One bad egg

by KarmaSentinal

The beginnings of winter (Edits Pending)

They were beautiful.

The entire process had lasted only seconds but the entirety of it all had brought her more satisfaction than she remembered. Even within the depths of the phoenix’s recent memories, Victoria couldn’t recall any act or event that could rival her current mood. Ode to the tides of cleansing ice and rebirth.

How the three vessels sparkled and glowed in the limited lighting of her prison! It was enough to cause her own crystallized feathers to reflect it back onto the walls and titles around her into tiny orbs. The display was two parts lovely and heartbreaking to witness; the dazzling display of orbs only remained Victoria of the sparkling stars in the night sky and how much she missed them.

Soon…” the phoenix thought, before lowering her massive head to observe the newest beings that had been saved from the corruption of the world.

She was lucky to have saved them when she did, else who knew how long they would have continued to suffer. By the time Victoria would have likely found them it would have been too late to had done anything; a corpse rotting in the desolate ground. Here at least they could be spared from their normal fate of death, and in a sense live on forever. Completely immune to the elements of life while paving the way for a new world to be birth from the old.

And yet Victoria couldn’t escape the impurities of life. If she was saving them from their natural fate than trying preserving their beauty as well shouldn’t be a hard thing to do right?


Odds were something wouldn’t make the cut or was nowhere near as good as its counterpart and the three guards were no exception. Unlike the other two, the one in the rear had turned his head away from her, thus leaving him the odd one out. Luckily Victoria knew how to correct this travesty. With a simple and quick flick of her wing, she launched a shard at the offending stallion and instantly shattering him to pieces, but at the cost of chipping the other two.

A subconscious shrug and all was forgiven and forgotten since the matter wasn’t really worth crying over. There will be more opportunities to capture the perfect look later, but it won’t really matter if she remained trapped in these damn catacombs. How in Luna’s name did these three appear out of thin air so easily when she had spent however long looking it was looking for an exit?

Was there a secret passage like she believed to be and if there was where was it? Most of all could more guards find their way down here just as easily?

Raising her head over the the damage goods, Victoria peered into the gaping darkness trying to listen for more hoof steps. When nothing but the continued silence answered back, the giant frost phoenix opened her beak to release a cooling torrent of ice on the ground around her. The coating ice and frost quickly built upon the existing layer over and over until it was thick enough to support her weight without cracking.

If she was going to play the waiting game for a bit longer than she was going to do so while comfortably sitting in a nest of soothing ice. Nothing in the world remained hidden forever and Victoria would be here waiting until the moment the darkness decided to gave up its secrets.


The normalcy of the daily bureaucratic runnings was in a momentary state of turmoil. There was no external threat banging on their borders or attempted coup happening or anything of that nature, but when the highest ranking military leader besides the ruling dynasty commanded a full lockdown of the castle, then there is a problem. What that problem is nopony knew but the commander himself and he was currently leading an armed detail through the hallways.

Besides only the clinically insane ponies would risk disobeying the order, so the vast majority gave it no more heed and barricaded their doors closed until further notice.

This was the scene throughout the castle as the Knight-Commander lead his detail through the castle’s famous winding halls. His order was in effect and the only ponies left in the halls were either his guards or stragglers still making their way to their quarters; a small issue but dust in the wind compared to the potential disaster they were likely going to face.

He was double timing his detail to make up for the lost time it had taken him to reach the throne room and “grab” the royals.

“Knight Standing Order what is the meaning of this? The last time I checked I was the one in charge of commanding the guards.

“Here we go with the rank pulling.” the young knight thought as he tried to ignore the prince until they caught up with the rest of the guard.

Having been Captain of the Royal Canterlot Guard, Shining Armor had been spoiled by his position and even more so now since he had become a prince. The newly promoted Knight failed to even look his superior in the eye, instead choosing keep his focus on leading the 12 strong herd through the remaining castle staff just now arriving at their designated safe zones.

The prince and his wife, Princess Cadence gave eachother a quick raised brow to show they were both surprised by the Knight’s lack of respect of protocol. The princess knew her husband was doing his best to save face for the sake of his new station but no amount of training could stop the flickering flame of anger for the youngster that blew him off. Luckily one of the guards following behind the royal pair felt their prince’s irritation for Standing Order and leaned close to offer an excuse for his commander’s behavior.

