Friendship is Shining: Family Matters

by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Family Announcement

After Twilight Velvet and Spike made more pancakes and they had all eaten their fill, the family sat around for the table. At the insistence of Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Shining Armor told them about what happened with Discord. He started with the summoning to Canterlot by Princess Celestia, and told them about the riddle. The details of what happened on the train, he kept rather vague. Partially because it was not something he wanted to dwell on too much, and partially because the stories of what happened on the train were more his friends' than his own. As he continued, he played up the importance of Twilight's role in winning, while emphasizing that she was in no danger of course. Did not want Mom and Dad to think he would put their daughter at risk, after all. He then finished with the defeat of Discord, and their being honored by Princess Celestia.

There was no need to mention the bad dreams that followed.

"Wait," Spike called out. "That was all weeks ago." He turned to Velvet and Night. "So if you came as soon as you heard, why are you two just now getting here?"

"Well to start," Night Light explained, "we were fortunate enough to be out of reach of Discord's chaotic influence. At least, as far as either of us could tell."

"We were in a little cottage in the woods near Neighagra Falls when it happened," Twilight Velvet added. A smile spread across her face as she looked at her husband from the corner of her eye. "We... also didn't leave much while we were there."

"Ew," Twilight said, making a face. While neither of them said it, Spike and Shining Armor agreed. None of them wanted to think of their parents like that.

Night Light chuckled before continuing.

"Regardless of your opinion, we didn't really get much in the way of news. It was actually some time after it happened, when we went out to eat, that we found out what happened. Once we did, we were on the next train back." Shifting, he glanced at his wife.

"Although we did stop at the hospital in Canterlot," she added.

"The hospital?!" Twilight shouted, jumping onto the table. "What happened? What's wrong? is one of you sick? Dying? Do y--"

"Twilight," Twilight Velvet said firmly. She fixed her daughter with The Gaze. "Calm down, and get off the table." One hoof pointed back to the seat that the filly had jumped out of.

"Heh," the younger Twilight chuckled with a sheepish grin. "Sorry." Hopping off the table, she made her way back to her chair.

Once Twilight Sparkle was back in her seat, Twilight Velvet continued.

"Now, to allay your fears," she said softly, "let me assure you that neither your father nor I are dying. And while I have been sick for a while, it's not due to illness." She smiled. "In fact, it's because our family is about to get a little bigger."

There was a moment of silence as Shining, Twilight, and Spike tried to process what they were just told. Shining Armor was the first to speak up.

"Wait," he said. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I'm pregnant," Twilight Velvet announced.

"Wow," Spike said. "Congrat... what's that sound?"

As they all listened, a sustained high-pitched note filled the air. It was long and drawn out, and painfully ear-piercing. The three adult ponies and one young dragon began searching for the source of the sound. Shining Armor soon found it: Twilight Sparkle. The filly's front hooves were pressed together in front of her. Her eyes were wide and she had a grin on her face that Pinkie Pie would be proud of. She was also making that noise they were all hearing.

"Twiley?" Shining asked, reaching out to poke his sister with a hoof.


Hopping onto the table again, the filly started dancing excitedly.

"I'm gonna be a big sister!" she sang. "I'm gonna be a big sister! I'm gonna be a big sister!"

"You're gonna be a big sister! You're gonna be a big sister!" Pinkie sang along, dancing on the table beside the filly.

"Twilight!" Velvet called out. "Pinkie! Get off the table!"

Pinkie hopped off as Twilight Sparkle once again made her way to her chair.

"Hold on," Night Light said. "Pinkie, where'd you come from?"

"Sugarcube Corner," Pinkie answered. "I was in the kitchen helping get ready for the day when all of a sudden I heard 'I'm going to be a big sister!' being shouted really really really really really really really really really --" she took a deep breath "-- really really really really loud. I thought it sounded like Twiley and I found her singing how" -- she then started singing -- "she's gonna be a big sister! She's gonna be a big sister!" The singing stopped as she resumed talking. "And she was so happy that I just had to join in and celebrate with her."

Pinkie then turned to Velvet and shook a hoof.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Sparkle. If you want, we can throw you a big baby shower right here in Ponyville."

"Baby shower?" Twilight Sparkle asked, blinking curiously. "Why would anypony throw a party to wash a baby?"

"No, sweetie," Velvet said with a giggle. "It's not a party where the baby is given a shower. It's a party where the fact a mare is pregnant is celebrated, and she is often given gifts that will help her with the baby. Such as bottles, blankets, diapers, and toys."

"Oh," Twilight said, shifting her seat and considering what she just learned. "So, why's it called a 'shower?'"

"Because they shower the new mommy with presents," Pinkie declared, grinning. "But I should really get back to Sugarcube corner. Have to get ready for the morning rush. See you all later."

With that, she pronked away, leaving the family to watch her a moment before she disappeared from sight.

Clearing his throat, Night Light got the attention of all the others.

"There is one other matter we are here about," he said. "In light of what's happened, we think Twiley should move back to Canterlot."

"WHAT?!" Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and a suddenly returned Pinkie Pie all cried out at once.