//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: Tracking Humans // Story: The Unity Pact // by Truthseeker //------------------------------// "Tracking Humans: Day 5 I have cataloged what I understand the names of each of the Humans to be, based on how they seem to address each other most frequently. They are: Joyner, Jewel, Masonete, Hord, Vacca, Richardson, Morris, Kaneesha, Jason, Ludwig, Calvin, Brinsin, Leo, Eduardo, and Spearman. These fifteen Humans seem to act as a sort of council and they collectively lead the Humans with Joyner acting as the leader. Joyner is a medium height, light colored male who every Human seems to defer to in some fashion or form. These Humans seem to have a sort of patriarchal society with males most commonly in dominant positions. There are two females, Richardson and Kaneesha, that are either part of the leadership council or are the mates of some of the males. I believe they are much more likely part of the council as I have yet to witness any intimate or mating activity between either of them and any other Humans. Perhaps they are older females. I don't know enough about Human society to make any sort of educated guess. The group began to move again today. I believe the reason they stopped for three days was because several of them were sick. Jewel, Richardson, and Leo seem to be the leaders of the medical Humans with Jewel in the leader of the three of them. Over the past three days, I have witnessed Jewel seemingly force-feed plums to a number of Humans who were lying down and seemed weak. Perhaps there is some sort of medicinal property that the Humans derive from the plums? The Humans seem mostly recovered from whatever it was that was ailing them but the overall progress of the group was nothing significant. They traveled only about forty-one Leagues over the course of the entire day and seemed exhausted afterward. I have noticed that the Humans who have identified me seem to take the time to wave their limbs at me every time they see me. It is strange because the motion is almost identical to how Ponies wave to each other. Even if it is a greeting, from what Princess Celestia told me of their violent capabilities I am far too wary to even think about approaching them. For all I know they might attack me on sight. Granted the three Humans I met before did not attack, but I don't wish to take any chances since I am alone and drastically outnumbered. Speaking of the three Humans I met before: Tina Pho, Rachel Dobson, and David Belerosa; they veered off along a path which was parallel to that of the main group then backtracked and picked up the trail again. I check their progress every morning, noon, and evening. They are moving more quickly than the main group and I estimate they will catch up within three or four more days. Sleeping in a sleeping bag inside a tent is not the most comfortable thing I've ever done but it's what's necessary. I make my little camps at least four Leagues away from the group. It's certainly quite a walk every day but tracking spells have never been so useful. I am so glad the Royal Guard issued me a Cloaking Crystal otherwise I would worry about being discovered by the Humans. As it stands right now the crystal covers only the tent so I have to go without a fire every night. That means no hot food and no extra warmth. I'm so glad the Humans arrived in the Spring. This is not going to be pleasant but some pony needs to do it. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 7 The group made more slow progress again today, only about forty-two Leagues. Yesterday was more of the same with nothing unusually interesting that happened. Today there was a new development. Jason spoke with several other Humans and seemed agitated about something. The others he was speaking with nodded their heads in what I believe was an affirmative motion. The number of communication nuances that the Humans use that are identical to those used by Ponies are staggering. Tina, Rachel, and David made more progress today and should be joining the group sometime with the next two days. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 9 The Humans traveled roughly forty-three Leagues today. Easy trot for me. Good news! Tina Pho, Rachel Dobson, and David Belerosa caught up to the group today. The group seemed surprised but somewhat saddened to see them at first. The lack of a positive response concerns me. I would have thought the group would be glad to have them back. Tina, Rachel, and David spoke to the group. I don't know what was said but whatever it was seemed to greatly upset Jason. He never said anything but his expression, now that I have an idea how to read Human expressions, was very unhappy. After the three Humans finished speaking the general attitude of the group seemed split. The majority seemed gladdened but some, perhaps a tenth of the group seemed pensive for some reason. After the meeting the council took Tina, Rachel, and David aside and spoke with them for over an hour. I believe I can safely assume they were talking about their positive encounter with Ponies. I believe the council made a connection between myself and the way Tina, Rachel, and David likely described me. Also, there was a four hour period in the evening, after