Aspects of Parenthood

by xd77

First published

Nathan becomes rather upbeat about being a father.

Apple Bloom has announced to Twilight and Spike that she is pregnant, but now it's time for Nate to go through the aspects of fatherhood.

Part 1

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It had been several weeks since Tirek had been condemned to the Lake of Fire for eternal punishment, and there was still major repairs to be done. It was such a massive attack on Equestria for many moons, so it was still going to be a long time before anything would return to normal. As for Apple Bloom and her husband, everything was really putting on smiles, well, two of them at least. She had already mentioned to Twilight and Spike about the best news ever, she was told by her clinic that she was pregnant, she had also told all the others, but she was willing to wait until the time was right to tell her husband the good news. And this day would be the day, she was standing in the hallway of Canterlot Castle hidden in the shadows by a pillar.

She was waiting for the guards to return with Twilight from a long meeting in place, this meeting was a reprise one. It was with the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia, the one they were supposed to have the day they were attacked. But now that it was officially done with, it was time for Twilight to be brought back to Canterlot. The stun silence was soon interrupted by the sound of the doors entering into the castle pry open.

There at the foot of the doorway stood Princess Twilight with Nathan on her left, Zodiac on her right, and a massive guard escort. She was greeted by one of the head guards who leaned a hoof and bowed to her in respect.

"Princess Twilight, are you all right?" he asked.

"Yes, thanks to our best allies, they reformed Chrysalis and Thunder Clash. But, Lord Tirek was unable to accept anything once again." said Twilight.

"Lord Tirek was a runner and a monster as he always was, he was a coward."

"But with him being condemned to eternal punishment, his reign of terror will be passed on. And I assure you the Equestrian senate will vote to continue to protect us all, as long as his evilness is alive."

"Then the Equestrian Council will make the prevention of the spread of his evilness our highest priority."

Then they were escorted into the castle with Nathan and Zodiac beside Spike now.

"The Equestrian Council cannot thank your world enough." said a senator who was walking with them.

"Thank you senator Whistles." said Nathan, "But the fighting and protection shall resume until Tirek's spread of tyranny has melted like snow."

"That is why we must be on our guard." said Zodiac.

"Who knows what other creature could inherit it."

"Well, I will do everything I can in the senate." said senator Whistles.

As they walked, Apple Bloom stood in the shadows waiting and watching them from there. Nathan could soon sense that she was there beside them.

"Excuse me." he said

"Yes sir." said Whistles and Zodiac as they went on, Nathan then ran over to Apple Bloom and embraced her, then they kissed on the lips.

"Oh Nathan." she said with a sigh of relief to see her husband okay, then they gave each other another embrace.

"Ah've missed you Bloomy." he said.

"There were whispers that you've been killed."

"Ah'm all right." Nathan said with a smile, "It feels like we've been apart for a lifetime. And Ah' might've been if Aunt Twilight hadn't been murdered, Ah' don't think that would've ever brought us back from the Badland sieges."

Just as Nate was about to bring her into another loving embrace, Apple Bloom took a quick step back.

"Wait here?"

"Yes here." Nathan answered, "Ah'm tired of all this deception, Ah' don't want any aggressive creature knowing we're married. What with Tirek's spread of tyranny......"

"Nathan, don't say things like that." Apple Bloom said, then they shared another embrace, Nathan then felt her shake.

"Are you all right, you're tremblin', what's goin' on?"

Apple Bloom looked up right into his face and gave a warm smile.

"Somethin' wonderful has happened, Nathan, Ah'm pregnant."

Nathan was never quick enough to fully understand what his wife had just said. His smile soon changed to a frown of fear, he had never would've known a day like this would happen.

"Um.....that's......." Nathan was now trembling himself.


"That's w....that's wonderful." he said finishing his sentence in an apprehensive way.

"What are we gonna do?" Apple Bloom asked.

"We ain't gonna worry about anything right now, all right?"

"This is a happy moment, the happiest moment of mah' life."

Then they embraced one more time and shared another kiss on the lips.

....Later that evening....

At the Cadenza household, Nathan and Apple Bloom were standing on the balcony of their top floor condo. Nate stood by the edge of the wall that led out into it, he kept a small smile on his face as he watched Apple Bloom. She stood right on the edge of the balcony gently combing her undone mane with a brush, she was in a gorgeous nightgown. She was faced away from him though, as she stroked and watched the ponies from below walking towards their homes.

"Nathan, Ah' wanna have our baby back home in Ponyville." she said as she kept brushing her mane, "We can go to the side country where nopony will know, where we can be safe."

She then turned to face him, "Ah' can go early and fix up the baby's room, Ah' know the perfect spot. Sweet Apple Acres, right by the orchards."

"You're so....beautiful." said Nate.

"It's only because Ah'm still in love."

"No, it's because Ah'm still in love with you."

"So love has blinded ya'?"

"No." Nathan said with a chuckle, "That's not what Ah' meant."

"But it's probably true."


The sound of the baby crying as it was being born overwhelmed Apple Bloom as she screamed in pain, dying from the effects."

"NATHAN, HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Nathan had woken up, drenched in sweat, he looked over at Apple Bloom who was still asleep. Nate undid himself from the bed covers and buried his face in his hooves, putting on a robe and slippers and walking out of the bedroom. Apple Bloom woke up to see him walking out into their living room. She then got out and followed him to see what all it was with him.

Part 2

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Nathan was sitting on an outside chair letting the breeze from the wind cool him down. As he watched the night sky glow with beauty, he still could not get out that horrible sequence that he visioned in his sleep. Nate kept his emotional thought locked away, but knew he could not hide them from his wife. He was just remaining there on the chair with the breeze blowing through his mane, when out of nowhere..........

"Nathan?" said Apple Bloom's voice behind him, he turned to see her standing there at the foot of the balcony entrance. She was in her robe and slippers and was staring at him with great concern, Nathan just continued to stare at the night sky silently.

"Why the long face?" she asked as she went up and sat next to him.

Finally, Nathan spoke up, "Ah' had a bad dream, that's all."

Apple Bloom was not going to take that for an answer, "What was it about?"

Nathan looked at a necklace she was wearing and clutched it lightly, "Ah' still remember when Ah' gave this to you."

"How long is it gonna take for us to be honest with each other?"

"That's through Applejack, she's the honest one."

"Nathan please, tell me what your dream was."

"Why do ya have to be so nosy about mah' business?"

"You're mah' husband, it's mah' job to worry about ya'. So tell me, what was your dream about?"

Nathan knew that she had to know, "It was about you."

"What happened?"

"It was just a dream."

Nathan got up and walked towards the edge of the balcony then faced her again.

"What happened was, you were screaming in fear because Ah' wasn't there to help you, then you.........."

"Then Ah' what?"

After a short pause, he finally had the courage to say it.

"You died in foalbirth."

"And the baby?" Apple Bloom asked, putting a hoof on her belly bump.

"Ah' don't know." Nathan answered.

"It was only a dream."

"Ah'm not gonna let it come true."

"Ah' understand this baby will change our lives forever, and Ah' get your nervous. But it's completely off way for ya' to have a dream about somethin' that's probably never gonna happen, and if Tirek's inheritance of tyranny evolve around us, we'll be....."

"Ah' know, Ah' know."

"Do ya' think maybe Aunt Twilight might be able to help us?" she asked.

"We don't need her help, our baby is a blessin' from God." Nathan said with a smile, then they hugged.

The next morning, Nathan was out the door with his armor and helmet ready for another day of guarding Princess Twilight. He was soon joined by Zodiac, who also had his armor and helmet on.

"Good morning captain." he said.

"Sergeant." Nathan said with a raspy voice.

"Are you okay?"

"Sorry, Ah' just didn't sleep well last night, Ah'm....Ah'm rather worried."

"Oh let me guess, Apple Bloom being pregnant?"

"Bingo, we have a winner."

"Why are you worried about it, you'll do fine."

"Ah'm not so sure."

They were soon met by regular guards as usual ready for their orders.

"Good morning captain, sergeant."

"Good mornin' guards."

"Good morning."

"Are you feeling all right sir?" asked one guard.

"Ah'm fine."

"I see, your orders sir?"

"Keep the Princess away from any source of Tirek's tyranny spread."

"Yes sir."

As the guards went about their ordered routine, Nathan and Zodiac went into the throne room where Twilight was waiting.

"Good morning guard leaders."