“Do not fret on it my Prince. He may seem arrogant but before the Empire’s disappearance he did server under the former Knight Sombra, but unlike the rest of us his trust for royalty is damaged. Before you go questioning his loyalty, then trust me when I say this: he will lay down his life before allowing any harm to befall either of you.”

Cadence and Shining Armor’s eyes widen by this new tibet of information, but decided to drop the subject when a guard from Cadence’s left pointed forward.

Standing amassed at the very end of the hallway was roughly 75% of the castle guard force. Most were standing still while others fidgeted restlessly, but all stopped the moment they heard the approaching hooves.

Each stallion (and the occasional mare) gave their lords respectful bows as they passed hoping their looks of uncertainty were not seen. Shining and Cadence did notice the poorly hidden looks and wanted to ask about them but chose against it when the same guard from seconds ago repeated his actions.

Knight Standing Order had finally reached the front of the group and took his place in front of the two normal looking doors that most of the guard had amassed in front of. Whatever waited for them through the doors, he knew not but expected it to be a remnant of Sombra’s power or something just as dangerous. As Knight it was his duty to lead these ponies and he owed them an explanation.

“Roughly two hours ago, three of our own failed to report or show up to their assigned posts after their scheduled patrol. Normally this wouldn’t warrant such a response and under normal procedure the ponies would be classified as AWOL and another team would be sent to find and bring them back… The team sent to find them as of 30 minutes ago is now classified as MIA.” He paused to give everypony a moment to allow the words to settle before laying the rest of it on them.

“Both teams last known area of patrol was through these doors, the very same doors that lead to the castle catacombs. Now I don’t know what will happen when we cross through these doors, but that is why we are here.”

The Crystal Pony turned away from the mass to face the doors that now symbolized the gates of tartarus, and with a little effort pushed them open to reveal the ever descending darkness that awaited them. His ears twisted to the sides of his head as the collective clanking of armor and restless hooves told him they were ready.

“ Guards… let us enter the abyss and get our brothers back.”


Private Inspiring Dreams trotted irritably through the deserted halls of the castle as his aggressive hoof steps announced his current mood. Moments ago he had been pumped and ready for action after having waited with the other guards for nearly 45 minutes, and that feeling had only intensified after that rallying speech Knight Standing Order delivered.

Was he allowed to frolic with the other crystal sheep? Nope. Was he allowed to do his job as a guard of the Empire and enter the unknown? Nope. Before he could even take one step forward, his dreams were crushed the moment Prince Shining Armor halted his advance and told him to head for the train station and make for Canterlot. No other instructions were given other than to give the Princesses “this” scroll(the same one the prince wrote and sealed within that very moment) and after that wait.

The command itself felt more like a disrespect to his personal honor and that pained the young stallion the most. Having grown up on stories of the guard’s heroism had burned that desire and ideal into his mind and to be singled out and not allowed in the “rescue” mission left his ego tender and bruised.

“Sometimes I wonder why I should even put forth the effort anymore” Dreams noted to himself as he shook bits of his hopes and optimism from his head. It had always been a depressing matter in its own right but every time a chance or an opportunity came along to prove himself or further his abilities, something was there to prevent it; this time being the prince of The Empire.

“Hey! You ponies aren’t allowed to be out, go to her assigned quarters now!” He commanded, causing three maids to quicken their pace. As he watched the mares scurrying away, Private Dreams felt the heated air rushing out of his nostrils as he gave a satisfied snort. He maybe a delivery mare now but he was still a guard and thus command authority and obedience from those under him. If time would have allowed it, the smug stallion would have continued stroking his own ego but like most things in his life it was cut short by a deep seated rumbling. Dreams nearly tripped over his own hooves by the sudden castle shaking tremor, and it was through dumb luck he didn’t.

The inspiring Knight’s reflexes were instantaneously when the world began slowing down around him; massive amounts of adrenaline being pumped throughout his body quicking this surreal feeling. No time to think or observe as the world around him literally came collapsing to the ground. The instinct to run in fear consumed him and what better place to run to then the only location that could actually whisk him away?

