> The End Rewritten > by Frozen Feathers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A cough rang out through the otherwise quiet apartment. If anyone were there to hear it, they would've noticed that it didn't sound like a regular, say 'excuse me' after cough. It was deeper, wetter. These differences were because this cough was borne of weak lungs being overused, trying to gulp down air between sobs rather than an irritant in the airpipe. These sounds were originating from a closed bedroom door, a sliver of golden light spilling out from underneath it into the otherwise dark living room. If anyone were there to knock, it would open to reveal a small, modest bedroom. A bed clad in gold and orange sheets took up one corner while another held a small wardrobe, a dusty leather jacket hanging off of one of the doors. The final corner had a simple wooden desk and a small swivel desk chair. If anyone were there to look, they would find the origin of both the cough and now unmuffled sobs sitting in the chair. Sunset Shimmer. Unicorn. Magical powerhouse. Princess Celestia's personal student. Runaway. New kid. Bully. Monster. Demon. Friend. Honor Roll student. Best friend. All of these terms had been used to describe her at some point or another in her life. Some had been titles she took such honor and pride in. Very few still applied to her. She pondered how far she had come in her life as her tears slowed slightly and her lungs took the chance to attempt to replenish her body with much needed oxygen. As she thought back over the last few years, she decided that the real turning point had been when she ran from her position as Celestia's student. "Stupid" she muttered to herself. How stupid she had been back then, running from the perfect life. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" she repeated, hands curled tightly in her golden hair and pulling it taut. If she had just stayed and dealt with her pride rather than running from it she would still be a student of magic. She'd still be in her natural body. She'd be a powerful mage in Celestia's court. Celestia...Celestia would still love her. Sure, she never would've met her five... friends, but then she also wouldn't be dealing with the pain she was in now. She cursed herself as her brain returned to her situation. her terrible situation. Her painful, bleak, friendless situation. Anon-a-Miss had taken the school by swarm. No one was spared. Except for, surprisingly, her. Apparently that was all the evidence he friends needed to throw her out. So quickly she had gone from a fun night in with her best friends to walking the cold streets alone, their words ringing in her head. She wasn't their friend anymore, she had betrayed them. She was a secret stealer. She wasn't welcome in their group anymore. The memories alone made Sunset's anxiety spike. Taking a slow breath, she ran through an exercise Celestia had taught her all those years ago. She was alone. She was tired. The scars along her shoulder blades ached. She was alone. Her eyes stung. Her hair was likely knotted. She needed to do laundry soon. She was alone. The bread she bought a while ago was molding and needed to be thrown out. Her friends hated her. She was alone. Tears flowed anew down her face as she decided to cut her checklist short. She angrily rubbed at them and sighed, leaning her head back against her chair and stared at the ceiling. She was tired. She was so, so, so tired. Her muscles ached from sitting in the small chair for too long and protested as she shifted, sitting up and rotating the chair to face her room. She eyed her bed, and then the door to her bathroom. A nap. A nap would do her wonders right now. Standing and stretching, she crossed her small bedroom in a few short steps and gripped the door handle, turning it and flicking the light switch on, illuminating the cramped room. Not bothering to look in the mirror, she opened her medicine cabinet and reached inside. Her fingers grazed a white bottle proudly proclaiming itself as 'MELATONIN'. The simple, over the counter medicine helped her sleep on regular nights. Before she could commit to grabbing it, however, another bottle caught her eyes. Smaller and bright orange with a white cap and label, it looked harmless. To most people, it would be harmless. A much stronger sleeping medication her doctor had prescribed for her severe insomnia. She only took them when she was really struggling to sleep, as they were quite strong. Sunset paused, holing still for a moment and thinking. Her hand moved away from the white bottle and towards the orange, gripping it between her fingers and bringing it closer to her eyes. She didn't bother reading the label nor the warnings, as she had read both many times before. She instead looked through the plastic at the pills inside and was pleased at what she found. The bottle was still nearly full. She had refilled it almost a month ago and only had to use them once or twice since then. She gazed at the pill bottle cradled in her palm as an urge came over her. Take them. Take them all. Her hand shook slightly and her eyes shone with re appearing tears. It would be so easy. Just like going to sleep. Just close your eyes and you don't have to worry about anything again. Sunset tried to ignore the thoughts, to resist them. She slowly placed one hand over the lid of the pill bottle and twisted. It popped open easily and she shakily dropped the lid, not caring as it clattered to the ground and rolled, rolling to rest against her shower door. Just like going to sleep. It's so easy. Everything will feel better then. It'll just take a second. She lifted the bottle, tilting a few pills into the palm of her left hand. It was hard to tell with how blurry her vision had gotten from her tears, but she could tell there was a small pile resting in her hand. Slowly, so slowly, she lifted her hand and before she could psych herself out, popped them all into her mouth. Filling the glass beside her sink with cool water, she washed them down into her stomach. She had done it. There was no going back now. She waited a couple of minutes before taking more, ensuring she wouldn't immediately throw them all up. Her second mouthful was larger, and her hand didn't shake. She wasn't scared anymore. She just wanted it to be over. Swallowing them down with more water, she coughed and felt her stomach rebel dangerously, bile rising to the back of her throat. A few deep breaths through her nose and another sip of water helped. She suddenly felt heavy. Very heavy. And very tired. More so than she had ever been in her life. Arms hanging at her sides like lead poles, Sunset stared through the open door into her bedroom. She could make out the indent in the blanket where her cellphone sat. If she went now, she could call the police. The station wasn't far away. They would make it in time and take her to the hospital and she would be fine. The thought was temping, but the more she thought on it made it more and more unappealing. After all, she was so tired. Her limbs were dragging her down and she sat hard on the tile floor of her bathroom. She was so tired that her vision was blurring, begging for her to close her eyes. Maybe she should have written a note or something. But it was fine. She was so, so very tired, and he floor wasn't as hard and cold as it had been moments ago. It now felt so right to lay on, so welcoming of her heavy body. She lay her head down on the marble, not noticing the cold seeping its way into her skin. All she cared about were the drugs seeping their way into her blood and brain. Sunset shimmer could only think one final thought as her eyes shut and darkness wrapped itself around her brain. She ended her life the way great authors ended all those stories she had always loved. "The End." > Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Sunset? Sunset, can ya hear me?' 'It's not working! Try again!' 'Sunny... please wake up...' 'Help is on the way, please just hold on!' 