//------------------------------// // Going Away Party // Story: Friendship is Shining: Family Matters // by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof //------------------------------// Although Twilight Velvet and Night Light left for Canterlot that evening, Twilight Sparkle did not. It had been decided that Twilight would stay in Ponyville and finish out the week of school. Her parents would be cleaning up and getting things ready. Saturday, she would return to Canterlot -- giving her Sunday to settle back in -- and Monday, she would start going to Golden Horn Elementary. Whether having that week was good or bad was up for debate. Both for the same reason. An extra week in Ponyville meant an extra week around her friends. Good because it meant she go to spend time with them and say goodbye before leaving, bad because it meant she could only dread the weekend, and nothing she could do would stop it. It also made school seem... pointless... something that she never thought she would call learning in her whole life. Next week, she would be going to a different school. Large portions of the classes would remain the same, but there would be minor changes to the curriculum allotted to each school and town in Equestria. In Ponyville, it was about traditions of the town, some times information about plants or animals (which made sense since it was a town founded by farmers), and on occasion, stories about The Everfree Forest. All of which she found interesting. Unless it had changed a lot since last year, she knew what it would be in Canterlot: etiquette, which she cared very little about; some of the history of Equestria with an emphasis on Princess Celestia's role in them, which she had learned a lot about already from Shining Armor and Celestia herself (besides, if Princess Luna and Discord were any indication, the best stuff happened before Celestia's written history); and -- considering most of her classmates were probably unicorns and old enough to apply to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns next year -- theory and application of basic magical spells, which she would not mind even if it was not as fun as being tutored by Shining Armor. Regardless of her feelings, Twilight still did as she was supposed to. She listened to Miss Feather Bloom, took notes, did her classwork and homework, and got good grades. She had even tutored Trixie a little more. Although for some reason, Trixie showed up Wednesday, yelling at Twilight about no longer being able to tutor her. Trixie seemed to take Twilight's leaving rather personally. It also led to Twilight having another night of crying herself to sleep for some reason. Finally, Friday came, and the school day ended. Twilight Sparkle packed her bag, said good-bye to Miss Feather Bloom, and left Ponyville Elementary with Pound and Pumpkin Cake for what was going to be the last time. This time, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were waiting by the door. "So, we were thinking," Apple Bloom said, "that maybe we should all go to Sugarcube Corner one last time. Get some treats and such, ya know?" Stopping, Twilight looked at the three of them, then at Pound and Pumpkin. Turning to face all five, she tilted her head. "Sugarcube Corner, huh?" She lifted an eyebrow. "Is that where the party is?" The Cake twins looked completely calm at the question. The other three all had their eyes go wide as they took a step back, glancing between each other. "Party?" Scootaloo asked. "What party?" With a roll of her eyes, Twilight shook her head. "The party Pinkie Pie has been planning since she found out that I might be leaving. The one that would have been a 'hooray we're glad you're staying' party if Mom changed her mind, but is now a 'good-bye we're going to miss you' party since she didn't. That party." Pound smirked. "Told you she knew," Pumpkin said. "But how?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Really?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. "You want to know how I figured out that Pinkie Pie -- a pony that wants to be everypony's friend, make everypony happy, and will figuratively throw a party at the drop of a hat --" "Literally, actually," Pumpkin cut in. "Or at least try to. Remember Apple Bloom?" "Right," Apple Bloom said with a roll of her eyes. "Her 'we're glad you're hat wasn't destroyed when it fell off' party she wanted to throw for Applejack that one time." "Further proving my point," Twilight stated, getting attention back on her. "A mare that wants everypony happy and throws parties is obviously going to throw one when somepony is leaving." None of them could really argue the point with her. Especially since she was right. Mostly. Pinkie Pie did not actually plan the party to be a surprise one, but simply did not want to mention it too much around Twilight because talking about the party means thinking about the fact she was leaving. It had been a certain trio of fillies that had wanted to try and make it a surprise party (and a pair of twins who bet that Twilight knew already: now fifteen bits richer between them). The six of them made their way to Sugarcube Corner, taking a little time to let others get there ahead of them and set everything up. When they arrived, the main dining area seemed pretty much the way it normally did. Pound moved closer to Twilight and wrapped his wing around her, leading her to one of the party rooms. A large banner with "WE'LL MISS YOU!" hung up high, the words surrounded by signatures. Balloons and streamers had been strewn about, with various shade of purple and pink. A table was set up, filled with brownies, lemon squares, and cupcakes. "Ta-da!