//------------------------------// // 8: Au revoir, Charlie the Changeling. // Story: The Curiosity of Mr. Disc // by CrackedInkWell //------------------------------// After knocking on the table to get their attention, the six of them looked up to see who it is. “Howdy Disc,” Applejoe said. No, that’s not right. It’s- “Aren't you supposed to keep an eye on that Changeling?” Sunset interrupted my thoughts. “I am, the guy just got hungry so I have to feed ‘em.” I pointed to Charlie who wasn't too far away. “In fact, hey Charlie, come here,” I guessed him over. He noticed and did as I asked. “Yes, sir?” “You fed?” He shrugged, “I’ll be fine for now. Now, what do you want?” “Come sit with us,” I said taking a seat next to the girls. He did the same on the other end of the table. “So Sunset, anything from the other side yet?” I asked. “Actually yeah,” Sunset nodded. “She said that the mirror has been set up in her castle in Ponyville now. And she said that she’ll have the guards over by the time school ends to take him in.” “You people have a weird way of treating prisoners,” Charlie commented with his arms folded. “Also, I've got her response to our plans for Saturday,” Sunset added. “She said she’s thrilled with the idea but, knowing her, she wants to do it with caution. Their other selves are curious about it too and trying to figure out how to tell each other apart before you guys get there. Oh, and their Pinkie is apparently bouncing off the walls.” “That excited huh?” I asked. “No, it said that she’s seriously bouncing off of everything like someone threw a bouncy ball really hard.” “I don’t blame her,” human Pinkie said. “I would too if I found out that another me and other duplicates of my bestest, bestest of friends are coming over!” “I was told that the other me is really into racing,” Rainbow remarked. “I bet I can beat her, I’m still number one at the track.” “What’s this about ‘other selves’?” Charlie asked. “Dear, why are you wearing sunglasses inside?” Rarity asked. “And why is your hoodie up? It’s not that cold.” “It’s his idea,” Charlie pointed to me. “And again, what do you mean by ‘other selves’?” “Wait, you haven’t figured out yet?” Sunset said with a raised eyebrow. “Do you know who these guys are?” “What are you even… wait,” Charlie, even though still wearing the glasses, seemed to be scanning who he was sitting with. “Three apples, three diamonds, rainbow lightning, three balloons, and three butterflies… You’re not. No. A-Are you?” “The Elements of Harmony?” Sunset answered. “Well, this world’s version of them anyway.” Charlie gulped. “Out of the frying pan,” he said. “And into the bonfire.” “There there,” Fluttershy reinsured. “It’s not all that bad.” “You’re kidding me right?” Charlie asked. “I just failed a mission spectacularly, ended up in… whatever this place is; I've just got captured by every Changeling’s worst nightmare; been humiliated; forced to put up disguise after disguise for him and his class’s amusement; gave to eat little bit of love from everyone instead as much as I want from any of them; I've just learned that I’m going to be delivered to the Royal Guards soon? Oh, and to top it all off, I’m now sitting down with, where I come from, the ponies who helped the fall of us Changelings. So how, pray tell, can I not think that?” Fluttershy shirked nearly under the table as he was staring her down. “Hey, look on the bright side,” Pinkie said. “What bright side?” Charlie questioned. “I don’t know,” she replied. “There’s always a bright side to everything if you look.” Charlie was about to say something when Rainbow asked, “So what do ya really look like under there?” “Allow me to give you a hint,” he said as he raised his arm up and with the other pulled a sleeve down to show his arms that looked like he was shot by shrapnel. “Whoa!” Applejack (I think I've got the name right this time) spoke what was of their minds. “Is this for real?” Rarity asked who has an interesting look that I want to put in a painting. It was a look between horrified and fascinated. “That’s… kinda cool,” this remark came from Rainbow in which she got her share of stares. “What? It is, in a weird way.” “That’s gotta be the first time I've ever heard that from anyone,” Charlie said as he rolled his sleeve back up. Then, the bell rang. “Come along Charlie, let’s go.” Both him and I got up from our seats, “Oh, and do you girls want to speak with me after school?” “Eh, Ah don’t see why not,” Applejack shrugged as she along the rest of them were picking up their lunches. “The same place as yesterday Ah reckon.” “Fair enough, now come along Charlie, let’s go.” _*_ “Well, that was a good day for teaching.” “I just sat there all day,” Charlie muttered. By now, school just got out and the students were making their way out of the school. We were waiting on the front steps until there weren't so many students that were around. About ten minutes later, it was safe enough and I took Charlie by the collar and headed towards the statue. “Actually, Pinkie was right on one thing.” “What’s that?” he asked. “You’re going back to your world.” “What’s the difference? I’m stepping out of one prison into another.” “True, but at least you’ll have the form that you know and love back.” “Well… I guess it’s rather weird walking on two legs.” “Oh, and before you go Charlie the Changeling, do me a favor,” I made him look at me in the eye. “When you get back on the other side and if you happen to ran into one of my other bosses, tell them that I said, hello.” And with that, I pushed him, where he tumbled backward into the portal. “Well, that’s taken care of,” I said dusting off my hands. “Hmm. And you know what; a shake sounds nice about now.” I jumped in the air and conjured up a Pogo stick and started making my way to the restaurant. It’s good to have superpowers.