"Good morning Princess." said Zodiac.

"Good morning." said Nathan with a raspy tone.

"Are you all right Nathan, you sound like you didn't sleep well."

"Ah'm fine."

But just like Apple Bloom, Twilight was not falling for it, she walked up to him.

"Nathan, you are not fine, you are here with bloodshot eyes. Second, you've been acting fearful of something, so tell me what's the jig?"

Nathan tried to keep silent, but Twilight stared with seriousness.

"All right!" he groaned, "Ever since we returned from that quest of inspection, Ah've been worried about all the matters that we're probably gonna be facing as we go down the road of recovery. Second, Ah' already know Bloomy's told y'all about her pregnancy, but Ah' just don't get why she waited until the last moment to tell me."

Nathan sighed and hung low, but Twilight lifted his chin and smiled.

"Nathan, I'm sure you're feeling a bit stressed over all of this, but we'll make it through. Plus, you really don't have to worry about your child right now, it's just starting for you two."

"Yeah, it's not like you're gonna lose Apple Bloom." Zodiac said, only to met with blank angered stares.

"Attention guards!" Twilight ordered.

"Yes your majesty?"

"I need you all to leave the throne room for a bit, I want to have a private talk with Nathan."

"Yes ma'am." they said and they left the room, Zodiac following them and the doors closing behind them. Now it was just her and her nephew together.

"Nathan, now look, I know you're hiding the real truth, so please tell me what's really happening?"

"Last night, Ah' had a dream, and it was about Apple Bloom. She was in labor with our child, but Ah' was not there to help her through it, and because Ah' wasn't there......she died!"

Nate then stormed over to the wall and bucked it out of stress, the force from his buck was strong enough to leave a big hole. Twilight was less concerned about that though because it was something that could be replaced, but her nephew's matters could not. She walked up to him and put her hoof on his shoulder.

"Nathan, that was just a dream, it does not mean it's gonna happen."

"Ah' just don't understand why Ah' would even conjure up such a false image."

"You'll be fine."

"Ah'm not sure." Nathan said, trying to hold tears that were forming in his eyes.

"Ah'm not supposed to be even imagining such a nightmare happenin'."

He then faced his aunt with his face now on the verge of a breakdown.

"Who would even want to fill such a gruesome image in mah' head?!"

"Nathan, it was just a dream, you can't let these things get to you."

Finally, the tears started flowing from his eyes, Nathan then let out a sobbing breath.

"Ah' can't take this." he said as he started crying in breakdown mode, Twilight could not bare to see her nephew like this. So she quickly embraced him as he buried his tearing face into her chest.

"I know Nate, I'm gonna help you and Apple Bloom get through this."

She kept him embraced as he continued to bawl.

Part 3

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All was in really good hopes for Nathan as he felt a little more comfort. However, he was still shaken up over the nightmare about Apple Bloom dying in foalbirth, but assured himself that it was okay. It had been a few weeks since that happened, and now it was time for their first checkup with the clinic. Twilight had given him the day off so that he could care with Apple Bloom for this, they were really excited to see the first ultrasound. Nathan was looking forward to it because he was anxious to see the results of the first movements of the fetus.

As they waited in the waiting room, Nathan watched at the sights of other ponies having problems. Such problems were from one screaming in pain from what appeared to be a deformed wing, to an elderly unicorn with a bucket filled with vomit from food poisoning. They just sat in their spots, hoof bands wrapped around each of them, Apple Bloom stared at a magazine while Nathan looked at the floor.

The door that led into the procedure corridors opened, and out came a nurse pony.

"Nathan and Apple Bloom Cadenza." she said levitating a clipboard with names.

"Come on sug, that's us." said Nate as he and Apple Bloom got out of their chairs and walked over to the nurse.

"Follow me." she said, they walked through the corridors of rooms that contained many ponies with problems. But for them, they were getting specially prepared because this was going to be their first tests of health for their baby. They continued to walk until they approached the ultrasound quarters, the nurse then led them into a room that contained a bed and a machine which would give info of a baby in the womb, or sonogram.

Whatever the way, they were going to get it as Nathan helped Apple Bloom up onto the bed and she lay down. Nathan quietly watched the crew quickly turn on the sonogram machines, once everything was ready, they put jelly on Apple Bloom's tummy. Then they attached some wires onto her that connected straight to the machine, now everything was in full effect.

"Okay, let's see what we've got." said the practitioner as she started taking notes while the machine started giving data. This machine would also print out a couple of sonogram pictures in a few minutes, but the prints were in a different room.

While the practitioner was examining the data, Apple Bloom turned to her husband.

"Now remember, we don't wanna know if it's a filly or a colt okay?"

"Yes okay, Ah' understand."

"Okay, I just got word that the pictures have been fully made, I'll be right back." the practitioner then left the room and closed the door.

"Ah' certainly hope this is a good set of data she collects." said Apple Bloom as they waited in the room. About thirty minutes later, the practitioner came back inside, she was levitating a folder that contained papers which held results from the data that the machine collected. As a bonus feature, the folder also contained at least one sonogram photo taken from the machine as well.

The practitioner put the folder down and opened it up with her magic, pulling out the papered results along with the photo. But that was the only thing she wanted to examine, and she was very satisfied with the clear picture of it. It was a very good looking copy too.

"I must say, this a very interesting sonogram, colt...."

"IT'S A COLT!!!!!!!" Nathan interrupted, "We'll uh, we'll name him Nathan Cadenza Jr. how's his mane, does he need cologne?" he asked looking at the picture.

"I'm not saying it's a colt."

"Oh, then it's a filly, Apple Bloom Jr. She ain't datin' till she's 35!" Nathan said to his wife.

"I didn't say it was a filly."

"What's left?" asked Nate.

"All Ah' wanna know is if the baby is healthy." said Apple Bloom.

"Relax, you're not doing anything dangerous to your health, and you're not eating wrong. You're doing everything right, the babies will be just fine."

"See that Nate, the babies will be just fine, now let's go." said Apple Bloom walking out the door, but before Nathan could follow her, he quickly stopped in shock over what the practitioner just said.

"Did ya' say 'babies'?" he asked, that's when Apple Bloom quickly walked back in the room, suddenly hearing what she said to them as well.

"Did she say babies?" she asked.

"That's what I said, you're having twins." said the practitioner.

Apple Bloom could not believe what she had just been told, "Who's havin' twins?!"

"You are, congratulations."

Apple Bloom turned to her husband with pure joy, "BABE, WE'RE HAVIN' TWINS, OH NATE!!!!!" she then embraced him, but Nathan was showing a look of pure shock.

"Twins, Ah' just wanted to know if it was a filly or colt." he said in disbelief.

"Twins, we're havin' twins. That's...That's two babies at one time, that's when the first baby comes out and the second baby comes out, then we take 'em home and raise 'em?" Nathan asked nervously.

"That's generally how it works, here's your sonogram." said the practitioner as she handed over the copy of the monitor to them.

"Oh Nathan, this is so exciting, our first baby pictures!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, while looking at the sonogram that was being levitated by Nathan's magic.

The practitioner pointed her hoof at the photo, "See, here's one little head, and there's the other. Sometimes, one hides behind the other."

"Oh honey that's so cute, they're already playing together!"

"Anymore hiding back there?" Nathan asked.


"Oh honey, this is so exciting, Ah've gotta get to Sweet Apple Acres and tell Applejack and Big Mac!" Apple Bloom said.

"Okay, Ah'm gonna stay and ask a few questions."

"Okay, we'll celebrate tonight."Apple Bloom said as she and Nate kissed on the lips, "Honey, we're havin' twins!" she said as she left the room, Nathan gave a fake chuckle as he watched her leave. He then walked back to the bed and sat on it and just stared at the sonogram.

"Nathan, is everything alright?" asked the practitioner.

Nathan scoffed, "Oh no, no, no, Ah'm fine, Ah'm great. It's an extra baby, so Ah'm extra happy. Ah' was responsible for one life, now Ah'm responsible for two lives. Ah'm fine, can Ah' just lay down really fast and put the oxygen on?" he asked putting an oxygen mask on his face.

Part 4

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Nathan could now see that his upcoming role of fatherhood had doubled in length, hence the explanation from the nurses. He could not have felt any less nervous since they told him about he and Apple Bloom having twins, but he knew he could not hide his apprehensiveness from anypony for long. Anyway, back in the castle, Princess Twilight was sitting in her throne anxious for Nathan to show up for his morning duties. Zodiac was there already, and so were the guard troops, but it was just not right for Nathan to be this late.