they stopped, when almost all the Humans seemed to become sick. I was nearly ready to use my Emergency Flare spell to call in the Royal Guard to help but then the strangest thing happened, the Humans began vomiting. Not only were they vomiting, they were vomiting into canteens and saving their own vomit. I had never seen shiny, golden vomit before. Perhaps it has something to do with their anatomy or biology. I did notice that Tina, Rachel, and David were the only Humans who did not seem to be sick. I cannot fathom the reason for this. Is it cause for concern? Should I be worried about Tina, Rachel, and David? Should I be worried about the rest of the group? All these questions I have no answers for. After the other Humans finished vomiting, they seemed to perk up and in fact seemed happy to have saved the vomit. These Humans have some very strange customs. I did note that the council noticed that Tina, Rachel, and David did not vomit and they seemed very interested in that fact. They had Jewel examine all three of them. I do believe that Tina is with foal. After Jewel was finished examining Tina he asked her a lot of questions and she had her limbs on her torso the whole time. Unless I am severely off my mark, Tina was holding her limbs is directly over where a mare would be carrying the weight of a foal. I do not know for certain that it is the case but it seems likely. I am beginning to consider perhaps showing myself to Tina, Rachel, and David tomorrow. I'll sleep on it and decide in the morning. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 10 The Humans continued traveling again today. They covered roughly forty four Leagues. I am seeing a slight, gradual improvement as they go. I decided to reveal myself to Tina briefly when she was alone. I dropped the Proximity Ward spell just before I approached her. She seemed anxious when she first saw me and tried telling me something but of course I couldn't understand her. After a few moments of her chattering at me Jason sprang out from behind a tree and charged me. He was yelling and swinging a sword at me. I had never ran so fast in my whole life. I decided to stay away from the group for several days. Maybe Tina is Jason's mate and he's just being protective. I am now all but certain that Tina is with foal. It is the only explanation that makes any sense considering the strength of Jason's reaction. I will have to be much more careful in the future. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 14 The group moved forty-five Leagues on Day 11, forty-six Leagues on Day 12, forty-seven Leagues on Day 13, and forty-eight Leagues today. I neglected to maintain a close watch for these past few days for fear of coming under attack again. My observations today were scarce. I am unsure about approaching closely to the group right now. I did notice that there seem to be many Humans who appear to be upset with Jason. Perhaps he was acting outside of the socially acceptable norm for Humans. I never wanted to be a problem for any of them. I hope it isn't my fault somehow. I will not be following the Humans for the next three days as I am scheduled to meet with a Pegasus Royal Guard in a clearing to the West. He will be taking down my reports and bringing me some supplies. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 17 I caught back up with the group this evening. The meeting with Swift Wind went well. He seemed genuinely interested in my observations of the Humans. He brought me enough food to last me ten days, twelve if I really stretch it. Since the Humans have a habit of finding wild food I told him that we would meet in twelve days. I can harvest some food when the Humans find a grove or patch. I was not observing the group long enough to take note of anything of substance. Something did occur to me when I was meeting with Swift Wing: female Humans always have twin lumps set high on their torsos. I figure it is just an easy way to identify them from a distance if I cannot hear them speak. Humans talk a lot. They seem to be an extremely social species. More tomorrow. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 18 The group seemed very subdued this morning and I noticed a good many of the Humans had bruises on their faces and bodies. There was obviously some sort of confrontation that I missed. I don't know for sure what it was about but I believe there is a slight chance it might have had to do with me. I believe it is possible that the Humans linked my absence with Jason's attack and thought he had frightened me off. I truly hope that is not the case but it is a possibility. Jason, in particular had a large number of bruises on his torso and face, even some cuts too. I took note that the rest of the council was bruised as well but they were much more sparse and nowhere near as severe. Many of the other Humans of the group had bruises too, some seemed quite serious. From the looks and expressions there is no small amount of animosity toward Jason in particular. I do not believe any of the Humans spotted me today. I will intentionally show myself at a distance tomorrow and hopefully the animosity toward Jason will lessen. On a side note, a red fox seems to have begun following the Humans. Hord spotted it when he