Misunderstood Monster

by Soul King Vulcar

First published

I'm gonna say this once. I brought a prop for my costume, costume turned into my body and none shall use me as a tool...

I guess I should explain. I became the most powerful psychic type Pokémon in the world after buying something for my costume. But when I arrived in my Equestria, ponies were technologically advanced with the earth ponies getting steam powered, pegasi getting wind powered and unicorns getting magic gems powered. But noble ponies have electric powered tech, apparently not even the princesses know about this but then the nobles tried to catch me like they captured pokémon here, with cages, not pokéballs and that frustrated me! Now, here I stand, with my artificial nation, waiting to strike back against Equestria! Come Princesses and Elements! TEST MY STRENGTH!!!!

(Pokémon and My Little Pony isn't mine but if it was, I would be hiring people to help me with story ideas)

Arrival of The Most Powerful Pokémon

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Arrival of The Most Powerful Pokémon

I’m Psy. I know, laugh but don’t mistake me for a calm, reasonable person. Anyway, my parents are scientists and anime obsessed fools. Is it possible to be smart and dumb at the same time? Anyway, my eyes and hair were the colours of my parent’s favourite psychic type Mewtwo. I don’t know how that happened, but I was born a psychic and can read people’s minds and that. But it gives me a headache whenever I do so I don’t use my psychic powers unless I have a special drink to help me out. My love for psychic types, mostly Mew and Mewtwo, was stronger than my parent’s obsession and that’s why I am cosplaying as a Mewtwo with experimental armour from the military. My parents work with the military and thought, ‘Let’s make a powerful, mind enhancing, psychic-powered armour for our son to use!’, parents of the year everybody.

Anyway, the armour is exactly like the armour that Mewtwo wore at the beginning of his movies. The new remake and old original’s armours into one. And when I arrived at the convention, I was awed at by the many people and they took pics with me. I was trying to block their minds at the time but heard random things like, ‘Let’s go to the mall after this’, or ‘I’m so hungry that I can eat a plate of mammoth meat’. Weird guy, anyway, there was one thing I was missing and that was the clone balls. When I went to a stall, I saw the merchant of Resident Evil 4 selling anime and game related stuff. And that’s when I saw them. The clone balls that I need so badly.

“Like what you see?” He spoke to me in a voice that sounds like an eel greased in motor oil. I immediately tried to read his mind but I couldn’t at all, as if he stopped my psychic powers completely or is a dark type. He somehow knew that I was trying to read his mind when his greasy smile disappeared and did something to me when he shoved the clone balls into my hands because I passed out and when I woke… I founded myself in an orange-liquid filled tube with rich, snotty looking people… With wings, horns and hooves?

I looked around in the tube and saw a couple of scientists and I read their minds to see their memories and I learnt that they were ponies and the scientists founded me in a crater with armour on me and called me Mewtwo because they apparently have Pokémon and looked at my DNA strand from a sample and saw it matched a Pokémon they considered a myth, like humans in the world of Pokémon, which was Mew ironically and then I heard the snotty ponies’ conversation that I was to be put down which, for no reason, enraged me and I broke the glass and I destroyed the lab when I flew out which I was at Mount Canterlot and I, somehow, let’s called it pony magic, was wearing my armour and in the armour was the clone balls and I flew to the Everfree Forest, crashlanding, scaring the inhabitants near the Everfree that was in Ponyville.

I looked at myself in the lake near the castle and I’ve turned into Mewtwo, even though I’ve knew that but with the armour on… I look like a monster and I sensed Zecora was coming and I stood and I was correct but I wasn’t expecting a Gengar, Trevenant and Mimikyu to accompany her and I remained silent yet stiff to fight them. She only smiled and spoke in her weird rhyming way. “Greetings great divine. Forgiving me for how I am feeling for the sight of your might.” Huh. She’s understanding and I guess I should greet her back. “Greetings Zecora of the Everfree. I am… not sure of my name for I have two yet both are what I am.” I spoke to her which she and her Pokémon was surprised by my telepathy capabilities. Then her Pokémon bowed to me immediately while they called me. “Lord Psy, it is an honour to see another Mewtwo alive…” I was surprised that they knew my real name and I didn’t know what they mean by another Mewtwo.

I then sensed presence of Friendship and I smiled sadly to my new friends but had to put them to sleep while I flee to somewhere else when I heard them calling after me and I flew faster than Rainbow Dash and found an island, far from Canterlot and Ponyville. Despite my calm nature, I have a few traits of Mewtwo, which means one of them is that I hate whoever captured or manipulated me. So, I will hate ponykind until somepony or someone will convince me otherwise.

“I am not declaring war against the ponies and such… But I’ll strike back against all who will try to manipulate me!!” I look at the sun and moon that was at each sides of the New Island. I knew that by saying that, the princesses will try to convince me that all ponies are good but only one of the few princesses will actually sympathise with me. I will begin construction of my castle and cloning laboratory.