"Oh where is he, he was supposed to be here five minutes ago."

"It's just not right for him to be late for captain's duty."

The commotion was almost endless until the throne doors opened to reveal two more guards.

"Your majesty." one guard said.


"Captain Nathan is arrived, but....."

"But what?" asked Zodiac.

"Well, when he came in through the entrance, he looked rather different. His main and tail are messed up, his helmet is on backwards, his armor is inside out, and he keeps repeating the word 'twins'."

Twilight was now on the verge of annoyance, because ever since Apple Bloom announced her pregnancy, he had been running amok and fearful of it. Just as the guard said it was, Nathan came into the throne room, and the guards description of him was also the way he said it was. Nathan looked strange, and could not even see where he was going due to his helmet being on backwards.





Nathan kept repeating the words in a raspy voice. Twilight used her magic to take his helmet off and revealed his face, he was not looking the way he should as a captain, yet he was not acting like it either. Twilight angrily walked up to him and smacked him to get him to snap out of it.

Nathan shook his head and realized how stupid he was looking.

"Nathan, where have you been?!" Twilight demanded.

"Sorry, the thought of mah' babies kept me up all night."

"Nathan, you were supposed to be here five minutes ago, you have never been late for duties!"

"Your majesty, don't you think maybe you should cut him some slack?"

"Yeah, I mean he is a bit nervous right now."

"I understand he's fixing to be a father, but he and you all have duties as well. Right now that's more important."

"But your majesty, this is a very serious matter."

"No it's not, get back to your positions!"

"But Aunt Twilight......"

"Nathan, I don't care if you're having twins, you are supposed to be here on time and leading the guards in their positions."

"Surely you don't mean that?" asked Zodiac.

"Just be quiet and get back to your positions!" she ordered, but finally Nathan snapped. He then took his helmet off with his magic and threw it against the wall.


"Nathan, you are not to talk to me like that, I am ruler!"

"Yeah, well you're certainly not being an adequate one!" Zodiac exclaimed.

"Oh not you too!" said Twilight.

"Your majesty, you are supposed to care."

"I do care, I care about this throne being guarded from the forces of evil and anything beyond it." said Twilight, "Now for the last time, get back to your positions. And Nathan get in the shower and get dressed properly!"

Nathan was now boiling with rage, Twilight was acting rather selfishly in front of them.

"Well, are you going to do your assignments or not!?!"

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nathan yelled again, this time he actually struck her in the face, causing the guards and Zodiac to gasp in horror.

"Ya' know Aunt Twilight, you distinctively said that you would always be there for everypony when ya' first became ruler. But ya' seem to have forgotten the fact that helpin' others means being there for each other. As a guaranteed bonus, you said you'd help me and Apple Bloom get through it."

"Nathan I don't care how tired you are, you are to be in time, end of discussion. And you know I can have you dismantled for assaulting me!"

"Your majesty...."

"No, not another word out of any of you!" said Twilight

"Aunt Twilight, ya' seem to forget the fact that Ah'm nervous right now. Apple Bloom and Ah' are about to be parents, we have twins coming along, so yes we are going to be missing time!"

"Nathan that is enough!"

"No, Ah've had it, yer' actin' like such a worthless hypocrite. Ah' was hoping that you understand what's goin' on with me and Apple Bloom."

"Captain...." Twilight tried intervening

"Ah' would've also hoped that you would show some sympathy towards me. Perhaps cut me some slack like the guards said, but no, you gotta scold me. Ya' gotta criticize me over being late over a reasonable difference!"

"Nathan, you are going to be disbarred!" Twilight warned.

"Go ahead, disbar me, you seem to have to forgotten the fact that Ah'm not just your captain, Ah'm your nephew! You ain't the aunt Ah' used to have."

"Nathan, get out of my sight, if you're going to act like this!"

"You know, if you're going to treat me like crap, then you can just guard your own butt. Ah' wish for just once that you'd stop being a princess and start being mah' aunt again!"

Nathan then headed out the doors, but not before looking back at her again.

"Seriously, sometimes Ah' wish Celestia and Luna NEVER MADE YOU RULER!!!!!!!!" he said through clenched teeth, then he stormed out of the room in anger.

"So that's it, now I have no captain to lead my guards."

"Actually Princess Twilight, you have no guards at all!" exclaimed Zodiac as he and the other guards stared at her in disgust.

"Oh don't tell me you all are siding with Nathan?!" she said in an annoyed tone, "You're shooting me down for scolding him for being late in duties?!"

"We're shooting you down because you're not being a princess, you're being a dictator, and we will not have it!" said Zodiac as he left the room, soon the other guards followed him out the doors and slammed them shut. Twilight was now shocked over what had just happened, she looked at her own reflection in a window and it showed her as an ugly monster.

"What have I done?!" she asked herself.

Part 5

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Things really spiraled to the end of the road this time, for Twilight had now messed up for being more dictator than ruler. Later that afternoon, back at the Cadenza household, Apple Bloom was sitting on the couch reading a book when the sudden sound of the doorknob being twisted caught her attention. She looked up and saw a very irritated and angered Nathan standing there, he then used his magic to slam the door shut. Apple Bloom could tell her husband was really infuriated about something, so she put her book down and got up to walk to him.

"Uh oh, Ah've seen this facial expression before." she said as she got in his face, "Doughnut Joe run out of strawberry jelly filled again?"

"Oh no, it was much worse than that Bloomy." Nathan answered in a sarcastic tone, "Ah' go in to try and do mah' duties, yet Aunt Twilight scolds me for being only five minutes late. Ah' told her, and this is the fourth time Ah've done it, that you and Ah' are havin' twins soon."

"Okay, so what's the loophole?"

"She care more about guardin' than about helpin'."

Apple Bloom showed concern, "Is that true?"

"If it means her carin' less and less about us, yes!" Nathan exclaimed. "Ah' really can't see how all of a sudden, she's all order and less assistant. Not even Spike could be that strict on patrols."

"She's just concerned, Ah' mean ya' know how bad Tirek's attack was."

"Bloomy, you don't get it, the attack was two months ago. We have been getting back to normal, are magic is where it belongs. So why should she completely overdo us patrollin' over something that is never gonna happen again?!"

"Ah' believe she might be sufferin' PTSD and maybe that's why she overreactin'?"

Nathan gave a mocking laugh, "Oh yeah, that's what's gonna answer it all, Ah'm just really mad at her right now."

Nathan then went over to the couch and sat down, Apple Bloom sat right next to him.

"Look sug, Ah' just wish there was some way in this moment, that we could remind her that the past is gone."

"Ah' understand Nate." Apple Bloom said as she rubbed her husband's shoulder, "But Ah'm just hopin' that she understands this predicament we're goin' through."

"But, how can she even forget the fact that she's about to be a great aunt?!"

"Well, if she's too order and law on ya', Ah'll see if Kyle and Luke could help."

"Sure, they can help a bit. But soon, Aunt Twilight's gonna realize we need her way more than she needs us. And she's gonna find that out one way or another."

"We'll find a way through this." said Apple Bloom as she and Nathan kissed each other on the lips.

Meanwhile, just a few blocks from Nathan and Apple Bloom's apartment house, Zodiac was watching their drama unfold from his balcony. He stared at his friend and her as they kissed, giving a saddened expression, then quickly switching over to anger as he went back inside his home. As Zodiac sat on his couch, he just stared at the wall, feeling nothing but raged and disgusted over what he had just seen happen.

"First the attack, now Twilight turns order mad on us?!" he asked himself as he got up from his couch and fixed a drink. He was just about to take the first sip of it when he heard the ghostly wisps hissing behind him. He turned to see none other than the ghosts of Celestia and Luna standing there with looks of concern.

"We've definitely seen this facial expression before." said Luna.

"What happened son?" Celestia asked.

"Mom, Aunt Luna, now is not a good time to be here."

Zodiac went back to his couch and sat down again, Celestia and Luna followed and joined him on the couch.

"Now son, you know we've always been the first ones you always talk to about problems."

"Yes, you can tell us anything." said Luna.

Zodiac sighed and covered his face, "Today has been one of the worst days of our lives."

"What happened?" asked Celestia.

"Ever since Tirek and Chrysalis attacked Equestria, Twilight has been helping us less. Instead she has been nothing but orders, orders, orders."

