//------------------------------// // A Mother's Considerations // Story: Friendship is Shining: Family Matters // by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof //------------------------------// After having breakfast and seeing Twilight Sparkle off to school with her friends (and getting another double-barreled puppy dog face from them), Twilight Velvet decided to walk around town alone while making her way to the spa. This way, she could look around, take some time to relax, and actually consider the town itself. She loved her family, and she would do what she thought was best for them. Even if they did not fully like it. Such was the fate of being a parent sometimes. It was not the role of the mother to be friends with children -- although it was nice when it worked out -- but to try and keep them safe and teach them how to take care of themselves when they grew up. Hopefully doing a good enough job that the children trusted her when they messed up and there was no bitterness or resentment at the end of it. Her lips pressed tight as that last part caused her to remember some of the arguments she heard between her own mother and grandmother. Still, Twilight Velvet wanted what was best for Twilight Sparkle, and in light of what happened, it was hard to see Ponyville as the best place for her to grow up in. It was bad enough that Shining Armor was now in a position where he would be facing threats to Equestria and she could not do anything about it, but she did not want her daughter to be in danger as well. Especially when she could do something about it, and Twilight was still a filly. Admittedly, it would also be nice to see how Twilight would do as a big sister. Star Song, Twilight Velvet thought as she stopped to look at her stomach. That does have a nice sound to it. Her walking around led Velvet to the marketplace. As she looked around, she caught sight of a familiar orange and blond from of Applejack. The farm mare was at her family's stand, talking to some of the folks and working to bag apples. As Velvet approached the stall, Applejack turned to notice her, the smile growing smaller. "Howdy, Mrs. Velvet," Applejack said, tilting her hat. "How are ya this mornin'?" "I am fine, Applejack. Thank you." Velvet moved closer, noticing that the other mare was not looking at her. "So, am I correct in assuming that you have heard about Twilight?" "Yeah, I have," Applejack admitted. "Pinkie ain't exactly fond of keepin' secrets, even when ya ask her to. Add in the fact it'll make a pony she sees as a friend -- more than most, anyways -- unhappy, and she's gonna want to try and fix it." "Excuse me one moment," Velvet said as she held up a hoof. "What do you mean by 'more than most?'" Turning away for a moment, Applejack started to put some apples in a bag. She held it out just as a gray pegasus with a yellow mane and eyes that did not line up landed nearby. "Here ya go," she said to the pegasus before taking some bits. With that done, Applejack turned back to Velvet and explained. "Pinkie considers everypony in town her friend. Knows their names, likes, dislikes, and even birthdays." She shook her head. "How that girl can keep track of all that is beyond me." Turning, she adjusted some of her fruit. "Anyway, while she might consider everypony her friend, there are some that she ain't as close to as others, and some that -- while she would never use the term 'best friend -- are much closer and more trusted than others." Applejack looked at Velvet again. "Shining Armor fits that last part for her. Shoot, he probably does for all of us all things considered." She rubbed her chin with a hoof. "Probably mighty close to Twiley too, seeing as Pinkie is pretty much a big sister to the twins, and she is their best friend." "Yes," Velvet said with a shake of her head. "I've met the twins. They made their opinion on the idea quite clear, as did their mother." Applejack let out a chuckle, turning away from Velvet to help some customers that had showed up. "Dare I ask your opinion on the matter?" Velvet said once they were alone again. Applejack looked at her, then sighed and looked away again. Lifting her hat up, she ran a hoof through her blond mane before setting it back down and adjusting it. "I don't know," she finally said. "On one hoof, there's a matter of town and family pride." Turning, she looked out over the marketplace. "It was my family that helped establish Ponyville 'bout a century ago. Shoot, it was Granny Smith who found the Zap Apples what helped start bringing bits and folks here." "Zap Apples?" "Heh," Applejack chuckled and grinned. "I'll see 'bout sending you a letter when they're about to ripen, so you can try one yourself. Ain't like any other apple you've ever seen before." She then gave a shake of her head. "As I was sayin', Ponyville is mighty important to me 'cause it's part of our family history. Yeah, it might have dangers from time to time, but it's a pretty good place. 