I have finished the construction of my cloning laboratory and has samples of every single Pokémon. For now, I’ll be creating my starters of every region and supercharge them by the nutrients that I may or may not stole. Clone Pokémon can’t produce their own nutrients believe it or not. That’s way I am overloading the clones that I have created. Now, all that is left is a messenger, a watcher and a doctor. I have created more clones, Gyarados, and had them be the defenders while I have a Garchomp and Dragonite be my messengers and an Audino and Blissey are my doctors. And I am extremely tired from my work that I need some rest.

And so, I went to a bed of Pidgeot down-feathers. It’s like sleeping on a cloud. I’ll try the whole cloud napping later, but right now, I need to talk to the one who walk in dreams… If I could sense her, why can’t I- Wait… She’s Nightmare Moon right now, why is she Nightmare Moon?! Wait… Am I before Season 1? WHY AM I BEFORE SEASON 1?! Wait… I can influence the Elements to be ready! By that, they can be friends earlier! I guess I can connect their dreams together but first! I guess I should inform the Princess of my plan… I fell aslee- I mean mediate so I can contact the Princess.

“Princess… I am Psy the Legendary Mewtwo… I came to warn you of what’s to come…” I guess I should’ve seen that coming. By that, I mean her being eating cake and watching her flank in the mirror. “W-Who’s there!” I JUST TOLD THE FAT FLANK!!!! I need to calm down before I lose my temper and I repeated what I said. “P-Psy? Wait… You’re a Mewtwo! How are you communicating to me right now!” She looked like she could crush anyone. And I ain’t gonna lie… I wouldn’t mind having her flank crush my face. Wait! Hormones are influencing my mind! “I am the most powerful Psychic in the world. Right now, your sister is returning in her corrupted form. I can assist her fight back against her darkness. And perhaps, if you abide by my conditions, I could help you get a date.” WHAT AM I SAYING?! Damn teenage hormones! I could see her blushing at my last sentence! “What are your conditions?” Am I seeing her acting like a shy schoolgirl?! IS THIS SOME SORT OF WEIRD ANIME?! “I want to train six of your ponies. Five from Ponyville and one from Canterlot. One Rainbow Dash, one Pinkie Pie, one Applejack, one Rarity, one Fluttershy and one Twilight Sparkle.” I wait patiently and then covered my head out of pain when she yelled. “WHAT?!” I was anticipating that. “I was anticipating that yell. They are the hope of the future. You’ll see what I mean. In a few days, you’ll see.” I took her silence as a yes as I disconnected our minds and I went into the dream realm to aid Luna with Nightmare until her freedom. I fought Nightmare most of the time until her final night of imprisonment which I didn’t fought her cause I know that she will be tired and bruised from our fights. I did make the main six friends sooner than the official day when they became friends. I was meditating at the time before a piece of meat fell in front of me and out of hunger, I ate it without hearing something coming from it. Then a giant scarred man appeared in my castle… Wait… A HUMAN!!!! “Huh? Where the hell am I?” Why is a human here?! I need to slap someone! Which I slapped the human which felt like slapping a metal wall. “Hmm? A Pokémon? Which one are you?” I was insulted that this simpleton doesn’t know who I am! I WILL SHOW HIM!!!! I surrounded myself in psychic energy and charged straight at him while he snarled and charged at me with… Is that a demon on top of him? When we clashed, my warriors came to the battle and I made a psychic barrier to protect them before I heard him yell something. “FLYING KNIFE!!!!” Then I saw… A knife made of… aura? Before I got hit and slammed into my barrier then I fired a lot of shadow balls at them.

Then after a couple of minutes of fighting, we were laying on the floor, me and the guy I was fighting. “You’re strong… What’s your name?” I looked at him who was smiling like crazy. “The name’s Mau. Gourmet King and The Raging Beast. I’m the king of my Equestria. What’s your name?” I looked at him and think carefully before telling him my name. “I’m Psy. The Misunderstood Monster… I was human but now I’m a Mewtwo.” I look at him which he stands up and grabbed his bag and pulled out a grill and different ingredients. “Wanna eat?” He looked at me before I smiled and floated up. “I would like to. How did you get here?” I looked at him as he pulled a branch out of his bag and lit it and smokes it like a cigar or something like that. “I guess, same way you did. A displacer. They look like merchants or something similar and read our minds to give us what we’re missing.” I look at the horribly scarred man which I grabbed the bottle of cola that he offered, and I start to drink it.

I was surprised by the cola’s texture and the man was laughing at my expression. HOW DARE HE—I just realised it was just the expression on my face made him laugh. I really need to control my emotions.

Meeting the Six and Princess

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Meeting the Main 6 and Princesses

That was actually a good meal. Mau left just after he told me on how to end the contract and so, I did, he went back home and I am in Twilight’s library, reading a romance novel and it is just heart wenching! Anyway, I received a letter from Celestia saying that she wants to meet. I was really into the story when I didn’t notice the ponies were staring at me. “Oh. Hello my little ponies.”