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she popped up, tossing the confetti on the new arrivals. "Normally I'd say 'Surprise!' but since it's not one, doesn't exactly work." Shaking the confetti away, Twilight also looked around. There was also Shining Armor, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Big Macintosh and... "Trixie?" Twilight asked, eyes going wide. The pale blue unicorn filly's ears pulled back as she was noticed, a blush forming on her cheeks. She turned away, her silvery white hair falling across her face to keep it hidden. "I'm not too late, am I?" a voice called with an easily recognizable accent. Pipsqueak stood at the door, the small colt smiling wide. "Sorry. Had to run home first." A smile spread across Twilight's face before she started laughing. Not a hysterical laugh, but a genuine giddiness. She was not sure if it was the atmosphere, the feeling of love and care, or what. All she knew was that as sad as she was about leaving, she was feeling strangely happy and excited at the same time. Even though it was a sad occasion for her, she could not help but feel happy about how much they cared. Something wiped at her face, and Twilight stopped, blinking. Everything was so blurry for some reason. As everything came back into focus, she found Spike standing in front of her, wiping at her face with what look like a handkerchief. She realized that her cheeks felt wet. Lunging forward, she wrapped her forelegs around the dragon, pulling him into a hug. "Twiley?" Shining asked. "Are you okay to continue?" "Yeah," Twilight answered as she pulled away. "Yeah, I'm good." She smiled up at him. Smiling back, Shining Armor reached down to nuzzle his sister. He then pulled away, looking around. "Alright, everypony," he said. "I managed to get my hooves on a new camera. Let's get some pictures together and get the party started." There was a cheer from some gathered as music started to play. Lots of pictures were taken of and with Twilight Sparkle. They ranged from her with a single other pony to a shot of all of them together. She even took one with Trixie and made some silly faces with Pinkie Pie. Cake (the food) was cut and treats shared. The cupcakes that had completely accurate constellations designed on them as well, which must have been hard work to make. Surprisingly, there was even a present from Trixie. "Don't make a big deal out of it or anything," Trixie said as she gave it to Twilight. "It's just a thank you for tutoring me so I don't owe you." Twilight did not believe it, however, and judging from their faces, neither did Pumpkin or Pound. None of them actually said anything to Trixie, though. It was pretty clear that there was a matter of pride to it. So the let the matter go while Twilight opened the present: a book titled Faster Than The Eye: Secrets to Sleight of Hoof and Stage Magic (Without Using Real Magic) By Daring Copper Pelt. All too soon, it grew late. Ponies started to leave, making their way back home. Even Pumpkin and Pound were reluctantly forced to call it a night, saying good-bye to Twilight and heading upstairs. Before much longer, Twilight found herself yawning as well. "Guess it's time to call it a night," Shining Armor said. His horn lit up with magic, wrapping around his sister and picking her up to set on her back. Twilight wanted to protest. She did not want to go to bed yet. Unfortunately, she was too tired to actually argue. Besides, at this point, it was down to her, Shining Armor, Spike, and Pinkie Pie. Or so she thought until Shining put a sleeping Spike on his back beside her. "Bye, Pinkie," she called out as she was carried for the door. "Thank you for the party." "You're welcome," Pinkie called back with a grin. "See you again soon." With that, Shining Armor left Sugarcube Corner, carrying a sleeping Spike and tired Twilight Sparkle. As she was carried outside, she looked up at the night sky and the stars. They were all so beautiful. It was hard to believe that they would be the same stars she would be looking -- and had looked -- at in Canterlot. It also seemed like a lifetime since Luna had returned as Nightmare Moon and threatened eternal night. Closing her eyes, enjoying the warmth of her brother's coat and the gentle rocking motion of his steps, Twilight Sparkle fell asleep.