Slice of Velvet and Pear

by David Silver

First published

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways. Fresh sorrows and avoided crisis gives friendship's flower a new shape.

This story will make an alternative universe, but will start grounded in the world we know. Have you read my other works? I love canon. I will respect canon, but we are also changing a core fact, and its effects will ripple outward. Our beloved ponies will be changed, as they must. The stream of fate carries them on tides we never witnessed before.

Twilight, Applejack, I hope you're both ready. Come, the water's fine, and I invite you to swim with me. Let us see what would happen if Applejack's mother survived where fate had once demanded her end.

Done for a patron, will update 1/month with 4k chapters.

Cover art by Jowybean!

1 - Considering

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The last page read, the book closed. With the power of a finished story, it moved to rest on a shelf with other equally important tales, but it never made it. A will took hold of it, gently caressing the tales of friendship, struggle, and triumph. It was a good story, this force decided, but...

It drew a second book from the first, a copy. The first, unharmed by this interference, was allowed to take its place on the shelf, to be read again some other day. But the attention of this formless being was on its duplicate, bidding it open towards the first page, then beyond the first page, flipping backwards to things the first book had simply assumed to be. The story would begin long before the first, and this edit would cause other changes.

The being couldn't wait to behold the altered flow of the words, to see how the characters it had grown fond of would react.

It would save a life, and change the world.

Twilight bounced on her seat. "We never went this far before," she gushed excitedly at the mare beside her.

Velvet rest a hoof on the far shoulder of her daughter, keeping her close. "We really should get out more often. You deserve a little more exposure to what makes Equestria great. Do you know where we're going?"

Twilight put a little hoof to an equally small chin. "Um, yes." She turned in place to her mother. "To try something sweet and tasty."

"Even more than that," spoke her mother with a gently agreeing tone, a smile on her face. "I'm told this can really knock your taste buds off, it's so delicious. I always wanted to try some myself, but it's almost impossible to get outside of one little sleepy town."

Twilight clopped her hooves with growing excitement. "That sounds fun! Why isn't Shinie with us?"

"Because your father and he went off on an adventure too." Velvet looked past Twilight to the scenery flying past the train window. "Two exciting adventures for our family. Later, we'll get back together and get to tell each other all about what we were up to. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Twilight rapidly got out a little notebook and held a pencil in her mouth, scribbling busily. She was not yet very good at writing, so a lot of pictures made up the slack in her note taking, but she was well-prepared to document their adventure, to share later.

"Ponyville," announced a conductor.

The train was drawing up into a small station. Some ponies rose to depart, and Velvet was with them. Twilight bounced down without being asked, following her mother with a huge smile. "Where are we?"

Twilight had never visited Ponyville before. She wasn't supposed to for many years yet. This was the one change forces unseen to her had set in motion. One change was all it took, sometimes. "This is where they make that tasty treat I was talking about. They call it Zap Apple Jam, and only the Apples make it," explained Velvet as she trotted, Twilight dashing forward in little galloping bursts to keep up.

Her eyes went wide when they exited the station. There was a town, a real town, not like the city she was born in and raised in. "Wow! There's so much... space!" She waved her hooves wildly, trying to get a grasp on just how much there wasn't compared to what she was used to. "And barely anypony's wearing anything."

"You're not wearing anything either," reminded Velvet with a little smile. "But it's true, dressing up is less popular out here, and they have a lot more room." She willed her child up, grabbing Twilight in her magic and setting her on her own back to get a ride. "Now, you know your mom. I'd rather gallop. You want a fun ride?"

Twilight dutifully tried to keep up her note taking, but Velvet took the lack of a complaint as a yes and began to gallop, making that task more difficult. Despite that, the scrawling continued as they rapidly crossed through the town and burst free into a new level of open space.

Twilight dropped her pencil from a slack jaw. They had left Ponyville and were approaching the orchard of the Apple family farm. Trees, so many trees, spread out in all directions, with so few ponies in sight. "Wow," she had to say, before she realized she had dropped her pencil. "Oh no! Mom, my pencil!"

"Here you are." A new pencil floated free of a little bag she wore, moving within range for Twilight to grab hold of it with her mouth. "I'm trusting in you to keep good notes." Not that she looked terribly worried about Twilight failing to do that.

"Howdy there," greeted a mare that was about the same age as Velvet. "You don't look like a local. Ah'd know a familiar face." She wasn't looking at Velvet with suspicion. The earth pony mare was approaching with a welcoming smile. "The name's Pear Butter, but mah friends call me Buttercup. What brings such fancy unicorns this way?"

Twilight leaned out from behind Velvet's neck. "Where'd her horn go?"

Velvet turned one ear back at Twilight, the other on Pear Butter. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Pear Butter--"

"Missus," corrected Pear Butter, looking proud. "Mah hubby's helpin' run the Zap Apple stand right this second."

Velvet raised a hoof to her chest. "Twilight, this nice mare is an earth pony. Just like us, but less horn. I'm Twilight Velvet, but just call me Velvet when Twili here's around so we don't get confused."

Pear Butter circled around Velvet to get a better look at the little filly. "Aw, isn't she just the cutest. Well, second to mine. Speakin' of that. Why don't you play with her while I help your mom?"

"I'm takin' notes!" Twilight tapped at her notebook to emphasize it.

"Hon, we're here to adventure." Her magic took hold of Twilight and set her on the ground, casually snatching the book. "No notes for an hour, so you'll have to write it down in there." Velvet gently tapped Twilight on the head. "Go have fun."

"Mom!" but it wasn't Twilight that had cried it. Another filly came in a great galloping. "What'ya doin'--" She pulled up short, seeing new strange ponies. "Who're they?"

"Don't be rude, Applejack. These are new friends." Pear Butter gestured at Twilight. "This one's Miss Velvet--"

"--My turn," interrupted Velvet with a grin. "Missus."

"That one's on me," admitted Pear Butter with a little laugh. "And this little one--"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," announced Twilight, looking at Applejack curiously, but also hiding a bit behind her mom. There were so many new things going on.

"Well, howdy there," started Applejack, looking over the strange pony. "Ya got something in yer mane." She hurried forward and moved to brush it aside, but Twilight's horn did not brush away as expected. "What the..."

"Applejack," sighed out Buttercup. "Now, that ain't the first unicorn ya ever saw."

"Jus' surprised me, is all," defensively spat out Applejack as she patted her breast clear of dust that wasn't there. "Uh, hey there."

"Hi..." Twilight looked up to Velvet, but her mom wasn't saving her. "I'm..."

"Twilight Sparkle, ya said that." Little Filly Applejack bobbed her head. "Wanna help get some apples down from a tree?"

Twilight blinked owlishly at that. "How do you do that?!" She craned her head to look up at the nearest tree and its apples so far up. "They're... so far away..."

"Ah'll show ya!" And Applejack broke into a trot. Soon the two fillies were wandering off together.

Velvet and Pear Butter both watched them go with the gentle smiles only a mother could have at seeing their young be wonderful. Velvet broke the silence first, "Oh, you mentioned Zap Apples, that's exactly why we're here. We were hoping to try some of that jam."

"Well, shoot. Ya done came to the right place fer that." Pear Butter turned in place and began to walk off. "Ya ever had any before? It packs a powerful punch."

"You are speaking exactly my language," complimented Velvet with a hopeful expression. "Is it safe for foals? I'm grown enough to make my own mistakes."

"And ya sound like ya don't regret it none," laughed Pear Butter. "A right pleasure to meet you, Twilight." With the other Twilight gone, she went with her new friend's first name.

"I'll agree to that, Buttercup." She accelerated to be at Buttercup's side, their flanks touching in their trot. "I'll be honest, I can't wait to try it. I'm a bit... Well, let's not mince words. I'm a daredevil. If it's new, I want to try it. If it's exciting, I want to try it maybe twice."

"Well, we'll satisfy that thirst for adventure for today," confidently assured Buttercup as they cleared the trees, their farm house ahead. A small table had a stallion sitting behind it, with a few other ponies in a line. They were getting jars of brightly rainbow colored somethings and trotting off with smiles. "There he is. Bright!"

"Buttercup!" he replied, a smile instantly erupting on his face at the sight of his wife. "Who's yer friend there?"

"Another customer, but we got to talkin'. Speakin' of that, where ya from? Oh, did I mention, her daughter's runnin' round somewhere with Applejack."

Bright chuckled softly at that. "She's in good hooves then. Still, Big Mac?" He turned to the left even as a colt in his young teens poked his head free. "There ya are. Go find yer sister and be sure she's not gettin' herself or her new friend into any trouble."

"Yes'ir." Big Mac saluted and charged off into the orchard like an Applejack-seeking missile.

Bright turned his attention onto Velvet. "Now, ya didn't come here just ta say hi, I reckon. Ya came to enjoy a treat." He grabbed a jar and set it on the table in front of him. "The kind of treat ya can only get here, once a year."

Velvet licked over her lips, her tongue suddenly so slippery. "Is it as good as they say it is?" She came closer, drawn by the magnificent power of zap apple jam. "You know so much more about it than I do... How do you enjoy it at its peak?"

Buttercup circled around to be at Bright's side. "Ah can help with that. You buy a jar and ah'll make you and yours a little feast. Somethin' fit for a filly, and somethin' else for a mare that wants to be bucked right in the face with taste." She finished the statement with an almost growl, a playful smile on her face.

It was working on Velvet, her head bobbing quickly. "Yes! Please, yes, exactly that. I'll take two!" With a glowing horn, a bag came free, jingling with bits. Soon she paid for what was to come, cantering in place with excited little giggles. "Oh, I can't wait, but I will!" She plopped down on her haunches. "This is going to be such fun!"

Twilight thrust out her hind hooves, kicking a tree. The tree did not yield. She did, falling forward as if she had jumped off the tree instead of kicking it. She landed on her belly and slid away several feet from the force of it.

Applejack barely restrained the laughter trying to escape her. "Ah... did that a few times ma'self the first couple a tries. Don't feel bad."

Twilight sat up with a frown. "I must have had the angle of approach wrong..." She stood up and shook off, dirt flying free of her. "Maybe if I..."

Applejack inclined her head as the smart-talking unicorn went back for another try. "That's the spirit. You'll be a proper apple bucker in no time!" Of course, one of them was an earth pony, and the other a unicorn. The odds were against Twilight.

"Sis?" Big Mac emerged from the trees. "There ya are!"

"Hey Mac!" She put out an arm and the siblings soon shared a fond little hug. "This here's Twilight. Twilight Sparkle. Ah'm teachin' her how to buck an apple."

"Howdy." He tipped his head towards the new filly. "Ya alright?"

"I will be when I figure this out." Twilight lined herself up and thrust a hoof out, feeling the wind as if that was making a big difference. "Alright..." She squared herself and was just about to kick when a hoof came down on her left rump. She looked over to see Big Mac had a hoof on her. "Excuse me?"

"Yer stance is off." He sat down next to her and began adjusting her footing. "It's all about where ya start, not where ya wanna go."

Twilight looked to Applejack, but Applejack seemed confident. "Do as he says. He showed me how to buck, and ya see how good ah do it now."

With the assurance of her new friend, Twilight accepted the lesson given. Once she was in proper apple-bucking position, She let out a little breath, then thrust out her hind hooves. The tree vibrated. One lone apple fell to the grassy ground, rolling away. She hadn't fallen.

"Now that's a buck," noted Big Mac with a satisfied nod.

Applejack brought her forehooves together in an enthusiastic clopping. "Congratulations, yer first! And ya get a prize."

"A prize?" Twilight blinked, not even realizing a prize was involved.

"Sure, right there." Applejack pointed to the downed apple. "Ya bucked it, ya can have one."

"Oh!" Twilight practically pounced on the apple and took a big bite out of its side. "Mmm!" An apple fresh from the tree was a whole different thing than the apples she got in the city. "It's... so different." She began crunching away, devouring the helpless fruit.

Big Mac moved over to Applejack's side. "She seems nice. Ah saw her mother, up by the house."

"Oh yeah, saw her too, nice mare." Applejack waved at Twilight. "Speakin' ah that, we should probably get back to them. Ya want to write this all down, right?"

"Correct." Twilight dashed over, leaving the apple behind, and receiving a boop on the nose.

Applejack pointed back at the abandoned apple core. "Ya throw out trash, not just leave it layin' around."

"Oh, right." Twilight willed the apple up with some effort, bringing it over to herself with uncertain magic and much hesitation. It reached her hooves, only to be taken by Big Mac.

He tucked it in a saddlebag. "Got it."

All three of them began walking back towards the farmhouse through the orchard. "So," he spoke. "What brings ya here?"

"My mom says there's this extra special jam." Twilight put a hoof to her cheek, the other three carrying her forward. "I'm supposed to take notes for my brother and father."

Applejack nodded at that. "Right proper, keepin' yer kin in mind. What're they like?"

So Twilight gladly began to gush about her Big Brother Best Friend Forever.

Applejack put a hoof on the side of Big Mac walking with her. "Ah got one of those m'self! Ain't they nice t'have?"

"Uh huh!" quickly agreed Twilight, her tail wagging rapidly as she looked up at the larger form of Big Mac. "Hello, not my BBBFF. Thank you for taking care of Applejack."

Big Mac began to blush at the attention the two fillies were raining on him. "Aw shucks, jus' doin' mah job, as the big brother."

"And that is exactly why I am thanking you." Twilight bobbed her head with a smile. "Good big brothers are the best, right?" She met Applejack's eyes and the two nodded, unified in their belief of the benefit of quality big brothers.

Later, the entire Apple Family had gathered around the table, with two guests. Granny Apple nodded towards them. "A right welcome to ya both. Now, ah year this is yer first taste of Zap Apple Jam, so sit back, relax, and prepare for an experience." She hooted with wicked joy at what was to come.

Velvet giggled a little to herself, rubbing her hooves together in giddy expectation of the new experience. "Thank you for being such lovely hosts, for Twilight and myself," she got out despite that. Good manners were not to be entirely forgotten.

"Thank you!" chimed Twilight, reaching a little hoof across the table.

Down came a ladle, knocking Twilight's hoof back. "Ya get back there, ya little whippersnapper." Granny was smiling despite her admonishment. "We'll serve ya up somethin' tasty, don't you worry none."

Pear Butter came trotting in, a tray on her back. "This one's a special one, just fer yer mom. I made it with her tastes in mind. I present, the Wild Mare Zap Special!" She turned to the side, presenting the tray.

Velvet squealed, her glowing horn lifting the top off to reveal a brightly colored ring of little doughnut-shaped jello rings. "Oooo. Now, while I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this, I'm not greedy. You're all welcome to give it a try... after me."

Bright Mac chuckled softly at the enthusiasm. "From the way the missus is actin', ah figure that'll be a treat even for us old-hooves."

Applejack nudged Twilight silently. When Twilight looked over, Applejack popped an apple fritter on the plate that had been empty a moment ago. The two shared a wink and a grin, and they began to eat while the adults dealt with boring adult things.

Velvet brought over a quivering ring to her snout. "It's never as good as the first time," she said as almost a little prayer, then popped it right into her unprepared mouth. "Mmm, tasty, but not--" Her words died. She went still, a little shiver starting at the end of her tail and creeping up over her, her fur changing colors to match rainbow hues as it worked up over her. As it hit her bottom and rolled up over her, she let out a huge holler. "Woo!"

Pear Butter inclined her head a little. "Do ya like it?"

"Like it?" gasped out Velvet, a rainbow puff of smoke escaping her even as the rainbow colors began to fade. "That was worth the entire trip. Twilight, how are you liking yours?" She looked over to see Twilight contently chewing on a fritter.

Twilight thrust a hoof up in approval before leaning back, licking her lips clean. "It's tasty!" Sure, she hadn't had nearly a concentrated blast of flavor as her mom, but it was delicious and she approved. "And I made some new friends."

"Me too." Velvet gestured at the platter. "Now let's not let this go to waste. I challenge you all to try at least one."

Bright Mac laughed at that. "City unicorn's thrown down the horseshoe, in my house? It won't stand." He leaned over and grabbed up two jiggly rings in his teeth, sucking them down with loud chomping bites. "Think I can't... handle..."

"Oh, hon, I..." Pear Butter looked on with concern at her husband's bravado.

It was too late, rainbow hues exploding across Bright Mac from his dear wife's concentrated offering made especially for the daredevil unicorn. He coughed out little puffs of rainbow as he sat back, beating on his own chest with a hoof. "Woo! Alright, that's... some powerful stuff."

"Y'all a bunch of foals," laughed Granny, reaching over to claim one for herself. "Been enjoyin' this for more years than ah can count." And down it went. The colors tickled at her greying hide, but she was not overwhelmed, just smiling and content with it. "Yer a mighty fine cook, Buttercup."

"Aw, thank you, Mother." Pear Butter leaned in and kissed Granny on the cheek, looking ready to turn and go, but a hoof found her first.

Velvet was grinning at her. "You have to have one too. I challenged you too."

Pear Butter knew exactly what she had made. "Oh, I couldn't..." She twisted in place, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

"Don't be shy," shouted her husband. "One won't hurt you."

"Ya can do it!" called Applejack. "Don't let her show ya up!"

"Yup." Big Mag bobbed his head. "Ya can do it!"

Pear Butter let out a little sigh, a wry smile on her face. "Just one..." She coiled on herself and snatched one off her own back. It vanished between her lips as she chewed on it. "Mmm, the cherries were just con--" She didn't get to finish her statement, shivering as the intense concentration washed out over her. It wasn't as powerful as Velvet's first time explosion, but she let out a gust of rainbows, laughing lightly. "That wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be."

Velvet hopped to her hooves and helped Pear Butter put things away. "You shouldn't be afraid of a little adventure," she gently counseled as they moved away. "Half the fun."

Granny Smith had her eyes on Twilight. "Twilight was it?"

"Yes ma'am," politely agreed the little filly, smiling up at the much larger adult mare. "Nice to meet you, Grandma Smith."

"Aw shucks, ponies call me granny. Grandma sounds way too formal-like." She waved it away. "Ah hear ya bucked yer first tree."

Big Mac nodded firmly. "Saw it myself."

"Me too," piped in Applejack.

Twilight was blushing. "It wasn't my specialty. I prefer reading books, but that was fun too." She threw out a leg and soon had an Applejack snared with it. "I'm glad I had the chance."

"Shucks, me too." Applejack returned the hug, then pointed to her brother. "Looks like this one's a real expert at training fillies to buck right."

Granny suddenly laughed, though she never said at what. "Yer a right good colt, Big Mac. Thanks fer lookin' out."

It would be the first, but far from the last meal the family would have together. Twilight Velvet and Pear Butter became fast friends, the two influencing each other, encouraging more compassion and empathy from Velvet while nudging Pear Butter from her little shell.

More often than not, Velvet arrived with Twilight in tow, and Twilight got to play with Applejack and Big Mac eagerly.

"BBBFF?" asked a white unicorn colt.

"BBBFF," agreed the red earth pony colt. The two nodded at one another with understanding.

They broke into laughter and threw an arm around one another's necks, accepting one another as kindred spirits. "You ever have to save yours from throwing herself off a roof?" asked Shining.

"Yep." Big Mac rolled his eyes. "You ever have to stop yours from getting run over?"

"Oh yeah." Shining laughed all the harder. "Hey, Twilight, go have fun. I want to compare notes."

"Notes?" Twilight looked less sure about leaving. "Can I see them?"

Shining reached out and booped his little sister on the snout. "They're boring colt notes. You have fun with Applejack."

"Oh, okay!" She hopped away and scrambled to find Applejack, leaving Shining to talk with Big Mac.

Big Mac watched her go before looking back to Shining Armor. "We're real lucky."

"Sometimes I need to remind myself." Shining Armor sat on his haunches with a little nod. "But, yeah... we are. They look up to us."

"Oh! I didn't even tell Applejack this yet." He leaned in, raising a hoof to whisper conspiratorially, "Mom's gonna have another foal. I'll be a big brother twice."

Shining's eyes widened. "W-what?! Wow! Congratulations!" He offered a hoof and it was met with a loud clop. "Did she already pick a name?"

Big Mac nodded firmly. "Apple Blossom. Ain't that the cutest name?"

Shining smiled gently, considering it. "Yeah, that is pretty cute. I bet she'll be a great little filly. She has to be, with a big brother like you around."

The two shared a laugh of brotherhood and their conversation moved on to other things. Little colts could only speak of their little sisters for so long in a day.

2 - Consequences

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It couldn't be. The force set the book down a moment, its essence coiling in a knot. It wasn't close to the time when that would happen, but already it could feel a great mistake, a terrible consequence to its actions. Twilight's course was already diverting off its path.

"Most of her friends are durable," it spoke without witness. "They will adapt. Friendship can survive this."

But one, just one. It was too small, too unformed. It needed Twilight to come into being. What would happen to it?

It was too late. The events were unfolding. To make another alteration would be to admit abject failure. "I will require faith." Not faith in some higher being, but in the lesser ones, in the fictional characters the being held so dearly.

They would have to figure it out... or not. It would not dishonor them by losing that faith. It would read on.

The page turned.

"Did you try it out?" Velvet was smiling at her dear friend. "I got it from my own mother, but you seem to have so much more of a hoof at cooking. How'd it come out?"

Pear Butter walked casually towards the fridge. "I certainly did that, but did ya think ah'd do that and not save a taste fer the pony what gave me the recipe?" She nosed the door open with a sweep of her face and reached inside, grabbing a small plate in her teeth. "Which I now present, so ah hope ya brought yer tastebuds."

Velvet began clopping her hooves with excitement, clearly ready to try the treat. "Now, I did make it myself once before, but I can already see the chef makes a difference!" When the plate was set before her, her horn began to glow, grabbing a fork and plunging it in, cutting off a portion. "Down the hatch."

"It's about time to go," noted a deeper male voice.

"Oh, honey." Pear closed with her husband, giving a gentle nuzzle of his cheek. "Ah told ya today was a visit day."

"And ah told ya moons ago we had to deliver today." Bright Mac pointed towards the door. He sighed almost instantly. "Sorry, ah shouldn't get testy like that. It's right good ya found a friend." He returned the nuzzle he had just been given. "Ah can haul a wagon."

"You are a strong stallion," agreed Pear with a complimenting tone. "Hurry on back, ah'll miss ya while yer away. She watched him walk off and looked back to Velvet. "Now then, how a--" She trailed off, noticing the plate had been reduced to just a few smudges of the food. "Well, guess ya liked it?"

"It's like it was a different thing altogether." Velvet licked her lips clear with an appreciative mmm. "Now where did our fillies run off to?"

"Applejack's a good little filly. Bet she and Big Mac are off showin' Twilight how to do a chore, if ah had to guess." Pear grabbed the plate in her mouth and carried it easily to the sink to join a few other dirty plates, but she never got to clean it.

Velvet was already next to her, glowing horn grabbing at the abandoned dishes. "I won't stand for it. Cleaning these is the least I can do for you. You go relax and let a friend lend a hoof."

Pear looked uncertain, but also didn't stop Velvet, backing up a step. "If yer sure? Doesn't feel like good hostin'."

"Cleaning a few dishes won't hurt me," assured Velvet. "I have two foals of my own, they make plenty of dishes to clean, just like your family." She began tending to them, the water running and sudsing action starting. "I'll have this done in a jiff."

"You take care of yerself now, and watch your sister." Bright Mac nodded with appropriate gravity at Big Mac. "Yer the stallion of the house while ah'm gone."

Little Big Mac inclined his head. "Yes'ir! Mom ain't goin' with ya?" They usually went off together.

"Her friend stopped by." He walked into the hitch and wriggled into place, attaching the wagon properly. "Ah'll let her have fun and get this delivery done pronto."

Twilight waved a little hoof at the stallion. "Where are you going?"

Bright smiled at the little unicorn filly. "Just makin' a delivery. There are ponies a fair bit away that need some good apples, and ah'm gonna get some to 'em."

A small book circled around Twilight's head into view and she began taking notes, a bit better at words than that first time. "I see." She wandered off, apparently satisfied with the answer.

Applejack shook her head. "Ain't she a curious one? Gonna show her how to barrel thin's up." She took off at a dash. "Good luck with the delivery!" she called on the way.

Bright nodded one final time at his family and trotted along the road, soon lost to sight on his work trip.

It was only one change, such a small one. It would upend Equestria's favored in countless ways.

It would save one life, but only one. That delivery still had to be made. Before, both had gone, walking side by side. When the ground gave way on that narrow path, they had fallen together, their flames extinguished just as they had lived, together, unified in even that moment.

There had been a poetry to it. That was no longer the case. Bright Mac was extinguished alone, broken as surely as the wagon he had been pulling.

"I'm sorry ma'am," reported a pony, their hoof held against their breast, their eyes down turned.

Pear staggered back, her vision swimming with tears. "It can't be... Tell me yer fibbin'! He... Is this his way of gettin' back at me fer makin' him walk alone?!" She suddenly advanced on the deliverer of bad news, a scowl on her face. "This ain't funny!" She raised a hoof, looking ready to hit the pony.

Granny's hoof was suddenly in the way, drawing her daughter back. "Shhh, shhh, no use beatin' the messenger like that." She looked past Pear Butter, nodding at the messenger who took the cue to flee. "Come on inside... we got some plannin' to do..."

Pear broke down into inconsolable sobs, collapsing against Granny. There were things to do, for her husband, who was gone. "Apple Bloom ain't gonna have no pa," she sniffled out. "No pa a'tall!"

The name had altered between conception and birth. Granny nodded with soft comforting shushes. "She'll have a family. She has a right fine mother, and a brother, and even a granny if she'll have 'er." She snorted with a half joke. "She won't be alone, not alone."

Granny led Pear to her room and soon had the distraught mare tucked in. "Now, ya just... relax a moment. Ah need to go talk." She turned away. "Ya still got me, baby girl."

"Thank you," she whispered out, curling on herself miserably.

Granny set off on a determined march, peeking into rooms as she strode past them. There was Applejack. "Get yer brother and meet me out front, pronto," she ordered, marching past her.

Applejack jerked upright. That tone was not one granny used without a reason. "Yes ma'am!" She dashed off to find her brother.

Soon they were all gathered in front of the house, the two Apple siblings side by side, looking at their grandmother curiously and cautiously. Big Mac rubbed a hoof behind his head. "Is somethin' wrong?"

Granny shook her head slowly. "This ain't easy. What ah'm about to tell ya ain't no joke. Ah got some really bad news, but ya deserve to be told it straight." She took a slow breath, wrinkled folds undulating in the heavy motion. "You two know what it means to... die?"

Big Mac nodded first. "When somethin's too hurt and it never moves no more." He pointed at Granny. "What happened to yer stallion."

Granny cringed softly, but a little smile appeared. "That's exactly right... and I got powerful sad when that happened... But ah had to keep walkin'. Ya get me?"

Applejack inclined her head. "Are ya feelin' bad about grandpa? We're here for ya!" She bounced upright with a big smile, offering a hoof to her grandmother. "We're Apples to the core!"

A tear escaped Granny. "You are just such a treat... No, this ain't fer me, not exactly... My loss is old... This is a new thing." She looked between them. "I'm 'fraid to say your pa won't be comin' back." She had wanted to say it softly, somehow, but there was no sugar coating that.

Both stared at her. Big Mac broke the silence first, "What happened?"

Applejack began to bob her head furiously in agreement. "It was jus' a delivery! Ain't nothin' to get hurt over! Ya sure he's hurt so bad? Maybe ya just need to shake him a little. He's a deep sleeper ya know."

Granny took a hissing breath. "We're sure... sure as ya can be... he's... he's not comin' back." She shook her head with a slow finality. "But he ain't gone."

Big Mac inclined his head. "If he ain't comin' back... how ain't he gone?" Suddenly there was something pressing into him. Applejack was leaning against him, shaking like a leaf in the breeze. He reached an arm around her, holding her firmly.

"Because of you two." Granny smiled wanly at the two foals. "You two and little Apple Bloom. He's right inside ya. Now... yer mom's in an awful state, and if ya need to cry, go on, get it out... but we have to be strong, for her. It hurts... but we have to walk."

Applejack buried her face in her brother's side. "Like ya did, for grandpa, for us? Gotta... keep movin'... What if ah'd rather have pa back?!"

Big Mac gently patted his sister. "Ah'm the stallion of the house now... Ah won't let ya down."

Suddenly he was bopped on the head by granny. "Now ya don't go doin' that. Ya got two perfectly able ponies that love ya to pieces. Ya still got a ma, and a granny. We're here. So, go on, cry, get it out."

It was a heavy day for the Apple family, but they would endure, together.

Twilight trotted along with her book floating nearby. "Applejack? Big Mac?" she called, patrolling the apple orchard in search of them. There! That back end of a pony was right. "Applejack, there you are." she scurried around the tree to see Applejack's face and skidded to a halt. Applejack was looking... down. "What's wrong?"

"My pa..." She rose up to her hooves with a shaking breath. "He ain't comin' back."

"He moved away?" Twilight inclined her head, confusion written clearly on her face.

"Somethin' like that..." Applejack shook her head. "Gone off somewhere ah can't go..."

"Oh..." Twilight silently approached her friend and reared up, putting both arms around Applejack and sinking against her in a firm hug. Applejack tensed, and Twilight felt something wet. Applejack was crying silent tears in the embrace and Twilight squeezed harder, as if she could just hug the pain right out of her friend.

She sure tried, and soon Applejack was returning the gesture for a moment before pushing Twilight back. "That's enough ah that." Applejack rose and turned. "Plenty of chores ta be done." She refused to talk more about it, leading Twilight on a round of apple bucking (which Twilight was a little better at, but still a pale shadow compared to the Apples).

As they moved to deliver the harvest to the barn, Twilight glanced around, musing. "My grandfather... passed away," she suddenly admitted.

Applejack turned an ear towards Twilight, but her face was forward and her steps certain on the task of delivery. "Ya huh?"

"I was really sad," explained the filly unicorn as she walked alongside her friend. "He was so nice... He'd always bring a treat."

Applejack faltered, the wagon wobbling with her unsure steps. "Did he now?"

"I really... loved him." She suddenly reached out an arm, hugging her friend. "I still do."

Applejack didn't respond, but didn't shove Twilight away again, walking along with her draped over her.

"It's my fault." Pear had her face in her hooves. "I shoulda been there! Ah coulda saved him!"

Velvet slowly shook her head. "It doesn't always work that way." She reached for her friend but slowed her hoof before touching. "You couldn't have known."

"But what ah did know was that I wasn't there, and ah normally woulda." She thumped one hoof down on the dining room table. "I would have."

"Except I happened," awkwardly admitted Velvet. "I can't even put into words how sorry I am."

Pear sniffed softly, but her eyes suddenly opened wide. "Oh, Dear Celestia! You're blaming yourself!" Her own sorrow was thrown aside in that instant. "No! No no no no!" She leaped at her friend, the two crashing to the ground in a painful heap of affection. "You didn't do it!"

Velvet smiled faintly, ignoring the new aches for the time. "I'll believe that if you agree. This... was a terrible thing... but terrible things, they happen sometimes." She wrapped her hooves around Pear, hugging her firmly. "But we can't go around blaming ourselves."

Pear sat up on Velvet, pinning her to the floor. "Ah see how it is. Holding me hostage. Ah can't be sad or you'll be sad." She poked Velvet, hoof on her nose directly. "What a friend you are."

"I try," sang out Velvet. "Now let me stand up. We're gonna make lunch, together. Tears make for horrible condiments."

Pear rolled her eyes as she slid off Velvet, offering a hoof of assistance. Soon they were cooking together. "I'll come by more often," promised Velvet as she worked. "You need a little company."

The tragedy did not break them apart. Twilight had plenty of opportunity to get closer to Applejack.

Twilight waved a letter excitedly in her magic. "Look! I've been accepted!"

Applejack reached up a hoof as she leaned in to examine it, eyes sweeping left and right. "Ya been allowed to apply, not quite the same thing as 'accepted', Sugarcube."

"Not every pony even gets this far," explained Twilight, bouncing in place. "I'm so excited! But also nervous... Do you think I'll pass?" She pointed at the floating paper. "It'll be a test of magic!"

"Then you'll pass," stated Applejack bluntly. "Ya may not be the best apple bucker around none, but when it comes to magic, ya got that." She nodded with firm confidence. "Shoot, maybe you'll give the teachers a few tips."

Twilight burst into giggles at the idea. "That is very unlikely. I still have so much left to learn." She threw her fore hooves wide to encompass the enormity of the thing she spoke of. "That's why I'm going!" It hit her then. "Oh... we won't be able to see each other as often."

"Why not?" Applejack hiked a brow. "Yer mom's not stoppin' by?"

"I suppose she would do that." Twilight bobbed her head. "But I'll be at school. It's a biiig thing. I'll be busy! Just like you're busy with the farm." She waved a hoof in a slow circle. "You don't visit Canterlot much, right? It's the same thing."

"Huh..." Applejack sat and frowned at the thought, puzzling it through. "Well then. Ah figure it's time I made an exception."

"Huh?" Twilight inclined her head. "You'll start visiting?"

"Just once." She held up a lone hoof. "Ah'll be there when ya do yer test. Ah'll root for ya so hard they'll just have to accept ya!"

Twilight grabbed her friend with a joyful giggle. "You're the best, Applejack! I have so much to prepare for, but with you there, I'm sure I can do this." She nodded firmly and brought the paper closer to review it. "I just need..."

"What a big moment," appreciated Pear with a little smile on her face. "Ah just sent Applejack to the local school. She goes there most days." She pointed in the direction of the schoolhouse. "We don't have no specific school fer apple farmers or nothin' like that."

Velvet nodded in agreement. "They did raise you just fine," she assured. "And I'm sure they're treating your foals well too, but Twilight's such a smart little filly, and I want to help her reach as high as she can." She extended a hoof upwards to imitate the act. "I couldn't say no when it came up. Celestia's school is practically made for her! We're going with her, of course. It's traditional for parents to be there on exam day."

Pear put a hoof on her breast. "I'd love to come right along, but somepony's gotta keep an eye--"

The front door slammed, Applejack charging in. "Ma! Oh, hey Miss Velvet." She nodded at their guest respectfully enough. "Actually, guess it's good yer here." Not that there was much chance little Twilight would be there without Velvet. "I wanna go, for Twilight. I want to be there when she does her test."

Pear trotted over to her daughter and pressed her lips to the top of Applejack's head. "We were just talking about that. Ah can't go on account of things needin' done, but ah'd be delighted if you could go in mah place." She looked over her shoulder at Velvet. "Would ya mind takin' care of Applejack fer a few days?"

"It would be a delight." Velvet slid from the chair to her hooves. "It'll be a little sleepover. Have you ever been to Canterlot?"

"No, ma'am," she confessed, looking suddenly nervous. "Are they... all unicorns?"

"Reckon most of 'em?" Pear looked to Velvet.

"Most of them," she easily agreed. "But don't you worry about that at all. You're a pony, and my guest." She closed with the nervous filly with a kind smile. "You and Twilight will have so much fun."

Applejack smiled timidly. "Yeah! Tons ah fun." But she had made promises, and Applejack would not back away from them. "Ah'm ready!"

Applejack sat at a new table. "Uh, nice to meetcha." She was looking at the stallion she hadn't met before.

Night Light inclined his head at Applejack, smiling kindly. "And nice to meet you as well. So, you're the elusive Applejack. I had so many ideas, but seeing you is so much better."

Twilight leaned over to whisper to Applejack, "He loves his charts."

Applejack smiled at that. "Ya got that from your pa," she noted, looking amused. "So, what's fer dinner?"

Night pointed towards the kitchen. "Velvet insisted she handle it today, but it sure smells good."

Applejack inclined her head. "Today? Who cooks it the other days?"

Night turned his hoof back on himself. "Well, I do, of course. We take turns. Sometimes little Twilight has a turn."

Twilight sat up proudly. "I studied several books on culinary techniques so I could participate competently."

A hoof came down, Shining Armor giving Twilight a noogie. "You just like showing off so you can be sibling supreme."

Twilight squealed with laughter, the two wrestling a moment with joyful laughs, their competition a lighthearted thing between them.

"Sure sounds like someponies out here are sure eager." There came Velvet, a tray floating along in her magic, covered and full of mystery. "But are you ready to chow down?" All eyes were on her as she lowered it into place and twisted her magic to grab the top and now the bottom of the tray, pulling up the cover out of the way. "I present, a peach cobbler with radish hints."

The unicorns gave an appreciative Ooo of a sound at once, already reaching with magic grips to serve themselves.

Applejack looked at it with less certainty. "Peach?"

Velvet nodded as she slid up into her own seat and began serving herself with a glowing horn. "A lovely fruit. Do you not like peaches?"

"They're alright, ah guess." She rubbed behind her head and forced a smile. "Time to try somethin' new." She had been looking forward to just that, new things, in a new place. She reached out towards the tray, the only hoof out there. It was hard to miss, and she hesitated, feeling awkward. "Uh..."

Suddenly some landed on her plate, Twilight grinning hugely. "There you are!" She served herself another portion. "Eat up!"

Another trick of unicorn houses. All of their cutlery assumed you had magic to pick them up and use them. None of them had hoof attachments. Applejack tried vainly to get a fork to attach to her hoof, but there just wasn't any way to force the stubborn tool to do so. When Twilight leaned over, AJ thrust up a hoof. "Ah got this!"

She muttered to herself as she worried with the fork a moment longer, sighed, and decided to do it like earth ponies always could. She buried her face in the food and began chomping. "Mmm." Even if she was the only one chowing down all personal-like, Applejack had to admit it didn't taste awful.

Twilight inclined her head left and right curiously before she set her fork down in her magic. She glanced over and saw Shining Armor looking back at her with understanding, both of their forks then set down.

"Now chil--," started Night Light, but it was too late. Both of them buried their faces in their food and began to eat just like Applejack was, giggling at how naughty they were being.

Velvet chuckled softly. "It's my fault. I'll get some earth pony things for you, Applejack. That was rude of me."

Applejack sat up, her snout smeared and stained with the sweet dinner. "Ya don't have to go outta yer way jus' fer me."


Night nodded quickly. "I'll bring some home tomorrow on the way back. It's not a problem, we promise."

Velvet nodded firmly. "But, for today." Her fork hit the table with a clatter. "Let's eat together." And down went her face, splatting wetly on the food and chomping as her children were.

That left Night Light out, looking increasingly uncertain. "This just isn't how it's... supposed to be done..." But he was one vote, outweighed by the rest of his family enjoying themselves. He did not join them, but he did not try to convince them either, accepting that he had a weird family. And he loved them.

A clopping came from Twilight's door. "The folks say they're heading out in half an hour," called a muffled Shining Armor. "You ready in there?"

"Ready!" called back Twilight, her eyes scanning the same paper, reviewing what little information had been given to prepare with.

"Ready," echoed Applejack, who had been bunking with Twilight during her stay. "Ya got this."

"I have this," agreed Twilight, nodding with firm conviction. "Let's go."

"Yer brother said half an' hour. We still got some time." She sat down and let out a breath. "I'll be honest... kinda glad we're almost done."

"Hm?" Twilight looked away from her paper. "Why's that?"

"No offense or nothin'..." She rubbed one leg with the opposed hoof. "But ah think ah like it better, you know, home..."

The paper slipped from Twilight's immature grip. "Were we bad hosts?!" She scrambled to grab a book of etiquette. "We'll get better!"

Applejack set a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "You ain't done not a thin' wrong. Ah just... It's me, alright? Pretty sure it's just me." She leaned in to press her nose to Twilight's cheek. "Now let's get you into that there school."

"Thank you." Twilight hugged her friend briefly before standing tall, her magic setting the book where it had come from. "Let's go take a test."

Together, they marched out of Twilight's room, ready to face the challenge of the day, and hopefully get Twilight into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.

3 - Manifest Destiny

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There were many other fillies and colts there, awaiting their turn. In another world, or much the same world with one little change, Twilight had been out of breath with worry, shaking and nervous against her mother. But in that view of things, she was seated with Applejack who was already cheering her on. "Ya got this," she reminded, holding up a paper for Twilight to see.

There were arcane symbols on the paper and Twilight called them out, playing flash cards with Applejack to pass the time and looking far calmer for it. "Whatever the test is, I am ready."

She had been delayed, once before, in another world. They let her gather herself, far from the only student that wasn't quite ready when they were called on. That didn't happen. One little change beget another, and Twilight arrived before the testing ponies far earlier than the plans of the universe had allowed for.

Applejack was beside Twilight Velvet and Night Light, looking around nervously. Unicorns, so many of them, and even if most of Twilight's family was warm and welcoming, most of the rest were so... snooty. Even the ones giving the test gave off a thick air of self-righteousness that rubbed Applejack the wrong way. Even as she hoped for Twilight's success, thoughts of home crashed on her like building waves.

"The test is simple," explained the mare that towered over Twilight. "We know you can perform basic magic, but we need something a bit more complex to gain entrance into this school." A cart was wheeled in with her glowing horn. A spotted egg rested on a bed of straw. "Hatch this egg."

Twilight gasped. Of all the spells, that was surely not one she had learned! "I'll... do my best." She walked up to the egg and frowned before directing her magic at it. "Hatch... hatch," she began muttering to herself, pouring her magic harder and harder. But there were ponies around her. She didn't forget that. If she went too much higher, she knew she couldn't keep a hold of it completely.

She could hurt somepony, and she didn't know how to do it gracefully.

She sank down onto her haunches. "If I knew the spell, I feel confident I could do this," she stated. "But I don't, and trying any harder could hurt somepony. I'm sorry."

The mare smiled gently even as three others took notes rapidly. "I see. Forget that then, let's test something else."

Twilight hadn't made it past that test before, excluded on account of Celestia's intervention, but in that world, she advanced along other tests, showing she was a talented little filly. Not entirely outside the realm of the expected, but talented enough to belong in that school.

Twilight bounced giddily along with a paper floating over her head, announcing that fact. "I'm in I'm in I'm in," she repeated without time for commas. "Applejack, I'm in!" She threw her arms around Applejack, hugging her friend, but that was when she noticed the little apple-farming filly looked a bit strained. "Are you alright?"

"Think ah need a little air. Right proud of ya, don't get me wrong." She moved to escape the stifling halls, Twilight trailing right after her. "Yer parents probably want to celebrate," noted Applejack along the way. "Ya don't have to come with."

"They can wait a moment. My friend needs me." Twilight softly thudded her side against Applejack's. "What's wrong?"

They emerged onto the streets of Canterlot. Though neither were paying full attention, Twilight's parents were behind them, keeping an eye as mindful parents were known to do. Applejack took a deep breath of the fresher air, but it still smelled of a city, of the place that wasn't where she wanted to be. "Just... ain't the same."

A great explosion shook the ground beneath them as bright colors washed through the sky, bedazzling the fillies. Applejack's eyes went wide as everything became a rainbow. It was wonderful, majestic, like a big warm hug from her mother. "Home," she whispered, her rump tickling as they were adorned with apples. "Time to go home."

Twilight rocked back with the force of the display, her own thoughts carried to her magical displays of the day. There was no egg to unload on anymore, but she had something even better, at least from her perspective. "Home!" She jumped at Applejack and the two vanished from sight with a bright flash and leaving a scorched circle behind.

Velvet and Night Light rushed to the spot where the fillies had been, but no amount of looking around would find much of a hint of either of them. "This was not in the schedule," noted Night Light, tone tense with worry. "Where could they have gone?!"

Velvet danced from hoof to hoof, having a moment of panic before it came to her. "Home. She said that, you heard her, right?"

"She did say that," he easily agreed. "Do you think she's home then? That wouldn't be so bad." He began trotting off towards their abode. "Let's see if she's there waiting for us."

Moon Dancer took a slow breath and refocused herself, hurling her magic at the egg. "Come on..." she grunted herself, then the ground shook. Bright colors washed over her. Last time, she had still been in the waiting room, so flustered she had gone after Twilight. Twilight hadn't been there to be behind, nor caused delays with grand displays of magic, so she had moved up just enough to be there when the rainbows came for her.

The rainboom swept over her in a brilliantly overwhelming display and her magic flared brightly. The little life found a way, its destiny perhaps too bright to be denied on account of one little change. The egg cracked, and a new form exploded from it.

Spike entered Equestria, and Celestia emerged to welcome a very special student, certain that Moon Dancer had many great things ahead of her.

Twilight hit the ground with Applejack serving as a pillow, both of their forms sizzling with magic that lacked greatly for grace in that moment of wild abandon that had sent them hurtling across Equestria.


Applejack cracked open an eye to see Big Mac looking down at the two of them. "Bro!" She squirmed out from under Twilight and hurried to hug him with a bright smile, feeling complete again. "Ah'm so glad to be home!"

"Uh, yeah. Is she alright?" He pointed past Applejack to the prone form of Twilight.

Applejack tripped over herself in her rapid turning about-face. "Twilight!" She was on her friend in a flash, shaking her. "Wake up! What did you do?!" That was she noticed a new addition to her friend, a cutie mark of a big star with several smaller stars around it. "What's that mean?"

"Yers is pretty clear," he noted with a confident nod, inclining his head towards her rump.

She twisted her head back to see she did have a cutie mark. She smiled gidilly in the moment of realization before the situation crashed back on her and she twisted back to Twilight. "This ain't funny, wake up!" She slapped Twilight with her hoof right across the face.

"Ack!" That had succeeded at rousing her. She scrambled to her hooves, holding one of them to her bruised face. Her eyes swept over the area rapidly. "Sweet Apple? How..."

"How?" Applejack hiked a brow up. "Reckon you're how! Ya did magic, real real big magic." She pointed at Twilight's back end. "Big enough to get a mark, and leave us both all ashy." She shook herself vigorously, freeing herself of the bits of ash and soot. "Landsake! Did we just, what, telemaport from Canterlot?" She pointed way up at the city on the castle, so far away.

"Twilight, Applejack?" Pear Butter was approaching, pausing to pat her son on the back before closing in on the fillies. "Yer early, and ah woulda figured Twilight woulda stayed back up there. Ya got in, didn'ja?"

With a glowing horn, Twilight produced the paper. "I did!" she squealed. "And I got a cutie mark." She turned to display her rump to the older mare. "And I might have did a big spell..."

"Big Mac, get these two fillies inside and into a bath if you have to throw them in." Pear was marching right past them, towards town. "I haveta borrow a phone right quick." The Apples didn't have a phone, but Ponyville was not so small that no phones existed, they just tended to be in specific places.

Twilight's eyes folowed Pear as she stormed off. "Is she... angry?"

Big Mac chuckled as he leaned down and grabbed Twilight, his teeth closing on the nape of her neck and plucking her up like the little bundle she was. "Nope. She's just takin' care ah business. Bath time." He headed inside, confident that Applejack would follow without such extreme measures.

Trotting firmly into Ponyville, Pear Butter's eyes wandered over the faces of other ponies before one she recognized as potentially having an answer came into view. "Chiffon!" She raised a hoof to wave and soon was hugging the baker. "Good to see you, but--"

"Something's wrong?" interrupted Chiffon Swirl, who preferred to be called Cup Cake. "You look upset."

"You know me too well." Pear waved it off with a bright smile. "I need a phone, of all things. I have a filly."

Missus Cake blinked owlishly. "A third?!" She raised a hoof to her chin. "Did you... find a new stallion? I mean, congratulations!" She threw up both of her forehooves.

"Don't even joke!" Pear punched her friend's shoulder with a dull thud. "She's Twilight Velvet's, you remember her, right?"

"Oh! That unicorn, yes. I remember the dear. How did you end up with her filly?" She glanced around as if the answer could have been hiding in the area if she just looked hard enough. "Never mind, listen to me go off on a tangent. You need a phone? I bet Mayor Mare has one ready to go."

"Mayor Mare!" exclaimed Pear as she swatted herself on the head. "How silly of me to not think of her. You are a treasure." She hugged Cake with one arm before trotting off towards the town hall with a mission.

Mrs. Cake watched her hurry off. "Poor thing. Not sure I'm ready for a filly just yet." She couldn't know when she would have one, or that a colt would come along for the ride. For that day, she had baked goods to deliver.

Pear Butter ascended the steps of the town hall and grabbed the circular loop, pulling back to open the door. "Phone, please, I need to borrow one," she got out even as she went around the still-opening door. "I have a mare's filly and she's probably worried sick."

The secretary at the front looked up as Pear Butter came in. "The phone is for official use only," she sternly rebuffed.

"Don't be like that," gently chastised another voice as Mayor Mare came trotting out from the back. "Pear Butter, a pleasure. I'm so sorry what happened to you."

Pear flipped an ear back at that. "I'm gettin' by..." It had been long enough to not still be a bleeding wound, but it still hurt to have it reminded of. "Mayor Mare, you've been there, for us... This is another filly, not mine. She's a long way from home. Ah know her dam's number." She coiled on herself and pulled a small book from a saddlebag. "Got it jotted down right here. Didn't figure ah'd need it fer this, but the wee thing jus--"

"Slow down," gently advised Mayor Mare, setting a hoof on Pear's shoulder. "Is anypony hurt?"

"No, thank Celestia." Pear let out a slow relieved sigh. "I just 'magine she's quite a bit worried. Ah'll make it fast, just ta let her know her filly's alright."

"Let me see that." She leaned in, getting a view of the phone number. "You're not allowed to use the phone." The secretary looked so smugly pleased. "But I am." Mayor Mare circled the desk and bit into where the handle met the base, pulling up the phone and setting it down.

"Now let's see..." She began pressing and swirling the circle, letting it roll back with each selection to dial up the number she had been shown. "It's ringing." She propped the receiver to her head, listening with a little nod of her head.

"Hello?" came the confused sound of a stallion.

"Hello," chimed Mayor Mare with less confusion. "I've been informed that we may have your filly--"

"Twilight Sparkle," spat out Pear Butter, hearing Mayor Mare's side of the conversation. "She's safe!"

Mayor Mare chuckled softly. "You heard her. She's in good hooves."

A thunderous sigh came over the line. "Oh... good... good. Hon!" his voice raised in a shout. "Twilight's alright!"

"Where is she?!" came a concerned mare's voice, clip-clops rapidly approaching. "I will kill her! After I hug her to pieces."

Mayor Mare nodded lightly. "She's here, in Ponyville. I have to go, long distance bills, you know."

"Oh, yes, thank you," blurted out Night Light before the click of him setting his receiver down.

Mayor Mare set down the phone gently with a coy smile. "They don't charge us long distance bills," she admitted to Pear Butter. "Don't tell anypony." She held up a hoof with a little shh of a noise.

Pear let out a short laugh. "You are a wicked thing. Still, thank you. They know she's safe. That's all ah needed to do. Poor thing will probably come at a full gallop. She might not even need the train none." She tucked her little notebook away. "I picked this from that little filly."


"The habit of carryin' somethin' to write in, fer notes and things." Pear patted the bag with a hoof. "A habit she has, and passed right onta me. Kinda glad right now. No way ah woulda remembered that number for a phone ah don't got. Maybe she would had it, but ain't no fer sure there."

"It worked out," gently assured Mayor Mare. "Now, you go on home and take care of that filly, and yours too. Is she back?"

"They came together." Pear put a hoof to her head. "Even if ah still don't right get how it happened. Ah'll go ask 'em. Thanks again!" She twirled in place and got to walking out, less frantic than her entry by a considerable amount.

Twilight was snatched up by Night Light, surprising Pear Butter. He thanked her and Granny for keeping an eye on Twilight, then the two unicorns vanished back to their strange city up on the mountain.

It wasn't long after that the local school-foals put on a show with glittering costumes created by a neighborhood filly. A shy pegasus teenager landed and moved into a cottage on the border of town. As reserved as she was comely, she was an instant hit, but she was so withdrawn that attempts to get closer to her soon dwindled away. Only the animals and those who understood them had a chance around her.

A bright pink earth pony became apprenticed to the Cakes, cheerfully helping around their shop and learning how to make all manner of delicious treats while spreading joy throughout the town.

As if following the yellow pegasus, a more brightly-colored rainbow mare appeared, joining the local weather team. She was one of the only ponies in town that could approach the yellow one easily, but her presence served to loosen up Fluttershy enough to at least admit her name to the curious others. A party was thrown in celebration, a habit Pinkie would never shake.

Twilight was only mutely aware of these things, with exchanged letters with Applejack. She had school to do! There was one student that had earned the attention of Celestia directly, but even that didn't save her from normal classes with the other students. "What's it like?" Twilight asked with a bright smile. "Learning directly from the Princess Celestia."

"It's alright..." Moon Dancer ran a hoof up and down the opposite leg. "She knows a lot. I like that..." A little smile spread on her face. "She doesn't read as much as us though." She pointed then to the book spread out in front of them. "Did you get the spell on page ten down?"

"How could I not?" challenged Twilight. "With that spell, my study time will be improved by at least 33%, with rounding. How did you find an indexing spell?" She clopped her forehooves with obvious excitement. "No more fumbling to find a passage!"

"Isn't it just the best?" gushed Moon Dancer in agreement, glad to have changed the topic.

"Hey, wanna play?" There was Minuette, grinning. In another world, Twilight had sent her packing in favor of study.

"Sure," she said, not realizing the deviation on her own timeline, how could she? "Moon Dancer, come on. Afterwards, I'm going to show you a cool spell. I have one that'll knock your socks off."

"I am not wearing socks," noted Moon Dancer, but she was already rising. She had little interest in the game, but Twilight's tempting offer was enough to spur her into action. Besides... "I call dibs on being on your team."

A ball was kicked around wildly by the collected fillies. Twilight would perhaps press her nose less firmly into books, even if she remained quite the avid reader. The wonder that her friends could bring would not be alien to her.

Huffing for breath, Minuette kicked the ball back towards its resting place. "Whew, what a game! Hey, Moon Dancer, right?"

"That's me." Moon Dancer inclined her head, not yet adorned with glasses. "We won."

"You sure did." Minuette bounced in place, not looking at all upset for having lost. "I was curious, how did you hatch that dragon? I tried really hard, but I couldn't figure it out!"

Twilight clopped a hoof to her cheek. "You hatched it?! I felt like I was way off. Please, share your secret."

Moon Dancer sank to her haunches and crossed her arms. "I refuse." Both fillies gaped at her with shock and disappointment. Moon Dancer pointed at Twilight. "You promised a spell after the game was done."

Twilight blinked rapidly. "Oh yeah!" With a glowing horn, a book popped into existence over her head. "Right here. After my, uh... the way I got my cutie mark, I just had to research more on transportation and translocation magics."

"Oooo." Moon Dancer reached for the book as the color of its magic shifted, her own taking control and bringing it over. "May I?"

"Of course." Twilight clopped her hooves together from the side, still standing on them. "What are friends for?"

"The exchange of favors?" proposed Moon Dancer with a raised brow.

Minuette burst into giggles, a sound that drew other fillies over, Lyra and Twinkleshine. "What's going on over here?" asked Lyra, eyes sweeping over the others.

Twilight pointed to the floating book. "I was just giving a gift, not an exchanged favor, to a friend." She put an arm around Moon Dancer, hugging the awkward filly. "Now, about hatching that dragon?"

"One favor for another." Moon Dancer tucked the book away, looking smugly justified in her initial thought. It didn't seem to put her off. She didn't flee, instead explaining the story of the sudden rainboom in the middle of her attempt.

"That happened to me!" squeaked Twilight, all eyes moving to her. She blushed and laughed a little. "Sorry, I just mean... when that big explosion happened, I was caught in it too. I teleported all the way to Ponyville."

"I have a friend there," gushed Lyra.

"Me too!" echoed Twilight, her smile deepening. "We have so many things in common."

"Well, while you were teleporting, I was hatching an egg." Moon Dancer inclined her head. "And now there's a baby dragon named Spike. Celestia agreed to watch over him during his first few years, then he becomes my responsibility."

Twinkleshine nodded sagely. "My mom told me about that. If you make a foal, you have to take care of them. That's how it works. She made me, so she had to take care of me, and she did a good job." She put a hoof at her chest. "Thanks mom!"

"Thanks, Mom," echoed all the other fillies except Moon Dancer.

Twilight noticed the silence of her friend. "Everything alright?"

Moon Dancer stood up. "I should review the book." She trotted off without another word.

Lyra watched her go before looking back to Twilight. "Who's your Ponyville Buddy? Mine's a nice earth pony mare."

"Mine too," laughed out Twilight. "It isn't Applejack, is it?"

"Applejack? Well, um..." Lyra tapped at her chin. "She is also named after food. Bon Bon! Sweetest filly ya ever met! She's gonna grow up to be a big candy maker." Lyra threw her forehooves wide. "Now lemme guess. Applejack... She makes fun drinks?"

Twilight considered that. "She can do that, but she's good at everything Apple, from seeds right up to getting them out of trees in a single buck." She bucked the air with the form she had learned from her visits to the Apple farm. "She's amazing."

"Sounds like a good pony." Lyra bobbed her head. "Next time, how about we both visit! Then I can meet yours and you can meet mine and they can meet each other if they haven't already. Bet they have, everypony knows everypony in Ponyville; kinda nice."

"That does sound nice," admitted Twilight before spotting a rolling ball approaching them. "Bet you have a chance with Moon Dancer taking a break."

Lyra clopped her hooves together. "Oh, you're being a hotshot? You heard her. Everyone on Twilight!"

The game resumed. Twilight would not win that match, but she was still smiling by the time it was over.

During those formative years, Applejack grew larger. Big Mac was a teenaged colt, returning with her from town.

In the kitchen, Pear Butter and Granny were working on tidying things. Pear perked an ear as the door opened. "Did they have some spray for the Apple Blight? The sooner we get the orchard treated, the better."

Granny nodded in grave agreement. "Not somethin' we can afford ta let wait. How'd it go?"

Several cans of the treatment were set down on the dining room table. Applejack looked to Granny nervously. "I made a deal with Filthy Rich, we saw 'em in town."

Pear raised a brow. "You sound a might nervous. What were you promisin'?"

"What she said," agreed Granny with a nod. "We're friends a long ways back, just tell me what ya said."

"I offered three barrels of apple cider." She spread her hooves to show how much. "Fer him t'sell at his store."

Granny stomped a hoof down. "Now that was right foolish. Apple cider goes sour a lot faster than the jam he usually sells fer us. That's why we sell it fresh. No sir, you just go tell him we can't do that." Big Mac nodded with satisfaction at being proven right.

"Let's not be too hasty," demurred Pear. Big Mac's face fell. "If we make it clear how quickly it goes, and make him pay upfront, it can be a quick sale to make up for the apple blight cure we had to buy. If he can't move it, well, he already paid, and we told 'em clear up front."

Granny grumbled with dissatisfaction. "That ain't how we usually do it."

Pear gently touched her nose to Granny's. "It ain't, but we gotta make ends meet, so long as we don't lie none."

"You're a wicked little mare," snorted Granny, though she also had a little smile. "That's what he loved aboutcha... If yer sure, we'll give it a try. But ah'm ready to give him a right earful about how careful he needs to be. He better be sellin' it by the time we get it to him."

She stormed off. "And get to dousing the trees! None of this will matter if it all goes to blight!"

4 - Preparing For Destiny

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Applejack trotted along with a soft hum, a wagon being pulled with her motion. "Trade ya," offered a mare as she passed. The mare was holding a bundle of carrots.

Applejack considered that before nodding, "Sure, one bundle fer two big apples." And the deal was sealed, the mares both getting something they could use. "How're things?"

"Well, you just saw bit of it," noted the orange maned mare. "My carrots grew!" She turned to present her rump. "And so did I!"

Applejack applauded for her friend, clopping her hooves. "Congratulations. Reckon that means we'll be rival farmers from now on."

Carrot Top grinned. "Friendly rivals, I do hope."

"You know it." They touched noses, but Applejack had places to be, trotting onwards until she ran into her mother. "Here ya go." She pulled the cart up and soon they had them emptied into the sale's stand that was looking a little empty. "Wow, business' good?"

"It's as much about how you ask ponies to buy something," explained Pear Butter with a soft nod. "Just hollerin' at them only gets you so far." She dipped her head and came up with a fresh apron, tossing it with a flick of her head towards Applejack. "Wanna try?"

Applejack soon had the wagon parked out of the way and joined her mother for some one-on-one sales lessons, ready to help the farm how she could. "Buy some apples!"

Pear Butter smirked softly, gently patting Applejack on the head. "You need to come at them a bit gentler. Think of that time ah wanted you to try that spicy-glazed parsnip." Applejack's ears flipped back. "Ya weren't eager to give it a try, remember?"

"Hard ta forget," admitted the teen filly. "But it weren't so bad."

"And you never would have learned that, if I just put it in front of you and told you to eat it." Her eyes half lidded. "So I had to be a bit more clever..."

"Subtle-like," mused Applejack, thinking of the time she had been convinced to give it a try. "Yeah..." She would have finer salesponyship for the presence of her supportive mother, even if she would have developed her own rough methods when she was forced to alone.

"Hiya!" The pink filly tumbled over herself, coming to a half sitting upright in front of Applejack. "You work on the apple farm, right?" She pointed past Applejack, to the farm in the distance.

Applejack inclined her head faintly. "Sure do."

"Great!" Pinkie clopped her hooves excitedly. "We need apples, for treats. I told the Cakes I'd get a bunch of apples."

Applejack smiled at that. "Well, ya done found the right pony fer that. Cakes?" She twitched an ear. "Oh, Miss Swirl's new name. How's she doin'?"

Pinkie paused a moment before it clicked. "Oh, Misses Cake's doing great, but they need apples."

"And apples they will have." She turned in place, starting back towards her farm, only to pause. "Actually, mah brother's at the stand. That's a lot closer." She pivoted and started in a new direction. "How much do ya need?"

"A whole lot." Pinkie threw a hoof wide. "At least one big bag to start though."

"One bag." Applejack nodded softly. "In the future, ya should come straight here." They arrived at the stand, Applejack pointing the way. "Ah was off duty an' all."

"Oh, sorry." Pinkie saluted before bouncing to be in line. "See you tomorrow!"

For better or worse, Applejack would not be quite as eager to spend all her time working. She never had to press her nose against the stone for the sake of the farm.

Moondancer looked in the mirror, admiring her new manecut. It looked just like Twilight's. The only pony worth taking a moment for. Would she like it? It wasn't really for Twilight... It was for herself. Moondancer nodded slowly, reasoning with herself.

She trotted through the vaulted hallways of the palace, allowed by merit of being Celestia's personal student. Ponies rushed past her on their various projects, and she ignored them all. They weren't important. Few ponies were. She willed her magic and created a knock on the door she approached. "I am prepared for today's lessons."

The door opened, glowing with golden light. There was Celestia, smiling gently. "Oh, you have a new mane cut."

"Are we studying that?" Moonlight stepped in, her magic closing the door behind us. "I completed your assignment."

Celestia inclined her head at her book-saavy student. "I didn't imagine you would have a problem with it. Spike?" A small face popped out from around the corner of the table. "There you are. Spike will be spending time with you now."

"Hi." He waved at the new pony with immature hands. "Um... I'm... Spike."

"I am Moondancer," she replied, pointing to herself, then pointing at him. "And you are a dragon I am not studying."

Celestia considered chastising Moondancer on what she had said, but a better idea came to her. "You are now." She lowered her head to be next to Spike. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how dragons develop, and how best to see to their needs. Study him and how ponies can interact with dragons to form longterm relationships."

"A field assignment?" Moondancer tapped her chin thoughtfully, considering Spike. "I prefer reading."

Spike tried to approach her, but toppled off the table and flopped to the ground in a display of infant coordination. Celestia's magic gently glowed around him, turning him upright so he could resume his waddling towards her. She smiled at the act. "Already you're making progress. To support you in this task, I will allow you to visit the dragon wing of the library."

Moondancer's eyes shined with desire. New books? Any new book was worth reaching for. She delighted in the pure act of study, in learning, for the sake of learning, and no other intent. "I accept this assignment." A book appeared beside her, a quill floating and taking notes. "Spike, how do you feel? Have you been fed sufficiently? Is your diaper in need of replacement?"

Spike smiled at the little filly that seemed so much more interested in him than just a moment ago. "Hello," he greeted, still not doing words very well. He grabbed her closest hoof and squeezed firmly, just establishing that she was there, and so was he, and that was pretty neat.

"You're off to an excellent start." Celestia considered a moment. "Consider him more of your little brother, rather than your child. I will be glad to assist, if you feel overwhelmed."

"A dragon can't be a pony's child," she agreed. They couldn't usually be their little brothers either, but she didn't argue that point. "Spike." He looked towards her. "Brother." She pointed at him, then turned the hoof at herself. "Sister."

"Sis!" he cried with joy, hugging one of her hind legs.

Moondancer smiled a little, unsure, but not entirely put out. "We have studying to do." Her magic gently picked him up and put him on her back as she started for the door, just to pause, looking at Celestia. "Were there other topics for today?"

"No. I've given you quite the research project." Celestia gently waved Moondancer off. "Learn what you can, and be kind."

"Be kind?" Moondancer turned an ear towards Spike on her back, just to have it grabbed. The little dragon was tugging and then it got wet. He was mouthing her ear without hesitation.

Celestia slowly nodded. "You will see, with large research tasks, patience and a soft touch is required."

"I... see." She didn't see, but she trotted off with Spike, perhaps ready to learn.

Twilight inclined her head at her tired-looking friend. "You alright?"


Twilight rolled a hoof awkwardly in the air. "Wanna... talk about it?" She circled around Moondancer. "You look really tired."

"I am." Moondancer thunked her forehead against her desk. "Princess Celestia gave me a research project and I think I'm failing at it."

Twilight sat beside her friend. "Can I help?"

Moondancer peeked up above her folded fore leg to see Twilight. "What do you want in return?" That is what friendship was, of course.

"To see you less tired?" offered Twilight with a nervous smile. "We're friends. If I can help...?"

"You are..." Too good for their world, she left unsaid. "Thank you. Remember that dragon?"

Twilight stepped into Moondancer's dorm room for the first time. "Spike?" A little dragon face peeked out from behind the bed. "There you are! I'm going to be your foalsitter for today. Doesn't that sound fun!"

Spike responded well to her excited greeting and waved his hands. "Hello!" That was one word he had down. He pointed at himself. "Spike." Then he pointed at Twilight, looking at her questioning.

"Twilight," she answered, moving to sit next to him. "And we're going to be good friends."

A pattern began. Moondancer was his primary caretaker, his 'big sister', and Twilight stopped by a few times a week to give her a break. Twilight wasn't family, he knew, and Moondancer knew, but Spike grew close to her, always happy when she stopped by.

"Here's your book." He held out a book towards Moondancer.

"Thank you." Moondancer's magic wrapped around it, bringing it over to flip over and peer in. "You are becoming an accomplished scholar's assistant."

"Aw, ain't nothin'" Spike waved it off as he plopped down and pulled out a comic to read himself. They had developed a pattern that had extended, not that different from that other when, though with less family. "You're almost done, right?"

"With this book?" Moondancer gestured to it with a tilt of her head. "I just started."

Spike shook his head firmly. "With school, I mean."

Moondancer sat up with surprise. He wasn't wrong. She had just... forgotten that. "I'll still be Princess Celestia's student." Her daily life wouldn't change that much. "But, yes, this is the last year."

"We should have a get together, you know, with your school chums." He clapped his hands together. "I already know what Twilight will like."

Moondancer shook her head. "Maybe just Twilight. I'll ask her..." Her chest tightened, realizing something else. "She... won't be at class anymore."

Moondancer and Spike shared a look, both coming to that dreadful realization. "Oh no," he whispered out. "Will she still be in Canterlot?"

"I'll... ask." Moondancer's magic closed her book. Her attempts at study were dashed. She couldn't even consider reading right that moment, which itself felt alien and horrible. "I hope so," she said in a small voice.

Spike hugged her around the neck, and the two were quiet a moment, unified in their want to have Twilight around.

Twilight inclined her head. "I found a library that was closed, and not because it didn't have books, or didn't have people who wanted to go. How horrible is that?"

Moondancer blinked softly. "That does sound less than ideal." She rubbed one leg with the opposing hoof. "But i was asking if you--"

"I was accepted for the job," completed Twilight. "I'll be a librarian! I'll get to help ponies learn and discover, and, wait for it, best part, I'll be near a foal-friend of mine, Applejack!"

Moondancer's ears began to fall. "Near Applejack? Didn't you mention she lives in... not Canterlot?"

"Ponyville," provided Twilight with a firm nod. "I'll be the best librarian they ever had." She cantered in place with a proud smile. "I'm ready!"

"I'm not," echoed Moondancer far more quietly. "That's so far away."

"Yeah..." Twilight reached and soon had Moondancer in a one-legged hug. "I'll come to visit, promise. It's just a train ride away. Lyra showed me how easy it is to get back and forth."

"I present, Bon Bon!" Lyra waved eagerly to the young earth pony mare that was exiting her house.

Bon Bon raised a brow at Lyra, then looked past her to Twilight. "Hello. Did Lyra drag you along?" She smiled a little. "She does that."

Twilight smiled at the new pony. "Nice to meet you. I came willingly, promise. Say, do you know Applejack?"

Bon Bon seemed surprised. "Someone from Canterlot knows Applejack? Sure I know her. Her family's the source of my apples for my apple candies." She coiled on herself, getting out a wrapped bit of candy and holding it towards Twilight.

Twilight's magic wrapped around it, undoing the wrapping and popping it in her mouth. "Mmm! Sweet and sour. I like it!"

Bon Bon smiled brightly at that. "I'm opening a candy shop."

"It'll be the best in Equestria," gushed Lyra. "I'll help!"

Twilight looked over Lyra, focusing on her rump. "I figured you'd be more interested in playing music."

"What? Pfft." Lyra waved it away. "I can do both! For Bonnie, I'll make time."

Bon Bon nudged Lyra away a step. "Stop that! Still, nice to meet you." She nodded at Twilight. "I'll pencil you down as a potential customer."

Twilight burst into light laughter. "With pleasure. Tell me when and where you set up and I'll join the line."

Moondancer sagged. There would be no great new books in that little town. "I hope you... come often." She glanced away and back. "I was... thinking of a little party, for the end of school..." She rubbed her fore hooves together nervously. "If you'd like to be there?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Twilight agreed without hesitation. "Will all the girls be there?"

Moondancer glanced across the class. She had developed some small affinity, but... There was only one mare she really wanted to be there. "Consider it... a family thing. Spike wants to say bye too."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Oh, of course." She brought a hoof to her face. "How dumb of me! Poor thing, he'll probably be in tears, little guy..." She smiled gently, thinking of Spike. "I'll let him down gently." Just like that, it made perfect sense it wasn't the whole class involved. "I'll be there."

He wasn't alone, both of them united with tears they were holding back to the best of their ability. "Hi..." Spike wriggled a few fingers at Twilight. "Oh, got you something." He reached behind himseld and pulled out a box with a big bow. "Just for you."

"Aw, you didn't have to." Twilight's magic wrapped around the box, drawing it close and opening it along the way. Inside was a teddy bear that made her giggle. "Aw, it's adorable. I'll treasure it." she parked the bear on her own back, then noticed there was more. Inside was a picture of Spike, Moondancer, and Twilight, each with an arm around each other, Twilight in the middle. "Aw..." Twilight brought it up to touch her nose to the picture, nostrils flaring. "It's... This is just perfect, Spike..."

Spike pointed to Moondancer. "She picked the frame... Uh, glad you like it." He rocked on his feet awkwardly. "You... moving away, huh?"

"To Ponyville," explained Twilight. "But I will visit, and, if Moondancer is up for it, you could visit me too. Think of it, I'll be in charge of an entire library. It'll be a task, but I feel ready for it!"

Spike shot a thumbs up that didn't match the conflicted look on his face. "That's great!" he lied with middling skill at best. "I... hope you have fun with it."

Moondancer thumped against Twilight suddenly. "Let's not think about that. Twilight, I've been studying new magic."

Twilight laughed at that. "You're always studying. It's what makes you 'you', Moondancer." She inclined her head. "But I do like new magic. What did you learn?"

Moondancer's horn glowed, a book appearing. "Celestia gave me access to the draconian research wing." She lowered her horn towards Twilight, zapping her without delay, or permission.

Twilight let out a startled squeak, her form rapidly reformed under Moondancer's studied touch. By the time she next blinked, she was a small young-adult dragon, surprised and dizzy. "What?"

Spike blinked owlishly. "Wow..."

Twilight rose up, finding bipedalism to come naturally to her new form. "Huh..." She took slow unsure steps, getting her balance. "Transformation magic is very advanced, Moondancer. No wonder Princess Celestia choose you to be her student!"

Moondancer smiled thinly at that. "Impressed?"

"Very." Twilight closed in, hugging Moondancer with altered arms. "But, please, turn me back. I'm a pony." She tapped Moondancer with a new finger. "Besides, I think it's making Spike territorial."

Even as Twilight was being turned back, Spike glanced away. He had been feeling things, but territorial was not one of them. "Good luck, Twilight. I'll see you again, soon, alright?"

"Soon," agreed the re-ponied Twilight. She hugged Spike, and was just as suddenly hugged by Moondancer. They remained in that moment of contact. "Please don't cry," she whispered. "This isn't goodbye, it's just a see you later," she assured. It had become impossible to miss how both were being affected. "My door will always be open, to both of you."

Twilight set off to Ponyville, leaving Canterlot behind.

All the students moved on, in their varied ways. Most of them remained in Canterlot. They were better than nothing, but they were usually loud distractions, never the peaceful co-scholar that Twilight had been. At least she had Spike. He knew how to enjoy a book, and how not to be noisy.

"Golden Oak Library," announced Twilight to herself, bringing a glowing key to the door and unlocking it with a satisfying click. "You'll be open for business in two shakes of the tail." She trotted inside, closing the door behind herself and getting to work.

A knocking came from the window and she looked up. There was Applejack, grinning at her. "Applejack?" Twilight hurried to the door and had it open shortly. "What are you doing here?"

"Now that's a daft question if ever ah heard one." she stepped inside with a small cart attached, filled with cleaning supplies. "Ah'm here to help. What are friends fer?"

"Aw." She put a leg over Applejack's neck, hugging her friend and closing the door with her magic. "If you're not too busy?"

"Sugarcube, ah'm already here." She unhooked herself from the wagon and turned around, grabbing a bucket and setting it on the ground. "With everythin' we need. Let's get this place shinin'."

The two got to work, dusting off the unused shelves and sorting the books. It took quite a bit of effort, but they were both ready for the task. Applejack wiped her forehead with an arm. "Phew, lookin' mighty good."

"Hey, if you know." Twilight inclined her head. "What happened to the old librarian?"

"Hmm?" Applejack shrugged softly. "Look, ah know ya love yerself a book more than much anypony else." She wobbled a hoof. "But that ain't usually mah thin'. Ah'm here for you."

"And I do appreciate that." With a glowing horn, she began placing Applejack's supplies back in her cart. "We're neighbors now!"

"We are," she agreed with a smile. "Can't wait to show you off around town. There are new ponies fer you to go meetin'."

"I imagine I'll meet some of them on my own. I'll be opening the library tomorrow since it's all cleaned up. It'll do good for the town to have a working library." Twilight nodded with budding pride. "I saw a few books on farming, they have something for everypony."

Applejack cocked a brow. "I could do that... or I could invite my flly-hood friend over fer dinner. Only one though, which'll it be?".

Twilight licked over her lips. "Is... your mom?"

"She's making yer favorite," taunted Applejack. "Which'll it be?"

Twilight groaned at the situation. "You're not playing fair!" She nudged Applejack on the shoulder though she was laughing at it all the while. "I'll be there."

"Darn right ya will." Applejack grinned as she stepped back into the harness of the cart. "Just at sundown. See ya there." And off she went, looking mighty pleased with herself.

Celestia penned a book quietly, well, not the entire book. She was just adding a chapter. "I hope... no, I know you can come through with this." She had to have faith. Her faithful student had so much more growing to do, but it was coming upon time for her to spread her wings.

Figuratively, of course. Moondancer was a unicorn.

For the time being.

Moondancer leaned forward to study the sky in a telescope that had come with the wing she had been allowed to live and work in. "Mmm..."

"What's up?" asked Spike, looking up from his book.

"A troubling set of incidents," replied Moondancer, not prone to panic attacks in the same way Twilight once had been. She turned to Spike and slid a book towards him. "Look at that, then this." she pointed to the viewfinder of the telescope. "Similar, is it not?"

Spike did not know what new chapter of his life was fast approaching, but there would be no going back. "Woah, strange..." he agreed, peering at it, the harbinger of his future.

Moondancer began striding from the room. "Spike, with me. We must conduct additional research."

As they crossed the bridge, Moondancer saw three ponies she knew, classmates, former classmates. "Pardon me." She nudged past them, occupied. They had no answers for what she was dealing with.

No matter where she looked, it seemed Celestia was busy, or just not there. She was forced to send a letter. "Spike?"

Spike blew fire on it, sending it off towards Celestia. "Hope she gets back to us soon."

It didn't take long for that fateful letter, and its encouragement to make friends, to arrive.

"I must say, it's fabulous that this place is open again." Rarity nodded with appreciation as her magic plucked a few books off the shelves. "They have some books I've been just dying to get my hooves on and I couldn't. No librarian, no books. Isn't that a crime?"

Twilight inclined her head from behind her little desk. "Understandable, and yet unacceptable. That's why I'm here." She pointed at herself. "To keep the books straight and ready for your reading."

"I truly appreciate that, darling." She trotted towards the desk, setting the books down. "I'll be careful with them, but these techniques on mane care simply will not wait another day to be read."

Twilight smiled gently at the fashionista that was also her client. "Of course." Her eyes wandered over the books and a floating quill took notes, recording who had borrowed what. "There you are, enjoy yourself. They're due in a week."

"A week is more than enough time, dear. I'll have devoured them in a day or two, I feel certain." Her magic plucked them up and placed them in saddlebags. "Oh, welcome to town! It's nice to have another pony of style around. Have you considered a new ensemble? Librarian has a potent look, we could capture it, in cloth."

"I'll consider that," allowed Twilight uncertaintly. "You offered that at the big 'welcome to town' party."

"And you still haven't answered," defended Rarity with a pout. "Have some faith in me. I'll have you looking your absolute best."


"Hmm?" She paused her retreat at Twilight's question.

"You're a unicorn... So... Do you know much magic?" Twilight smiled hopefully.

Rarity inclined her head. "I fear not, darling. My specialty is gem finding." She inclined at her cutie mark. "I know almost nothing else, besides the usual. You know, grabbing things? I'm quite good at that." She shrugged as she resumed her trot outside. "Why, are you, darling? You'll have to show me sometime." And she was gone.


Twilight smiled brightly. There was Lyra, a unicorn she knew knew magic. "Lyra! What perfect timing." She inclined her head. "I doubt you're here for a book though."

"Guilty," admitted Lyra. "Well, there is one, really rare. In fact, I hear there's only one of this book in all of Equestria." Lyra threw her hooves wide. "Can I check out Twilight Sparkle, first edition? I'll be really careful with it."

Twilight snorted a half-laugh at Lyra's antics. "It's good to see you."

5 - Episode 1

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Moondancer and Spike both sat on a golden chariot, drawn by royal guards. "There's more to a young mare's life than studying," read Spike from a scroll he was holding.

Moondancer inclined her head. "And she wants us to... oversee a ritual observance, here?" She waved a hoof over the small town they were approaching. "in Ponyville?" her voice dropped at its name, looking increasingly uncertain.

"Not exactly the reaction I expected," admitted Spike. "But, hey, we get to see Twilight!" He clasped his hands together, hearts in his eyes. "I bet she's even more--"

"--studious," interrupted Moondancer with a nod. "It will be good to compare notes again."

Spike blinked awake. "Huh? Oh, yeah, studious," he lied, tucking the scroll away. "We're supposed to help with the festival, the Summer Sun, yeah. They need someone to help plan it."

Moondancer raised a brow. "We should start with Twilight. She's far better at planning things."

"Well, since we're in agreement. First step, Twilight Sparkle!" He hopped down from the chariot as it touched the ground.

Moondancer stepped down a moment later when it slowed down. Neither said goodbye to the guards, but they dismissed themselves, galloping/flying back towards Canterlot. "Here it is... Ponyville." She looked left and right slowly. "Such a small town... They have a library? It can't have many books..."

Spike rubbed behind his head. "I'm wondering how making friends got on your assignment list. She shut down your idea pretty hard though."

"It wasn't an idea," huffed Moondancer. "It's a simple, credible, threat that we should be responding to. This could throw off my studies completely." She huffed and began marching forward. "Whatever, let's say hi to Twilight." She almost bumped into a pink earth pony. "Oh, hello."

The pink mare gasped as if she had witnessed some great and astounding beast before she took off at a dead gallop.

"That was... odd." Moondancer inclined her head at the spot that once held the pink pony. "The ponies of this town are peculiar."

Spike was pointing excitedly. "Look look!" There, a house, and a tree, at the same time. Golden Oak Library a sign read. "I found Twilight!"

"Excellent work." Moondancer nodded in acknowledgment of Spike's skills. "She'll understand my concerns, and probably knows her way around this municipality better." She trotted, Spike jogging beside her. The door was open a crack, and Moondancer willed it the rest of the way open, trotting inside. "Twilight?"

"There's a voice I haven't heard in a while." A book thumped lightly as a purple unicorn slid down a ladder with that smile they both knew. "Welcome!"

"Twilight!" they both said at once, rushing to approach their friend.

Twilight sat and offered her hooves, getting either of their heads under her arms shortly to hold close. "It's good to see you two. You should have warned me you were coming or I would have prepared something for you. Goodness, at least I could have planned a fun day together."

Spike suddenly stepped back, dusting off his scales. "No! Have no fear, faithful librarian. I'm here for you." He pointed at her directly. "I have extensive experience with book upkeep."

Moondancer snickered softly, but was nodding. "It's true, he does."

"I'm on the case!" And off he ran to help getting the books where they should be.

Moondancer tapped Twilight on the back. "While he's distracted, I'm here with two important missions, one because Celestia said so, and well, you know how that goes."

"I haven't had personal experience," admitted Twilight. "But I can imagine. What's the other?"

"A calamity is approaching us." Moondancer frowned softly. "Have you heard of the mare in the moon?"

"An old pony's tale, sure, I've read it." Twilight nodded along to the thought of it. "What about it?"

"Evidence indicates that is is progressing to a terminal stage." Moondancer pointed at Twilight in the chest. "It will be difficult to read books in eternal midnight."

Twilight gasped softly at such a dreadful thought. "I should think so! How do you plan to... I mean, how do you even approach something like that? It sounds impossibly huge." She spread her forehooves wide. "Giving Nightmare Moon a citation for overdue books is unlikely to change things much."

Moondancer smiled a little, imagining Twilight trying that. "I hazard not, still... it's good to have a friend. Perhaps you can help with the first. I'm to assist with the Summer Sun celebration, with a subgoal of 'making new friends'. I am uncertain how that last part assists with anything, but it is the order I have been given."

Twilight inclined her head left and right, then pointed at herself. "Well, you made one."

Moondancer smiled at that. "I am delighted you consider me a friend."

"Am... I a friend to you?" she asked with a raised brow. "It's not a proper friendship if it goes one way only."

"Hm? Of course." Moondancer raised a hoof to her chest. "We have exchanged favors frequently. We trust one another to make good on agreements made. We share a love for books and learning new magic." A smile grew on her face. "We are dear friends."

"That's more like it." Twilight went in for a two-armed hug, drawing Moondancer tight. "But, you're to make more friends, hmm? You know, some friends don't share all your hobbies."


"Some of them may not even read many books."

Moondancer hiked a brow at that. "Ridiculous. How could such a pony be a friend to me?"

"Hey!" Spike was hurrying back to them, heavy book in his hands. "You have one too."

Twilight took the book in her magic, flipping it open. "Ah, the legend of the mare in the moon, yep." She gently set it aside though. "For now, I will introduce you to a friend of mine, who's also working on the Summer Sun celebration. I put her in charge of food preparation." She rose up to her hooves and started for the door. "This way."

All three of them headed out onto the roads of Ponyville, heading out towards the tree lands. Spike took his place on Moondancer's back, riding along as he looked around. "Wow, I didn't think we could get much wilder, but here we are."

"Don't be like that," gently chastised Twilight. "This is the home of one of my best friends, App--"

"--Applejack," finished a mare that was approaching them with a grin. "Hey, Twilight. Who're yer friends?"

Moondancer approached Applejack without delay, peering at her skeptically, but silently, a moment.

"Uh... Somethin' the matter?" Applejack asked, reaching up to fuss with her hair in a nervous moment. "She alright?"

Moondancer shook her head. "What is the last book you read?"

"Oh, uh..." Applejack put a hoof behind her head, considering it. "There was that one Twilight gave me, right, 101 tricks to a better harvest. Orchard raising made easy!"

"Taking after the family way?" Another earth pony had arrived, Pear Butter. She was about the same size as Applejack, but also a little older. "Shoot, ya didn't mention ya were studyin' up. Ah coulda given ya a few hints."

Applejack began to blush brightly, caught. "Twilight said I might get somethin' good out of it, felt ah owed her a browse through."

Moondancer shook her head a bit more firmly. "I don't get it." Her eyes went off Applejack to her mother. "Hello, are you also involved in food preparation?"

"Mm? Oh, of course." She tipped her head lightly. "The whole family's here to give a hoof, c'mon and I'll introduce you." She turned and began pointing at ponies, calling out their many apple-themed names as she went. "And they brought food." Food that matched many of their names were assembled for their guest. "Are you here to make sure things are goin' right?"

Twilight put a leg over Moondancer from the side. "That is exactly right. Moondancer here is on orders from Princess Celestia herself." All the others gave a collective Ooo of wonder.

Applejack nodded. "Well, we got the food covered, just like ya planned, Twilight." She inclined her head faintly, hat tilting with it. "Shoot, with you as our planner, I doubt a thing even could go wrong, and you'd fix it if it were."

"Stop it," deflected Twilight with colored cheeks. "Go on, try some." She gestured at the gathered food, glancing towards Moondancer.

"I am uncertain that is strictly required..." Despite that, she sampled an apple pastry and licked her lips. "It's... pretty good." And she tried a candied apple, and another little morsel. Each led to the next, leading her down a black hole of apple-themed gluttony.

Pear Butter tittered softly. "It's a funny thing, but this seems to happen any time a city unicorn tries some real Apple family food the first time. Well, that's a seal of approval right there." She looked to Twilight. "We'll have everything ready on time."

Twilight nodded with confidence. "I'll save my share for the festival itself."

Spike took a few finger treats for himself, chewing on an apple a moment before he dug out his scroll. "Alright, next up." He balanced himself on Moondancer. "You alright?"

"I, perhaps, overindulged," admitted Moondancer as she staggered forward. "What's next on the list?"

Twilight gently nudged against Moondancer. "You got to meet the Apple family. Not every day they're all in town."

"Mmm? Fascinating." Here interest levels did not meet her words. "Spike?"

"A pegasus should be in charge of clearing the skies."

"Oh, Rainbow Dash," provided Twilight without delay. "She's a curious one. A bit of a braggart, but not a bad pony. Her interest in books is... zero."

Moondancer scowled. "And, let me guess, you want me to meet her too."

Twilight chuckled softly. "Please? She really isn't a bad po--"

In a rainbow streak, a new pony crashed into Moondancer, knocking her into a puddle of mud and leaving Spike hovering a moment before he thudded to the ground with a soft grunt. "What?"

"Sorry," declared Rainbow, standing up atop her victim. "Oh, wow, really, sorry, lemme help." She sprang up and flew away, returning a moment later with a cloud.

Moondancer danced to the side, avoiding the cloud. "No, thanks. I have a spell for this emergency."

Rainbow tilted her head. "You do?"

"Several," assured Moondancer. "Come here, you're covered in mud as well. I can assist us both."

Rainbow inclined her head. "Nothing a little rain won't fix." She bounced on the cloud, encouraging the rain free and darting under it, allowing the rain to rinse herself clean. "Ta da!"

Moondancer waved it away. "Twilight, watch this. I never had a chance to show it to you." Twilight didn't need to be informed to behold a new spell in action. Moon's horn began to glow brightly as the mud lifted free of her, becoming smaller and smaller bits until it seemed to just disintegrate away, leaving her clean and dry. "As you said, 'ta da.'"

Rainbow squinted at the display of unicorn stuff. "Huh, friend of yours?" She was looking at Twilight and pointing at Moondancer. "She's kooky. I like her."

Spike waved up at the pegasus perching on her cloud. "Hey, I'm Spike."


Twilight inclined her head. "She's here to ensure the Summer Sun celebration proceeds smoothly, which includes making sure the sky is cleared."

Moondancer looked to the cloud-spotted sky. "That appears to be a negative."

Rainbow threw a hoof, waving the problem away. "Please, I can clear it when we need it. What's the rush?"

Moondancer raised a hoof to adjust her glasses that had been knocked askew in the impact. "Are you certain you are capable of the task?"

"Please!" Rainbow rolled off the cloud, hitting the ground on all fours, trotting towards Moondancer. "I can handle it in, what, ten seconds, flat."

"I demonstrated my trick." Moondancer inclined her head. "Your turn."

"I dunno, ten seconds seems kinda fast," noted Spike, looking to the clouds that dotted the sky.

"Oh, it is so on!" Rainbow thudded Moondancer. "Kooky unicorn, you wait here. Watch." And she was gone in a blur of rainbows, smashing clouds in rapid darts across the sky, kicking and punching when she wasn't just plowing through them, clearing the sky.

Twilight was counting slowly. "Eight... nine... ten." Rainbow landed as the last word was said. "Wow. The timing is the more impressive part, if you ask me."

"Flat," repeated Rainbow, looking smugly satisfied. "Happy now?"

"Quite. Thank you." She turned to Spike. "What's the next on the list?"

Spike dug out the scroll, eyes scanning. "Uh, next..."

Twilight moved around to Rainbow. "Thanks for the help. Moondancer's still getting to know ponies, don't--"

Rainbow pushed Twilight's hoof away. "Your friend's weird, and I got Wonderbolts training." And she flew off without further delay.

They proceeded towards the town hall. "Decor," spoke Twilight. "Rarity has this, and I trust her when it comes to making things pretty."

"This should be fast." Moondancer nodded appreciatively. "Then we can go over the facts and figures. I know, with your help, we can solve this problem."

A unicorn was comparing ribbons. "No... no. No... Oh! goodness no."

"That is Rarity," announced Twilight. "A community figure, and the head fashionista of the town."

Moondancer inclined her head. "She's a unicorn, does she--"

"--no," answered Twilight before Moondancer could finish. "She has some mild interest, but no particular magic talent."

"Darling!" Rarity noticed them and trotted towards there. "Twilight and... friends?"

Twilight gestured at Moondancer and Spike. "They're here to make sure everything's up to code."

"Well, as you can see." She slowly turned. "This is under control." She finished her turn to face Moondancer. "But you. You are untouched clay."

"Pardon?" Moondancer adjusted her glasses. "Is something off?"

"How to put this delicately... You could be so much more! Allow me a moment and I'll get you into something that will let you shine with the light inside." She was around Moondancer, nudging her along. "It took me a while to convince your friend, but Twilight came around."

Twilight chuckled as she followed. "Just let it happen, she knows her fashions."

Spike followed at Twilight's side, watching Moondancer being nudged along. "She's a bit pushy, isn't she? Not at all... a delicate flower, like some mares I know." He sighed gently, admiring his beloved book pony. "So... how are things going?"

"It's been nice." She turned an ear towards the dragon, trotting alongside him. "Though it's nicer now that I have my favorite dragon around."

Spike floated with joy, his tail circling to propel him along. "Your favorite?"

"Well, honestly, also the only one I actually know?" She inclined her head. "Still my favorite." She grabbed for him with a leg, drawing him close in a gentle hug he accepted with a blush. "Now let's keep up, Moondancer may need our help."

They hastened their steps to find Rarity hurriedly swapping poor Moondancer from one ensemble to the next, critiquing each in a flash before rushing to the next. Moondancer saw Twilight enter and shot her a hopeful look.

Twilight advanced with a little smile. "Rarity! You've outdone yourself."

"I have?" She turned to regard the sunny outfit Moondancer was in. "I can do better than this."

"You're kidding." Twilight waved it away. "She looks fantastic, and it's all your fault. Oh, Moondancer, you're late."

"I am? Oh, yes, very late, thank you." She hurried away, fleeing boutique with Spike, grabbing him up and tossing him up on her back. She was leaving Twilight to Rarity's clutches. Some ponies were true friends.

"What's the last one?" asked Moondancer as she trotted along uneasily. "At least... the last one."

"Music," announced Spike, waving the scroll.

They heard birds tweeting melodically, though one of the line was clearly singing off key.

Moondancer approached, one bushy brow rising as she beheld the yellow pegasus trying to instruct the birds. "You know birds can't understand ponies, right?" The birds took off at her speech, apparently unbothered by Fluttershy's previous conversation with them.

Fluttershy turned to see the source of the unexpected voice. "Oh, my."

"Do you know who's in charge of the music?"

Spike nudged Moondancer from above. "Pretty sure that's her right there."

"Is that a baby dragon?!" gasped out Fluttershy, realizing what she was looking at. She zipped in close to Spike. "Aw, look how adorable you are!"

Spike pawed at her hooves, trying to win some space. "Uh, hi, that was a really nice song."

"Excuse me." Moondancer turned and raised into view. "Are you in charge of the music for the festival?"

With Spike removed, Fluttershy fell back, looking suddenly very unsure.

"Excuse me?" Moondancer adjusted her glasses, perplexed. "I'm Moondancer, sent by Princess Celestia. Who are you?"

"Oh, um... I'm..." Her name was lost to mumbles.

"Repeat that, louder?"

"I'm fl..."

Moondancer's bushy brows came together as her horn began to glow, as did Fluttershy. "One more time."

"Fluttershy!" boomed out, her voice amplified several times over. She squeaked and fell back, hooves to her mouth.

"That's better. Fluttershy, are you in charge of the music?" Moondancer looked smugly certain of her actions.

Spike waved. "Don't worry about her. She gets really focused on her jobs."

"The dragon can talk? I didn't notice before, and now I feel silly, you said something else at me before. What's your name?" she gushed, her shyness forgotten in the face of the adorable baby animal.

"I'm Spike." He waved at her lightly even as Moondancer was walking away. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, oh, gosh, what do dragons talk about?"

"Your birds are back," noted Moondancer. "You can go back to talking to them."

But that wasn't happening, with Fluttershy flapping along after them, chatting animatedly with Spike. Moondancer sighed, but pressed on, listening to Spike give his entire life story to Fluttershy. He was about to launch into the day's activities when Moondance twirled to face her. "We're here." She pointed at the library they were beside. "No talking allowed in there. See you later."

Without giving Fluttershy much time to reply, Moondancer hurried inside away. It was strangely dark inside. "Huh, did I get the timing off?" Moondancer reached a hoof about, trying to find some manner of light. "At least now we have chance to study and approach the real problem at hoof."

With a loud click, the room was revealed. Ponies were all around them, smiling and shouting, "Surprise!" Party favors were blown and confetti dropped as they closed in to greet the two newest visitors to Ponyville. They saw a few familiar faces, like Lyra, in the mix of mostly strangers.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you!" She thrust a hoof at Moondancer with a huge grin. "Were you surprised, huh, were you?!" She bounced in place, then right over Moondancer's head with obvious joy radiating from her in all directions.

"This is a library," noted Moondancer. "I expected silence, so this is quite surprising indeed." Her voice was low with a mix of anger and annoyance.

"Well, that's just silly." Pinkie shook her head, dismissing the idea. "What kind of party would it be if it were quiet? A boring one! I saw you before, remember, and I got all excited because I remember ponies and I didn't remember you, so you had to be new! Which meant I had to throw a party!"

Moondancer spied someone she recognized, Twilight, by the punch bowl. She began walking in that direction, trying to avoid the many other ponies. Pinkie just followed along, still talking. "So, Pinkie... Are you involved in the Summer Sun celebration?"

"Am I? Are you for real?" Pinkie bounced up next to Moondancer. "Of course! I am the party planner of Ponyville. I'll have all kinds of games and fun to be had once all the boring stuff is out of the way. I can't wait!"

Moondancer decided to tune out Pinkie for a moment, getting close enough to Twilight to approach her properly. "Twilight, good to see you."

"Moondancer." Twilight came in and the two exchanged a brief hug. "Did you find everypony else? When I got out, you were gone."

"Found them," she reported with a nod. "They're all ready, so that's done, now about..." She glanced aside at the loudly partying ponies. "How are we going to get anything done with all of them here."

"They're here for you," reminded Twilight. "They're really excited to get to know you, and to have you as a friend."

Moondancer's brows fell together. "Do they need something specific? Tell me what it is so I can give it to them and they can go."

"Moony!" Lyra landed next to Moondancer, an earth pony walking up easily next to her. "Wow, it's been so long. How's it been since school?"

Bon Bon raised a brow. "You two went to school together?"

"Oh, yeah!" Lyra threw a leg over Moondancer's withers, turning her towards Bon Bon. "Meet a pretty mare I happen to like... a ton. She's Bon Bon, she makes candy, but she still can't make them half as sweet as she is."

Bon Bon suddenly shoved Lyra away. "Stop that! That was corny the last ten times you used it."

Twilight and Lyra laughed, and Moondancer was the odd one out, laughing fakely to fit in a bit. "Yes, well... I have study to do, so..." She began walking away.

"Not interested in the party?" There was Applejack to the side. "Ah ain't big for real huge hootananies after a while either."

"Yeah..." Moondancer advanced past Applejack to find another pony in her way, Rainbow Dash. "Good job." She just walked around Rainbow.

"You can sleep upstairs." Twilight hurried to catch up, pointing. "I set up two extra beds with me. Just grab one of the larger ones and get a nap."

Moondancer smiled. Twilight knew what she needed... of course. Twilight was the best pony she knew. "Thank you," she whispered before fleeing up the stairs. She was in Twilight's room! There were three beds. Two of them were big enough for a mare, and one smaller one she imagined Spike could occupy without issue.

She wandered up and sniffed gently. One smelled like Twilight. Moondancer felt a temptation to collapse on that one, to sleep surrounded by Twilight's presence...

But it was hers. She wouldn't intrude on Twilight. She flopped onto the other and closed her eyes, but she could hear thumping and loud music from below. The party was still going full speed, without her there. "Nng." She glanced at the clock. Surely the party would be done in just a few hours, right?

She tried to get some sleep. She tried to wait it out. She was doing pretty badly at both. The party was still going on and on with no pause in sight.

"Hey, Moondancer!" It was Spike. "Wanna come --"

"No!" She threw her pillow over her head, trying to muffle all the noise fruitlessly. "The ponies of this town are crazy! Why aren't they going to bed?"

"Everypony has to stay up for the Summer Sun celebration," explained Spike. "That's right at dawn, when Celestia raises the sun, remember?"

Moondancer applied a hoof to her face, realizing her error. "Ugh, right..."

"You could... come have fun with us?" He gestured back downstairs. "Twilight's there."

She was not feeling like even Twilight's presence could turn things around. She buried her head and Spike fled back to the party. "I need to find out more about the elements of harmony, and they're partying like nothing's wrong. Stupid parties are a waste of energy anyway. Celestia, this is the worst research project you've ever given!" She rolled over and thumped the bed in frustration.

She could see out the window. She could see the stars, and the moon. It was perfectly... terrible... "Oh no... Princess, you'd better be right..."

6 - Episode 2

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"Thanks for coming." Twilight gently waved at the last of the party-goers. "See you all at town hall in a moment." She closed the door and turned. "Spike, Moonie?"

"Right here!" Spike saluted crisply. "Need help cleaning up after that?"

"I will, later, thank you, but for now we should be moving. Where's Moondancer? We don't want to miss the raising of the sun." Twilight looked around as she moved towards the stairs, figuring Moondancer was likely to be beyond them.

"She was trying to sleep." He followed her up the stairs. "She really wasn't feeling the whole party thing."

"That does sound like her," sighed out Twilight, emerging into her room. "Maybe I should have warned Pinkie..." That would have to be a lesson for another day. "Where is she?"

Spike popped out from behind her, looking around wildly. "Moondancer?" He hurried to the bed she had been in and grabbed a paper. "She left a note!"

His eyes swept over it as he began to read.

Dear Twilight,

I appreciate what you've done for me, but I must act before it's too late. The elements of harmony are pivotal to resolving this issue, and their last known location is not far from here in the Castle, so I am embarking to fetch them and put this matter to rest.

Thanks for Watching Spike,

PS: I borrowed your book, sorry for not checking it out.

Spike lowered his hands, still holding the paper. "Oh..."

"This is not good," stated Twilight firmly. "She's headed straight into the Everfree Forest, and that's dangerous for anypony!"

"We have to save her!" He threw his hand, and the letter, high, the latter drifting down lazily. "What do we do?!"

"Hop on." Twilight turned, allowing Spike to scramble up, even if he was blushing. "Time to get the girls together."

"What gi--" Twilight didn't let him finish talking, bounding down the stairs and rushing for the door, her magic opening it for her and closing it behind her. A sign flipped from 'open' to 'closed' on the way, lest some pony thing the library was open for business.

Moondancer trotted through the dim clutches of the forest, frowning through her glasses at the menacing and glowering eyes that tried to intimidate her. "You have failed," she stated bluntly. "Bluffs are to be ignored. Now..." She followed a path around a sharp bend and came up short.

Ahead of her was a huge beast, snuffing and looking for something. It was like a big cat, with bat wings, and a scorpion's tail. Ah, yes, she'd read about those. Territorial to a fault, and just as violent. Engaging with it rated... low on her priority list. Avoiding it? Yes, that would be prudent.

It suddenly roared, wrenching a paw back with a pained look on its face as it began limping in a circle, keeping that paw off the ground.

A distraction? A distraction. She nodded as she hurried around the chimera in a wide circle, leaving it to nurse its wound, whatever had caused it. It was none of her concern, and it had proven a boon for getting past it. She neither thanked or cursed the serendipity of it, simply plowing past with the advantage given to her.

Twilight's quick approach of the town hall was interrupted by wild laughter from within. Twilight lifted an ear as the other folded back. "What?"

"Got me," admitted Spike, holding firmly to her mane. "This part of the local holiday?"

"I assure you, it's not." She shook her head, resuming her approach a bit slower. "What's going on?"

The door burst open, the double doors slapping against either side as some malignant magical thing flowed free and off towards the Everfree, carrying the laughter with it. Twilight watched it go a moment before trying to get closer. Unfortunately, a lot of other ponies were rushing to get out of the building, slowing her progress.

"Hey." Applejack found her, others clustering in rapidly. "You missed a big somethin' goin' down!"

Rarity flipped her mane. "That ruffian ruined the decorations and promises to do even more. This cannot be accepted!"

Rainbow landed, stomping a hoof on the way. "This big mare just shows up out of nowhere like she's in charge or something! Nightmare Moon, what a lame name."

Twilight's eyes widened. "She was right..."

Pinkie tilted her head. "Who was right?"

"Moondancer," blurted Twilight, dancing in place. "And she's going right into danger!"

AJ set a hoof on Twilight, calming her. "Slow down, sugarcube. You know yer not alone. What's goin' on with yer friend?"

"She... wasn't very nice," noted Fluttershy timidly.

Spike leaned around Twilight's head. "Nightmare Moon?"

"Oh, um, not her either." She withdrew behind her hair as if she could vanish.

Twilight chuckled nervously at that. "I know she can be a bit... prickly, but, I promise, there's a lovely pony under there, waiting to warm up to you all. Right now, we have to keep her safe. Nopony deserves to be hurt, or worse, and she went right into the Everfree Forest."

All the girls gasped at the news. Fluttershy braved a step forward. "What was... that, about her being... right?"

"I'll explain on the way, we have to go." She led her friends towards the same dangerous forest. "We have a friend to save. What did Nightmare Moon say, anyway?"

"Blah blah blah," started Applejack. "Eternal darkness, mua ha ha. Somethin' like that."

"She mentioned a Castle," noted Spike.

"The Castle of the Twin Sisters," agreed Twilight. "That is where we're going."

Rainbow lifted over the group as they strode towards the edge of town "Is she worth it? I mean, shouldn't we be doing something about the fact that it's still dark?" She waved a hoof at the darkened skies.

Twilight twisted her head to look up at Rainbow. "She's already trying to do something about it. She was trying to ask me about it, and I put it off a day, thinking it wasn't... a big deal." She sighed softly. "And I let her down."

Rarity bumped into her from the side. "Don't beat yourself up, darling. We're on the case, now. We'll save your friend, and the rest of Equestria while we're at it!"

"Ah'll drink t' that." Applejack adjusted her hat as they came up on the border of the forest. She swallowed heavily. "Just have to make it through... there."

There was some soft grumbling, but they would not be dissuaded by a tree line alone, and they pressed onwards into the unknown.

"Again?" Moondancer cocked a bushy brow at the menacing faces that had appeared on the trees all around her. "I'll award points for an improved bluff, but it's still a bluff." She kept on walking, paying the faces no further mind. "Stupid forest."

She kicked one tree as she went past, only to have a branch swat her bottom in reply. With a squeak, she dashed forward out of further range, grumbling to herself as she blushed. "Don't be a little foal. You have this under control."

Still, no lousy tree, with or without a face, was going to stop her! As if...

A raging frothing river, on the other hoof, was harder to argue away. "Hmm..." She looked up and down along it. There was no bridge, and the water seemed far too agitated to dream of swimming across it. "I should have learned that spell..." Her decision to 'leave flying to the pegasi' felt silly right at that moment. "C'mon, think..." She plonked down to her haunches, considering the challenge before her.

Twilight slid forward suddenly, the bank giving way under her. Her and the other girls yelped, scrambling for purchase as those with wings jumped into the air. Applejack managed to bring herself to a halt, her forehooves clapped together as strongly as they could to hold Twilight in place, a painful position for them both. "Ah... gotcha... Alright, gonna let go."

"Applejack, I trust you dearly, but... why would you let me go?" asked Twilight, trying to be rational despite the situation. "Pull me up instead?"

"No can do, promise. It's a Big Mac Catch." Twilight's eyes widened a bit before she relaxed, allowing the drop to come. Twilight fell into the arms of her flying friends and Applejack sat up, chuckling. "Just like old times."

"Just like it," joined Twilight with a little laugh as she was carried to safety. "Thanks, both of you."

They were able to proceed, a little closer for their harrowing moment of danger.

Fluttershy wished the chimera well as they went on past it, all sore feelings for their brief conflict set aside and forgotten with the thorn removed from his great paw.

"Good work." Rainbow thumped her rump into Flutter's from the side. "You had that big monster literally eating out of your hoof."

"Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness." Fluttershy was looking ahead into the forest that seemed to press from all around them. "I really hope we're almost there..."

There was no such luck. The trees only got more and more imposing, until they seemed to be literally leering at the ponies, daring the mares to turn tail and run back from whence they came.

Pinkie wasn't having that, espousing the power of a bit of laughter in the face of danger, and banishing the tree demons away. "You'll see that they can't hurt you; just laugh to make them disappear!" With a pointed ha ha ha, she sent them packing, leaving unaltered trees behind. The girls could proceed laughing along with one another instead of trembling.

"There has to.. Ah ha!" She saw a serpent lump move, a coil in the frothing waves. "Is something in there?" She lowered her horn at it and gave it a little zap.

"Ouch!" proclaimed Steven Magnet as the purple lizard rose out of the waves, scowling at the little pony. "What'd you do that for?! My day is already absolutely ruined and you have to add to it?"

Moondancer inclined her head at the enraged beast. "I have to get across." She pointed past him. "Or we stay in the dark forever, which takes higher priority than your bad day."

"Oh, that's so easy for you to say, little dear." He reached up to his disfigured face, one side of his great moustache removed. "Look what just happened to me! Even this dark isn't dim enough to hide my shame. It's literally the worst thing, and you don't even care."

He wasn't entirely wrong. She did not feel a great amount of compassion for the large roadblock. "If you've stopped crying, may I go past now?"

"You attacked me and now you're being rude? Honey, I'm losing patience fast." He scowled at the little unicorn, but noticed movement behind her. "What's this, you brought backup to make my day worse?!"

Twilight and the girls had caught up with her. Twilight closing in on Moondancer, the two exchanging a brief hug, warmth offered there at least. "Good to see you." Moondancer inclined her head towards Steven. "He won't let me go past."

Fluttershy was studying the great lizard. "Oh, um, sorry if we've bothered you."

"Well, at least one of you has manners." He sniffled dejectedly, but he was looking at Fluttershy then. "I've just had the worst day, little sister, the worse!"

"Oh my, what happened?" She inclined her head faintly.

Moondancer leaned in closer to Twilight. "I don't get it. Why are we talking to him?"

Twilight pointed to the two talking. "They are becoming friends."

Moondancer's gaze flipped between Fluttershy and Steven, back and forth. Suddenly, she applied a hoof to her face. "How could I be so dumb?! He just wanted a favor in return for a favor, of course. Friendship was the answer the entire time!"

Twilight gently booped her friend on the nose. "I think you arrived at not precisely the conclusion I was aiming for, but basically yes."

"Darling, how can anyone deal with looking so. The barbarian who did this to you deserves what's coming to them," huffed Rarity, turning up her nose at the idea. "Have no fear, we'll get you looking more like your usual self."

Steven blinked with obvious surprise. "What could you do? I mean, I do appreciate the feeling, honey, but you can't just... Ow!" She had plucked one of of his scales. "Now you're attacking me too?!" But she brought down the scale like a knife, severing the tip of her own tail, leaving her with just a stub. "I mean... That's a bit extreme."

She smiled, lifting it up in her magic to work it into his moustache, giving him a purple, but complete, look. "Here you are, something to tide you over while you wait for your natural locks to return."

"You are just a peach." He clapped his hands together with a bright smile. "You're alright. If you need something, you just let me know."

"Friendship is the exchange of favors," noted Moondancer, looking satisfied with her world view proven correct.

Steven formed a bridge for them to hop across easily to the other side, their adventure able to continue with a new friend secured.

Pressing on, together, Moondancer explained as they went, "We need the elements of harmony. They were last seen in the Castle of the Twin Sisters. That is how Nightmare Moon was last defeated. We can do it again with their help."

Rarity inclined her head faintly. "Why would they leave such an important thing in such a remote place? Really, some people."

Twilight shook her head. "No argument there, but there must be a good reason." She shrugged softly. "By the way, I left Spike at the library, so he wouldn't be in danger here in the forest. I couldn't risk your little brother."

"Hm? Oh." Moondancer nodded firmly. "Thank you. I knew I could trust on you to make reasonable decisions. I hope he's not upset about not being here. I feel certain he would have wanted to accompany you."

"He really did," chuckled out Twilight, thinking back on the brave Spike, wanting to protect her instead of the other way around. "He is a darling little dragon, which is why we have to keep him safe."

Emerging from the fog up ahead, they saw the rundown ruins of the castle. Their faces all lit up with hope. Moondancer accelerated forward. "Let's end this--" She stopped, her tail grabbed in Rainbow's teeth. "Excuse me?"

Rainbow pointed past her, to where a bridge had fallen, and a great abyss awaited instead. "Best leave this to a pony that can fly." She spread her wings and launched into the air. "I'll get the bridge back up in a flash." And she was gone.

All of them waited patiently. Moondancer raised an arm over her eyes. "Did I see something?"

Twilight inclined her head faintly. "Mostly fog... Let's be patient."

The bridge began to rise into place, being tied off onto something secure. They could see Rainbow Dash waving at them. They were able to advance across it as if it had never been damaged. "Some jerks tried to get me to leave you all behind, as if." She rolled her eyes at the idea. At last, they had arrived at the castle! Moondancer was already trotting ahead, determined to see her quest through to completion.

Applejack leaned in, speaking quietly to Twilight as they trotted along, "Look, ah know she's yer friend an' all, but she's a might... prickly?"

"She's a jerk," more bluntly added Rainbow Dash.

"We were all a little difficult to deal with, when we were new." Twilight shook her head slowly. "She's used to living with books for company, and as much as I love them, a pony once in a while helps. We can smooth those edges."

Fluttershy nudged against Twilight gently. "That's very, um, kind of you." They shared a little smile, unified in extending a nice hoof, even if the target wasn't looking for it specifically.

Rarity buffed her chest with a hoof as they walked. "Let's get this little emergency over before we worry about that, darlings. Priorities and what not."

"Here it is!" They came in to join Moondancer around a strange statue with great stone spheres. "The elements. All..." She counted quickly. "Wait, there should be... one more..."

Twilight opened her mouth to reply, but maniacal laughter surrounded them, along with a powerful wind. As the gust faded, the statue was gone, along with Moondancer. "We have to find them!" And Twilight led the charge to find the elements and their missing friend.

Moondancer picked herself up off the floor with a low grunt. She could see Nightmare Moon cackling. And there were the elements! She just needed a spark. Moondancer's horn began to glow as she wove the magic she hoped would awaken the artifacts.

"You're kidding." Nightmare inclined her head at the little unicorn. "You're kidding--"

She didn't get to finish her statement, Moondancer sending electric arcs over the statue, lighting the area and providing a handy way for her friends to find her, not that she was thinking of that.

That was not the spark the elements were waiting for. The status crumbled to pieces before her eyes. "No..." She had failed.

Nightmare Moon laughed wildly. "You saved me a step. I should thank you, little moron. What were you even trying to do?"

The others rushed into the room, circling around her and scowling at Nightmare Moon. "The Night will last forever," she cried with victory, head back for continued cackling.

"Just say the word," barked Rainbow.

"We're here for you," assured Applejack.

"Yeah, we're all here," added Pinkie, bouncing.

Twilight set a hoof on Moondancer's shoulder. "If the elements broke that easily... maybe they weren't the elements."

Moondancer sat up almost so fast as to crash into Twilight. "That's it! You're a genius!" She turned on Nightmare Moon, a victorious smile on her face. "Those rocks aren't what we're here for."

"What?" She frowned at the sudden recovery of her enemy's spirit.

"The elements are right here!" She thrust a hoof back at the assembled mares. "Kind enough to want to make friends with a dragon, she's confusing but she's got kindness down pat. Fluttershy!" Rocks snapped together, becoming a necklace around her neck, dangling over her chest.

"So generous she cut off her tail just to make a guy feel better, seems clear to me. Rarity is generosity!" An amulet snapped into place on Rarity. "This mare literally ran off to throw a surprise party for a mare she never met, and she's the life of the party." Moondancer pointed at Pinkie. "Behold, laughter!"

Twilight was gently clapping her hooves as each was named, a bright smile on her face as her friends lifted into the air. "You can do it," she urged quietly, as if her voice could throw things off.

"Loyal to her friends even when comparative offers are made! Rainbow Dash, I dub thee Loyalty!" Rainbow joined the others, glowing with power. "And I'm out of elements so I'm pretty sure this one's yours. Applejack, you are my honesty!"

"Fool," thundered Nightmare Moon. "Proclaiming you're out of elements when you don't even have them all? Your little speech didn't work."

"That's where you're wrong." Moondancer brought her hooves together. "The sixth element is also here. The element... of magic!" she cried, lifting into the air. The entire group was awash with power as a new form rose to join them, Twilight floating just aside Moondancer, to both of their confusion, but they put it aside as each gained half a tiara, precisely half that would fit into the other.

"No!" Nightmare Moon took a step forward, but it was already too late. The two unicorns at the fore were the channel, magic flowing in a dazzling beam of rainbow hues. "Nooo!" She was lost under waves of colors, her laughing at a complete end with her defeat.

The next thing anyone knew, Rainbow was rubbing her head. "Ow, wow, what happened?"

"Everypony alright?" asked Applejack, looking around. They were still wearing their necklaces, which she brushed with a hoof idly.

"Oh, thank goodness." Rarity was admiring her restored tail.

"Why, Rarity, it's lovely." Fluttershy agreed with Rarity's opinion, nodding.

"Oh, darling, you needn't tell me. I'll never part with it again!"

"No, I meant your necklace." She pointed at the jewel. "It looks like your cutie mark."

"Well, dear, so does yours," She pointed in return with a nod.

Fluttershy gasped as Pinkie bounced. "Look at mine, look!"

Rainbow had seen hers, pumping a hoof. "Aw yeah, look at me."

Twilight threw a leg over Moondancer. "How did you figure that out? My friends are all elements?!"

"Indeed they are," spoke a gentle voice. There was Celestia, arrived with her stately smile. All the ponies present bowed towards her, except Moondancer who inclined her head.

"Moondancer, my faithful student. I knew you could do it."

Moondancer raised a hoof to her cheek. "I don't even begin to understand. You were quite firm in not assisting me."

"I told you to make friends, and nothing more than that." Celestia reached out a hoof to rest on Moondancer's head, right where her tiara ended. That was... not in the plans. She glanced aside at Twilight, wearing the other half. What did that mean? She kept that to herself. "You have found friendship, and it let you awaken the magic in your heart, now if only another will... Princess Luna!"

She approached Luna to share emotional words. Twilight was quick to close with Moondancer. "What happened? We're wearing matching tiaras." She pointed up at them. "Mine has half of my cutie mark, and yours has yours, which matches our friends, but why are ours half?"

Moondancer clopped her hooves together. "Because we're both magic. Our talent was equal in this field." She leaned in, touching her head to Twilight's. "It is a pleasure to acknowledge you as a peer." The two shared a look, warmth growing in their chests. Even if Moondancer had failed to see the friendship in the others just yet, those two were true friends, and that link allowed the magic to work.

She stepped back, uncertain. The royal sisters seemed to have made things up. Pinkie was sniffling with joy. "I... suppose this means I go home." Moondancer turned to Celestia. "At least let me go retrieve Spike. He's in town."

"There is no need," assured Celestia. "Moondancer, take a note please."

With a pop, a quill appeared with a scroll, Moondancer ready. "I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Moondancer shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville."

Moondancer dutifully got the words down, even as her head tilted more and more. "Wait... but--"

Twilight threw a hoof over Moondancer, hugging her. "Isn't that wonderful! You can stay!"

She could stay? Oh! That was good news! Moondancer began to smile. "Yeah... Um, Celestia, ma'am, I'll do my best!" She saluted with the hoof away from Twilight. "Expect regular reports."

Pinkie bounced ahead to join the hug pile. "This is so exciting! I can't wait to get to know you better, and I'll show you all the fun places around town. I hope you're ready, because I'm so ready! Oooo!"

The other mares couldn't resist the affection being given and closed, joining in the welcoming of Moondancer, even if they didn't really get her just yet. Twilight and Pinkie seemed happy at least, and they seemed to be tied somehow, linked with an ancient artifact.

Celestia gently gathered up her sister. "I am sorry this took so very long," she whispered so softly she felt sure the girls wouldn't hear it. "Let's get you somewhere safe, then I can try to begin apologizing properly."

7 - A New Path

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Twilight looked back from the window she had thrown open. "The library opens early in the morning, and only one pony does that." She trotted for the stairs. "Breakfast is ready downstairs."

"Did she say breakfast?" Spike hopped out of his smaller bed, wide awake and jogging to keep up. "You are a mare of many talents, my dear."

Twilight's ear twitched softly. That was an odd way for a little boy, dragon or not, to address her. "I had a chance to ask Celestia. Since I am housing you and Moondancer, she gave me a mild stipend to cover the costs, not that I would have turned either of you away." She raised a hoof to her chest, ambling along despite it. "Still, it helps, and it means I got a perfect treat for a young dragon."

Moondancer followed down after them, looking thoughtful. "Gem flakes?"

"Gem flakes!" repeated Twilight, gesturing to a little bottle that waited to sprinkle the flakes. "Now, everypony, let's eat up and get ready to face the day.

