
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

All That We Are. Chapter 2 · 10:20pm Oct 13th, 2019

Chapter 2 is up and it contains one of the primary scenes I constructed this story idea around. So far, I'm really liking how this is coming together and feel way more confident going forward from here. Enjoy.

EAll That We Are
All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.
Marezinger Z · 39k words  ·  275  9 · 4.8k views

An Ambitious Sequel · 2:00am Oct 11th, 2019

The first chapter of the sequel to At the End of Ambition is up. I've decided to carry this story forward, despite the fact that it was intended to be one-shot. I thought for a while about how to go about it and this is basically the direction I've decided. To be honest, I don't really like what the final season ultimately did with the villains. I won't spoil anything but they really dropped the ball with Grogar and the final battle, while cool, ends exactly the way you think it does. I think

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Big Thanks · 8:37pm Sep 27th, 2019

My latest story, At the End of Ambition, has been up for a little over 24 hours now and when I checked in I couldn't believe the overwhelmingly positive response to this one. This is a just a quick but sincere thank you to everyone who favorited, liked, commented or just enjoyed the story. This one made it on the feature board to boot which is always a great feeling. I'll keep doing my best to be worthy of the praise. Thanks again.


New Story: Contest Entry · 10:51pm Sep 26th, 2019

Just released a short work for a 3,000 word and under contest that's being hosted by the group No Author Left Unnoticed. If you'd like to check out the group or the contest I encourage you to do so, albeit the time frame for entry is tight for this one. Anyway, the story itself is a peek at our popular trio of villans coming across a creature far older and far wiser than they can imagine. He briefly but succinctly

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Report Marezinger Z · 198 views · #new story #contest
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results