went to urinate and offered it several small pieces of fruit. The fox did not approach Hord but the act of kindness was not lost on me. Nor was it lost on the fox, which followed Hord at a distance before Hord got too close to the other Humans and the fox ran off. The group moved roughly fifty Leagues today. End of log * * * Tracking Humans: Day 19 I was not prepared for the reaction I received when I revealed myself to one of the Human males today. I decided on a male because of the apparent strife I caused when I revealed myself to Tina. The male I selected was Ludwig. I chose him because of his calm demeanor and non-aggressive temperament. I waited until he was alone and I stepped out from behind a tree, roughly fifty Fathoms away from him. I made sure I was directly in his line of sight before I did so. He froze when he saw me. I didn't know what else to do so I waved my hoof at him. He waved back and I think he smiled. It's a little difficult to tell with Humans. They pull back their lips and reveal their teeth but their ears don't move, their posture doesn't change, and the smile almost never reaches their eyes. After we waved at each other, Ludwig slowly sat down and placed a dried plum on the ground in front of him. He was offering it to me. I did not feel safe enough to approach so close to him, but I did levitate the dried plum to me and levitated one of my 'special rolls' to him. He seemed reluctant to take it until I let go of it with my magic. His reaction solidifies my belief that the Humans are afraid of magic. On the plus side, he ate the roll on the spot and now I can track him too. I noticed a single dark colored Human stalking around the group this evening. None of the others noticed him. I would have missed him completely had it not been for the Proximity Ward spell. I followed him discretely for a little while and I noticed something different about him. Unlike every other Human, he had no weapons. I had never seen him before. Where had he been? How had he survived? I would be very interested to know the answers to these questions. I saw the red fox again today. It watched the group of Humans from a distance and waited for Hord to walk away from the group before it approached him. Hord seemed very happy to see it and offered it some more fruit. The fox ate the fruit but flinched away when Hord tried to approach it. Group movement: fifty-one Leagues. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 20 Had a highly unusual experience today. I witnessed David speaking with Vacca early in the day. At the time, I paid the event no mind. Later on in the evening, after the group had stopped for the day, Vacca walked out away from the group and began quietly calling my name. I watched him for several minutes before working up the courage to take the risk and reveal myself. I walked out from behind a bush roughly twenty Fathoms behind him and quietly called his name. He spun around so quickly I almost bolted. He seemed to realize his mistake immediately and held up his limbs while speaking softly. I did not run but neither did I approach him. I am still far too wary of the Human capacity for violence to take such a risk. One on one, I have a chance to escape without injury. Were I to ever become outnumbered or surrounded by Humans I shudder at my chances for survival. Vacca and I stared at each other for quite some time. I believe he was trying to become more comfortable with the sight of a Pony, but I might be misinterpreting him. In any case, he eventually offered me a pomegranate, probably from the bunch the Humans stumbled onto yesterday morning. Like I did with Ludwig, I exchanged the pomegranate for a 'special roll'. Vacca tried to approach me after our exchange but for every step he took toward me, I took one back. He offered me another pomegranate and I gave him a second roll. After the third exchange, I figured out what he was trying to do. Clever male was trying to tempt me forward with food. Vacca seems to be one of the more intelligent ones and he clearly has no problem with taking the initiative but he is far too physically powerful for me to feel comfortable around. He is one of the most well-built males of the group and I estimate my chances one on one with him to be about fifty percent. I decided to end the encounter with him and darted back into the forest. The event has been replaying in my mind ever since. Why can I not stop thinking about it? In other observations, Hord seems to have taken to bringing food to the red fox. He left the group and sat down facing the forest as if waiting for the fox. He didn't have long to wait. The fox appeared quickly but this time Hord offered the food from his hand and did not set it on the ground. The fox was very reluctant to approach and I was ready with a Physical Barrier spell in case Hord decided to hurt it. I am glad to say, my worries were utterly unfounded. After more than an hour of Hord patiently waiting, the fox finally worked up the courage to slink forward and snap the fruit out of Hord's . . . paw I suppose. Hord did not move a muscle even though the fox accidentally bit his hand when it took the fruit. I could smell the strong scent from the blood and it nearly made me queasy. The fox seemed to feel bad but