Moondancer slid up into her chair as Spike reached for the bottle and got to sprinkling his scrambled eggs liberally. "Twilight, thank you. Your usual routine must be sorely impacted by, well, me." She put a hoof to her chest. "I have taken far more favors than I gave, and I apologize. How can I make it up to you?"

Twilight inclined her head left and right, a smile on her face. "Silly Moondancer, I want you here, but since you bring it up..." She tapped at her chin. "I'd like you to pick one of the friends you just saved Equestria with and really get to know them." She snapped at a fork that glowed with her magic, eating her own breakfast. "They're all worth being friends with, lovely ponies, just like you, or me." She looked to Spike. "Or Spike."

Spike let out a dreamy sigh. He was worth being a friend with. His crush said so!

Twilight saw the emotions on his face, considering it a moment. "Spike, you remember my best friend, besides you two, don't you?"

"Hm?" He sat up sharply, not expecting the question. "Oh, uh... Applejack?"

"That's her." Twilight gentle smiled. "And she is now the element of honesty. She always was an honest and straightforward pony. How she felt, she told you. I can always trust her..." Twilight met his eyes. "I want to trust you too, Spike. And that means if you feel something... you should share it."

"Oh, er..." He began scratching behind his head, his cheeks burning hot as he squirmed in his seat, struggling with his feelings. "Even if they're embarrassing?"

"It's alright to want to talk about it privately," she assured. "But you should share it. About the only time you wouldn't is if it hurt the other pony." She shook her head softly. "I doubt anything you feel would be mean to me, Spike."

"Never!" he exclaimed in a squeak, looking horrified of the very idea.

Moon Dancer glanced between Spike and Twilight, missing what was going on. "I will try your unicorn friend, Rarity," she decided. "I don't mean to be tribist... but I will confess, I have little grasp on the ways of earth ponies or pegasi. Rarity may not be as ardent of a spellcaster as us, but she can cast spells, and... I'll give it an honest try."

Twilight's face erupted in a great smile. "That sounds wonderful! She's probably at her boutique right now. Go on over and say hello. This will make an excellent report to Celestia."

"Ah, yes. You've done me another favor." She tapped her chin as she slid to her hooves. "I do need to keep her updated. I promised. Thank you, Twilight. With your assistance, I feel confident I can get through this challenge."

Twilight hopped down to exchange a warm hug with her friend, then turned back to Spike as Moondancer trotted off. "We're alone now. Go ahead. I promise I won't laugh. I promise I won't be angry, as long as you're honest."

Spike rubbed one arm with the opposing hand. "Well, you see... Look, you're a very smart pony."

"Thank you." She smiled at the compliment. "Moondancer is also very clever, and you have your face buried in a book almost as often."

"Comics," he admitted with a blush. "Um... You're... Mmm.... This..."

She set a hoof on his small shoulder. "Spike, when you look at me, what do you see?"

"I..." He worried his fingers together with increasing nervousness. "I see a... an enchanting mare, who I... like a lot."

"Oh, Spike..." The truth of the matter was out there, though she had a feeling 'like' was not the proper term. "Spike, I like you a lot too... but not in precisely the same way." She slid a hoof past his head, arm hooking to hug him. "I will always love you, as a brother, not... that way."

"O-oh..." He slumped in her grasp, his little heart bursting.

"Spike, this isn't a... Spike, you are a wonderful dragon." She backed a step. "You will find a pony, or another dragon? Somecreature that you connect with." She brought her hooves together with a soft clop. "And I will be there to cheer you on."

"I'm being friendzoned..."

"Where did you learn that word?" Twilight arched a brow. "I will need to talk to Moondancer about what kind of comics she's letting you read, but you are not being that. You are not just a friend, Spike. You are family." She coughed into a hoof softly. "And family does not do... that kind of thing with family."

"Look, um..." He grabbed his tail, worrying it instead. "Um... thanks... You asked me to... be honest... and you were too... I'm... I..."

"You need time," she finished for him. "And that's alright. I will be here, to talk, whenever you feel ready. I don't want to lose you, Spike."

Her gentle smile was a painful balm, soothing and stinging at the same time. "I gotta go. Be back... later." And he dashed off, away from the source of his pain.

Moondancer trotted along towards the boutique. It was easy to spot in the small town. "Hey."

She looked to the left. An earth pony. She remembered them... who... Ah... "Bon Bon."

Bon Bon waved Moondancer closer. "Lyra said you were going to head right back home, but here you are. Couldn't get enough of the Ponyville charm?"

Moondancer inclined her head. "I would like to ask you a question, may I?"

Bon Bon blinked at that. "Well, I asked you one, only fair, but you have to answer mine first." She stuck out her tongue a little. "Fair's fair."

"That is very reasonable." An exchange of favors. Had she already found a friend? What great news! "Ponyville is very different from Canterlot. I am still adjusting to it, but I have a good support network that enables this transition. She also has a stocked library."

"Oh ho! A book worm, hmm? No wonder you're having fun at Twilight's." Bon Bon laughed in a kind way, a smile on her face. "Now, what's your question? Lay it on me. I can handle it."

"Very well." That pony, Bon Bon, was honoring the exchange of favors. A point in her favor. Perhaps she could be friends, even with an earth pony. Speaking of that... "My exposure to earth ponies is limited. You have had exposure to Lyra, so I hope you can inform me of the differences between unicorn and earth pony perspectives, so I can have a better understanding."

Bon Bon looked like she had just seen a strange new species. "Wow, hon... Did you never leave Canterlot? You poor thing." She raised a hoof to her chest. "But you've come out and admitted it, and you're looking to improve. I can respect that!" She cleared her throat as she waved a hoof out over the town. "Let's start with the basics. We're all ponies! We have four hooves, we have snouts." She booped herself for emphasis. "We each have mane styles we prefer and that goes for tails." She wagged her tail as she mentioned it. "Most of us prefer an entirely vegetarian diet." She leaned in closer, eyebrows waggling. "I like a little slice once in a while, don't tell Lyra. She'd freak out."

Moondancer arched a brow. "Do you?" She sat and tapped her hooves thoughtfully, considering. "Mmm... One of the ponies that insisted on physical activities also favored a modest portion of animal protein in their diet. Perhaps there's a correlation? Do you prefer physical activities?"

Bon Bon considered her life as a secret agent, jumping out of windows and hopping over things to get at monsters. "Well, sometimes... You may be onto something there." She swatted Moondancer on the shoulder. "Clever mare. You're a book worm, so... you do not eat meat, if you're right?"

"I do not," agreed Moondancer, looking satisfied. "This is insufficient data to draw a conclusion, but enough to form a working hypothesis and attempt further research. Thank you." She inclined her head in thought. "I will need a survey..."

"I can try asking around," proposed Bon Bon. "There are plenty of ponies in town, and I know some of them keep the meat stalls open. I'll get back to you with what I find out."

Another favor being given?! She felt sure she was falling behind in the exchange. "Thank you. Why are you being so generous?" Ah ha! "Are you friends with Rarity?"

Bon Bon inclined her head. "As much as anypony else around here. She's a nice enough mare, a bit into clothes, but we all have our obsession, don't we?" She pointed at Moondancer. "I hear you like books, for instance."

"I do like books," admitted Moondancer, struggling to put the pieces together. "I owe you."

"What are friends for? I've kept you long enough." She advanced on Moondancer, startled as she was, and casually hugged as if they were friends for far longer than a few minutes. "You have a great day, alright?"

"You too," weakly allowed Moondancer, watching Bon Bon trot away, looking so happy. "I owe her a favor..." But she was not hurrying to collect. Friendship. "Friendship." Moondancer nodded, confidence beginning to return. She turned back towards the carousel and hurried towards it. She had another friend to make. She wouldn't let Twilight, of all ponies, down.

"You're looking like a cat what let the mouse get away." Applejack gently kicked the door shut behind herself, entering the library. "What's on yer mind?"

"Oh, Applejack!" Twilight brightened at the spotting of one of her dear friends. "You here to find a book, or are you looking for me?"

"You, sugarcube." Applejack sat on the other side of the counter Twilight had been stationed at. "Where are yer friends?" She looked around, not seeing Moondancer or Spike. "They gettin' inta trouble?"

"I would hope not." Twilight let out a little sigh. "You remember Spike, right? Little dragon?" She raised a hoof about Spike height off the floor.

"Reckon ah do." She nodded firmly. "Cute little fella, mite bit worried 'fer Moondancer?"

"He is both of those things..." She drew quiet a moment. "And... I hurt his feelings."

Applejack inclined her head. "That don't sound like you none at all. What happened? Tell it to me straight and we'll figure it through."

"I knew I could count on you." She set a hoof on Applejack's shoulder gently before drawing it back. "Poor little guy, he..." She tapped her hooves, hesitating. "You have to promise to keep this quiet. I didn't promise him to secrecy, but this is still--"

"--Ah get it." Applejack inclined her hat over her eyes. "Ah'll only open mah mouth if there's somethin' worth comin' out of it. So what happened with 'em?"

"He's still... a very young dragon. According to Moondancer." She suddenly smiled. "You have to give it to her, she really read up on dragons! She figured out Spike is basically an older child, but still a child, roughly..." She wobbled a hoof uncertaintly. "Maybe a few years before puberty?"

"Alright, ah get it." She nodded softly, frowning a little. "But ah don't get how that's an issue none?"

"He fell in love with his foalsitter," she sighed loudly.

Applejack peered at Twilight evenly for a long quiet moment. "Ain't... you his--"

"--Yes I am!" She threw her hooves wide. "Exactly the problem... So... I told him."

"Ya didn't!"

"I did." She sank miserably. "I didn't want him getting hurt if I kept stringing him along, so I just... said it, that I... like him very much, love even, but not... that kind of love."

"Ah can see that..." She considered a moment. "Look, yer still friends. Just give 'em a moment to think it through, and don't make it awkward none." She nodded with renewed confidence. "Yer still family. Shoot, ya done told me so much 'bout the little guy, he almost feels like one ah mine."

One could almost imagine the light bulb flaring into being over her head. "That's it!"

"What's it?" Twilight peered at her friend, confused but hopeful that a good idea was coming. "Do share."

"Give him t' me. Er, us. He just needs a good helpin' of Apple Hospitality and we'll get his head on right in no time at all." She stood up tall, looking all the more confident. "We'll get him past his heartache."

Twilight looked uncertain at first, but it began to lift. "Your mother's done a nice job with you two."

Applejack blinked rapidly. "Pardon?"

"She raised you and Big Mac," expanded Twilight, spreading her hooves. "I feel certain she can give just the right words to help Spike feel better."

"Ah bet she could." Applejack accepted the confidence in her mother's ability. "Want me to go find the little fella and bring 'em over?"

Twilight pointed past Applejack, to the door she had come through. "The sooner the better. I'll tell Moondancer what happened. Oof, this is not my best foalsitting session." She applied a hoof to her face. "But I have a friend to help me through. Thanks."

"Yer quite welcome." They shared a gentle hug of understanding and Applejack sped off to find where Spike had gone off to.

Moondancer clopped twice on the door. "Come in," sang a voice from inside, a familiar one.

"Good morning, Rarity," greeted Moondancer as she stepped inside. "I would like to begin by apologizing."

Rarity inclined her head at her guest. "We haven't even begun the day, darling. Whatever could you be apologizing for?"

"I was... trying to finish an assignment." She turned a hoof on herself. "I thought Celestia had abandoned me, and if I didn't act, quickly, all of Equestria was in danger. It only seemed... logical... that I put that above all other priorities, and I may have performed an act of impropriety or two." She inclined her head at Rarity. "Do you understand?"

"I think I do, dear, but I'm afraid I don't think you do." She pointed to a spot beside her sewing machine, which was still humming away, working under her magic. "You're saying sorry, and that is a wonderful thing, but I don't think you grasp what you actually did wrong."

Moondancer settled in the pointed at spot. "I took the first opportunity to leave your presence, trying to adhere to a schedule I had set for myself." She brought up her hooves and tapped them together. "That was... rude."

"Yes it was." Rarity's horn stopped glowing, the machine slowing to a stop. "You never even said what you actually thought of it."

Moondancer stepped from one hoof to the next. "I... see... Is it too... late to try now?"

Rarity swiveled entirely to face Moondancer. "Are you attempting to placate me, darling?"

Moondancer admitted her desires, raising a hoof, "My assignment is to properly understand the mechanics of friendship... I... fear I do not. I understand the one friend I have, but little outside that." She suddenly perked. "I'm afraid I may have made another on the way here."

"That's hardly something to be afraid of," practically sang Rarity, a little smile on her face. "Dear, that's wonderful news. Still, it sounds like you've been given quite a task considering how... ill informed you are on the topic."

"This is not the first time," stated Moondancer with sudden conviction. "When I was entrusted with Spike's guardianship, I was entirely ignorant on the topic of dragons, but, with proper research and diligence, I overcame it. I will do the same here." She brought down a hoof with a loud clop.

"Dear, darling... Please don't begin heavy researching friendship, kindly."

Moondancer blinked blankly at the shut down. "But that is how I learn. Books have all the answers."

"Books have a lot of answers, it's true." Her horn glowed, drawing over a few ponyquinns in dresses closer. "But other ponies also have answers, often not the same ones. It's only by comparing and contrasting that you can get a full picture of the thing, dear." She gestured at the ponyquinns. "Now, if you actually want to try on a dress or two, I'd be delighted to help."

Moondancer considered them quietly a moment. "I would prefer a dress that is easy to put on and easy to take off and doesn't get in the way of my motions."

Rarity's brows went up. "How specific. I love it!" She brought her hooves together in quite the glad clop. "I can tell you're telling me the truth, and I do appreciate the truth when it comes to fashion. Something simple, not too many frills, yes... Just something that slips right over you and slips right off again when you're done. That sound about right?"

"That is exactly right," she admitted as if surprised her intent was understood so easily. "Do you have a dress like that?"

"You just stand up." She made an upward gesture of a hoof. "Perfect, stand like that." Measuring tape zipped over, glowing, and began to quickly take all of Moondancer's measurements. "I'll have the perfect thing for you. Not today, mind. Artistic pieces do not spring from the air at a moment's notice, dear."

"Of course." She did her best to remain still as the tape went just about everywhere to get her each measurement. "I have worn a dress before."

Rarity cocked a brow. "You didn't seem the sort that would wear a dress, to be forthright, darling. In what situation would you wear a dress?"

Moondancer huffed. "I am the student of Princess Celestia. She holds a variety of functions and I am expected to dress appropriately." She pointed at herself. "I will admit, I usually wore whatever she gave me, but I did wear them."

"Oh, I do see... That does make sense." She seemed to hum softly in thought as she looked to a clipboard with a lot of numbers on it. "Well, that's good. I won't have to go over some things then. That must have been... quite the thing. I don't fear admitting I'm just a little jealous. Oh, to live the high life, to rub shoulders with royalty." She fluttered her lashes at Moondancer. "You were... are... the student of Princess Celestia, are you not? How exciting that must be!"

"I find it to be very intellectually satisfying." Moondancer smiled just a crack. "She must have faith in me."

"Hm?" Rarity inclined her head. "What makes you say that, specifically, dear?"

"This is the first time she gave me such a long task so far away from her direct supervision." Moondancer nodded slowly. "This is clearly a sign of her increased faith in my ability. I will not let her down."

"That's the spirit." Rarity bumped into Moondancer from the side. "Now, dear, I have to ask you to be off. I have dresses to make." She winked at Moondancer dramatically. "One of them may be yours," she sang.

"Understood." Moondancer began for the door. "Thank you. Today's conversation was... better." She inclined her head as she went. "I am still new at this process. Please tell me if I make a mistake."

"Now that, darling, I will gladly do." She sat and clapped her hooves together. "I'm already feeling better about you. You go on and have a wonderful day. I can't wait to see how you look when I'm done." With a giddy little giggle of creative desire, she got back to sewing busilly.

Pear Butter looked down at the little reptile that occupied her living room. "Hello there. Spike, was it?"

"Yes, ma'am." Spike awkwardly shuffled in place. "Um, sorry... to be in the way."

"You put that thought right out yer head." She gently bonked the dragon on the head. "You wanna help me make dinner?"

Spike blinked softly. "Oh, I know how to cook."

"Well ain't that great?" She started towards the kitchen. "Then you'll be really at home, hm? How did someone so young, from a city, learn that?"

Spike hurried to catch up with her, getting right into the swing of things with grabbing things, mixing things, and soon the kitchen was busy with the labors that would create dinner. "Moondancer is a really smart pony, but she isn't that good at, uh... self care?"

"I can imagine." Pear Butter gently nudged Spike. "Two cups of milk, if you'd please?" She watched him pour it out and nodded. "Your fingers make you a natural at this. The family's in for a real treat tonight." She got to shaking vigorously at a whisk in a bowl. "You will enjoy it with us, I trust?"

"Huh? I mean... I should..."

"If you're worried, Moondancer and Twilight know you're here." She set the bowl down and reached to place a hoof on Spike's shoulders. "For tonight, yer an Apple, so enjoy it. Ah hear yer becomin' a real stallion."

"W-what?!" His cheeks lit up bright red.

"Now, ah ain't one of those, even if I raised one. Still, figure, ah'll let a stallion tell a stallion how it works."

Spike squirmed with suddenly spiking dismay. "I mean... you don't have to..."

"Big Mac!" she bellowed as she poured out the bowl into a baking tray. "Get in here!" With the rapid approach of clopping hooves, Big Mac rushed into the room. "There ya are. Ah need a favor." She inclined her head towards Spike. "Little fella here had his first crush, and his first heartbreak. Could you...?"

Big Mac's eyes widened with understanding. "Yeah sure." He offered a hoof towards Spike. "C'mere. Ah don't think we met proper?"

"Oh, uh... I'm Spike." He gestured at himself. "Spike, brother of Moondancer." He waved off in what was the proper direction. "And... I messed up today." He groaned piteously. "And now the mare I loved probably never wants to talk to me ever again!"

"Now I doubt that's true none." He put an arm around Spike and began leading him away from Pear Butter and the kitchen. "Why don't you tell me how it happened from the start like?"

"Well, you see..." And Spike told the tale of the most wonderful librarian he'd ever known, and how he had been found out, and promptly shot right down. "She asked me just so she could tell me no... Am I ugly? I mean, I have to be. I'm not even a pony." He rang his hands together, head hanging heavily. "She musta been..."

"Now ya stop that right there." He gently thumped Spike on the shoulder. "Twilight ain't like that. What'd she say?"

"Say? Uh... she... said she loved me, but not... that way?" He huffed gently. "But she's not my sister, that's Moondancer."

"Still, it's how she sees ya." Big Mac inclined his head softly. "Somepony came an' told me that Applejack actually weren't a sister none, wouldn't mean I'd consider datin' her. She's still mah sister. It means yer important to her, real important."

"Real important..." Spike did not look entirely convinced, but it was nice having company at least.

8 - The Tickets

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Spike let out a mighty belch, green smoke sparkling as it gathered with a pop into a scroll that floated just long enough to be grabbed free of the air. "From Celestia?"

Moon Dancer shook her head. "She could send them with normal postage. Taking advantage of our bond is another thing."

"Huh?" Spike broke the seal despite his confusion and began to pull it open. "What do you mean?"

"You and I are tied." She pointed at herself and Spike. "I hatched you, with my magic. You are, as a result, tied to that magic, and through it, to me, the root of me." She inclined her head faintly. "Have you ever heard of a familiar?"

"Aren't they usually like a cat or something else tiny?" He held up two claws close together, then his eyes went back to scanning the page. "Huh, Celestia wants you to come back for the Grand Galloping Gala." He secured two shining tickets. "She included two tickets. For us?"

"Probably." Moon nodded sagely.

"The Grand Galloping Gala?!" Twilight had heard them discussing it, and was quick to zip into the room. "I hear ponies that attend it can get a peek at the Grand Archives! I've never been around so many books." She clopped her hooves on her cheeks. "What an honor!"

Spike held one ticket out towards Moon but considered the other. "Why don't you take it?" he offered to the mare that had shut him down. "At least one of us gets to be happy."

Twilight shrank, hearing the hurt tone there. "I couldn't! I mean... at least consider it first." She nodded with building confidence. "It's a long time away. Meet other ponies. Oh! Speaking of that, how did the chat with Rarity go?"

"I feel we have gained a slight understanding of each other," announced Moon with a firm nod. "I will approach Fluttershy next."

Twilight inclined her head faintly. "I'm curious, why her?" The shyest of her friends, a curious choice to approach, in her eyes.

"She enjoys quiet." Moondancer inclined her head. "I also enjoy quiet. If she reads, we have a firm connection. She obviously does not practice magic, being a pegasus, but a quiet reading friend would be acceptable."

Twilight considered her friend's logic. "Well, true... Just approach her gently, alright? She earned that name of hers." Twilight snorted at the humor and began trotting back to her duties. "Spike, are you going with her?"

Spike considered that before shaking his head. "Why don't I meet another of your friends?"

Moon spun on him. "You'll perform research on my behalf? Thank you, Spike. I owe you." She was owing a lot of ponies things of late. "Which?"

"Oh, um..." He wobbled on his feet, considering. "How about Pinkie Pie?"

Moon hiked a bushy brow at him. "A challenging target. I commend you." She tipped her front at her assistant. "I expect an incident report." She paused, considering. "Do you have experience with earth ponies?"

"Huh? Sure. The Apples were super nice." He gave double thumbs up in memory of the family dinner shared and the awkward conversation with Big Mac. "They're still ponies."

"Just ponies, without a horn. This is a pony without a horn and with wings..." She tapped her chin softly. "Maybe I have selected a more difficult target, but I feel her desire for quiet will make things easier." Everything said that needed saying, she trotted for the door without delay.

Twilight watched her go, the door clapping shut. "Spike?"


Twilight set a hoof on his shoulder. "I just wanted to make it clear that I am not mad or upset at you at all. You did nothing wrong. Feelings are, well, feelings." She laughed nervously, moving her hoof behind her head. "I would rather face an unpleasant, but honest, emotion, than to keep it a secret."


"You are not unpleasant," she cut off quickly. "You are a perfectly delightful dragon that I am proud to call my friend and, well, sort of my little brother, for how long I helped raise you." She went in and he didn't back away. Soon their foreheads clunked together, her horn off to the side. "Spike, I want to be there, for you."

"Just... not that way..." He took a half step back, hand behind his head. "I get it." He didn't get it. "Look, um, sorry. I went and made everything just... um... weird."

"Spike, you are not strange," huffed Twilight. "Well, alright, you are a dragon, but besides that, pretty normal." She stuck out her tongue in defiance. "Speaking of that, a bunch of ponies returned books yesterday, want to help me reshelve them before you run off to Pinkie's?"

"Oh, sure!" He had learned how libraries work fairly well. Both mares he liked a lot spent time in them. One was a guardian of them, the other, a steady customer. "Say, uh, how are you feeling?"

"I'm just fine," she assured as she slid a book back into its home. "Why do you ask?"

"I mean, you're a hero now." He spread his hands wide. "And you even got a fancy bit of jewelry with it. Doesn't it feel... odd?"

"Not a bad odd." She gently slid another book right where it belonged. "And I had a lot of help. My friends, Moondancer included, worked together to make it happen." She looked over from the shelf she had been working in. "Maybe next time you'll be a hero too."

"Little me?" He grinned a bit goofily, revealing he wouldn't mind the chance to be a hero. "I'll do my best."

"That's all anypony can ask for." She pointed to a lone book. "Get that one back and you're done. Thanks for the help."

"For you, anything!" He caught himself, stopping mid-stride. "I mean... as friends. We're still friends! And... I care, alright? So I'll help. Nothing more--"

"--I get it," she assured gently. "Thank you, Spike. I'll be here when you're done, promise."

He hurried the book where it needed to be and scampered for the door. "Thanks for being awesome, Twilight."

"I'm just me." She reared up onto the counter, smiling at him ."You be you. It's a fine thing to be." She let him flee properly before her horn glowed, grabbing a book for herself. "There are almost no books on the mating habits of dragons..."

"Hey!" Pinkie was walking along at an energetic pronk, a wagon being pulled behind her. "I'm making a delivery, but there are no rules that say you can't do that with a friend."

"That was a pretty good party," he noted, matching her pace. "Thanks for throwing it."

"It's what I do," she sang joyfully. "Glad you had fun with it. Moonie sure seemed, um, less enthusiastic?" She inclined her head faintly. "What kind of party does she like? I had super great ice cream!"

"It was pretty good," he easily agreed, nodding as she went down the road. "The cake? Also nice! You even had a slice with flecks of ruby on it." He licked his lips in remembering. "Are you a dragon expert?"

"Nah." She stopped in front of a house and wiggled free of the cart. "But I am a pony expert, and you were who I was throwing it for, well, both of you. I had to make sure I had your absolute favorite flavor!" She dug into the back of her wagon and began pulling free boxes in a pile. "Glad I got it right."

"Absolutely." He offered his hands forward. "Want me to carry some?"

"You are the best, Spike." And soon several boxers were in the offered arms. "Now we just bring it inside and bring some smiles!"

Which is what they did, to the loud cheers of the foals present. Except one. Diamond Tiara looked between Spike and Pinkie with a raised brow. "Who's this?" She looked at Spike specifically. "You're the strangest looking pony I ever saw."

"Huh?" He pointed at himself. "I'm a dragon."

"A super helpful dragon," called Pinkie, collecting some bits from the butler.

"I try to be." He smiled a little awkwardly. "Who are you?"

"Me? He doesn't know who I am." She turned in place to another filly with glasses. "Can you believe it?"

"Like, impossible." Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses with a raised hoof. "Silly dragon, this is Diamond Tiara. She's the richest filly in town and, like, super popular."

"I'm the richest dragon in town!" An easy claim to make, also being the only dragon in town.

Diamond inclined her head at Spike. "Really? How rich are we talking?"

"Um..." He dug in a scaled pocket and drew out the one bit he had. "Ta da!"

Diamond's eyes narrowed at the paltry sum. "I see." She rolled her eyes. "Look, pretending you're rich? It's a game you always eventually lose. Come here." She waved Spike closer, soon wrapping her arm around his neck. "If you want to get in the proper circles, you need some work."

That was not what Spike had come for. He looked to Pinkie, who was already bouncing out the door, abandoning him to his fate. "Uh..."

"First, clothes. You need some." She nodded firmly, dragging Spike along away from the door. "Silver, imagine him all dudded up in a proper tuxedo."

"Ooo, that would be, like, perfect!" She sat down to clop her hooves in approval. "And a tie, a little bow tie!"

"Yes! Perfect." She released Spike, a big smile on her face. "Just you let us work. We'll have you looking like a million bits in no time."

The fillies closed in on Spike, prepared to reforge him in the image of what they saw as perfection.

Twilight was alone in her library. It was a strange thing, of late. "Huh..." She nudged the book aside, which didn't have the information she wanted anyway. "I... am getting used to it." Sure, both Spike and Moondancer were distracting bits of things, but... She cared for them both. A little smile spread on her face. "I'm going to be so sad when she has to go."

Not right then, of course. But eventually... She couldn't live in the attic of a library forever! She was the student of Princess Celestia... Surely she'd be called home, eventually... Spike would, likely, accompany her.

"Ugh, I'm depressing myself." Rather than think about that, she trotted for the front door, her magic flipping the open sign to closed. She closed the door behind herself and started off towards a dear friend. "I know exactly how to shake this off!"

"Twi!" was all she heard before a pony landed in front of her with a skid, spinning to face her. "Whatcha doin'?!" There was Rainbow Dash with a big grin on her face.

"I was going to visit Applejack." Twilight pointed the way out of town. "But since you're here, what are you up to?"

Rainbow buffed her chest with a hoof. "I just finished a little workout. The muscles are screaming in agony."

Twilight blinked slowly. She heard no screaming, nor was Rainbow moving slowly or showing any other signs of dismay. "I'm going to assume you're not being literal. You look just fine."

"Please!" Rainbow swatted her shoulder. "I do workouts like that basically every day! If you're serious, you gotta be serious! And me? I'm serious." She waggled her brows. "Not gonna join the Wonderbolts by only putting in 50%, or 70%, or even 100% 110%! That's where I'm at!"

Twilight snickered softly at that. "If anypony could put in 110%, I feel confident it would be you, Rainbow."

"Darn tooting!" She moved next to Twilight to thump into her, looking pleased. "Don't you have a goal? I mean, you manage books just fine, but..."

"Oh, I do!" assured Twilight. "For instance, Spike and Moondancer have tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala and I'd love to go and see the Grand Archive!" She sighed with fond desire, a little smile on her face.

Rainbow pricked an ear. "I heard about that! The Wonderbolts go there every year..." She trailed off a bit, imagining them, there, all together. "If I could be there, with them... Then they'd invite me to join the team for sure!" She clopped her hooves together for emphasis. "It'd be so cool!"

Twilight inclined her head. "Is that where they normally recruit ponies?"

"Well, no, but one look at me, they'd do it in a flash." She nodded with the confidence that made her who she was. "What's so good about that library of yours? It is a library, right?"

"Yes," Twilight admitted with a little blush, found out. "Part of the Royal Canterlot Library, but not one most ponies can ever wander into without invitation... except that day!" She clopped her own hooves with a giddy smile. "I'd love to see it. Um, but I... told Spike to consider his options."

"Say what now?" Rainbow raised a brow. "What options?"

"Well, Moondancer is definitely using hers, Princess Celestia requested her presence." Twilight nodded softly. "How nervous I'd be, being called by the princess like that... But Spike wasn't that attached to his. He offered it to me, but... he was looking still a bit run down from..." She looked left and right. "Anyway, I told him to think about it before rushing to give it away."

"You are a better friend than I," laughed Rainbow, lifting into the air. "I'm going to get that ticket." And off she went with a streak of rainbows.

Twilight frowned in the direction Rainbow had gone, towards her library. "Some ponies..." Shaking free of the thought, she continued out of the town, trotting towards the orchard that held her friend and her family. She saw Pear Butter kicking a tree and waved. "Good afternoon!"

"Twilight!" She checked her buckets of apples quickly before closing the distance, the two meeting in a gentle hug. "If it ain't my favorite little book pony. How can I help? Lookin' fer AJ?"

"That was exactly the goal," confessed Twilight with a bright smile. "Not that running into you isn't a fine event on any day. How are things?"

"Another day, another reason to work." She nodded softly before inclining her head. "AJ should be at the house, helping Granny and Apple Bloom. Go an' say hi!" They shared a parting wave, both having things to do.

Twilight hurried up to the farmhouse to find Big Mac out front. "Hey there, Big Mac, what are you up to?" He seemed to be doing something with a big plow.

"Hm?" He sat up and looked around, then spotted Twilight, a smile forming, perhaps not as big as his mom, but genuine. "Hey there, Twilight. Ah was jus' tryin' ta fix this." He pointed at the plow. "Ya'd think there wouldn't be much to break."

It was a set of big spikes designed to tear up the ground. Mechanically, fairly simple. Twilight considered it, circling around the plow, looking for what could be wrong with it. "What's it doing that made you think it's broken?"

"It pulls me left." Big Mac grunted with annoyance. "Ah can pull back, but it makes it harder."

"Well..." She went to the harness, then began to trace it back to where it connected. That seemed straight at a glance. "But..." She grabbed the metal struts in her magic and slowly lifted it up and over onto its back to let her examine the underside. "Here we are." She pointed to one of the spikes, skewed off balance. "Knock that straight and you should be good to go."

Big Mac nodded in agreement. "Shoot, woulda found it eventually." Still, he nodded again towards her. "Thanks fer the hoof." He grabbed a mallet in mouth. "Best get to it. AJ's inside."

"Thank you." She dipped her head before scurrying along on her mission. "Applejack!"

"Twi?" She was facing the kitchen table, but turning at the sound of Twilight. "Sugarcube! Ah wasn't expecting ya around today. What brings ya by?"

They met in a warm embrace, cheeks touching left and right before they backed up. "I... just wanted the company of a friend, and who's the best pony in all of Equestria for that?" She threw her hooves wide, grinning at Applejack.

"Well, shoot. Now this is a hard one. Give me a moment." She tapped her chin with faked consideration. "Right on the tip of mah tongue."

"Hello there, Twilight." There was Granny Smith, seated at that table. "Ya come to help us jam up some apples?"

That was when Twilight took notice of the various jamming implements and open bags of apples present. "Oh! Is it that time of year? Zap Apples?"

Applejack snorted at that, reaching out and plucking out a perfectly red apple. "Now ya know better than that. Is this here a zap apple?"

"I suppose not." It was not the rainbow hues one would expect. "Sorry, I just... actually didn't know you had two jamming seasons?"

"A new thin'!"

Granny shook her head. "Pear Butter got it in her head." She huffed softly. "Figured we could make a few bits by making apple jam and applesauce."

Applejack leaned in towards Twilight. "Granny don't like the idea none."

"Why should I?!" Granny huffed a second time for good measure. "Ain't the way we usually do things."

"She's had good ideas so far." Applejack nodded with confidence as she dropped the apple with others in a fancy machine before crunching it all down with her forehooves into paste. "So let's keep at it!"

"I would be honored to assist." Twilight grabbed a bushel of apples in her magic and brought it over to become the next load of mashed apples. "I imagine it's just like zap apple jam making, with less zap apples, and more regular apples?"

"'xactly right." Applejack moved to throw a leg around Twilight. "Welcome to the team! Let's make a bunch of tasty treats for ponies they ain't even expecting yet."

Twilight gladly joined the family in their work, though making standard apple jam had less rabbit suits involved. "How's Apple Bloom doing? I haven't seen her in a moment."

"Hm?" Granny worked the lid onto a bottle. "She's just fine. A little upset she ain't got her mark yet, but ya can't rush that none."

"Mine came when I least expected it," chuckled Twilight. "Oh, do you need any help?" She rushed to help Granny with those tight lids. The work went on.

"So, how do I look?" Spike was looking in a mirror, pulling at the front of his new tuxedo, straightening his bowtie, and turning left and right.

Silver Spoon clopped her hooves on the ground. "You are working it!"

"Much better," agreed Diamond Tiara, nodding softly. "By the way, you're our age, right?"


Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. "You." She pointed at Spike. "You're a dragon-colt, right?"

Spike put those two words together. "Yeah, guess so, why?"

Silver Spoon got where Diamond Tiara was going. "Why aren't you in school?"

Diamond Tiara poked him in the side. "Is it because you're a dragon? Are they telling you it's not a dragon school?"

"Lame," called out Silver, her eyes joining the roll. "Like, you'd make the school way better."

Spike wasn't sure how he felt about that. He had avoided school, being home-taught by Moondancer. "But I'm not a pony?" he noted.

Diamond Tiara shook her head. "Nuh uh. We did not just go through all that so you can give up now." She thudded him in the chest with the flat of a hoof. "You just proved you can have whatever you want." By putting on a tuxedo given to him. "So if you want to go to school, you're going!"

Silver Spoon pointed at Diamond Tiara. "Besides, like, if they say no, Diamond Tiara will tell on them."

"Daddy will take away their funding." Diamond Tiara smirked oh so victoriously. "Our teacher would change her mind really quickly." She turned for the door. "Now, come along. We're going and telling her the good news."

"Wait, we are?" He scampered after Diamond Tiara, a bit confused, but also maybe a little excited. He was being invited to be someone's peer, even if it was a filly. "I should probably check with Moondancer."

Silver Spoon pushed up her glasses as they went. "Ugh, your big sister? She's not in charge of you! Now if it was your mom or dad, that'd be, like, way different."

Diamond nodded in solidarity. "You're your own boss, unless they got involved." She raised a brow. "Is there... Are there more dragons around here?" She looked around, but saw no additional dragons lurking about.

"Just me," he assured, still trailing behind Diamond Tiara. "She's not my mom, but she is kinda in charge of protecting--"

Diamond twirled to face him suddenly. "We're taking you to school, not some dangerous place. The biggest thing you have to worry about there is being bored to death." She smirked faintly. "But we'll be there, together."

Silver Spoon bobbed her head. "The other foals are going to be so jealous." How many other foals had a dragon they could call their own? "Let's go!"

As they wound their way through the town, Spike's questions only grew. "Is this alright, I mean, just making me a student?"

"You're a colt, you go to school," reasoned Diamond Tiara. "Dragon or pony, colts go to school." She looked over her shoulder at him. "And I'm not letting anypony say no, so there."

"Like, so there," parroted Silver Spoon. "It'll be fun, promise."

"Not always fun," corrected Diamond. "But we'll make it fun." She thumped her rump against Silver's, the two giggling with obvious joy. A joy Spike wasn't sure he was sharing.

"That?" He pointed to the schoolhouse. It wasn't terribly large, or intimidating, really. It was quaint, sized for the small ponies that learned there. "It isn't so bad looking..."

"I told you it isn't." Diamond marched on to go announce Spike's arrival to her teacher. Cheerilee would be so surprised!

"Um." Cheerilee looked between the fillies and the small dragon. "Hello... Spike?"

"Hi." He waved a small hand up at her, the other fussing at his tuxedo front. "If it's alright, I... wanted to join the school?" Did he? Well, he was there already...

Diamond Tiara reared up, throwing a leg around Spike's neck. "He's staying at the library, with his sister, Moondancer. Princess Celestia's student." Her eyes narrowed, the smirk growing. "You wouldn't want to upset her, hmm?"

"No, of course not..." Cheerilee rubbed her cheek softly. "Spike, you will have to obey the same rules as all the other students. Are you alright with that?"

Spike looked over the earth pony mare that was apparently their teacher. "I'm good at following rules." Libraries that Moondancer lived in often had quite a few. "Um, Miss Cheerilee? Nice to meet you." He offered a hand.

She placed her hoof against it, only for him to take hold and gently shake it. "You are, I admit, the first dragon student I ever had... But if you come with open eyes and mind, I will show you many things." Her eyes went to the fillies that were both looking smugly victorious. "As for you two, I don't know what you have in mind, but Spike is not sitting next to you."

Both looked aghast. Their plan to show off Spike, impinged upon! Diamond Tiara clopped a hoof down firmly. "Shouldn't that be up to him?" She thrust the same hoof at Spike.

Cheerilee looked to Spike with a kindly smile. "Spike, I advise you pick a seat that's available, and you can always talk with your friends at lunch and other break times, hm? Let's focus on learning things."

Spike scratched his cheek with thought, unsure of what to do in that instant.

Rainbow Dash approached the library with a scowl. The sign read 'closed'. Well, that made sense, seeing as Twilight went the other way. "Spike? It's Rainbow Dash! Let's chat about a boring old party you don't want to go to anyway!" But there was no reply.

9 - Show Me, Show You

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Velvet grinned at her friend. "Aren't you glad you came?!"

Pear Butter looked back over her shoulder at the strange backpack she wore. "Neither of us are pegasi," she said in a little cautionary tone. "Sure we aught be doin' this?"

"Absolutely sure." Velvet bobbed her head, thumping sideways against Pear. "You ain't ever felt a rush like the ground rushing up at you."

They were high in the sky, a balloon holding them up on a platform they were free to jump from. A task Velvet had a stuck grin about as she moved towards the edge. "We'll go together. I haven't let you get hurt yet, right?"

"N-no, you haven't." Pear shuffled forward with less certainty, taking slow breaths to try to calm herself. "Ah can do this..." Sure, she could, but should she? She wasn't sure of that. "Sugar, ya know I got nothin' but love fer ya, but why do ya gotta do things like this?!"

Velvet grabbed her friend, an arm around Pear's neck near the withers. "Because life is only worth having when you can feel it between your hooves, and you only get to do that when it feels like it could be taken away and you wrench it back with a shout! That rush, and just afterwards, ain't not a pony around that can say you're not alive."

Pear leaned into her adventorous friend. "Ah'm trustin' you. My foals already..."

Velvet's expression softened dramatically. "You're alright. We're alright, I swear it... Pear, if you're not feeling up for it, then we stop. We do not make that jump if you're not feeling it. Being a friend is not dragging you where you don't want to be."

Pear took a loud shaky breath, shaking her head firmly. "No! No... Ah got this. Ain't gonna be a wet blanket over my friend." They touched noses gently, the tension melting a bit. "If yer here... Ah feel safe enough." Maybe not... entirely safe, but they'd make it, right?

Velvet drew Pear in closer. "We go when you want to go, not a second before." She suddenly giggled. "I'll just add that to the spice, not knowing when you'll want it. Could be any second, or maybe never, who knows." She nuzzled into her friend's cheek. "And I'm here to wait either way."

Pear pulled Velvet with her motion towards the edge. "Ah ain't gonna make ya wait forever none." She peered down into the depths, to the cold rocks far below. "If this kills me, gonna haunt yer hubby. Ya know he can't take it."

Velvet burst into laughter at that, giving a little bounce. "Now that's the right attitude. Make 'em squeal for me!"

The two laughed, and plummeted. They looked death in the eyes, and screamed. One with the wild joy of life, the other with a moment of terror. Still, it was a brushing meeting. They clung to each other, their parachutes slowing their drop to a hasty, but not bone breaking, descent.

"Oh, um, hello..." Fluttershy inclined her head at the unicorn at her door. "Can I... help you?"

"I hope we can provide assistance to one another." One sided gift-giving made for poor friendship! She was perfectly aware of that. Moondancer offered a smile, an expression that made ponies more willing to exchange favors. "I heard that you enjoy reading."

"Oh, well, yes, I do." Fluttershy rubbed her cheek gently. "You're staying with Twilight, right? She has a lot more books than I do."

"This is undoubtedly true." Moon doubted a random pegasus had more books than Twilight. "But I'm looking for a pony to read with, quietly. How does that sound?"

Fluttershy perked up, ears lifting and her eyes shining. "Oh! That doesn't sound bad at all." She sat down and brought her hooves together. "What genres do you prefer? I never belonged to a book reading club before..."

Book reading club? Moon made a note to look up how those usually worked, but then a thought hit her. "I have not either. Do you have any working knowledge of them?"

"Well, I haven't been in one," she reminded. "But if you really want to read books with me, that sounds lovely." She tapped her chin softly. "We should invite Twilight. She loves reading books even more than I do."

Moon perked up much as Fluttershy had. What a great idea! "Do you think she would be amenable to such an idea?"

"I..." Fluttershy trailed off. "I'm a little nervous to ask her..."

"I will do it," blurted Moon with a grin. "Consider it a favor, from a new friend."

"Well, thank you." Fluttershy bowed her front a little. "Why don't you come in? I had just made tea."

"Caffeine can be a useful tool for remaining sharp," agreed Moon as she stepped inside, her magic closing the door behind her as her eyes wandered over the cottage. One thing she noted quickly, Fluttershy had an invasion! Several! All manner of animals scurried about as if they owned the place. "Do you require assistance in animal control?"

"Mm? Oh, no." She extended a hoof and a mouse ran up onto it with no fear of her. "These are my friends. I take care of many animals that know this is a safe place." She extended the hoof with the mouse perched atop it. "Say hello."

Moon inclined her head with obvious confusion, considering the mouse. "Mice cannot speak Ponish," she noted. "Hello," she attempted anyway. "I am Moon Dancer. What is your name?"

The mouse squeaked, no ponish words escaping it, much as she expected. Fluttershy looked delighted. "They're happy to meet you too." She set her hoof down and the mouse scampered away. "If you... plan to visit more often, you should meet--" A rabbit thumped her in the rear right leg. "I was just bringing you up." She reached back to pat the small bunny. "This is Angel Bunny."

"Moon Dancer," repeated Moon, gesturing at herself. The rabbit gave her a guarded look, then bounced away. "All these animals must make upkeep on your books increased." She imagined a random deer coming along and eating a page of some tome she was studying. "It would not be preferable to me."

"I set boundaries," assured Fluttershy, pointing at a bookcase. "They don't climb that, or look for food there, so my books are safe."

"Smart," complimented Moon, looking relieved. "Do you have a preferred literary genre? I am fond of magical works, but I haven't met many books I don't like."

"I... well..." Fluttershy looked suddenly shy, or embarassed?

Moon wasn't sure which it was. "I haven't met a book I didn't like," she repeated with an awkward but hopeful smile.

"Does this count as a book?" She reached into the depths of her bookcase, past the books in easy sight. Out came a smaller book, soft bound. A comic book? No, it was perfect bound, not saddle stitched. She flipped it open and it looked all the more like a comic book, though it was backwards, going from right to left, and...

"Neighponese," noted Moon, inclining her head. "You speak Neighponese?"

"You recognize it?!" blurted Fluttershy with obvious amazement.

"Yes. I can read it, a little." Moon squinted as her mouth worked as if silently reading out each word one by one. "You... must be new... to school. I'm Jazzy Hoofs... a teacher or older student?"

Fluttershy's wings spread out in either direction. "Oh my! How wonderful! I don't speak it, but I can read it, a little... Enough to enjoy these books." She wrapped her arms around it, hugging the book. "They are like little adventures that you can be safe while you enjoy. They're exactly the right amount of excitement for me."

Moon's horn glowed, plucking another manga hidden back there, then another, collecting them in little organized piles. "Your collection is impressive. Neighponese 'comics' cover all genres. What are your favorites?" She inclined her head. "Why do you look surprised?"

"Most... just assume they're silly comics. Well, I mean... many of them are." She laughed nervously. "I prefer the day to day ones, um, slice of life? I have a few about cooking and animal care too." She reached in and pulled out one that had a picture of a dazzling array of animals on the cover. "Their viewpoint is an interesting take on veterinarian care."

"I can imagine." Her magic moved to the animal book, floating it into view. "I prefer books with... information." She pointed a hoof at the Neighponese vet book. "Like this. Perhaps we could read this together?"

"That would be wonderful," breathed out Fluttershy, sagging with relief. She hadn't been laughed at for being a comic reader, or reading something in another language, or other things she thought she'd be laughed at for. "It has a lot of very complicated words," she warned. "It has to, to speak on such heavy topics."

"My favorite kind of book." With ears perked and a little smile, Moon nodded in agreement. "I look forward to this. Oh. Are we friends now?"

Fluttershy blinked gently. "That's a curious question."

"Sorry. I am... new... but I am attempting to make friends. Have I succeeded?" She inclined her head. "We will exchange favors."

"Exchange favors?"

Moon blinked softly. Had she met a pony even less aware of the rules of friendship?! "Friends exchange favors to solidify their friendship," she explained. "Like I am explaining friendship, and you offered to let me read this book." She tapped the vet book. "Exchanged favors."

Fluttershy rubbed her cheek gently. "Well, I... I just want to be... nice... Even if we weren't friends, you would help a pony that needed it, wouldn't you?"

"But regular exchange of favors is what make a pony a friend," argued Moon, confident in her logic. "A single exchange is usually not enough, but we will continue."

"I... don't think it quite works that way." Fluttershy inclined her head. "But, yes... I would call you a friend. We can--" She was cut off, hugged with one arm around her. "Oh, um, hello?"

"Physical contact is another thing that friends exchange," proudly declared Moon Dancer, showing off her friendship skills as she backed up. "It is a pleasure to be your friend."

"Me... too..." Fluttershy sounded less sure. "As your... friend... I ask... that you not do that again... Physical contact makes me... nervous..." She coughed into a hoof, red in the cheeks. "You didn't do anything wrong..."

"Is this a pegasus thing?"

Fluttershy blinked softly. "No... Rainbow loves to be physical." She smiled a little, thinking of her many-colored friend. "Often a little hard and often..."

"So this is a personal preference..." She nodded as she made a mental note. "Got it. You are permitted to initiate physical contact, unless Twilight is around."

Fluttershy blinked at that. What a curiously specific demand! "Why not then?"

Moon began to color, realizing she had said something perhaps she should not have. "I don't want to make her jealous!" Yes, push the blame...

Fluttershy didn't seem put off, instead confused. "Twilight is very affectionate. I don't think... being hugged... will upset her."

"It's just a fear!" blurted Moondancer. "You have those... Please respect my fear."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh! Of course. I'm sorry... Of all ponies, there I go, making small of another pony's fears like that. Bad Fluttershy." She waved a hoof at herself as if chastising. "Please forgive me."

"Forgiven," gave Moon quickly before a thought came back. "We are now friends. I will conduct research on the proper means of a 'book club', and extend an invitation to Twilight. With luck, she will join us."

Fluttershy could see the silly smile on Moon's face. Ideas began to surface. "You must really like her."

"Huh? Oh! She's a good friend." Moon quickly scampered to her hooves. "Thank you. I'll be back for our first book club meeting."

"You never had your tea." Fluttershy offered a cup.

"How silly of me..." Moon's retreat was cut off, and she sat down to have tea with her new friend. She had much to learn.

"Today we are going to be talking about cutie marks." Cheerilee turned to present her rump. "You can all see my cutie mark, can't you? Like all ponies, I wasn't born with a cutie mark. My flank was blank." She had a flipboard up, showing pictures of ponies with no pictures on their rump. "Then one day, when I was about your age, I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared."

A letter landed on Spike's desk. He slipped it down out of view and worked it open to peer at it.

Most of us have our cutie marks. Check out that blank flank in the second row.

There was a rough doodle at the end of Diamond Tiara winking. Spike looked towards the second row, counting along it the foals he knew had marks. Oh, there was Apple Bloom. He knew her, kinda had to, being an Apple.

He dig out a quill and got to scribbling a reply.

Don't be mean to her. She's a friend of the family.

He added a sketch of himself just as a hoof came down on his hand.

"Spike, that doesn't look like notes," warned Cheerilee despite having a big smile. "Please focus on the lesson at hoof." The crowd giggled as Spike tucked away the note for later, getting back to the lesson.

"I had decided to become a teacher, and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if ..."

Moon sank onto a chair with a loud huff of breath. "Today was challenging in ways I did not expect." She looked across at her dragon ward. "You appear to have encountered a similiar situation. Was an earth pony too different to comprehend?"

"Huh?" Spike perked up, stunned out of his fugue state. "No, no... Pinkie was really nice, and she'd like to talk to you more, um, if you have time." He rubbed his cheek. "And, uh... Don't be mad... I kinda joined school."

Moon blinked softly.

Twilight was faster to react, "How wonderful! Take your studies seriously."

"But he's already being instructed," noted Moon with a raised brow. "What can he learn there that we are not already offering?"

"Socialization with ponies of his equivalent emotional age?" proposed Twilight with a wry smile. "I think some time in a normal school with normal ponies will be good for him. Spike, did you make any friends?"

"Actually, yeah." Spike smiled brightly. "Two of them!"

"Two friends on the first day?" Twilight sat down next to Spike's chair. "How wonderful. Would you like to tell us about them?"

Moon Dancer didn't get it... but didn't argue Twilight's approach. As foal sitters went, Twilight had a good view of things, and Spike looked happy to babble to her about the two friends he made, two fillies? "I also made a friend. I had a complete success with Fluttershy. Oh!" Her eyes focused on Twilight. "I almost forgot. We are starting a book club. Would you care to join? We're going to start with Neighponese comics."

"Neighponese comics?" Twilight raised a brow at that. "Can't say I ever tried that before..."

"They're great!" gushed Spike with a big grin. "They're like comics, mostly."

"But from Neighpon," finished Twilight. "I gathered that. What makes them different, other than the language?"

"The subject matter," provided Moon. "They have no restriction. The book we meant to start with is about veterinarian techniques that Fluttershy found fascinating. I look forward to diving into the topic."

"That does sound like something you'd do." Twilight smirked a little at the thought. "Not my... preferred genre." She could see Moon looking increasingly upset at the idea of her denial. "But perhaps after that one, we can do some action?"

Moon blinked with surprise. "You prefer action books?"

"Have I never showed you my collection?" laughed Twilight. "A good action book can be quite stimulating. As much as I like exploring new magic, when I'm reading... for the fun of reading, a good adventure book is the way to go!"

"I like superheroes," noted Spike, suddenly rejoining the conversation. "Uh, they're in Ponish. I don't know how to read Neighponese."

"Neither do I," admitted Twilight.

Moon inclined her head in surprise. Something she knew that Twilight didn't? What a strange day it had turned out to be! "I would be honored to show you how."

Twilight put a hoof to her chest. "But why do that? Telling me what's going on will be half the fun."

"You mean..."

"I will join that book club of yours." Twilight nodded firmly. "Sounds like something that'll help Fluttershy open up too, which is a win for all sides. How thoughtful of you." She reached out, setting a hoof on Moon's shoulder. "Already you're making friends."

Moon beamed at the good review. "I will write up a report to the princess!" And off she galloped to get on that, looking quite self-pleased with her progress.

Spike looked to Twilight. "Um, so I... didn't mean to join, at first... but it's kinda nice."

"I can imagine." Twilight stepped up into the seat Moon had abandoned. "Enjoy yourself. Learn something, meet some new ponies. Those are your jobs."

"I'm on the case." Spike saluted sharply. "But what if I mess up?"

"Then we'll take note of where things went wrong." Twilight tapped the top of the table. "And how to avoid it in the future." She tapped again. "But that won't make you a bad person, Spike. You're a great dragon. So if you feel... confused, or need any help, you should just ask."

Spike hopped down and hurried around the table, the two exchanging a gentle hug of a babysitter and the babysat, both loving one another, even if romantic feelings had been squashed. "Thanks! I'll give it my best."

"I'm sure you will." She smiled a little. "But don't feel bad if you make a mistake. We all do."

Spike hurried off to do his homework.

She slapped down the note, pinned under her hoof. "Explain this."

Spike smiled nervously at Diamond Tiara. "Apple Bloom's part of the, um, Apples, and they're a friend of mine... So, you know, we shouldn't--"

Diamond smiled. "Oh, a family connection thing? I can understand that."

"Yeah! Wait, what?" Silver Spoon inclined her head, not getting it.

"Daddy has plenty of business with the Apples," noted Diamond with a little nod. "He'd probably say the same thing... Alright, for the sake of business..." She rubbed at her chin. "Are you sure you're as poor as you said? You have an eye for business."

Spike beamed with pride. "You think?"

"Or you got lucky," laughed Diamond, thumping into Spike. "C'mon. We're gonna have a big party, all the ponies with cutie marks will be there." She raised a brow. "The rest will be too embarrassed to show."

"But I don't--"

She pressed a hoof into his cheek from the side. "Duh, you're a dragon. You'll never get one."

"Like, so sad." Silver Spoon shook her head. "But you're still, like, great."

"Yeah," agreed Diamond with a grin. "You're a dragon," she repeated. "So you don't need a cutie mark. Be proud of it."

Silver suddenly giggled. "What would his mark look like?"

"Something big and fierce!" Diamond grabbed a crayon in her mouth. "We could find out."

Silver grabbed a different color, ready to join. "Let's make it amazing!"

Spike inclined his head as his filly friends came in, crayons at the ready. He was pretty sure nothing they did would hurt, or leave a mark that'd last longer than a day or two. Still... "There is school tomorrow."

"I can wash you afterwards," scoffed Diamond. "If you don't like it."

"You'll like it," countered Silver, starting to apply touches of her crayon. "It's going to be, like, totally amazing."

And thus Spike became their canvas, to unleash their creativity on him of what they thought a dragon's destiny could be. There was fire involved, and maybe a captured princess. "Do you really think I could do that?" He gestured down at his adorned rump.

Diamond inclined her head left and right, considering. "Probably not."

"Not really your thing," agreed Silver. "You're, like, a nice dragon."

"And a smart dragon," added Diamond with a smirk. "You'd only capture a princess because she wanted to get out of a test and she paid you."

Silver burst into giggles at the thought. "You'd start fires because the ponies asked you to, to clear away weeds or, like, something."

Spike smiled at the ideas, better than what he had originally envisioned. "Yeah, uhm... are you going to want me to foalnap you?"

Diamond hiked a brow. "Right now, no... but maybe later." She waved it away.

Silver Spoon tittered at the idea. "You could, like, foalnap me anytime we have a big test coming up."

"Rar." Spike displayed his claws in a completely not-ferocious way and began chasing the fillies around, all three of them laughing at the absurdity of it all.

"He keeps watchin' me..." Apple Bloom rubbed her cheek nervously. "And he's friends with Diamond Tiara, so I know he's up to no good!"

"Now ah won't accept that." Applejack gently bonked her sister on the head. "She can't be so bad." Apple Bloom glared at her in challenge. "Give her a chance to come around."

"Ugh." Apple Bloom stormed away from her sister to find a real pony that'd understand! She flopped against her mother. "And I don't know what to do!"

"Well..." Pear Butter considered a moment. "If he's watching you, that's because he's interested. Besides, he's a friend."

"He is?" She raised a brow at the idea. "I ain't his friend none."

"He's a friend of the family," offered Pear with a warm expression. "A brother to Moon Dancer, do you remember her?"

"Oh, Moonie! She's a silly mare."

"She is," agreed Pear with a smile. "And that's her brother. He probably don't mean nothing wrong. If you're that worried, just walk up to him and ask him what's up. Bet he'll say."

"But he's a dragon..." Apple Bloom ran a hoof in slow circles on the ground. "How can he be a brother to a pony? Don't make no sense."

"Not every family is as... straight forward as ours." She wrapped one arm around her daughter. "But even ours has... things..." She coughed softly, thinking about it. "Like you ain't got a father."

Her little face went red. "I have a pop!"

"But not one you could point to," countered Pear. "That's just how it is... We wouldn't want nopony pointing at us and calling us strange for it, would we?"

"I... guess not." She deflated, sinking to her belly. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize to me none." She pointed out. "You have a dragon to talk to. Just ask him what he wants, be nice, and ah bet he'll return the favor. Moon's an odd pony, but she's nice enough."

"Yeah..." Apple Bloom stood up, nodding again to herself. "Yeah. Alright. Thanks, mom!" They touched noses in a moment of solidarity and she hurried off with new plans in mind.

"She came in here?" There was Applejack, entering the room with a concerned look. "I tried ta help."

"Ah'm sure ya did." Pear sat up and offered a hoof, soon hugging Applejack gently. "Yer her sister, it can be hard."

"Ah'm trying to be a good big sister," huffed Applejack.

"And ya are." Pear gently rubbed cheeks with her larger daughter. "She's just growin' up. Ya were just as much trouble, ah promise. Just keep your hoof out, let her come to it when she's ready. We're all Apples."

"Apples to the core," agreed Applejack with a little smile. "Glad you could get a hoof on it."

"What's a mother for?" They touched noses gently.

10 - Cutie Mark Crusaders

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The cenera was going smoothly. Foals and grown ponies were talking and laughing.

Two blank ponies huddled under a table. A third, however, did not. Apple Bloom was standing next to Spike. "Ya just wanted ta be friends all that time?!" she exclaimed in clear surprise, half-laughing. "And here ah was makin' a big deal ah nothin'!"

"I've been there," he assured in solidarity. "I called off Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon from poking fun at you like that."

"You're why she let up?!" Apple Bloom slapped her head with a hoof. "Yer just fulla surprises. That explains so much. It don't fix the bigger problem though."


She turned, displaying her rump. "Still blank. Ah ain't got a clue what ah should be, and just 'bout everypony else already done figured it out! Even if Diamond Tiara isn't makin' fun of me, ah still feel awful."

"You too?" came a small voice. Two figures emerged from the table next to them, revealing Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo had a nervous smile. "When I came here, I thought I'd be all alone, but then I ran into her." She pointed at Sweetie. "Another blank flank!"

"Now three," sang Sweetie, nodding at Apple Bloom. "We don't have to be alone."

"That sounds kinda nice," agreed Apple Bloom. "We can find our cutie marks, together."

"Together!" chimed Scootaloo, pumping a hoof.

Spike inclined his head. "I don't have one either."

"That's why we weren't scared," explained Sweetie. "Even if dragons don't get them, I don't think... You still won't make fun of us for not having one."

"Nah," he assured with a single wave away of the idea. "Gonna make a club?"

"That's a great idea!" Apple Bloom clopped her heads together. "We need a name! Oh! Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Though it had taken a detour, the stream of life would not be entirely diverted.

"Spike!" Diamond Tiara was approaching with a bit of a frown. "There you are! Come on!" She threw an arm around his neck and hauled him back towards the rest of the party, ignoring the blank flanks in favor of getting him where she wanted him to be.

"Darling." Rarity walked into the library, not looking towards the librarian, but instead at her guest, Moon. "I hear you have an extra ticket to the soirée of the year. I simply must go!"

Moon inclined her head. "My ticket is already in use, for me. Princess Celestia demands my presence." Not that she sounded upset to go. "The extra ticket is Spike's."

"Oh." Her dreams, dashed. Still, nothing saying she couldn't... "So he wasn't ordered. Is he looking forward to it?"

"He had expressed no such feeling."

Twilight suddenly thrust a hoof between the two. "Hold on there!"

Rarity cocked a brow. "Yes, dear?"

"He offered it to me first!" she blurted, a little pink in the cheeks.

"But you did not accept it," noted Moon, inclining her head. "Did you wish to change your mind?"

"That sounds like it's up to him who he wants to give it to." Rarity tossed her mane, fluffing it up gently. "I'll speak to our little dragon." She turned to go, trotting with purpose.

Twilight was left, her hoof out in the air towards Rarity's retreating form until she was out of sight. "Blast it."

"Hey, did'ya hear." Applejack was reared up, her forehooves on a fence, leaning over it. Her mother was on the other side. "Spike has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Galla! Just imagine if we sold treats there!"

Pear Butter hiked a brow at her daughter. "Hon, ah love ya, but..."

Applejack wilted. "Is it not a good idea?"

"They're fully catered," reminded Pear Butter, shaking her head. "And full of fancy ponies 'sides that. They won't be wantin' no home cooked apple treats there."

"But fancy ponies have fancy bits, by which ah mean lots of 'em." She pumped a hoof at the imagined amount of bits they'd have.

"Well, sure, but ya gotta have what they want and how they want it." She tapped her chin softly. "Now if ya could get in on the caterin', then Celestia would pay us big. We wouldn't have to sell to the ponies, there, the food would just be there, waitin' for 'em, already paid."

Applejack's eyes grew wide. She would never have thought of that! "Yer a genius! The party's far enough away, maybe if ah offer our services, we could get Apple food on those tables."

"Now yer talkin'." Pear Butter nodded proudly. "Ah'll keep an eye on the farm. You do some negotiatin'."

They met, hooves clashing with a loud clop of solidarity. It sure was nice having enough ponies to make such a trip not leave the farm too many ponies down. Spike would have one less pony aiming to get his ticket.

"That's only the biggest party ever," squealed Pinkie Pie, bouncing up and down with unrestrained joy at the idea. "I've dreamed of going since forever!" She paused to tap her chin. "Well, since I heard about it, which is almost forever?"

"I discovered his weakness," reported Rarity with a confident smile. "He has a love of superhero comic books, and somepony may or may not have gotten quite the collection... waiting for him." A little bribery never hurt nopony!

Rainbow clopped her hooves together. "Readin's for nerds! Spike's an active dragon. I'll show him what's up and he'll be so impressed, that ticket will be mine." She thrust her hoof at her own chest, grinning.

Fluttershy mussed her mane. "I'd really... like to see all those animals... but none of us are going to get it." All the other mares looked to her. "He's, um, at a party right now. We can't just interrupt."

That line of logic got to Pinkie easily. "Oh gosh, you're right! We'll have to wait until it's done."

The mares shared a nod of solidarity. Rainbow buffed her chest with a hoof. "You know, it will be me going to the Grand Galloping Galla."

"What was that?" Carrot Top leaned her head over. "Somepony has a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala?!" The secret was becoming less of a secret by the moment.

"Was your schooling successful?" Moon's magic wrapped around Spike, lifting him. "I do not understand what I did not provide as your instructor. Was I an unsatisfactory teacher?"

"What? No." Spike gently patted along the side of her neck in a slow stroke. "You're my big sister and super awesome teacher."

"If I am so awesome--" One of her ears turned towards him as she walked ahead. "--why do you need another?"

Spike let out an unsure hum of a noise. "Well, just because a book is good, the greatest even, doesn't mean you won't, um... ever read another book."

Things went quiet a moment, the two moving along, Spike mounted on Moon's back as they headed into the thick of town, where others waited for them. "There he is!" came a cry. Several pointing hooves were thrust at him as others rushed over without taking the time to bother.

"I'll save you!" Rainbow arrived in a streak, reaching to snatch Spike off of Moon's back.

She vanished, taking him with her in a short hop several feet to the left. "What's going on?" She demanded, her brows falling into a worried expression. "Spike, did you anger them?"

"I didn't mean to!" He clung to her mane as a familiar face came closer. "Oh, hey Rarity. Any idea why--"

"Hello, darling," she greeted, pushing over his question. "They're just worked up over that little ticket of yours." She batted her lashes. "I just came to trade for it, like a grown pony. I have a great big box of the original run of the Power Ponies with your name written alllll over it." She leaned in, lashes fluttering.

"Nothin' doin'!" Rainbow darted over with a scowl. "She may have comic books, but I have adventure! I'll show you things you hardly even thought of."

"That sounds dangerous," decided Moon for Spike, vanishing only to appear another few feet away. She wasn't trained enough in teleportation to do much further away easily. "This is becoming overwhelming." More ponies were closing, quickly, and her breath hastened with it. She was learning to make friends, dealing with crowds of agitated ponies went right past her point of comfort, or even tolerance. "Spike, please make them stop."

Spike stood up on his shaking platform of a mount. "Please, everypony, just--"

He didn't get to finish, suddenly grabbed and tossed into the air, bouncing up and down on a fabric as ponies propelled him upwards with grand cheers. He spotted Pinkie singing a cheerful song about how she'd go to the gala and he would help and they'd be best friends forever, but his attention was mostly on Moondancer, who looked like she was about to cry.

"Stop it!" He thumped against the fabric, sent into the air. "Stop!" He was coming back down and aligned himself so his claws hit first. Instead of bouncing, he dug into it on impact, scrambling free and on to Moon Dancer.

Moon's eyes went wide and she gasped, vanishing in the same breath, leaving the crowd behind as she spirited herself and Spike away.

Twilight looked up from her reading as a bright flash caught her attention. "Moon Dancer, Spike? Are you two alright?" She approached her friends cautiously, both smoldering with the singed bits that came from a teleport extended too far for a unicorn's practice level. "Don't move."

Spike did move, sliding off Moondancer only to hug her left front leg. "It's alright."

Moon took a slow shuddering breath, glancing around. Only two creatures present, Spike, and Twilight. Both friends, both known quantities. Both people she could trust. She let herself sag, which turned into a collapse, crashing to her belly with a wheeze of a whinny. "I was so scared," she admitted in a small voice.

Twilight brought over a rag, glowing with her magic as she got to cleaning off her friends of the ashy residue. "You could have hurt yourselves. What happened that made you do such a dangerous thing? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you got away from whatever scared you so badly."

Moon snatched Spike with the same leg he had been hugging a moment before. "The ponies, all of them. They came for us, angry... They wanted Spike's ticket, I think. They were attacking him, and I couldn't help. I felt so..."

"They weren't attacking me," cut in Spike. "But it all happened so fast, and it really shook up Moon Dancer."

"I thought you were going to die!" she half-shrieked before she squeezed her eyes shut, tears dripping free. "I'm so glad you're alright."

Spike shut up, instead hugging her firmly.

Twilight inclined her head to the left and right, trying to piece together what had happened. She turned, leaving the rag in Spike's hand as she trotted to the window. Her magic grabbed the 'open' sign and flipped it to 'closed'. "No other ponies are allowed in today. Go ahead and relax. Nopony will ask about any tickets." Even herself, she quietly added, the idea of pushing for it after that display just crushed under the mental image of Moon Dancer's tears.

Though maybe she should have accepted it. If she had been holding the ticket, they wouldn't have gone after Spike, and hurt Moon Dancer. Twilight rubbed one leg with the other hoof, beating herself up a little. "I'm going to see Applejack. I'll lock the door behind me. You two alright for now?"

"We'll be alright," promised Spike with a smile. "I'll have some dinner ready, for both of you."

"You are a delight." She smooched the top of his head. "But I'll be alright." A little smirk touched her lips. "I doubt the Apples will even let me go home without food. It's a good habit. Take care of Moon..." She felt a pang of guilt, leaving a child to watch over their caretaker. "I'll be back."

She emerged from the library to see groups of ponies wandering around, unusually active. "Twilight!" Rainbow darted in at her. "Did you see Spike?"

Twilight frowned at her friend. "He's consoling Moon Dancer, who you drove to tears."

"Wha? I did not!" She threw her fore hooves wide. "I wasn't even talking to her."

"No, you were attacking her little brother, and she got really scared," chastised Twilight, speaking in fully angry matron mode. "So Spike isn't interested in talking to anypony right now, and neither is she. And if you are listening at all, you'll leave them both alone right now!"

As Twilight trotted away with a huff, Rainbow was left to rub behind her head. "Huh..." That did not go according to her plans... "Sorry." Not that Twilight, or Spike, or Moon was there to say it to. She went over to the door of the library and clopped it once. "Hey, Spike? Sorry about that." She didn't wait for an answer, flying off with a rainbow streak.

"We messed up." Rainbow hovered in the air, her hooves dangling.

Fluttershy shook her head, a sad expression worn. "I didn't even get my chance." But she had planned to, and she knew it, and the guilt was shared. "Poor Moon Dancer."

Rarity filed at one of her hooves idly. "I didn't think I had been that scary. I just asked little Spikey Wikey a simple question."

Pinkie threw her hooves up. "Yeah, but you were part of a big crowd and Moon was all 'ahhhhh!' and then she vanished." She sank miserably. "We were all part of the problem."

Fluttershy perked up. "I'm going to talk to her." The others looked at her. "Not about the ticket... I know what she felt, and I feel completely awful..." She wouldn't want that kind of social anxiety thrown on her. "I just want to make sure she's alright." She started off towards the library.

Pinkie watched her go before bouncing up to her hooves. "I'm gonna make a big apology cake for both of them!" she cried with a smile, pronking away, confident in her method of putting things to right.

Rarity huffed softly, though it turned into a sigh about midway. "I will say sorry. I really didn't mean to startle the poor mare." She turned to the other ponies within earshot. "That goes for the rest of you. I know we all wanted something quite badly, but that doesn't excuse our uncouth behavior. Poor thing's new in town and we've shoved our hooves right into our mouths."

Spike tilted his head faintly. Had he heard something? There it was again, a little scratching maybe? He approached the door and cracked it open a little. A yellow pegasus was there, looking uncertain. "Um... hi?"

"Hello, Spike," greeted Fluttershy. "Is Moon Dancer up for a visitor? I was hoping... to talk to her."

Spike glanced left and right. "Um..." He looked over his shoulder at something inside, then back at Fluttershy. "What about?"

"Not about any tickets," she started, ears sagging. "I want... to tell her she's not alone."

Spike let the door open a little. "Alone?"

"Oh, yes... I know how she felt." She placed a hoof on her chest. "I've been... there... and it's not fun, not even a little. Not... even a little."

Spike backed out of the way and Fluttershy slipped in, kicking the door gently shut behind her. "Thank you. I... am sorry."

"You weren't even there," he noted with confusion.

"I was waiting for you," she admitted. "But then everything went wrong, and now I feel just awful. My ticket isn't that important..." She reached out and put a hoof on his shoulder. "You should just keep the ticket, and have fun with it."

Spike smiled faintly, but was already turning away. "Moon," he called out. "Fluttershy is here."

Peeking out from under her blanket, Moon reached for her glasses. "Fluttershy? Did I forget a club meeting?"

Fluttershy gently nuzzled the door open. "No, I'm here for you, not any books," she assured.

Moon shrank back a little, though her glasses were back in place. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Heavens, no," Flutter assured. "I'm the one that did something wrong, and you got hurt."

"You were involved?"

Spike chuckled, not alone in not even realizing Fluttershy had been involved.

Fluttershy shot him a look that got him to quiet up. "I was involved, and I am so sorry. As your friend, it was wrong of me. As someone else that... has that kind of anxiety, it was... thoughtless and just... I was just mean." She shook her head more firmly. "And I am here to say that, and to say sorry. I will not do that again."

Moondancer's blanket fell around her in a ring of crumpled cloth. "I am confused," she admitted. "But thank you."

"It can feel like everything is closing in." Fluttershy approached as she thought back. "Like there are eyes on you from every angle, judging... And what do you do? You don't know, do you? You just want them... want them to stop, to go away."

"Yes," admitted Moon with a little shiver. "You've experienced that? I thought that was something only I felt?" She tilted her head to the left. "Though, thinking back, this is entirely logical. I'm off my game..."

"Don't beat yourself up." Fluttershy sat down near Moon, not touching. "I was 'off my game' too, imagining all those exotic animals in one place, waiting to meet me." She smiled a little, thinking of it. "While it would be nice, hurting another, well, shy pony like that... not worth it."

Moon quirked a little smile, pushing up her glasses with a hoof. "Thank you. I hadn't realized you were... like me." She turned that hoof on herself. "I'm normally alright, until too many ponies are being loud and want my attention. I just... thought they wanted to hurt me, or Spike, and I locked up. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't understand what they were saying, it was like a... big roar, echoing in my head, and I couldn't understand it, any of it. I just wanted to get away."

"Oh. My... I can imagine that." Fluttershy softly nodded, her specific social anxiety slightly different, but close enough to be a brother or sister. "In the future, you are always welcome to come to me, if you're feeling overwhelmed."

Moon snorted softly. "Even if I hide under your bed?"

"Especially then," assured Fluttershy. "I will not let any other pony close until you feel better."

"What is yours like?" Moon reached to set a hoof on Fluttershy's side. "If you want to share."

"Oh, well... mine..." She rubbed her cheek with a hoof, thinking on it. "I feel like I'm being judged. The more ponies are watching, the... worse it feels, like all their eyes are boring right through me, judging everything I do, and they don't like it, and they think I'm doing it really badly, and they're all gonna laugh at me and make fun of me and--"

She didn't get to finish, being hugged instead. Fluttershy was breathing hard, working herself into a panic, but Moon had embraced her, and the two calmed down, together. "I'm... sorry, got a little carried away."

"You don't have to apologize." Moon drew back a little. "We're both a little broken... but at least we're broken in the same kinda way. It's nice."

"It is nice," agreed Fluttershy with a little smile. "I won't laugh at you if you don't laugh at me."

"A promise is made." Moon offered a hoof, and they met with a soft clop. "Spike?" A distant shout was heard. "Please make some dinner for Fluttershy too, she's joining us."

"You feel better?" His head poked right into the room. "That's great! I'm on the case!" And off he went at a scamper, glad things were improving.

"She's gone?" Twilight leaned against the door frame, looking at Pear Butter.

Pear shook her head. "I'm real sorry, sugarcube, but she done galloped off t'Canterlot."

"Canterlot?!" Twilight recoiled with shock. "I thought she hated it there!"

"And she still does." Pear nodded softly. "But she went to talk business, fer the farm. She's gonna ask the princess if we can't help cater fer 'em. I'm a might bit proud of her. Now, she ain't here, but ah am. What's on yer mind?"

Twilight considered the mother of her best friend. She knew Pear Butter quite well, and... "Well, I almost messed up, but a pony got hurt anyway, and it's still kinda my fault."

"That sounds like a big helping of trouble on a weak pony's back. Rewind a little and play that back for me nice and slow." She waved Twilight in, closing the door behind her. "What happened?"

"Moon Dancer and Spike got tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala," Twilight started.

"I heard 'bout that. Talked Applejack out of trying to get a ticket."

Twilight smirked at that. "Thank you for doing that. Word got out that Spike had a ticket and he and Moon Dancer were ambushed by ponies trying to ask for it."

Pear whistled softly. "Sounds a bit hectic, but how'd a pony get hurt in that? Did one of 'em try to nab it? Right un-neighborly of 'em."

"No! No, thank Celestia." Twilight hopped up onto a chair and sat on it. "They scared Moon Dancer badly. She's not... good with crowds, and there was this crowd, being very loud, and very demanding. She panicked, and if I had just taken the ticket, when Spike first offered it, we could have avoided this whole thing." She drove a hoof down with a loud clop. "I caused this."

"Now that ain't how this works." She gently wrapped an arm around Twilight, rearing up to stand beside her as she did it. "You didn't make all those other ponies misbehave, and we can't change the past." She took a slow breath herself. "You know I'd want to, if I could... but we have to live with what we got, and try to make the future better."

Twilight shrank, though Pear didn't let her get away. "I'm being thoughtless again. If any pony knows about wanting to change something that happened..."

"That jus' makes me a great pony to talk to about this, ah reckon." She touched her nose into Twilight's cheek. "Now stop beatin' yourself up like that. Ah doubt Moon'd want to see that. Ah know Spike don't want that. They both love you, as friends. Ya didn't mean fer that to happen, and it wasn't even your choice that did it. Ponies aughta feel bad for themselves."

"You are too kind." Twilight returned the gesture, nose to Pear's cheek, nuzzling into the warm fur. "The Apples are lucky to have you."

"Your mom'd get jealous if she heard you say that," taunted Pear Butter with a wicked smile. "Now come on. Granny done made some of her cobbler and ah dare say it's one of her best!"

Twilight brightened at the idea. "That sounds lovely. Is she around to thank?"

"She's an older pony, she's already done gone to sleep, bless her bones." Pear fell back to all fours. "But that don't stop me from passing on your good words. So turn yourself to the table and prepare to be treated like the honorary little filly you are."

Twilight giggled at that. She was a grown pony, not a filly. Still, once in a while, it didn't hurt to surrender to the attentions of someone who cared about her. "Thank you. After this, I should hurry back, make sure Spike and Moon are alright."

"They're tougher than they look." She got a plate ready, balanced on her back as she approached. "Ah bet they've worked through it all by now. They're wonderin' where ya done went off to. Pity on 'em, they missed out on a treat." With a tilt, the plate slid into position in front of Twilight.

11 - First Letter to Celestia

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Greetings Princess Celestia,

I have made important discoveries, but let us start with the most important. Although ponies come in a variety of configurations and tribal backgrounds, we are more similar than not. I met another pony who reminds me of myself, but she has no horn and practices no magic. Still, when I consider her, I feel I have met a pony of such similar temperament that I am pleased to report them as a friend. Did I mention that? No, I did not. I successfully made several friends! With the help of Spike, who has been instrumental to this process, I have secured the friendships of most of Twilight's comrades. Perhaps I will approach Rainbow Dash next. She remains the most mysterious.

This aside, the fact that she is a pegasus no longer alarms me. She is a pony first, and what unites us, as ponies, is much stronger than the differences between our tribes. I feel foalish for not realizing this sooner.

On another topic, Spike wanted to return his ticket to you, but I have a better idea. It would seem the ponies of Ponyville have few chances to partake of the gala, likely due to their economic conditions and distance from Canterlot. May I be permitted to dispense additional tickets to rectify this? I will... Let me rephrase that. I will surrender the tickets to a trusted pony more able to face the crowd of ponies this will cause and dispense them fairly. I do not want to imply I will do that. I will not.

See You at the Gala,
Moon Dancer

Moon folded the note precisely in her magic and slipped it into an envelope, pressing it sealed with her personal stamp. "Spike, if you would?"

"With pleasure!" With a little puff, the envelope was gone in smoke, whisked away towards Celestia.

12 - Best Book

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"I neglected to answer you." Moon's horn glowed as she brought over Spike's lunch pail, hovering through the air.

Spike accepted it and slung it over his shoulder dramatically. "I didn't ask anything?"

"Not today." Moon inclined her head as if to point at some other event. "Your explanation. I was considering it. You are correct. No one book, however fascinating, could stop me from wanting to read other books. Am I your favorite book?"

"You are the best book." He threw an arm around her neck, hugging tightly to her front. "And you're actually alive, which outranks books most of the time."

Moon hiked a brow at him, turning at the same time towards the exit. "Let's not be hasty." Better than a good book? Was it possible?

"Ah'd like to chat with the princess." Applejack adjusted the hat on her head, gauging the reaction of the guard pony in front of her.

"She is a very busy pony."

Was that it? He wasn't moving. "Yeah, 'course she is. Won't take longer than a moment, promise."

"Did she call for you?" The guard inclined his head faintly to put one eye more squarely on her, judging her.

"Uh, no, but ah got what she wants." She tapped herself on the chest, putting on her most confident smile. "It's fer the Gala."

The guard relaxed suddenly, though Applejack wasn't sure why. "Then you don't want to talk to her."

"Ah don't? Why not?"

He pointed, not towards the throne room but elsewhere. "Fancy Pants oversees the management of the preparations for the Gala. You will want to speak to him if it involves it, not Celestia."

"Oh." There was a pause, the two looking at one another. "Do ya know where he is then?"

The other guard, who had been silent up until then, stepped forward. "I'll show her the way." Gettin her away from the door was a bonus prize. "This way." And he began marching with a slightly confused, but hopeful, Applejack trailing behind him. They went right out of the castle, to her mounting befuddlement. "Here." He pointed to a manor not far away, perhaps a block or two at best.

Applejack let out a little huh of a noise. "He don't live in the castle?"

"He does not." The guard pivoted in place. "Good day, ma'am." And off he marched back to his guard station.

Left to her own devices, she marched up to the gate and pressed it with a hoof. It opened with nary a sound, its hinges in clearly excellent repair. "Hello? Anypony home?" But nopony was in sight. She advanced beyond the gate with slow uncertain steps. "Wanted to chat about the Gala?"

"Are you expected?" came the abrupt voice of a cultured pony way too close to her left.

She jumped with shock. "Woah! Where'd you come from?" She quickly eyed the pony dressed up as a butler. "Um, do ya know a Fancy Pants?" She tapped a chin suddenly. "Are ya Fancy Pants?"

"I fear not." he directed a hoof at the manor. "The lord is inside. Who should I inform him has come seeking him?"

Applejack's uncertain expression brightened to a grand smile. She was on the right track! "Tell 'em a pony with great food's come to offer her family's services for the Gala."

"Very good." He turned towards the great front door of the manor. "If you'll follow me, madame, I'll see you to the waiting room." He moved, ears directed forward, head held high and stance formal with his walk. Neither too fast or too slow. A butler of his calibre did not trot unless the need was great. With a glowing horn, he bade the doors open for them, then the smaller door that hid the waiting room he promised. "Make yourself at home. I will return shortly."

Applejack stepped inside the 'waiting room' that was fancier than her family's entire home. "Wow..." They had shiny silverware laid out with fancy serving plates that already had fancy food sitting on them. She guessed they probably tasted fancy too!

The butler had ceased to exist. How he moved so silently, Applejack wasn't sure. The door was closed, but she hadn't heard it come together again. "Huh..." Well, she had to wait, and the food was there. She could learn what sort of fancy tastes fancy ponies enjoyed over their fancy tongues.

She scooped up a little pastry, a safe start she figured. It was glazed with a smooth chocolate, buttery on the inside as she bit through its light crunchy exterior to the gooey innards that were filled with some kind of rich custard. Fancy! "Mmm." But good, she had to admit. As good as home cooking? 'course not! But good.

"I trust I have not kept you long." There was the fancy pony, adjusting his monocle as he came in. "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, miss...?"

"Applejack." She thrust a hoof forward. "And ah hear yer the pony in charge of the Gala?"

He paused a moment as if confused, but then returned the gesture, their hooves meeting with a faint clop. "Princess Celestia trusts me to ensure that the preparations are complete. If you were hoping for a ticket, I'm afraid I can only offer those to ponies who take part in said preparation."

"That's exactly what ah'm here fer!" She grinned at the pony that held the keys to her ambition. "We got a load of apple-themed deserts and treats fit to make yer tongues sing in delight." She coiled on herself, burying her snout in her saddlebag to draw out a closed pail. "Brought some samples. Ain't easy to judge a food just on some pony goin' on 'bout it."

"Hm, too right there." He watched her as she opened the pail and began to set out a few things. "I can't imagine they are at their best."

"Now that's true." She stepped back, dramatically waving with a roll of her hoof. "So if they're just as good as ah'm sayin', you know it's gotta be really good. Ah got here as quick as ah could." Refrigerated carrier she did not have. "Go on and give it a try."

"Before I do." He inclined his head at the selection. "How would this be better come the event? You don't appear to be a local." The fact that the food wasn't fresh was hint enough of that.

"Oh, well... no..." Applejack danced faintly, detecting her opportunity starting to slip away. "But if ya say yes... We can come prepare it here!"

He curled a leg to bring a hoof to his chin without tapping. "I see. Do you have a local kitchen?" Her expression was enough to answer that question. "You'd need use of the castle's kitchens then. That does have an effect on my decision. I have to ensure every pony can do what needs to be done in a timely fashion."

"We can clean up a kitchen, promise." She gestured at the food. "Just give it a try." She wouldn't lose without the Apple treats at least being sampled.

Fancy approached, his glowing horn lifting an apple pastry. "Since you sampled one of ours, I suppose this would be the most fair." It was not coated in chocolate, designed to be a light and fluffy apple treat. His teeth sank into it, not that she could see that exact instant. A proper pony, it seemed like he just closed his mouth and a morsel was taken, not a crumb on his fur, though he did bring over a napkin to dab at the great mess he didn't make.

"Hm. I can taste the delay." He looked to Applejack. "And it was not kind."

Applejack sagged. That was far from a word of approval!

"But there are hints of something. Something good. I cannot, in good faith, place an order for this." He set the mostly uneaten pastry down and reached for the next. "Pie, a classic." Despite his negative statements, he went right on, trying each in turn, murmuring the flaws and issues he could find. "Ma'am, I'm afraid I can't approve of this." He raised a hoof as her mouth opened to object. "Are you prepared to make that--" He pointed at the pie slice. "--locally? I would like a sample at its best, rather than its current state."

Applejack's eyes sparkled as she grabbed desperately for that hope. "How soon do ya need it? Ah'll need to get my ingredients. It ain't an Apple pie without some of our apples, after all."

"I would honestly be surprised, madame, if you didn't have a few with you."

Applejack peeked over her shoulder at her saddlebag. She did have some apples with her. It was a habit. She had forgotten! "Oh yeah."

His hoof rested on her shoulder. "Then I would like you to create it, for fresh sampling. I can secure permission for you to use the castle kitchen for this purpose. Do you agree?"

"It'll be a smaller pie." She held up her hooves closer together. She didn't bring that many apples! "But that should be fine for a taste test, ah reckon."

"Indeed." He walked past her, but his head flicked for her to follow. "I'll introduce you to the castle staff. If I do select your wares, which I do not yet assure, you will need to work alongside them, so it is just as good that you get a chance to meet them."

Applejack followed Fancy with a silly grin. It was working out! Sure, she wasn't Granny or her mom, but she knew how to make an Apple pie! She'd win her family the right to put down apple treats on that table!

A floating quill made marks on an equally hovering bit of parchment. "Your likes include athleticism, appearing courageous in front of those whose you consider worthy--" She lowered her voice dramatically. "--which is everypony--" She cleared her throat and offered a faint smile at Rainbow Dash. "And feats of exceptional skill and potential danger."

"Well, yeah, that's not a bad start." Rainbow backstroked through the air as if it were much more solid than it actually was. "I just like being the best me, and I like pony's seeing it, you know?" She suddenly landed in front of Moon. "But each pony has their own thing. Like I'm not trying to get you to get all excited about flying. Not your thing, right?"

"Correct." Moon inclined her head faintly. "Allow me to ask you instead of pondering fruitlessly myself. What do we have in common?"

Rainbow inclined her head. "Huh, that's a crazy question." Her confused expression gave way to a smile. "You are so wild." She threw a leg over Moon's startled withers.

"Is that good?" Rainbow didn't.... seem angry? She thought? She really wasn't certain, and the idea of the overly physically able pegasus already having her in a head lock felt increasingly like a bad idea.

"It's great!" Rainbow shoved at Moon lightly. "I'll take a kooky friend over a boring one any day."

Moon wobbled at the physical shove. Was that a part of things? "We are friends?" Had she already succeeded? They had scarcely begun their conversation!

"Yeah." Rainbow leaned in a little. "You're friends with Twilight, right?"


"So am I." She pointed at herself. "I know you. You know me. I don't hate you, so, yeah, we're friends."

"Friendship is communitive...?" Moon Dancer frowned her bushy brows with new thoughts. "I may be friends with many more ponies."

"If you've met them." Rainbow waved a hoof. "Twilight knows a bunch of ponies in Canterlot, but I don't know them and they don't know me, so we aren't friends. Get it?"

"I... think I do." She had hoped to gain a friend. Instead, she got a friend and valuable intel. "You have been very insightful! Thank you." Moon dutifully took a note of the great discovery. "Are you aware of a pony named Bon Bon?"

"Bonnie! Yeah, sure." She clopped her forehooves together loudly. "Great candies, and a good personality to match usually."

"Communitive," she breathed out, wrapping her mind around the networking effect of friendship. "She is also my friend."

"Awesome." Rainbow glanced away suddenly. "I'd love to compare friend lists, but I see some clouds that need to be taught where they belong. Talk to ya later?" Despite it being a question, she burst into the air, a rainbow streak heading towards that cloud that had wandered out of place in a fit of pique.

Moon watched her go, glancing aside at her list. That had been a short conversation, but she had been declared a friend. Success? Uncertain, she walked off.

Only to encounter Pinkie. "Heya Moon Dancer!" Pinkie began to pronk around Moon without delay or reason. "Whatcha doin'? Did you hear? Rainbow's old friend came into town!" She pointed up into the sky. That cloud Rainbow had said she needed to move? She was on it, with a strange other creature. "She's a griffon, neat huh?!" Pinkie bobbed her head quickly. "I want to meet her."

Moon turned to look up at Rainbow and her friend, pondering the meeting. "She... lied." It was not often that she was lied to outright like that. Annoyed by ponies, sure, that was all the time, but outright deception? "Rainbow Dash said she was required for weather-related work."

Pinkie inclined her head. "That isn't..." She noticed Moon's falling expression and sagging ears. "Oh! Um, she probably saw her friend on the way up and they started talking and she got totally distracted! It happens to me all the time." She gigglesnorted with a big smile, hoping Moon Dancer agreed with her logic.

"I can envision that." Of any pony, Pinkie getting distracted felt on brand. But... "I am uncertain that is what happened." She tried to assemble what she knew of Rainbow Dash, which, admittedly, wasn't a lot. What would she do if she was racing towards a cloud to push and a friend appeared?

Something loud, and physical? Surely that...Loud and showing off... Maybe dangerous? Them sitting there, maybe chatting? That wasn't any of those things. Moon Dancer was far and away not an expert at guessing the mental workings of other ponies. It was a mystery, and one that left her with a new pain in her chest. "She lied."

"Maybe you could help me." Pinkie thudded her head into Moon's from the side, cheek to cheek. "I want to figure out what's up with Rainbow's friend. You want to know what's up with Rainbow. We both want the same thing!" Pinkie pointed up into the clouds. "I was about to fetch my sky bike to go up and say hello. Wanna come with?"

Moon was successfully distracted. "Sky bike? Bicycles are not capable of interacting with the sky."

"That's because you haven't seen mine." Pinkie slammed down her whimsical bike down and hopped aboard. With a motion, she casually stretched it long enough for two ponies, pedal included. "Hop on!"

Moon Dancer had to take a moment to appreciate, and be mystified by, Pinkie's magic. She was no unicorn, but to deny her arcane nature... Focus! "I want to know." She scampered up behind Pinkie, hooves on her pink friend's shoulders. "I have not ridden a bicycle before."

"Once you do it once, you remember forever," excitedly encouraged Pinkie, bobbing her head with brimming energy. "And we're off!" She began to pedal quickly and Moon Dancer discovered her pedal was attached, spinning beneath her. At first she was thrown right off kilter in surprise, but she got her hooves back in position and was soon working with Pinkie to help lift it.

It was lifting. She was raising. They were raising. Moon Dancer's shaggy brows went up. "This should not be possible." Magic. Pinkie must have magic. She had to know more, and she made a mental note to dig deeper into that mystery, later. "How do I direct it?"

"Leave that to me!" Pinkie banked her entire body and the bike went with it, allowing them to lift towards the cloud that held Rainbow Dash. "We're comin'! I hope you're ready!"

A bird's head peeked over the side of the cloud. Oh wait, that was a griffon. Her eye narrowed as she inclined her head sharply. "Check this out."

"Check what-- oh." Rainbow leaned over to join in the view. "That's Pinkie, remember. She does crazy stuff like this all the time."


"And she brought Moon Dancer." Rainbow inclined her head slowly. "Oh, hey, since you wanted to exchange friend lists, here's one." She pointed at the griffon firmly. "This is Gilda. She was in flying school with me and she's totally awesome!"

Gilda buffed her chest with a talon. "Aw, get out of here."

As Rainbow laughed and began telling a story of the old days, Gilda took advantage to peer over her shoulders at the two ponies hovering with the power of their flying machine. "I said get out of here." She grabbed the propeller with a sharp snatch, causing it to come to a halt just as quickly.

The momentum moved down into the bike just as quickly, causing it to swirl in the opposite direction. Both riders squealed in terror as they spun away, Gilda having let go of it.

"Where'd they go?" Rainbow was looking back over.

"They had to do stuff." Gilda shrugged. "Stupid pony stuff."

Rainbow snorted with a smirk. "Speaking of stupid pony stuff, wanna do some stuff, like the old days?" They flew off in search of fun and comradery.

Pinkie and Moon twirled through the air, screaming in shared terror as the world went in all directions around them, until it suddenly wasn't. Striking the ground, the bicycle flew apart into its component parts as they were tossed roughly to bounce with a meaty thud before coming to a still.

Of the two, Pinkie was the first to show signs of life, sitting up and shaking the dirt free of herself. "That was rude."


"You alright?" Pinkie climbed over the ruins of her bike to start dusting Moon off.

"Yeah..." She sat up, her horn glowing as she gathered the two sides of her glasses and holding them together as she redid the tape that held them securely. "I have discovered something new."

"What's that?" Pinkie tilted her head. "'Cause I can think of something."

"Maybe we have realized the same thing." Her tone implied she would have been happy were that the case. "Rainbow's friend is not my friend."

"I was gonna say Gilda seems a bit... prickly... But I know I can get through!" She pumped a hoof in the air, apparently not at all discouraged despite how things had gone. "Wish me luck, alright?"

Moon was busy getting herself back together. One of the motions of a leg was enough to qualify as a wave that Pinkie dashed away, intent on her task. Moon Dancer could not claim to understand Pinkie, but it seemed clear that Rainbow Dash had been wrong on one, possibly two, things. "Friendship is not communitive." A friend of a friend was not assured to be a friend, as she had painfully confirmed.

But also... "You lied." She pushed up her glasses, ensuring they were settled in the right place. Why had Rainbow deceived her? Was this a part of friendship? Did she misunderstand a step? She wasn't sure she enjoyed that part of it. Full of confusion, she headed home. Surely Twilight would have an answer.

Twilight's horn glowed as she set a steaming cup of tea in front of Moon Dancer. "You look rough around the edges there. Did something happen?"

Moon Dancer reached with her hooves to cradle that cup of tea, still and quiet. She could be quiet and still around Twilight. Twilight was content to wait for the answer that would come, in time, when she was ready. Moon sipped softly of the tea, making a little noise of pleasure. Twilight made lovely tea. So did Spike. Two ponies, er, creatures, she could count on. "I learned a negative lesson in relation to friendship."

Twilight inclined her head faintly. "Friendship takes effort. I've been there... Me and Applejack have gotten into quite the arguments before, but we also got past them, eventually..." She smiled with remembered times. "Oh, silly Applejack. That reminds me, I hope she's alright in Canterlot..." She could see Moon was not getting it, and that the topic had slid right into something else. "Right, for now, why not write to the princess? This feels like something she'd want to hear about."

Moon's expression softened. "You always know what to do." Moon nodded in agreement, with herself and Twilight's idea. "I will do that as soon as I finish." She sipped the tea, letting the warmth chase away the lingering aches of her day's mistakes. "I also learned that a unicorn can fly, but caution should be taken while doing so."

"Wise words." Twilight didn't press for details. She was kinda perfect like that, letting Moon Dancer decompress and process what had happened.

Greetings Princess Celestia,

Friendship, I am told, has a communitive effect, but this is far from absolute. While a friend of a friend is easier to establish commonality with, this is not an assured effect. Assuming this is a given can result in pain and injury. Oh, I am in good health. I apologize if I implied I was not. Spike has been busy lately. He has new friends. I am glad for him, but I have new feelings...

I think this may be another lesson worth learning. Besides being my ward and brother, he is my second and dearest friend. Am I jealous? I think I may be. This is beneath me. I will stop being jealous. Sorry for even bringing it up, but you insisted I not erase parts of my letters, so it remains. Have you ever been jealous before? I imagine you have not. You have so much that others would be jealous of you before you were jealous of anything they had.

Twilight received the tickets. You sent a dozen. That is insufficient to give to all the ponies of the town, but this is short notice, and I thank you for what you've done. Maybe next year? Please inform me as soon as possible so the ponies who don't go this year can be informed. That should alleviate their concerns, I hope? I am just relieved I am not the one who has to inform the ones who don't go this year. Twilight took up the task. I am grateful she is around. Though I feel the chances of her taking one of the tickets is very high.

Friendship is the exchange of favors. One ticket to dispense eleven others and bear the shouting and screaming? That is a fair trade, and I am glad to have her as a friend. I hope we exchange many favors in the future. I am making more friends, but with them come more questions. Tell me, if you have time, has a friend ever spoke falsely to you? How did you feel? What did you do? Did they remain friends, or did you sever that relationship? Can you exchange favors with a pony you cannot trust?

I will continue to explore and learn.

Yours Faithfully and Humbly,
Moon Dancer

13 - There's a Book for That

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Twilight pat Moon's shoulder softly, distracting her just as she was about to neatly fold the letter. "Don't you feel better?"

"I... do, yes." Distracted, the letter sank to the surface of the table. "Thank you, Twilight. I do not understand how you navigate these things without effort."

Twilight burst into a short bit of laughter. "Without effort? I'm just not letting that effort show, Moon Dancer." She pointed at the letter that she may have watched being written. "That is a lie, much like the one Rainbow probably did."

Moon's ears danced with alarm. "You lied to me?!"

"I did." Twilight didn't even sound ashamed. "Because it helped you feel better and be more comfortable. Being polite requires knowing when to lie, and what to lie about." She wobbled a hoof in the air. "It's actually really complicated, but it can be boiled down to a simple step."

"Please educate me." She did not want to think she couldn't trust Twilight, of all ponies ever in all the world.

"Is the thing I am about to say something that will hurt those who hear it?" Twilight nodded as she explained as if reading something, though nothing was there. "Is there a nicer way to say what I am about to say that will convey what I want to say, but in a positive way?"

Moon's shaggy brows fell together in a knot. "I... see..." That was, perhaps, a lie on her part, but she was trying! "So you do not share your concerns, because you... want me to be comfortable. Why would I not be comfortable?"

"If you thought you were a burden, Moon." Twilight began to walk away, her magic dragging along Moon's drained teacup with her. "You'd feel guilty, and you might want to go away. I wouldn't want that. You are a dear friend, and I'm enjoying having you around."

Moon began to worry her hooves together, piecing together those bits Twilight had just given her. If Twilight looked visibly distressed... Moon would not want that. If she were the cause... Leaving would... be logical? But Twilight wanted her there, so... So... she does not let her see any discomfort caused. Twilight lies... for her?

"I do not like this!" Moon scampered to her feet and clopped after Twilight. "If you are being made uncomfortable, please tell me how I can assist. Your discomfort is not my goal. You're my favorite pony! What must I do differently?"

Twilight set a hoof right on Moon's snoot, quieting her. "And this is why I lied. The effort it takes to have you here? I made a decision that it was worth it, to have you around." She glanced over as the teacup came down and settled in the sink. "But, since you're asking, and I doubt you will be satisfied until I answer--"

"--No." Moon bobbed her head, looking at Twilight with great gravity. "How can I behave differently? What assistance is required?"

"Required is the wrong word." Twilight sat back on her haunches, watching her frazzled friend. "You are welcome here. I accepted that, and I meant it, and I do not regret that choice. Now... If you want to help..." She pointed to that very same sink. "A pony to swap dishes duties with would be nice."

Moon's horn began to glow immediately, turning on the water in the sink. "That is a fair exchange. Friendship is the exchange of favors, Twilight. I would have preferred you had asked." She rose and approached the sink with a smile. An exchange of favors! This she understood. A chance to even the pile of favors Twilight had given her? She liked that idea.

Twilight wasn't entirely sure that was the specific lesson she had in mind, but... "You're not wrong. I should have just brought it up. Maybe I'd be better off not hiding some things. Still, that's why ponies might lie, for you, not to be mean. I bet Rainbow did the same thing. She's not a mean pony."

"She did not seem hostile, unlike her friend." Moon got serious about washing dishes, which meant she stopped talking.

Twilight brought over the soap closer, right in Moon's line of sight. Without words, the shaggy browed unicorn grabbed it in her magic and put it to work. That issue was settled, for the time.

Applejack caught a flying set of eggs in her hat and twirled that hat so they went flying in the air with a spin. They came down right on the edge of her mixing bowl, spilling their contents just as her leg brushed to the side, sending the shells free. "Thanks kindly!"

When she had first arrived in that kitchen, the ponies had scowled at her with judging eyes, but when she got down to cooking, they seemed to perk up, but also began getting involved, whether she wanted them to or not. "A professional kitchen of this caliber," explained one of the kitchen staff. "We must always be working as a team. Even if you are visiting, you are a temporary part of this."

At first that had been a mite confusin'. Every time she tried to go off to get something, they got in the way and just... asked what she wanted.

But she eventually got the idea and began barking ingredients as they were needed, and they came flying at her. They weren't trying to be in the way, they were just well trained, and a cook had to focus on cooking. "Yer gonna spoil me." At home, there were no ponies that'd hurl the supplies on demand. One had to do it themselves!

Not to mention that there were some ponies constantly cleaning up. If it looked like she was done with something, it just kinda vanished like it weren't ever there. Well, until she called for it again. Despite the furious activity levels of that kitchen, it was sparkling and clean except for the very specific spots in use in that instant.

She was helping, mostly by not leaving her station. An out of place pony was a pony for other ponies to crash into. Applejack was getting the idea, and the pie was coming together as a result. "If we get this, we'll be back, mah family and ah. We'll make up all kindsa tasty treats, together." The kitchen staff would still be there, a part of the process.

The cook one set of stovetops down was working at his own creation. "I look forward to seeing your confection. You are a confectioner, are you not?"

"Nothin' quite so fancy." Applejack teased her ingredients into shape, eyeing the oven to make sure it was at the right temperature. "Think more home cooked treats."

"You are making a pie, a sweet pie, one assumes?" He was not facing her, busy with his own creation. "That is a confection."

"Oh." She learned something new. "Then ah guess ah am doin' that today then." She did glance over at his station, where it seemed he was working on something involving fish? "Not yer taste?"

"Consider me more of a generalist." His stovetop became a riot of sizzles as he placed the fish atop to cook. "I cook whatever the princess is in the mood for on a given day."

"Oh. Oh!" The Princess' personal cook?! "Right honor to meetcha."

"Cut it in half."

She inclined her head. "Pardon?"

"The pie, when you are finished." He was tending to his aquatic meal carefully. "Cut it in half. Give it to me. The princess' favorite tooth is her sweet one. I'll see it arrives in front of her."

Applejack's smile erupted into being. What an opportunity! "Ya got it!"

But that was not who she'd have to face first. With her bisected pie, she slid the tray in front of Fancy Pants. "Nice an' fresh!"

"Hm." He leaned in with one delicate sniff. "Hm. Yes..." He sat back up and his magic poked gently at the pie, measuring it? Testing it perhaps? Applejack wasn't sure, but she was being judged, that much was certain. But he hadn't actually tasted it...

"Go on," she encouraged. "Best apple pie ya ever did try, and we got all kindsa family recipes to go with it."

"I should imagine." A fork floated towards them, thinner and narrower than most forks she'd seen. He pressed down with its edge, seeming to take note of how it went through the pie. "Hm." Was that a good noise?! Applejack couldn't know, but she really wished she did at that moment.

"How did you get along with the kitchen?"

Applejack blinked. That was not a pivot she was expecting. "Oh! Jus' fine. Bunch of nice ponies in there, gettin' work done. The work ah cookin'! Ah can respect that." She nodded with building confidence. "Felt like ah was part of a big thin' in there. Kinda nice in a way."

"Indeed." He didn't sound terribly enthusiastic. The pie cut on the end of his fancy fork floated before his eye a moment before it came in closer to his snout. "Did you meet their confectioner?"

That word again! "Can't say ah did." She wasn't searching for other pies. "Why?"

"We have the services of one." He considered Applejack, that pie, still there on his fork, still uneaten. "He's already a proven member of the kitchen team."

Applejack tensed, detecting what was comin'. "Ya asked me to make a pie. The least ya can do is try it!"

He was still and quiet a moment. "You're not wrong, Miss Applejack. It would be rude to not do that." And the morsel vanished into his snout. "Hm." That noise, neither positive or negative. "Your pie--"

Is great? Is fantastic! Is the best thing ever?!

"--is acceptable." He dabbed his snout with the end of a napkin. "Your apples are of fine quality. Your cooking, acceptable. I will discuss with the kitchen staff, perhaps they'd like to put in an order for some of those apples, if you can ship them here?"

Applejack bobbed her head stiffly, uncertain how to accept that judgment. "Y-yeah!" But if she sold a bunch of apples, that was... kind of a win, right?! They couldn't charge as much for a raw apple as an apple made into a treat, but it was still a sale, and to ponies that could pay top rate for top apples. "What's wrong with the pie?" She didn't want to admit it, but it kinda hurt to be called... acceptable.

"Nothing." He inclined his head at the pie. "Perfectly acceptable. But the gala needs exceptional. Princess Celestia trusts me with these preparations, so my name is on the line. Nothing less than extraordinary will make it past me. This is not a mark against you, dear. Your pies are quite fine, but they just aren't... the step after that, if you will." He lowered a hoof to his chin. "Actually..."

"Actually?" She perked a little. A silver lining?

"Actually, if you got along with the kitchen staff, perhaps you could educate yourself."

"Say what now?" Was he insulting her?

"They are chronically underhooved during the gala," he went on, not seeming to notice her distress. "You could assist them, and learn a thing or two about the fine art of confectionery while you're there."

"Oh, uh..."

"It is a paying position," he added with a subtle confidence.

It hurt a little that he was also entirely correct. "Ah can lend a hoof." And maybe learn something or two! Her pies were not just acceptable, consarnit!

"Fantastic." His horn glowed as a ticket approached through the air. "Here you are." It wasn't the usual Gala ticket, marking her as kitchen staff, right there on the ticket. "This will get you into the kitchen and, when things allow, you can partake of the gala as well. Do bring clothing for the occasion." His eyes wandered over her mostly-lack of clothing. "Professional cooking attire is acceptable, but I find most prefer to display something of their own while they're off duty."

"Oh, yeah..." She took the ticket in her mouth, looking down around her snout to peek at it. "Thanks!" Things were looking up! "Ah'll be there!"

Celestia inclined her head. On one of her dessert trays was half a pie. That happened at times, but not commonly. Still, it was the note attached to the pie that had her attention. With a glowing horn, she brought the note out from under the pie up to read.


A country pie maker went through the effort of trying to impress you with her pie. I have a feeling Fancy will block it, but I also had a feeling you would want to have a try. Her name is Applejack, of the Apples, from a little place called Ponyville. If you don't want to, then don't, your highness. I would not presume to command you.

Yours humbly,

The signature was of her personal chef, as fancy in lettering as he tried to compose himself. A good pony, who made delicious foods to satisfy her cravings. And he had thought the pie was worth at least considering a try? Well... She was not a specifically snooty pony when it came to sweet treats. She cut off a delicate slice of the pie and brought it right up to snap from the air. "Mmm..."

Wasn't Applejack in one of Moon Dancer's reports? She'd have to keep an eye on that pony...

"An' that's what happened." Applejack sagged in her chair. "Phew, ah'm beat!"

Pear Butter patted her returned daughter's shoulder. "Jus' glad to have ya back. An' what a story!"

"Ya really did that?" Big Mac looked duly impressed. "We never sold apples to Canterlot before."

Granny shook her head. "That's nice, but ya done sold yerself too."

Pear snorted at the objection. "Mother, that's what ponies do. That's what we do. We work, ponies give us bits. I'm proud of you." She wrapped her arms around Applejack, embracing her. "Yer gonna learn at that there fancy party, an' earn a few bits while yer at it."

"And what's wrong with the old fashioned way ah doin' it!" cried the conservative voice of Granny. "We got recipes passed down and perfected over generations. And ya wanna go and mess with it?"

Pear Butter sat there at the table the rest were gathered around. "And how did that happen?"

Granny frowned with thought and anger. Big Mac was first to reply, "We tried new thin's to get it better?"

"'Course we did." Pear Butter nodded firmly. "We ain't throwin' out a thin'. The family recipes are right precious to us, and that's why we should always try to make 'em even better, fer the ponies what come after us."

Big Mac set a big hoof on Applejack's back. "Right proud."

"Ah what?" she asked with a bit of a smile.

"Yer learnin' somethin' new. Sounds excitin'. Yer gonna come back, bake somethin' all fancy fer us, right?"

Applejack burst into laughter at that. "'Course ah am! Ah'll bring fancy Canterlot cookin' and Apple cookin' and pow!" She clopped her hooves together smartly. "The way it was meant to be, best parts ah each."

"What're ya'll talkin' 'bout?" There was Apple Bloom, poking her head in. "Applejack!" She scurried over to pounce her big sister. "Yer back!"

Applejack caught her sister, hugging her with happy nuzzles. "Sure am! But, just t' warn, gonna go again, just for a day er two. Gonna cook some fancy food fer extra fancy ponies."

Apple Bloom stuck out her tongue at that. "Aw. Have fun... Say wanna hear how school's goin'?"

"Nothing would make me happier."

And so she did start to explain exactly how school was going.

I had two new friends. You done met 'em before. Sweetie Belle, she's a unicorn, that one. And there's Scootaloo! She's a pegasus what don't fly. Not that it seems ta slow her done none. She goes everywhere super fast! Ah can't get a scooter going half s'fast.

Anyway, we were at school. We sit next to each other. Miss Cheerilee was goin' on and on 'bout somethin'. What? Yeah I was payin' attention! It was 'bout how clouds were made, that was it. Anywho, this story ain't about that.

It wasn't even about us, really. Now, we sat near each other partly to keep each other safe. Y'see, Diamond Tiara used to poke fun of us when she could, which was way easier when we were single targets. Now that don't mean she can't make fun of us together, but...

See, she's been distracted. Good fer us, lemme tell ya. She wriggled her way over to sit by the new kid, Spike. The dragon? They're passin' notes back and forth, they do projects together, and they're always right there! And since Diamond's busy being with him, well, she ain't botherin' us! We win!

But this is more about Spike. At first, he was kinda lost. He was home schooled, by Moon Dancer. The one with th' shaggy eyebrows, yeah! So he weren't really used to goin' to school. Funny thing that, like Diamond just kinda... adopted him. She teaches him everythin'. Well, 'xcept the stuff the teacher's talkin' 'bout. Diamond ain't big for book learning.

But pony learnin'? She tells Spike how to act, what to expect, all those thin's! You should see when they eat lunch! It's kinda cute. They sit across from each other and talk about the day. I think he likes the food she brings, but ah also think maybe he kinda likes her? Ain't no problem, since I think she likes him likin' her.

Huh? Does she like him? Uh, that... gets more complicated.

Ah can tell she likes him likin' her... If she gets a new dress or a hat, he's the first one she rushes over to show it off to. An' ah get it, ah do. He always looks so happy and he compliments her somethin' fierce.

Applejack was failing at entirely hiding her snickers. "Sis."

"Yeah?" She looked up at her sister's face. "What's s'funny?"

"While ah'm glad yer schoolmate's havin' a grand ole time of it, ah thought we were gonna hear about your schoolin'."

"Oh!" She chuckled nervously. "Well, their little thin' let me and the others alone. It's been so nice!" She clopped her hooves before bounding down to the ground. "So it's been nice at school. An' ah got an A on mah last test!" All the adults clapped appreciatively and Apple Bloom bowed to the applause. "Thank ya, thank y'all. Couldn't ah done it without mah family behind me."

Granny nodded at the energetic little foal. "'Bout that. How's the clubhouse turnin' out?"

"It's the best!" Apple Bloom threw her hooves wide as if to encompass the enormity of it all. "We all love it. Thank y'all for helpin' put it together."

Big Mac nodded sedately. "'weren't nothin' at all."

Applejack eagerly joined, "Yeah, that's what family's fer. Oh! That thing, it will pay. Ah'll give it over to the family, don't ya worry none."

Granny huffed softly. "Ya mentioned that already. You go and learn, maybe get a trick or two... Just don't ferget what makes an Apple an Apple."

"Granny..." She set a hoof on her own chest with one arm, the other reaching up to knock her own hat forward. "Ah will be lookin' forward to gettin' back here as soon as possible. Still don't like cities none, but ah'm gonna learn what ah can."

"Thatta girl." Granny seemed satisfied with that response. "And stop encouragin' her!" She swatted at Pear Butter.

Who did not look at all dissuaded. "We're looking forward to hearing t'how that turns out. But that ain't today, or even this week... Or even this month... So let's get back to other thin's."

The Apple family was reunited and happy to be together.

"Moon!" Pinkie appeared from nowhere, a habit she had. "You're totally invited!" From her mane emerged a fancy stamped envelope that extended towards Moon Dancer. "Be there!"

Moon's horn glowed as she plucked it free of Pinkie's prehensile hair. How that worked, another mystery. "Pinkie, I would like to schedule an examination."

"Oh gosh." Pinkie flopped to her haunches. "My older sister's great at school stuff, but I never was. You sure you want me to do this exam? I probably won't get a super great score."

Moon inclined her head slowly, adjusting her glasses with a raised hoof. "It is not an examination you can fail."

"My favorite kind!" Pinkie bounced in place with obvious joy. "Oh oh! Is this a party exam? I bet I could pass that! What's the best kinda soda pop to serve to a pegasus?!"

"I do not know." Moon lowered the hoof to her chin. "What is?"

"Something light and fizzy, duh." Pinkie nodded, confident in her party planning ability. "Rainbow loves it! Fluttershy around a ginger ale? You can't pull her away!"

"Mmhmm." Moon made a note with a floating quill against an equally hovering pad. "About that examination. I predict it will require at least an hour of your time. When is convenient in your schedule?"


"I will pay for your time." Moon nodded firmly. "You are providing valuable research material." An exchange of favors. She would not fail at friendship!

"That sounds important." Pinkie pointed though at the letter still floating there in its envelope. "Promise you'll be there and we'll call it even."

A favor for a favor? How delightfully convenient! Moon waved a hoof as if it were a blade, her magic breaking the seal and flipping the envelope open. The card inside floated free. It was an invitation to a party, a welcoming party to one... "It's the griffon. Are you certain you want me there?" She pointed at herself. "That griffon did not seem to harbor good intentions towards me."

"That was a big misunderstanding. I think I have it figured out." Pinkie bobbed her head. "Please? I want everyone to be friends. So it's super important she have a chance to patch things up with you too!" She threw an arm over Moon's neck, drawing her in close. "And then we can do your exam. I'll give the best answers I can!"

Moon felt a puzzle piece fall down from far above, landing right into place. "Pinkie."


"Are you also unaware of how people operate?"

Pinkie reared back at that. "What? Me?! I'm the master of how ponies work! I can put a smile on any face!" She reached for Moon, trying to force a smile, but Moon did not smile easily, and the expression slipped away.

"It makes so much sense." Moon started to turn away. "You have given me much to consider, and we haven't even begun the exam. Pinkie, thank you. You have been a most valuable friend. I can only hope--" She didn't get to finish her statement, being tackled and hugged by the affectionate pink pony, both of them crashing to the ground.

"You're great too! I'm so sorry I thought you were no fun at first. Boy was I wrong. You're kinda great!" Pinkie squeezed Moon all the harder, forcing a squeak free. "And kinda silly. Really, me not knowing ponies." She snorted the very idea of it, bouncing free. "Anyway, see you at the party!" And off she trotted, the attempt to poke a hole in her mindset, failed.

Moon watched her trot off. Her eyes went back to her filling pad. "Interesting..." Friendship was a puzzle, a big puzzle. Princess Celestia had given Moon Dancer a large assignment, and Moon was starting to appreciate the enormity of it. And it excited her. "I will not let you down." She reached up to pat the floating pad. "This is worth all seriousness."

Greetings Princess Celestia,

This is a short update. I wanted to inform you that I am starting to see the true measure of the project you set at my hooves. It is grand and terrible, as any proper research material should be. I will redouble my efforts into unlocking it and will continue my writings to you on it. On that note, I will soon be attending a function with a creature that hurt me, physically. Can that be forgiven?

It was not an accident, if you thought it was. I am alright, I should add.

Yours Faithfully and Humbly,
Moon Dancer

14 - The Brush Off

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Moon glanced around the busy party, a little tense. "I have arrived as requested."

Pinkie threw an arm around Moon's neck, guiding her right along towards the big angry cat bird thing. "So glad to see you! Now, this is Gilda, you two met, but let's do it better this time." She was grinning wide enough to squeak in her cheeks.

Moon offered a hoof, at least sure she was not on a bike that could be sent hurtling. "Greetings?"

She was fairly sure that would not be one of her favorite parties.

"And then, my little filly, she marches right up to yer town." Pear Butter sipped from her cup of juice with a proud smile.

Across from her, Velvet was listening raptly. "And she didn't visit? That's a shame."

"She was a bit distracted," defended Pear, but it turned quickly. "I'll make sure she stops by on the way back."

That got Velvet to pause. "The way back? Is she still there?!"

"Nope, right here, where she belongs, helpin' with the harvest." Pear nodded with a confident happiness. "But she will be back, because she done got herself a little job, just fer a day, but what a day it'll be!"

Velvet reached across the table, hoof on her friend's arm, near Pear's hoof. "Stop teasing me, you country delight! What will she be busy doing? Something exciting?"

"Oh, you betcha." Pear bobbed her head firmly. "She's gonna be an assistant chef at the Grand Galloping Gala. Paid 'course. She's an adult pony, don't need no unpaid work."

"Wow!" Velvet crashed her hooves together, her grin growing by the moment. "That's exciting. I was going to skip this gala, but now I want to try something your daughter made."

"Silly city pony," laughed out Pear. "Just come right back here after it's over and let her whip up a treat with her new city slickin' skills. No need to go to all that trouble ah goin' to a fancy party just fer the chance."

"I may do just that." Things grew quiet then, the two savoring their afternoon drink in good company. "Say. There's an event coming up that may be just up your alley."

Pear raised a doubting brow. "Yer the one bringin' it up, so ah'm gonna guess it's somethin' dangerous."

"Jus' a little," defended Velvet, waving her hooves at Pear. "More excitin' than dangerous, and there are fruit involved!"

"Uh huh..." Pear had known Velvet long enough, dear friend she was, to know what that meant. "So what kinda stunt do you want to sign us up fer?"

Velvet leaned in with a big grin. "Am I that obvious? Do you just see me as that crazy unicorn that likes to do crazy things?"

"A little," admitted Pear with an unsure smile.

Velvet swatted at her friend. "It's more fun than dangerous, I promise. It's the rolling of the fruit barrels! We start high." She raised a hoof high. "And get to roll 'em low." And down went her hoof with a whistling noise that descended with it. "Keeping your fruit from getting smashed up is part of the game. The one that reaches the bottom with the best barrel wins!"

"Ah thought fer a moment we'd be in the barrel." Pear's ears twitched lightly. "That doesn't sound too bad..."