Inspiring Dream’s hooves were already in motion by the time any coherent thought had returned, and was surprised to see how fast he had traveled during that moment. Somehow he had managed to find the stairs to the second floor, meaning only one floor was left before he would be on ground level. He ignored the few servants that poke their questioning heads from behind their doors and the few guards that still held their post as he bolted past them to what could possibly be his salvation.

The freighted stallion ignored them all has he galloped passed them, and didn’t even feel the need to warn them. Not even a courtesy glance their way in hopes of them seeing the terror radiating from his eyes.

“I need to get out of here! I need to leave… I need to leave now.”

Standing Order, Cadence, and Shining Armor lead the assembled troop down the winding stairs made entirely of dark crystal. Cadence and Shining Armor had lit their horns to not only fought off the encroaching darkness but to light the path before them. They could feel the tension hanging over their heads and silently gave them their sympathy to those in the rear where their light couldn’t reach.

Their training came from a time before Sombra’s banishment, an era when open field warfare was the norm and armies would line in mass for battle in daylight. But never in their training did it ever mention cramped hallways of darkness.

If something were to appear this very moment then at least it couldn’t get all of them right?

It was an abstract thought that lingered in the backdrop of their minds; shadows and those of the sun never did mix very well. Yet here they were descending deeper into a bottomless pit looking for their brethren. The entire philosophical perspective of this mission wasn’t one they could shrug off so lightly when one could say this was but a glimpse of yet more misfortune to come.

“We’re here.” Their Knight whispered. As a single unit each guard rotated their ears forward, halting their decent for a moment to listen as all of them were eager for something to take their mind off the madding darkness.

“These doors are the final barrier that separate us from the catacombs, and the answers we seek. I know the majority don’t remember the time of Sombra’s rule and even from before it, but I am sure of one thing and that is we are Guards of the Crystal Empire. We have a duty to protect the Empire and all the ponies that live within its boundaries… we won’t fail again.”

To mark the end of his declaration, Standing Order proceed forward and with his great strength single hoofed the ancient crystallized doors open and exposed them all to the blizzard like temperature. Multiple sets of armor and chattering teeth were the immediate reaction since many, even though live in the Crystal Empire have never been exposed to this sort of cold. It got so bad that Prince Shining had to raise a barrier in order to stave off the cold to allow the guards to collect themselves.

“Is it always this cold Knight Order?”

The young officer shook his head quickly side to side to rid himself of some frost that had accumulated along his brow.

“Never my princess. Even this deep below the ground, the enchanted crystal walls normally help maintain the temperature, which is why the castle always seems to be a comfortable temperature year round. Whatever is causing this only further proves we made the right call coming down here. For all we know it could be an old artifact causing this, but it doesn’t account for the missing.”

With a nod to the prince and princess, the knight made the first move into the room that laid behind the doors. With small and careful steps like a deer walking into an open meadow, Standing Order whisked his head side to side checking for predators before giving the ok. While he was doing this, many of the guards had walked up to the edge of the barrier to watch him as he cautiously walked deeper into the room.

Many creates, vases, paintings, and anything of value or junk that had been stored were now broken, damaged, ripped or thrown about the room with no regard to their safety. Standing Order took note of this as his nervous eyes scanned every shadow of the room, the amount of frost that had accumulated was confirming what he thought and that meant they needed to be even more careful.

Turning back to the door, he made the quite gesture with his hoof before waving them forward; his charges and the guard force hesitantly made their way into what a few (much to the dismay and disapproval of their peers ) had just nicknamed “The Frozen Tomb”. As they all entered the guards closes to the sides quickly veered off to cover their respect side until all of them had entered and the entire room was secured.

With a small, but sharp clap of his right hoof, he summoned his sergeants over to the center of the room where in hushed whispers he laid down the plan. It was quick but given the nature of what they knew and didn’t know it was the best plan they had. With nods of understanding, they all dispersed to inform their squads what was going to happen. Shining and Cadence watched as the assembled mass broke into the smaller and more organized troop they were use to seeing.

One squad, the largest which consisted of 8 ponies headed back to the door and broke off into separate tasks; two of them each grabbing one of the doors and with some effort managed push their respective door shut while the rest had fanned out and started moving crates and other smaller things closer to the now shut doors. Shining and Cadence watched this for a second or two before their eyes widen in realization.