"Is that so?"

"In case you didn't notice, Nathan and Apple Bloom are going to be parents soon."

"We know that already."

"Yes, but the thing is, Twilight promised Nathan that she would be there for him because of it. For the past few weeks, he's been having one anxiety attack after another, because he and Apple Bloom are having twins. That's a big thing to accomplish, especially for him."

"Go on."

"Well, I guess she didn't really mean it when she said she would help him, or any of us for that matter. You should've seen it Mom, Nathan came into the throne room this morning, he wasn't himself as usual. He was messed up, his face looked like hammered alfalfa, and he appeared exhausted."

"I see."

"But instead of asking what happened, and how she could help, Twilight scolded him for being late. I backed him up by telling her what was going on, the guards helped too, but she just stomped all over us. She was hoeing us with orders to resume our positions, even though there's a crisis going on with Nate, she was all over us and being mean to us."

"Really Mom, sometimes I wish you and Aunt Luna never made her ruler, because as of now, she is not the Twilight I grew up with. The real Twilight would get off her high heels and assist the one who is in trouble. Not get in their face and scold them for it."

"Zodi, don't say things like that, she has every mind and heart to be ruler." said Luna, "She's probably just still over slammed from the attack, she's just wanting what's best for everypony."

"Either she's overreacting from it, or she's let power get to her head. Either way, I don't care, I'm gonna go down to Nathan's place and see if I can help him and Apple Bloom. I'll see you two later."

"Farewell son."

"Be safe."

Celestia and Luna's spirits then faded as Zodiac headed out the door and locked it.

Part 6

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Nathan was really feeling nervous and disgusted at the same time. He still could not get over the fact that his own aunt acted more like a power hungry dictator than his aunt. So, he just sat on his couch while Apple Bloom had him wrapped in her hooves because he was crying. They both were feeling pain, due to this big change of having babies coming, understanding ponies were soon coming to help them out, but sooner than expected. As Apple Bloom did her best to comfort her hurting husband, there was a knock at the door. She let him go, went over to the door and opened it, it was Zodiac with a deep concerning look of his own.

"Hi Zodi, Ah' don't think this a good time right now."

"It's all right Bloomy, let him come in." said Nathan as he wiped tears from his face, Apple Bloom stepped aside to let him in.

"Ya' know Zodi, you ain't the only one comin' over, the whole clan is showin' up soon."

"Why the whole posy?" Zodiac asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Because this is a situation that to be handled by the best of the best, real ponies who actually care. Not a family member who pretends to care and just forgets who she really represents."

"I understand, the guards and I actually told her down for how she treated you. I hope she comes to her senses eventually about it."

"Zodi, we all know that she's been too much in stress lately, but did you have to do such a thing?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom, you should've seen her expressions, she looked like she was going to physically harm him. He had to slap her to get her away from him."

"Ah' did that to knock some sense into her!" Nathan testified, Apple Bloom turned to Nate shocked.

"Nathan, is that true?!" she asked.

"Yes!" Nate yelled, Apple Bloom stormed up to him.

"Do ya have any idea that you're incredibly lucky she didn't expel you as captain?"

"YES!!!!!!!!!!" Nathan screamed.

"Whoa Nate, calm down." said Zodi.

"Sorry, Ah'm just really mad at her right now."

"We understand honey." said Apple Bloom, "But you have to understand, she's the princess, you need to consider yourself fortunate that she didn't execute you for doing that."

"Ah' know, okay, but she did not have the right to treat me like she did. We have twins comin' and Ah'm really just feeling a bit stressed over it." Nate then put a hoof around his eyes and sighed in depression.

"Yes, but you have to understand what you did to her was wrong."

"Ah' know, but she started it, she scolded me instead of helpin' me!"

"Ah'm sure she didn't mean anything by it."

"Apple Bloom, she's been like that since the attack."

"She's possibly got a case of PTSD and is just looking over us."

"Hey, can we get back to the real problem here?!" Nathan demanded.

"Nate, I understand you're anxious, but that is no excuse for you to that to her." said Zodiac.

"Ah' know okay, Ah' shouldn't have done that, but she got too blindsided with me over it, that's why Ah' hit her."

Nathan sighed, "Look, it's not that Ah'm upset, I'm just......." he was soon interrupted by more knocks from the door.

"Who is it?" said Zodiac, the door opened to reveal the whole cast, including Kyle and Luke who came by from Dallas. Somehow, they all knew what had happened.

"How did you all know about all of this?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Zodi sent letters to all of us, he was concerned about how you and Nathan are right now, so we had to come sooner than expected." said Applejack.

"You actually did that?" Nathan asked Zodi.


"Well, we actually do need this right now, so thanks."

"Now look Nate, I know it's too much here, but you have nothing to worry about." said Spike.

"Nothing to worry about?!"

"Y'all don't understand, we have double responsibilities on the way, we're stressed out!" said Apple Bloom.

"Ah' know sugarcube." said Applejack as she put a hoof around her, "But it's gonna be better than ya' think."

"How can havin' twins be better?" asked Nathan, "It's not."

"Um Nate, I think it's time we had a private friend talk." said Luke, Nathan knew what he was saying, so they walked into the master bedroom where Kyle closed the door.

Luke was the first one to speak up, "Now look, I know this is rough, but you've got to step up to it. You can't run from this!"

"Yeah, since when is having twins the end of the world?" Kyle asked.

Nathan finally spoke in, "Look, it's not that we don't want twins, it's just that our heads are spinnin' like pinwheels. Ah' mean havin' a baby is great, but havin' twins?"

"Twins are gonna be twice as great, twice the love, twice the hugs, twice the kisses." said Kyle. Suddenly through Nate's hallucinating mind, an alternate form of Kyle appeared. This one looked more sweaty, he wore tattoos and shorts with a sleeveless undershirt, and he smelled.

"It's not that simple Nathan boy!" said the hallucination, "Twins are twice the feeding, twice the crying, twice the diapers, and twice the responsibility ha ha ha!"

"Who are you?" Kyle asked.

"I'm your evil twin, Lyle Miller." answered the hallucination.

"You need a shower Lyle." Kyle then turned back to Nate, "Nate, twins are twice as many 'I love you daddies'."

Nathan rubbed his eyes at what he was seeing.

"You live in a bubble you gun loving cop freak!" said the hallucination while giggling. Nathan then turned to Luke in a panic.

"Ah'm crackin' up here." he said.

"Come on Nate, you're gonna make a great father." said Luke.

"What do you know?" said another hallucinating form looking like Luke, this one had a small ponytail tied around him because his hair was a bit long.

"You're 33 years old and you wear Scooby Doo pajamas!"

Nathan was now even more nervous at his vision of what he was seeing.

"Just the bottoms, and I suppose you're my evil twin." said Luke.

"Yeah, what was your first clue Sherlock?!" asked the hallucination.

"Well you look a lot like me." Luke answered, his evil twin then turned towards Nate.

"Hey Nate, you can kiss your country singing days goodbye. You won't look so cool with a twin in each arm, and a spit up rag on each shoulder!"

"You know for an evil twin, you're not very nice." said Luke.

"Oh good comeback!" the hallucinating evil twin exclaimed. The imaginary evil twins then laughed at their counterparts, while Kyle and Luke argued with them, this went on for the next several seconds until Nathan could not take it anymore.

"Would you all just STOP!" he snapped, soon the evil counterparts of his friends vanished, now it was just the three of them!

"Oh thank God, it's just the two of y'all, we're together again!" he said as he wrapped his hooves around them.

"Look Nathan, you've been up all night, I think you just need some sleep." said Kyle.

"I don't need any sleep." he said, but after looking in a mirror with his reflection, it showed an evil twin of him. He then stared back at his friends.

"M-Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt." he said nervously.

"All right, you stay in here and nap it off." said Luke, "We're gonna go back downstairs with the others."

"Exactly, we're gonna stay here with you all until further notice." said Kyle.

Nathan yawned as he lay on his bed then rested his head on a pillow, his wings folded in.

"Gotcha." he said as he closed his eyes for a nap, Kyle and Luke went back out the door and closed it.

"Now look Luke, I'm gonna tell you, if Twilight gives us that attitude as prescribed in that letter Apple Bloom gave us, I'll be the one giving orders to her."

"Kyle, she's the ruler, and what she says goes." said Luke as they walked down the hall.