I looked at the main six and judged each one and they looked so adorable and… Why am I looking at Celestia’s eyes? Why do they look beautiful, why am I feeling like I want to kiss her?! I must calm my mind before my psychic powers go out of control.

“Now, Celestia, may I ask why you have called me here?” I asked the princess this question as I was curious for why she called me here.

“You knew the girls would be the new elements of harmony. How is that possible?” She asked me and I think very carefully about the whole ordeal, and I opened my mouth to reply. “Well, that part is hard to explain. Cause I can see the future.” The way the mares looked at me was a bit funny as I closed their open mouths with Pinkie’s help as they were staring at me. “I-Impossible!” Twilight said as she looks at him with wide eyes as she was shaking. “No pony should have knowledge like that.” “Well, I am not a pony. I would’ve declared a war on all Equestria if I would’ve had a chance. But I am not. Unless you make me by attacking me.” I looked at each one and was about to take my leave until the princess of the night, La Quila, Luna. “Luna, your nightness, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person.” I said to her as I look at her and wondered if she has the same flank situation as Celestia. Wait, why am I thinking of the princesses’ flanks right now?! I need to mediate at my island. “I’ll be heading to my island right now. Does any pony have Pokémon or not?”

I looked at them and as it turns out, they do. The princesses were chosen by Solgaleo and Lunala respectively and not just that, but the mares had different Pokemon that suited them and yet, not suited them. For Rainbow, she has a Emolga, a Pidgeot, a Blaziken and a Talonflame. For Fluttershy, surprisingly, a Dragonite, a Garchomp, a Hydregion and a Salamance. For Pinkie, a Pikachu, a Aipom, a Totodile and a Alakazam. For Applejack, a Bewear, a Tyranitar, a Machamp and a Blissey. For Rarity, a Sableye, a Galarian Rapidash, a Lopunny and a Meganmium. For Twilight, a Metagross, a Gallade, a Wobbuffet and a Houndoom. And for Spike surprisingly as well, a Lucario, a Charizard, a Meloetta of all Pokemon and again, shockingly, a pokeball that was coloured and patterned like a shiny legendary Pokémon that lives in the ozone layer of the world, Rayquaza.

I needed one strong alcoholic drink immediately. Maybe a barrel so I can drink it like Cana of Fairy Tail. I left for my island immediately after I extended an invitation to the ponies first then I told my messengers, after I made more, to extend the invitation of the World Associated Pokemon Tournament or known as WAPT. Note to self Psy, need to work on a better name. I will give them a few years to ready. But this is only stage 2 of my plan…

Whelp. I could start the production of my army. We the clones will show all that we are powerful and we’re not weak. And we will live for a long time even though clones age faster than the originals. I started typing away at a computer and I was fast at typing it when I noticed that my shadow was differently shaped like that of the lord of nightmares, Darkrai. I looked at it before looking away before I spoke up. “Lord Darkrai, what is the honour of having the true deity of nightmares in my presence?” I looked at them with a raised eyebrow. “I have come in the name of Father Arceus to warn you of what actions can bring Lord Mewtwo.” They looked at me as I went back to typing away. “Father Arceus hmm… Interesting, he cares about the flawed creations of pony-kind after all. Why would he, I mean us clones are inferior to the natural born in terms of life-expectancy and the fact I must commandeer the necessary nutrients to make the clones powerful and capable of living. Not only that but when I awoke, the first thing I saw from my awakening was the ponies and them discussing about my elimination.” I spoke spitefully about this to the lord of nightmares. I was indeed filled with spite and hatred. I was hoping to avoid this, but those six little ponies think they’re entitled to everything, thinking that they’re the centre of the universe. The fact that when I revealed that fact, I know what they’re gonna do before they know it, made them feel threatened, and whenever a creature feels threatened by something they don’t know about or have more power than them, makes them feel like doing stupid actions.

That and I saw that despite them being friends, the only ones I can see me being friends with is Pinkie Pie because she means food, Fluttershy, cause she’s Fluttershy and she is kind to even the nastiest creatures. Then there is the one who I was even surprised about. Spike Solaris. I read their minds and memories and I saw Spike raised by Celestia, Fluttershy raising her dragons and Pinkie looking at me from her memories- WHAT THE BUCK?!?! That pink creature can see past the fourth wall. Hope she doesn’t try to put me out of a job. I looked at Darkrai with tired eyes. “Do you know, what it feels like to be hated by all but a few, to not be appreciated by others than the few you know?” I said to them with a tired tone as I finally dropped my guard. I must’ve looked so tired to Darkrai from the way their eye widened. They then picked my body up as I fall into deep slumber. Why am I falling for, the least expecting Pokémon, Darkrai?

I looked at them and I slightly smiled. I then fell asleep as soon as Darkrai placed me in the bed. Who knows what’ll happen next huh?

( Also, sorry about how the length of the chapter, didn't know where to go from this point of the chapter. Suggestions are welcomed in the mail.)