EqG Tales: Bratzillaz Edition

by Brian Sheil

First published

Canterlot City is getting a visit from some girls who have their own magic

Twilight and her friends are in for some magical surprises when the mystical Bratzillas come to town.

The Bratzillaz Are Coming

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School lets out for the weekend. The students head out to enjoy themselves. This includes Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"A whole weekend for ourselves!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "Saturday and Sunday are always good for us."

"So, friends." Twilight said. "What are you guys going to do?"

The other girls thought about their plans.

"I'm planning to head for the beach." Applejack said. "I'm hoping to improve my surfing."

"Too bad I can't be with you, AJ." Rainbow said. "My mom and Dad asked me to help around the house. Not what I had in mind. But, it's something to do."

Rarity explained her plans. "Lyra Heartstrings asked me to make a lovely dress for her. She and Bon Bon are going out to a movie."

"You know that Trixie's birthday is coming." Pinkie explained. "Right, girls?"

"Let me guess." Sunset Shimmer interjected. "You're asked to plan a party."

"You guessed it, Sunset. What are you plans?"

"Maybe just relax in my apartment. Unless one of you guys want me to join you."

"I have plans to connect to nature." Fluttershy said happily. "My favorite forest beckons."

"As for me," Twilight added, "I learned that Volume 2 of 'Gunnerkrigg Court' is in the book store. I plan to have that book."

Just then, a scooter came flying over their heads. It was unusual because scooters don't fly. As the scooter touched down on the ground, a slender woman with brownish red hair and wearing a dark green gown rose from the driver's seat. A small gargoyle rose up from the side car.

"I swear, finding that portal to Canterlot City was not easy." The woman said to herself. "Navigating through that multiverse is very tricky."

The girls wondered about this woman. Sunset looked at her with an astonished look. Why does she look familiar?

Soon, the woman spotted the girls. "Ah. Good afternoon, my dears. I've been looking for you."

"Looking," Twilight replied nervously, "for us?"

"Yes indeed. I have heard so much of you seven girls."

"Guys." Sunset said. "I think I recognize her."

"Really, darling?” Rarity replied.

"This lady is Headmistress Magika. Leader of that hidden school in a mystic forest. The Bratzillaz Academy."

"BRATZILLAZ?!" The girls gasped together.

"You heard of me. Huh, Sunset Shimmer?" Magika asked.

"I heard many stories of that place." Sunset explained. "But, I never thought any of us would meet someone from there."

"I'm sure that's true."

Rainbow Dash had a thought. "Are these Bratzillaz suppose to be witch type cousins of those fashionable girls, the Bratz?"

"You guessed correctly, Rainbow Dash." Magika praised. "Sounds like somebody did some research."

"I often have my moments."

"So, what brings you to our town, Headmistress Magika?" Twilight asked.

"I figured to spend some time with your leaders, Celestia and Luna." Magika replied. "Just like the Bratzillaz are visiting you girls."

"WHAT?!" Pinkie shouted. "We're going to get visited by witches?"

"No need to panic, Pinkie Pie. These girls are not wicked. We of the Bratzillaz Academy swore to use our magic for good."

"Whew. That's a relief."

Magika got on her scooter and revved it up. "So long, girls. Nice meeting you."

With that, Magika rode off. This left the girls shocked.

"Sunset, did I hear that this school also deals in fashion as well as magic?" Rarity asked.

"I think so." Sunset replied.

"This won't be so bad after all."

The girls all started to think that this might be fun. Twilight Sparkle makes a statement "This will be one interesting experience indeed."

Meanwhile, in a restaurant in town, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Headmistress Magika got together.

"We're very honored that you can join us." Celestia said to Magika.

"Thank you, friends." Magika replied. "I've always wanted to visit this fine town.”

"Do you really think that Twilight Sparkle and her friends will get along with these magical students of yours?" Luna asked.

"I'm sure they will. Trust me. Those seven girls are in for some wonderful surprises."

This got Celestia and Luna intrigued. Meanwhile, at another table, hidden from those three ladies Abacus Cinch was listening in to the conversation.

Members of the Bratzillaz Academy are visiting our fair city. Cinch thought to herself. Interesting indeed.