"It isn't bad," assured Velvet with a huff. "It'll be fun. You're an active mare. Maybe you'll even beat me for a change."

"Ah do know how to roll a barrel proper." Pear buffed her chest with confidence. "Ah hope yer ready to lose fer once."

"Against you? With pleasure." She leaned in, touching snouts briefly. "I'll pen you down then. This is going to be so fun!"

"One thin'." Velvet perked an ear at Pear. "Yer husband."

"What about him?" Velvet looked quite perplexed.

"As much as ah enjoy our little trips, he is yer husband. Shouldn't ya bring him 'long?" Pear set her hooves together. "If... ah still... he'd be comin'."

Velvet paled a little, almost instantly around the table to grab up her friend in a great big hug. "Ah'll invite him then. We'll make it a big family barrel rolling trip!"

Pear smiled faintly. "'Sides, he's a smart pony, right good planner. Get him to figure out the path we should take. Gonna guess he'll like the job."

Velvet's eyes widened. "That is a great idea!" She squeezed Pear all the tighter. "And if we win, we'll all win. Oh, a perfect idea." She danced in place before backing up a little. "I better go tell him. The more time he has to plan, the happier he is."

Pear allowed her energetic friend to flee back to the mountain she came from. "Yer a bit of a chore." But a chore worth doing, she reckoned. She began cleaning up from their little lunch. "What friends are fer."

"Talk about a party pooper." Spike turned back towards the others instead of the closed door an angry griffon had stormed through.

At least the large beast was not angry at Moon, rather Pinkie and, surprisingly, Rainbow Dash. Gilda stormed off in quite the huff. But that did not abate the confusion Moon had felt. "I thought you knew how to navigate this."

Rainbow Dash slid right between them. "I didn't realize how rude she was. Sorry about that." She threw an arm around Pinkie and they were soon in an embrace of friendship. "No hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings," assured Pinkie in a jovial tone. "I'd rather hang out with my nice friends anyway."

Moon waited her turn until Rainbow had gone off to other things. "Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie pricked at her name. "What's up, Moonie? Didja have fun?!"

Moon inclined her head faintly. "It has been a learning experience, but a confusing one. I thought the goal was to befriend the griffon, but you seem pleased with the result despite the failure of that objective. Why?"

Pinkie sat on her haunches. "Well, to start, I made a mistake, but it's not a mistake I'm mad about."

Moon nodded, but said nothing.

"I thought I was misunderstanding Gilda, so I gave her another chance. That's what good ponies do." She nodded firmly, sure of that logic. "And it showed what she really was, and it showed Rainbow what I really was."

"A great pony." Rainbow thumped against Pinkie from the side. "Now c'mon, the punch has my name all over it, but avoid the one with the dribble." She snickered as she wandered off.

Moon watched Rainbow go. "Another lie, but one meant... in jest. A small lie." She raised her hooves close together. "I am starting to understand that. So you are happy because you are not uncertain anymore. You know who is good and who is bad."

Pinkie blinked softly. "Huh, wouldn't have put it that way, but yeah!" She thumped her forehead against Moon's, narrowly avoiding getting poked with a horn. "Now you did your part, when do we get to do that exam that I can't fail?! I wanna see that."

Moon smiled faintly. It was so nice when her subject matter was also looking forward to it. "I must prepare the test." Ah ha, a little lie occurred to her. "I must make certain you cannot fail it."

Pinkie nodded with understanding. "Wow, thanks for going through the extra effort just for little me. I'll do my best, promise!" She saluted, then bounced away to rejoin the party.

"Sorry for being wrong about Gilda." Twilight was there!

"It's alright," assured Pinkie. "Not even you can be a smarty-pants all the time."

Moon leaned in. "Wait, you were involved?"

Twilight began to blush. "Pinkie had come to me for advice."

"Smart." Moon nodded in appreciation.

"But I was wrong." She sagged a little.

"But it came out alright," assured Pinkie, bouncing in place. "C'mon, there's still plenty of party left!"


Celestia pricked an ear at the small form of the recovering Luna. She looked so adorable in that little filly's form, but she was growing rapidly. "What is it, Luna dear? How may I help you?"

"Your plan... I don't understand it." Luna rubbed at the side of her face with the flat of a hoof. "This Moon Dancer seems uniquely unfit for doing anything with the magic of friendship." She cocked a brow. "Which wasn't a thing, last I knew of it."

"He was working on it..." Celestia turned instead to look out a window. "But he couldn't finish it. He didn't understand it, he couldn't. And it still isn't thing, yet. She is not yet even close to unlocking it for us, for herself, and for the country."

Luna stepped up aside her sister. "If it is not yet a thing, then why dost thou work so diligently on what could be nothing?"

"Because I have faith." She gently set her hoof on Luna's withers. "Because I have waited so long for this day. We must guide her, show her the path that will allow her to grow."

"Grow quite a bit, sister mine." Luna put her hooves together just to spread them out wide. "Thou hast given thyself a challenge most considerable."

Celestia quirked a little smile. "Sister, the way you speak is... dated." Amusing too, but... dated. "Would you like lessons to--"

"--Nay," luna cut off with a frown. "There is nothing wrong with mine mode of speech." That lesson would have to come another day. "Sister, thou are distracting from the point."

"I am perhaps," she admitted. "I have a very good feeling about this, but it is difficult to explain how. My hunches are rarely entirely off." She inclined her head faintly. "Can you have faith, in your sister?"

Luna took a deep sigh, which would have sounded more imposing if she wasn't in the awkward teens of growing up. "Very well, sister mine. I will trust that thou knows what thou is doing." She smiled then, uncertain. "But there is another matter, more personal to me." She turned a hoof on herself. "I was lost once." An awkward silence built then. Both knew of that, all too fresh. "I am not mad," she cut in sharply.

"I am still sorry." Celestina inclined her head. "But what is your thought?"

Luna's ears danced. "I do not wish for a repeat. What purpose does thou have in mind for me? The night is still a time of quiet and solitude, is it not?"

Celestia turned, her wing lowering to brush Luna to join her in the pivot. "I was going to wait a little longer, but since you have brought it up..."

"Verily!" Luna bounced in place, hope in her eyes. "Tell me what thou has in thine mind!"

"A duty you are singularly suited for." Celestia nodded softly. "A duty only a night pony could fulfill, but it is not an easy task."

"Yes, something in need of mine talents?" Luna smiled brightly, envisioning a thousand inaccurate things. "What sort of task am I needed for? Doest thou need me hoof slaying vicious creatures of the night?"

"Nothing so violent." She began to walk, trusting Luna would follow, which happened almost instantly. "You will be a princess dearly loved, and learn of our ponies in a new way."

Luna gasped with astonishment. That hadn't been one of the things she had thought of! "Tell me more, sister mine!"

Celestia led her sister away to explain the idea. Perhaps Luna would yet become a fine princess of dreams, in addition to being the watcher of the night.

Greetings Princess Celestia,

Friendship is very confusing! But I feel I have done well with it. Twilight was wrong. That is not a statement I can write very often, but she was, and she admitted it. Friendship includes accepting the mistakes of your friends, if they make efforts to correct it. Twilight showed me a lesson without even trying, did I mention how good she is at this?

On less positive news, I learned that the one that hurt me was deserving of my disapproval. On the other side of that realization, others in the community came to the same conclusion. I feel that I became more of a friend to them even as I gave up on trying to create a friendship with Gilda. She was quite against the idea of new friends. I wonder, now... was she like me? I was also quite hesitant to make friends, and would have acted just as anti-social, though not violent.

Perhaps we have more in common than I first thought? A part of me wants to speak to her again, in private, but that option is not there. I will continue my exploration, starting with Pinkie Pie. Look forward to that report.

Yours Faithfully and Humbly,
Moon Dancer

Moon's horn glowed with magic as she focused intently. "C'mon, you can do it!" called Spike in encouragement. With a sudden lot pop of magic, Spike suddenly had quite the fine moustache. "Yes!" He pumped a hand in victory. "She's gonna love this."

Moon inclined her head at her ward. "Who?"

"Um!" Spike colored. "Nopony!"

Moon nodded softly. "Good. We should not permanently adjust you while you are still in pre-adolescence." With a new bit of sparkles, the moustache was sent away. "Thank you for suggesting that magic exercise."

Though disappointed, Spike recovered quickly, counting on his fingers, "Twenty-five, Moon Dancer. Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting. I thought unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents!"

Moon swerved an ear at him as she turned and lowered herself in a silent offer for a ride. An offer he took, clambering up onto her. "That varies depending on their focus and cutie mark."

Spike leaned off to the side to peer at her rump. "What does yours mean? Twilight's magic." He clapped his hands, only to grow confused. "Uh."

The moment of dissidence faded as Twilight poked her head free of her kitchen. "Where are you all off to?"

Moondancer lifted her ears at Twilight's arrival. "I was going to take a walk with Spike. Would you care to join us?"

"I would be delighted." Her horn glowed, flipping the open sign to closed.

As she did that, Spike could see her cutie mark, a pile of books. What had he been thinking? He shook away the moment of dissonance. "We were just talking about why some unicorns cast all sorts of spells."

"A fascinating topic," agreed Twilight with a nod, walking along with her friends. "Most ponies only use the magic allowed by--"

"--instinctive prompts related to their cutie mark," completed Moon Dancer with a firm nod. "Twilight and I attended a magic school--"

"--Princess Celestia's," cut in Twilight in return. "School for Gifted Unicorns. We learned a lot of magic, and an appreciation for it."

Moon slid in closer from the side as they trotted. "It does not help that my cutie mark is literally for magic." Her cutie mark, a moon with six stars glittering around it, was proudly displayed. "Not that you have much trouble keeping up, Twilight."

"Aw, thanks." She thumped gently against Moon, avoiding brushing Spike off. "What's that up ahead?"

"What is this?" Moon agreed in her question, spotting a few young unicorns rushing to the front of a thick crowd. "Some sort of community event?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Just a showboating unicorn that thinks she's great."

"Behold!" proclaimed Trixie, producing flowers from nowhere that she sent flying into the crowd of cheering ponies. "A small trick for one as Great and Powerful as Trixie. Did you not hear?" She cocked her head as if to listen. "Why, it was Trixie that defeated the dreaded Ursa Major!"

"My My, what boasting." Rarity fanned herself with a hoof as if to keep cool from the heat of the showing off.

The crowd was eating it up, ooing and ahhing in wonder. "Woah, no way," exclaimed one of those unicorn colts gaping up at the bright blue pony.

Trixie nodded. "Yes way. When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the ursa major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!" She gestured towards the forest with a cocky grin. "Saving the day."

The fanfare was quite loud, hooves stomping the ground and clopping against one another, which Trixie soaked up eagerly.

Moon Dancer inclined her head. "I know this."

Applejack was there, tilting her hat at Moon Dancer. "Ya do?"

"Yes. It is a lie, told not out of malice." She looked proud of her realization. She had gotten a chance to put her lesson into motion so quickly! It was rarely so immediately useful. "She is an entertainer, lying for the amusement of the other ponies." She waved a hoof at the great cheering crowd. "It appears to be successful."

Rainbow shook her head. "Moon, Twi, you're both better wizards than her. You should be up there, not her!"

Moon paled a little, imagining standing before that cheering crowd. "I do not desire this."

"I'm no good at showing off," stammered Twilight, blushing at the idea. "My magic is not that big of a deal anyway."

"Now that is a lie!" Moon circled in front of Twilight, facing her directly. "Your magic is amazing and astounding."

Spike shrugged from atop Moon Dancer. "It's true," he agreed with a quirk of a smile.

"What is this?" came Trixie's loud voice. "Some other pony thinks they are also a Great and Powerful wizard? As great as Trixie? This she doubts." She buffed a hoof on her chest, sneering at Twilight and Moon Dancer.

Rainbow could contain herself no longer, rushing right up to Trixie in a streak of colors. "You think you're so cool. What makes you so awesome anyway?"

Trixie was not intimidated by the sudden pegasus. "It seems our fine feathered friend wasn't paying attention, or perhaps you have locked hooves with the mythical, terrible, mighty, and fearsome ursa major?"

Rainbow rubbed the side of her head at that. "There's no reason to go show boating."


"That's my job." Rainbow thumped herself on the chest before erupting in a great display of speed and skill, ending in a rainbow over herself and a great smile. "They don't call me Rainbow and Dash for nothing."

"When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is loser." With a glowing horn, she seemed to grab hold of the very rainbow over Rainbow Dash, bringing it down to create a voilently spinning vortex that carried the pegasus away.

"Seems like anypony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the Great Trixie." Trixie nodded, satisfied. The crowd cheered. They had cheered each part. Even Rainbow's challenge had been a delightful part of the show, so far as they were concerned.

"We need a unicorn to counter her," called out Spike, just for a cloth tape to appear over his mouth.

"Neither Twilight nor I wishes to engage in this show." Moon Dancer looked up over her shoulder at her ward. "She is succeeding at entertaining the crowd, and I have no desire to become part of the show."

"Nor I," quickly joined Twilight. "It's good for her to show off. Clearly it's working for her."

"But it is not a habit Twilight, nor I, have need of." Despite her humble words, she looked quite proud of the stand she was taking. "Rarity?"

Rarity pricked up, her attention grabbed. "Oh, yes. We unicorns should hold ourselves to higher standards, darling." She smiled and nodded, joining the side of decorum. "I must admit, I didn't expect you to be the source of wisdom in this, Moon Dancer. Good on you."

Trixie could hear them discussing it. So could half the crowd. She couldn't have that. "Ooo, what's the matter? Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?"

Rarity colored in fury. "Oh... Oh now you've done it. It. Is. On." She drove a hoof down heavily, glaring at Trixie. Her expression softened as she began sauntering towards the stage. "You may think you're tough with all of your so-called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style."

The audience gasped and clopped at Rarity as she showed off with her graceful walk.

"A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace." She fluttered her lashes. "And beauty."

Spike nodded in appreciation. "Rarity knows how to... compose..." The audience was gasping in alarm.

Trixie's magic had transformed Rarity's gorgeous mane into a nasty green mess atop her head. "Mirror! I need a mirror!" she wailed, fleeing to find one, tears streaming from her eyes.

Moon Dancer frowned at that. "That was excessively cruel. Rainbow Dash is used to physical displays of dominance, but Rarity was entirely unprepared for that," she huffed, looking insulted in Rarity's stead. "Apologize to her."

Trixie raised a brow at Moon. "Pardon me? Trixie must not have heard correctly. Is some no-talent unicorn challenging her and telling her what to do? Surely that isn't it."

Twilight hooked a hoof around Moon's front, pulling her back. "This isn't worth it. Besides, uh, I hear my laundry calling!" And she fled the scene.

Moon Dancer was chasing after her. "Why did you not inform me of the laundry?"

Spike snickered softly, poking Moon from above. "Harmless lie to get away from the situation."

"Oh." Moon made a mental note. When to lie was so complicated... "Why are we fleeing? Rarity needed our help."

Twilight opened the door to the library and scooted inside. "The spell will wear off. Pony manes are notoriously difficult to affect in any long term capacity."

"This is true." Moon closed the door behind herself, lowering so Spike could climb free. "But she was still attacked. I could have earned a favor by assisting her. It angered me to see her attacked like that."

Spike hopped free. "I'm with you there. She didn't have to make Rarity cry like that." He was not as affected as he might have been. "I bet Rainbow will laugh it off."

Moon took a slow breath. "Putting that aside." She made a motion with her hoof of setting a box to her left. "She was performing her profession admirably. Perhaps later I can raise my concern privately, so she can improve her show."

Twilight's expression brightened at that. "Now there's a good idea. Perhaps, when she's... not performing, speaking will be easier."

Spike shrugged emphatically. "She seems like a real show off. I think it's just what she is. Whatever, gonna go."

"Where to?" Moon turned on him quickly. "You are finished with magic?"

"Oh, uh..." Spike rubbed an arm with the opposing hand. "I said I'd visit Diamond."

"Oh..." Moon flicked one ear back just for it to alight itself. "Thank you."

"Thank me?"

"For speaking truthfully." Moon leaned in and touched her snout to his cheek. "Have fun."

Spike erupted into a big grin, permission given. "I will! You're the best." He hugged Moon Dancer tightly around the neck and dashed off, soon lost to sight.

"They grow up so fast." Twilight was there, next to Moon Dancer. "He still needs you, as a sister."

Moon inclined her head. "Are you certain you have not developed a mind-reading spell of some kind?"

"I assure you I have not," laughed out Twilight as she flipped the sign with her magic back to Open for other ponies to come into the library. "But I mean it. You're a very important pony in his life, and you can't be replaced."

"Like a favorite book." Moon smiled with a touch of uncertainty. "But not the newest one..."

15 - Great and Powerful Friendship

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"Hey." Spike was waving a hand through the opened door.

"Get in here." Diamond grabbed Spike by the arm, biting into it lightly as she tugged him inside. "I was waiting for you."

"You were?!" His cheeks lit up as he followed her even without being pulled on. "What's up?"

"Silver Spoon brought up a good point." She turned only after they had arrived in Diamond's room. "And it's bothering me."

Silver Spoon was not always the source of sage advice, but Spike could see Diamond was thinking about it. "What'd she say?"

"She said that two fillies--" She raised two hooves up. "--hanging out is pretty normal. A filly and a colt, maybe at school, sure, but a filly and a colt..."

Spike tensed with a wave of fear. "Is--"

She had a hoof up, silencing him. "A filly and a colt," she repeated with a serious tone. "A filly and a colt has implications."

"What does it imply?" asked Spike in a lame little voice, not entirely certain himself. "We're friends, right?"

"Sure, yeah." Diamond Tiara inclined her head at her dragon friend. "But friends only goes so far. A high class filly, like me, does not casually 'hang out' with colt friends, in her room." Her eyes wandered about her own space as if to emphasize it. "Alone."

"Do you need me to go?" He hiked a thumb right back at the door he had come in through. "I can go."


He went rigid at her tone of voice. "Yeah?"

"Shoosh." She put a hoof to her lips before clearing her throat, resuming her speech. "Silly boy. As I was saying, there are a few ways this can make sense." She leaned forward, lashes batting. "Spike, do you like me?"

Spike slowly blinked, but was silent.

Diamond rolled that commanding hoof. "You can answer."

"Right! Um, I mean..." Did he dare? The last pony he had admitted anything to... that hadn't gone well... He fidgeted, his fingers working against each other as he looked over Diamond. She was a prickly filly, but also... "Y-yes," Spike stammered out, cheeks going dark. "Does that bother--"

Diamond's hoof was in his mouth suddenly, silencing him. "Silver Spoon was right, again." She shoved Spike back a step. "Don't let her know that. As far as she's concerned, I swept you off your feet and made you mine, today. Got it?"

"R-right." That was not the response he expected, not at all. "Uh, wait, does that mean?"

"You're my boyfriend?" She laughed at the very idea. "Of course not. Not yet." She turned her hoof on herself. "There are steps and rules. Have you spoken to my parents?" Spike shook his head. "Then you aren't my boyfriend. But you desperately want to be, because I made you fall head over hooves."

"Yeah..." Spike was really unsure what was happening, but he wasn't being told no, not really... "So... Um, how about your dad?" He smiled hopefully. "He seems like a nice pony, why don't we start with him?"

"Daring move."

Spike blinked. That was the daring move?! "Your mom'd be easier?"

"Actually, yes." Diamond stepped closer, her breath felt against him. "My mom sees you as a connection to Moon Dancer. My father will see you as a little colt trying to take his little filly away." She leaned in closer still, just short of touching. "Do you think you can handle that? You're going to have to..."

Spike grabbed the back of his head, looking off to the side. "Um, yeah, eventually... Why don't we start with your mom then, if she's easier? Maybe she can help, with your dad?"

"Now you're getting it," agreed Diamond with a little chuckle. "Make connections, use them, and you can get what you're after." She sat to clap her hooves, a grin on her face. "Good. I wouldn't want to be involved with a colt that didn't know that much."

Spike realized he had passed a test he never even knew was being given. "Yeah! Is she around? We could just talk to her now."

Diamond was holding up a hoof for quiet. "First..." She strolled over to one of her many closets, grabbing the doorknob in her mouth and wrenching it open. "Get dressed." She pointed to the collection of suits they had amassed for Spike. "You want to make a good impression, even if she already knows you."

Spike hurried up to grab a suit off the rack. "Got it." He was a little more confident as he quickly got himself presentable. "Uh, thanks."

Diamond cocked a brow. "Don't thank me yet. It's up to you how well you manage this." Diamond leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. "See if you earn another one." And off she went, trotting away from the stunned dragon with a smug look.

Moon clopped softly on the door. "Are you there? I would like to speak with you." Her notebook floated nearby, a quill poised to write in it.

The top of the door swung open, revealing the blue unicorn. "Hm?" She cocked a brow at Moon Dancer. "Oh, you. Have you come to challenge the Great and Powerful Trixie? She is off duty."

"Negative." Moon looked over the other unicorn. Trixie looked tired, perhaps worn after her demonstration? Moon could imagine performing in front of such a crowd would be quite draining. "I was hoping to have a conversation. Have I chosen a bad time?"

"Ye--" Trixie's word didn't finish, tapping her chin instead. "What do you want?"

"Your performance was a complete success."

Trixie perked up at that, her smile returning brightly. "As if the Great and Powerful Trixie would allow for anything else, but she does like it when you notice it. What was your favorite part?"

Moon considered that a moment. "I have read about the Major Ursa. It is a most formidable creature." Moon's eyes darted to Trixie's horn. "I doubt you could have defeated it."


"But your tale was interesting, and entertaining." Moon gestured back at where the performance had been. "The crowd was impressed, which was the goal."

Trixie's nose scrunched. "It's the Ursa Major, not Major Ursa," she scoffed as if that proved she was superior. "For a unicorn too cowardly to face Trixie, you sure are ready to assume you know how magnificent she would be."

"What's the most complex spell you know?" challenged Moon Dancer. "That will allow me to assess your basic ability."

Trixie turned a hoof on herself. "Trixie thought you were here to compliment her on her show."

"Your show was fine." Moon inclined her head lightly. "A complete success. I recommend not picking on members of your audience, even if they are..."

"You don't know anything." Trixie reached over the top of her door to boop Moon on her stupid nose, nudging her back so the rest of the door could open. "If you let hecklers have their way, they only get worse. Trust Trixie, she's tried that before, and it never went well."

Moon backed away in time for the door to miss her. "You speak from experience." She was, perhaps, a bit proud of herself. She was learning to read ponies. "May I hear about it?"

"Only if you apologize." Trixie turned up her nose. "Trixie is a Great and Powerful unicorn. Admit you were wrong."

Moon struggled a moment. They were not in the show. There were no other ponies listening. Why was Trixie insisting on that falsehood? Moon tried to make sense of it, but couldn't put a hoof on it. Still, if she really wanted to say such a silly thing, perhaps another equal lie was just the right thing. "You are Great and Powerful. I was clearly mistaken."

"That's better." Trixie sat, smug smile worn as she seemed to relax with the admission. "Back when Trixie was a new magician, but still pretty Great, she was in Baltimare." She inclined her head faintly. "Do you know where that is?"

Moon nodded faintly. "I have heard of that city, but have not visited it. Did you know that--"

Trixie plugged that mouth promptly. "Trixie is the one telling the story here. Now, as she was saying... There she was, in Baltimare. This was earlier in Trixie's career, she had less tricks. Card demonstrations." A deck of cards spread out over her head, glowing with her magic. "Making things appear behind ponies' ears, you know the sort." But Moon Dancer did not appear to know the sort. "What's that Trixie sees?" She reached for Moon Dancer.

Moon glanced behind herself, but nothing was there but the evening town, already sleepy. "What?"

"A bit!" Trixie plucked a bit from Moon's ear. "When did you get that stuck in there?" With an expert flick of her hoof, the bit was banished to nowhere, but her horn was not glowing. "Feel proud, you got Trixie to do a trick just for you. Few can make that claim."

Moon reached up to her ear, patting over it, but no other coins could be found. "That... was impressive." She smiled then, a little smile. "I like this trick better than your other ones."

Trixie blinked at that. "You are joking." But Moon Dancer seemed entirely genuine. "Well... good." She cleared her throat and sat up all the taller. "As Trixie was saying! She was performing her best, the crowd was engaged, they loved it... except one."

"Who would not enjoy this display?" asked Moon as if the very idea were alien.

"Trixie was just as confused." Trixie nodded, in unison with Moon Dancer. "They knew magic too, is the thing. And they began, loudly, saying how Trixie did her tricks, and making fun of her, saying she was hardly a magician at all." Trixie began to scowl. "Trixie tried to ignore it, but they scared away the crowd. The magic was destroyed." She leaned in closer. "Let me tell you a secret. A proper magician never reveals their magic. That ruins it."

An entire magic based on little lies? "Your horn was not glowing." Moon's eyes were fixed on Trixie's horn, unlit as it was. "What kind of magic can be done without that?"

"That's a secret." Trixie booped herself on the nose, tongue sticking out a little. "Stagecraft is a very special magic all on its own. The best part? Even an earth pony could do it, if they learned how. Now, Trixie, being a Great and Powerful unicorn, has unicorn magic in addition." She clopped her hooves smartly. "Which just makes her all the more astounding!" Looking perfectly confident in herself, she regarded Moon Dancer haughtily. "Well, your turn. What is the 'most complex' magic you know?"

Moon shifted through the spells she had ready. "I know a facial hair configuration spell that is surprisingly complicated." She inclined her head. "Do you know why the hair of Equestrian species is resistant to alteration." It hit her. "You adjusted Equestrian hair; Rarity's mane. Please don't do that again. She did not... She takes her mane very seriously."

"I did." Trixie buffed a hoof against her chest. "Did Trixie not just tell you? Ponies that neigh-say Trixie's shows are put in their place, so Trixie can continue to delight ponies that deserve it in peace." She rolled her eyes softly. "Still, you are not wrong. Hair spells are surprisingly... tricky."

"Mine only affects facial hair." Moon reached up to touch her snout, her horn glowing with a spell that caused her hoof to run into a big bushy moustache she grew on herself, allowing her to twirl the mighty moustache. "Like this."

Trixie burst into laughter at the display. "Most ponies are not so eager to make themselves the butt of a magical joke. Still, Trixie is pleased you did not cast that on her. She likes her facial hair right where it is." She rubbed her own snout and its soft fur, right where it needed to be, no moustache involved. "Got something better? That's barely a tie with Trixie."

Moon missed Trixie's smarmy attitude. "Hm. Ah!" She perked. "I am still practicing it, but I can teleport."

Trixie's ears pricked up. "This Trixie would like to see. Transportation magics are no small feat."

Moon circled in place, looking over the town. "This is fair. You showed me a trick." How that bit had gotten in her ear, she still wasn't certain. Still, they were exchanging favors, and they were getting along reasonably enough. A friendship was being made! Ah. "Up there." Moon pointed on top of Trixie's wagon. "How about there?"

Trixie hiked a brow. "So long as it doesn't hurt the wagon. Go on, show Trixie what you have."

Moon's horn began to glow as she concentrated, just to vanish with a sparkle in the form of her cutie mark, another appearing just above the wagon, where she fell to its roof with a soft grunt. "Success!" she declared despite that, standing up.

Trixie inclined her head left and right. "Not bad." As much of a compliment as one was likely to get out of Trixie. "Trixie acknowledges you as another magical unicorn."

Moon vanished, carrying herself back to the ground in a short magical hop. "Thank you." She inclined her head faintly. "You are also a magical unicorn, and an accomplished performer."

Trixie looked quite pleased. "Not that Trixie didn't know this... But do continue."

Moon wasn't sure she entirely 'got' Trixie, but she knew enough to nod. "Tell me when your next performance is."

Trixie inclined her head faintly. "You are far less infuriating than your friends. They just don't understand how to be a showmare." She rolled her eyes mightily. "Now, Trixie is tired and--"

Two dopey colts ran up towards her cart. With great deferrment, they offered her an oat shake, which Trixie accepted with proper magnanimity. "Did you really defeat the Ursa Major?" asked one of them with a big smile.

"Of course. Now..." She withdrew towards her cart. "Trixie must retire. She requires Great and Powerful sleep to put on her shows." And with a clap of her door, they were dismissed.

"She's so amazing," gushed the pudgy pony colt.

"Yeah." The unicorn colt nodded slowly, not as energetic, but clearly in agreement.

"Hey." The rounder pony pointed off towards the Everfree. "That bear lives in there, right?"

Moon was still there. "I cannot advise that foals enter the Everfree Forest."

The pudgy one waved Moon away. "What do you know? We just have to get the bear out here and we'll get to see Trixie defeat it all over again, but in real life!"

"Yeah." The other nodded softly. "You don't want to see that?"

Moon tapped at her chin softly. "You have spoken with Trixie?" Both foals nodded. "Does she like surprises?"

The unicorn frowned. "No."

"Yeah, I mean, no." The unicorn shook his head slowly. "We tried to bring her a new flavor of, um, drink. She got upset."

"It was a good one too," grumped the pudgy one.

"Bringing the bear... would be like a new flavor." Moon sat lightly. "She will not thank you."

"But she had this flavor before!" wailed the wider pony, hooves raising into the air.

"But she didn't like it before," argued the unicorn, perhaps catching what Moon was implying. "Let's ask her."


"Ask her." The unicorn pointed at the wagon. "When she wakes up."

The pudgy one considered with a chin stroke. "Huh... I guess it can wait one day... Hey who are you again?" He was looking at Moon Dancer.

"Moon Dancer," she introduced. "What are your names?"



"Nice to meet you both." She wasn't sure how much she valued either as a potential friendship target, still... "If Trixie does not like that shake--"

"I got the idea." Snips rolled his eyes. "Don't need to keep calling it a shake."

"Ah, yes." Moon turned back towards her own home. "If she is not amenable to performing the trick, ask for me at Twilight's library." She pointed the way. "I will see what can be done."

Snail got a happy smile at that. "Alright."

They had a plan, and a backup plan! Things were looking up.

"Spike." Spoiled was looking over the dragon, a false smile on her face quite brilliantly displayed. "Always good to see you. How are you, how is your sister?"

Spike tried to return the smile, a bit less certain. "I'm great. Moon's fantastic! She's making real progress."

"Is she now? The princess must be elated." Spoiled nodded with certainty. "Now what brings you here?" To one of several living rooms, where Spoiled had been reading a book. "Something wrong?"

"No! No..." He rubbed behind his head, but then it hit him. "Actually, it's a way you could help Moon Dancer."

Spoiled perked at that. "Really? Do tell." She leaned forward a bit, hooves together under her chin. "You know I am eager to help."

Eager to get a favor, Spike reasoned silently. Still, that was a trade Moon actually liked doing... "She is investigating the 'nature of friendship'."

"How arcane." Spoiled inclined her head at Spike. "How can I help with that?"

"I am friends with, um, your daughter." Who wasn't there. It would not do for her to be present for that conversation. "And Moon is very interested in that."

Spoiled hiked a brow. "Are you two getting along?"

"Uh, yeah!" That much was true, so far Spike could tell. "In fact... I wanted to... be her boyfriend." His voice got lower and lower as he got towards the end of that.

"Be her what?" Spoiled turned up her nose, not a large motion needed to do so. "A little louder, kindly?"

"Ma'am!" he squeaked. "I want to be her boyfriend." He set a hand on his chest. "May I have your permission?"

Spoiled hiked a brow. "A non-pony suitor? How... unorthodox..." Was that a no? Spike fidgeted, uncertain. "You don't plan to add her to some pile of treasure, do you?"

Spike coughed, "W-what? No!" He waved his hands frantically. "I don't even have a pile of treasure, um... Unless you count a stack of comic books?"

"I do not," she replied simply, clearly not seeing any humor in the idea.

"Um, me neither..." He rubbed one hand along the other arm. "But, yeah... I, uh... I like her, and you'd be doing Moon Dancer a favor, um, if Diamond says alright."

Spoiled got a wicked little smile. "If I tell her to do it, she will do it if she knows what is best for her. Now, this will assist Miss Dancer with her project?"

"Oh, yeah, totally." Spike fired a double thumbs up. "And I'll be sure to tell her you helped."

"Perfect." Spoiled sat up, considering Spike. "There will be rules, mind. No child of mine will be suited without the proper decorum."

"O-of course." Spike saluted sharply. "She's a high class filly and deserves to be treated properly."

"So glad you understand." Spoiled suddenly chortled. "Filthy put on quite some displays to secure my hoof, charmer that he was..." Her eyes refocused on Spike. "And I expect you to perform properly. You are clearly untrained."

Spike sagged a little. "I understand," he muttered in defeat.

"Don't slouch," she barked, frown on her face. "I will be sending a tutor over. You will follow their every direction. With proper work, we'll have you in proper shape before you can make an embarrassment for anypony involved." She grabbed a quill in her mouth and got to writing. "You're dismissed," she added, as if she had just forgotten to do so. "Expect them shortly."

"Oh, uh... Have a nice day?" Spike staggered out of the room as well as he could, only to be tackled the instant he turned a corner.

"You did it!" squeaked Diamond Tiara with a huge smile. "That went better than I thought it would." Her eyes rolled then. "Even if mom thinks it's her idea. Genius, by the way." She flipped her mane with a hoof brush, starting to trot away. "Make them think it was their idea, a classic."

Spike gathered himself up and rushed after her. "She said she was going to get me a teacher."

"A tutor, yeah, I heard." Not that Spike or Spoiled had seen wherever she had been hiding. "Do what they say, just to keep mom happy."

"Yeah..." He was quiet for a moment, walking with her. "Diamond?"


"Do you actually want to be my girlfriend?"

Diamond circled in front of him. "If I change my mind, you'll be the first to know. That's part of what I like in this little relationship of ours." She waggled a hoof between herself and Spike. "There are no lies. There is no performance. You say exactly what you mean, and around you... I feel like I can do the same." She leaned dangerously close. "So, right now, yes. If that ever is a no, I'll tell you."

"You'll tell me." They resumed their movement, Spike watching out each window as they passed by them. "So... If we're... Um, Diamond?"

"Hm?" She glanced over her shoulder. "We're already talking. You don't have to keep calling me."

"Yeah! Yeah... Just, um..." Spike rocked on his feet as he went. "I just want to say... You're pretty."

Diamond burst into sudden giggles, leaving Spike to wonder if those were good giggles or not. She did not reply aside that, just arriving at her room and going inside, but not letting him in after her. "Boyfriends do not visit girlfriends in their room, that's not proper." She waggled her brows with laden meaning. "At least not alone."

"I thought the whole, you know, point, was so that we could hang out." Spike peeked around her towards the room he had been banned from. "Wasn't it?"

"Don't stop being adorable." She put a hoof on Spike's cheek, gazing in his eyes. "You'll get it, in time. For now, just be happy we're a thing now." She suddenly grabbed him, hugging. "My dragon, mine."

Spike, at that moment, went stiff. He was hers. That... actually sounded kind of nice. "Are you my pony?" he got out, only to realize the door had been closed on him in his moment of being stunned. That question would not be answered that day.

He scampered on home with a little smile that he couldn't make go away, and perhaps didn't want to.

"Guys!" He burst into the library to get a shushing from a few ponies reading. "Oh, sorry." He lowered his voice and hurried over to Twilight. "Twi!"

Twilight smiled from the book she was just putting away. "Good evening, Spike. You look especially peppy today." With the book secured, she brought her full attention on her little dragon friend. "Something good happen?"

"Something great happened!" He threw his hands wide, but kept his voice low for those actually reading in the library. "You're looking at a dragon with a girlfriend."

Twilight blinked at that. "What? I mean, you do?" She erupted into an awkward smile. "Who's the lucky mare?"

"Um, I've mentioned her before." Spike waved it off like it wasn't a sudden thing. "Diamond Tiara?"


"That is not a happy sound."

"Sorry." Twilight waved a hoof at the idea. "I was just thinking, she can be... You two get along?"

"Yeah." He bobbed his head furiously. "And I got permission from her mom."

Twilight blinked softly. "That's very formal of you... And not something I would have guessed you would have thought of on your own." She set a hoof on her chin. "Let me guess, Diamond Tiara told you to do that."

Spike began to blush brightly, caught, instantly. "Y-yeah... Is that bad?"

"No... You did nothing wrong, Spike. Congratulations." She smooched the top of his head gently. "I'll make something tasty, after the library closes. You can tell us all about it."

16 - Look Before You Sleep

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Twilight flipped the sign from open to closed. The pegasi had warned everypony that some powerful rain was on the schedule. "If they think it's best." She turned away from the window, moving instead to get to putting some books away where they belonged. "It's beyond me."

One of the books she had been putting away caught her eye and she brought it closer. "But I could fix that." A book on weather and climate, best practices guide. It was meant for pegasi eyes. Just because they could push clouds around didn't mean they had an instinct for where to place them for the best effect. Though she didn't plan to join the weather brigade... Perhaps knowing more of the topic would be nice, just for fun?

"You're rubbing off on me." It was a Moon Dancer thing to do. She loved reading just because reading was fun. She liked learning because learning was fun. To know was reason enough.

Twilight hopped up on a chair and set the book before her. "A fine way to spend a rainy day." It hadn't started raining yet, but it would. She could get some reading done.

"Is the library closed?" There was Moon Dancer as if summoned, approaching at a relaxed walk. "I don't normally see you so relaxed during business hours."

"It's true." Twilight extended a hoof. Without a word, there was soon a Moon Dancer there to give a one armed hug to. "But there's going to be quite a rainstorm today. I decided it was safer to encourage ponies to stay home." She then pointed to the sign that announced them being closed. "They'll have to read what they have in hoof today."

Moon seemed to consider that a moment before nodding. "That is sensible. Spike already left." She looked left and right. "I think he went to visit his friends."

"Diamond Tiara?"

Moon inclined her head. "That one and some of the others."

Twilight let out a loud exhale. "Not alone, good."

This was confusing to Moon. "Not alone? Do you not trust Diamond Tiara? Should I be concerned?"

"Not like that," laughed out Twilight. "They're just in that... They've decided they are special someponies to each other. It's probably nothing. They're too young to do much with that besides adorable little kisses I bet."

Moon colored swiftly. "Spike has exchanged romantic kisses?! Dragons do not exchange romantic kisses."

"Spike is not a typical dragon." Twilight set her book aside, reading it not in the cards that moment. "He was raised by ponies."

"I did not instruct him in the mating habits of ponies," assured Moon, still colored. "Where did he learn this from?!" Her brows went up. "His comics. They are providing social data inappropriate to dragons. I should have forbidden them! I have failed as a dragon parent."

Before Twilight was a vision of what she could have been, but was not. She set a calming hoof on Moon's closer shoulder. "You have not. Spike is just fine."

"How can you say that?!" Moon turned on Twilight, brows furrowed together in a great meeting of bushiness. "How will he approach another dragon with his head filled with pony mating habits? I thought he was too young to cover such topics. I planned to bring them up when he started his first big molt. This is all happening so quickly."

"He'll figure it out," calmly assured Twilight. "Or, maybe, he won't. It won't be the end of the world if he decides he really likes a pony." She leaned in towards her heavily panting friend. "Not the first pony he's set his eyes on."

Moon jerked back. "Oh! Of course." She applied a hoof to her face. "Of course! I am such a foal! It was right there, and I ignored it! He was socializing on ponies, of course he would. We're all that's around him, and I ignored it!" She stomped in place in a building tantrum. "This is all my fault, and Princess Celestia will be very disappointed at the results of my assignment."

But then she was hugged. Twilight wrapped both of her arms around Moon and squeezed. No light squeeze, as if Moon could fly apart at any moment, Twilight held her together. "It'll be okay," she whispered gently, her magic nudging Moon's glasses back in proper position. "Shh..."

Moon trembled softly a moment, her lips moving without sounds. She was being hugged, by Twilight. Her color returned with confusion. "But I messed up?"

"You did not." Twilight released Moon, who seemed to have stopped her spiral into oblivion. "You are a parent, a caring parent. Sometimes, our foals surprise us, but this isn't even a bad surprise, just a surprise. Let's be supportive about it, hm? If he and the filly are getting along and neither is taking advantage of the other, is this a bad thing in the end?"

"But... actual dragons?" She wobbled a hoof weakly through the air.

"Will have to meet Spike as he is." Twilight nodded softly. "Not as if we plan to drop him off with the dragons and leave him to fend for himself. Spike is one of ours." She nudged her forehead against Moon's, horns jostling. "Did Princess Celestia say we'd do that?"

"No... No she did not." Moon took a slow shuddering breath. "She did not..." She wiped her eyes clear of the mess on them. "I apologize for the display. How can I assist?"

"I have a book on weather management." She turned to display the cover towards Moon. "Care to read it with me and compare notes?"

Moon's worry faded into a smile. "That sounds lovely."

Not far outside, Applejack and Rarity did battle over how to prepare the town for the coming storm. Aesthetics versus practicality butting heads with neither side willing to give up on their end. "Now see here!" But the only thing they got to see was a stroke of lightning, the rain falling upon them. Their arguing had wasted time, and the storm was upon them, just as the pegasi had promised.

Back inside, Moon raised an ear. "The rain's arrived." She pointed at the book she'd been reading with Twilight. "In accordance to--"

"--Rule 12," agreed Twilight with a smile. "The weather ponies are playing this by the cards." She set the book down a moment, moving for the door, just to blink. "There's a pony caught out there."

And so they opened the door to see Rarity and Applejack caught out in the middle of it. "This way!" called Twilight, waving them in.

Moon danced back out of the way of the two, looking more at Twilight then either of the other two. "Why not send them to their own houses?"

"In this weather?" With a glowing horn, Twilight closed the door tight. "Nopony would want to be outside in that a moment longer than they had to be."

"Thanks, pardner." Applejack worked her hat dry over the sink, shaking it out. "Didn't mean to go bargin' in on ya. Didn't work out the way ah did plan it. Somepony was busy trying to gussy up the town instead of getting ready fer the rain."

Rarity was working herself dry with a towel. "I really do appreciate it, darling. Just a few little touches to pretty things up. The ponies of this town can appreciate the finer things in life."

Moon silently judged them both. "Won't the rain damage your art installations?"

Rarity blinked softly. "Well... probably..."

Applejack emerged back into the room. "See, 'least one pony here gets it. And now we're here, stuck."

Moon thrust a hoof past Twilight to the small pile of books that had not yet been put away.

Twilight colored. "I was going to do that after we finished that last book." A likely story by some measures, but Twilight was not one known to leave books in disarray.

"No." Moon advanced, glowing horn plucking a book free of the pile. She waved it at Twilight. "Is this not appropriate for the situation?"

Twilight frowned, but that faded to a smile almost immediately. "A sleepover? Well, there's four of us." She counted with wags of her hoof. "Why not? I don't want to send the girls home in the rain."

Rarity approached with a pondering hum. "I don't see the harm in it, dear. If Applejack can deal with not working a moment?"

"When there's work to do, ah do it." She poked Rarity in the center of her chest. "But right now, we're rained in, so there ain't work t'do. Right now, there's a Twi." She waved a hoof towards Twilight. "And if she wants a sleepover, Ah say that's a fine idea."

Twilight was quick to pass that blame on. "This is Moon Dancer's idea. I'm just an attendee, like you."

Moon folded one ear back, the other quivering. "You'll assist, yes? Do you have experience with this?"

As it turned out... "Me and Applejack, I mean, Applejack and I have had sleepovers before." The two mares nodded at one another. "I'll be perfectly happy to lend a hoof."

And so the sleepover began, surely with no troubles ahead of them.

Spike nervously looked between the two fillies that shared the room with him. "I thought we were going to go out."

Silver Spoon pointed to the window, dark, rain spattering against it. "Not, like, in this weather."

Diamond nodded in agreement. "We're stuck inside. Everypony is." She hopped to her hooves. "And that's just fine." She stepped up and poked Spike. "Silver, did I mention I have a boyfriend?"

Silver burst into giggles. "Only a few times today." She looked Spike over a moment. "What a nice boyfriend you have."

"Aw." Spike smiled a bit goofily. "Thanks."

Silver's expression turned into a grin. "Which makes me the eye on you two. Don't do anything naughty."

Spike blushed as Diamond laughed at the idea. "What, like kiss?" She made a kissy face at the air, winking at Spike. "I'll kiss my boyfriend if I want to."

"Not a challenge," assured Silver Spoon, extending her tongue mildly. "Are you trying to make me super jealous?"

"Is it working?"

"Maybe a little." The two began to giggle, apparently finding humor in the exchange.

Humor that Spike did not entirely comprehend. "So, we have a whole day to do whatever. Let's do something fun."

Diamond sat to clop her hooves once smartly. "Now that's good thinking. I could call Randolph in. He's always good for a laugh."

Silver Spoon shook her head. "I've got something spicier in mind. Like, it'll knock your socks off."

"Lay it on me." Diamond reached for a treat on the table not far from her, popping a chocolate in her mouth. "It better not be dumb."

"A classic." Silver nodded at Diamond, then Spike. "A game no proper sleepover is without. Truth or--"

Spike gulped audibly "--Dare?!"

Diamond grinned. "You heard of it, good. Sure, let's play that. Now, we're in my house, and I'm the host, so I get to go first." She went off at a trot, grabbing a bottle in her mouth and dropping it between the three of them. "Let's see who I'll be asking first."

Spike sat down to complete the triangle of participants. "You already know most things."

"I doubt that." Diamond sent the bottle spinning wildly around and around. "You've told me what you want me to know. There's more. There's always more, Spike. You aren't half so innocently clean as you think you are."

Silver tapped her hooves together giddily, watching the bottle turn and turn. "Who's--me?! Well, alright..."

Diamond looked annoyed. "You get off this time. Alright, Silver, Truth, or dare, and don't expect me to play nice either way."

"It wouldn't be fun if you did," sang Silver as she considered. "Let's start interestingly. Truth."

"Truth, hm?" Diamond licked over her lips, glancing at Spike and back at Silver. "Are you secretly hoping you get a smooch on my boy?"

Silver burst into a squeal of laughter. "That's not even, like, fair!" She collapsed, face buried under her hooves.

"You played the game, you know the rules." Diamond poked the prone Silver. "Tell the truth! Or I make the dare even worse." Those were the rules. Those who refused to answer their question were to be punished.

"I..." She sat up shakilly, watching Spike, who was watching her. "I was wondering... What he..."

"Go on." Diamond prodded at her friend. "It was your idea."

An unhappy grumbling. But it was her idea... "I wondered what he tasted like."

Spike went a vibrant hue. "What?!"

"I mean, like... if I kissed you." Silver pointed at her mouth. "Ponies have fur. I know what fur tastes like. I know what fur smells like. You don't have that."

"He's a scaly boy. My scaly boy." Diamond nudged the bottle towards Silver Spoon. "Keep your curious lips off him."

Silver sent the bottle spinning. "The evening is still young..."

Moon hovered a book of 'Slumber 101: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid to Ask' in view, ready to consult it as they went. "It is traditional, for a mare only slumber party, that we enhance our appearances." She flicked an ear. "I'm not sure why."

Rarity laughed lightly at that. "Darling, darling... Darling. Looking your best is just a thing that ponies do." She reached for Moon's cheeks. "Let me have a chance with you. We'll get your face relaxing in a smooth mud bathe that'll have your pores screaming for joy!"

"I am uncertain I want my pores to scream." Could pores do that?

"Ah'll pass too," added Applejack with a smirk. "Like mah pores nice an' quiet."

"Pish posh." Rarity was not easily dissuaded, and soon she had all their faces covered in brightly colored goop. "Now this for the eyes." And down came cucumber slices for each of them. "They relax your skin, removing bags from around your eyes. A vital thing."

Twilight was giggling softly, accepting her mask without objection. "It's like we're having a spa date, minus the spa."

"Exactly that!" sang out Rarity in agreement. "Moon, how..." She trailed off, noticing Applejack had no cucumber slices. "What happened to your cucumbers?"

"Ate 'em." Applejack shrugged softly. "Tasty. Thanks fer the snack."

Rarity set a hoof on her head, avoiding the mask. "Ugh. Moon Dancer?"

"Hm?" Moon Dancer had not devoured part of her mask. She was calmly seated. "Does something happen?"

"This is it," assured Rarity. "You just relax with it on and enjoy the effect it has on your fur and skin. That's it."

"I see." There was a moment of quiet. "What is next?"

Rarity blinked softly. "If you're feeling energetic..."

The slumber party would continue.

Spike looked up at Diamond Tiara, looking quite confident despite the bottle aimed at her. "Truth or Dare?" He asked, not entirely sure he wanted to ask either, but the rules were the rules. He was still bouncing on one foot, the dare he'd suffered on the last spin. Better than he'd feared. Maybe it'd work out?

"Dare," Diamond nodded softly, eyes never leaving Spike. "And it better be good, Spike. If you give me something foalish, I swear..."

"N-no! Of course not." He laughed with building tension. A dare? "Take off your tiara and you can't put it back on until the game's over."

He expected that to be a simple request. Diamond Tiara went red from the neck up, staring at him. Silver Spoon slapped a hoof over her mouth, catching herself in a gasp of scandal.


"Fine!" Diamond shook her head violently, sending the tiara bouncing away on the ground. "If my boyfriend wants to see me without anything on that bad."

Silver reached over to rib Spike. "You sly dog. You'd better not ask that of me."

"I will kill you," flatly stated Diamond before her smile returned. "Asking another mare to do that in front of your girlfriend is how some ponies get hurt. Now... my turn." She kicked the bottle to get it going. "You can stop bouncing now."

"Oh yeah." Spike crashed down onto his bottom, clapping his hands together. Around and around the bottle went. And it came right back to him. Silver Spoon did not seem upset, measuring by her giggles.

Diamond leered. "Alright, Spike. Truth... or dare? You try to hide behind a dare again, we'll get more creative about it until you start spilling it all."

Spike swallowed thickly. "A-alright... Truth?" He didn't have that many super secrets, right? What could be the worse secret?"

"Who was your first crush?" challenged Diamond, causing Spike's world to fracture.

Oh... He then realized there were questions he would rather not answer. "Oh..."

"Go on." Diamond twirled a hoof. "That it took you this long already tells me I wasn't the first pony you ever thought about. Oh, was it a dragon?"

Silver's giggles only grew in intensity. "Maybe was the Cutie Mark Crudumbers. He used to hang out with them."

"Hey." He shot Silver an unkind look. "Don't be mean."

"Answer the question." Diamond tapped a hoof on the floor in front of her. "And you have to tell the truth."

"The truth, right." He worked his fingers together, hand to hand. "Well, um... So... I had this mare I... liked... a lot... for a long time..."

Silver looked Spike up and down with renewed interest. "How old are you again?"

"'Bout the same as you?" offered Spike with a shrug. "She's older than me... A lot older... Maybe that's why she shot me down."

Diamond clapped her hooves right over her snout. "She didn't!" When Spike nodded in a shaking way, she grabbed him, hauling him into her arms to hold tight. "Her loss, my gain! She didn't know what she was giving up."

Spike smiled, a torn expression. How did one feel in that situation? His own mind couldn't quite settle on an answer. "She said no... And... Nopony else, so... That's the question."

Diamond pecked his cheek. "That was very brave of you but you didn't tell us who the pony is, and don't think I wasn't paying attention." She shoved him right back out of her lap. "Go on."

"R-right!" Spike stood up, blushing badly. "Do you know, uh, Twilight?"

"The librarian?!" both fillies gushed at once.

Even as Silver Spoon rolled over with fresh laughter, Diamond rolled her eyes. "Seriously, her?" When Spike nodded, she pointed to the bottle. "Stick in your own age bracket, Spike. Your turn."

Spike grabbed the bottle. Unlike the fillies, he had fingers and could get it twirling without actually striking the bottle, getting it going around and around. "You're not mad, are you?"

"You can ask me if it lands on me." Diamond Tiara looked perfectly happy to let Spike worry about that, watching the bottle spin. "Me or Silver. Me or Silver..."

"Me me me me!" Silver waved a hoof wildly. "You two got the last onnnes, woo!" She began clopping excitedly as the bottle slid to a stop, more towards her than Diamond. "Lay it on me, Spike!"

"Alright." He nodded, pointing at Silver. "Truth... or dare?"

Silver bounced to her hooves. "Alright! Ooo, if I say truth, you don't even know what to ask that'd be juicy... So gonna go with dare. Make it interesting, dragonboy!"

Spike looked Silver Spoon up and down, considering the filly and what to ask. "Nothing lame..." Both fillies nodded at that. Asking her to touch her nose while singing a song, probably too lame... "I dare you... to do a forestand until after your turn's up."

Diamond snorted at that. "Foalish, but mean. I like it." She made a flipping motion with a hoof. "You heard 'em. Up."

Silver Stuck out her tongue, but soon was balanced percariously on her fore legs as best she could, swaying dangerously left and right. "Could, like, somepony get the bottle?"

Spike reached for it, only to get swatted by Diamond. "Nuh uh. Your dare, you get to figure out how to spin that bottle."

Silver groaned in defeated misery. Spike's dare had more spice than she had originally guessed.

"Okay. I dare Applejack to play dress-up in a frou-frou, glittery, lacey outfit." Applejack sulked off in a huff, leaving Rarity to smugly enjoy her victory. As if only foals could enjoy that game.

"Happy?" There was Applejack, dressed in a dazzlingly charming outfit that did not match her expression in it.

"Very," assured Rarity with a smirk.

"Well, my turn then. I dare you--"

Moon inclined her head. "I am also participating in this game. You should offer me the choice of humiliation in act or in statement. I am ready." But the two mares were not paying attention, bouncing insults and dares back and forth at one another. "You are both very good at this game, but I would like a turn."

Twilight set a hoof on Moon's chin, turning her head towards herself. "Moon Dancer, truth or dare?"

Moon Dancer smiled brilliantly. Of course Twilight would get it. And she was the one asking. Moon trembled softly, considering the choices. "I choose... humiliation in act. I mean, dare. Dare me, please."

Twilight tapped her chin in consideration. "I dare..." The other two paused in their arguing, noticing the game had moved on without them. "I dare you, Moon Dancer, to..." Twilight resumed tapping all the harder. "I don't play this game often... Alright, Moon Dancer, You are to try something I bought but never had the bravery to try." And off she went, returning with a pepper dangling from her teeth, just on the stem, held carefully. "One bite, and you're done." She set it down. "Now, a war--ning..."

In that pause, Moon chomped a big bite right out of the pepper. "Not bad. What--" And it hit her, or rather it hit her tongue. The chemicals in the pepper mixed with her own and suddenly it was like her tongue was on fire, no, that was too mild a comparison. More that someone had pulled it free and submerged it in lava, but she could still feel it. It was like she was burning, alive. Tears welled in her eyes without even thinking of it. There were no sobs, just pain. "This is..." She didn't have a word for what she was experiencing.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Was that..." Applejack inclined her head. "Get that mare some milk, yesterday!"

"On it!" Rarity burst into a gallop to fetch some as Moon slowly sank to the ground, stunned wordless. "Here, darling, here. Drink!"

It wasn't just her tongue. Her rough chomp had given it a chance to burn along the inside of her mouth, the whole thing, engulphed in fiery pain. When the milk was pressed against her lips, Moon Dancer gulped desperately, trying to put out the flame that came without heat, only pain.

Twilight came out of her shock. "Moon, swish the milk, get it all over."

Moon nodded silently, trying her best to get the milk around in her mouth with loud swishing noises. The pain was starting to ebb, fading as she washed away the burning oils that had taken up root in her mouth. "Did... I win?"

Twilight set a hoof on Moon's shuddering shoulder. "I don't think anypony here will mind if I say that you, Moon Dancer, are the winner of this game."

"Yeah." Applejack bobbed her head.

"No arguments there." Rarity sat up, leaving the milk where Moon could continue to nurse at it. "Are you alright, dear? Dreadfully sorry."

Applejack thumped against Twilight. "Why did you even have one of those?! Ya know how much they can burn a pony."

Twilight blushed softly. "When I got it, I imagined playing a prank. The perfect time never actually came up..."

"So ya fed it to Moon?" laughed out Applejack. "Yeah, she won that game. C'mon, let's go do somethin' else."

17 - Rainy Conclusions

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A sharp knocking came from the door. Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes dramatically. "Who is it? We're busy!"

"Dreadfully sorry," came Randolph's voice from beyond that door. "The misses insists I oversee."

Diamond clopped a hoof to her forehead. "She only thought of that now?" she hissed out. "Whatever, come in!"

And so the elder butler joined them in the room, seating himself in the circle without being told. "Oh, I'll put that away." He reached for the bottle that was clearly trash in need of removal.

Silver waved at him wildly. "No, don't! We're not done with it yet."

Randolph inclined his head, eyes moving over the two fillies and the small dragon. "Not done with it?" It seemed to click. "Oh, you're playing a game of spin and kiss?"

Silver snorted with a grin. Diamond shook her head. "Nah. That'd involve someone smooching somepony else who they shouldn't be." She set her hoof on the bottle. "Truth or dare. You watching or you plan to play too?"

Randolph set a hoof at his chin. A chance to just play and not do a chore? Well... "As you wish. Who's turn is it?"

"Mine!" Diamond set the bottle spinning wildly, with one more pony for it to land on. "And don't think I'll go light on you if you're picked."

Spike chuckled at the fellow guy. "Welcome to the game."

There was a tree, in the room. It had all happened so quickly... "I apologize for the mess." Moon was looking to Twilight. "And will do my best to undo the damage caused to your books."

While she as apologizing, Applejack was wildly trying to get the tree back out again.

Twilight had her hooves to her head. "This is... not according to plan." She still had those, even if she wasn't as fixated on them. "The books!"

"Yes, the books." Moon looked around, taking in the situation. "Rarity."


"You were cutting trees into ornamental shapes, before, correct?"

"I was, darling. How does that help us?" Rarity waggled a hoof at the mess. "Applejack, you've really gone and done it now."

"We do not have time for assigning blame." Moon stood up and pointed at the same mess. "I need you to construct ornaments, quickly."

Rarity blinked, but her horn began to glow. Not entirely understanding the why of it, she got to shaping the tree into art, lots of art. The room filled with them.

With a clap, Applejack closed the window, the tree severed. "Good thinkin'!" She slid down along all the smaller cuttings. "Ah'll get to kickin' these out."

With the immediate emergency under control, they all got together to get things cleared up. "Ah guess there is a use fer that," admitted Applejack with a little shrug.

"And sometimes, I suppose, a little 'direct action', as it were, is required." The two set aside their differences for the time being, helping to restore the library to its proper order. "Now, that out of the way, I feel we've arrived at the best part of a slumber party."

Moon inclined her head. "What part is that?"

Applejack chuckled, getting the joke. "The slumbering part, ah course. Thanks again, Twi, fer puttin' us up."

"Yes, quite neighborly of you, darling." They all settled to bed, their little adventure coming to a conclusion.

"I hope Spike had a less... eventful evening." Moon snuggled beneath her blanket, her glasses set to rest nearby. "Goodnight."


The room became still and dark.

Not that the foals were as eager to get their sleep. It was far past Randolph's usual time to retire, but it was also his turn. The bottle slowed, settling on Diamond Tiara, who was grinning at him with lethal intent.

It was a tremendous opportunity, and also a horrible danger. If he made the wrong move, surely her parents would be informed, and it was not in his nature to... "Truth or dare?" First, the question. Hopefully, she would pick--

"Dare." Diamond wrinkled her nose a little. "Like it or not, you know everything about me already. What in hay could you ask that you don't already know?"

Fiddlesticks... "Dare, alright..." He brought up his hooves together. "I dare you... to let your friend, Silver." He inclined his head towards her. "Let her have the last word for the next hour."


"You heard him." Silver batted her lashes with a grin. "What a great dare, Randolph. I'm impressed."

Diamond burned with retorts, but let Silver have the last word. She instead grabbed for the bottle and got it to spinning. She fixed Spike with a glare as if she could command the bottle.

Which perhaps she could, considering it landed on him. "Perfect. Spike, Truth... or dare?" She rubbed her hooves. "I don't care which you pick. I'll make it good."

Spike audibly swallowed at the promise. "R-right... Dare! I can take it!"

"How brave." She rose to her hooves. "I like it. Spike, I've seen you riding your sister around. You think we ponies are good for that? It goes both ways. I dare you to let me ride you until you get picked again."

Spike sputtered and squirmed. "W-what?"

Silver rolled a hoof. "Go on, get on all fours, just like we do." She danced from hoof to hoof as if to demonstrate. "Then let Diamond Tiara up."

Diamond began towards Spike. "You heard them. The first time the bottle points at both of us, it's my turn, the next one, it's yours, and you're done."

"Oh.... Okay..." Spike flopped forward to all fours, tail giving a little wag of uncertainty. "Like--" He didn't get to finish, Diamond climbing up on top of his back. Dragon whelps were not designed to bear much weight. That came later in life. He grunted with the weight of the filly. "Alright!"

Diamond nudged with her knees, giggling. "A boyfriend who knows his place. Nice... Go on, it's your turn."

"Give it a spin," sang out Silver, barely hiding her laughter behind her hooves.

Spike got his hand on the bottle and twirled his fingers, getting the bottle wobbling wildly around in a circle. Silver Spoon. "Truth or Dare," he challenged the smiling silver filly.

She clopped her hooves eagerly. "Dare, and make it fun! Make it something silly." She flopped on her belly. "Be clever!"

"Clever, silly... right..." He trembled a little, holding up Diamond as he was. "Clever... Silver Spoon, I dare you... to kiss--"

"You?!" she burst out, bouncing to her hooves. "Like, wow. Bold!"

Diamond squeezed, her hooves digging into his sides. "I don't think he finished. You're allowed to finish my words."

"But not his, right, right." Silver fixed Spike a look. "Who, or what, am I kissing?"

Spike smiled, trying to hide his nervousness with dubious results. "The other stallion here."

Randolph colored, but said nothing.

Silver blinked softly. "You're kidding." But Spike wasn't making any motions to call it a joke. "Uh..." But the rules were the rules. She approached the butler on unsure hooves. "Alright... like, you got this." She was convincing herself more than anything else. "Hello, Randolph."

"Good evening, m'lady. Perhaps, after this, I can fetch you all some refreshments?"

Silver hopped up, planting a smooch on his cheek. "That sounds like a great idea," she hurriedly added, already ambling back towards where she began.

"Guess the game's done." Diamond showed no movement to dismount from Spike. "Nice dare."

"Uh, thanks." He smiled as he looked up over his shoulder. "Shouldn't you..."

"Not until the bottle lands on us twice. Isn't that right, Silver?"

"That was the dare." Silver nodded in easy agreement.

"Aw, c'mon!" Spike wriggled under her. "If nopony's spinning it, how can it ever land on us? That's not fair."

Diamond gave a thoughtful hum. "Well... I suppose you're not entirely wrong..."


"Just because you asked nicely." She slid down to his side and planted a far more genuine smooch than Silver had on Spike's cheek. "It was a good game though."

Randolph appeared. He hadn't been seen leaving, or heard. The bottle, gone, vanished with him. He was returning with a tray burdened with soda pop bottles that he set between them where the bottle used to be, replacing the empty bottle with filled ones. "Enjoy."

Spike quickly counted the bottles. "You don't get one?"

Diamond laughed at the idea. "Randolph's our butler, silly. He doesn't need one."

Spike crossed his arms as he flopped to his bottom. "He played with us, he should get one too."

Silver nudged at Diamond. "Your boyfriend's got an opinion."

Diamond snorted. "I hope it's not terminal." She squinted at Spike a moment. "Oh, very well. Randolph, fetch yourself a drink since you're here."

"As you wish, madame." He rose and started off, taking the tray, but leaving the bottles.

Spike nodded firmly, pleased. "He seems like a nice pony. Has he worked for you since... uh... ever?"

Diamond inclined her head. "That's about right. Since before I was a little thing." She held up two hooves close together. "Practically came with this house." She tapped at the floor lightly. "I don't think he even likes soda."

And there he was, sitting. He wasn't seen entering, just him sitting, a bright lime green colored bottle cradled between his hooves. He sipped quietly from the straw, making little noise.

Spike sampled his neon red offering. "Mmm, cherry. What's yours?"

Randolph perked an ear as if surprised. "Hm? Lime. Do you have a preferred flavor?"

Diamond waved it off. "He'll get you whatever color you like best. We got a full fridge."

Spike waved a hand and his head at once. "No no, it's good." He sipped loudly. "I was just curious what yours was. Like it?"

"Perfectly satisfactory," assured Randolph, a bit unsure. "Think nothing of it, young sir."

Diamond slid over next to Spike. "Stop picking on Randy. He's here to make sure we don't do anything too bad." She leaned in closer to him, cheeks almost touching. "Mother's still getting used to the idea of--"

"Actually, madame, your father arrived."

Diamond went still, some of her color draining. "D-does he know?"

"He does, ma'am."

Silver applied a hoof to her face. "Oops!"

"This is not an oops!" Diamond stormed to her hooves. "He was supposed to be gone for another day! He was supposed to come back tomorrow, after the rain!"

Silver Spoon was looking to Randolph. "You have the scoop. What brought back her dad early?"

Randolph glanced at the door leading out. "He decided he wanted to be with his family. He was not expecting you to be... indisposed..."

Diamond grunted with renewed frustration. "He's the one that sent you, didn't he? You said mom sent you!"

"Apologies, ma'am." He dipped his head towards Diamond. "He insisted I not disclose that."

Spike shrugged softly. "What's the big deal? Not like we did anything." He raised his bottle towards Randolph. "Let's enjoy our drinks and relax."

"Well said, sir." He raised his bottle in kind. They met with a soft tink of glass on glass and they both sipped, pleased with life in general.

Silver burst into a set of new giggles. "He's not, like, wrong. Besides..." She leaned in, voice turning into a whisper, "He's buttering up our jailor good. Roll with it."

"Clever..." Diamond tipped her bottle as she took a big swig from her straw, little bubbles seen in the force. She eyed the pony that she was used to ignoring unless she wanted something from. "Well... if daddy's here, maybe we should solve this head on." She turned her vision on Spike, angling her bottle towards him. "You ready to shake hooves?"

Spike swallowed loudly. "Now?!" His eyes darted to the darkened window. "It's late, isn't it?"

"If only we had a pony that could check for us." Diamond batted her lashes at Randolph, though her expression soured quickly. "Get on it."

"Of course." He set his green soda aside and rose, walking off in that quiet way he had.

Spike scrambled to his feet, dusting himself off. "So... Filthy Rich, huh?"

"That's daddy." She looked to Silver Spoon. "Sorry, but this is really gonna be between the three of us." Diamond turned a hoof between herself, Spike, and the door leading out. "I'll give you all the details afterwards."

"I totally get it." Silver waved it all away. "Just don't leave a single bit out when it's done."

Spike hurried over to the wardrobe. There were plenty of options for a filly, he ignored them. Grabbing one of the tuxes that had joined them, he was soon dressed smartly. "How do I look?"

"Just fine." Diamond thumped him on the way past. "What comes out of your mouth is more important for this one. Daddy's more of a substance kinda pony. He will be listening, and he'll ask some questions, some of them maybe hard."

"Oh... lovely." He adjusted his bowtie nervously. "Maybe he won't even be awake..."

Spike would not be so fortunate. One could argue Diamond was not lucky either, considering two ponies returned to the room instead of one. "He is awake, ma'am." As if those words were even required, with her father stepping in around him.

"Good evening," He was moving at a spirited jog despite the late hour, closing in on Diamond. "How's my little hon doing?" She was already rolling her eyes, but did not resist as he got a leg over her and was soon rubbing the top of her head. "Having fun?"

"Yes, sir," chimed Silver Spoon with a perfectly innocent smile.

Spike cleared his throat. "Yeah! Uh, hey." He waved at the larger, adult stallion that had joined them. "Nice to meet you."

Filthy looked over at Spike as if just noticing him. "And here's the dragon I've heard so much about!" His eyes swept up and down over Spike, appraising. "I'm not afraid to admit you are not what I imagined little Tiara's first would be."

Diamond began to color swiftly. "Dad!"

It had not occurred to Spike that he could be the first. "Really?!"

Filthy arched a brow at Spike. "Diamond's saved herself for somepony special. Why wouldn't she?"

Detecting he had stepped on a mine, Spike took a literal step back. "I'm just happy, uh, sir. She's the first... for me too."

"Aw, that so?" He stepped forward, his daughter behind him. "So which of you had the idea?" He looked over his shoulder at Diamond. "Was it you?" And back to Spike. "Or your idea?"

Silver kept herself quiet, watching the interaction with a bit of a grin. She wouldn't have to get the details later!

"It was my idea, daddy," admitted Diamond. "Don't be mad at Spike."

"Mad?" Suddenly he had an arm around Spike, roughly holding him. "Why would I be mad? Why, when I was a little colt, I did plenty of my own... Let's not be distracted." He cleared his throat, turning the topic away from what he was doing as a child. "It did work out much the same way. Spoiled had her eyes right on me. I was practically along for the ride. That sound right, Spike?"

"Sometimes, it does feel that way." He smiled sheepishly. "But I do like her."

"And I liked Spoiled enough to marry her and we're still together!" He released Spike. "Just one thing though. It's not exactly proper for a colt your age to be sleeping alone with a mare her age."

Silver raised a hoof, waving it wildly. "I'm here!"

"That you are, Miss Spoon. Glad to have you around." He nodded at her as if acknowledging a fellow warrior of the cause. "Randolph, have they been good?"

"Perfectly reasonable for foals their age. Can I get you anything, sir?"

"No no... thank you though." Filthy's eyes were on Spike. "You're the, hm... Forgive me, but what is the relationship between you and Moon Dancer?"

Spike relaxed a little. That wasn't a difficult topic. "She's my big sister and caretaker. Um, because she takes care of me, but I take care of her too." He laughed a little nervously. "Guess that just makes us siblings."

"Siblings that look out for each other, good good." He nodded with a satisfied expression. "You know, I don't have any of those, and neither does she."

"Any--" It came to him. "Oh! Siblings?"

"Something special, isn't it?" He tapped a hoof to his chin with a wistful expression. "Knowing someone that close, got your back in a different sort of way than your special somepony. Like the Apples!"

Spike blinked at that sharp pivot. "Hm?"

"Haven't you met them?" He directed to where the farm was beyond the walls and the dark night. "They're a tight family. Brothers, sisters, and a grandma and a mom, all together. That's quite the family! Compared to them, we're both single children." He chuckled, finding his own words amusing. "But let's put that aside. Let's..."

Spike tried to edge in forward in the conversation. "So what was it like, when you were a foal?"

"Hm? Oh! I was a chip right off the old block." His smile had returned, bright and warm. "I was looking for ways to expand the family business. I think that's what caught Spoiled's attention." His attention had slid onto the past. "She always liked following me around, watching me do business. Hmm... I wonder if she'd like to do more of that. It's been a while since I asked."

Diamond tapped at him from behind. "Daad! It's late. I wanted to say hi, but we should get some sleep."

"Ah? Yes, of course." He turned back to her. "I'm just glad I got to see my little bear." He touched his nose to her pouty cheek. "And her little coltfriend."

All too soon, he had wandered out. Spike rubbed behind his head, a little surprised. "Huh... That was... I thought he'd be more, you know, upset, or something? He was just a nice pony."

"He's a creampuff." Diamond nodded softly with a little smile. "I was teasing you. Good job though. You played him like a fiddle." Her eyes shifted to Randolf. "Don't share that."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Silver burst into fresh titters. "You were great, Spike. He really likes you. I mean, he is nice and all, but he is a dad, and you are his filly's first special somepony, so... that coulda gone badly."

"But it did not," sternly cut in Diamond as she headed towards her bed. "This is mine. You two get to be on the floor."

"As usual." It was hardly Silver's first time over at Diamond's. "Here." She grabbed some fluffy blankets that had been in a pile, sending one flying at Spike. "I use them."

Spike was temporarily obscured, buried in a blanket, but he dug himself free quickly. He formed a little nest out of the bedding instead and flopped onto it. "G'night!"

"Randolph, you can go now." Diamond blew out a lantern, plunging most of the room into dim light. "We're sleeping."

"I was asked to stay, madame. Don't even think of me."

However much Filthy had treated Spike kindly, he was not infinitely trusting. Well, it wasn't like Spike had planned anything anyway. Sleep seemed like a perfectly good idea. He closed his eyes and was soon in the land of dreams. He had survived his first sleepover.

Twilight willed the front door open, ready to walk out with the door, but there was something in the way. "Oh, good morning, Spike," she greeted with a warm smile. "Did you have fun?"

"I sure did!" He hopped up and got a quick hug before scampering off in search of something or somepony else.

"Hm." Curiosity was not enough to stop her. "Let's go, Applejack."

"Right behind ya." She left the library alongside Twilight. "Thanks fer puttin' us up and everythin'. Ya don't have ta walk me home."

"I don't have to... but I want to. If you don't mind?"

"Shoot, 'course not." They met, each putting an arm around the other in a warm hug before they split. "Right after me then." And she began to lead the way.

"Bet they'll be happy to see you."

"As if your family is ever sad to see me." Twilight nudged against her longest friend. "That feels strange to say."

"'Cause it is, sugarcube." Applejack rolled her eyes and adjusted her hat as she went. "You are family," she affirmed, each word slow and specific. "Get that through that pointed noggin' ah yers!"

"Right right." Twilight gently waved her friend down. "But she's not my mom."

Applejack cocked a brow, an expression she was good at. "Then what is she?"

"She's your mom..."

"Uh huh. But that's what she is to me. What is she to you?" A smirk began to grow. "Is she yer friend?"

"No! I mean, yes...?" Twilight began to fidget in her walking. "Of course she is..."

"Ya know she's more than that." Applejack began to smirk, enjoying the thought maze she was leading Twilight down. "So if she ain't just a friend, what is she?"

"She's..." She frowned softly, but then it clicked, and a brilliant smile came with it. "She's like an honorary aunt."

"Ah'll take that. Pretty sure your mom would too. They are practically sisters. And if she's yer aunt, that makes you..."

Twilight's joy turned into awe. "We're cousins?"

"Putter there, 'Cous." She threw an arm over Twilight's withers, hugging her close. "Fer real though, ah know we ain't blood, but you are a part of this family, so stop pretending ya aint."

"I wasn't trying to offend, promise." Twilight slipped away from that grabbing hoof. "The rain cleaned things up, huh?"

"Sure did." Applejack angled her hat against the sun. "Ain't fun to be caught out in the middle of, but without some rain, we don't get many apples, now do we?"

"This is true." She angled her head. "I was reading about weather patterns and ideal precipitation for orchard..." She trailed off, seeing Applejack's eyes had begun to glaze. "Um, just about how and when you want to water to make the apples grow best."

"Oh! Why didn't ya say so?" She thumped against Twilight with a laugh, her world put back in order again. "Hey Big Mac!" She waved at her brother, out in the orchard.

"Hey." He began walking towards them. "Ya didn't come home, figured somethin' came up."

Applejack gestured with her head towards Twilight. "Got caught in the rain like a ninny. Twilight took me in."

"Right neighborly of ya." Big Mac nodded towards Twilight. "Thanks fer lookin' out."

Twilight threw a hoof. "As if I could leave her in that storm. It was really coming down."

"Ayup." He turned to look over the orchard. "Jus' in time too. They do a right good job."

"Sure did." Applejack reared up, coming down with her forehooves on the fence. "How're we lookin'?"

"A few old ones fell over." Big mac shrugged softly. "Nothin' too bad. Clearin' it up. Wanna come?"

"'Course." She hopped up onto the fence just to come down on the other side. "Twi, go say hi to Mom and Granny! They'll tan mah hide if they know you were this close and didn't stop in to say hello."

Twilight and Applejack exchanged one last hug goodbye, the Apple sibs marching out to take care of their trees. This left Twilight to visit the Apple home. "Anypony home?"

The door was answered quickly. "Twi! Look what the storm done washed in." Twilight's 'aunt' grabbed her up and drew her inside. "How ya been?"

"Did ah hear Twilight?" There was Granny, knitting up something fluffy. "Oh, there ya are. Were you the one keepin' an eye on our Applejack?"

"That girl." Pear Butter rolled her eyes. "'Least she has good taste in company. Oh, ya gotta try this." She lead Twilight towards the kitchen. "She's been tryin' to learn how ta cook better."

18 - Applebuck Season

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"I hope you feel better." Twilight set a hoof on Big Mac gently. "That looks like it hurt, and probably still hurts."

"Ain't so bad," he assured with a soft nod. "Just don't go touchin' it. Thanks fer lendin' a hoof."

"It's a yearly tradition." She danced in place and turned to where Applejack was already kicking a tree, apples raining as a result. "And she's already on the task. I better hurry if I want to keep up."

Applejack would not have to suffer to learn that lesson that day, for it was a lesson she had already learned. She had friends and family that would help her through the hard patches.

Even if Twilight had to be reminded at times. "Now, remember, no pluckin' it all with that horn ah yers." Applejack pointed accusingly. "It's a subtle thin', but apples taste different 'tween buckin' and magic."

"I can do it properly." She'd been helping on that field for years. Twilight could buck a few apples down and proved the fact with the next tree. Sure, sometimes she'd have to thump it twice to get it right, but she was doing it. "We'll get this orchard cleared."

Spike clutched his midsection with an odd noise. A scroll soon resulted, forming from magic. "Letter." He grabbed it and unfurled it, eyes looking at it curiously. "Let's see."

Moon inclined her head faintly. "From Princess Celestia?"

"Yeah... Huh... There's a dragon. Wow! Can I see them?" He hiked a thumb at himself. "I'm one of those!" Which clearly made him an expert on the matter.

Moon rubbed at her cheek with uncertainty. "I am unsure. Let's gather the others first." She knew Twilight and Applejack were busy with apples. That left her with Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy did not look eager, at all. "Do you really need my help? I'm not so good with... dragons."

Spike raised a scaled brow. "We get along just fine."

"You're different!" She set a hoof on either of Spike's cheeks. "You're a baby dragon, and adorable. That's an adult dragon, and not... adorable."

"I'm not a baby," pouted out Spike. He was a tween, thank one kindly! "Besides, I'll be going too!" He nodded with certainty. "I'll keep you safe."

Fluttershy let out a nervous giggle. "I'm certain you'd... try your best... but that dragon is a lot larger than you." She pointed to where the smoke billowed up from the mountain. "I don't want you to be hurt, Spike."

Rarity gestured at the gathered ponies. "We'll all be here, dear. It's a team effort."

"Yeah!" burst Rainbow with a hoof pump. "Let's get up there and teach that dragon a lesson or three!"

An excuse came up quickly. "But if I go with you, who will watch over my animals?"

The mares and dragon shared glances about. Moon adjusted her glasses. "What do your animals do when you take a trip normally?"

Fluttershy began to pace awkwardly. "They get sad..."

Moon rolled a hoof in the air. "That will happen whether they are watched or not, if you are not there." She looked sure of that line of reasoning. "This isn't logical."

"Well, yes..." Fluttershy stepped left and right, hemming and hawwing audibly. "Are you sure you need me?"

"You are an expert on non-pony creatures." Moon nodded with rising certainty. "We require your presence. Will you come?"

Fluttershy let out a slow breath, deflating. "Alright... If I have to..." And their trip was formally began. But that didn't mean the trip would be fast or smooth. Each great snore of the dragon sent Fluttershy into a fit of paralysis.

Spike crossed his arms. "Dragon snores aren't that bad."

Rarity patted him on the head. "I imagine yours are nowhere quite on the same, shall we say, magnitude?" She giggled softly. "Do you even snore?"

"I can confirm this." Moon circled around the frozen Fluttershy, nudging her in a futile effort to get the pegasus moving. "It's not loud enough to disturb others."

Pinkie suddenly emerged from under Fluttershy, lifting her up into the air. "I got her! Let's go!" And so she pronked along with a statue of a pegasus on her back, seemingly untroubled by it in a feat of earth pony strength.

Rainbow chuckled at the sight of it. "Pinkie, you are nuts. The good kinda nuts."

"The only kind," Pinkie sang with a giggle. "Oops." They eventually came to a crevice, a wide hole. "Pretty sure I can make that, but not with Fluttershy." She leaned to the side, letting the pegasus slide off.

But she was able to move again. The snoring wasn't audible at that time. "Oh, my..." She leaned over the side to peer into the depths. "That is quite the fall."

The other mares were already hopping over it easily. "It's just a hop, skip, and a jump," encouraged Pinkie, bursting into a song as she was known to do whenever provoked.

Moon looked back from the other side. "We cannot proceed without you."

Fluttershy swallowed thickly, but she gathered herself and made the jump despite the fear of falling down that deep canyon. On the other side, Rainbow thumped into her. "There ya go. Now, why aren't you using your wings?"

Flutter began to blush at that. "I can't move them." Even if her legs had begun moving, walking with the others, her wings were practically glued to her back. "I'm really sorry... I'm just slowing you all down."

"We're making it. Look, we're almost there." Rainbow pointed firmly at the smokey cave still somewhat further up the mountain. "Stick to it."

"Of c--Eek!" A leaf had landed on her. She flopped over stiffly as the ground began to shake and rumble. Inspired by her sudden cry, it all began to come down. Their quick finish would be delayed for some time.

Twilight lashed out her hooves, filling baskets with ripe red apples. "Phew."

"Hard at work." Pear Butter trotted towards her, a tray on her back. "Ah can't say thanks 'nough times." She turned, presenting a tall glass. "Here's a drink to keep ya goin'."

The glass began to glow as Twilight took it to take a big drink. "Mmm... You certainly know how to spice apple juice just right. Oh. It came up the other day." She wobbled a hoof in the air. "Are you my aunt?"

Pear Butter blinked softly. "Now there's a question to spring on a mare all of a sudden!" She threw a leg over Twilight, squeezing her about the neck gently. "You silly little thin'! Yer practically my daughter, but ah suppose a niece is a way better term for it. Honorary, 'course." She nodded with growing confidence. "Jus' sayin', if ya had yer eyes on an Apple, ain't off the menu official-like or nothin'."

Twilight began to blush from the neck up in a sudden wave that left her a little dizzy with the speed of it. "Miss Butter!"

"That's Aunt Butter," corrected Pear with a grin.

"Aunt... Butter, yes, of course. I should write a letter... to mom, about this." She turned as if to do that, only to find a leg in her way.

"Not so fast." Pear turned that leg and its hoof to the rest of the orchard. "Ya ain't done here. 'Sides, we meet all the time. Ah'll be pleased as punch to inform her." She snorted in almost a laugh. "She'll be tickled pink to hear she has a sister. Doubt she'll mind much."

"Of course, of... course." Twilight cleared her throat and began towards the next tree, Pear trailing along after her. "Me and Big Mac are friendly, but not that kind of friendly."

"And Applejack?"

The sheer flat nature of the question took Twilight by surprise. Like Fluttershy far above them, she went perfectly still. "Pardon?" she got out shakily as mobility began to edge back into her. "Applejack? She's a mare!"

"Good of you to notice that." Pear looked far too amused at the situation. "I 'magine she was wonderin' herself. Now, see..." She rolled a hoof in the air. "Big Mac's a normal stallion. I see where his eyes drift. He's lookin' for a mare. Ah wish him luck, but that's where he is. Applejack, on the other hoof--" She switched which hoof was up. "She don't look at stallions much at all. Not like mean or nothin', just not 'interested' if ya catch mah meanin'."

Twilight laughed nervously as she turned to point her back end at the tree, preparing to knock its apples free. "And you thought she was... interested in me?"

"Maybe she is. Maybe she ain't." Pear Butter was grabbing baskets and setting them under the tree that Twilight was preparing for. Something had to actually catch those apples. "But what ah'm asking is yer opinion. Now, yer a grown pony. Even if ah was yer mom, ya could send me packin'."

A tempting offer! But she couldn't bring herself to do that to Pear Butter. "But?"

"But ah'd like to know." She leaned in, touching her nose to Twilight's cheek. "It's a mom thing. Ah'm curious, and ah care, about the both of ya. Now, um, I'd rather Applejack get a stallion and give me some grandfoals... but ah'd much rather she be happy without 'em. Mah foals are my world, and if they're happy, well, ah can get over the other details."

Of all the things Twilight had expected to encounter that day, having The Chat with Pear Butter hadn't come up! "I can't imagine Granny would be happy with that idea."

"Oh, heavens no." Pear shook her head rapidly. "'Magine she'd throw quite the fit. She's a traditionalist, through and through. But ah'm the mother of that mare. Ah get the last say in that." She nodded with finality. "So she don't get to make that decision. Won't be mean to her or nothin', but well... too bad."

"We are great friends," deflected Twilight. "But the height of our romance... is what you just gave me." She grunted as she lashed out her hind hooves, bashing the tree and causing a rain of apples around them. "A nose to the cheek here. A hug there. We're true friends, time tested! It is an honor and delight to be that."

"Yer sayin' a lot without answerin' the question ah done asked." Pear Butter looked around at the baskets. "Good kick. Ah think ya got all of it in one."

Twilight took a moment to look both at the baskets and the tree. She'd been so distracted she had just kicked and... done it right. A little laugh escaped her. "Wow, yeah..."

"Don't know an Apple that'd be sad to have ya." Pear started away at a walk. "So think 'bout it. No pressure, but that barn door's open. So if a mare happens through it, won't complain none."

Twilight was left with confusion, and a question she hadn't even thought of before. Shaking her head, she got to floating the baskets along towards the barn where they needed to be. She couldn't will the apples off the trees, but carrying the baskets was alright. 'Not touching the apples,' insisted Applejack. Her magic on the baskets, alright. Magic on the apples, nope! "You are silly sometimes," laughed out Twilight, frowning even as she did so, her emotions in a tangled knot.

"We're doin' a right good job." Applejack was there, getting apples stashed in larger barrels. "We keep this up, shouldn't be more than a few days. Tomorrow ah'm needed for some town thing. Ya gonna be alright if ah skip over to that?"

"Of course." Twilight waved the issue away. "Though I'd rather see you be honored. Not often I get to see it, and you deserve it."

Applejack laughed as she colored a little. "Aw shucks." She banged the lid of the barrel into place and turned, still leaning on it. "We're makin' good time. How 'bout we start nice an' early tomorrow, quit 'round ten, plenty of time to catch the show, together-like."

"That sounds delightful." Twilight nodded firmly as she set down her collection of baskets. "But, for now?"

"Fer now, we keep on goin'! Ah owe you a hoof the next time ya need to reorganize the library." She offered one of those hooves but only a moment, getting right to work on preparing the next barrel. "Friendship makes it all go faster, huh?"

"It sure does." Twilight watched Applejack work, getting apples into the barrel by the basket. "Say... mind if I ask a question?"

"That's one right there," pointed out Applejack with a smarmy smirk. "But let's go fer two."

"How generous." Twilight rolled her eyes. "You ever think about a special somepony?"

Apples scattered, the spilling from basket to barrel ruined in a moment of surprise at the question.

"We have arrived." Not this was at all a mystery to the other mares as Moon gestured at the cave that was billowing smoke thickly. "Fluttershy, it is time to employ your expertise." She gestured at herself and Spike. "We will accompany you. With Spike's dragon perspective and your expertise, this should be handled without further issues."

Spike counted on three fingers, pointing at Fluttershy, himself, and lastly on Moon. "You only said why two of us are going in. Why are you? I mean, not that I mind you being around or anything, promise."

Moon inclined her head at Spike. "You are my ward. I will not assume your safety with a potentially hostile dragon."

Fluttershy squeaked and broke into flight, hiding behind a rock. "I... don't want to assume my safety with a... potentially hostile dragon."

Moon applied a hoof to her face, realizing perhaps a bit late her mistake. Fortunately for her, other ponies were ready to give it a try. One after the other, the other mares marched forward, to be sent packing in short order.

Incensed, the dragon emerged, ready to get rid of its bother in a more permanent fashion. Spike squeaked and shied back a step. He was a dragon too... but that was a very large dragon. "Hey there?"

The grown dragon squinted at the little whelp. With a rough sweep of a hand, they knocked Spike aside and started towards the stunned mares that had been bashed against a rock.

"Wait right there." Fluttershy hopped to the top of the rock, unwilling to see her friends bullied around further.

It was the first time for many of them to see Fluttershy get serious with a creature, but she sent that dragon away with a stern talking to. Spike rubbed behind his head, witnessing it. "Wow."

The dragon glared at Spike. "You didn't see anything."

"No, sir! Um..." Spike glanced away and back. "She can be real tough when she means it."

"Tell me about it." The dragon took but a moment to make sure he had what he needed. "Good luck with that." And with a final sniff from the tears Fluttershy had gotten from him, he took off to find a better place to nap that didn't have bothersome ponies around.

The other mares were busy congratulating Fluttershy on a job well done. Except Moon Dancer, who was by Spike. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Spike dusted himself off more than strictly required. "Sorry. I didn't really help much in the end there."

Moon shook her head. "Nonsense. You spoke to the dragon without being ignored or attacked. A feat only Fluttershy could equal. By my measure, you were of considerable assistance." She leaned in closer to her little brother. "Did you enjoy the conversation? Are the two of you friends now? Due to age and size differences, you will need to use extreme caution to avoid injury."

Spike chuckled at the idea. "I don't think... that'll be a problem. I didn't even get his name." He looked off in the direction of the dwindling form of the dragon. "Huh... Will I get that big some day?"

Moon slid in beside Spike and lowered, presenting her back. "If you do, we can exchange riding responsibilities."

"Deal." He hopped up atop his sister and hugged her around the neck. "But we'll still be siblings, even if I'm a few stories tall, right?"

"With certainty." Moon rose to her full height, stepping towards Fluttershy. "Thank you for your assistance. Earlier would have been nice, but it came before lasting harm."

Fluttershy colored softly, shrinking a little. "Sorry... When I saw him being so mean to you all... I just couldn't hold back anymore. I had to! I... Sorry."

"You did well." Moon touched nose to nose with Fluttershy, smiling at her. "I understand social anxieties completely. I am the wrong pony to be angry at you for having them. You recovered at just the right time and avoided what could have been far worse. I said thank you, and I meant it. Do you think I am lying?"

"No! No, of course not." Fluttershy scrambled to her hooves. "We should get back to town." She pointed at the little thing that was Ponyville down below them. "Hopefully before it gets dark."

As they descended back towards home, Moon glanced back over her shoulder at the riding Spike. "May I dictate a letter for Celestia?"

"Sure thing." He got out a paper and a quill quickly. "Ready!"

Greetings Princess Celestia,

Today was a very informative day. Allow me to explain. Fear is a powerful emotion. I have felt it myself. Today I watched another pony struggle against its grip. In the end, however, the call to be loyal and true to one's friend's won out over it.

When I saw Spike in danger, I felt a similar urge. The idea of inaction on my part allowing harm to fall on any creature I valued was more frightening than any harm that could have visited me. This is not to say that all caution should be discarded. That's foolish. But, sometimes, perhaps...

Sometimes Friendship is Foolish, and I don't begrudge it.

Working Diligently,
Moon Dancer

Applejack kicked a barrel to the side. "Really, Twi. What would even bring up somethin' like that?" She laughed in a strained voice. "We're plenty close, sure, but more as, ya know, sisters. Asides, that ain't how it works."

Twilight inclined her head. "Not technically true. I've seen other mares pair with mares before." She raised a hoof to her chin. "But I never considered it."

"See!" Applejack pointed accusingly at Twilight, as if she were the source of the entire notion. "If you ain't thinkin' about it, then why are we talkin' 'bout it?"

"Well, because I am now?" Twilight looped around Applejack without closing in. "I admit, I haven't the foggiest how... any of that works, aside of what I've seen ponies do, like my parents, and yours, um... Sorry."

Applejack raised a brow, but no fresh angry words came. "Twilight, you are a librarian."

Twilight glanced back at her stack of books she had for a cutiemark. "Yes."

"Read a book." Applejack closed so suddenly, bonking Twilight on the noggin aside her horn. "Either that or go ask yer mom. Ah'm pretty sure either has all the details. Ah'm not gonna discuss the birds and the bees with my adult mare friend when we're supposed to be harvestin'!"

Twilight rubbed the sore spot. "The way you're talking tells me you have the answer. Why won't you share it with me? I trust you, Applejack. We've never held secrets from each other before, why now?"

Applejack tensed, called out. "Y'see... Shoot. Sugar cube... This is awkward." She began to dance in place. "Do ya know where foals come from?"

"Not two mares." Twilight nodded with certainty at that fact. "But two mares can become special someponies, meaning the act of being a special somepony does not require the difference between a mare and a stallion." Her face began to darken as she worked through the logic of it. "Which means... It doesn't involve that." She coughed, dancing with her own anxiety increasing.

"Not a thin' to do with it," agreed Applejack as she got to filling the new barrel, but ran out of apples. "Twi."

"Hm?" Twilight snapped out of her strange thoughts. "What?"

"Apples." Applejack pointed at the only partially filled barrel. "What we're here ta do. Come on." She pointed. "You head that way. We'll meet back up here with a full set of baskets each, then we finish the day."

"Excellent idea!" And off Twilight trotted briskly, abandoning her awkward questions... for the time being.

Applejack sagged with relief at Twilight's shrinking form. "That girl... Who done put that idea in yer head?" Spike? Moon Dancer? Applejack started to a new tree, considering the idea. "Maybe Moon..." Moon was not nearly as subtle as she would have thought herself. Except... "Why would she do that without callin' dibs?" She snorted softly, having difficult imagining Moon Dancer broaching the topic without also making a likely awkward advance.

But there were apples to be harvested. By golly, she was gonna get it done!

"Drink!" As if from nowhere, Pear Butter had appeared, offering Applejack a tall glass on her back. "You've been working mighty hard, you an' Twilight. Mighty proud of the two of ya. Not a single complaint."

Applejack reared up, forehooves on Pear's back as she sipped from the provided straw. "We both know how important apple harvest is to the farm, Mom. We're gonna get it done!"

"Well on the way." She nosed Applejack's availably belly, making her daughter squirm in ticklishness. "I jus' saw Twi settin' off with fire in her eyes."

"She's just as riled to get this done." Applejack fell back to all fours. "Thanks fer the refresher. Feelin' ready to go!"

"Good good." But Pear was following her as she went towards the next tree to be attacked. "So... Twi's an awful nice mare, isn't she?"

Applejack raised an ear at her mother. "Yeah? Right nice. Wouldn't be friends none with a mean pony."

"Certainly not." Already Pear was gathering baskets into position for Applejack to do her magic. "Already an honorary member of the family, that one. Not a bad bone in her body."

"Not a one." Applejack bucked the tree with practice, filling the baskets without a problem. "Since yer here, wanna help move the baskets?"

"Of course." Pear moved to do just that, but her attention was far more on Applejack than otherwise. "You know... I wouldn't be upset."

"At?" Applejack sat, brow raised. "Mom, yer bein' strange. What would you not be upset about? Oh! Ya tryin' to get me to take a break? Will, soon as we fill up the last few barrels, promise."

"That's good." But it was also not what she cared about as she nudged the basket into position for later barrel filling. "AJ, dear filly. Yer not interested in stallions none, right?"

Applejack froze, as surely as a leaf on a pegasus' back. "Uh..."

"It's alright," repeated Pear Butter. "It really is. A pony likes what they like. Ain't not a thin' ah'll be upset about. But yer not, right?"

Color crept up over her, becoming as ripe a red as the apples she collected. "Mom!"

"Ain't here to yell atcha." Pear went in to touch side to side. "Wherever your eyes are, my little Jack, ah'm here for ya. Ah just wanna know what ya want."

"Why is everypony suddenly interested in that?!" Applejack thumped the ground with a loud equine snort. "Ah'm a grown mare. Ah can handle that mahself, thank ya very much. Now, love you to death an' all, but ah'll handle the last tree on mah own, alright?"

She stormed off without providing the answer Pear had wanted. "Ah shoot... Done messed that right up." Pear rubbed at one of her cheeks with the flat of a hoof. "Stepped right in it... Thought ah was one of those 'cool' moms." But she was not a cool mom, just one that loved her foals. Good enough? At that moment, it didn't feel like it. "Consarnit."

19 - Seeing Stripes

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"Heading out." Moondancer was going for the door, Spike on her back. But she stopped without anyone asking her to. "Twilight?" She turned to look at the mare, hunched over a book, staring at it. "Is that book especially engaging?" That was an idea Moon could get behind.

Twilight looked up. "Hm?" She sat up on her chair. "Oh, did you say something?"

Spike laughed a little from atop Moon. "You were way into that book. A real page turner, huh?"

"Yeah." She nudged the tome away, not that she had actually really been turning it so much. "Sorry, I was distracted. I had a friend... A friend's friend?" Was your aunt a friend? They were, right? "A friend... ask me a question that left me with a dozen of my own."

Moon gave a thoughtful hum. "Sounds like you're having a friendship related difficulty." She approached, bringing Spike with her. "Perhaps I can assist? I would be glad to put my recently gained experience to work at your benefit."

Spike fire an emphatic thumbs up. "Yeah! We're here to help!"

Twilight looked between Moon and Spike. "Well..." She raised her hooves, tapping them together. "Alright, since you're both offering... Spike, how did you decide who you wanted to approach when seeking a romantic connection?"

Spike went from confident to a tomato shade instantly. "Um, well, uh... I... didn't?"

Moon turned an ear back at Spike. "You did make a decision," she argued. "Please share your thought process."

"But I wasn't..." He rubbed behind his head helplessly. "It just came to me? It felt right. I, um... liked you..."

Twilight pointed at Moon Dancer. "I like her, and she likes me, but no romantic involvement came from that."

Moon tensed under Spike. "Y-yeah..." She glanced away and back. "There must be another step past liking somepony."

Spike wriggled with thought, which was perhaps not the most ideal of ways to get thoughts free, but it is what came to him. "To me, you're pretty and amazing, and... Do I have to?" He let out his breath in a gust. "This isn't very nice, seeing as you already turned me down."

Both the adult mares suddenly looked guilty. "You are right," admitted Twilight. "This is not very fair of me, and I do apologize. Alright, to be more fair... this is about my feelings." She turned a hoof on herself. "Applejack's mom, Pear Butter, brought up romance."

Spike burst into giggles, his own awkwardness forgotten. "With Big Mac?"

Twilight got a new shade of color. "He's a perfectly fine pony, but no. With... Applejack."

Spike looked baffled at the very idea of it. Moon, on the other hoof, was suddenly looking at Twilight with new intensity. "Did she? What did you say?"

"I wasn't sure what to say!" admitted Twilight, clopping her fore hooves down in a shuffle. "I never thought of her that way... or anypony else, for that matter. Applejack brushed off the topic, giving me nothing definitive."

Moon raised a bushy brow. "You already talked with her then?"

Twilight sagged with misery. "Yes, but it didn't help! I'll be honest with you both." She set a hoof on her own chest, just to point at each of them. "I don't even know if I have those feelings! My heart doesn't... flutter when I look at anypony. That is what it's like, right?" She suddenly punched the book, knocking it back and revealing the smaller book hidden under it. A guidebook to romance. "It says so right here!"

Moon colored at the sight of it. "Twilight."

"Yes?" She was fixed on Moon Dancer. "Do you know the answer?"

"I would be delighted to help you." Moon let out a shaky breath. "When Spike is off playing."

Twilight blinked once numbly, then several more times in rapid succession. "Oh! Oh... yes, of course. I am being a terrible aunt."

Spike angled his head at Twilight. "Wait, you're my aunt?"

Twilight smirked at that. "Me and Moon Dancer are practically sisters, so calling you a nephew feels right, even if, I suppose, a little brother is also possible? Nephew feels right. Is that okay?" She rubbed behind her head. "If Pear Butter can be my aunt, I can be one too! Bringing up confusing questions on this topic seems to be a things aunts do..."

Moon turned for the door. "We're not actually sisters, but I accept your aunt status in relationship to Spike. You have been a kind peer, assisting in his development, and I value your input on that."

Spike turned with Moon, but his head kept trained on Twilight as best he could. "Aunt, huh..." He was still weighing the word and its meaning in relation to Twilight. "We're gonna head out, Aunty!"

Twilight burst into laughter at Spike calling her that. "Have fun, Nephew." Whatever tensions she had, a genuine smile spread on her face. "Be good for Moon Dancer."

"Yes, ma'am!" He saluted even as he was carried away, the two exiting the library.

Only to find that the town was seemingly abandoned. There were no ponies in the street. There were no ponies at their stands. There were just no ponies anywhere. "Is today a holiday I was not informed of?" She peeked over her shoulder up at Spike as they continued forward.

"Not that I know of." Spike gave a big shrug at that. "They gotta be around here somewhere. Oh! Maybe they're celebrating another pony like they did for Applejack?"

"Not impossible." Moon veered towards the town square, but there was no gathering there. No pony was being celebrated. "Hm. They would inform me if I acted in such a way as to require this level of shunning, wouldn't they?"

"I'd hope so." Spike had nothing but another shrug to offer. "They gotta be here somewhere."

"Psst!" Both looked over just in time to see Pinkie leaning out from Sugarcube. "Over here!"

Moon began in that direction. "At least one pony has not shunned me. Perhaps they know what I did?"

"Get in!" came Pinkie's urgent stage whisper, waving a hoof at them, the rest of her inside.

Moon accelerated inside to find most of the crew. Applejack, Applejack's little sister, Apple bloom, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. "Is this a new game? What are the rules?"

Applejack kicked the door shut behind Moon Dancer. "Ain't no game."

Rarity nodded. "That strange... creature from the everfree's come back again!"

Spike blinked owlishly. "A creature from the Everfree Forest? Is it dangerous?!"

Pinkie bobbed her head quickly. "She's an evil echantress!" Which was cue enough for her to sing a song on the matter.

The other mares nodded in agreement along with it. Apple Bloom did not look nearly convinced. "Hey, Spike."

"Hey, AB." He waggled fingers down at her and hopped free to meet hoof to fist. "So what's your view on this?"

"Ugh! They're all a bunch of foals scared of somethin' that ain't even hurt 'em!" Apple Bloom stomped in place with obvious irritation. "Ain't even tried jus' sayin' hi!"

Applejack's hooves came down on either side of Apple Bloom's head, trapping her. "Now don't you be sayin' that. We're just lookin' out fer you."

Apple Bloom swatted one of the hooves. "By bein'--"

"There she is!" The ponies of the room rushed to a window. There she was, cowled and mysterious, hooving at the ground as if searching for something.

Apple Bloom nudged against Spike and threw her head quietly towards the back. She fled quietly while the adults were busy. To her joy, she saw Spike had caught her meaning and had come with her. "The adults are hopeless." She rolled her eyes. "It's up to us to put this straight. Let's go talk to her!"

"Yeah!" Spike bobbed his head as he left the back of the bakery with Apple Bloom. "She didn't look that mean."

"She didn't look mean at all." Apple Bloom snorted at the idea. "How can we know without givin' her no chance?" She pointed at Spike. "Yer a dragon. If we jus' assumed that, we'd be scared plenty of you, right?"

Spike laughed at the idea of anything being scared of him.

"See how silly it is." Apple Bloom looked vindicated. "C'mon!"

Back inside, the mares continued talking about the mystery creature that had already wandered away. "Perhaps they have social anxiety?" The mares looked at Moon dubiously. Moon pointed at Fluttershy accusingly. "Don't turn your back on a fellow sufferer. If you're scared of speaking with ponies, irregularities in behavior are to be expected. A patient hoof is the proper response."

Applejack looked around. "Where'd Apple Bloom go?" The mares looked around, but there was no filly to be seen. "Aw shoot, maybe she ran off after the witch!"

Moon hiked a brow. "Witches are a specific thing, which I doubt that creature was."

"Evil enchantress?" ventured Pinkie.

"They may be that. Further--"

Applejack grabbed Moon by the shoulders. "Enough talkin'! We gotta find my little sis! Mom'll kill me if ah'm the one what lost her."

Noises of approval lifted through the rooms and the mares set out in search for the lost filly.

Ahead of them, Apple Bloom pointed. "She's headed fer the Everfree."

"Well, that's logical." Spike shrugged softly. "She's from there, right?"

"I dunno." Apple Bloom kept on track, ignoring the potential danger of the forest. "That's what they said, but they ain't battin' very good in my book right now."

"I hear ya." Spike rolled his shoulders as they plunged into the dark embrace of the forest that had its own weather without pony input. "So, uh, how are things?"


"I mean..." Spike fiddled with his fingers. "She hasn't had much chance to bother you, right?"

"Oh!" Apple Bloom swatted Spike on the back. "Yeah, thanks. The girls and I are real happy to not be hassled by her. But ya can stop that. Ah mean, real 'ppreciate it, but ya don't have to do that fer the rest of yer life fer us."

Spike's steps became longer but slower, his fingers playing with one another. "Well... You see... I mean, it started just wanting to give a hand, then I got to know her, and then..."

Apple Bloom burst into titters, which became full on laughter. "You didn't!" But Spike's reddened expression was answer enough. "Ya did! Ya fell fer her?" She closed in from the side, bumping against him. "Hey, yer call, but ah don't envy ya none. How do you put up with... that?"

"She isn't so bad!" he protested, throwing his hands wide. "She's just... She has expectations, um... Anyway, she doesn't treat me so bad, and I like her..."

"Aw," gushed Apple Bloom with a smile. "That's real nice. Hope you two are happy then."

"Thanks." A moment of quiet grew between them. "You mean that?"

"Why wouldn't I mean that?" Apple Bloom shrugged softly. "Two ponies find each other, seems nice t'me. Sure, one of 'em's a pain in mah rump, but it ain't like ah done got hooked up with her." She snorted explosively. "Can ya even 'magine that?! Shoot... Better you than me." she thumped against Spike anew. "Seriously, sounds nice, so long as you two are treatin' each other alright."

"Yeah..." Spike smiled as he walked, confidence returning. "Thanks." He fired her an emphatic thumbs up. "We should talk more often."

"If your ladyfriend won't yell at you," countered Apple Bloom in a teasing tone, a grin on her face. "Seriously though, let's keep up with her! She's right fast!" It was true, the strange creature had slipped ahead of them some distance and they had to scramble to catch back up.

"There she is!" Apple Bloom pointed at where the mysterious creature was passing carefully through a field of blue flowers.

The creature turned at the noise, her eyes narrowing. "Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!"

The adults had arrived, a fact Apple Bloom learned when she was snatched up by Applejack, who was busy glaring at the creature like she had done something wrong.

Moon dipped her head at the creature. "Thank you for the warning." And she turned to Spike. "Are you alright? You startled me with your sudden absence. Did you follow her?" She pointed at Apple Bloom. "Or did she follow you?"

While Moon Dancer and Fluttershy seemed happy enough to have found the little ones, Spike and Apple Bloom, the others advanced, shouting taunts and threats at the creature as it withdrew away. Moon frowned softly. "I remain convinced she is simply shy."

Fluttershy rubbed behind her head. "You may have a point. She didn't try to hurt anypony."

Rarity tossed her mane back as she walked free of the blue flowers. "Just because we happened by at just the right time."

Applejack snorted softly. "Which ah'm glad we did." She bopped Apple Bloom lightly. "What were ya thinkin' runnin' off in here like that? Ya coulda got yerself hurt! Or somethin' else could got to hurtin' ya."

Moon Dancer soon had Spike on her back, and Applejack had her sister. They all moved to leave, all ignoring the warning the zebra had given, well except Moon Dancer. Information was a valuable asset, and one she took to heart, circling around the patch of blue flowers instead of going through. "You did not answer my question."

"Oh, right." Spike pointed at Apple Bloom. "I followed her, but that's, uh, not an excuse. Not like she forced me or nothing like that."

"I appreciate your candor." Her magic reached to pat Spike on the head. "Then what was your motivation?"

"Part of me was just curious," admitted Spike with a shrug. "But also if she was gonna run off on her own, I figured... she'd be a little safer if I was there too?"

"Spike." Moon turned an ear at him. "That was brave, but a little foalish. You should have gotten my attention. I would have accompanied you."

"So you're not scared of her?" Spike pointed back in the direction the zebra had gone.

"I have no reason to be," reasoned Moon Dancer. "Zebras and ponies do not have hostile relations. I am pleased to report that ponies do not have hostile relations with any creature at this point and time. Hopefully it will remain that way."

"Huh." It was difficult to argue with that logic. "Alright. Sorry for not trusting you then. You would have been cool."

"I would have been a perfectly standard temperature for a pony," contested Moon with a raised bushy brow, missing that figure of speech entirely. "But I would have assisted to the best of my ability. I am glad you two are unharmed."

The group headed home for the day, disaster avoided!

Or so they thought.

A timid knocking at the library door got Twilight moving. "We're not open yet." She cracked the door open anyway, and saw Fluttershy. "Oh, hey Fluttershy. What brings you by?" But Fluttershy said nothing. "Um..." She was still there, looking extra bashful. "Do you... want to come in?" Fluttershy took that invitation silently, stepping inside.

Just in time for Pinkie to arrive, bursting through the door. "Thith is the worth thing ever!" She was lisping wildly, her bloated tongue spraying the area with her saliva. She shook her head vigorously as if she could tame her tongue that way, but it went back to lolling out of her mouth, refusing to even be tucked away.

"You think that's bad," came the refined voice of Rarity, not that one could see her eyes as she walked in, concealed entirely in her mane and pelt, all growing wild and long in unruly locks. "This is not a fashion that will ever be in season, darlings."

Spike began to snicker as each pony revealed their individual curse, but they hadn't finished. Rainbow flew in directly into a book case, her wings upside down, completely ruining her ability to control her flight reasonable. "This isn't funny!"

Moon looked from pony to pony. "Where is Applejack?" Of the friends, she was conspicuously missing. "Is she also suffering?"

"Right here." In came Apple Bloom, with Applejack perched on her back in a reversal of fortunes. "And ah ain't happy, not one--"

"Tiny?" proposed Spike suddenly, his snickers growing overpowering. That got him a glare from Applejack, which just made him laugh all the harder. "This is too much! We have Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Apple Teeny, and..." He looked to Fluttershy expectantly.

"I don't want to talk about it," she said with a deep male voice.

Spike fell against a table he was next to. "And Flutterguy!"

Rainbow was hopping mad, scowling. "That zebra hexed us!"

"A cuth!" agreed Pinkie with a nod.

"Most foul." Rarity nodded, her frown concealed. "However do we rid ourselves of it?"

"This is my fault," sighed Apple Bloom, moving quietly to leave, though she failed at eluding attention of several. Applejack tossed a rope and caught the filly by the tail, lassoing herself up onto her sister's back.

Spike just followed, a bad habit he was getting into with Apple Bloom. This time, however, he nudged Moon before he did so, and they both trailed after the filly.

Outside the library, Moon inclined her head. "Thank you for taking my instructions to heart, Spike. Apple Bloom, where are we going?"

Apple Bloom squeaked, looking over her shoulder to see Moon Dancer and Spike. "Don't try an' stop me!" Neither looked like they were stopping her, still following her. "Um... That zebra seemed like she knew about things... I was just gonna ask her fer help."

Moon nodded. "An excellent idea."

Apple Bloom's ears waggled wildly, almost catching the sister hiding her her mane. "It is?! Ah mean, 'course it is."

Moon continued to nod sedately. "She showed knowledge of the troubled nature of those flowers. I avoided them and was not affected. The others did not, and were. Logic dictates they are the source of the problem. If she is aware of their danger, she may also be aware of how to treat the condition."

Spike inclined his head from atop Moon. "Huh, that's..."


"Yeah." He nodded with a little mmhmm. "She did try to warn everypony. Not her fault they didn't listen."

"That ain't logical at all!" proclaimed Applejack, stepping out of her hiding spot. "Apple Bloom, you get home right this instant! Mom's gonna tan yer hide when she hears 'bout this."

Apple Bloom squeaked anew, discovering she had a sister as an unknown rider. "Ah ain't gonna!"

"You have to. I'm your big sister and ah done told ya to!"

Apple Bloom raised a brow. "No ya ain't." She easily snatched Applejack in her teeth and set her on a branch. "From where ah'm standin', ah'm the big sister right now. You stay right there." The three left the fuming Applejack behind there.

Moon glanced over her shoulder. "I advise taking cover."

This was not advice Applejack would take, fuming and stomping about until her world was shaken, Rainbow crashing into her tree. She rejoined the other mares quite by accident.

But the group of three had pressed on ahead, arriving at the hut that held the zebra they were seeking. Apple Bloom charged up front to clop on the door. "Miss? Sorry ta bother."

"Hm? Who is this that knocks on the door? One step, or did I hear more?" The door swung inwards, revealing the zebra that was looking at Apple Bloom but also past her at the waving Spike stop a calmly watching Moon Dancer.

"Ya gotta help us! Please." Apple Bloom sank to her haunches and put her hooves together pleadingly. "Mah sister and her friends got all--"

Zecora held up a hoof. "What happened, I can guess. There is no reason for you to confess. " Her eyes went to Moon Dancer anew. "You are not touched by the flower's sly jokes. You heeded my warning, unlike the other pony folks?"

Moon nodded softly. "Thank you for the warning. Do you know the cure? I apologize."

Zecora inclined her head at that. "What are you apologizing for? It is you that will be stuck with a chore." She turned away, lost to sight behind the door a moment, only to emerge with a piece of paper in her mouth. "These are the things I need. Only all together will we defeat this weed."

Apple Bloom hopped up, snapping up the letter. "We're on the case!" And she ran off in a hurry.

Spike reached for her, falling off Moon and scrambling to his feet to pursue her. "Don't go running off!" he shouted as he went.

Moon let him go that time. "What will you be doing?"

"A proper brew is not a simple task. I will be preparing to dispel the cursed mask." She turned inside, pausing. "You should help your friends. There is no need for further amends."

"Your name!" suddenly blurted Moon, getting Zecora's impassive stare. "I mean, what is your name? I am Moon Dancer."

"Zecora is what they call me," she gave with a gentle smile. "Now I should begin, this is more complex than a tea."

Moon advanced a step, but paused. "We'll be back." And off she hurried after Spike and Apple Bloom, bothering the zebra no further. "Excellently done," she complimented herself as she went. She made a connection with the socially awkward zebra, and did not press too far on the first meeting. Perhaps they could become friends! She was learning so much on that topic. She let out a little giggle, only to get confused. Why was she so happy?

It was an assignment, but the happiness she felt was more personal than even a research project, as hard as that was to imagine for her. "Princess, I have so many questions." But she was not equipped to even ask them, with Spike off in the forest ahead of her. They would have to wait until later.

While they were busy fetching ingredients, the rest of the gang arrived to see Zecora laboring over her cauldron. The mention of Apple Bloom's name was enough to send them into a panic, storming the hut and assaulting the zebra in her own home.

Fortunately, that was when Moon Dancer, Apple Bloom, and Spike returned. "Stop it!" called Spike, rushing ahead with Apple Bloom to interpose themselves between the irate ponies and the zebra.

"I agree." Moon arrived more sedately. "Zecora is--"

"Gonna eat Apple Bloom?" Applejack was looking down at Apple Bloom with clear confusion.

"--going to fix you all." Moon nodded with her words. "We were gathering the required components." She shook her own saddlebags and pointed to Apple Bloom's.

Zecora huffed softly. "Now that this misunderstanding is put aside, I am still missing one ingredient, an herb that is dried." She shook her head. "It is located in your town, but the doors are closed. With that one ingredient, you would no longer be indisposed."

Rarity blushed, not that it could easily be seen. "Oh... Well... if that's all you need, dear." The others gave soft voices of agreement with that, the anger lost limply.

Rainbow Dash huffed. "Why didn't you tell us in the first place?"

Applejack kicked Rainbow Dash, to little real effect with how small she was. "We should clean up the mess we done made."

Pinkie bobbed her head quickly. "Good idea. Thorry about that!" The rest echoed the sentiment and they got to cleaning things up.

Another lesson had been learned, to Moon's contentment. That her friends were restored to their usual selves, a positive side effect. "I would like to talk with you," she told Zecora. "But only when you feel like it." She pointed the way. "I live with Twilight, in the library. You're welcome to visit me at any time."

Zecora inclined an ear. "Pony villages are not my home. I have little reason to visit your source of tome. Still, you seem pleasant enough, So I extend the same offer, if the path to my home you would rough."

20 - Wrapping Up Winter

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Twilight smiled as she gazed out the window. A steaming cup of tea lifted to her lips, glowing with her magic as she sipped gently. It was a snowy and quiet day. "You can get so much reading done in the winter."

"This is a fact," agreed Moon emphatically. "Even Spike." She gestured her head at the dragon, reading a comic cozily in his bed. "But the book I want to read is difficult to open."

Twilight perked an ear at that. "Hm? Did I leave a book locked?" She hopped down in search of the rogue book, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Moon realized quickly she had spoken poorly. "I will state my feelings plainly."

"Please do." Twilight aborted her search to face Moon fully. "What's on your mind?"


Twilight retreated half a step. "M-me? I'm right here."

"You are." Moon Dancer didn't argue that statement of fact. "But I have romantic feelings towards you that I fear are not reciprocated. Not informing you is failing to improve the situation, so I am telling you. By the rules I have read, you can then either progress to the next stage in a relationship, or I can be told to regress a stage. Which is it?"

Twilight sank to her haunches. "I... appreciate your honesty." She rubbed at her cheek softly. "And... I... don't know... I'm still unsure about the whole Applejack situation. And now this?" She sagged a little. "This must be an extremely unsatisfying answer."

"It is, in many ways, better than I feared." That got a curious look from Twilight. "You haven't denied me. You simply haven't accepted me. There is a difference."

Spike peeked up from his bed. "If you two start kissing..." Well, he wasn't sure what he'd do, but he'd sure do it!

Twilight darkened rapidly at Spike's words. "And there is the problem. When you ask me 'do I want to kiss Moon Dancer?', the first thought is 'Well, sure, she's a friend.' But I'm imagining a peck on the cheek, not... the rest."

"I have extremely minimal knowledge of kissing." Moon nodded firmly. "We are equally uninformed. We could learn?"

Spike began to snicker at the logic presented. Which didn't help Twilight at all. "I! You know... Winter is approaching its end."

Moon skewed an ear. "Correct."

"Winter Wrap Up will be upon us soon." Twilight sat up, bringing her hooves together firmly. "Have you considered how you'll help?"

"They don't pre-assign positions?" Moon inclined her head. "Like in Canterlot?"

"Well, yes and no." Twilight wobbled her hooves. "Mostly ponies join other ponies with similar skills. There's animal patrol, harvest patrol, bird patrol (That's a pegasus-only one), crafts, and ice. Not to mention general snow removal."

"You speak from experience." Moon leaned closer. "You have participated before then?"

"In Ponyville? Quite a few times." Twilight started for the door. "In fact, I'm going to check in with Applejack right now. Helping her is how I tend to do it." It was only when the door closed that Moon realized her mistake.

"Was that intentional?" She looked to Spike. "We are still in an uncertain state."

Spike shrugged emphatically. "I know who my marefriend is, but she picked me, so I got off lucky in a way I guess. Um, either way, good try. She can't say she doesn't know now."

Moon let out a slow 'hm' of a noise. "I will accept at least that. Thank you, Spike."

"I didn't know mares could have girlfriends."

Moon considered her next words. Her upbringing of Spike was a task she took seriously.

Applejack was out in the fields. The apples were not there to be tended, in the snow and all. That didn't mean she was absent of other chores. She was wielding a huge set of cutting tools at the end of a long stick, clamping her teeth to bring them together as she pruned at the sleeping trees, humming a melodic tune as she went.

"Winter pruning?" asked Twilight as she came closer.

"Hm? Hey Twi! Yeah. Best time to cut back so trees kin grow their best. Ya know the deal."

