The Fall and Rise of Prince Blueblood.

by KittyrinnAiko

First published

This story follows Nova, Sunshine, and their friends during a tumultuous episode that brings about Princess Celestia's need to Keep the young Lord Prince Blueblood close to her side.

The adventures of Nova and Sunshine pickup shortly after they left off in Not Quite Canon. And for a brief time, it looks like life is just going to progress just as it always has. That is until members of Archduke Blueblood-Platinum sends his private guard to take Princess Cadance into Custody. The Archduke, as powerful as he is, just doesn't feel like he has enough, and begins to make moves to secure his ascension. By force, if need be. But to insure Princess Celestia's cooperation he must have in his control certain assets. There's just one problem, his plans hadn't counted on Cadance being in Cloudsdale.

Prince Blueblood only gets one scene in this. :rainbowlaugh:

Chapter 1: A young priest and an old priest.

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“Nova? Sunshine? How’d you get stuck in the wall like that?” Mrs Seakite asked the two. “And why aren’t you at flight camp?”

I got my cutie mark!” Nova said cheerfully. She was also very relieved that the walls were all made from cloud material.

“Can you perhaps send word to camp and let them know we are alright?” Sunshine asked.

“Does this have anything to do with that loud boom and rainbow light?”

No,” Nova said.

“Yes,” Sunshine said.

OK, maybe,” Nova admitted.

“And can you get me out of here before I stain the wall yellow?” Sunshine pleaded.

“I’ll be right back.” Mrs Seakite replied and then trotted to the front door, opened it, and went down the walk. Once there she signaled a security detail, two white stallions in Pegasus guard uniforms who rushed over to her. “Miss Nova and Miss Sunshine are stuck in a wall, any chance you can get them out? Also, some pony needs to get word to the camp that they are here.”

“How’d they get stuck in a wall?”

“No idea.”

“Alright, let's have a look.” One of the guards offered and they followed her in.

“How did you get that far into the wall?” One of the two stallions asked dumbfounded.

“She teleported us here.” Sunshine offered.

“Nova, you can teleport?” Mrs Seakite asked.

Maybe. Sort of,” Nova replied sheepishly.

"At least we didn't land in anything solid," Sunshine added.

“Dispatch, I’m going to need a young priest and an old priest at the Commandant's Quarters,” One of the guards said into a radio mic. “And contact Flight camp and let them know that Miss Nova and Summer Mustang are at their house.”

Can do. What’s the young priest and the old priest for?

“They are embedded in a wall.”

“Horse laughter.”

“Oh, come on!” Sunshine protested.


“Well young fillies, you gave every pony quite a scare today. Not to mention the hole in the wall that’s going to need patching. Care to explain what happened?” Colonel Mustang asked crossly. “And Sunshine, why do you have a hoof bag on your head?”

It was late afternoon, they were in the front parlor, Ray, Wintry, Spitfire, Cadance, and Wind Rider were there all wanting an explanation. Nova and Sunshine were sitting on the sofa looking very subdued.

“There was a unicorn after Rainbow,” Nova explained.

“Care to explain how you knew?” Spitfire asked.

“It’s just that like I’ve mentioned before,” Sunshine offered. “And I really shouldn't go into details because it could be dangerous.”

“Dangerous?!” Wind Rider exclaimed. “A Unicorn who was apparently after Miss Rainbow, and an unknown Alicorn show up at Flight Camp and the only pony who seems to know what’s going on is you. Spill it!”

“She’s not to say anything,” Mrs Summers ordered as she entered the room. “The entire incident is to be swept under the cloud. It never happened.”

“Now hold on?” Spitfire protested.

“It never happened," Mrs Summers ordered. "It's been a really interesting day and someday I hope to tell you all about it." She then walked over to Sunshine, lifted the hoof bag, looked, and then set it back down. "Well, this is awkward.” Mrs Summers said softly. “Though I did have a hunch it might have been you.”

“No pony can know.” Sunshine hissed.

“Well, you can’t go around with a hoof bag on your head forever you know.”

“Ah, was that a horn?” Spitfire asked. “Mom, is that going to happen to me?”

“Well, if you do something heroic where the fate of all Equestria lays in the balance it might,” Mrs Summers offered with a sly smile.

“But I didn’t,” Sunshine protested sheepishly. “Nova did all the work. All I did was alert her. Well, that and saved her from becoming a pavement pelt.”

“What you did was act as an agent of Harmony. The two of you may even be capable of wielding an element of harmony. Nova is already a young Alicorn, so for whatever reason, it went to you instead. It might have something to do with your bloodline as well. Regardless of the circumstances.”

“We both ended up in that ascension zone. I’m not supposed to do any ascending until I’m around a hundred years of age,” Nova offered quietly. “That’s what father told me. In a hundred years, and every hundred after that until I pass eight-hundred then it kind of caps out until I hit a thousand. Externally instead of gaining wings or horns, a fox pony who is of the Divine Kitsune will gain an extra tail around a hundred years and then another new tail each hundred after until they reach nine tails. We go up in increments if we are lucky enough to live that long.”

Now even Mrs Summers was speechless.

“You’ll live for a hundred years?” Wintry asked.

“If I don’t die from disease, accident, or acts of violence, the potential life span of a fox pony is anywhere from a thousand to three thousand years,” Nova explained. “At least that’s what father told me. I don’t know if it’s true or if it even applies to all fox ponies.”

Mrs Summers was staggered by what she’d just heard and went to sit down in a chair.

“Mom, are you alright?” Spitfire asked going to her.

“That I would cut short such a life as to be kin to divine beings.” Mrs Summers said softly.

“Mom?” Spitfire asked.

Nova felt her gut tense up like she’d eaten something that hadn’t agreed with her, her ears drooping. What had her Aunt Tia done? What had the lies caused Princess Celestia to do? How many innocents died and was her father among the slain? Nova wanted to ask but couldn't bring herself to do it. Not knowing held a sliver of hope that her father was still out there. Hope that her brother might still be alive if he’d inherited their father’s life expectancy. No, she just couldn't bring herself to ask. It had all been academic for Nova in the first place. She hadn’t experienced anything beyond the fight with the shadow and to her heart at least, every pony she knew was still alive or at least had lived happy lives without her. She did not want to know. Knowing would make it all a little too final, and a little too real.

“Past mistakes that haunt me still,” Mrs Summers replied weakly. “As for the events of today I know who the alicorn was, or rather will be. My best guess is that the unicorn in question wanted to take Rainbow Dash out of the picture in order to prevent me from rescuing my sister from the shadow that holds her. - I’m sorry, but there are things that I simply can not tell you, the very knowledge is dangerous.”

“More dangerous than knowing the truth about you?” Spitfire asked.

“Extremely.” She replied. “The pieces will fall into place when they do.”

“Equestria can not know about this horn on my head,” Sunshine cautioned. The others just looked at her. “The knowledge I hold about the future is from an outside source. I may well be the wild card in this world’s timeline but know that the more integrated I become the more dangerous my existence is. Let me remain in obscurity for as long as I can. I think that once we’ve passed the extent of my foreknowledge it won’t really matter anymore. As for that unicorn, from what I know, her actions were aimed at... at that alicorn. It's not to help the Night Mare, she's too petty to think that far ahead. All she wants is to hurt the pony of her obsession in the worst possible way.”

“While we are at it, we’ve learned that Cadance's mail is being outright blocked,” Ray Mustang announced breaking the silence that had followed Sunshine's statement.

“I ran into an old friend,” Cadance offered. “Remember when I told you how discouraged I was because none of my friends were writing? Turns out they were. It’s just not getting to me, and none of my letters were getting to them.”

“That is troubling. - Alright, Sunshine, I can grant you what you want. In fact, it seems I must,” Mrs Summers offered. “There is a device that is sometimes used by undercover unicorns that sort of hides the horn. Fits on just like a suppression ring. Put it on, activate it and all any pony sees is a little swirl of fur.”

“Can I get one?” Nova asked.

“We had issues at flight camp,” Wind Rider offered.

“There was another fox type there who did her best to defend me. That is when others accused me of something inappropriate,” Nova explained. “Fox ponies having both wings and horns does happen. It doesn’t make us royal pretenders. Having both is just something that naturally happens, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s the number of tails that counts.”

“And why wouldn't it make you a royal or at least equivalent?” Mrs Summers stated. “What with every single fox pony having the potential to be equivalent to an alicorn.” She got up. “I better get back, and I’ll have someone out here tomorrow morning to get you two fitted.”

“Mrs Summers… I know I promised to come back…” Cadance began with her ears down.

“By any chance is there a new student Cadance can help you with?” Sunshine prompted. “I kind of get the feeling she’d like to stay here, but I suspect there is some pony who is going to need her.”

“Actually, there is,” Mrs Summers replied as the smile returned to her face. She gave Sunshine a smile when she realized she must have known all along. “Cadance, I know it’s been hard on you, but I really need you to come back as promised. First is because the very nobles who have caused you so much grief will raise a fit if you don’t come back. Secondly and possibly more important I’ve taken on a new student. In all my life I’ve never seen another unicorn with such potential. I need you to help keep her grounded, to help protect her from those who would try to use her for their own gains, and I need you to keep me from making the same mistakes I did with Sunset.”

“Well then, I guess I don’t have much of a choice,” Cadance replied a bit hesitant.

“How about I teach you a tracking spell as soon as you come back? We’ll figure out what’s happening to your mail together,” Mrs Summers offered. “After Flight camp is over that is.”

“I’d like that.” Cadance offered.

“And any time you get to feeling overwhelmed come visit us.” Wintry offered.

“Also, let your friends know to send their mail addressed to the care of Mrs Summers attention to … oh let's see…”

Mi Amore Cadenza,” Nova offered. Mrs Summers turned to look at her like Nova had just said the most preposterous thing ever. “What? That’s who she is.

“What?” Mrs Summers asked, looked at Cadance, her eyes got wide, and then sat on the floor right where she was. “Oh, my, goodness. Why did I not see it?”

I don’t know, nine hundred-plus years? Hasn’t been all that long for me though,” Nova offered. “Even if she is a lot older now.”

“Alright, care to fill the rest of us in?” Wind Rider asked.

“Nova’s right then, I really am from the Crystal Principality, as she calls it?” Cadance asked followed by Mrs Summers leaping up and giving Cadance a hug.

“This day has given me more hope then you could ever possibly imagine,” Mrs Summers announced gleefully while tears of joy ran down her face. “To think that all this time you were actually my cousin Cadenza.”

“Alright mom, I should probably take you home,” Spitfire prompted.

“I’m serious, her mother was Princess Amore, and she was an alicorn as well.” Mrs Summers explained. “My Aunt.”

“Wait, she was?” Sunshine asked confused. If the ponies in the room hadn't known who Mrs Summers was they'd have been really confused.

“The historians have all come to the conclusion that she died and they erroneously just assume alicorns can’t die.”

“But you can’t possibly think she may still be alive?” Cadance asked.

“I don’t know,” Mrs Summers admitted. “She may well be dead, but you are here and until the Crystal City is located I can still hold out hope. Can’t I? An alicorn will live with their days unnumbered so long as they are never subjected to grievous injury. I can only hope that vile unicorn had kept her somewhere rather than murder her outright. That is worth hoping for is it not?”

“Yes, I suppose so. It would be good to see my mother again.” Cadance replied with a smile. “Still though, I don’t really remember anything other than that nightmare that I have every so often. Nova was able to help me with it.”

“I inherited moms ability to interpret dreams,” Nova offered hoping Mrs Summers would understand. Nova could remember some of the guards whispering about Princess Luna’s alleged ability to pry into people’s heads and didn’t really want it widely known that she could dream walk. “It only works for ponies I’m close with, that is close to.”

“I fear it was unfounded rumors about your mother’s abilities that made her a target. Corrupt officials only saw her as a liability to their scheming and I too naive to see through their lies,” Mrs Summers explained. “And so that we don’t see history repeat itself we will keep you and Sunshine secret from the public and those opportunists who would do things like keeping a young mare from her mail. Oh yes, I intend to find out who is responsible and I’ve a mind to add them to the sculpture garden. - And now I really must get going before the palace realizes I’m not there and every pony goes into a panic.”

“I’ll see you at the end of flight camp,” Cadance offered cheerfully as they followed her out to the porch. A moment later Spitfire and Mrs Summers were on their way.

Chapter 2 Morning at Flight Camp.

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The next morning Sunshine and Nova arrived at camp sans horns thanks to Mrs Summers personally delivering a couple of horn rings. Or at least that’s what it looked like when they weren’t activated.

“Miss Nova Mustang?” One of the instructors said while looking at her accusingly.

“It’s still there, you just can’t see it.” Nova offered.