Twilight Sparkle and Yasmina Clairvoya

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It's a Saturday. Twilight comes out of the bookstore with a white bag in her hand. She has a huge smile on her face.

"Wow! I'm so happy I have it." Twilight said happily.

Just then, she saw Moondancer come her way.

"Hello, Twilight." Moondancer greeted.

"Oh. Hi, Moondancer." Twilight replied.

"I saw you leave the bookstore. So, what did you get?"

Twilight pulled the book out of the bag and presented it to Moondancer. Needless to say, she was shocked.

"Gunnerkrigg Court, Volume 2?" Moondancer gasped. "I heard that this web comic is being printed into a graphic novel. But, I never thought I see it."

"I already have Volume 1 at home." Twilight said. "This is one intriguing series."

Moondancer soon remembered something else. "I heard that you and the other Rainbooms encountered Headmistress Magika of the Bratzillaz Academy."

"You heard right." Twilight replied. "From what we were told, we are each going to meet one of those young witches."

"After that Fall Formal, the Dazzlings, your metamorphosis into Midnight Sparkle, and other such events, I figured you had enough magical surprises."

Twilight thought Moondancer is being brutal about this subject. But, she figured that some magic is not that bad. When she came home, Twilight was greeted by her mother, Twilight Velvet.

"Welcome home, Twilight." Twilight Velvet greeted. "Found what you're looking for?"

"I sure did, mom." Twilight replied happily.

"Glad to hear it. Buy the way, you have a visitor."

"I do? Where is the visitor?"

A British female voice answered her. "Up here."

Twilight look upstairs, and saw a young girl with lavender hair in pigtails. She has on a blue short sleeved shirt (the sleeves and shoulders are orange), beige pants with suspenders, brown boots, a lavender witch hat, and a flowing purple cape.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle." The girl greeted. "It's nice to meet you."

Twilight looked at the girl with astonishment. She soon realized who it is.

"Yasmina Clairvoya." Twilight gasped. "The witch who can see into the future."

"You could say that." Yasmina replied.

Twilight Velvet was surprised to hear the name. "Aren't you one of those magical girls known as the Bratzillaz?"

"I guess our reputation is known even in Canterlot City."

Inside Twilight’s room, Yasmina looked around, and likes what she sees.

"Impressive book collection." Yasmina praised. "You must love to read."

" I sure do." Twilight replied. "I recently got involved in graphic novels. Just today, I got volume 2 of 'Gunnerkrigg Court'."

"Gunnerkrigg Court? Didn't that story started as a web comic?"

"It sure did."

Yasmina soon looked at Twilight’s geode, and got curious. "Is this little trinket the source of your own magic powers?"

"My geode." Twilight said. "It sure is. My magic power is just moving things around. I'll show you."

Using her geode, Twilight magically lifted up her loose books. Seconds later, she put them down.

"That's great." Yasmina said.

Twilight was surprised that an out of town visitor is impressed. "You think so?"

"I certainly do. Maybe one day, you can show my friends this magic."

"I have six friends who have magic geodes too. They are just as impressive."

Just then, a small one eyed creature wearing a purple vest, bow tie, and cape came out. This creature has two braided attenas on his head.. Twilight looked at the creature with curiosity.

"You must be Yasmina’s little companion: Winkers." Twilight figured. "Right?"

The creature named Winkers nodded. Yasmina was impressed with this interaction. "Looks like Winkers likes you, Twilight."

Later, the two girls and Winkers are in the kitchen having lunch. Twilight’s family had macaroni and cheese the night before. So, there was plenty for her and her guests to enjoy.

"This homemade macaroni and cheese is delicious." Yasmina cheered. "Your mother must be quite a good cook."

"I guess so." Twilight replied as she takes a sip of water. "What do you think is in store for my friends?"

Taking out her special monocle, Yasmina looks into it. It shows her the interactions between her friends and Twilight’s friends. When the visions ended, she turned to Twilight. "Your friends will be pleasantly surprised."