Twilight did know the deal, her magic reaching to help pluck at less healthy branches, so the tree's energy would go in more productive directions. "I should apologize."

"Fer lendin' a hoof? Shoot, wish ponies 'offended' me like that more often." She laughed softly, not realizing how more open to assistance she was than she could have otherwise been. "Seriously, what fer?"

"I did something wrong, a while ago." Twilight waved a hoof even as her glowing horn continued to pull and pluck at branches. "I walked up to you and asked some... awkward questions. You brushed me off, and now I realize exactly how awkward you had to feel. It's awful! And I did that, so... sorry."

Applejack hiked a dubious brow high. "Ain't mad yer seein' the mistake ah things, but yer bein' awful shady about the specifics there, sugar cube. Ah don't brush you off fer much." It was in that instant that she remembered the rare time she did. "Oh! Oh... Right..."

She squinted at Twilight suspiciously. "That mean you've put that aside?"

"It means..." Twilight went quiet, focusing instead on the pruning, or at least delaying the answer. "It means I don't know where I am, and neither do you, and that's alright. I know we're friends, and I want to keep that, no matter what." She suddenly hurried to Applejack's side, throwing a leg over her withers. "And if we stayed there forever, that isn't a bad ending at all."

Applejack's tension melted in a warm smile, leaning back against Twilight. "Now there's a thought ah can't rightly argue. But yer not gonna leave me wonderin' are ya? Who went marchin' up on mah Twi and's makin' moves on her?"

Twilight burst into airy laughter, dancing away from Applejack. "It's not like that! She's a friend too, of both of us, come to think. I'm not even mad at her, just... I didn't expect it, which is how I imagine now you felt when I did it to you."

"Ain't fun." Applejack snorted softly. "And that was just... a day. Felt like everypony fer miles suddenly wanted to know about mah love life." She rolled her eyes. "Which ain't a thin' ah even got, 'less you count family love. Got plenty of that." She grabbed Twilight much as Twilight had grabbed her moment's before. "Come here, cous!"

The two laughed, then got back to the vital work of tending the orchard. The feelings between them seemed clear for the time being.

Pear Butter sipped from the fragrant apple tea. "Ah have some news ah've been hidin' from you."

Velvet had her hooves together, her cup floating in her magic. "Well, now that you've gone and said that, you have to finish. That's just how that works. Out with it!"

"Your daughter said something quite interesting to me before."

Velvet's eyes half-closed. "Something you're still hiding, and looking so smug about." She thrust a hoof. "Vile mare! Don't hide things about my filly from me."

"Is that any way to talk about your sister?" Pear stuck out her tongue defiantly.

Velvet's defiance turned to confusion. "Sister? We're--"

"Twilight reasoned we're so close, we're practically sisters." Pear sipped from her cup gently. "And, seeing as we're sisters, I am her aunt." She inclined her head at Velvet. "I accepted, of course. Such a delightful niece."

Velvet began to giggle, unable to hold it in. "I have a sister?!" She brought her hooves down on either of Pear's shoulders. "Which means... I also have a niece, and a nephew! Night Light is going to lose his little mind redoing all the family charts." She sat back, hoof at her cheek. "I can't wait to see the look on his face."

"Howdy, Miss Velvet." Big Mac was just passing past. "Headin' out ta help in the fields."

Velvet's magic snapped around the red stallion. "Nothin' doin'!" Now, he could have broke free. Velvet was not Twilight, and even if she was, holding a stallion against their wishes with their hooves on the ground? Not an immediately easy task. Big Mac just wasn't fighting it. "Young stallion, you will address me as 'aunt' from now on."

Pear Butter laughed into her tea, almost knocking it over. "You heard the mare. Don't refer to family like that."

"Um..." Big Mac tilted his head at Velvet. "Yes... Aunt?" He glanced between the two. "There ain't no unicorns in the Apples, mom."

"That don't mean she can't be family." Pear crossed her arms. "Ain't claimin' it's a blood thing, but 'the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,'" she quoted from a book somewhere. "We're tightly packed, family or not. So ah'm proud to call Velvet a sister."

Velvet swatted Pear's shoulder. "Speaking of that! I have a perfect winter thrill. I hope you're ready."

"No, not even a little." Pear set her cup down carefully and nudged it and its saucer away. "But we're gonna do it anyway. What madness are you dragging me on this time?"

Big Mac left the two giddily chatting mares behind. Scheming mothers was a thing to scoot away from, so far he could tell.

"Huh." Spike was washing dishes. "So anycreature can like anycreature else, um, if they want?"

"Basically, yes." Moon was seated nearby, using her magic at times to lend some assistance in the process where her better height proved advantageous. "So long as both are adults of clear thinking, it's only up to the two of them if they want to like each other or not."

"Huh... Wait, I'm not... you know... an adult." He hiked a thumb at himself. "Does that make... what I'm doing off?"

"No! No no no." Moon shook her head vigorously. "I apologize. As a developing hatchling, you are expected to explore these feelings and experiment with such social bonds with others of similar developmental maturity." She raised a hoof. "But! It would be wrong if you were to become involved with someone beyond that scope."

Things became quiet a long moment. "Oh..." Spike looked over his shoulder. "Is that why Twilight... you know... shot me down?"

Moon's ears perked, only to slowly wilt. "You are not an adult, as you just pointed out. To become involved with you would be taking advantage, and inappropriate for her. So, yes, that is why. It's not because she doesn't like you. She does, a lot, but she keeps that within the parameters allowed by the societal agreements. So--"

"So she's my aunt, not a potential girlfriend... got it..." He sighed, but a little smile formed. "Thanks, Moon... I get it... more than before. I appreciate it."

Moon scootched up just behind Spike and put her arms around him, hugging him gently from behind. "I am trying my best to be a good caretaker, Spike. I apologize for my mistakes and hope you can forgive them."

Spike tensed in her grip. "Mistakes? I mean... Moon... You..." He threw away the wet rag he had been holding, flopping with a wet splat against the spigot of the sink. "Moon! I love you, um, as a sister. You've been there for me, practically like a mom. You never backed away, even when I was being gross." He stuck out his tongue at that. "You're not making mistakes. You're being awesome!" He threw his hands up and apart. "So thanks. Don't expect me to forgive you, because I won't. I can't forgive something that doesn't need forgiving."

Moon drew Spike all the closer, nuzzling into his neck. "My little drake. By the way, what got you in the habit of cleaning the dishes?"

"Huh? I saw you doing it. And if you can do it, I can help too, right?"

Moon smiled at that. "That was much the reason I did it. I didn't want to impose too harshly on Twilight's generosity."

"Right?!" He laughed, grabbing the rag to get back to cleaning. "She's already doing so much for us, having us here in her library. The least we can do is help clean up."

"Exactly so." Moon touched her cheek to his. "I'm glad I don't have to mention it then. Let's work together to make this place clean by the time she returns."

"On it!" And the two got to work. The dishes were the start, not the end. Books were put away and dusted. Windows were cleaned and floors were swept clean. Twilight would return to a clean library.

Cloud Kicker nodded at Applejack and Amethyst Star. "This is the year."

"This is the year," echoed Amethyst. "Gonna wake up all the animals nice and bright. But they can't do that without--"

"The plants will be ready," assured Applejack with a firm nod. "Rest assured."

"This is the year," repeated Cloud Kicker. "We'll get the clouds busted and the birds moving."

Their hooves met in the center, a communal cheer erupting as they broke up to do their part, leading their respective teams to hopeful victory.

Moon walked through the snowy wonder land that was slowly being transformed into spring. "This is not like Canterlot."

"Nope." Spike shook his head from atop Moon. "They don't even have things for me to do."

Moon turned an ear. "The lack of foal activities is curious, but not terminal."

"I suppose not." Spike shrugged softly. "I can still help you." He hugged Moon from behind and above. "So what are you gonna do?"

"I'm not certain." Moon slowly turned in place. "I wasn't assigned a position."

"Huh." Spike curled his fingers under his chin. "A talented unicorn like you? You'd think they'd want you on the job."

"But no assignment came." Moon spotted another unicorn and started that way. "Rarity. What should I be doing?"

Rarity quirked an ear up. "Well, I'm helping fashion bird nests." She gestured to the line of pretty bird nests she had made so far. "Give them nice little places to rest in. How does that sound, dear?"

"Art is not my specialty." Despite that, Moon began grabbing supplies that were littered about. "Two pi ar squared," she grumbled to herself as she labored to assemble them. "How is that?" She set down the perfect half sphere. It was, in some ways, an amazing piece. It was, on the other, completely absent of features other than being perfectly round.

Rarity could but stare at the creation. "Dear... You... may have neglected a vital step." She tapped at the perfectly smooth top of the half sphere. "Where is a bird supposed to sit, let alone place their lovely little eggs?"

Moon looked back and forth between what she had made and the examples Rarity had made. "Ah! What is the desired wall width? I can determine the diameter of the void." She nodded, looking confident in her abilities.

Spike gently tugged at Moon's mane. "I don't think this is your ideal job."

"What would be better suited?" She went as Spike directed her, leaving Rarity to continue with her task.

Applejack and Twilight were marching side by side. Twilight's horn was glowing with the effort of keeping her progress steady, but she had a lot of practice making magic and brawn work in harmony instead of magic overwhelming the other. They were singing the song of the end of winter, the entire field alive with other ponies equally as busy with their plowing work to clear away the snow that didn't need to be there anymore.

Twilight and Applejack both wore a bright green vest, as befit the plant team, which they were on. "Y'all doin' great," called out Applejack with a great smile. "We'll have the fields woke up in no time!"

Twilight looked aside at her floating clipboard. "The field is on schedule. The orchard is next. We're on schedule and will be ready on time."

"That's news ah'm glad to hear." Applejack nodded firmly, pressing herself forward a little harder. "Now, you finish this line." She pointed with her snout ahead. "But then break off and--"

"Move to the orchard, got it." The two were in sync, the words only re-affirming things.

"I'm so glad you came up." Velvet swatted the backside of Pear. "You've only done Winter Wrapup in Ponyville, haven't you?"

"Only place." Pear nodded a little stiffly. "It isn't that different, is it? A city's got to get the same things done in the end, ain't that right?"

"Mostly...." Velvet circled a hoof in the air. "First we get our assignments."

Pear angled an ear. "Assignments?"

"Oh, yeah." Velvet grabbed Pear with one arm, and her husband with the other. "We'll be a team, promise that, but we still have to check in and get an official assignment."

"I love this part," eagerly agreed Night Light. "The city is great at timely assignments. Princess Celestia wouldn't have it any other way for one of her holidays."

"Let's do it!" Velvet started forward, half dragging the two ponies along with her. "Hope we get roof patrol again."

Night flinched with a little chuckle. "Once was enough for that."

"That sounds like a pegasus kinda thin'." Pear looked aside at Night. "They'd send two unicorns?"

Velvet snorted at the idea. "It's amazing what a unicorn can get done if they really put their head into it." She released Pear to tap herself beside her horn. "Literally. Don't worry, you're with us. We'll be fine!"

Night shook his head slowly. "Sorry for the confusion, Miss Butter, but Canterlot is over 80% unicorns. We have to assume that a unicorn can get most things done, or nothing would get done."

"Huh." She tapped at her chin. "You have a point there. Ponyville's the same fer earth ponies, come to think. Earth ponies still join all the teams willy nilly if they're confident fer it."

"That's the spirit." Velvet pumped her free hoof in the air. "And you're an earth pony that's confident for anything!"

Pear laughed with a strained voice, not entirely in agreement. "Ah'll do mah best."

"And we'll be with you." Velvet slipped around and knocked Pear into Night, trapping her between the two unicorns. "You're with friends."

Pear smiled at that. "That does help."

They arrived not at the castle, but a lesser seen mayoral office. The princess couldn't be bothered for every single little city function. That was why she hired skilled ponies to help. Ponies like Fancy Pants and Raven Inkwell, who were both working hard to get ponies assigned and off on their jobs.

They arrived at Raven's line, before the secretary that looked them over. "Hm." She directed a floating quill at Pear Butter. "New immigrant?"

Velvet drew Pear closer. "This is a friend, from Ponyville. She'll be working with my husband and I."

"Hm, yes." Raven's eyes darted across the team of three. "I will have to default to assuming you're all earth ponies for abilities."

Night Light flashed a bright smile. "No roof duty then?"

"No roof duty," echoed Raven, bringing her clipboard closer to scan over. "We have room for decoration removal. They were better this year, but hearth's warming decorations are still present. They must be removed, 100%. Are you up for the task?"

Velvet thrust up a hoof. "We're on the case! Not a single festive bauble will survive our righteous fury."

"Try not to damage them." Raven made a few quick notes. "They will be used again next year. Place them in a box for storage."

"Aw." Velvet turned away. "We have our task. Let's get to it."

Pear smiled a little more easily. "Helping clear the trash sounds doable. Ah'll lend a hoof to that, no problem."

"There's more to it." Night nodded with memory. "Some of them get stuck in the strangest places." He reached up to tap beside his horn. "Have no fear. Leave those to us. You concentrate on the ones closer to the ground. We'll get this done!"

Velvet whooped. "Now that's the spirit. Team Twilight Night--"

Pear bumped against her.

"Oh! Right, hm." She tapped at her chin. "Team... Velvet Butter Night! Yeah, that rolls off the tongue. Advance!"

With the team name settled, they marched forward to search all the out of place hearth's warming decorations, placing them in a box with magic, hoof, or lips depending on where they were hiding.

Canterlot would be on time.

A pity Ponyville could not make the same claim. Mayor Mare was trying to calm the populace while also berating them on another year with the deadline looming large, likely to be missed.

Moon advanced. "Is there not a pony in charge of this?" She looked to the mayor directly.

The mayor's ears flickered. "I am not 'in charge' of Winter Wrap Up. I am in charge of the town as a whole." She spread her hooves out to encompass the town vaugely. "This effort has leaders for each of the three teams." She began to tap her hooves. "Tree, Clouds, and Animals." She began pointing around. "As specified by the vests."

Moon could see the different colors of the different teams, but... "Somepony has to be at the top." She nodded firmly. "Or this is the result." She pointed at the mayor accusingly. "Are you not prepared for that position?"

Mayor Mare sagged in defeat. "I've tried that before, Moon Dancer. It's not that easy."

"Then we need a different leader." She tapped at her chin. "Which of the three teams is most organized?"

Ponies began to look at each other with confusion. Which team was the least of a disaster.

Applejack raised a hoof. "Mah team's got its ducks in a row, even if we ain't got no ducks." She lowered the hoof to point at Twilight. "An' it's all thanks to this mare right here. She could organize an avalanche in the middle of it fallin' an' ah ain't even jokin'."

Twilight went a bright red at the compliment. "AJ! I'm not that--"

"Nuh-uh." Applejack shook her head. "Ain't standin' fer it. Yer the best organizer ah know. Ah'd put you in charge of team tree if ya'd let me, but every year, ya say--"

"I'm just a librarian," completed Twilight, fidgeting in place.

"A librarian that knows exactly where thin's need to be." She tapped Twilight on the snoot. "So get out there and get to sortin'!"

Moon nodded at the exchange. "I second Twilight's nomination for leader of this task." A third was shortcoming, the crowd becoming a chorus of cheers. They would give Twilight a chance at being the head organizer, seemingly ready to do so with or without her leave.

Thankfully, Twilight gave in. "All right, all right!" She waved her hooves flatly. "I'll do my best. I'll need you all to tell me what is left to be done, what is off track, and who's available to do it."

The activity shifted as ponies reported to Twilight. Ponyville would get its act together, with friendship, and the keen eye of a librarian keeping things from getting out of order.

Moon smiled, watching it. "I didn't find a place I belong." She looked aside at Applejack. "Have you any suggestions?"

"Hm." Applejack tapped at her chin softly. "Ya got a real precise way ah thinkin'. Reckon ya'd do real good with Twilight, makin' sure ponies keep to the orders she gives."

"Hm." Moon inclined her head slowly. "I will ask Twilight." And off she went. There was no Spike on her back, having fled off to other pursuits, as children are known to do.

Twilight perked her ears at Moon. "Moon Dancer, you want to help me?" She pointed at herself. "I'd be delighted to have a helping hoof. But that would be a waste of your talents." She waved the idea away. "You are very talented with magic. Stick to that. Study and use spells to keep ponies ahead of schedule."

Moon perked at that. "I would be delighted, but isn't that against tradition?"

Twilight waved it away. "I'm in charge, and I said it's alright, so..."

Moon nodded at that logic. "A new tradition is made." She trotted off, ready to employ her magic for the betterment of the effort.

21 - Family

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"Ah think ah got it."

Big Mac looked over at Applejack's declaring things. "What've ya got?"

"Mah feelings. Sorted, ah mean." She nodded firmly as she stood up. "Got it all straight."

"That's good." Big Mac moved to sit beside her. "Gonna share, or ya just like teasin'?"

Applejack prodded at her bigger brother, a happy smirk on her face. "Gettin' to it, promise! Now, don't know if ya know or not, but Twilight came up and asked if we could kiss, but not like sisters."

This got a blush out of Big Mac, somehow going even more red. "Nope."

"Yep, happened. Now, she was as confused as ah was. Still pretty sure somepony put her up fer it. Not even mad." She waved it off. "But ah've been thinkin', fer months."

Big Mac sat up tall at that in a jerk of a motion. "That lon'?!"

"This is serious!" Applejack thumped the soft ground, glaring at her brother. "And ah don't think ah want a mare, especially not Twilight. She's a great sister, but not what ah'd want from a girlfriend, which I don't think ah want at all."

Big Mac was silent for a moment, a trick he still had, even if not nearly as refined. "So... ya want a stallion then?"

It was Applejack's turn to darken. "Wouldn't mind a nice one... A hard workin' one! Like my brother." She placed a hoof on him. "Except not my brother."

"Aw shoot." He did not look that upset to be put out of the running. "Well, alright then. If ah run into any that look right, ah'll let ya know."

The siblings touched shoulders and met hooves, that all sorted out. "Whatcha talkin' 'bout?" A small pony had joined them, her ribbon bobbing in her little trot over. Apple Bloom was looking at them both curiously. "Can ah help?!"

Applejack broke into laughter at the idea. "This ain't somethin' ya can, but ah 'ppreciate the thought plenty." She hooked an arm around Apple Bloom, drawing her in for a hug. "Yer the best lil sis ah could ask fer!"

The Apple family had no doubts at that moment.

"You look upset." Moon raised a thick brow at Twilight. "It is an unusual look for you. May I be of assistance?"

"Oh, um... You wouldn't want to hear about this, I think." She worried her hooves together a moment. "Oh! I meant to say thank you. You two have been really going all out for me. I don't think the library's been this clean so consistently before."

"I appreciate your noticing." But Moon Dancer didn't look that proud. "You're avoiding the question. I've employed similar techniques before. Is it private?"

Twilight listed a little to the side. "A little bit. You remember, before... Did I mention? I had asked Applejack if she... wanted to try romance. She brushed me off. It's just, apparently, she's been actually thinking about it, a lot, for months..." She cycled her hooves in the air. "And decided she really likes me as a sister and friend, and not like a girlfriend."

Moon went still, words failing her.

"Moon Dancer?" Twilight poked the abruptly stiff mare. "You alright?"

"I don't know what to say." Moon inclined her head. "Putting this into priorities... I am sorry you were hurt by her decision. Can I help?"

Twilight let out a strained laugh. "Funny thing, but now I think I need a few months of considering. It's a funny thing, like I feel rejected, again, even though I already was. Nothing changed today, but feelings... they're like that."

Moon set a hoof on Twilight's side, but no words came. Her emotional vocabulary wasn't up to the task, so she just didn't even reach for it. And yet, a smile came from Twilight. Perhaps nothing had been exactly the right thing to say. Moon made a little mental note for the future. Sometimes, just shutting up was the correct course of action.

"Twilight, this will not do, darling." Rarity shook her head, eyeing the old dress hovering before her. "I will not have my friends going to the gala in this." She considered it a moment. "In fact... I can't allow this for any of you." She clopped her hooves. "So I'll fix it."

"Fix it? It's fine." Twilight waved at her old and plain dress. "Just needs a little touching up."

"Ha ha... No." Rarity shook her head firmly. "You sit back and let a professional handle this! I'll have darling dresses for you all!" She got to measuring Twilight from top to bottom, making notes of her findings. "We will be the belles of that ball, and they'll be talking about us for years!"

Twilight was just as suddenly shoved out of the store. "A-alright?" The door closed, a 'busy' sign hung from the doorknob. Creation was happening. "Well..." She could at least inform the other girls of what had happened. She went off to do that. Most were happy to get the news.

"Oh, that's very nice of her." Fluttershy rubbed at her cheek and fluttered her lashes with thought. "I hadn't even asked."

Applejack nodded proudly. "Shouldn't be too hard. Ah'm a classic country mare."

"Better show off how awesome I am." Rainbow pumped a hoof with a grin.

Pinkie bounced and giggled, which was her response to many things. "Can't wait to see it!"

It was Moon who was least prepared. "I usually just wear what the princess gives me to wear."

Rarity cocked a brow up at that response. "But you're not living with the princess, dear. Unless she's made plans, I imagine she plans you to select something this year." She tapped at her chin. "You go every year?"

"It is not optional." Moon nodded as if that was obvious. "She is my mentor." Her ears suddenly pricked. "However, you are a professional."

"Thank you." Rarity looked pleased at the statement. "But that--"

"I mean that I should trust your judgement." Moon turned to offer her profile. "Whatever dress you make, I feel certain it will be of sufficient quality. Thank you for offering your talents."

Rarity curled a hoof to her chin. "Hm. Ah! Do you have pictures of your old dresses? That'd give me a starting point. Failing that, tell me what your favorite things are. Is it magic? I think it's magic."

Moon inclined her head. "It is magic." Found out. "You have been paying attention." She glanced away and back. "It is also Twilight, though I am unsure how to make that a theme in a dress."

Rarity colored suddenly as she burst into a titter. "Oh my! Dear, making such confessions... I love it. Hm, I'll do what I can."

Applejack slid a small plate forward. "Go on."

The plate began to glow with magic as Twilight lifted it up to twirl slowly for her inspection. "Very nice, like it just came out of a book." She tapped at it once before daring a small bite. "Mmm! You've been practicing."

Applejack nodded with satisfaction. "The Gala keeps on gettin' closer, an' ah don't want to mess this up! Ah'll help, and learn. Come back twice the chef ah already am!"

Twilight poked lightly at her friend and sister. "I thought you were more of a rodeo pony than a chef?"

"Are ya sayin' ya can't be both?" Applejack raised a brow. "Different things at different times. Not like ya can even do rodeo most days anywho. But cookin'? Now that's everyday. Ya gotta eat. So if ah can put down some quality vittles fer my family, then ahm doin' somethin' right, near as ah can figure."

Twilight raised her hooves wardingly. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to chastise. I'm jealous, not naysaying. I'm just a librarian."

"You keep saying that." Applejack thumped Twilight on her rump, right where her books of a cutie mark was. "You are more than just that. Jus' like ah'm more than an apple." She gestured back at the three apples that adorned her side. "Ain't much about rodeo that involves apples, sugar cube, but wouldn't give that up now. Ya done help us 'round here all the time, but that ain't much a book thin', last ah checked."

"Books can help learn all kinds of apple farming tips," countered Twilight with a bright smile. "Which I am more than happy to bring to this table, especially if it means I get more Applejack treats." She took a fresh bite of Applejack's confection with obvious pleasure. "Mmm..."

"Did ya save some fer me?" There was Pear Butter, entering the room at a walking clip-clop. "Ah wanna taste!"

Applejack cut a fresh slice with a wide serving spatula she held in her mouth, allowing her to serve up a new small plate towards her mother. "Here ya are! Ah think ah'm gettin' the hang of it."

"Ah'll be the judge of that." Pear Butter sat at the table with a proper look about her, faked as it was. She took a small nibble, making quite the showing of sampling and judging it. "Hm. Hm... Ya sure yer usin' enough of the Prench Press?"

Applejack raised a brow high at that. "That's fer makin' drinks, mom."

"Oh." Her official look faded into giggles. "Right. Well, this tastes wonderful." She licked up some of the delicate frosting. "Can't believe my little girl went and made something so fancy like this." Pear looked at Twilight with sudden new judgement.

"Hm? Did I do something?" Twilight set down her mostly emptied plate.

Pear crossed her arms. "Jus' wonderin' what you'll be doin' at that fancy party. Applejack'll be workin'."

"Makin' us proud." Granny emerged from the stairs to join them.

Twilight beamed at the announcement. "Changed your mind?"

Granny snorted softly. "Not entirely, but if she's gonna do it, ah ain't gonna not support her. It's honest work, an' it's helpin' the farm. So..." She climbed up onto an available chair and sat. "So ah'm gonna try one of these fancy treats ah yers."

A plate was served with a smile. "Be real honest wit' me. Can't get better without feedback."

Granny took her turn, smacking her lips together with the taste of it. "Yer usin' a bit too much honey." She wobbled a hoof. "Makin' the taste off and thickenin' it right up."

Applejack recoiled. "Um, thanks! But... how do ya know that?"

Granny hiked a brow at Applejack. "Whippersnapper! Ah been cookin' before you were even a fond thought in her eyes." She thrust a hoof at Pear as if accusing her of something. "Ah got a trick or three up mah sleeve when it comes to makin' a sweet little treat. Now, ya asked for honest, and ya got it. Now what?"

"Now..." Applejack turned back to her ingredients, tapping at the floor as she did so. "Now ah try to do it again, but better!" And back to cooking she went, ready to incorporate the feedback she had gotten. "Thanks fer the tastin'."

Pear laughed, clapping as she did so. "She ain't lyin'. She's been servin' up tastiness in this house fer years now."

"And ah will for years more." Granny nodded with the confidence of a pony too stubborn to quit doing it. A smile came on her despite that. "Though it does sound like ah'll have more help around here wit' that. Just don't go thinkin' that gets you off yer other chores!"

Twilight giggled at the exchange. "Apples to the core, the lot of you." But suddenly she was grabbed, an arm around her by Pear.

"Don't act like that don't include you." She was hugging Twilight firmly with the one ensnaring arm. "Mah little bookworm of a niece. The right worm can give an apple some character."

Granny hiked a brow at that. "Ain't tryin' to eat no apples what got worms in it."

"Then we pluck it out." Pear Butter made the motion as if doing so. "But this worm's not gettin' tossed out. She's cute, and she's ours."

22 - Pretty Wrappers

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Twilight turned left and right before a mirror, considering her dress. "The stars are a little out of alignment."

"Could be cooler. Like... 20% cooler?" suggested Rainbow Dash.

Each mare had their requests on the first draft of their dress. Well, except Moon Dancer. "Thank you."

Rarity did not trust it. "You do not want any adjustments?"

"It fits." Moon Dancer trotted around the room as if to test that fit. "Thank you. Your skill as a tailor is more than adequate." She frowned, at herself? "I meant that as a compliment."

"Poor thing." Rarity was smiling though. "When somepony does something creative, and you like it, say it's 'fantastic' or 'great'. Adequate is basically never the right term to use on a creative endeavor."

Moon's expression brightened. "Thank you. But it isn't fantastic." That got a frown from Rarity. "For you," added Moon. "It is entirely expected, from you. You set a high bar of expectation."

Rarity laughed, her mood bouncing. "Ah ha, I see the problem. When judging a creative thing, like a dress, you should try to be more... objective than subjective. So if the dress is lovely compared to most other dresses, than it is fantastic, even if the pony that made it, me in this case, generally makes lovely dresses."

Moon bobbed her head. "I see!" She turned to Rarity directly. "Thank you, for explaining that. Most ponies assume I am being rude. I'm not trying to be. I appreciate you explaining that to me." What had seemed obvious to other ponies had not been to her. "I owe you a favor."

"You will pay that back by looking stunning at the gala in that." Rarity waved at Moon's dress. "Now take it off. I'll keep it safe and ready for the big night."

Rarity would go mad dealing with the rest of her friends, but that is a story you already know well. "One thing." She raised a hoof. "If the creative in question normally performs below the average, say, a beginner, then you should judge it based on their level. A little foal being told they drew something poorly is not going to be happy, or encouraged." She turned that hoof against her chin. "There really are more rules, when you stop to think about it."

"Somepony sees it," gushed Moon, grateful for a moment when somepony besides herself felt the weight of the thousand unspoken rules of society. "Alright, so... If they typically produce subpar, then judge them based on their usual level, and how much better or worse it is, compared to that. If they are above that level, then judge it based on its comparison to the base level?"

"Precisely that." Rarity nodded. "Now, it's quite possible for somepony to be both at the same time, and you should call that out. For example." Rarity waved at her dresses. "If I made something that was marvelous, even for me, you should point it out. You'll only make my day if you notice I outdid myself. On the other hoof, if I clearly failed to meet my usual rigor, even if it's still above the average, well, you should note that too. Gently if you would, but don't keep that a secret."

Moon was quiet and still, parsing through all of that with silent motions of her lips. "Is that why somepony would say ... I get it." A smile slowly spread, Moon brightening. "I understand. Thanks, Rarity. You've really helped me today."

"Fantastic, now, shoo." Rarity began nudging Moon towards the door, divested of her dress. "I have to finish the others."

Later, that same day, Moon nibbled on a sandwich. She eyed the creature that made it, Spike chomping on some jewels he clearly liked. "Spike." He looked up at her. "Your meal was... good."

Spike smiled at that. "Thanks. You don't usually, uh... You don't talk about how good the food is, usually."

"Sorry." She rubbed behind her head. "I was given some tips on how to do that properly. Your food is quite good, better than many. Fairly average, from you, but your average is high. You are a talented cook. Thank you."

Spike blinked softly. "Huh. Um, well, you're welcome!" He reached to pat the shoulder of his caretaker. "Gonna head out after lunch. I'll be back later."

"What are you doing?" Moon took a fresh bite, enjoying the taste of the daisies and the spices Spike had added.

"Just hanging out with a friend," he answered a little evasively. "No big deal. I'll be back."

"Diamond Tiara?" Moon entirely missed the evasion, but could guess what friend it might be. "Or Apple Bloom?"

"Uh, the first one," he admitted, blushing a little at being caught. "She, uh... wants to get me waxed." Being waxed for a dragon was a vastly different experience than for any species with hair, which he did not have.

To Moon's confusion. "You have no hair to remove."

"I... think it's more for the shine?" He really didn't sound very sure about the idea, but was also willing to go along with it. "So if I'm shiny later, you know why."

Moon smiled though. "So long as it doesn't harm you."

"So long as what doesn't harm who?" Twilight came in, several books floating next to her. "Oh, did I miss lunch?"

Spike hopped to his feet on the chair. "I can make up something for you real fast."

Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder, gently nudging him back down. "Thank you, Spike, but I can fix myself something. I was a little behind in organizing anyway." She waved a book held in her magic at Spike in demonstration. "No harm done. Now what's this about hurting things?"

Moon nodded towards Spike. "He's being waxed, but not for hair removal."

"That would be a challenge." Twilight looked over Spike, seeing not a hint of a hair to consider removing. "Why?"

"Diamond's idea. She, um... thinks it'll look good." He was rubbing his hands together bashfully. "It won't hurt to try."

Twilight raised a brow. "If you were a pony, I would argue that. Waxing a pony can, indeed, hurt to try." She leaned in closer to the young dragon. "But, for a dragon, it should be far less... dramatic. Either way, if it hurts and you want to stop, insist."

Moon clopped her hooves together in one firm strike. "Yes!" she blurted. "As Twilight said, be mindful of your own safety and comfort. I do not want you to be hurt."

"Me neither." Twilight patted the top of Spike gently. "But, other than that, have a good time."

So it was that Spike hurried off, his dish cleaned, to meet with the fillies. "Hey!" He waved at Diamond and Silver both. "This is the place?"

Diamond inclined her head at the spa. "The best place around for this kind of thing. Aloe and Lotus are professionals." She started leading the way inside. "They'll get us all looking great and feeling great at the same time."

Silver bumped into Spike with a giggle. "By the way, like, if you're worried, this is Diamond's treat."

Diamond snorted softly. "Way to take the spotlight, Silver. But yeah, this is on me." She looked over her shoulder. "Does Moon Dancer even give you an allowance?"

Spike began to color at that. "Y-yeah!" A fantastic sum, it wasn't. But it wasn't nothing. "How much is this? I'll he--"

Diamond whirled back on him, hoof going for his mouth. "Don't be rude, Spike. I already said I'm covering. It's my treat, that means I want to pay. Unless you have a good reason not to, accept a gift."

"R-right." He ducked around that potentially quieting hoof. "So how do we start?"

Diamond turned back around with a bright smile. "By walking up to the counter." Which she did with an energetic canter. "Hello, Aloe."

"Diamond Tiara," gushed the pony behind the counter. "And company." Her eyes went to Silver and Spike. "You're just on time, as usual. You are a client I can trust to be punctual, hm?"

"Of course." Diamond nodded, waving back at the others. "One deluxe for all of us, and I want him--" She was pointing at Spike specifically. "Waxed and shiny."

Aloe sat up a bit, considering Spike. "I apologize for asking, but I must. Did you speak to your parents about this?"

Diamond grumped, looking annoyed. Spike, on the other hoof, smiled. "I did, actually. Moon Dancer said it was alright."

"Fantastic," crooned Aloe. "Then I have no reason not to help you look your best. I confess, we have not waxed a dragon before. This will be interesting, but good."

Spike got to chat with the girls, but also gone over. His nails were filed and polished. He was massaged and they got to soak in the heat of the sauna. It was a fun day, spent with friends. But then the waxing...

Lotus was assigned to help Spike with that. "This will feel a little warm." She had a brush and a tub of the hot stuff. She needn't have worried, as Spike proved to be entirely resistant to that heat. She was able to wax him without him complaining a bit. "And now to remove."

Of course, on a pony, that was a part that involved pain, plucking hairs free. A dragon was a very different story. She wrenched the strips free, pulling away hidden dirt, but not a single hair. The dirt was not a living part of Spike. There was very little pain in the end, more little yelps from the sensation that was like someone was pulling at him, but not in any outrageous way.

"Hm." Lotus considered a moment. "The waxing is complete, but I feel..." She set her tools aside and walked off, just to return with a few new ones. "I should be more literal, yes?" So she waxed Spike a second time, not trying to pull or draw, instead getting him to shine brightly. "Clean and shine," she half-sang, admiring her own work. "Just as requested!"

Diamond looked over from where she was being tended to. "Looking good!" she called out, though remaining still for Aloe's attention. "That's the kind of shine I was hoping for."

Silver burst into giggles. "Wow! I never saw you so bright, Spike. You're, like, really pulling it off."

Spike gazed at himself in the mirror. So shiny! "Wow... Huh. Do you really like it?" He looked back to Diamond. "I feel... clean?"

"Because you are clean," advised Lotus. "We got right in there, hm, got all that out from between your scales. All clean." She clapped her hooves with a bright smile. "And now, you look your best!"

Spike turned left and right. "Huh... How often do you need to, uh, do that?"

Lotus curled a hoof to her chin. "That is actually being a good question. I am unsure. You are the first dragon, I did mention... Tell you what, because I want to know myself, would you stop by once a day until we know?" She leaned forward, hooves clasped under her chin. "As a reward, your next wax is free."

"Sold!" Spike knew a deal when he heard it. "I'll stop by after school, on the way home. "

Diamond slipped to the ground, all prettied up. "Now we look like a proper match." She threw a leg over Spike, drawing him closer by the shoulder. "Diamond Tiara and her sparkly dragon. Love it." She smooched his closer cheek, magically causing it to change colors before their eyes. Who knew an earth mare could cast spells, but she was somehow enchanting Spike's cheeks to become dark red. "Thanks for coming. I know a lot of ponies that would have wimped out.

Silver rolled her eyes at that. "Do you remember Featherweight?"

Diamond laughed and groaned at the same time. "He cried like a little baby. Not like our Spike, didn't even flinch."

Spike pondered exactly how different it was to be waxed, as a pony. It was, perhaps, good that he wasn't one of those, at least when it came to spa visits...

23 - Tea and Biscuits

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"See, no adventure." Velvet smiled brilliantly at her earth pony BFF. "I can take us out without adventure. Just us, some tea, and some tasty cookies." She lifted a cookie in her magic, hovering it towards Pear's snout. "You haven't tried one yet, so scrumptious."

"Ah, no..." She accepted the cookie, holding it just barely in her lips. "The cookie smells great. The tea too... It's... the setting that bothers me." She looked off to the side where their platform's edge was, a deep fall just beyond it. "How can anypony relax?"

"It's meditative," cried Velvet. "So long as we stay in balance, there isn't any problem." She waved between herself and Pear. "And we are super in balance. We're practically the definition of it."

Pear chewed at the cookie slowly. "Next time, I pick the destination."

Velvet's ears pricked, eyes shining. "You have a spot in mind? Sign me right up! Just us or is Night coming too? Tell me that in advance. You know he loves his schedules."

Pear laughed at the thought. "He surely does."

"You know him so well." Velvet sipped from her floating teacup. "Mmm. They only serve this up here; say only in the proper setting does the flavor come out fully."

"Is that so?" Pear set a hoof on her cup, her other joining it, cradling it as she brought it, shaking a little, towards her snout to take a sip. "Hm..."

"Is that a good hm?" Velvet was batting her lashes with a silly grin.

"It is." Pear took a second sip, savoring the flavor. Her shaking ebbing gently. "Relaxing... I just have to not think about the rest of it."

"Spike!" Diamond peeked around the corner of her own house. "I know you're here." She pushed a small table aside, but no Spike there. "Stop hiding." She marched across the hall to peek into a closet. No Spike there. "You don't have to be a baby about this."

She crossed her arms with a huff. "It's not a big deal. Ponies do it all the time."

She quirked an ear. "Ah ha..." She prowled quietly into the kitchen, setting her hooves down ever so carefully to not sound against the tiles as she crept up towards a cabinet. She could hear faint shuffling in it, then a thump. She pounced at it with a cry, throwing it open to reveal a terrified Spike. "There you are!"

Spike squeaked in dismay, but it turned into a strained laugh. "Ha ha... yep, found me... You're good at this."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Nice try. Now why are you hiding in the first place? Exchanging bracelets isn't even that big of a deal."

Spike emerged from the cabinet, no longer safely hidden. "Uh... when a stallion and a mare give each other jewels..."

Diamond burst into laughter. "Is that what you're thinking?" She thumped Spike in the center of the chest. "You can give, or get, jewels for a lot of reasons. If this were a wedding thing, you'd know it. Friendship bracelets is a whole other thing." She raised one hoof into view, unadorned with anything. "You are my boyfriend, last I checked, and I'm your girlfriend, so matching bracelets isn't strange."

Spike swallowed thickly, playing with the tip of his tail between nervous fingers. "Really? Um..." Also... "We are?! I mean... I thought I was..."

Diamond leaned in hard enough to crash her nose against his. "You made a proper request to my parents, they accepted. We're a thing, Spike. Until they, or I, call it off. Well, I guess you could too, but I doubt you would." She turned away, starting to march off. "Now c'mon! I want us to both pick the style we go with. It'll be more special."

Spike began to darken, hurrying after what was, officially, his girlfriend. "What, um, styles are there?"

"Now that's a better question!" Diamond's annoyance melted into a bright smile. "You're going to love this." She threw an arm over Spike, drawing him towards the ground even as she kept on going forward. "And we'll pick one that works for both of us, to show the world we're serious."

"Wow." He hadn't even known they were super serious. Clearly, they were. He was learning! "Alright." He reached for his pocket, only to feet her other hoof in the way. With the way she was positioned, she was practically hugging him. He laughed nervously on realizing.

"Do not reach for your coins," she sternly commanded. "This is my idea."

But Spike didn't just accept that. "If this is about us, together." He waggled a few fingers between himself and Diamond. "Then I have to help, so it comes from both of us."

"Hm." She released him and they walked side by side for a quiet moment, strolling through town. "Hm. You might have a point there, Spike." A rare admission from Diamond. "Let me see what you're putting in then, so I know what our budget is?"

Spike fished out his collection of bits in a bag, which Diamond was quick to snatch up. She weighed it with a jingling, her head bobbing up and down, ears dancing as she listened to the coins clattering against one another. "Huh, alright..." She gave the bag back. "All in?"

"All in!" However unsure he had been, he wouldn't go halfway on his own idea. "Let's get something great."

"That's the spirit." She gently brushed against him from the side.

They walked into the jewelry store where an older mare stood waiting. She smiled on seeing them. "Welcome!"

"Hey, Clarity Cut." Diamond nodded at the jeweler as if she had met them many times. "This is Spike, my boyfriend. We want to get a bracelet to show that off."

"Ooo." She clapped with a smile. "Young love, how delightful." She curled a hoof towards her chin, a thought clearly in her head, but not coming out of her lips. "What style were you thinking, or do you want to browse?"

"Browse." Diamond led the way to the showcase of dozens of different kinds of bracelets. "Now, this is an earth pony thing. At least, we started it. Pegasi don't like dangling bits while they're flying around." She moved her arms in pantomime of a superman-like flight. "Unicorns got a horn to put rings on." She pointed up at her head and lack of a horn. "You even have fingers. Could put a ring on those." She peered at his digits as if they had done something wrong a moment.

"But an earth pony," continued Spike. "Gets a bracelet."

"Exactly!" Diamond sat before the case, considering the collection. "Now, these days, all kinds of ponies enjoy a good bracelet. Any pony can wear a bracelet, and look good. They're easy to put on and take off, and tend to be more flexible in size too, so there's a lot of advantages really."

"Huh." Spike didn't expect to learn so much! "That's kind of cool. Even a dragon can wear a bracelet." He extended an arm, imagining the future bracelet on it. "A universal jewelry. Alright, so which one are we considering?" He went in for a better look. "I like that one." Pointing at a particular one. "It has the purple of your fur and those blue streaks like your eyes."

"Aw!" Diamond clapped her hooves together with a bright and cheerful giggle. "Spike! You dog!" She had no idea how true she might be at a later time. "You're making me blush." Her eyes darted over the case. "Got anything that looks like Spike?"

Clarity perked up, detecting that question was aimed at her. She examined Spike intently a moment. "Hm. One moment." And off into the back she went.

Spike laughed a little. "We're gonna wear each other? That's kinda cool."

"Very appropriate." Diamond nodded slowly. "You have a Diamond Tiara bracelet, and I'll have a Spike bracelet, so everypony knows exactly what's up." She puffed up her mane with a hoof, adjusting her tiara along the way. "Proper accessories are silent statements to the world."

"Huh." Spike considered the bracelet he had picked out. "It really is kinda nice." Ah ha! "But not as nice as the pony it takes after."

"Spike!" She pawed at him, laughing. "You are on fire today. Not literally, no fires!" Not that Spike was about to set anything on fire. "Smooth though."

"Here we are." There was Clarity Cut, a bracelet dangling from her right front hoof for just a moment longer before she set it on the display case. "How's that?"

Purple stones made up most of it, with green in two shades forming the underbelly and little bumps along the outside of the bracelet. "Just like him," she advised, inclining her head at Spike.

Diamond considered it gravely. "Hm. I'm trying it on." It wasn't a request. She was. Clarity didn't even try to stop her as she reached for it and soon had it drawn up over her left front leg, allowing her to wave that arm about, examining how it looked from different angles. "Hm... What do you think, Spike?" She thrust that hoof towards him.

Spike held up both hands as if to block the view of most of Diamond, just the bracelet. "Hm."

Diamond cocked a brow at that. "What are you doing, Spike?"

"Trying to get a good look at that without being distracted by the pony wearing it."

Diamond swatted him one across the top of the head. "Stop that! Nice and all, but we need the whole picture." She drew her hoof back, her entire self back even as she turned left and right. "I need to know how it works with me." She fanned herself lightly with her left hoof, wagging the bracelet in the process. "It doesn't matter much if one of us is shining if we don't shine together, Spike."

Spike noticed movement out of the corner of his eyes. Clarity was offering the other bracelet towards him. He got it on quickly and hurried up to Diamond, thrusting his arm next to hers. "Huh." The two, together for the first time, was weighed in his eyes. "I like how the purples are... how they work together."

Diamond raised her free hoof with a happy sigh. "It is kinda nice." Her eyes lifted to Clarity. "Alright, we'll take them. No objections?"

Spike shook his head quickly. "Nope!" He lifted his new bracelet back into view with its Diamond-like colors. "I never had one of these before... It's... It's nice."

"Are you crying?" Diamond pawed at spike, but it was a gentle motion, not a swat. "You baby." But she hugged him despite her words, firmly smooshing him. "You know we have to show them off now, right? They're a lousy statement if they don't get said."

"I, uh..." He curled his arm back into his view. "I thought you said they were silent."

"They are silent." Diamond nodded in agreement. "But we are not." She set her bracelet next to Spike's, arm to arm. "So let's show off a little. You are proud, aren't you? Of this, of me, of us?"

Spike took a step back. "Of course I am!" He raised his hands wardingly. "I'm just not, you know, used to... this?" And he suddenly had a Diamond on him, one arm around him. "I'm not complaining. It's just... new?"

"I get it." She squeezed him closer. "You really are a little kid sometimes. It's alright, your girl will set you straight, just follow my lead." She pushed him back, falling to all fours herself. "You are looking good, by the way. The bracelet totally works for you."

Spike colored brightly. "T-thanks! Yours too." Even if he had already said that. he thought? Had he? "It's really nice."

Diamond casually paid for both bracelets. A fact that Spike had forgotten all about. "Thanks for the help, Clarity. You are the best jewel in here."

Clarity laughed gently at the praise. "I hope you both enjoy them, Diamond. Do come back soon."

24 - High Swarm

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"You gotta help!" Pinkie was waving at Moon excitedly. "It's super important." She provided as little context as she had the first time.

"Hm?" Moon set her book aside. "I owe you. I am ready to repay that."

Pinkie looked mildly confused at the transactional nature of things. "You know those things Fluttershy is handing out?" Moon nodded slowly. "They're dangerous!"

Moon's glowing horn began plucking various books free. "I should have researched them. That was dumb of me, very foalish."

"No time for that." Pinkie swatted Moon's horn, disrupting her grip and causing a brief rain of books across the room. "I need these." She thrust a list of instruments at Moon. "Now!"

Moondancer simply nodded. "Please educate me after the emergency has passed." That didn't stop her from quickly gathering the books and setting them aside. Inconveniencing Twilight with a mess? No way. "Spike?"

Spike peeked out from the kitchen, chewing a sandwich. "What's up?"

"We require your help." Moon pointed to the list of instruments. "Let's get to work."

So all three of them go to work gathering what Pinkie wanted. Pinkie was glad for the help, but also curious. "You didn't get any of those? Everypony else was getting them by the barrel full."

Moon shook her head. "I forbade it. Strange creatures are usually trouble."

Spike pouted a bit. "Diamond would have loved getting one as a gift."

"That's a gift you don't want to give," laughed out Pinkie as they hurried about, gathering the supplies for what would, somehow, be the cure. "I was afraid nopony would listen to me at all! Glad you weren't busy."

"So long as we complete them by three, all is fine. Celestia is visiting." This fact did not seem to upset Moon much at all.

Pinkie was more than alarmed. "Don't you want to get ready for that?" She stood still as the others worked to outfit her with the instruments. "I'm really sorry if I'm crashing your day."

"Nah." Moon inclined her head as she got the banjo attached at the right angle. "Celestia is the princess. She does not require my help to visit a town. It will be nice to see her."

"All ready?" asked Spike, looking over the equipped Pinkie. "That's all the parts."

"Ready!" Pinkie played with an abundance of energy. She tooted and banged and made all kinds of ruckus as she marched through town, drawing the parasprites to her side to follow after her. They had devoured the food available to them, but the houses remained, and the fenceposts, and all the other, harder to replace, items.

Rarity watched Pinkie go by, leading the procession of little creatures. "Why do I feel like I missed something, dear?" But Pinkie could not give a reply, busily leading the march as she was.

Moon was following a short distance away, with Spike perched on her back. "I do not comprehend this, but I am glad to have assisted. I still want to know more about these creatures." She nodded to the line of bouncing things heading out of the town.

Pinkie succeeded at escorting the menace away. "Those things swarmed the rock farm before." She was squirming free of the outfit that drew them. "We didn't even have much to eat, but they were good at finding it. Once they get in, they're in... Unless you get them to go away."

"Which you did." Moon nodded, appreciating the logic of it. "I hope we have enough food leftover to entertain Celestia. That would be rude if we did not." She started back towards the town. "You are a font of unusual but useful knowledge, Pinkie."

"Thanks!" she sang out, bounding along with grand hops next to Moon. "I kept the Cakes from messing with them, so hopefully we can at least give Celestia some tasty treats!"

"That sounds... acceptable." Moon peeked over her shoulder. "What do you think?"

"Celestia loves baked goods," agreed Spike with a bobbing head. "We should be good if they didn't mess with Sugarcube Corner." It was one disaster that was neatly sidestepped.

"You gotta help me!" Apple Bloom had her hooves pressed together before the two mares. "Please, get me a cutie mark! Yer both great at magic, ya gotta be able to do somethin'!"

Twilight waved that away. "I'm just a librarian, and your mom... who is also my aunt--" She chuckled at that thought, still tickled by it. "--would kill me if I hurt you."

"I am not under this limitation," assured Moon. "Come with me."

"Wait!" But they were off on a quest, and Twilight's cry fell on deaf ears. "Hrm..."

Moon gathered all the books on the topic she could, making a small pile that she flipped through one by one rapidly. "And... here." She set out one book, pointing to the open page. "This says that we can manipulate the forces involved, but there are risks involved." She raised a big, bushy brow. "Nothing we can't handle."

"What kinda risks?" Apple Bloom raised a brow at the confident unicorn about to do something to her. "We talkin' a rash or somethin' a lot worse than that?"

Moon waved it away. "Nothing we can't handle with proper preparation. Speaking of..." She vanished with a magical pop, just to appear a moment later with a cup of something. "Drink."

Apple Bloom accepted the cup between her forehooves, sipping nervously. "Yer makin' me a little nervous... What is this? Tastes a little funny-like."

"That is to ensure your internal networks remain--"

"--Ya stop that right this instant." Standing in the doorway was an incensed new mare, Pear Butter. "Mah daughter ain't no experiment." She hurried up and grabbed Apple Bloom by the ear in her teeth, pulling her away from Moon Dancer. "And ah'll thank ya not to get her confused fer such!"

Moon inclined her head at the angry mother. "I was taking all due precautions for safety."

That got her booped casually. "There ain't such a thin' as 'due' precautions when it comes to somepony else's daughter! Double so if ya ain't talked to her." She curled around Apple Bloom protectively. "We Apples take our time finding our mark, but it's always a good one."

Apple Bloom sighed. That avenue denied to her, even if it was a little scary... "Can't she... try, a little?"

"She may not!" Pear Butter set a hoof down literally, glaring at her daughter. "Now shoo." She waved the child away, away from the unicorn that was entertaining her. "Ah'm just glad Twilight told me before she got hurt."

"She..." Moon had been ratted out. Twilight had never done that before. "That wasn't..."

Pear was starting to relax, her daughter removed from harm's way. "You should thank her! If ya went and hurt mah foal, I'd not have the words fer it... Ah'm pretty sure ah could never forgive you..."

Moon flinched back. Reading emotions was not her specialty, but it was hard to miss Pear's bursting anger. "I did not intend any harm."

"That is the only reason we're still talkin'." Pear let out a slow breath. "Yer a good pony, ya are. Ah know ya weren't trying' to hurt nopony... But that wouldn't make Apple Bloom, my dear little Apple Blossom, not hurt! There are some thin's ya just can't take back, 'specially if ya done choose to do it in the first place."

Moon danced from hoof to hoof in a slow motion, thoughts and emotions tumbling in her head. "I wanted to make her happy. She is clearly displeased by--"

"She will do that sometimes." Pear smiled gently at that, strained, but genuine. "Foals will be mighty displeased sometimes. Fer good reasons, fer poor reasons. It's up to us adults to figure which is which, and make it alright in the end." She cupped Moon's face between two hooves. "Ya wanted to help mah girl, 'ppreciate that', but there just ain't a shortcut for what she's dealin' with. She needs supportin' hooves, not shortcuts."

Part of Moon, a big part, wanted to wrench back away from those holding hooves. The energy coming from the agitated mother was intense, and she didn't... She didn't like intense emotions directed at her. "I'm sorry." A single tear escaped her. Was it for what she did wrong, or just the pain of being caught in Pear's grasp, she couldn't even properly say.

A kiss. Pear gently kissed the tear away. "Yer another foal of mine. Half the town is." She rolled her eyes. "Don't mean my children can't cause mischief for each other. Ah... Ah'm not even angry, Moon Dancer... Not anymore." Her anger was fading, perhaps at the sight of the distressed unicorn. "Just promise you'll check in with me before you go throwing easy solutions at any Apple."

"I promise," weakly got out Moon, defeated. Pear gave her a brief hug and left quietly.

Twilight peeked in from the hall, cringing. "You alright?"


Twilight approached on light and uncertain hooves. "Want to talk about it?"

"Why did you tell her?" Moon met Twilight's eyes. "That was... exceptionally unideal."

"It would have been a lot more 'unideal' if she learned after something wrong with Apple Bloom." Twilight sighed softly. "But I'm still sorry. I don't want you hurt, Moon Dancer."

"She was very loud." Moon pressed a hoof against her head as if to stave off a headache. "She was... angry. Did I err so greatly?"

"That's complicated." Twilight cycled her hooves. "It involved her daughter, which takes everything and multiplies it by... a thousand at least."

"A thousand." One could almost see Moon Dancer working out the actual math of that. "That is, indeed, a grave error then."

Twilight smiled at that. "Then you understand why she was upset?"

"I do." She lowered a hoof from her temple to her chin. "I did not realize the multiplier was so large. If I ever breed, will this occur to--"

Twilight was already shaking her head. "You have a child, Moon Dancer. If somepony threatened Spike, you would...?"

Moon Dancer puzzled through that, imagining it, and a frown came over her. "The last time Spike was threatened, it felt like... It was very illogical, but it felt like the world might end. I was so worried for him, even when I knew he was safe from harm."

"And that is exactly what Pear felt," assured Twilight in gentle tones. "Exactly that. Except this time, you're the cause."

"I made a big mistake." Moon flopped to the ground on her belly, suddenly boneless. "Did she feel as bad as I did?"

"Probably... But she's better now, having talked to you." Twilight directed a hoof at her defeated friend. "Because you know what you almost did and won't do it again, right?"

"Right." Moon slowly sat up. "Yes. Correct. Where did Apple Bloom go?"

Twilight's brows went up together. "Why? I thought we abandoned all those ideas."

Moon waved Twilight's notions aside. "She could be getting into other trouble. If she couldn't get the answer from me..."

Twilight shook her head. "Apple Bloom will find her own way, I'm certain of it." Neither would know until later, but that was the day Apple Bloom made some great friends, even if her quest for a cutie mark didn't slow down at all. At least it didn't involve asking an indulgent unicorn to zap her until something happened. "She's a resourceful filly."

"I would..." Moon slowed to a halt, a sharp frown forming as she hopped to her hooves. "Where is Spike? I have been lax in his upbringing. He could be getting into trouble, right now!" Perhaps inspired by how close Apple Bloom came to potential hazard, Moon marched off in search of her dragon ward.

Twilight shook her head slowly. "Never change." That was, itself, a contradictory statement. Moon Dancer was changing in all kinds of ways, good ways. She was growing as a pony, through challenges and hurdles. "I need to make my own decisions..."

25 - One Hoof Down

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"This'll be fun!" Twilight was dancing from hoof to hoof with a big smile. "It's different from Canterlot."

"Please explain this to me." Moon was watching Twilight intensely with Spike at her side. "How does it differ, and why are you so excited?" A thought came rushing at her. "Are you in charge of the activities?"

"I am not in charge, I promise. I'm just taking part." Twilight jogged in place. "And all we have to do is trot! Our collective stomping will get the leaves to come down and let winter start on time. Unlike Canterlot, they invited all members of Ponyville to take part, fast or slow."

"Ah, I see." Moon rubbed her chin softly in thought. "I am not a fast member."

"Neither am I." Twilight swatted Moon's back. "So want to race with me? We'll do some good, get some outside time, and have fun!"

Spike wagged a finger between the two. "Against each other?"

Twilight bopped Spike gently on the nose. "No, silly. We'll race side by side. I doubt either of us is fit enough to really race against anypony but our own expectations, and that's fun enough."

"I would be delighted." Moon turned to Spike. "Are you also taking part?"

"Actually, I am!" Spike looked perhaps more proud than he deserved to. "I'll be with Pinkie, giving the, uh, you know, when ponies shout at sporting things about what's going on?"

Twilight inclined her head. "Announcers?"

"That's it!" Spike snapped his fingers with the joy of having the answer. "But yeah, I'll be with Pinkie when the race happens. Speaking of that, I hear Rainbow and Applejack are really going to go at it this year. That should be fun!"

"Really?" Twilight began towards the door. "Be ready for the race, Moon. I'll meet you at the track." She left them behind on her trotting jog towards the Apple orchard.

She smiled at the children playing outside for lunch, but it wasn't time to deal with foals, however adorable their little learning minds happened to be.

There was a farm in her future! Twilight had slowed to a normal walk as she advanced out of the town proper into the boonies that held the farms, including the orchard of her favorite apple-themed family.

"Ayup." There was Big Mac, watching her placidly. He angled his head and tossed it.

That was more than enough of a hint. "Thank you, Big Mac."

"No problem." Big Mac got right back to stacking baskets of apples. "She's real worked up 'bout somethin'."

Twilight sped up towards where Big Mac pointed her towards. "I was afraid of that." She found Applejack kicking the apples out of a tree adeptly. "There you are."

"There ah am." Applejack inclined her head at Twilight. "Ya lookin' fer something'?"

"You, mostly." Twilight closed, and they met in a brief hug. "Are you and Rainbow fighting?"

Applejack winced softly. "Just a little tussle. One race." She raised a lone hoof. "Just one and we'll settle it! That pegasus thinks she's faster an' better than everypony else! I'll prove her wrong."

She rearranged her hat in a fidget. "Will ya be there? Ya usually try it, right?"

"I'll be there with Moon." Twilight smiled brightly. "We'll both do our part with an easy but even-paced run along the racecourse."

Applejack swatted at Twilight's side, forcing her to rock in place. "That's the spirit! We'll knock down all them leaves!"

"I'll do my best." Twilight inclined her head. "But your heavy hooves usually knock more leave down."

Applejack blushed darkly as she tried to hide behind her hat. "Callin' mah hooves heavy ain't as much a compliment as yer thinkin'."

"It is no joke that the apples are the fittest family." Twilight stood tall and proud. "So run down those leaves!"

"Ya got it." They met with a loud clop of hooves. "Now ah gotta get ready, so vamoose!"

"Alright, I'm getting." Twilight wandered away with a little smile, but didn't escape the orchard without having to deal with another apple.

"Howdy." There was Granny Apple, rocking in her chair. "Our little studious family 'member, ah'm told."

Twilight dipped her head at the family elder. "Nice to see you. I hope everything is alright?"

"'bout well as they could be." She tipped the hat she wasn't wearing. "Thanks fer droppin' the word 'bout little Apple Bloom. She woulda just lost it if anythin' happened to her, 'specially if it was somethin' she coulda stopped."

"A pleasure." Twilight took a few steps towards Granny smith. "Everything alright on that front now?"

"Right as rain!" Granny nodded as she leaned forward, her chair creaking in its tilt. "Apple Bloom went and found herself some good friends. They're off getting inta trouble, as little foals will do." She laughed at the imagined vision of little children's trouble. "Ain't much point in tryin' to stop that, but it's a far sight better than crazy unicorn magic from crazy unicorns."

"Ha ha... crazy unicorns." She might have been one of those. "Can't keep them under control."

"You said it!" She waved a hoof at Twilight. "She's a friend of yers, ain't she? Get her to calm down and stay away from our foals!"

"She's a mother herself. It was just a foalish mistake." Twilight tried a smile at Granny. "Surely you've made a few silly mistakes before?"

"Once or twice." Granny rubbed at her chin. "But ah got over it! Now, yer a unicorn too." She was leaning in and staring at Twilight with newfound intensity. "You know them better than we do. What kinda magic was she tryin' to spin on our little filly?"

"Nothing harmful!" Directly. Twilight smiled nervously at the elder pony. "She was just trying to encourage early cutie mark production. It likely would have failed."

Granny raised a dubious brow at Twilight. "Whattaya put the chances of that are? An' if it did...?"

"Then, likely—" Twilight cycled her hooves frantically. "Nothing would have happened, but the same disappointed Apple Bloom. Now, don't get me wrong. She was wrong to try that. Though it rattled her, she deserved the chewing out she got in response to it."

"And maybe a tannin'." Granny sat in her chair with a smug grin. "But she's an adult, can make up her own mind. Just keep an eye on her, would ya?"

"She'll be with me today, since you bring it up." Twilight strode in place. "We'll be doing the running of the leaves together! We'll march side by side to get in a good workout and do our part."

"Now that sounds fun." Granny clopped her hooves in applause. "You two knock 'em dead!"

"We'll do our best." Twilight twirled away from Granny and got moving. No further challenges kept her from fleeing away from the --

"Twilight." Thought too soon. There was Pear Butter trotting towards her. "If it ain't you." She made it to Twilight and hugged her tightly. "Mah favorite daughta from another motha." They pressed their snouts side by side. "Are ya racin' Applejack this year?"

Twilight burst into laughter. "I should dream so large, ma—er, mom! Aunt? Can I call you aunt?"

Pear inclined her head. "Mighty accurate, couldn't rightly complain about you using that. That don't answer the question."

"I am not racing Applejack anymore than is standard in any two racers of the running of the leaves." Twilight snorted gently at the idea being put in front of her. "Will you be in it?"

"'Course ah will be." Pear squeezed her captive niece with an arm. "Oh, suppose that means ah'll be racin' Applejack."

"That you will be." Twilight waggled a hoof at her aunt. "Are you ready? You know she'll run for all she's worth. You don't want her to think she's already gotten ahead of you."

"That can't happen!" Pear released Twilight and started marching away. "Ah'll be ready, just you wait and see!"

It was only then that Twilight got to escape the farm.

Bouncing from left hooves to right and starting again, Moon Dancer was doing her best to be ready. Just next to her, Twilight was engaging in a similar act of preparedness. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were egging each other on, but neither of them were paying much attention to those two.

Twilight pointed ahead. "If you just follow the crowd, that'll get you through."

"You mentioned there were signs posted?" Twilight nodded at the question. "Then there should be no difficulties." She looked ahead and up. "There's Spike."

Spike waved down at them from the ride he was getting with Pinkie. "Looks like the racers are getting ready to give us a proper show." He pretended to puff a cigar for official proper points.

"Rainbow Dash and Applejack are looking ready for a different kind of show." Pinkie leaned dangerously out of the balloon, requiring Spike to hold her from falling. "Let's see how this goes!"

With a pop of a gun, the racers took off. Some galloping with all their might with Rainbow Dash and Applejack racing to take the lead to start. Others were quite a bit slower, with the last place going to an elderly stallion limping along the best he could, but still taking part in the falling of the leaves as best he could.

Twilight came out at a light jog alongside Moon Dancer. "Slow and steady."

"Wins the race," completed Moon with a nod. "Shouldn't we try to go a little faster?" She looked ahead at most of the racers, zooming ahead of them as if there were a fire chasing them. "They will leave us entirely behind."

"I've seen this a few years." She nudged aside into Moon. "They'll run out of their first bout of speed and start falling to the wayside. Only those that pace..." She kept up her breath with a moment of shallow panting. "Only those who pace themselves can actually reach the finish line. Win or lose, we will trot over that finish line, and that's a prize all by itself."

"I see your goal." Moon sped up, but only to match Twilight's pace better. "We will win by completing the race, which many others will not do because of running themselves ragged at the start."

"Precisely!" Twilight threw her head forward. "The leaves deserve to be shaken all along the track, not just at the front and middle."

"Sensible." Moon looked far happier about her place in the trial. Even if others tried their best to come in first, she would, for sure, reach that end alongside Twilight. Besides, she was racing with Twilight. That had to count for something... "Since this is my first time racing... May I ask for a winning prize?"

"Hm?" Twilight veered a little with a cocked ear. "What sort of winning prize? Neither of us is likely to win."

"Not that prize. For completing the course." She trotted evenly, keeping her breath nice and stable with her steps. "If I finish the course with you, I demand... I request humbly..." She rethought that phrasing with no nudging required. "I ask that you allow me the chance to court you. You may find it is not in your interest, and that's alright." Moon came a little closer with an unsure smile. "But I'd like a chance."

Twilight went a bright red and silent for a time as they ran together across the crunchy ground of fallen leaves they were helping to make thicker. "I... You know, I don't... know how I feel about that."

"I am aware." Moon inclined her head. "You have the power in this relationship. If you inform me I have displeased or dissatisfied you, I will break it off on request and without consequence on your part."

"But you want a chance?" Twilight perked an ear. "You know, you may not finish."

"If this is the prize, I will finish." Moon Dancer's steps were certain in their falls. "Is it so?"

Twilight licked over her unsure lips. She had never dated anypony, of any gender. "Um..." But she was being asked. There was no avoiding it. "A-alright. But I want backsies. I don't want to lose you, Moon, as a friend."

"Deal." She lowered her head and focused on the run. She had a race to finish.

26 - To the Finish

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To call it a race would have been unfair. Moon and Twilight were running side by side. Their hooves struck the ground at about the same time as their heavy breaths reflected the effort they were putting in. They weren't ahead of the pack, but they had stopped being the last pony. That pony had fallen behind them, gulping for breath and out of the race in their frantic hurry.

Twilight hadn't given up. That Moon hadn't either was surprising. "You sure you can keep up? I don't want you being... hurt."

"I am proving my sincerity." Moon looked to the sky, where a balloon drifted with Pinkie and Spike. "I hope they are enjoying themselves."

"One of them is Pinkie." Twilight smiled despite her fatigue. "I can't imagine her not having a good time in the process. Spike's probably having a blast commenting with her. I just wish I could hear them."

"I can fix that." With her horn glowing, Moon conjured a hovering crystal that vibrating with the speech of a pony and a dragon from far away. It was like they had a radio connection to their friends as the commentary came down about the triumphs and failures of the racers.

"Excellent idea." Twilight veered to be closer to the sounds. "Why didn't I think of that?! Good work, Moon Dancer."

Moon smiled gently at the praise. She had done well, and at magic, of all things. That it had earned her praise from Twilight just proved that they well timed it. "I will keep the spell going until you tire of it."

They were trotting, neither galloping nor walking. Some said trotting was the gait that equines could naturally keep up the longest, but it required patience and stamina, like any other gait, to get right and to keep up. Moon could feel her body's complaints. A trotting jog was not at all the same as lying somewhere and reading.

It was not the same as standing somewhere while reading or practicing magic either, or walking and enjoying a book. It was a lot more effort than Moon was used to putting out, and her legs were sore in complaint. All she had to do was pull to the side and lie down. Nothing was forcing her onward.

But, if she did that, she would forsake her chance to be with Twilight. It could all go wrong anyway, but she wouldn't even get the chance. She couldn't give up, even if the aches were getting worse with each few steps. To Twilight's credit, though she was already due so much, the pace the librarian had chosen was a good one. Moon didn't feel herself tiring rapidly. She could regain most of her breath with intentional ragged gasps of air.

"Are you alright?" It shouldn't have been surprising that Twilight, of all ponies, would notice her discomfort. "I know this is the first time you've done the Falling of the Leaves. Do you want to call it even here?" Twilight angled her head at the broad space to the right. "Nopony will yell at you, promise."

Even if nopony chastised her, Moon knew what she would lose. She would chastise herself quite well. "I can continue." She brought the radio closer to Twilight. "Besides, who will hold this?" This ignored that Twilight could cast the same spell, reminded it existed. "I'm not giving up."

Rainbow Dash crashed in front of them to their mutual shock. The radio fizzled away with the surprise. Twilight trotted right around Rainbow. "This isn't a race, Rainbow."

"Yeah, not a race." Moon caught up with Twilight, glad for that moment's pause. She would keep up! It was to no great surprise that Rainbow raced past them on whatever quest she had in mind. Beating Rainbow Dash wasn't her goal. She just had to march at Twilight's side to the end. "Are we close?"

Twilight leaned up for a better look. "At least fifteen minutes to go." At Moon's suffering sigh, Twilight perked an ear. "That didn't sound good."

"I'm fine!" Her legs were objecting to the continued movement, but Moon was marching despite that. "Oh, let me get this going." She tuned the radio in with her magic. Keeping it up and ready was a welcome bit of distraction. "It does sound like Spike is having a good time."

"It really does." Did Twilight not tire? She didn't look worn out at all from all the trotting. She was smiling at the radio instead, despite her heavy breathing. "I am glad you brought him with you."

Moon lost track of her suffering for a moment. "Why is that?" Curiosity was a powerful drug that carried her away. "You missed him?"

"That, without a doubt." Twilight nodded gently. "But he's also grown so much, and I got to see it! I'm not sure how he would have grown in Canterlot, with your best wishes. Out here he's had his first... two loves, and first rejection." She colored softly at that. "Sorry for being that one... But it was a growing experience. I'm very glad he found somepony far closer to his age, and they are so adorable together."

"They really are. I just wonder if a dragon and a pony won't prove to be problematic as they mature together." Moon perked an ear at Twilight. "Though you are at a dramatically different developmental stage, at least I could be sure you would treat him caringly."

Twilight burst into merry laughter. "Here I was thinking you'd bring up the differences in pony and dragon biology." She perked an ear at Moon. "There are many. You've read them, haven't you?"

Moon colored softly. "Of course... How... Oh... Of course." It was at that moment the realization dawned on Moon of how a dragon and a pony might find difficulties. "If they liked each other sufficiently, I feel confident they would figure out a way around that." She coughed into a raised hoof. "With slow, measured steps taken with love."

Twilight colored softly on her own, glancing away. "Like two mares?"

"Yes, pre... wait." Moon frowned softly. "You are not incorrect, but two mares are far more... Are you making fun of me?"

Twilight's eyes returned to watching where she was going. "To be honest, I don't know. I've... never been with a pony. Have you?"

"No!" It came out as an angry denial, but she couldn't stay angry for long. "I haven't... But that is what slow steps are for."

"Taken with love," finished Twilight with a gentle smile. "You are a shut in, Moon Dancer."

"You take that back." Moon closed in from the side with Twilight. "I am learning all manners of socialization techniques!"

"Most don't need to call them that." Twilight waggled a hoof. "I used to be like you, Moon. But my adopted sister broke me out of a lot of those patterns. Oh! I wonder how she's doing." Twilight looked around for a hint of any Apples, but none were immediately around the two steady trotters. "I'm sure I'll find out as soon as we're done. Bet she'll be waiting for us both." Twilight chuckled at the imagined scene. "She'll be laughing that she beat us both."

The two laughed, easily sharing how that'd turn out. "Do you think her mother would be involved?" Moon inclined her head. "She is also in this race, is she not?"

"She is, ahead of us, likely." Twilight didn't see Pear Butter on a quick sweep, but there were so many other ponies involved. "She said she'd be ready."

Nothing impeded their jog, even if Moon's legs hurt a little more with each minute that passed. She wanted to stop, but she couldn't. There was no time to stop before she got to the end and proved worthy of that chance. "Twilight?"


"I would like to get a treat." Moon inclined her head faintly away from Twilight. "Something you like. It does not have to involve me if you prefer."

"Something by myself?" Twilight considered that a quiet moment. "I suppose a new telescope would be lovely. I bought the one I use now years ago. It gets the job done, but it's far from the best."

"Hm." Moon lifted an ear. "I read that it's bad manners and a sign of an unbalanced power dynamic to win favor entirely through monetary gifts, but I also like observing the night sky." Moon danced a little closer to Twilight. "If I got a better telescope, I wouldn't mind lending it for your use."

Twilight rolled her eyes at the offer. "That isn't much better. Get it because you want it, or just give it to me with no expectations." She stuck out her tongue. "That's the only way out."

"Huh." Considering that took her mind off more immediate things. The relief was slight but welcomed as they drew closer to the finish line. "There are fewer ponies than I expected. There's Pear Butter."

Twilight smiled at the matron. "Good to see she put in a good run. As I told you, most of the ponies involved have given up." She gestured to the fallen ponies on either side of them, wheezing and exhausted. "Slow but steady wins this race."

Moon trotted past the fallen warriors, feeling a little better for getting past, oh. She staggered, her limbs refusing to work the way they had all that time. She tripped over one of her own hooves and crashed to the ground. "N-no!" Smashing to the ground brought things to a new and painful height. It was like stopping there reminded her how far she had gotten without preparing for it. "No!"

"Moon..." Twilight had stopped and reached out a hoof. "I'll help."

"No!" moon winced back away from the hoof. "I have to make it myself, to get my chance, and to prove to you I mean it." But everything hurt, and refused to move. She was stuck in place.

"Would you want to chase me if I didn't care what you already went through?"

Moon gazed at Twilight through her tears, unsure and confused, but... "No..." She would not want a pony that was so thoughtless of her efforts. "But I said..."

"You say a lot of things." Twilight offered her hoof anew. "And I'm saying, right now, that I will help you cross that finish line."

Twilight got under Moon, her horn glowing as they staggered across that finish line. They took fifth and sixth place with cheering for coming in at all. Pear Butter was on them with a whooping call. "You did it! Both of ya! Now... Where is my daughter at?" Applejack wasn't there, and neither was Rainbow... Ah. The two came in after some other ponies. They were the last to cross the line to Pear Butter's frowning sight.

"Applejack Apple!" It was a bad sign when a mother used a full name on a pony, especially with that scowl. "There ain't no reason for you to be that late." She was on Applejack and Rainbow Dash, capturing either with a hoof. "You two--"

"Ahem." Celestia was there with a gentle smile. "Before you get too angry with them, there are a few trees that are still heavy with leaves. Perhaps they could help?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wider. "Princess Celestia?!"

"Autumn is one of my favorite seasons." Celestia dipped her head at the last ponies as she pointed. "Could you get the leaves off those trees?"

Applejack snapped a quick salute. "As you command!" She raced off with Rainbow shortly behind her. Shaking those last few trees clean seemed like a lot more fun than dealing with an irate parent.

Celestia turned to Pear Butter. "I don't mean to interrupt any mother. It is your right to chastise your child, of course."

"Ma'am." Pear Butter dipped her front at the ruler of the lands. "Thank you, um, but I am surprised to see you here."

Celestia nodded towards the still hurting Moon Dancer. "I heard my student was racing and had to see for myself."

27 - Carefully Applied Scientific Theory

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Greetings Princess Celestia,

I am very sore, but you are aware of that. It was good to see you in person. I don't get to do that very often.

I earned something precious today and failed at the same time. In the process, I learned that sometimes just putting in a good faith effort suffices to prove one's sincerity. I also re-learned that Twilight is a good pony. Speaking of her, I am now courting her. If you have any objections to this, please inform me at your earliest convenience.

Not that Moon Dancer wanted her to object. She rubbed at her cheek with a hoof, wondering that, but she had to. Princess Celestia was the princess and her tutor. She deserved, at the least, the right to complain about her decisions. She would give the reasoning all proper weight and consideration, if any came.

I also, by technicality and the kind act of a friend, completed the Running of the Leaves. I will try to be in better shape by the time the next arrives so that I do not require help to finish the track.

Working Diligently,
Moon Dancer

"What'd you need?" There was Pinkie with a big grin, not paying much attention to the letter being whisked away on Spike's breath.

Moon turned stiffly to face her. "I wanted to set an appointment. We are past due to examine your curious abilities. If you allow me, I'd like to come to a better understanding of their function."

"That's just Pinkie being... Pinkie." Twilight rolled her eyes from where she sat, probably not sore at all. "I think she makes half of it up."

Moon looked over the earth pony. "The evidence you have presented so far is enough to assume that some of it must be valid. Do you have any objections?"

Pinkie shook her head quickly. "Nope! Not sure if you'll learn anything, but you're welcome to try." She came in, nose to nose with Moon Dancer. "Braver ponies than you have tried to grapple with Pie Magic!"

Moon smiled gently at that. "Your challenge is duly accepted. I would like to not be sore when we begin. Let us start in... a week?"

"Oki Doki Loki!" Pinkie was bouncing away towards whatever business she had in mind. "See you then!"

Twilight reached for Moon. "I don't know why you're giving that time. It's best to just... let her be." Twilight sighed softly, if loudly. "I don't understand her."

"Which is all the more reason to examine her." Moon clapped her hooves with a growing smile. "I will start at the beginning and attempt to learn what triggers her and work up from there. She appears to be truthful from what I have seen, even when she doesn't appear to make sense. She understands things on an intuitive level that escapes me. I will enhance my understanding to match."

"Better you than me." Twilight started for the kitchen. "I'm going to get some tea. Want some?"

"That would be lovely." Moon watched her go before tensing. Was that a romantic gesture?! They were a thing, so it could have been. She wasn't sure! With a pop, a book appeared in front of her eyes as she scanned it manically. "The answer must--"

Spike set a hand against her. "Calm down."

Moon looked down at him with clear confusion. "How can I be calm right now?"

"Hey, been there." He fired double finger guns in her direction. "But, so far, you kinda have to let these things happen." He shrugged softly. "She likes you, so far I know... Cheater."

"Cheater?!" Moon's ears pricked up tall. "In what way did I cheat?"

"You're just old enough." He crossed his arms over his chest. "So you have a chance with her. Cheater."

Moon's confusion eased as she offered a hoof towards him. "Sorry about that. How are you doing with the mare you do have?"

Spike accepted the hoof and was gently hugged as a result. "We're getting along just fine. I don't always understand why she... does what she does? I mean, you're a mare too, but she doesn't act like you all the time. She acts like, well... her, and that's different, and confusing. Learning is half the fun, I guess."

"Half the fun." Moon inclined her head at Spike. "That is exactly how I looked at approaching the Pie Quandary, but perhaps I should consider Twilight the same way."

"Exactly! Gonna go hang out." Not with her, clearly. Spike was strolling for the door with confidence. "I'll be back for dinner."

Twilight returned with two teacups floating and a kettle coming on her other side. "Is that Spike? He going to hang out with the fillies?"

Moon recoiled, surprised by Twilight's return. "Oh, um... probably..." She reached out two hooves to accept her given cup. "Thank you. This is exactly what I needed."

"Me too." Twilight poured them both some steaming tea and set the kettle aside. "Drink up and relax. Only time will fix all of that."

"Incorrect." Moon wagged a hoof at Twilight. "I must put in some additional effort into physical activity so I can do that without suffering such injuries."

"Not wrong --" Twilight sipped from her tea with a satisfied sigh. "-- But for now, you need to relax and heal. Only after you heal can you start preparing for next year."

Things quieted as Twilight went about her work, which Moon was forbidden from. "Just relax." Despite doing the same run, Twilight was ready to get books put back in their place, give them to wanting ponies, and accept returned books with the same eager smile. The trot had taken nothing out of her.

Moon Dancer was a little jealous, but turned that emotion aside. "I will improve." She promised to herself that the next year would be different. "Oh! Twilight?"

"Hm?" Twilight looked over from her counter where she was stacking books. "Hungry?"

"Only mildly. I was more curious about our new status. As your girlfriend, what does that entitle me to? That goes both ways, you being mine." Moon nodded with agreement with her own thoughts. "We share rights and requirements. Please inform me of them."

Twilight inclined her head at her fellow unicorn. "Moon... Didn't you know some of that when you went chasing after it, or why did you chase it?"

Moon blushed warmly as she tried to brush away the appearance of it. "I know I like you, Twilight. I would like more of that. Outside that, the specifics elude me. Special someponies kiss, do they not? May I kiss you?"

"You may." Twilight smiled as Moon perked up. "But that permission only works once. You can ask in a lot of ways, I know from watching my parents."

Moon thumped down a hoof. "Your parents! Of course! They are an invaluable source of courtship information. Please share." Still, permission was permission. She trotted up to twilight's side and smooched her cheek with a little nuzzle snuck in without asking. "That was... lovely." She had selected correctly in her girlfriend.

Twilight joined Moon in her blush. Still... It had been nice, and she wasn't repulsed or frightened. It was a kiss, from a pony she liked. Maybe being a girlfriend wouldn't be all bad? "I learned a lot from them, though they were a more classical 'mare meets stallion' sort of arrangement. We will have to... puzzle through the mare things on our own."

"It shouldn't be that different, other than breeding." Moon inclined her head. "We cannot do that, barring magical solutions."

Twilight perked at that. "What?"

"What?" Moon inclined her head the other way. "We are both advanced magic users. This is not a problem we cannot overcome if we decide we want to."

Twilight raised a hoof to cough into. "That is a topic for far beyond courtship! At our current... relationship level, it is our mutual goal to learn more about the other, learn where we fit together, and where work is required. Ideally, we should not try to transform the other member, but instead adjust ourselves to fit them better. If that is too far an adjustment, then perhaps we selected poorly."

Moon nodded even as she leaned forward. "This is logical. I am aware of most visible interactions." She circled around Twi on the way past her at a slow pace. "I will endeavor to do my part in making this union a success. Speaking of that." She turned back towards Twilight with a bright smile. "I would like to take you out to an activity. Preferably something that does not involve much movement. I am to remain still, at your order."

"At my order." Twilight chuckled at her words turned right back on her. "Do you like music? There's a local philharmonic that's just delightful."

Moon leaned forward. "No, but I would like to be with you enough to cultivate my appreciation for that activity."

Twilight's ears danced. "Wow! That was... way more honest than I was expecting. Seriously, if it isn't your thing, I don't mind finding something else to do."

Moon shook her head. "You said that I should not transform you." She turned a hoof on herself. "So I am adapting. Some activities you prefer will not be immediately what I desire, but I can learn and adjust. What sort of music do thay play?"

"Classical." Twilight quirked a smile. "If you want house music, that's a different pony. Quite lively, but a different pony than what I thought of to start."

"Which do you prefer?" Moon came closer on slow hooves. "Classical has a complex beat with rising and falling beats." A pause came over her. "So does house, come to think of it. Is this a common point of music? I never considered that."

"You're already learning." Twilight did not ask, just touching noses with Moon as she went by. "Learn and adapt. But the last part is just as important. You should not let me push you where you don't want to be. No pony is worth losing sight of yourself."

Moon smiled gently at the contact with clear approval. "I doubt you could do much that would make me that uncomfortable. I do not know the local philharmonic. Would it be rude of me to ask you to arrange that?"

"I will do it with pleasure!" Twilight willed a quill over. "But I will borrow your bit bag."

"Of course." Moon rubbed at her cheek. "I can't imagine a private concert is free, or cheap."

"Private?" The quill stopped dancing in surprise. "I was planning on taking you to a public performance. We'll enjoy their show with other ponies."

"Oh!" That changed things a little. "Oh. Is it still... Are we still dating?"

"Of course." Twilight nudged at the confused mare. "I'll sit next to you. We'll share some drinks and enjoy the music, together. There will be other company to applaud with, but most of them will be in groups too, of friends and special someponies. Oh! We should see if Spike and his friend want to come along."

"Genius." Moon Dancer smiled at Twilight's logic. "Then we can enjoy ourselves and monitor their behavior at the same time. Do you think they will favor it? We could insist that Spike has to come."

"We could... But let's just invite them, without pressure. If they come, great. If they don't, also fine. We don't want to be 'those' kinds of parents, do we?"

"I suppose not?" Moon was not entirely sure, clearly. "Let me know when and where I need to be and I will be there."

"I will tell you when." She tapped Moon's nose with the flat of her hoof. "But I'll walk you there, so 'where' will not be required. If Spike wants to come, we'll all go together. I'll get him and his plus one their own seats... within view of us."

Moon Dancer clapped her hooves in giddy anticipation. That night would be fun, and educational.

28 - Pinkie Sense

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Pinkie Pie had arrived as promised, but she was wearing a colorful umbrella on her head and was looking around nervously as if something might happen at any moment.

Moon Dancer squinted at the sight. "I will take all proper safety precautions. We can go over the checklist together." A pad floated closer with a list of things any proper scientist needed to go over when performing such measurements.

"It's not you." Pinkie pushed the board down as she glanced around. "My tail's twitching! That means something is about to fall, maybe lots of things. I'm never sure..."

Moon threw out a hoof, grabbing a measuring collander of a device to get on Pinkie. "You didn't tell me we'd already begun!" In the hurry, she let go of it too quickly, and it bounced off Pinkie's umbrella to clatter to the floor.

"Huh..." Pinkie held her tail gently. "It stopped. I guess that was it."

Moon crossed her arms. "I was unable to gather any measurements. That was inconclusive by far. You made me move haphazardly, which resulted in the falling you 'predicted'. Please remove that umbrella." She wobbled her hoof at the colorful headware. "I can't get this on you with it in the way." She grabbed her measuring cap with her magic. "Let's get you under observation before we properly begin."

Pinkie pulled her protective shield free to have it replaced with a blinking collander. "This looks funny."

"It is unusual in appearance." Moon was carefully inspecting the connections and the larger device it all went to. She peered over the lines. "Alright, let's get a base. You are not feeling any predictive hints of any kind right now?"

Pinkie leaned forward slowly. "Are you gonna prove it's real?"


Pinkie blinked at that simple answer. "You already think it's fake?"

"No." Moon ran a hoof over the lines that spat out. "Why would I think that?"

Pinkie pointed upwards. "Twilight never believes me. It's just 'Pinkie being Pinkie'." She exhaled. "I try not to let it show, but that hurts a little."

Moon paused in her work, considering her test subject. "I am not Twilight... Though I feel... strongly towards her, we remain two different ponies. You have presented me enough evidence to not dismiss your claims out of hoof. Something is happening. The question is what, and why, and if we can measure it. I am hoping we can get all three of those answers. Now, you are not feeling any predictive stimuli?"

Pinkie smiled gently at that, quiet a moment. "I'm feeling... seen... But no, no predictive whatevers."

"I hope I see you." She poked at the side of her head. "My eyes are operational and in good working order. Let us continue!" Moon sounded excited at that last part. "Now, tell me when and if your tail begins to twitch."

"Nothing... Nothing..." Pinkie tilted her head. "Wait, there was a little, a tremble?"

"Fascinating." Moon made a mark on the paper. "You can predict when I consider dropping something myself. This deserves proving. Spike!"

"Hey." He poked his head in from upstairs. "Woah." He could see Pinkie all prepared for science. "Am I interrupting?"

"Yes, but I requested it." Moon pointed at where Spike was. "Do not move. Without telling us, begin considering dropping something in the room. If not told otherwise, you may inform us a minute after that event."

"Oh, uh... alright..." He looked around for something that'd be good for dropping. Moon Dancer? She would be hard to pick up, let alone drop. Oh, the quill she was working with would drop pretty well!

"Twitcha twitch!" Pinkie's tail shuddered and jumped behind her. "And it's gone."

Moon inclined her head. "Spike, were you focused on dropping something?"

"Uh... I was just thinking your quill would be safe to drop. Nothing would get hurt if I did that."

"Fascinating." She took a note with that same quill, marking where it happened on the lines. "We're already making progress! Your mind seems to react... I can't say why." She reached for the cap and soon had it on her own head. "Spike, repeat the thought without informing me." Moon Dancer's head was on the chart with a singular focus.

"Uh..." He considered the quill and its dropping. The machine was also a valid dropping target. He could knock it over and it'd make a big noise, but also probably beak? He shouldn't do that. Yeah, the quill..."

"Twitch?" Pinkie barely got a sensation. "This isn't nearly as certain as I was when I first came over."

"This isn't nearly as certain," repeated Moon Dancer. "You are reacting to thoughts, and not even certain thoughts. It's amazing you're reacting at all." She pawed at the papers. "And I'm not. Look here." She trailed her hoof along the straight line. "Spike had his thought, you reacted again, but mine, nothing happened." She ran quickly back to when it was on Pinkie's head. "When you react, it's a sharp jump, right here." She tapped with a big smile. "Something is happening. I can't say what... But I'm feeling increasingly certain. This is proof."

"Excuse me." Twilight stepped around Spike carefully. "Are you done looking at the impossible?"

Moon pointed at her squiggles. "The impossible is simply what we do not yet understand."

Pinkie clopped a hoof to her head. "I didn't see this coming! Normally my back gets all itchy when it's my lucky day, and this qualifies. I wonder what went wrong..." She couldn't know things were not quite right around her. "See, told you, Twi! I wasn't just making it up."

"We need more evidence." Moon poked at the paper. "The more we have, the better the paper I can write and the more attention it will attract. Maybe Princess Celestia will make this a formal assignment." As happy as Pinkie was, Moon was grinning with the hope that she'd get a new task officially set at her hooves. "What are your other stimuli?"

"Well, let's see..." Pinkie considered with a slow tapping. "There's a big list of little things..."

"Here we go." Twilight walked past them all towards a bookcase and began to pluck things from it with her magic. "Moon, I expected better from you. Playing with things you... Just let Pinkie be Pinkie."

"I will not cease in my search of knowledge." Moon nodded at Pinkie. "Please proceed. I am listening. Twilight, I will speak to you later."

Twilight felt suddenly dismissed. In her own home! Hmph... "Good luck then." She marched up past Spike, vanishing onto the first floor to take care of her own duties. "Don't blame me if you get hurt."

"When my back is itchy, it means it's my lucky day, I mentioned that already." Pinkie was pointing at her back. "And, when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary's about to happen. Glad that's not happening, though a good scare can be fun at times."

Moon shook her head. "Scares are not fun."

"Gonna agree with Moon Dancer on that." Spike nodded slowly. "Avoiding scares is generally the idea."

Pinkie stuck out her tongue in a ripe raspberry, but went right on, "When my shoulder's achy, that means there's an alligator in the tub!"

Moon blinked softly. "Does that happen often?"

"More often than you'd think." rubbed at her shoulder. "It's a little stingy right now actually." She looked around, but saw no tub for an alligator to be in. "Huh... Well, I have a pet alligator. His name is Gummy and he's great!"

"I would like to meet them, but they are not related to thi--" A piercing scream came from above. "What?" Moon willed the cap off Pinkie and they all ran up the stairs, following Spike at the lead. The library itself was empty. The sign on the door read 'Open', but that was facing inside, which meant the library was actually closed. They could see the books Twilight had taken were there, on the return shelf. All but one of them.

A shriek of dismay reached them from further upstairs. "This way!" Spike hurried up the steps. "Is that you, Twilight?! We're here to help!"

They arrived to find Twilight backed up against a wall, dripping wet. Coming towards her with slow, plodding steps from her bathtub was a fearsome and horrifying little alligator with no teeth. "Gummy!" Pinkie burst past the surprised Spike to grab up her pet in a warm hug. "When did you get here? Silly thing!"

Twilight sagged in place. "That's yours?" Her horn glowed as she picked up her abandoned book, the missing of the set, and put it carefully on the counter. "It was in my tub!"

"Sorry about that." Pinkie was being chomped in energetic bites from Gummy that had entirely no effect on her. "He wouldn't hurt anypony, promise."

"I didn't know that!" Twilight circled widely around Pinkie back towards her tub. "Now... I'd like to finish, so... begone." She shooed her rescuers away. "By Celestia..."

Moon coughed nervously. "Sorry for bothering you, Twilight. Let's go." She led the way back down stairs. "That was embarassing..." She considered a moment. "But it is evidence. You could not have known when Gummy would appear in Twilight's tub, even if you did bring him here." She tapped at the wooden floor. "When he would have encountered Twilight was effectively random, but you predicted it." She looked Pinkie over from top to bottom from where she stood. "You seem able to... You have some fashion of predictive ability. I couldn't say where it comes from, but it's difficult to argue with the results."

Spike hiked a thumb at the door leading outside. "Do you need me for anything?"

"I was hoping you could assist in further experiments. It's a shame we only have one tub..." Moon frowned with thought. "We could see if introducing Gummy when you couldn't see him would reliably trigger that reaction. Does a pony need to be present at the time?"

Pinkie was descending into the basement, Gummy on her back. "Yep! There's no alligator in 'your' tub if you aren't there. They could come and go all day when you're not there and who'd even notice?!" She pffted at the idea as she hopped down to the basement floor. "Besides, then it might go off all the time and that'd be really annoying."

"Hm." Moon descended to join her. "Logical... but we'll have to wait for Twilight to finish before we can test the limits of that. Pinkie, have you attempted to determine the limits of this sense?"

Pinkie shook her head quickly. "Nope. It just comes, and I pay attention. I never tried to be all... science-stuff about it." She poked at Moon gently. "Twilight likes being that way, but she doesn't believe in it, in me."

Moon considered that. "She wants things she can explain the origin of, which I cannot with this. That is frustrating, but I would like to know more. Spike, can you take down a letter?"

"On it!" Out came a quill and a paper.

Greetings Princess Celestia,

There are some things that defy straightforward explanation. I have had it made clear to me that this is not indi... mean. This does not mean, sorry, Spike is dictating this and I will try to stay in his range. Just because you don't understand the source of something does not mean it does not exist.

It also doesn't mean it's not worth studying and trying to learn it! I also learned that some ponies have talents that are taken for granted. They don't like that. Believing in them and accepting their words is a mark of friendship. Of course, if those words are proven false later, one should inform them.

Oh, she's looking at me. Pinkie is here. She is the subject. I will continue my studies and report as I find things. 'Pinkie Sense' as it is called has tested valid so far, but more tests are required. I look forward to the time spent with my friend.

Moon Dancer

29 - Sonic Boom

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"You have to have something." Rarity was following Twilight around the library. "We really must cheer Rainbow on!"

Twilight was doing her best to dismiss the insistent unicorn in favor of sorting the books. "I'm sorry, but a spell to do that would be quite rare."

"Did somepony say rare spell?" Moondancer's attention was captured quickly. "What spell are we discussing?"

Twilight snorted with a smile at her friend's sudden attention. "Rarity wants me to let her and the girls stand on clouds so they can cheer Rainbow Dash on."

Moondancer perked up at the challenge. "There are a number of spells that could accomplish something of the sort. From physically granting wings and their related magic, to--"

"Of course!" Twilight clopped a hoof to her head. "I know one that'll do that, silly me. I haven't actually used it before, however."

Rarity pointed at herself quickly. "I volunteer, darling. Rainbow deserves having all her friends there to root for her. This show is quite important to her, you know."

Twilight wove her spell on the willing test subject, granting Rarity large butterfly wings that she took off with, laughing in a not entirely wholesome way. "I hope she doesn't abuse that..."

"Nicely done." Moon saw no problems there. "That was your first time? A fantastic casting."

"Perhaps." Twilight set the book she had been holding back on its shelf. "But I should use a more conventional spell for the others, I think."

"Cloud Bouyancy?"

"That's the one." Twilight grabbed a new book in her magic. "I just want to brush up on it first."

"Room for one more?"

And they studied it together instead. The spell proved quite useful for visiting Cloudsdale as a large group to cheer Rainbow on in her exploits. It was a pity the start of her routine was so rocky. "Rarity." Twilight was frowning up at the showboating pony. "Stop that."

"What is she doing wrong?" Moon didn't put it together intuitively. "This is a performance, and she is performing."

"Well, yes, but she came here to cheer for Rainbow Dash." Twilight gestured to the struggling Rainbow. "And instead she's hogging the... Oh!" Her complaints died as Rarity encountered her karmic debt coming due quite suddenly. Her wings evaporated into fine dust, and she plummeted towards the ground so very far below.

Moon Dancer tried to get her magic around Rarity, focused as she was on results instead of focusing on the shock of the moment. Still, Rarity was too far away and she couldn't get a good lock on her despite her best efforts. The Wonderbolts went in for the rescue, only to discover why one should be careful in the rescue of drowning ponies. They were all falling.

Rainbow dove for them with her own brand of magic that didn't have to go far, just fast. She bent the air around herself to the breaking point until it snapped in a prismatic release of speed that carried her to the Wonderbolts and Rarity in a grand rescue that had the stands exploding in cheers.

Moon flumped back, blinking softly. "Huh..."

"Huh?" Twilight glanced over. "That's an odd reaction."

"I tried to rescue Rarity, but failed." Moon frowned softly. "But Rainbow Dash succeeded. I'm not angry that she did. I do not want her or the Wonderbolts to be injured, but why did she succeed where I failed?"

Twilight waved at Rainbow as she did her arc of triumph. "This is a situation where a pegasus' talents were called for. Unicorn magic isn't the answer for everything. To be honest, this one pegasus was the specific answer, so let's hear it for Rainbow Dash!" She led a cheer for Rainbow as the rescuer came in for a landing with the ponies she had picked up.

Moon could help! So she did, wrapping Rarity in the less spectacular cloud-walking spell so she could stand on the clouds without immediately falling through them. "She used her new wings to exhaustion. Perhaps a modification to the spell to make that more obvious?" Moon stroked over her chin in thought. "What if they grew more monochrome as the spell reached its conclusion?"

Twilight blinked softly. "Not a bad idea, but I'm not a spell engineer, and neither are you? Who's going to modify the spell?"

Moon crossed her arms. "You have the spell. Kindly share it with me after we return to the library. I can make an attempt. I'm sure Rarity would like another try with those wings."

"Pass." Rarity had come over to them as Rainbow received her deserved accolades. "I've had enough wings for now, dear."

Twilight stood up. "Oh, Princess Celestia is here!" She had been there, but she was speaking something to Rainbow Dash. "What an honor."

A fancy crown was placed on Rainbow's head as Celestia announced in a firm and loud voice that the Best Young Flyer had been found. The crowd cheered the results, the girls included. Rarity nudged against Moon. "I apologize, dear, but you write letters to our fine princess, do you not? About the things you have learned?"

"I do." Moon quirked an ear up. "Why?"

Rarity rolled a hoof slowly. "I was just wondering if I might, just this once, write a letter? I've learned quite a lesson today that I feel deserves to be written down."

Moon looked at Rarity with a cocked brow. "You are not Celestia's student, nor in her employ."

"I am neither of those things... But she did ask you to learn about your connection to other ponies, like me. I doubt she will be upset to hear of my advancements." She leaned in with a waggling brow. "Besides, without your help, things may have turned out quite differently! I'll be sure to mention your assistance."

Moon was not above a little flattery. "Alright. When we return to the library, I'll take your dictation and Spike can--"

Rarity placed a hoof on Moon's lips. "Darling, she's right there." Rarity pointed with her free hoof at the princess, standing tall over the crowd. "I'll write a letter and give it to her directly." She wandered off with a big smile.

Moon was less sure. "Why did she... ask then? She did not require my permission to just hand a letter to her. I thought she wanted to use Spike's method of delivery."

Twilight set a hoof on Moon's closer shoulder. "She was being polite, and having permission gives her the confidence to walk up to her and hand our princess a letter of her thoughts. She's probably just nervous, is all."

Moon watched from afar as Rarity scribbled out onto a held letter, folded it up, and got up close to hand it to Celestia. Words were exchanged, briefly, but they couldn't be heard. Moon thought of her listening spell, but it was already too late to cast that. Their words would remain private. Princess Celestia looked unbothered by them, smiling in that regal way she had mastered.

Moon tried to apply her lessons, to figure out what Celestia was thinking, but of all the ponies around, Celestia hid her feelings so very well. Moon Dancer didn't have a prayer of piercing that expert mask.

"Thank you for invitin' me." Pear Butter was there, smiling at Twilight. "Ah never woulda thought to come here. Suppose it helps having a unicorn for an niece."

Twilight colored vividly. "My mother is usually the one taking you to exotic places."

"Like mother, like filly." Pear ruffled the top of Twilight's mane in a firm tussling. "The two of you keep showin' me things I would never have looked for. Thanks kindly. That was some show! Rainbow came through fer yer friends there. Woulda been a real shame if she hadn't. I weren't in no danger today, but it felt like it." She scowled at Twilight, but there was no real feeling behind it. "You two! Always excitin' me!"

Applejack chuckled softly. "Ah wasn't so sure we should bring mom alon'. Glad ya talked sense into me."

Pear raised a brow at Applejack, proving that talent ran in the family. "Mah daughter best not get in the habit of doin' it too! Bad enough I got a sister and an niece that love doin' it! Two's enough in mah life." She grabbed Twilight under one leg and AJ under the other. "Now let's gather up yer friend and get movin' if that's alright?"

Twilight pointed to where Rainbow was still swarmed by ponies. "I think she'll be busy a little while longer. Fluttershy? Could you tell her we're headed home if she's alright? I imagine she is."

"Oh... alright." Fluttershy lifted on her timid wings and floated down towards Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow? Um..." The crowd wasn't letting up easily, crowding noisily around the winner. "Rainbow?" Fluttershy frowned, failing to make much progress. "Excuse me..."

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy was a deep red, but she had managed an outburst. The entire crowd was looking at her. "Um... We're heading home... if that's alright? Just... wanted you to know..."

Rainbow grinned at Fluttershy. "Sure thing. Thanks for telling me!" And just like that, the mood shifted back and ponies resumed chatting at Rainbow Dash as if Fluttershy wasn't there.

Which she may have wished were actually the case. She made it back to the others without exploding of shame. "Um... told her..."

As they headed for the balloon that'd take them back down to the safe ground, Moon looked over her less-winged friends. "So, I plan to work on a safer wing spell. Any volunteers?"

Pinkie bounced forward. "Ooo! Like that sparkly one Rarity had and then didn't have and then the falling and screaming and--"

"--Precisely, hopefully with less falling and screaming involved." Moon considered Pinkie. Her future sight shouldn't interfere... in theory. "Are you volunteering?"

"That sounds fun!" Pinkie clopped her hooves as she hopped a few steps on her hind legs. "What do I have to do? Think light thoughts? I can do that! Those are my favorite kind!"

This was, somehow, not surprising to Moon. "I will need to conduct the magical alteration first. After that, I will cast it on you, and you will test the spell's effectiveness, both in enabling flight and its warning when it's duration is running out. My idea was to make it become monochromatic as its energy depleted, so you would know when landing would be the ideal choice to make."

"Ooo." Pinkie bounced in close to Moon. "That's smart thinking! Why didn't you do that?" She was looking to Twilight.

Twilight colored at the accusation. "I was using the spell as it was written! Modifying spells takes a lot of effort and can go wrong. I'm a librarian!"

Moon inclined her head softly. "A very effective librarian. But I am a student of magic... and friendship... and dragons..." She frowned softly. "I am getting distracted. Thank you for volunteering. I will inform you when the spell is ready to begin testing. The danger level of this adjustment should be small, as I will not be modifying most of the functional parts. We've already seen that it works, we just want it to be safer, with a warning."

"'Hey you, land!' is all we want it to whisper. Hey! Can you make it actually whisper? That'd work too!" Pinkie bounced forward with a big grin, mind full of ideas on how to alter the spell for better safety on the part of the target.

"A fascinating idea, but that would be measurably more complicated. The loss of color would be simpler, and visible even in noisy environments. So long as you weren't flying in the dark, which would be dangerous anyway, it would be an easier warning to detect." Moon tapped at her chin. "If we get this working, maybe some kind of buzzing could be added as a secondary warning to decrease altitude."

"Now you're thinking!" Pinkie burst into merry giggles. "I've never been a wizard's assistant before, but I kinda like it!"

30 - Building Up

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Applejack walked through the orchard with a smile. "Yer gonna like this."

The crusaders did not like what AJ presented to them, at least not at first. The dilapidated clubhouse being offered to them was quite run down. "Just needs a little TLC! Ah know ya got it in ya."

Despite their complaints, the three got to work fixing it up, using talents they had, or thought they had.

"How does it feel." Moon Dancer watched Pinkie soar around the room. "You appear, from this angle to be adjusting to it as well as Rarity did."

"It's fun!" She threw all four legs wide, held up by her new butterfly wings. "And I'd say I'm doing even better, since I won't go screaming to the ground." She was far too low to make more than a quick pained yelp. "So what am I looking for, besides enjoying myself?"

"Glad you asked." Moon pointed to the wings that held Pinkie up. "As we discussed, they should lose their color over time. The closer they are to monochrome, the less energy they have. You want to be landed before they finish going entirely greyscale."

"Makes sense." Pinkie flew in upside down, hovering in that strange position in front of Moon. "Say, could you make them land on their own when they had to, so a pony couldn't forget to land?"

"Interesting notion." Moon reached up past Pinkie to prod one of her new wings. "But that would involve a lot of new magic. The goal is to make the minimum change for the maximum benefit."

"If ya say so!" Pinkie drifted off on her fluttering wings. "Hey, it's starting." The outsides of her wings were starting to bleach out, but she had plenty of color left in her. "Neat."

"Did you know?" Twilight was approaching from the front of the library. "The crusaders are putting on a show, with the rest of the foals. A talent show."

"I'll be in it." Spike thrust both thumbs at himself. "Gonna put on a show for all to see."

Moon cracked a gentle smile. "Then I must be there." She had read up on parenting, dragon or not. A parent-figure had to be present for such events. "When and where?"

"Ooo." Pinkie half-swam in, her butterfly wings beating wildly. "I wanna be there too!"

Twilight nodded at the agreement in the room. "I'll be there to lend support. Applejack could use me around with her little sister performing. Hopefully, it will go well."

"Excuse me!" A new voice, a young female one. "Somepony here?"

Twilight emerged from the back. "Hello, sorry about that." She got back to the work of being a librarian. Soon they found the book the filly had come for. "'Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghoulish Figures'? Good heavens, girls, what do you need a book like this for?" There was more than one of them, clearly.

Scootaloo was already moving to flee the library with her gained book. "You'll see, thanks Twilight! We'll give it back as soon as we're done with it."

Spike emerged in time to see the fillies retreating. "Huh."

"What do you think they're up to?" Twilight got back to putting books away dutifully.

"I have no idea, and I don't know if I should be excited or scared to find out." Spike shrugged mightilly. "Guess both, since they'll probably show off later and I'll be there."

Twilight grabbed Spike in a one-armed hug. "I'll be sure to give you a shout. Do your best up there."

Spike blushed softly at the encouragement. "I'll do my best! Diamond will be up there too, so give her a shout too, alright?"

"Of course." Twilight released him and returned to her duties.

Moon turned to find Pinkie right there, far closer than she expected. She jumped back in surprise. "Oh! Good. Stay close to the ground and monitor its color fading and when the spell collapses. We want to know how easy it is to tell the connection between the two, and we don't want you falling from any appreciable height."

"Okey dokey lokey!" Pinkie saluted sharply. "Wizard assistant, Pinkie Pie is on the case!" She burst into giggles as she began bouncing for the door, looking entirely pleased with the role she was playing in the advancement of magic.

Moon exited through the same archway into the front. "Spike? What will your performance be?"

"That's a secret." He ran his fingers over his lips in a zipping motion. "You'll find out with everypony else later."

"Hm." She paused a moment, but it clicked. "You are surprising me on purpose. I will look forward to the reveal."

Spike patted her cheek with a little laugh. "You're learning. But yeah! Be there... It'll mean a lot if you're watching."

"I would fight my way there, if I had to. Thankfully, this is unlikely." Moon leaned in closer, nose twitching before Spike. "I want to see what you do. Do I need to bring anything?"

"Just your smiling face." Spike suddenly dashed for the door. "And I need to prepare." With a slapped door, he was gone.

"Hm." Moon turned to Twilight. "Last minute planning with Diamond Tiara?"

"Very likely." Twilight set back the last book in the return bin, a satisfied look on her face. "There we are... Well, I know where everypony here will be tonight." She sat behind her desk with a plop. "That's one less mystery. Care to walk there together?"

Moon's eyes widened for just a moment. "I would be delighted... Does this count as a date?"

"It can, if you like." Twilight grabbed for a small pamphlet. "By the way."


"The crusaders. They are conducting a friendship experiment of their own. Arguably several."

This caught Moon's attention. "In what way?" She circled to Twilight's front on suddenly determined hooves. "Please explain your findings."

"Easy there." Twilight gently pushed Moon back a few inches. "They are, to start, testing multi-tribal relationships even further than we are. Sure, we have friends from all three tribes, but they are growing together and exploring the uncertain time of adolescence together. That will, surely, have lasting effects."

"Hm... I hadn't considered that." A paper appeared with a pop and she began writing on it busily. "This could have lasting effects on the field of friendship, and I haven't even finished exploring the groundwork." Moon began to dance in place. "I'm doing terribly. Princess Celestia--"

"--trusts you to do it right," gently assured Twilight with a little smile. "I didn't meant to upset you. I wanted to give an opportunity. You'll see them perform. Maybe getting an interview with them afterwards would be a valuable bit of intelligence?"

"Genius!" Moon cupped Twilight's cheeks firmly. "I can make up for lost time! Yes..." She drew Twilight in for a kiss, but the other mare danced out of the grip. "Oh... sorry. Did I do that incorrectly?"

Twilight's cheeks were a dark rosey color as she gathered herself. "I wasn't expecting it... I'm still new to this, Moon Dancer... I would prefer you ask before that sort of thing." She cleared her throat softly and stepped back into the space she had just abandoned. "Moon Dancer, may I have a kiss?"

"You may." But she didn't move, unsure how to proceed.

Twilight was quite willing to take it from there, leaning in and planting a gentle peck on either of Moon's cheeks before she rubbed noses in a fond nuzzle. "That's better... Now... Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin that moment of spontaneity."

"I was the one in the wrong." Moon took a slow step back. "Establishing boundaries is a healthy part of any relationship." With a pop, a new book appeared about healthy relationships among ponies. "I've been reading, which makes this even further my fault, for not heeding its advice. Please forgive me. I will prepare for this evening." She marched off a bit stiffly.

Twilight shook her head with a sigh. "I never thought..." She had her own things to do to get ready.

"And for our next performance, Diamond in the skies!" The audience clapped as Spike hurried onto stage. His arms were up, holding aloft an earth pony filly that was clearly too heavy for him to be carrying like that, but he was doing it anyway, heaving for breath as he charged.

Diamond was letting out a single held note, her hooves aligned as if she were flying on her own instead of being carried by her faithful dragon boyfriend. In the audience, her father and butler were clapping appreciatively, while the rest were watching with something akin to amazement. Exactly what they were watching was difficult to really put to words.

Spike did a few circles in loop de loops as Diamond Tiara held that note for an amazingly long period of time. It was only when she reached the end of it that he put her down gently and threw up his hands at the crowd. Diamond joined him, one hoof up, the other around his neck as she reared up to match his pose and stance. With the end of the performance clearly detected, the crowd began to applaud more uniformly.

What they had watched, they weren't sure, but that it was done seemed clear.

"And now, the Cutiemark Crusaders!" That ill-fated show came out and began their discordant screeching performance for the amazement of the crowd. As unsure as they had been of the last one, they broke into laughter at the CMCs performance even as they charged off the stage.

That they won the best performance for comedy was not the intention, but was an accepted prize none the less.

Twilight nudged her head towards the back where others were headed, like Applejack and Rarity and Rainbow Dash. "Now's a fine time for that interview."

"Ah, yes. Thank you." Moon Dancer hurried in with a smile. "An excellent performance."

Sweetie waved at Moon. "Hi there. Did you like it?"

"She just said she liked it." Scootaloo laughed at the idea. "Not exactly how we planned it."

A thousand theories on how the different tribes involved could have led to that went through her head, but Moon put that aside. She was there to learn and ask, not assume. "I would like to make a report on your activities to Princess Celestia. Do you object?"

Apple Bloom blinked at that. "No... don't think there's nothin' wrong with that."

Sweetie bobbed her head. "Ask away!"

Scootaloo fired a hooves up. "We're ready!"

"What do you feel you have learned from this experience?" Moon's quill was already scribbling the question, ready to capture it all.

"Well, maybe we were trying too hard?" Sweetie was smiling sheepishly.

"I see." She made a note. "And?"

"And instead of forcing ourselves to do something that's not meant for us..." Scootaloo had a hoof raised as she considered.

"Mmhmm?" Had they made a great discovery? They were so close to something!

"We each should be embracing our true talent!" Apple Bloom squeaked out with a big grin.

"Ah, what would you say that is?" That sounded quite important.

"Comedy," all three shouted, completely sure of themselves.

Moon was not as certain. The others were coming, the caretakers of the fillies. Moon didn't stop them from uniting cheerfully. "I am uncertain they arrived at the correct conclusion." She made a great dot to finish things. "But, perhaps, with further research they will find a conclusion that will satisfy them in their own work." She folded the note tightly and went to find Spike. "There you are."

"Hey." He waved eagerly. "How'd you like the show?"

"I admired the precise geography in your dance routine." Moon nodded slowly. "It must have been difficult to retain such precision while so burdened. I am duly impressed."

Spike blushed softly."Aw, wow! I didn't think anypony would even notice!"

"When it involves you, Spike, I try to notice." She drew him in for a one armed hug. "I don't mean to distract, but could you send this?" She offered her letter.

With a puff of flames, it was sent on its way to Princess Celestia.

31 - Cooking up Trouble

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Zecora looked over her shoulder, facing her shelves. "That you came fills me with surprise. But that you'd think of me for spices is wise."

"Ah was hopin' that'd be the case." Applejack clapped her hooves with a big smile. "I was really... Ah thought maybe you could help me reach the next level, ya know?"

Zecora got two hooves on a jar, bringing it down to the ground. "Most spices, I find for cures. I doubt this is the goal of yours." She nudged the unmarked jar towards Applejack. "If I knew exactly what you plan, it would help me to scan."

"Oh, well, that's fair." Applejack twisted on herself and pulled out a letter she let drop from her mouth to the ground. "I've been learnin' some real fancy recipes. Got the cookin' down, mostly, but ah wanna make it even better. I'll keep practicin' the technique, don't get me wrong! Ain't no shortcut for that. Don't mean there ain't other ways to get better."

Zecora allowed a little smile. "It is good to hear you admit that. The urge to find a shortcut is difficult to combat." She reached for the dropped paper and brought it up, eyes scanning over it. "Hm... Hm..." She tapped at a part, turning the paper so Applejack could see what she was showing. "A fine ingredient, don't get me wrong, but with the right addition to go right along." She waggled her brows meaningfully.

It was exactly what Applejack was hoping for. "What goes with it? Zecora, you are a miracle worker! Show me! Is it this?" She reached out to put a hoof on the jar Zecora had brought down."

"Hm? No." Zecora casually snatched it away and bounced it back onto the shelf it began on. "I try to know things ahead of time, but without the recipe, I didn't know if you needed pepper or thyme."

"That... makes sense enough." Applejack peered at the denied jar. "So what was in that, if ya don't mind my askin'?"

"A branch and little more. A little snack I adore." She was already moving away from the shelf and its snack jar. "We must go and collect your prize. Beware, because it wears a disguise. Noxious alone, it works as a team. Combined with the rest, it will be like a dream." Zecora waited outside, looking to Applejack expectantly.

Applejack scurried out so the door could be closed. "May come as a surprise, but I've had to deal with ingredients like that already. The fancy stuff sometimes looks, feels, or smells real funny, but when you cook 'em up proper with the right other things, it's magic!"

The two walked off into the forest in search for that elusive ingredient to help bring Applejack's cooking to the next level.

"It's my turn." Twilight was outside, on a bench. The birds were calling and the sun was warm. "And I'm making up the parameters of our date entirely on my own."

Moon clopped gently. "You already have my full attention. My schedule is free for the remainder of the day. How do we begin?" She was seated on the ground, under Twilight and watching her with rapt attention.

Twilight set her hoof on Moon's available nose. "Reading, but better than that, group reading. I propose we absorb a book I'm sure we'll both enjoy, then discuss it, together. We'll analyze it for strengths, weaknesses, and tangents worth considering."

Moon's eyes slowly widened. "Brilliance!" To other ponies, that may have sounded quite dull, but neither Twilight nor Moon Dancer were average ponies. "That sounds intellectually stimulating, and I look forward to the exchange. What book did you have planned?"

Twilight's horn glowed as she drew out a fairly slender tome, just to flip it, revealing she had two in a stack. "I figured we should do a smaller book, so we can properly read it before the day's over." She floated one of them towards Moon. "The morality of magic: Should power come with responsibility?"

"Ooo." Moon wrapped her arms around the book, her own horn beginning to glow as she took arcane hold of the book. "What a delightful topic." She hopped up next to Twilight and thunked down. "Let us begin then. Are there other steps beyond reading?"

"There are, subtle ones." Twilight brought a basket out from behind the bench to in front of them. She flipped it open to reveal a variety of snacks and two glass bottles of a drink. "Refreshments! Please, enjoy yourself as you read. Shall we begin?"

"I remember when we were students... We would read together all the time." Moon sighed with thick nostalgia. "But they forbade snacks from the classroom. This is an advantage of adulthood." She snatched a cookie from the basket and popped it into her mouth, crunching softly. "Mmm... Did you make this?"

"Oh, no..." Twilight waved that thought away. "Got it from Sugarcube Corner. Either the Cakes or Pinkie made it, no credit claimed here."

"You picked it," countered Moon with a raised big brow. "That entitles you to some amount of credit." She willed the book open to its first page, which was blank. The second had the title, interesting, but she moved on fairly quickly to the actual content. "Here we are."

The two became quiet in the shared task of reading the book. Only the sound of the occasional munch of food, slurp of drink, or the gentle rustle of a turned page made it clear that they were alive instead of statues of reading ponies.

"I neglected to ask." Twilight had broken the silence. "You haven't already read this book, have you?" She colored faintly. "I really should have asked before we started."

"Your intuition has proven accurate." Moon looked up from her book. "I have not read this yet, though it was on my list." The list of books to read was a considerable thing for either of them. "An excellent choice. You also have not read this yet?"

"Actually..." Twilight wriggled a bit, "I did... but I love it so much, I'd love to read it again." Which was a thing she was doing. "I'd love a chance to discuss it with a friend, and somepony I know can keep up with the nuances being discussed."

Moon Dancer folded the book closed, a hoof holding the spot as it closed on her leg. "Are you certain you wouldn't prefer a new book?"

"I picked it." Twilight wagged her book, held in her magic. "I want to read it. I love reading it. I don't understand all of it, but the thoughts are always interesting to mull over, and this time I want to do it with somepony that can hold a proper conversation on it."

Moon raised her book, floating in her magic as it reopened to the left page. "I apologize for doubting you... I just want this to be a success."

"Which it will be if you read and chat." Twilight leaned over to see Moon's book. "Ah, you've made it to the first part, if you're up to talking about it?" She flipped through her own book to the same point. "Consent and magic. The author claims it is difficult to ever truly attain, but that seems strange to me. If you ask a pony before you use a spell on them, don't you have consent?"

Moon turned her book, floating there, and flipped to an earlier page. "While this is true for basic consent, the fact that you have so much power over the target is difficult to entirely ignore, especially with any skill in mental magics. Are they agreeing, or are you making a deal that is too difficult to decline?"

Twilight flipped one ear back. "But I could just not use magic to change their mind. I rarely use those spells anyway."

"Except!" Moon Dancer flipped to a new page. "When a unicorn wizard becomes passionate about a topic, they may use subtle amounts of magic without realizing. While such subconscious magic is unlikely to rise to the level of outright mind control, it means that we are getting consent with an edge in our arguments." She snapped the book shut. "With that in mind, can a wizard ever have true consent?"

Twilight sat back with a slow blink. "Huh... But where you see a problem, I see solutions! If that is the problem, we just need a way to curtail that magic use, even if it isn't a formal spell." She reached up, tapping at her horn. "It is a process, like any other. We should do some controlled studies to see if a unicorn's convincing is any more or less effective than that of any other tribe. All ponies may have some amount of social magic that we don't often consider. If we all have it, then we either all have consenting powers, or none of us do and all of ponykind is regularly infringing on the rights of their peers without even realizing it."