“I know things have been difficult, but it’ll be worse if ponies get it into their heads…” he attempted to pass a hoof over her head and found the offending appendage. “If ponies think you’ve been using a stick on to get attention, it’ll only be the worse for you.”

“Oh, alright,” Nova replied reluctantly. She reached up, touched a hoof to the base of her horn, followed by her horn reappearing. A small gold ring fitted with jewels sat at the base of the horn.

“Much better, and don’t worry, we’ll see to it there isn't another repeat of the harassing you got that forced you to go home yesterday.”

“Thank you, sir,” Nova offered, she and Sunshine gave each other a look, and then dashed off to find their group.

“What was that all about?” Sunshine asked as they hurried along.

“You’re talking about what he said regarding why we left camp yesterday, aren’t you? Maybe they don’t know what was really going on?”

“Nova!” Dash called as she, Fluttershy and Gilda raced over to meet them. “I heard some bullies chased you out of here yesterday.”

“Tell us who they are,” Gilda offered, slapping a taloned fist to her palm.

“It’s OK, they aren’t here anymore,” Sunshine reassured them. “Now on the other hoof, Nova got her cutie mark.”

“Really? Me too!” dash exclaimed, turned, and showed off her flank. And there it was, the rainbow lightning bolt coming down from a cloud. “I made a rain-boom yesterday, did you see it! It was awesome!”

“Me three.” Fluttershy offered. “That is I got my cutie mark. It happened right after the rain-boom. Soon as I’m old enough, I’m going to take care of animals.

“Butterflies,” Nova said excitedly. Nova’s cutie mark was a deep purple crescent overhanging a small violet star with a larger star about halfway down right below the tip of the overhang.

“Kind of an unusual cutie mark for a pegasus,” Dash offered. “But then you are a night pony with a horn so what do I know? I’m assuming Fluttershy's cutie mark refers to how gentle she is.”

“How come the stars are inside the arch of the moon?” Gilda asked.

“I don’t think it’s a moon,” Nova offered. “More like a gateway. And more then likely magic oriented. The stars make me think of a progression too.”

“OK, I can see that,” Gilda replied, “but what’s it for?”

“Let's see…” Nova said as she lit up her horn.

“Nova, maybe you…” Sunshine began.



“..shouldn't do that,” Sunshine cautioned, her ears now gone flat. Nova had teleported a few wing lengths away and was now upside down with her head stuck in the clouds. “On the other hoof learning where you can’t actually get hurt has its advantages.”

“I think she’s stuck,” Fluttershy observed as Nova frantically kicked her legs in the air and flailed her wings.

“She got us both stuck in a wall yesterday.” Sunshine recounted.

Should we maybe help her?” Fluttershy asked meekly.

“All right, what’s going on over here?” Spitfire asked as she trotted over. “Did you do that to her?”

“No Mam, she did that to herself.” Gilda offered.

“Care to explain?”

“Repeat of the wall incident,” Sunshine offered followed by Nova teleporting to several wing lengths above them. Nova, righted herself, spread her wings and glided back down to the cloud.

“Stop that,” Spitfire said giving Nova a dirty look.

“Yes, mam,” Nova replied sheepishly.

“Was that a teleport?” Aria Rain asked as she glided over and landed. Several other foals gathered round as well. Nova nodded her head with an enthusiastic smile on her face.

“Do it again,” Indigo requested.

“No,” Spitfire countered. “Alright, if I call your name you are in my group today. Indigo Sky, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Sunshine, Bright Star … make that Nova, Gilda, Silver Lining, and Aria Rain. The rest of you stand by, they are switching up the groups a bit.”

“Aww, I wanted to be in the same group as Miss Nova,” Several of the fillies protested. Spitfire couldn't help but smile.

“Sorry, but there are more instructors today,” Spitfire explained. “And that means we can split you up into smaller groups. And keep a better eye on trouble makers.”

Sure enough, even as Spitfire was saying this, more adults were arriving and gathering up foals to themselves.

Spitfire lead her group a short distance away and started them in on stretching exercises.

“Aria,” Nova whispered to the other little fox filly.

“Yes?” Aria asked snapping around to look at Nova who was glaring at her. Aria had been casting glances at Sunshine’s forehead. “Was that even there yesterday?” She whispered.

“Not one word,” Nova hissed softly.


Nova stepped over to her and whispered, “We don’t want the Canterlot Nobles to find out.”

“Oh,” Aria replied. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright. We just want to stay under the radar of the nobles for as long as we can.” Nova offered softly and went back to her place to finish doing her wing stretches. From there they went on to a static flying lesson where the foals were given wing positions to hold along with an explanation of what the wing position was for. Spitfire would go around checking each foal and making corrections.

“OK, Nova, you, Sunshine, and Guilda are going to need specialized training as well if you want to get the best out of your wings.” Spitfire offered coming over and correcting Nova’s wing position. And then in a whisper, she asked, “What were you saying to Aria?”

“Fox ponies can sense auras. Magical auras are especially easy to detect. It’s like having an outline of all living things via a sixth sense. We can also use it to determine magnetic north.” Nova explained softly, and then whispered, “The rings only block sight.”

“And here I thought she had a crush and you were being territorial.” Spitfire teased and moved over to Aria.

“Aria, it’s important you keep Sunshine's secret,” Spitfire whispered to Aria as she adjusted her wing position.

“Yes mam,” Aria replied.

“If the nobles of Canterlot find out they’ll do to her what they did to Sunset Shimmer. Sunset was our sister. I want you to keep that in mind.”

Spitfire moved on before Aria could react, and was so startled by what she’d just been told she’d let her wings drop, and had to readjust.

“Alright, the most important position you need is the wing flair,” Spitfire stated loud enough for everyone to hear while demonstrating what it looked like. “You will need the wing flair to slow down, and it is primarily for landing. Also as I mentioned yesterday, I don’t want anyone overdoing it. Let me know when you feel like you’ve had enough.”

“Hey, I can go the distance.” Dash Protested.

“And it hasn’t been that long since Nova had her misadventure where she injured her muscles,” Spitfire explained. “No one needs to feel like they need to push themselves and for those of you who have built up a lot of stamina that just means you’ll get more of my undivided attention.”

“It’s alright, I’m not really sore anymore.” Nova offered. True she’d been experiencing reoccurring bouts of pain from her injured tendons but after her experience in the ascension zone, all discomfort had vanished.

The remainder of the morning was spent doing drills after which every pony got to have lunch in the Wonderbolts dining hall. Of course, Cadance was surrounded by teenage colts when Nova and Sunshine caught up with her.

“Cadance,” Nova called.

“That’s Princess Cadance.” A colt emphasized, and then got really confused. “Who?”

“They are my host’s daughters,” Cadance called. “For harmony’s sake, let them through.”

“Your entourage seems rather protective.” Sunshine offered as she and Nova made their way through with their trays laden with goodies. Cadance, Nova, and Sunshine had all piled on the goodies.

“Well, it’s positive attention.” Cadance offered as Dash shoved her way through to join them.

“Dash, any chance you remembered Fluttershy?” Sunshine asked.

“What? She’s right behind me. She was right behind me?” Dash offered.

“Gentle colts, if there is a timid yellow filly with a long pink mane, could you perhaps let her through?” Nova asked.

“So, are you supposed to be some kind of princess?” asked a pale cornflower blue colt with a dark blue mane. “Names Soarin.”

“She’s a fox pony.” Cadance offered. “Sometimes fox types get both wings and a horn. Besides, she turned Princess Celestia down.”

“Shush you.” Nova scolded playfully.

“Nova, was I betrothed to your brother at one time?” Cadance asked. Nova stopped eating and just gave her an odd look.

“Seriously?” Dash asked. “Nova, you had a brother? And your family knew Cadance’s real family?”

“Cadance, Dash, she doesn’t talk about her brother.” Sunshine cautioned. Up to that moment, Sunshine was the only one in the family outside of Princess Celestia who’d known, and only because she’d unwittingly put Nova on the spot.

Nova sat her sandwich down. “Afraid that was made null when you vanished.” Nova offered. “I thought you didn’t remember anything?”

“I’m kind of remembering a few things,” Cadance admitted. “It’s difficult to put any of the bits and pieces into perspective though.”

“So you all grew up in the same community?” Diamond Rose asked as Fluttershy managed to weave her way in and join them at the table.

“Separate communities. Our families were close.” Cadance offered. “Just when Nova and I were a lot younger.”

“So what was it like where you were born?” Dash asked.

“Afraid I don’t remember a whole lot. I just sort of wandered into Podunk one day without a clue where I’d come from.” Cadance admitted. “About the only thing I remember outside of Nova and her brother was that I lived somewhere in the north and I remember running for my life from armored ponies, and no it wasn’t Equestrian armor.”

“I suppose that’s one of the drawbacks of living in isolation.” Soarin mused. “Not being able to call for help should some lord’s private army discover where you live and decide to evict ponies from land that isn’t even his.”

“I lived in a fortified community deep in a forest.” Nova offered and picked up her sandwich. It was wildflowers and greens with a fish patty. Fish was big on the pegasus diet.

“So what’s with those wings, they are all fuzzy?” Asked a light brown colt with a silver-blue mane. “Hi, I’m Eight Bit.”

“Who me?” Nova asked.

“Seems to be a fox pony thing.” Sunshine offered while pondering Eight Bit’s Space Invader cutie mark. “Aria Rain has fuzzy wings too. Only Nova has the long wings like Cadance and I. Watching Nova and Aria fly sends shivers up my spine too because they don’t make a sound either.”

“Someone talking about me?” Aria asked as she dropped into a seat, her tray in a blue aura of magic. She’d flown over the crowd, but a pony would have sworn she had just materialized out of thin air.

How are you doing that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Fox ponies don’t need a horn to do magic.” Aria offered. “We are able to simulate all three primary types of magic. Having wings is extra nice though. I can’t imagine what it must be like not to be able to fly? Or worse yet, find myself on a cloud that’s dissipating and I’ve no way to get to safety?”

“I can.” Nova offered. “Well, except I was out cold up until my bed suddenly dropped out from under me.”

“I’m to understand she was up really high, and too far out to make it to safety.” Sunshine offered.

“It was Fast Clip who caught me when I passed out. I’d faltered, and was in so much pain from overexertion and repeated attempts to regain control.” Nova explained.

“The Wonderbolt?” Dash asked.

“Yes, Fast Clip and Whiplash were doing a patrol.” Nova provided. “If they hadn’t have been there I’d been a pavement pelt at the bottom of my very own crater.”

“I’m glad we got the chance to meet.” Soarin offered. “Are you sure you’re not a princess?”

“In Neighpon she’d be a princess.” Aria offered. She had decided to answer for Nova as she’d a hunch Nova did not want to give a straight answer to that question. “You see, in having both wings and a horn it makes it possible for her to fly and cast spells at the same time. That makes her special. Whereas I have to concentrate my magic more. Sure I can fly and use telekinesis, but I can’t fly and cast spells. And like she said, she turned down Princess Celestia.”

“I, um, worry about becoming a political pawn for the Canterlot elites.” Nova offered softly. “Besides, my manna levels are nowhere near Princess Celestia’s. They are barely average for my age right now.”

“Mine is only slightly above average. Princess Celestia says my manna pool will increase as I mature.” Cadance offered. “And I know all too well what it’s like to be in the middle of a political firestorm.”

“I’m definitely putting in for Canterlot High so you’ll have some pony to watch your back.” Rose offered.

“You know what, I think I will too,” Soarin added.

“And I as well.” Eight Bit said to throw in his hat as well.

“Thank you every pony. You have no idea what that means to me.” Cadance replied.

“Say, what happened to Gilda?” Nova asked after a bit.

“Too many colts.” Dash offered with a wink and a smirk.

“As in she couldn't get past them?” Sunshine asked.

“As in too many colts,” Dash repeated with a smirk.

“Who’s Gilda?” Eight Bit asked.

“She’s a cute little catbird.” Cadance offered in a teasing way.

“Catbird,” Rainbow said her smirk growing.

3: At the races.

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That afternoon they had a series of relay race competitions between the small groups. Of Spitfire’s group, Aria proved the slowest with Fluttershy not much better do to her timidity. Between the two Aria was much better at maneuvering and sailed through tough obstacles with little trouble. Where she was the weakest was on the straight runs. Next came Indigo, Silver, and Gilda who all performed about the same. Then came Nova who was moderately fast and very good at maneuvering. Sunshine was the fastest on the straight sections, but not by much, and Rainbow proved both fast and highly maneuverable. Whether or not Rainbow was the undisputed master of the dive was yet to be determined.

“Reject!” Dumbbell yelled as Nova raced him. He was fast and had a lot more strength then Nova. His taunts weren’t helping either.