Rainbow Dash and Meygana Broomstix

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At her house, Rainbow Dash was helping her family clean up the house a bit. Saturdays usually means soccer practice. But, the soccer fields were being cleaned up. So, this gives the Wonderbolts soccer team some much needed time off. As she was cleaning her room, Rainbow was starting to get a little upset. The way her father sprang this on her, she though her dad was mad at her for some reason.

"There." Rainbow said to herself. "Let's hope dad will ease up on me."

"Rainbow!" Bow Hothoof called. "Are you finished up there?"

"Just finished." Rainbow replied.

Bow Hothoof examined her room. And, is pleased.

"Good work, honey." Hothoof praised. "You've been helping out very good today. Me and your mom think you should rest for a while."

"Thanks, dad." Dash replied. "I just need to grab some water from the fridge."

As Rainbow Dash went to the fridge. She heard a knock at the door. A heavy knock, that is. When see answered it, it turned out to be Hoops. One of the brutes that gives her trouble.

"What do you want?" Rainbow asked with annoyance.

"Do you know why your dad had you help around the house?" Hoops replied. "Because, HE WANTS YOU PUNISHED!!!"

Hoops exploded with anger. He grabbed the bottle away from her, and gave her an explosive order. "Go to your room and STAY THERE!!!"

Shaking with fear, Rainbow zipped up to her room, and slammed the door.

"Why did you do that?" Hothoof asked angrily.

"Just so she knows her place." Hoops answered as he puts the water back in the fridge. "Later."

Hoops walks away from the house laughing viciously as he walks down the street. This made her father very upset. Rainbow was a big help. So, she shouldn't suffer anything like this. Later, Rainbow was lying on her bed, still upset after what Hoops did to her.

"Man, this stinks!" Rainbow grumbled. "I wish he stops bugging me."

Just then, there was a knock on her door. Rainbow expected it to be her dad or mom. Instead, it was a red haired girl wearing a midnight blue top with brown short sleeves, a black skirt, long blue socks, and black shoes. She also has on a blue witch's hat, glittery blue cape and goggles. And, she's holding a broom.

"Hi, Rainbow Dash." The girl greeted. "So nice to meet you."

Rainbow's eyes widened when she saw this visitor. "No way. No way! Meygana Broomstix!"

Rainbow's mom, Windy Whistles, came into the room hearing that name. "Meygana Broomstix? Aren't you one of those magical Bratzillaz?"

"That would be me." Meygana answered.

"What are you doing here, Meygana?" Dash asked.

"I came by to visit you. While exploring the town, I was told by many that you're one of the best soccer players around."

Rainbow blushed, being praised by a member of the Bratzillaz Academy. Just then, a small winged horse wearing goggles flew into Rainbow's arms. This made Meygana giggle a little.

"Hey, little fella." Rainbow said happily. "You must be Meygana's little partner: Wingzy."

The winged horse whinnied happily.

"Looks like Wingzy likes you, Rainbow." Meygana said.

Hothoot then comes in to deliver some news. "Spitfire called, Rainbow. She and Soarin are having a barbecue at her house. And, she wants you to join her."

"Me?" Rainbow gasped. "But, what about the house work?"

"You've done so much for me and your mom already. So, you need a little time for yourself."

This made the speedster smile. Soon, Meygana rode in the air on her broom with Wingzy flying by her side. Rainbow Dash was holding on to the broom as well.

"Wow!" Dash cheered. "This is awesome!"

"I thought you get a charge out of this." Meygana replied.

"I'd like to see Hoops and his buddies react to this sight!"

Soon, they landed near Spitfire's house. A gate opened, and Spitfire came out. "Rainbow Dash! You made it!"

"Dad gave me the green light." Dash explained. "So, here I am."

Spitfire soon saw Meygana. "Meygana Broomstix. Like to make a big entrance. Don't you?"

"Opportunity knocks , who am I not to answer?" Meygana replied.

"Come on, Rainbow. Food is almost ready."

"Yes, ma'am!" Rainbow said as she went into the backyard.

"You can come in too. Meygana. Soarin and my mom would like to meet you and Wingzy."

This made Meygana happy. "Thanks for the invitation, Spitfire. Lead the way."

Meygana and Wingzy went into the backyard to join the barbecue.