'Dammit AJ, try again!' Muffled voices were pulling sunset forward from the blanket of darkness surrounding her. Why were people yelling? What had happened? Sunset slowly opened her eyes. Immediately, a strong arm flexed around her waist and Sunset felt the familiar sting of acid moving up her throat. Without time to think, she leaned forward and wretched. She watched as her bile swirled down the drain to her shower. Shower? Why was she in the shower? What in Celestia's name was going o- Realization hit her like a magically enhanced hoofball to the face as her memories quickly flooded back. The pills. The Pills! Sunset flailed in a blind panic, feeling a warmth behind her hold her tight. "Sunset! Calm down, it's ok! Yer safe!" Her tear blurred vision was able to make out four vaguely human shaped blobs crowded around her small bathroom, and a tan, freckled arm had an iron grip around her waist. Without hesitating she gripped the arm and twisted her head back. She met the honest emerald eyes of her once friend. "P-please," she rasped, throat burning from her own stomach acid. Sunset watched the blackness encroaching on her vision and could feel herself getting heavier. She didn't have much time. "Please, just let me go..." she pleaded before sagging backwards into the warmth, allowing herself to be dragged back into oblivion. A steady, stabbing, infuriating beeping was filling Sunset's head and forcing her from the blankness of sleep. It was a weekend, why did she have an alarm set? Thoroughly annoyed, she attempted to roll over and bury her head in pillows in a futile attempt to stop the incessant beeping. However, she couldn't get very far before she felt a light tug at her arm, almost as though she were tied to something. That thought made her freeze in place, awareness washing over her like an icy wave. This wasn't her bed or her blankets. That sound wasn't her alarm. Even the harsh lights filtered through her eyelids were so different from the soft morning sunlight she had mistaken them for moments ago. She didn't need to open her eyes to knw where she was. Before she could stop herself, a small whimper escaped her throat. Immediately she heard shuffling around the room; the sound of many people suddenly sitting up, alert. Silence reigned for just a moment. "Sunset?" a quiet, pained voice asked. Sunset's bottom lip trembled. "Sunset, are you awake?" the voice asked again. The heartache in the voice of her kind friend tore Sunset to shreds, and she couldn't stop the tears from sliding out from under her lids. There was immediately more shuffling from around her and Sunset flinched lightly. A single, soft hand gently caressed her cheek. "Sunset, look at me." The same voice stated, a firmness taking place of the timid wobble. Sunset slowly opened her eyes and looked up into the wide, shining teal eyes of Fluttershy. Her friend smiled gently, thumb wiping away a few of Sunset's tears as they fell. "Flut-" "Shhhh," Fluttershy cut off her attempt at speech. "Don't talk, your throat is damaged from all the stomach acid. It'll just hurt you more." She finished with a small nod. Sunset nodded, gulping hard. Fluttershy was right, her throat stung harshly. Her eyes followed Fluttershy's other hand as it moved to a small table beside her bed. Sunset briefly noted the tubes leading from a bag hanging above her head into her arm. She realized that must have been the tugging she felt earlier as she turned her attention back to Fluttershy. She grabbed a small glass of water and lifted it towards Sunset, head tilted in question. Sunset nodded and sighed in relief as the glass was placed to her lips and cool water flowed into her mouth. It hurt a bit as she swallowed, but she drank greedily until the cup was empty and Fluttershy replaced it on the table. Sunset sighed again, the water already helping with her fuzzy thoughts and blurred vision. Opening her eyes, she allowed them to wander around the room. The first thing she noticed were the four people standing near her bed. Applejack stood on the side opposite of where Fluttershy sat, hat missing and hair disheveled. She offered Sunset a small smile when their eyes met. Rarity was beside her, hand on a thick blanket she hadn't noticed before that was covering her lower half. It had the trademarks of Rarity's designs and was far too well made and warm to belong to the hospital. She teared up a bit but broke into a large smile when Sunset looked at her. She wasn't wearing her usual makeup. Rainbow Dash stood at the foot of her bed, eyebrows scrunched and jaw set into a hard line. She froze under Sunset's gaze, magenta eyes widening with... fear? Worry? Sunset couldn't tell. The last person was seated in a large chair. Pinkie was... duller. Her hair laid in flat ribbons covering half of her face. The one eye Sunset could see was staring back at her, wide and watering. "S-Sunny?" Pinkie asked quietly from her corner and the other four turned to look at her in shock. After a moment's silence, Applejack ran a hand through her messy bangs. "Those're the first words she's said since we got here," she told Sunset, who swallowed thickly. She opened her mouth before closing it again, remembering Fluttershy's warning from before. Speaking of, a warm hand was pressed against Sunset's left shoulder and she turned her head back to the quiet girl. "Sunset, I.. we're all just, so so so sorry," she started, tears already falling down her thin face. The other's muttered their assent. "You don't have to forgive us, what we said and how we treated you was awful. I can't speak for the others, but I was too concerned with my own hurt to realize that I'd forgotten to be a friend." Fluttershy took a moment to breathe, her tears coming faster now, Rarity took the moment to speak up, laying a hand over where Sunset's legs were. "As Fluttershy said, we're all very sorry. I was so selfish, I was only thinking abut myself and didn't think about how my heinous words would hurt you. I... I'm so sorry, Sunset.." she hung her head, purple curls obscuring her face. The room was silent for a moment before the scrape of a chair on marble was heard from the corner. Pinkie stood, a thin blanket falling from her lap. Paying it no attention, she walked forward to Sunset's bed. Applejack backed up at her approach, allowing her access to Sunset. The two girls stared at each other for a moment before pinkie bent at her waist, gathering Sunset in a hug and burying her face into her friends golden hair. Her sobs rang out in the quiet room, heaves shaking the bed. "I-I'm so so-so-soryyyyyy," she cried, voice catching between her muffled sobs. Sunset, responding more out of instinct than anything else, wrapped her arms around the crying girl, nuzzling her nose into the flat, pink hair. This only made Pinkie start crying harder. "Sunny, I'm so sorry!" her pained cries were cut off by the sound of a door opening. A pale blue, almost white colored woman walked in. Her coat designated her as a doctor, and her indigo hair was pulled back into a tight bun. She frowned slightly at the sight of Pinkie and Sunset, sadness pinging in her heart. She sighed before clearing her throat. "I'm afraid visiting hours are over, girls." she said softly, sympathy in her eyes. The four girls shared a glance before Fluttershy nodded and stood from the stool beside the bed. "She's right, we need to go, girls. Sunset..." she laid her hand gently over Sunset's and waited for the girl to make eye contact with her. "We'll be back tomorrow. Get some rest." she smiled gently before grabbing her possessions along with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Applejack pulled pinkie to her slightly as she detached from Sunset, tears still falling but her breathing more normal. "Ah promise we'll be back the moment school ends," she said, and Sunset wasn't sure if she was talking to herself or Pinkie. The pink girl nodded, gripping Sunset's hand tightly. "I love you, Sunny." she said quietly. Sunset could only nod at her, tears forming again. Her friends filtered out of the room, both Sunset and the doctor watching them go. Finally, the door clicked shut and the woman turned to Sunset, a small smile on her face. "Hello, miss Shimmer. How are you feeling?" > Meetings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was sitting on the edge of her bed, looking around the small room that had become her home over the past two weeks. She was excited to go home and finally regain some sense of normalcy, but deep down she knew she'd miss this place. Despite the grim realities that had put her here, she had enjoyed her time in the hospital. Doctor Frosted Heart was much kinder than her name suggested, but she didn't sugar coat or coddle the way other doctors might have. Sunset appreciated that. The few nurses she'd gotten to know were less personal with her, but that was understandable. Her bags were packed of the few personal belongings she had here, mostly clothes and books her old friends had brought. At the thought of... them, Sunset sighed. Her mood immediately soured. Almost as if sensing the change in her emotions, the door swung open. She didn't have to turn to know who it was. The harsh clip of her hard bottomed