‘If only I didn’t have so much drag…’ Nova thought as she cornered into a straight section of the course that had been set up. Nova felt a tingling sensation, her magic doing something, and then she shot forward like something had been holding her back and she’d been released. Her wings no longer silent the tips snapped with each wing beat. She realized too late that she was coming in too hot to land safely, tried to put the brakes on, and careened through the finish line.

“Nova!?” Sunshine shouted.

“I’m Good!” Nova called while upside down in a cloud. “Go! It’s your turn!”

Sunshine hesitated only a moment and was away well before Dumbbell made it to the finish line so that the next racer on his team could go.

“She cheated! The pretender used her magic!” Dumbbell complained through pants.

“That has got to be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said.” Dash countered.

“That’s enough out of both of you. Especially out of you Dumbbell.” Spitfire scolded. She then trotted over to where Nova was to check on her. “Nova, are you alright?”

“Nothing hurt but my pride.” Nova offered. “Give us a pull, we are stuck.”

“That isn’t a royal 'we' is it?” Spitfire teased giving a front leg a pull.

“No, we as in I landed on some pony.” Nova offered as she popped out of the cloud.

“Why Truck-San, why?” Aria moaned.

“Are you alright?” Nova asked.

Aria shook her head. “What hit me?”

“Sorry, that was me.” Nova offered as Spitfire worked to pull Aria out.

“So, how do you feel?” Spitfire asked as a couple of the senior officers came over.

“I don’t seem to be too worse for wear.” Aria offered. “Nova is pretty soft and floofy.”

“Do you feel up to continuing?” Spitfire asked.

“Sorry Lieutenant, they’ll need to be seen by a medic and cleared to continue.” Offered one of the ponies who’d come over. “Rules you know. Can’t be sending any ponies back out injured, or worse yet, home injured and we didn’t do anything.”

“It’s just a minor tumble?” Spitfire protested. “I’ve had worse.”

“And had to be checked out by a flight doc before you could go up again.”

“Commander Fury, I’ll take them over to first aid and get them checked out.” Whiplash offered as he joined them.

“If we have to, we have to.” Nova bemoaned. “Lead on Sir Whiplash, lead on.” Fury and the other officer he was with smiled big on hearing what Nova had just said. There would definitely be teasing later on.

“Alright, hopefully, we’ll see you a bit later?” Spitfire offered. “Just out of curiosity, what was that?”

“Um, I don’t really know?” Nova offered as she looked at her wings. Her just plain ordinary fuzzy fox pony wings. “I was thinking if only they didn’t drag so much…” She closed her eyes and tried to bring back that odd sensation.

“Oh wow,” Aria said in nearly a whisper.

Nova peeked at her wings to discover that they’d smoothed out and the rough edges were fine as a razor. “Whoa,” Nova said, lost that feeling followed by her wings going all fuzzy again.

“How are you doing that?” Aria asked. The adults were too stunned having never seen the like.

“I just sort of get a need for speed. That is to say, I wanted to reduce drag so I could go faster.”

“A need for speed she says.” Whiplash mused with a smile.

“I did it! And I lost it.” Aria offered. Her wings had gone all smooth like, but she hadn’t been able to hold it.

“Major Haze, they are using magic, they are Cheating.” Dumbbell protested as he trotted over. “I demand you disqualify their team.”

“Mr Dumbbell Row, you are hardly in a position to be calling out others.” Scolded Major Haze. “Now get back to your group.”

“Ya, sure, just because she’s a preen-cess.” Dumbbell said sarcastically while drawing out the word princess.

“I’m confused I thought you said I was a pretender?” Nova asked.

“Mr Row!” Major Haze all but shouted. “Get back to your group.”

“Nightmare Moon.” Dumbbell taunted.

“What’s with him?” Aria asked dumbfounded by the colt's behavior.

Nova on the other hoof felt a cold rage welling up inside. Her ears lay back in aggression. “Ȇow wouldn't becnâwan tîma mare ætbregdan hlêg wætan swefnian.

“Nova!” Sunshine shouted as she glided around and landed next to her. “Calm down, he’s not worth it.”

Yea, well e’s just lucky I can no actually do nay thing.” Nova growled and stomped her front hooves while facing Dumbbell.

Even Nova was surprised when a spark of electricity shot out from under her hooves, raced across the top of the cloud, and gave Dumbbell a good frizzing.

“It wasn’t me.” Nova protested. “OK, maybe it was, but it wasn’t on purpose,” she pleaded, her ears telegraphing her confusion.

“Well isn’t that wonderful, now you’ve got to go to the infirmary.” Major Haze said as he strolled over to Dumbbell. Dumbbell was mostly surprised, but then an idea hatched in his brain. It was a very small idea. He then flopped over and started in on how he hurt. He wasn’t very convincing.

“Who is he anyway?” Aria asked.

“A nobody. A complete nobody.” Sunshine replied.

Dumbbell cringed for real when he heard his own friends calling him weak.

“Well are you going to get up, or do you want every pony thinking you’re weak?” Major Haze asked. “That’s better, now start marching, oh no, it’s too late to rejoin your group, you are out of flight camp. Feel free to reapply next year.”

“But it’s just a little lightning frizz?!” Dumbbell protested.

“Oh no, with an injury like that you’ll be grounded for a week. Now get moving.”

“Miss Nova, Miss Aria, you two need to come with me so we can get you checked,” Whiplash said and started walking.

“I, kinda need to go,” Nova said to Sunshine and followed after Whiplash along with Aria.

“They’re making us get checked out by a medic or something.” Aria offered as she trotted after Nova.

“That lightning?” Spitfire asked Commander Fury.

“Freak occurrence, I’d say. We see fillies stomp hooves at each other all the time. Even fox types.” Fury offered. “Never seen anything like it. Best get back to your group.”

“Yes sir. Come on Sunshine, they’ll be back.” Spitfire replied and then headed back to her group.

“Why does Dumbbell act like that?” Sunshine asked as she followed along. “Trying to act like he’s some kind of big shot?”

“Usually it’s an inferiority complex coupled with immaturity.” Spitfire offered. “Meaning he doesn’t believe in his own worth. As a result, he tries to make himself out to be someone important.”

“Is Nova and Aria going to be alright?” Fluttershy asked.

“They’ll be fine,” Spitfire replied with a smile. “Did we win?”

“Yes, but only because the team we were racing was too caught up with things that didn’t concern them.” Indigo offered.

“Hoops and Score were both late to start because they were too busy yelling at Dumbbell.” Dash offered.

“Giving Dumbbell a taste of his own medicine is what they were doing,” Sunshine told Dash. “Which makes me wonder if they are becoming decent ponies or just opportunists who’ll go with the flow?”

Nova and Aria followed Whiplash to a medical pavilion where they found that they weren’t the only ones there. Some even had real injuries.

“Nature of the injury?” a nurse asked as they entered.

“We took a tumble.” Nova offered.

“You mean you lost control and slammed into me.” Aria teased.

“I wasn’t out of control, I just came in too hot. It was my backwash that hit you first.” Nova countered.

“OK, so I probably shouldn't have been standing there,” Aria admitted.

“So who’s Truck-San?” Nova asked.

“Neighpony Alicorn of Death. They don’t really exist outside of legends though.”

“Well, you two look like you are in fairly decent shape, have a seat with the others,” the nurse offered, took their names, wrote down the nature of the incident, and went into the back.

“I’m going to leave you two here, and get back to my assigned duties,” Whiplash announced. “Looks like you two will be a while.”

“Alright, Harmony be with you,” Nova offered with a cheerful smile.

“Argh, we are going to miss the whole thing.” Aria lamented once Whiplash had gone.

“Tell me about it.” Said an older filly possibly of high school age sitting next to her on the cloud bench. She was a vanilla yellow pegasus with a mane of arctic blue and light blue mix. Her cutie mark was a needle and a spool of thread.

“Well, maybe I can straighten out my feathers…” Nova began and then winced in pain as she stretched out a wing.

“Are you alright?” Asked the older filly. She was perhaps a little older then Cadance.

“It’s just a little sore,” Nova reported. “No doubt I’m going to feel it in the morning.” She then preceded to slowly stretch out the wing followed by bringing it back and working it till she got the kink out. “I guess I hit my limit and hadn’t realized it.”

“No, I’d say you hit me.” Aria teased.

“Hi, I’m Lofty Stitches.”

“Bright Star, but my friends all call me Nova.”

“Aria Rain but every pony just calls me Aria.”

“Glad to meet you, Miss Aria, Miss Nova. Or is it Princess.”

“We are just Nova these days.” Nova offered.

“She turned Princess Celestia down. Or so I understand.” Aria whispered conspiratorially.

“Well, if I am to ascend to greatness then it should be by my own hooves. Should it not?” Nova offered. “That and I want nothing to do with the Canterlot nobility.”

Lofty gave Nova a curious look. She couldn't quite decide if this little alicorn was a false alicorn putting on airs or if she was serious. Granted that the Canterlot Nobility were equally mistrusted in Cloudsdale. “So, ah, you’re an alicorn then?”

“Can’t say as I fit all the requirements,” Nova replied honestly. “Let me just do something with my feathers.”

“Oh yes, by all means, don’t let me stop you,” Lofty replied. She couldn't help but study the wings. Most pegasi had pudgy wings. Miss Aria’s wings were long and pudgy. Nova’s wings while the same width as Aria’s were considerably longer. She’d even go so far as to say they were proper alicorn wings if they weren’t so fuzzy. But then again those soft velvety wings made the two fillies look extra cute.

One by one the waiting foals were taken to the back, each getting their turn with the occasional more serious injury coming in and going ahead of the others. Nova and Aria were not the last in either. While they waited three colts came in and joined the lineup, each with some minor injury. Each, in turn, would stop to stare at Nova, sit down and take furtive glances while pretending not to be looking.

“And that is why I wanted to use the Nisinid ring,” Nova whispered into Aria’s ear.

“Nani?” Aria asked.

“Now you see it now you don’t.”

“Oh. Not like I don’t get my fair share. Just being different is enough for some. I’m forever getting into fights and I’m so glad I was in your group.”

“Because they’d all be looking at me?”

“No, because your friends accepted you regardless of what you looked like.”

“Aria.” Scolded a pegasus stallion with similar markings to her. He’d just come out from the back accompanied by the nurse who’d been screening the patients. “Have you been fighting again.”

“No sir.” Aria pleaded her ears drooping.

“I’m sorry, I sort of accidentally landed on her.” Nova offered.

“And you are?” He asked.

“Tsuki nay Kitsumi Hoshiko hime.” Nova offered with a smirk. The doctor raised an eyebrow. “But the chart will have me down as Bright Star Mustang. I was in a race, figured out how to smooth my floof while racing, and immediately lost control.” She caused her plumage to smooth out for a moment to demonstrate what she was talking about. Now both of his brows were up.

“I figured it out too.” Aria offered, tried it, held it for a moment before her feathers popped back to default. “I can’t hold it very long though. I mean, I’ve only done it twice now.”

“That’s actually an advanced technique.” The doctor offered. “I’m surprised that you can do it at all.”

“I’m going to assume you two know each other?” Nova asked kindly enough.

“My father.” Aria provided.

“I’m Doctor Sun Showers. - Princess, Aria, if you’ll come this way we will check you out and see if either of you received any serious injuries.”

“I heard Princess Cadance was here.” One of the colts whispered conspiratorially right after Nova and Aria left with Doctor Sun Showers.

“That was not Princess Cadance. Cadance is pink.”

“I know that. It’s just that there is a rumor that there is another princess here. And that she turned down being officially recognized because she didn’t want to deal with the Canterlot Nobility.”

“That filly was probably Neighponies. They all seem to have that velvety look to them,” offered the third colt who’d chosen to be quiet up to that point. “She could be a Neighpony princess and I can certainly see not wanting to have to deal with the Canterlot snobs.”

“Got that right.”

Back in the examination area, Nova was presently up on the examination table while Doctor Showers used a foxfire screen to examine her.

“I’ll thank you not to go beyond a medical scan,” Nova stated rather flatly.

“I’m a doctor, and you are a minor.” He stated flatly.

“And you will do nothing beyond a standard medical scan without the permission of my guardians Wintry Mustang and Colonel Ray Mustang,” Nova stated flatly.

“Father, she’s related to Princess Cadance.” Aria offered. “Anything you see is likely to be over your pay grade. As in Alicorn Princess level stuff.”

“Very well then,” he replied as he dropped his diagnostic screen. “Just out of curiosity, has someone teleported you recently?”

“I teleported me recently,” Nova replied.

“You can teleport?”

“Don’t ask her to demonstrate.” Aria cautioned. “Her aim needs a lot of work.”