Moon Dancer hummed softly, going quiet a moment. "Perhaps. That would require entirely new investigation." She tapped at the floating book. "Investigations not done at the time of the writing of this book. In time, they are likely to be proven false." A little smile emerged. "That is--"

"--the best part," agreed Twilight with a little giggle. "Wisdoms of yesterday do not always apply if we are always looking for better. Hm! Worth considering." She turned her book, eyes scanning over the page. "Please, do continue. I'm already enjoying our thoughts on it."

It was not the most thrilling date one had ever seen, but the two were happy, seated side by side. As romantic gestures went, their tails gently brushed one another in their slow wags and they sat right beside one another, enjoying the other's presence without the need to say as much. Both would label it as a successful date in the end.

"This will be the most thrilling date you have ever seen." Twilight Velvet slapped a calender where a date had been circled previously. "Are you ready?!"

Pear Butter laughed nervously. "And if I say no?"

"Then I'll gently drag you along to the fun!" Velvet hugged her friend tight. "This is gonna be a big family bash."

"I'll be there!" called out Night Light from the next room.

"He'll be there," echoed Velvet. "And so will you. Does Granny want to come along? The whole family!"

Pear Butter considered that. "Actually... I'll ask her, and the foals. Maybe Big Mac and... Hey, want me to ask Twilight for you?"

Velvet sighed dramatically. "They're busy. They're always busy. Both of them! They left the nest and barely looked back. I'm very proud, but I--"

Pear shook her head firmly. "You won't know without asking. The worst you get is where you started, with a no. I'll ask Twilight while I'm busy checkin' in with the others. Maybe this can be a real all family thing." The idea of it being a big family event seemed to bouy her spirits and bravery. "What about Shining Armor? It's been so long since I saw that colt! What's he even doin' lately?"

"Captain of the Guard." Velvet looked proud of the statement. "Representing the nation proudly... He and his girlfriend are getting along fabulously, Ooo, she's a looker."

Pear burst into merry laughter. "If your husband hears you talking like that, he'll ask questions."

"She is a looker." Night was wandering through towards the kitchen. "That's just a fact."

Velvet inclined her head at the passing Night. "See? Can't even argue with it. Cadance is her name, and she's a real treat. The way those two are talking, they'll be married soon."

Pear gave a gentle applause. "Congratulations! I get a new niece in law." She burst into giggles, her family growing before her eyes. "Does Twilight know about this? 'magine she's quite excited too. Oh! Invite her too!"

32 - The Entire Family

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"An' that means you too!" Pear Butter captured the escaping Spike with a wrap of her arm. "Yer part of the family."

Spike blinked owlishly. "I'm a friend?"

Pear considered that. Adoptive son of who was dating her honorary niece. That family link was tenuous, but... "Yer still invited. Ya don't have to come, but it'll be fun."

Moon Dancer crossed her arms with a thoughtful hum. "If you don't come with us, I will have to find a dragonsitter."

Spike peered at her suspiciously. "That's not even a thing."

"Not a popular profession, no, but I will still have to find somepony willing to watch you. It would be irresponsible to leave you alone with nopony to help you."

"I'm not a little kid!" he whined like the still fairly young child he was. "I can handle myself a few days."

"Do you think you have reached that level of responsibility?" Moon considered her draconic ward critically. "I've never left you alone for so long."

"I can handle it." He hiked a thumb at his chest. "Have some faith in me!"

"Hm. Allowing you to demonstrate your development is part of the process... I will assemble a list of things I expect you to get done while we are away, and activities you are to avoid. If you promise to obey the list, I will trust you to watch over yourself."

Spike clapped his hands together. "I'm on the case! Just you wait. You'll come back from your trip and the library will be all clean and waiting for you both."

"Hm? How did you know that was on the list?" Moon scribbled 'clean library daily' anyway. "You can socialize with your girlfriend, but only in public places while I am gone."

Spike blinked. He hadn't even thought of that angle. "Uh... alright?" He leaned forward, hands together. "Why?"

Now, other parents would have thought of something clever, or tried. Moon Dancer was not most other parents. "Both you and her are experiencing new and heightened hormones that could lead to decisions that one may regret after the fact." She affixed the list to the fridge. "Remaining in public view will decrease the odds of this considerably."

"Oh..." But was he happy with that blunt statement of things. "Huh... Look, you all just have fun. I'll keep this place looking great!"

"Married?!" Eyes turned to Twilight, colored, facing Pear Butter. "Are you sure?!"

"No," Pear admitted. "But, apparently the odds are good. At the least, he has a steady girlfriend. Cadance?"

"Cadance?!" Twilight tried to sit down, failed, and flopped over onto the ground instead. "My old foal sitter?! Her? I..."

"She was your foal sitter?" First Pear had heard that part of things. "I didn't mean to surprise you like that..."

"It's not your fault." Twilight faught her way upright. "It's my fault for not writing Shining more often... Though he could have written me!" She huffed a moment, but it passed. "We're both at fault... Hm. Well... This is the first chance to meet her... in this light, not as her foal to watch, but a future sister in law?" She laughed, tension clear with each noise. "This is new..."

"Well, ya won't be alone." Pear Butter went in for a gentle press of her nose to Twilight's forehead, aside her horn. "And maybe we can have some fun while we're at it, hm?"

"Fun, yes... Sounds... My mother made this plan, didn't she?" She raised a brow at Pear butter. "This sounds like something she'd approve of."

"Well, yes." Pear Butter turned for the door. "But the entire family's in on it now! Applejack will be there!" And off she trotted to escape further questions.

Twilight shook her head slowly. "Mother... So, you're coming?" She was looking at Moon Dancer with that question. "I suppose... we'll have two couples." She laughed nervously. "I... didn't... This will be new. Pear Butter is a dear pony, don't get me wrong, but having... Shining Armor and my parents are different..."

Moon looked confused. "What's wrong with them?"

"They all have pretty normal views on a mare and a stallion being a family." Twilight touched her hooves together. "Not two mares, one of which, possibly both of which, are not even that worried about 'that'. A purely romantic same sex pair? This will be new, and he will ask questions." She sighed dramatically. "Not that I won't! Cadance?! How did those two get... That's a story I want to hear."

"Then you will both get your answers. I see no problem." She wouldn't. The nuances of that family dynamic were entirely lost on her. "If I can help, please advise me. I will be present as well."

"Of course! Of course..." Twilight suddenly grabbed her with one arm, hoof pressing into Moon's side. "It's just new. New things can be concerning, hm?"

"They can be." Moon nodded in simple agreement. "But they are less concerning with trusted ponies at your side."

"True." Twilight stole a kiss from Moon's cheek. As the two had learned, Twilight taking sudden initiative made both happy, as Moon's smile confirmed. "Thank you, for being with me, and supporting me."

"Of course." Moon looked to Spike instead. "I'll be trusting in your performance and will be reviewing on my return. This is your chance to show me how well you handle these kinds of responsibilities."

"I won't let you down." He saluted crisply. "So go have fun!"

"Got it!" Applejack clapped her hooves around the strange bud. "Woah woah hey!" She tipped over backwards, falling from the tree. She hugged the bud close and thudded to the ground. "Ow..."

Zecora hurried to her side. "That looked like a terrible fall. Ponies make for a poor pinball."

"Can say that again." Applejack slowly sat up, shaking off bits of dust from the fall, dirt falling free of her. "Ow... But ah'm alright! What was this I went an' got?" She hovered a hoof over the strange green bud. "Somethin' tasty?"

"Arguably better. A taste pacesetter. Not delicious by itself, but it deserves a place on any gourmand's spice shelf." Zecora carefully gathered the bug. "I will help others to perform their best. Those who sample your food will be quick to attest."

Applejack's pain faded with excitement. "Wooee! Now that sounds right like what ah was aimin' for! Knew it was a good idea to trust Apple Bloom." Zecora looked at her with silent question. "Oh, well, she was one of the few that saw you were a good creature an' there I was bein' a real behind about it... Shoulda trusted her then, an' I went and trusted her now. Glad I did. Yer better than 'good', Zecora. Yer amazin'! We gettin' anymore today?" She looked up through the thick forest canopy. "Not easy to tell, but ah think it may get dark soon."

Zecora turned her gaze in the same direction. "In this you are not wrong. The end of our walk along. At least for today, it could continue. When we resume, the answer is within you." Zecora headed down paths only she could see, guiding Applejack along throught the forest as if she were born there.

"Say..." Applejack pulled up at her side. "Where are ya from? Is it a forest like this?"

Zecora laughed at the idea. "I should think not. But that is a question not asked a lot. Few seem to care where the zebra came from. Where one starts does not always say what one may become." Zecora lifted a grey furred ear. "Is it something you truly wish to know?"

"If ya want to tell me." Applejack pulled her hat free to dust it with her other hoof, rearing up onto her hinds to continue walking for that moment. "Figure ah should know more about a friend. Seems only proper."

Zecora was quiet for a time, hiking through the unseen trails. "We're friends?"

"Reckon we are." Applejack thumped into the zebra. "Why else would you go through all this trouble fer me? Reckon that's what friends do."

"I suppose that depends..." She concluded her rhyme with a nod. "I did not think of it, if the truth is told. You were a pony in need, so I put my things on hold."

"Well, shoot... Just makes me wanna be friends even more then, if you threw everythin' down jus' thinkin' ah was some random pony needin' a hoof." She lifted her ears. "Now, I'm Applejack, but you know that."

"Not a name I should ever forget. I saw you first when you were very upset." She hopped up onto a log, walking along it smoothly as if it were quite a bit wider. "If my friend you wish to be, then the first hints I will give for free. Zecora is my name, a zebra you have met. I come from far away, and to rhyme I don't forget."

Applejack followed, mouthing the words Zecora had just said. "Wait a secon'... Do you not forget to rhyme, or you rhyme to not forget somethin'?"

Zecora smiled, eyes lifting in a genuine show. "That question shows surprising wisdom. I remember the past by using this system. Of old ancestors and aged ways, I weave my words in bold displays. To those who do not know, just a curious way of making words flow."

"So... Wanna tell me the real reason?" Applejack tried to scoot forward, but the log was just not wide enough to allow that. She'd have to ask from behind. "Ya don't have to, but ah'm curious, and I'll listen. If it helps, Apple family has loadsa traditions of their own. We can trade!"

"A trade of ancient habits?" Zecora hopped down from the log to a narrow path. "That would confirm our friendly status? If you wish to know, and ready to listen. Then that makes two ways I can feed your ambition. A price I levvy, small I think. Bring the food you have made, paired with a good drink." She veered off suddenly, her hut coming into view. "Travel safely home, farmer of apples. I look forward to what you make, bring good samples."

Applejack tipped her hat at her retreating new friend. "G'night!" She waved a moment and headed in her own direction. She hastened, the forest growing darker around her. "Don't want to be out here..." Especially without the zebra to guide her around threats and troubles. "How does she know so much..." For being from so far away, she sure did seem to know her way around the Everfree like it was nothing.

"Curious..." Applejack trotted hastily over the bridge, marking her official exit of the Everfree. She could see Fluttershy's cottage just there, close to the forest. "Fer bein' a shy thin', she's awful brave about that." Applejack shook her head as she walked past, her tension fled. With the forest behind her, she could walk without fear. Ponyville had nothing to threaten her with.

33 - BBBFF

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"Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake." Cadance moved her hooves off her eyes as Twilight did the same. They were performing the traditional dance of greetings. "Stamp your hooves and give a little shake." They both waggled their bottoms and giggled at the whole thing. "It's been so long, Twilight. Good to see you." She gazed at Twilight a bit oddly a moment. "And what's this?" She trailed along something only she could see. "You have a relationship."

Twilight lit up, cheeks going a pinkish red in her purple fur. "Cadance, this is Moon Dancer." She drew her +1 forward to be inspected. "A darling pony that was my school mate back in Celestia's school."

"And now something more?" Cadance offered a hoof towards Moon. "A delight to meet you, Moon Dancer."

Moon met the hoof with one of her own, gently clopping. "Hello, Cadance. I am told you used to foalsit for Twilight?"

"That was a while ago, but yes." Cadance smiled awkwardly. "Thinking about that makes me feel a little old, so let's not. Now, Twilight seems to be paralyzed in fear, so you might answer me instead. Are you two...?" She wagged a hoof between Moon and Twilight. "Good friends, or good friends?"

Shining let out a merry, if brief, laugh. "What kind of question is that? Cadie, they're both mares. Being friends is about all they could be."

Moon frowned at the brother of her paramor. "Any two adults can form a romantic relationship."

Cadance leaned in with an impish smile. "You could prove it, and it won't even be hard. Go ahead and show us a kiss."

Shining threw a leg over Cadance. "You just want to see a kiss."

"Guilty." She was looking at the two mares expectently. "Go on."

Velvet coughed loudly enough to be known. "Let's not demand kisses out of family members, hm? The excitement is ahead of us!" She thrust a hoof. "If you're all ready to go, let's get marching."

The group mobilized, unable to resist the call of the matron. Pear Butter slid in next to Cadance. "Nice to meet you. I'm friends with Twilight Velvet there, and brought along my family." She inclined her head at Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Apple accompanying them. "I have one other little darlin', but somepony had to watch the farm, and she drew the short straw."

"Poor mare," sighed out Cadance in empathy. "Velvet is making it sound like it'll be a lot of fun."

"Filly," corrected Pear. "But she's old enough to mind herself a little while. I'm right proud of her, and this should be terrifyin', but time with Velvet usually is. She loves it. Ah'm more puttin' up with it. The company's worth it."

Cadance giggled softly. "You two must be good friends." She glanced away and back. "The same kind of friends as Twilight and Moon?"

It took a moment, but Pear began to glow with a blush. "Not that kind of friends! We're sisters, not anythin' else." She hurried past Cadance to speak with Velvet and Night Light, leaving that awkward conversation well behind her.

Shining was chuckling at the whole thing. "Just because two ponies are doing whatever doesn't mean they all are. Come on, let's not be left behind." He guided her forward to catch up with the rest. They had a day of fun ahead!

Twilight popped up beside Shining. "So!"

Shining jumped at her sudden presence. "Woah, Twilie. What's up?"

"You never mentioned you got a girlfriend." Twilight leaned in closer. "Or that things were getting serious."

"You never mentioned you got a girlfriend," Shining fired back, looking quite smug. "When was that going to come out?"

Twilight sputtered. "H-hey! Stay on topic! Cadance?! She's nice and all... but she was my foal sitter!"

"And?" Shining waggled his brows. "Does foalsitting for you suddenly make a pony ineligible? You two are friends, so you should be happy."

Twilight sagged at the logic. "She's fine," she miserably admitted. "But you didn't tell me!"

"You didn't tell me," he calmly shot back. "So... you two serious, or is this a hookup? Can girls do that?"

Twilight scowled at him. "Mares can do anything stallions can."

"Not everything," he said with way too much meaning in his voice.

"Ugh." Twilight shoved at Shining with a wry smile. "Not everything, I suppose. It's good to see you, even if I am a little mad."

"Right,so... spill the beans?" He nudged against Twilight. "You want to know all about me and Cadie, that's fine, but I want the deets on you and Moon in return. That's only fair."

Twilight let out an equine snort. "There's not much to say... we're... a thing... But not in any way you're imagining."

"I have a healthy imagination," he taunted with a wry smirk. "Try me."

She shook her head. "Alright, fine... Our last date was an intensive reading and analysis of a book. We both enjoyed it quite a bit."

Shining cocked a brow. "That's... nice... but you could do that with a friend. What makes that something you do with your girlfriend?"

"Because we went home afterwards, together, and slept in the same house that we both take care of." Twilight nodded softly. "You don't usually do that with a 'friend'. That would be odd."

"So she's... a friend you share a house with?" He wasn't sounding accusing, tasting and probing the strange case before him. "And you don't do any other, hm, delicate things?"

Twilight suddenly veered off, but not far. She reached Moon's side. "Moon Dancer, I am going to kiss you." Moon got time to perk an ear before Twilight smooched Moon on the cheek. Moon smiled silently, approving of the gesture. "Kisses and hugs are a token we exchange," completed Twilight, siding back towards Shining Armor. "Is that enough?"

"You... ask before you do that?" Shining ducked away to Cadance to repeat the experiment. He went in for a kiss without asking, and got whipped in the face with her tail. Sure she might have been turning at the wrong time, but the whip was still gotten.

"Oh, Shining. I didn't realize you were there." Cadance gently brushed his face with her hooves. "Warn a mare."

Twilight laughed with a bright smile. "Warnings and permission are great tools, even among willing ponies."

"Point taken." Shining snorted softly, defeated in his case. "But, seriously, you don't do... anything?"

Twilight squinted at her brother. "There's being curious, and a step too far, Shinie. What do you do with Cadance? And that is not an invitation to tell me." She stuck out her tongue with obvious apall. "I really don't want to hear it. I will assume you two are getting along like two adults."

"What are you talking about?" Oops, there was Cadance, smiling at the two of them. "May I join?"

Twilight grinned at her. "Shining here was very curious about what two ponies in a relationship do in private."

Cadance thwacked him over the head without delay. "Shining!"

"What! I..." He had he wisdom to shut his mouth before he said something dumb. "Um... So... Do you understand how it works?"

"How what works?" Cadance squinted at Shining with obvious suspicion. "I wanted them to kiss for fun. I know what they do." She rolled her eyes dramatically. "And it's not really your business at all. As a stallion, it never will be."

"Harsh." He inclined his head towards Twilight. "She is my sister."

"Even less reason for you to be poking your nose into that."

"Sure, but I care about her. I just want to be sure she's alright."

"Which she is." They rapid fired back and forth, Cadance looming over him. "And very happy, from the look of it. They are an adorable pair that is getting along well. If you want to talk about it, spend more time complimenting them."

"Yes ma'am." Shining sagged with defeat. "Um, as long as you two are happy."

"I am happy." Twilight nodded. "And you are too, I hope?"

"Very." Cadance squeezed Shining close. "Even if I have to raise my voice once in a while."

Moon shook her head. "We are both logical ponies. Having our error presented clearly is more effective for us."

Twilight perked an ear at Moon. "Hm, you're not wrong. Another reason we get along so well." She smiled with a gentle happiness. "And we have no reason to shout at each other, just debate things."

"Which we enjoy," added Moon Dancer. "Now, what is the nature of this event?"

Velvet grabbed Cadance and Moon under her arms, pulling them forward. "Glad you asked! The fun has only just begun!" They were helpless victims and the great monster that was Twilight Velvet had her teeth in them.

"This treehouse is mine." Spike double thumb-hooked himself with a cocky grin.

"Ah got a treehouse too," agreed Apple Bloom. "It's pretty great. Nice we're both in the treehouse ownin' game." They met, hoof to hand. "Now, gotta ask, why am ah the only one here?" She looked around the empty and closed library that just had a Spike and a lot of books in it.

"Oh, well... Rules! Moon said I couldn't hang out in private with Diamond right now, but you're not Diamond, so..."

"So you invited me?" Apple Bloom swerved around Spike to look around. "Say, since we're in here alone, you could show me the good stuff."

"Good stuff?" He turned, following after her. "What do you mean?"

"The books Twilight doesn't lend out. The good stuff." Apple Bloom waggled her brows meaningfully. "I know you know what I mean."

"Uh..." He grabbed the filly's shoulders. "Do you mean forbidden magic?"

"Huh? No." Apple Bloom waved over her face. "I was more thinking comics that Twilight doesn't want to share."

"Comics! Those I have." He pointed to a chair. "Be right back." He scampered off and returned shortly with a box he struggled under the weight of. "Comics!" He let the box half-fall with a dull thud, a few comics jumping out from the impact. "Be careful with them and you're free to read."

"OOoo." Apple Bloom reached over and snatched a comic. "I knew you had the good stuff." She sank to her haunches and began to read without further delay. "Twilight only has a few comics in here. 'not educational enough,' she complains. Ha!" Apple Bloom flipped to the next page. "Ah'm already learnin' thin's! Are these from the secret stash?"

"Um, they're not Twilight's." He sank down and plopped onto his bottom much as Applejack did, but he sat in a far more bipedal fashion. "They're mine. Not that I mind you looking at them... It's actually kind of nice."

"Nice?" She peeked up past the top of her borrowed comic.

"Yeah! There aren't a lot of ponies that read comics with me." He leaned forward to peer at the cover of the book she was holding. "Ooo, that's a good one, and great for somepony just starting. Enjoy it."

"Ah just picked it at random, but ah have good taste." She accepted the praise as she flipped to a new page. "Won't your lady friend get mad that you're spendin' time with another filly instead of her?"

Spike flinched at that idea. "It was Moon's order! She wouldn't refuse an order from her mom, trust me. I've met her..."

Apple Bloom inclined her head. "Ya have? Never saw her before. Wasn't even sure she had one... Now, her father ah met. Nice pony, and a good customer of ours. She doesn't get her mean streak from him, that's fer certain!"

"Ha... no, he does seem pretty nice... but I'm not here to discuss that." Arguing where his girlfriend got any mean streak felt extremely counter-productive. He grabbed another comic, but hopped to his feet. "I'll get us a snack. I know the perfect treat for a lazy comic day."

"Yay!" Apple Bloom clapped with approval. The day had shaped up to suddenly improve quite a bit from where she had planned it.

34 - Owl's Well

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"Huh." Spike peered at the newest member of the library family.

"Hm." Moon Dancer was with him, studying the curious bird. "To assist you?"

Twilight nodded with a big smile, not at all unsure as the others were. "While you two are asleep and I'm busy studying the stars, Owlicious here can stay up and give me a hoof, or a talon." She extended an arm for Owlowiscious to perch on. "And he does it so well. Such a good owl!"

Moon lifted her shoulders slowly. "I have stayed up with a good book, but you do prefer to study the night sky more than I do."

Spike rubbed behind his head, considering the feathered addition. "Can he... do anything else?"


"You." Spike pointed at him.


"Owlowiscious." Spike put his hands at his hips. "Who else?"


Twilight put a hoof between them. "That's how owl's talk, Spike. He can't say anything else."

Moon bobbed her head. "The pitch and duration of his hoots can communicate many things, if you were also an owl, or Fluttershy. Being ponies, and dragons, we will just have to guess." She waved at Owlowiscious lightly. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Who." One could but guess that he seemed pleased, comfortable there. He hopped up along Twilight's arm to ride her back instead.

"For being an owl, he is surprisingly good at fetching books." Twilight seemed nothing but pleased at her new pet. "As a side benefit, I'm no longer one of the few members of my friends without a pet."

Moon hiked a brow. "Is this a common feature?"

"Not of all friends, but many of mine." Twilight began to count with taps of her hooves. "Rarity has a cat. Applejack has a dog. Fluttershy has an entire forest, but at least one rabbit she is very close to. Pinkie has a little alligator, remember him? Gave me quite the scare, but is otherwise harmless. Only Rainbow Dash and I were without a pet, and now I have one."

Moon curled a hoof to her chin. "Which means I am out of place... I should find a pet. What animal do you think would suit me?"

Spike clapped in one firm stroke. "A lizard!"

Moon inclined her head at him. "Why that?"

"Well, you're already used to being around one of us scaled sorts," he reasoned, working his fingers together. "And they can hang out while you do your study stuff." He exploded his hands wide. "Win win!"

"Hm... I'm uncertain. But, I have a friend who specializes in this. I will visit Fluttershy. Spike, do you wish to accompany me, or do you have other plans?"

Spike considered that. "I should visit, um, do you mind if I go?"

"You are old enough to make that decision." But not old enough to avoid the arm coming around and drawing him in for a hug. "I am very proud of your development."

"Aw!" He pinkened with the praise, giggling a little. "I'll keep making you proud, promise. I'll be back for dinner!" And off he ran off to his own business.

This left Moon free to walk through Ponyville and out of it a short way to reach the idyllic cottage of one Fluttershy. The pegasus was out front, trimming the claws of a big bear that sat patiently as it happened. Moon hummed at the sight, fairly sure she would not want to be so close to a bear's claws. "Fluttershy, I do not mean to interrupt."

"Oh!" She jumped at the voice, looking around a moment before she spotted Moon Dancer. "Hello..." She resumed her nail work. "I'm trimming them down. Without some help, bear claws can get too long and furled. Now... isn't that better?" She held up a mirror for the bear to see his claws from different angles.

The bear grunted with a smile, clearly pleased. He delivered a warm bear hug to Fluttershy in thanks and rose up, starting to wander off towards the forest.

This left Fluttershy to consider her visitor. "Now, sorry to make you wait. How can I help?"

Moon waved that away. "I'm the one who came without forewarning. You are an animal expert, are you not?"

"I wouldn't go that far..." she murmured in humility. "How can I help?"

Moon nodded at the small rabbit that was lurking nearby. "You understand pets, I hope?"

"Oh, yes." She grabbed that bunny to hug close. "Special connections between ponies and animals. It's such a lovely thing from both sides! Why do you ask?"

"Twilight just got one, a--"

"The owl!" gushed Fluttershy, wings flipping open. "A marvelous creature, and they get along so well. I'm happy for both of them."

Moon nodded at that. "They seem like a good fit. I would like an animal of my own. Can you assist with that?"

Fluttershy clapped with joy. "I would be delighted! I know a few cute kitties that would love a good home." She reached over and pulled over a cute fluffy cat with big eyes.

"Hm." Moon considered the feline critically. "Aesthetically pleasing, but no."

"Oh, hm." Fluttershy set the cat down to dash away. "Are you looking for an animal that will stay at your side? How about a dog?" She grabbed a golden retreiver that she apparently kept for such emergencies. "He's waiting to love you forever!"

The dog gave an excited arf, wagging his tail and looking at Moon with the love only a dog could have.

"Charming... but too clingy." Moon patted the dog gently, as if to assure that no hard feelings were had.

"Hm." Fluttershy rubbed at her chin thoughtfully. "What sort of animal are you hoping for?"

"Hm, a fair question." Moon tried to imagine the mystery animal. "I'd want something that doesn't mind that I am often studying, doesn't get startled at magic, or, possibly better, looks forward to it. Do they have that, animals that actively enjoy magic?" Her eyes shone with the idea of a magically active critter. "I'd like that."

"Hm. Hmm..." That was a challenge. "A magical animal... Hm... Well, there are dragons, but you have one of those."

Moon hiked a brow. "And he is not a pet, being fully sapient. A little lower on the intelligence scale." She lowered a hoof in demonstration.

"Well! There are the breezies. They are magical, but also perhaps too intelligent, and rare..." Fluttershy frowned in ever-growing thought. "Most of what comes to mind is also very dangerous. I imagine you don't want a dangerous pet."

"I would prefer not." Moon lifted an ear at Fluttershy. "My practice is dangerous enough."

An idea came to Fluttershy. "You could take after your mentor."


"Princess Celestia." Flutter pointed a wing at the city in the mountain. "She has a phoenix. Perhaps, with her help, you could get a baby phoenix. They are smart, but not that smart. They are magical. They can enjoy magic."

Moon pricked up. "That is a fascinating idea... Celestia's phoenix is female. Perhaps it has created a viable egg." This ignoring the other steps involved in that working. "I will ask Princess Celestia. You have been quite helpful." She looked ready to depart, but aborted the motion. "Are there things I will require to properly care for a phoenix?"

"To start, everything you need to care for a bird." Fluttershy perked with a smile. "Which you already have at hoof, due to Twilight adopting an owl. Get one of everything she has. They will want places to roost, seeds, and can even share toys. Be careful, they can, like any other animal, become jealous and territorial."

She burst into giggles. "Even the 'smart' ones. As if we ponies never become jealous."

"True." Moon rubbed at her chin. "If I get a chick, hopefully the feelings will be reduced. It's hard to be jealous of a child. Thank you very much." They nodded at one another and Moon returned to the library to get to scribbling a note.

Greetings Princess Celestia,

Twilight and I are getting along quite well! Gaining a significant other, a special somepony as it's termed, has been a boon to my research, and quite pleasant besides that. Speaking of her, she has adopted an owl to assist her during her late-night studies of the stars.

Relatedly, I was wondering if your phoenix has made any eggs, and if I could have one? I would like to adopt a baby phoenix. I will take care of it carefully and hope that my previous performance with Spike properly demonstrates that I am capable of this task. I will also have the assistance of Fluttershy, a local expert on animals, both magical and mundane, to ensure this is properly done.

Learning Every Day,
Moon Dancer

The response was not long in coming. Spike was wielding a letter when he returned, scroll in his hand. "Here you go." He handed it to Moon on his way to his bed.

"Thank you." She willed it to unfurl and busily read over it.

Dear Moon Dancer,

A baby Phoenix? They are ever so precious at that age. I'm afraid Philomena has not had the correct company to make any eggs that would produce a phoenix chick. She would like me to remind you that you have been rude in not asking her permission to adopt one of her children. Phoenixes are not as verbose as ponies, but they are capable of complex emotions, and being offended at that is well within their means. I feel certain you meant no harm, and will attempt to convince her of that.

This aside, you would be better served keeping your eyes open for wild phoenixes and making your case to them. That is how I ended up with Philomena, precious creature that she is. She was wild, long ago, now tamed. I should remind, phoenixes are not domesticated, and to do so would be curious, given how intelligent they are. To 'own' one is to enter a partnership with another creature, much like you and Twilight. There will be give and take, but the rewards can be beyond measure.

If you're sure you want and are ready for that, look for them, and don't be pushy. They don't like that.

As an aside, I am delighted to hear you and Twilight are getting along. You have two halves of a crown, I remind. Even if you never became romantically involved, your destinies are bound together tightly. You are both bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and it falls on your shoulders to rise to action as Equestria needs it. Of course, I feel certain you'd do that without my reminding you, but it is nice to hear you and the other bearers are getting along so well.

My sister has grown curious about your progress. Expect her to stop by sometime soon. Please be gentle with her. She is not used to dealing with modern ponies, and has been away for so long... A helping hoof to ensure she has a good time would be delightful. I will be sure she's sent with quality guards, but guards are not known for this sort of thing, so I ask you instead to be mindful of that. You've learned how to have a good time, pass that on, kindly.

Always Happy to Hear From You,
Princess Celestia

Moon rolled the scroll closed. "Twilight?" Oh, she was right there. "Princess Luna will visit soon. My plan for a pet is delayed."

Twilight pouted slightly. "Sorry to hear that. Did it involve Celestia too?"

"It did." Moon set the scroll down. "But only briefly. The rest is up to me, but likely for a future date. Hm... Do you know..." She aborted the question. If anypony around there knew the answer to that, it was likely Fluttershy. Her quest for a phoenix would have to wait a little while at least, if ever it was to come to a satisfying conclusion.

35 - Aaaapleloosa

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Moon leaned against a hoof, the elbow of that hoof propped against her knee, and boredom written all over her face. She did not want to be there, on that train. She broadcasted this in all directions.

"It isn't so bad," assured Spike. "Besides, Applejack asked, right? What are friends for?"

"Correct..." She had been asked. Her mistake was not turning down that request. They'd been stuck on that train for an unacceptably long time, watching nothing outside, and getting nothing done. She'd never been there before, and it was far away. Teleporting was not a safe option. "All this for a tree?"

Spike grabbed her snout. "Don't let Applejack hear you call it that. She already gave them a name and everything. Besides, you think you have it bad? You don't have to cook snacks with your breath!"

Moon sat up at that. "I thought you were enjoying yourself. If you don't enjoy that exertion, Spike, please tell us. We're not dragons. Only you can know what being a dragon feels like. You are under no obligation to continue, to be clear."

Spike blushed at the whole thing. "T-thanks, um, but I was trying to make you feel better."

Moon wrapped an arm around him. "You are my ward, Spike. However uncomfortable or not I am, your well-being takes priority. That is a responsibility that was given to me by Celestia herself, not to mention a little of myself. I hatched you. The chain of responsibility falls onto me as a result of that, even if Celestia hadn't intervened, which she did."

Spike shrugged softly. "What if I don't want one of my favorite ponies to, you know, be crushed under heavy chains? That sounds like not a lot of fun."

"It is not fun." She nuzzled into his cheek gently. "But it is very worth it, Spike. You were one of my first relationships beyond that of loose association. You taught me what it meant to step beyond that, to know a creature well enough, and be known, to have a level of intimacy. Even on my darkest days, there's at least one creature that understands." She set a hoof on his chest. "And I am trying to return that favor, but I doubt I will ever fully repay what you have given me, Spike. We are friends, on top of the other links we share, and I hold them all with pride and delight, not begrudgingly."

She sagged after a moment of pride. "Unlike this trip."

Rarity rolled her eyes softly. "You're telling me, darling? I could have taken the rear car to myself and had some level of comfort, but no, Applejack had to baby a tree of all things. As if a tree cares about creature comforts.... It's not even a creature!"

That was a reminder that the two of them were not alone. The others were there, having their own conversations. Moon had filtered them out to live in her own sad state, but Rarity's words had reached her. "Not to contradict you, Rarity, but where else would she put it?"

Rarity opened her mouth, just to slowly closing it with a frown. "Hm. Surely they have some manner of cargo train?"

Spike hopped down. "Well, I doubt 'Bloomberg' will mind some company. Gonna get some sleep."

Rainbow suddenly thrust a container at him. "Could you pop this popcorn before you go?"

"No." He fired a thumbs up instead at Moon and dashed off towards sleep.

Moon watched him retreat with a smile. "Rainbow, bring that here."

Rainbow flew in closer to Moon, grunting. "Why do we have to carry that thing all the way over there?"

Pinkie perked up. "Do you mean Bloomberg?"

Rainbow smirked, snapping back, "No, we're gonna carry Fluttershy there."

"Fluttershy isn't a tree, silly." Pinkie stuck out her tongue at the absurd notion that Fluttershy could be the one.

"I'd like to be a tree."

Moon ignored the strange exchange, focusing instead on the container of popcorn with her glowing horn and intense stare. Pops filled the air as she encouraged them to explode into corn-filled delights for Rainbow to enjoy. "There you are."

Rainbow quickly snatched some popcorn to chew on. "Wow! Unicorn popcorn! Tastes different than dragon popcorn, who woulda known?"

Moon inclined her head. "One involves the flammable gas of a dragon, and the other is entirely magically driven. That they produce different tastes is logical enough. Technically, when Spike cooks like that, you're tasting a little of him."

Rarity went faintly green at the idea. "I don't want to eat Spike, thank you very much."

Fluttershy made a slow wave. "The circle of life." She didn't seem that upset about the idea. "That was sudden of him. I don't know Spike to be so... curt."

Moon hopped up on her seat. "Creating flames is not a zero effort activity. He's been warming all of your snacks this whole trip and is tired."

Applejack closed the door leading towards her tree. "Spike said he'd take over, so it's time fer bed."

"An excellent idea," got out Rarity in the middle of a yawn. "Let's get our rest, so we're ready for tomorrow."

With soft mutters, they all withdrew to their beds in the shared car. It was sleep time.

At least until the buffalo arrived, thumping the train in great heaves of their massive forms. A smaller one of them sprinted across the rooves, dodging past Rainbow's attempts to get involved. She yanked the pin that connected the last car to the others and the other buffalo helped it move in the opposite direction, Spike and Bloomberg with it.

The train didn't stop, carrying them the rest of the way to Appleloosa. Moon paced with a scowl. "This is enitrely unacceptable! Spike could be in danger..."

"Ah'll tell my cousin when we show up. We'll get Spike back, and Bloomberg. Shoot, that's what we came here fer in the first place! Can't not have that tree after all that." Applejack stepped off the stopped train to see an earth pony stallion waving at her excitedly. "In fact, there he is! Breaburn!"

Breaburn approached with a big smile. "Cous'! And ya brought yer friends, mighty fine. Can't wait to show you 'round town." He was not joking. He could not wait, not even a moment. He began showing them around town without any further delay, or letting Applejack get a word in edge-wise.

"Now listen here!" She grabbed him by the shoulders, finally stopping the whirlwind tour. "Ya got a mighty fine town here, mighty fine, but some creatures took our friend an' the tree ah brought. Big!" She spread her hooves wide. "Wit' horns, no magic. Rin' any bells?"

"Aw shoot..." Braeburn deflated with the news and began to share the story of their conflict with the Buffalo. Pinkie and Rainbow slip away on their own. It was more surprising that a third pony had joined them.

Pinkie half-pounced Moon. "Welcome aboard! But what made you come with us? We figured you'd stay in the town."

"While Spike is out here, maybe in danger? I should hope not. Which way are we going?"

Rainbow shrugged grandly. "Well, you're here. You got spells an' stuff. Got a Spike detection spell?"

"Actually..." It just hadn't occured to her to use it. She lit up her horn and turned in place left and right. "This... No... This way!" She pointed ahead and began marching. "Spike is this way. Let's rescue him."

A pity they were found before they found Spike, sorrounded by several angry buffalo. Rainbow raised her hooves. "Alright, who's first?!"

The slender one was there, shaking her head. "The elder said you're to come with us. Will you resist?" It was almost like she hoped they would.

Pinkie shook her head quickly. "Nope! We're all headed the same way. Yay! That worked out."

Moon inclined an ear at Pinkie. "She is correct. Thank you for the escort."

This caught the buffalo by some amount of surprise. "Good... This way." She turned with the others, escorting their pony 'guests' back to their camp.

"We heard from a great and powerful dragon that you are not to be harmed," she spoke as she led the way. "Do you know Spike?"

Moon perked right up. "Yes! Is he alright?"

"Alright?" Little Strongheart smiled at that question. "He is an honored guest. What is your relationship to him?"

That was a more complicated question than she first considered. She was Spike's older sister. She was Spike's mom. She was... "He is my ward, and his safety is very important to me."

"Huh... You sound as if you are speaking the truth, which is only more mysterious..."

Rainbow flew up to her suddenly. "There'll be nothing mysterious if you hurt a single scale on his head!"

Moon grabbed Rainbow with her magic, tugging her by the tail. "They have acted in kindness so far."

"Yeah Dash." Pinkie gestured downwards. "Relax. We're all friends here!"

"Hey!" Spike was seated quite comfortable, waving at them as they came in closer. "Good to see you all."

Moon sped up to his side. "Are you entirely unharmed?"

"Me?" Spike hiked a thumb at himself. "Totally fine. The buffalo are actually nice." He met the hoof of one with a balled fist. "They've been treating me just fine. It was a little scary at first, but we got over that."

Rainbow looked around for a tree that wasn't there. "So where's Bloomberg?" The buffalo looked at her blankly. "The apple tree?"

"Oh," they communally replied in understanding.

Little Strongheart was ready to answer. "We took that to send a message! They planted their trees right in our traditional stampeding paths! Every year, for as many years as you can remember, and twice more, we have stampeded that path, and now we can not, because their trees are in the way!"

Pinkie rubbed at her chin. "That isn't very nice..."

"No, it is not," grunted Strongheart in agreement. "Generations of our people have used this land, just for them to move in overnight and claim it is theirs!"

Rainbow clopped her hooves. "That isn't fair! We should do something about that."

Moon weighed the matters with literal tiltings of her two hooves up and down. "They have built a town, and require the trees for sustenance. Ponies are not that good at surviving in desert climates without such support."

Strongheart frowned at Moon Dancer. "Then they should have considered that before moving to a desert to begin with! We buffalo have lived in harmony with the sands of the desert without a problem for years on years. We don't need to change it to survive and thrive here. Why should we have to accept their needs over our own!"

Rainbow nodded in growing solidarity. "Yeah! The buffalo were here first, they should get first dibs on how the land's used, which means not parking in the middle of their trail like that. Way uncool."

Strongheart suddenly turned, matching others who bowed in respect as a large and elderly buffalo joined them. "Greetings. I am Chief Thunderhooves. I heard there are guests, with questions." He sank to the ground. "And I will answer them as best I am able."

Moon wandered towards Thunderhooves. "Excellent. Glad to meet you. I'm Moon Dancer." She waved at herself. "I came to retrieve my ward, Spike." She waved at him. "Thank you for taking good care of him. Now, I have a few questions about your herd, if I may? I would like to be informed before deciding on my course of action."

"Duh." Rainbow drifted in closer. "We go to town and tell them to stop being jerks to these nice buffalo!"

Pinkie raised a hoof. "Or... We could become friends! And share?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes at that idea. "Stop being ... That thing where you think the best thing will happen?"

"Idealist?" offered Moon Dancer.

"That. Stop being that." Rainbow twirled to the elder. "Tell them!"

36 - We Gotta Share

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"That's it!" Rainbow flew off in a streak, the chief's retelling of the tale too much for her to bear a moment longer.

Pinkie took a step after her. "I have a different idea, but it will require Spike."

Moon peered at Pinkie suspiciously. "How could Spike help you with this?"

Spike crossed his arms. "Do you need something set on fire? Again."

"No, silly." She rushed up to Spike and poked one of his hands with the flat of her hoof. "I need these. Can you play a piano?"

Moon grabbed Pinkie with her magic. "It is up to him if he wants to do that."

"It's alright." Spike held up his hands placatingly. "I've played a few times... Why?"

Pinkie threw down some sheet music into Spike's waiting hands. "Because I need you to play this for me. We'll convince those ponies that we can solve this without getting in any big fights."

"Huh..." Still, Spike was reading the music. "I'll do my best... This isn't simple."

"I know you can do it!" They wandered off together to give a performance that would surely resolve the matter.

Moon remained behind. "Sir." She was facing the large chief. "Assuming the ponies do not wish to leave entirely, what would the second best option be?"

He considered that with low rumbles. "Hm. You are the first to ask that. Them leaving would be best, but what would be second..."

Strongheart stomped a hoof. "There is no second--"

Thunderhoof set a hoof down in front of Strongheart. "Do not close your heart. The new pony asks a valid question, and does so with peace in her heart. She owes neither us nor the ones who attack us anything, but still she seeks an answer that will please us all." He drew his hoof back. "But know that there is not always a peaceful answer."

"No... But that isn't a reason to not look for it until it is proven to be unattainable." That was just logic! At least as far as Moon saw it. "Pinkie will do her best to convince them, but I have my own ways. Please, what would the second prize be?"

"Hm. To be honest, we do not care if they are there." Thunderhoof nodded slowly, the feathers of his headdress ruffling with the motion.

"What?!" Strongheart peered at her revered elder with obvious shock. "Of course we do!"

"We do not," repeated the chief firmly. "What we care about is that we can stampede along the lands we always have. If they wish to wave at us on the way by, nothing is harmed."

Strongheart kicked at the dusty ground. "As if they would let us! It's 'their land' now, even if we have used it for generations!"

Moon weighed the option with her hooves as if they were physical things she was moving. "By the laws, they are entitled to that land due to your... Do you have property ownership of the land?"

Thunderhoof's eyes widened a bit. "Ownership? The land was here before us. It will be here after us. All we can do is tend it and treasure it while we remain on it. How can any creature 'own' it?"

Moon let the hypotethical weights fall. "A fascinating philosophy, but unsupported by current laws. You do not have land deeds nor royal decree, and they do. By the law, they have a greater entitlement to that land. I am not arguing which is 'right', subjectively, or objectively, but the law is the law."

Strongheart stomped towards Moon, glaring at her. "Laws that ponies made? The same ponies that steal what was ours for hundreds of moons?!"

"Yes." Moon inclined her head. "If you provoke them sufficiently, more ponies will come. If the buffalo I see are your total, there are more ponies by a considerable margin."

Thunderhoof deflated with a sigh. "You present a terrible choice. Live in dismal defeat, or die trying for more. This is a terrible truth you present. You do see that, do you not?"

Strongheart leveled a hoof at Moon Dancer. "Would you fight with them, driving us from the land we love alongside your pony kindred?"

"If Celestia ordered it." Moon perked her ears. "Have you spoken with her? A royal decree would settle this rapidly."

Thunderhoof inclined his head towards Moon Dancer. "From how you speak of her, is she a chief?"

"Like you," agreed Moon with a smile. "You two might benefit from a discussion."

"I am not opposed to speaking to the pony chief." Thunderhoof considered a quiet moment. "Is that something you can do?"

"I can ask." She turned to see a complete lack of Spike. "After I find Spike again. He can send letters to her."

Strongheart stood proudly. "We knew he was a very magical and powerful dragon. It is fitting that he may yet be the answer to our problems... if this pony chief will listen to reason."

Thunderhoof pointed back towards town. "He went with pink one, to perform? I did not catch the specifics."

"Right, I think they said something like that." Moon began towards the town. "I'll find him there."

Strongheart hurried to Moon's side. "You're not going anywhere without me."

"If you wish." Moon didn't seem bothered at all by her buffalo companion. "That will make giving any reply I recieve easier."

They hurried back to the town to find Pinkie giving her enthusiastic, if not well recieved, performance. "You gotta share! It's the right thing to do!"

As soon as that was done, a buffalo approached Moon and Strongheart. "Did the chief say anything, or do I declare war now?"

Strongheart waved to Moon. "Wait. Let her speak to the dragon first. Perhaps thier chief can talk sense into them where we have failed.

Moon hurried to Spike's side. "Your performance with the piano was quite remarkable."

"Aw, thanks." He rubbed behind his head. "Good to see you back. How did the chat go?" He looked around her. "I see Strongheart over there."

"She is waiting for you to take and recieve a letter, if you are willing?"

Spike produced a quill and a blank scroll. "Ready!"

"Thank you. Dear Princess Celestia, I apologize for this brief missive, but there is a tribe of creatures that require your immediate attention. The buffalo treasure their stampeding grounds, on which Appleloosa and its apple orchard have been placed. We understand the Appleloosans desire for survival, but the buffalo were here first. Though they have no formal deed to the land, they request their long use of the land to count. Any reply on your part could set matters at ease. Thank you, Moon Dancer."

Spike lit the scroll with a puff of breath, sending it flying through the air. "Now we wait."

Spike looked ready to wander off with a coughing fit brought that to an end. He hacked up a new scroll and offered it towards Moon. "The return trip is never as easy."

"Thank you very much." She hugged Spike gently and willed the scroll unfurl, two buffalos right behind her.

Moon Dancer!

I hadn't expected you to write, about that of all things. I have heard about the buffalo, but only tattered pieces and rumors. I had no idea they were being put upon by Appleloosa's placement. If this land was used by them first, I won't just take it.

Moon nodded as she read over it. "Princess Celestia is as kind as she is prudent. I am certain she has an answer here.

I will meet with them and discuss this immediately. Can you write me the location where I can meet them?

Strongheart snatched the paper from the air. "I will write the directions."

Moon shook her head. "I will give you a fresh scroll." Which she provided. "Then we can send it to her." With her original scroll returned, she could continue reading.

In the meantime, please ask that the ponies of Appleloosa not get in the way of the buffalo's movements. I will give more detailed instructions after I've spoken to them.

Moon nodded slowly. "This feels handled. Strongheart, are you satisfied?"

Strongheart offered the new scroll with the directions to the chief. "This all sounds good. If she keeps being nice while and after meeting the chief, then we have no more reason to be upset, and will return your tree."

Moon twitched up an ear. "Applejack will be--"

"--Where's mah tree?!" Applejack was charging at them, scowling at Strongheart. The other buffalo moved between them, becoming a living wall. "Let me past! Ya done stole mah tree and ah want 'em back!"

Pinkie descended on AJ, one arm around her. "Relax! We just worked it out."

"By getting out of their way?" Rainbow had arrived, hovering angrily with a scowl to match.

Twilight gestured to Moon. "I think she's contacting Princess Celestia."

All the ponies present peered at Moon with shock. Rarity fanned herself with a hoof. "Is it alright to bother her with our little problems, darling?"

Moon sat in place as if to make her stand. "This is a legal concern. The local constabulary seems pre-occupied with the safety of the local ponies and cannot administer this. Who else should I consult? Princess Celestia has kept this nation whole and prosperous this long and this falls well within her jurisdiction."

Twilight shrugged softly. "If the local governance has failed to resolve this, elevating it to Princess Celestia isn't entirely unreasonable." She turned to the sheriff of the town. "Do you accept what her ruling is?"

He took off his hat and pressed it to his chest. "Well, shoot. I can't... She's Princess Celstia. How do ah say no to that?"

Twilight nodded, turning onwards to Strongheart. "Will you wait for her response? You are not a citizen of Equestria, technically... You do occupy it. It's a curious situation."

Strongheart pointed to herself and her buffalo friend. "We were here first."

Twilight nodded. "I'm not arguing that, just asking if you'll wait for her to write back."

Strongheart sank to her haunches with a huff. "If she says something foolish, then I am leaving." Her friend thumped to his haunches near her in solidarity. "We will wait right here. How long will she take?"

Spike's cheeks balooned. With a few coughs, and thumps of his chest, he got the scroll to pop free. "Ta da!" He offered it right over to Moon Dancer. "What'd she say? I didn't expect a second letter."

"Would you like to read it?"offered Moon with a little smile. "Or I can, if you'd prefer."

"Oh! Well." Spike unfurled the scroll and read it out loud as he went.

Moon Dancer,

I had no idea the trouble was developing in quite that way. I looked into the matter with some quick research and what I found is distressing. The buffalo were there when I was just starting Equestria, and they worked at my side during very difficult times in much more troubling ages that you will never have to experience, I'm glad to report. Tell them 'The Sun Rises on Agate Patterns'. As for the ponies there, I will pay for the space they have to vacate, but they have to vacate it.

The buffalo will have their route returned to them, and the trees relocated. The buffalo will hopefully assist, but they don't have to. This is not a mess they made. I should have thought of this issue before now, and apologize for not doing so.

If More is Needed, Tell me,
Princess Celestia

Spike rolled the scroll up neatly. "Huh... Agate patterns?"

Strongheart had her ears pinned against her head. "That is a very sacred reminder... It means that ancient vows are not forgotten, or they were and are now remembered, and will be honored. I did not know she had any oaths with our herd... I need to speak to the chief." She stood up. "If you will obey her words... then... our conflict is over. We will return your tree and help plant it out of the way."

Fluttershy clapped joyfully. "I'm so glad that's over with. We'll help!"

37 - A Bird in the Hoof

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They say that her kind of neurodivergence was troublesome. Perhaps it was at times. It did mean she was focused on Fluttershy, trying to figure her out, instead of intuiting things from the start, or just ignoring her, as many were doing. Fluttershy was focused on the phoenix, but said nothing about it.

What could it mean? Moon Dancer dared to approach. "Have you seen a phoenix before?"

Fluttershy jumped in surprise. "Oh! No... They don't look well..." Her voice managed to lower even further. "Don't tell Princess Celestia I said that."

Moon hiked a bushy brow. "Why not? Phoenixes are very cyclical creatures. They die and are reborn regularly through life."

"What we we talking about?" There was Twilight, drawn by the conversation. "Is something wrong?"

Moon shook her head. "Not that I can determine. Philomena is experiencing a phoenix lull. It should end soon. I read about phoenixes a lot after first meeting her."

Twilight nodded quickly. "I trust your researching abilities." She looked past to Fluttershy. "You alright?"

"I'm... better now." She rubbed her cheek, considering the ill-looking bird. "Nature is mysterious..."

Moon rolled a hoof at the sickly bird. "She is much more impressive after she molts." A thing occurred to her. "Which involves first becoming ash."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "That normally is... bad."

"Unless you are a phoenix." Moon reached for Philomena, stroking the bird's beak gently. "Isn't that right?" Philomena coughed in reply. "A good burning is like the start of a morning for a phoenix. They look at their best right afterwards."

Celestia was there, approaching with surprising stealth for a pony so large. "Ever so studious, Moon Dancer. But sharing that knowledge is half the joy of it, is it not?"

Moon realized she had been experiencing a friendship lesson without even realizing it! "I do enjoy sharing my knowledge with my friends whenever appropriate... Which I don't always know..." That took practice.

Fluttershy set a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "Oh no! You were perfectly timed..." She had been about to do something silly. Worthy of an episode maybe! "So thank you, really."

Celestia perked an ear towards a guard whispering in her ear. "Oh dear... My apologies, everypony, but I have to cut this visit short. The mayor is requesting an audience. Royal duties and all."

Twilight waved at the departing royalty and her guards. Philomena had been left behind. "Moon, are you able to tend a phoenix?"

"I would require more training," Moon admitted truthfully. "But Philomena is well capable of taking care of herself. Isn't that right?" She reached to beak stroke, just to get an angry squawk. Moon yanked her hoof back in surprise.

Spike snickered as if amused.

Moon looked to her dragon ward. "Are you aware of something?"

"Yep." He flashed a draconic smile. "She remembers you asked for one of her eggs without talking to her. Time to say sorry."

Even as Moon moved to attempt diplomacy with the ancient creature of fire and magic, Spike slipped out of Sugarcube Corner. He had other things to do! Dashing through the streets of Ponyville, he arrived at his target shortly and knocked on her door briskly.

"Yes." There was her butler. "Ah, the young master." He stepped aside without being asked to do so. "She's waiting for you, Sir."

"Thanks!" Spike almost hopped inside. "You're the best."

"Just doing my job, sir." Randolph dipped his head at Spike. "I'll bring by refreshments shortly."

"The best." Spike fire an emphatic thumbs up and hurried to Diamond's room. He didn't expect to find her buried in comics. She read comics?! "Woah. I didn't know you liked comics too."

Diamond looked up at him with a scowl. "They're not comics." She batted one of the not-comics towards him. "They are filly magazines that cover young mare fashions and other things like that. A magazine is not a comic, Spike."

Spike sat near her and picked up the magazine to flip through. "Seems like a different kinda comic to me... Still, cool!"

Diamond smiled a little. "You are cute sometimes." She reached for him, drawing her draconic boyfriend closer. "But your comics are basically story books. My magazines aren't that."

Spike pointed at the magazine he held. "What's this then?" He was pointing at a gossip piece. "Sure looks like a story to me."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "That story's a little part of the magazine. Do your books have more than one story?"

"Sometimes?" Spike bounced to his feet. "But I didn't come to argue with you. I came to hang out!"

"We are hanging out." She booped his nose with the flat of her right hoof. "If you want to read my magazines with me, Spike, I won't stop you. But I promise, there are no super heroes or monsters in them. Just talk about what to wear and who looked extra cute recently."

"They'd be better if there were," mused Spike, imagining one of the magazines that went over the fashion trends of super heroes with gossip columns on the latest monster sightings. That'd be kinda cool... "But if you like them, I want to know more about them."

Diamond sat up at that. "Spike..." She grabbed him in a sudden fierce hug. "You are too precious sometimes, dummy!"

Spike colored at the embrace, but wasn't complaining. He had done something right, clearly! "So which one are you reading?"

Diamond grabbed her abandoned magazine. "This one's going over this big bash up in Canterlot." She rolled her eyes. "They have it pretty regularly, but only the top gets invited, which doesn't include me." She crossed her arms with a mighty pout. "That isn't fair..."

"Well, if you aren't there, it can't be all that important." Spike waved it away.

"Spike!" She pawed at her charming dragon companion. "Stop that." She giggled with building joy. "Still... I have to get a ticket to that, somehow. Why is it so hard to get to the Grand Galloping Gala?"

Spike blinked softly. "Oh, uh... I'm going there."

Diamond sat up sharply. "You are?! How did this happen?! Why didn't you tell me?"

Spike hiked a thumb at himself. "Moon's going, and I'm going with her. She is Celestia's student and all." He rubbed at his cheek. "Speaking of that, she had some tickets given to be handed out. Didn't you get one?"

Diamond scowled at Spike. "Sweet sweet summer child... Those tickets went to ponies that had the connections." She clopped her hooves in one firm strike. "Which I didn't have... until now maybe?" She fluttered her lashes at Spike, grin growing. "You'll take me, won't you? They allow Plus ones, don't they?"

Spike tipped the hat he wasn't wearing. "I'd love to go with you! Wait." He grabbed a paper from Diamond's desk and got to writing hurriedly. With a puff of green smoke, the paper was sent away. "There. Asked Celestia for one ticket for you."

Diamond's eyes widened. "You can...? Seriously?! You can just ask the princess for things? Spike, that's amazing." She clopped a hoof to her head. "I thought I was the one showing you how to wield social power, and you just go and power move on me like that?" A sly grin quickly formed. "I'm so proud of you."

Spike wasn't sure if he did a good or not. "You're... welcome?" He smiled though. A happy Diamond was a good Diamond. "So, now that you're gonna go too, what are you looking forward to."

"Well! Since you asked..." Which seemed to be the right thing to have done. "First, I get an evening with my boy." She nudged against Spike. "Away from my parents. Double plus. I get to hob knob with Canterlot nobility and try to get a hoof in that door." She narrowed her eyes. "Gotta be careful though. You know, make friends, the rich way."

"The rich way... or the Rich way?"

Diamond raised a brow. "Ha... But also yes, both of those ways. Daddy is great at making contacts. It's how he's come so far. I'll take after him a bit, see if if I can't make a few new friends for later." She rubbed her hooves together, plotting for the future. "It'll be fun either way! Also we get to try fancy Canterlot food."

Spike rubbed his belly in time for it to rumble. "Oops, s..." He couldn't get the rest out, the gas escaping him in a belch that solidified in a ticket and a small letter. "Hey!" He grabbed both from the air. "Dear Spike, when did you get a girlfriend? I must meet her! Give her this ticket. Yours, Celestia."

Diamond claimed the ticket. "Mine." That was by royal decree. "You are simply the best, Spike. You know what this means, right?"

"We're going to the gala," guessed Spike with a little shrug. "Right?"

"Yes, sure." Diamond wagged the ticket at Spike. "It also means I get to meet Princess Celestia face to face. That's an opportunity." She thumped against Spike. "Stop acting like you have no contacts! You have, like, a ton! We can start with your... What is Moon to you? Is she your mom?"

Spike blushed vividly. "Well, that gets a little complicated." He worried his fingers over one another. "She's a little like my mom, but she's not that older than me... It's more of a big sister kinda thing."

"Cute." Diamond nudged Spike with a hoof. "Stop looking so awkward. As I was saying, you know her, and she's important. You know Celestia, and she's important. Don't forget you know me! And through me, I know important ponies too, so your social network--" She made a web of a motion with her hooves. "See? There you are at the center. You got a network going and you weren't even trying! And these aren't even bit players. You're a mover and a shaker, Spike, and you should be proud of that."

Spike rocked on his feet with a silly smile. "I am proud! I have you as my plus one."

"You are on fire today." Diamond laughed as she kicked her magazine aside. "Now enough of that... Since we know we're going, we have to look the part. Attending a fancy shindig without proper attire is a good way to put a big L sticker right on your forehead." She trotted over to her dressed and began throwing clothes to the ground with twists of her head. "No, no... No! Why do I even have that anymore?" She tossed that one instead at the door. "Randolph, throw that away!"

"Right away, ma'am." And there was Randolph, a tray held atop a hoof. "Snacks, ma'am."

"One moment." Diamond practically threw herself into the dresser, digging furiously.

Spike wasn't so distracted. "Moon's already getting me a suit, from Rarity I think?" He took a morsel from the tray, crunching into it. "Mmm, nutty."

"Very good." Randolph mostly stayed out of the conversation, just holding the tray in case it was wanted.

Diamond poked her head free of the torrent of clothes. "You're getting a Rarity suit? Well..." She hopped free. "Guess I'll be getting her business next then." She took a bottle and a snack from Randolph, drinking from the bottle immediately. "That settles that. She'll know what you'll look like, and she can make something matching for me. Done deal."

Spike slapped his hands together in a single clap. "Great!"

Diamond poked him anew. "By the way, that you can casually get a Rarity suit is another hint that you're a real mover, Spike. Don't sell yourself short." She smirked. "Besides, you're my plus one. If you're not big, well, then what am I doing? We rise together, hm?" She smooched his warm cheek.

"T-that makes sense..." He rubbed the kissed spot, considering keeping it unwashed a little while to save the kiss for as long as he could. "I'll tell Moon that you're coming with us."

"Would you? Another worry off my shoulders. Spike, best. That's you." She nodded firmly. "Randy, inform my parents of the news."

"Very good, ma'am."

38 - Best Night Ever

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Spike bounced lightly in his chair, eyes on the outside of the carriage. "Thanks for arranging this."

Diamond waved it off. "You got the tickets. The least I can do it get us a styling ride." Her eyes shifted to Moon. "And I have you to thank too."

Moon inclined her head. "How did I help?"

"You helped in a lot of ways." Diamond slowly spread her hooves. "You're his big sister. Without you, he wouldn't have hatched. No hatching, no boyfriend, and no Grand Galloping Gala, that'd be a double lose, and I wouldn't even know it. I feel bad for that other-me." She snorted with a little smirk. "But I'm not her, so there."

Moon seemed to consider that a moment before turning in her seat towards Spike. "Do you agree with her assessment?"

Spike blinked at the question. "Oh, um... I mean I guess? I'm pretty happy you helped me exist, but that's even more existential than usual. We're here to have a good time."

"You are correct. Philosophy is the incorrect topic." She slowly set her hooves together in a silent union. "Do you think Twilight will gain access to the library she desires?"

Diamond snorted softly. "Hello?!" She pointed at Moon Dancer accusingly. "Student of Princess Celestia. I swear, both of you. No clue what power you have. If you just walk her into whatever dusty library this is, will they stop you?"

Spike arrived at an answer first. "I doubt it. She's allowed whatever she wants, mostly."

"Hm." Moon rubbed at her chin. "Then I should find Twilight after I report in with Celestia. Assuming she has no further need of me, I will escort Twilight to the library. Spike, be sure to try the food."

Diamond burst into merry laughter. "I already ordered him to do that! But why are you thinking about it?"

Moon inclined her head. "Our friend, Applejack, secured a job working this venue. We should return with reports on it for her afterwards. I think she will appreciate that."

Spike blinked owlishly at Moon's idea. "Who are you and what have you done with Moon Dancer?"


"I just mean that's pretty socially forward of you, um, no offense or nothing. I'm just surprised, in a good way, promise." He held up his hands defensively with an odd smile. "She would appreciate that for sure. But we won't know which food she made when. Not like the cooks get to leave little labels or something."

Moon scowled at that fowl up she hadn't seen coming. "You are correct... It will be difficult to give specific feedback. We will just have to judge the food in general. Are you up to the task?"

Diamond perked, being addressed. "Hm? Yep! I plan to enjoy some fancy food while I meet fancy ponies! Now, Spike, remember to eat in a dignified fashion. Your teeth should basically never be visible. Chew sedately, take your time, and keep your mouth shut!"

Spike raised a brow. "If I shut my mouth, how do I get the food in there?"

Diamond clopped her forehead with a hoof. "Your friends are following, right?"

Moon leaned out the window to take a peek. "They appear to be enjoying a song." A musical ballad about the best night ever reached her ears, sang by many more ponies than just her friend. "They are looking forward to this evening, clearly."

Spike clapped his hands together. "My evening's already pretty good. Diamond's right there." He smiled at her brightly. "And we're gonna have fun!"

"That's the spirit." She nodded as she reached into a pocket to draw out some gum. "But first, chewing. I swear." She hopped over next to him and showed him how to chew politely. No was not an acceptable answer.

They arrived at the castle and disembarked the wagon. Twilight hurried up to them. "I'm going to try to get in before things get busy with the festivities."

Moon perked up an ear. "I was informed that I can serve as your key."

Twilight frowned softly. "You can?"

Spike hiked a thumb at Moon. "Student of Princess Celestia?"

Twilight's face lit up with the realization. "How could I be so foalish! Would you?!"

"Gladly." Moon inclined her head the other way. "What are special someponies for. Now, I should speak to Princess Celestia before we do that. She has expressed interest in our relationship. Would you accompany me?"

Spike waved a hand eagerly. "She wants to meet me and Diamond too, so let's show her all the happy new couples."

Diamond thumped against Spike. "Now you're thinking. Let's get in there."

Spike glanced off to the side, thinking he saw something. No, Applejack was inside, cooking up the night's food with other chefs. Why did he think he saw her? He shook his head clear of the thought and hurried with the others.

Celestia stood at the top of some stairs, greeting each pony in turn one by one. Moon moved to join the line without prompting. Diamond slid in with her, but had a brow up. "You're her student. Why are you waiting in line?"

"She is engaged." Moon looked forward and backwards at the others. "Flaunting my student status too broadly may cause them to become angry... I don't want that."

Diamond Tiara's expression shifted to consideration. "You have a point there... Smart... Having power doesn't always mean using it." She kicked aside at Spike lightly. "Learn from your sister. The first step is having power. The second is knowing when to, and not to, use that power."

Spike poked her in kind. "You're still learning that lesson."

Diamond colored sharply. "Spike!"

Applejack hurried from station to station. "8's looking about ready, could use more sage, adding." She sprinkled a little into the pot and stirred it vigorously. "How's 12 lookin'?!"

"12's on time. Dispatch!" That pony began filling a tray for yet another pony to hurry off to serve to hungry guests. "Check 7!"

"On it." Applejack hurried over to see how 7 was doing, peeking in the oven at what was baking in there. "Mmm." It smells great. The whole place was a riot of tasty scents. She couldn't eat any of it. She was on the clock. "7's good, 10 minutes!"

She hurried over to her 'personal station'. That was a bit of a misnomer. None of the stations beloned to anypony at all. They were all a team! But that one had the apple fritters, and that was her personal thing. She peeked inside and smiled. "Dispatch," she called, pulling out the tree with a mitt over her mouth. She spat it out and quickly served up the fritters into a tray to take out to the room. "Thankya kindly."

The serving pony nodded and scooted off, just as absorbed in their mission as Applejack was in hers. They were a fine tuned machine, and she was a part of it. Her heart swelled with pride,knowing she was doing it. She was helping despite the chaos of it all. She was fancy cooking!

A shadow loomed over her. "Wha?" She turned in place to see a strangely small alicorn. It wasn't Celestia. No... "Princess Luna?"

Luna smiled shyly. "Valorous evening." She inclined her head. "I recognizeth not thee. Art thee a new w'rk'r?"

Applejack blinked softly at the pony that managed to outdialect herself. "Ah... think that's a yes. Brand new, just fer tonight. We're a mite busy 'round here, ah'm afraid."

"Oh, I didn't cullionly to int'rrupt, but t smells so nice. May I has't some?" She licked over her lips, looking from cooking station to the next with hungry eyes.

Applejack hurried to the next step that was required of her even as she tried to parse that. Is that what ponies felt like when she talked? "Well, ya are royalty. Can't rightly say no." She fetched a steaming bun with a quick snatch and offered it to Luna. "You should head out." She pointed the way. "To the party. Plenty of food bein' carried 'round there fer anypony to enjoy."

Luna accepted the bun but shrank back, ears folding. "I can't doth yond! I'm still so bawbling and weak looking. T wouldst beest far too embarassing f'r oth'rs to seeth me." Her cheeks were burning with the very idea. "I already feeleth contrary being h're, but thou art a s'rvant and i can trusteth thee to beest quiet."

Applejack quirked an ear at her. "Huh? Oh! Yep." She put a hoof to her lips. "Won't say a thin' if ya don't want me to."

"Thanketh thee." Luna turned away and walked away in a sudden dash for cover. She flitted from one space to the next, sneaking out of the kitchen in a hurry.

Applejack hummed softly. Poor royal. Somepony would have to break her out of that old pony dialect. That was not her job though! She got back to making fancy meals for equally fancy ponies.

"Moon Dancer." Twilight smiled brilliant. "And company. Who is this?" There was one pony that she didn't immediately know, and her eyes settled on Diamond Tiara curiously. "Ah, wait. Spike, is this your special somepony?"

Spike colored faintly, but waved at her. "This is Diamond Tiara, my girlfriend." He snapped to attention. "Diamond, this is Princess Celestia."

"Charmed." She dipped her head at the monarch. "Can I say, I love the look of this party already."

"A star studded event, every year," gently agreed Celestia. "Now, it may not be my place, but be good to that dragon. He may not look it, but he is a sensitive creature."

"Hey!" Spike's coloring grew much worse at the protective words of Celestia. "I can take care of myself!"

Diamond threw a leg around Spike. "You haven't seen him. He's amazing. I'll be learning from him soon."

Celestia smiled brightly. "It gladdens me to hear that. Moon Dancer, Twilight, how are you two doing?"

Twilight quickly lowered her head. "Ma'am, um, your highness. I am... very pleased with our arrangement."

"You stole my words." Moon smiled without fear. "Our relationship is entirely pleasing. I am still learning the intricacies, but it is a labor I look forward to every day. Ah. Twilight would like to visit the forbidden wing. May I take her there?"

Celestia inclined her head slowly. "Under your watch. Make sure your marefriend doesn't get into trouble. I remember her from school. She was in your class, was she not? Quite the curious spell academic, when she wasn't studying books themselves. You both have quite the fascination with books, don't you?"

Twilight nodded firmly. "One of several things that we share in common. Thank you, for allowing me. I will follow Moon Dancer's advice."

Moon nudged Twilight gently. "We will bother you no further. Expect a letter about how this evening goes."

Celestia laughed gently at that. "I am right here, Moon Dancer. You can just tell me when the party ends or you grow tired."

Twilight's eyes shined. "I doubt I will grow tired while here." She followed eagerly after Moon towards the forbidden wing. She'd get to read some books ponies usually weren't allowed to. What excitement.

This left Celestia with the foals. "Now, you two. Please enjoy the festivities. Do you need anything else?"

Spike was ready to decline, but Diamond stepped in front of him suddenly. "Your highness, your magic school is renowned through the kingdom."

"True, but that is not a question. Why do you bring it up?"

Diamond flashed a bright smile. "Do you have a school for earth ponies?" She pointed at herself. "Up and coming ones that wish to put their best hoof forward?"

"Now... I may, but I would need to discuss that with Filthy Rich first, hm?"

Diamond stepped back, bumping into Spike. Celestia knew her father already?!

"Don't look so surprised. Your father has some influence, and it is my job to know such ponies. He is not at all shy to speak of his darling filly. Now, enjoy yourselves."

They were dismissed.

39 - Meeting Books, Reading People

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Diamond led Spike into the crowd, laughing as haughtily as some of the others around her. She was not on their level, but she was close enough to not immediately be rejected. Ah, there. She saw some noble foals about her age and veered towards them with a calculating smile.

"Oh, look," said one of the colts, sipping from some tea in an ornate cup. "Here comes an out of towner with dreams."

"Don't be rude," laughed a filly. "She may be the most interesting thing here tonight."

"Low bars," jested another colt.

Diamond approached, smile faltering faintly at the response she could hear. "I'm not here to bother anypony, but you look like you know which way is up around here."

The colt flashed a bright smile, with teeth white enough as to have a price tag. "At least you know something. Charmed." He waved a hoof at himself in a slow fan, his tea floating in his magic. "I'm Preamble. This is Vigorous Debate." The filly nodded. "And Bottom Line." The other colt waved once. "And you are... Diamond Tiara, daughter of Filthy Rich."

Bottom Line took a step forward. "Filthy? The hick earth pony that thinks money can buy him some class?"

Vigorous slammed into his side. "Don't be rude. New money is still money. I hear he's made something of a name for himself."

Spike was ready to fight for Filthy's honor, but Diamond put out an arm in his way. "Daddy-kins works very hard for what he has, but I'm not here to chat about him."

All three looked confused a moment. Preamble recovered first. "Oh, yes... New money is like that, working hard for their resources. An admirable trait, one supposes. Still, you." He leaned forward, looking Diamond over critically. "You don't work hard for your resources, do you? You aren't new money."

Vigorous nodded quickly. "Oh, too right. You're more like us. We were born to a purpose beyond the dust of other ponies. Ooo!" Her magic snatched a baked good from a passing tray. "Mmm, apple. What did they put in this? I like it..."

Diamond made an idle note of that. Apple? Could be Applejack. She was getting mixed signals from the noble foals. Her father was new money, which they looked down on. But she was not, which was good? "I've been looking forward to meeting some other ponies who know what it's like."

Bottom inclined his head at Diamond. "Where is it you're from, again? Far away, if I recall."

Vigorous snorted derisively. "Not a good look. Filthy Rich is from Ponyville. An easily forgotten little thorpe that's gained some attention due to..." That was when he noticed Spike standing there. "Hold on... You're Moon Dancer's pet dragon, are you not?"

Spike bristled at that. "Little brother, not pet!"

Diamond stepped in front of him. "And my boyfriend." She suddenly smirked. "So if he's anypony's pet, it'd be me."

Preamble burst into entitled laughter. "Oh! What a razor's edge on you! I love it! Absolutely adore it." He moved in and casually threw a leg over Diamond's withers, drawing her in. "What a fierce lioness, ready to protect what's hers." He growled playfully, perhaps far too amused by the whole thing.

Bottom shook his head and slid in closer to Spike. "I'd keep an eye on her. Preamble has a thing for nasty fillies and he isn't above a petty theft to get what he desires."

Vigorous scowled at the exchange and took a last bite of her fritter, banishing it to her belly. "Whatever... What is that pony doing?" She turned to watch Pinkie attempting to get ponies to party in a way that the rich ponies had no interest in. "Gross..."

Diamond took as step to the side away from Preamble, but the colt came with her. "As if you'd let somepony step on something of yours?"

"I should hope not," Preamble huffed out, bringing his teacup over for a sip. "Want some?" He offered her a taste from the very same cup.

Diamond colored with a frown, understanding the implications. "Back off!" She shoved him away just enough for Spike to get between them.

"Stop bothering her!" Spike added, fists balled up.

Vigorous laughed, turning amused. "Watch out, Preamble. You'll get roasted by a little dragon if you keep chasing her."

Bottom sat next to Vigorous. "Why do we take him to these events? He is such a troublemaker."

"Maybe." Vigorous fanned herself with a floating parasol. "But so amusing..."

"Oh my stars..." Twilight turned slowly in place, her eyes as wide as they could go as she soaked in the splendor of so many books she had never had the chance to see before. "How did she convince you to come to Ponyville when you had this to study?"

Moon smiled as she moved to a shelf of books at eye height and swept her vision across them. "I didn't spend as much time here as you're imagining... I was raising Spike, for one. I was trying to discern the secret of Nightmare Moon's return, for another... Life... It got busy." She sank to her haunches. "And then I was sent away..."

She tensed as arms wrapped around her. She was being hugged by Twilight from behind. She relaxed with a shivering breath. "Th-thank you."

"You're very welcome." Twilight squeezed Moon gently and released her. "Now, I only have an evening, so will you be upset if I get to reading? A lot?"

Moon smiled at that. "Why don't we read together? Like our first date... I enjoyed that very much."

"Tempting... But while that is enjoyable, it is not that fast, comparitively. If we had all the time, I'd say yes in a heartbeat, but we're racing a clock." Her horn glowed as Twilight snatched a book to float towards her. "I will gladly read with you, but not while comparing notes, not right now."

Moon's left ear sagged. "I understand..." She could do that. The request was perfectly logical. "A shame no pony made a spell to read and understand faster."

Twilight willed the book open to the first page, starting the process of reading. "Oh, they have, a few such spells. But then you're not reading. What's the point in that?" To librarian Twilight, the book was half the point. Just absorbing the knowledge was cheating at best, and the only one being cheated was the one that didn't actually sit down and read. "Sit with me. Let's read some books."

"Gladly." Moon hopped up onto a pillow right next to Twilight and soon the only sound audible in that room was that of papers being turned gently.

"And we're done," shouted a stallion over the noise of the kitchen. "Time to wind down and clean up your immediate messes. Clean staff'll be in behind you." He shared thank yous and hoof clops with chefs in the area as he worked through the kitchen, the tension lowering dramatically with his announcement.

Applejack flopped back, heaving for breath. "But ah ain't done..."

"Yes you are." The stallion moved between her and her oven. "Ya did good." He kicked the oven door shut with a final slap. "But you're done. No more orders are going out, so no point in cooking now. Dessert staff is on the case for that, but that's not our job. Snacks are done. We're done. We did it." He set a hoof on her shoulder. "You did it."

"Ah did it..." she breathlessly got out, trying to absorb that statement. "Ah did it... No. We did it." She waved a hoof around. "We all did it, together."

He smiled brightly at that. "That's the spirit. If you want to work alongside us again sometime, won't say no to it. You weren't perfect, but you were learning, and fast. And your attitude was spot on." He leaned in, turning his head so one eye trained on her. "I didn't recognize all the spices you were using. That a secret?"

"'Fraid so." Applejack sat up with pride. "A cook doesn't reveal all their secrets."

"Well, it's a hit out there, so good. If it's a family secret, won't pry too hard... But if it's anything less than that, there are bits in secrets like that, so think about it."

Applejack tensed. "Um..."

"Think about it. No hurry." He swatted at her lightly and went on to debrief other haggard chefs and see the kitchen completed its wind down. "If you weren't already paid, see Pay Roll up front and she'll get you sorted!"

Miss Roll nodded slightly, hair done up in a bun and a clipboard floating in her magic. She looked quite serious about the matter. "Princess Celestia's orders. Not a worker leaves without a bag of bits. She thanks you for all your work, even if she's busy dealing with the party guests right now. On her behalf, I am her kind hoof."

Applejack wiped down her station with a happy sigh. Cleaned enough for the actual cleaning staff to handle, she trotted off towards Miss Roll. "Howdy. Applejack."

"Applejack." Miss Roll leaned in place, peeking at Applejack's cutie mark. "Here we are." She found the same cutie mark on her spreadsheet and made a big checkmark next to it. Her eyes went past Applejack to her station. They sliced another checkmark on the page. "Executive!" she shouted suddenly. A pony looked up at her. "Applejack."

He took off his fancy chef hat. "4, could be 5."

Another check. "Alright. Miss Applejack, we owe you this." Her glowing horn pulled a bag of bits out and floated them over to Applejack. "Along with Princess Celestia's gratitude. You are hereby invited to return." She flipped through the clipboard. "The next event is in two moons. Are you available?"

Applejack recoiled, ears rigid and erect. "Pardon?!"

Miss Roll inclined her head faintly. "Your cooking was deemed acceptable. You are invited to return." She spoke in slow and precise tones, as if she had simply been misheard. "Do you accept?"

Applejack tucked the bits away, shivering through her whole body. "Ah... yes! Yes, um... What's the event?"

"Details will be sent to you." Another checkmark joined the others. "Thank you." Miss Roll looked to the next chef in line. "Name?"

Applejack had been dismissed, just like that... but she had also been invited back... She wandered out the workers entrance alongside the others, feeling... funny. She had done it, but, somehow... "Like there shoulda been more to it..."

Another chef bumped into her. "We work behind the scenes. When we do it right, nopony knows. No big parades for us."

"Huh..." Applejack accelerated around the castle proper. Maybe she could at least catch a little of the party. She came on the front to find a wild eyed Fluttershy just bursting in the front door, laughing wildly. "What the?"

"Thank you, Spike." Diamond stepped forward with a deep scowl. "But this is my problem."

"You heard her," chortled out Preamble. "Go find somewhere else to--" He didn't get to finish, being slugged, hoof to his chest. He staggered back, coughing, and collapsing with a wheeze.

Vigorous winced at the motion. "Brutish... but invigorating."

Diamond turned to the other two upper class foals. "Sorry for disturbing the party."

Bottom shook his head. "Oh, heavens no. Preamble deserved that, and it was quite fun watching him finally get what was waiting far too long. Now, Diamond Tiara, Spike Dragon, a pleasure to meet you both."

"A delight," echoed Vigorous, the both dipping their heads together. "Have you tried the apple fritters? They are to die for."

Spike snatched one of the few left on a tray wandering past. He split it in half without prompting and offered Diamond one of the halves.

She grabbed it from his hand in her mouth and began chewing. "Mmm! Applejack really outdid herself."

Vigorous was blushing vividly. "Oh my! Are you two... a thing? I've never seen somepony eat from somepony else... so intimate... Lewd...." Not that she wasn't staring, all the harder. "Captivating..."

It was at that moment that the front door burst open to reveal chaos itself in the form of a pegasus.

40 - Afterparty

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Moon emerged with Twilight into the bedlam of the party. "What?" both echoed with shared confusion. Thankfully, ponies were already hard at work taming the chaos into something approaching order. Moon detached from it to head to Celestia instead.

"I fear my friend may have been involved in this." She glanced at Fluttershy, being gently subdued. "My apologies for my failure as a friend."

Celestia was looking far more entertained than worried. "I was afraid this party would be too stuffy, as usual. Tell your friend, Fluttershy wasn't it? Tell her I say thank you. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Twilight slipped in beside Moon Dancer. "That library is amazing! The only part I'm upset about is that I don't have forever to finish reading. Thank you for tonight." She dipped her head low, entire body sinking. "I will remember it always."

"I'm glad to hear you had a good time." Celestia sat up tall. "I think I have realized a mistake. Keeping this festivity to just the aristocrats was stymieing things. I do formally declare that this party will be open to all ponies, safe numbers permitting." One could almost see the vision of ponies packed in the room, shoulder to shoulder. "That wouldn't do..."

She spotted the little ones. "Ah... It appears your little brother also found something worth celebrating."

Moon turned in the same direction Celestia was looking. There was Spike with Diamond. They were chatting with three noble foals animatedly. One of the foals seemed to be nursing a sore on his chest. Twilight blinked at the sight. "Is everything alright?"

Celestia gently waved that away. "Foals have their way of sorting things out. I feel certain they're fine."

As if on command, Diamond and Spike started towards their adults. The other foals nodded at them, as if waving was just too... obscene. Diamond had a big smile. "Thanks for the party." She nodded at Celestia in kind. "Your Higness."

"A pleasure. They weren't bothering you, I hope?" She knew the difference between new and old money, and the gradients involved. "You appeared to be enjoying yourself."

Spike colored faintly. "We had to set some, uh, boundaries, but it's all good now!"

Diamond threw an arm over Spike, drawing him down so his face was next to hers. "With my trusty dragon boyfriend, I felt entirely safe." Spike's blush only got worse. "But it wasn't anything we couldn't handle."

Moon encompassed her adopted brother in her magic, gently pulling him free. "I will expect a full report. It occupied me accompanying Twilight and got no experience tonight."

"So I'll be filling in." He landed on Moon's back, set there with her magic. "Alright. But I was kinda, uh, busy doing foal stuff, not adult stuff. You sure you want to learn about that?"

Moon twisted an ear back at Spike. "I am very interesting in hearing what you were doing, yes."

Spike smiled at that, apprehension lifting like a departing fog. "You got it!"

Diamond moved in with Twilight. "Those two are really close."

Twilight's ears danced. "Yes they are. It's heartwarming to see. Like you and your father."

Diamond smiled brightly at that. "That's what I was going for, thank you. Like me and dad..."

Celestia spread her wings. "As much as I'd love to spend the rest of the evening chatting with you all, I must say proper goodbyes and see that things are settled. Have a safe trip back to Ponyville, and see you next year." With that, she rose to her considerable height and began wading into the settling chaos to address all her precious little ponies.

Moon started for the exit with the others. "Let's gather our friends and be off."

It had been the best night ever, for at least some of them.

"There ya are!" Applejack found them with a big smile. "Were they just wrestlin' Fluttershy to the ground? Should we... do somethin' 'bout that?"

Twilight echoed the smile, moving in to hug her friend and maybe sister. "Applejack!" She suddenly stiffened. "Oh no! I was so busy reading, I didn't get a chance to try any of your food. What a friend I've been..."

Diamond was quick to jump in. "I tried one. An apple fritter, right? It was great! Even the other noble ponies were gushing about it."

Applejack's smile only redoubled. "Did they now?! Well, shoot, that's a mighty compliment... but ah got other news." She leaned in, nose to Twilight's cheek. "They invited me back fer another little shindig! It's official, ah'm a Canterlot chef!"

Twilight and Moon began to clap their hooves in shared approval.

Diamond whistled, and Spike gave a huh. "So are you going to be in Canterlot more often?"

Applejack shrunk at that. "Ain't no way ah'm leavin' mah family." She pointed back at her rump. "That's what my cutie mark is fer, don't forget! Ah'll just be visitin' fer the big parties to share some Apple family goodness with these ponies. In the meantime, ah can share my treats with my friends and family." She flashed a cocky smile. "Ponyville will get its fair share of a taste of the fancy stuff."

Twilight laughed gently at that. "I'll be proud to be a taste tester."

Moon raised a hoof. "We are two unicorns with Canterlot taste."

Applejack huhed softly. "That's a good point. Right useful to have around, considerin' ah'll be tryin' to make 'em happy, but there'll be other ponies too!" She turned her eyes to Diamond and Spike. "Perhaps you two would like to help too?"

Spike shot an emphatic thumbs up, doubling it a moment later. "You got it! Fancy food if you say how it is. Seems fair."

Diamond turned up her nose with a smirk. "I'll give you the upper crust opinion on it."

"Upper Crust opinion?" asked another filly. Vigorous Debate joined them without asking. "Diamond is a fascinating filly, won't argue that, but she's upper middle class at best." She slyly smiled. "No offense..."

Diamond huffed at her new friend. "You've lost all perspective."

Vigorous quirked an ear. "Have I?"

Spike nodded quickly. "Diamond is part of the richest family in town. If that's middle class, I'd hate to see what's above it."

Vigorous gestured to herself. "You're looking at it. The proper aristocracy." She sounded all too proud of this fact. "Back me up, Bottom."

The colt hurried to do that. "Y-yes. We are the upper echelon. However, no offense intended, but there are many strata below us, Vigorous."

Vigorous raised a brow. "I did say upper middle class."

Twilight shook her head at the argument. "Dedicated on-site work staff is usually beyond the casual means of upper middle class." She turned a hoof on herself. "I'm middle class." She turned the hoof on Diamond. "My friend, Rarity, is upper middle class, and Diamond here is rich, to avoid mincing words." Diamond stood tall and proud at that. "But within the 'rich' band, there are subcategories." She raised two hooves up to form that pretend band.

Moon frowned with thought. "It gets fuzzy... Diamond, if you wanted to purchase a town, would that be a mild, moderate, considerable, and unreasonable strain on your finances?"

Bottom took up the challenge, even if he hadn't been asked. "Oh, that does depend on the town... I suppose if we're discussing Ponyville.. Mmm, considerable, but my parents are strict about my expenditures after a point."

Diamond blanched at the idea. "W-what? You could still consider buying all of Ponyville?"

Moon nodded with satisfaction. "That is the difference. You are both in the 'rich' category, but that doesn't highlight the upper differences."

Spike hiked a brow. "I don't think Twilight would ever sell the library."

"It's not even mine to sell," admitted Twilight. "It belongs to the town, and I take care of it. That's my job."

Moon moved to Twilight's side. "And you perform admirably at this task. This day has been eventful for many of us. It's time to retire."

Diamond waved anew at her rich+ friends. "I gotta go. It was nice meeting you both." She glanced around. "Where'd Preamble run off to?"

Bottom laughed at that. "I think he's still recovering from that blow."

Vigorous eyed Diamond's leg, the one that hit Preamble. "Perhaps you'd care to show how you keep such a strong arm. I'd like to see that..."

Diamond shied back. "Oh, um... Well, I live all the way in Ponyville." She pointed off, likely not even at Ponyville.

Vigorous shrugged. "It's just a train ride away, or I could get a pegasus cart if I'm impatient." Neither sounded like they'd cost her enough to even slightly worry about it. "I'll be by. Diamond Tiara, daughter of Filthy Rich, isn't it? Expect me."

Diamond watched as the rich foals departed and turned to Spike.

Spike shrugged at the whole thing. "Sounds like you made friends."

"I... made friends..." Diamond let out a stress little laugh. "That went well." She suddenly hugged Spike. "I made rich friends! Wow... I never had a friend richer than I was!"

Moon leaned in on the excited filly. "Would you care to write a report on that?"

Diamond blinked rapidly. "What?"

"I am conducting a full analysis on friendship. The view of a rich pony's exploits in this arena would be a valuable addition." With a twinkle of her magic, she conjured a quill, ink, and paper. "I would appreciate it, as would Equestria as a whole in the long run."

Diamond waved onwards. "Maybe on the cart. I'm not writing anything standing in the middle of all this." She waved at the ponies milling about, many departing the party.

"Fair..." Moon tucked the writing tools away, but only for the moment. "Let's go." They returned to the wagon that Diamond had secured for them and climbed in.

"Ah'll hike with the girls," assured Applejack, waving at the others as they emerged. "Have a safe trip home!"

Twilight hesitated. "It was fun riding here, but..." She made her escape. "I'll join the others."

Moon Dancer considered with a frown. "Please finish that report." She set down the paper and supplies and hopped down herself to join the others in the hike home.

Diamond hiked a brow. "You going with Moon?"

Spike shrugged. "Uh, tempting, but I came here to be with you, so I'm not going anywhere."

Diamond leaned against him. "Aw! You are simple the best, Spike." She reached for the quill and the paper. "Still, whatever. I'll write out this 'report.'"

Friendship Report,

Hey, Diamond Tiara here. Moon Dancer asked that I write about my discoveries relating to friendship or whatever. So here I am. I came with my boyfriend, Spike. I didn't think it was possible, but I think I like him even more than I did before. He was ready to fight for me! He stood up for me with words, too. But he wasn't so macho that he stopped me from standing up for myself or him. We were like a team!

Is this... Hold on, he's watching what I write too closely... Anyway! I made some new friends and I'm excited but also kinda nervous. I never hosted a pony that had more bits to their name than I did. Will they look down on what I think is reasonable? Do I need to get a second butler? Is one not enough?

Ugh! I don't want to make terrible impressions. Hold on...

Diamond released the quill from her mouth, giving up her attempt to write, with Spike giving her a firm hug. "T-thanks, but what is this for?"

"You're stressed." He squeezed her firmly. "And I care, so I'm hugging you until you feel better."

"Stupid..." But she wasn't fleeing, or pushing him away. "I just don't want to mess this up. Silver's a peer. Um, so are you, in a way. You have Princess Celestia's ear! But they're above me, the new ponies... I don't want to make an awful impression."

"I'll be there," promised Spike with a thump of his chest. "We'll get through this. Besides, tell your mom you have Canterlot ponies visiting and I bet she'll make sure it's right."

Diamond considered that mental image. "That will be awful... but she would do it. Spike, you're a genius!"

41 - The Return of Harmony

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"You did well enough," spoke one robed figure to the original. "Do you truly intend to do them all?"

The first waved across at the heavy tomes that held the story. "It has been given to me, this task, to write them all with this one change. To quit now? I have no intention."

"You have left threads dangling." They plucked at a loose bit of string hanging from the book the first figure was closing. "Will it satisfy you, having that?"

"A loose thread in one book--" They placed the first book on a new shelf and took a blank to start it. "--can be finished in another. Have you come only to interrogate me?"

"It irritates me." The second figure crossed their arms. "What of her cutie mark? What of their half-tiaras? You--"

"--Answers are coming." The first began to write in slow, specific letters. "Allow me to do that. I don't promise all the answers in this book, but some? Hints are coming..."

"I will wait." The second vanished, to wait for the story to continue.

It was a wonderfully sunny day in Ponyville. Applejack had plenty of corn to harvest. At least until they began to pop vigorously in a shower. "What the...?" She was hardly the only pony experiencing the sudden chaos. It wouldn't be long before all the girls received a letter from Princess Celestia to come to Canterlot as soon as possible.

Twilight was gently patting Moon Dancer on the back. "Your spell appeared to be properly formulated."

"But it had no effect." Moon had proven entirely unable to undo the chaos in Ponyville. Only teamwork had held it at bay long enough for them to rush to Celestia. "I miscalculated something..."

Rarity tossed her voluminous mane. "Don't sweat it, darling. We all put in our best and got things under control, for the moment. Let's just hope that Princess Celestia has an answer for what's going on and how to put a proper end to it."

At the castle, they hurried through an equally chaotic Canterlot to hustle into the castle, where Celestia awaited them in a hallway of brightly colored glass windows. "I'm glad you could make it here." She began explaining the threat of Discord, who had come to cause trouble. "I will need you all to use the si--" She raised a hoof to her head to abate a sudden headache. "Seven elements. Luna and I can't use them anymore."

Pinkie shrugged softly. "Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, you guys. Chocolate rain!" She licked her lips with fond memory of the strange weather.

Princess Celestia advanced onto the vault despite that. Inserting her horn and channeling her magic, she willed it to unlock and open. "Here they are." She drew out the box and turned back to her ponies. "Take them and--" She opened them to reveal they were gone, taken. She dropped them with surprise.

Pinkie inclined her head at the empty box and shrugged casually. "Oh, well. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside in the chocolate puddles with a giant swizzle straw."

Twilight clopped a hoof to her cheek. "The Elements! They're gone!"

Moon scowled at the sight. "That box was protected by--"

"--The very same," agreed Celestia. "Even the chamber it was in is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn't make sense!"

A new laugh echoed around them. "Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?"

Celestia took on an agressive stance, her teeth clenched. "Discord... Show yourself!" She looked around sharply for wherever the chaos spirit could be hiding.

Though not spotted, Discord's voice could be easily heard. "Did you miss me, Celestia? I missed you. It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone."

"Enough! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?" Celestia flared her wings and narrowed her eyes with an unspoken threat.

Discord didn't sound very threatened. "Oh, I just borrowed them for a teensy little while." He snapped sharply, skipping in place on the many painted pictures.

"You'll never get away with this, Discord!" Celestia finally figured out where he was to glare at properly.

"Oh, I'd forgotten how grim you can be, Celestia. It's really quite boring." Discord yawned more dramatically than technically required.

"Hey! Nopony insults the Princess!" Rainbow crashed into the stained glass to no effect but to thud against it.

Discord laughed with glee. "Oh, you must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty, the Element of Harmony you represent."

Rainbow puffed up proudly. "That's right! I'll always be loyal to the Princess!"

Discord steepled his fingers with a malignant sneer. "We'll see about that."

Rarity tossed her mane with an undignified huff. "I can't believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window."

"The beautiful Rarity, representing the element of generosity, if I'm not mistaken?" Discord gloated with his knowledge of his rivals.

Applejack snorted angrily. "So you know who we are, big deal." She adjusted her hat. "Take more than that."

"Oh, I know much more than that, honest Applejack." Discord laughed, only to stop suddenly. "Hold on..." He stepped free of the glass to glare down at Moon Dancer. "You're not..."

Moon inclined an ear at him. "I am the element of magic."

"And I am the element of friendship." Twilight threw a leg over Moon, the two leaning on each other with a shared smile. However scary things were, they had each other. "You may know our strengths, but we are stronger, together!"

Discord counted on his fingers. "Kindness, generosity... No no... This doesn't fit together properly at all..." He looked up at Twilight and Moon. "Back me up, here. Fluttershy's is kindness and Pinkie Pie's is a personal favorite of mine - laughter. Those are right, right?"

Celestia cocked a brow at him. "I don't know what game you're playing, but it ends now. Where have you put the elements?"

Discord got back into his role. "Oh, so boring, Celestia. Really? Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way. To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began." He was gone by the end of his hint.

Fluttershy looked like she wished she could be gone."Can we go home now?"

Applejack was more measured looking. "What do you reckon he meant? Twists and turns and endin' back where we started?"

"Twists and turns..." Twilight paced about with a frown.

"Twists and turns..." echoed Moon Dancer, hoof to her chin as she paced at in counter flow with Twilight.

"Twists and turns!" they realized together. "That's it!"

Moon Dancer pointed out the window. "I bet Discord hid the Elements in the palace labyrinth!"

Celestia nodded with a gentle smile at her eager champions. "Good luck, my little ponies. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves."

Moon dipped her head and turned at the same time. "We will do our best. Wait here."

They charged out towards the hedge maze to discover it had become even more ominous than usual. All the light and natural splendor replaced with lurking malignance.

Fluttershy tried to hide behind a wing with limited effect. "W-We have to go in there?"

Rainbow zipped into the sky with a cocky smirk. "Nope! Dopey Discord forgot about these babies! I'll just do a quick flyover and we'll have the Elements in no time." At least until a bit of chaos deprived her of that advantage. "My wings!" she cried, ending up right back on the ground with a thump.

Moon reached up to pat at her lack of horn. "Hm. This complicates the situation."

Discord laughed at their plight, eyes set on them easily. "You–You should see the looks on your faces. Priceless!"

Twilight stomped a hoof. "Give us our wings and horns back!"

Discord smiled with no great tension. "You'll get them back in good time. I simply took them to ensure there's no cheating." He gestured over the lot of ponies. "You see, this is the first rule of our game: no flying, and no magic."

Moon hiked a brow. "Please continue."

"The second rule is everypony has to play, or the game is over, and I win. Good luck, everypony!" Discord vanished with an echoing laughter.

Moon turned towards her friends. "We can overcome these hurdles with cooperation."

Rainbow punched at the air. "Yeah! Like Moon said, there's nothing we can't overcome if we all stick together!"

Twilight took her first step towards the maze. "Alright, girls, let's do this!"

"Together," they all echoed, though that energy was short-lived as barriers sprang up between them all, forcing them to deal with a unique challenge of their mental state and friendship abilities.

"Stay calm, girls," cried out Twilight.

"We can overcome this," joined Moon. "Let's find where the paths rejoin."

"To the middle," finished Twilight. They all nodded and started forward.

The exploits of some of the ponies are already well known, but others are changed, as they must, and at least one is entirely new.

Applejack stomped at the vision displayed to her. "Ain't no way a sister ah mine's gonna turn on me just causa some cockamamie maze!"

The apples fell to the ground, their gambit foiled. "That's no fun." Discord stepped out from nowhere in particular. "You're just getting your feeling for these other ponies. Why are you so confident?!"

Applejack cocked a brow at him. "Yer kiddin', right? One of 'em's mah dang sister! Half the others are long friends, even if we don't see eye to eye all the time..."

"You barely even know this one." Discord conjured an image of Moon Dancer, wandering the maze, lost. "She could turn on you."

"Maybe." Applejack shrugged. "But then Twilight'd whoop her backside but good and tell her to pull it together. Face it, ya tried your best." She reared up to cross her arms. "But ya done lost."

"Hey there." A pony came in from the side, joining Moon in her march. "Where're you headed?"

"The center." Moon did not slow for the new appearance. "Do you know how to reach it faster?"

"Sure!" burst the mare all too loud, causing Moon to pause in a wince. "Just that way." She pointed down one of many hallways.

"Thank you." But a hoof was in the way. "Is something wrong?" She turned to the pony but recoiled to see them in tears. "What?"

"I'm really upset and you didn't even notice," sobbed the mare. "What kind of pony are you?! You were gonna just walk away..."

This was all a bit much, over the top, or so many ponies would quickly discern.

Moon Dancer didn't have quite that discernment, pacing from hoof to hoof. "I didn't mean to... How can I help?"

"You can care about me." The mare turned away. "You're so focused on what you're doing, you don't have time for me."

Being gaslit only confused Moon further. "I didn't mean to..." She had already said that... "Let's correct the situation. What is required?"

"What is required," taunted the mare with a disgusted expression. "--is for you to start paying attention."

"I am paying attention." Moon inclined her head. "I'm sorry." She focused on the mare, trying to get a grasp on the emotions at play. "You are upset."

"Of course I'm upset!" She threw a hoof in the air. "And you're only just noticing that?! What kind of pony are you? Being so bad at friendship, you know Twilight's gonna dump you eventually? She's literally the element of friendship. She can't take this--" The mare waved over Moon Dancer. "--forever. I don't even know what she sees in you in the first place."

Moon took a step back, color draining from her as the visions overtook her. "N-no... I'm trying my best!" She took off running, tears streaming in the air behind her.

"It's not near good enough," called the mare, a vicious smirk on her face.

42 - The Return of Harmony, Part 2

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They had found each other, but some things felt... off...

Rarity was pushing an enormous boulder that she insisted belonged to her. "He's mine!"

Fluttershy was taking the chance to play tricks and be mean spirited whenever the opportunity arose.

The new kink was Moon Dancer. She had a big smile on her face, as fake as she felt. "You were all fantastic," she cried, not lying, directly, but trying so desperately to be the cool pony in the room, even if they weren't in a room. "Loving that." She waved at Rarity's boulder. "You always had such a good eye."

Twilight closed in on the side of Moon. "You look... cheerful."

"I'm feeling like a thousand bits!" It wasn't her place to feel bad. Nopony was terribly interested in that. She instead looked for how she could help them. "Twilight, you look frazzled, how can I help?"

Twilight grunted softly. "Elements of Harmony?"

"Oh right." She had forgotten that. She sagged with misery, called out on something else she didn't see, but she perked right up. Nopony cared about that! She had to be cool and focused. "Where do you think it's gone? How can I help?"

Twilight inclined her head. The others that had begun acting funny had become antisocial. Moon had become... disquietingly pro-social? "AJ?"

AJ hurried in on Twilight's other side. "Right here, sugarcube. Let's take this slow and think it out. Yer both real good at that."

Twilight considered a moment, pausing just for Fluttershy to thump into her back. "Sorry."

"Watch where you're going," spat Fluttershy with acid dripping from her tones.

"Girls, why are you acting like this?" She wheeled on her uncooperative friends. "This isn't like you."

Discord appeared, the hedges vanishing. "It's just too entertaining." he laughed, unable to even stand at the sight of their plight.

"Stop it, Discord. You're not playing fair." Twilight stomped at him with a glare.

Discord sprang upright. "I'm not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Hello?" He waved over himself, chuckling softly.

"How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you took away the labyrinth before we could get to the end?" Twilight waved at the lack of a maze around them.

Discord guffawed, barely holding back harder laughter. "Oh, wait, did you...?" He failed to hold it back a moment longer, gales of laughter rippling from him. "How funny! You thought the Elements were in the labyrinth? I never said they were in the labyrinth."

Applejack took a defiant step forward, lowering her hat. "Now see here!"

"Keep trying," urged Discord, hands under his chin as he smirked at them all. He continued in a mocking tone, "Maybe the magic of friendship can help you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some chaos to wreak." He vanished with a pop.

With a clap of thunder, it began raining chocolate on the entire herd. Pinkie scowled. "Chocolate rain? I hate chocolate rain!"

Twilight grunted with frustration. "Think, Twilight, think! 'Find the Elements back where you began.' Back where you began."

Moon slid up to rub against her side. "This is taking a lot out of you. Maybe we should go home. I'll make you some tea."

"Don't touch my gem!" Rarity was embattled with the other discorded mares, cohesion entirely lost among them.

"Ugh. I just want to go home... Wait a minute... Home! 'Back where you began!'" She turned in place towards Ponyville. "The Elements must be in... Ponyville! Come on, girls. I'm certain this is what Discord's riddle really meant. If we get back to the library, I have a book that I just know can give us a clue." It took a bit more encouragement to get them all moving. At least Applejack and Moon were ready to go, one more than the other.

Moon's horn glowed as she rubbed at Twilight's shoulders. "Discord is being such a... an unpleasant creature. I'm sorry you have to deal with this, Twilight. I'm in your corner."

"Th-thank you..." Twilight side-eyed her girlfriend. "Are you alright? What did... What happened?" She turned past Moon to look at the others, but shook her head just as quickly. "We have to get the elements, they'll fix this!"

It was a slow trek back to town, down roads of soap and through a town ravaged by chaos. Moon looped around between Twilight and the library. "Twilight's been way too... burdened by the day. All of you, go home."

"Wait, what?! No, we have--"

Moon twitched faintly, realizing her error. "I mean you can't go home! I was just... joking..." She glanced at the others, scooting in close to Twilight. "Please don't be mad," she urgently whispered.

"This whole thing is... infuriating." Twilight sagged with a huff. "Everypony, inside!"

Fluttershy smirked viciously at Twilight. "I wouldn't want to upset your girlfriend."

"Why are you saying it like--"

Fluttershy didn't let Twilight finish, shoving her in a rude push. "Nerd."

"Nerds are the worst," angrily huffed Pinkie.

"Don't you talk about her that way." Moon got right in Fluttershy's face. "She is the best pony around!"

"Better than you deserve," taunted Fluttershy without a moment of delay.

Moon shrieked in horror, falling back in an uneven skidding of her hooves that ended in her falling over. "You take that back! I'm great at friendship." She glanced around nervously, setting her eyes on Twilight. "I'm going to treat you to your favorite tonight. It will be prepared properly, beyond your expectations."

Twilight blinked softly. "Thank you, but we are--" The fight did not stop for her words, her friends coming to blows over the right to use rock puns on 'Tom', which was his name. "But..." She groaned, teeth clenched. "Maybe we need a break. I'm going to check and see if I can't find that book. Moon?" Moon was already with her, eager to follow. "AJ?"

"Right here." She fluffed up, ready with a smile. "Discord tried to do his than' on me. Did he try it on you?"

"What thing?" Twilight led the two inside, winning a moment of reprieve from the more violently clashing others. "Alright... we need to find those elements."

"The elements of harmony?" asked Spike, jogging into the room. "Also, welcome back! Why's the town still all... crazy?"

Moon rushed at Spike. "Spike! I missed you so much. What comic are you reading?"

Spike blinked at the assault. "Captain Heavyhoof and the Righteous Six?"

"I love that one." Moon had no idea what that comic was. Still, social people would know, right? She went with that option. "Especially when he strikes that pose."

Spike's eyes twinkled. "Yeah! That was one of the best parts." He struck the pose that Moon had no idea of. "Stop right there! Oh, uh, sorry." He turned back to Twilight. "What's going on?"

Applejack threw her head back towards the door. "We ran into this fella called Discord, really messed wit' their heads awful."

Twilight flopped to her haunches with a grunt. "There has to be a way to save them, and defeat Discord..."

Spike pointed off to a shelf. "You put the book about that over there."

Twilight perked, a moment of delight. "Spike, thank you!" She hugged him briefly and dashed off in a trotting hurry, her horn glowing as she plucked out several books. A small glance was all it took to seperate out the one she wanted. "Here we are."

"I'll help." Moon snatched the book with her magic. "You've had a huge day. Sit, relax, and trust me to do this tedious research for you."

Spike watched her canter off to do that. "What's up with her?"

Applejack tapped at the side of her head. "Discord was playin' dirty tricks. He tried to get in mah head, but ah threw him right out." She threw her hoof to make that clear. "Reckon the other girls weren't so lucky." She smiled at Twilight. "'Twas your fault, by the way."

"Mine?!" Twilight recoiled. "What'd I do?"

"He tried to make me think mah own sister would turn on me." Applejack rolled her eyes. "As if. Yer an Apple. We Apples stick together."

Twilight smiled gently, feeling some of the weight of that trying day being lifted off her shoulders. "Aw... Thanks, AJ."

"Don't be mad..." There was Moon, looking quite sheepish. "But somepony clearly made a mistake in the manufacture of this tome."

Twilight quirked up an ear. "What do you--Oh!" She started at the vision of the open book, all the elements safely nestled within. "Well, we did start at the library... I suppose that makes sense." She closed on Moon Dancer. "Good job bringing this to me." Oh the almost hysterically pleased smile on that unicorn's face. "I'm sure you were tempted to hide this problem."

Moon took a step back. "N-no, of course not!" That she had been considering just that was clear on her face. "I'm glad this doesn't bother you."

Applejack kicked the book upwards with a forehoof, sending the elements flying. She hopped up to catch hers around her neck with a whistle. "Bother? We were jus' lookin' for these. Now, can we beat up Discord and fix our friends?"

Twilight grabbed the others in her magic, bringing her half tiara down on her head and moving the other to rest on Moon's head to complete that set. "We'll have to fetch them. The elements only work all together, as far as I'm aware."

Moon raised her hooves, touching her half-tiara from both sides. "You always know the right way, Twilight. How can I help?"

Spike whistled softly. "Moon..." Moon turned quickly towards him. "This isn't like you."

Moon inclined her head at her small brother. "I apologize for my past behavior. I'm better now! I will pay attention, finally, to what the ponies around me need." She tapped herself on the chest. "That includes you."

"That's... good..." Spike hurried over to Twilight and AJ instead. "Please fix her. This is really kinda strange."

Applejack hooked one arm around him in a brief hug. "Hang in there. We wanna fix all the girls."

"I hate seeing her like this... The others are more outwardly destructive, but she may be doing the most damage." The other two peered at her with confusion. "They will wrestle and argue to little longterm effect. She's fighting herself, and she knows where to kick and punch to make it count. She knows her opponent quite well."

"Did I do something wrong?" Moon leaned left and right, trying to see what the others were doing. "Sorry... How can I help?" She mumbled some self-depracating thoughts to herself. A normal pony would have already understood what was needed! Why was she so blind?

Twilight left them, though Applejack went on her own hooves to follow. "It's alright," Twilight assured. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Phew." Moon let out the air she had been holding. "If you need anything at all, let me know. I'm here for you! Want me to hunt Discord down?"

"Not by yourself. This is an all of us thing." She wobbled the floating elements. "Let's get these to the girls."

Moon snatched Fluttershy's element suddenly. "I have confidence I can reason with her. We are two ponies of similar temperment."

Twilight blinked, but a smile broke free and radiant. "That's a great idea. I'll try Rarity first." She floated Rarity's element away from the others.

Applejack reached up and snatched Pinkie's. "Ah'll try to talk some sense inta that grouchy party mare. Let's meet back here after we talk to 'em."

Twilight turned on Moon. "Sounds good. Come back whether or not you succeed. I won't be mad, promise. It just means we have to reconsider our approach."

Spike hopped up, but couldn't get high enough. "Let me try Rainbow. I wanna help!"

Applejack inclined her head. "We don't know where she ran off to..." Applejack instead grabbed the floating Rainbow Dash necklace. "Let's keep a hold of that fer now."

43 - The Return of Harmony, Part 3

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Applejack found Pinkie grumping her pink butt by the river. "Catch anythin'?"

Pinkie waved at the water. "Not a single one. Why am I even bothering? I hate fishing anyway." She threw her fishing pole to the ground with an angry snort. "Did you want something? Better not involve apples."

"You hate Apples?" guessed Applejack.

"Pfft, yeah." Pinkie rolled her eyes, walking away from the river. "Who would like those?"

Applejack grit her teeth. They were not themselves. Getting angry wouldn't help... "You make some pretty fine apple treats. All baked up to perfection."

"You're playing with me." Pinkie wheeled on Applejack. "It won't work! I'm not your joke." She thumped applejack with the flat of a hoof. "So don't laugh at me, jerk!"

Applejack blinked softly. "Weren't plannin' on it... Only time I'd laugh around you, sugarcube, is if I was laughin' with you." She smiled with fond memories. "Ya have a right good sense of humor."

Pinkie pawed at the ground with an angry hoof. "You're just saying that. If you want a gross old apple treat, go to the bakery." She pointed at Sugarcube Corner at the block's end. "Don't tell them I sent you."

Applejack hiked a brow. "Now that ain't the Pinkie ah know."

"Then maybe you don't know Pinkie very well," shot back Pinkie, brows up.

"Ah do know Pinkie has a second mom in there, and she's be powerful sad if you didn't want to be asssociated with her no more."

Pinkie shrank at that, thinking of Missus Cake. "We aren't... that close..."

"Ya came into town." Applejack walked in place. "All confused and lost. There was one pony what took the time to figure thin's out."

"She was..." Pinkie shook her head firmly. "You're trying to play a joke on me, and it won't work! I won't be the butt of anypony's jokes anymore!"

Applejack sighed softly. "Ain't givin' up. Yer worth the trouble, Pinkie." It became clear to her that Moon Dancer was not the only one tearing themselves up about things."

Moon tried to cool walk up towards Fluttershy. "'Sup?" Yeah, perfect. She could be good at socials!

Fluttershy was watching her the entire time, chuckling at some joke she kept to herself. "Here, all by yourself?"

"Not entirely." Moon Dancer pointed to Fluttershy. "You're here."

"That can be fixed," needled Fluttershy, spreading her wings in a threat.

"N-no! I mean... I'm here to help." Moon dipped her front, sweeping a hoof in a proper bow. "How can I assist?"

Fluttershe's smile grew all the more malicious. "I don't know. What I have in mind takes a lot of dedication. You sure you're up for it, Moon Prancer?"

That was not Moon's name, but she swallowed that. It wasn't like her opinion mattered. "I will do anything for you, Fluttershy. How can I help?"

Fluttershy stretched into standing. "Well, if you're serious... You can start with that." She turned and gestured with a toss of her head. "Somepony has to clean this up."

Moon flinched at the animal waste. One of the less appealing parts of animal care. "Of course! Not a problem at all." She didn't want to do that, but her wants weren't that very important, so she advanced on it, horn glowing as she grabbed a dust pan and broom to help with the job.

Fluttershy swatted the pan out of the magical grip. "Oh no, you can't use that."

"Why not?" Had she failed to see something obvious? "Please don't be mad."

Fluttershy flinched back. "D-don't be... I mean!" She growled at Moon Dancer. "You don't know how to get anything done." She took flight, just to crash on Moon's back, sending her falling into the muck. "You have to get real close. Get back to work!" She laughed with wicked delight as Moon got to cleaning from as close as one could get.

But Moon kept on doing it, cleaning, and not complaining. "Is... this the way you like it?"

Fluttershy retreated a step off Moon. It wasn't as fun attacking a pony that refused to react. "Do you like smelling like that." Ah ha. She smirked viciously. "Not that it's very different from usual."

Moon swiveled an ear towards her, brooming busily with her magic into a pile of the stuff. "If it brings back Fluttershy, it's worth it... Don't be mad."

Fluttershy whimpered softly, sagging in place. "I'm not mad," she wailed with confused emotions.

Moon smiled with a quick rebound. "I'm glad to hear that. I'll get this cleaned up." She kept her face down low to the ground as ordered, cleaning despite that.

Fluttershy stomped up behind Moon, shoving her face first into the filth. "Stand up for yourself!"

Moon sat up, shaking the mess from her face. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Yes," thundered Fluttershy, stomping in place. "Little shy ponies like you make me sick! You're just gonna let anypony walk all over you? Pathetic! Maybe you deserve this. Maybe all shy ponies just... deserve this."

Moon was stunned into stillness, but was watching Fluttershy, trying so hard to figure things out. Was she... "Would you like a hug?"

"Y-yes," miserably let out Fluttershy, going limp. "It's not fair..."

Moon gently embraced the other shy pony, squeezing her gently. "You're way better at reading ponies than I am."

"Thank you," she got out muffedly, face buried in against Moon. Her color returned to her, not that the ponies there could see it. "I'm so sorry..."

"Why are you sorry?" Moon inclined her head as she leaned back. "How are you feeling?"

"Um..." Fluttershy reached up to gently bat the broom out of Moon's grip. "I can handle that... I'm fine, I think..." She stood up properly. "Where are the others? Don't we need to--" She stopped, a necklace being placed around her neck. "Oh." There it was, her butterfly necklace of kindness. "Thank you. Oh no!" She only noticed just then how filthy she had gotten Moon's half-tiara. "Let me help." She snatched Moon's tiara away and flew into her house in a worried streak.

Moon followed at a casual pace. Inside the cottage, Fluttershy was busily washing her tiara as vigorously as she could. "You don't need to go through all that trouble."

"It's my fault this got all messy." Fluttershy cleaned with determination, bubbles sudsing up around her hooves. "Cleaning it is the least I can do. Do you want a bath? Angel! Please draw up Moon a bath."

Angel huffed, but did hop off to get that done.

On one hoof, Moon was sure she didn't really deserve that. On the other, refusing Fluttershy would be failing Fluttershy... She could lose her friend! "Alright..." She followed after Angel to clean up.

Twilight pushed open the door to the Boutique. "Rarity? Are you home?" That answered itself shortly. Atop the boulder, Tom, was Rarity. Around the boulder was a shrine of shiny baubles to help draw attention to the big rock.

"Have you come to gaze upon Tom? Well, too bad." Rarity waved Twilight away. "This is a Rarity-Only zone, darling."

Arguing that the rock wasn't very special felt like a dead end. They had already tried to convince Rarity of that. "I'd rather gaze upon something prettier, which is right here."

Rarity blinked. "Whatever do you mean? You're not even looking at Tom, which you're not allowed to. Thank you for listening to that at least. Really, some ponies..." She caressed Tom lovingly. "You're all mine, you big brilliant diamond..."

Twilight forced a smile. "A fine diamond... but I know a set of three I can't help but stare at."

Rarity pulled herself forward, eyes wide and manic. "More diamonds? Where?! Tell me, dear. The suspense is killing me."

Twilight popped out of being, appearing next to Rarity, one hoof already extended to point at her rump. "Right there."

Rarity hissed, shoving Twilight right off of Tom to tumble to the ground. "No touching!" Still, she was a little curious, and did peek. She did have diamonds back there, shiny and... "Not as good as Tom."

Twilight picked herself up, brushing the dust off of herself from the fall. "Three to one," countered Twilight with a sly smirk. "And attached to a lovely pony at that."

"Darling." Rarity waved Twilight off. "You're trying to flatter me." That it had worked a little she did not admit. "As lovely as three is, three small diamonds is not much compared to this." She hugged Tom all the harder. "So big and wonderful!"

"He certainly is... large." She was not looking at the boulder. "But you can't share him. He's all yours, as you said."

"All mine," agreed Rarity, spreading her hooves wide over Tom. "And not yours."

"Not mine," agreed Twilight. "But you can't share him. But you can share the other diamonds, and sharing makes you pretty happy, hm?"

Rarity squinted suspiciously at Twilight. "Now you're really being silly, darling. I'm not giving up my cutie mark."

"Not literally, of course." Twilight waved that away, hoof shaking. "No, but your friends, myself included, value you. You have Tom, but we're sad, because we don't have a Rarity."

Rarity inclined her head with clear confusion. "But I'm right here, dear." She pointed at herself. "All the Rarity you can handle! More than that, if we're being honest."

Twilight smiled at Rarity's words. "I have little doubt of that, but you're keeping Rarity away. All your fans are pining for a loss of a diamond, and it isn't Tom. Would you really deny them a chance to be around the diamonds they really care about?"

Rarity scowled suddenly. "Tom?!"

"Tom is lovely, but yours," hurriedly got out Twilight. "No arguments there. All yours."

"All mine." She nuzzled into the unfeeling stone that was entirely hers. "What diamond do they 'really care' about then, if not this one?"

Twilight tossed her head softly to the side. "The ones you wear, left and right. It's the fashion you make. And the touch of class that Ponyville, let's be honest, is just lacking."

"It is a bit short of that," admitted Rarity with a little huff. "But they never seemed to care before now, dear. A bunch of bumpkins enjoying their little out of the way lifestyles without a care for the finer things in life."

Twilight lifted an ear. A lingering mote of something real? "Which is why we adore you, Rarity. You remind us of these things, and we love them, and you."

Rarity fanned at herself. "Darling, you are positively on fire today. I swear... But you simply must prove your words aren't just, as they say, words." She hopped down from her diamond, peering at Twilight suspiciously. "It's easy to say things, dear, but to live them! That is the hard part."

Twilight snapped a salute, hoof to forehead. "I'm ready!"

"I hope that's the case." Rarity half turned away, eyes half-lidded. "Name one high class activity you learned from me, and to follow that up, what do you admire about it?"

Twilight rubbed at her cheek. "That isn't entirely fair. Me, personally? I'm from Canterlot, remember?"

Rarity rolled a hoof. "Sounds like you don't value it nearly as much as you claimed, dear."

Twilight squeaked. "You showed me the joy of dressing up. Even in Canterlot, I rarely bothered... You make it fun, and you can really bring out a pony's best qualities. I... appreciate it, and you."

Rarity trapped Twilight's cheeks between her hooves, staring into her eyes. "You really should get dressed up more often, dear. You can highlight your better features." She curled a hoof on herself. "But before that, you need to treat yourself! Next spa day, you're coming with me." Her color popped into being in a vibrant show the ponies couldn't see. "I really shouldn't hold that to myself."