“You’re having them barricade the door Knight? Why have them do such a thing when this whole matter will be solved soon?” Cadence asked the question that both, her and her husband had on their minds. They had heard both of the Knight’s speeches but all of this for some new recruits that had likely gotten lost or were perhaps just taking their time to explore the castle?

“I still forget you both are new to the Empire my lieges, nothing against you but even before Sombra’s raise we were home to many terrible secrets. Most ranging from real historical truths when textbooks claim its wrong all the way to at one time housings demons within the borders, and before you ask anymore we must finish this…” Standing Order made a quick flail of his hoof to the room around them as he tried to think up a term to describe the operation.

“...whatever it is we’re looking for down here. But I can tell you my actions are justified if you grew up in the Empire. Because when you’re this far north, all you have is the pony next to you and when that fails then you are truly alone and that will only lead to your death.”

The royal couple gave each other a simple look that told the other all they needed to know. From an outsiders view, the pair seemed perplexed and unsure what to say, but in the inside they were formulating a plan. After this ordeal there was going to be a series of long discussions and meetings with the Knight about the dangers and his possible “continued” role in the running of the Empire.

Right before Shining Armor could open his mouth, another set of doors that had once made up part of the wall, directly across from the entranced opened to reveal another room beyond that. Three squads of ponies made their way in, adopting the standard “fan out” approach as each pony entered the darkened abyss and left their sights.

“Knight Standing Order, before we go I want to make it clear that I don’t approve of being left out of such a revelation, nor do I appreciate you intentionally leading not only me but my wife into a possibly dangerous place without us knowing. Tell me, if your job is to keep us safe from harm then why would you bring us along?”

“To put it simply my prince, I felt this was the safest place for you and the princess to be. At least here you not only do you have each other but nearly the entire guard detail in the castle down here as well, but I would be lying if I said those were the only reasons.” To Shining Armor’s credit, he didn’t lose his temper right away, and instead simply tighten the muscles in his forelegs in preparation.

“You need our powers don’t you Knight Order?” Cadence asked while stepping between her husband and the other stallion. It wasn’t hard for her figure it out, but being a pony well versed in reading feelings and body language did help a lot.

By placing herself between them, Cadence had prevent a fight when she felt her husband beginning to move and was able to quickly stop the action with a quick glance. Prince Shining halted, but didn’t take his venomous eyes off of the Knight. The alicorn returned her attention back to Standing Order once she felt Shining wasn’t going charge the moment her back was turned, giving the stallion her own “disapproving” look.

“We don’t like being manipulated Knight Order...” the stallion at least had the decency to look ashamed while she spoke.

“... whatever the reasoning or possible good intentions, we are not only the ponies you are in charge of protecting but your prince and princess. We have a right to know and if you needed our help all you had to do was ask. Do I make myself clear?” While she was disciplining the stallion, Cadence had inched forward until their eyes were only a muzzle length apart to drive her point home. In the past, such an action was unheard of but after being trapped in similar crystal catacomb, the little alicorn had really developed a strong disliking of anything being concealed.

This fear and anger even reached a point where the pink alicorn was even demanding Celestia inform her of state secrets; her reasoning being knowledge is power and will help prevent another instance like that from repeating. Her husband and biggest comforter had been trying to lessen or at least control this new mindset but so far he had been unsuccessful.

Even his sister, Twilight Sparkle couldn’t offer a possible cure other than to be by her side and support her. Unable to offer anything to the conversation, Shining Armor instead decided to move closer to his wife.

Standing Order ignored their display and followed the training instilled into him by keeping his eyes forward, looking behind them which in this case by focusing on the door and the guards doing their best to act like nothing was happening. He kept this front up until both royals had taken an interest in him once more and only asked for a simple sandwich in return.

“Is that clear Knight?”

“Ma'am , yes ma’am.”

“Good, because if I ever find out you’re so much as not even telling me who is taking their breaks at what time, be prepared for reassignment clear?”

“Crystal clear.”