"From the way she acted, she is not a leader. As a matter of fact, if she comes here, I'm gonna talk with her myself. Nathan is our friend, and I don't want him to be like that because of what she did."

Part 7

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Kyle and Luke had managed to regroup with the main cast downstairs, but things were still grim. It was going to take nearly forever to accomplish everything to normalcy, since everyone was suffering over the nightmarish events. But now this was one to where they all had to be for each other, especially Twilight, since she was the one that caused all of this mess. It was now nearing afternoon and the group, minus Nate, was downstairs discussing what the trouble was.

"So, you're saying that Nathan came into the castle looking like a pile of trash?" asked Shining Armor.

"Yes." said Zodiac.

"And instead of asking and seeing if she could help, she scolded him?!" exclaimed Cadance.

"Yes, it's all true." said Spike.

"I can't believe this." said Rainbow Dash.

"Hey where's Nate?" asked Apple Bloom.

"The stress from all this mess got to his head, he was also having hallucinations, so Kyle and I told him to just nap for a bit." said Luke.

"Ah' certainly hope it's worth a nap for all of us." said Applejack.

"I just can't understand why Twilight would act like that." exclaimed Scootaloo.

"Yes, she's ruler, not a tyrant." said Rarity.

"I can certainly hope she comes soon and makes it up, because she owes all of us an apology." Zodiac exclaimed, "Look, she may be ruler, but what she did to Nate and the rest of us was uncalled for."

"Well, I think it is time I had a talk with her." said Kyle.

"What could you possibly talk over her with, she's clearly beyond talking to." said Shining Armor.

"Exactly." said Cadance.

"Hey, just because she's ruler doesn't mean she's immortal to reality. It's not like I'm gonna tase or shoot her." said Kyle, "But she needs to know what being a ruler really is!"

Apple Bloom knew that this had to stop soon because it was only getting worse. All the bickering and whining was not helping with anything related to the upcoming twins. She knew how they were feeling, even she had that same feeling of stress and anxiety, but all this was not going to make it go away. However, just as she was about to scream, they were all soon cut off by the sound of a sudden knock at the door.

"Now who could that be?" asked Cadance.

"Oh, who do you think would be the last one to come into a picture of problems?" asked Zodiac as he opened the door, revealing none other than.......

"Twilight?!" everyone exclaimed.

"What brings you here?" asked Zodiac, "You here to gloat at us again!?!"

With a shameful expression on her face, she spoke up, "No, I came here to apologize for my behavior."

Kyle walked up to her, "Twilight, before you do that, can I talk with you in private?"

"Yes." she answered, and Kyle took her away from the house and into an alley.

"You know, I really just want to apologize instead of talk."

"Yes, but that needs to wait a bit."

Twilight attempted to defend herself "Look, I know it's been hard, but I'm....."

"Ever since the attack, you've been on and off with everyone. You've struck down things that even the most important are of no concern to you."

"I'm just wanting what's best for Equestria."

"No, you're just being a bad ruler."

This shocked Twilight.

"Look, I understand that you've been stressed out over these past two months, and I get it. But what you did to Nathan and your guards was a disgrace, from what he told me in the letter he sent. You seem to have forgotten that he is fixing to be a father!" Kyle exclaimed.

"I understand." whined Twilight.

"Then why were you not asking to help him?!"

"Because a guard's duties are not to be late and down!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Look, you need to understand that you're family is more important than being a ruler. Right now, Nathan needs you way more than you need him."

Twilight soon realized from this morning when he came in looking like a mess. She was now on the verge of breaking down for what she did to not only him, but the rest of the guard troops as well. She could have been a proper ruler, and just asked Nathan if he needed help with getting through. Instead, she just let her emotions control her, and lashed out at him.

"That's why I came down here."

"Twilight, when you first became ruler of Equestria, you basically became the coach. Well, a good coach is supposed to assist his team if they are having trouble, not strike them down for it."

"You're right Kyle, I am sorry." she said with disappointment

"You know Twilight, I'm a police officer, and everyday I come across people who have problems identical to what Nathan and Apple Bloom are having right now. That kind of stuff is nothing to ignore or get mad about, I sure as heck don't give problems a scolding, I immediately go up to the ones that need me the most!"

"Kyle, I have never had somepony having the balls to help me realize who I really am."

"I understand, but what I am saying is when I became the police chief, I took an oath, to protect and serve. The meaning of that oath is always being there for the ones that truly need your assistance, the ones who are really in dire straits. And when you became ruler, you took that exact same oath silently. You vowed to always be there for the ones who need you, so when Nathan wakes up, I suggest you assist him."

"I know Kyle, I've just been in over my head. I know Nathan and Apple Bloom are fixing to be parents. I never should've lashed out at them like that, I should've been there for him when he needed me. Instead, I betrayed him and Apple Bloom, I let power get to my head, I have ruined everything."

Kyle showed a warm smile and hugged her, "Twilight, you didn't ruin anything, you were just stressed."

Kyle just embraced her as her guilt caused her to break out in tears.

Part 8

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Things were looking like they were returning to normal for the crew. Kyle had managed to set things right with Twilight over what she did earlier, and that managed to knock some sense into her. But now all that was left was for her to apologize to everyone for her behavior and that's exactly what she was gonna do. With a shameful hung head, she followed Kyle towards Nate and Apple Bloom's quarters. Once they reached the front door, Kyle opened it an they both walked in to show a still very upset group.

They walked inside and shut the door, only then did Twilight speak her mind.

"I understand you all are angry, and you have every right to be."

"You're darn right we do!" said a very upset Zodiac.

"Zodi hush!" ordered Rainbow Dash, "Twilight, you can't just go around being law and order on ponies. We get that you're stressed from the past two months, but that was then, this is now!"

"Yeah, from what we heard, ya' acted like a jerk to everypony!" exclaimed Applejack, "Ya' put a dent deep into everything."

"If Celestia and Luna were still alive, they would be so ashamed." said Spike.

"You should've just asked them for help." said Fluttershy.

"Plus, you're about to be a great aunt, A GREAT AUNT!" Pinkie yelled.

Twilight was finally on the verge of breaking down over what she had done to them, it hurt her and everypony else.

"I know what I did was wrong, it's just that, ever since the attack I've wanted to keep Equestria's magic from going gone again. I just want to keep you all safe, it's my duty to do so."

"What you did what a disgrace!" snapped Zodi, "You have lost all track of being a true ruler!"

"What are you talking about?" asked Rainbow Dash in shock.

"I'm talking about the fact that after what she did to us, she doesn't deserve to be ruler!"

"Zodi, look at her, she ain't just ruler, she's yer' mentor." said Applejack.

"Plus, she really cares." informed Luster Dawn.

"After turning down Nathan because of him being late for guard duties, you have the nerve to call her ruler, I THINK NOT!" he yelled, opening the door and leaving the house.

"ZODI!!!!!!" Twilight screamed, but he was long gone. Only thing is, that was not the reason she was there, her attention quickly turned back to the rest of the group.

"Listen, I'm sorry for what happened this morning, I've just been stressed out from the attack and I've let power get to my head."

"We know Twiley." said Shining Armor, wrapping a hoof around her grown body, "I think we all have been suffering badly from these past two months."

"The attack on Canterlot, reforming Chrysalis and Thunder Clash are just some examples." said Luke.

"Not to mention seeing Tirek being dragged down to the Lake of Fire." said Spike.

"It's all been too much for us, now we're facing the facts of me and Nathan about to be parents." said Apple Bloom, Twilight lifted her head with her hoof.

"I understand Apple Bloom, but this is mostly my fault, I just wish I could convince Nate too." she quickly took notice that he was not anywhere in the room with them.

"Hey, where is Nathan anyway?"

"He's upstairs napping."

"Napping?" Twilight asked before looking up a wall mounted clock, "But, it's 3 in the afternoon, why would he be asleep?"

"Well, he's been in over his head from everything, so Luke and I told him to just lie down and nap it off." said Kyle.

"And perhaps it's best if you wait until he wakes up to apologize." said Fluttershy.

"Ok." said Twilight as she left the house.

It had been nearly two hours, and almost half of the crew had left for their homes, leaving only Spike, Kyle, and Luke behind. As they sat and talked over what had happened with Apple Bloom, they heard hoofsteps from top of the stairs. They turned to see Nathan standing there on all four of his hooves and yawning as he rubbed his eyes with his foreleg. This time, he had a nice warm smile on his face, his mane and tail were no longer mangled, and his wings were now neatly tucked and folded.

