Sombra's Revenge

by Golden Skies

Chapter Two

        Spike, was blissfully unaware of the presence of the former king within his mind. He was too busy dreaming of that oh so beautiful mare in his eyes, Rarity. In that glorious dream, the two of them were sitting on a hilltop filled with flowers next to a small babbling brook filled with small silver fish that reflected the sunlight with a flash whenever they leapt into the air.

        There the two sat, simply taking everything in, without any cares about them. Spike sat with his claw holding one of Rarity’s hooves, staring deeply into her eyes while she, stared into the small creek. The sun warmed Spike’s scales making him feel both upbeat and sluggish at the same time, which to him was a most wondrous feeling. He was just about to lean in and provide her with a soft kiss to the cheek when something broke the dream like state.

        A soft breeze blew past the pair. However, this was not a warm summer breeze, no. This was an ice cold breeze one might feel in the dead of winter. It hit the small dragon lightly, but the chill of its icy teeth shook him to his very core. The drake looked around for the source of the wind, wondering if perhaps even his dreams were now sabotaging his chances with the beautiful mare. But, the source of the wind was invisible to him, and so he decided to try again with the kiss, hoping the chill had just been some sort of fluke.

        Turning to look upon the fair maiden though, he was instead shocked to see a horrible and grotesque mess. The fair Rarity was Rarity no longer, for now her beautiful hair was replaced with fierce snarling and hissing snakes that lashed out trying to bite him. Her normally sapphire eyes were yellow and slitted and her forked tongue struck out at the air trying to claim the dragon as its prey.

        Spike recoiled in pure shock, aghast at the horrible transformation that his fair lady had undergone. All around him, his dream world crumbled, the peaceful brook began to bubble and redden with blood. The grass around him withered away and died, leaving behind only a dry and infertile gray soot. The clouds boomed with thunder and the skies rained lightning, hitting the trees and lighting them on fire.

        Spike let out a tearful scream, and curled up into a ball, praying to Luna that this horrible nightmare would end. But Luna would not come, for she was blocked by a powerful malignant force. This force laughed and cackled in a bone chilling voice throughout the young drakes dreamscape. It lashed out with a powerful dark cloud of energy striking the young drake across his back, sending him flying.

        Spike scrambled to his feet and began to run from the scene of his disastrous picnic but, all around him he was surrounded by the laughing of the horrible creature that had come to plague and haunt his dreamscape. In his haste, the young drake failed to observe the path around him and thus, upon tripping on a fallen branch; was too late to try and catch himself from falling into the churning bloody river.

        He was plunged deep into the water and when he tried to surface he was merely forced back down once again. Thrown side to side within the river, his body was repeatedly crushed by rocks and logs, each blowing making the young drake scream for air. It soon became all too much for the young drake. He clawed at his chest begging for a breath of fresh air from above. He tried kicking, to maybe reach his way to the surface, but the bloody water was too thick and his kicks were for naught.

        Finally, Spike could take no more and gasped for air, but alas he was still underwater. Blood flooded his lungs, and he waited for the darkness to cloud his vision, but no such blessing would take him. He instead, was forced to endure a drowning without end. No matter how many times he gasped for breath, he was only met with more blood. But the pain didn’t even out or null. It only continued to increase and grow within the young drakes chest. He pounded the sides of the river bed, hoping beyond hope that his blows might hurt the monster that was doing this to him, but his efforts were futile.

        For what felt like hours he was tossed and turned around within the river. Choking on the thick blood that forced its way into his lungs, and begging for sweet, sweet death. His body was crumpled and broken, every limb feeling as though it had been obliterated by the repeated blows from the large jagged rocks within the river. And finally… he was met with a dull thud.

        Spike, was too terrified to look, but he knew that if he didn’t then he might never escape this horrible nightmare. Slowly, he cracked open an eyelid, but all around him he saw nothing but red, but he also… felt something. The back of his head was above the surface! Spike scrambled to his feet, and exploded out of the water pulling himself a few meters inland and gasping for breath.

        Each sweet breath of air expelled blood from within the lungs of the poor drake, and he could feel the warm wet tears falling from his eyes, but no sobs escaped him, no. That would be a waste of the sweet precious air that surrounded him. Finally, when the blood had stopped expelling itself from his lungs, the drake stood up.

        Standing in front of him was a dark figure, that the drake couldn’t quite fully make out. The blood from the river still clouded his vision making everything little more than a red watery haze, but he could make out two details. One, was a large red curved horn that glowed at its tip like a piece of iron just pulled from the forge.

        The other… It was the pair of green smoking eyes that Spike knew all too well. With a weak cough Spike groaned,



        Spike awoke with a start, coughing blood. The clock read 3:56 AM, and he could hear the soft breathing of Twilight as she lay asleep in her bed just a few feet away. Spike weakly carried himself out of bed and trudged his way towards her, each step feeling like the stab of a knife into his legs. Finally, he crawled into her bed, curling up close beside her. With a sigh, he thought to himself,

        ‘At least that horrible nightmare is finally over...’

        But then, a different voice in his head answered him, ‘Oh Spike, this is far from over.’