//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Sombra's Revenge // by Golden Skies //------------------------------//         The shadow awoke. Everything around it was cold, and freezing, yet it felt none of this. The black cloud rose from the ground. The being slowly moved its ghostly form across the small area it was in, searching for a reason as to why it was there.          Surrounding it was pure destruction. The clearing was made up of charred earth, surrounded on all sides by an endless expanse of ice. Inside this small ring, the shadow found a red curved object. It was cold, and glowed faintly at its end like a piece of hot metal just taken from the fire of a forge. The being coiled itself around the object. Something about the curved artifact was familiar… but what?         When the shadow touched the object a memory of pain came to it. Pure, burning pain. All encompassing as though one were being torn apart from their very inner core outwards. The dark smoke removed itself from the cursed object.         What earthly object could possibly cause so much pain? It clearly held the memories of some poor creature, but certainly, no creature could have lived through such a horrible pain and survived. A thought crept up upon the dark smoke, ‘what if it was I who suffered this pain? But no, surely then I would be dead, and I am most certainly not dead… am I?’         The dark cloud turned itself around, coiling as though it were a snake to examine its figure. Was it dead? It had no body, no physical being. The cold around it did nothing to hinder its movements. But then if it was dead, then what had caused this suffering to be inflicted upon it? Dead things could not feel pain and this was pain of the highest caliber, and therefore the shadow was living. ‘But how could have it lived after such a horrible pain?’ the dark smoke thought to itself.         The shadow searched its memories for something of a clue. It saw a beautiful palace, seemingly carved out of ice and standing among a mass of crystal buildings. Inside sat a beautiful pink alicorn atop a glorious white throne. But, something was wrong. The princess didn’t belong there, no! Wasn’t that the shadow's throne? Yes, yes. That was not her throne but the shadow's!         How dare she take its throne! How dare she kill the shadow!? But no… no it wasn’t her who had done this to the shadow, it was some other creature. A figure formed in the shadow's mind. It was small and purple and had tiny green scales adorning its head. This was the cause of the shadow's pain! This… creature was the reason for the shadow's death!         The shadow lashed out angrily at the surrounding ice, sending it flying in a small white cloud. That wretched little dragon was the cause of this horrible pain! It would pay for what it had done to the King! Yes… yes the King! He was the king and he would do whatever it took to make sure that pathetic piece of garbage paid for what it had done!         The creature rose up from the crater and looked around him, but the only thing that met his shadowy gaze was the everlasting expanse of ice. However, in the distance shone a faint light. He squinted and looked closer. A beautiful blue crystal gleamed in the expanse of white. His palace!         The shadow felt itself tremble with rage. That would be where it started its journey for the vile dragon.