As he walked down the stairs, he was greeted by the only four remaining people with loving smiles of their own.

"Hey Nate, are you better now?" asked Spike.

"Yeah, y'all were right, Ah' just needed some sleep is all."

Nathan then joined them at the table that they had all gathered at.

"Well we're glad to see you finally have a smile on your face." said Luke.

"Ya' know, Ah' could've sworn that Ah' heard Aunt Twilight's voice earlier while Ah' was nappin'."

"Yes you did, she came here to apologize to us for her actions. But we told her you were asleep, so she went back to the castle to wait for you." said Spike.

"Well, she could've just come up to the room and woken me."

"Well yeah, but we didn't want you disturbed because you would've lashed out at her again."

"Okay, Ah' can see that." said Nate.

"Ah' just hope she can finally help us with our twins."

"That'll have to wait Bloomy." Nathan said, getting up out of his chair, "Aunt Twilight still has me to apologize to before we can get some help."

But before he left, he turned back to them, "Wait, didn't Ah' hear Zodi and the others here too?"

"Yeah, but he's still pretty upset with everything." said Luke.

"Well, Ah' think he'll come to his senses soon." said Nathan, "In the meantime, Ah' have to go find Aunt Twilight." he then went out the door and locked it.

....Canterlot Castle: Throne Room....

Twilight was looking outside the window down on her ponies, they were just walking through doing their business. But then she soon turned to her refection showing through it and frowned. She would hope that Nathan would have heard everything they had discussed back at the condo, but he could not since he was napping. Not to mention being such a heavy sleeper.

As she stared at the window, she was taken aback by the sound of the doors opening up. Twilight turned to see none other than her own nephew with a smile on his face, something she had not seen on him in weeks. Even though she was pleased to see him all better now, she still had not apologized to him yet. So, with a quick hesitation, she walked up to him and bowed herself.

"Nathan, I realize now that I was such a fool to do what I did to you this morning. I was selfish, I was too ruling, and I lost track of what is really important. I just want you to know that, I'm sorry."

"I forgot the fact that you're not just my captain, you're my nephew."

Nathan still smiled as she went on, "I guess I just missed it."

"I'm so sorry." she said as she wrapped her hoof around him, Nathan silently did the same to her. He stayed silent because he knew that she really meant it from her tone. He also knew that even though she was the princess, she was still his aunt and he would always forgive her.

Part 9

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Things were finally settled with everyone, Twilight apologized and was easily forgiven by Nathan. She had managed to gain trust back from the guards and Zodiac, because they realized from her heart she was truly sorry for what she had done. Now that things were back to normal, it was now time to focus on helping Nate and Apple Bloom with whatever they could. Everyone already knew about the fact that they had twins coming and that was big, it had now been nearly seven months into Apple Bloom's pregnancy. She changed her mind about having the twins in Ponyville and just decided to remain where they were since Nathan had guard duties. The baby's room was already fixed up, for it was filled with carpet block that had A B C's knitted into them, a nice crib that Cadance and Shining Armor saved from when Flurry Heart and Skyla were babies with a mobile hanging in it, and beautiful shag carpeting that was so soft, you'd fall asleep if you fell.

It was now time for the one event Nate and Bloomy had been waiting for, the baby shower. It was being held in the exact same area that they held their reception when they got married. Only it was a much bigger event, this time, it had more ponies and some of Nathan's human friends. Two of such were Lucy who was now 97 years old and Amber who was 102 years old, yet they were both still in tip top shape to move. Even better was the fact that the baby shower was identical to the one that Cadance and Shining Armor had when Cadance was pregnant with Skyla, but now it was a new life ahead. What else was good was that Nathan had finally managed to cheer up and accept his role as a father.

Anyway, here was the entire cast scattered around the gardens in the center of Canterlot. Tables decorated and piled with things like food, games, presents, etc.. Tensile was hung atop the poles, there was country music playing on a stereo system, and ponies and creatures standing or sitting in chairs talking and having fun. Zodiac was there too, he had managed to finally end his anger towards her because he was Celestia's son and holding grudges never does good. So he finally forgave her and reconciled with her as well. Twilight and the family were also there (what family wouldn't be), for they had good gifts and appreciation for Nate and Apple Bloom's achievements.

The first thing that was around happening was a table that contained games for the invited. It contained such fun titles like "Guess the Babies Weight" where they each drew out guesses and whoever won got a pass to see the Wonderbolt Academy. Another table contained darts and boards for the colts and fillies to play, some made it, some did not. It was going all well for everyone as Nathan carried some last wrapped gifts into the yard and put them on the table. Zodiac and Twilight stood beside and smiled as everyone had showed up to adore the coming of Nathan and Apple Bloom's twins. It was such a good blessing since the previous events from Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding to Twilight coronation years ago.

As Nathan got the last of the gifts for the shower into the yard, he quickly joined Apple Bloom, Twilight, and Zodiac.

"All right, that's the last of everything, Ah' hope all of it was worth somethin'."

"Don't worry captain, everything is up and out." said Zodiac, the next one to see the group was Cinnamon Swirl, who was delighted to have attended it, but she approached Apple Bloom and Nathan.

"Thank you for inviting me and my family to your baby shower Ms. Apple Bloom." she said politely.

"Glad you could be here Cinnamon." said Apple Bloom, the next one to approach them was Luster Dawn and Thunder Clash, who was now fully reformed and taking friendship lessons.

"I really got to hand it to you, this is probably the best thing to ever happen to you all." said Luster as she went up to Nathan.

"I sure hope your twins won't mind having me for a first face."

Nathan laughed at this, "Ah'm sure they won't mind at all." Luster then hugged him, Twilight could now see that it was starting to look like Nate was the only other pony she looked up to. After Luster and Nathan embraced, she stepped back sided to Thunder Clash.

"Well, we have good news of our own." said Thunder.

"And what's that?" asked Twilight.

"Luster and I......are dating."

Everyone gasped at this, including Zodiac.

"What do you mean 'dating'?!" Zodi asked in disbelief.

"Luster and I have been learning friendship together for two months now. And ever since we've studied it, we've developed into a blossom of cherishing hearts."

"What we're saying is, we're boy and girlfriend now." said Luster Dawn.

"We're mighty proud of ya' Luster." said Nathan, as he, Apple Bloom, and Twilight congratulated her, Zodiac just stood there in complete shock.

"Zodi, aren't you going to come here and appeal to Luster and Thunder?" asked Twilight.

"Wha...Wha....Oh, sorry." he said as he walked up and joined them, "Um, congratulations on your new relationship Thunder."

"Hey, I never would've thought that defecting to friendship would lead me to this." said Thunder as he and Luster quickly shared a kiss on the lips. Later they all walked away, except for Zodiac, because he still had no one in his life yet. All he had were them and the ghosts of Celestia and Luna to help.

"Zodiac?" asked a voice from behind, Zodi turned to see none other than Ocellus, who had a smile on her face, "Is something bothering you?"

Zodiac sighed in discouragement, "Ocellus, I have been so miserable ever since my mother and aunt died. I mean look at everypony else, almost all of them have loves to help comfort them in their time of need. Nathan and Apple Bloom are happy together, I mean look at them." he said as he pointed to the group of ponies with smiles on their faces. Ocellus looked and saw that most of them were either married, or had daters to call loved ones.

"I see what you mean." she said, "But you know, a loved one for your side could come quicker than you know it."

"What are you talking about?" instead of talking, Ocellus stared at him with a flirtatious expression. Her pupil-less eyes were half-lidded, and she gave a sexy enticing smile.

"W-W-Why are you looking at me like that?" Zodiac asked nervously backing away, but Ocellus followed him all the way out of the gardens to an alleyway. Suddenly, he bumped into a wall of a building, the alleyway was a dead end, and Ocellus kept walking closer and closer until she had him in full view of her.

Ocellus giggled at Zodiac's clumsy bumping into the wall, once she had him, she wasted no time into her flirts. So she raised a hoof and started swirling it around his chest.

"You have a girlfriend Zodi, me." she said.

Zodi was now so relaxed and so enticed over this, that only after a few seconds, did he do the unthinkable.

"Come here you!" he said, wrapping his forelegs around her and twirling her down, then they quickly started kissing on the lips.