“Ya, I’m two for three.” Nova offered sheepishly. “For every three times I’ve teleported I’ve put myself partly within a cloud twice.”

“No adverse effects?” Doctor Showers asked.

“All that excess moisture trapped in my body makes me have to pee more often.”

“Oh, so that’s why you kept dashing off this morning.” Aria surmised with a grin.

“Sounds like you need to take a proper unicorn magic course so you can get that under control.” Doctor Showers told her. “You ever hit something solid the consequences can be devastating. For you, and any creature you might hit. Teleportation is not something to be learned through trial and error.”

“Yes sir,” Nova replied, her ears drooping a bit. “Any chance I can rejoin my team?”

“Are you willing to wait for Aria, I’m assuming you are on the same team.”

“I guess I can wait. They’ll either have started without us or they are done by now.”

“Alright, climb on down. Aria, it’s your turn.”

Nova and Aria set out a short time later each with a clean bill of health. When they found their team they quickly learned they’d been replaced.

“I’m sorry, but we had no way of knowing when or if they’d let you come back.” Sunshine offered apologetically. “Hold that thought I’m up next.”

Nova watched with disappointment as Sunshine dashed away. “But did it have to be Hoops and Score?”

“Ya, I know,” Silver offered. “..but they are from our school, and they are both strong fliers. Right now our only weak link is Fluttershy.”

“Hey!” Aria protested.

“No offense, but you just aren’t that fast. - Oh, I’m going to be up in a moment.”

“Come on. I think I know how to motivate Fluttershy,” Nova said to Aria as Silver trotted up to the starting line. The two found Fluttershy a moment later.

“Fluttershy, have you raced yet?” Nova asked.

Um, no, I haven’t. I’m up next.

“Since we can’t fly, will you win one, for us? Please?” Nova laid her ears back and gave her best pleading eyes.

Aria looked at Nova, tilted her head, realized what Nova was doing, turned to Fluttershy, and put on her best pleading face, “Please, win one for the foxes.”

“I – I'll do it. I won’t let you down.” Fluttershy proclaimed and boldly walked up to the start line and prepared to launch.

Silver came in, and Fluttershy launched as though she’d suddenly acquired afterburners.

“Wow, didn't know she had that in her?” Sunshine asked perplexed by Fluttershy’s sudden show of confidence.

“What’d you two tell her… Oh geese, stop that!” Spitfire said her hoof going to her heart and staggering. “Celestia, that’s weapon's grade.”

4: The Archduke makes his move.

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“Princess, you need to come with us,” Ordered a unicorn stepping up to Princess Cadance. With him were a dozen more, all wearing the livery of the Platinum House Guard, all had on charms allowing them to walk on clouds and had walked right into Flight Camp like they owned the place.

Cadance looked at them, “No,” Princess Celestia would not have sent them. “I’ll do no such thing.”

“Funny, you seem to be under some misconception that you have a choice.”

“And you all seem to have forgotten where you are,” Corrected a pale light grayish-blue stallion with a short-cropped rainbow main. “While she is here, she is under our protection. Now get out of my city before I pull the rug out from under you.”

“You haven't heard the last of this,” the lead unicorn declared. The others were looking somewhat apprehensive.

“Oh, something tells me I have,” Bow Hothoof Duke of Borealis replied with a smile on his face. The unicorns turned and started to walk away. Bow leaned over to another stallion standing nearby, and to be true, by the looks of them, they were all Weather Factory workers. “Have some of our more discreet pegasi tail them, and if they stray see to it they make it to their final destination.”


“Archduke Blueblood has all but committed an act of treason, and declared war on us in his arrogance. He’s up to something or he never would have been so bold. If they won't take the hint do what you have to to protect our ponies.” He turned to a nearby Wonderbolt. “Lieutenant, be so kind as to tell Colonel Mustang that the fly is in the soup and that he’ll likely want to pick up his charges a bit early. On it colt, now!”

“Sir! Yes Sir!” Shouted the Wonderbolt and then launched into the sky. At the same time, several ponies around Bow Hothooff slipped away.

“The nerve of them,” Cadance said as she walked up to Bow Hothoof. “And thank you, Your Grace.”

“None of that now,” Bow offered. “Just call me Bow. And Princess Celestia let me know that you had her permission t’ be here and that I should be wary of any ponies claiming otherwise.”

“Those were the Arch Duke’s ponies. I can’t imagine what he could be thinking? When I was first brought forward by Princess Celestia he had a fit that I’d been elevated to an Alicorn Princess and demanded Aunt Celestia undo it and send me back to the gutter I’d come from. Ever since he’s waged a campaign to drive me out, and now this?”

“Well if you ask me the old stallion has gone senile,” Bow offered. “That or he had decided that he can control Princess Celestia by controlling you.”

“And you?”

“I’ve enough to do managing the weather services. No, I’ve no desire for more.” He turned to some of the other ponies nearby. “Give the word to prepare to cast off lines, we’ve made it too easy for trespassers.”

“Miss Sunshine, Miss Nova, we need to go.” Fast Clip said as he approached. “Miss Dash, you need to come too.”

“Wait, what?” Dash protested. “We’ve got a relay to race! I can’t go now!?”

“Captain?” Spitfire asked.

“You’ll need to come too. Colonel Mustang’s orders. Flight Camp may even close up early. Word is the whole garrison is mobilizing.”

“What’s going on?” Spitfire asked.

“No idea might just be a drill,” Fast Clip offered.

“My father is a volunteer at the medical tent,” Aria announced.

“You’d better come with us then.” Fast Clip suggested firmly. “All medical personnel will be required to stay on base until we stand down from alert.”

“But we are Neighponys.”

“Can’t be helped, I’m afraid. Your mother works at the consulate doesn’t she?”

“Yes, both my parents do.”

“Well then, we’ll drop you off there the first chance we get.”

“Aria, by any chance are all the Neighponies in Canterlot in Cloudsdale right now?” Nova asked.

“I wouldn't know. Seems like there are quite a few. A lot of the pegasi I know were either planning on being at flight camp or helping out in some way. There’s still the Canterlot Mission though. Why?”

“Just a hunch. Come on, I’m sure everything will be fine.” Nova offered.

“Flight camp does pull a lot of pegasi out of Canterlot.” Spitfire mused. “What about Mom?!”

“I’m sure Mom will be fine.” Sunshine offered while trying to reassure both Spitfire and herself.


Elsewhere among the gathered pegasi youth, a group of colts noticed the activity around Nova.

“Hey, look, they are escorting that fake away.”

“About time.”

“Since when do fakes get escorted by Wonderbolts and isn’t that Rainbow Dash? She’s the one who did the rainboom.”


“She’s Duke Bow Hothoof’s daughter.”

Another colt came running over, “Guys, guys, a bunch of Archduke Blueblood’s private security just tried to make Princess Cadance go with them and Bow Hothoof sent them packing! She’s been escorted away by Wonderbolts!”

“Guys, why do I get the feeling we screwed up, and that little filly that just left with Rainbow Dash is the real thing?”

“So who’s the little cutie that kind of looks like that Shimmer mare?

“I think someone said she was Lieutenant Spitfire’s little sister.”

“Wasn’t there a rumor that Shimmer was Princess Celestia’s daughter?”

“You are not seriously suggesting Princess Celestia has a family on the side no pony knows about?”


“So, what’s going on?” Sunshine asked as they were brought to a hanger where an airship by the name of HMAS Magnus was waiting. Colonel Mustang, Wintry, and Doctor Showers were there along with Bow Hot Hoof and Windy Whistles.

“Sir, it’s as you suspected.” Called a stallion rushing in. “They tried to double back.”

“I got a message from Princess Celestia.” Wintry offered. “She didn’t say why but she told me to get out of the house. I sent Seakite to fetch Gilda and told her to go to a friend's home and stay there”

“A dozen of Archduke Blueblood’s Hench-ponies were caught trying to get on post. And Princess Celestia sent me a message telling me to get the fillies to safety.” Colonel Mustang explained.

“Then at least I won’t have to feel bad about what we did.” Offered the pegasi who provided the news about the unicorns. The instructions he’d been given bothered him, but he trusted Bow Hothoof to the point that he’d do anything he asked. Never before had he asked so much. “Seems they got turned around, they gave us some trouble when we tried to redirect them, so we showed them the shortcut back to land.”

“What you did?” Aria asked. “Short cut?!”

“I fear there may be a coup attempt in the process.” Bow Hothoof announced. “I knew he was up to something. Didn’t think he’d go so far as to try to Make Princess Celestia herself impotent within the government.”

“But, how would that even be possible. It’s not like they can just overthrow Princess Celestia?” Spitfire asked.

“They went after Cadance.” Bow informed her. “Only it hadn't occurred to them we might be prepared and she’d say no.”

“If I had gone with them like the dutiful child they’d hope I’d be, I would have played right into their hooves.” Cadance offered. “And maybe if I’d been in Canterlot I wouldn't have had a choice.”

“Except you were here.” Ray Mustang stated. “They probably planned it figuring the guard force in Canterlot would be lower because of the presence of Cloudsdale but discovering that you’d gone to flight camp threw a monkey wrench in their plans. Without you or the others, they have no leverage to use against Princess Celestia.”

“Others?” Spitfire asked and then a feeling of horror overtook her. “You don’t think they found out about Sunshine and I do you?”

“If they ever recognized the Changeling Amulet they might well have put two and two together,” Sunshine offered just as two more pegasi guards flew in. Bow Hothoof gave her a puzzled look, but Mustang had that I 'know what she’s talking about look' on his face.

“All lines cut, we are underway!” Reported the first pegasus guard. “We should be out of teleportation range shortly.”

“Sir, the government buildings and the castle have been taken. All save the Keep itself which still has Royal guards on the heights.”

“So they made their move without knowing if they even had their bargaining chips in place. How typical. The arrogance of that pony is beyond the pale.” Bow Hothoof said in nearly a growl.

“So now what?” Windy asked.

“One moment first. Doctor, I have an escort for you and your daughter. Nova, activate your ring and go with them. You are going to the consulate. That way we don’t have all our eggs in one nest. If things go bad claim to be a Neighpony. So long as they think you aren’t connected to Princess Celestia I doubt they’ll go after you. I doubt they’ll risk violating treaties.”

“Yes sir.” Nova offered, activated the ring on her horn, and went over to join the doctor and Aria who was then escorted to a waiting bus that was to take them to the consulate. After they’d gone Sunshine and Spitfire were loaded onto the airship in the hanger along with a sizable escort.

“Sir, I feel like I’m running away when I should be fighting.” Spitfire protested.

“I’m well aware that this is not what you trained for, but if the Archduke gets his hooves on you two he’ll be able to force Princess Celestia to do whatever he wants. Keep your sister safe.”

“And me?” Cadance asked.

“You and Rainbow Dash are going out on a different transport.” Colonel Mustang replied. “It will be that much harder for them if they don’t know which transport to go after, and I’ve no doubt they have transports of their own. I’ve sweep fliers out right now to find them. Though I suspect that they had hoped for a swift takeover of the government and control of Princess Celestia in order to avoid a protracted civil war.”

5: A bus, a letter, and an airship.

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Nova was mighty nervous about the bus ride and even went so far as to sit down on the floor so that casual observers, or worse yet, intentional observers, wouldn't see her. When they arrived there was already a heavy Cloudsdale Guard presence outside. Nova got off the bus with the others, walked through what looked to be a gate of heavy mahogany set within a fairly substantial wall that was not made of cloud material.

A garden. Nova had stepped through the gate and into a garden. Not a typical Cloudsdale garden of plants in pots, but an actual landscaped ornamental garden.

“Impressive isn’t it?” Doctor Showers asked. “You might want to continue on through though.”

“Oh, right, sorry,” Nova replied and started down the meandering walkway.

To either side of the gate were small structures, one for guards, and one for processing visitors by the looks of it. The walkway itself coiled around to several buildings within the compound. Behind her, she could hear the heavy doors being shut and barred. Above her, a prismatic honeycombed shield formed giving the place the look of being within a greenhouse.

“Ah, Doctor, it’s so good you are back. We were starting to worry.” Offered a gray roan Earth pony with dark legs, tail, ears, and head.

“Minister-counselor Grey.” Doctor Showers said politely while dropping his head to shoulder level. Aria did the same maneuver so Nova thought it might be best to, mimic their movements followed by the minister bowing to Nova.

“Well, now that that’s out of the way…” Minister Grey offered just as a pale blue pegasus with a two-tone blue and silver main and tail came trotting out.

“Sun! Aria! You’re safe!” She called as she hurried up to them and gave each a hug. “And this is?” She turned to look at Nova.

“Bright Star Mustang.” Nova offered. “But I’m more likely to answer to Nova.” Nova was then surprised by a hug and was forced to twist her neck so as not to impale the mare.

