We Can't Turn Back Time

by Titanium Dragon

We Can't Turn Back Time

She was alive; of that, she was sure. But what was that noise? Was that... cheering? And why was she on the ground? Since when was there grass in the library?

Her eyes opened at the sound of Spike's voice. "I guess."

"You guess?" Cadance joined the chorus of voices as she rose to her hooves. In front of her were Twilight and her friends; beside her, Celestia and Luna, whole and unharmed. Where was she?

"I just saw what needed to be done and reacted. It just so happens I can breathe fire, and, if any of you could do that, you'd have done the same."

"Forgive me for bein' blunt, Spike," Applejack said as she stepped forward, "But you're not makin' a lick of sense."

With their attention turned on Spike, Cadance was able to get her bearings. She was at the Crystal Coliseum, at the Equestria Games. Her heart leapt as she saw Shining Armor standing out on the field, resplendent in his armor, and she almost flew out to him. But she stayed her wings. She couldn't, not yet.

"Well," Spike looked down towards the ground. "It's just how I feel."

She looked back to Twilight. What was she supposed to do? When would Twilight cast that spell? She reflexively took a calming breath, drawing a glance from Princess Celestia. What if this was what caused Twilight to think of the spell in the first place? What if she gave her the idea that she could do it?

"Wait a second. I think I get it!" Twilight said, swooping down to point her hoof at him. "You keep saying you let everypony down, but we all keep saying you didn't." She leaned down towards him. "You know who's disappointed in you, Spike? You. And only you an make it right with you again. What would that take, Spike?"

"Meh, I don't know. Can you turn back time? 'Cause I'd sure like a do-over on that opening ceremony."

Cadance could see it; the hoof on Twilight's chin, the narrowed eyes. She knew this was the moment - the exact moment - she should step in. But what should she say? What could she say? She couldn't just tell her what happened, that might make it happen in the first place. Why did time magic have to be so complicated?

The silence lingered a second too long; she could feel the moment slipping away, disaster rearing its head. She couldn't let it happen again. She had to do something, now. "We can't turn back time," she said, speaking quickly as she put on her best smile, looking straight ahead. What could... of course, that box! "But, would you do me the great honor of lighting fireworks in my place at the closing ceremonies tonight?"

"Come on, Spike! You saved the Crystal Empire! Twice! I think you can light some fireworks," Twilight added, a hint of laughter in her voice as she smiled down at the dragon. Twilight really had grown, hadn't she? This was three times now that she'd saved her. But she couldn't tell her; she had made a promise.

Cadance closed her eyes and nodded, joined by the princesses standing beside her, trying to add as much warm approval to the gesture as possible. Would it be enough? Did anyone notice her knees trembling?

"Mmm," Spike paused for a moment, putting his claws to his lips. "Well, I guess I have to at least give it a shot."

Cadance felt a surge of elation, and let her cheers join that of her friends. It was over; the danger past. All she had to do was find that horn... and try not to celebrate too much.

She wasn't sure she had it in her to explain why she was so excited about fireworks.