shoes was enough to identify Doctor Frosted Heart. Sunset smiled to herself, thinking about how similar her footsteps were to the clip clop of pony hooves before turning to the guest. "Doctor," she acknowledged with a polite bow of her head. Frosted Heart snorted and lightly nudged Sunset's shoulder. "How many times have I told you, just Frosted Heart is fine." she scolded, face looking serious but twinkling eyes betrayed her mirth. Sunset let out the most dramatic sigh she could muster and flopped back against the thin mattress as Frosted Heart took her usual seat beside the bed. "And how many times have I told you..." Sunset pointed an accusing finger at the doctor. "that if you worked hard enough and managed to earn the title of doctor, you should use it!" she puffed out her cheeks slightly, a glare creasing her brow. Frosted Heart merely shrugged and chuckled. Sunset sighed and covered her eyes with a forearm as her doctor flipped through a few sheets of paper. "It seems like everything is in order for you to go home, we just need you to sign a few documents up at the front and make sure you get your prescribed medications..." the pale woman gazed at the papers for a few more moments before looking back to Sunset. "Your friends are here to see you again..." she started gently. "No." Sunset's voice cut through the room like a blade, harsh and final. Frosted Heart sighed lightly, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. "I just don't understand, Sunset. You seemed fine hearing them out and even hugging them when you wo-" "I was also so hopped up on pain meds that I could barely think." Sunset cut her off again, sitting up and facing away from her caretaker. After a moment's silence, a cool hand pressed against Sunset's shoulder. "You already know what I think. Your refusal to talk to them is just your was of hiding from facing your attempted suicide." Blunt as always, but also painfully accurate. Sunset knew she couldn't win this argument, so she just stayed silent. Finally, she heard Frosted Heart stand. "Alright, well it's about time for you to go home. I'll walk you to the front and get you your meds. However, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you from your friends when you're off hospital grounds." she pointed out with a wry smile as Sunset gathered her bags. Sunset swallowed thickly, anxiety curling hot in the pit of her stomach. She'd known that of course, but the reality was much more frightening. As if sensing the girls distress, she felt the doctors hand lay itself comfortingly on her shoulder. Sunset closed her eyes and brought a hand to her chest as she inhaled deeply, moving it out as she blew the air and anxiety away. It was an old, comforting motion Celestia had taught her. The thought of sunny days spent learning with her old mentor brought a smile to her face. Turning to Frosted Heart, her grin widened into one of confidence. "I'm ready." ~~~~~~~~~~ After a few signatures and one last hug to Dr. Frosted Heart, Sunset strolled out the hospital’s front doors. Her suitcase rolled beside her and a bottle of pills meant to help balance her emotions rattled against her silenced phone in her pocket. She blinked once in the blinding sunlight, holding up a hand to deflect the light. Her eyes anxiously wandered the parking lot and her heart got caught in her throat. Across the lot in a small patch of grass sat five girls, and they had spotted her. SUnset froze like a deer in the spotlights, unsure if she should try to run or finally face the girls. Before she could decide, Fluttershy stood from the pink blanket they were sat on and smoothed out her long skirt before making her way to Sunset. A gentle smile on her face, she held her hands out to Sunset. The normally bold girl now trembled, her hands stuck half way between laying at her sides and taking Fluttershy's grip. "Please," Fluttershy murmured under her breath. Two pairs of teal eyes met and in that moment, deep in her heart, Sunset knew she'd never be able to stay angry at her kind hearted friend. Choking back a sob, Sunset flung her arms around the frail girl who gripped her back with equal determination. Sunset clung to her desperately, hands gripping the fabric of her soft sweater. She sobbed into the familiar silken pink curls, relishing in the feeling of letting go of even just a small bit of her resentment. Fluttershy stroked a hand down Sunset's back, comforting her with small words of encouragement. 'It's ok,' 'Just let it out' 'I'm here for you' Those words alone did wonders for Sunset, who quickly pulled herself together and wiped at her eyes and nose with a sleeve. "Of all the times for me not to have a tissue, this might be the worst." Fluttershy giggled, a small hand coming up to hide her mouth. Sunset laughed with her and although it was small, it was the first genuine laugh she'd had in weeks. Reaching out and pulling Fluttershy's hand away from her mouth, Sunset gripped it in both of hers. A light flush rose up her neck as she spoke. "Thank you, Flutters." she said genuinely, looking into the soft eyes of her friend. Pink rose to Fluttershy's cheeks and she smiled back, lightly gesturing back to the group in a silent question. Gripping her suitcase, Sunset nodded and allowed herself to be led by the hand to the other four girls. They all watched as she approached and sat, taking a seat next to Fluttershy, who kept a comforting hand over Sunset's. Pinkie smiled slightly as she sat, holding out a plate to her. On it sat a small cake, expertly decorated to resemble a sunrise painted sky. On the top in red icing were the words, 'We Love You, Sunset!'. Staring at the cake, Sunset sighed long and low. After a moment, she finally spoke. "I can't forgive you all." she said bluntly. The tension in the air deflated, but not in the way they'd wanted. "At least, not yet. I'm so-" she cut herself off, stopping herself from apologizing. She clenched her hands into fists as all of her words and emotions she'd kept bottled up got caught in her throat. Fluttershy soothingly squeezed her hand and Sunset took another deep breath. "I'm hurt, and I'm so... so angry that sometimes I don't know what to do. For weeks I sat alone and thought, 'was it all just an act? Were they just pretending to like you?'" Rainbow Dash sat forward, brows furrowed and mouth open, but Rarity placed a hand on her leg and shook her head, stopping her before she could cut Sunset off. Sunset waited until Rainbow had settled before continuing. "This just grew worse and worse. What if everyone hated you? Were their smiles fake? I became paranoid every day. Everyone I saw on the streets, I thought 'they know, they have to know! They hate you', and I had no one to talk these fears out with. Back across the portal, in the other world, in Equestria, I never had... real friends. I had never experienced friendship before you five, and when everything happened, I had no idea how to deal with it. And then I just spent days laying in bed with these voices getting louder and louder and it just... well, you guys know what happened." she finished with a weak humorless chuckle. It was a few seconds before anyone spoke up. "We're sorry, Sugarcube," Applejack started, unsure of what else to say. She cringed when Sunset laughed, a bit of anger seeping into her demeanor. "Oh wow, great! You're sorry. No, you say 'I'm sorry' when you bump into someone on the street. You say 'I'm sorry' when you accidentally break someone's lamp. You don't say 'I'm sorry' when you push your friend to attempt suicide!" she finished with an almost snarl. Rainbow Dash quickly came to her friends defense. "Hey, that's not fair!" she started. "You can't just not let her apologize!" Sunset stared at her, mouth slightly agape but eyes squinted. Anger rose in Sunset Shimmer and she stood up abruptly, sending a few nearby birds scattering. She leaned down slightly, a finger pointed at Rainbow Dash who stared stubbornly back at her. "You," she hissed through clenched teeth. "You have lost the right to ever tell me what I can or cannot do." Her anger rolled off of her in waves. Rainbow, ever the stubborn one, stood up as well despite the other girl's shouts of protest. "And what gives you the right to talk down to me like that!?" she shouted back at Sunset. The other four quickly stood as Applejack and Rarity each took one of Rainbow's shoulders and Pinkie and Fluttershy moved almost protectively in front of Sunset. Sunset just crossed her arms, glaring coldly at her former friend. "You did." she said, voice chilled and emotionless. "The moment you showed your true colors and threw one of your friends out into the snow with no evidence against her and told her to never come back." Rainbow deflated slightly, but the last blow was a final, scathing comment made over Sunset's shoulder as she turned to leave. "What a great show of Loyalty that was." > Planning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset sat with her back against the cold marble of the statue outside Canterlot High that also just so happened to serve as a portal to an alternate dimension. She could feel the magics stirring within, pulling at some bit of her brain she hadn't used in years. She sighed slowly and twitched her head back, the marble giving off a hollow sounding thunk. After the mess that had been seeing her old friends, Sunset had originally set off to return to her home. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had followed her for a bit, trying to get her to turn back and talk with them, but they both left her before long. Sunset had arrived at her apartment building and unlocked and swung open her door without second thought. Everything was exactly as she had left it. There was nothing there that should have scared her. And yet... the shadows clung heavy to the familiar room. Sunset stood frozen in the doorway, heart caught in her throat. The midday sun cast her shadow onto the hardwood floor in stark detail. Something in the pit of her stomach was screaming at her to leave, to go anywhere else. She listened and turned on her heel, slamming her door closed and taking off at a brisk pace. She soon found herself back where it had all started, where she had first entered this world. The portal almost seemed to be mocking her, magic pulsating out of it at a steady rate. It set her teeth on edge and kept her heart rate high. Swallowing down her anxiety, Sunset stared at her namesake streaking across the sky. It would get dark soon. Really dark, not like the darkness back in Equestria. Here, the moon lit a pitch black sky. A solitary protector in a sky of nightmares. Grunting slightly, Sunset pushed herself to her feet and pulled her phone from her back pocket. Dozens of unread messages lit the screen, but she didn't open any of them. Sunset ran a hand through her orange locks, stopping and forming a claw at the base of her skull. Frustration bubbled up in her chest, a rising tide she couldn't escape. Everything was too much. There was so much happening and she couldn't do anything about it! A few small tears traced their way down her flushed cheeks and she tried to remember the breathing techniques Doctor Heart had taught her. Part of her wished she could talk to the doctor about everything going on, but she knew that despite the façade she had put on, the woman didn't truly care about her problems. To her, Sunset was just another damaged kid that she'd get paid to haphazardly fix. Sunset fell into a crouch, hiding her face in her knees as her breaths grew sharper. She couldn't talk to any of her friends. Even of the three she was on speaking terms with, none of them would really get it. Maybe Fluttershy could sympathize with her anxiety, but that was where the similarities ended. And the worst part was, she had no one to blame but herself! She had caused all of these problems by being so weak! There were people with real problems in this world and- A realization hit Sunset so suddenly she audibly gasped and jerked her head up. In THIS world. Her problems only really existed in this world. Her tan hand moved backwards, fingers grazing the cool metal. She bit her lip, pondering these implications. She would leave everything here behind. Her 'friends' would get on without her, that much was clear. And who gave a buck about school, in Equestria she would be a full grown woma- er, mare! She could continue her studies privately, get a decent job, and live a quiet, happy live in Equestria again. For the first time in a long time, her heart soared with hope. She wanted that. She wanted that so bad. Shakily, wiping her eyes, Sunset stood and dusted herself off. New determination glinted in her eyes. She only had a few days for this window, but she could wrap things up here by then. First things first, she had a princess to write to. ~~~~~~~~~~ Sunset stormed into her apartment, her past fears forgotten in the face of her plan. Not bothering with a light in the main room, she tossed her jacket over the back of her couch and kicked her door shut in one motion before moving into her bedroom. She flicked on the light switch and flung her closet doors open. Shirts, jackets, and pants were flung over her shoulder as she searched in a craze for her book. Finally, her fingers grazed the (faux) leather and she eagerly pulled it into her lap, collapsing onto her bed. Dust plumed out around her from the disturbed sheets but she was too excited to notice. Pen in hand, Sunset Shimmer scribbled out her whole story to Twilight. Okay, maybe not the WHOLE story, but enough for her to understand Sunset's desperation. She needed to go home, and she needed Twilight to understand that she needed to go home! Minutes passed in silence, save for the soft scratches of pen on paper. By the time she finished, she unfurled her back and groaned as it cracked. Looking over her message, she nodded to herself before closing the cover and watching the emblem of her own cutie mark on the front glow as her words were transferred across dimensions. Standing anxiously, Sunset stared around her bedroom. She had been in such a hurry before, she hadn't taken the time to look around. Things were exactly as she'd left them on that night, save a few minor changes. Her bed had been made. Her desk had been tidied up. She supposed the girls had cleaned up a bit while she was in the hospital. She'd given them all emergency keys long ago. She gently smiled to herself as she ran a hand along the perfectly made bed. Fluttershy's idea, no doubt. Sunset was quickly pulled out of her thoughts as her stomach grumbled loudly. Eyeing the small book, she figured she'd have time to make food before Twilight would get back to her. With a small sigh, Sunset turned and walked back to her main apartment, door clicking shut behind her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ An hour later, Sunset walked back into her bedroom. She felt much better after eating. Slumping back onto her bed, she eyed the clock beside it. It was late. She should really be getting to sleep. In the middle of brushing her teeth, she heard the buzzing coming from her bedroom and practically flung herself across to the book resting on her orange sheets. It glowed and buzzed, a sure sign that a message was waiting for her. Sunset's hands shook slightly as she opened to the newest page. She'd been expecting a long message, but instead she watched with bated breath as lavender ink spilled across the page, forming two simple words. Come home. > Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next week passed in a blur for Sunset Shimmer. Her fellow students returned to school, but she couldn't bring herself to go back. On the surface, she believed it was because school simply didn't matter any more. She would be leaving and not returning to this world very soon. And yet, deep down, a bit of her panicked at the thought of returning to school. Sure, her name had been cleared of that stupid Anon-A-Miss business, but did everyone forgive her? What if they knew what she'd almost done? Even alone in her now barren bedroom, their pitying gazes burned the back of Sunset's neck. Standing and shaking off her nerves, Sunset glanced around her room again. It was clean and barren, everything she'd be needing was tucked away into her backpack. Everything else was packed into neat boxes stacked against one wall. Some had scribbled words like 'Clothes' or 'books' scrawled across them. Others had names on them. 'Fluttershy' was a pretty large box. It was full of all her books on animals and nature, as well as her thick blankets and a few sweaters she thought the girl could use. Sunset laid a hand on the box, smiling gently to herself. If there was anyone she wished she could take with her, it was Fluttershy. Lowering her hand, her gaze shifted to the next box. 