“Ow… what in Celestia?” the mare asked feeling the horn jabbing into her.

“My mom, Gentle Rain.” Aria offered as her mother rubbed her chest, and then attempted to figure out what on Nova’s head had poked her.


“Please stop,” Nova requested dryly as Gentle Rain bumped her hoof against the unseen horn. Several times.

“Come, let us go inside. And yes, we have been in contact with your adopted father. He had been curious as to what our motivations were and whether or not we would be his ally should any unforeseen problems arise.” Minister Grey offered and directed them to a modest-sized pavilion. “Miss Aria, I’ll trust you to look after the Hime while she is here.”

“Wait, doesn’t that mean princess?” Mrs Showers asked stopping right in her tracks.

“Yes mother, she is technically a princess.” Aria offered. “And yes, Minister, I am honored to be her companion.”

“A princess and not a princess.” Minister Grey offered as they went inside where tea had been made ready along with little sandwiches and cakes.

“Come, every pony, sit.” Minister Grey prompted.

“To dine with the princess will be our honor.” Doctor Showers offered as he sat down.

“I too am honored.” Nova offered as she sat on the cushion that had been pointed out to her by the Minister. And then added with a smile, “But don’t be too nice to me it might go to my head.”

“Doctor, I think you might be able to fill me in a little?” Minister Grey suggested as a maid poured tea.

Nova said thank you in what she hoped was the proper Neighpony thank you.

“Princess, I’m afraid there are few who still speak the old formal language of the court.” Minister Grey offered with an interesting smile as Nova’s inflection was that of a native speaker or someone who’d been in contact with a native speaker at a young enough age to pick up the proper inflections. “Fewer still who understand it.”

“I’m that out of date am I?” Nova asked. “And Nova is fine, please.”

“Miss Nova. I understand. You’ve been trying to avoid the eye of certain ponies. Not that I blame you either. The Platinum clan are a troublesome bunch. - Doctor?”

“The news isn’t good.” Doctor Showers offered with a consigned tone. “It seems that Archduke Blueblood has bitten off far more than he could ever hope to chew. It would seem he is attempting to take full control of the government to include controlling Princess Celestia.”

“Oh my, but how would that even be possible?” Gentle Rain asked.

“By taking into control certain assets whose safety could compromise the Princess.” Doctor Showers explained. “I am to understand that they attempted to abduct Princess Cadance right in broad daylight. At Flight Camp.”


“Sunset, your book is ringing.” Offered one of the two women who’d taken Sunset in. Sunset had at first insisted that she was not the woman’s daughter and had wanted nothing to do with her. But she wasn’t stupid either. When Mrs Celeste Aureole pointed out what Sunset’s options were, she decided to just play along with her. After all, having a home with some ‘one’ who actually cared was far better then a life on the streets, orphanages, foster care, jail, prison, and for undocumented ‘persons’ with no apparent history, incarceration in holding facilities and deportation to not even Celestia could know where.

“I told you I don’t want to talk to her.”

“Well you don’t mind if I do, do you? Sun-set?”

“Knock yourself out.”

Celeste opened up the book and looked at the last bookmarked page.


“You know it’s difficult for me to read, she uses too many outdated characters,” Celeste replied. “Um, I’m having trouble with a word, but I think it translates to coup d'é·tat.”

Sure the language was more or less equivalent to English, but the alphabet was a rather interesting mix of Roman and Greek. Some of the characters dated back to the Poenicians and had no known translation forcing Celeste to make educated guesses as to what the sounds might be. As for the nature of the book, sure it looked like magic, but Celeste didn’t think that way. As far as she was concerned it was some form of advanced technology. And probably just as well that Sunset hadn’t fallen into the hands of someone less open-minded being the book had all the earmarks of a Necronomicon. Clark’s first law certainly fit that book. ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.’ Sunset, as she insisted on calling herself, had also complained that she couldn't do magic in this world. A little gem she’d let slip after Celeste had first started to read the book. Something was missing. Celeste theorized it must be some form of background radiation that the native inhabitants had learned how to tap into just like humans learned how to use fire and then electricity. The book also provided indisputable proof that Sunset Shimmer was not her daughter.

“What?!” Sunset exclaimed dropped the book she was reading and rushed over to see what had been written for herself. “That son of a Minotaur.”

“Did I ever tell you I love the way you swear?”

“This is hardly the time.” Sunset scolded as she took in the words.

Sunset was finally looking at the book. That two-way diary. As upset as she’d been, as mad at Princess Celestia she had been she wanted nothing further to do with her. She’d even gone so far as to tell herself that Celestia had tricked her, but then knowing Celestia’s love of ‘tests’ she knew that she had failed miserably. As for why she kept the book, Sunset simply told herself that the only reason why she had kept it was so she could tell Princess Celestia off. Only now she was looking at the book her mind going a mile a minute.

Dear Sunset, my dearest little sun. As I write this Archduke Bloublood has seized control of the government buildings and taken hostages. I’ve received word that he attempted to take Cadance into custody but was thankfully thwarted by Bow Hothoof. Forgive me, but he is the reason I could never acknowledge you as my precious daughter. You have two sisters who have gone into hiding for fear that Blueblood has learned of them. Please forgive me but I have actually found that I am now glad for your rash actions because it means you are well beyond his grasp. I fear the Stallion is mad. If you don’t hear from me, assume the worst, and that Equestria is lost.

Your mother, Celestia.

Sunset sat hard on the floor as her legs went out from under her, her surrogate mother Celeste, rushing to catch her.

“She was my mother,” Sunset said in barely a whisper. “All that time she was my mother and she couldn't admit it even to me because of that worthless piece of horse apple. All that time.” Finally, Sunset had had enough and the dam broke in a torrent of tears and sobs while Celeste did her best to console the stricken girl.

When Sunset had finally regained control of herself she went back and read all the messages she’d missed. Messages asking if she was alright, messages apologizing for being so cryptic about things she should have been straight forward with, an apology for showing her the mirror and not fully explaining it because she hadn’t fully understood the spell cast on it by Starswirl, and an apology for blowing up at her when she should have just told her what she needed to know to keep her from doing the very thing she’d done. There was also an experimental reply written in by Celeste, an answer, another reply, and a joy-filled answer. After that, the two had engaged in mostly small talk about Sunset.

Sunset picked up a pen and began to write.

‘Mom, that’s all I wanted. All I ever wanted was for you to be my mom, to call you mom, and for you to call me daughter. Thank you. Mom. I guess that deep down I knew. Sorry for every harsh word. Sorry for demanding what I hadn’t earned. I never really wanted to be an alicorn, I just wanted my mom. So what’s this about sisters?’

And then it was time to wait. Wait for an answer that might not even come. After all those weeks of ignoring Princess Celestia’s messages, now Sunset was desperate for some news. Anything to let her know that everything was going to be alright.


“Any chance we have a specific location?” Spitfire asked the Captain of the airship they were in as they launched.

“Not really, no. We were told to lay low somewhere until an all-clear is sent out.” Their captain offered.

“Head west to Tall Tale along the north side of the Smokey Mountains,” Sunshine suggested. “And then South through Saddleback Pass to the White Tail Woods.”

“You’re not thinking about dropping in on the Elk Kingdom are you?” Spitfire asked. “Why not just go straight there?”

“If any pony is following us or tracking us in any way we wouldn't want to telegraph where we are headed.” The Captain offered. “Name’s Strike Oars. I started out when ships still sailed in the water. We’ll go through Dragon Tale gap like we would to go to Seaward Shoals and then we can cut through Saddleback pass and down into the White Tail.”

“Just out of curiosity, how high will this go?” Sunshine asked.

“Operational altitude is sixteen thousand horns, the ceiling is a little over twenty thousand.” Captain Oar offered.

“I’m still new to flying, but how high can pegasi fly?”

“Typically no higher than ten thousand, and only for a short duration.” Spitfire offered. “You’ll know when you are up that high, the air is really thin. The newest airships are pressurized and the engines still have more than enough air to get the job done.”

“We are at ten thousand now. Want to go higher?” Captain Oar asked.

“Sure,” Sunshine replied with a big smile. “Take us all the way up. After all, I may never get the opportunity ever again.”

“You heard the young Filly, take ‘er up Mr Helm.”

“Aye aye, Captain,” Helm responded, pulled back on a leaver, and up they went.

A thrill washed through Sunshine as the landscape below fell away until everything was so small details she normally took for granted just kind of blended away.

A short time later they leveled out at twenty thousand. And then they waited. After all travel by any means takes time, and it would be nightfall by the time they reached Saddleback Pass. And that was if Princess Celestia holds to schedule.

“So, um, how do we know when it’s safe to return?” Spitfire asked.

“Short wave. The radio is set to receive only. And they have to authenticate. If they fail to authenticate we ignore them.” Captain Oar replied.

“Captain!” Sunshine called out. “A pony…”

“What, where?” Captain Oar replied.

“They’re gone now,” Sunshine said softly. “A unicorn. I think they fell off the top.”

He went over to her and gave her head a pat. “Sorry, if he was up there, and we can’t go chasing after them. There isn’t a pegasus alive who could have caught up with them in time. And if there are any other poor fools up there, may Harmony have mercy on their souls.”

“It’s my fault,” Sunshine said dropping her head.

“No miss, tis not yer fault. We’d been at ten thousand horns far longer then any pegasus could have endured.” Captain Oar offered. “The fault was their own for thinking they could hitch a ride up there.”

6: A night Princess, and black out.

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Nova looked out at the garden as she contemplated the current turn of events. How long would this go on?

“It’s a pretty garden, isn’t it?” Aria offered. “It’s a traditional garden. The consulate is on a sky island. Should the unthinkable happen, this island will remain.”

“Somehow that doesn’t really help,” Nova replied softly. “Right now all I want is to be with my new family. It seems I hardly got settled in and I’m separated again by another bucking Platinum. And yet, here I sit contemplating cherry blossoms.” Nova stood up. “Oh for warriors of old. Where now are my mother’s legions? Who now will stand against the dark to secure the innocent while the world sleeps? Who will light the forge, and smote the iron?”


“Yes, to strike the iron while it’s hot and forge blades of steel,” Nova said, reached up, shut off the ring hiding her horn, and removed it. She stood tall extending her wings and called out with a spell her mother had taught her. “Hear me for I am the daughter of the night.” She said softly with eyes half-lidded her horn blazing. “Hear me oh brave warriors, hear me oh wings of silent flight. Hear me oh children of the night. Light the fires and raise the banners. Suffer no more the Platinum yoke. I beseech thee, all who hear me, to defend the Shepherd of the Sun.”

When Nova had said her piece her horn went out, and she slumped down spent.

“Nova?!” Aria exclaimed rushing to her. “Are you alright? I heard that in my head. What was that? I’m supposed to be looking out for you! Let me get you some water.” Even as she was saying this several members of the staff came rushing in. “Here, drink.” Aria said offering up a cup.”

“Thank you.” Nova offered while taking the drink. “And now it seems I am found out.”

Even as she said that Minister Grey rushed in with a shocked look on his face. “Did you seriously have to do that?” His tone was perhaps more frightened than scolding. “Your Highness.”

“Do you think any of the night kin heard me?” Nova inquired of him. “I mean beyond this compound? I fear that if the Platinums get their way once more I will never see my mother returned to me. Without Princess Celestia, the balance can never be restored.”

“I don’t know.” Minister Grey replied. “It was a valiant effort though. - Now, it might be best to put that ring back on your horn. We are supposed to be hiding you.”

“Only night kin will have heard it.” Nova offered. Nova picked up the ring, placed it back on her head, and reactivated it.

“Word from Canterlot is that the Archduke has taken a number of ponies captive and there is presently a stalemate.” Minister Grey offered.

“If only I was older. If only Mother’s Shadowbolts still existed.” Nova lamented as the sun went down.

“Mother’s Shadowbolts?!” Aria exclaimed in a sort of semi hushed tone. It was like she wanted to shout it but her throat had closed up. “Hang on, ‘Your Highness’”?

“Afraid it’s true.” Minister Grey offered. “And keep that information to yourself.”

“So how long have you known?” Nova asked as Doctor Showers entered the room with a look of concern on his face.

“Shortly after your arrival. It was determined that it would be in your best interest to make sure you were placed in a good stable home environment. Not to mention not upsetting the balance of the royal court. And if you don’t mind my saying, you are much more down to earth and charming than any princess I’ve met aside from Princess Celestia.” Minister Grey offered.

“Thank you… I think.” Nova replied with a smile. “Granted the only other princess I know is Rainbow Dash. Just don’t tell her she’s a princess. She’s a bit like me but without the horn, a bit brash and rough around the edges if you get my meaning. And my birth family, the staff had no qualms about smacking me in the flank if I was out of line. As for the royal court, if I were of a mind to exercise any rights as a royal, I am an Equestrian first.”