dared not approach Hord and left shortly thereafter. Group movement: fifty-one Leagues. Are they slowing down? End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 21 I believe the Humans are trying to collectively bait me out into the open. I have found no less than four small piles of fruit left in conspicuous locations. Every pile of fruit has at least five Humans hidden nearby, fortunately the Proximity Ward spell alerted me before the Humans could do anything. Thank you Peach Pit. It is unclear what their purposes are as yet, but the piles of food combined with the concealed Humans seems to indicate that they wish to either capture me or . . . do something less wholesome and more violent. That possibility confuses me greatly and it leads me to question Vacca's motives. Was he planning to capture or kill me? Have the Humans become so frightened or angry at what happened with Proud Hoof, that they would be willing to go to such lengths? And if that is the case, is there any hope of an eventual peace between Humans and Ponies? In my heart I believe it is possible, but a great deal of caution must be exercised in such an endeavor. I believe I will force myself to confront a single Human, who does not present a danger, and try to get close. It worked well with Tina Pho, Rachel Dobson, and David Belerosa. Perhaps I should choose one of them. Tina, I believe, is being watched and David is male and thus a potential threat. Rachel may be a suitable candidate though. She is tall but her physical power doesn't seem to be anything I can't handle. The difficult part is managing to get her alone. She is almost constantly helping the medical Humans like Jewel, Richardson, or Leo. I will have to wait and see. Hord left the group again today and fed the fox, fortunately without any injuries this time. The fox seemed less reluctant to approach Hord but only time will tell why Hord is giving bits of his own food to an animal. Group movement: fifty Leagues. Why are they slowing down? End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 22 The Humans have begun trying to hunt. They have not moved anywhere today and instead have been busy trying to craft. I witnessed Morris and Brinsin giving other Humans instructions on how to make arrows. I was concerned what they were going to try to use for feathers since there are no Pegasi around to donate. They have apparently been collecting dock leaves and found a way to fashion crude arrows out of sticks, twine, rocks, and leaves. I also witnessed Jason giving instruction on how to fashion some sort of trap with strings and wires. The traps were set out in bushes with fruit as bait. The traps were far too small for any logical being to think they could be used to trap me, so the Humans must be setting the traps for small animals. This is a huge problem as I can't allow them to kill any animals. Animals are protected under law and if there is to be any hope of Ponies ever accepting the Humans, their paws have to be clean. I spent almost the entirety of my day disarming the wire and twine traps and fortunately none of the Humans decided to hunt using arrows. They have yet to fashion any bows but they do have two bows and a crossbow with them. I am poring over a map to see if I can locate a river or stream that has fish they can catch. Group movement: nothing. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 23 I was out almost all night trying to find a good stream but my efforts paid off. I located one that was teeming with fish. The Humans did not move on again today so I had to go and find more little traps to disable. I hope I didn't miss any. I had to take a huge risk today. I revealed myself to Hord when he was out with the fox. The fox seems to be almost completely comfortable with Hord as the fox was letting Hord touch it. Hord was sitting down stroking the fox along its back. Any way, I revealed myself and called his name. He looked surprised at first but he didn't stand up. I dropped one of the wire traps between us then pointed to it and shook my head in a 'no' fashion. Hord seemed to understand fairly quickly but he began chattering at me. I turned around toward the stream and motioned with my head for him to follow me. I led him to the stream and levitated a fish out of the water and into his paws. He seemed to be overjoyed and ran off with the fish. I returned to watch the group and I was glad to see Hord had gathered the group together. He was standing and talking with the fish in one paw and the wire trap in the other. I saw many confused looks and many more nodding heads and smiling faces. Everything seemed to go very well. I did notice Jason looked very angry. My actions may have upset him. After approaching Tina then disabling the traps, which seemed to be his idea, he may be quite unhappy. I truly hope his attitude doesn't hamper my efforts to communicate when the time comes. Group movement: nothing. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 24 Hord led the group to the stream I showed him and they spent the entire day fishing. The fox actually approached the group today. They seemed confused as to what to do about the fox until Hord saw it and tossed it some fish guts. The fox ate the guts happily and even stayed around the group for the entire day. The smell of fish guts forced me to leave the area for a while. The smell of fresh blood and guts just makes me ill and today I discovered that the smell of those things from fish is especially gross. I was rather irritated that the Humans built a huge fire on the stream bank but there were no other places to do so, otherwise the forest would have caught fire. I watched as the Humans put the fish on sticks and set them into the pebbles and dirt around the fire to let them cook. I can't figure out any other reason for the Humans doing so. They must have been cooking the fish. Surely they could have eaten them raw but that would have disgusted me far more than the guts. The fox stayed with the group throughout the entire day and even slept with Hord tonight. I do believe he has found himself a friend. Group movement: nothing. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 25 The Humans spent the day fishing again. They seem so content, even happy when they have something to do. I don't know for certain wether or not my guess is correct, but from the way they operate and their efficiency when they work together, I believe they may be a somewhat industrious species. The fox stayed close to Hord all day and seems to have grown comfortable around the Humans. I don't know much about animals at all, but I would have thought a fox would take months or even years to adapt to so many creatures and a new place in life, yet this fox seems to have done so almost seamlessly. Seeing Hord and the fox gives me hope that we can at least get along with the Humans. I will not be following the group for the next three days. I have to meet with Swift Wind again. Group movement: nothing. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 28 I caught back up to the group today. The meeting with Swift Wind went very well. He took my notes on the Humans' behavior and we talked for a little while. He left me more food and brought me some toilet paper! I was so happy I thought I might tear up. He said that the Pegasus Regiment has been busy recently and that the Earth Pony and Unicorn regiments have begun to pack up and prepare to move. The Pegasus Regiment hauled the crates that were originally for the Humans to a new location: the huge field where the remains of that old abandoned town are. He says they scouted it out and the lake basin is filled to the brim with fish, the land still grows the same food plants that were left there, and the orchard is still standing. Everything is still wild and untamed, especially after more than two-hundred years, but the Humans have supplies waiting for them there. I am proud to say the Royal Guard has sent word and Princess Celestia has named the land as the official settlement for the Humans. I have to admit to being concerned though. The plan the Royal Guard has enacted consists of the Humans moving into the field and the Royal Guard surrounding them at the treeline to keep them in the field. I'll admit the field is absolutely colossal and the Humans will probably never have to move on again, but boxing them into a single location worries me. My observations tell me that boxing the Humans in is more likely than not, asking for conflict. I believe they are much more likely to stay put if they have the option to leave. If they do not have that option, I shudder to think what they may do. I told Swift Wind of my concerns and he listened. He told me afterward that he, Regimental Commander Steady Plod, Regimental Commander Peach Pit, and Captain Bold Move all agreed with my assessment. He said the Royal Guard will be a presence and not a force. I had to ask him to clarify the difference for me. He said that they would be there just to be there but they had already instructed every Royal Guard not to interfere with or restrict any Humans unless they came under attack. The Humans will be free to come and go as they please so long as they do not break any laws. That brought up another point: what if Human laws, if they have any, come into conflict with Pony law? Swift Wind did not have an answer for that particular question but he said he would ask around and see if he could check with one of the Princesses for clarification. On one other note, the dark colored Human who hasn't interacted with the group followed me and I believe he witnessed the meeting between Swift Wind and I. I wonder why he followed me? Group movement: Day 26: fifty Leagues. Day 27: fifty Leagues. Day 28: fifty Leagues. The Humans seem to have reached a plateau for travel distance. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 29 Something very unusual occurred today. The dark colored male who followed me approached the group. At first I was sure they were going to kill him. Ludwig had his axe out and Jewel, Kaneesha, and Morris all had arrows pointed at him. I think the outcast male is named either Mario or Murderer. I heard the other Humans use those words a lot when talking to him. Rachel and David came forward and calmed the group down then Mario spoke to the council. They seemed concerned with what he said but Jason, seemed almost happy. He became very vocal at one point and shouted about something for several minutes. Tina, Rachel, and David also spoke to the council. It was when Ludwig, Vacca, and Hord spoke to the council that I figured out they were probably talking about me. The council seemed split about something and Mario and Jason seemed extremely angry at what was decided. The council seems to have expanded to include Tina, Rachel, and David. They appear to be lesser members but the rest of the council still seems to defer to them for some things. I believe something almost happened today, but as to the specifics of why, I am yet uncertain. Many of the Humans became ill again, but this time none of them vomited. I also noticed that Tina, Rachel, and David were not affected, but now Ludwig and Vacca have joined them. At first I thought they had kept from eating something the others had ingested, but then something occurred to me. All of them had eaten one of my 'special rolls'. I am growing concerned. Have I somehow altered their bodies' chemistry by giving them the rolls? Also, why did the group become sick again? What is the cause? The first time it happened was on Day 9 and now it happened again twenty days later, but this time with no vomit. What is going on? Mario left the group while Brinsin, Calvin, and Eduardo followed him. He walked away from the group but stayed nearby and watched them. I have no idea why Mario is being treated this way. There must be a reason for it. As yet, it must remain a mystery. Group movement: fifty Leagues. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 30 The Humans are on the move again and are they ever moving. They must have traveled sixty Leagues today. That's not equal to what a Pony can do in a day, but compared to their average distance per day of forty to fifty Leagues, it's quite an accomplishment. I am concerned though. Throughout the day I saw many of the Humans look over their shoulders or become startled by shadows or noises. Something is obviously making them nervous. I hope it isn't me, but I doubt it is. I think the more likely possibility is Mario, but why would they be afraid of him? He doesn't even have a weapon. Perhaps he's diseased and they're afraid of catching it? No, they would only keep their distance not act like they feared an attack. In other observations, Hord seems to have named his fox friend. He calls it Shadow. Not much else to say today. The Humans seem tired and I'll admit I am too. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 31 I now believe there are two or three reasons the Humans are pushing themselves so hard. They covered a good sixty-five Leagues today. I'm fairly certain they are so nervous because we are passing close to my hometown, Trottingham and we'll be close to both Trottingham and Flankfurt until we reach the field. The field itself is, I estimate, only about twenty Leagues from the town. Thankfully it's a small town and nopony should come out toward the field. Whew, I am tired and it looks like the Humans are planning to maintain their hard trot until they reach the field. I am supposed to meet with Swift Wind a day before the Humans reach the field. The Royal Guard is going to set up what they referred to as a 'Forward Operations Base' close to the field and they would at least have a cot for me to sleep on. I am looking forward to it. Sleeping in a sleeping bag every night is taking its toll. I feel stiff some mornings and have to stretch. But enough of my whining, it's time to sleep. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 32 Wow. The Humans moved like somepony set a fire under them. We must have covered seventy Leagues today. That's getting close to the maximum travel distance for Ponies in these conditions. I am worn out. Nothing further to report. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 33 Seventy-five Leagues today and I am pooped! These Humans have officially impressed me. Too tired to write any more. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 34 I think the Humans have finally reached their plateau. We made it seventy-four Leagues today. My hooves hurt and I'm sore all over. I'm supposed to meet with Swift Wind tomorrow evening so the Royal Guard will be ready to move into position once the Humans are in the field. End of log. * * * Tracking Humans: Day 36 The Humans will reach the field tomorrow morning. I'm quivering with anticipation and anxiety. So many things could go wrong. Swift Wind said that everything is ready and the crates are in the middle if the ruins. The ruins if the settlement, whose name has been lost to time, are almost exactly in the center of the field. Ooooh, I hope the Humans don't do something rash once they see the crates and realize the Royal Guard has the field surrounded. I may be forced to intervene if things look like they're ready to spiral out of control. I can only hope it doesn't come to that. End of log." Peach Pit set Razor Wit's journal down on the small table and looked to his peers, "All we can do now is expect and plan for the worst and hope for the best." Swift Wind nodded across the table and Steady Plod, who was between the two mirrored the motion. Bold Move cocked an eyebrow at the statement, "Isn't that a rather pessimistic attitude? I can certainly see preparing for the worst, but why expect the worst?" Peach Pit smiled, "That way, every surprise is a pleasant one."