'specially with ponies like Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor around. Some of them --" she looked off toward a pale green unicorn mare "-- might be a bit odd, but they're all pretty nice." Her body drooped a little. "Somethin' I had to miss out for a while to appreciate." That last part got Twilight Velvet's curiosity, but she chose to let it go for now since it was not immediately relevant. "On the other hoof," Applejack continued, "family's important to The Apples. Twi's your daughter and you want what's best for her. I get that. Ya want to look out for her and keep her safe. Were I in your place, I'd probably consider it myself." She held up a hoof. "That don't mean I agree with it, just that I understand it." Velvet nodded as she took a step back. "Thank you for your honesty, Applejack." "Well it is my element," Applejack replied with a grin. "Yes," Velvet replied with a chuckle. "Well, I'll let you get back to work then." "Have a nice day," the other mare called out before turning to potential customers. With a final nod, Twilight Velvet left the apple stand and continued toward the spa. As she went, she considered what Applejack had said. It was actually a little surprising. Velvet had expected that all of Shining Armor's friends would react like Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, trying to convince her with absolute certainty that she should let Twilight stay in Ponyville. Although not quite as passionately. So having Applejack say she understood -- that she might even do the same in her place -- was not what she thought would happen. If she had know about the family pride ahead of time, she definitely would not have expected Applejack to say such a thing. It was understandable why the mare would have been reluctant to speak up. At the spa, she was met by a pink mare with blue mane. After helping with her with one of the thick, fluffy, white bathrobes (it was probably as close to being wrapped in a warm cloud as a unicorn could get), the spa pony let Velvet to one of the steam rooms. "Here you are, Mrs. Velvet," the spa pony said. "Just relax here for a while, and we will get you for your massage." "Thank you," Velvet said as she stepped into the steam room. As she did, she saw two other ponies enjoying the steam. One was obscured by the robe and towel, only a feminine white muzzle sticking out. She -- Velvet assumed -- leaned against the wall with her head back, either heavily relaxing, or asleep. The other was a pink mare with a dour look on her face. The expression on the mare's face was one Velvet recognized from some of the more arrogant Canterlot ponies as "I am better than you, therefore you are beneath me." It was one thing she did not miss about Canterlot. Putting on her friendliest smile, Twilight Velvet moved forward. "Hello," she said as friendly as could. The other mare gave her a look like Velvet had just farted very loudly in front of her. "You must not be from around here," the mare stated. "I don't recognize you." She lifted her nose higher. "And I know everypony that is worth knowing in this town." Velvet's jaw clenched tighter. She recognized the intentional slight in the other mare's words. Not exactly subtle, after all. However, Velvet would not acknowledge it. She would be above it. Just be friendly and sociable. Although she had no issue imagining cutie mark's on the mare's cheeks. "I'm Twilight Velvet. And no, I'm not from Ponyville. I'm just here to visit my children: Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle." The beady blue eyes turned on Velvet fully, narrowing as they looked her up and down. The other mare's lips pursed tightly as she judged Velvet. "Ah," she finally said, raising an eyebrow. "So, you are the mother of that... hooligan." The last part got Velvet to raise an eyebrow. Had she actually heard that right? "Did... did you just call my son a hooligan?" With a huff, the other mare lifted her head up, nose high in the air. "I was most certainly not referring to your son," she stated. Everything went silent as Velvet stared at the mare. First it was to try and figure out what the mare was saying, then because it took time to sink in as Velvet could not believe it. A flare of anger coursed through her body. One that she worked to keep under control. Even if she wanted to blast that smug look of the other mare's face. "Are you calling my dear little Twilight Sparkle a hooligan?" "What else would you call a brat that shoved the heads of other ponies into toilets?" the other mare growled out. "Now, really, Spoiled," the white mare said as she leaned up, lifting the towel to reveal her blue eyes. "It was months ago and an accident due to a magical surge. Not like Twilight did it on purpose." Spoiled turned to who Velvet now recognized as Rarity, brow furrowing and eyes narrowing. "You are only defending her because her brother happens to be a handsome unicorn with connections to royalty," she growled out. "Just the type a mare like you would do anything for." She then smirked. "Such as giving your tail a little extra lift and wiggle." If looks could kill, Velvet was pretty the look Rarity was giving would have made Spoiled's head explode. Instead of immediately responding, however, Rarity glanced toward Velvet, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Before she could open her mouth, however, a knock came from the door. "Mrs. Rich," a blue mare with pink mane said, "we are ready for you now." "It's about time!" Spoiled huffed as she got up. Making her way toward the door, she glanced back at Rarity and Velvet. "I swear, the quality of this place has gone down significantly lately." At the door, she turned to face the blue mare. "I should have my husband buy this place and make sure that only proper ponies were permitted." As Spoiled Rich left, the blue spa pony rolled her eyes, but said nothing. "That mare," Rarity huffed as she moved to get comfortable. "I am sorry that you had to put up with that, Mrs. Velvet." "It's..." Velvet started, but stopped. She was going to say "it's alright," but that was not true. The mare had frustrated her, and had gotten on under Rarity's skin as well. "It's not worth dwelling on," she said instead