“You’re both just normal fillies as far as I knew.” Aria offered. “All the other ‘princesses’ I’ve met were absolutely horrid spoiled brats. Of course, I've yet to meet Princess Celestia.”

“Nova!!!!” called a flurry of yellow and pink diving down and landing on the porch. “Nova, are you alright? I heard your voice in my head,” she called as she rushed in to glomp Nova.

Nova’s mind was desperately trying to play catch up as she looked at the bat pony version of Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy??” Nova asked tilting her head one way then the other. “You’re a leather wing?”

“I am. Wait, don’t tell any pony.” Fluttershy-bat replied.

“I won’t. I promise. But you’re normally a pegasus, and a little on the timid side?” Nova inquired.

“My Great grandmother was a leather wing. If I let myself get too worked up, it's feathers everywhere, and I transform.”

“I think I understand you a whole lot better now,” Nova replied with a smile. “Also I’m not about to ask you to go face the Archduke’s private army. It was my hope that some adults capable of fighting might somehow help put a stop to the Archduke’s plans. And for that matter how do your parents feel about you being away from home?”

“Dad thinks I’m out with friends, well, technically I am, you and Aria… Oh.”

“That’s Minister Counselor Grey, he’s sort of in charge here.”

“A friend of yours I gather?” Minister Grey asked.

“Friend and school mate. We are in the same class together.” Nova offered. “Her name is Fluttershy. She’s usually very reserved. Fluttershy, you can unglomp me.”

“It’s the transformation, it makes me a little more aggressive. Sorry.” Fluttershy offered with a guilty smile and let go. “Anyway, mom heard you too and was really confused until I told her what I could. After that, she decided to go see some of our relatives.”

“Oh, alright. I just hope everything works out.” Nova offered.

“By the way,” Minister Grey began. “How did you get through the shield?”

“You have it set to let birds in and out, so I came in with a flock of birds.” He gave her an odd look. “Oh, only one panel opened. I doubt any adult pony could do it.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll give you that.” Minister Grey offered. “Will you be staying for dinner?”

“May I?” Fluttershy asked, and Nova gave him a beseeching look.

“Of course you may.” He offered even as a staff member came rushing in.

“Sir, the mission in Canterlot has been besieged, and there is rioting in the city.”

“Surely the Platinum clan has gone mad?” Nova said attempting to get up as the minister followed his staff member out only to sit back down. This then prompted the doctor to go have a better look at her.

“Your manna levels don’t appear to be much lower than they were earlier today?” Doctor Showers offered while looking through a diagnostic screen. “Unless... I’m going to need to do a deeper scan to determine what your levels should be… I see… so that’s the problem then.”

“Father?” Aria asked.

“I see the problem, your manna levels should be a lot higher. Just rest up, and you’ll be well enough in a bit. Just don’t use any magic for a while.”

“Alright.” Nova offered.

“Well then, I must be off, and I hope to see you at dinner.”

“Maybe I’ll just lay down for a while.” Nova offered as he left.


“She could stand to have an infusion of manna.” Doctor Showers said as he went into the office where the minister and a few others were discussing options.

“Is she going to be alright?” Minister Grey asked.

“She will recover. It’s just that her recovery would be a bit faster if there was a family member who could provide a little of their manna.”

“Doctor, the only living family member I am aware of is hold up in Canterlot Keep. Finding some pony else that’s compatible is going to be like finding a safe passage through the Everfree and given the current events, even harder.”

“Minister Grey, there are leather wings at the gate. They want to know how they can help.” Offered an excitable Consulate guard rushing in.

“You know, maybe that little stunt of hers is going to pay off after all.” Minister Grey offered with a smile. “Bring them in, and let's see if we can evacuate the Canterlot Mission. If not, perhaps we can at least bolster their numbers?”


Canterlot Castle, moments before Nova sent out her message. Down in the dungeons were the resident Royal guards have been locked up. Their jail keepers, bat ponies.

“You lot are making a huge mistake!” One of the officers shouted. “If you thought things were bad after Nightmare Moon…”

“Did they just all zone out?” Asked one of the other guards.

Suddenly the bat ponies snapped out of it and started looking to each other unsure as to what had just transpired.

“It’s a night princess.” One of them said in a hushed tone. “The daughter of the night must mean she’s a night princess.”

“We all just heard the same thing, did we not?” another asked.

“Heard what, what are you lot jabbering about!” Shouted one of the Canterlot Royal Guards.

The bat ponies huddled together.

“They didn’t hear it, but we all did, did we not?” One asked of the others his voice hushed, and they each in turn nodded.

“Suffer no more the platinum yoke and defend the Shepherd of the sun. Can it be a trick?”

“The day walkers didn’t hear it. Only a night pony capable of casting such a spell could have singled out only night kin in this manner, and I doubt Princess Celestia would make such a request. She has too much pride to ask such of the night kin.”

“Was it not the Platinum clan of old who was behind the betrayal of Princess Luna? Are they also not behind nearly a centuries worth of lies? We have been had, and we’ll be the worse off for it win or lose.”

“Then what are we to do?”

“We do the right thing by supporting Princess Celestia. Get the keys.”

“On it.”

And then the huddle broke up and the keys were fetched.

“Hang on, you’re letting us out?” Asked a guard.

“You were right, we were making a big mistake, but it’s not too late to correct that mistake.”

“Why the sudden change of heart brother?” Asked a pegasus.

“New orders, so to speak. One might even go so far as to say it came in on the bat wave radio that only night kin can hear.” One of the bat ponies offered. “Now, we must move swiftly and be clever about it if we are to undo this folly without any innocents being hurt.”


For Cadance and Dash, the plan had changed. At least that’s what it was looking like for the two ponies. Instead of getting onboard an outbound airship, Cadance was dressed up in a uniform, and Dash, well, Dash was made to hide in a pack. She was just so smol fitting her in a pack was easy. Cloudsdale had also been positioned so that they could use the city as cover to fly down to Ponyville unseen from Canterlot. When they felt they’d gone far enough they dropped down to treetop level and veered off course to go around the small village.

The flight had been designed to look like just one of many patrols that skirted around the edges of Ponyville. Over farmland and orchards, they went. A young red stallion barely older than a colt watched them go by. Around the edge of a wood, and a little further on they began to skirt a much darker wood. There on a slight rise beyond an arched bridge over a creek stood a modest-sized cottage with a thatched roof. There they landed and knocked on the door.

“I could have flown this far.” Dash griped. A few moments later a fairly robust forest green earth pony stallion opened the door. He had a wooden leg on his left front and more than a few scars.

“What kin I do fer ya.”

“Hi Stumpy, mind if we stay for a spell?” The lead pegasus, a Captain, asked.

“That’s Master Sargent Forest to you… Oh? What’s she doing here?”

“Problems in Canterlot.”

“Well don’t just stand there, come in.” Stumpy prompted. “Hurry it up, get in here, for ‘n some pony sees you.”

“Must be nice to be so close and yet so far removed from the goings-on in Canterlot.”

“Damn it Dunkin Mac Cloud. Quit beating around the bush and explain the surprise visit.” Stumpy grumped.

“Oh nothing much, just the Archduke lost his mind.” Dash offered as she flitted in through the doorway followed by the others.

“Thank you for allowing me into your home. They are sending me into hiding.” Cadance offered.

“That’s quite alright. The crown covers the rent on the condition I let members of the guard bunk here from time to time. Once upon a time, this used to be a wayside station.”

“Wayside station?” Dash asked. She was flitting about taking in every square hoof of the place. “Not very big either.”

“Don’t mind her, she’s just got too much energy.” Cadance offered apologetically.

“What? Was I doing it again? Sorry.” Dash offered and then zipped upstairs.

“Now don’t be poking around in my room!” Stumpy called. “That is, how long are we thinking you will be staying here?”

“No way to know.” Captain Cloud replied. Archduke Blueballs, er I mean Blueblood is attempting to take over the government lock, stock, and barrel. Even sent is private security forces to try to nab Princess Cadance.”

“Hang on, how is she with a pegasus escort?”

“I snuck out to go to flight camp.” Cadance offered. “I imagine that they had already put their plan into effect before they found out I wasn’t in Canterlot.”

“Oh ya, that’ll throw a monkey wrench into the works. Some pony not being where they are supposed to be.” He then closed the door following the last pony in, invited every pony to sit, and offered refreshments.


When the HMAS Magnus arrived at Saddleback pass there was just enough light to find the peaks. Down below them, the last train from Seaward Shoals could be seen snaking its way over the pass. Beyond lay the forest stretching from there all the way to Ponyville beyond which the forest grew darker and became the Everfree. Sure the two came right up to each other, but there was no mistaking the Everfree.

And when they’d passed beyond the mountain pass they began their descent down the slopes, and down to the forest to glide over the wooded hills and glens. And there too in the heart of the forest, they saw light coming up from a community few outsiders knew existed.

“Wish we had Nova’s eyes in this darkness.” Sunshine offered. Only then did she realize that the moon hadn’t risen. That or it was a new moon, which as far as she knew wasn’t scheduled for tonight.

Quietly the HMAS Magnus slipped through the darkness arriving at a fairly substantial community set in the trees of the forest.

“That looks like a likely spot to set down. Assuming it’s even a good idea.” Offered the first Mate on spotting a clearing. “Where are we anyway?”

“If my guess is right, this should be the Elk city.” Sunshine offered.

“I’m not so sure this is a good idea,” Spitfire commented. “I’ve heard the Elks aren’t so keen on visitors.”

And then all the lights down below started shutting off until the only light was that of the lights of the gondola.

Sunshine went to the door, opened it, turned off the enchantment hiding her horn, and leaned out, “Hello? Visiting princess here!”

“You know, the more creatures see that thing the harder it’s going to be to hide it.” Spitfire drolled. The crew was speechless.

“I suppose I should have seen this coming,” Sunshine replied thinking back to a similar event in a book about a hobbit and a bunch of Dwarves. “But a pony would think the Elks would be a bit more hospitable!” she shouted down to the dark forest below. Sunshine backed in and shut the door. “Might just as well take her up.”

“Any heading in mind, or are we just going to fly around all night?” Captain Oars asked dryly.

“If we head south from our current position that should take us right to Los Pegasus in about four hours.” the first Officer offered.

“Very well then, make it so.” Captain Oars ordered and they were off again.

“Princess…” Captain Oars prompted a few moments later.

“Just ‘Miss Sunshine’ is fine.” Sunshine offered. “Equestria isn't really supposed to know about me.”

“It’s to keep her safe.” Spitfire offered. “And I’m here not so much as her escort, but for my safety as well it would seem. We are sisters after all and our mother is fairly high up on Princess Celestia’s list of most trusted ponies.”

“Well then, there is a small kitchen pantry in the back and some bunks.” Captain Oars offered.

“In that case, I’m a halfway decent cook, why don’t I fix something.” Spitfire offered. “Sunshine, are you going to be OK?”

“Ya, I’m just disappointed, that’s all. That and I can’t help but worry about the others. About Nova, Rainbow, and Cadance. And I guess a lot of other ponies as well. - Think I’d like to have a lie down if someone can let me know which bunk I can use?”

“Just pick out a bunk that doesn’t have a kit on it. The curtains will be tied back as well.” Captain Oars offered. Sunshine thanked him, turned, and headed for the back.

“Lumos. Hey, what do you know, it works.” Sunshine said, the tip of her horn lighting up as she walked down the dark corridor.

“She’s, um, just getting started.” Spitfire offered as she watched Sunshine on her way down the darkened corridor with her horn lit. Spitfire was sure she’d never heard spoken magic and couldn't for the life of her figure out where Sunshine had learned that?

7: A traditional garden needs stone.

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Princess Celestia looked out one of the windows in the Keep. Down below she could see a rather fine estate going up in flames, and she was fairly sure it was the Blueblood estate. “Kibitz,” Celestia said with a cold fury in her tone. “Are all our special assets safe?”

“Princess, all reports indicate that they are indeed safe and have not fallen into the hooves of the traitors.”

“Anything else to report?”

“It seems that for whatever reason the Night Kin the Archduke had hired has switched sides and are presently freeing the hostages with the help of the Castle Guard.”

“And is the Archduke aware of this?”

“It appears that he’s been left in the dark with a number of his supporters quietly slipping away.”

“Very well then. Inform him that I will grant him the immortality he so desires.”

“Your, your highness?” Kibitz wasn’t too sure he could believe his own ears.