Pinkie Pie and Cloetta Spelleta

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"Sunset said that you are a great party planner." Trixie said.

"I sure am." Pinkie Pie replied. "I heard of who wants to attend your party. And, I guarantee no party crashers ruin the party."

"Somehow, I believe you. Where are you throwing the party?"

"In my backyard. With luck, you'll be in for a few surprises."

"Knowing you, I will be. Okay, Pinks. See you later."

Twenty minutes later, at her house, Pinkie looks over her plan to set up her backyard for Trixie's birthday party.

"These designs are fantastic, Pinkie." Cloudy Quartz said happily. "You never disappoint."

"Thanks, mom." Pinkie replied.

"And, we'll be helping you set up this event." Igneous Rock Pie added. "So will your sisters."

"That's great, dad. Thank you."

The family started getting the backyard ready for Trixie's party. Tables are covered with dark blue tablecloths with white stars. Igneous Rock Pie and Pinkie work together to make a makeshift stage. Stars are lined up along the fence. Limestone arrives to give everybody some news.

"Trixie's birthday cake is on the way." Limestone informed. "And, guests will be coming in ten minutes."

"Thanks, big sis." Pinkie replied.

"This party you're planning is a good idea, Pinkie. I feel pretty good helping you out."

"Pinkie!" Marble called. "Somebody is here to see you."

"Who is it, Marble?" Pinkie asked. "Twilight? Sunset? Photo Finish?"

The voice of a teenage girl answered the question. "No, no, and no."

Pinkie soon saw a very unusual looking girl. Half of her hair is black, the other side is pink. Both sides have dark pink streaks. One of her eyes is blue whike the other is red. Her dress is half black with a black boot, and half pink with a pink boot. She has a pink sleeve on her pink side. Even her cape is half and half. Half blue and half dark pink. She also has on a black hat.

"Hi there, Pinkie Pie." The girl greeted.

Pinkie’s eyes widened when she saw this visitor. "WOW!! Cloetta Spelletta!"

"In person."

The family looked at this young lady with astonishment.

"Ah. A representative of the Bratzillaz." Igneous Rock said.

"Bratzillaz?" Marble gasped. "Aren't they like, witches or something?"

"Yes. But not to fear. They are friendly witches."

Looking over the gathering, Maud Pie walks over to join the conversation. "What brings you hear to our humble abode, Miss Cloetta?"

"I heard that it's Trixie Lulamoon's birthday today." Cloetta said. "And, the party is held here."

"That's right, Cloetta." Pinkie replied. "I planned this party. And, my family helped out a lot."

Cloetta looked around, and liked the decorations. "I like how you set up this area, Pinkie. I heard you have a knack at party preparations. Good work."

Pinkie blushed as a strange animal arrived to love her. It was half of a white dog, and half of a black cat.

"Hi, Barktholomeow." Pinkie said to the animal. "Good to meet you."

The family couldn't help but smile seeing Pinkie cuddle Cloetta's little friend. Later that day, the party is going well. Many guests attended the festivities. On the makeshift stage, Trixie completed her magic act. The crowd applauded her.

"Thank you, all." Trixie addressed the crowd. "The great and powerful Trixie thanks you all for coming over. I'm so happy you can all attend my party." Tears start dripping down her face. "Enjoy yourselves while DJ Pon-3 cranks up the tunes."

With that, music is played and everybody interacted with each other. Trixie admired a dark teal gown, black shoes, and bright blue cape she got as birthday presents.

"Some party." Pinkie said happily. "Isn't it?"

"It sure is." Trixie replied. "You did a great job."

Cloetta soon stepped in to join the conversation.

"This is one of the best parties Pinkie Pie planned." Cloetta said. "Don't you think so?"

"It sure was." Trixie said happily. "I love my presents, many people showed up, and no heckling. It sure is good meeting you, Cloetta." Cloetta's little pet came along to meet Trixie. "You too, Barktholomeow."

Pinkie’s parents watched the festivities, very pleased with the results. Limestone, Maud, and Marble joined the fun as well. Soon, Pinkie saw a familiar face come to her.

"Mud Briar." Pinkie gasped. "Came to see Maud?"