"That's the Rarity I know." Twilight hugged her dear fashionista friend. "Now, in the spirit of sharing, I'd like to get you over to the others. Up for it?"

"Right behind you, darling."

44 - The Return of Harmony, Part 4

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The girls gathered at the library. Twilight counted quickly. "That's five of us."

Rarity shook her mane out, brush held in her magic and working out the kinks she had developed during her little episode. "Sorry about that, darlings. I was not myself."

Fluttershy hid behind her mane. "I know the feeling..."

Applejack adjusted her hat with a frown. "Ah thought ah was gettin' through to her. She remembers the Cakes and how they helped, but she's all caught up on how nopony seriously takes her, well, seriously."

Twilight considered with a humm. She may have been a different pony, but organizing the skills and talents of her friends in a mental spreadsheet was still exactly up her alley. "Takes her seriously..." She turned on Moon Dancer. "You."

"M-me?" Moon pointed at herself. "Of course, um. How can I help?" So smooth, nopony noticed her surprise. She could handle it...

Twilight pointed out the door. "When Pinkie was acting her usual strange self, there was exactly one pony that took them seriously, from the start to the end. You listened, and even documented, her 'Pinkie Sense'" She made quotes in the air with her hooves, clearly still having doubts there. "When she needed to assemble that outrageous instrument--"

Rarity perked at that. "Oh, yes, I remember that. You aided Pinkie in getting rid of those voracious little bugs."

Spike fired an emphatic thumbs up. "This is all you, Sis. If anypony could convince her she's being taken seriously, it's you."

Moon danced in place, wanting to argue that. Surely she wasn't that important... But to say that would be disagreeing with a lot of ponies. Then they'd hate her. No. She had to play it cool! "Alright." She stiffly turned for the door. "I'll come back with Pinkie Pie."

Twilight thrust a hoof out. "Or without her! If things don't go well, we'll understand."

Her girlfriend was just... the best. Moon set her shoulders and marched forward. "I will convince her." She had to avoid disappointing Twilight. There were so many other ponies to choose from. Why Twilight bothered settling with Moon was a mystery to her.

She felt something scramble up onto her, though it was a familiar sensation. "Spike?"

Spike rubbed her back and shoulders from above. "Right here! I'm here to help."

She twisted an ear back at him. Was he feeling nervous too? "Alright." He was her little brother, adopted. Maybe... Maybe he got nervous too. She wouldn't deny him a chance to prove his capabilities. "First step, find Pinkie." She emerged from the library and looked around, but there was no Pinkie in immediate sight.

"Applejack said she remembered the Cakes. Think she's around there?"

Moon frowned with thought, but did start there. "She is either there, or not there. She may be avoiding it for the exact reason she may be there." She grunted softly. "I'm not making sense."

"Sure you are," assured Spike. "You're just thinking out loud. I get it."

Moon smiled a little. Spike did seem to 'get' her. "It's worth trying. They may have seen her."

Twilight looked to the other ponies remaining. "There's still the matter of Rainbow Dash. Where even is she?"

Applejack waved a hoof in the air. "I saw her flyin' off, just afore Discord made the maze go away."

Rarity patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. "You're the one that's going to have to look for her, darling. She's probably a bit... elevated." She hopped in place, but gravity won that challenge. "And there's only so far we can go in that direction."

"R-right..." She lifted on her wings in a gentle hovering. "Maybe she's just at her house. I'll go check." She took off with a soft flapping out of the library. "Wait here, um, please." She ascended up into the sky and turned slowly. There it was. She flew to Rainbow's house, where there was no immediate sign of the pegasus.

"Rainbow?" she called, a shout, at least for her. "Are you there?"

"I gave it up!" came Rainbow's voice from inside her house, tortured and strained. "The whole thing... And for what?"

Fluttershy landed in front, resting a hoof on the door. "I'm coming in... if that's alright?"

"I could have been there." Fluttershy found Rainbow easily, rocking and hugging herself. "I could have saved the day... But no... I was down here..."

"Rainbow?" Fluttershy nudged the door shut behind herself. "Are you alright?"

"Flutter?" Rainbow sat up, staring at her with a haunted look. "Of course it'd be you..."

"Um, I'm sorry?" She shuffled nervously. "Is this a bad time?"

"It's a terrible time," spat Rainbow, but she sagged rather than lashing out. "You wouldn't get it... Of all the ponies, you wouldn't get it."

Fluttershy slipped closer. "What wouldn't I get? I may not 'get' it, but I'd love to listen... Please, help me understand."

"It's always about you!" Rainbow hissed like a cat, suddenly on all fours, back arced. "That's the problem!"

"Um, was I... Did I do something wrong?"

Rainbow pressed a hoof to her face. "Fluttershy... Dear, sweet, innocent Fluttershy. Of course you didn't. It's not like you even could do something wrong! No... Of course not."

Fluttershy sagged under the angry, if defeated, words. "I feel like I did something wrong..."

"Pinkie?" Mister Cake was there. "She swung by, ordered a cupcake, and ran off as quick as she could." He rubbed at his chin. "Seemed upset, but Pinkie's gonna be Pinkie. I tried not to pry too much into it."

Moon considered that. Surely Mister Cake knew better than she would...

"Which way did she go?" Spike was not laboring under the same problems. "We were hoping to talk to her."

Mister Cake pointed down the road. "That way. Good luck!"

"Thanks a bunch." Spike waved animatedly at Mister Cake as Moon started off in a spirited trot that way. "Alright, we have a target."

"Thank you, Spike. You are very clever." Why didn't she think of asking that? Stupid! Good thing Spike had been there to pick up the pieces she had foalishly left on the ground. "Do you want to speak to Pinkie first?" Surely he would be better at it. He was right on target.

"No way." He waved both hands in a strong negation. "You're the one with that connection. She needs to hear from you, not me. I mean, we're friends and all, but it's not the same thing."

Of course. He understood that social connection. She was being silly, again. "Right."

There was Pinkie, seated on a bench, morosely chewing on her cupcake. Moon turned her ears back on Spike. "How should I begin this conversation?" Surely he knew better!

"Say hi? Oh!" He clapped a balled fist against an open palm. "Talk about the experiment you two are working on."

"Ah, yes. Good idea." She should have thought of that, but she had not. It was a good thing she had Spike... Which is exactly what a little brother shouldn't be. She should be supporting him, not the other way around. "You stay here." She lifted him with her magic and set him on his own feet. "I'll take care of this." Like a good sister! Well, at least a less terrible one... "W-watch." Hopefully she would make a good impression. Probably not...

Moon walked up towards Pinkie, trying her best to look as confident as she didn't feel. "Hey." Super chill!

Pinkie looked up with a huff. "Another pony here to laugh at me? Figures."

"Why would I do that?" Moon stepped up onto the bench and sank on it. "I don't laugh very often."

Pinkie considered that. Moon was... not a jovial pony. "Am I the lucky one then?"

"I was thinking about our tests."

"Yeah? Figured out it was a bunch of nonsense?" She kicked at the air to little effect. "Gonna give up on it?"

"I am not." Moon inclined her head. "Your abilities are fantastic and deserving of serious attention. Why would I stop that?"

"S-serious attention?" Pinkie waved Moon away suddenly. "You're just saying that. If I wasn't here, you'd just find something else to care about."

"Maybe." She didn't even fight that possibility. "But you are here, and I would like to explore it with you. I also enjoy your company."

"Me? Seriously?" Pinkie curled both hooves at herself. "We're like, opposites! You never laugh at my jokes even when I do want you to. Which is not right now..."

Moon sagged with fresh defeat. "I'm very bad at that... I'm sorry..."

"W-what?" Pinkie raised a dubious brow at the deflating unicorn. "What are you sorry for?"

"I rarely know how to react... I suck." She sighed gently. "But I do enjoy your presence, and would like to continue studying your intriguing abilities... If you can put up with a loser like me."

"Don't look like that..." Pinkie reached for Moon's lips and curled them upwards in a poor imitation of a smile. "See? That looks better on you."

But the smile was gone as soon as Pinkie stopped holding them up. "I'm telling the truth." She worried her hooves together. "You are a great friend and test subject."

"Only you could say somepony's a good 'test subject' and sound like you're complimenting them." Pinkie smirked at the idea. "You... remind me of my sisters." She prodded at Moon. "All one emotion on the outside, but so many on the inside, just waiting to come out, but so bad at doing it..."

Moon inclined her head. "One day, if you'd like... Perhaps we could meet?"

"That would be..." Color rippled over her form. "That would be great." She grabbed Moon in a hug, color exploding in pink as she mashed Moon tight."Nng, feels like I had my head stuck in a vat of sadfaces... Where's every--" She paused, a necklace clipping onto her. "Oh! The element." She bounced to the ground, the element of laughter bobbing with her motions. "I'm ready! Where's everypony else?"

"Hirray!" Spike came rushing up. "Great job, Moon! Feeling better, Pinkie?"

She released Moon just to grab Spike up in a new hug, giggling. "Way better! I'm not..." She put him down. "Thank you." She turned in place to Moon. "Even if I was feeling... extra down... I still... Thank you for being an ultra awesome friend."

Moon's ears pricked, color teasing at her edges. "You have better... That knew how to smile, and how to laugh at your jokes..."

"None of them are Moon Dancer, and I wouldn't want to replace you for any of them." She reached out and booped Moon gently. "You're the one that takes me seriously, and still thinks my jokes are hilarious, even if you don't laugh." She giggled to herself, bouncing in place. "You should meet Maud! Oh, you two would get along so well! She's just as good at not laughing. She doesn't laugh at anything. But she cares." She thumped herself on the chest. "She cares a lot."

Spike looked back and forth between the two. Were they getting somewhere? It felt like that might be happening. He kept his lips sealed for the time, letting the mares chat.

Moon's ears danced. "How do you know she cares, if she's so poor at demonstrating it?"

"Because I know her." Pinkie hugged herself firmly. "Because I listen. Because she shows me with what she does, and what she says, even if she isn't smiling. Just like you... You like me, right? You rarely even say it."

Moon colored at that. "But I do!" she blurt out. "I enjoy your presence greatly."

"And I knew that already, in here." She tapped at her chest gently. "But hearing it is even better." She leaned in, touching noses with Moon Dancer. "And you just made my day..." The two hugged together, color returning to Moon Dancer in an explosion, banishing the grey funk that had blanketed her. "Let's go find the others so we can teach that meanie a lesson!"

45 - The Return of Harmony, Part 5

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"I... may not understand." Fluttershy sank in front of Rainbow Dash. "But I am listening."

"Really now?" Rainbow raised a doubting brow. "Not sure you want to listen, because you are the problem, Flutters."

Fluttershy recoiled. "Me?! I'm sorry... but what did I do?"

"Of course you have no idea." Rainbow frowned at her oldest friend. "You are so helpless..."

Fluttershy grimaced, but didn't back down. "So, what did I do?"

"Getting to it! So... remember when we got our marks?" She pointed a wing back towards her lightning bolt, muted in color as it was. "I was racing as fast as I could, faster than I'd ever gone before. What were you doing?"

"Um..." She tapped at the fluffy cloud floor. "I was meeting animals, and being... amazed?"

"You were on the ground," spat Rainbow with acid. "And you were happy, really happy, but also scared, really scared." Rainbow stepped towards Fluttershy, that scowl growing with every step. "So you came home. You knew that. You were safe there... But you couldn't forget all you saw. But you were scared! You were scared of the ponies you didn't know. You were scared of the town you didn't know. You were just scared."

Fluttershy hummed, thinking back on those days. "I was pretty scared..."

"So I went with you." Rainbow prodded at Fluttershy. "I came down from the clouds, because I wasn't going to let my friend be scared!"

Fluttershy demurely smiled. "And I am very grateful for that."

"Great!" Rainbow threw up her hooves. "But how am I ever going to get anywhere? I'm so busy being loyal to you that I'm throwing away my real chance to even maybe get into the Wonderbolts, or to protect Cloudsdale, which probabaly fell over already..."

Fluttershy skewed an ear back. "Oh my! I certainly hope not."

"How would you know?" demanded Rainbow. "When's the last time you even bothered to check?"

"Um... When did you last... check?"

Rainbow looked ready to launch new acid, but it fizzled and she crashed to her haunches. "Too long ago!"

Fluttershy reached for her athletic friend, patting her gently. "Want to go check, together?"

"Pfft." Rainbow brushed the hoof free of her. "That high? You're a pegasus that doesn't like flying."

"I'm a pegasus who loves her friend." Fluttershy turned for the door. "So, if you want to fly... let's fly."

Rainbow wriggled her nose. "Really? You know there aren't squirrels, or bears up there, right?"

"But there is one Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy dared a smile. "And she's just as important."

Rainbow crashed into her, thumping side to side with enough force to send the slender pegasus tumbling. "I still gave up years for you!"

Fluttershy rolled upwards. "T-thank you... But that was your choice, Rainbow... and I don't think they were 'wasted'."

"How are they not wasted?"

"You grew, um, as a pony. You made new friends, and you never stopped flying." She rubbed at her cheek. "You joined the weather patrol, and you're really, you know, good at it... That's good practice!"

"Best in town," cockily agreed Rainbow. "They'd be lost without me around to lend a hoof."

"They would be... You are getting, um, better, at being a pegasus." Fluttershy worked her hooves together. "Every day."

"Yeah? But... What if it takes too long?" Rainbow sagged. "What if I never get good in time, and I never become a Wonderbolt, because I took my time?"

Fluttershy suddenly pounced Rainbow, hugging her fiercely. "That will never happen! You're too amazing, and working too hard. I'm so sorry for not helping you more."

Rainbow pushed Fluttershy off, but was smirking instead of scowling. "How would you help? I could lap twice before you got halfway through one."

"If it was to help you... I'd finish that lap. If it was for you, I'd catch up." Fluttershy stood up, wings unfurled. "For you."

Such an outrageous statement! But... said with complete sincerity. "I doubt that..." She leaned in, touching noses with Fluttershy. "But... thanks for trying at least."

The two came in for a shared hug, Rainbow's rainbow returning to her in a bright flash. Fluttershy squeezed her friend tight. "Don't give up on your dream."

"Thanks..." Rainbow took a step back, shaking herself out. "Ugh... what a headache... Where's everypony else hiding?"

The two took flight back to the library, where the others joyfully greeted them.

Applejack nodded at the returned speedster. "Glad to have ya back. All better?"

Rainbow landed among them. "Yeah, ugh." She rubbed at her head. "That Discord did something..."

But they were reunited! Moon pointed back outside. "It's time we face him. We have the elements, and each other. I think we're ready."

Twilight took a firm step forward. "It's time we ended this."

The girls marched out in a wing, with Twilight and Moon taking the lead, Magic and Friendship at the front. Discord saw them coming, not like they were hiding. "Oh, back for round two?" He didn't look frightened about it, smarmily confident. "Or are you giving up?"

Twilight stomped a hoof. "We're doing no such thing!"

"We've solved your riddles." Moon pointed up at her half-tiara. "We're ready to face you."

Discord squinted at that half tiara. It wasn't right. A lot of things weren't quite... right. He couldn't place a finger on what, exactly. If something was wrong with the universe, he should have been the one to cause it!

Unfortunately for him, the girls neither knew nor cared for his existential dilemma. They glowed with the combined power of their unity, Twilight and Moon hovering in the air. "Wait, what?" That wasn't supposed to happen! "No! Stop!" He raised a hand to ward off the magic, but it did little to keep the sudden rainbow barrage away.

Discord was returned to a statue with little fanfare, just his echoing cry of impotence. Twilight and Moon lowered gently to the ground, their heads pressed against one another. For that one moment, their tiara was whole. Alas, they drew apart, breaking that moment of unity. Twilight clapped with a smile. "We did it!"

"You did it." Celestia landed with her chariot, stepping free as soon as it stopped. "Thank you, girls. Equestria is returning to normal, now that Discord is dealt with." She raised a hoof to rest on Discord's statue. "We'll take care of this."

Applejack huffed at the statue. "Gonna take it somewhere an' smash it up real good?"

Celestia pinned her ears at the violent suggestion. "Probably not that... Still, we will be more careful with him this time, this I promise."

Moon nodded at her mentor. "We trust you." She rubbed behind her head. "He made the worst obstacle be... ourselves. I feel foalish taking as long as I did..."

Celestia set a hoof atop her student. "Of all the troubles a pony may face, the one they see in the mirror can be the most intimidating. It may have taken you all a little time, but you faced it, and won. That's no small task."

Pinkie threw an arm over Moon Dancer. "I don't know what I would have done without awesome friends like you."

Moon leaned into the hug. "I required their help just as badly... Twilight!" She slipped free of Pinkie to face Twilight. "I owe you an apology. I was beside myself, um..." She tapped at her chin. "Sorry for being a total foal about a lot of things..."

Twilight shook her head. "Already forgiven. He played some mean tricks on us, but we made it through. Now! I suggest we put this behind us."

Rarity nodded in agreement with that. "Oh, yes, surely darling. I'm so behind in my work..." She turned away. "Do call if anything else comes up though, dears." And off she trotted back to her business.

Rainbow flipped out her wings, but didn't immediately take off, instead looking to Fluttershy. "Flutters!" She looked over at Rainbow. "Wanna fly a little?" Rainbow wriggled her bottom. "C'mon!"

Fluttershy smiled gently. Flying was not her favorite thing to do, but... for Rainbow... She lifted gently into the sky. "After you."

"As if there was another option." She tagged Fluttershy in a quick swat, then darted away.

Moon realized something after those two were gone. "Oh! Princess, you didn't take our elements back." She pointed up at her half tiara. "Should I gather them and get them to you?"

Celestia shook her head gently. "That will not be required. We might have saved a lot of trouble today if I had just trusted you all to hold them in the first place. Bearer of the elements, bear your element." She inclined her head faintly. "Maybe not all the time, but keep it close."

Moon drew her half tiara off to hug it gently. "I will do my best."

"Me too," chimed Twilight, holding hers. "Thank you, Princess."

Applejack buffed at her pendant. "Always did want to show this off just a little... Granny an' mom'll be so proud!"

46 - Lesson Zero

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Twilight leaned in from outside the room. "Moon?"

"Yes?" Moon turned to Twilight, abandoning what she had been reading. Girlfriend rated higher than that. "Can I help?"

"You always do," Twilight assured gently. "But I haven't seen you write a letter to Celestia in a while. Is there a schedule she's expecting?"

Moon frowned in thought. "Hm. Hmm... I had been giving weekly updates, but nothing noteworthy has occurred recently. I don't want to mail her stating that nothing has happened..."

"I suppose not." Twilight shrugged gently. "Maybe a good time to be around your new friends. You might learn something?"

"Excellent idea!" She advanced on Twilight, touching noses. "That can't be the lesson. You're always a source of great ideas."

Twilight returned the nuzzle. "Aw, thanks. Oh! What about Spike?"

"What about Spike?" she echoed, confused at the call of her brother.

"He's surely been learning things, possibly relevant things. He's right in the middle of expanding his own knowledge of friendships and his place in the--" She wove her hooves in the air in a complicated pattern. "--larger picture. He has a marefriend, a rich one. That doesn't come without a few complexities."

"I can... only imagine." It wasn't like she ever had a rich girlfriend, especially at that age. She only just got one! And she wasn't rich. "But you do bring up an excellent point. I should be consulting with him to see what he's learned, and to offer support. As his big sister, that is my responsibility."

"I know you can do it." They shared a gentle hug and Moon trotted off, jogging out of the building. "You are so adorable." She giggled softly at her friendship-discovering girlfriend. "Now, back to cleaning..." Those books wouldn't sort themselves.

"Somepony home?" came a new voice from the front. "Where ya hidin', Twilight?"

Twilight rushed out with a bright smile. "AJ!" They came together in a hug without prompting on either side. "Good to see you."

"Hey, cous'." Applejack adjusted her hat. "We're settin' up fer a family reunion."

"So soon?" Twilight inclined her head. "It feels like the last was just a moon ago."

"We got thin's to announce." She thrust a hoof at Twilight. "Yer one of 'em!"

Twilight recoiled. "I am?! Did... I do something wrong?"

"Ain't hardly none of that. No. Yer part of the family. We didn't mean that as no joke, so ya gotta be there, so we can show ya off an' everypony else can gawk atcha."

Twilight colored warmly. "R-really, um... So, this is... official then?"

"Mmhmm, speakin' of, was kinda hopin' you could invite yer mom over. Technically she's the important connection. She an' my mom are becomin' sisters. That's what makes you a cousin of mine."

Twilight raised a hoof. "I... hm... If we're announcing that, then Moon..."

"Should be there too," agreed Applejack without a hint of hesitation. "Girlfriend of family? Family. Ah mean, unless ya two break up or somethin'... Gonna hope that don't happen. You two are cute togetha."

Twilight colored, but said nothing on that compliment. "I... Is your grandma alright with this?"

"She knows, to start." Applejack hiked a brow. "Was I supposed to go keepin' it a secret? Either way, ya ain't her foal, so it ain't her problem, not directly. Ah don't think she was expectin' many great grandfoals outta ya anywho. Not really how you go."

"Hey!" She swatted at her country friend. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

Applejack waved a hoof slowly across the library. "It means you work in a library and spend most of yer time in it. Lovely mare, but socializer? Not what I'd say ya spend most of yer time doin'. Now, don't get me wrong! Perfectly pleasant. Lotsa ponies like ya, me included."

"Hmmph..." It didn't help that it wasn't wrong really... "I have some very close friends." She glanced away and back. "I even..."

"Stop that right there." Applejack shook her head firmly. "As lovely as that was, weren't gonna put a foal in the picture even if I had said yes."

"We could have adopted?" suggested Twilight, sounding lame even in her own ears.

"You already did that." She hiked a brow. "His name's Spike, an' if ya finish tyin' that knot with Moon, he's yers too."

Twilight crashed to her haunches. "I hadn't considered that..." And yet, there it was... "You're not incorrect... Wait! He's her brother, not son!"

Applejack waved a hoof in a cycle in the air. "Yeah yeah, semantics. Either way, neither of ya are gonna do that. Already got a little one to keep an eye on. A fine creature, deserves all our love, so don't think I'm implyin' any different."

"Of course not." She went in for a hug and wasn't denied it. "Sorry, this is just... new. Either way, you can count on me!" She thudded her own chest. "We'll be there."

"We?" Applejack's eyes darted about, spotting no other ponies but a few library browsers.

"Moon and Spike, of course." Twilight bobbed a hoof with each name. "You said you wanted them there too, didn't you?"

"'Course, yeah, but you really aughta talk to them afore makin' promises they're gonna haveta check, ya know?" She threw one arm over Twilight. "Don't need to poke them when they ain't lookin'. Maybe they're busy that day or whatever." She drew her arm back, drawing out a card to offer to Twilight. "Here ya go. Let 'em have a look."

Twilight accepted the letter, glowing with her magic as she tucked it away. "Right. Sorry! Today suddenly got a lot more interesting than I was expecting, and I was already planning on a re-shelving." She pointed to a cart burdened with countless books. "Which I should get back to."

Applejack whistled appreciatively. "Well, don't let me get in the way none." She turned for the door. "See ya there." She headed out for other things in her own day.

"I hear you helped defeat a whole spirit." Diamond clapped her hooves together, smiling at Spike. "You must have been scared."

"Um... no actually..." He wobbled forwards and back in place. "The, uh... Moon and the others, they did the big part. I just helped them get ready, in the end."

"Well, alright..." She didn't look convinced. "They wouldn't have gotten ready without you. You need to give yourself more credit." She smirked at him. "And don't feel bad gloating a little. that was a big deal!"

"The next one that comes along." Silver Spoon was there, next to diamond. "You go right up to them and tell them what's what!"

Spike laughed nervously. "I'll do my best... So, hey, you said you had something in mind?"

"I did." Diamond reared up onto her hinds. "Your sister's not the only one that knows how to read a book."

"Like, really. We found some good ones." Silver darted off and returned with a book in her mouth by the spine.

Diamond tapped at the held book. "This one." She grabbed the book with her hooves, turning it so Spike could see the cover.

"On the Social Habits of Dragons," it read in firm and bold text. A picture of two great dragons fighting for dominance was added for taste.

Spike lit up. "Woah! Where'd you get that?!"

Diamond curled her arms, hugging the book close. "It's amazing what a little money, and a good friend--" She winked at Silver. "--can accomplish. Now, before you remind me, you're not a wild dragon. You're a very well behaved and cultured dragon." She set the book down at her feet. "But you're still a dragon."

"Y-yeah..." That he was a dragon wasn't up for debate. It was... even kind of nice to have that confirmed. "I am a dragon."

"And I--" She pointed at herself. "--am a pony. Ponies have habits, and so do dragons. It's part of the package, like it or not."

"I like your package." Wait... Did he just say that? He recoiled, realizing the other meanings of the words that had just emerged from him. "Um!"

"Saucy." Silver looked thoroughly amused.

"We're here to talk about yours." Diamond nudged the book with the nearest hoof. "Dragons have some things... Like..." She suddenly pounced, not tackling Spike, but making a hiss as if she were attacking, curling her hooves like they were claws.

It pressed against a habit Spike didn't even really know. He hissed back, recoiling, hands up defensively. He felt silly an instant later. "Sorry! I wouldn't hurt you, promise."

Diamond hugged him in a display of just how terrified she was. "Silly, I did that on purpose. You. You're a dragon, you do dragon things."

Spike huffed with indignation. "And you are a pony." He went in for a hug and casually grabbed her, on the bottom.

It was the blind spot of near any equine creature. She squeaked in dismay, lashing out a foot behind her at nothing.

"You do pony things," Spike finished, a cocky grin on his face.

Silver laughed in a sudden uproar, falling off her chair in her gales. Diamond scowled at her boyfriend. "Very clever! Anyway, there is a point to this." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Knowing how you tick is important. There are things dragons like, and don't like. Pretending you aren't a dragon just gets us both upset." She nudged the book. "So, I'll be studying this. And when I make you blush so hard your head explodes, you'll know why."

Spike apparently decided to try that blushing to death thing for a spin. "Um..."

"That's a thing girlfriends do, dummy." She fell back to all fours. "You live in a library. Pick up some pony books. I know you can read."

The blush only got worse! Study how to tease the inner pony of his girlfriend?!

"Have some mercy." Silver was smiling at Spike. "Not all girlfriends do that. Just the good ones."

It was diamond's turn to color. "Silver!"

"Just telling, like, the truth." She buffed her chest with a snicker. "You two are so cute! Almost makes me wish I had a dragon..."

Spike hiked both thumbs at himself. "Sorry, only one dragon to go around, and this dragon's taken."

"By me." Just in case anypony around wasn't entirely aware of that. Diamond went in to stand next to Spike in solidarity. "All the other dragons I hear about are... big... I wonder how much you'll grow..."

Silver got a new fit of giggles. "If he grows big enough, are you gonna start riding him? Like, that would be pretty amazing."

Spike shrugged helplessly. "I won't... know until I stop growing, and I'm not there yet!" He was putting on inches all the time, it felt like.. "Um, will you get scared? I'd still be... Spike, you know, even if I did get super huge..."

"Still Spike," agreed Diamond, grabbing him in a firm hug. "Still my Spike, no matter how big you get. Just means we'll have to be more careful, if that happens. Well, I'll promise, if I become an alicorn princess and end up the big one, I'll be just as careful with my dragon. No hurting each other!"

"No hurting each other," Spike quickly agreed.

"Nope." Silver sat up, grinning at the two. "So. Cute."

Diamond stomped over to deliver a swat to her friend. "Stop teasing us! Sheesh...If I see some more dragons, I'll check them out for you."

"No promises," quickly added Spike. "Um... let me know if you see one... I kinda want to talk to them if I can." He rubbed at his chin. "Uh, speaking of that..." He pointed at the book on the floor. "Any chance I could... borrow that?"

Diamond sat right on the book. "Nope! This is mine, my secret stash of tricks to use on you. You'll like it, promise."

"Uh..." On one hand... But on the other... "Alright..." Maybe letting his girlfriend win that fight was the best decision for the moment. Part of him felt sure of that.

47 - Family Reunion

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Moon hid behind Twilight. "There are so many..." The Apple family was many things, but small was not one of them. The farm/orchard was stacked high with generations of smiling Apples. They were talking. They were dancing. they were cooking and eating and living with jovial expressions.

They were all having fun, except her, it felt like. "So many..." Moon began counting them. One, two, three, four... It was much more relaxing to count them than to face them. Unfortunately, the number was getting high, and that just drove in the fact that she was facing a lot of ponies. "I have to face them all?"

Twilight turned towards her tense girlfriend. "It's alright, breathe." She couldn't know there'd be a lot of ponies telling her that, a universe away. "They're on your side, and happy to see us both." She leaned in. "And they don't even have a quiz." Some things didn't change.

"No quiz, good... But they will want to engage in social activities. Will they wait in a line?" She looked around at the groups of ponies chattering happilly. "I doubt it..."

"Twilight! Moon!" Applejack was coming in with a big smile. "Glad you two could make it." She threw an arm around either's neck, squeezing and seemingly unaware of Moon's discomfort. "Yer mom got here, and a pony ah wasn't expectin' came with her."

Twilight pricked up, ears perking. "Oh, who's that?"

"It's me." A unicorn with light tan fur, purple eyes, and red mane and tail was there, smiling. "Hello, sister."

Moon looked up sharply. "Morning Brew?!" The unicorn had a mug of coffee on her rump. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Neither did I." Morning closed in with her equally bushy-browed sister, the two sharing a little hug. "But Twilight's mother saw me on her way out of the city and insisted I come along. 'Your sister's being welcomed to a family, you should be involved,' she said, and I was powerless to fight her."

"She is a skilled social warrior," agreed Moon with a slow nod. "I apologize if this has interrupted your plans. I didn't intend it."

"Relax." Morning gently patted at Moon. "This is fun. Are you going to say hi?" She waved at the many other Apples. "I'm only distantly involved if you think about it. 'My sister is marrying into the family by somepony else who's the daughter of someone who's becoming sisters because they wanted to be? That's really shaky!"

Moon's teeth set. "I'm only one step better... Will they see me as an imposter?!"

Applejack shook the nervous unicorn. "Now ya just stop that! It was my idea ya come here, and they ain't bein' angry at me none, so get in there and just let 'em see ya." With a mighty shove, Applejack sent Moon flying haphazardly into one group of ponies.

"Howdy," greeted Apple Fritter. "So, yer an' Apple now, ah hear!"

"On the way," shyly allowed Moon, backing up a step, her breathing forced. Keep it cool... Keep it cool... "Um, so you're an Apple?"

"'Course!" She waved at herself. "Name's Apple Fritter! What it says right on the tin there. What's yer name?"

"Name's Breaburn," introduced a stallion. "Pleased to meetcha!"

Each was happy to give their name, each with a big smile. They were all happy to see Moon Dancer, pressing in close for questions and jovial welcoming.

A pity Moon was unprepared for it. "Um... Twilight's my girlfriend!" she spouted, as if that random fact would put it all to rest.

One of the mares raised a hoof. "I have a girlfriend."

Breaburn blinked at that. "Ya do? What happened to Apple Cinnamon?"

The mare waved that away. "We weren't a good match. Got on each other's nerves all the time! Now, my new girl... we get alon' just fine." She batted her lashes with a love-smitten look. She refocused on Moon Dancer. "Good on you!"

Moon recoiled faintly. "Good on me? What did I do?"

"You didn't let nopony else tell you who you love." The mare tapped Moon on her stiff chest. "Only you can know that!"

Breaburn rubbed behind his head. "Ain't gonna make many new Apples like that."

The mare swatted at him. "Shows what you know! Look, there's a new Apple right there." She pointed at Moon with a victorious smirk on her face. "In fact, we're here because a big batch of new Apples done fell off the tree without any mares and stallions doin' what they do."

They were arguing, and Moon was the focus. She could feel her heart thumping wildly in her chest. If she could just... vanish, that'd be a nice option. "Y-yeah..." She was messing up, she was sure of it. Why was this so difficult? Stop.

She ordered herself and did it, simply stopping, going still as a statue. They loved her. Maybe not the same way Twilight did, but the same kinda way... "It's... Um, nice to meet you all. I am not good at meeting a lot of new ponies at once. I hope you will... work with me."

The group backed away, but they were still smiling. The mare made a patting motion, but didn't actually touch Moon. "You should have said so to start, but this is a fine second best time. Not every pony's great at walkin' up to a buncha strangers and strikin' up a conversation."

Breaburn nodded with an easy expression, smiling. "Ain't no big thang. I get that way when ah ain't wit' mah family. Now, wit' em? All different. Ah could talk for days!" He was already working towards that. "And yer family, so I figured ah'd just treat ya like one, which ya are. Shoot, ah'm goin' off again." He blushed with the shame of it. "Sorry."

Moon watched him intently, but felt... better? There was a clearly more skilled socializer, stumbling over himself. She wasn't alone... "It's alright." It was her rare chance to show acceptance of another pony's social mistakes. "I feel comfortable speaking around my family." She pointed off to Spike, in a chat elsewhere, and then Twilight, doing the same, but in another spot.

"Don't forget me." Morning Brew slid up next to her. "Hello."

"Howdy." Breaburn tipped his hat. "Ya related to her?" He nodded to Moon Dancer.

"Sister." Morning leaned against Moon gently. "And now Apple!" She cantered in place. "It's exciting, really. Our family was always kinda small." She raised two hooves close together. "One generation most of the time, but now..." She looked over the crowd. "Hard to count! I'm alright with that." She refocused on Breaburn. "You're... Brea...."

"--Burn," he finished. "Almost had it." He offered a hoof and they met with a solid clop. "Welcome to the family! Now, ya ain't been welcomed properly without fillin' yerself with every apple imaginable." He pointed to the buffet table and off he and Morning went to sample the offerings.

The mare laughed softly. "I think he's hoping to get lucky..." She shrugged. "Well, if they get along, why not? One advantage of ponies joining the family this way, you already know they're safe to court."

Another mare darkened swiftly. "Hey!"

"Hey yourself." The first rolled her eyes. "We're not inbred savages, but that's partially because we keep track of things! We know who's related to who, which tells you who's safe or not." She pointed at Moon Dancer. "You have no blood relation. If you weren't already in a relationship, the stallions would be lining up."

Moon darkened swiftly. "I'm not pretty." She felt certain that was true. "Passably average?"

The first mare made the patting motion, but didn't touch Moon. "Trust me on this. You might be shy, but a lot of them ain't."

Big Mac approached, carrying a horseshoe in his mouth. "We're gettin' set up to to some tossin'. Anypony want in?" That got a small gathering of ponies to follow him off to the games.

That left Moon with that first mare. "Oh, what was your name?"

She directed at herself. "Me? Apple Honey. But you can just call me Honey, honey." Honey winked at Moon Dancer. "Now you stop downtalkin' yerself. Yer just fine!" She raised a hoof to the center of her face, where her eye brows didn't reach. "I'd trim these a little, but it's your thin'! It's a choice. Could change it, or not. It's you."

Moon Dancer peeked up, not able to see her eyebrows, but she knew of them. She didn't have a unibrow, but they were thick and bushy. "Hm..." Would that make Twilight happier? She considered ways to ask without making everything awkward... "Yours are nice."

"Aw, thanks!" Honey did make contact, swatting Moon on the shoulder. "Takes a lot of effort to keep 'em lookin' the way I like. Ain't natural, I'll admit it. So don't even worry! You look how you want to look, and don't let nopony tell you for you what you should look like, or love." She winked. "Only a mare can say that for herself."

Moon dared a little smile. Honey, she decided, was a pony it was safe to like. "It's nice to meet you, um, really."

Honey nodded. "I can hear the difference." She took a step closer. "I'm not so scary now?"

"Um, hm..." Moon dared to take a step herself. "No..." She didn't feel things getting tenser. Honey was, officially, a safe pony. "Thank you."

"Done made my day!" Honey laughed gayly, daring to offer an arm, and soon had Moon held gently. "I made a friend that wasn't easy to make. That has to count for something! Now maybe we'll try some of these games? I'll keep you safe."

So it was Moon had a caretaker willing to introduce her to Apple entertainment that never pushed her too hard, and stepped in when things got too noisy and overwhelming.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I was invited to a family meeting of the Apples. You have spoken of them before. I am now one of them, though only tengentially. They were willing to overlook this fact, welcoming me as if I had always been a part of their clan. It was flattering and scary. Fortunately, some of them seem aware of ponies like me and she slowed down to guide me and, dare I write it, protect me. Twilight was having a lot of fun, and I'm glad for her. Spike made some new friends as well. It was a good day for all of us.

Since I am now an Apple, if there are things you wanted me to discover for you, please inform me and I will begin information gathering immediately. This may be off-topic, but do you think I should trim my eyebrows? Nevermind that.

If I had to encapsulate this letter's lesson, it would be thus: Even when you are terrified, speaking the truth is often the best option. If the ponies you are dealing with can't deal with the truth, they may not be ponies you wish to be around in the first place. I am glad to report that the Apples are ponies I wish to be around. I will do my best to return the favor, should it come up in the future.

Oh! If you wish, I will ask Twilight and Spike for their overview of the day. Would you care for that? They are both loyal citizens of yours and would gladly do so if you want it. Please let me know.

Eagerly Learning,
Moon Dancer

48 - Family Reunion, Part 2

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Twilight led them all there, just for Moon to be scooped up by Applejack, and Spike to wander off eagerly. That left her alone, but she was one of the stars of the show, in theory. "Hm." She curled a hoof to her chin, considering the many Apples. She'd met many of them already. "Hello there." She waved at a stallion she knew from Appleloosa.

"Howdy." He ambled up to her, tipping his hat. "Nice to see you again, Twilight. Congratulations!" He swatted at her shoulder. "You're a bonafide Apple now! That mean you'll stop by more often?"

Twilight considered with a hum. "I may be an Apple, gladly so, but I do have a job." She pointed off towards the tree that was also a library. "Who else will help ponies get their books if I go on a trip?"

"You always were good for your responsibilities." He squeezed her, arm around her neck. "Always liked that part. Now, tell me if I heard wrong or anythin', but you got yerself a ladyfriend. A friend friend." He waggled his brows full of meaning.

Twilight laughed nervously. "It caught me just as much by surprise, I assure." She slipped out of the hold. "If we're being honest..."

"The way ah prefer it." The stallion nodded. "No judgement or nothing."

"Glad to hear it." She took a soft breath. "I never really considered it before. Romance, that is. It was a concept. I knew it existed. My parents are wildly in love, to this day." She spotted those parents gabbing eagerly across the field of Apples. "There they are right now, probably gloating about this... But I never really put myself in the romance equation and tried to balance it out."

"Are ya trying to math out romance?" The stallion chuckled softly. "That is a perfectly 'you' thing to do. Don't you got changin' on me!" He leaned in, eyes on the nervous Moon with her group. "So, what do you see in her? Positively, I mean. What gets your clock ticking?"

Twilight colored brightly at the pointed question. "Hey... um... I thoroughly enjoy her inquisitive nature. Even things she does not understand, she wants to understand. Any phenomena is worth investigating, even if it is entirely without scientific basis." She clopped a hoof to her face, considering The Pinkie Situation. At least she wasn't an Apple. "Maddening, but endearing."

"Aw shoot, that sounds right nice." He took off his hat to hold it deferentially. "I'll come clean. I was hopin', just a little, you two weren't 100%. Always did have a little fire for you."

Twilight's coloring, abating slowly, returned with a rush. "That!" She planned on other words, but they were failing here. "Why would you... say that?"

"Because this is my last chance." He put his hat on. "Not making a move, that ship's settin' out into the wide sea and I ain't on it, but there won't be many other chances. So consider this me waving fondly from the shore, wishin' you a fine trip out there."

"I don't know how to... parse that." Twilight laughed, tension fleeing her. "Is this what Moon feels like? Poor thing... Just so we're clear, friendship is the line."

"And not a step further," agreed the stallion with a nod. "Have fun!" He wandered off, having said his peace.

Twilight let him go, instead heading over to her parents. Night Light was already playing a game. By playing, this meant he was working out the odds and ideal ordering of things for optimal fun for all involved. He looked like he was having a great time doing it, and the ponies around him were alright with his attempt.

Her mother was chatting with Granny Smith and a few others, including Pear Butter. Velvet and Butter were side by side, chatting most animatedly. "And that's how I met her," finished Pear Butter. "And it's been like one of them fancy rides, but it has no stop. She keeps sendin' me on twists and turns, but ah ain't fallen off yet."

Velvet brightened at Twilight's approach. "And there's my filly." Her horn glowed as she pulled Twilight right in for a hug. "The... Apple of my eye." The crowd groaned good naturedly at that pun. "I never thought I'd actually be an Apple, but I'm so happy that it happened." She stepped back from Twilight to hug Pear Butter. "With my honorary sister right here. My husband is a dear and wonderful pony, but he isn't climbing up, down, or sideways into the danger with me. Nope, that's Pear Butter!"

Pear Butter cringed in memory of one of many death-daring events. "Yeah..." She swatted at Velvet. "You know, a few times doin' peaceful thin's would be alright too."

Without even a moment of delay, Velvet waved over the reunion. "Wish granted."

Pear went still a moment. "Point..." The two broke into laughter, that tense moment broken. "That mean I should expect trouble next time?"

"You know me too well." The two leaned on each other, thick as thieves.

Granny waved for Twilight to approach. "Good t'see ya 'gain. Y'know, now it's official. Yer always welcome to stop by fer dinner if yer feelin' it."

Twilight hugged the matron of the family gently. "Thank you for that option. Oh, is Moon also invited?"

"Can't 'magine invitin' a pony without their plus one, 'less they do somethin' that really sets us off." Granny hummed, thinking of what one could do to earn such ire. "That includes Spike if ya don't have no foalsitter on hoof. He's a right nice dragon anywho."

Twilight leaned in, voice dropping. "Now, just to ask... I know you're not--"

"Stop that right there," cut off Granny. "Ah was your Granny fer more than a few years. Yer jus' not admittin' it."

Twilight took an unsure step back. "Really?"

"Ah try not to say thin's ah don't mean." Granny tapped her chest. "We're makin' it official today, but ah got to see you grow up from a little thin' all the way up to a wonderful mare. If ah don't get to be yer granny, ah'm gettin' mad, which I am!"

Twilight raised her hooves wardingly. "I didn't mean to off--"

"Ah ain't done!" Granny slid free of her rocker. "When ah lost my son... There were only a few bright spots around." She pointed at Twilight, arm shaking in the air. With fury? Sorrow. "When everythin' seemed like it was at its darkest, 'least mah daughter was there, and she had a friend worth havin'." She cracked a little smile. "And that friend has a precious little foal to be friends with my grandfoals. They were hurtin' too, and she was there for 'em. So if I can't be her granny, well. I guess there ain't a scrap of justice in this world!" She sank to her haunches, heaving from that tirade she just delivered.

Apples were watching the exchange, drawn by the shouting. Big Mac coughed into a hoof and hurried off to distract ponies with new games being up and ready.

Twilight's ears were back and down, as if blown back by the heated words. "I'm sorry... That was thoughtless of me. Granny, I would be honored to have you as my grandma."

"Darn tootin'." She held out an arm and they hugged one another firmly. "Silly thing. Now, you come on by fer dinner once in a while!" Granny released Twilight. "Now tell me how you ended up with another mare."

Twilight tensed. "Well..."

"I want the whole truth of it." Granny folded her arms. "And tell me all 'bout the potential new Apple right over there bein' test run."

Twilight peeked over to where Moon seemed to be getting along with a few other ponies. She smiled at that. "She's getting along, I think... That is Moon Dancer. She was in my class, at Celestia's school. We were the two most studious ponies there, competing for the top of the charts constantly."

Granny chuckled softly, imagining the scene being painted. "Were there any hard feelings?"

"Not a one." Twilight sliced the air with a hoof. "The love of studying was one thing we shared most of all. That and a sincere love of magic. Swapping new spells was one of our favorite activities. Oh, and Spike."

"Spike? The dragon?" Granny inclined her head. "How was he involved?"

"He is Moon's ward. Her brother or son, depending on how you look at it. She was a little overwhelmed at first. Poor thing, trying to do school and raise a baby dragon? Anypony would be! So I lent a hoof and played dragonsitter quite a few times to give her a break."

"Ah see." Granny rubbed at her chin, humming. "Ah did see the two together more often than not, but ah didn' put together the rest." She suddenly barked a laugh. "An' the poor thing fell head over heels fer his foalsitter. Poor thin'. Not the first, bet he won't be the last either."

Twilight colored faintly. "That is, thankfully, put to rest. Oh, did you hear? He has a little girlfriend of his own now."

Granny's eyes widened. "No! Really? Who with? No offense, but ah sure didn't hear of other dragons around."

"They are not a dragon. Have you heard of Diamond Tiara?" She tried to pantomime a tiara.

But Granny did. "Filthy's little foal?! Does he know about that?"

Twilight hummed. "I... am not sure."

Granny rubbed her hooves together with a scheming look. "Then I get to break the news to 'em. Now, don't get me wrong or nothin'. Spike's a fine little dragon. Still, Diamond and Spike? Wouldn'ta guessed that."

Twilight smiled, tension easing. "They are a lovely couple. They seem to have some real chemistry. I hope for the best for them."

Granny snorted softly. "Won't deny it's a bit funny, to me... Will they have eggs, or not? Will we end up with a pony with dragon wings, or maybe a dragon with a pony's face?"

Twilight curled a hoof to her chin. "Considering the biology..." Her science mind had been activated more than any awkwardness of the topic. "The eggs will come from Diamond Tiara, who would also serve as the mother. Those factors make the likelihood of a live birth very high."

Granny blinked slowly. "I wasn't expecting an actual answer, shows what ah know. You already considered that then?"

Twilight blinked, realizing the implications of what she had said. "Oh! No! It's a foalhood crush. Most of those don't persist into adulthood, or result in any foals... Hm, and we can't be certain ponies and dragons even can... do that."

Granny climbed up onto her rocker, sinking into it with a sigh. "True. Still, rootin' for 'em! Hope it all works out. Is she around?" She looked around and didn't see either, but it was a busy party. "Wouldn't have opposed it. The Rich's are friend an' all."

Twilight snorted softly with a wave. "Just a foal crush. They're not engaged."

"Are you?" asked Granny pointedly. "Ya brought yer mare alon' to the family gatherin'. That has meanin's, ya know!"

Twilight sank to her haunches in shock. That did have meanings. Meanings she had entirely overlooked. "I..."

Granny smiled gently. "Why ah'm askin'. Is she 'the one'? Ya two happy bein' girlfriends, or are ya aimin' to tie that knot?" She winked. "Ah'd also check in on 'er. She may have gotten some of those meanin's, if you catch mah drift."

Twilight squeaked, scrambling upright. "Oh no! You may be correct..." She turned quickly, just to see Moon enjoying a game alongside another Apple, a mare. "Oh... she looks like she's actually having a good time" The mare shouted some other pony away when Moon looked on edge. "And made a new friend, aw...

Granny followed her vision to find Moon. "Hm, she's a ladychaser too, you know."

Twilight blinked. "Come again?"

"Ladychaser," repeated Granny pointedly. "Mare what prefers another mare. A good girl, I assure."

Twilight clopped a hoof to a cheek, weak in the knees. "I'm not the first?"

Granny laughed at that. "The first? Celestia preserve... Gonna have to take that badge away from you."

49 - Family Reunion, Part 3

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Spike hit the ground running. The party was underway and it was calling his name. He could smell tasty food and hear friendly voices all around with the warm comraderie of a good family. A family he was part of? He hopped up onto a stool near Apple Bloom. "Hey, uh..." He curled a finger, unsure how to proceed.

"Howdy, Spike." She turned to him with a big smile. "First time seein' you at one of these as one of us!" She offered a hoof.

He grabbed for her hoof, shifting from an open hand to a balled fist to bump against her. "Nice to see you too! Um, so, what are we now?"

Apple Bloom hummed softly. "Well, once we're past the immediate family, start to call 'bout everyone 'cous and stop thinkin' too hard 'bout it." She pointed at Spike. "So yer a cousin."

"Hey 'cous," he fired back, testing the feel of the greeting. "Yeah, I like that."

"Good." She folded her arms. "Weren't up to bringing Diamond alon'?"

"Should I have?!" He wheeled in place as if Diamond may be there, but she was not. "Did I mess up?"

"That depends." Apple Bloom shrugged. "If you brought her, you'd be announcin' that you want her in the family. Since you didn't, yer sayin' she may be a girlfriend, but y'ain't aimin' fer tyin' that knot just yet."

Spike slapped an open palm on his cheek. "Woah... I didn't even think about that."

"Bet she did." Apple Bloom winked. "Ah'd be ready fer that tomorrow, jus' sayin'."

Spike went tense. "Uh oh... I didn't mean... I like her! I like her a lot!"

Apple Bloom patted Spike's tense shoulder. "Relax. Just tell the truth. Yer a colt. That's a very colt thin' to do, so ya just tell her that and fess up."

Spike smiled as tension began to flee. "Alright, wow, I'm glad you were here."

"I'm glad ah'm not the only pony mah age here today." Apple Bloom giggled and danced in place. "Got you around! Now, just to be clear, ah already know ya belong to Diamond Tiara an' whatever. Ain't lookin' fer kissy times anyway. Ah just wanna have some fun. Wanna play some games?"

Spike clapped as he hopped up onto a bench, then the table it was next to. "Having fun is what today's about, right?"

"Hey there." A mare with a tall hat tipped it towards Spike as she came closer. "Ah heard 'bout you. Yer Moon's, right?"

Spike took a more rigid stance, twirling to the mare. "Howdy! I'm Spike." He hiked a thumb at himself. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, oh, and there's Apple Bloom." She waved at little Apple Bloom gently. "I'm getting in the way, aren't I? You two have a fun time!" She wandered off, letting Spike right off the hook.

Apple Bloom phewed. "Thought we were gettin' a third wheel there." She hopped up next to Spike. "Now, ah ain't the only filly in all the family, but ah ain't seein' 'em today. Wonder what's wrong with 'em... Maybe 'cause we had another so soon?"

Spike squeaked. "Oh no! Did we ruin it?!"

Apple Bloom waved that concern away. "It ain't like that, and it wasn't your idea anywho. Let's give a tour!" She led Spike along towards the food tables. "Here's where you can get a snack, or fill your belly to full, whichever yer feelin'" She waved over the many apple-themed snacks on display. "An' before you get worried, wit' everythin' bein' an apple in a coat, we got an answer for that."

"You do?" Spike didn't see an answer for not-apple cravings. "Where?"

Apple Bloom trotted along energetically, diving through a cloth divider to a concealed extra table. "Ta da!" She waved over a whole new set of options. "From sweet right on to savory. Leavin' an apple to go hungry just ain't the Apple style!"

Spike licked over his lips with appreciation. They had enough food to feed the entire crowd twice over, by his extremely quick estimation. "Woah, um... Getting greedy, but I don't suppose you have any gem powdwer or anything?"

Apple Bloom blinked at that. "That's the first time anypony done asked for that, 'least that I heard. You need that?"

"Um. I like it." He shrugged helplessly. "But I can eat anything Moon's eaten, we tried. I can even eat some things she'd rather not." He patted his round belly. "Dragon guts are tough!"

Apple Bloom giggled at that display. "Ya don't say? Huh. Well, then you can eat whatever yer nose leads you to."

"Don't mind if I do." He snatched a slice of something and chomped. "Mmm, sweet." It did not live long after that, vanishing into him. "But you shouldn't have to just watch me eat."

"Don't plan to." Apple Bloom led him away from the tables. "Congratulations, by the way. Yer... Mom? Her hookin' up wit' one of us is gettin' you in. How's it feel?"

"She's more like an older sister," corrected Spike quickly. "She, um... She didn't lay an egg... But I love her a lot, and owe her even more." He scratched behind his head. "Even if I know she thinks of me like a Celestia project sometimes... But she takes those super seriously, so... Uh... Maybe that's not an awful thing? It's complicated."

"Huh." Apple Bloom inclined her head at Spike slowly. "Yer family's complicated. Well, we Apples like to keep it simple." She curled a hoof at herself. "Ah'm Apple Bloom, ya know that. Got a big sister, Applejack. Got a mother." She pointed off to where her mother was chatting with Twilight's mom. "Who just got a new sister suddenly. And she's got a mom too, my grandma! Right in her name, Granny Smith! She's everypony's granny, an' she ain't shy 'bout it."

Spike clapped at the introduction. "I've met them all before." But he was smiling, they were all good ponies. "What about your brother?"

"Oh yeah." She circled in place to find him. "Oh, there he is." He was leading a small herd towards some new game. "What is he upta? Wanna see?" With a nod from Spike, she led the way to join that crowd of ponies following Big Mac.

They arrived at a soft field of grass with stakes driven into it. With great ceremony, Big Mac grabbed a horseshoe in his mouth and gave it a toss with a flick of his neck. The shoe flew through the air and bounced off the spike, landing a few inches from it. The crowd clopped and cheered at the try, but many were moving in, ready to show they could manage it even better.

Apple Bloom burst into giggles. "All that to play a game?" She pointed to the pile of shoes. "Wanna play?"

Spike grabbed about five shoes in a quick snatch, mashing them against his chest to keep them from tumbling. "Sure! What're the rules?"

Apple Bloom pointed to a free post and led Spike over to it. "See this?" She pointed to a line on the ground. "This is where ya stand! We take turns tossin' the shoes. The one who gets the closest when we run out of 'em is the winner. Simple!"

Spike surrendered two shoes to rest at Apple Bloom's side and kept two for himself. He casually tossed the one extra back towards the pile it came from. "Alright! That's simple..." He tossed a shoe up and caught it with a cocky grin. "I can handle this."

Apple Bloom giggled at the sight. "Have ya ever thrown a horseshoe before?"

"Um, no?" He jiggled it up and down, getting a feel for it. "What's so complicated about it?"

"Well..." She pointed at the stake. "Go ahead and try. Maybe yer a natural!"

"Maybe!" He took up his spot at the line in the grass, drawn with chalk. "Just..." He drew the shoe back. "Toss!" He hurled it, sending it spinning and wobbling wildly. It landed several feet away from the post with a dull thud. "Oh."

"Yeah..." Apple Bloom got a shoe of her own. "It ain't as easy as it looks. A shoe's shaped funny, so it can end up in different places 'less yer good at it!" She curled her neck back and whipped forward, sending the shoe flying. It took a straighter path, landing closer, but not all that close, maybe six inches off. "Shoot. Yer turn."

Spike grabbed the next shoe and squeezed it. The hard iron didn't mind much, resisting the squeeze entirely. "Alright... I can do this better! I got this..."

"Ya got this," joined Apple Bloom. "Don't stress 'bout it. Jus' give it a throw. Practice'll make ya better at it."

Spike chuckled at that. "Isn't that true of everything?" He tried a more underhanded lob. The show landed next to Apple Bloom's, just a tiny bit closer. "Yeah!"

Apple Bloom clapped appreciatively. "See? Just like that! Now... It gets tricky when you try to get it on the peg. Shoes love to bounce or fall right off. Only the real experts can get that right." She launched her next and last shoe, the last of them all. It struck the other shoes, bouncing off of them and sent kareening away, landing wildly off target when it came to a stop. "Shoot..."

Spike patted her back. "It happens. I was expecting one of mine to do that."

Apple Bloom giggled at that. "Hey! I'm the one showing you the game." She dashed out, collecting the shoes on her back with little tosses. "You mighta won that round, but I'm up fer a rematch!"

"You're on!" So they tossed shoes. Other players swapped in, replacing either of them for a game. Everypony there did it in good spirits, and smiles were plentifully shared between them all.

An older stallion stroked his wrinkled shin, other hoof out to feel the wind. "Mmm..." He weighed the shoe and eyed the stake. "Mmm..."

Spike watched this slow measurement. "Are you...? Does that help?"

"Huh? Oh, 'course it helps!" The stallion rested the shoe on his own hoof, bouncing it up and down. "Been playin' this game fer years! Probably longer than you even existed! Lotta things can make the difference. All fun and games, just tossin' and hopin' fer the best..." He hurled the shoe and it hit the peg directly, spinning wildly, but staying attached as it flopped to the ground on the peg. "Ringer!"

Other ponies clapped appreciatively.

Spike was among them, alongside Apple Bloom. He bowed his head at his appreciative crowd. "Hardly fair, fightin' a horseshoe vet."

But Spike was undeterred. "Practice makes perfect." He tried his best to imitate the toss of the older pony, feeling the wind and the weight of the shoe. "Mmm..."

The old pony chuckled softly, seeing that the actions were being copied, but not the intent behind them. "Sonny, ya want a tip?"

"Huh?" Spike aborted the throw he had been about to do. "What?"

The stallion took up the next shoe, showing it to Spike. "Want some tips? You look like you want to do it like ah do it, but that ain't somethin' yer gonna pick up on yer own. It's an art! Passed down from one generation to the next. Now, way I see it, yer a young Apple." He pointed to Apple Bloom. "An' so's she. So if either of ya want me to learn ya a thin' or two, this'd be a fine time fer it."

Apple Bloom dropped her shoe in surprise. "Really?!" She twirled to face him. "Ya mean it?"

"Ah don't say things ah don't mean!" he thumped the ground to be clear on that. "So, ya wanna lesson or not?"

Spike shrugged. "Well, why not?" He elbowed Apple Bloom. "You got two eager students right here. Wise teacher, show us your secrets."

The older pony smiled at that, chuckling. "Now we're talkin'. Alright." He pointed to the pile of shoes. "Go get ten of 'em each. Yer gonna need 'em!"

An intense lesson in horseshoe tossin' wasn't the original plan, but there were worse ways to spend a day. At least it felt clear, to Spike, that he was welcome as an Apple, being invited to a family secret and all.

50 - Nightmare Night

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"Is that Starswirl?" Moon circled Twilight, examining her outfit. "Very authentic."

Twilight sat up with a proud beam. "I tried to get it right." She pawed with a hoof at her jingly hat bells. "Glad you could see it."

"How's mine?"

Twilight considered Moon. "I'm having trouble placing the specific creature you were aiming for..."

Spike grabbed Moon from the side. "She's my dragon mom."

Moon smiled awkwardly, dressed as a larger dragon, though being larger than Spike wasn't too hard. "We went for matching costumes." Her large dragon tail gave a twitch as her pony tail moved inside it. "Like it?"

Twilight looked between Spike, also dressed as a dragon, and Moon, the larger dragon with noticeable lashes. "Are you sure you aren't already related?"

Spike snickered, but was rushing for the door, throwing it open to reveal Diamond and Silver. "Hey!"

"Hey," echoed the two, going in for brief hugs. Diamond looked past Spike, to the adults within. "Is she... dressed as your mom?"

Spike colored faintly. "Yeah... Silly, right? That's half the holiday."

Silver laughed at the sight. "Looking good, Moon! C'mon. Let's go get some candy!"

The little ones set off in pursuit of sweets.

Moon and Twilight stepped out to enjoy their Nightmare Night date on the town. A pity a sudden darkness rolled over them.

A large figure descended, wings unfurled. "How is it they have only just informed me that there is a holiday for me?" She shouted with the royal voice, sending both sets of their ears pinning to their head. "I wish to learn more of it."

Twilight inclined her head at the ruler. "Well, Moon Dancer here is the personal protégé of your sister. I imagine--"

"--I would want to speak with her," boomed Luna without effort. "Very wise. Moon Dancer, I request your aid."

Moon flinched back. "Um, Your Majesty, please..." She brought up her hooves together slowly. "Quieter. I apologize, but loud sounds are very troubling to me."

Luna blinked in confusion. "Truly?" she asked in a far more conversational tone. "That was not mine intention. Moon Dancer, can you instruct me in the workings of this holiday?"

Moon smiled a little. "Oh. Mistakes happen..." Luna was... maybe a little like herself? Holding a grudge on a fellow awkward socialite felt bad... "Twilight?" But Twilight had taken the chance to flee. "Oh..." She was on her own, with Luna. "Very well. Nightmare Night is an evening of frivolity, at its core."

"I see." Luna reached out a hoof, feeling along one of Moon's fake dragon wings. "What is the intention of the costume thou dost wear?"

"Mythologically, or practically?" asked Moon without a pause. "They are very different after years of cultural evolution."

Luna's eyes widened. "I see why I was directed in thine care! Thou doest seem knowledgable in the way of things. I would know both of these ways of thinking. Instruct me!" She may have boomed that last part, blushing at her mistake. "Please," she added, far more quietly.

"Very well." Moon began walking alongside Luna towards the merry making going on through the town. "Culturally, it has become a way of showing the world that you are taking part in the festivities. The more ornate and clever the outfit, the more accolades one might draw. Did you see Twilight? She--"

"--was dressed as Starswirl the Bearded. Quite well made." Luna nodded with appreciation. "I should give her accolades?"

"Hm." Moon considered the fleeing Twilight. "If you see her, tell her you like it. She'll like that, I think. I did not attempt to impersonate any famous figures."

"No... Thou appear to be a dragon." Luna leaned in over Moon, examining her from a new angle. "Well put together. But I have no costume. Will ponies assume that I am not taking part in this festivity?"

Moon lifted a hoof to her chin. "Fortunately... I think you lucked out."

"In what manner does mine luck extend?!" She looked quite excited, clapping her hooves a brief moment.

"That goes into the historical," explained Moon with a swirl of a hoof. "Nightmare Night is named after Nightmare Moon, that's you. You being present at all is probably very exciting to all ponies."

Looking around, she could see ponies quivering in fear and kowtowing, prostrate on the ground whenever she wandered past. "They appear to be treating me as royalty... I can appreciate that, but this is a night of frivolity, is it not? How do I convince them that I come with frivolity intended?"

Moon considered that. She did not understand much of the way of social interactions, but that Luna was feeling like an outsider... that much seemed quite clear. "Let's play some games, and do it as any other pony would." She directed Luna towards the bin full of apples, with Applejack standing next to it. "Applejack."

"Moon!" She closed for a hug. "An'... Sorry, who's that?"

Luna perked her ears. "Truly, thou doest not recognize me?"

Moon waved to Luna. "This is Luna, sister of Celestia? We rescued her?"

Applejack went red instantly. "Oh! Oh! You done grew up since last ah saw ya. Welcome!" She turned back to the bin of apples. "Care to dunk fer an apple? Just shove your head right in there and take an apple in yer teeth and nothin' else. No magic, no wings, no hooves, just teeth."

"I see..." Luna slid up and sat down at the bin, watching the apples bob a moment. "What is the purpose of this?"

"Frivolity," repeated Moon.

"Of course." Luna clopped a hoof to her forehead. "A very frivolous pursuit. I will attempt it." She lowered her neck to the water's surface and bit at an apple, but it floated away, her movement causing eddies in the water. "It is more tricky than I thought..." She tried for another apple. "Closer..."

Applejack sat beside Moon, watching Luna try to get an apple. "Yer doin' good! Don't give up!" She looked to Moon. "How'd you go an' get saddled with a princess?"

"Happenstance, and a betrayal." Moon was smiling a little though. "I don't mind. I will assist her in having a good time. She... reminds me of myself when I first arrived... I wish I had a quiet pony back then."

Applejack raised an ear. "Didn't ask Fluttershy?"

"She is quiet," admitted Moon. "But, not as willing to explain things to me."

"Ah ha!" Luna wrenched upwards with an arc of water, an apple clenched in her teeth. "I did it! I am the victor! What do I win?"

Applejack pointed to the captured apple. "Ya get to eat that, to start."

Luna sank her teeth into the apple, chomping it almost in half, the rest falling into her magic to float there as she chewed on what she already had. "Mmm. To start?"

"Yup." Applejack fetched a pumpkin container and put it down between herself and Luna. "Everypony who gets an apple can also grab a piece of candy to celebrate. How's that fer a sweet reward?"

"Thou has good taste in rewards." Luna willed a wrapped candy free, pulling it free and popping the butterscotch into her snout. "Mmm, very good taste. I can fetch another apple for another candy?"

Moon waved her hooves quickly. "Let's allow other ponies to have a turn. Tonight, you are a pony enjoying the frivolity, not a princess."

Luna seemed confused a moment, but it sank in. "Thine consideration seems sound." She rose to her hooves, allowing another pony to come up and give it a try. "That was fun, but I see other frivolous games being played. I would see them all! Instruct me in how to play."

"It's Nightmare Moon!" screeched Pinkie suddenly. "She's gonna gobble our bottoms!" She fled with a screaming pack of foals in all directions away from Luna.

Luna started after them. "W-wait, I wouldn't..." But they were gone. "What did I do wrong?"

Moon moved to sit next to Luna. "That was Pinkie Pie. I am friends with her, but discerning the meaning behind her actions is very difficult. My favorite riddle, in some ways... She is making a reference."

"A reference to what? Share thine wisdom with me." She curled her hooves at herself. "I would know why they all fled my presence."

Moon considered how to phrase that and went straight ahead. "When you had your... time of trouble... it left a mark on ponies."

Luna's eyes widened, just to narrow. "This holiday is about that?! I should have known!" Her volume rose to booming, but fell flat to barely a whisper. "Of course ponies would remember that... There is little more of mineself to remember..."

Moon reached to pat Luna awkwardly. "You are... I've made mistakes before."

"You did not attempt to depose your sister and ruler of the land," flatly countered Luna. "I imagine."

"My sister is not royalty." Moon rubbed at her cheek at the thought. "No... But I have been left looking like a foal, and I'll do it again, I imagine... I know the feeling, like you want to run away... Like everypony is thinking the worst things about you... Like you should have known better."

Luna inclined her head. "And what does thou do to address these feelings?"

Moon tapped her hooves. "First, attempt to discern what caused the problem. Second, admit that I am likely the error. Third, make ammends." She inclined her head. "This does not feel proper for you. You have made no errors within the last thousand years. I suggest, instead, we discern the true feeling of ponies."

"Y-yes, that sounds wonderful." She grabbed Mayor Mare from walking past. "You! What is thine honest opinion of me?" she demanded in a boom.

Mayore Mare shrank away as best she could, held firmly. "P-please..."

"Correction, that was a mistake. Please set Mayor Mare down, carefully."

"Hm?" Luna put Mayor Mare down. "Mine apologies."

Mayor Mare dusted herself off with a nervous smile. "T-thank you..." She tried to stand up properly and regain some of her lost dignity. "I hope you are enjoying the celebration?"

"I would be enjoying it more if I understood thine thoughts." Luna tilted her head at Mayor Mare. "Please share them with me."

Moon tried to play the middle pony. "She wants to know what you think of her."

"Oh, I see... A little intimidating, if we're honest. Shouting does that, to be blunt."

Luna angled an ear. "But is it not customary for royalty to speak in the royal voice?"

Mayor Mare directed at her clown's nose. "I am normally a very serious ruling pony, as mayor of Ponyville, but tonight is a night of--"

"--frivolity," gasped out Luna as if understanding. "Of course! So one would not speak in the royal voice, for that is the opposite of frivolity. I am disgracing the evening every time I raise my voice in seriousness. But, I admit confusion. Perhaps, being a fellow pony of import, you could explain it to me?"

"I can certainly try." Mayor Mare shared a glance with Moon, as if asking how she got that job.

"I have been told this night is in... memory of that unfortunate time... But I see little hint of mineself in it. Where am I in this holiday that declares itself to be mine?"

Mayor Mare directed a hoof into the forest. "The foals are going to get a telling of the tale. Zecora has volunteered her services as a storyteller. I... don't take offense, but can you appear as Nightmare Moon? Or is that well in the past?"

Luna flinched at the very idea. "I... never tried before."

"If you could, I feel certain Zecora would adore your help in her story, put the fear into those little foals."

Luna sputtered. "Thou want me to terrify your foals?!"

"All in good sport," Mayor Mare beeped the clown's noise she wore. "They will love it, after they finish running in terror. Nightmare Night is a night of frights, candy, and, fun."

Moon started with a realization. "Pinkie!"

"Pinkie?" Luna looked to Moon. "What of thine loud friend?"

"She was trying to help, in her own way, I think... Those foals were part of a game, not acting in genuine distress."

Luna was still a moment. "Frivolous!"

Such was the theme of the night.

51 - Lesson 27

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"Hm." Celestia strode at a steady pace through her castle. It was a subtle thing, hidden behind her well-practiced smile, but still. "Hm."

"Sister." Luna approached at a more spirited trot. Something bothers you. What is on thine mind?"

"Thank you." Celestia paused her walking as Luna came closer. "For caring. It's just... my student."

"Stud... Ah. Moon Dancer, was it not? She was quite helpful. What hast she done to trouble thou?"

"It's what she hasn't done. This way." She led Luna away from the main hallways, towards her private quarters. She pointed to a small pile of scrolls. "That is all she sent this moon."

Luna counted the scrolls, three in total. "How many missives doest she usually send?"

Celestia turned in place, pointing to a larger pile, then a larger one, then one still larger. "It has gotten smaller by the moon... I worry that something has happened. Perhaps she's grown discouraged?"

Luna turned with each new pile showed, humming gently to herself. "I do see... She struck me as a determined and, neigh, focused pony. What doest thou imagine happened to her?"

"I am quite uncertain, sister mine." She brought down a wing to curl about her sister. "I was thinking to visit her. With mine... my eyes, I could see personally what the problem is."

Luna colored faintly, detecting her sister tripping up with one of her old ponyisms. "Mine apologies." She raised a hoof to her mouth. "Hm, what if I visited her instead? We reached something of an accord, and my presence is less likely to cause difficulties. Besides, sister, your duties occupy you thoroughly, on last mine viewing."

Celestia sagged, ears drooping with an agitated swish of her tail. "You're not wrong there... Is this a task you want to do?"

"I will get to visit a friend." Luna trotted off without another word, a little smile on her snout.

Celestia listened to the receding clops of Luna's walk. "Thank you." She turned to the latest, smallest, pile. "You'll figure this out. It's not like her..."

Moon Dancer nodded at a pony she knew. "Missus Cake."

"Moon." She returned the wave, but didn't slow. She was pulling along a cart full of... something. It was covered. "Nice to see you, but I have a delivery to make."

"Of course." Moon stepped well out of the way. "Good luck with your delivery."

"Thank you." And she went on with a smile.

"Not every conversation has to be lengthy..." Moon tapped at her chin as she resumed her walk. "No, that's obvious. Even a foal should know that."

"Know what?" Apple Bloom was ahead and to the side, having heard her thinking to herself. "Do ah know it?"

Moon brightened. "Ah, an excellent opportunity. While I have you, how is Spike doing in school?"

Apple Bloom inclined her head. "Oh! He's doin' fine, me too! Cheerilee's a brilliant teacher." She clopped with a big smile at that. "Ain't no problems there. Now what do ah know, or don't know?"

"Hm, thank you." She considered the filly that she was, honorarily, related to. "If you approached Applejack for a conversation, she explained she had something occupying her, and the conversation was short, but cordial, how would you feel?"

"Ah'd feel... like she was real busy. Ah'd check if ah could help." She nodded once in a firm stroke. "Two Apples get thin's done even faster!"

Moon resumed her walk. "Of course. That's entirely logical." And, as it turned out, something a foal knew already. There was no need to... "Thank you."

"Mighty welcome!" Apple Bloom waved briefly, then dashed off to do some other filly business.

"Hey." There was Spike, next to Diamond Tiara. They were just walking down the road, and happened on her. "Why the long face?"

Diamond swatted at Spike. "That joke was bad and you should feel bad."

"Yeah..." He didn't look that guilty. "Seriously, what's up?"

Moon inclined an ear at her ward. "How are you two doing?" She waved a hoof between them. "Have any difficulties?"

Diamond hiked a brow high with an agitated lash of her tail. "That's a rude question. It's none of your business how we're doing."

"Hey, she's kinda in charge of me." Spike slid between them. "So it's at least a little her business. Uh..." He rubbed one arm with the other hand, eyes darting. "If your mom asked that, you'd tell her, wouldn't you?"

Diamond flinched back. "Mmmf.... I guess... Just enough to make her happy."

Spike waved at Moon with a big smile. "Well, I like my guardian slash sister slash mom. So... if she wants to know how we're doing, I want to tell her."

Diamond threw up her hooves. "Fine! But you better not get into private stuff. There's things you don't talk to moms, or sisters, about."

Spike cleared his throat officiously. "I am pleased to report that Diamond and I are getting along! I am really happy to have her as a girlfriend, and hope she feels the same." His finger curled. "Wait, I mean, that she likes me as a boyfriend, not as a girlfriend."

"So close." Diamond pulled him back, hooves curling around him. "He only annoys me once in a while. We're doing fine." She wrinkled her nose at Moon. "By the way, if we get super serious... That would make you my... sister too? Or mom? You two have a complicated relationship."

"You can choose." Moon dipped her head. "I will not be offended if you call me a sister-in-law or a mother-in-law. Whichever you prefer, should we reach that point. But I can't report that..." She turned away. "There has to be something..."

Spike shrugged softly. "She's hunting something... Um, let's go." He left the scene with Diamond, off to do other things.

Moon hopped up onto an empty bench and sat back, watching ponies pass by, most with pleased enough smiles. It was a fine day in Ponyville, which didn't help her at all.

"Good evening." Luna sank beside her. "Art thou searching for something in particular?"

"No..." It was only then she realized who had asked. "Princess! What are you doing here?" She ran a hoof back through her mane. She acknowledged that the princess had permission to be there with a nervous chuckle. "Of course..."

"Of course..." Luna inclined her head to the left, wings fidgeting on her back. "Th--You appear to be very distracted. How can I help?"

"You, help me?" Moon pointed to Luna, then herself. "You're a princess."

"That is correct." Silence grew between them a moment. "How can I be of assistance with thine problem?"

That Luna wanted to help was made quite clear. "Well..." Moon waved out at the passing ponies. "They're happy."

"That is a good thing..." Luna looked from one passing face to the next. "Is it not?"

"Yeah..." Moon slumped. "But I should be reporting my findings to your sister."

"And thou doest not, because...?" Luna rolled a hoof, ears quivering. "Is something preventing you?"

"I have nothing to write!" Moon flopped bonelessly against the bench. "I have learned nothing new about friendship for some time. I've reached a steady point. I feel certain I haven't learned everything, but how do I push past it? I don't know! I'm just good enough for most ponies to not bother trying to get me further, and I don't know how to do it myself and I'm letting her down." She sagged, belly to the bench, forehooves dangling off the front. "She must be so disappointed."

Luna sat in companionable silence, watching the ponies go by. "I am told... You did not do this before."

"Do what?" Moon sat up. "Talk with you? That is still fairly new, but I enjoy your company."

"Thou flatter me." Luna smiled gently, reaching with her magic to straighten Moon's glasses. "But no. Mine sister has gone into detail, how lost you were in your varied tomes and studies. Now you are watching ponies." She waves at those passing, one of which panicked at a princess pointing at them and bowed low. "This is new, for you, is it not?"

Moon waved for the pony to move on past them. "I know most of them... This is new, I confess. But is it worth reporting?"

"Not as a discovery, but an event, to be celebrated." Luna curled a wing around Moon Dancer warmly. "You have accomplished something you would not have even predicted. Why, even I have not learned so many names of so many ponies. Soon, you will make even that pink party pony blush with jealousy."

Moon snorted, uproarous laughter from her. "I struggle to imagine that to be true, Princess."

"Thou may callest me Luna." She directed to herself. "Friends should not let honorrifics stand betwixt them, hm?"

Moon sat up, ears perking. "Oh... Oh! Thank you." A paper appeared with a pop, quill already scribbling into it. "You have given me something to write about. Two things. Both accomplishments, not discoveries..." She paused. "Wait... Does this mean your sister and I aren't friends?"

Luna considered that in silence for a moment. "I would not say that so quickly... Different ponies have differing relationships, but you would, perhaps... You could ask her?" She pointed at the floating paper. "You're already writing to her. A fine place for a question."

"Brilliance." Moon redoubled her writing efforts. "We will both benefit from making our relationship... clear..." Her quill came to a slow stop. "I have been mistreating Spike."

"Spike? Thine dragon?" She looked around, but no dragon was in sight. "What troubles him?"

"Our relationship." Moon tapped the paper. "It's unclear, and I have made no effort to clarify it, and it came up today. I've been thoughtless..." She rubbed a hoof against each temple. "I should remedy that as soon as I can."

Luna hummed softly. "Then, it would seem, thou hast learned a lesson worth learning."

Moon jumped, as if stung at this realization. "Oh... You're... right." She sank back in place. "I'll chat with Spike, next time I see him. He's enjoying his time with his girlfriend."

"Do you wish to speak of it?" Luna leaned in. "I am told having one's ward find love for the first time can be a challenging time."

Moon slid to the ground with a clop. "Thank you, but I've already taken up far too much of your time, Luna. You are a dear and lovely friend. I owe you one."

"Neigh. We are even now." Luna joined Moon in standing. "You brought such joy and understanding to mineself during Nightmare Night. Now we are both one favor in. Equilibrium has been reached." She looked quite overjoyed at this announcement. "I look forward to seeing who gains the next point."

Moon folded her paper carefully to tuck away. "Whichever of us it is, I will enjoy it. Do you plan to stop by again?"

"I can make no promises of when." Luna directed a wing at the distant Canterlot. "I have mine own duties to attend, as do you. Still, when I can..."

"I will look forward to when circumstances allow it." Moon offered a hoof. "Oh, have you learned any new spells? Close friends of mine always like magic."

"That will not be true of all thine friends, I feel certain..." Luna stroked at her chin. "Still, you are not incorrect in this case. Mine sister has shared a most wondrous spell! I am still learning its intricacies. I will have a place and purpose in the night." She did a little canter in place, excitement growing. "I have but to master it." She pointed at Moon between the eyes. "Like your studies, it involves the mind of ponies, and winning them."

"Your sister wants everypony around her better at that..." She hummed softly. "Tell me how your studies progress. Are you permitted to share this sorcery?"

"Neigh." Luna shook her head. "A forbidden spell, shared only because I am royalty. You are also trusted, but you have a different task. I am not at liberty to share this spell."

"Pity." Moon turned towards the library. "I will attend mine duties."

Luna colored. "You did that on purpose! I'm trying to be better about that..."

"You have improved considerably." Moon walked off. "See you next time. You can write to me too."

Luna gasped with a sudden smile. "Then I will do just that!" She had earned her first modern penpal.

52 - Sisterhooves Social - Part One

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"Ugh." Diamond kicked a small doll across the room. "I hate it," she grunted with all the force she had in her. "It's like they made it just to kick me out."

"Made what?" Spike was watching his girlfriend with care and confusion. "Can I help?"

"I doubt it." She folded her arms with a terrible pout. "You are not a sister."

"Come again?" He raised a brow. "Nope, not one of those." He patted himself down, as if to be absolutely sure of that. "What do you need a sister for?"

"They're having this again." Diamond slapped down a paper advertising the Sisterhooves Social, a larger and smaller pony smiling at one another. "To join, you have to be a big sister, or a little sister. I'm neither because I have no big sister."

"And no little sister, I get that... I wouldn't get to join, not being either kind of sister either, right? So... what is it?" Spike shrugged at the paper that didn't immediately say. "Is it, like... what?"

"It's a contest." Diamond went towards her desk with a huff. "Running and teamwork and stuff. It's stupid... but I hate being excluded, and that happens every year. My parents aren't rushing to give me a sister, and that's probably for the best." She mused a moment on the idea of having a sister, taking up space and attention. "Probably for the best..."

Spike shrugged, though his expression was one of thought, not dismissal. "What if a sister that wasn't yours took up the job?"

Diamond blinked at this idea. "But... Huh..." She sank to her haunches. "I don't think they have a specific rule about that... You have a spare sister?"

"You met her!" Spike pointed off. "Moon Dancer's a great sister! We could ask her."

Diamond nodded slowly and silently, musing it over. "Do you... think she'd say yes? And is she any good at those games?"

"If she decides it's part of her assignment, she'll make herself good at it." Spike waggled his brows with hidden meanings. "Let me talk to her."

"You are the best." She grabbed Spike up in a firm hug. "Thank you."

He was left, blushing, but pleased. "I'm on the case!" He dashed from the room to find his sister/mom.

She was easy to locate, being in the library, reading next to Twilight. The latter was being a librarian, helping ponies get their books and such. Spike rushed up to them both. "Hey."

Moon looked up. "Spike. You... How are you?"

"Just fine, but..." He pointed off where he had run in from. "It's about Diamond. Tiara. Do you know about the Sisterhooves Social?"

Twilight perked, suddenly a part of the conversation. "Hm? What about it? A yearly tradition in the town."

Moon angled an ear towards Twilight. "Can you tell me what it's about?" She refocused on Spike. "And why is Diamond Tiara interested in it?"

"She needs help." Spike pointed at Moon. "And you're the answer, and you get a chance to be part of a big thing you never were before. Think of the research."

Moon perked at that. "You have my attention." Big research, hm... "Twilight? If you would?"

Twilight floated over a book and set it down. "The origin of the holiday! Now..." She began going over it in minute detail a moment before she caught herself. "But I'm going into the weeds. In the end, it's for two ponies, sisters usually, but sisters by bond are also acceptable, to compete in various contests to show their solidarity, and have a good time. The winner gets a trophy, but everypony has a good time, which is the main goal."

Moon tapped at her chin. "I have some experience with being a sister, but not with being Diamond Tiara's sister. Is this acceptable?"

Spike shrugged widely. "Is there a big difference?"

Moon tapped at her dragon brother's chest. "She's a filly. You're a dragon, to begin. Speaking of which, this is a perfectly acceptable time to bring this up." She sank to her haunches. "I apologize for not doing so earlier. Are we siblings or are you my ward?"

"Y....yes?" Spike pointed at her. "You're not even the first sibling that had their sibling as a ward. What do you think Applejack is?"

Moon blinked softly. "She is a sibling... But she is Apple Bloom's guardian." She was reasoning it out. "But their relationship, between them, is clearly that of siblings. She is Apple Bloom's older sister." She inclined her head the other way. "They have a mother."

Spike wagged a finger. "Welcome to being an older sibling, which you are. Older sibs are guardians of their younger siblings. Just the way it works."

Moon rubbed at the side of her head with a grunt, her glasses almost falling free. "Then I... am your sister?"

"Yep!" Spike fired double thumbs ups. "We both know you didn't lay me. You're a super close relation, older, but not that much older. Sibling, yep!"

Moon floated her glasses free to polish in a moment of loss of clarity. Moon revealed her difficulty with sight as she said "I... see... How long have you known this?"

"About since I learned that ponies don't come from eggs, which was a while ago." He hiked a thumb backwards. "But I didn't want to hurt you, so I just kinda went along with you. I figured there'd be a good time, you know?"

Moon sat up with a strained laugh. "All this time, I was the one being deluded... Spike, sorry. In the future, if you see me holding onto some bit of misconception, I allow, no, encourage you to free me from that state. I will return the favor, as expected of an older sister."

"So, about Diamond?"

Moon perked. "Ah, yes. Well... I am a big sister, we have identified. She is not a little sister. Is this legal?" She turned the hoof on Spike. "It would be less out of place to take you. I am your sister."

"But I'm not a girl." Spike held up his hands. "Besides, Diamond's the one that wants to go. And I already know you love me." He hopped forward to hug her warmly. "Goes both ways."

Moon smiled at the embrace, curling an arm to return it. "Well... I'll consult with the judges to ensure this isn't breaking a rule. If they agree, I see little harm in it."

Twilight inclined her head, still there, though she had been quiet. "Actually..."

Moon jerked up, remembering that Twilight was there. "Do you know something about this?"

Twilight brought a book over with her magic, the manual of the Siterhooves Social. "I have the rules here. Any two ponies that feel a sister connection are welcome to attend. This is typically two sisters, but a brother and a sister can take part, as well as those who accept the bond of sisterhood via other means, such as adoption, marriage, or simply agreeing that was the role they were comfortable with." She tapped at the book. "So you and Spike or you and Diamond would not, in theory, break the rule. Diamond would need to accept that you are taking on that role."

Spike clapped his hands together with a big smile. "You don't even have to pretend."

"I don't?" Moon paced past Spike. "She is not my sister. Did I get a genealogical record wrong?"

"No." He waved that notion away and scrambled up on her back to ride her as she walked about nervously. "But! She is romantically involved with your brother." He hiked a thumb at himself, that draconic brother. "So..."

Twilight smiled at that. "True. If you two accept that, a sister-sister bond could result. I've heard such bonds can even endure the event of the romantic one later fading, at times."

Spike grimaced at that notion. "Hey! I don't want... that..."

Moon looked over her shoulder. "She was speaking theoretically. Alright. Get Diamond and bring her here. We have to discuss this."

"Righto!" He slid to the ground and dashed out the door, slapping it shut behind himself as he fled, his giggles fading away with the distance.

Twilight nodded at his departed form. "He's having fun with this, even if he isn't attending. Perhaps, next year, you should take him. You two have a strong sibling bond."

Moon colored faintly. "But he is not a sister... I don't want to embarrass him."

"Only if he wants," Twilight agreed gently. "But he won't want to if you don't want to. He doesn't like making you uncomfortable if he can avoid it."

"Point..." Moon put those bits of action together, getting a clearer picture of her brother. "Point... This year will be a test run. Perhaps I will enjoy it, or not, and we can act accordingly next year."

"Excellent. Now..." Twilight got back to sorting books and putting them away.

Spike threw open the door some time later, but he wasn't the first one in. Diamond came in at a steady walk. "She said it was alright?"

"Hello." Moon nodded at the filly. "They informed me you had need of an older sister. Your relationship with Spike entitles us to establish a sisterhood." She waved between herself and Diamond. "If this is acceptable?"

Diamond's eyes widened with sparkles. "Wow... You did say yes then. Um, yeah. I want to go to the Sisterhooves Social, and I want to win."

Moon inclined her head. "I can't assure that. I will make every attempt to compete properly. Before we proceed, we have to enter an accord."

Twilight bonked Moon on the way past. "Don't phrase it like that!"

Moon rubbed the spot she had been bapped. "We have to become sisters. Only sisters, by blood or otherwise, may compete."

Diamond shook her head. "Well, I don't have any others to compete for the role..." She circled about Moon, looking her over. "I guess it's alright by me?" She snorted softly. "I'm the one that wants to go."

Moon offered a hoof. "Then let us proceed, with sisterly unity."

Diamond met the hoof with a clop. "Alright! So... On the fitness scale, where would you put yourself?"

Moon inclined her head. "Being a financially entitled filly, I imagine you are not that far ahead of me."

Diamond colored sharply. "W-what?" Called out, just like that. "I see how it is... Hmmph. I'll have a test track put together and we'll run it together. I'll leave you in the dust."

"That seems unlikely." Moon tapped her chin. "But if we are sisters, I would inquire how your studies are proceeding."

"Huh?" Diamond took a step back. "It's just... so we can enter the stupid race."

"Either we are sisters, or we are not." Moon closed in. "How are your studies proceeding?"

"Fine..." Diamond kicked at the ground impotently. "Um... I'm with Spike." She pointed over at where he was snickering. "He'd tell you if something huge happened."

"He probably would." Moon considered him. "But he is my brother. You are my sister. Perhaps, in the future, in-law? This is another family I am joining. I should meet your parents. Do their schedules allow for this to happen today?"

Diamond waved her hooves wildly. "Woah! Hold your horses. They're busy ponies. I can... ask, I guess. Why do you want to talk to them?"

"I have multiple reasons." Moon pointed to Spike. "For one, you're the girlfriend of my brother. Speaking to them isn't an unusual request. For another, you are becoming my sister. I should communicate with your parents because of our recent family connection. If You and Spike become family, we will be even more connected. I should meet them, at least."

Twilight shrugged as she slid a book into place with her magic. "That seems logical. I've already met them before, but I can come with you, if you'd like."

Moon moved to tap her side against Twilight's. "Thank you. I will take your offer."

53 - Sisterhooves Social - Part Two

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Moon gazed upon the great web of obstacles and diversions in front of them. "Impressive. Reviewing the source text, there are usually water hazards. I don't see any here."

Diamond let out an exasperated puff of air, brushing away that objection with a wave of her hoof. "I will not soil myself a second time, if I have a choice. So we'll begin this journey together right here." She dashed to one side of the course, her hooves pounding against the ground. "It has all the major parts ready to go. I even had them prepare the eggs."

Moon came up at an easy lope behind Diamond. Moon noticed the lack of water-based hazards, but praised its construction. "Did you make this?" She looked doubtful about that being the case.

"Of course not! Alright. Ready to go?" Diamond's tail wagged back and forth as she lowered her head and waggled her bottom in anticipation. "Because I am! We'll show them who's the best sister in town!"

Moon took a firm stance, tail going still. "Ready."

"Go!" shouted Spike from the sideline. The two scrambled ahead to run into the haystacks with a wildly uncoordinated attempt to climb them. "Look at them go..."

Silver gave a subtle nod of acknowledgement, tilting her head left and right at a slow pace. "Stupid."

A startled Spike suddenly spun around to look at Silver when he heard the word. "Stupid? Why do you say that?" He turned back to the pair struggling forward on the course. "They're working so hard."

"Still stupid." She rolled her eyes. "She could have just asked me."

"Who could have?" He looked between the two. "Diamond?" The only of the two that seemed even remotely possible. "Moon?" He shrugged with that one.

Silver rapidly circled around Spike, preventing him from seeing the others. Her voice rose to a high-pitched squeal and her face scowled as she declared that Diamond had a sister. "We even have a special dance and everything! Why would she pick some other random pony? Um... No offense to you. She's probably fine, but she's your sister. Diamond already has one!"

Spike scratched at his cheek. "Well... Do you want to do that?" He waved a hand past Silver Spoon to the obstacle course the others were about halfway through in various stages of distress. "Looks hard, and dirty, even minus the water."

Silver crossed her arms and slowly lowered herself down to her haunches as she said "No. It's dumb, and gross and dirty, like you just said. It's... stupid! But... She's doing it. And she has a sister! Why didn't she ask me?" Her purple eyes glistened with her building tears. "She didn't even think to ask! Maybe I'd say no... I guess... But she didn't ask!"

Spike looked between Silver and the racers. "Well... What if you joined anyway?" A sly look emerged as he brought his hands together. "That'd show her."

Silver joined in that scheming expression. "I like the way you're thinking, Spike." She reached out and curled an arm around him. "But I can't join without a sister, and my sister went and... that."

Spike pointed at Silver, then himself. "According to the rules, a sister and a brother, that's me, could join. You're like a sister to me, right?"

Silver erupted into a fit of laughter, briefly cut short by a coughing fit caused by the tears she had shed prior. She gave a triumphant exclamation, "Genius!", and then rubbed her fetlock on her face in order to clear it. "Genius... Alright, bro! I hope you're ready to win this race with the best sister around." She winked with a dramatic flair, making it obvious. "That'll show her, when she loses to the sister she shoulda picked in the first place." She offered a hoof towards Spike that he met with a balled fist, sealing their accord.

Elsewhere, other plans were being put together. A certain unicorn filly was trying to get an Apple mare to run with her. The social was destined to be an interesting one on all counts. Pear Butter smiled at Sweetie Belle. "Poor thing. Don't you have a sister?"

"She's too busy." Sweetie stomped the ground, eyes glaring with anger and distress. "And she doesn't want to do that kinda thing... It's 'uncouth.'" Sweetie made quite the face, pulling that quote out. "I'll show her! Please, Applejack!"

Pear put an arm between Sweetie and Applejack. "Hold on. Applejack is a fine sister, no doubt, but she has a sister to... sister."

Sweetie twirled on Apple Bloom. "Can I borrow her, just for a day?"

Upon hearing the suggestion, Apple Bloom reacted with a blink of her eyes, taken aback by the idea. "Uh... Sisters aren't usually the kinda thin' you 'borrow.'"

Pear Butter stepped fully between them. "I hear you, little thin'. You're powerful upset at this sister ah yers, and maybe she deserves it."

With a very angry huff, Sweetie Belle agreed with a loud and firm, "She does!"

Pear Butter shook her head slowly. "But this ain't the way to show it. So instead ah takin' one ah her friends as a sister, how 'bout we have fun instead?"

Sweetie was so taken aback that she couldn't even process it and stood there frozen. "And not do the social? But I wanna!"

Applejack came up alongside her mother. "Ah think mom's offerin' to take mah place."

"'xactly that." Pear's nod of appreciation towards Applejack conveyed her obvious joy at being read correctly. "You can race Apple Bloom an' me. Ah never got to do this race... It'll be fun!"

Sweetie bounced in the air. "Oh, well, now you're talking! That sounds--"

"--Sweetie!" Rarity came rushing down the road at a gallop. "Sweetie! I'm--"

Sweetie put up a denying hoof even as she turned away. "I'm with a family that cares about me!"

Rarity skidded to a halt. "W-what? I care about you."

"Easy to say." She stuck out her tongue and looked up to Pear Butter. "Let's go. We have a social to plan for."

Pear Butter moved to follow Sweetie, but not before she fired a nod at Rarity.

Applejack let them go, but her eyes were on Rarity. "Ya done messed up," she got out when they were out of range. "Now, afore--"

"Your mother is taking away my beloved sister!" Rarity shouted out in a shrill voice. "Stop her!"

"--That... She ain't takin' nopony, promise." She patted Rarity on the shoulder. "She's not like that. But... right now Sweetie's angry, and shoutin' at her ain't gonna change her mind none. Ya see, Bein' sisters is like... apple pie. You can have amazin' apples, and you can have a wonderfully crispy crust, but only together you can have a perfect apple pie."

Rarity stared off into the distance, her expression blank and unreadable, for several lengthy moments. "I'm afraid, dear, I don't entirely know what you mean by that... But I must get Sweetie back! I've been a cad... Surely there's something I can do?"

Applejack leaned in, voice dropping to a whisper, "She's on yer side. Ah'll bring her 'round later, when she ain't got a Sweetie attached at the hip. You two can scheme then." She fired a dramatic wink. "But, fer now, me an' Apple Bloom gotta practice!"

Apple Bloom let out a yelp of triumph. "What are we waiting' for? Let's get to it!"

Diamond reached the end of the track with great difficulty, her breathing labored and rasping from the exertion of each step. "There... Did it..." Her words were slow and labored, a sheen of sweat covering her small form. "You-- There you are." Moon was just catching up with her, also breathing hard from the effort. "We won't win, not like this..."

Moon sat next to her, wobbling as if the effort of sitting upright was just too hard. "More practice is required if we want to secure a chance of success." She reached up and took off her glasses to clean them of the sweat and fog she had built up on them. "But we have gained experience."

"Yeah..." Diamond turned to survey the... "What are they doing?" She could see Spike and Silver performing the same route. They were working together, rather than running it side by side. When one faltered, the other eagerly lent a hand, or hoof, to get them both forward. They weren't especially fast, but it was an improvement. "How are they going so quickly?"

Moon took a few moments to evaluate them in silence, slipping her glasses back onto her face for a better view. "It seems that they are engaging in practice as well."

Diamond threw up a hoof. "I can see that! But why?" She snorted into a smile. "Oh, duh... They're trying to encourage us. Well, fine. Let's do it again!" She raced to the start of the track. "We can do this!"

Moon followed at a more sedate pace. "It would be advantageous to imitate their example. It seems they are progressing at a quicker rate than we have managed previously."

"Clever!" Diamond swung a hoof wildly to collide with her other with a deep thunk. "She's trying to tell me what I got wrong, without telling me, because that'd annoy me, a lot. Clever..." She waved forward along the track. "Come on, let's do it, even better than the first time."

Moon couldn't be certain if that was actually the case or not, but Diamond seemed happy about it. She was... at least mostly sure of that. "Let us proceed." She tapped her cheek. "A pity magic use is curtailed. A result of earth pony bias?" She shook her head. "We will make do as they already set the conditions."

Diamond swatted at her partner. "I'm an earth pony, you know."

"Would you be amendable to my use of magic then?" Moon's horn glowed with the promise of magical solutions to the problems ahead of them.

"Tempting..." Moon took one last big breath. "But no. I want to prove I can do it, and win, without cheating or anything. They think a 'rich filly' is too 'spoiled' to do things that need work. I'll show them!"

With the firing of a gun only heard in their minds, they took off for a fresh take at the course. Their pace, at times, was slower as they kept within a hoof's reach of one another. But when they hit an obstacle, they were there for one another to help scramble up, under, or through it far more quickly.

At least until they got to the big empty tubs. "About this." Diamond prodded at the empty tub. "What's even the point of this one?"

Moon took in the parts, assembling them in her mind over and over again. "If you... There... But then... On top..." She worked with her hooves as she mused, working from one possibility to the next. "No... That." She pointed to the tub, "Should be there." She pointed to the top of a platform. "With the spigot..." She grabbed it with her magic, setting the tub up atop the platform. She turned the tub until its spigot aimed at a jar there on the ground. "There. This is meant to fill that, somehow..."

Diamond tapped at Moon and directed her towards a collection of bags piled up. "There?" She went over and tore the end off, causing berries to spill out onto the ground. "Oh!"

Silver came bounding up with a grin on her face, and her enthusiastic "Wow!" filled the air. "I was wondering what this, like, was all about."

"We just climbed over it." Shrugging his shoulders, Spike let out a little laugh. "Um, so what do we do with these?" He snatched up a berry, squeezing it between two fingers. "I don't get it."

Moon grabbed the entire bag in her magic, hovering it up into the tub and spilling out all the many berries to fill the tub to the top. "I think I know..."

54 - Sisterhooves Social - Part Three

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"She didn't even bother to come." Sweetie rolled her eyes, but she was smiling at Pear Butter. "Not that it matters. I have you and we're going to be great!"

Pear Butter patted her little running-mate. "Now, be kind on me. I'll do my best, but I'm not a spring mare anymore. Let's have a fun time."

"Okay!" Sweetie bounced against Pear Butter. "But let's try our best." Not that she was against doing well.

They were hardly the only ponies there. The starting line of the event was filled with sisters from all over Ponyville, and even one brother. "That was easy."

Silver Spoon tossed her mane. "Like, of course. We just told them the truth."

"Amazing how often that works." Spike thought back to them approaching the judges to enter things properly. "She's like a sister to me," he had explained. They had looked at each other, shrugged, and waved them in. "Looks like they got in too." He looked across the line to where Moon Dancer and Diamond were doing preparing stretches. "This'll be something..."

"Something great!" Silver punched up at the sky with her words. "Are you ready?"

They met, hoof to fist, and took on a ready stance to begin the race.

Moon lifted a hoof up into the air as if to gauge the strength of the wind. "Five knots, south by southeast."

Diamond gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. "Alright, that sounds good." She could feel the wind blowing against her, the melody of wind chimes in the air, but it was far too gentle to be an issue for the race. "We are so ready. Let's take home the gold!"

The race began with the sound of a starting gun being fired into the air. The ponies galloped forward in a wild and uncontrolled manner, the big and little sisters side by side. "One thing," gasped out Silver, trying to control her breath as she ran. "We have an advantage... in size!" They were the smallest pair there, both being children.

They all ran into the mud pit, one thing they hadn't practiced on. Sweetie bounced ahead in spritely springs, the mud barely registering to her. Spike charged in and discovered mud was slippery. Fortunately, Silver was there to grab, almost knocking them both to the ground before they could regain their footing and stagger forward in the slippery course.

Pear Butter vanished into the mud.

Sweetie rushed back to her with a squeak, reaching out a hoof to help her partner escape its depths. "You alright?" Pear Butter nodded and they hastened through the course, the sun glinting off the trees.

There were losers and winners, but all of them shone aas winners. They helped each other through the tall and low parts. They smashed berries and balanced eggs. "As if you need to teach a dragon how to balance an egg." Spike struck a victorious pose, then dashed ahead, so much more to do.

The two had to work extra hard to stomp the berries. Neither of them were very large, so they had to make sure the jar was ready and both climb up to stomp and stamp things to get it full. The crowd roared and stomped at the exploits of the teams as they hurried along through the sisterly challenges.

The end of the course was right in front of them, but Silver's endurance was tapped out, slumping to the side instead of running as she adjusted her glasses. Spike stopped with her. "You alright?"

"I'm... fine... The real course is... a little harder," Silver got out slowly through her pants. "Thanks... For doing it with me... This is still... so dumb."

"Yeah." Spike sat next to her. "But we got to be dumb together."

"Yeah." She grabbed him, an arm around him as she drew him in close.

Diamond was racing past with Moon, and she saw Silver and Spike. "What?" She skidded to a stop and stomped up to them. "What are you two doing getting all buddy buddy?!"

Moon came at a slowly jog next to Diamond. "We can't win if we stop."

Diamond waved Moon off. "He's getting all snuggly, with my friend! The two of you!"

Silver stuck out her tongue at Diamond. "You coulda had me as your sister, but you left me with him. This is your fault, like, really." She pulled Spike all the tighter, more out of possessiveness than lingering affection.

Diamond stomped one hoof after the other. "That isn't how this works! You... don't even like this kinda thing."

"Neither do you," retorted Silver Spoon with a huff. "And here you are."

"Here... we are?" Diamond glanced at the race rushing right on past them. Diamond and her companions had already lost all hopes of winning. "Here we are... Ugh! I did not come all this way to not finish." She turned for the finish line. "And you didn't either. Get back on your hooves!"

Silver popped her glasses back into place. "Fine! You're so bossy." Still, she was standing and resumed her journey at a light trot instead of the wild gallop they had started with. Spike easily kept up with her relaxed jog.

"Oh no you don't." Diamond snagged Spike, rearing up onto her hindlegs to get one arm around him. "You're mine, you."

Moon inclined her head left and right. "I do not believe that is factually accurate." Not that anyone rose to that argument. They made it across the finish line, not winners, but not feeling like losers either.

Sweetie Belle was already there, gaping at the revealed form of who had actually raced her. "But then where's Pear Butter?"

"Right here." The middle-aged mare came walking up, still flecked in mud. "Did you have fun?"

Rarity laughed in her proper way. "Not the sort of 'fun' I usually have, but that was quite invigorating, and it was time spent with Sweetie Belle, which made it entirely worth it, darling."

"You mean that?" Sweetie took an unsure step back, just to be gently scooped up against Rarity. The two hugged, their differences set aside in a moment of sisterly bonding.

Pear nodded at the two. "Well, now this is jus' me sayin' it, but this feels like the perfect endin' fer the social to me, aside of gettin' a snack er two."

"Wait!" Sweetie reached for Pear in a wild flailing of a hoof. "It's not fair! You never got to race, and you still haven't..."

"There's always next year," gently assured Pear Butter. "I'd rather see you safely back in your sisters' arms."

"You're too nice!" squeaked out Sweetie Belle. "No! Next year, you! I want to race with you. Not, um, because I'm angry, but because you deserve it. You're such a good mom, you should get a chance to be a sister."

"Hear hear," called Apple Bloom with a smile. "Best mom ah know!"

Applejack lowered her hat to her chest. "It'd be a pleasure to run alongside ya, mom."

Apple Bloom turned to the others arriving late. "There ya'all are. The not-sister sisters." She was giggling to herself as she scampered to Diamond, Spike, Moon, and Silver. "You were doin' so good! Why'd ya stop like that?"

Silver sank to her haunches, just catching her breath. "I ran out... I couldn't... I just had to stop."

Spike hiked a thumb at Silver. "I was running with her. I'm not going to keep going if she stops. That's against the rules even."

Diamond colored in her cheeks as she shuffled awkwardly a little. "I saw them stopped," she weakly got out. "So I stopped..."

Moon's horn glowed as she snatched Spike with her magic and placed him on her back. "Like my brother, I could not proceed without my partner. Next year, would you care to participate, Spike?"

Spike hugged her neck from behind. "That sounds fun! And..."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "If you're thinking we'll go next year, pass."

"Pass," joined Silver. The two giggled, their bond, reforged. "Wanna?"

"With pleasure." Diamond bumped her hoof against Silver, just to swap to the other as they performed their dance. "Sugarlump, rump," they cried out together, their giggles redoubling in volume.

Moon inclined her head at the two, then turned to march off without any further words to them. "Did you enjoy yourself?" She had words for Spike though.

"Not the ending I expected." Spike shrugged from atop Moon. "But I guess I should have seen that coming. Oh! Think this is worth a friendship report?"

"Excellent idea." With a pop, she conjured a scroll and a quill to get to writing with. "Let's see... A lot of things happened today."

Dear Princess Celestia,

I was a participant in a local ritual known as the Sisterhooves Social this day. The topic of sisterhood is complex, with biological sisters being merely one type of example, not to mention the tension that can influence familial connections and challenge them. This has caused me to think of the great fondness I have for my sister. I shall compose a letter to her when I am done with this one. It also brought to mind my brother, even though I seldom fail to think of him. Nevertheless, our connection was solidified despite his interaction with another pony.

I am not typically inclined towards physical activity. In spite of that, I observed the exercise to be a stimulating change of pace. This experience allowed me to observe the different types of familial friendships which were being displayed around me. This was a highly beneficial experience for myself and all ponies who were present. I propose that this ritual be distributed to other communities if possible. I will provide a review of the difficulties encountered in the course, along with proposed modifications.

It has been suggested, and I agreed, that I would participate with Spike as my companion next year. I am eagerly anticipating that moment, however I do not wish for it to come any sooner. My body is showing signs of fatigue. A chance to have dinner and refreshments is being presented. Both come across as highly desirable.

Eagerly Learning,
Moon Dancer

She folded her scroll tightly. "If you would, please." She hovered it in front of Spike. With a puff, it was sent on its way towards her ruler and teacher. "We have accomplished our tasks for the day." She pointed to the food tables. "Shall we?"

"With pleasure." Spike nudged her with his feet. "Hey, where did Twilight go? Did she come?"

"Eh..." Moon wobbled a hoof as she advanced on the other three. "She showed little interest in participating. 'I have no sister,' was her reply."

"Twilight." Spike folded his arms. "That sounds like her. I bet she resorted the books while we were busy running our tails off."

"Likely." Moon sat at one of the tables and allowed Spike to slide free of her. "Our differences are a part of what appeals, is it not? Meeting the ponies of Ponyville have taught me much by not being the same as me, or you." She inclined her head in thought. "For that matter, you are not the same as me."

"We both like reading?" Not that this stopped him from taking big bites out of his plate of food. "Right?"

"We enjoy reading different topics. I do not, usually, read comics." She twitched an ear at him. "Perhaps, some day, you can show me the appeal. I'd like to learn more about what interests you."

Spike took a deep chug of his fizzy drink. "Really? I... didn't think you cared about that."

"I care about you." She put an arm around Spike. "And that means I'd like to know."

"Thanks..." Spike was quiet a moment, shuffling in place. "Does that mean I should ask about your stuff?"

"If you like?" Moon stuffed a bit of cake down her snout with a satisfied mmm. "But don't feel forced. You provide ample assistance with my study, and I appreciate that."

"Spike!" Diamond hopped up next to him. Silver took up position next to her. "Next year, we're gonna--"

Spike held up a hand. "I'm racing with my actual sister, sorry." Though she pouted a moment, she let that one go. He had a sister, but so did she. She resumed her chat with Silver Spoon.

55 - Foal Free Press

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"Did you hear?" Diamond fluttered her lashes at Spike with the biggest smile. "Namby-Pamby graduated. Congratulations to them, but, more importantly, hirrah for us." She waved between herself and Spike, cheeks squeaking with the force of that smile. "We get to run the newspaper however we want!"

Spike hummed softly. "Well, not however we want... right?"

Diamond rolled a hoof and her eyes in casual dismissal of that problem. "So long as ponies are reading the paper, we're doing our job. If we're doing the job, Cheerilee won't complain! Now, get this, I already did the hardest part."

"You wrote a bunch of stuff ponies want to read?" Somehow, it seemed Spike already knew that wasn't the answer.

Diamond's previously cheerful expression suddenly became completely emotionless. "I'm the editor, which is where I was going. Cheerilee named me the editor-in-chief!" She danced in place with an excited giggle. "So my word is the last word on what goes in, and what doesn't. And you!" She poked him directly on the chest. "I want you to be involved!"

"O-oh! Sure!" Spike rubbed behind his head, looking unsure. "How?"

"Well... Tomorrow, Cheerilee will be announcing this. Tonight, we prepare!" She threw up her hooves with a scheming snicker. "Come on! We have banners to make and pictures to draw. We want to hit the ground running!"

Spike did his best to doodle something impressive, but he was no artist, and his crude sketch showed Diamond the error of her ways. "Alright... We have resources!" She rushed out and badgered her butler. "He'll have it ready for us tomorrow. Be ready!"

She casually tossed Spike out for the evening. "Tomorrow!"

Spike hurried home, hands together as he pondered. "Twilight?"

"Mm?" She looked up from her book. "Welcome back, Spike."

"Hey." He gave a brief wave of one hand. "You ever work for a newspaper before?"

"I can't say I have." Twilight inclined her head faintly. "What brings that up?"


Spike looked around at the sudden new member of the conversation. "Oh, hey." He spotted the feathered companion of Twilight perched there, listening to them. "I forget you're there sometimes." He had far fewer reasons to really think about Owlie. "How's he doing?"

"Owloicous has adapted to the library wonderfully," Twilight reported with a gentle smile. "And he's quite useful. We're lucky, really. We have a wonderful assistant during the day, and the night." She curled an arm around each assistant as she mentioned their active time. "Now, about that newspaper?"

"Right!" Back to problems that were actually important to him. "Diamond's getting a job, as the editor-in-chief for this newspaper at school." He scratched at his cheek slowly. "And she wants me to help. I want to help! But I don't know what I can do, and she didn't even tell me. Um, I think... she's still thinking it up for tomorrow."

Twilight ran a careful hoof over Spike, petting him in quiet as she considered things. "Well, then you have a few choices. You already said you want to help, so, you could just wait until tomorrow and see what she says. Or." She saw she did not entirely satisfy him with that option. "You could think of how to apply what you're already good at for the sake of a newspaper. You like comics, don't you?"

"Love 'em!" His features brightened as a topic he knew so much more about was brought up. "But how can that help?"

"Bring the love of comics to the other foals." Twilight sat up fully. "Articles on what's new in the comic world, for examples, and callbacks to things ponies may not have read yet, but will be glad they did. Favored places to get either? This could all be engrossing information, if you put it out there the right way."

"Huh..." Spike hopped to his feet and scrambled off, just to return a moment later with his box of comics. One of many, of course, but it was the one he picked. "Do you really think that'll work?"

"It could. It's all in the execution. A balancing act, if you will."

Spike set the box down heavily. "What am I balancing?" The uncertainty was clear in his voice. "Do you know?"

"Well..." Twilight raised a hoof. "Balancing between appealing to new and amateur readers of comics." She switched which hoof was up. "And those who are diehard fans of the media. Appealing purely to one or the other is an option, but the risks are many. Let's not forget this is a foal's newspaper. No offense, but being mindful of who's actually reading is important."

"Mmmm..." Spike grabbed a bit of paper and a quill. "Maybe I need to do a survey..."

Twilight brightened at the information gathering being proposed. "An excellent idea! The more you know about your potential readers, the easier it will be to reach them." She clopped her hooves with mounting excitement. "I admit, I was a little confused at first, but Cheerilee may be onto something. You could all learn quite a bit from this little project."

She perked an ear at a knocking from the door. "Who is it?" She trotted over and willed it open, allowing Applejack to come inside. "AJ!" A moment was spent in a gentle embrace. "Good to see you. What brings you by?"

"Sorry fer showin' up after close, but this ain't fer a book, promise." Applejack nodded to Spike in greetings. "Mom's wonderin' when next you'll stop by and she won't let me off the hook 'till I come ask 'bout it. She's starvin' fer some Twilight Time"

With laughter bubbling up, Spike put his hand over his mouth in an attempt to muffle the sound. "That sounds like her. The moms of the Apple family aren't very subtle, are they?"

"That they ain't." Applejack was looking at Twilight. "So can ya take a break from yer work at least fer an evenin'?"

"I'm not that busy," she huffed out, wagging her entire body in a shaking snort. "You're here right now, and I'm not exactly kicking you back out the door."

"Pardon, bein' a little overdramatic." Applejack turned to point. "That a yes then? When can she expect ya?"

Twilight smiled. "Of course! She hardly had to ask, I just didn't plan--"

"--A fine time to plan then." Applejack nodded firmly, sure in her path. "Two days from now?"

"Two days from now. I'll show up around sundown. How's that?" She walked off towards the kitchen. "Want a snack?"

"Mom already fed me good, promise." That didn't stop her from trailing after Twilight. "What's Spike upta? Did I interrupt anythin'?"

"It's the cutest thing." Twilight giggled as she willed the pieces of what would be a basic sammich together. "He and Diamond are joining forces for this newspaper the foals make. Have you heard of it?"

AJ twitched up her ears and casually stole a leaf of lettuce to chew on. "The Foal Free Press, right? Runs outta the school, last ah knew. Kinda cute, havin' the little ones makin' their own newspaper like that."

"Isn't it?" She chomped her creation, taking a big bite out of it and quietly chewing a moment. "I'm glad Spike came here, so he can take part. Canterlot didn't have a youth media like that." She whirled on Applejack. "Did you ever take part?"

"Me? Not mah thing." Applejack waved a hoof negatively. "'Sides! Ah get plenty ah practice with media just makin' ponies show up fer farm thin's. Ah was a public pony fer most ah mah life. Ah ain't starved fer it. Oh!" She clopped her hooves with the realization. "Ah'll make an extra special treat! Ya deserve to try some of the tasty thin's they taught me up in Canterlot. Knock your horseshoes right off."

Twilight nibbled at her prize more delicately, as if the first chomp had severed her most severe hunger. "I meant to ask about that! How's cooking treating you? You're still doing it, even away from Canterlot?"

Applejack buffed her chest with a big smile. "Ah'd do it fer every meal if mom an' granny wouldn't tan mah hide fer tryin' to push them out like that. Now that ah know how it's done, ah can't get enough of it! Ah thought ah knew how... but it's a whole 'nother level, ah promise. An' once yer there, the whole world looks different. Ah'm a chef! And darn proud of it. 'Sides, it brings in bits and uses up apples an' makes happy ponies. Now that's a win all 'round so far ah can see."

"It may be hard to imagine." Twilight set a hoof on her own chest. "But I know the feeling. When I first learned how to read and cast magic? It changed everything! You just can't go back to how it was before then. So... I'm saying, I support and approve. And! I look forward to what you're cooking up."

"It'll be great." Applejack started for the exit. "See ya in two days. Oh, bring Spike if he's feelin' it. Always welcome." She passed by him busily making some kind of poster. "Good eve, Spike. Good luck with the paper!"

"Thanks!" He waved as she departed. "This is going to be great." He grabbed it up and dashed off for a mare, not Twilight but Moon Dancer. "Look! How's this?"

Moon paused her writing and set the scroll she had been working on aside. It took a few moments for her thoughts to make the necessary adjustments. "Spike. Always nice to see you." She meant it, even if it took her a moment to focus on him. Fortunately, he seemed used to her mannerisms. "What's that?" She looked at the poster he was holding. "It seems... kinetic."

"Kinetic! Good word." He slapped the poster down. "I'm thinking of using this as the header for my new post!"

"A new post?" Moon inclined her head. "What sort of post?"

"I'm helping Diamond with the Foal Free Press and Twilight gave me this great idea! I'm going to write about comics I like, the new ones and the old ones, so other foals and ponies can share in my passion." He crossed an arm over his chest, gazing to the horizon of his dreams. "It'll be great! Whattaya think?"

Moon gave it due consideration. "Hm. You haven't explained who that one is." She pointed at a big mecha with a smiling pony inside, piloting it. "What is their name?"

Spike brilliantly smiled. "Oh, she's great!" He became lost in explaining the ins and outs of that character's struggles. "and she only managed to save the day with a last minute--"

"--Harmony rocket?"

Spike blinked. "Yeah! You've been paying attention." He ran his claw off to a pony in a martial arts stance. "Recognize them?"

"That is... The pony that changes when exposed to water?" She consider them. "Very good at martial arts."

"Yep!" Spike almost danced in place. "You really were listening... I thought you just wanted to hear me talk."

"I do like that." Moon leaned in. "but feigning interest in a topic is the worst kind of deception. In fact." Her horn glowed as she pulled out a comic from between two heavy books and floated it over. "I've been reading."

"No way!" Spike snatched the comic and twirled it so he could see it properly. "Oh, I remember this one... Good times! Okay! Alright! I'm feeling energized. If I can talk you into loving comics, I have a chance with this!" He released the book to Moon's magic and reclaimed his header poster. "I'm gonna write about comics!"

"Tell me when it's published." Moon willed the comic away. "I will endeavor to see what you've created. The odds of it being worth the time are high."

"You're the best." He hopped up and grabbed her by the neck, dangling from her in a tight embrace that lasted only a moment. "This is gonna be great!" He raced off, mind full of ideas.

"Hm..." She could but hope things turned out well.

56 - Foal Free Press - Part Two

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The next day, at school, Diamond Tiara was speaking animatedly at the others. School was, itself, already done. The newspaper was an entirely separate project. A foal could have gone home, but many were still there, eager to take part. "I want stories with bite!" Diamond clopped a hoof down, giving her staff a look. "Now that I'm in charge, the Foal Free Press is going in new directions, straight up!"

Foals clapped and stomped in building excitement. Apple Bloom waved excitedly. "We'll find a great story!" The other crusaders cheered in solidarity and they charged off on their quest.

Diamond let them go, looking instead to Spike. "You're looking ready. What do you have?" She leaned a bit, trying to peek behind him. "I saw you sneaking something in."

Spike coughed into a fist as he tried to stand as tall as he could. "I present!" He twirled in place, ending with his header in his hands. "Spike's Comic Corner! Learn of new series worth your attention, discussion of classics, and all the information you need to--"

Diamond's head tilted more and more as Spike went on. He trailed off. "Don't... like it?"

She curled a hoof to her chin. "Well... I'll be honest, Spike. I don't know what I feel right now." She advanced on the header, poking it firmly. "First, good try, but we have artists on staff. Let them handle this. If you want to submit a photo, sure."

"O-oh." Spike leaned around to look at the header. "I thought it came out pretty good..."

"It's fine." Diamond leaned in with a smirk. "But it could be better. Besides, you'll be working on writing, right? Newspapers are group projects. Don't try to do everything yourself. You could do everything 'alright', or you can let other ponies do it great, and focus on your part."

Spike lowered the header, sliding along the ground as it fell. "Oh, yeah... that makes sense... Um, like the idea though?"

Diamond murmured softly to heself. "Past the weather... page 3? Yeah... we can fit it in." She reached out, swatting the header the rest of the way down. "Get to writing, Spike. I need it done and in my hooves if you want a chance to be in tomorrow's paper."

"Right! Yeah! Okay." He hurried to one of the typewriters and the rapid click-clack made it clear he was on the case, even if he wasn't 100% sure where he'd end up. Be he knew he was on the way.

Twilight made her way along the road, having long escaped the hold of Ponyville, not that it was a stifling place to be. Still, compared to the orchard... She took a deep breath of the wood and apples that teased at her senses. "It's good to get out once in a while..."

Ahead of her, she could see the comfy looking abode of the Apple family. Little but happy memories resided there. Thinking of that, making that challenge, made something else come up. She could remember the day the news came, that they'd lost one of their own. Well, when Twilight had learned of it and done her best to console Applejack.

She shook her head. "Hardly the day to be going over that..." She was there to enjoy some home cooking! Twilight went up to the door and rapped lightly with her hoof on it. "Anypony home?"

The door swung open, Big Mac behind it. "Howdy." He waved inside as he stepped out of the way. "C'mon in! Right nice to see ya 'round."

"A pleasure to be here." Twilight stepped in, closing the door behind herself with her glowing horn. "Did you get bigger?"