“Have him wait in the Bailey along with any who still support him,” Celestia instructed with a grim look of determination on her face. She then went to a cabinet, opened it, reached in with her magic, and a moment later the wall opened up. Beyond the doorway, there were a number of boxes. She pulled out an old battered box and retrieved a finely crafted crown made of gold and festooned with many fine jewels. She stepped out of the room with the crown floating in her magic. She shut the door and made her way down to the bailey where she found a rather pompous Archduke Blueblood. The Archduke smiled malevolently on seeing Princess Celestia assured in his victory.

“Your Highness.” Celestia offered while bowing to the stallion. He beamed with satisfaction. All his scheming had paid off. After all, he held all the cards, or so he believed.

“Ah, I see you’ve brought me my crown.”

“This crown belonged to Gaius Cassius Platinum,” Celestia informed him with cold hatred in her tone. “Kneel to me so that I may place it upon thy head. Your Majesty.”

“Yes, yes, of course.” Archduke Blueblood replied with considerable smugness. He bowed down exhibiting a theatric flair, the crown floated over, landed not so gently on his head, a look of annoyance followed by dread as Celestia’s stream intensified. It took but a moment, but at that moment the Archduke had turned to stone. His fellows now seeing their own folly and doom attempted to flee, each being turned to stone in their turn. Each with looks of horror.

“Round up the rest of the traitors, and bring me the young prince unharmed, or unblemished in any way,” Celestia ordered.

“They’re dead.” One corporal said softly. Her guards looked shaken.

“No, not dead.” Celestia offered reassuringly. “They are in stasis. In time I will free them, and when they’ve matured like a fine wine, their names are forgotten, I will turn them into foals, and give them another chance far from Canterlot.” Celestia’s anger subsided, and she let out a sigh. “Now go, and restore order to Canterlot.”


“I can’t help but wonder if I have it the easiest?” Nova offered as Fluttershy, Aria, and Nova went in to dinner that night. “All I have to do is sit here and wait.”

“And is waiting while not knowing any easier?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sunshine, Spitfire, Dash, and Princess Cadance are out there somewhere. Maybe holed up like ourselves wondering what’s going on, or perhaps they are on the run.” Nova offered as they turned into the ornate dining room where a number of adults had gathered. She was surprised to find a number of leather wings who bowed to her as she entered. She returned the bow out of courtesy. Doctor Showers was there to include two mares.

“Princess.” One of the leather wings offered.

“Please, Miss Nova will be sufficient. I’ve a desire to stay out of the public eye for as long as I may. Or at least till I’ve sufficiently grown-up that I can defend myself.” Nova offered with a smile as she was directed to a seat.

“Concerns about how Princess Celestia might react?” One of the Gentle bats asked. “The name’s Stengel. My friends are Bingo and Dingle.”

“Princess Celestia knows I’m here, at least here as in here in Cloudsdale. She invited my class to have lunch when we were touring Canterlot Castle.”

“It was, interesting, but everything turned out alright.” Flutter-bat offered.

“Interesting?” Minister Grey asked.

“The guards thought my adopted sister was Sunset Shimmer.”

“In their defense, we were wearing school cloaks.” Flutters pointed out.

“You forget that our wings stick out in the back.” Nova countered politely as every pony sat down. “Kind of hard to miss.”

“Mr Stengel and his companions are part of the group who volunteered to help our ponies in Canterlot.” Minister Grey informed Nova just as a yellow pegasus with a magenta mane was shown in.

“Rioters took one look at us and ran for it.” Stengel offered.

“Hi, Mom!” Flutters called.

“Fluttershy… hang on, you haven't switched back?” Mrs Shy asked.

“Um, ya, I guess.” Flutters offered. “It’s alright for me to be like this here.”

“I may be a bad influence.” Nova teased.

“Come have a seat.” Minister Grey offered. “My wife, Camilla, Doctor Showers, and his wife Sakura.” Camilla was a golden fox pony with a light blond mane and black ear tips, while Sakura was light blond with a pale pink mane and tail and lacked any black. Both mares had white undersides and boots.

“Pleased to meet you.” Mrs Shy offered. “My name’s Flutter Butter.”

“We’ve got an open seat if you care to join us?” Minister Grey offered.

“Yes, thank you.” Mrs Shy replied and went around to their side of the table. She paused momentarily to give Nova’s main a muss and check for her horn. She had seen the horn on previous occasions and was a bit perplexed. Sure enough, it was still there, she just couldn't see it.

“She’s using some kind of spell.” Mr Stengel offered. “No I can’t see it, but I know how to spot a hidden horn. And don’t worry about Blueblood’s spies.”

“And how’s that?” Camellia asked as Mrs Shy sat down.

“We are, or rather were his spies. It’s the young Miss’s doing. The moment we realized one of our targets we’d been sent to look for after the ponies originally tasked with nabbing certain ponies failed to return, was a night Princess it changed everything.”

“I’m glad.” Nova offered. “I know Princess Celestia wants Princess Luna back. It’s just a matter of freeing her from the shadow that took her. - And as every pony knows I’ve a horn there’s no point in hiding it.”

“Just don’t use your levitation, use your hoof fields.” Doctor showers cautioned. “You are going to need to take it easy. No more battling strange unicorns, or sending out global messages.”

“Strange unicorns?” Mrs Shy asked.

“Summer says I don’t need to worry about that. We won’t see her again for a long time.” Nova offered.

“How can she be so sure though?” Mrs Shy asked.

“Afraid I can’t really explain it. It’s just that sometimes she knows what’s going to happen.” Nova offered as a way of explanation. “Recent events have taken us both by surprise though.”

“I’m afraid it’s taken us all by surprise.” Minister Grey offered as the food was brought out by the staff and served. “Let us hope things get back to normal quickly.”

That night Nova had a sleepover with Aria and Flutters who’d returned to her pegasus form shortly after relaxing enough to go to sleep. The next morning Nova and Fluttershy were the first to be told that it was safe to go back to normal activities, and normal activities meant going back to school. Fluttershy and Nova returned to their prospective homes, picked up their school books, assignments, and went to school accompanied by escorts. Mrs Shy in Fluttershy’s case, and members of the Wonderbolts, Colonel Mustang and Wintry in Nova’s case. Dash and Sunshine hadn’t shown yet.

8: Bringing it all together.

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“Hey guys, ya miss me?!” Dash shouted as she walked into the classroom. Dash had been easy to notify as Cloudsdale was only a short distance from Ponyville at that moment. “So, um, where’s Sunshine?” Dash had looked around, saw Nova, but didn’t see Sunshine. “Is she alright?” A cold dread was creeping into the pit of her gut.

“Oh, ya, she’s fine.” Nova offered. “They went on a road trip and somehow ended up in a place called Los Pegasus.”

“What?!” Dash exclaimed. “I had to hole up in a little shack and she gets to go to Los Pegasus?!”

“And they are going to stay there today and return tomorrow.” Nova offered. “Something about issues with the airship they took.”

“Class, seats please.” Mrs Chart called as she entered.

“Mrs Chart, Sunshine will be absent for a couple of days.” Nova offered.

“Is she not well?” Mrs Chart asked.

“Evacuated. I spent the night at the Neighpony Consulate here in Cloudsdale.” Nova offered.

“Ya, and I spent the night in a cottage on the edge of the Everfree.” Dash offered.

“The Everfree? How cool is that?!” Score exclaimed. “Did you see any Timber Wolves?”

“Not a one.” Dash sounded genuinely disappointed. “Just the sort of animals Fluttershy would love.”

“What, really? Were there bunnies?” Flutters asked.

“Down there filly,” Nova whispered with a wink. Fluttershy looked at her and blushed.

“OK, is there something going on between you two?” Dash asked suspiciously.

Nothing.” Flutters protested in her usual reserved tone.

“Class, we have a new student joining us today.” Mrs Chart offered.

“Aria?” Nova and Flutters said as the filly walked in.

“You know Miss Aria?” Mrs Chart asked.

“We, um, sheltered together last night. It wasn’t safe at home.” Nova offered sheepishly.

“You mean you had a sleepover, and forgot to invite me.” Dash protested.

“Miss Rainbow, please sit. - Miss Aria, would you like to introduce yourself to the rest of the class?”

“Yes mam,” Aria replied. “Good morning. It’s a wonderful morning, and the world is bright and shiny. My name is Aria Showers, I will be your new classmate, and I hope to make lots of friends.”

“Thank you. There are open seats in the back.” Mrs Chart offered and waited for her to find a seat. “Now, I’m sure you’ve all heard a number of rumors last night and this morning.”

“Rumors? Archduke Blueblood attempted to take over the government.” Dash stated with a cold tone in her voice. Most of the class had actually been oblivious to the night’s activities.

“Rainbow Dash, if you please.” Mrs chart scolded. “Class, last night, Archduke Blueblood did indeed attempt to seize control of the government.”

“Um, I know I’m not exactly the brightest pony, but what about Princess Celestia?” Hoops asked.

“Let's just say that’s why a bunch of ponies had to go into hiding.” Nova offered. “They tried for Princess Cadance first, and then Sunshine and myself were believed to be possible targets, along with Dash. They wanted hostages so that they could force Princess Celestia to do whatever they wanted.”

The word ‘wow’ echoed through the room.

“Well, it’s all over.” Mrs Chart offered. “The Archduke is under arrest along with a number of his conspirators. The papers say the remainder of the conspirators are on the run, and that all who participated have had their titles and lands forfeited to the crown.”

“Forfeited?” Score asked.

“I think that means they’ve been reduced to commoners and Princess Celestia now owns all their properties.” Nova offered.

“Wonderful, you are absolutely right.” Mrs Chart praised. “Now, who all did their assignments that you were supposed to do during flight camp?”

“Sunshine and I got everything done except the essay on flight camp.” Nova offered. “I brought everything we did do. We were going to do it last night, but with all the excitement I kind of forgot.”

“I got mine done, and I even included some of what happened yesterday.” Dash offered. “Princess Cadance helped me with it. I had to leave out a few details though. I’m not allowed to tell any pony where I went or how I got there.”

“You kind of already told us.” Dumbbell pointed out. Yes, Dumbbell was back. He was also trying to be on his best behavior because he really didn’t want to go back to that other school. Not to mention getting ejected from Flight camp and the chewing out his mother and father had given him.

“Must be lots of little cottages along the edge of the Everfree though.” Nova pointed out.

“They said it was OK to tell friends, I just couldn't write any of it down.” Dash offered sheepishly.

“Ah, no written records then.” Mrs Chart surmised with a grin. “Alright then, those of you who did their assignments, get them out and hand them in.”

For Sunshine, the events following dinner and an early bedtime were a blank. For Spitfire and the others coming into Los Pegasus shortly after midnight had proved troubling. No sooner had they started their taxi to a birth that they were redirected to a hanger and met with security. Lots of security.

“I think I can guess.” Captain Oar muttered in response to the question of the hour. “We as likely had more than one stowaway up there and we took off without filing a flight plan.”

“Captain of the HMAS Magnus, you will deboard all personnel immediately!” Shouted a Major.

“Oh Dear Celestia, it’s Payne,” The first officer muttered.

Captain Oar went to the hatch and opened it. He stuck his head out. “We are out of Northcolt Air Station Cloudsdale on emergency evacuation orders by the command of Colonel Mustang,” he called to the waiting pegasi. “As ordered by Her Highness Princess Celestia.”

“I’ve received no such information, and I’m going to need every pony to exit your ship.”

“So now what?” Spitfire asked the Captain.

“We are going to have to do what he says unless we find out he’s with the Archduke.” Captain Oar offered. “Go get our little princess. The first sign of trouble get her out of here and go to ground somewhere.”

“That I can do.” Spitfire replied and headed into the back.

“We’ll be right out.” The captain offered. He then spoke into a funnel hanging from the roof attached to a pipe requesting a full shut down, ordering all personnel to prepare to disembark. “We need to secure her, I’ll be sending out the ship’s mates first so they can do their job,” he called to the Major a moment later.

“It’s not going to go anywhere while in the hanger. Quit stalling, and disembark!” Major Payne shouted.

“If she drifts from ponies getting in and out it’ll be on your bank account for the damages then, not mine.” Captain Oar shouted.

“Fine then. Secure your vessel.” Major Payne replied testily.

Captain Oar sent out the mates who took hold of the lines and secured them to anchor points.

“Lieutenant Striker, care to join the Major?” Captain Oar offered.

“Are we stalling?”

“A bit. Just to annoy him.” the Captain offered.

“Alright.” Lt Striker replied, stepped out of the hatch, and dropped to the deck. He was followed by the helmsman, and then the navigator. They were then followed by a half dozen Cloudsdale guards lead by a Lieutenant. Next came Spitfire with Sunshine on her back who was soundly sleeping oblivious to what was going on. They were then followed by a dozen Wonderbolt reserve fliers, and a dozen more of the Cloudsdale guard. These had been housed within the canopy itself. They were followed by a half dozen engineers and technicians. When Captain Oar stepped off, the forces at his command outnumbered the security forces that had come to meet them by two to one.