"You might say that." Mud Briar replied. "Trixie's birthday party is very exceptional. And, it's refreshing to see the always surprising Cloetta Spelletta join the festivities."

As Mud Briar joins up with Maud, Pinkie and Cloetta high fived each other, happy with the results.

Rarity and Jade J'Adore

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Inside her bedroom, Sweetie Belle wore a black tank top shirt and black 3/4 tights. She was sitting on a lavender mat in Lotus Pose. After doing a few yoga stretches, Sweetie ended her session with some meditation. Soon, a timer went off on her smartphone. She slowly opened her eyes, and turned off her alarm.

"Six minutes. Nice." Sweetie said. "Next time, I'll try for seven."

Sweetie Belle rolled up her mat and put on her sneakers. "I should thank Sunset Shimmer for recommending yoga to me. It does relax the body and spirit."

She then came downstairs and see Rarity look over a lime green shirt and a blue long skirt.

"Is that the outfit you're making for Lyra?" Sweetie asked.

"It is indeed." Rarity replied. "I learned that after she and Bon Bon go to a movie, they’re going out to eat. And, Lyra wants to impress Bon Bon."

"So, how's it going?"

"So far, so good. Now, how to finish?"

Just then, there was a knock at her door. Rarity answers the knock, and is shocked. She is looking at a white haired girl wearing a white outfit with black sleeves. The visitor also has on black boots, a red cape, and red witch's hat. Her white shirt has a black heart design on top. Her noticeable feature is heart shaped pupils in her eyes.

"Hello, Rarity." The girl said happily.

Rarity soon realized who she's talking about. "My goodness. Jade J'Adore!"

"Jade J'Adore?" Sweetie Belle gasped. "The witch of love from the Bratzillaz Academy?"

"You might say that." Jade answered.

Jade walks in as Rarity looks stunned at her appearance. "What brings you here, Jade?"

"I heard many good things about you, Rarity." Jade said. "You get a lot of praise from the likes of Hoity Toity and Photo Finish."

"I didn't know I was that known by many elegant folks."

"I was also told that you're a fashion fan. And, can turn out many good outfits."

"That's correct, darling. In fact, I'm working on a new outfit right now."

Jade walked over to the dress, and is very impressed.

"This is nice." Jade said happily. "What's the occasion?"

"This is for a friend named Lyra Heartstrings." Rarity explained. "She and her friend, Bon Bon, are spending some time together. Only one little problem."

Looking at the outfit, Jade had an idea. "You don't know how to finish it."

Rarity soon got a little sad. "It's that obvious. Huh?"

"Maybe I can help. After all, the Bratzillaz Academy is about fashion as well as magic."

Looking at the lime green shirt, Jade had a thought."Maybe you can put some blue vertical stripes on this shirt."

"Not a bad idea." Rarity praised. "How about the skirt?"

"Maybe I can stich a few pink hearts on this skirt."

"Marvelous idea. It could somewhat match the pupils in you eyes."

Jade was happy to hear that. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle was being kissed by a red creature with a long tail and a heart at the end. This critter has heart shaped ears and a repaired heart symbol on his chest.

"Hey." Sweetie Belle giggled. "Where did you come from?"

Rarity looked at the creature and smiled. "Hello, Kissifuzz. Cuddling up to my sister I see."

The name confused Sweetie. "Kissifuzz?"

"He's my little companion, Sweetie Belle." Jade explained.

Later that day, Lyra and Bon Bon left the movie theater and headed for a restaurant. Bon Bon liked Lyra's outfit.

"Wow, Lyra." Bon Bon cheered. "Rarity did a good job with this outfit. Those red shoes you're wearing are a nice touch."

"Thanks, Bon Bon." Lyra replied. "These hearts on my skirt are Jade J'Adore's little touch."

"Jade J'Adore? Well, she is good with healing romances. I'd like to meet her and the other Bratzillaz."

The two BFFs continued to enjoy each other. Lyra is happy that Bon Bon likes her outfit. Thank you, Rarity. Thank you, Jade.

Applejack and Fianna Fins

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The beach is bustling with activity. Applejack was waxing her board to prepare for some surfing. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo tagged along.

