//------------------------------// // Adoption // Story: Scootaloo's Royal Adoption // by xd77 //------------------------------// The next morning Scootaloo woke up, only to make a good discovery She wasn't sleeping on the cloud that Princess Luna had taken her to for safety last night, instead, she was in a bed, a really big bed. Suddenly the doorknob on the bedroom door began to twist, quickly Scootaloo fell back to sleep. The door slowly opened, and in came none other than Princess Celestia, Luna, and the newest Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. They saw Scootaloo asleep like a baby in the bed and smiled. "She's so cute when she's asleep." Princess Celestia said "I wish I could be her foalsitter." Twilight said "I think you have made the right decision, Luna." Celestia said "I agree with Celestia." Twilight said, "You made the right decision of adopting Scootaloo today, she's gonna be one happy filly when she sees you're her mother." "I couldn't be more happy myself, I may not be married, but my daughter here is more along the lines of becoming a future princess as well. I think I was right enough to adopt her today." "Come on, let's let her sleep." Twilight said, they exited the room and closed the door with their magic, letting Scootaloo sleep. Scootaloo showed a smile on her face while she was sleeping, she had heard everything, even though she was a heavy sleeper. An hour later Scootaloo woke up for real, she turned to the wall clock and saw that it was 8:00 AM. Having found a small bathroom inside, she got out of her bed and entered it to get washed up. While she was taking her bath, she decided to pretend like she didn't hear the conversation, and just go on with it as just another typical boring day. She got out of the bathtub and drained the water, she dried herself off and combed her mane. After she got cleaned up, she opened her bedroom door, only to have the smell of something good cooking in the royal kitchen downstairs. Scootaloo took a good whiff at what was cooking, it smelled like pancakes, so slowly and quietly she crept down the long hallway that led to the stairs. As she was trotting quietly down the stairs, she started hearing the voices of the princesses coming from the dining room which was the first door on the left, she kept following the good pancake scent and it lead her right to where they were. She was nearing the door, once she approached it, she slowly opened it, and there they were, the three princesses, along with Cadence and Shining Armor whom they had invited from the Crystal Empire for breakfast. "Good morning." Scootaloo said, the princesses turned over and saw Scootaloo, and greeted her with loving smiles. "Good morning, Scootaloo." Princess Celestia said, "Come on in, we've got pancakes." Scootaloo walked in and sat in between Luna and Twilight, a stack of blueberry pancakes was awaiting her, along with a bottle of syrup and glasses of milk and orange juice. Scootaloo started digging in, the princesses were taking their time eating breakfast, but as for Scootaloo she was eating like a pig, from the looks of it she sure was eating them pretty fast. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, slow down Scootaloo, your pancakes aren't going anywhere." Twilight said. "Sorry, Twilight, I just need to eat." Scootaloo said with mashed pancakes in her mouth. "Do not talk with your mouth full." Luna said "Sorry, Luna." Scootaloo said, one question suddenly came to her mind, "Princess Luna how did I get here last night?" "Well, while you and I were asleep on that cloud, I woke up to feel you shivering, so I put you under my wing to see if maybe that would keep you warm, but even under my wing you were still shivering. I was starting to feel cold as well, so I picked you up and put you on my back, once I was in the sky, Canterlot came into view from the clouds, so slowly I flew down, without letting you fall off. I had managed to enter without any trouble, so I took you into my bedroom which was the room that you were sleeping in, I left the room, only to see that my sister was there in front of me." **FLASHBACK** "Princess Luna, why did you bring a filly in here for?" Celestia asked "Sister, that is Scootaloo, the filly I've been telling you about. I was flying down through Ponyville tonight, checking on the sleeping ponies down there, I heard Scootaloo talking to me from her clubhouse, so I decided to stay with her, but the thing is......she doesn't have a family!" Princess Celestia was flabbergasted, "How do you know this?!" "She told me everything, the fact that her father abused her and her mother is dead. She also said that she lived in the Manehattan Orphanage and then some foster home, but even there she was mistreated and abused, and from as far as I know, she's.....lived in that clubhouse ever since, I had to take her out of there because she needed a proper place to live." "But happened with you two?" "I flew up to the clouds, but the air was so cold, so I flew her over here just to be safe." "I understand." Celestia said "But, because of everything she said I'm most likely going to.......adopt her." Princess Celestia gasped, "But my sister, you don't have any experience being a mother." "Come on sister