//------------------------------// // Another Night // Story: Friendship is Shining: Family Matters // by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof //------------------------------// The rest of the day was rather uneventful. After lunch, the family walked around Ponyville, taking in what sights there were and enjoying the autumn chill. They had even stopped at the spa, Twilight Velvet checking to see if they would be able to see her tomorrow afternoon while Twilight Sparkle was in school. The family stopped at a restaurant, getting a nice spot and having dinner. By the time night had fallen and they were on their way back home, the air had gotten somewhat cold. As the day came to an end and they started heading off to bed, Spike commented about his surprise that more of Shining Armor's friends did not show up to express their own feelings on the matter. He figured they would all "happen" to show up at some point or other during the day, or maybe all be waiting at the library as something of a "Please Let Twiley Stay" party set up by Pinkie Pie. When it was time for Twilight Sparkle to go to bed, Twilight Velvet read her a bed time story. Tonight, Twilight chose Relative Location of Celestial Bodies, and Their Possible Influences on Magical Capabilities, which theorized that the positions of the sun, moon, and stars could affect a pony's natural magical abilities, regardless of tribe, and also increase or decrease the effectiveness of some spells or talents. The idea of a light spell being more effective around noon, and most at the height of summer, seemed rather silly to Velvet since that would be when it was the least needed. Granted, there were place and circumstances where it would still be necessary, but still it seemed like it would hardly matter so long as there was at least some light during those moments. Well past midnight, after every pony -- and dragon -- had gone to bed, Sonata Dusk once again made her to the library. The wind had picked up, making the night uncomfortably cold. For ponies anyways. If Sonata was in her natural form, it would hardly bother her. Even in the pony form that she was stuck in for whatever reason, she was pretty sure she had a higher tolerance for the cold than most (as well as a greater sensitivity to the heat, as she discovered in the kitchen at Sugarcube Corner). As it was, she wore a dark red cloak to keep the worst of it out, letting her stand comfortably outside the library for the time needed. Look at me, she had thought when she tried it on. I'm Little Red Riding Hood. If Adagio or Aria had been there, they probably would have pointed out that they were more like the big bad wolf. Or they would have just called her an idiot. Probably... no, definitely the second one. They tended to make fun of her a lot. They tended to make fun of a lot of things, actually. It was like they were always mad about something or other, and normally took it out on her or each other. Maybe Pinkie Pie could help them be nicer. With a shake of her head, Sonata rejected the idea. If anypony -- even Pinkie Pie -- knew the truth, they would hate her. There was no way they would help her, especially if they knew what Adagio was planning. Besides, Adagio and Aria would never accept help. Especially from "stupid ponies." If anything, it would just make them be mean to Sonata more. Pushing the thoughts aside, Sonata Dusk closed her eyes and focused. She did have a job to do after all. Even if she did find herself wondering why she bothered. As she did the night before, she began to sing. Each breath fogged the air in front of her before being blown away. The red gem on her choker once more began to glow as she sang, the green energy seeping out of it in tendrils. Once again its made its way toward the library, seeping through the cracks and crevices before making its way toward the sleeping occupants. ***** It was an exciting day for Twilight Velvet, Night Light, and Star Song. It was the day before Hearth's Warming Eve, and their entire family was to show up today: children, grandchildren, and children-in-laws. Soon, they would be arriving, smiling and bringing more warmth into the old house, ready to celebrate the holiday together. The sound of the doorbell ringing filled the house. "I'll get it," Star Song called out, the dark blue filly running to the door as fast as her hooves could carry her. With laughs and shakes of their heads, the two older unicorns followed at a more casual pace. Before they could catch up, the two could hear the door opening. "It's Spike and Rarity!" Star Song announced. "And Sweet Emerald," Rarity added. The white unicorn mare stepped into the house, smiling softly. "How lovely to see you again." Around her neck was a sling, which held a bundled and sleeping form. For the most part, the form looked like a baby pony, with a green coat and purple mane with a horn sticking out from it. However, around the eyes were scales tracing along the edge and curving down toward the cheeks. Spike followed Rarity in, the young dragon now walking on all fours and almost as tall as the mare. He looked down at the foal at the door and smiled. Reaching up with one claw, he placed it on her head, ruffling her mane. "Hey, Song. How's our little music star doing?" "Spike!" Star whined out as she pulled away. "You know I hate it when you mess with my mane." Reaching up with a hoof, she started pushing her white mane back into place. "A fact which I can't help but suspect you" -- Spike turned to face Rarity -- "somehow being responsible for." "Really," Rarity said as she tossed her head, one hoof reaching up to brush the now short mane, "can you blame me if my behavior rubbed off on such a sweet filly with wonderful taste?" Her eyes narrowed and she smirked. "If Star wishes to imitate such wonderful and high-class mares as her mother and myself, who am I to disappoint?" She then turned to the dragon more. "That is part of why you married me after all, is it not?" Before Spike could answer, a gurgling noise got everypony's attention. Sweet Emerald was awake and look up with wide blue eyes, the pupils slits like her father. "Oh, look who woke up," Rarity cooed before leaning down to nuzzle the filly. "Is mommy's little jewel hungry? I bet she is. How about we feed you, and then you can say hello to grandmother and grandfather." She looked up at the others. "Are we in the same room as before?" "Yes," Velvet answered. "Do you need help finding it again?" "Thank you, but I believe I shall manage. You go ahead and