"Thanks for letting me and Scoots come with ya, sis." Apple Bloom said happily.

"Granny Smith figured you and me can use some sister time." Applejack replied. "And, Lofty and Holiday was glad to have Scootaloo be with us."

"I have my camcorder with me." Scootaloo said. "If there’s any surfing action, I'm going to catch it."

As the three girls head for the water, Timber Spruce called from the lifeguard station. "Ahoy, Applejack. Came to surf?"

"You bet." Applejack replied.

"You might be out of luck. Not much wave action today."

The girls looked at the water, realizing that Timber was right.

"Dang it!" Apple Bloom said angrily. "So much for surfing."

"Never mind the surfing." Scootaloo interrupted. "Who's that?"

The Apple Sisters see who Scootaloo was talking about. It was a girl with long teal hair. She wore a dark teal bikini top with a starfish in the middle, an aquamarine witch type hat, and a long skirt that resembles a mermaid tail. She is currently talking to Bulk and Derpy.

"Who is that?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"I think I know." Applejack answered as she calls out to this visitor. "Hey! Fianna Fins!"

The girl turned and lowered her sunglasses to see Applejack coming her way.

"I thought you look familiar." Applejack said.

"Hi there, Applejack." Fianna greeted. "Nice to meet you."

Apple Bloom is shocked about hearing that name. "Fianna Fins?"

"I heard of her." Scootaloo realized. "She's the Bratzilla of the water."

"She's one of them Bratzillaz? Hoo wee!"

The group of friends looked at the ocean .

"Water too flat for surfing?" Fianna asked.

"I'm afraid so." Applejack replied.

"Too bad." Scootaloo added. "I was so hoping to videotape some surfing action."

"Don't be so down, Scootaloo." Fianna said. "You might get a chance." She then turns to Applejack. "Grab your board and follow me, partner."

With her board in hand, Applejack followed Fianna into the water. Apple Bloom then saw her dress transform into a mermaid tail. "She's a witch of the water, all right."

As Applejack sits on her board, a white seahorse comes along.

"Howdy, little fella." Applejack greeted. "I take it you're Fianna's little buddy: Ripple."

The seahorse nodded before swimming back to his master.

"Hang on, Applejack." Fianna announced as she prepares a magic spell. "Oceans churn, for a surface to glide. BRATZACADABRA! Bring out a wave to ride!"

Suddenly, a wave appears. Applejack soon swam to the wave. Then, she rode the wave like a pro.

"YEE HAW!" Applejack hooted as she continued to ride the wave.

Scootaloo recorded the action. Oh boy. Wait until Rainbow Dash sees this.

Later, as the sun sets, Applejack was very happy that she got to surf. Timber Spruce was talking to Fianna.

"I've seen my fair share of magic at Camp Everfree." Timber said. "But, your magic is awesome!"

"Thanks, Timber." Fianna replied. "Gloriosa Daisy would be just as impressed."

"No doubt."

Meanwhile, the Apple Sisters looked at the footage Scootaloo took.

"Rainbow Dash won't believe this." Scootaloo said.

Applejack knows that she's right. "Yup. Dashie will be shocked all right."

Fluttershy and Sashabella Paws

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At her house, Fluttershy strapped on her backpack, put on her boots, and headed out the door.

"Hey, Fluttershy." Her brother, Zephyr Breeze, called out. "Headed out to one of your favorite hiking spots?"

"That I am." Fluttershy said. "I'm bringing my camera with me so I can take pictures of the scenery and any animals I might see."

"Makes sense to me. By the way, I heard that one of them Bratzilla dames was spotted in some forest in town. Maybe you might meet her."

Fluttershy was a little weary of Zephyr's info. She knows what kind of goof he is. Soon, she is in a forest near her house. Fluttershy loves the atmosphere. Tall trees, sounds of animals, and the smell of fresh air. Getting out her camera, she starts taking pictures of the forest. She hopes to find any animals to snap pictures of. She soon sees a deer. Hiding behind a tree and keeping quiet, she took a picture.

"What a nice picture." Fluttershy said. "This deer looks so lovely."

"Photo Finish would love that picture too." Said a young girl's voice.

