
Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results

Another Consequences Update · 4:50am Feb 3rd, 2021

As of today, Consequences is approximately 95% complete. I still have some bridging scenes to write and figure out how to end the closing scene, but yeah, the end is in sight.

Hope you're all ready.


Consequences update · 4:16am Jan 12th, 2021

So yeah, I've been stuck for a while with Consequences. The main reason being I HATE writing action sequences. And everyone seems to be expecting some big epic brawl to close things out and frankly, the idea just makes me tired.

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Consequences: Where Should I Go From Here? · 4:14am Nov 25th, 2020

So, at this point in the story, I can go one of three different directions, depending on who I want to focus on. And I'm not sure which to do first.

So I'll throw it open to you guys... and no, you can't say "Do all three in one big chapter." That's not how this works.

So, from where we're at right now, should I:

A) Follow up with Stormking and Tempest after Sunset leaps out the window.

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Consequences will continue later this week. · 4:02am Jun 23rd, 2020

I ran into a snag in terms of planning out the next chapter. Hoping to have it up by the end of the week.

Thanks for your patience.


We Apologize for the Delay · 2:31pm Jun 8th, 2020

So, I'm going on vacation this week and while I plan on taking my computer with me and working on Consequences during that time, the next couple of days are going to be taken up with things I need to do before I leave, so there's going to be a hiatus on updates while I deal with all of that. I'm hoping to have a new chapter up on Friday. I'm sorry to keep you all in suspense, but take some comfort in the fact that if I had stuck to my original plan... you'd be in just as much suspense.

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Consequences update. · 2:12pm May 21st, 2020

Okay, so I know production on this story has fallen by the wayside, but that was because I had a couple of other more pressing projects to get finished first. Those are taken care of, so it's back to work on Consequences.

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Okay... · 4:57am Jan 2nd, 2020

So, gang, December was a massive pile of suck. Bills piled up, depression kicked in, the goddamn holidays. So yeah, my productivity went to shit.

But, I did get some shit done, and I figured if I can get that shit done, I can get back to trying to do daily updates on Consequences.

I can't guarantee it'll be good. I can't guarantee it'll all gel together initially.

But it'll get posted. It'll get updated. And most importantly...

It will get finished.

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More assorted updates. · 5:46am Oct 8th, 2019

Hey guys.

I realize there haven't been any recent updates to Consequences. Rest assured, I do know exactly where the story is going from here. We are, in fact, closing in on the end of Act 2 and moving into Act 3. But I'm still working on the transition between the two and I just haven't felt like anything I've written for it has been good enough.

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No Consequences update today. · 2:19pm Jun 25th, 2019

Sorry guys, yesterday was a particularly hellish day at work and I am exhausted.

I do have a Headcanon Nonsense post in mind that I may put up later as a substitute.


Assorted Updates · 3:28am Jun 15th, 2019

Okay, so I've made some decisions about my free time and I've decided to abandon YouTube for the forseeable future. The good news for you guys is that I'm pretty much focusing my creative efforts on Consequences.

So the plan is this: Guaranteed updates on my days off from work, bonus updates during the week if I've got enough energy to write.

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Gaaaaaahhhh. · 4:33am May 24th, 2019

Working on the next chapter of Consequences. Something has happened which is going to make people wonder if I'm rescinding my stance on shipping.

No. No, I haven't. But I ALSO work with what the show has established and there's an element that's emerged lately that I just cannot handwave away.

So yeah. That'll happen.


Yes, I'm still alive... · 11:12pm Mar 12th, 2019


Hmmmm... · 3:36pm Feb 8th, 2019

I had a thought last night with the announcement that the next major EQG special, "Spring Breakdown," is due to air March 30th.

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More delays · 3:39pm Dec 18th, 2018

I wanted to apologize for the delays in updates to "Consequences." It's been difficult these last couple of weeks. Between holiday madness, issues I'm having with my employer, car trouble, and being sick for the last two weeks, my energy levels have been shot to the point that I get home, stare at my computer and just don't feel like writing or doing much of anything else.

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Consequences has been updated · 1:16am Dec 4th, 2018

Had to make some corrections to today's chapter. The correct version is now available.

Report shallow15 · 253 views · #Consequences

Update · 7:50pm Oct 25th, 2018

So, apparently the part needed to repair my computer is on back order. Fortunately, it's a non-essential part and I can get my computer back until they get the part in to effect the repair. However, I don't want to start back up on Consequences just to have it interrupted again, so until the repair is made, Consequences is still on hiatus.

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Wherein Murphy Takes His Due · 8:02pm Oct 16th, 2018

So... no sooner do I get back to work on Consequences when, surprise surprise, my computer decides my headphone jack no longer exists.

Normally, this wouldn't be a major problem, except I need the headphone jack to work to jack the speaker I use for hosting trivia nights into my computer. I've tried all the possible software reasons and now have to conclude that something is physically wrong with the jack itself.

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Consequences update delayed to Friday · 10:14pm Oct 11th, 2018

Sorry, guys. I had an exhausting day today and I just can't get anything written that isn't crap. We'll try again tomorrow.


Are you ready? · 12:05pm Oct 9th, 2018

So, now that I've gotten Subtofuge out of the way after far too long, it's time to get back on track.

I hope you're ready.

Consequences resumes on Thursday.


Hi there. It's been a while. · 2:22pm Oct 2nd, 2018

I realized I hadn't really posted a blog in a while and figured it was time for an update.

So, I've been working on another BCU fic which I'm trying to get done because it may kick off Phase 3 (Maybe. It depends on which one of us authors gets our story done first). After that, "Consequences" will resume in earnest and get back on schedule. I finally feel able to take this on after the 20 year friendship I mentioned elsewhere self-destructed.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results