Satisfied with having nipped a potential problem in the flank Cadence dismissed the knight to return to his duties. Looking indifferent to what had transpired, he gave a quick nod and quietly turned around to join the rest of guards that had went on ahead through the second set of doors. The rulers said nothing as they watched him disappear into the darkness before the alicorn gave a small sigh and allowed her domineering stance to deflate.

“Do you think I was too hard on him Shinny?”

“Of course not Candy, in fact I felt you were too easy on him. If you didn’t stop me I would have put him in the hospital for what he did. You were in the right the whole time dear.”

“Do you really think so?”

“I know so Cadence.” The couple took that moment to finally lean in and muzzle their mate, which both happily accepted. They would have gladly stayed in this pose much longer were not it for a sudden ground shaking tremor. The suddenness and power behind it startled the royal couple and the squad watching over the door, causing those unable to maintain their balance to fall while the crates and loose objects around them to bounce madly.

Unable to run without risking injury, Shining Armor raised a shield around Cadence and him to protect themselves. The prince took some comfort when he noticed the guards abandoning their post for the safety of the bottom stairs, but couldn’t help but to wonder how the other guards were faring when the shaking just stopped.

Then came the screams.

All eyes and ears immediately turned to the doors where most of guards and Knight Order had just traversed. The once pure darkness that had metaphorically separated the castle from Tartarus was now flashing violently in different shades of dark blue and violet. The screams were disorganized and chaotic like the shouts and cries of schoolfoals playing, except there were too many lament cries of terror filling their ears.

Shining Armor summoned his courage and quickly took his wife’s hoof, dragging the petrified alicorn to the stairs where he was met with the guard squad running to met them. The screams had all but been silenced within seconds only encouraging the panicking prince to act even faster.

As the guards met him, Shining Armor pushed his wife into them, snapping her wake as he ordered them to make for the stairs. Cadence opened her mouth to ask something but quickly started crying out as her husband mouthed three simple words that were suppose to bring joy and not pain.

“I love you.” he whispered as his signature purple aura consumed his horn and summoned a barrier in front of him. She fought and cried for him to join them as the remaining guards dragged the weeping alicorn through the doors as her love’s magic closed the doors and severed her heart.

Prince Shining Armor firmly held his gaze on the door that would possibly hold the last memories he’ll ever have of his wife. It was the for the best and the right thing to do he told himself but the sorrow and pain etched into her face broke his will and heart in half. Shining Armor knew it was the right choice but it didn’t make it the ordeal any easier to handle.

The prince was alone with a wounded heart and the need to cry was great, but the shattering of glass gave his sorrow pause. He looked down to the floor and watched as his falling tears morphed into crystallized sorrow before shattering on impact. It wasn’t until seeing this did Shining Armor finally noticed just how cold it suddenly got...

“That was either very foolish or very brave my little pony. But whatever the reason, it will not change their fate of embracing immortality.” The sharp scraping of nails garnered the weeping stallion’s attention, and by the impulse to confront the one that was causing his pain, Shining Armor answered the call.

The last thing he ever expected was to be confronted by what was perhaps the biggest avian he had ever seen. The helmet it wore didn't act as a separate piece but more like the head itself, housing a large crystal that all but bore through it. His first thought was how it didn’t hurt the bird but from how the “eyes” were fuming a blue mist from the sockets, gave the impression that underneath the mask was nothing but a hollow realm. Smaller pieces of armor matching the helmet covered the rest of its body in the few places that could support them: chest, wings, and legs. Each a separate item only connect by feathers carved out of pure crystal.

A walking tomb of crystal and metal acting as a house to a disturbed spirit.

The giant avian said nor did anything as it absorbed the foolish pony before it. The glowing mist venting from its eye sockets flashed brightly before dimming to a near denim; the tapestries that made up its tail swayed defiantly in the non existent wind as the bird made a statement.

It’s another living force that could and would follow its own set of rules and laws of magic. An entity that had raised itself to the same level with the sister goddesses and the Lord of Chaos and wasn’t afraid to let it be known.

“What are you.” the prince whispered to the wind, who was a consort of the bird.

“What or who I am is none of you concern… in my haste I damaged most of the others, but you I will not. You pony will be the first, perfect example to become immortal and eternal; a preservation of soul and body in crystal that will last forever.”