'Rarity' was written on this one. Slightly smaller than Fluttershy's, this one was full of all the clothes the pale girl had given her over the months, as well as a few other pieces she thought Rarity would enjoy. Sunset respected the way the girl had so selflessly apologized, fully admitting to her wrongs against Sunset. That was a good trait that would get her far in life. The next box was labelled 'Pinkie Pie' and was mostly full of any clothes she labelled as 'fun'. Aside from that, there was all of Sunset's scrapbooking materials. She figured if anyone could use them, it was the party girl. Finally, resting on the floor, were two small boxes labelled 'Rainbow' and 'AJ' respectively. Funnily enough she didn't have much to leave the two girls she had yet to really forgive. A pair of thick work gloves, a rainbow scarf, and a few shirts she thought the girls would wear. To her closest friends from this world, she could only leave them bits of her past. Her future belonged to a different world now. Watching her alarm clock tick to 5 pm, Sunset knew it was time. Swinging her bag onto her shoulder, she left her bedroom for the last time without looking back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunset approached the school. The sky was ablaze behind it, rendering the empty building in shades of purple and orange. The statue seemed to glow in the days dying rays, calling to Sunset like a siren. She walked to it and simply stared into the pale marble and watched the colors inside swirl, ready to carry her away. Hand lifting slowly, she was about to place a palm to the surface when a voice pulled her out of it. "Sunset, stop!" a frail voice called, wavering with emotion. Sunset turned and watched the five girls approach. Fluttershy and Rarity were breathing heavily from running, but the other three stared at her with emotions ranging from fear to sorrow to anger. Sunset turned her body towards the girls fully, keeping herself between them and the portal. "What do you think you're doing!?" shouted Rainbow, anger radiating from her words like poison. Sunset winced and Rarity placed her hand on Rainbow's shoulder, silencing her. The pale girl stepped forward instead, having recovered her breath. "Sunset, darling... don't do this" she begged, gemstone eyes shining. Before Sunset could respond, Pinkie stepped forward and gingerly took one of Sunset's hands in her own. "P-please, Sunny, you have to give us a chance to apologize. You have to let us make things better!" she wailed. Applejack stepped up as well. "She's right, sugar. It ain't fair to just run and not let us make things right!" she urged in her southern drawl. Gaze hardening, Sunset pulled back her hand and took a step back towards the portal. "I don't owe you anything," she spat. "And I certainly don't care about what's 'fair'." The venom in her voice made Fluttershy whimper and Sunset's heart clenched. She walked forward and held Fluttershy in a tight embrace as the girl cried into her shirt. "I'm sorry," she whispered into the pink locks. "I don't belong here." she continued, speaking up so the other girls could her her as well. "This isn't my world. I wasn't made to be... here!" Frustration laced her words as she was unable to tie together sentences the way she wanted to. "I want to go home." She finished, bone deep fatigue lacing her voice. A single tear dropped from her eye and landed in Fluttershy's hair before she stepped back, facing the portal again. "I want to go home." she stressed. Another step was taken and she was about to step into the swirling magics as something moved in her peripherals. Dodging backwards, Sunset gripped the cerulean mass that had been launched at her and slammed the girl to the ground, twisting her arm behind her back. Rainbow let out a yelp, but continued to struggle against Sunset. Gritting her teeth, she turned her head so she could look at Sunset from one eye. "If you think I'm just going to sit here and let you run away from this, you're damn mistaken!" she spat, still wriggling and trying to get free. Sighing, Sunset looked back at the other girls. "I'm sorry," she said, rapidly releasing rainbow and shoving her back towards the other four as soon as she rose. "But you don't have a choice." With those words, the five girls watched in horror as their friend, whom they'd hoped to make up with, was swallowed by the portal. Within seconds, she was gone from their sight and gone from their world. > Wanted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pain consumed the being that was known as Sunset Shimmer. Her fingers fused into one hoof, her legs snapped and bent, allowing for another joint. Sunset wanted to scream, but she couldn't. There was no air here, just swirling colors and agony. A sharp jolt of pain shot from her forehead where a single spiraling horn was growing and attaching itself to her brain. In this wormhole between dimensions, Sunset Shimmer could only writhe in agony and hope she'd pass out before long. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After what felt like an eternity in agony, Sunset felt something different. A cool breeze blew across her face and she felt a cool, hard floor under her as she was unceremoniously thrown from the other end of the portal. Struggling to her... four? Struggling to her four legs like a newborn Deerkin, she heard someone shouting at her. She barely had time to inhale deeply before vomiting all across the shimmering floor before her. More shouting. Who was shouting? She staggered a bit to her left and fell on her face, finally slipping into oblivion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pain consumed Sunset's body as she quietly rose to consciousness. A small, pained gasp left her mouth as the shock of awakening hit her body. She was unable to think, unable to move, as her muscles were consumed in agony. After a few minutes of simply breathing and allowing her brain to wake up, Sunset Shimmer was able to conquer the phenomenal task of... opening her eyes. Light glimmered off of every surface, causing Sunset to flinch. What kind of building would reflect light so sharply? Sunset Shimmer grumbled as her body became more aware. A soft mattress was cushioning her body and a heavy duvet pressed upon her chest. What had happened? She remembered shimmering lights and.. vomiting? Did she throw up at some point? She was unsure. Sunset opened her eyes again and let out a quiet sigh as this time, pain didn't overwhelm her mind. Golden light shone through a crack between the window curtains and shone brightly upon her body, filling her with warmth. More so than the sun normally had, the warmth filled her body and she felt love. Pure love filled her being, shining upon her coat. Sunset smiled and snuggled back into the bed. She was almost able to slip back into oblivion before the door quietly creaked open. "Sunset?" a quiet, feminine voice questioned. Sunset's ears swiveled on her head, aiming towards the sound as she forced her eyes to focus. A lavender blob moved towards the door, slowly forming itself into a familiar form. "T-Twi..." she croaked out, her throat stinging with each sound. Twilight, seeing her friends pain, trotted towards the bed. Rearing slightly, she placed her front half partially on the bed and moved a hoof onto Sunset's. "Hey, don't talk. Your body is still healing from the transformation. Here, drink up." A familiar shimmering sound met Sunset's ears as Twilight magically gripped a glass of ice water from the nightstand and floated it to Sunset's mouth. Carefully placing her muzzle on the rim of the glass, Sunset gratefully gulped down the water as Twilight spoke again. "You're in my castle, in a guest room in Ponyville. You showed up through the portal yesterday afternoon; you've been sleeping for just over 24 hours." she explained. Sunset finished the water with a soft sigh, and Twilight placed the glass back onto the nightstand. "I'm sure you're hungry, I'll have Spike make you some oatmeal. Do you want brown sugar in it?" Sunset thought for a moment before nodding. Twilight smiled and made to leave the room, but Sunset gripped her hoof before she could. Twilight looked back with her head tilted in question. Unable to speak, Sunset could just mouth out the words 'thank you'. Twilight smiled and leaned forwards, giving Sunset an affectionate nuzzle. "You don't have to thank me for anything. You are welcome and wanted and loved here." she said softly into Sunset's ear before she turned and left the room to help Spike prepare the food. Sunset sat there in shock for a moment, tears forming in her wide eyes and rolling down her cheeks. Allowing herself a small smile, Sunset wiped her tears and leaned back in the bed, relishing in the warm comfort that came with being wanted. > Shy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset's hooves clipped lightly across the stone floor. The narrow walls mirrored the sounds back at her, tormenting her with echoes that bounced and distorted until they sounded like voices to her crazed ears. 