Major Payne looked undaunted. “By order of His Grace Archduke Blueblood, I am placing you all under arrest.”

“Do you seriously have any idea what you are doing?” Captain Oar asked him. “Or do the words treason mean nothing to you?”

“Major, the Archduke has no authority to give out orders to the military.” Spitfire pointed out.

“They were emergency orders!” Payne sputtered out. “The occupants of HMAS Magnus are to be detained… by the Archduke’s orders.” Payne wasn’t budging.

“I am a princess of the blood.” Spitfire informed him while wondering if he even knew what that meant. Several of his men knew, judging by the looks on their faces. After all, whether or not Princess Celestia did or did not was often the gossip of the lower ranks. “You can not arrest me, nor turn me over to any authority without a signed order from Princess Celestia herself.”

Granted that she was bluffing, but if the Major was to go by the way the troops exiting the airship had formed up around her, he might come to the inescapable conclusion that he was on a mighty thin cloud with a wing cramp.

Mercifully his decision was made for him. But perhaps not so much in the Major's favor. What Lieutenant Spitfire had said had been the first indication that his career was about to take a nosedive. Granted a dozen MPs arriving had bolstered him at first. That was until they stopped right in front of him and then turned to face him.

“Major Payne, by order of the Commandant in accordance with a directive issued by Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia, you sir, are hereby placed under arrest,” ordered the Captain leading the MPs.

“What? On what grounds?” bellowed the major.

“Executing an illegal action as directed by a known traitor.”

“What?” Now the Major was beginning to see the error in his ways.

“Archduke Orlean Blueblood attempted to seize control of the government, and even went so far as to attempt to dictate terms to Princess Celestia. All officers bearing the name Blueblood are to be placed under house arrest pending a review board. All officers who owe favors to the Archduke will be relieved of command pending a review. Any and all officers who have given and or in the process of giving and or willfully executing orders based on directives issued by the office of the former Archduke are in violation of the military code of conduct. Any order or directive which by intent serves the interest of the traitor is to be incarcerated pending a review board, charges, trial, and the outcome of said trial. In addition, the Archduke’s private security forces have been declared outlaw.”

The Major just looked at him with a stricken look on his face. How many times had he done ‘favors’ for the Archduke?

“If you’ll just come with us now?”

“I – I had no way of knowing.” Major Payne said softly.

“When you execute orders given by ponies that are outside the chain of command, you’d best know why and understand the possible consequences.” Captain Oar offered. Captain Oar turned to look up at his ship. “You know, when you directed us in here I thought that perhaps we had some hangers-on upon the canopy.”

“Hangers on?” The Captain of the MPs asked looking at him.

“The little filly on the Lieutenant’s back saw a unicorn fall off after we’d gone to altitude.”

“Oh dear Celestia.” Major Payne said softly. “But why would any pony do something so… suicidal? Unless…?”

“Keep that to yourself and it may go well at your hearing.” Captain Oar offered. “Say only that there were protected individuals on board.”

“Figures this would be the one time I should have told him to go to Tartarus.” the Major replied and then turned to the MPs, “Come on let's get this over with. You aren’t going to cuff me?”

“Sir, not if I don’t have to.” The Captain of the MP squad offered. “Regardless of what ponies may feel about your command style, I’m not going to humiliate you by cuffing you so long as you don’t give me a good reason to do it.”

“Thank you.”

And as he was lead away many of the ponies looked like they were ready to send up a cheer, that is until they were cautioned not to wake the filly.


When Sunshine woke up the next morning she was in a rather nice bed about as plush as any cloud mattress could be.

“Good morning Sunshine.” Spitfire offered. “Time for breakfast.”

“Do I have time for a shower?”

“How about a deluxe spa treatment right after breakfast?”

“What about my horn? They are bound to discover it.”

“We’ll swear them to secrecy. And after this morning's front-page news that shouldn't be too difficult.”

“Alright.” Sunshine offered as she got out of bed. “Want to wash my face and hooves first. Brush my teeth to get the bad taste out of my mouth. What about after the spa? Will we be heading back?”

“Afraid not. There was some damage to the canopy. The, um, unicorn who was topside tried to sabotage the airship. They’re going to need at least a day to repair it. So we are going to spend the day enjoying ourselves. Deluxe spa treatment after breakfast to get us all nice and relaxed, and then we are off to the carnival rides. There is a brand new coaster called the Wild Blue Yonder.”

“A roller coaster?” Sunshine asked, her head popping out of the bathroom.

“Oh, you know about roller coasters then?”

“I’ll have you know that I am quite the coaster enthusiast.” Sunshine offered, and then returned to her morning ablutions.

A short time later, refreshed with her mane and tail brushed they made their way downstairs to the hotel's dining room and were shown to the VIP section.

“This is nice.” Sunshine offered as she sat down. She lowered her voice to a whisper, “What’s with the VIP treatment?”

“Everyone on post chipped in so we could have a chance to relax after what we had to go through yesterday.”

“It wasn’t all that bad. Save the unicorn who fell off.”

“You kind of slept through the worst of it. Soon as we got here we were nearly all placed under arrest. We were saved by a second-order coming in From Princess Celestia. - Come on, I’m starving.”

“Ya, me too.”


“Princess Celestia,” Offered a captain of the guard as he entered. “The Arch, that is the former Archduke’s grandson has been located and had been brought to the Keep.” He hesitated a moment. “He insists on being addressed as a Prince.”

“I’m afraid that’s what they named him.” Celestia offered. “Young Lord Prince Blueblood. Now that his grandfather has finally given me everything I need to put the descendants of Princess Platinum in their place all that young colt has is his name.”

“There’s something else you should know.”

“More bad news I suppose?”

“It seems that rather than suffer the humility of their defeat, the young Lord Blueblood is now without his parents. The young Lord might also have had his life shortened, but a maid had spirited him to safety when the mob attacked the estate. His grandmother, the Archduchess is catatonic as well.”

“And the maid?”

“We brought her in as well.”

“Bring her, I’d like to meet her.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

A pail ash-green mare with a white mane and tail was brought to see Princess Celestia shortly. Needless to say, the maid was extremely nervous. At least she hadn’t embarrassed herself beyond a Kau Tau. That is down on her knees with forehead to the floor. Something Princess Celestia discouraged. Especially with unicorns because the unicorns tended to mark up the floor with their horns.

As expected, Princess Celestia got absolutely nowhere with the maid. She dismissed her, went to her quarters, and then Mrs Summers exited from the back a short time later. Princess Celestia would eventually find out what she needed to know. Her name was Summer Snow and proved to be the wildflower that had somehow managed to survive in the Archduke’s gardens of stone. Summer Snow’s reasons for spiriting away the young Lord Prince was two-fold, and that was to protect him from friend and foe alike. She’d gotten wind of what the Archduke was attempting and just knew in her heart it was going to go horribly wrong.

Next came Princess Celestia’s meeting With Blue Blood himself. Blue blood walked into the Grand Audience Hall of the Sun, nervous, but confident in how he carried himself. When he had come to the base of the three-tiered dais upon which Celestia sat in her grand chair he bends but one knee and lowered his head till his ears were level with his shoulders. And no more.

“Well, you seem rather sure of yourself,” Celestia said to the little colt. Then again, maybe not. He’d begun to shake the moment she’d spoken. Celestia let out a sigh. “I’m not going to do anything. - Prince, I want you to think of me as your Aunt. From this point on you will stay here in the castle’s Keep. You will be provided with instructors who will see to your education until such time I feel it is safe for you to leave the Keep. You will conduct yourself with dignity, and show respect to everyone, and that includes servants. As to your family’s property and titles, owing to your Grandfather’s actions, everything your family held is forfeit. Whether or not you receive a title of any kind is going to depend on how you conduct yourself. Have you anything to say?”

“Your Highness, Princess Celestia, may I make one request?” He asked with his head still down, his voice trembling.

“Which is?”

“I’d like, if it is permitted, to retain Miss Summer Snow.”


“Because she was the only member of the household staff that actually cared about me.”

“I think we can agree to that much,” Celestia offered with a hint of a smile. “But I better not hear about you abusing her.”

“I won’t. I like her. I only abused the staff I didn’t…” Prince Blueblood stopped realizing he’d perhaps said a bit too much. "My Grandfather's household were every bit as self-centered as he was." Prince offered. "Miss Snow was different. She'd help me sneak out a lot, and I'd be Skipper then so that no one would remark on my name." He took in a deep breath. "When we left I was Skipper once more, and to tell the truth I think I would have been happy if I could have stayed with her."

“I suppose I’ll have to take that into consideration.” Princess Celestia replied with a hint of amusement and concern. Would he have willingly given everything up just to live the life of a common pony? “Let us hope there no ponies on my staff worthy of thy ire and that you come to feel that you are home now.”


“So why is my hair in pigtails?” Sunshine asked as she and Nova walked along a Canterlot street escorted by Wintry. It had been a year since the attempted take over of the government. The Archduke’s closest supporters had lost everything in the bargain. They’d lost their fortunes, their good names, their freedom, and for some even their own lives. Many at their own hooves. Several had tried to run, but a Canterlot noble isn’t very good at hiding. Especially when they are trying to carry off all their worldly possessions and wealth like the thieves they truly were.

Oh, and if you are wondering about little Twili, they found her hold up in Princess Celestia’s private library, and oblivious to everything going on beyond the walls of the book fort she’d built around herself and there were signs that she’d only ventured out long enough to raid a pantry or use the little fillies room.

“Because you are cute that way and I’m fairly sure Sunset would never have been caught dead in pigtails,” Wintry offered in answer to why the pigtails.

The two fillies were also wearing cloaks to hide their wings so that to the casual viewer they were just a couple unicorn foals being escorted by a pegasus. They were also presently on their way to attend their first class on basic use of unicorn magic and theory at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. The two fillies had learned as much about magic as could be taught by tutors and Doctor Sun Showers had suggested they transfer into Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns, and Princess Celestia had facilitated. Officially it was Mrs Mystique Summers who was sponsoring the two. They also weren’t quite as anonymous as they’d hoped to be.

Summer Sunshine had been unwittingly outed during a magic show in Los Pegasus in which she’d volunteered to be the assistant. The magician’s illusion magic had somehow interfered with her horn ring, the incident passed off as an illusion performed by the magician, but ponies had seen and photos were taken. Many of the pictures found their way into the local tabloids. Princess Celestia’s illegitimate daughter the headlines cried, but having also been worded as a question there was little that could be done that wouldn't scream we were right. Sunshine was saved only by the bigger news that overshadowed all other news.

After the unidentified Alicorn had appeared at Flight camp reporters had been dispatched to Cloudsdale. The usual baseless speculations were made, and photos were taken of activities at the training event. To include some mild curiosity aimed at Nova. There had even been some hangers-on when the Platinum Guards tried to illegally apprehend Princess Cadance. Cadance had been seen being ushered away shortly after along with a small group of fillies that included the mysterious fox type alicorn pony. When the filly in Los Pegasus was identified as being the same filly who’d been with the fox pegasi at flight camp, the press wanted answers.

Princess Celestia cautioned the press to leave the fillies alone less they find themselves joining the Platinum Guard who’d relocated to the base of the mountain. She also cautioned them to be sure and let their readers know that ponies can have both a horn and a set of wings without being a pretender or a fully-realized Alicorn Princess and that it was reasonably common for fox types. Both fillies would now be fox types in the eyes of the public, and after having seen the new statues in the gardens, none were willing to push their limits. Princess Celestia did throw them a bone by admitting that both fillies were eligible to have their status elevated but had expressed a desire to be given the opportunity to earn their accolades.

Several months of in-depth investigations into back door dealings of the nobility, specifically the Platinum-Blueblood family, in regards to their attempts to control the military had ended in numerous careers being brought to a sudden ignominious end. If not for Colonel Mustang’s cycling out of pegasi stationed in Canterlot, the Canterlot Airbase might have been lost as well. But the Platinum clan hadn’t realized that the Cloudsdale command had full authority to reassign any and all pegasi. Something that was leftover from the early days of unification. Those who had been on the Platinum payroll had suddenly found themselves being reassigned to inconsequential career-ending posts shortly before everything was to go down. Princess Celestia tapped every officer who’d been passed over by the Bluebloods and raised them up as high as they could go to include bringing in individuals who’d been shunted off to faraway posts. And most importantly, the shuffling of the command structure had seen Colonel Mustang promoted to General and placed in command of the entire Canterlot Garrison.

Such was the state of affairs as Wintry escorted her two daughters from their new home in base housing to Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns at the beginning of the new school year.