start catching up. We shall return shortly." Rarity made her way to the bedroom, while the rest of the family headed for the den. "So how is fatherhood treating you?" "Not as rough as motherhood is treating Rarity," Spike answered, "but at least I don't have to worry about as many mood swings." He then let out a chuckle. "Although when fashion season starts, all bets are off." "Well since you're here," Twilight Velvet spoke up, "how about helping us finish the decorations before the rest arrive?" It turned out for the most part that "helping" for Spike turned out mostly be used as a ladder by Star Song. After finishing feeding her, Rarity returned with Sweet Emerald, who was now being gushed over by Twilight Velvet. Little giggles escaped the baby every time the older mare blew on her stomach, or pretended to "eat" the chubby belly. Rarity, meanwhile, was braiding Star's mane while the two talked. "Knock, knock," a voice called out. "We're in the den!" Night Light called out. Shining Armor poked his head in, looking around. His ears pulled back as he took in all assembled. "No Twiley?" he asked. "Not yet," Velvet answered. "She had to do work today. Something about last minute security issues? She should be here as soon as she got off and changed." Shifting, Shining Armor bit his lip as he looked around. "Well..." he said slowly, "I was hoping that everypony would be assembled for our surprise..." "What surprise?" Spike asked. "Be patient, darling," Rarity said. "And don't worry, Shining. Whatever surprise you have planned, I'm certain we can wait until Twiley arrives." "No," Shining replied. "It can't. Because... well..." He turned to look behind. "Come on, Sonny." Shining Armor stepped into the room, quickly followed by Sonata Dusk. There were gasps from all the adults assembled as the earth pony mare came into view, as did her swollen stomach. "Surprise!" she squealed out, hopping up in and excitement, and stopping as she winced. "Are you alright, darling?" Rarity asked, leaning forward. "Yeah," Sonata answered, smiling sheepishly. "Just still not used to it." She then glanced at Shining Armor. "Even if a certain somepony is constantly reminding, practically serving my every whim hoof and knee." Shifting to look away, Shining Armor rubbed at the back of his head. "I wouldn't say every whim..." "Fried. Pickle. Ice cream." Sonata turned to face the others. "And I don't mean he got me fried pickles and ice cream. He actually got Pinkie Pie to help make pickle ice cream, and then they deep fried it." She grinned. "And it was served on a bed of Hayburger's fries." "I thought you loved it," Shining said. "I did, Shiny, but it just proves my point about how far you're willing to go for me." Leaning forward, she then rubbed her nose against his. "So," Rarity spoke up, "do you know if it's going to be a colt or filly?" "Fillies," Sonata replied. "Two of them." "Two?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she stuck her head into the room. "Did you say two?" Seeing Sonata Dusk, Twilight's eyes went wide. A grin spread across her face as she let out a squeal of excitement. Running toward the other mare, she pulled her into a hug. "Congratulation!" Twilight nearly shouted. "Oh, this is so exciting. I'm so happy for you and Shiny." "Now is that any way for a member of The Royal Guard to act?" Spike asked, smirking. "Well it's a good thing I'm off duty then," Twilight replied, sticking her muzzle up in the air. "So I can act however I want." She then looked around. "Now, I believe there are two other fillies that need some attention." Seeing Star Song, a grin spread across the mare's face as her eyes narrowed. Turning to face the filly, the purple mare lowered her front half. "And I see one that could use some Twi-tickles," Twilight said, her butt wiggling back and forth. "No!" Song cried out, moving behind Rarity. "Not Twi-tickles!" She pressed close to the back of the white unicorn. "Save me!" "Nice try," Twilight said as she stalked closer, "but nopony can save you. Not even Ra--" The rest of her declaration was cut off with a squeak as Twilight was suddenly tackled. It did not hurt her, but it did knock her off her hooves and onto her back. Above her, a purple dragon was grinning down. "Spike? What are you --" "No pony might be able to stop you," Spike cut in, "but maybe a dragon can." His grin grew wider as he leaned in closer, nose booping nose. "Especially a dragon that knows all your weaknesses." He then moved his head lower. "Spike!" Twilight warned. "Don't you da--" The rest was cut off in a squeal as Spike blew a very loud raspberry on her stomach. Despite being a full grown mare, Twilight squirmed and kicked like a filly, laughing each time her stomach was blown on. "Spike!" she managed to cry out between laughs. "Stop." He blew again. "Stop!" She laughed more as he ignored her. "As a member of The Royal Guard --" she burst into a fresh giggle "-- I'm... I'm..." Spike pulled away from the gasping Twilight, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "First," he said, "I'm not in the guard, which means that you can't order me to do anything. And second. You're off duty, which means I can do whatever I want." He smirked, leaning forward. "So, do you give up, or am I going to have to continue?" "I give," Twilight gasped out. "I give. No more. No more." With a smirk, Spike let Twilight Sparkle go, who laid there, panting and trying to catch her breath. "Well that was fun," Twilight Velvet said as she got up. "Now, who wants to help with dinner?" ***** Outside of The Golden Oaks Library, Sonata's song came to an end. As she finished, the mare sagged, breathing heavily. She felt tired. Not just sleepy -- which she was -- but worn out, and like she did not want to do this any more. Which was kind of weird. Her and her sisters used to do this all the time and it never bothered her, and she had not been doing it that long. She had only been in Ponyville a few weeks. So why was she sick of it? Why did doing this to Shining Armor and his family make her feel bad? With a shake of her head, Sonata turned and walked away. It hardly mattered. She was told what to do and she would do it. If she did not, then her sisters would blame her. At least this way, when it blew up in Adagio's face -- like it always did -- she could at least say she did her part. Although it would hardly matter. Even when it was not her fault, they seemed to take it out on her. Her sisters sucked. But they were still her only family, and they had to stick together.