The Struggle of Love and Darkness

by EvelynMonroe

Pain Hurts but Love Hurts More

The morning was still young as Celestia stood atop her balcony, overlooking Canterlot and the beautiful valley below where the small city of Ponyville resided. The gorgeous sunrise was calming but her mind remained troubled. Even her sleep had been affected as she could not help but continue to worry about her younger sister. Her only relief was knowing her sister was okay, wherever she was, as she sensed her sisters magic every dusk and dawn as the moon and sun would exchange places.

"Wherever you are little sister.. I will continue to pray for your safe return." Celestia softly spoke, returning back to her chambers. She tried to shake the thought of Luna out of her mind as she had enough to worry about already.. the court proceedings in the afternoon, the daily hearings from troubled ponies that would travel each and every day to see the princess in hopes of her easing their troubles.

She looked into her impressive mirror that stood before her in her bedroom, eyeing herself from head to toe. She could not help but be reminded of her sister once again, as the resemblance between the two of them was so strong. Her heart began to ache with worry as she slowly combed her mane. Suddenly, in the reflection of her mirror she saw a dark figure land on her balcony, very silently and gracefully. Her heart jumped out of her chest as she instantly recognized who it was.

"Sister! you are okay!" exclaimed Celestia, as she turned around to face her younger sister, now beaming with joy.

"Hello Celestia, it is good to see you again." replied Luna, with a small hint of sadness in her voice. However, Celestia was too overjoyed to take notice as she pounced her younger sister outside with one of the strongest hugs she could muster.

"Agh! Celestia, you are crushing me!.." Luna said, as she struggled to break free from her older sister's powerful grip.

"Oh, now where are my manners? Forgive me sister, let's go inside and talk where it is nice and comfortable" replied Celestia, still overjoyed to finally see her sister again, especially after so much worry that ailed her over the past few days. They both proceeded inside as they approached the two very comfortable cushions that resided in her sleeping quarters. Celestia waited a moment for her younger sister to speak, but the silence remained as she was clearly troubled.

"Sister, I have been so worried about you. I am so glad your safe." Celestia softly spoke, breaking the silence.

"I am not a filly anymore Celestia, do not worry about me so much.." Luna responded, a little irritated at her sister. Celestia was slightly taken back by this response.

"I cannot help it little sister, I care about you deeply. If I were to lose you again.." Celestia could not finish as she took a moment to hold back her tears as she wanted to always stay strong in the eyes of her younger sister.

Luna could not help but think back to that memory.. that memory of when she was lost, consumed by the darkness.. A long moment of silence passed as the two of them sat there, just enjoying each other's presence, enjoying each other's warm loving embrace that they both missed so strongly. Another moment passed as Luna took the initiative to break the silence this time.

"I.. I just do not know how you do it Celestia.." Luna softly said as she looked up at her older sister with a mix of admiration and sadness gleaming in her eyes. Celestia sensed her sister's distress as she wrapped her wing around her younger sister's body, gently pulling her in close.

"Whatever is troubling you dear sister, whatever you are struggling with, you can confide in me" Celestia responded softly.

"Please, do not hesitate to tell me what is on your mind, as it pains me to see you like this so often dear sister.." she finished, with worry in her voice.

Luna could tell that her sister really did care, but that made the question in her mind that much harder to ask. She took a moment and relaxed into her older sister's hug, resting her head lightly on her chest. The room fell silent as she listened to the slow but steady rhythm of her sister's heartbeat. Luna's life, her existence, it felt numb, but hearing the life inside her sister only reminded herself that she too was alive.

After another long moment of silence, Luna broke away from her sister. She walked slowly and soundlessly a few paces ahead and stopped, now facing the other way. She took in a deep breath, running the question through her mind over and over, trying to word it as best she could. After a long pause, still facing away from her sister, she finally broke the silence once again as she spoke.

"Celestia, you control the sun and all it's glory.. You shine your life down upon Equestria for all to love and enjoy.. You have many times restored the burning desire for ponies to live, as you re-light the flame inside each and every one of our cold hearts.. You have helped the masses Celestia.."

Luna began to choke up as emotions of hurt and betrayal filled her heart. Tears began to form in her eyes as she struggled to continue.

"You managed to bring light to the darkest hours.. You managed to see the light in any pony, no matter how dim.."

Tears began flowing down Luna's cheeks as she could not hold them back at this point. She paused for a few seconds, fighting off the hiccups so she could finish.

"Yet in my darkest time.. in my darkest hour.."

She finally turned back around to face her sister, tears now streaming down her cheeks.

"You failed to see the light in me..."

She tried her best to keep her emotions intact, but the pain in her heart was strong, far too strong for her to bear any longer as she began to weep uncontrollably.

Celestia was rendered speechless. Her younger sister had just poured out her heart.. because of her. She was right, she had failed her. Her little sister, so full of life, so filled with love and kindness, now stood before her completely shattered.. completely broken..

Celestia's heart wrenched in her chest. Witnessing the pain she had caused her sister completely tore her apart from the inside. She began to choke up as she attempted to respond.

"Luna.. I.. I'm.." was all she could get out before being interrupted by the loud creak of her mighty bedroom doors being opened.

"Sorry to interrupt princess, but I heard a distress call coming from this room.. is everything all right? asked the guard pony, who happened to be patrolling the nearby hallway.

"Everything is fine.." Luna replied, sucking up her tears. "I was just about to make my leave anyways" she finished, as she began walking towards the balcony.

"Luna, wait!" Celestia shouted, with pain and anguish clearly in her voice. "Please, I beg of you dear sister, let me explain myself!.." Tears fell down her face, she was sincerely sorry, but Luna was blinded.. blinded by the darkness.

"You do not need to explain, I understand Celestia." she said, without even looking at her sister as she continued towards the exit. Luna was clearly lying as her heart yearned for an explanation, but something deep inside moved her to walk away. Celestia teleported in front of Luna, stopping her in her tracks.

"Luna! as your older sister I beg of you, please stay!.. I need to talk to you!.." Her heart weighed heavily with regret as tears ran down her face. This surprised Luna as she rarely ever saw her older sister cry. Seeing her like this would normally strike her heart string, but her heart grew cold as the darkness inside became more prevalent.

"You have already done enough Celestia.. just let me be" she blankly responded. With that, she began powering up a long distance teleport spell as dark magic swirled around her body.

"Luna, I'm sorry!..." was the last thing she heard before phasing into the cold, bitter air that now weighed heavily inside the bedroom.

End of Chapter 3

Please proceed to the next chapter...