'Secret stealer!' 'How could you?' 'Get out of here, now!' 'You're not our friend!' Her tufted ears laid flat against her skull in an effort to block out those words. Why did they cause her so much pain? Who was saying them to her? She didn't remember. She didn't remember much aside from this small cell she'd been thrown into. She paused in her pacing and her ears flicked up as the hoof steps kept sounding. She turned to the thick iron door and waited patiently as the sound of keys reached her. The door swung open and a guard stood before her. His voice boomed from a shadowed face, making her flinch at the sudden volume. Slowly, she sunk to the floor as the words hit her like a stone. 'By the holy order of her Royal Highness Princess Celestia, you are set to be executed at dawn. You will be hung by the neck until dead for charges of treason. This is as her Highness wills.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunset sat bolt up right in bed, cold sweat rolling down her back and only adding to the shivers. Where was she? She didn't recognize her surroundings. Terrified, she leapt from the bed and froze as the crystal floor sent shocks of cold up her legs. The sensation helped ground her and she took a deep breath, forcing her brain to slow down. She was fine. She was safe. She was in Twilight's castle. She was... she was home. Sunset released the breath and relaxed her muscles, stretching deeply. A peek out her window revealed the full moon shining high in the sky. Sunset gasped momentarily before remembering the lessons Twilight had given her while she had eaten. Equestria was a diarchy now, as Princess Luna had been returned. No more Mare in the Moon. Shaking the fear off like water, Sunset trotted to the door and stared at the handle. She took another deep breath and forced energy into her horn. A light shimmer surrounded the door handle and it wiggled slightly, but that was as far as she could get. Sunset cut the magic with a sigh. Her magic was getting better, but progress was slow. Instead, she pulled the handle down with a hoof and walked into the dark hallway beyond. The castle was silent around her, and the weak light Sunset was able to summon was refracted back at her from the crystal walls and floor. Trying to make as little noise as possible, Sunset followed Twilights directions to a well spaced kitchen. Rearing up and nuzzling open a cabinet, she carefully grabbed a glass with her hooves. Turning to locate the sink, Sunset was almost there when a shriek tore through the otherwise peaceful night. Jumping harshly, Sunset whipped towards the sound while the glass fell from her hooves and shattered. Not paying it any mind Sunset rushed towards the door leading outside. She magically gripped the door handle and twisted it, tearing the door open as she ran through. Standing outside, she looked around frantically trying to locate the noise. No matter how hard she listened, no sounds reached her ears. Her breathing calmed as she glanced around. Finally, her eyes spotted a flash of pink in the world of greens and blues. As far as she remembered, bushes didn't have tails in Equestria. Walking silently towards the bush with her head down, she was finally able to pick up the sound of familiar whimpers. Settling down in the grass next to the quivering bush, she leaned her head closer. "Hey..." she asked gently. The quivering stopped immediately. "A-are you okay? I heard a scream an- oh!" Half way through her sentence a butter colored muzzle poked out from the bush. Turquoise eyes stared into her own, wide and frightened. "O-oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be so loud. I was going for an evening walk and stopped to watch a Giant Woods moth flutter by when a shadow came running at me! I assumed it was a Timberwolf and I... uh... I panicked..." the mare spoke the last part sitting upright with her head angled down so her mane would hide her. This act was what finally connected the dots for Sunset. "Fluttershy?" she spoke, feeling dumbstruck. Fluttershy cringed, neck going down lower. "oh... have we met before? I'm so sorry to have forgotten but I'm just awful with names an-" her muttered apology was cut off by a firm hoof pressing into her shoulder. "No, not at all! You haven't done anything wrong," Fluttershy's ears perked up a bit at that statement and Sunset continued with a smile. "I know you from, er... Twilight! Twilight has told me so much about you!" Fluttershy seemed to fully relax at the explanation and offered a small smile. She took a breath, readying to speak before she gasped, her eyes falling on Sunset's other front hoof. "You're hurt!" she cried, reaching forward and gripping Sunset's hoof to get a closer look. Indeed as she said, a small gash marked the tip of her hoof and a bit of blood had been smeared around from being in the grass. "Oh wow," Sunset said, eyes wide. "I didn't even notice! It must've happened when I dropped my cup." Fluttershy grimaced. "Ah, I'm so sorry. I'm afraid I live quite a ways away. If you live around here I'd like to help you bandage this. I'm... quite good at first aid. Not to brag though, I'm hardly a nurse or anything and I haven't gone through any formal training an-" She cut herself off at Sunset's chuckles. Her ears flicked outwards and a blush dusted her cheeks. Sunset gathered herself before speaking. "You don't have to worry about that, Shy. I'm actually staying with Twilight for now. I'm not sure where, but I'm sure we can find some medical supplies!" Sunset stood and trotted back towards the open door, gesturing with her head for Fluttershy to follow. She however stepped lightly on her injured hoof, avoiding leaving any residue on Twilight's floors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few minutes later would find Sunset and Fluttershy sitting on the floor of one of Twilights bathroom, the formers hoof held in the ladders gentle grip as she wrapped a clean white bandage around the injured spot. She finally let go and smiled at the Unicorn across from her. "There you go, uh... Sunset?" Fluttershy cringed slightly at her fumble but Sunset nodded encouragingly. She gently stood and put a bit of weight on her hoof. "Thanks so much, Fluttershy! That feels so much better." She smiled widely at her friend. Fluttershy returned the smile, albeit while blushing and scuffing a hoof on the floor. Her only response was a small hum. Sunset's smile softened at her shy friend. She slowly lifted her uninjured hoof and placed it gently on Fluttershy's shoulder once more. "Hey, as a thanks, would you want to maybe... get lunch one of these days? My treat!" Fluttershy looked up wide eyed at Sunset. "Oh no, you really don-" she started but was cut off by Sunset reaching up and slowly bringing Fluttershy into a light hug. The pegasus went stiff as blood flooded her face. "Does tomorrow work?" Sunset asked gently next to Fluttershy's ear. Fluttershy hesitated a moment before nodding slowly and giving a gentle hum of affirmation. "Great, I'll come meet you at your cottage around noon? I'll get the instructions from Twilight." She once again got the same response and she let go. Fluttershy stood up and stiffly let Sunset guide her back to the side door in the kitchen. "G-Goodnight, Sunset!" she stammered out, ending in a squeak. Sunset smiled. "Goodnight, Fluttershy. Get home safe!" she said cheerily. Fluttershy nodded and backed away, slowly turning away. At the sound of the door shutting behind her, Fluttershy gripped her red cheeks and 'squee'ed' quietly to herself. Listening from inside the door, Sunset smiled to herself and rested the tip of her horn against the wood. "I missed you, Shy." she whispered to herself. Finally, she turned with a sigh to the mess of shattered cup still sitting on Twilight's kitchen floor. She sighed again before sending a bit of mana to her horn, finding it easier than before. "Guess I can't sleep quite yet...." > Pink > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset awoke with the sun high in the sky. She groaned and rubbed her head. She hadn't realized how exhausted she'd been. With a light 'oof', she flipped herself off of the bed and stood on the crystal floor. She'd slept in further than she'd expected, and a glance at the clock told her it was past noon. She stopped at her door for a moment and took a deep breath before firing up her horn. Her magical aura slowly covered the handle and very gently twisted it. Face slightly damp with sweat, Sunset smiled widely. Her magic was coming back. Twilight was in the