Big Mac colored faintly. "Granny likes ta say ah'm a growin' pony, but ah'm fairly sure ah'm all done wit' that." He offered a hoof and they shared a gentle hug of family affection. "They're waitin' fer ya over here." He ushered her into the dining room where food had already been set out and the fragrant aromas of other delicious dishes were emanating from the kitchen. "Here she is."

"Twilight," gladly called out Pear Butter, smiling from her seat next to Granny Smith. "There's the filly ah was hopin' to see today."

A soft chuckle bubbled up from Granny's throat as she let out a quiet laugh. "She ain't hard t' find, you know. Just mosey past her little tree and she'll be inside more days than not, ah reckon."

Pear swatted at Granny. "Stop that! Come on, pull up a seat." She waved to one of the empty chairs there, each wide enough to house a pony on their haunches without difficulty. "You gotta tell us what all you've been up to. Spike didn't come with you?"

"Well, we can start with that." She stepped up and settled onto her newly claimed chair. "He's working as a writer for his school paper. He came home and got right back to it. It was... Nice to see, actually. He's really trying his best." She put a hoof on her chest with a growing smile. "And bothering me once in a while to check his phrasing. It's work, but work I'm finding I enjoy, especially for him."

"Aw." Pear Butter reached across for a roll and passed it right along towards Twilight. "Precious thing! What's he writin' 'bout? Some kinda dragon thing or somethin' else?"

Twilight took the roll with her magic, floating it the rest of the way towards her snout for a nibble. "Mmm..." Fresh butter and a touch of honey... There wasn't fresh like farm fresh... "Comics, actually. He's a big fan of them and he wants to share his love with the world. It's adorable."

Pear Butter shook her head slowly. "Never got into those mahself. Still, that sounds like a lovely thing to be doing. He's really so taken he didn't want to stop by?"

"It's not that he didn't want to stop by. More that he was so focused." She brought down both hooves in front of herself. "He didn't notice me leaving, or my saying I was going. I didn't want to interrupt him. He was in the zone, as they say."

Granny waved that off. "Bring 'em by next time. Not like he'll be busy all the time. Now, ah ain't no expert when it comes to dragon... but is he growin' alright?"

Twilight recoiled an inch. "Oh, actually... I'm not either. Nopony is, truth be told... He's in good spirits, and seems happy, so that's all I could really say. His scales are bright and he's moving with spirit. What else could we be looking for?"

Pear Butter twisted her neck, turning to face the kitchen. "How's it goin' in there, Miss Chef?"

"Jus' fine," came Applejack's voice with a little merry whistle to come with it. "Jus' puttin on the final touches right... now." She emerged with a tray held between her hooves. "Hope yer all ready for somethin' tasty!"

Pear Butter winked at Twilight with a snicker. "She's like this every time we give her a moment in that kitchen."

Granny rubbed her hooves together. "But what comes out makes it worth it. Never figured AJ would turn into such a fine cook, but it makes me proud tah see! Now if she'd just let us get our turns in."

"Right right." Applejack set her tray in the center. "Now let this cool down. It's the dessert anywho. So let's get started on the main course and it'll be ready when we're ready fer it!" She hopped up into a seat next to Twilight. "Glad you could make it!"

"Glad to be here." Twilight chomped the remainder of the biscuit. There was plenty more food waiting to be sampled.

Spike slapped down a collection of paper's on Diamond's desk. "There."

Diamond cocked a brow. "There?" She reached for the papers, leafing through them with a hoof. "Longer than I thought it'd be... We're going to have to cut this down if you want to fit in the paper." She pulled it closer, looking a bit closer at the actual content. "New releases... Keep an eye on... Old faves..." She let the papers fall with a light thump to the desk, looking at Spike flatly.

"Like... it?" He really wasn't sure which it was, the way she was staring at him like that. "Did I get something off?"

"It's... a lot." She tapped at the papers. "I was planning to fit this on the bottom half of page 3, but you gave me at least 5 or 6 pages worth all on its own."

Spike wilted, fins drooping. "So... You can't use it?"

"Oh, I didn't say that." She gathered the papers. "What I am saying is that you just did a whole week of writing in a day. Cut that out. Next week, you write me that half a page. You make it good, then. Then! You stop." She clopped the desk to emphasize the stopping bit. "Ugh, now I have to edit this." She smirked as she leaned back in her chair. "That is my job. I swear, Spike, making me earn my keep. How dare you." She didn't sound actually offended at all.

Spike dared a hopeful smile. "So... I did good?"

"I didn't say that either," cut in Diamond with a frown. "I have to edit it. Expect me to find mistakes. Expect me to find things I don't like. I'll use what I can for the next issue, but expect a lot back, with plenty of marks all over it. Read them, all of them, and work it into the next article. You with me?"

Spike considered with a rumble. "And that's... why I should only do one article at a time."

"Exactly!" Diamond clopped her hooves together in one firm meeting. "Make a schedule. New comic mondays! Old Classic Wednesdays! So on and so on." she rolled a hoof as she went over the days. "Gives the readers something to look forward to, and makes my job easier knowing where your articles need to appear."

"Diamond!" The crusaders burst in, wielding a photo and huge grins. "We gotta story!"

Diamond nodded to them, but her eyes were on Spike. "I have to go. Editor-in-Chief, that mean I'm busy. I'll have the edit back to you as soon as I can, promise."

Spike backed a step. "You got it. Um..." He glanced at the crusaders and back to Diamond. "Um... don't take this the wrong way, but you... look kinda good, being all boss mare and all."

Diamond went dark in her cheeks as giggles fought within her, part of her trying to hold them back. "Spike! You're awful!" She waved him closer to pounce him, hugging him tightly a moment. "Incorrigible! Keep it up." She smooched his cheek, spreading the disease of blushing as she returned to her seat. "Now, let me see that photo." Her attention was entirely on the crusaders, waving them forward.

Spike took his chance to depart, a silly smile on his face. "Yes..." He pumped a fist, out of the office. Even if his work hadn't been edited yet, he felt like he had done the job. Some of his words would be in the next paper! "Yes!"

Featherweight offered a hoof for slapping in a high five, even if one of them only had one, and the other had four. "You look really happy." He snapped a picture of Spike looking joyful. "What happened?"

"I just turned in a whole week of articles." Spike puffed himself up, pride only swelling. "Um, which I shouldn't do all at once, I know now... But, uh, still did it! And she took it!" He grinned at featherweight. "How's it going with you?"

"I took a picture!" he announced, so proud. "And the crusaders liked it so much they ran off with it." He pointed to the office. "They're talking to Diamond about it right now. I hope she likes it too!"

"Awesome!" A good enough reason for them to meet, hoof to hand, both unified in victory.

57 - Foal Free Press - Part Three

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The paper was a big hit the next day. Snips and Snails, stuck together? What a headline. Not a pony could resist the humorous sight of it. The rundown of how it happened worked as well, gaining the crusaders some praise and acclaim, to their mutual delight.

A pity such a chance thing was hard to replicate... Even if Snips and Snails were happy to get stuck together again if it meant more time in the lime light. This was mostly Snip's idea, it's said.

Page three had Spike's comic corner! Not on the second half, but occupying the entire third page. Spike's eyes were alight, gaping at all the real estate he'd taken up. "Wow..." He waves the paper at Diamond excitedly. "Was there a mistake? I thought I was just the second half."

Diamond rolled a hoof in the air. "Expect that to shrink. A debut splash, if you will. I'm using what I could of what you gave me. By the way." She shoved some papers at him. "The edits. I did new comics today. I want classics, ready to go, tomorrow. We'll see how it's resonating with the readers."

Spike hugged the papers to himself, both the edits and the actual paper. "You got it! Um... any words yet?"

Diamond reached out to poke him right on the nose. "Right now, ponies are giggling at the front page. It takes time for them to work to the third page. To your benefit, nothing super exciting on the second page. Let them get to it, huh? Besides, we got class."

"Right!" They were at school and all. "So, uh, little thing?"

Diamond cocked a brow at that. "What's that?"

"I know a lot of this stuff." He waved vaguely at the books that decorated the school walls. "Moon was kind of a bottomless pit of books. It was hard not to read. Do you--"

Diamond covered his mouth with a hoof. "You learn a lot in school, and not all about what's in those books. Just think about all you've learned about your fellow ponies. You didn't learn that from a book, now did you?" She leaned in, nose an inch from his. "You got a girlfriend. You didn't get her from a book, now did you?"

"N-no, guess not." He scratched at his cheek gently. "So... I'm not here for Cheerilee?"

"Sure you are." She pushed him back a few inches. "She's teaching you to have responsibilities, and to be somewhere on time, and consistent. All good things to learn. She's not teaching you much book stuff. You got that down. Be happy. Most of the foals in here are working to learn that part and the rest. Now, since you're such a brainiac, I'll be bothering you for help with what I get stuck on."

"With pleasure. Um... Either of you."

Diamond paused a moment, but caught up quickly. "Exactly. Now let's sit down like good little foals, hm?"

So they did just that, being good little foals for another day of school. Afterwards, Spike hurried to a typewriter and got to jamming out his classics, working with the edited notes on his previous entry for classic comics. "So... and..."

"Letter!" Derpy handed a letter to Diamond Tiara with a smile and walled eyes, as was her way.

"Thank you." Diamond took the letter and placed it on her desk. "Nothing outgoing."

"Okay!" Derpy took off in a soar, only bumping into something once on her way out. She was in good form.

Diamond sliced open the letter as she hopped into her chair. "Let's see...." Inside was not one letter, but several, combined. Fan letters of the day. "Ha Ha..." She put a paper down. "Oh my Celestia..." She put the next down. "Did they get free?" She paused, and quickly write on a new paper that they did, in fact, get free.

"Oh. Spike."

Spike looked up from his typing. "Yeah?"

"One for you." Diamond waved the paper at him.

Spike finished his sentence and ran over to snatch the paper. "Really?!"

Hello Spike!

I thought I was alone, but reading your words made me feel like I found a friend that likes what I like in comics. I'll be double-triple sure to try out the ones you mentioned! Oh, you said you were doing classics tomorrow. Tell me you'll be doing Starpony and the Last Guardians! Oh, wow, that one really takes me back! I can't wait to see what you write!

A loyal reader,

It had a foal's hoofprint stamped below that. "Aw." Spike hugged the letter close. "I reached somepony."

Diamond leaned in over her impressive desk. "Soak it in, then put that in tomorrow's article. Can you finish that before we leave?"

"On it!" He rushed back to his typewriter and jammed at it even faster than he had been, mind filled with the imagined sights of that excited little foal. "I have a fan!"

With great pride, he slapped down the finished article on Diamond's desk, along with a picture. "That's the front of the comic this is about."

"Starpony and the Last Guardians, huh?" Diamond clearly had never read it. "Let's give this a looksie..." She began reading critically, making a few marks as she went. "This is... how it should work, by the way. Let's get this out the door!" She pushed the article back at Spike. "Fix those."

"Fixing!" He hurried away, clacking on his typewriter. "So, like it?"

"Never read it. I can only assume you know what you're talking about." She leaned on her hooves, propping up her chin. "But most of the grammar was solid. Fix those, and we should be fine. Thank you for not going over the word count. I've had to yell at a few ponies for going over or under."

Spike swallowed nervously. "Oh, um, thanks!" Maybe he hadn't been watching that too closely. He didn't question his luck, typing out the revised copy and getting it back to Diamond in a flash. "So it'll be out tomorrow?"

She read over it quickly, looking for obvious errors. "Yeah... Yeah, we're good." She offered a hoof for him to slap against. "Good job, Spike. Now, let' see what those crusaders have cooked up. It'd be nice if they had another headliner."

She hopped down and and trotted in a light jog towards the exit with Spike trailing behind her. They emerged from the school to see the crusaders miserably slumped in defeat.

Apple Bloom spotted them coming and sat up sharply. "O-oh! Hey... Diamond..." She worried her hooves fitfully. "Fancy seeing you here..." The others heard her and joined in fretting at Diamond's presence.

Diamond waved it off. "Can it. You don't have the headline. It's written all over your faces. Alright." She turned for the schoolhouse. "Get the test results on the front," she shouted at it, getting a muted agreement from within. "Hmmph, going to have to shuffle things around. Thankfully..." She threw an arm around Spike, there to do so to. "Somecreature went and showed me I had to do that sometimes. On his first article. I swear, Spike, such a pain." She nuzzled into his neck despite her complaints. "There, pressure's off. Not expecting anything tomorrow."

She watched them deflate, no longer held up with the worry of the deadline. "Tell me what you have found."

Sweetie raised a hoof. "Sugarcube Corner's doing a buy two, get one free sale on muffins for the next two days."

Diamond tapped at her chin. "Not very punchy. But... But! Actually..." She turned to Spike. "What if we had some ads?"

"Ads? Ads for what? Why?"

Diamond poked him in his belly, an easy target. "Silly. If we have ads, we have funding, which frees up resources. It also takes up page space." She wheeled on Sweetie. "Sweetie! Get over to Sugarcube and see if they won't pay for ad space, about their sale, about anything else going on with them." Her eyes turned to the others. "Keep your eyes out for news, but, for today, think about who else to ask. Let's get some ads going."

Apple Bloom waved a hoof excitedly. "Applejack may want to post somethin'!" She hopped to her hooves and raced away to find out.

That left Scootaloo. "Um..." She frowned with thought. "I'll... ask... Rainbow Dash!"

Diamond let them all flee. "Not sure Rainbow Dash wants to buy ad space... But eh, maybe?" She shrugged, looking quite uncertain that path would lead anywhere. For now, we should advertise our ads." She thumped against Spike gently, on the way back inside. "The paper can announce it has room."

"Ooo, let me!" Spike raced ahead of her, returning to his trusty typewriter. "Um, how many words?"

"No more than a hundred. Keep it short and right to the point." Diamond hopped into her chair to resume control of the newsroom. "Give them this number." She quoted a phone number to him. "They can call that."

"You got it!" He got to busily typing.

Support the youth of Ponyville and get your service, store, or event in front of the eyes of

Spike looked up. "How many readers do we have?"

"Great question." She twirled around in her chair, grabbing a folder from a filing cabinet. "We can never be entirely sure, but we do have subscription counts." She read off a number. "Closest we got."

It'd have to do. He resumed his work.

hundreds of ponies! Your advertisement could be here instead of this. Imagine, and think of the good you'll be doing, for yourself and the paper.

He included the phone number to call and hurried it to Diamond. "Like that?"

"Like... that." She took the paper and held it up. "Yeah... right at the bottom of the first."

"The first?" His eyes widened. "Really?"

"I want as many ponies as possible to see it, so yes, first."

Spike staggered back. "I'm a headliner!"

"It... doesn't..." But Spike was racing away, giggling. "Work like that. Spike..." Diamond rolled her eyes. "Silly thing." She called for other ponies, working on the layout of the paper to get what they had arranged to fit properly for the printing. "Good job, everypony. They'll love it." She swatted ponies on the shoulders and met hooves with hooves as they closed up the office.

She flopped back in her chair with a heavy sigh. "This is a lot of work..." But it felt like... good work. She was in charge, and she wasn't messing it up... It was hard, but... "I can do this..."

The next morning, the one angrily slapping down the paper was not Diamond Tiara. It was Cheerilee, glaring at Diamond Tiara. "What is this?"

"It's the Foal Free Press?" Diamond pinned her ears back, knowing the sound of an angry adult when she heard it. "Is something wrong?"

Cheerilee tapped at the very bottom of the first page. "This. The Foal Free Press is a free newspaper. No bits are supposed to be involved!"

"S-sure, but if we... I'm not charging for the paper!" Diamond tried to return the glare, but Cheerilee was pretty good at winning a glare-off with a student. "With a few more bits, we can do a lot more..."

Cheerilee sighed gently. "I'd say to put your bits where your mouth is, but your mother is already one of our top sponsors... Diamond, this newspaper is designed to be a way for foals to try their hooves at media, not to be involved with economy."

"But they are involved," huffed out Diamond. "You can't have media without economy. No bits, nothing happens. Just 'cause you're financing us to start doesn't mean it's not happening!"

Cheerilee put a hoof on Diamond's snout, silencing her. "Maybe I picked the wrong pony for this."

Diamond's eyes welled with tears that refused to be held back for even a moment. "N-no... Cheerilee... Please."

"It's the Foal Free Press." Cheerilee took the paper in her mouth. "It's right in the name, Diamond. You're fired, sorry." She walked away, leaving Diamond to deflate and hide her face in shamefully furious tears.

58 - Foal Free Press - Part Four

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"Stupid..." Diamond kicked out at nothing before slamming the door behind her. "It was... Ugh!" Whole sentences were beyond her in that moment of impotent rage, making her way slowly towards her room. She would have hid there, if not for thumping into her father on the way. "Hi..." She shied back, not angry at him, and unsure how to channel her fury with him present.

He cocked a brow, quickly assessing her state. "What's wrong? This isn't the Diamond I'm used to seeing on her way home from school." He cradled her head with a hoof, a kind smile on his face. "Did something happen?"


He rubbed gently along her throat. "Now now. I didn't raise you to lie. What happened?"

"I was doing great!" she shouted with far more force than she intended, red with a mix of shame and anger.

"Of course you were." He sat in front of her, drawing her in for a little hug. "What got in the way?"

"That... Miss Cheerilee..." Diamond sank in a glower. "I wanted to run some ads in the paper, so we could do more stuff. She went on an angry rant about keeping the paper 'bit free', as if she wasn't already handing us bits to get it done. It's not fair!"

"Hmm..." He lifted Diamond gently in his hooves, face to face. "What were you going to do with those bits?"

"Maybe get a color printer if it really went well... Show those foals what it's like to get paid for their work, that'd be nice. Get Featherweight a new camera to take better pictures with. He has real talent..." Diamond tapped her hooves with each count of a maybe something she'd get with those maybe bits. "Oh! Maybe get Spike new comics early to write on them." She smiled, even if the expression was somewhat forced in that emotional moment, conflicting with the others. "He'd like that..."

Filthy considered, curling that hoof to his chin. "You weren't going to keep them?"

"What? No." She waved that right off. "You give me more for allowance than I'd probably ever make, and if I wanted more, I'd just ask..." She perhaps second guessed how that sounded. "Um, because you're a good dad..."

"I do my best." He set her down on her own hooves. "Head on to bed, get a snack if you like."


"This is my problem now."

His eyes blazed with an intensity that made Diamond tense up. Her daddy was slow to rouse, but when it happened, she knew to get out of the way. She scurried off to her room, her hoofsteps echoing down the hall.

The very next day, as foals hurried to school, one larger pony stepped among them. He was in no hurry, but quite purposeful with every hoof. Cheerilee looked up as the shadow extended over her. "Y--oh!" She started, realizing who she was talking to. "Mister Rich... Is... this about?" She wasn't a dull mare. There was really only one reason Filthy would be there, then... "She broke the rules, Sir. I won't be making exceptions for her."

Rich nodded as if listening to common sense. "I wouldn't want you to make exceptions for her. That sets a bad example. I will need to know what rule, exactly, she broke."

Cheerilee huffed. "The Foal Free Press is not a Get Rich Quick scheme for the lead editor..." She realized the pun after the fact. "No offense."

Rich raised a hoof, looking ready to slam it down, but it came it for a gentle landing on her desk. "Are you implying, ma'am, that I don't provide for my little filly's needs?"

"No! Of course not." Cheerilee glanced past him, to the growing crowd of foals, watching the exchange with growing confusion. "Let's not get heated in front of the foals, sir. This is a school."

"Of course." He slid his hoof free of her desk. "I questioned her, ma'am, on what she planned to use those bits for. She did have ideas, plans, if you would. Schemes, if you're being uncharitable..."

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "Of course she did."

"A color printing press." Rich inclined his head towards the printing room. "A new camera for Feather Weight. Perhaps a salary for the workers, to teach them the value of good pay for good work. Do you know what she wasn't planning?"

"What's that?" Cheerilee asked, doubt heavy in her tone.

"Any for herself." He leaned in on her, not touching anything, but his presence was a smoldering rage. "She gets an allowance. I don't... mean to brag, but I feel certain that allowance is more than most foals here will ever touch with their hooves. She was not planning to use the school paper to enrich herself. I would have chastised her for such a silly plan."

"Daddy?" Diamond walked in just then, hearing her dad. But his burning aura was more than enough to make her scoot right past to her desk. "What's going on?"

Spike shrugged. "He's been making really scary faces at Cheerilee the last few minutes. What happened? That's my line. Did I miss something? You ran off yesterday."

Silver Spoon nodded swiftly. "You okay? We're, like, here for you, you know."

"Thanks." She smiled nervously at her friends. "Glad to have you two..." She looked back to her father and teacher and their discussion. "This is..."

Filthy crossed his arms. "These foals will eventually have to touch bits, ma'am. Even Fluttershy, the pony well known for hiding away from civilization, has to use bits. That's the way of things. Now... if my little filly was using them badly... I would want to know. But that she used them at all? That's the crime she committed?"

"It's the Foal Free Press," Cheerilee defended, ears pinned on her head.

"I would certainly hope so!" He raised his head, hooves returning to the ground. "A free press is the cornerstone of a free society. Even Princess Celestia wouldn't dream of changing that. Let the press ever be free, to report on what it finds, so others may be informed." He let out a calm sigh. "What does that have to do with advertising, ma'am?"

Cheerilee swallowed audibly before the calm inferno that was Filthy Rich. That his family supported much of the school didn't help. She let out a weary sigh. "Sir... I'll just come clean."

"Please." He rolled a hoof lightly. "Go on."

"This isn't the first time a foal has tried to make a few bits off the paper, generally for very selfish ends and lining their own pockets with a few easy coins to run off and buy junk food and toys with. I've had to shut that down no few times. Diamond isn't the first, just the latest."

"Hm." To his credit, he seemed to be genuinely considering that. "I see... You were trying to head off a problem before it became a problem. I can... see the thought process there, but you did it harshly. A warning against corruption would have sufficed." He paused there. "No... No. I take that back. Actually... You have a point."

Cheerilee sagged with relief. "T-thank you."

"Asking you to oversee every step of the process, after school, is a big ask... You already work so hard the entire day for these foals. However, I have a solution for you."

Cheerilee perked an ear. "You do?"

"Oh, yes. I know a pony that will keep an eye on things and will not broach a foal stepping out of line. Especially Diamond Tiara. You know her."

Cheerilee picked through the ponies Rich could be referring to. Female, knew money, would for sure keep Diamond in line... "You don't mean?"

"He wouldn't," gasped out Diamond.

"I'll send Spoiled. Every day after school, is it?"

"Except the weekends," advised Cheerilee, her voice tense in a new way. "Isn't she... busy?"

"She's not too busy to lend a hoof to the foals of the town." Filthy turned for the exit. "I'll make sure of that." He marched off, the topic slammed shut without another word from him.

Diamond flopped, head to her desk with a suffering groan.

Spike poked her though. "Hey. It's not all bad, is it?"

"You've met her! You know exactly how bad it is!" Diamond threw a hoof wide. "Dad... I know he means the best... Dad!" She thumped back down to the desk. She looked up as a hoof tapped on that desk. There was Cheerilee with an uncertain expression. "Yeah?"

Cheerilee coughed into a hoof. "It would seem I was... hasty. The position for editor-in-chief is available. Your mother will administer all the financial portions of the paper. Do you want the job?" She asked with a clear tone of it being possible Diamond wouldn't, considering.

Diamond shuffled her forehooves. "Ugh.... Yes... Yes! I will prove even to her that I'm doing it right..." She let out a slow sigh. "Dad..."

"He has a powerful personality." Cheerilee went to the front of the class. "Now, enough about that. We have a class!" And she began the day's lesson.

Spike walked alongside Diamond. "When did you stop being the editor?"

"One miserable night." Diamond huffed with annoyance. "Didn't you notice... me not being there yesterday?"

"I figured even you needed a break?" He shrugged helplessly.

"I'm not on the paper," defended Silver. "Not my thing."

Diamond lifted an ear, just for it to fall back. "Huh... This is our first... Huh..."

Silver went in closer. "Our first what?"

"We have a different hobby." She thumped against her friend. "And we're still BFFs."

"Forever," assured Silver with a smile, and adjusting her glasses. "You two seem to enjoy working on it. Spike--" He looked at her curiously. "--You ever consider doing a few girly comics? I know they, like, exist."

Spike's eyes widened. "I never even thought of that... You're a genius! Um, do you have one you like?"

"I love Teen Filly Hearthrob." She batted her lashes with a giggle. "They go over the recent fashions and the most up and coming bands."

Spike inclined at that. "Oh, but that sounds more like a magazine. What's a girly comic you like?"

Diamond bumped against him. "That sounds like a job for you. Figure it out. Meantime... While I was away, did you hear anything about anypony responding to our ad?"

It took Spike a quick second to shift gears. "Oh, yeah!" He shared the news that a few local businesses were ready to divest themselves of some burdensome bits. The paper's budget would expand.

"You look happy." Moon welcomed Spike into a firm hug. "School going well?"

"Yep! Also, think it's time for a report!"

Moon perked. "I'm very proud. Celestia will appreciate it, and I already do." She pulled over a paper and writing supplies. "Here you are."

"Thanks." He hopped up and got to writing. "Huh... Wish we had a typewriter, now that I got used to them."

"You can type?" Moon hiked a brow. "I'm impressed... Few can."

"It just takes practice..." even if he did look a bit proud about it. "Dear Princess Celestia..."

Dear Princess Celestia,

Hi, it's Spike! Did you know I'm working for a paper? It's a lot of work! But it's fun. Diamond got into a fight with Cheerilee, and her dad showed up... But I was impressed. He didn't yell at her or throw things around. He kept his cool the whole time, even if it was kinda obvious he was super mad.

Miss Cheerilee thought Diamond was up to no good, because other ponies had done bad things. Being a teacher is hard! Not a job I want, thanks. Um, but they worked it out and Diamond's back on the paper. Her mom's joining us, which isn't a part Diamond's excited about... But she gets to be editor again! Which is good... I like working with Diamond. Um, friendship! Back to that....

The friendship between a father and daughter can be a powerful thing. A potent force for good, or evil. I'm just glad Filthy is using it for the good guys.

Faithfully Yours,

59 - The Last Roundup

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"She's not comin' back?"

Twilight inclined her head at the filly. "That seems unlikely."

"It's been a week!" Apple Bloom stomped a little hoof. "She shoulda been back ages 'go!"

Twilight rubbed at her chin thoughtfully. "Well... It has been a while. Maybe it's time to check in on her. Let me ask a pony or two." She circled around to get to the farmhouse and the two matriarchs within. "Pear Butter?"

"You kin call me mom, if you're comfortable with it." Pear Butter closed with Twilight for a soft hug. "What brings you by?"

Twilight's expression brightened to a gentle smile at the embrace. "Apple Bloom's worried for her sister, and now I am too a little... Have you heard from her?"

"She sent a letter..." Pear coiled to fetch that letter.

"Is that why Apple Bloom seemed so certain Applejack wasn't coming back?" Twilight followed at Pear's side to the waiting letter. "Let's have a look... Family and friends, not coming back to Ponyville. Don't worry, will send money soon." Twilight shook her head. "That's all? She had to say more than that!"

"Fraid not," sighed Pear. "She's at the right age ah figured she was findin' herself. Didn't want to get in the way of that... She knows ah love her to pieces."

Twilight shook her head. "I'll get some backup and we'll fetch Applejack. There's no way we're letting this Apple get lost!"

"Thank you." Pear gave Twilight a new firm embrace. "Bring her back. Granny and Big Mac are losing sleep worryin' for her."

"How are you not?" She cocked a brow at Pear Butter.

"I have faith." Pear put a hoof at her chest. "Your mother reminds me without tryin' that ya have to have that to get through life. Sureness that it'll all work out... She's out there. She's not hurt. She'll come back when she's ready. But yer her friend, her sister even... If anypony could grab her and drag her home, it'd be you."

"I will do my best." They met, forehead to forehead. Pear Butter had practice doing that with a unicorn without being poked in the process. "At the very least, she should tell us what's going on."

"Bring her back... so I can tan her hide." Pear took a shaky breath. "After I hug her to death..."

Twilight trotted out of the house, on a mission. "Time to go."

Moon looked up at the sudden entrance. "Go where?"

"Applejack's having... maybe a personal crisis. We're going to help."

"Oh." Moon put the book she had been reading down. "Who will watch the library?"

Twilight's powering steps came to a halt. "Ah, hm..." She hadn't thought of that. "Somepony has to..."

"Does it have to be a pony?" Spike peeked out from the kitchen with a grin. "I could do it."

"Spike!" Twilight closed for a hug. "You are a lifesaver. Would you? I don't want to leave the whole town without access to their books."

"Of course not." He saluted properly. "I'll be ready! Go help Applejack. She alright?"

Moon moved to march-readiness beside Twilight. "She will after we intercede. Where to first?"

"We get the others." She led Moon out of the library to get the other girls. "And we head to the rodeo we last know she was at. She might have said something to them."

"Sound reasoning..." They were soon on a train, arriving at the rodeo grounds a short while later. Things were put away, the town already recovered from the event as if it had barely happened.

"Howdy, Twilight." One pony spotted her, waving with a smile. "Whatcha doin' here? Don't 'spect to see you round these parts."

Rainbow approached as if they had done something wrong. "We're looking for AJ. Where'd she go?"

The mare blinked with fresh confusion. "She said somethin' 'bout cookin' somethin' up and went off in a huff."

Rarity cocked a brow. "Cooking something up? She was supposed to return home."

Pinkie nodded firmly. "Unless she's cooking a really big celebration cake, she has no excuses!"

Twilight let the mare flee, covering her withdrawal. "We have to figure out where she could have gone... cooking up trouble?"

Moon tapped her hooves together in slow thought. "Cooking... Cooking!"

"Cooking?" It clicked for Twilight. "Cooking!"

Rarity looked between the two mares. "Darlings, you're not sharing. What did you two go and figure out?"

Fluttershy pressed her hooves together. "They look ready to share."

"I am." Moon leaned against Twilight. "There is only one--"

"--possible meaning." Twilight nodded with complete agreement. "Applejack is in--"


"Canterlot?!" got out all the mares in unison.

Pinkie got to bouncing towards the train. "Then we know where we have to go!"

Rainbow zipped next to her. "Yeah! Let's get her. Seriously, Canterlot?"

"My faithful student." Celestia touched cheek to cheek with Moon Dancer. "As always, a pleasure. I hadn't been expecting you."

"Yes, it is a pleasure." Luna smiled at her fellow maybe autist. "What brings you here?"

Moon inclined her head at Twilight and the others. "We're here following Applejack. Have you seen her? Sorry to bother you."

"You're no problem at all, I assure." Celestia looked towards a door. "Applejack's cooking has been... divine, to be honest. What did you require her for?"

Rainbow flew right past Celestia, zooming for the door, at least until crossed spears slammed in the way for her and Pinkie to crash into. The two guards that wielded them frowned at the two, denying them entrance.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy looked to Celestia. "She left without telling anypony where she went. We're anxious about her... to be , um... Sorry."

Luna set off for the same door. "We will visit her. We had no idea she had run away from home."

"Not a clue. She had gotten right to work." Celestia and Luna led the way through the castle. "It was something of a surprise, her turning up without a word, asking if she could take the job."

"We agreed." Luna nodded as if that were the obvious answer. "A chef of that quality? As if sister mine could even consider refusing."

Celestia colored, but kept her pace even. "She's earning her bits, and she should be..." She stepped through a door, having to crouch a little to slip in. "Here."

There was Applejack, but she was far from alone. She was working busily as part of a crew of chefs to prepare some manner of treat in collaborative work.

Applejack spotted them and backed a step with a cringe. "Be right back, little filly's room!" She fled without a further word.

One of her coworkers frowned at where Applejack had been. "Not in the middle of a dish." They grumbled, but got back to work, at least until he spotted Celestia. "Your Majesty! How can we help?"

Pinkie landed in front of the pony with a big smile. "Friends with AJ? She's really nice, but she ran away and we need to find her. Where'd she go?"


Celestia nodded gently. "You can talk to her."

"Alright." He seemed to relax with the permission given. "She said she had to use the restroom. Poor timing. She usually waits until there's a break, like the rest of us."

Twilight approached with a hoof to her chin. "That's not like her. She hates leaving a job incomplete."

Moon nodded. "It does not fit her usual pattern. Has she been performing abnormally?"

Celestia waved a hoof. "We just said, she's been a fine cook, a model one even. I wonder what's troubling her. It would seem you are either exactly what she needs... or exactly what she does not."

Luna thudded against her sister. "Don't say it like that. Moon Dancer." Moon looked up to Luna. "I find it difficult to imagine you came for no reason. If you are here, it is because you are required. Find her."

"Agreed." Moon set off to the little filly's room. She knocked on it lightly. "Are you in there, Applejack?"

"We just want to make sure you're alright," added Twilight.

"What's the deal?" demanded Rainbow Dash, less sympathetic in tone by far.

"Jus' a moment." Things grew quiet.

Rarity rolled a hoof. "Even I don't take that long. Darling, do you need help?"

"Ah'm fine!" came through the door muffedly.

Rarity frowned at the door. "So you're coming out?"

"Jus' a moment..."

"Goin' in!" Rainbow kicked open the door to reveal the rump of Applejack, just about finished with squeezing out the window to freedom. "Hey, get back here!" She grabbed Applejack by the back end and got kicked for the trouble with a painful thud. She was sent flying as Applejack fell free and out of sight.

The girls took chase, bursting out the window after Applejack in a merry chase through the streets of Canterlot. Rainbow divebombed the fleeing country mare. "Quit it! No way are you getting away!"

Applejack grabbed Rainbow, pivoting with the force of the dive to hurl her away with it. "Stop it! Ah ain't goin' back!"

"But why?" Pinkie was right in front of Applejack. "Did something happen?"

"We are your friends." Moon slowed with Twilight next to her. "We want to help if we can."

"But... Ah..." She grunted with frustration, but her friends wouldn't leave her be. "Consarnit... It was my turn to help!"

Rarity inclined her head, heaving from the chase. "Darling... You can help by not... running anymore, please..."

Moon gestured to the others with a sweep of a hoof. "They have helped me. I have only helped them a little."

"Liar." Pinkie stuck out her tongue. "I didn't forget! You helped me."

Twilight nodded. "And me, but today is about Applejack. What were you trying to do?"

Applejack huffed softly. "Not gonna let me go, are ya?" But none of the mares looked ready to back down. "Look." She kicked away a bag she had been holding, letting its medals spill out.

Moon examined them, but did not understand. "You performed well. Congratulations are in order."

"Ah... No." She lifted one medal closer to Moon. "Second place. Ah didn't win. Not one thin'... Ah... Ah let the whole town down... Ah'm makin' money here, cookin'. Planned to send the bits back when I paid what ah promised everypony."

Rarity lifted a medal with her magic. "You managed to get quite a few of them, dear. This is quite the achievement."

"Ah... tried my best, ah did... But I still failed. I didn't get the bits ah promised." She began gathering up her medals. "So, ah'm fixin' that. Ah'll... be back when ah got it all."


Applejack frowned at Pinkie's outburst. "What'd you say?"

"I called you silly," Pinkie repeated without a hint of remorse. "We'd rather have an Applejack than a million-thousand-kajillion bits! It's not even a fair trade, duh. So, I'll take one Applejack, please." She put down a shiny bit in front of Applejack. "Please deliver to Sweet Apple Acres."

Applejack swatted the coin away, "Right 'ppreciate the thought, but the town hall needs fixin'. Granny needs a new hip, the farm could use the bits in a thousand places... Somepony has--" She came up short, a hoof against her snout. "Yes?"

Moon drew her hoof away. "You are not alone. You have friends." She pointed to the other ponies there. "We would be glad to help, I think?" They all started to nod, to Moon's relief. "Yes, we would be glad to help. You are a friend, and family. You tried to do it, and could not. That is when you need friends the most."

Twilight nodded rapidly. "And you shouldn't be embarrassed about it. We all have those moments when we need a helping hoof. You've come for me when I needed it, Applejack. Let me return the favor once in a while." She flipped the bag shut with her magic. "Now, what's this I hear about you getting a job with Celestia?"

Moon looked back at the castle. "A very prestigious position. Please, tell us about it."

The conversation turned to Applejack's time as a chef of Celestia's. She had gotten one thing right, and was proud to share her tales.

60 - The Mysterious Mare Do Well - Part One

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"An autobiography is written by the pony it's about." Twilight frowned at Rainbow Dash, who seemed just as cocky as ever.

"I'm too busy saving ponies, and being awesome." Rainbow blew across the top of her hoof. "So I hired a ghost writer."

Spike gave a thumbs up before resuming the typing of the document with rapid click-clacks.

The girls, minus Rainbow Dash, gathered together. "It's a bit much." Applejack tossed her head at the prideful pegasus. "She's lettin' it go to her head. We should do somethin'."

Fluttershy nodded with a curled arm. "Before somepony gets hurt... maybe her." She curled away from the idea she had presented.

Moon waved a hoof slowly in the air. "She's not hurting anypony. We could be doing something else." She glanced at Rainbow Dash and away. "Is it worth a fight?"

Twilight curled an arm around Moon, hugging her in quiet support. "We're not fighting."

Pinkie rubbed her hooves together with a plotting grin. "We're scheming. Big difference."

The talk resumed of their plans to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson. Moon didn't want to be a part of it, nor to raise her voice against the others, so she just left. "Are you done?"

Spike looked up from his typing. "Hm? Nah. Rainbow doesn't stop giving more to write about."

"Are you being fairly compensated?" Moon leaned in for a peek of the many words. "You've gained skill with that."

"Thanks." He smacked the carriage return and started a new line. "I am a professional journalist!" It was a thing that made him smile with pride. "But, yeah, she's paying me. It's fair."

"Good." She leaned in and they touched cheek to cheek. "I'm heading out. Good luck."

Rainbow landed just in front of Moon as she went for the door. "Hold up a moment, Moon! Your bro's been a real help, but you could be involved too!"

Moon flipped an ear back. "How do you... propose that?"

Rainbow flicked her wings wide. "You know stuff, lots of stuff. Do some reading or something and see if I really am the best pegasus." She leaned in, whispering conspirationally, "Which I am, of course. But proof would be cool."

"I will... consider." Moon turned from Rainbow. "I should go." Fleeing from Rainbow's aggression and the scheming whispers of the other ponies, Moon hurried home to the library and collapsed in a chair, huffing for breath. "Why..." She wasn't angry at them, exactly. No, her anger was inwards. "Stop being stupid..." Nopony had attacked her, but it felt like she was under attack. She felt stained and tense and her heart was pounding.

Her head ached and everything felt tense and loud. She closed the door and locked it, the click echoing around her. "Quiet," she urged the world in general. She sank onto the floor limply, trying to calm her breath and still herself, soaking in the growing quiet of the empty library. She was the only one there. She could have quiet. There could be peace. "Stupid..." But why was she the only one that needed it so badly?

"You have this." She fought herself to her hooves. "It's... quiet." Peace was returning, and the tension of the escalating situation felt like it was slowly fading away. She could resume her day, and do something besides trying to deal with that loud crowd of agitated ponies. A pity that included all of her favorite ponies. Spike would have helped her even out without all the painful steps in the middle. Twilight, if she was there, may have short-circuited the whole thing.

Moon smiled, thinking of Twilight, but that bookworm of a unicorn wasn't there. They were busy, doing something about Rainbow Dash. But there was another pony she could visit. She wasn't getting work done, so she set off at a light walk for a new place instead. The scents shifted as she left Ponyville proper and the aroma of apples surrounded her.

"Howdy." Big Mac had spotted her. "What brings ya by?" He came up to the side of the road, a low fence barring his way, but he didn't seem bothered by that.

Moon nodded at Big Mac, just to pause with thought. "If she's my future mother-in-law..." She nodded at Big Mac. "You would be a brother-in-law."

Big Mac blinked at this logical run through. "Hm. AYup. If you an' Twilight git together, then yer my sister."

"Does that bother you?"

Big Mac waved that away. "Why would it? Family's a powerful good thing. Now, how can ah help ya?"

Moon pointed along the road. "I was hoping to talk to Pear Butter. Is she available?" She cocked a bushy brow with that part. "I understand if she is."

"Ain't too busy to say hi to a daughter, honorary or not." Big Mac led the way, crossing over onto the road when the fence had a gap. "So, how ya doin'?"

"I'm alright."

"Ya sure?" She had said nothing to give it away, and yet, he saw straight through her little lie. "Look a little stressed."

Moon picked up a fallen apple with her magic. It was fresh, still ripe and fine looking. "It was... loud, so I left."

"Ah can get that." He stopped just at the steps to their house. "The farm's usually quieter, so ah hope it helps."

He didn't seem to carry any objection to her holding that apple, so she took a bite of it, enjoying the sweet crispness it brought with it. "I already feel better." She pressed on past him despite that, entering the farmhouse. The smells of the interior spoke of the Apple home. Every house had its own scent profile, markers of the ponies that lived there, the lives they led, the foods they ate, and a thousand other markers that made each unique to them.

"Who's that ah hear?" Not Pear Butter, but her mother, calling from within the house. "Come closer so ah can see ya."

Moon walked at a light pace to stand before Granny Smith. "Hello. Is Pear Butter available?"

"That ain't hardly the way ta say hi." Granny Smith pointed to the spot just ahead of herself. "You come here an' sit." She fixed Moon with a hard look until that was done. "Now, ya wanna talk to her, gotta go through me. Jus' how that works. An' that shouldn't be no chore. Ah don't bite."

Moon considered the elder matriarch of the family. "I didn't mean... to offend." Had she offended? "It's been a..." She fell quiet, failing to find the next word right away. "I just want to talk."

"So talk." Granny leaned forward with a little grin. "These ears are still workin'! What has ya bent out of shape?"

Not the Apple she planned... but she was there... "Have you ever been in a situation where a lot of ponies were having a lot of... loud... thoughts and you just had to get away from it?"

Granny rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Hm... Can't say ah have... But ah know some ponies who have. A powerful upset for 'em, when they feel in over their head and they jus' want everypony to shut up."

Moon brightened at the description. "Yes. I'm not the only one?"

"Ain't hardly." Granny waved that away. "Jus' try not to snap at 'em, even if they're bein' powerful dumb, and take a moment."

"That is what I am doing." She cocked a busy brow at Granny. "May I speak to Pear Butter?"

"You are a persistent one." Granny pointed past herself. "She's in the kitchen, makin' some tasty vittles fer later."

"Thank you." Moon dipped her head at Granny and moved to go past her, pausing at her side. "Thank you."

"Ya said that." Granny patted Moon, being so close. "But ah 'ppreciate it. Now, go on."

Moon went without further delay to find Pear Butter cooking over a bubbling pot. "Hello."

"Hello." She turned an ear, but not the rest of her. "Is that... Moon Dancer? How are you doing, little thing?"

Moon stepped up onto a chair and sank on it, watching Pear work on dinner. "I just... wanted to be quiet, with someone."

As she stirred her creation with care, Pear let out a small "huh". "Well then, you sit right there. We'll be quiet. Together like." She said nothing else, just the bubble and pop of the food she was making as she worked. The sound of her utensils gently clinking against the sides or bottom of her pot could be heard. The soft creaking sound could be heard whenever she opened the oven door or ignited a flame on the stovetop. The kitchen was bustling with the sounds of cooking, but none of them seemed to be irritating Moon. Everything felt very peaceful and relaxing, it was a truly calming experience.

The aroma that wafted through the air was a unique one - a mixture of juicy tomatoes and a hint of apples that filled her senses. Pear was holding a ladle of something towards Moon, just under her snout. An offer? Moon let Pear put the ladle in her snout and closed her eyes with the thoughts of it. "It tastes good."

"Glad to hear it." Pear got right back to cooking. "You look better."

"I feel better." Moon considered the busily working mare. "Can I assist?"

"Ah was hopin' you'd ask." Pear waved Moon closer. "A meal ya helped make is even tastier, ya know."

"I was not aware of this..." With a glowing horn, she assisted as Pear directed. Two ponies made the task simpler. There wasn't a lot of talking involved, and that was fine by Moon's estimation. A point was all that was needed to get things where they needed to be. The thick scents of delectable food evolved with each step. She could feel her mouth dampen, looking forward to the potential treats, but...

But, she hadn't been invited. She wasn't an Apple just yet. That would be rude. She didn't want to be rude. Then Pear Butter would hate her. Her peaceful place would be dashed if she did something so incredibly foolish.

"Breathe," gently beckoned Pear Butter, apparently noticing the working up energy. "Moon, you do know, don't you?"

"Know what, ma'am?"

Pear tapped Moon on the nose in a gentle boop. "I am your second mother. Mom will do. And don't even think that's strange or nothin'. It ain't even unusual fer a lot of ponies to end up with at least two. More happens, less too." She took a moment to adjust Moon's glasses on her face.

Part of her felt she should be really annoyed at somepony else touching her like that, her glasses and her face. Despite that, she felt... relaxed. It was like she could just trust Pear to come in so close and touch like that. She was a mother. She would do no harm.

Moon let out a soft, almost silent, breath. "Will you be upset if I want to stay?"

"For dinner?" Pear peeked in the glass of her stove. "Mmm. You'll have to wait about twenty minutes er so, but ah already done invited you, precious thing." She waved her hooves in the air. "But we're done 'xcept the things that just need some good time. Now, if yer feelin' helpful..." She pointed to a cupboard filled with plates and flatware. "Go set the table fer us. Need somethin' to eat wit' and on."

"Yes, of course." With her magic, Moon grabbed several entire sets and went off to start setting them around the table.

Granny Apple chuckled, watching her from her nearby seat. "You unicorns make that look so easy."

"That is a deception." Moon set the last plate down. "It is my theory that the thoughts required are why many unicorns display neurodivergences. We focus on things differently. You have to, to use this." She looked to the kitchen, more eating tools floating out to join the arranging sets. "It's very complicated to do it right without bumping what you're holding together or against unintended third objects. Unicorn foals can and do cause trouble entirely by accident."

Granny let out a little 'huh' at the thought. "Ya don't say. Guess ah won't be upset havin' mah hooves on the ground."

61 - The Mysterious Mare Do Well - Part Two

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"Ah ha." Finally, she had figured it out. If the other ponies were set on being involved in Rainbow's foalishness and joining her in playing hero, they'd need something to do. Rainbow's luck was... commendable, but not reliable. What they needed was a villainous force to give them things to do.

What would the purpose be of a hero with nothing to hero? She hit up Rarity with an awkward smile. "Interesting fashion choice..."

"Luna was considering it for a new branch of guards, night guards." Moon was lying through her teeth, but it was for a good cause. "It's very secret. I'm to send it to her, but I mentioned you were an accomplished--"

"--You got this job, for me, from Princess Luna?!" Rarity giggled breathlessly, her hooves quivering. "I will get it done! Have no fear!"

And so Moon got her disguise ready. "This is very silly..." But she was just playing along. She pressed out thoughts of the foalish nature of it all and got to work. She began setting things up for Rainbow and the 'mysterious mare do well' to have to resolve. Ponies sent hurtling towards cliffs, for instance. Each was 'thwarted' by the Mare Do Well, outperforming Rainbow Dash by a considerable margin.

It wasn't Moon's job to figure out which was winning or why. She didn't even want to be seen, unlike the others. When she was doing the job right, they didn't even know she was there.

"You look tired." Pear Butter waved Moon towards the dining room table. "Take a load off. Want to share?"

"No." But Moon did take the seat, sinking comfortably on it. "It's been busy."

Pear considered quietly a moment. "Well... I won't force you, but if you want to talk about it, you just speak up. "

"Hm." Moon curled a hoof to her chin. "You ever help your friends with something, even if you thought it was ill-advised?"

Pear let out a little snort. "It'd be harder to find a pony who never did that at least once." She glanced left and right. "Is Applejack involved in this?"

Moon cringed. "I don't mean to get her in trouble."

Pear sealed her lips a moment. "Sorry, that was badly phrased of me. You ain't in any trouble." She dropped her chin on Moon's head, cradling her gently. "Poor thing, you're clearly worried. Nopony's getting in trouble, promise. I just want to know what's happening, so I can help."

"Well..." Moon wriggled with uncertainty, but if she couldn't tell Pear Butter, who could she? "Rainbow Dash and the others are in a competition to see who can be the best hero."

Pear cocked a brow up. "I heard of Rainbow Dash, showboating. How are the others involved in this?"

So Moon ran down the basics, including her own part. "Don't tell them. I am trying to be subtle."

"I dare say you're doing a fine job of that... But ah'm not sure ah like... it... Sugarcube, you're putting a lot of ponies at risk. Damaging a dam?! Look... I said nopony's getting in trouble... A promise is a promise... But, please... No more of that. Not one bit more, please." Pear took a slow breath, sides quivering in a shake. "Please."

Moon closed her eyes. "Then how do I help? How can they finish their competition if there aren't enough problems for them to resolve?"

Pear gave that serious thought. "Well... Would it be the end of the world if their competition just ran dry?"

"Then their game would have to stop." Pear was rolling a hoof at Moon. "Their game... would have to stop..." Moon sat up, the weight of her realization settling on her. "Genius. I should have thought of that." She clopped a hoof to her face. "Thank you for talking sense into me. It's time to change tactics."

Pear inclined an ear. "That don't sound like a pony that's walkin' away... What are you plannin'? Ah won't tell, promise."

Moon trusted her, smiling at her supportive mature friend. "I will reverse course and prevent things from happening. I won't take credit. Hopefully.... They won't see me. I'll just make it so there's nothing for any of them to do."

Pear struck her hooves together. "Ah get it. Clever girl, just be careful. Can... You do that? Stop problems before they become problems."

"I think I know who I can get that knowledge from." Moon hopped to her hooves. "I should go and start that. You've been an immense aid. Thank you."

Pear waved at her departing form. "Hope it works out." But it was out of her hooves. The only other things she thought she could do was to tackle Moon to the ground, or tattle on her to Applejack. Neither felt particularly compelling. She let the young mare off to find her own way.

"I need your help."

Pinkie slammed a hoof to her chest. "You have a super serious face on! I'm ready! Did you forget a birthday?" She took a moment to consider all the birthdays in the town. "Mmmm, no... unless it's from far away?" She leaned in with a big smile. "Please say it's that. That sounds fun!"

Moon shook her head at her eager friend. "I need your Pinkie Powers. You have an extremely well-honed ability to predict upcoming calamities."

Pinkie gasped, somehow becoming happier. "Is there a calamity you want me to keep an eye on?"

"Actually..." She turned a hoof on herself. "I want you to teach me. Show me how to do that, please."

Pinkie blinked with obvious shock. "Wow... Nopony ever asked that before... I'm not sure if I can..." She mused on that. "But trying could be fun... Are you ready to do something hard, gruelling, and maybe impossible?"

Moon nodded slowly. "I am prepared. If I fail, it will be my own fault. Please, instruct me."

Pinkig clapped her hooves with perhaps too much joy. "I haven't been a teacher very often. This is too exciting. Alright! First step, we have to de-unicorn you."

"De... unicorn me?" She raised a hoof to her horn with mild worry. "I require this."

"Not today you don't," sang out Pinkie. "No more big thoughts. empty that head of yours. If you hear a word in there, tell it to shut up. Shhh. Quiet time. That's your first job, be quiet." She tapped at her own head. "Up here. Think nothing. That's not as easy as you look like you think. Which you should stop. No thinking!"

"No thinking..." Moon thought about that, which she realized she shouldn't be doing. She frowned with the concentration of not thinking anything, struggling against her very nature. Unicorns tended to think a lot...

"Now you're getting it." Pinkie nodded with satisfaction. "Don't feel bad. Even a pegasus or another earth pony would have to do this. Unicorns just have it hardest. They got a lot going on up there. Empty it, be nothing." She sank into a meditative seat that didn't look quite right on a pony. "Become one with the void itself, for it is in that nothing that you will find everything."

It contradicted itself, but it was very Pinkie nonetheless.. That aligned with her overall and Moon accepted it as something else to try to figure out, later. It was time to stop thinking about that, or anything else. It was time to let go.. To be an unfilled glass for the universe itself to fill with whatever it wanted to. "I am empty," she softly whispered to herself. "I am nothing." She repeated her words back and forth, her mantra helping her inch closer and closer.

Pinkie seemed nothing but elated. "Oooo, good call. I shoulda thought of that. Sorry, I'm already pretty used to it, but great idea! Keep it up!" As much as she proposed empty, she was actually not excellent company while doing it. A source of noise and discordance while Moon struggled to clear herself.

She was nothing, empty, and waiting for something. "Are you thirsty?"

Pinkie blinked, not expecting that question. "Since you brought it up... yes. What made you think of that?"

Moon opened her eyes with a smile deeper than her usual fare. "I felt it. You are dry. The more you talked, the more obvious it seemed." She pointed to the kitchen in the library. "Get a drink."

"Good idea!" Pinkie bounced off towards the water. "You keep thinking about nothing," she sang, the sound of flowing water issuing from out of sight as she worked on that need.

Moon closed her eyes and returned to that quiet place, whispering her mantra to herself and leaving no room for anything but that state she had reached once and hoped she could reach again. Pinkie's energetic bouncing had knocked a book over, easy to miss in her energetic whirlwind. That book was sitting in front of the door. When the door opened, it would hit the book. If a pony was going full speed, the book would hit the bookshelf. This would stop the door. The pony had a good chance of crashing into the door.

Moon could see the scene play before her eyes. It wasn't nothing. It was something. But it was something she could do something about? She rose to her hooves and lit her horn, lifting the book up. She barely got it out of the way in time for the door to swing open and Twilight to march through, barely paying attention to where she was going. "Moon!" She spotted Moon Dancer, and the floating book. "Are you cleaning up, or finding a new book to enjoy?"

Moon tucked the book on its proper shelf. "Cleaning. Welcome back, Twilight." They met, touching snouts together in a moment of fond greetings. "Pinkie is educating me."

"Pinkie?!" Twilight inclined her head. "Is she teaching you how to bake?"

"I am pretty good at that." Pinkie returned, nursing water from a glass. "But nope! She wanted to learn some Pinkie magic, so I'm sharing."

Twilight's snout wrinkled a moment. "Oh, that... Moon, I don't know why this has fascinated you so thoroughly. Her juvenile stunts are a combination of luck and happenstance."

Moon inclined her head. "Isn't that the same thing twice?"

Twilight waved that off. "I love you, Pinkie, I do, but it isn't 'magic'. Earth ponies don't do magic."

Pinkie didn't try to argue it, allowing Twilight instead to move on to other things. As soon as they were away, Pinkie leaned in towards Moon. "Well, how's it going? Is it magic?"

Moon pinned an ear back. "No." Pinkie's expression fell. "But it is just as special." That got her to brighten. "I will need practice, but I feel I've taken a step forward."

Pinkie chugged the rest of the glass. "Alright! You keep doing that. If you need any help at all, I'm just a shout away." She giggled at the idea. "In fact, you can shout for me even if you don't need help. Just put your hooves together and holler, 'Pinkie!' and I'll come running. That sounds fun..."

Moon nodded in her usual sedate way. "I will do that. By the way, when do I get to meet your family?"

Pinkie gasped in a few octaves at once. "I went and forgot! I'll write a letter right now!" She fled in a flurry of pink smoke, off to see that task done.

Moon sank, quiet returning to the area. "I am quiet. I am nothing. I am quiet..." It was a place she found she liked. Muted serenity was a fine place to be, free of the usual stressful noises. She just had to practice at being so empty, the little things of the universe started to become more obvious. To be so still, even little movements felt like entire mountains were uprooting themselves. Was it magic? No... But it was just as good. Pinkie tricks were worthy of further study.

62 - The Mysterious Mare Do Well - Part Three

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"I am nothing." It was a reminder. It helped, she found, to remind herself once in a while as she darted through the roads of Ponyville. "I am empty." But she wasn't empty, or nothing, not really. Things came into that void, and she could feel it. A thousand imperfections stood out, waiting to collapse. That mare wasn't paying attention, not enough, to the stroller she was pushing. When she reached the top of the next hill...

Moon darted in, nudging it at the last second. She didn't stop it mid-roll, she made it not get out of the mare's grasp in the first place. The angry shout she got was hardly thankful, but it meant there was nothing for the others to address.

Timely calls of her own, nudging things in line, and, without thought, becoming the ultimate safety inspector for the town, Moon Dancer made the whole place very... boring. Safe, but boring.

Rainbow thudded a hoof down, limply sprawled across the ground. "This is so... unfair... How am I supposed to show I'm way better than that 'Mysterious Mare Do Well' if nothing happens?!"

Scootaloo stopped on her walk past at the plaintive cry of her hero. "Wha?" She scurried over. "What are you talking about?"

"Hey, Scoots." Rainbow sat up with a smile. Her favorite little filly was good for bringing a smile. "I'm just being really annoyed right now, sorry."

"What about?" There was no judgment there, just an eager want to help her best pony be her, well, best.

"Well..." Rainbow waved over herself. "Remember how ponies finally started noticing how awesome I was?"

"It's great!" Scootaloo clapped appreciatively at those good times. "What about it?"

"Notice they haven't lately?" Rainbow sagged. "First, you have the 'Mare Do Well' showing up, hogging the lime light. Now... nothing. It's like the whole town fell asleep!"

Scootaloo twirled in place, looking out over the town. "Looks pretty awake to me." She could see plenty of ponies getting their little lives done. "What should they be doing?"

"Getting in trouble!" Rainbow threw up her hooves. "Having pro...blems..." She trailed, tripping over her own words. "Wow... That sounds kinda wrong..."

Scootaloo patted her larger would-be sister. "You're still awesome."

Rainbow grabbed up Scootaloo and did a twirl up into the air, holding the filly. "Yeah. Sorry, I think I got a little carried away."

"You don't have anything to prove to anypony!" Scootaloo spread out her limbs in a flying position, enjoying the motions Rainbow was giving. "You'll always be great."

"Yeah!" Rainbow took off, carrying Scootaloo in a jaunt with the little one's buzzing wings firing. "If this town doesn't need a hero, whatever, right? I'll still be me, being awesome! I'll be here when it comes up."

The two took a cheerful flight together, ceasing their worries about the town that didn't have a pressing need for that much awesome, at least at the moment. "Don't got nopony to prove nothing to!"

"You look satisfied." Twilight inclined an ear at Moon, seated with subtle smugness behind a desk. "Did something happen? Very little is going on, over here."

Moon flicked her ears back, good mood punctured. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Twilight waved it away. "It's just been... quiet. The Mare do Well hasn't had to come out." She shrugged at the whole thing. "Not that I miss her. If Rainbow's calmed down, maybe that's a job completed?"

"Has she?" Moon poorly hid the hope in her voice. "Good. I would like your friendship to resume."

Twilight blinked at that, sinking to her haunches. "We didn't stop being friends with her."

"You were not acting like it. The exchange of favors and kind words had ceased..." Moon rubbed behind her head. "You were making secret plans that went against her wishes. That isn't how..." She frowned. "I also performed those things. Please forgive me."

Twilight blinked slowly. "What did you do?"

"I acted against your wishes in a clandestine fashion." Moon stood up. "I am prepared to receive whatever punishment you feel is appropriate."

Twilight inclined her head at Moon. "Alright... How about we start with you saying what you actually did?"

Moon directed a hoof at her head. "Using Pinkie's techniques, I was able to circumvent enough misfortunes around town through active intercession. Pinkie sense, I note, requires very active thought for being about not thinking. If we are done, I'm happy. It was tiring..."

"I see..." Twilight circled around Moon, considering her. "You claim you're the reason things... went quiet? That is... remarkable."


"You shouldn't be." She rested a hoof on Moon's shoulder. "But, since you got a hoof on it, now you can explain 'Pinkie Sense' in a manner that doesn't sound like a raving mad pony?"

Moon considered that, relaxing from thoughts of punishments. "She is very skilled at not allowing herself to be in the way."

Twilight blinked at that. "Pardon?"

Moon directed a hoof at Twilight. "You're in the way of your own thoughts. You, and I, usually are. It's the default unicorn condition. We have many things to consider. There's no room left over for passive observation. Unless it exists in our very specific sphere of focus, it may as well not exist."

Twilight let one ear fall limp, the other still raised. "I... see... And how does this condition help, or hinder, the 'pinkie sense'?"

Moon took a slow breath, stilling her thoughts. "When you let go of those things and lose your focus..." She slowed, thoughts sliding without her holding them down. "You begin to notice those peripheral senses. Somepony is coming."

"Who? Where?" Twilight turned in place, but saw nopony there to welcome. "I don't see anypony?"

The door swung open, allowing Rarity inside. "Darlings! Marvelous, I was hoping you'd both be here."

Moon nodded at the fabulous unicorn. "I couldn't place the sound of your hooves specifically. Pinkie is a pro at that. I imagine she could have..."

Rarity approached, brow raising higher with each step. "What is she talking about, dear?" She looked to Twilight for help.

"She's... explaining Pinkie sense." Twilight tapped at her chin. "Doing it less... randomly than Pinkie would, but still a bit strange."

"Kudos for attempting it, darling." Rarity nodded at Moon. "Now, since I have you, how did Celestia like the design? I saw her guard once or twice! Does that mean she enjoyed it? Spare not a single detail!"

Moon cringed, realizing there was at least one other error she had to face. "I'm sorry... Luna was not informed of your dress."

"She wasn't?" Rarity leaned in, brows falling in a frown. "Why wasn't she? I saw somepony running around with it!"

Twilight looked between the two. "Did I miss something?"

"I asked Rarity--" She waved at Rarity. "To construct a uniform I used to... interfere with your plans. I was a poor friend. Pear Butter talked sense into me."

"I'm glad she did that." Rarity nodded, hoof curling to her chin. "Reasonable mare, that one. You cut that out!" She swatted at Moon. "And you fix what you did! You still have the uniform, do you not? Share it with Luna and I will forgive you."

"Hm." Moon trotted off, returning with the outfit floating over her head. "I do have it, but I am unsure if Luna has any need for it."

"Only one way to be sure." Rarity inclined her head at it. "Show it to her. Let her be the judge of it. You are friends with her, are you not, dear? Go ahead and work your magic."

"Magic will not help in this--" She stopped, being prodded by Twilight. "Yes?"

"She meant that figuratively." Twilight angled at Rarity.

"Oh..." It took a moment for Moon to puzzle that out, but it did click. "Yes. I will do my utmost." She carefully folded the outfit in her magic. "Then we will be even?"

"We will be even," completed Rarity with confidence. "So who was wearing that, you? I did use your sizes... That makes sense... You were in an awful hurry! What were you doing?"

"Getting in our way," laughed out Twilight. "Apparently... There was a lot of miscommunication going on."

Rarity pressed a hoof to her cheek. "We really should speak more forthrightly."

Moon frowned at Rarity. "Even when Rainbow Dash is involved."

"Point..." Rarity took a step back, looking properly chastised. "I will try to do better, really dear. Now, you get that to Luna. I hope she likes it! Hm, you can't tell me how she likes it yet, so..." She turned to Twilight. "Your turn! You are about the closest friend Applejack has, being her honorary sister and all, hm?"

"Yes?" Twilight shrugged as Rarity came in closer. "Was that the question? It's, um, not a contest. We're all dear friends, I hope?"

"Of course." Rarity tittered in laughter. "But to ignore hierarchies is foalish. You are the dearest friend of Applejack and Moon Dancer here. If I had questions I wasn't going to ask them directly, you are the next best pony to ask. Let's just be honest with ourselves, darling."

"I see." Twilight nodded, accepting the logic. "What was the question then? Moon is right here, if you have one for her."

"Already asked," she sang out. "Done with her, lovely mare she is. Applejack has begun cooking for important ponies on the regular, I hear. I want to work with her, or through her depending on how you look at it..." Rarity fluttered her lashes at Twilight. "The chefs in Princess Celestia's employ deserve good working attires!"

"Oh, that's true." Twilight floated over a cup of water, and it had a dragon attached to it. "Spike?"

"I was getting a drink." He released the cup, falling to his feet. "And you shared the idea?"

"Sorry about that." Twilight smooched the top of his head. "You keep this one." She returned the stolen cup of water, already reaching for a second out of sight. "I can't see very well from here."

"You can't see at all." Spike peered at the corner that blocked the view of the kitchen. "Be careful with that."

Twilight shook her head. "I know this place like the back of my hoof." A new glass hovered with her magic towards her reach and sip. "So long as there isn't somecreature attached to it, there shouldn't be a problem. Applejack, to return to the other idea, is unlikely to want to solicit her teammembers. She's awfully shy about that."

"I feared that..." Rarity tapped at her chin. "But if we think of it more as a service, to them? Surely, being such talented chefs, they make messes. It's impossible to avoid, darling. Their things must get dirty and worn. Somepony has to replace them. She just happens to know a mare that can do the job."

"Does she?"

Rarity blinked at that question and slowly turned a hoof to point at herself.

"You can," pressed Twilight. "But do you want to? Do you want to make the same outfit dozens on dozens of times?"

Rarity laughed at the idea. "Of course! Think of the..." She frowned, thinking more of the eventual monotony. "And the prestige," she continued weakly, her will sapping as she envisioned it all. "You... may have a point, dear." She tapped Twilight on the head. "This is why I came to you, darling. I knew you'd have the answer! It may not have been the one I came for, but a fine answer indeed."

Moon looked up from writing her letter. "Spike, could you send this, please? To Luna."

"Nope." He puffed the letter, sending it away. "I can only send to one place. Celestia will have to get it to Luna."

"Oh, hm..." Moon watched the sparkle get further away. "I should have addressed that better."

Twilight giggled at the small problem. "I'm certain she'll figure it out. Have faith in your teacher."

"She is a very wise pony..." Moon set the issue aside. "What will we have for dinner?"

63 - May the Best Pet Win Part One

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"How do you stand it?" Rainbow prodded at Moon, just to turn away and stomp off in a meandering pattern around the library. "We're the only ones missing out."

Moon looked around slowly. "I don't see what we're missing. What is it?"

"A pet." Rainbow rolled a hoof. "Didn't you notice everypony else having fun with theirs? Shoot, your Twilight's even got one with that owl. Where's your pet, huh? Where's mine?!"

Moon waved that owl closer, who had been perching peacefully. Owloicious descended to land in front of her. "Who?"

"Hello." Moon smiled at the bird. "What manner of pet would suit me?"


"Me." Moon pointed at herself.


Rainbow thrust a hoof between them, prompting Owlie to flap off in surprise. "You're not going to get answers from him. He knows one word, and he's sticking to it."

"Hm." Moon tapped at her chin, rubbing thoughtfully. "How does a pony select one of those?"

"What I want to know!" Rainbow huffed, but an idea came to her. "I know the right pony to ask. Fluttershy's an expert with animals. Who else would be better at this kinda thing?"

Moon adjusted her glasses. "I struggle to think of many. That is an excellent idea. But I can... think of one. I'll try my idea. You try yours."

"I'll find one before you!" Rainbow zipped off to face her own way to finding a pet. She'd have to learn to slow down a bit, in the end.

Moon went instead for Twilight, knocking on her door.

Twilight jumped. "Hm?" She turned around to face Moon. "Oh, hello." She approached with a smile. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is... Hm." She paused to touch noses with Twilight, drawing a smile from her in kind. "Rainbow reminded me that I lack a pet, but I wanted to speak to other ponies about what pet would be best suited for me."

Twilight inclined her head left and right slowly. "I see... Pets do not take care of themself, I should warn. Having one is a great responsibility."

Moon cocked a bushy brow. "I can see to their needs. I am succeeding at being a sister to a dragon."

"Which is why I bring it up." Twilight put a hoof on Moon's shoulder. "I don't want you to be overwhelmed. You're already a busy pony."

"Hm." Moon turned. "You have one, and you are a busy pony too."

"Yes... But I don't have a ward." Twilight flashed a bright smile. "Listen to me. Sorry, I don't mean to neigh-say your ideas. If you want a pet, let's get you a pet. But which one... Two owls won't work, they can be territorial..."

Moon raised a hoof. "Unless they are a pair."

Twilight perked at that. "True, but hoping to find owlie's plus one is unlikely." She giggled at the idea. "But that would be adorable, for a paired set of ponies to have a paired set of pets..."

Moon stole a kiss from Twilight's cheek. "Let's ask Pear Butter."

Twilight tilted an ear over her colored cheek. "Her? Why?"

"She is a standing mother figure." Moon gestured at Twilight and herself. "And she has a pet. Why not ask her?"

"This... This makes sense." Twilight shrugged as she began putting her things away properly. "Let's."

The two set off, pausing only to flip the sign over to closed, lest any pony get confused trying to reach the library.

"You deserve it." Diamond set a large crown on Spike's head. "There you are. Now we match!" She slid around him and pressed her head to his, her tiara and his crown bumping with a little metal clink.

Spike giggled, but it faltered into a cough. "Yeah, um..." He reached up to adjust the new crown. "I never had one of these before."

Diamond cocked a brow. "You date a filly of means, these things happen. Wear your status with pride."

Spike ran a hand over diamond's cheek, stroking back and up, gently knocking her tiara free into his other hand. "What if I like you even without the tiara?"

Diamond went red across her cheeks. "Spike!" She pawed at him, bursting into laughter. "You absolute monster! Give that back." She reclaimed her tiara and got it back on her head. "You have your own."

Spike took his crown off, just to plonk it down on Diamond's head, snatching her tiara anew. He put the tiara on his head with a smirk. "How do I look?"

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Now yours is too dainty, and mine is too heavy." She batted at the crown. "You can be a pain to shop for sometimes, Spike."

"I'm just playing." He swapped the headgear back onto the proper heads. "Thanks. Um, I like it." He adjusted the crown to perfection and struck a pose. "How's that look?"

"Now you're getting it." Diamond clopped appreciatively. "We are movers and shakers. Nothing wrong in looking like it."

"Well, hello there." Pear waved into the home. She wasn't the only one there. Besides herself and Granny Smith, Twilight Velvet was there with a smile. "Look who's come to visit."

Velvet perked as Twilight entered. "What are the odds? I was going to surprise you on the way out." She hurried over to hug her daughter. "But this works just as well!"

Twilight returned the embrace with a little laugh. "Visiting mom #2?"

"You know it." Velvet backed a step. "And you're with maybe future daughter #2."

Moon inclined her head. "Perhaps. Um, since you're all here, allow me to ask a question."

Pear Butter shooed Moon further inside, to sit at the dining table. "You go ahead and ask what you have on your mind."

"She wants a pet," answered Twilight first.

"Yes." Moon rubbed her cheek. "I would like to take part in activities that require a pet, but I don't have one."

Velvet turned her gaze upwards. "I don't have one either..."

Pear whistled in a strange way, summoning her dog, Winona, to come scrambling into view. "I do, and she is the best dog in the whole world, aren't you?" She cupped Winona's cheeks in her hooves and ruffled the ecstatic canine with happy little sounds. The bond between the two seemed beyond question. "Now, I should start with saying I don't entirely approve of why you want a pet. Having one just to show off ain't 'xactly nice fer the pet."

Moon pointed at Winona. "Why did you get her?"

"That's a fine question." She gently pet along the back of Winona. "We Apples have had a dog fer more generations than ah can remember, and they're part of the family. It's become tradition at this point. Would hardly be this orchard without a dog runnin' wild through it."

Granny Smith nodded at that. "I've had no few myself afore Winona. Each, a beloved part of the family an' the farm. So, fer us, ya get a dog the same way ya get a pony, and treat 'em just as kindly afterwards." She held out a hoof and got her turn with some Winona love.

Moon curled a hoof to her chin. "Well, it wouldn't be a tradition..."

Twilight shrugged. "Traditions need a pony to start them."

Pear winked at Twilight and bumped against Velvet. "No truer words have been spoken. Like our outtings. A fine tradition, if a scary one half the time, but we had to start it first."

"And I'm glad we did." Velvet snagged Pear with an arm. "Speaking of that, I have our next trip planned. You're going to love this one."

Pear laughed tensely. "Should ah avoid eating that day?"

"This is more of a 'look at the sites' kind of splendor. We won't be worrying about that," assured Velvet, to Pear's relief. "And, after that one, your turn."

Granny shook her head at her daughters, honorary and not. "You two... Now, Moon Dancer." The unicorn perked. "What they're sayin' ain't a lie. Ya need a reason for a pet that ain't gonna stop bein' true afore the pet does. It's a commitment!" She rubbed at her chin. "They don't last as long as a pony might, but long enough you'll be sorry if you get one fer the weekend."

Moon sat and tapped her hooves in a moment of quiet. "If they could be the focus of a project, I would want them around for a long period of time."

Twilight swatted at Moon gently. "What about the project of Friendship, the relationship between ponies and their pets, traced from youth to the end?"

Moon pricked her ears. "Twilight...Genius! That ties perfectly into my already ongoing project." She stopped tapping her hooves and went ahead to full applauding clops. "But that doesn't assist me in selecting a pet. What animal would be best for this purpose?"

Velvet hummed. "Well, you'd want something you could have from a little thing, from the sound of it." She held up her hooves together. "And you are a bookworm, the two of you, so something that's alright with you being distracted sometimes." She wagged a hoof at Moon. "But, whatever it is, they'll need your love and attention."

Moon nodded slowly, working the numbers. "Something that can live comfortably in a library. Something that isn't too loud..."

Twilight nodded at the two parents, and one grandparent. "Thank you. I think Moon Dancer has a start to her search now."

"Yes, a start... Maybe Rainbow wasn't wrong?"

Twilight blinked, turning to Moon entirely. "What did Rainbow say?"

Moon pointed the way. "She was going to visit Fluttershy for some animal advice on what pet to select."

"Excellent idea!" Twilight started for the door. "And it'll be easier for everypony involved now that you have an idea what you need out of a pet.

They marched free of the farmhouse, a new destination clearly in mind.

Pear looked to Velvet. "So what is this next destination?"

Velvet threw a hoof into the air. "A baloon ride, over the Breezie migration! It'll be magic."

Pear considered that with a curled hoof. "That sounds... almost alarmingly peaceful."

Velvet swatted at Pear. "I don't always drag you on scary things." She huffed at Pear's skepital look. "Come on! No thrills here, just a really nice view. I want to see it, and I think you do too."

Granny shook her head. "Ah'll keep the orchard in one piece. You two have yer fun." Her eyes focused on Velvet. "Is Night Light goin' with ya?"

"I had planned on that, and so has he. Planning is one of his things... And this is the sort of event he can shine in." Velvet giggled with growing confidence. "So, what do you think?"

Pear pulled Velvet close with an arm, hoof pressing into Velvet's side. "I think it sounds lovely. Ah heard they have to guide the breezies the whole time. Makes me wonder how that started... But tradition's tradition!"

"Let's watch it." With that agreed on, they moved on to other topics.

"Oh." Fluttershy stepped out of the way to allow the two unicorns inside. "I was just trying to help Rainbow Dash with the same thing... She's very particular about what animal she'd want as a pet... Um... Do you have a better idea of what you'd like? I'm not sure I want to go through all the animals... again..."

Moon pointed off. "Something quiet, that would enjoy living in a library. It should be reasonably independant, but also approachable for affection."

Fluttershy tapped at her chin. "Something not too large... Quiet..." She inclined her head. "I should warn, any animal can become quite loud, especially if they're not being treated well. Um, not all ponies can understand them, so how else can they get our attention?"

Moon considered that with a slow nod. "That makes sense. Any suggestions?"

Fluttershy curled on herself, drawing out a book of animal pictures. "A cat could be very nice, or..." She flipped through the book. "I think you may very much like a rodent." There was a picture of a smiling mouse. "Small, quiet by nature. Once you become friends, they may even enjoy resting on you as you study."

Moon smiled, imagining such a pet.

64 - May the Best Pet Win Part Two

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Twilight put a hoof over the book. "One thing. I have an owl, you've both met him. An owl's first thought on any mouse would be a quick snack. Is that safe?"

Fluttershy squeaked. "That is true... But you'd hardly be the first time they brought together a pair of animal friends that, in the wild, would never tolerate one another. It just requires some extra love at the start. You have to introduce them to each other, and keep the owl well-fed. Animals don't hunt for the fun of it, usually. When they get used to the mouse being around, they may even become friends."

Moon adjusted her glasses in a moment of consideration. "And the mouse's side?"

"If they feel safe around you." Fluttershy pointed a hoof at Moon. "They will start to assume you'll protect them, even from an owl. And if they get used to one another, then they could become friends. The younger the mouse is, the more likely it will look to the owl as a member of its family." She clapped with a sudden excitement. "You really do know what you want. This is much easier."

Twilight lifted an ear at that. "Is Rainbow Dash being... herself?"

"Oh, yes..." Fluttershy shrank with a blush. "Don't tell her I said that..."

Moon circled in place. "Where do I get a mouse? Do you have advice for how to introduce them to our existing pet with minimal friction?"

Fluttershy hopped to her hooves and trotted swiftly over to a wall. Knocking on it summoned a mouse into view. "Hello, sorry to bother you." The mouse waved at her, no annoyance on display. "This may sound a little odd... But my friend." She pointed back at Moon Dancer. "Would like to adopt a mouse and care for them."

The mouse tilted their head abruptly to the left, then the right. Without a sound, they scurried back into their hole.

Moon came up aside Fluttershy. "Was that a sympathetic response?"

Fluttershy raised a hoof up flat. "I think he's checking with his family. Mice have very large families. There's no promise they have one the right age, and the missus has to be alright with the idea too."

Speaking of that, a new mouse popped free and looked up at the ponies standing there. "There she is." Fluttershy lowered herself as close to the mouse's level as she could. "Hello there."

The little she-mouse scurried up to Fluttershy and whispered the quiet little squeaks of mouse at her.

Fluttershy pointed to Moon Dancer. "Her. She is a nice pony, and a wonderful mother. She's raising a baby dragon right now, and doing a good job of it."

The mother mouse looked suitably impressed, but was also examining Moon critically. She didn't look ready to give up one of her children without hesitation. "Moon." Fluttershy sat up slowly. "Do you promise to give this mouse the absolute best life you can give?"

Moon looked to the little mouse. "I should speak to her, yes?" With Fluttershy's nod, Moon leaned in closer. "I will do my best. I hope to foster a relationship of friendship. I will protect them from predators and they will never want for food or company."

The mouse was still a moment.

"She's thinking," advised Fluttershy, eyes not leaving the rodent.

Without a word, even one Fluttershy could hear, the mouse retreated into her hole. It was quiet a moment before she returned, a bundle on her back, a little bundle of furred critter. That mouse was young, very young. The mother gathered the bundle, hugging them close with a nuzzle.

Fluttershy sat up. "Oh my... That is a very young mouse. You will have to care for it very intensely for the first moon or two. Are you prepared for that?"

Moon went in closer, nose twitching as she took in the scent of the infant rodent. Her eyes widened a moment. "I accept this."

The mother set the bundle atop Moon's snout and fled before anyone could see the equivalent of little mouse tears.

Moon sat up, every motion slow. She had a little delicate life perched on her nose. "Fluttershy... I hope you can assist in creating an ideal resting place for them."

"Of course!" Fluttershy started for the door, holding it open. "This way, slowly." She smiled at Twilight. "Isn't this exciting?"

Twilight followed at Moon's side. "Very, but we should speak to Owli about this too. It seems he's becoming a big brother to a very small mouse." She gently nudged the tiny creature. "So small..." She looked to Fluttershy. "Can they eat solid food? Neither of us are equipped to provide a baby mouse with the alternative."

Fluttershy colored faintly as she jumped. "Good thought." She looked to the mother mouse, repeating the question. "We don't want the little guy to be hungry."

Moon crossed her eyes to look at the mouse on her nose. "They're a male? Hello, little mouse..."

Fluttershy and the mouse exchanged quiet words before she sat up. "She says they've been enjoying solid foods. It's a little early... But they are weaned."

Moon let out a relieved noise of a sigh. "Good. Um, thank you?"

She couldn't know if her meaning was heard, leaving with her precious cargo. The mouse awoke on her nose, looking around curiously. It fixed on her, little ears lifting and unfolding into their full roundness. "Hello," spoke Moon. "I'm Moon Dancer. You are..." She walked along, watching the mouse as she went. "We have to decide a name. Twilight?"

"Let's give them a chance to show their name." Twilight brushed Moon gently from the side. "Nothing says we have to give a name right now."

Fluttershy nodded swiftly. "Oh, yes. That sounds much better. I'm sure his name will become clear to us, if we give him a chance." She reached up to pet the stirred mouse. "Aren't you a cute little thing?"

Twilight advanced to the fore. "I'll let Owloiscious know we're coming." She hurried ahead to the library and closed the door behind her. "Owloiscious? There's a new little friend coming." The owl landed just in front of her, peering with its deep eyes. "There you are." Twilight gently stroked her beloved owl. "Now, I know they will surprise you, but you musn't hurt them. They are you little brother. They aren't taking your place."

"Who?" Owlie inclined his head sharply.

"They don't have a name yet... They're very young, and they will be scared. Can you help them feel at home?"

Owlie jumped to Twilight's back, perching there. Twilight took that as an agreement and went to open the door just in time for Fluttershy and Moon to enter. Owlie leaned in to peer at the strange little furry thing on Moon's nose. "Who?"

"We're working on that." Moon took the time to gently stroke over Owlie's head. "But they're joining our family. I hope you two will get along."

Fluttershy put out a wing, barring the view of Owlie to the mouse. "I know you feel... an urge to hunt, but Twilight feeds you well, doesn't she?"


Fluttershy nodded, not at all tripped up by the word Owlie preferred. "She will keep doing that, and loving you very much. They aren't taking that from you." Owlie hopped closer for a better look at the mouse, and avoiding the barring wing.

"Think of them as your little brother," advised Fluttershy, following the others. "They will need your care, but they'll love you too."

With her help, a little mouse nesting of soft fluff in a warm place was put together at their shared hooves. The mouse crawled into it curiously, looking around. Moon smiled at the infant mouse. "How old is this mouse, in pony years? Do you know?"

Fluttershy tapped at her chin. "Think of them like a pony about half the age of Apple Bloom. They will grow quickly, mice do that... Expect him to be finished in a moon and a half. Then they will be a grown mouse. To feed him..." She helped them secure mouse food and water the mouse could reach easily. "And they will need a lot of care and attention, like most children of any species."

"Hey!" A knocking at the window got their attention where Rainbow was hovering. "Flutter! I got an idea."

Fluttershy gave a weary smile. "I had best see to that." She went out to hear Rainbow's grand idea for a pet race.

Owli landed next to the mouse next and reached out a foot, talons grabbing and adjusting the fluffing in a moment of particularness. Twilight inclined her head at the behavior. "Aw... I think he's trying to help." She pet her owl gently. "That's very nice of you. You are the best owl in the world."


"You, of course." They shared a little nuzzle and went off together to resume studies with satisfaction on either side.

"What's that?" Spike came over with a crown bouncing on his head. He jumped with surprise when the little mouse moved. "Woah! What...?"

Moon gestured at the little mouse. "Spike, excellently timed. This little mouse is in need of a big brother." She waved at Spike. "And here's the best big brother I am aware of."

Spike colored faintly at that. "Aw... cut that out." He dropped into a crouch, peering at the mouse. "What's their name?"

"I was trying to discern that..." Moon tapped at her chin. "But he's so young, he hasn't had a chance to display what his name should be yet." Moon smiled at Spike. "Are you alright then? I didn't ask you before I did this... Also... what are you wearing?" Her eyes lifted to the new crown.

Spike grabbed the crown self-conciously. "Oh, um... Diamond got it for me." He tipped it and struck a pose. "How's it look? She wanted me to match her, you know? She wears a tiara, so she got me--"

"--a crown," finished Moon with a nod. "Very nice. Do you like it?" She adjusted her glasses. "I'm hardly the first pony one should approach for fashion advice. Have you considered asking Rarity? She would give far more nuanced a review."

Spike slapped one hand against the other, turning into a snap of his fingers. "Great idea! I'll check with her later. About the mouse." He reached in and put his hand close to where the mouse could sniff and explore it. "It's... kinda neat..."


"Oh." Spike inclined his head at the little fur ball. "Hey, little dude." The mouse climbed his hand and Spike curled his fingers, soon cradling the little thing. "Aw... I think he likes me. Um, hate to ask, but why? They're cute and all, but why?"

Moon sat up. "Two reasons." She lifted a hoof. "One, I wish to engage with the other ponies in pet-related activities."

Spike nodded softly. "Alright... Little guy's gonna have to grow a lot more before he does much with most of them. Isn't one of them a cat? I'm not sure he's gonna be ready to play with a cat and a dog..."

Moon flipped an ear back. "You... raise an excellent point... I didn't think that through... However, the second part is still entirely within his reach. I want to take notes on the friendship between a pony and a pet from start to finish. I will add the findings to by general documentation on the nature of friendship."

Spike smiled brightly. "Hey, that's adorable. I never had a pet either... Can I help?"

"I already asked." Moon touched her nose to Spike's cheek. "I will be their adopted mother/big sister. You can be their big brother. Are you ready for that responsibility?"

Spike saluted sharply. "You can count on me." He raised his other hand, holding his new brother. "You too." He giggled as the little whiskers of the mouse tickled with the little thing sniffing and exploring at him.

The treebrary family had grown.

65 - May the Best Pet Win Part Three

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As if overnight, their new rodent guest became far more curious about the greater library he resided in. He'd scamper up the books, ascending to the highest points of the shelves for a better look at the ponies browsing for their next reading material.

He'd scale up the wall, just to say hi to what should have been his predator. The great owl would swat at him with their wings, and it was a game between them as the mouse scurried and darted, sometimes avoiding the strikes, and sometimes being lightly buffeted. Whoever won a given round, the two didn't seem to have any lasting anger about it. It was a game, between two animals that seemed to accept each other.

Moon Dancer watched her ward rushing to and fro with a little nod. "He seems to be adjusting nicely."

Spike nodded at the streak of rodent energy. "Sure is. Look at him go." He crouched down to offer a hand and soon had the little mouse perched in it, scaling up his fingers to the palm of his hand. For all the energy the mouse had shown before, he was quite happy to be gently lifted up closer to Spike's face for a little nuzzle. "You still need a name... But I feel like one's on the tip of my tongue."

The mouse, unbothered by such thoughts, scampered up Spike's available face to rest on his crown, perched atop it like a grand castle built just for him.

Moon gave a single snort of a chuckle. "He likes you, and your crown." She let out a little breath. "Good.... Good. I was worried. Owloisicous, and you. Either of you could have been upset..."

"Scamp." Spike reached out an arm and the mouse scurried along him to reach his hand. "That's your name."

Moon angled her head. "Scamp." It was as if she were tasting the word. "I... I think I approve of your choice. Excellent decision, Spike. Hello Scamp." She focused her view onto the mouse named Scamp. "Welcome. Do you like it?"

They couldn't understand the mouse, not the way Fluttershy could, but Scamp hopped from Spike's hand to Moon's close snout. He scrambled up her face to her head and curled up between her ears. "I accept that as a strong voice of approval."

"You two look happy." Twilight emerged from the back at a light trot, a smile on her own face. "Did I miss something?"

Spike pointed to Scamp, napping on Moon. "He has a name now. Say hello to Scamp!"

"Well." Twilight closed for a better look at the top of Moon, where Scamp was curled. "Hello there, Scamp. You be a good boy, no nibbling any books." She didn't sound too worried about it, moving to take her place at the front counter of the library.

Moon moved carefully, lest she allow her passenger to come free. "I feel like I'm already learning a lot. I need to take new notes... and my notebook is upstairs."

"Here you are." Twilight floated over a fresh notebook. "You have a quill?"

With a pop, a quill appeared beside Moon, hovering. "That I have." She sat and got to scribbling with the magically-held quill and notebook. "Thank you. Pony-pet relationships is an excellent adjacent topic for the friendship project. I'm quite happy I took it on."

Spike waved at the rest of his treebrary family. "Heading out! I'll be back later." Both mares waved at him. Neither animal did. He vanished out the front door, headed off for Spike things.

Twilight started gathering books to put away from the return bin. "Where's Spike headed? He looked quite excited."

"If I had to guess." Moon tapped her chin thoughtfully a moment. "Diamond Tiara. His friendship with her has advanced. I'm almost jealous at how easily he seems to have proceeded with that."

"You have a special somepony too," noted Twilight with a little smirk. "Am I not showing it enough?"

Moon colored at being called out. She hurried to Twilight as quickly as she could with her passenger. "That was thoughtless of me." She smooched Twilight's cheek. "You banished my jealousy. I just meant... for me, it was a big production. I didn't know what to do. I'm quite happy to have reached this point, but it was an awkward journey."

"And Spike almost fell into his," finished Twilight. "I understand that. If it helps... He is young, and so is she. Young creatures can form relationships very quickly." She raised a hoof to her chin as a book floated into place. "They can break just as quickly. We should be ready, in case that happens. Spike would surely be upset."

Moon paled at the very idea. "He would..." She felt movement and turned an ear to hear Scamp resuming activity. "Awake, are we?" She walked to his nest and settled. "Here you are."

Scamp dashed down and dipped his little snout into the water tray, slurping up his fill before grabbing a bit of food, a segment of celery he munched eagerly in little nibbles.

Twilight took a moment to help a pony find the book they were searching for. "Moon." Moon looked up at her name. "You're doing quite well."

Moon smiled a little. "While I appreciate the sentiment, what is it I'm doing good with?"

Twilight pointed to the nest and the happpily exploring Scamp in it. "Your care of Scamp seems to be going quite well. You've gained a new friend."

"A new brother." She gently rubbed the top of Scamp, to their delight? It could be hard to tell at times with mice. "I promised your mother I would care for you with all of my ability."

"And you have so far." Twilight sank into place behind the main counter. "When he's fully grown, I'd love to introduce him to the other pets of the town. Perhaps he'll get along with them. He's already used to be around very different creatures. This very library has an owl, a dragon, and ponies, to say nothing of the many ponies who come and go during the day. A new face shouldn't startle him too badly."

Moon nodded, half an eye on Scamp, who had already decided to leave his nest and resume exploring the library in quick dashes. "Mice don't take long to grow... I look forward to that. It only occurs to me that most of the pets selected so far have been predators. The owl, the dog, the cat, the alligator.." She inclined her head. "The alligator has no teeth, making them far less of a threat. Oh! Right." She clopped her hooves together. "Fluttershy has a rabbit. We could start there?"

Twilight wagged a hoof lightly. "He's already met the owl, and they're friends now. Keep an eye on Scamp, but don't underestimate him."

"If I allow harm to come to him." She turned all her attention on Scamp. "I promised I wouldn't. Introductions will be done slowly and carefully."

"But we'll do them." Twilight softly rubbed down Moon's back. "I wonder what pet Rainbow ended up with?"

As if summoned by her mentioning, Rainbow burst through the open door of the library. "Check him out!" She was holding out a tortoise proudly. "His name's Tank and he's the best!"

"Goodness me," Twilight remarked as she lifted the tortoise for inspection. "This is quite the unexpected choice. Dare I ask what prompted you to select this particular reptile as your companion?" She adjusted her glasses as she peered at the tiny turtle. "Fascinating. I admit I am most curious what factors informed your decision."

"--Slow," cut in Moon Dancer. "That isn't what I expected from any pet you'd select, Rainbow."

"Look." Rainbow snatched Tank back from Twilight. "He may not be the fastest thing around, but he has something way more important. He's the loyalest pet out of the bunch. He'll stay by my side, no matter what!" They shared a fond nuzzle, nose to nose. "And he's just so cute, look at him." She twirled Tank to face Twilight, so she could face the tortoises sedate smile. "How do you say no to that face?"

Moon inclined her head. "You two seem to be getting along. Good." Scamp dashed up one of her legs and parked on her back, peering at the new animal curiously. "Oh, good timing." She lifted a hoof to direct to the little mouse. "His name is Scamp. He is what I decided on while you were deciding on your own."

Rainbow zoomed in to look at the tiny mouse. "Ha! Nice! Wow... Look how small he is." She placed Tank right next to Scamp, showing one was larger than the other. "You two be friends. I won't tolerate any friend of mine being a bully to any other friend of mine. That's a rule!"

Tank saluted, as if he understood.

Scamp was darting around Tank, examining the tortoise from all angles with his frantic energy.

Tank went in for a little nuzzle, but Scamp was too fast. Each time he tried, Scamp was somewhere else. Tank made a little noise of frustation.

Scamp darted in and scrambled up Tank's shell to flop on top of it and hug the tortoise from above. Both seemed pleased.

Moon clopped gently a the sight, though she couldn't move much without potentially knocking both pets free. "Their meeting is a success, I feel. Introducing him to other herbivores should not be difficult."

Rainbow reclaimed Tank. Scamp hopping down as the tortoise lifted into Rainbow's grasp. "Only one thing I only kinda regret. He can't fly. I can't take him everywhere I'd go."

The unicorns inclined their heads in opposing directions. Moon lifted a hoof. "A basic--"

"--galdepony device," finished Twilight. The two shared a smile, their thoughts in unison. Twilight continued, "We can make a basic device to match his flying ability to yours, at least basically."

"Don't expect him to perform any of the stunts you manage," continued Moon. "But it'll get him air borne and not left entirely behind as you go."

Rainbow's eyes widened with growing wonder. "You can do that?! Why don't you make yourself wings? Flying is great!" She burst up a few inches with a powerful flap of her wings. "Best thing in the entire world. If you can, why haven't you?"

Twilight gave an emphatic 'eh' of a sound. "No thanks. Wings? Me?" She shook her head at that doubtful future. "I'm perfectly happy on the ground."

Moon curled a hoof to her chin. "I could, but my greater mobility would not assist my studies and projects. What we propose for Tank is a small device."

Twilight bobbed her head. "It'd rest on his back and allow him to lift and move himself. Your flight magic would power it. Oh! You should remove it when you need to be at 100%. Him wearing it during a race or stunt would be a disadvantage for you."

"Huh... neat." She landed and looked back at her spread wings. "If these are powering it, Tank will be super fast! There's no way it wouldn't be." She nosed Tank. "Sound fun? You'll be the fastest little turtle around!"

Moon inclined her head "Tortoise," she corrected with a nod. "Turtles are the ones that swim. Tortoises prefer the land."

Tank was smiling. Happy with the idea? Or just Rainbow's attention. It was hard to tell the difference. Either way, Rainbow was grinning, looking back at the unicorn friends. "So, let's get to it. And if I can help Scamp, let me know. Only fair since you're giving my pet a helping hoof."

Scamp dashed up her to perch on Rainbow's snout, looking at her. "Hello there." Rainbow had to cross her eyes to look at him. "You're fast. I like that. Good pick, Moon."

Moon smiled sedately. "Thank you. Let's both take care of our new pets. I hope all of our pets get along."

"It'll be great!" Rainbow seemed to have not a bit of worry about them all having fun together. "Now about that thingamajig?"

66 - Secret of my Excess Part One

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Spike accepted the gem with a smile. Sure, the gem had been one he'd helped Rarity dig up, but it meant something that she gave it back instead of putting it into some dress somewhere. "Thanks." But there were so many more more ponies to collect from. Each and every one of them owed him, the birthday dragon, a gift!

It had all started with an avalanche of gifts from the girls. They each had gotten him something thoughtful. Well... Most of them. He was sure Twilight and Moondancer meant well, but their yearly tradition of 'a book' had not changed. On the plus-side, they were interesting books at least. At least if the titles were any hint.

But he'd gotten their gifts, thanked them, and set off to visit other ponies. Each would give him something if he just reminded them that it was his special day. It was that easy! "This is gonna be great." Rubbing his hands together with a wry smile, he began his tour of visiting ponies, or just running into them on the road. It was going to be a great day.

There was one pony that hadn't come to his little birthday party, but who shoulda! He swung by her manor with a big smile, rapping on her door. "You in there?"

The door swung open on silent hinges. Diamond's butler looked down at Spike, considering him. "Good afternoon, sir. I presume you are looking for the little madame?"

"You know it." Spike fired a great big thumbs up. "Today's my birthday!"

"Is it? Very good, sir." He turned in place, leading Spike inside. "I have a present prepared."

Spike inclined his head. "You're just learning about it, but you have a present ready?"

"It pays to be prepared in my line of work, sir." Randolph pushed open a closet door. Inside was a tuxedo sized for Spike. "For you, Sir."

Spike couldn't believe his eyes as Randolph presented him with the perfectly tailored tuxedo. He carefully put it on, admiring himself in the nearby mirror. The fine fabric and expert stitching made him feel like royalty himself.

"How do I look?" Spike turned around in place, trying to look himself over from different angles.

"Very dashing, sir." Randolph closed the closet with a swipe of a hoof.

Spike strutted around the foyer, imagining himself at a fancy ball. Just then, he heard Diamond Tiara approaching. He swept into an elaborate bow as she entered the room, eliciting a delighted giggle from her.

"What's the occasion?" Diamond Tiara asked, playing along.

"Why, my birthday of course!" Spike flashed a grin, greed flashing through him with almost a tremble. "Did you get me something?"

"Duh." Diamond rolled her eyes. "As if you had to ask."

"Why didn't you come over?" He matched her pace, being led through the manor.

"I didn't want..." She paused, turning to him. "Your friend circle is... colorful. No offense, but I wasn't feeling it." She reached her hooves to Spike's cheeks. "But I am feeling you. Literally and not." She smushed Spike's face with a giggle.

Spike laughed along, though her words gave him a twinge. He pushed it down, focusing on his eager anticipation of whatever birthday gift awaited him.

Diamond Tiara led him into an opulent dining room, where a towering cake coated in frosting and sprinkles stood waiting. Spike's mouth watered at the sight. Though a part of him wondered if he should have tried harder to include Diamond Tiara in his main party, a bigger part just wanted to dig into that cake.

That a lot of the 'frosting' was actual gemstones, waiting to be devoured, didn't help. "That looks... tasty..." He licked his lips, but resisted jumping on it. "I wish you woulda told me though."

"Told you what?" Diamond cocked a brow. "Half the fun of these things is being surprised. Oh, unless you had a gift list? Did you? You should tell me if you have one of those."

"W-wait. Wait." Spike held up both hands. "You can make a list of gifts?!"

Diamond burst into laughter. "Spike, I swear. Sometimes, you act like you know it all, and sometimes, clueless." She smooched his cheek, causing it to darken swiftly. "Yes you can. It can really help if your friends are struggling to figure out what to get you. Or for friends who aren't really that close." She rolled her eyes. "Like, say, Fluttershy."

Spike blinked. "What about Fluttershy?"

Diamond rolled a hoof slowly. "If she was going to get me a gift, I'd way rather she consult my gift list. Otherwise I'm going to get something she wants, which isn't going to be what I want. Nopony would win there. Now... I like to think I know my dragon better than that." She made a sweeping wave at the cake. "Be honest, good gift, or bad gift?"

Spike's mouth watered as he gazed at the gem-encrusted cake before him. It was perhaps the most extravagant birthday dessert he had ever seen.

"Are you kidding? This is the best gift ever!" he exclaimed. Though a part of him did feel surprised that gift lists were an option, the glittering gems quickly drowned out that thought.

Diamond Tiara smiled in satisfaction, pleased she knew her dragon so well. As Spike dove fork-first into the cake with delight, she sauntered around the table to join him.

"I figured you'd like it. Only the best for my favorite dragon's special day," she purred. Spike's heart swelled at her words. The gems tasted even sweeter knowing they came from her.

Yet even as he gobbled up forkful after forkful, Spike couldn't quite shake Diamond Tiara's earlier comments. Did she really think so poorly of his other friends? And was a gift list something he should have made? He resolved to ask Twilight about it later...after he finished off every last gemstone on that cake, of course!

Spike staggered out of Diamond's manor, belly protruding and full, but in all the good ways. With a parting wave, he went to continue his birthday. "Ooo, I know who's next." He didn't go into town, instead heading out to the apple orchard and the family that lived there.

A short knock brought a mare at the door. "Hi..." Spike frowned with thought. "Aunt?"

Pear Butter laughed at his confusion. "I'm a mother to your sister. Honorary." She poked Spike gently. "I wouldn't be sad if you went with that. Hello, Spike."

"Hiya." Spike stepped in, hugging Pear gently. "It's my birthday!"

"It sure is." She nodded lightly. "Applejack was talkin' 'bout it earlier. Didn't she go runnin' off to a party fer it? Why're you here? Not that ah'm sad to see ya."

"Well, I wanted to stop by because I..." Spike considered how to explain his gift-gathering journey around town. He decided to opt for a simpler response. "I just wanted to say hi to my favorite honorary mom on my special day!"

He gave his most charming, toothy grin. Pear Butter laughed and pulled him in for another warm hug. "Ain't you the sweetest thing..."

She then led him further inside, where the rest of the Apple family was waiting to celebrate their honorary dragon relative's big day. Granny thrust a lucky horse shoe at him. Big Mac gave, surprisingly, a book. "Ah hear it's a lot of fun. Maybe we could try it some time?"

Spike inclined his head at the strange tome. "Ogres and Oooo, Bli... etts? Oubliettes! Ogres and Oubliettes? Never heard of it." He flipped through the book in a quick skim. Inside were many illustrations of ponies and other creatures in situations of adventure and excitement. "Ooo, neat... Um, but what do you do?"

"It's a game, um..." Big Mac rubbed one hoof on the other leg. "Ya pretend yer a mighty warrior, or a wizard, or whatnot, and ya go on adventures."

"Neat!" Spike tucked the book away and hugged Big Mac. "Love it!"

"Now..." Pear turned Spike towards herself. "I would have helped make you a treat, but you're looking awfully full already."

"What, me?!" He patted his full belly. "Starving." With a twitch, he suddenly gained twice his height, thumping his head into the ceiling. "Ow... But yeah, starving."

Pear blinked at the enlarged dragon. "You are... a growing drake..." She shook her head slowly. "But ah thin' maybe this has been quite a day fer ya."

"It's been a great day!" He spitted a glint, a brooch woven into Pear's mane. He reached for it without thought. "That'd be a great gift."

Pear slapped him, hoof to his chest. Reaching his cheek was a bit hard with how tall he'd become. "That is not a gift I can part with, Spike." She glared at him with burning fury. "Never touch that 'gain."

Big Mac slid between them and started shoving Spike towards the door, chuckling nervously as he went. "That belongs to pa. Touchin' that's a one way ticket to her bad side. Ah'll try to patch things up. Ya better get goin' fer today."

Numbly, Spike allowed himself to be led outside. The door closed firmly behind him. What had come over him? He'd been so caught up in collecting gifts that he'd tried to take something irreplaceable from Pear Butter.

Spike sighed, scuffing the ground with his foot. The joy and excitement of his birthday felt drained away, replaced by guilt. Maybe he'd gotten a little too greedy... He resolved to go back tomorrow and properly apologize to Pear Butter. For now, though, it was probably best he head home.

Ears drooping, Spike began the long walk back, reflecting on the day's events. He was the birthday dragons. Birthday dragons got gifts. He was just collecting them...

What had he done wrong? Nothing. No. As the birthday dragon, it was his right to get gifts. With a hiss, he went to add to his collection. One emotional mare would not dissuade his hoarding instincts.

A pony rushed into the library. "You have to do something!"

Twilight and Moon looked up. Twilight took the lead. "What's wrong?"

The mare pointed outside. "It's Spike!"

"Spike?" Moon hopped to her hooves and galloped out of the door, Twilight a step behind. There, outside, was Spike. He had continued to grow, becoming a fully grown dragon with all the lack of manners that went with it. Moon glared up at the huge beast that was her brother. "This is my mistake."

Twilight perked an ear at Moon. "I don't think you did... that." She waved at Spike.

"I failed to prevent it." She sank to her haunches. "It was my responsibility to raise Spike correctly. To allow a greed metamorphosis is a sure sign that I failed, as a sister, parent, or any caretaker."

Twilight moved to her side, resting a consoling hoof on Moon's withers. "I don't think you did this," she said gently. "We'll figure out what happened and set things right."

Just then, another pony came galloping up in a panic. "You have to do something!" they cried, pointing at Spike. The drake let out an earth-shaking roar, spewing flames into the sky.

Moon tensed, determination steeling her gaze. She stood, facing the raging behemoth that had been her baby brother. Though it pained her to see him this way, she knew what had to be done.

"Spike!" she called out firmly. "I apologize for failing you before, but I will make things right. You will return to normal - I promise you that."

It was a pity Spike wasn't paying much mind to the tiny speck that was Moon Dancer. He had more gifts to collect, and a whole town to collect them in. Keeping them in his hands was becoming awkward, so he grabbed the top of a water tower to serve as a fine carrying cup instead. With a huff of annoyance, he stormed through town, grabbing whatever caught his eye.

It was a fine evening to be a birthday dragon.

67 - Secret of my Excess Part Two

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Moon shuddered as Spike's enormous footsteps shook the ground. "He's not listening to me..." she said despairingly.

Twilight shook her head. "I'm not sure he's listening to anyone in this state."

The tiny form of Scamp suddenly scrambled up onto Moon's shoulder, squeaking urgently into her ear. Though she couldn't understand his words, the intent was clear - her pet mouse was trying to help.

"You have an idea?" Moon asked, angling her head toward the rodent. Scamp nodded vigorously, gesturing with his paws as he chittered.

"I think he wants to try communicating with Spike," Twilight said. Though the dragon was lost in his greed-induced rage, perhaps he would listen to the squeaks of his dear pet mouse? "I've heard of worse ideas."

"It's worth a try." Moon lifted Scamp with her magic, gently floating him up towards the enormous drake. As Spike roared, spewing flame into the sky, Scamp began pleading with him in squeaky urgings.

At first, there was no response, but then one massive eye turned to focus on the tiny mouse. Spike hesitated, a glimmer of recognition piercing his frenzy.

He grabbed the tiny mouse with a squeak. "Mine." He tossed Scamp into his ever-growing pile of goods.

Twilight sank to her haunches. "Well... That didn't work."

"Why?" Moon whirled on Twilight. "There was some connection, but it failed. Why did it fail?"

"Why.... did it...?" Twilight rubbed her hooves together, approaching the problem from a different mental angle. "Spike only met Scamp recently. Maybe they're not close enough?"

"Close." Moon pointed at herself. "I don't appear to qualify. I'm not an object. I am not possessed. Good. But not helpful." She tapped at her chin with a hoof as she paced nervously. "Scamp was an object. He was owned. That is bad. He shouldn't own Scamp..." She filed a later conversation for objectification with Spike. But it was hardly time for that.

She mumbled the names of ponies, all the ponies she knew that Spike knew. "No, no... No.... No... Maybe?" She inclined her head. "Maybe..." She took off running without telling Twilight who she had thought of.

With Twilight trailing behind her, Moon went to Diamond Tiara's manor. Well, technically, it wasn't her manor. The filly was a filly, owning little. Moon shook away the unhelpful thoughts and clopped on the door urgently.

"Yes?" Randolph opened the door with one brow raised. "Can I help you?" He seemed oblvious to the noises of panic in Ponyville. "Spike isn't here, if you're looking for him."

Twilight pointed at the massive figure of Spike. "He's right there, unfortunatetly. Moon, why are we here exactly?"

"Because." She nodded at Randolph. "We need to speak to Diamond Tiara. Quickly."

Randolph inclined his head slightly. "I see." The odds of that were low. "I'll fetch the madame." He stepped inside, closing the door.

"What do you want?" Diamond Tiara approached from an open window, scampering towards them. "And why is Spike a dozen stories tall?"

"About half that," reasoned Twilight, measuring with sweeps of her vision.

Moon glanced between the door and the open window. "Why are you coming from that direction?"

Diamond shrugged, rising onto two legs to get it done entirely properly. "Randolph didn't want me coming outside during 'an emergency'. Whatever. What's going on?"

"Spike is on a rampage fueled by dragon greed," Twilight explained hurriedly to Diamond Tiara. "We need your help reaching him before he destroys the town."

Diamond's eyes widened as she took in the towering, roaring figure of the dragon. "What do you need me for?" she asked, confusion mixing with alarm. "Shouldn't we get Princess Celestia or something?"

"There's no time - you have a connection with him," Moon said intently. "He won't listen to me, but maybe he'll hear you."

Diamond pawed the ground, conflicted emotions playing across her face. Part of her wanted to flee back inside to safety. But the thought of abandoning Spike made her chest tighten uncomfortably.

"Alright, I'll try," she finally said. She took off in a gallop toward the monstrous dragon, shouting his name. Moon and Twilight followed close behind, hoping against hope this would work.

Spike heard her. He ignored so much else, but he heard Diamond Tiara. He reached for her and snatched her like so many other things. "Mine."

"Woah, hold on. I brought you something." Diamond fished out a crown, Even shinier than the first. "I was going to give it to you, before... But you kinda got big and stuff?"

Spike grinned with far too many teeth. "Mine."

"Well, yes..." She kicked her hindlegs, dangling as they were. "Because I care about you, dummy. Stop messing things up!"

Spike snorted at her, blowing Diamond's mane back. "Why are you arguing with me?"

"Because." Diamond popped herself free to stand on his hand instead of being grabbed in it. "We're boyfriend and girlfriend. That means we tell each other stuff. We care about each other. And..." She waved a hoof up at Spike. "We let each other know when we're messing up. That's what caring's about. No sugarcoating."

"Sugar..." Spike inclined his head slowly, things seeming to tick around. "Ugh." He swatted at some pegasi darting around him. "I'm busy." He slapped one of them away and the others chased after the swatted Wonderbolts.

Diamond brushed his wrist. "You're better than this..."


"Yeah, duh." She rolled her eyes. "I didn't make a dummy my boyfriend, even if he's acting it right now. You're a sweet dragon, so come on back to me. I can't hug you when you're this big."

Far below, Moon glanced to Twilight. "Do you think it's working? He hasn't tossed her in the collection yet."

Spike hesitated, Diamond's words seeming to give him pause. As he looked down at the tiny pony standing resolutely before him, clarity pierced through the fog of greed that had consumed him.

"Diamond?" he rumbled. His voice was still distorted, but there was a glimmer of recognition in it now.

"That's right, I'm here," Diamond said firmly. "I need you to focus, Spike. Come back to me."

Spike grimaced, clutching his head with a pained groan. He sank to one knee as he struggled internally against the dark instincts threatening to overtake him.

"You can do this, don't give up!" Diamond said. She placed a supportive hoof on his vast wrist.

Below, Twilight pumped her hooves excitedly. "I think it's working! She's getting through! What a remarkable little filly."

Moon clapped her hooves with a smile. "Good." She wasn't sure what to say or do... "Um... Good luck?"

It was, perhaps, fortunate that neither Spike nor Diamond could hear her. Spike leaned in towards Diamond, perched there on his hand. "It... hurts. I want... I need... everything. You." He started to move her towards his stash of things.

She ran up along his arm to avoid that. "Stop that! We can't hug if I'm in there."

Spike hesitated. That logic was hard to argue directly. He couldn't share fond hugs if she was on the pile of other things. He couldn't play with her, or do silly filly/dragon things, or hang out with Silver Spoon, or... "No... No." He sighed softly. "I..."

"It's alright to be greedy." She patted at his shoulder, standing on it. "For the right reason, in the right way. If you want a hug right now, you know what you have to do."

Spike grimaced as he fought the primal dragon urges threatening to overtake him. Every instinct screamed at him to add Diamond Tiara to his hoard, but he resisted.

"You're right," he rumbled. "I want...I want to hug you. But not like this."

Slowly, agonizingly, Spike shrank down to his normal size, reverting from the monstrous dragon form his greed had created. Diamond Tiara slid down to meet him as his shoulders lowered to the ground.

On solid footing again, Diamond wrapped Spike in a warm, tight hug. "There's the dragon I care about," she said, relief flooding her voice. Spike hugged her back, the last vestiges of dragon avarice fading away.

Down below, Twilight and Moon cheered, overjoyed to see Spike returned to normal. Ponies began emerging to find the crisis had passed.

The two mares tackled dragon and filly both, creating a big group hug that none had complaint of.

Later, back at the library, Spike sat sheepishly under the stern gazes of Twilight and Moon. "I'm really sorry," he mumbled. "I don't know what came over me."

Their expressions softened. "It's alright," Twilight said gently. "We're just glad to have you back."

"No more uncontrolled gift-seeking," Moon added with a small smile. Spike nodded, properly chastened.

He had learned his lesson about greed. Right then, he wanted nothing more than to stay close to those he cared about most. "I owe you so much."

Diamond ran a hoof through her mane. "That was true before today. It's still true now." She stepped in to smooch the end of his nose. "That's what happens when you get a girlfriend." She touched nose to nose. "Good of you to realize that."

Twilight laughed gently at the two young creatures. "You two have a special connection."

"They're not alone." Moon threw an arm over Twilight. "I would have been lost if I didn't have my Twilight at my side. Thank you for keeping me on track."

"Aw." Twilight leaned against Moon, giggling with bubbling joy and affection.

Diamond stuck her tongue out at the display. "Not sure I could handle having a mom that... swung that way."

Spike rolled his eyes at that. "Technically... You already do."

Diamond blinked dumbly. "Hey! We're not married yet."

"Yet." Spike tapped her on the nose. "You said it, not me."

Diamond burned a cherry red. "Spike!" She chased him around the Library, despite his wild laughter, or perhaps because of it.

68 - Sweet and Elite Part One

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"Are you certain you're prepared?" Moon looked over Spike discerningly. "This is a lot of responsibility. If it's too much, kindly inform me."

Spike waved that away. "Please. I'll be fine!" He reached down to pat Scamp as the mouse hurried past. "I'll keep the pets fed. I'll keep the library straight. You go have fun." He made soft shooing motions at Twilight and Moon. "Everything'll be alright."

Diamond leaned against Spike from the side. "What are you doing in Canterlot again?"

Moon Dancer smiled at Diamond, adjusting her glass with a glowing horn. "Twilight is having a birthday. We all plan to be there. Rarity is already there, engaging in her own business."

Twilight hiked a brow high at that. "Her own business? I thought she was there for me."

Moon turned to Twilight. "That wouldn't be logical. Why would she need to be there early? I am not aware of the specifics of her business, but she must be doing something, or she'd come with everypony else."

Twilight tapped her chin thoughtfully. "You have a point... Spike, if things get rough, send a letter to Celestia. She can reach us, or even just message you back. Either way is faster than trying to get to us directly."

Spike saluted sharply. "Great idea! But I won't need that."

Diamond nudged Spike roughly. "You're giving up a big chance."

"I am?" Spike peered at his girlfriend with building confusion. "What chance is that?"

Diamond waved a hoof at Moon and Twilight. "You could be rubbing elbows with ponies in Canterlot. How do you just turn that down without even thinking about it?!"

Spike shrugged at Diamond Tiara. "I don't really care about fame or riches or whatever Canterlot ponies are chasing. I've got everything I need right here."

Diamond planted her face firmly into a hoof. That was hardly the answer she wanted to hear from her social-climbing ambitions. Still, she respected that Spike knew what he wanted at least.

"If you're sure," she allowed simply. "Just remember you gave that chance up, later."

"I think I'll be fine." He leaned in to smooch her cheek. "You have fun in Canterlot. Bring me back a souvenir?"

Diamond giggled despite herself, giving him a gentle shove. "You're the worst, you know that?" But her smile lingered as she turned to follow Moon and Twilight. The train would be leaving soon with or without them.

Spike waved at the departing ponies, putting on a show of confidence. As soon as they were out of sight he sagged. Watching the whole house? Keeping the chaotic library in order? What had he gotten himself into?

"Too late now..." He steadied his nerves, putting on a bold face. He marched back into the library, rubbed his hands together, and got right to work. If he took it one task at a time, he could do this!

Moon arched a brow as they walked towards the train. "Diamond, I confess. I'm surprised. I didn't think you'd want to come with us without Spike in attendance."

Diamond gave her best smile to Moon, turning it to Twilight. "You are family to Spike, and I'm becoming family to Spike, so..."

Twilight smiled brightly at that. "So you want to be there at my party, how delightful!" She reached, ruffling Diamond's mane. "Such a thoughtful little filly you are. You are entirely welcome. Let's have some fun. It was very nice of Princess Celestia to help arrange this. She certainly didn't have to."

Twilight colored as they stepped up to the ticket booth to begin purchasing those tickets. "I'm afraid my connection to Moon Dancer caused that to happen. I didn't mean to exploit my friendships like that."

Moon kissed Twilight's cheek. "I don't think you did that. I think I did that. I wrote her a letter, and she arranged it."

"You did?!" Twilight laughed with amazement as they wandered towards the train platform. "I would not have guessed in a thousand moons."

"What can I say?" Moon said, looking quietly pleased with herself. "Diamond Tiara made me realize how much an opportunity like this could mean to you. I knew I had to make it special."

"Well you succeeded!" Twilight nuzzled her affectionately. "This is already an unforgettable birthday."

Diamond scuffed her hoof, eyes darting between the two. Watching their open affection still made her a little squirmy. Even though she was dating Spike, picturing him all lovey with his mom was just...weird.

She distracted herself by bounding ahead to their train car. "So what about Rarity?" Diamond asked. "You said she's already there? Doing 'business' or whatever?"

"Oh yes, apparently Rarity has very important business to attend to," Moon said, unable to keep a note of wry skepticism from her voice. "I suppose we'll discover soon enough what was truly so urgent... I admit, I am assuming. Why else would she go ahead of us?"

They met the other girls on the train and they all cheered their way up the mountainside towards Canterlot.

Diamond smirked with thought. "If I was visiting Canterlot, I'd have a thousand things to do too... I wonder if she's making connections." She tapped her hooves together, rocking in her seat. "I know I would be..."

Moon tapped at the armrest of her bench. "I will hope she is successful then."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Enough talking about Rarity. We're here for Twilight's big day!" All the other mares cheered as one. "Here's to a day of fun in a fancy garden!"

Everypony around her lurched, but Rainbow was flying, not feeling the train stop. "Alright, everypony off!"

The group disembarked and made their way through Canterlot's immaculate streets towards the castle gardens. Every sight was picturesque, from the elegant architecture to the perfumed gardens.

Diamond's eyes shone as she took it all in. That was the life she aspired to - sophisticated, cultured, elite. Though Ponyville had its charms, Canterlot was the pinnacle of high society. She hoped to soak up all she could on that visit.

As they rounded a corner, a familiar voice rang out. "Twilight! Girls!" Rarity approached, looking flushed but delighted. "And Diamond Tiara, what a lovely surprise."

Diamond regarded Rarity's breathless demeanor and the fancy luncheon unfolding behind her with a raised brow. Clearly, the fashionista had not just been killing time since arriving early. She looked every bit the social butterfly.

Twilight swept Rarity into an excited hug. "Rarity! We were just talking about you on the train here. What sort of important business has kept you so busy?" she asked innocently.

Rarity's eyes widened, her gaze sliding briefly toward Moon Dancer's wry expression. "Oh, you know...this and that!" she laughed airily. "But let's not waste another moment out here. Come see the gardens, they're divine!"

They all headed that way, with Rarity trailing back a bit to get beside Moon. "Darling!"

Moon perked an ear. "Yes?" She nodded at a pony passing by, one she knew from school.

"How did you even know I'd be here?!" demanded Rarity in a harsh whisper. "I didn't expect any of you!"

Moon inclined her head slowly. "It was a secret? Princess Celestia informed me you'd be staying, and we corresponded about it. Visiting seemed logical, so you'd be able to attend Twilight's party."

She froze misstep. "Did I miscalculate?" She buried her face in a hoof. "I'm awful... Please forgive me."