Part 10

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It was now the ninth month, which would be the completion of a woman's pregnancy, so the twins would be due any day now. However, it was coming sooner than predicted, without a single warning horn to blow, and it all started out just like any typical morning. Apple Bloom and Nate had just had their baby shower, the baby's room was set, the crib was built, and everything was ready. But today was just like any other day, but not a typical one, today was Cinnamon Swirl's 6th birthday and it was an adventurous one for her. This year, her birthday was not a regular one, instead it was themed out to be a Power Ponies birthday party because she was a huge fan of them. Her house was decorated to look like Maretropolis, and the first one to help was none other than Twilight, who was out of her regalia and dressed like Masked Matterhorn. The exact way she was when she and the others got zapped into that comic book moons ago. Only she had the same costume made for her and fit to where her main could flow, but still be comfortable. What was better, Queen Chrysalis had been invited too because the Maretropolis replicas were carved out of rocks and plants from the Changeling Kingdom.

"Okay my little ponies, are we ready to start Cinnamon's 6th birthday party?" Twilight asked to the small group of fillies and colts who had on Maretropolis police robes Rarity made.

"YEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all screamed in excitement.

"Wait a minute, this is a Power Ponies Maretropolis citizens party." said Twilight, "The citizens of Maretropolis never say 'yeah', they say 'Power Ponies Power Up'."

"How do you know they say 'Power Ponies Power Up'?" asked Frostbite as he took a bite of a sliced daffodil sandwich.

"Because, I'm the Masked Matterhorn." Twilight answered waling over to an opening, "I see and hear everything they do. Now, if we all say 'Power Ponies Power Up', I bet we can get the rest of my crew to show up."

Twilight then gave a signal to the fillies and colts.........."POWER PONIES POWER UP!!!!!!!!!!"

And in a flash, the rest of the group came out of the opening. Rainbow Dash was Zapp, Pinkie Pie was Filli Second, Rarity was Radience, Fluttershy was Saddle Rager and Applejack was Mistress Mare-vulous, they were all dressed the same way they were when they got sucked into that comic book.

"Hi there kids, I'm Zapp and this is Saddle Rager, Fili Second, Radience, ans Mistress Mare-vuloius, we're the Power Ponies!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash making the kids excited.

"And now to meet the PP's only half-minded sidekick, HUMDRUM!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Pinkie and out came Spike dressed as Humdrum. Only it was with an attention wanting attitude, that he walked out dancing in a Congo like motion.

"Boom shakala, boom shalaka, boom shakala, boom shalaka, BOOM!!!!!!!" he said entering full view, Frostbite then walked up to him.

"What kind of sidekick are you?" he asked taking another bite of his sandwich. He then accidentally dropped a chip off his plate and onto the floor.

"I'm an inspecting sidekick." said Spike, "Please don't be spilling food around me."

As the kids enjoyed the party, Chrysalis then walked up to Spike with a smile of achievement. She was really proud of being a big help for the first time to the ponies, after all, she had officially been made Queen of the changelings once again. But wanted to make it up to them for all she had done, and helping with this party was just the beginning.

"You know Chrysalis, this is amazing, the fillies and colts really love all the props you and Thorax made out of stones from your kingdom." said Spike

"Thanks Spike, it is an honor to actually do a good deed." said Chrysalis in her new reformed body, that's when Spike walked back up to the opening.

"All right kids, let's give a big warm welcome to Maretropolis's mayor Cinnamon Swirl!" he said.

"POWER PONIES POWER UP!!!!!!!!" yelled the crowd of kids, and on cue, Cinnamon Swirl came out dressed like the mayor of the fictional comic city and beside her was her dog dressed like a guard dog.

"This is Scout, my loyal guard dog." she said.

"That's not a guard dog, that's a golden retriever." said Frostbite.

"You got a bad attitude."

Spike quickly took notice that something was missing, something that was supposed to be here by now. So he walked up to Twilight.

"Twilight, we're missing somepony, how can we be the Power Ponies without our arch enemy the Mane-iac?"

In another room, out of a dressing station came Nathan dressed like the evil Mane-iac. He had on a green long wig that had been cut and shaped to look like her jungle vine mane, same with his tail. He also wore the same exact suit that matched the one she wore in the comic, but he was looking rather embarrassed since he was dressed in what was supposed to be a female lead.

He walked up to a closed door that his wife was in, she was going to play a citizen of Maretropolis whom Nathan was to act in playing a part. The part was he was supposed to have her trapped in his mane, and the kids role was to help the mayor and the Power Ponies tackle him and defeat him. One he was defeated, Cinnamon would then declare victory and then would blow out the candles on her cake, then Twilight would split it and the kids would enjoy it.

"Ah' wouldn't do this for anypony but Cinnamon." he exclaimed, he then banged on the door.


"There is no hairspray in here, just a dryer!" said Apple Bloom from behind the door, she then opened it and revealed a shocking expression.

"Nate, Ah' think it's time." she said.

"You're darn tootin' it's time, get your costume on, we've got a part to play fer...."

"No, Ah' think it's time to have the twins!"

Nathan froze in disbelief, "Naw!"


"Get outta here!"

"It's true!"


"Nathan, Ah'm serious, while you were getting dressed, Ah' felt a contraction in mah' uterus!"

"It can't be, this was not supposed to happen until next week, Ah'm not ready yet!"

"Well ready or not here they....COOOOOMEEE!!!!!" she screamed due to another contraction, Nathan was now shocked.

"Oh no!" he said, he quickly grabbed her and bolted for the bedroom door.

Back downstairs, the kids were waiting for the cake because they could not eat it until they defeated the Mane-iac. They were soon surprised by the sudden sound of hoofsteps coming down, looking up, they saw Nathan carrying Apple Bloom who was now in labor and screaming in agony!


"What?!" Twilight asked in shock.


"Got it!" said Twilight as she quickly left the house, still in her Masked Matterhorn costume, to the hospital for a carriage ambulance.


"But what about my......"

"Cinnamon, Ah'm sorry sweetie, but we're gonna have to cut your party short!" said Apple Bloom in a raspy voice.

"I understand." said Cinnamon, she quickly joined in on helping the crew get Apple Bloom to the door. Once they were outside, a medical carriage had landed just in time and Nathan quickly helped Apple Bloom get on board and soon, they were all off to Canterlot Hospital!

Part 11

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Canterlot Hospital was just a typical medical center, but it was where Apple Bloom and Nate were nine months ago for their exam. But now it was different, for the time had come for their twins to be born, the receptionist was sitting in the welcome desk going through files of patients who had checked in or out for today, when she heard the sliding doors open up. She looked to see none other than two paramedic unicorns who pulled up and in from a medical carriage escorted by royal guards. The two uniformed paramedics were escorting a very frantic Apple Bloom, who was in a wheelchair, towards the info desk the receptionist was sitting in. They were soon followed in by royal guards, along with Princess Twilight and the others who were still in their Power Ponies costumes, yet were very concerned.

The reception pony soon took notice that Apple Bloom was breathing properly and could tell she was in labor. So, she got up out of the desk and walked up to the crowd of frantic ponies.

"What did I miss, a new Power Ponies comic in place?" she jokingly asked, only to get a look of seriousness from everypony.

"I'm kidding, anyway, Ms. Cadenza, your reports show that you weren't due till next week. But, I guess we can try and squeeze you in somewhere huh?"

"And how!" yelled Apple Bloom as Nathan held her hoof.

"Look, we need to get a room ready and fast!" yelled Rainbow Dash.

"Mah' sister is in dire needs right now!" exclaimed Applejack, the reception pony could now see what she had to do.

"Okay, I'll go get a room ready right now!" she said taking off into the corridors of the hospital.

"Oh please hurry!" said Apple Bloom as she clutched Nate's hoof hard, and boy did it hurt!

"Ow, sug, watch mah' hoof!" said Nate as he loosened it out of her excruciating agony.

"Sorry honey, Ah'm just in a lot of pain right now!" she whined.

That's when the birthday costumed group took notice of the crowd of ponies turning their attention towards them. Some of them were quite astonished to see the Power Ponies, Humdrum, and the evil Mane-iac in person. Yet, they were also confused as to why they were dressed up like them and being inside a hospital.

As Twilight looked at the crowds watching them and even giggling at them, she felt a hoof tap her leg, she looked down to see a colt and two fillies staring up at her in astonishment. Just like Cinnamon Swirl, these little ones were also huge Power Ponies fans, but never would they even see them in person.