Map Room, pouring over an old tome while furiously scribbling notes. She seemed completely focused, and yet she still snapped to attention the moment she heard hoof steps outside the door. Years of intense combat will do that to a pony. She watched as a teal aura slowly enveloped the door handle and smiled as it slowly twisted and the door swung open. Sunset stood proudly, if a bit sweatily, before the door. She was grinning wider than she had in a while. "I did it!" she cheered, prancing in a small circle out of excitement. Twilight chuckled to herself and stood. "You did! Sunset, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Twilight exclaimed, trotting to her friend and pulling her into a hug. "We should go out for lunch to celebrate! I'm ahead of schedule with my work, so I can take a day off" she explained, stretching out her wings after releasing Sunset. "I'm sorry Twilight," Sunset started sheepishly. "I kinda already have lunch plans..." she trailed off. "Oh?" Twilight cocked her head, curious. "With whom?" she questioned. Sunset flushed a bit in response. "Fluttershy" she said quietly, a small smile gracing her lips. Twilight stared at her for a moment before nodding knowingly. "Well, you two have fun." she smiled widely. Sunset grinned at her again, thankful to her for dropping the conversation. "We will! Try not to work too hard, Princess of Friendship." Twilight stuck her tounge out at Sunset, who chuckled and turned, trotting to the door. Once on the other side, she turned back and channeled her magic with a moment of struggle. Still shaky and slowly, the door shut. Twilight heard a brief cheer from the other side, and smiled as she returned to the Appleloosa tax revision. Sunset trotted through Ponyville with glee in her heart. Not only was her magic returning, she was on the way to see Fluttershy! She had gotten the directions from Spike, and made her way through the main square. She glanced briefly at a building that appeared to be made out of cookies, and stopped apbruptly as she noticed a pink pony with her hooves against the glass, staring at her intently. Sunset blinked, and the mare stood before her. "OhmygoshIhaven'tmetyoubeforethisissoexcitngI'mPi-" she said in one breath Sunset cut her off gently. "Pinkie Pie!" Sunset smiled and threw her legs around the pony. Pinkie returned the hug immediately. Pinkie never turned down a hug! "How do you know my name? Are you a psychipotomus too!?" she questioned after releasing Sunset, head tilted to the side. "A what?" Sunset questioned back, delighted to find this Pinkie wasn't too different from her own worlds. "A psychipotomus! You know, like you know things you don't know but still know!" she beamed. "You mean a psychic?" "Yeah, that's what I said! A Psychipotomus!" Sunset laughed and knew better than to argue this point. Instead, she held out her hoof. "No, I'm not a psy... psychipotomus? I'm a friend of Twilight's from... Canterlot." she explained. "We both attended the School for Gifted Unicorns and were pupils of Celestia." Pinkie took her hoof, shaking it so fast it blurred before Sunset's very eyes. "That's so cool! I didn't know the Princess had another pupil! Twilight never mentioned you..." she eyed Sunset hesitantly for a moment before breaking into another blinding grin. "Did Twilight tell you about me?" "Yes! She told me about all of the Elements. You guys have had some amazing adventures!" "We sure have! Wait, I haven't thrown you a welcome party!" her ears folded down and she frowned for a moment before jumping up a few inches. Confetti burst from her mane while her eyes twinkled. "I know! Meet me at Sugarcube Corner and I'll have one ready to go!" she gestured to the building behind her. Sunset held up a hoof to stop her before she was able to dart back inside to set up. "I'd love to, Pinkie. Really, I would, but I'm afraid I'll have to take a rain check. I already have plans to get lunch with Fluttershy." Pinkie's smile had faded briefly but returned full force at the mention of her friend. "Oh, that sounds absolutely funtastic!" she exclaimed. "I'll give you a hint, Fluttershy loves apple tarts!" "That's actually... incredibly helpful" Sunset blinked, surprised Pinkie knew exactly what hint would help her most. Pinkie just grinned before stepping back towards the confectionary building. "I'll hold you to that raincheck, Sunset!" she waved excitedly before trotting back inside. Sunset waved back before turning back in the direction of Fluttersy's cottage, too distracted to consider how Pinkie had learned her name. > The Storm Before the Calm. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer trotted happily along the streets of Ponyville. The sunshine glinted merrily in her golden fur and mane as she happily bobbed her head to some imaginary tune. Nearby songbirds joined in occasiona.ly, spreading and altering the tune amongst themselves. Nothing more than a simple four tones, given life again and again, made the morning feel holy. Joy itself ran through her veins like ichor, so unlike the sluggish venom that had once been there. All at once, the world came crashing down upon her. The memory of what she had almost done. She stopped abruptly on the far side of a bridge heading out of the Ponyville Centre, breaths freezing in her lungs. The memories came slowly, invading her peaceful mind like a void growth. Pills caressed in a... a hand. The word floated to her hazily. Another image demanded her attention before she could give too much attention to that . Fluorescent lights, harsh and bitter slotted into images of her friends, each in different stages of grieving. A solid month of her life lost to ceramic walls and doctors appointments. Nothing more than pills and prescriptions were promised to her. A flicker of boxes, stacked against a wall, drew her gaze. Seven shadows stretched across the concrete before the portal; one staged against the rest. "INCOMING!" The shout snapped Sunset out of her pondering and without thinking, she dropped to the dusty street and covered her head with her hooves. A moment later cool wind blew over the fur of her back and a loud thud, followed by an equally loud oof! from in front of her. After taking a moment to assess her surroundings, Sunset stood and darted for the crater before her, still leaking enough dirt into the wind to block her vision. Sunset thought back briefly to her days with Celestia and a spell floated back to her. She allowed her magic to float outwards, carried on the winds, before ever so gently drawing them back. The wind shifted with the flow of her magic, and suddenly she could see again. "Rainbow Dash!?" She cried, spotting a familiar head of hair and dashing forwards. The sky blue lump shifted and expanded, revealing a cocky, if not a bit banged up, looking mare. The mare in question stood and stretched, the feathers of her wings catching the sunlight in a way that made Sunset's breath catch. Heat flooded her cheeks as magenta eyes met her own and flames met fire. "The one and only!" Rainbow preened, wincing slightly as she attempted to put weight on her hind left ankle to strike a dramatic pose. Recovering quickly, she rounded on Sunset with concern burning in her gaze. "I am so sorry! Are you okay? I don't see any blood and you're not screaming so I'm assuming you're okay!" Her ears were splayed backwards as she anxiously sniffed around Sunset's form, assuring herself she hadn't accidently harmed anyone. Little did she know, every brush and nuzzle built up heat within Sunset's coat, forcing a bright vermillion blush as she dotingly checked out the unicorn. A gentle glide of her feathers across Sunset's cutie mark had her flaring into action, hopping back and legs splaying out in a dominant stance. Sunset took a moment to thank the gods for muscle memory in her pony form before snarling. "What the hell was that!?" she shouted, the wildfire she felt before shifting to anger. Her cheeks were only red from the indignation, of course! Another hiss escaped her throat at the stunned pegasus, who looked so very much like her old friend. "You could have seriously hurt me! Or yourself!" She expected shouting back, an anger and bitterness to match her own. Instead she was shocked to watch Rainbow sit hard on the ground, gaze fixed to the dirt and ears splayed back. The last thing she'd expected was a genuine apology. "You're right, I'm very sorry." Rainbow stood again, drawing close but not quite touching her. "Are you feeling okay? Nothing's hurt?" She questioned, again appearing genuine in her remorse. Sunset swallowed her pride, and spoke the truth. "Physically, I'm perfectly fine. However, you shouldn't be so reckless!" She scolded. Rainbows ears splayed back even further, yet her wings began to flutter upon hearing she was unharmed. "Great! Agsin, I'm so sorry for crashing into you like that but I also reallyhavetogetbacktoworkthanksbye!" Her words blended together in a way that reminded you of Pinkie Pie before she darted off again, leaving Sunset with a flutter of dead leaves against her hooves and a pounding in her chest. One she hadn't felt in a long, long, time. One so familiar, she'd almost call it... "H A T E!" She screamed, heat moving through her natural ley lines and taking the forms of bursts of fire around her. "I hate people who act like that!" she pummeled her hooves into a small patch of grass, slowly scorching it away. "How dare somebody just sweep in and cause these emotions and not take accountability for them!? LEARN HOW TO BE A PERSON BEFORE SWEEPING ME INTO YOUR MESS!" She felt older, viler anger trail for her from beyond the portal as she spoke the words. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, and from that alone she knew she wasn't feeling anger purely towards Rainbow as her shout tore from her. In its place was a jagged, gaping black hole she wasn't even near ready to explore. The numbness spread through her as she gingerly lifted her gaze... and met that of a young foal across the street, teary eyed and startled from her outburst. It began to cry before she could attempt damage control. "WHAT IN CELESTIA IS A PERSON!?" > Beauty and the Beast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset stomped down the streets of Ponyville, in a notably worse mood than she had left the castle with. It hadn't been too bad at first, she pondered. And it truly hadn't. Her jaunty pace had leas her face first into Pinkie Pie, providing her a glimpse of sunshine she had been sorely missing. And yet, the walk had gone downhill so quickly. She clenched her jaw a bit as the flames in her veins reignited at the thought. Of all the ponies she would have bumped into, it had to be Rainbow Dash. Just her voice alone had dragged in unwanted memories of what they all had done to her. No. Unsure of where that voice had come from, Sunset paused in her journey, Fluttershy's cottage just poking out from over the incline. No, the voice had said clearly, denying her previous thoughts. And now with claws in her mind, the thoughts dragged her down. The other's weren't to blame. At least, not wholly. No matter what vitriol they had spewed at her, she alone had made the decision. She alone had consumed those pills. And she alone lived with the consequences now. Her friends were gone, and she was alone. Her hooves began to shake a bit, an invisible chill clinging to her despite the warm sunny day. No matter how well Princess Twilight treated her, it was just out of obligation. The harsh truth forced itself down her throat and she choked on it. She was just as much a burden here as she was there. Nothing ever got easier. It was all poi- "Hello? Who's there?" A sweet, clear voice cut through the swirling red surrounding her. Before Sunset could respond, a tall shadow fell over her. Mint eyes were cast up... and up... and up... Until they stalled, fear catching in her throat. A grizzly bear stood before her, easily surpassing her own height on its hind legs. The bear swung forward a bit, unleashing an ear-quaking roar into the unicorns face. Unable to force her body into fight or flight, Sunset Shimmer froze. Gentle tremors wracked her form as she stared at the behemoth before her, and knew there was no escape. The shadows cast over her shifted and she didn't want to die, she didn't want to die, she... "Archibald!" The familiar, clear voice swept over her again as she shook, panic clogging her thoughts. The voice was scolding, but not cruel. It was the voice of her friend. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry about that!" Fluttershy exclaimed as she floated down the hill behind the bear she now knew as Archibald. The pegasus turned towards the bear in question, disapproval once again limning her features. "You know better than to just yell at ponies like that. You should be glad she didn't have a heart attack!" Archibald lowered himself back to all fours, head hung low and offering what could only be described as puppy dog eyes at the hovering yellow mare. His lips moved and a few grunts came from him; seemingly an apology if Fluttershy's reaction was anything to go off. Her expression softened a bit as she carried on, seemingly oblivious to Sunset still staring at the two of them in absolute terror. "Thank you for trying to protect me, but you had no real reason to think they were a threat." The bear grunted a few more times, and Fluttershy placed a hoof to her chin, pondering. "Yes, you can still accompany me to the market..." Archibald perked up at that, his tiny tufted tail giving a tiny shake. "but no ice cream on the way home." She nodded to herself resolutely. The grizzly's head drooped a bit more at that, and he stomped off to splash in the nearby river while he waited. Fluttershy observed the scene, giggling to herself quietly, before seeming to remember her situation and twirl in midair to face Sunset, a look of panic now on her own face as well. "Are you okay!? I hope Archie didn't scare you too much, I promise you're in no danger and I really am so sorry foranyinconveniencewemayhavecausedyou, itwascompletelymyfaultand-oh!" Fluttershy seemed to break herself out of her apology ramble as she noticed exactly who's face she held in her hooves. Sunset's eyes were still wide, but held less terror. instead her cheeks were dusted in pink, her cheeks being gently smooshed together as she stared at the pegasus floating before her. "H-hi Fluttershy..." Sunset started as Fluttershy gently touched down, landing on the dirt road and folding her wings. She smiled a bit nervously, wings still fidgeting in place under Sunset's gaze. As the unicorn's panic lessened, the pegasus's just seemed to grow, until the mare herself let out a loud gasp. "Lunch!" she cried, sounding almost mortified. A few ponies walking the road behind them paused to look, hearing the noise of distress. Sunset just quirked her head to the side. "Yeah,, that was the plan, but like if you're bu-" "I forgot!" the mares looked at each other for another heartbeat, the awkwardness growing. "Oh, well I mean, we don't have to go..." Sunset trailed off. Fluttershy jerked forward a bit, hoof skidding on the ground anxiously. "I-I'd love to! It's just... It's that... Well, I need to go to the m-market, and Archibald has been cooped up inside all week and he was SO excited to go and I guess I double booked and I'm so very sorry to was-" Fluttershstopped abruptly, finding a golden hoof held gently before her mouth in a motion to quiet. Realizing this, she flushed deeply as she noticed her own rambling. She already had an apology forming on her tongue as Sunset just smiled at her, gently. Her apology died in the face of that quiet understanding. "You're completely fine, things happen! It's really no big deal. But, if you wouldn't mind... I'd love to accompany you to the market!" Sunset needed to pause in the middle of her statement to gather the courage for her request. She had to look away as she lowered her hoof, unable to hold eye contact as she waited for a hasty rejection, a kind refusal. And yet Fluttershy just remained silent, and when Sunset dared a glance up, the mare was as flushed as she herself was. "I.... I'd really like that." Fluttershy smiled gently, and Sunset swore the ground fell away around her. "Let me just check with Archiba-" She turned, cutting herself off as she found the bear in question standing at attention just behind her, tail up and ears pricked forward. She giggled and reached up a hoof to pat the bear on his cheek as he huffed, the breath ruffling her mane a bit. "He says he's happy so long as he can still go," she turned back to face Sunset before craning her neck back again to give the bear a stern look. "Now remember what we talked about. No growling unless something is VERY wrong, and absolutely no rearing and roaring." Archibald just lowered his big fluffy head and gruffed at the dirt. Fluttershy seemed pleased with the answer as she at last turned her attention to the flushed mare before her. Giving her a bright smile, Fluttershy reached out and took Sunset's hoof in her own, leading her down the street and towards the market. And for the first time in a long time, Sunset felt a flicker of pure, golden joy.