as she moved to sit down. "I've dealt with ponies like her before. Although most are better at their subtlety when it comes to insults." She then tilted her head. "I am curious, though. What was that about my daughter shoving a head into a toilet?" Rarity shifted, a small, sheepish smile spreading across her mouth. "Honestly, I don't recall," she admitted. "I think I remember Sweetie Belle saying something about it, but it was nothing that really stuck out to me." Turning to look at Rarity, Twilight Velvet raised an eyebrow as her eyes narrowed. "So you lied?" "I wouldn't say 'lied,'" Rarity replied. "After all, lying indicates that a pony is saying something either they do not truly believe or know for certain is untrue, does it not? I believe what I said as the truth." She shifted. "I merely based it more on my knowledge of those involved and the context I was given more than my knowledge of the event proper, is all." That got a smile from Velvet and a shake of her head. It still seemed a bit deceptive and dishonest to her, but she could not blame Rarity for being so clever about the matter. Besides, it was in defense of her daughter, which she could appreciate. Her daughter. "Rarity," Velvet said, "would I be correct if I were to guess that Pinkie Pie told you about my intentions with Twiley?" "You mean your intent to take her back to Canterlot?" Rarity gave a nod. "Not to me directly. However, she did mention it to Sweetie Belle, who told me about it when she came home." "Yes," Velvet said. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you think about the matter?" Shifting, Rarity's lips pressed together as she looked away. "I'm afraid I do mind," she replied. "I am sorry Mrs. Velvet, but it is not something that I am comfortable discussing for personal reasons." That got Twilight Velvet's curiosity. Lips pursing out, her eyes narrowed as she studied the other mare. She wanted to ask about it. To find out what about Twilight coming back to live with her and Night Light was connected to personal matters that would keep Rarity from talking about it. She was pretty sure it would do no good, though. Plus, Velvet did not really want to be one of those annoyingly nosy mares that pesters every pony she meets about their personal business. Although, there were personal matters that she was completely willing to be nosy about, especially when it involved her family, and the earlier conversation with that rather unpleasant Spoiled mare did bring up a point worth discussing. "Very well," Velvet said. "On to other matters than. What are your intentions with my son?" The question got Rarity's attention. Turning to face Velvet, she tilted her head and raised one eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?" "What intentions, if any, do you have toward Shining Armor?" Velvet asked. "I know that" -- she motioned toward the door -- "that mare said what she said to get a rise out of you -- and I'm fairly certain it was quite a hypocritical claim -- but I also know there's a little bit of truth to it." Velvet held up a hoof before Rarity to could say anything. "I mean no offense to you, and I have nothing against ponies wishing for better stations in their lives. Some of the best ponies I've met had modest roots. However, I have seen too many marriages for prestige fail, and I want whomever marries Shining to do so out of love and affection for him. As such, I would be negligent in my duties as an overbearing mother not to at least ask." The two of them sat there, looking at each other quietly for a long moment. Finally, Rarity gave a nod. "Yes," she said. "I believe I understand." Shifting, she got more comfortable while looking Velvet directly in the eye. "In answer to your question: there is nothing between me and Shining Armor at this time. I will admit that I have noticed how handsome he is, and after the events with Prince Blueblood at the gala, I may have considered a relationship with him. Perhaps if we had met under different circumstances, I would pursue him. However, as it is, there is nothing romantic between us." "May I ask why not?" "Because I believe he is ready to settle down," Rarity answered. "If we never had to face another threat again, he would be happy living a quiet life here, getting married, and having a family." She looked away. "I love Ponyville, and it will always be my home. However, I want to see Equestria, to have shops in Canterlot, Manehattan, Las Pegasus and so many others. Yes, I do want to have children of my own some day, but not for at least a decade or so. For now, I want to focus on my career and enjoy my freedom." Twilight Velvet nodded in understanding. She herself had actually published her first novel before she had even considered accepting Night Light's offer of a date. Once she did, it was a bit of whirlwind where they quickly ended up married and planning for their first child, but it was because they both felt that they were ready. Memories of last night's dream came back to her. "What about Sonata Dusk?" Velvet asked. "What do you think of her with Shining." Rarity gave a shake of her head. "I'm sorry, darling, but I'm afraid I can't answer that. I have seen Sonata around town and heard her sing, but don't know anything about her directly. Perhaps you should ask Pinkie Pie. She seems to know the mare very well." Before Twilight Velvet could consider asking Rarity about mares and her son, a knock came from the door. Turning to it, they found the pink spa mare approaching. "Mrs. Velvet? We are ready for you now." With a nod, Velvet got up and headed for the door.