"Aren't you a bit tall for the Masked Matterhorn?" the unicorn colt asked.

"Sorry kids, but I've got a mission to take care of here." said Twilight as she pointed to Apple Bloom, still breathing through contractions as Nate helped her.

"Yeah, Masked Matterhorn is shorter in the comics." said one of the fillies.

"Also, Mane-iac is a female." said the other filly.

"Look, I'm not Masked Matterhorn, I'm actually...." Twilight took off her mask to reveal herself, the kids and the crowd were quickly mesmerized over seeing the princess in with them.

"PRINCESS TWILIGHT!?!" the kids screamed in surprise, then they bowed. Twilight soon saw the rest of the crowds doing the same, Twilight made a posture for the crowds to resume their businesses and they did. Once the crowd was dispersed, the reception pony came back with not only a hospital bed, but also two nurses who were dressed and prepared for everything.

"Are you ready Apple Bloom?" asked Nate.

"Yes, get me in that bed." she answered, and Nathan helped her into the bed as the nurses tucked her in. As Nathan walked with Apple Bloom, Nate looked back to Cinnamon, who was saddened over everything that had just happened earlier.

Nathan quickly walked back to her and picked her up in a comforting motion.

"Don't worry Swirl, Bloomy and Ah' are gonna be fine."

"I know Nathan." said Cinnamon, "I'm just scared for Apple Bloom."

"Ah' understand sug, but ya' gotta be brave for her. Be tough, like the Power Ponies, be brave like ya' yer' gonna defeat me, the evil Mane-iac!"

Cinnamon Swirl felt a touch of comfort and quickly hugged Nate, "I will."

"Good gal." Nathan then put her back to the ground and caught up with his wife. Meanwhile, as Twilight and Spike watched in worry, they saw that some of the ponies were still staring at them. Some were even snickering at how the latter looked, Spike quickly saw that he was still in his Humdrum costume.

"Um maybe we should go home and take off these costumes." said Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah, good idea." said Applejack.

"Twilight, Spike, are you all coming with us?" asked Fluttershy.

"Oh um, we'll catch up with you all later, we're gonna stay here."

"What, but I wanna....." Spike said before having his mouth covered with Twilight's hoof.

"Yes, we will catch up with you all later." said Twilight being nervous, she had a small embarrassing secret.

"Uh....okay, we'll see you all later." said Rainbow as she and the other four left. Once they did, she took her hoof off Spike's mouth.

"Why did you silence me?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"Spike, I would love to take this costume off, but I can't."

"And why not?"

Twilight sighed, "I did not want to have to say this in front of everypony costume is stuck!"

"What?!" Spike asked in shock.

Twilight proved this by trying to remove the sleeves, but somehow, they were attached. To make matters worse, she had to clip her wings just so it could fit good.

"Spike, let's back to the castle and help get this off of me!" she said feeling nervous since it was stuck on her.

"Okay, got it!" and they both left.

Meanwhile Nate and Apple Bloom had managed to enter the delivery room area. The doctors and practitioners were all hooked up with the tools needed to give birth. Apple Bloom held a position up as she kept breathing through her contractions, Nathan stood right beside her as he held her hoof in comfort.

"Now listen to me Bloomy, Ah'm not leavin' yer side, so hold mah' hoof when your next pain round comes."

But it had came shorter than expected as she quickly felt another contraction, this time, they were really ready!

Apple Bloom screamed in agony, this signaled for the doctors to get ready for delivering the babies.

"Okay Apple Bloom, I need you push NOW!" said one doctor.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Apple Bloom screamed in pain as she felt them coming!

"COME ON SUG, YA' CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!" Nate screamed.

Apple Bloom kept pushing and screaming in pain at the same time.

"COME ON YOU'RE DOING GREAT, I CAN SEE A HEAD COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed one of the doctors.

Part 12 (Final)

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It was soon all over before it even began, Nathan and Apple Bloom were crying tears of happiness over what had just happened. As Apple Bloom lay in the hospital bed, Nathan sat in a stool right next to her. What they held in their hooves is what they had tearing up over. In Nate's hooves he held a tiny pineapple colored baby unicorn with a tiny winy horn, not near ready for magic, and had a small khaki curly puffy mane and tail. In Apple Bloom's hooves lay a small baby denim blue pegasi with a violet brown mane and tail with freckles, they could not believe it!

"Bloomy, Ah'm so proud of ya." he said.

"Oh honey, look what we brought into this world!" Apple Bloom said. Nathan then gave the twin he was holding a tender kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you for giving me a beautiful healthy boy and gal." said Nate, he then saw his twin smile, "Look at her smile."

"Ah' love you." said Apple Bloom

"Ah' love you too." said Nate and they shared a kiss on the lips.

"Ah' can't believe it, Ah'm the father of an identical twin filly and colt." he said as he stared down at the filly he was holding.

"Hey, hey cupcake, Ah'm your daddy." Nathan said to the cute unicorn filly.

"And Ah'm your mommy, hi." said Apple Bloom to the little blue pegasus colt.

"Bloomy, can ya' believe it, we're parents." said Nate.

"How we doin' so far dad?"

"Ah' think they'd dig us."

Nathan was just in awe of their twin's appearances, "Look at this, she's got Granny Smith's nose." he said referring to the unicorn filly's snout.

"And ya' have yer' cute smile." said Apple Bloom as she referred to the pegasi colt's mouth.

"How do ya' think that one would look with Big Mac's mane?" Nate asked causing him and Apple Bloom to giggle together, that's when they were soon interrupted by the sound of the room door gently opening. Nate and Bloomy looked up to see Princess Twilight (somehow back in her regalia), popping her head in and showing a smile.

"You all feel out for some visitors?"

"Sure, come on in." said Apple Bloom, Twilight opened the door all the way and in came the entire clan. They were all cooing and awing at the cuteness of the twins. Even Zodiac and Ocellus managed to join them, as well as Luster Dawn and Thunder Clash.

"Say 'hi everypony' hi." Nathan and Apple Bloom cooed as they waved the baby's little forehooves at the crowd. The filly now had its eyes open, but the colt's remained closed.

"Hi little baby waby's." said Kyle in a goofy laugh voice, "My name is Kyle and I'm gonna teach you how to do drawing, bowling, running....."

"Hey, hey, hey easy Kyle don't overdo it, they just learned to open their eyes." said Nate.

"Okay, then we'll just play peek-a-boo." Kyle said still in his goofy voice.

"And guys, I'm your cousin Spike." said Spike as he walked closer slowly, "I don't do funny voices, but I will see to it your diapers stay clean whenever you come over and visit."

"What are their names?" asked Luster Dawn.

"Well, we each got to pick a name, so Ah' picked Apple Tart after Granny Smith's great great aunt Apple Tart." said Apple Bloom.

"And Ah' picked Lone Star after the motto emblem of Texas." said Nathan.

Ocellus was puzzled, "How will you tell them apart?"

"Hey it shouldn't be hard, they're a filly and colt, so Ah' think it'll be easy." said Nathan, "All right, who want's to be Lone Star?"

The blue pegasi colt coughed and mumbled, still with his eyes closed, Nate smiled then giggled.

"Ah' see we have a volunteer."

"And Ah' think the one Nate's holdin' will be Apple Tart." said Apple Bloom.

"Your babies are really cute, you all get two hooves up!" said Cinnamon Swirl, who had followed them in.

"Thanks kid." said Nate.

"Cinnamon we're really sorry we had to cut your birthday short." said Apple Bloom with a sad expression.

"That's okay Apple Bloom."

"Well we're gonna make it up to ya' Cinnamon, this weekend we'll give ya' a retake party. That time we'll be the Power Ponies again, Ah'll be Mane-iac, ya tackle me and get your cake then!" Nate exclaimed. This got a huge reaction from Twilight, who was nervous about putting that cheesy costume back on and getting stuck again.

"That's totally awesome!"

"Uh, okay, let's go before we get crazy about this." said Twilight as she escorted the clan out. But Nathan had his eye on one pony.

"Luster?" Nate asked.

"Yes Nathan?"

"Wait a moment, Bloomy and Ah' need a favor."

"What is it?"

"Well, we need a foalsitter, and we were wondering if you could be it."

Luster Dawn gasped excitedly.

"Are you kidding, of course I will!" she said hugging Nathan.

"All right, it's settled, you are our twins foalsitter. We'll even pay ya."