lifted off the ground by a similar aura.

“H-Hey! Put me down!” she demanded.

“Trixie will release you both once you’ve calmed dow-” A loud crashing sound behind her caused Trixie to turn around, where she saw Scootaloo and Babs climbing into her chest full of props, taking things out and throwing them behind themselves. “Hey! Trixie told you not to open that!” she shouted as she ran over to the mischievous fillies, who quickly jumped out of the chest and stood at attention with innocent smiles on their faces. Halos even appeared above their heads as they questioned what was wrong.

Whilst Trixie scolded the two for their disobedience, Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom, still floating in the air in Trixie’s magic, shot each other angry looks.

“Just drop out,” Diamond Tiara said. “You’re not being forced to be here, you can just drop out of this class.”

“No way! Cutie Mark Crusaders never quit!” Apple Bloom shouted with an air of pride. “How ‘bout y’all just ask for a smaller role, if’n ya don’t even wanna be here in the first place?”

“In your dreams!” Diamond Tiara scoffed. “What, and be upstaged by you three losers? Not a chance! If I’m going to do this, I’m going to be the lead role!”

Another loud crashing sound interrupted them, and they looked over to see Trixie practically exploding at a broken light on the floor. “SWEETIE BELLE! TRIXIE TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT!”

“S-Sorry! I was just curious!” Sweetie Belle shouted back, running towards Scootaloo and Babs and cowering behind them. “I-I didn’t mean to break anything, honest.”

“That’s another thing,” Diamond Tiara said, turning back to Apple Bloom. “You three always mess everything up, and this show is going to be no exception for sure!”

“We don’t always mess everything up! Least no more than you guys do!”

“I haven’t the slightest clue what you’re talking abou-”

The sound of glass smashing interrupted Diamond Tiara, followed by the sound of Trixie screaming: “ALULA!”

“Sorry! My bad!” Alula shouted, followed by a nervous laughter, and then the sound of a rolled up script colliding with her head.

Trixie then looked over at Silver Spoon, who was still sitting exactly where she had been since the class had started earlier that day. “Well?” she asked. “Aren’t you going to break something, too?”

Silver Spoon looked around nervously, before slowly shaking her head. “I-I’ll just sit here…”

“… Good,” Trixie said, turning back to Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara and walking over to them. “Now, where were we?”

“Alright, you’re on!” Apple Bloom shouted at Diamond Tiara, ignoring the fact that Trixie had just approached them. “Ah’ll show you! Ah’ll be the best Prince ever, even with you as the Princess!”

“That should be my line!” Diamond Tiara shouted. “Even with the most un-charming, unsanitary, and uncouth Prince ever, I’ll still make the audience mine by being the most beautiful, most graceful, and most dignified Princess they will ever see!”

“Y’all have an off switch or something?” Apple Bloom asked, rolling her eyes at Diamond Tiara’s monologue.

Trixie grinned at the two fillies. ‘Perhaps there’s hope yet,’ she thought to herself. “So, you two have sorted this out? And you will work together in peace from now on?”

“No!” they both shouted together, startling the showmare.

“We’ll work together,” Diamond Tiara started.

“But we won’t like it!” Apple Bloom finished, both fillies glaring at each other afterwards.

Trixie sighed, and lowered them both back down to the floor. “Close enough,” she muttered as her magical aura disappeared. “But Diamond Tiara raises a point, Apple Bloom. You have a lot of scenes where you are close to the Princess, so to be courteous to her, perhaps you should wash your body every day. Or at least every other day.”

“Yeah!” Diamond Tiara said, sticking out her tongue once more.

“And Diamond,” Trixie continued, “You’d better be ready to let Apple Bloom actually touch you. Especially during the kissing scene.”

Both fillies’ eyes widened suddenly. “THERE’S A KISSING SCENE?!” They both shouted together, the combined force of their voices almost blowing Trixie’s hat off.

“… You didn’t read that far into the script?” Trixie asked.

Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom both exchanged shocked looks, which then turned to disgusted looks, which then turned to angry looks. “No way! Not happening!”

Behind Trixie, the sound of a pony yelping and falling over stopped her from saying anything as she turned around to see what it was. “Oh my gosh, are you okay?!” Scootaloo asked as she dropped a wooden sword and ran over to Babs, who was holding her hoof over her eye.

“Guys! Somepony help!” Sweetie Belle shouted, directing Trixie’s attention to where the white filly was hanging off of a rope, just a few inches off the ground.

“C’mon Sweetie, you can do it!” Alula shouted, apparently encouraging the filly to climb the rope further.

Meanwhile, Silver Spoon seemed to have moved from her spot to buy a snack from a nearby vending machine. The machine seemed to have malfunctioned and refused to give the filly her candy, because now she was banging her hoof against it, demanding it to ‘cough up the goods’.

Turning back to Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara, she once more used her magic to keep them from tearing each others’ manes out, and then let out a deep sigh as she walked slowly over to the closer bar near the theatre’s entrance. Since the barkeep, Berry Punch, was not here yet, Trixie invited herself over the counter and took out a bottle of apple cider from the fridge.

“Let’s just call it a day and pick up where we left off tomorrow,” Trixie said to nopony as she used her magic to open the bottle, and began to drink. Ten minutes later, the theatre doors opened, and Trixie smiled as she looked over. Never before had she been so happy to see the orange farmer with the apples for a Cutie Mark.

“Ah’m here ta pick up…” Applejack looked at the scene before her, and then turned to Trixie with a questioning look. The look disappeared as she saw the bottled of cider in Trixie’s hoof, and was replaced with a look of sympathy. “Ah warned ya that ya were bitin’ off more than y’could chew.”

Trixie grit her teeth together and slammed a hoof into the counter. “Nonsense! Today, Trixie was just off! Tomorrow will be better, you’ll see!”

Applejack nodded her head, but her eyes showed that she wasn’t buying it. “Well, g’luck ah guess. Jus’ be careful. Rainbow’s already bookin’ yer place in the nuthouse.” Had she made that joke before that day, Trixie would have believed it to be just that. However, after the events of today, Trixie wasn’t so sure anymore.

“Whatever. Where’s that marefriend of yours, anyway?”

“I told ya, Rarity ain’t mah marefriend.”

“Right. And Trixie is Pinkie’s sister,” Trixie responded sarcastically.

Applejack sighed, and decided to just collect her sister and her cousin and get out of there. Trixie watched in amazement as the farmer managed to break up Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara’s argument by simply placing her hoof on the yellow filly’s shoulder, and managed to get Scootaloo and Babs to stop playing around simply by approaching them.

Trixie must learn her secrets,’ Trixie thought to herself as Applejack paid the two fillies’ tuitions. Trixie looked over to see that Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo decided to fill the newly-formed gaps by arguing with each other, and let out a sigh. ‘Tomorrow will definitely be better. Tomorrow will definitely be better…