please, I think this will be a good idea." Princess Celestia pondered this for a moment. "All right Luna, but just remember she is your responsibility, I will help, but she is yours to take care of." "Don't worry sister, thy can count on me." "Well maybe we should have our guards head down to that clubhouse and get her stuff." "Good idea, sister, I'll get all the guardianship paperwork signed and done." "But that's all going to have to be done in the morning." Celestia said "All right, good night sister. Luna said "Good night, Luna" Celestia said. **END OF FLASHBACK** "And that's how you came here." Luna said. Scootaloo found it hard to maintain the impression that all this happened and that she didn't even know it. "So all this time I was asleep in your bedroom?" "Yes Scootaloo, in fact I have a surprise for you." "We all do kid." Shining Armor said "My crystal guards found your clubhouse and brought all of your stuff here." "Even my scooter?" Scootaloo asked Shining Armor, chuckled "Yes, even your scooter." "Sweetheart, we would never let anypony abuse or neglect a cute filly like you." Cadence said "Since you have been having a lack of family Princess Luna signed these, early this morning at the courthouse in the Crystal Empire." Cadence and Luna gave Scootaloo a small stack of documents that read: "I Princess Luna have agreed to terms that this filly Scootaloo is under my adoptive motherly-fatherly care in Canterlot, Equestria. By under Scootaloo's means I have vowed a promise never to let this poor filly go unattended, mistreated, abused, or neglected, because these four horrible acts of violence will be in penetration of this contract and will end up in me losing adoptive care of this filly and will be serving a sentence of five years in federal prison and a 500 bit bail." "Signed" "Princess Luna of the Royal City of Canterlot" All of this, to Scootaloo, was a joy, her eyes became moist and runny in tears. When she looked up to Luna, her fore- hooves were wide open for a comforting hug, in which Scootaloo gave her, as she was, once again, hugging Luna one question came to her mind. "Wait, if you adopted me won't I be living here in Canterlot with you?" "Of course dear." Luna said "But, what about my school, what about Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, what about Ponyville, will I never see them again?" Luna, Celestia, and the others laughed at this, at first Scootaloo thought they were laughing because what she told them, might be true, but they were laughing for a different reason. "Now, now, dear, why would you think that, yes Canterlot is your home now, but you're still going to go to Ponyville for school, and you and your friends can still be the Cutie Mark Crusaders." "But How will I get to Ponyville, I'm too young to ride the train by myself, and I can't even fly yet." Scootaloo felt whom she thought was her new mother tapping her, but when she looked it was Celestia, now her aunt, rubbing her lightly. "Sweetheart, don't worry about that, haven't you seemed to forget, that my faithful student, still lives there?" She asked gesturing Scootaloo to look at Twilight, who was waving her hoof at her, Scootaloo was surprised. "Twilight, would you really take me to Ponyville?" Scootaloo asked. Twilight chuckled, "Of course I will, Scoots, just think of me as your own private train." Scootaloo jumped on Twilight and hugged her, "Thanks Twilight." "You're welcome, Scootaloo." Suddenly Princess Celestia tapped Scootaloo. Luna handed her to Celestia and she placed Scootaloo on her lap. "Hey Scootaloo, do you want to see your new bedroom?" Celestia asked, Scootaloo got all fired up about this, Princess Luna being her mother, but now she was going to have her own bedroom. Scootaloo hopped on Celestia's back and she took her down to her new bedroom. It was incredible, a nice twin size bed, a box full of toys, her very own bathroom and outdoor balcony with a tanning bed, daffodil and rose wallpaper on a green and yellow painted wall, a good size closet with plenty of room for her scooter and everything. Scootaloo gestured Princess Celestia to bend down to her height, once she was low enough, Scootaloo ran up to her and jumped onto her neck, being careful not to strangle her, she wrapped her hooves around her. Suddenly, Luna pulled down a statue head and it opened a bookcase shelf it was a secret entrance, and behind it it lead straight into a playroom, with lots of toys. "Huh, my own private playroom?!" Scootaloo asked, excitedly "Oh, wait dear, it gets better." Luna said, she pressed a small button, and the floor opened revealing a window with a good view of Ponyville. Scootaloo's smile grew, she would've never thought she would be getting a new life with a princess mother. Scootaloo grew in tears of joy, nopony had ever been this willing to give her such a gift, not just from friendship, but from a couple of royal sisters that loved her more than anything. Scootaloo jumped back into Luna's arms and hugged her tightly. "Thanks.....mom." Scootaloo whispered. Celestia couldn't help but cry in awe at this not only did they have a new member of the royal family, but she knew that she was the aunt of this filly, therefore, she now had two nieces. END PART 2