Rarity cringed at the display. "Dear, darling, no..." She glanced nervously at the other mares, and one filly, not noticing their chat, thankfully. "No... You did... nothing wrong." She forced a smile. "Everything is just fine. When is this party again?"

Moon peeked out from behind her hoof, reassured that she hadn't totally botched things. "The party is tomorrow evening in the castle gardens," she answered, adjusting her glasses.

Rarity nodded, lips pursed tight in thought as the gears spun rapidly in her head. She'd have to get creative if she wanted to maintain her carefully cultivated social status here while still celebrating with her dear friend. An uneasy feeling gnawed at her stomach. She hated the thought of anything marring Twilight's special day.

"Rarity, are you coming?" Twilight called over her shoulder.

"Be right there!" Rarity sailed back into her cheerful socialite persona and trotted to catch up. She linked her foreleg through Twilight's. "So darling, doesn't this garden take your breath away? I must introduce you to some of the ponies I've met..."

As Rarity babbled brightly, Diamond sidled up next to Moon with a smug little grin. "Soooo business, huh?" Though still young, Diamond recognized thinly veiled social maneuvering when she saw it. This birthday visit had just gotten a lot more interesting.

Moon coughed softly into a hoof. "Business... Perhaps more of it than I had originally surmised."

Diamond raised a brow at the frank admission. "I expected you to be more evasive about it." She glanced at the others chatting amiably about the garden. "I swear, it's like they never saw a garden before." She leaned in all the closer to Moon. "Do you need a helping hoof?"

Moon frowned with consideration. "Mmm... I feel bad asking a foal for assistance with what is an adult problem."

Diamond's brows flattened low. "Moon. Mom? No, that feels strange... Let's forget I ever said that. Moon. I am not just a foal. I am a classically trained socialite." She tossed her mane. "Think of me like a smaller Rarity, if that helps."

Moon smiled at the high class filly. "Actually, yes. That does provide me the context I need. Alright... Diamond, can you assist Rarity?"

Diamond blinked at that. "I thought you'd be the one needing help."

"That is incorrect." Moon waved at herself. "I am here to attend a party. That is the entirety of my ambitions. Nothing appears to be interfering with those plans."

"And Rarity?"

"I don't know," admitted Moon. "But I think you could find out, and assist her. Please do your best to see to her success."

Diamond considered Moon's request, emotions flickering across her face. On one hoof, the idea of swooping in to aid the sophisticated pony she idolized made her little heart race. She loved the scheming, the social tussling, the high-class game of it all.

But a part of her rebelled at the thought of doing Rarity any favors. They had never been particularly close back in Ponyville. Rarity had always seemed to view her as an obnoxious child, not anyone worth grooming as a protege. Why should she lift a hoof for her?

Diamond scuffed the cobblestones, wavering in indecision before giving Moon an earnest look. "What's in it for me though?" True, Rarity looked rather strained trying to balance her two worlds. But she'd need some incentive to get involved.

Moon pursed her lips thoughtfully. Diamond was ambitious, there must be a suitable reward for her. But what would best stroke her budding ego? Then Moon smiled. Just the thing.

"You wish to be a high society pony one day, yes?" she asked. "Then consider experience. Helping Rarity now could mean a glowing recommendation later."

Diamond's eyes lit up. Prestige, connections, advancement - now THAT was motivation! "Deal!" she chirped, shaking Moon's hoof eagerly. This might shape up to be an entertaining day after all. "One more thing."

Moon sank mildly. "That is not enough."

"No." Diamond smirked viciously. "The next time I want to invite Spike for a sleepover, I expect not a single complaint from you."

Moon inclined her head slowly. "I don't recall standing in your way before. I was also not aware this was a desire you had. Shared sleeping arrangements is an acceptable task for two friendly creatures of any age. Why would I object?"

Diamond buried her face in a hoof, realizing she had just wasted a favor on something Moon would have just given freely. "Alright, it's a deal then. I'll hold you to it."

Moon nodded as Diamond walked away, on the job. "I hope I didn't error too grandly..."

69 - Sweet and Elite Part Two

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Diamond hopped up on a box, then another. That got her high enough to peek inside where she saw Rarity looking stressed out. What about? She pressed the side of her face against the glass, ear training to catch a few words.

" Con: Twilight's party might not be as sophisticated as the Derby, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't put all of my energy into creating her birthday ensemble." Rarity paced fitfully, talking animatedly to herself about her problem.

Diamond perked. Had Rarity agreed to that? Take one's eyes off them for even one moment... She considered how to help. She sure couldn't make a dress on her own. On the other hoof... She hopped down and circled to the front door. Sometimes, direct answers were appropriate.

She knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Rarity sang out as she approached the door at a light trot. "I'm a little occupied... dear?" She faltered, opening the door to find Diamond staring at her. "Darling, what brings you around? Shouldn't you be with the others?"

"No." Diamond walked into the apartment with her head held up. "Assisting you is more important right now. You agreed to help Twilight?"

Rarity cocked a brow at the pushy filly. How had she become involved? "Darling, I appreciate the, hm, sentiment, but how do you plan to change anything?" She closed the door with her magic. "I've been invited to quite the event. I have a chance to brush against the top! But I did promise Twilight a lovely dress."

Diamond twirled on Rarity. "First, priorities. Social event with important ponies? Yeah... Everything else can wait, but you don't want to tarnish your professional image."

Rarity came further into the room, meeting Diamond. "That is... roughly correct. Little dear, I'm... impressed, and a little scared. I don't want to make Twilight sad either. She is a friend, after all."

"Right right." Diamond Tiara did not sound as pressed by that fact. "Twilight. She's a librarian. I've seen her dressed once." She held up a lone hoof for emphasis. "I am certain you designed the dress."

"I did... dear? What of it?"

Diamond rolled a hoof. "Twilight has no taste. Go for simple and easy. Tasteful, but simple. If it's a dress, she'll love wearing one, over not wearing one, and she'll feel quite fancy wearing it."

Rarity blinked at the little filly giving her fashion advice. The nerve! The gall! The worst part was that it wasn't entirely nonsense. "That... would free up time."

"Time enough to make that social event?" Diamond grinned schemingly.

Rarity joined that grin. "I think it would." She reached to draw Diamond closer. "You are a clever little thing. Now..." She pushed Diamind right out the doors that opened, glowing, just in time. "I need to get to work."

She slapped the door shut with her magic. She had a dress to make.

Rarity hesitated as she pushed Diamond Tiara out the door with her magic. The little filly's advice had been surprisingly astute, but could she really justify putting fancy parties over her friend's special day?

Rarity paced back to her work table, anxiety and indecision gnawing at her. "Oh darling, what to do?" she muttered. Diamond's words echoed in her mind - how a simple, tasteful dress for Twilight would free up ample time to attend the social event. Surely she could do both, if she rushed?

Yet the thought of showing up to Twilight's birthday wearing the same ensemble she had donned at the sophisticated soirée made Rarity cringe. True, Twilight wasn't as concerned with fashion as she was, but the scholar surely deserved to feel like the belle of the ball on her special day. Rarity paused mid-step, struck by an idea.

"Perhaps I could combine them?" She nodded eagerly at her reflection in the mirror. "A chic dress for the Derby that I can repurpose into a fab frock for Twilight afterward! It's brilliant!"

Rarity leaped into action, brainstorming gown designs that would straddle the two very different events. Something tastefully simple in color scheme and silhouette, with subtle accents that could easily be swapped to transform it. A bit of fancy trim here, an elegant sash or brooch there...

As she sketched and planned, she realized Diamond Tiara's suggestion of a simple dress for Twilight wasn't a bad one at all. The small touches she added would give it that extra dash of panache Twilight deserved, without requiring complete redesign. Rarity worked diligently through the afternoon, pleased her clever workaround would allow her to attend both engagements without sacrificing her commitment to dear friends. After all, a rising star in Canterlot's social sphere had to know how to don different hats in style.

Diamond returned to the others, nose wrinkled in mild distaste.

"I say."

Diamond looked up at the cultured voice as a colt approached her. "Do you need something?"

"Perhaps." The wealthy-looking colt appraised Diamond carefully. "My date to a little function fell through. Showing up with nopony would be quite the faux pas." He laughed a laugh of thick entitlement. "We can't have that. No no... But here you are, a pony I never saw before, and about my age! How marvelous."

Diamond scowled at him. "I remember you, but you didn't return the favor."

"Do you now?" He frowned with some thought, and it came. "Oh." He rubbed his cheek where he'd been punched before. "Oh dear. I'd rather you not strike me again."

"Don't give me a reason to." Diamond smirked at the colt, as if she was up to repeating that act again. "So you need a girl?"

"I hardly imagine you qualify." Having remembered Diamond, Silver Platter scowled at her.

"And yet..." Diamond walked around him slowly, smirk unwavering. "Sounds like you don't have a lot of choices."

Silver raised an arm across his vision. "Mercy me... I refuse to be the only one without company." He put his hooves down. "But some guidelines must be set! No violence!"

Diamond chuckled softly. "No violence against you. In return, I show up at your side, we smile, and then I get out of your mane."

Silver Platter perked up at the outlined idea. "Yes, that... sounds perfectly reasonable. Do try not to tarnish my image. You are my companion. Your actions will reflect on me."

"And on me." Diamond rolled her eyes with a toss of her mane. "I'll be good."

"One of our images is more valuable than the other." With a huffy snort, he began forward. "This way."

Diamond pursed her lips but followed Silver Platter at a measured pace. His entitled manner riled her up, yet simultaneously intrigued her. He exuded the easy confidence of old money and patrician pedigree. Clearly he was accustomed to commanding any room he entered. Yet for now he was at her mercy, grudgingly relying on a "country pony bumpkin" to avoid social embarrassment.

How the tables had turned! Diamond savored the small victory, her lips quirking in a sly grin. Silver Platter caught her expression and scowled.

"Wipe that smug look off your face," he said through gritted teeth. "You will be there to make me look good, nothing more. I don't expect country rabble like you to know how proper gentleponies behave, but do try to be less obnoxious than usual."

Fire flashed in Diamond's eyes. "Watch yourself, Silver Platter," she shot back dangerously. "I can and will walk out. Then where will you be?"

That made Silver stiffen. He glared at her a moment more before resuming his walk, his mouth pinched tight. As much as he clearly detested relying on her, the thought of showing up alone to the elite soiree filled him with dread.

"Shall we review etiquette basics so you don't completely humiliate me?" he said tersely after a minute.

Diamond smirked again but nodded. Clearly she'd have to play nice, at least on the surface. For now she would tolerate his airs and memorable slights. Her ambition demanded no less.

So she listened as he went over a thousand things she already knew. She was from a small town, but her mother didn't tolerate her not listening to much of the same endless prattles of how one simply had to behave around ponies of any importance.

That he was repeating all the same lines made her confident. Perhaps all that hadn't been entirely a waste.

Attending an event with a peer at her side, getting a chance to meet others? That trip was shaping up...

"This is... a disaster." Spike heaved for breath, the animals out of his reach. "Scamp... Owli..." But neither were paying him much mind.

They seemed far happier playing with each other in spirited bouts of tag. Owli was pretend hunting the little mouse, and neither was consistently winning the matches, but both were having a grand time, also knocking things over along the way.

Spike rubbed at the sides of his head. "This is going to take forever to clean up... Guys!" Aborting the attempt to gather the pets, he focused on cleaning up as he went. "Twilight and Moon'll be mad at both of us... Mostly me..."

Spike hurriedly put the scattered books back on shelves as he watched Scamp and Owlowiscious continue their rambunctious game of chase. The mouse was certainly bold for his size, showing no fear of the great owl swooping over him.

In fact, both pets seemed completely unfazed by the disorder they were creating. Scamp scurried up and under piles of fallen books that Owlowiscious batted playfully, sending objects flying. Clearly they saw this as more a game than work needing done.

Spike groaned. At this rate, all his tidying was in vain. But his shouted reprimands fell on deaf animal ears. How was he going to reign both pets in long enough to properly clean the library?

On an impulse, Spike made his way to the kitchen. There he grabbed a bag of rodent treats and a container of dried insects. Shaking both noisily, he reentered the main room.

"Snack time!" he called out in a tempting sing-song voice.

That got Scamp and Owlowiscious's attention! They paused their playing at once and scampered eagerly over to Spike. With the enticements of tasty treats, Spike was able to direct both pets into his bedroom for snack time.

"There, stay!" he said, quickly shutting the door behind them. With the animals preoccupied, this gave Spike precious uninterrupted minutes to tidy. He raced about, deciding to focus on fragile valuables and important documents first before general clutter. It was short lived damage control, but it was a start! Now if only he could keep both animals entertained like this until Twi and Moon got back...

Spike scrubbed his hands down his face with a groan. What had he gotten himself into volunteering for this? Still, his pride wouldn't allow him to admit defeat and reach out for help....yet. He would persevere a while longer before taking that drastic measure!

Spike took a deep, steadying breath as he surveyed the library's disarray. Though daunting, this was his chance to prove his maturity and capability both to himself and to those he cared about. No more being viewed as the baby dragon who constantly needed supervision!

Gritting his teeth with renewed determination, Spike strode purposefully toward his next cleaning task. As he worked, his thoughts turned fondly toward his friends in Canterlot. Though he wished he could be there too for Twilight's birthday festivities, picturing their excitement and joy brought a smile to his face.

And, of course, his mind drifted dreamily to Diamond Tiara. His ambitious, fiery filly who never ceased to surprise him. Spike chuckled imagining what trouble she might be stirring up among Canterlot's upper crust. He couldn't wait to hear all about her big city adventures later!

The very thought of her filled Spike with bubbly happiness. And pride too - he, a dragon, was dating one of the most popular fillies back in Ponyville! Sure, some ponies questioned if they were really compatible, but Spike knew Diamond Tiara cared for him in her own way.

Their relationship gave him confidence and purpose. He wanted to be the best gentledrake possible for her. To stand tall among Canterlot's elite if that's where Diamond's ambitions took her, supporting his gem no matter what. Spike grinned goofily. Yup, his lucky dragon claws sure clutched a prize in that one!

Bolstered by his driving motivations, Spike pushed through the evening's chaos with scrappy perseverance. He could do this - he woulddo this! Then maybe next time, he'd get to join the Canterlot excursion too.

70 - Sweet and Elite Part Three

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Diamond smiled brightly at each foal she ran into. They were all old money, the oldest. That, all by itself, put them above her. She was... new old money. She never worked for her bits, and never would, but first generation. It hardly counted in front of her new company.

Even their laughter was thick with entitlement. "Is this what I sound like?" She cocked a brow, trying to imagine herself from the view of her less advantaged school foal associates. "Ew..."

Despite that, she did her best to impress with practiced manners and that winning smile.

A colt raised a glass of fruit punch at her. "You came with Silver Platter, did you not? What do you see in that bore?"

Diamond blinked at that sharp intrusion on her thoughts. "Well, he..."

The colt leaned in closer. "He paid you to be here, didn't he?"

Diamond cringed. That was true, but to admit it would bring it all crashing down. "He has some winning features, lurking under the surface."

The colt leaned against a filly next to him. "Does he? Regale us. We could stand to hear of these hidden features in our peer."

Diamond's heart thudded as the wealthy foals watched her expectantly. Of course this posh colt had seen through Silver Platter's hastily arranged ruse - and now her own status hung precariously in the balance. These ponies could banish her from their glittering sphere forever with a cruel laugh or cutting word.

Summoning all her charm and poise, Diamond met their gazes evenly. "While not as refined as he could be, Silver Platter does possess a keen eye and clever mind," she remarked. "Just yesterday we were discussing Manehattan's rising real estate prospects compared to Fillydelphia."

It was a bald-faced lie, but from the way the colt titled his head with interest, her bluff landed. Emboldened, Diamond pressed on.

"In fact, I found his insights regarding which neighborhoods to invest in quite shrewd," she lied breezily. "He may act the stuffed shirt at times, but it belies someone surprisingly astute." Diamond lifted her punch and took a nonchalant sip. "So you see, I joined him because I detected hidden well as enjoying the company of somepony on my level, of course."

She held her breath as the judgementally arched brows around her wavered. Had her gamble worked? Then, miraculously, the colt chuckled.

"Well well...who would have thought?" He raised his glass in wry salute. "I stand corrected regarding Silver Platter. Perhaps I shall have to probe those 'hidden depths' myself. Well played, Miss...?"

"Diamond Tiara," she replied, barely containing her relief and triumph. With her place secured, the real networking could begin!

Rarity laughed nervously as she joined the other girls. Why did their event have to be next door to the other, and at the same time at that?! She did her best to bounce back and forth between them, getting some time to rub elbows with the ponies she wanted to meet, but also her dear friends in a frantic back and forth dash.

She didn't even notice when she was returning from the elite side with a croquet mallet floating beside her. At least until it was knocked away with a swipe of a small hoof. Rarity jumped in surprise. "Darling!" She whirled to find Diamond there, glaring at her. "What?"

Diamond pointed to the dropped mallet. "You were about to ruin it."

Rarity focused on the dropped implement before it clicked. "Oh! Yes." She laughed a little histerically. "Too true. Dear, I need to gather myself." She hurried ahead to rejoin Twilight and the others.

But harmony was not so easily denied. If Rarity would not mess up and bring the girls over, the intrustion simply flowed the other way. Fancy Pants noticed Rarity sneaking off and casually followed her. "I say." He sat there, watching the partying friends having a grand time. "What a spirited gathering."

Rarity tensed, recognizing that voice easily. "Fancy! Um..." She took an unsure step back. "I..."

Twilight slid in next to Rarity, smiling at the noble stallion. "Hello!"

"Hello." Fancy smiled a genuine smile. "Weren't you Celestia's student? What a lovely dress you have there, where did you get it from?"

Twilight pointed to Rarity. "She made it, isn't it lovely?" Twilight twirled around, showing off her simple but lovely dress off. "I love it."

Fancy clapped gently. "Very good. It's lovely to see--"

"Fancy," Jet Set leaned over the hedges, peering at Fancy. "Whatever are you doing over there? The real party is this way. Stop wasting your time with those country bumpkins."

Rarity winced as Jet Set's arrogant words cut through the festive mood. Yet Fancy Pants seemed unfazed. He merely offered Twilight and the others a polite, if apologetic nod, then turned to answer his rude companion.

"My good fellow, one should never dismiss ponies solely based on where they hail from," he mildly reproved Jet Set. "I've traveled extensively, and found admirable souls rich and poor, city and country alike. Now come - why don't you join us and make some new acquaintances?"

He gestured invitingly toward Twilight's brightly decorated table. But Jet Set only sneered.

"And sully my coat rubbing shoulders with those common rabble?" he brayed. "I think not!" With an indignant whinny, he disappeared back into the opulent party.

Fancy Pants sighed in faint exasperation before turning an earnest smile toward Twilight and her friends. "Please pay no mind to my boorish associate. I would be delighted to celebrate your charming soiree - that is, if you'll have me?" His eyes twinkled hopefully behind his monocle.

Rarity tensed. This could ruin everything! Yet before she could interject, Twilight happily exclaimed "Of course!" She summoned a chair over and invited Fancy Pants to join them with a sweep of her hoof. As he settled in, chatting amiably, Rarity fought back a groan. So much for rubbing shoulders with Canterlot's elite society!

Yet strangely, she felt tension draining from her shoulders as well. Watching Twilight bounce excitedly in her seat, hanging on the cultured stallion's every word, Rarity felt a rush of clarity. However ambitious she was to shine in Canterlot's social sphere, it mattered little if it meant sacrificing who she was. Her friends would support her however high she climbed - or came crashing down. Rarity smiled softly to herself. Perhaps this birthday party meant celebrating more than just Twilight after all.

With a releived giggle, Rarity joined in the festivities. "Dear." She gently shimmied in place, next to Diamond. "You simply must tell me. Have you had any chance to enjoy yourself as you followed behind, fixing my mistakes?"

Diamond snorted at that. "Oh, trust me." She paused to rub her hooves together. "This trip was worth it."

Moon Dancer suddenly leaned in. "Excellent. Would you feel inclined to write a friendship report?"

Diamond blinked at that. "Why would I do that?"

Moon rolled a hoof. "You are here because of friendship, and you've been quite busy, but seem satisfied. Was frienship involved? I think it was. Please report it."

Rarity tittered at the exchange. "She has you dead to rights, dear. You'd best just go along with it."

Diamond rolled her eyes at Moon Dancer's request. Write a friendship report?! Her interactions among the Canterlot elite had nothing to do with namby-pamby friendly feelings - it was all about advancing her status and forging useful connections!

Still, Rarity had a point about the persistent scholar pony - once Moon Dancer fixated on an idea, she was harder to dislodge than a diamond dog on a gemstone vein. Perhaps a token report would satisfy her so Diamond could move on with her evening undisturbed.

"Oh, very well," the filly sighed. She made a great show of pulling out a small notepad and jotting a few lines, all while providing deadpan narration.

"Dear Princess Celestia. Today I learned what good friends Rarity and these Canterlot ponies can be." Her voice dripped with sarcasm on the word "friends."

"Rarity worked very hard to fit into this crowd while still celebrating Twilight's birthday because she didn't want to let anypony down. And the posh ponies accepted us country folk at their party after first looking down their muzzles, because that's what good chums do."

Diamond snorted as she scribbled an emphatic period. "There, friendship report complete. They all lived happily ever after, the end!" She waved the notebook with a flourish, then promptly tossed it over her shoulder. "Did that satisfy your silly need for documentation?"

Rarity hid a smirk behind her hoof while Moon Dancer frowned, clearly sensing the biting satire underlying Diamond's words. But to Diamond's relief, the studious pony merely sighed.

"Thank you." Oblivious to the feelings under the surface, Moon tucked the paper away. "Fortunately, Princess Celestia is present. This is her city. I can offer it to her later." She waved at the refreshments. "Enjoy yourself."

Rarity let the laughter out. "Oh, we will, darling. I promise that." She waved as Moon wandered back into the party proper.

Diamond grumbled, but secretly felt pleased her acting skills has apparently fooled the emotion-oblivious unicorn. Some ponies would clearly believe anything! With the pestering issue resolved, Diamond happily returned her focus to mingling among the Canterlot ponies. "Have fun." She bee-lined away from the country party over to the side that had the richer ponies.

Rarity shook her head. "One good friend is worth a dozen false ones." She tapped her chin. "That's a good one... I should write it down." A scroll appeared before her, horn glowing as she wrote it with a quill. "Moon! I have a little addendum for you."

Moon approached, but she wasn't alone. A very large pony was walking alongside her. "You can give your report directly to Princess Celestia." Moon gestured with a toss of her head.

Celestia was smiling gently. "Mmm? You have a friendship report for me?"

Rarity dropped the scroll she was just writing. "Oh, Your Highness!" She dipped into a bow. "I didn't expect you to come!"

Princess Celestia chuckled sweetly. "Come now, do rise, there's no need to stand on ceremony among friends." As Rarity hurriedly straightened back up, Celestia continued, "Regarding your comment, I quite agree! A single, genuine companion is worth more than any number of fairweather flyers."

She cast her thoughtful gaze over the glittering soiree next door where Diamond Tiara had scurried off to. "That ambitious young filly is skirting both good and ill company. Let us hope she learns to judge the true hearts of new acquaintances before status or influence."

Celestia's gentle yet piercing eyes came to rest on Rarity, who shifted self-consciously under the weight of unspoken understanding. Then the princess smiled and any censure faded from her face.

"But let us speak of more pleasant matters! Moon Dancer informed me you formulated a friendship discovery you wished to share?" Celestia prompted kindly, tilting her head.

"Oh! Well, yes..." Flustered, Rarity tried to gather her wits. She levitated her hastily scrawled scroll back up to peer at it. "It was a small epiphany I had while observing, er...certain pony interactions tonight." She offered the scroll to Princess Celestia with a nervous half-grin.

Celestia accepted it with a gracious dip of her head. As her rose-hued eyes skimmed the brief message, she made a sound of approval deep in her throat. "Succinct yet insightful as always, Rarity dear! You have a real talent for capturing profound truths so elegantly."

Glowing under the praise, Rarity dared lift her chin higher despite inward chagrin over her earlier pretentious posturing. Perhaps the path ahead had a few more twists and turns than expected, but genuine bonds of companionship could light the way.

Celestia extended a wing towards the others, the girls and Fancy Pants. "I think I'll join this festivity. Fancy Pants always had the best taste." She winked gently. "Besides, this looks far more entertaining than the stuffy party next door."

71 - The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 Part One

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Ponyville's library was closed that day. The ponies that would have tended it had been called away on something that needed their attention more. Besides, the ponies wouldn't be thinking of reading, not that day.

It was a day for cider.

Both Twilight and Moon Dancer had easily volunteered to assist their honorary family of the Apples with the various steps required with getting the cider done correctly.

It hadn't been out of any competition, it just felt like the right thing to do for family. Moon's horn glowed sympathetically with a crystal attached to a conveyor belt that turned and turned, helping the process along. "This should speed production by 40%"

Pear Butter patted the helpful unicorn that would be her future daughter gently. "You are a treat. "

Granny Apple seemed less pleased. "That ain't the traditional way an' you know it."

"No." Pear Butter examined the whirling conveyor line. "But it ain't hurtin' any apples, and it will let us get more cider ta more thirsty ponies, so what's the harm there?"

Granny grumbled, but Pear Butter was the acting matron of the farm, and the matter was allowed to drop for the moment.

With the two honorary Apples working with the rest of them, they had just enough cider to keep up with demand, with a one barrel left at the end of the day. Big Mac tapped at that barrel. "Whattawe do with this?"

Pear Butter snorted with a smile. "Silly thin'. What else do ya do with cider?" She lashed out a hoof, kicking back against the barrel and knocking the lid up and off. "The Apple Family gets to have a sip itself, guilt free, tonight."

With a rough communal cry, all of them, tired and sweaty from a day's work, grabbed a mug and got themself some of that cider they'd worked so hard to bring to the town. "And here's to tomorrow! The season's barely begun!"

The Apple family cheered and clinked their mugs together, the sweet cider sloshing over the rims. Even Granny Smith couldn't help cracking a grin as they toasted another successful cider season launch.

As Moon Dancer sipped her drink, she suddenly stiffened, ears perking up. Across the yard, Twilight did the same, a look of unease flickering over her face. They exchanged a glance laden with meaning.

"What is it, you two?" Applejack asked, brows lowering. Something had clearly caught the unicorns' attention. "Trouble brewin'?"

"Let's have none of that talk tonight!" Pear Butter gently chided before either could respond. She tucked a hoof around Moon Dancer and gave her an affectionate little shake. "Not when we're celebratin' with family. Now I'm sure it's nothin' to get all in a fuss over..."

She trailed off as a distant rumble echoed over the hills. The others froze, ears swiveling. Again came the low thunder, closer now. No storm cloud marred the dusky evening sky, yet phantom thunder rolled ever nearer. They would arrive until the next day. At that time, it was one of celebration and family. With hugs and slaked thirsts, they cleaned up to prepare for the next day.

The next day came, finding the Apples, by blood and otherwise, standing ready with smiles. Twilight stood aside Apple Bloom, letting the little filly accept the bits and offer up mugs as she helped make sure it all kept flowing and keeping an eye on things.

It was later in the afternoon that the soft vibration returned, and the others could hear it, even the customers. A strange machine was trundling towards them, bearing two cockily smiling unicorns.

Pear Butter stepped forward, rearing up onto two legs just to be able to cross her arms as she did it. "What in tarnation's that and why ya rollin' it up onto the farm like that?" She might have been more progressive than Granny, but even she had limits!

The two unicorns exchanged a sly, conspiratorial look as their strange contraption puttered to a stop just outside the cider stand. Emblazoned across the front in flashy curlicue script read "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000."

"Why it's only the future of cider makin'!" proclaimed the taller unicorn dramatically. "Me n' my brother here are salesponies extraordinaire, spreadin' revolutionary cider production tech clear across Equestria."

He placed a hoof over his heart. "I'm Flim..."

"...and I'm Flam!" chimed in the shorter unicorn with a flourishing bow. Together they launched into a rehearsed song and dance touting the supposed virtues of their cider machine, promising greater efficiency and profit.

The Apples watched stony-faced, clearly unimpressed. As the musical number concluded with a ta-da pose, Applejack stepped forward, hat shadowing her eyes.

"Yeah, that's real cute n' all," she began, voice deceptively casual. "But the Apples have been makin' cider round here for generations. We got a system, we got tradition..." Her eyes flashed as her gaze skewered the two. "And we sure as tartarus don't need no fancy machinery muckin' things up!"

The family voiced their agreement, gathering behind Applejack with crossing glares leveled at the intruding unicorns. This was their land, their livelihood. These fly-by-night hucksters had another think coming if they thought the Apples would step aside!

Moon guiltily stepped in front of the glowing crystal she had been powering, saying nothing.

Flim slid over, throwing an arm over Applejack's shoulders. "Now now, let's not be so quick to dismiss modern conveniences!"

Flam nodded sagely. "Indeed, if we did that, we'd still be huddling in caves."

"Hardly the life we want." Flim twirled to wave over the apples. "We can turn your magnificent apples into sweet, delicious, cider. At least try a sip, hm?"

Apple curled a hoof to her chin. "Well... Alright, ya got 'least half a point there... Ah still think yer barkin' up the wron' tree! But yer here, go ahead. Show us a cider."

Pear Butter shook her head slowly. "Now... how ya gonna do that? Ah don't see not a single apple! Ya just gonna magic up the apples?"


"Never!" The two brothers approached that matron. "We were hoping you'd let us borrow some, just for demonstration purposes."

Pear Butter's brows fell as one, pointing to the nearest full apple tree. "We're watchin'. If ya can't take the apples without hurtin' the tree, then the deal's already off and we barely got to thinkin' 'bout makin' any!"

Flim and Flam exchanged a subtle glance before matching cocky grins spread across their faces. Clearly they had anticipated this line of inquiry.

"In fact," Flim held up a hoof matter-of-factly. "When in operation, the squeezy streamlines the natural properties of the apple itself to catalyze enhanced production. Why, with our technomagical enhancements, we achieve maximum yield with minimal input!"

Pear Butter's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Howzat work then?"

"I'd be happy to demonstrate." Flam strode over to the nearest apple tree. His horn glowed as he cast an unfamiliar spell. Before the Apple family's astonished gaze, apples began detaching from the branches and floating through the air in an orderly queue toward the cider machine. Not a single twig or leaf was disturbed; the fruit simply detached and glided smoothly into the open hatch. In seconds, the holding compartment was filled with fresh apples.

"Behold, the true power of progress, my friends!" Flim swung open the exit hatch with a flourish as perfectly pressed cider began pouring out into waiting mugs. The aroma of cinnamon and tart apples filled the air.

Tempted in spite of themselves, the Apples each took a hesitant sip of the proffered sample. Their eyes went round with surprise. Granny Smith's dentures nearly popped from her gaping mouth. This newfangled cider was incredible! Sweet, smooth, with a tangy aftertaste that lingered pleasantly on the tongue...

"I'll be darned," murmured Applejack in a hushed voice. She looked toward the brothers with new consideration as Big Mac stuffed his face with more cider.

Pear Butter furrowed her brow, torn. True, this modern concoction tasted mighty fine, but their family-made version ran deeper than sugar and spice. It was tradition, heritage, love...

"Well now." She cast the brothers a shrewd look. "Don't go thinkin' one sample means ya got us beat..." She gave a soft huff. "Because there's more to it than a sip. Ah'll give ya that though, that there ain't bad cider. Ain't bad... Ya should be prouda yerself." She fell back to all fours with clops. "But yer skippin' the important parts. AJ?"

AJ nodded as she was summoned. "Ayup! As the family royal chef, ah can tell ya, there are several thin's can get right in the way of what we might use, even if it works great." She nodded at the fancy machine. "How much ya lookin' to get fer it? Ya sellin' it, or leasin'? If yer lookin' fer extra fer a unicorn to power the thin', well, put that outter yer pointed heads, 'cause we got two lovely ponies already at our side."

Twilight waved with a warm smile, looking like a librarian that just got lost and ended up there somehow.

Moon Dancer was far more shy about her turn, laughing tensely. "Hi." She was so much more comfortable when the attention wasn't focused on her.

Flim and Flam huddled together to whisper over the response they should give. "We never got this far... I expected... more resistance, if we're being honest."

"They like it! That's a good thing, isn't it?"

Flim nodded uncertainly. "But I didn't consider what she's asking! Brother, we never made it this far!"

Flam waggled his brows. "Then it's time we start ahead into the unknown!" He whirled on the waiting Apples. "The price depends which of those you're more interested in. If we sell it, then we don't have the cider ourselves anymore."

Flim gasped at the idea. "What will we do? Yes, we'd need more bits for that, certainly."

The Apples traded thoughtful looks as the brothers hemmed and hawed. Clearly these unicorn hucksters were better salesponies than business-minded entrepreneurs - their invention was ingenious but they'd given little forethought to long term operation strategy. Perfect targets for some shrewd negotiating Apple-style!

Applejack smiled, slow and sly like molasses dripping off biscuits. "Well now, seems to me y'all got yourselves in a pickle." She ambled a casual circle around the unicorns, who watched her warily. "If'n you sell this contraption, you lose your golden goose...but leasin' means surrenderin' a share of them fat profits you're envisionin'."

Her gaze sharpened. "So here's my offer - ya lease the thingamajig to us, let my sis Twilight or Moon Dancer power it..." The two mares perked up at their names. "...and in return, we give y'all a 10% cut of the cider sales."

The brothers bristled in outrage. "10%?!" shrieked Flim. "Why, the production capacity increase alone is worth at least--"

Applejack silenced him with an upheld hoof. "Also," she steamrolled on. "Y'all get to stay on and help run the fancy new setup. Room n' board supplied. That way everypony wins." Her eyes crinkled slyly. "Unless y'all got better prospects out there?"

The Flim-Flam brothers deflated with disgruntled groans. Much as they hated to admit it, the Apples drive a harder bargain than expected. And their flashy salespony personas didn't translate well to real hooves-on business operation.

"Ohhh alright," Flam griped, scuffing the dirt. "I suppose those terms are...adequate."

"We graciously accept your offer!" added Flim. Their horns lit up and scrolls appeared to formalize the deal. "Welcome to the world of modernized cider-making, my friends!"

Moon waved at the brothers. "Excuse me."

Flim wandered over towards the unicorn curiously. "Yes, ma'am?"

"Since you have practice..." She backed up to wave at her crystal, the one she channeled magic into. "I've been using this device, of my own creation... I was wondering if you could give critical feedback?"

Flim looked over the conveyor belt, the crystal, and even tried powering it himself. "Hmmm... Assembled competently... Smooth turning..." He rolled his hooves over one another. "At least passable! Have you tried creating something a bit more ambitious?" He waved at his glorious cider squeezer. "That's fine and all, really, but it's hardly the start."

72 - The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 Part Two

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With the Apple family, honorary members included, working together, they got up a smaller house just for the brothers. Applejack flashed a satisfied smile. "There ya go. Yer welcome to grab meals with us, but ya got privacy an' whatnot."

The brothers considered with rubbing hooves on chins. Flim inclined his head. "A bit basic--"

"--But the price is right," concluded Flam. "We'll get settled in."

"Wait! Um." Moon stepped forward. "I was hoping, if you had time and inclination, you could show me how to improve. You two seem like naturals when it comes to arcane engineering."

Flim lifted an ear at Moon. "Funny thing, but I never really thought about that."

"We always figured sales was more of our specialty." Flam waved at their parked Cider Squeezy 6000. "It was a passing notion to create this."

"And when it actually worked!" Flim clapped his hooves. "We were so excited."

Moon's ears perked with growing enthusiasm. "When you created the cider machine, did you work from spell diagrams or runic schematics to calibrate the stabilization matrix?"

The unicorn brothers exchanged a blank look.

"Er, stabil-what now?" Flim scratched his head.

"We just kinda winged it," Flam said with an airy laugh. "Flim had the idea to automate cider making using levitation spells and a press system. I handled fabrication and charming the mechanical bits. Never got too fancy with the technical aspects - so long as it worked!"

He nudged his brother with a grin. "Ol' Flim here's better at the publicity and pizzazz anyway. Put him in front of a crowd and he'll have 'em eating out of his hoof in no time flat!"

Flim swept into an elaborate bow. "You know it! We each play to our strengths - together the perfect sales team!"

Apple Bloom trotted over and stared up at the brothers with wide, curious eyes. "But don'tcha actually gotta know how yer doodad works? What if somethin' breaks?"

"Why, we'd call a repairpony of course!" Flim said, as though it were obvious. At the filly's skeptical look, he waved a breezy hoof. "Our expertise lies in the business side of things, my dear - we'll handle promotion and distribution and leave the tinkering to the professionals."

Moon frowned, looking mildly disappointed by their cavalier attitudes toward the technical workings. But then she smiled, an idea clearly brewing. "In that case, perhaps I could be of assistance understanding the functional principles. If you'll permit me to examine the internal components and spell matrix?"

The brothers shared an uneasy glance, their protective hoof-crafted machine now under scrutiny. But with the Apples watching expectantly, they reluctantly nodded.

"Er, sure, knock yourself out," Flam said, forcing a grin. "Just uh, be gentle with our baby over there..."

"I will proceed with complete caution." Eyes alight, Moon closed on the strange machine, ready to tear it apart. For science, of course.

Applejack threw a leg over Flam's withers. "Don't you worry none. If she damages it, she's friends with some powerful ponies. She'll get it fixed, or call somepony who can. Now, the way ah see it, if she can figure out how it works, you two may be in fer more bits."

Flim's eyes shined with the idea. "Now you're talking. How would her curious prodding result in that?"

Applejack released Flam as she turned to where Moon dug around inside the machine. "Moon ain't a bad pony. Pretty sure she'll give credit where credit's due. Ya two went and kinda winged it, but ya still did it! Right, Moon?"

"Correct," drifted her voice from inside it, her head wedged within the machine. "This is fascinating... I would never have considered..."

"Glad to inspire!" Flam called out jovially. Though his smile faltered a bit as the sound of clanking metal emitted from where Moon was burrowed. "Just, uh...remember we need all the pieces put back where you found them!"

Flim nodded, eyeing his brother. Applejack's words sparked tempting ideas - they hadcreated something truly unique, even if more by luck than skill. If this studious mare could decode their machine's inner workings and refine the system...why, the profit potential could be astronomical!

"Say, Miss Moon Dancer," Flim began casually. "What do you plan to do with any, mm...let's say insights you gain from analyzing our little invention there?" He waved a hoof, affecting nonchalance. "Just curious, no pressure."

The response echoed faintly from inside the machine's depths. "Oh, I would share them of course! I have no desire to steal your thunder, but think how many ponies could benefit from efficient automated production like this! Why, applied on a broader scale--"

"Applied on a broader scale indeed!" Flim's eyes gleamed greedily. "I do like the way you think, Miss Moon. Once you unravel all our secrets, perhaps we could collaborate? Spread cider-making revolution across Equestria! With your brains and our business savvy..."

"...we'd make a fortune!" crowed Flam, clapping eagerly with his brother. Riches danced in their minds just imagining it.

Applejack cocked a brow, expression ambiguous. Then she chuckled and leaned an elbow on Flim's back. "Now don't go forgettin' your deal here on Sweet Apple Acres," she drawled. "10% of sales plus room and board, that's the bargain."

Her half-lidded gaze bored into the brothers. "Y'all are part of the Apple family now...and we take care of our own." The message behind her smile glinted. Reneging would not be tolerated - nor wise for their health.

The Flim Flam brothers gulped. "Oh absolutely, no question!" Flim said hurriedly. "You Apples are our top priority!"

"Cider partners for life!" added Flam with weak jazz hooves.

Applejack smirked and stood back with a firm nod, crisis apparently averted. The lure of bits was strong for these two, but she aimed to keep them firmly tethered to the family business.

From inside the machine came an impressed "Ooooh!" as Moon Dancer continued plumbing its inner workings, blissfully unaware of outside machinations.

She popped free, magic holding up a specific little crystal. "Do you know what the exact purpose of this is?"

Flim leaned in to examine it. "Now... I recall every time we removed it, the checks--"

"--and balances would deactivate," finished Flam. "Terrible. Much faster, but the quality dipped dangerously low. If you want a lot--"

"--of cider, that is how you do it." Flim nodded lightly. "Please put that back."

"Of course." Moon dipped back into the machine to get the crystal back where it started. "It has a fascinating aetherial network. There's so much to be learned in here... This has uses outside of cider production."

Both brother's perked at that. Flam chuckled softly. "Of course! Our genius will revolutionize all of Equestria!"

"It might." Moon could be heard working deeper bit by bit. "Mmmm."

Flim inclined his head. "I'm not used to ponies agreeing with that so easily."

"Why shouldn't I?" came Moon Dancer's voice, slightly muffled. She wriggled back into view to flash the brothers an earnest smile. "You've created a spell matrix here that disrupts molecular cohesion. Just think of the applications!"

She flopped a hoof enthusiastically. "Construction projects would be far more expedient detaching materials versus manual demolition. We could erect entire city blocks overnight! And replacing something as simple as a door would become trivial..."

Her horn lit up as she levitated a loose bolt before them. "Observe..." The bolt glowed, then duplicated itself with a flash. Soon a small pile of identical bolts lay neatly stacked before an awed Flim and Flam.

"Fascinating!" breathed Flam. "I had no idea our system was capable of that..."

His brother hurriedly scooped the surplus bolts into his hat. "Indeed, such utility had never even occurred to us! Your insights could elevate this machine far beyond our humble cider-making vision." He playfully elbowed Flam. "Perhaps we DID make the right call partnering up with the Apples and their impressive unicorns, eh?"


Big Mac ambled over, two mugs of fresh-pressed cider balanced on his back. He passed one to Applejack who accepted it with a grin.

"Thanks big bro." She took a long swig then let out a satisfied sigh. "Nothin' beats sweet Apple Acres cider, even if these yahoo's machine does speed things up."

The brothers wilted a bit at the gentle jab. Flim rallied first, straightening his hat. "Yes, well, there's clearly untapped potential here waiting to be developed!" He nodded to Moon Dancer, still engrossed tinkering with the cider maker's inner components. "I propose we establish a joint venture - the four of us as founding partners. My salespony panache, your inventive genius..."

He spread his hooves wide, framing an invisible sign. "Flim, Flam and Moon Dancer's Fantastical Contraptions!"

His brother echoed the wide grin. Finally, their ticket to the big time! With brains like Moon Dancer's combined with the brothers' business savvy, lucrative success was guaranteed.

Though a quiet throat-clearing sound from behind them added a stark note of reality. They turned to find Applejack watching them with distinctly unimpressed half-lowered eyes.

"Ahem. Did y'all forget your contractual obligation to us Apples again already?" She took a long, deliberate sip of cider, never blinking. "Flim Flam n' Moon Dancer's Fantastical Contraptions would owe a heapin' helpin' of that revenue stream back to where it started, wouldn't they?"

Flam inclined his head. "Our deal was for the apples, and the cider created thereby. You don't even own that." He waved at the machine. "You're just leasing it, remember?"

Moon popped her head free. "He has a point."

"Moon!" Applejack swatted at her with her hat. "Look... We helped, and are helpin'. Don't go fergettin' us so quickly."

Flim nodded with a sly smirk. "10%" He pointed at Applejack. "Your way. 90% our way. That feels far more fair for any business we do that doesn't involve cider. And before you complain, it's free bits for you. You don't even have to do anything."

Applejack chuckled softly, having that ten percent thrown right back at her. "Well, shoot..." If she complained, she'd be admitting the number she gave to the brothers was a bit low. "Fine... Fine! Ah'll take it. Like ya said, it is free bits in the end." She thrust a hoof out, and soon shook with the brothers, sealing the bargain.

Moon Dancer poked her head back out from the cider maker, looking pleased. "Excellent! I'm so glad we could reach an amicable business arrangement."

She levitated out an armful of loose parts and neatly arranged tools. "Now then, I believe I've gleaned about all I can from this initial overview. But with your permission, I'd love to conduct some experiments to see about modifying functionality."

Her eyes shone eagerly behind her glasses. "I have a few theories about tapping into the spell matrix to broaden utility. Primarily looking at materia reconfiguration on a molecular level..."

She trailed off at the brothers' glazed stares. "That is...I want to see if we can get it to alter objects themselves just like it alters apples into cider!" she amended, indicating the scattered duplicate bolts.

Flim and Flam exchanged an intrigued look and huddled together, whispering. While revolutionary, the idea of this mare tinkering with their machine made them slightly nervous. Still, the profit potential...

They turned back with matching eager grins. "Capital idea!" crowed Flim. "By all means, experiment away!"

"Just uh, keep us posted," Flam added with a weak chuckle. "And try not to completely dismantle our life's work okay?"

Applejack just rolled her eyes skyward and took another long pull of cider. Clearly these two greenhorn businessponies were about to get schooled by a real innovator.

"I'll leave y'all to it then." She tipped her hat at Moon Dancer. "Holler if ya need anythin'. Gonna go rustle up some grub." Applejack ambled off, already looking forward to seeing what brainy new gizmos her honorary sister devised next.

Rainbow Dash landed suddenly. "So, does this mean you're doing cider day more often now?" She tapped the funny machine that held that promise. "I call dibs on the next one!"

73 - The Last Roundup Part One

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Applejack watched the stovetop intensely, eyes following each little bubble and pop of what was in the pan. Her hoof hovered over the handle, ready for the proper instant.

Apple Bloom watched her sister with some confusion. "What's she doin' 'xactly?"

Granny Smith pat her gently on the back. "She's challengin' herself to speed and quality in her food. Gonna enter a big contest for that kinda thing."

"Oh wow." Apple Bloom didn't exactly understand, but her big sister had always been good at stuff. It was nice to see her being challenged to go farther. "Ah'm sure she's gonna win! Ain't she?"

Granny Smith snickered as Applejack slid the perfectly browned pancakes onto plates for the kids and started cutting the apple into neat slices. "Well, she'd better!"

Pear Butter gently pawed at Granny. "Don't be like that. Applejack will try her absolute best. Not like she knows how to put in any less effort. I'll be so proud of her either way."

"Thanks, ma." Applejack didn't look away from her preperation, moving busily from one to the next. "But there's a lot ridin' on this! An' it ain't just mah pride talkin'!"

Pear tapped at her chin softly. "Don't let the world rest on your pretty shoulders, Applejack dear. What's gone so bad you feel so pressed?"

"Pressin's about the problem." Applejack peered into the oven and took out a deep pan out onto the counter. "The town hall's busted. The farm needs things. The winnin's could make a huge difference fer the whole town!"

Pear Butter placed her hoof gently on Applejack's shoulder. "All valid concerns. I'm sorry y'all are having a hard time. You just keep at it and we'll support ya." She lifted Apple Bloom up so she could kiss Applejack on the cheek. "Love ya."

"Love ya too, Ma." AJ glanced down, smiling at the kiss. "Y'all the greatest." But she had no time to savor the family life, she had cooking to perfect, and she got right back to to perfecting her art.

Apple Bloom bounced in place, back where she had begun. "If ah know mah sister, she's gonna win every prize in the place!"

Granny laughed at the sheer enthusiasm, leading Apple Bloom along. "Maybe. We'll just have to see!"

At the town hall, ponies cheered and stomped as it was announced Applejack would be entering a contest. There was some mild confusion when it turned out it wasn't a rodeo. "Applejack has generously offered up her prize winnings." Mayor Mare smiled at the crowd before her. "We'll get the town hall fixed up when she sweeps at the Centennial Canterlot Cooking Contest!" The cheering only grow in volume as applejack smiled awkwardly.

"What have ah gotten mahself into?" she whispered to herself softly before stepping up to the mic. "Ah'm happy to help! Ah'll help get that hall put back together, to somethin' we can all be proud of." The cheering somehow found a louder volume. "Jus' ya all wait to hear how well it went!"

With that done, Applejack walked home to continue planning how she was going to beat out everypony else at the contest.

Over at the library, Twilight looked up. "I swear, I just heard Applejack..."

"I mentioned her." Moon Dancer went up to Twilight with a raised brow. "She's going to Canterlot for a cooking contest. I wanted to go with her for support."

Twilight shook her head. "Oh! Yes, Mom mentioned that. She'll be hosting Pear Butter, um, also mom, for the duration. They plan to both cheer on Applejack the whole way. She sounded rather excited about it." She shook her head. "More excited than I expected mom to be about a cooking contest."

"Yes." Moon Dancer sighed. "I've been trying to figure out the appeal." She opened up a book with a diagram of a kitchen. "Clearly some sort of math puzzle, with ingredients as variables to be adjusted..."

Spike snickered at the sight. "Best part is that you're not entirely wrong there." He snapped his fingers, on the way to do the door. "Cooking's one of the first sciences ponies ever learned."

"A puzzling science," Moon Dancer mused thoughtfully. "I must learn more. What can you tell me of it, Spike?"

The dragon froze. "Um, well, I guess I know a bunch of recipes." He suddenly frowned. "And so do you! You've cooked before, even if you forget sometimes eating is a thing ponies have to do."

"Yes." Moon approached Spike with a curious expression. "But there's more to know. I cast spells all the time, but I'd hardly call myself done with researching it."

"I suppose that's true." Spike rubbed behind his head a moment before he brightened. "Why don't you grab a cookbook? We are in a library and all. Grab one and cook something new! I'll taste test it when I get back."

"Good idea!" Moon wandered the library as Spike went on his way, and grabbed a suitable text to get reading.

Twilight watched her friend start in with a knowing smile. "Do you need me to read that for you, Moon?"

Moon looked up sharply, pulling the book in a bit more protectively. "No...I'm just...not sure what to do with it yet." She looked it over thoughtfully. "Spike wants me to...make a meal."

"I thought you already knew a good chunk of cooking recipes." Twilight walked over to join her friend, feeling an odd mix of amused and concerned. "You've cooked for him before, and yourself. Why so timid now?" She gently pressed against Moon's side. "Would you like me to keep you company?"

"Yes." Moon advanced on the kitchen with renewed confidence. "I would like that."

Twilight smirked softly as she followed followed after Moon. "We could all use a friendly hoof sometimes. I'll pass the ingredients."

"That would be useful." She sat before the stove. "This recipe calls for--" She began reading out the ingredients one by one without pause.

Twilight waved her hooves for just such a pause. "I didn't know we were gathering it all, but perhaps that's a good idea. Let's clear a space for that." With a swipe of her magic, she made a wide portion of the counter available for their cooking experiment. "Alright, start that list over."

Moon reread it. "...Okay." She looked around a bit helplessly. "Do you think we need it all, or can we leave something out? Or replace it?"

"Well, the book might give you an idea why they selected that recipe." Twilight waggled her head, giving a lopsided grin. "But, for the first time? Let's follow the instructions." She put a hoof at her chest. "That is how we're both comfortable, hm?"

"True." Moon resumed calling out ingredients as Twilight brought them over with her magic. She looked over the many different things curiously. "I never stopped to consider cooking as a whole, instead of as individual tasks for individual results. Just examining these reagents takes on a different lens."

Twilight nodded slowly at that. "It's just...math, right? Recipes are like plans." She lined up the last ingredient, then bumped her hip against Moon. "Shall we begin? There's no time like the present."

"Very well." Moon shrugged her shoulders, then cracked her neck. "Let's see what happens." With careful magic, she started to assemble the various items into the recipe's desired form.

Elsewhere, and later, in Canterlot, Applejack was sweating. She had many good reasons to be doing so, the heat of the kitchen pressing in on her, to say nothing the pressure of performing for what felt like thousands of pairs of pony eyes behind her. She had to cook it perfectly. She placed the garnish gently, but was just as swiftly off to another dish. She had several she needed to get done at about the right time.

Then, a minor miracle occurred, one that would be lauded as legendary by culinary ponies of years to come. All of her dishes were done within moments of each other. The timing was so close, the food so hot, and it looked absolutely perfect. Applejack swiped her hooves against one another as she turned. She saw the judges and waved them over with a big smile.

"Hiya!" She motioned proudly to her creations. "Fer the main course, ah got me some deep fried flounder. The batter was based on mah fam'ly secret recipe. Goes great with mah apple coated carrot soup. Finish up with mah baked pie crust apples with caramel sauce. The vanilla ice cream is a traditional treat!"

The judges traded glances, amazed that all of these were fresh from the oven. One stepped forward, a mare wearing a judge's pin and chef's hat. "You get top marks on speed, but there's more to food than that." Her discerning eye passed over the foods critically. "Mmm. Hm. Eight."

Applejack perked an ear. "Eight what?"

"Eight of Ten on appearance. Quite lovely." She nodded as the other judges did as well, seemingly largely in agreement on that assessment. Good, great even, but not perfect.

Another judge cleared his throat. "Smells delightful. Eight."

"Eight?" Applejack gulped nervously.

The third judge had an even more critical look. "The presentation's exquisite, but I'd cut the carrots smaller." He motioned over the food. "It makes it a bit too messy for my tastes." He gave a soft frown, but didn't give a number.

They argued among themselves, their numbers high and low, not all agreeing on each step. The mare leaned in with a smile, horn glowing. "But we should try the highest importance." The others were also unicorns, all wielding a floating fork. "Taste."

As the bites were taken, Applejack waited with bated breath. "How is it? Will I place?"

"Hmmm..." The three looked between one another.

The mare, who seemed to have been elected spokesperson, waved a hoof. "Ten for taste! In fact..." She turned to the others. "Agreed, Ten!"

The other two ponies nodded happily in return, and Applejack nearly exploded from joy.

The mare waved at the score board, which rose with a smile.

Dominating the crowd, Velvet was almost screaming with joy. "That's my daughter! Woo, ten of ten! I'm losing it!" She bounced on her seat, far too excited for the stately affairs of the cooking competition.

Fortunately, Pear was there to gently wrestle her friend down and gently shush at her until some amount of order was returned to the hall.

The head mare looked away from the outburst, back to Applejack. "The scores are complete. We have to judge the rest. Mind, a ten for flavor is a step forward, but it not an assured win. All the numbers matter, and only in their totality can you claim victor today. Good luck." She led the other judges off towards the next ready chef with a final nod.

Applejack took a moment to catch her breath, relieved. At least the hardest part was done.

Behind her, a stallion was glaring at the crowd. He had his hat pulled down over his eyes. His mane was hidden under a bandana, and he had an apron tied across his barrel.

A pony beside him reached over and patted his back. "Nothing but beginner's luck," he whispered to the first. "When they taste ours, they'll be blown away."

The judges rendered harsh judgements on each cook's preparations. A variety came to each, none managing a straight ten spread, but they weren't done, only about halfway through the hall and its many hopeful chefs. Applejack watched the score board and the floating magical display showing the judges as they tried and discussed each prepared meal.

Then they came to the pair of stallions.

The lead judge lowered her gaze critically over their efforts. She leaned in and sniffed deeply. Then she closed her eyes and muttered softly under her breath.

The first stallion smiled brightly. "We prepared it using an ancient tradition."

"Thousands of moon's old," added the second. "Thought to be lost to ponykind."

But would that impress the judges?

74 - The Last Roundup Part Two

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One of the judges nodded firmly. "A clear 10 for authenticity."

Another was quick to raise her hoof. "If it tastes authentically. Do you have documentation of this 'lost recipe?'"

"Eeeh... I left it in my other outfit. But I have the word of my ancestors!" The stallion bowed, leaning in as he did. "But more importantly, you can tell, can't you? It's the right thing, to eat!"

The judges paused at that. Slowly they began to nod. The head judge among them. "We can't give a ten for authenticity then, being unable to say what it should appear as, or taste like. But, fear not, most recipes displayed today weren't aiming for that." She leaned in. "Let's consider its appearance."

The judges whispered among themselves, debating its lift, crisp, and arrangement among themselves. A number went up on the board, seven.

The stallion's partner worried his hooves together. "They didn't give us the authenticity points! I thought we had that in the bag!"

The first snorted. "They haven't tasted it yet!" He stepped forward boldly. "Just you watch!"

The judges eyed their offering uncertainly, but dutifully bit into it. It crunched beneath their teeth, just to become soft a few inches in. "Mmm, delightful composition," complimented one judge.

"Savory, with a dash of sweetness," called another. They did seem pleased with what they were tasting.

More numbers appeared on the board as they came to final conclusions.

Applejack shifted uncomfortably, her gaze switching between the scoreboard and the duo in the center of attention. That was some daring creativity there...

Finally, the head judge took the stage, leaving them with a taste score of nine and a half. They had all the numbers for all the dishes. It was time to tally them up. "Let me begin by saying each and every one of you have come out swinging today." She nodded at the arena full of chefs. "I tasted nothing but the sweet effort and care of you all, and it is my sincere pleasure to have been selected to preside over this event."

The judges joined her on stage to clap for the contestants.

The announcer pony smiled over them all. "And now, for the one moment we all came here for. The announcement of the winners!"

Applejack, and just about every chef there, was sweating heavily. All those pretty flowery words were nice, but they were just pushing back the final decisions. "Top marks for taste, ah got that." She grinned up at the board, where her ten for taste still blazed brightly. "C'mon!" She kept her voice low, lest she interrupt the announcement.

But it was the stallion who'd scored the nine and half who drew the loudest applause. The lead judge's eyes shone as she addressed the crowd. "Today you have tasted the fruit of tradition and innovation. This talented chef has proven there are still wonders to be discovered in this world!" She pointed proudly to the winner. "Third runner up for taste, Mr. Windwhistle!"

Whistles and cheers filled the hall as the stallion galloped up to collect his trophy. There was some stiffness in his walk. It was a win, but it wasn't the big trophy, or the big cash prize. He'd go home with a smaller pot. "Thanks kindly."

The lead judge nodded as she turned her eyes back to the chefs. "There was one chef that really stole our tastebuds today! She's fresh, as fresh as her wonderful offering. I could taste a delicious future ahead of her. This is her first competition ever, and she's taking second place!" The spotlight came down on Applejack. "Our second place winner! Come on up."

Applejack had that same stiffness, forcing a smile as she approached. In her mind, she ran the numbers. Second place was nice and all, but the pot was considerably smaller. Would Ponyville be able to afford its new town hall? "Thanks kindly." She accepted her trophy. "It was a real pleasure sharin' some Apple Family love wit' y'all." The crowd cheered and stomped as she returned to her booth.

And the moment the music swelled again, Applejack slumped into her chair with a sigh. She'd given her best effort. Now the big money would go to the first place winner.

The head judge straightened up, her expression falling more serious. "Now, we come to our grand champion. The pony who took the biggest leap forward in the world of cuisine today! Our first place winner gets not only a thousand bits, but a five year supply of fresh produce from any farm in Equestria!"

Applejack perked at that. Any farm? She had her eyes locked on the stage. If she could get that winner to pick Sweet Apple Acres, well, that'd be a mighty large sum of bits. Her lips moved with soft mutters as she worked out the math involved in that.

"That means the top prizes this year total up to 4,750 bits! Plus, of course, a handsome trophy." The announcer beamed over the audience. "Who will win it? Whoever you choose, everypony put in their very best, and for that, we applaud them!" The lights dimmed as a drum roll played, the tension growing in the crowd. "Now, ladies and gentleponies! Our lead judge!"

The lead judge nodded at the announcer before facing the chefs squarely. "It was a combination. They didn't score the highest in raw taste, but that's only one part of a meal. The presentation--" The board highlighted the three chefs that scored the highest there. "Balance--" Different numbers glowed. "--and mouthfeel were all competing, and can turn a good food great, or a great dish into a disaster." Her horn lit up, the number rising with a glow. "Our winner, the chef who won us all over with a sense of passion and history in their craft, who delighted our mouths with their delicious inventive! Chef Red Delicious!"

The crowd burst into a roar of cheering. Applejack didn't clap or stamp with them. She had her own business to focus on. She had to speak with this Chef Red Delicious, and hopefully convince him to choose her farm to buy his fresh produce from. And, in so doing, provide a much needed infusion of funds into the Apple family coffers.

Shoot, the amount of bits going to the farm outstripped what was given directly for winning in the first place! As the crowd wildly cheered, she slipped away into the shadows and worked her way through the other stalls of chefs, looking for that pony.

She didn't get too far, suddenly pounced by her honorary mom, with her actual mom a step behind. The two were congratulating her and smiling and--Applejack shoved Velvet back. "Love ya both, but ah gotta talk to that Red Delicious and ah gotta do it now." She turned her eyes on Pear Butter. "Ah promised to come back with bits, and if he says Sweet Apple Acres, well--" She rolled a hoof in the air.

Pear Butter started, getting where Applejack was going. "Well! Then you best get hurryin'. Want backup?" She pointed between the grinning Velvet and herself. "We're here an' ready."

Velvet waved a hoof. "You just go ahead and get him signed up. We'll chat if he needs somethin'."

"Just keep it casual." Applejack started off with determination. With the secret blown, she didn't even bother hiding or sneaking as she marched up towards the large red pony. He was like Big Macintosh' distant cousin. "Howdy there. Congratulations on yer big win!"

Red smiled politely and shook Applejack's hoof. "Why thank you. How's your day goin'?"

Applejack held strong. "Goes just fine." She bobbed her head at the stallion. "Took second place, as ya saw. Ain't a bad day, right?"

"On your first try." Red nodded firmly. "A mighty good showing. Maybe next time you'll keep me out of the top spot, hm? Always nice to see fresh culinary faces."

Applejack had to agree with that. "That's somethin' to be said for sure. Though, ah gotta ask, what's gonna make your next cookin' contest the best there's been?" She leaned in with a sly smile. "Ah know somethin' that'll give you a mighty big edge. Ah got 10/10 in taste fer a reason."

"Did you now?" Red was smirking back at her. "I don't think a single recipe will make my next venture better than this, but whatcha got, sister?"

Applejack put a hoof on her chest."Only the best apples anywhere in 'Questria! Ya got yerself a whole year supply, if you name our orchard, and we got the apples waitin' to go onto a dish and on into hungry ponies." She pointed up at the board, where her 10 for flavor still rested. "You want the best ingredients, don'tcha?"

"Why, of course!" Red held his hand in front of his mouth. "Say, that does sound mighty nice. Do you really have a 10 in flavor?" He was skeptical, but also amused. His eyes went up to look at the board, and there it was, a big ten. "There you are, wow. A ten for flavor on your very first try? That really is something." He shook his head. "Almost took the big trophy from me right away!"

"Hey now, ah don't got a full decade o' practice, but ah got some real talent fer food. 'Sides, ah woulda had ya beat in taste if it weren't fer that ninth point with the balance." She swung her hoof. "Still got practicin' to do. But ah had the ingredients. If ya had Sweet Apple Acres apples, ya woulda blown me out of the water."

"Hmhm." Red chuckled softly. "So you're telling me, you put more faith in the farmer than the cook, eh?" He snorted into a laugh. "I'm playing with you. A real dish rests on so many heads, you could lose track really easily. Fine ingredients is one step, but it's an important one." He looked past Applejack suddenly. "Are they with you?"

Pear Butter stepped up when noticed. "Sorry, don't mean to be intrudin'. Jus' wanted to sweeten the deal. If you do pick our humble farm, we'll toss in some of our award winnin' cider with it. A mug with every barrel of apples."

"Not just a mug either." Velvet nudged Applejack from behind. "One barrel to each of your chefs that you teach your cookin' classes to."

Red's eyes widened with that. And so did Pear's. "Now ya cool down there." She gently pushed Velvet back. "A mug of cider. We can't give more apples than what's paid fer." She laughed nervously. "Apples don't grow on trees."

Applejack applied a hoof to her face. "Pardon them. So, we gotta deal?"

Red swayed a little before he leaned in. "Yer pushin', but why yer acting like I don't know Sweet Apple Acres is confusing." He bonks Applejack gently on the head. "I was there last reunion."

Applejack blinked numbly, reconsidering Red. Yes, she had seen him. "Well, shoot! Swaddle me up and call me a filly, ah'm feelin' powerfully silly right 'bout now. Ah'm talkin' to another Apple! Today's really took one out of me."

Red pat her on the shoulder gently. "It's been a long day. But, yeah. The apples aren't as good where I live. Having Sweet Apple Acre apples would be like a taste of home, er, your home, I suppose. Either way, sure. I don't have another farm I'd leap to picking." He pointed at Applejack. "Just write that down somewhere."

"Already on it!" Applejack nodded to her moms, who were both watching with bright smiles. She rolled her eyes as they took off in separate directions, both off to put the deal down in ink. "Come to think of it, ah think ya just gotta tell the ponies in charge of this here contest?"

The announcer pony was just approaching. "Congratulations! Did you pick your farm? If so, I can take that down and we'll reach out to them. If they agree, the food'll be delivered to you in twelve even portions through the year."

"I'd be honored." Red extended his hoof to the announcer. "I'll be looking forward to working with you. My choice of produce is Sweet Apple Acres. Make sure they know what we talked about. A bonus."

The announcer inclined his head a bit, looking between Red and Applejack. "A bonus?" He laughed with a smile. "Oh-ho-ho! We have an industrious farmer. Well, his choice is his choice." He waved away. "And, since you're here, we can go over the terms."

75 - The Last Roundup Part Three

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"What are you thinkin' so hard 'bout?" Pear Butter watched her daughter, the train rumbling gently beneath them. "You don't look as happy as ah'd expect."

Applejack perked. "Oh! Well." She tapped her hooves together. "It's just, you know, I thought." She looked out the window at the scenery going past a moment. "I thought I'd win."

"And ya didn't." Pear sat up. "A mighty fine showin', but you didn't win, child mine."

Applejack sank at that, the truth pressed against her. "Nope." A soft sigh escaped her. "Which means ah won't be just comin' home with the bits neither, 'least not all at once." She cracked a little smile. "Got lucky, so we'll have bits, just kinda after the fact. But ah didn't win."

Pear reached across the divide, booping her daughter gently. "What'd you learn?"

"Learn?!" Applejack frowned at that. "This weren't one of Moon's friendship lessons to jot down."

"They come up a lot." Pear smiled with patience. "So give it a try. What did you learn?" She curled on herself, pulling out a sheet of paper and offering it to Applejack. "Go on."

"Yer serious." Applejack took the page and looked it over. It was blank, waiting for her thoughts. "Ah learned..." She looked it over, eyes drifting a moment before she continued. "Ah learned that ya have to work harder. Ah didn't do all I could do. Ya know, the balance?"

Pear inclined her head. "That's a fine start. All good things need some effort. But ah saw you movin' 'round that kitchen. You weren't lazin' 'bout. There was plenty of effort to be had." She clapped her hooves suddenly. "Ah know, what'd you score best in?"

"Flavor!" Applejack had a grin then. "Yup, that was it!" Her tone became softer, more thoughtful. "Fer flavor, Ah'm the best in town."

Pear nodded softly. "And what'd you score the worst in? Because they weren't just givin' you numbers. They were tellin' you how to get better."

"Oh." Applejack tapped the table. "That was... Presentation."

"Ah see." Pear shook her head lightly. "Can't be the best in the town at everything. Gotta admit there's ways to get better." She rolled a hoof slowly. "Write that down. If presentation was your worst score, that's what you need to work on. Got to have the basics down before ya go thinkin' you can fly."

"Heh. Nothin' quite so easy as bein' a Wonderbolt." Applejack scribbled her mom's wisdom onto the paper. "Not that bein' one of those is easy, 'ccordin' to Rainbow. Shoot, is what it looks like that important compared to how good it tastes? Ain't that the whole point?"

Pear Butter snorted with amusement. "'Magine this. Somepony comes up to you with a dirty brown bag. Inside is what looks like a mud ball. They promise it's the best tastin' thin' ya ever tried!"

"Sounds like a dirt eater to me." Applejack's nose wrinkled. "Ew. I ain't gonna eat that. Better things to do with mah time."

Pear Butter spread her hooves wide. "Presentation matters then. You didn't even try it. Maybe it actually was the best tastin' thin'." She nodded at Applejack. "Get it yet?"

"Sure." Applejack slumped at that. "Can't look nasty. Looks good enough to make it into mah mouth." She pointed out the window, at the landscape rushing past. "Why you bringin' the point up? What's so hard 'bout fixin' how stuff looks, huh?"

Pear lifted an ear. "No reason to get short with me, AJ. I didn't score you. But they did. It's not a matter of 'how hard', but you didn't. They said it tasted great, but didn't look great, it looked 'alright', but not 'great.' So, daughter mine, that's what you improve." She pointed to the paper Applejack had scribbled on. "That's the lesson, maybe not the only one."

Applejack lifted the sheet, reading over the things she'd written. "Shoot..." She leaned back. "Ah feel like that's the least of what ah could do."

"All things start small." Pear sank in her seat, gentle smile returned. "Each journey starts with a single hoof on the ground. That don't make it any less important. Now, jus' so we're clear. Ah'm very proud of you. You took second place! Only one thang higher'n that!"

Applejack sank. "Yeah." She put the paper down, slumping against it. "Second's good, and all, but there was the chance."

Pear raised a hoof. "Second place on your very first try? That's worth crowing about, not bein' sour over. You'll take first, eventually, but you had lessons to learn. Now, what was your second worst score? Try to think of those judges as teachers, not judges. They were givin' you homework fer next time is what they were doin'."

Applejack grabbed for her list again. "Err... Mouth feel... Is that even a thing?" She scratched her head. "It didn't taste bad or anything!"

Pear Butter snickered at that. "Of course it is. If you're tastin' somethin' mighty fine but it feels like sharp sand in your mouth, or strange slime slippin' 'round in there, yer gonna like it less. Maybe ya let some of it get moist when it was supposed to be crispy, or the other way 'round. Think on it, and write it down."

"Some of it got moist?" Applejack looked over her list carefully, then her brows creased. "Oh, I think ya mean texture? That's a thing?"

"Certainly." Pear watched Applejack. "If it was the second worst score, you think you'd remember." She held her chin a moment. "Or are you the type to think the opposite way around?"

Applejack frowned at that. "Ah was busy cookin'!"

"And ya cooked up somethin' tasty." Pear nodded, thinking back on the score. "But it weren't perfect. We're talkin' 'bout how to get even better next time, hm?" She watched Applejack, letting silence fall while her daughter mulled things over.

"Okay. Ah got it. Texture, an' Balance, whatever that means." Applejack had a more confident expression as she wrote that down. "Okay, fine. Got plenty to work on." She folded the paper and tucked it away. "Fine." She flipped an ear back. "Are ya really, um, proud, or ya jus' bein' supportive?"

"That ain't a yes or no question, dear." Pear stepped down to reach up and embrace her daughter. "Ah'm always proud of you. Always."

Applejack returned the hug. "Good ta hear it. But it makes mah question double. Ya proud of what ah done?"

Pear gently disengaged and pat her daughter's cheek. "Second place in the Canterlot Cooking Contest! Of course!" She shook her head, returning to her seat. "Now, ah heard from Velvet that you went with a certain...spice. Yer takin' my advice."

"Eh?" Applejack rubbed the back of her head. "Maybe. It ain't exactly the same."

"Well." Pear Butter adjusted her seat. "Don't exactly look like the same Apples, now do we? But it sounds like it."

Applejack's cheeks reddened. "Ah was tryin' to put mah own spin on it, ya know?"

"That's part of it." Pear settled comfortably on her bench. "Every Apple takes a twist on the recipes. Ain't no technique don't get changed a little, passin' from daughter to daughter. From son to son." She stroked over her chin gently. "Jus' the way ah things."

"Ma..." Applejack scooted closer and leaned over her. "Ah don't think that's just our family, y'know?"

"Shucks." Pear laughed at the notion. "'Magine it ain't! Change ain't somethin' we can avoid. We're alive, so we're gonna change, and change things 'round us."

"Yup, but ah'm just sayin' it's a universal thing, that's all." Applejack relaxed herself as she spoke. "We do it, others do it. It's a thing ponies do. That's all ah mean."

Pear wiggled a hoof in the air. "Ain't no argument from me. Now, let's get home where you get to be a hero."

Applejack perked at that. "Will ah? Ah won't be comin' home with the bits to fix thin's like ah promised."

"It's comin'." Pear waved that off. "An' you know it. They'll be so proud of you for what ya did. So, be ready with one of yer speeches, 'cause they'll be wantin' one."

"Oh, ah'll give one!" Applejack stood and puffed out her chest. "Ah'm gonna tell them all, what ah've done! The great things ah accomplished and how they're all gonna get rich!" She laughed nervously at that. "Goin' a bit overboard there." She sank to her seat. "But the town hall'll get paid fer, 'least."

Pear waggled her head, giving her daughter a bemused smile. "A touch more modest, maybe." She turned to the view out the window, and the fields spreading out in the distance. "You did good."

"And next time." Applejack crossed her arms. "Ah'll do even better! Hope yer ready to try some thin's. Ah'll be whippin' up some treats, and ah'll expect some scores on how it looks an' how it feels, in yer mouth." She stuck her tongue out with a giggle. "Ain't no better teacher than experience!"

Pear swiped playfully at her daughter. "You got it!" She looked up as the train's brakes squealed. "We're just about home. Best find your hat."

"Oh, darn!" Applejack felt her head, and was relieved to discover her Stetson still present. "Yer messin' wit' me." She hopped to the ground with a flick of her tail. "Let's go tell 'em the good news."

Pear followed after Applejack with a pleased smile, confident that the proper lessons had been learned in the end.

76 - Dragonshine

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"No. No. No! Mmm." Diamond Tiara rendered judgment on each article of clothing Spike was willing to try on, and Spike had the patience to go through the whole collection of outfits. "How about you wear...this?" She lifted a white shirt and matching bowtie. "Perfect!"

"Really?" Spike put a claw to his chest, snickering. He turned left and right, showing off his newly form. "Looking good." He shot her double finger guns with a smile. "What are we dressing up for specifically?"

Diamond beamed at the sight of him. "My dad invited some of his old friends out to our house. He's throwing a party. I asked them to invite their kids. We have to look amazing."

Spike rubbed behind his head. "Oh, that makes sense." But the thought hit him. "Old friends, you said. Are they, you know, rich like your dad, or?"

"Most of them are, yeah." Diamond glanced to the side. "I figured if we wanted to meet people our age, who knew how to have a good time, well, they were the best choice."

Spike pushed one line of clothes away, putting the rack where it belong. "Figured your dad was about the only really rich pony in town. Are they from farther away?"

Diamond raised a hoof, looking ready to respond, but words failed her. "You have a point." She tapped at her chin. "I never really pried too much into my dad's friends, I just assumed they were like him, or they wouldn't be friends."

Spike grabbed the second rack to pull it along to its proper hiding place. "Not sure that's how that works." He hiked a thumb at himself, then pointed at Diamond. "Take us! We're, you know, special somecreatures and we have a lot of differences."

"Differences!" Diamond jumped at that, suddenly finding her energy. "You know, Spike, you're right. I guess we should look for ponies with more differences." She snickered into a hoof. "For what should we be looking, you know, in ponies?"

Spike sighed at that. "I thought it'd be obvious, but I guess it's not." He grabbed the last rack. "It's not about looking, specifically, for differences." Returning with all the racks put away, he threw an arm over Diamond, drawing her close. "Take Twilight and Moon Dancer! They're friends, past friends, and super similar, and that's okay too. But they're both friends with Rainbow, who's pretty different."

"Yes, I can see it." Diamond squished into Spike. "This isn't about making more friends." She frowned sharply. "Wait, I mean it isn't about different friends, or same friends." She prodded Spike in the side. "Your mom's rubbing off on you in the worst ways!"

Spike colored at that, but held to Diamond. "She's more of my big sister, sheesh. Um, anyway, yeah, she does write a lot of friendship notes. It's kinda funny."

"Funny?" Diamond released Spike and led the way to the door of her room. "Tell me about it while I show you off?"

Spike fell into step, walking alongside Diamond as she exited. "She started, and is still pretty clueless on what makes friendship tick, in here." He tapped his chest as they wound through the hallways of Diamond's house. "But studying? She loves that, so she's making tons of notes on this thing, friendship, from the outside, mostly. It's interesting to read, but I know she's trying really hard, and she is learning."

"How'd she learn about friendship if she couldn't figure it out on her own?" Diamond shrugged at Spike as the duo paused at an intersection, turning to go to the front foyer and the door awaiting them. "I don't get it. That doesn't seem fair."

"She couldn't." Spike laughed softly. "And it wasn't. It was a really messy year." He gestured about the fancy entrance hall. "But she stuck to it. It's still messy, but she's smiling, uh, as much as she tends to smile." He grabbed for the door, just to find it opening a moment before he could reach it.

Randolph was on the other side, head dipped towards them. "Have a pleasant outing, ma'am, sir." He motioned for them to step through, and closed it gently behind them.

Spike bobbed his head. "Always in the right place." He waved on the way past.

"It's kind of creepy, but I love it." Diamond trotted out onto the front lawn. "He does his job well. Now, who to show you off to first, hm. Silver Spoon? That feels like going for the low-hanging fruit."

"Let's say 'somepony random.'" Spike winked at Diamond. "But someone you like, that seems reasonable." He nodded as the duo headed for the path to the street. "And by the way, thanks for going along with this whole make-friends plan."

She bumped her hip against him from the side. "I can't become a mover and a shaker, Spike, unless I make friends. That isn't your plan. You're just, hm, changing which friends I consider." She fluttered her lashes at Spike. "You do that a lot. I didn't think I'd end up with a dragon for a boyfriend, and here we are."

"That's my trick." Spike flexed for her. "Friendship and dragons are all sorts of surprises." He stepped out into the public view, smiling. It was a lovely day to be a dragon. "It's a good plan. You're good at following plans, aren't you?"

Diamond scowled briefly as she looked around the town. "Only when I like them. So, master of friendship, if similar isn't it and differences aren't it, how do you know which ponies you'll hit it off with or not?"

"I don't." Spike grinned at the surprise of his response. "You don't. That's part of friendship." He spun on a heel, gesturing with both claws. "See, I think one of the reasons that Twilight and her friends get along so well is they all took the time to learn what they like about each other. It's, ah, uh, attitude thing."

"Attitude, huh." Diamond pointed suddenly at a pony resting on a bench and sped towards the mare with a bright smile. "Lyra, isn't it?"

Lyra gave an awkward smile as the two approached. "Uh, yeah, hi there. Weren't you doing the bullying thing?" Her eyes swept from the outraged filly to Spike. "Hey, Spike. What's the haps?"

Spike waved a little, keeping close to Diamond. "That wasn't very nice."

"Sorry." Lyra reconsidered Diamond. "Well, if you two are hanging out, things must have improved. What's up?" She looked between the two.

Diamond turned to face Spike with a grin. "What's up? Spike has a new outfit! Doesn't he look handsome?" She jabbed a hoof at Lyra. "I think he does, but what do you think?"

Lyra shifted in place, glancing away. "I mean, I guess?" She folded her arms, hoof bobbing. "I'm no expert on dragon fashion or whatever, but yeah, lookin' slick, Spike. How's it feel?"

Spike rocked in place with a proud smile. "Feeling good! Uh, hey, since we're here, who's your best friend?"

Lyra's eyes widened suddenly. "Wow! Out of nowhere, calling me out like that." She burst into musical laughter, flopping forward to the ground with a clop of her hooves. "But an easy one. Bon Bon's my #1 friend by a mile." She sat up, wiping a tear from her eye. "Hoo! Wow, Spike, I needed that. You know, you're a real cool kid."

"And you are?" Spike pointed at Lyra.

Lyra blinked at that. "Woah, just nonstop with the deep thoughts today. I am a musician." With a twinkle of her horn, she summoned her Lyre to play above her. "I'm your sister's classmate, or was, technically. Good times." She turned her eyes on Diamond. "Anyhow, I'd love to stick around, but I was just heading out to pick up some things from the store, and, you know, I can tell this is one of those conversation traps."

Diamond let her go, instead turning on Spike. "She liked it. Good. Operation DragonShine is off to a fabulous start."

Spike fired a thumbs up, which turned into a bump of his fist against her hoof. "If you want to show more ponies, why not there?" He pointed to the town square, where other ponies could be seen going about their daily business.

"There? Well, sure! Let's go!" She grabbed his claw and tugged him along. "That'll be fun! Just keep your eyes peeled for a pony I'd like. There has to be someone else here I'll hit it off with."

Spike blinked at that. "I thought we were—" He trailed off, deciding that wasn't an argument worth having.

The square offered a wide array of ponies. He pointed to Mayor Mare. "Want a distinguished view?"

Diamond wobbled a hoof. "Well, sure. She does wear more clothes on the usual than most ponies." She led Spike over to where Mayor Mare was looking over what seemed to be the foundation of a future building.

Mayor Mare, looking over blueprints, spotted them and smiled. "Good afternoon, Spike. It's wonderful to see you doing so well, and with a new style. Do you need something, or can I help you two with anything?"

Diamond blinked with amazement. "You actually beat us to it." She nudged Spike forward. "I just got him a new outfit."

Mayor Mare nodded, though her attention was sliding back towards the building. "It's very nice."

Spike nudged Diamond. "Thanks for the feedback. I'll vote for you next time!"

Mayor Mare started at that. "Oh, yes, thank you." She flashed a bright smile at Spike. "Speaking of that, ensuring the rules are being followed properly is part of how I can make sure the town's ponies are safe inside public buildings."

Diamond brushed her hair back with a hoof. "Ah, that explains that." She leaned over to Spike. "A real mayor for you, eh? Probably doesn't have any free time to hang out."

Mayor Mare sighed gently, though still smiling. "A mayor's job is never truly done. You two go on and enjoy yourselves." She waved them off, focusing back on the structure. "Come back when you need something!"

Spike waved to her as the pair departed. "That was quick."

"Boring." Diamond shivered. "I can cross mayor off my list of future jobs."

Spike perked at that. "Oh? What do you think your future job will be then?"

Diamond rolled a hoof as they walked. "Something where I'm in charge, duh."

Spike raised a lone finger, only to let it fall slowly. He didn't dare to voice his thoughts on that one. "Oh, hey." He pointed. "The fruit stalls are open."

"The what now?" Diamond squinted at the stands, then broke into a laugh. "I know that one! It's so cute and it sells stuff. Wait, is there a stall that only sells vegetables?"

Spike pointed the way. "Carrot Top's offering her namesake carrots. Want one?"

"A treat from my special somedragon? How do I say no." She smooched his cheek, giggling as she trotted towards the carrot stand.

Carrot Top, wearing a green apron covered in pink flowers, was sitting patiently, just watching her cart full of produce. A few apples sat in a corner, but otherwise, it was all carrots. She smiled brightly on seeing Diamond and Spike approaching. "Hello there, you two. What brings you by?"

Spike grabbed the edge of the stall and pulled himself up to be at Carrot Top's level. "Can I get two, please?" He fished out a few coins and slapped them down.

Carrot Top accepted one coin and pushed the others back. "Just one, lucky you, sale." She pointed to the sign that made that clear with a buy one, get one free offer. She grabbed two carrots by their green leaves and set them on the counter. "Here you go. Nice an' fresh."

"Thank you kindly." Spike passed a carrot over to Diamond. "And how have you been, Ms. Carrot?"

Carrot Top smirked at that. "Makin' a living, Mr. Spike." She reached out to ruffle the top of the dragon. "You are the cutest dragon ever."

Spike fell from the stall in surprise. "W-what?"

Diamond stepped over him defensively. "He's my cute dragon."

Carrot Top raised her hooves defensively. "Easy there, just complimenting. Nice suit, by the way."

Diamond exhaled slowly. "Right. Thanks." She glared daggers at the stall as she took her carrot and stomped off, leaving Spike in the dirt.

Spike picked himself up, dusting off his shirt. "Thanks!" He chomped his carrot in half, rushing off to catch up with Diamond.

77 - Dragon Quest Part One

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Spike looked up with a slack jaw at the fearsome dragons that fought and flew so high above their trench. It was amazing to witness such power, even if it was also terrifying. "Wow... Dragons." He took a step forward, his eyes searching for his mother's wings amongst the multitudes of flying fire.

Not that she knew what any theoretical biological parent of his looked like. He went instead to Moon's side. "Look at them."

"I am." She offered an arm and drew Spike close. "Dragons, in the wild, as it were. It's very rare one gets to witness their migration."

Rainbow Dash snorted as she drifted over them. "They're big and tough and mean, everything spike isn't." She twisted in the air, landing on the edge of the trench with the wind fluffing her mane. "They don't have to be, since they've got their home. You don't see 'em struggling for scraps, not like the little ones."

Spike winced. "That's mean." He looked away from her.

"And inaccurate." Moon held Spike gently. "Spike has had to 'struggle for scraps' exactly zero times in his life. I wouldn't allow it."

"Nor would I." Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow. "Stop being mean."

Applejack strode past the trio with her hat tilted back. "Don't think I don't know what y'all are thinkin'. Leave him alone, Dash, leave him be."

Rarity dropped behind the group as they advanced, only her eyes visible from under her wide-brimmed sunhat. "Yes, poor dear." Her gaze landed on a female dragon who was drifting along through the air. "Do excuse me. I simply must get a better look at those scales."

Alas, there was little time to examine any one dragon as they rushed overhead. Spike offered a sweetened cookie to Rarity as if to soften the blow.

Rarity took it gently, breaking it in half and nibbling a piece of the biscuit. "What a sight. Shame it's moving so quickly." She frowned. "So many dragons."

Spike leaned in towards Moon. "Sis, um." He fidgeted in place nervously. "You studied dragons, right? If those are dragons—" He pointed at the soaring tide of dragons above. "—What am I?"

Moon softened, stroking Spike's cheek. "You are a dragon. I apologize for any faults in your upbringing."

Spike stiffened at that. "You didn't do anything wrong! Um, it's just, you know? I don't feel very dragon'y right now." He picked at the frilly apron he had put on for the event. "At all."

Twilight pressed a hoof to Spike's shoulder. "That's silly, Spike. You are a dragon, the very same as every one of them, except you're Spike." She hugged him gently. "You know ponies, love them, and are loved by them." She inclined her head towards the sky. "They don't, in either direction. So we can admire them from afar, but they aren't our friends, unlike our dear Spike. And I will fight any pony or dragon to prove that point."

Applejack placed a hoof on top of Twilight's. "You shouldn't be fighting any pony, nor any dragon, least of all, at this moment, fer any reason." She snorted gently and fixed her eyes on Spike. "Yer Spike, jus' to join in. An' Spike's a plenty fine thin' to be!" She laughed softly, shaking her head.

They resumed watching the rest of the dragon migration that passed fearsomely overhead.

Later that evening, Spike kicked his legs off the side of Diamond Tiara's bed. "But what does it mean?"

Diamond turned an ear towards Spike. "You've been acting odd since you went off with your sister. What did you see that bothered you so much? Something about dragons?"

"I dunno." He stretched his arms, curling up in the blankets. "Maybe."

"That's the opposite of helping." Diamond pulled her blanket out from underneath Spike. "Seriously, Spike, you're the one who's all about friendship."

Spike scowled at her. "That's Moon, and her job. I just help out, where I can." He worried his hands together with a huff. "It's just, I'm not a big dragon, or a fierce one. What kinda dragon am I?"

"Hm." Diamond lay down on the mattress and closed her eyes. "A cute one."

"That's it?" Spike's tone grew more offended. "That's your answer, 'a cute one'?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "All the other ones aren't cute! That, you know." He flopped back on her bed. "Am I a messed up dragon? Why do I feel so different from all the others? Why don't I fly, or breathe fire, or roar? Hmph."

Diamond's expression remained steady. "Well, for one, Spike, you do breathe fire. Your roars are kind of adorable though, not gonna lie."

Spike pursed his lips a moment, and then relented, going limp next to her. "Everypony says I'm a dragon, but what does that even mean? I wanna find out."

Diamond patted him on the back gently. "What do you mean you want to find out?"

Spike wriggled until he was facing Diamond. "I want to go out on my own." He pointed off and away. "To learn about dragons, and my place, and how I fit in."

Diamond wrapped her arms around Spike, hugging him. "You have a place. You're my boyfriend, remember?" She smooched his warm cheek. "You have a sister, two technically, that love you a ton, and loads of friends. We're here for you, Spike."

He blushed despite the doubts still gnawing at him. "I know." He considered the window, and the sky beyond it, glittering with stars. "I know, really. I'm, uh, I'm not unhappy with that side of things." He trailed a claw gently down the window. "I just wonder about the dragon part of me."

Diamond held up a single hoof, lifting away from him. She watched his reaction with care before speaking again. "Isn't that something that'll be answered when you grow up into a big, strong dragon?"

Spike smirked at that. "Will I do that?" He waved over his form. "Or will I be a cute 'adorable' dragon forever?"

"I doubt it." She touched her nose to the back of his head. "You're small now, but I'm looking forward to when you're looking down at me, dragon boy. Be gentle, alright? My dad would have kittens if you ever tried to roughhouse after you got bigger."

Spike snickered at the mental image of Diamond's father having a fit in such a situation. "I'd still be Spike. You know I wouldn't hurt you."

"Duh!" She grabbed him, hooves pressing into his side as she hugged firmly. "You're my dashing, scaled, boyfriend." She giggled softly as he wheezed beneath her grip. "Oops. I'll let go. But that's the whole deal, right? When you get big, I'll be small, and it's okay. You'll become more dragon over time, but I'll still be a pony." She slid past him to the ground. "Who'll still love you."

"Love you too." His eyes drifted back to the window and the endless darkness of the night beyond it. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" She scowled at that. "Are you doubting me?"

"No! No." He waved his hands frantically. "Not you. Um, more doubting me right now."

"You know what you need?" She leaned in, sweet breath washing over his face. "You need a good and proper kiss. A real kiss. You know, special someponies do that, and we haven't. I say we fix that."

He stared into her eyes as she rested over him. "But I'm a dragon?"

"And?" She fluttered her eyelashes a little. "Is that a no?"

"It's a 'what if there's fire' kinda thing." He laughed nervously as Diamond wrapped around him, gazing with passion. Something was already on fire, and it wasn't his breath. "Are you sure? I'm a little worried."

"No worries!" She curled in and kissed him gently on the neck, cooing softly as she rubbed her cheek against him. "This is the part where you relax and let me start. You'll join in when you're ready." She worked up slowly along his neck. "And when we're done, you'll be so sure of things."

Spike gasped, a chill running up his spine, only for it to turn into heat when it reached his brain. His eyelids lowered, and his focus centered on her tender, loving caress as she nuzzled into him, and the sensation of her mane on his skin. He had dreamed and played out the moment of his first real kiss, but hadn't expected it'd hit him then, that evening. When her lips found his, the world itself seemed to crawl to a stop, as if time itself had been enraptured in the magic of the moment.

It was as if some piece of him that had been missing was restored.

His eyes snapped open a moment later, as a gasp of flame escaped his mouth and over her shoulder, almost catching her mane. She gently nuzzled in, one hoof casually patting out that tiny fire. "Dragons make it so obvious when you do things right." Her lashes fluttered as she opened her eyes. "It's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. You're you."

He met her gaze. "I like being me."

Their kiss returned, with both sides eagerly taking part in that first meeting of youthful passion. For at least the moment, the questions were driven away from Spike under the blistering heat of his girlfriend's love.

The following morning, Spike's Sister, Moon, awoke to a rattle at her door. It was always a tossup as to what the cause might be, whether it was one of her family, a townspony, or just the sound of a stray bird or animal banging around. Still, she slid to her hooves and went to the door, leaving Twilight sleeping behind her. "Who is it?" She called on the way towards the door.

The muffled sound of Spike's voice was easy enough to distinguish. "It's me! Me, your brother. Spike, remember?"

She gave a soft groan, but swung the door open to see that, yes, it was her brother. "I was worried." There was something different about Spike, but she couldn't figure out what it was. "How do you feel?"

"Better than yesterday!" He looked up at her. "But still bad."

She quirked her head. "I see. How can I assist?" She offered an arm and soon had a baby dragon to gently embrace.

"I want to go visit my dad." Spike's expression hardened. "My real dad, that is."

She leaned back, raising an eyebrow. "I assure you that 'your dad' would be a difficult thing to search for." Moon shook her head firmly. "I knew you from an egg, but nopony knows where you came from before then. You were, by all accounts, an accident, a miracle. There shouldn't be a Spike, but there is one anyway." She nuzzled into his cheek gently. "I'm thankful every day."

Spike was not swayed. "I gotta know, you know?" He gestured to the hallway. "About the dragons, and me, and all that stuff. How can I decide my future if I don't know where I came from?" He clapped his hands suddenly. "You studied dragons, do you know where they are? Maybe I can ask them some stuff, and figure it out."

Her expression softened, and her ears drooped. "Studying the location of the dragon migration wasn't a priority of my research." Her lip quivered slightly. "Besides, they're highly nomadic, moving around depending on their needs for food, territory, or whatever other factors drive their movement." She scratched at her cheek. "But there is a place they go, overall, the dragon lands." She snorted gently. "Not very originally titled. It is a dangerous place, and the dragons may not greet you kindly, even if you are one of them."

Spike brightened at that. "So you'll take me there! It sounds perfect."

"Oh, goodness no." Moon's ears flicked back at the thought. "I can't go dragging you on a dangerous adventure, especially after all the effort that's been put into keeping you." She pushed Spike to an armlength away. "That is a poor idea. I don't want you being hurt."

Spike's expression twitched. "But I'm not afraid."

"And I'm not a foal." She looked out the window. "A child can't go alone into a deadly realm."

Spike grabbed for Moon's hoof. "Then come with me."

Moon hesitated a moment before a slow nod came to her. "If those are the choices, I would gladly accompany you." She curled a hoof at herself. "Just one thing. Will they react well to a pony?"

"Dragons don't know how to hate ponies." Spike gestured confidently. "We're friends, ponies and dragons! I'm the proof, aren't I? Even if some other dragons don't know it yet, we can be friends with each other."

Moon smiled at that. "This will make an excellent addition to my studies." She stood up. "Let me inform Twilight of our trip, then we can begin."

78 - Dragon Quest, Part Two

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The land was barren. Where plants should be growing, only stone and sand were. The harsh sunlight left only a scant few shadows across the rocky expanse. A trail of broken rocks was left behind as the carriage passed. They had reached the dragon lands, and where there weren't rocks, there was exposed magma that Moon appeared in no rush to attempt a refreshing bath in. "It would seem dragons are used to a climate extreme."

Spike wiped sweat from his forehead. "You're telling me! But I'm a dragon!" He sat up taller next to Moon. "I should be able to handle it too!"

Moon wrapped an arm around him. "You are accustomed to the climate around Ponyville. All animals get used to wherever they live, after a while. Perhaps, with time, you'll start adapting to this." Her eyes went to one of those exposed, blisteringly hot, magma pools. "Dragons, you included are fire proof. Did you want to try one?"

"We can do that?!" Spike leaped up in shock. "No way! Really? Awesomeness. That's amazing! I don't know, it seems like a bad idea. But I'm a dragon." He fidgeted as he swayed between excitement and fear at the idea of casually hopping into the magma. "Do you think I should?"

Moon considered with all due gravity. "Start slow, just in case, but I think you should. They don't live in these lava-filled lands just to ignore them, I imagine." She flicked an ear. "Please be careful."

Spike winked and tipped his hat, the one he wasn't wearing, spinning once around on his heel to saunter towards the molten pool of orange liquid. "I'm a dragon, but I'll be fine." He reached out a hand, feeling the warmth. It was quite hot, but also wasn't actually burning him. "Huh." He sat on the edge of the pool, extending a clawed toe towards the magma, just barely grazing the surface.

He could feel the intense heat of the lava, but it wasn't burning or melting his scale. "Neat." Feeling braver with each passing moment, he edged farther onto the surface of the magma until, after a while, he was standing atop it, casting ripples along the surface as he moved. He looked at his reflection in the orange bubbling liquid. Unfortunately, even molten lava was more stone than water, and he couldn't see much of a reflection cast back at him. Still, he was in, oops. He sank into it, finding, for a dragon at least, it wasn't that unsimilar to actually being in very warm water.

Moon watched Spike sinking into the magma and felt a tightness in her chest. It was the best possible outcome, but she was terrified that he might drown, despite all the evidence against the notion. When he began to paddle about with a giggling laugh, she smiled and let out her breath. "Having fun?" she called out. "You look like it."

"Fun, heck, it's cool!" Spike's claws whipped up sprays of magma that vanished as they fell. "It's like swimming, but different. I guess dragons don't float, huh?"

Moon curled a hoof to her chin. "This implies things, but you didn't bring me here to, um, get scientific about it. Enjoy yourself. We'll continue when you've had your fun." She sat back on the wagon bench, looking to be in no hurry. "We're here for you, not me."

Spike breached the surface with a splurt, magma flowing from his hair like so much water. "That's weird. Oh, right, science. Do your thing."

She quirked her head, flipping a notebook to the front page. She doodled down her theories on why dragons could swim in magma. She was fairly sure if she tried, she'd flop around on its surface, and also burn to a crisp. "Maybe dragons are denser?" She imagined trying to carry Spike around if he got much larger. That would stop being practical. She noted that. "Are dragons heavier?" She shrugged. "They definitely don't seem lighter. Would be an odd talent to have, light dragons. Eh, it's a mystery."

She shifted in place, the long trip at least over for now, even if she suspected there was more to see, deeper in the dragon lands. After all, they hadn't actually conversed with any dragons just yet.

Spike swam over to the wagon, dripping as he clambered up, looking rather like he'd been through an oil slick. "That was a blast! I, uh, oh yeah, we're here to find other dragons, aren't we?"

"We are." Moon ran a hoof down Spike's back. "Still damp, but not burning hot anymore."

Spike chuckled nervously. "Well, duh. It's magma." He reached back to scratch off flecks of hardened stone. "But that was fun! I bet dragons swim in lava all the time! I have a question!" He darted towards the driver's seat, and leapt onto it, clinging to Moon's side. "Do dragons float? Do we have to worry about you drowning?"

Moon inclined her head at that. "You do not have to worry about me drowning. I would expire long before that became relevant." She imagined the burning end that'd bring, even trying to drown a pony in magma. "I will gladly watch you have a good time from a safe distance. You seemed to float when you actually started swimming."

"And it was great." Spike clapped gently as they resumed their journey. A wagon needed something to drag it along, and that was Moon, walking at a relaxed pace through the heated wasteland. "Thank you, uh, again. I know this isn't really what most ponies look for in their vacation spots. I really owe you one."

"You do not." She looked over her shoulder at him. "As my little brother, I am proud to assist. Family members exchange favors freely without expectation that they will be returned."

Spike rubbed the back of his neck, grinning awkwardly. "It's still great. Thanks. I'll make it up to you, one day, promise."

"It's a sibling thing." But she gave up arguing the logic involved, focusing on the trek ahead.

A large shadow passed over them, making both look up even as a great dragon landed before them. The adult dragon's tail, wings, and face were a dusty orange in coloration. She smiled at them, giving a cheerful wave with one massive paw. "I welcome you to the dragon lands." She huffed a brief spurt of flame. "Now tell me why a pony is here, looking miserable. These aren't your lands, little pony."

Spike hopped down from the wagon and rushed ahead of Moon, taking a defensive stance, for as little as his tiny form could cover for her. "She's my sister!"

The dragon leaned in closer, blinking at both of them. "That's not how that works. Ponies don't lay eggs. Even if they did, they don't lay dragon eggs. You two can't be siblings from any mother I know." Her eyes drifted to Spike's head. "Oh. No, dear, you are mistaken." She nodded sagely. "Let me guess, you're a runt? Abandoned by your mother?"

Spike flinched at that. "No!" He retreated to Moon's side and hugged firmly to one of her legs. "She's right here."

The dragon chuckled gently at she tapped her cheek with a claw. "I thought you said she was your sister. Is she your sister, or your mother?"

"A little both?" Spike shrugged gently. "Um, anyway, hi!" He released Moon to wave at the dragon. "My name's Spike. What's yours?"

"Flambe." She swayed her tail, only looking more interested, and amused, at the whole situation. "Little pony, why do you see yourself being here?" She put down a large hand, blocking Spike. "I want her words."

"I am here with my younger brother to satisfy his curiosity about dragonkind." Moon pointed a hoof at the young dragon. "That one is a dragon. We aren't here to antagonize. He is unaccustomed to being around other dragons."

"I should say so." Flambe sat up on her powerful haunches. "Admitting he likes ponies would get him laughed out of many dragon circles." She looked Spike over anew. "Not even winged yet. You're still a baby."

Spike squirmed under her gaze, stepping closer to Moon. "That's not a nice thing to say about somecreature you don't even know."

"No, I suppose not." She flicked out her tongue, tasting the air. "But it's very true. You haven't molted yet. That brings wings, and the start towards adulthood. You're not there, so you are a baby, or a large child. Either way, not an adult. Don't look so offended, it's just what it is." She shrugged with a chuckle. "Time will fix that." She dipped her head to Moon. "I shall assume you have little interest in seeing more of dragon life. If you know how to turn around, it is a good place to do so."

Moon huffed at that. "I will not abandon Spike until he has completed his journey to his satisfaction." She turned her head slowly, fixing her eyes on the dragon. "I do not trust you."

"Yet, you stand firm." She nodded in appreciation. "I like that. You've got a little spine, and you're standing up for the runt." She huffed flames at Moon. "And you're not fast to trust every pretty face you see, smart." She patted the tiny Spike. "You have a good friend here. Protect her."

Spike squawked. "She's the big sister!"

Flambe snickered. "But she's weak."

"Strong in friendship!" Spike blurted out.

"Hm." Flambe rose to her full height. "Most adults will not want to talk to you, child. You are not one of theirs, so you are none of their concern. I only stopped to see why a pony marched here, of all places. I'm bored, so I'll go with you a little further. But remember, a dragon must earn its place."

Spike held up his clawed fists. "I know that!"

She tilted her head to one side. "You do now, at least." She began to walk ahead of them with low chuckles. "A dragon raised by ponies? It is difficult to even imagine. Can you even breathe fire?" She turned suddenly, flames pouring from her maw in an unending torrent. "Can you?"

Spike flinched back as the flames washed past, vanishing just as they reached him. "Of course I can." He took a deep breath before exhaling a smaller cone of greenish fury, though it petered out far sooner than it had for Flambe, leaving him coughing from the effort. "There, see? I can do it!" He straightened himself.

"Impressive, little one." She turned back to walking, humming along to a tune that was in her head, alone. "About what I'd expect from a dragon so newly hatched. How many summers have you seen so far, child?"

Spike bunched up in embarrassment. "Um, I think eight or so?" He trailed after the massive dragon, keeping close to Moon.

"Baby steps. It takes years to molt." She spread her wings. "Flight is one of many gifts we dragons enjoy. Look forward to that day, if you survive." She folded her wings behind her back, shrugging. "I did."

Spike looked to Moon. "Do ponies fly?"

"They don't, in general." Moon glanced from Spike to the dragon. "Unless they are a pegasus." She pointed up to her horn. "Which I am not. I have heard of flying spells, but they are tricky to use, and dangerous for the unpracticed."

Spike grinned, nodding happily. "See? Ponies fly just fine!"

"Yes." She stopped and looked to Moon. "Without flight, wings, claws, or scales, there is no reason for you to be here, little pony." She crouched, growling in displeasure. "Your loyalty is commendable, but foolish. A pony would do better to live for herself than to die for her misguided kin."

Moon bristled, planting her hooves firmly against the ground. "I will be returning, but only with Spike, and when he decides."

Flambe shook her head slowly. "On your small head." She pointed ahead. "That is where the dragons have gathered, where we all gather, after the migration. They may just chomp you, little pony. It would be sad to see a fine sister meet such an end. Last warning. Turn back, if you're smart."

"And what of Spike?" Moon stamped her hoof down, glaring up at the dragon. "What will they do to him?"

Flambe shrugged at that. "He can spend time around some dragons closer to his own age. They won't eat him. It's rude to eat a fellow dragon. Beyond that? I'll not have any opinions."

Moon's glare lingered on Flambe as she stomped past. "Very well. You've made your intentions clear."

The dragon gave a raspy chuckle. "I won't be eating you." She launched into the air. "I know you too well." But she was also leaving on her powerful wings.

Moon shuddered at that, swallowing hard. "You didn't need to threaten me like that."

Spike hugged her leg gently. "I, uh, think that might be a dragon thing?" He slumped a little. "Not a me thing though. I wouldn't ever do that to you."

Moon touched her nose to the top of his head. "I imagine not." The two were still a moment before they resumed, climbing the wall of what was essentially a volcano. Inside it, countless dragons, enjoying themselves and the day.

Spike was transfixed. "Wow, just, wow." He gaped at the sight of dozens of dragons, even more, just stretching out into the distance.

A smaller dragon, with bright pink scales, looked up from her game. "What is that?" She tapped her playmate, a male, and pointed at Spike and Moon. "Check that out. Think we should roll out the welcome wagon?"

The blue-scaled dragon looked up, grinning at the sight of Spike and Moon. "Well, I'll be! If it ain't a pony. It's a pony! Never seen a pony up close. Should I show her what it's like to be eaten?"

Moon stood in front of Spike, glowering at the blue dragon. "I've brought Spike here to meet other dragons."

The blue dragon howled with laughter. "This pony is playing egg-sitter to a dragon? This is too much, too funny." He laughed a little more at the joke that the two strangers made for him. "And there's nothing you can do about it. A pony in the dragon lands? There's nothing you can do that I can't stop." He rose up onto two legs, more bipedal than the massive Flambe had been. "Want to split her in half?"

The female rolled her eyes. "You're not impressing anyone. The pony's got guts, coming all this way just to help out a dragon." She licked her lips as she examined Moon. "She looks so soft and juicy."

Spike rolled up his sleeves. "You two don't scare me, or my sister." He waved a fist at them. "You want a fight, you get a fight!"

Both howled with laughter, clearly seeing the child dragon as no threat. The female went up and shoved Spike aside. "Your first mistake was taking something you value to the dragon meet without being able to protect it. Leave those at home, whelp. Your second was picking a fight with someone stronger than you."

The blue dragon towered over Spike. "Don't pick fights you can't win. Ever. Hear me? He casually punched Spike in the shoulder, a light blow to the dragon, and more than enough to knock Spike over. "Wow, weak."

Moon glared at the two, horn glowing in dazzling colors. "You leave him alone immediately! Both of you! What sort of dragons pick on other dragons? He's just a kid, he's been raised differently, give him a chance!" She flared her magic at them, lifting into the air as her power focused down into a point of prismatic light.

Neither were prepared for when Moon sent a slicing beam of colors across the male, sending him retreating with yelps at the burns that worked on dragon skin. "I've been studying my brother for many years. I know what gets through and what does not."

The female snorted gently. "You just got roasted by a pony, sad." She held up a hand when Moon glared at her. "Hold up! I get it, you're not helpless." She stuck a claw up. "And I'll throw this fight, for Spike's sake." She tossed Spike a wink. "Just don't let me down."

Spike groaned with annoyance as he picked himself up from the ground. "Sheesh, I just wanted to meet a few dragons, talk a little?" He dusted himself off. "But we might as well." He blinked on realizing he was speaking to empty air. "Uh, hello?"

The female dragon looked him over. "You have a good one there." She angled her head at the still retreating male. "Got him running. Ha, that was hilarious. Kindly don't zap me though, I'm keeping my teeth to myself."

Spike offered her a hoof bump. "I appreciate it, really, thank you, uh..." He waited for a response, which didn't come. "Name?"

She winked. "Charhide." She nipped at Spike with a laugh. "Spike, was it? Little baby, maybe you'll grow out of it, but you're so pudgy and adorable." Charhide grabbed one of his cheeks and pinched it gently. "Look at you."

"I am looking at me." Spike sighed, brushing off his cheek. "And you can stop calling me adorable." He eyed her curiously. "How old are you?"

"What a silly question." She rolled her eyes. "And rude. I'm old enough to have these." She spread her wings wide behind her. "Which makes me a lot older than you, shortie. Don't die and that'll get fixed, probably."

Spike swallowed nervously, tapping his claws together. "Is it that bad being small?"

"Nah, nah." She nudged him gently. "Just means you can't do some stuff, or that you can't do it yet." She fluttered her wings gently, considering him. "Flying, obviously." She glanced at Moon. "But you're pretty good at hiding behind a pony."

Spike puffed out his chest. "Siblings watch out for each other!"

Charhide huffed gently. "Do they? Sometimes. You have a good sister, even if she has more hooves than I'm used to seeing in one. Anyway, you may have more luck with the teens." She fixed Moon a glare. "Don't let them tease him too badly." She pointed at some rowdy looking teen dragons playing roughly for dominance. "There they are."

Spike beamed at that. "Thanks, you're a great big sister, or, uh, I think you are. Good job."

Charhide blinked. "How'd you, nevermind, shoo." She pushed Spike towards the teens with a grumble. "I swear."

Moon nodded at Charhide as she walked past. "Come on, Spike." She joined his side. "Try to get to know some other dragons."

He beamed. "Yeah, of course! Uh, sis, what do I say?"

"Well, I don't know what to expect from dragons." She considered the boys and their games. "Spike, you know I'm not that, um, good, when it comes to social situations. I want to provide assistance, but I am unsure. Try saying hello?"

"And then?" Spike crossed his arms, tipping his head at her.

She stroked her chin in thought. "Ask how they are doing? Introduce yourself? Make a small request?" Moon smiled sheepishly. "Do not comment on the weather, I used to make that error."

Spike glanced up to shrug. "Yeah, weather's not changing much around here anyway. Um, I'll try." He started jogging towards the young dragons with a nervous smile and hope in his heart.

79 - Dragon Quest, Part Three

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One of the older teen dragons stopped mid-grab at Spike's voice, fixing his gaze on the approaching kid. "Hey there." His tone was wary, though he didn't resume his wrestling match with his friend.

Most of them were pretty happy ignoring Spike, instead cheering on the roughhousing with rowdy cries and jeers.

Spike glanced back at Moon for a prompt, but she looked a bit helpless on how to start a social encounter properly. She made a walking motion in place and offered a hoof outwards.

With a nod, he tried that, walking closer. "Hey, um, hi?"

"What?" Just at the wrong time to get pinned by his opponent. The teen dragon roared in annoyance. "I would have won if it wasn't for that little twerp! Get out of here, we're busy!" He wrestled free from his playmate, and without a moment's hesitation, he smacked Spike with his tail, sending him sprawling into the dust.

"Gargar, don't be like that." Another teen dragon, this one female, landed next to Spike and offered a hand. "You okay?"

Spike rubbed at the side of his head, taking her hand and getting back to his feet. "Um, ow?" He shrugged and smiled, despite the fact it hurt. "It's fine."

"Your mouth says that, but the rest of you says it isn't." She ruffled the top of Spike and his spines. "You're new around here, huh? Name's Smolder."

"Spike." He hiked a thumb at himself. "Uh, nice to meet you?"

"Why is that pony watching us?" She didn't turn to look at the dragon, but was clearly doing so from the corner of her eyes. "And why is there a pony here?"

Spike winced, leaning back at her words. "Well, um, she's my sister. The one who hatched me and raised me, and all that stuff." He cleared his throat, standing as tall as he could.

Smolder folded her arms over her chest with a little laugh. "Seriously?" But Spike didn't take it back. "Wow, crazy. Most dragons don't hatch without some nice hot lava to cozy up next to. She must be some good wizard if she managed it." Smolder leaned in closer. "And all the way in the pony lands? No lava around there. I'm even more impressed." She prodded Spike in the chest. "By all rights, you shouldn't exist."

"And yet, here I am." Spike rolled his eyes with a grin. "She's smart." He pointed back at Moon. "She got her unicorn magic to hold the egg at just the right temperature so I could hatch properly." He left out the part where it was, at least partially, a mistake, in his favor. "Wanna meet her?"

Smolder flashed a bright fanged smile. "Sure! She looks nicer than these guys." She rolled her eyes at the teen boys busy tumbling about in their eternal attempt to prove they were the best. "Dads don't exactly teach kids manners. It's always eat or be eaten, fight or fail, destroy or despair." She paused a moment. "You get the idea."

Spike brushed some dirt from his scales. "Is it really like that?"

"More or less." Smolder shrugged as she walked over to Moon. "Parents are kinda weird. So, let's meet yours."

Spike colored as he walked along with Smolder. "She's my sister, not my mom."

Smolder snorted at that, a half-laugh escaping. "She hatched you, that has to be worth some points. Brothers and sisters don't usually do that."

Moon backed a step as a new dragon approached, but she smiled and didn't retreat further. "Spike, I see you've made a friend, I think?"

"Sorta." Smolder flicked her tail gently. "Smolder. I guess I can show you around if you want. Maybe teach Spike how dragons are supposed to act."

Spike pursed his lips as he eyed the orange dragoness. "Oh! Yeah! Actually, I'd love that." His eyes twinkled at the hope she had presented.

Moon relaxed a little. "My name's Moondancer, but Moon works too. Nice to meet you."

Smolder grabbed Moon's offered hoof and shook it once before turning to Spike. "I was telling your hatchling here which way is up. Raised by a pony? No wonder he's confused." She threw an arm around Spike's neck. "Time to learn! Today's lesson: how to stay out of trouble." She released him to whip her tail in the air. "But not out of mine." She wiggled her eyebrows at Spike with a knowing smirk.

Spike colored, but chased after her with a silly grin and a boyish giggle.

Moon smiled at the two gently as they raced off. "Step one, establish a peer connection, completed." She jotted a note with a floating quill and paper. "You're doing quite well."

A mottled gray dragon on a small hill turned at the sound of the nearby voices. Her ears pricked up, and she walked over, smirking at Spike and Smolder. "Well, this is a surprise. You didn't tell me you got a new sib."

Smolder snickered as she shook her head. "Yeah, no. Still just me and Gargar." She swatted Spike on the back towards the new dragon. "Her name is Cinder. She's one of my besties."

Cinder smirked as she joined the conversation. "Uh huh, one of the better ones."

"And just where have you been hiding?" Smolder asked with a smile. "I thought you had been chomped up or something. Wanted to get away from all of us? Is that it?"

Cinder snorted, letting out a few wisps of smoke from her nose. "A girl needs a break once in a while. How you put up with those boys, I don't know." Her eyes fell to Spike. "You still have one, but this one's young enough to not be gross yet, I think." She reached to poke Spike as if to test. "You gonna start shouting?"

Spike huffed in response. "That was one time!"

Smolder leaned on Spike with a laugh. "We're just playing. You'll get used to it. The tricks are easier when you grow a few inches. Seriously, Cinder, this is Spike, and he has no clue how to dragon. I said I'd at least give him a few hints. He was raised by ponies. They seem nice, but just as lacking in clues."

"Not all of them are bad." Spike added.

Smolder laughed. "Yeah, there's good ones too, just like any species." She elbowed Spike. "You have one pony for a sister, we have some dragons for friends. It's just different."

Cinder smirked. "Oh yeah, definitely different." She studied Spike up and down. "Huh. For a boy dragon, you're actually kinda cute." She sat up and waved Spike closer. "Spike, huh? At least the ponies didn't give you an awful name." She tapped her chin. "If you get bigger, we could get along."

"If I get bigger?" He frowned at that, wondering why he'd be any different in size from other dragons. "How come?"

Smolder winked at Cinder. "He's just so tiny! Cute as a button." She grabbed Spike and sat next to Cinder, placing Spike in her lap. "Now, lesson one." She pointed to the teen boys. "When a boy dragon gets that age, they want to prove to the world they're worth paying attention to. They have to be the loudest, the strongest, the cleverest. The everything'est." She patted Spike on the head. "What you see is a bunch of peacocks strutting around in hopes of attracting a girl."

Cinder laughed at that. "Smolder's going to make a great mother one day, if she can put up with baby dragons." She reached over to plink one of Spike's spines. "He is cute enough though. And she isn't lying. We lady dragons don't have that phase, usually. We're pretty confident we already got it. The boys are struggling to convince us that they have some too, poor things."

Spike watched the boys begin to wrestle in the lava. "Huh. But what if I already have 'it'?" He smiled cockily, spreading his arms out wide. "I'm cool and hot, dragon and pony, awesome and sweet!"

Cinder chuckled at that. "Good luck with that, but you do you." She spread her wings. "Good luck with that one." With a wink towards Smolder, Cinder took off across the gathering area.

Smolder exhaled gently as she watched her go. "You are such a dork, Spike. Girls don't really like it when you start acting too full of yourself."

"You think so?" He fluttered his eyelashes at her with a smirk. "Does that mean you're not interested in a cute dragon like me?"

Smolder pushed Spike out of her lap with a laugh. "Cut that out. You're way too small to be trying."

"Hey!" Spike scrambled back to his feet, facing her. "I'll have you know that I already have a special somepony."

Smolder blinked at that. "Seriously? That's adorable, and a little concerning. Did you hear anything I said about what dragons are like?" She groaned, placing her hands on her cheeks. "Poor Spike."

"It's not that bad!" Spike laughed nervously. "Besides, she's pretty, and she likes me, and she's awesome!"

Smolder leaned in, eyes half-lidded. "Alright, tell me about this lovely lady of yours. She have a name?"

"Diamond Tiara." Spike grinned. "She's an earth pony. You ever seen one of them?"

Smolder curled a lip at the sound of that. "Huh, that figures." She poked Spike gently in the belly. "Raised by ponies, fell in love with one of them. That's cute." She chuckled softly. "And a diamond? Wow, on the nose there. I love it." She threw her arm around Spike's shoulders and dragged him close to her side. "You are adorable, even if you do love one of those hooved weirdos."

Spike managed a blush and a silly grin at that. "If you met her, you'd know why I think she's pretty great."

"Don't change." Smolder pinched at one of his cheeks. "But I think you're right. You're happy where you are. Maybe you won't get so loud and annoying when you get around their age. I'd like that. Maybe you'll be one of the few boys I can tolerate for longer than a minute or three at a time." She rolled her eyes at the thought. "Let me guess, she likes sparkly things?"

Spike flicked an eyebrow up. "Yep. And jewels." He chuckled. "I got good at finding them."

"Oh yeah?"

Spike bobbed his head. "I'm great at digging." He flashed his sharp claws.

Smolder flashed her own. "We dragons have to be good at digging. We like dens in rocks. Keep good at that. You'll have to make bigger dens as you get bigger. Some get big enough to have a nice cave." She leaned back with a smirk. "You know what you're going to call yourself?"

"Myself?" Spike blinked. "I thought my name was Spike?"

"Nah, not your name, your title." Smolder let out a contented sigh. "Gargar likes to call himself the Despoiler." She rolled her eyes anew. "Boys. You may be a bit young yet to be thinking about that."

"Huh..." Spike stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Well, now I am. Thanks." He hugged her suddenly and bounced off towards Moon with a huge smile on his face. "She's cool!"

Moon met him halfway. "So, you two had a nice chat?" She joined him as they went back towards the wagon. "Is she your friend?"

"I think so!" Spike clapped his hands together. "I hope we meet again. She seemed nice, um, for a dragon." He pushed his chest out. "I'm a nice dragon too. We nice dragons should stick together!"

Moon ran a hoof over Spike's back, glad that he'd enjoyed himself, even if she wasn't entirely sure of the exact content of their conversation. "Yes, you are very nice, Spike. Feel better?" She almost needn't have asked as he scaled up the wagon with such a content smile. "It sounds like you had fun. What did you two talk about?"

"Huh? Oh, not much." Spike leaned back against Moon as they traveled back home, looking forward to sleeping on a nice soft bed again. "How dragons are, what I want to be called when I'm older, and stuff." He yawned loudly, rubbing at his eyes. "Nothing really."

Moon smiled at that. "Her conversation greatly tired you." She used her magic to pet Spike gently as she hiked on the slow journey from the dragon lands. "I understand that feeling. So many new faces, you were very brave." Only the soft snoring of her little brother was the reply. "Sleep well."