Fluttershy wasn't sure where that voice came from. In a bush behind her, steps out a light tan skinned girl with black and white striped hair. She has on a pink dress with midnight blue long sleeves, black boots, a green witch hat, and a ragged cape with various shades of green. Her best feature is her cat like eyes.

"Hi, Fluttershy." The girl said happily.

"Oh dear." Fluttershy gasped. "Sashabella Paws! The animal witch."

"You could call me that."

The girl known as Sashabella approached Fluttershy, who was still a little nervous.

"Have you come to do some exploring too?" Fluttershy asked.

"I certainly am." Sashabella answered. "Also, I'd like to hang out with you."


"Sure. I heard that you like connecting with nature. That means seeing different kinds of animals. I figured to join you on this outing."

Fluttershy soon realized that Sashabella has a point. Suddenly, she pointed her camera to the sky and clicked a picture. The two girls saw the picture. It was a bald eagle spreading its wings.

"This is one majestic bird." Fluttershy praised.

"I agree." Sashabella replied. "The bald eagle is one of the most beautiful birds out there."

The two girls continued their journey. At a lake, they looked at some beautiful fish. Suddenly, they heard a familiar hippie voice.

"Hey, Flutters." The voice said. "What's up?"

Out steps Tree Hugger sporting one of her usual outfits. She carries her sandals with her.

"Fluttershy's hippie friend: Tree Hugger." Sashabella greeted. "I've always wanted to meet you."

"I'm totally surprised that one of those groovy Bratzillaz recognized me." Tree Hugger replied.

"You'd be surprised of how we of the Bratzillaz Academy learn about who's who in Canterlot City."

Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle. As Tree Hugger put on her sandals, a green creature with black hair came along to nibble her long skirt.

"Where did you come from?" Tree Hugger asked.

Fluttershy walked up to Tree Hugger and picked up the creature. "Hello, Fluffinscruff. Saying hello to Tree Hugger, I see."

Tree Hugger was confused hearing that name. "Fluffinscruff?"

"He's my little companion." Sashabella explained.

"That makes sense. All those people at Bratzillaz Academy each has a groovy friend with them."

The three friends walked in the forest, continuing their time together. They came to the beautiful clearing with an amazing waterfall.

"This site never gets old." Fluttershy said happily.

"Totally." Tree Hugger agreed.

"I can agree with that." Sashabella added.

They enjoy the view together.

Sunset Shimmer and Vampelina

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At her apartment, Sunset Shimmer was on her phone talking to Twilight. She was telling Sunset about how she and the rest of the Rainbooms were greeted by many of the Bratzillaz. After her conversation, Sunset steps out of her apartment. She watches the sun go down.

"Man, those guys are very lucky." Sunset sighed. "I wonder if there are any of those girls left to meet me."

Sunset decided to take a walk in the neighborhood as night comes along. The stars come out to shine in the night sky. But, the former brute of Canterlot High School isn't sparkling so much. Sitting on a bench in the park, Sunset started to feel sad. Who would want to hang out with her? Considering the fact that she used to be a monster. Figuratively and literally. Just then, the voice of a girl called out to her. "Hi, Sunset Shimmer."

"Who's there?" Sunset said in a panic. "Trixie, Bon Bon, Vinyl?"

"None of them."

From the darkness, steps a gray haired girl wearing a blue top, silver skirt, black shoes and witch hat, and a red cape. When Sunset saw that two of this girl's teeth turned out to be fangs, she realized who it is.

"Vampelina!" Sunset gasped. "This is a nice surprise."

The two girls embrace each other in a warm hug.

"What are doing here, V?" Sunset asked.

"I was walking around the neighborhood to take in the sights." Vampelina explained. "Then, I decided to visit you."

"Me? I don’t know. You probably learned how I, well...."

"Used to be rotten to the core? Yeah, I did. But, I don't think about that dark part of your past. It's what you are today that I appreciate."

Sunset blushed. Soon, a bat flew by and landed on her shoulder. She looked at the bat, and couldn't help but smile.

"Hi, Batric." Sunset greeted. "I wondered when you would show up."

"Looks like Batric took a liking to you, Sunnie." Vampelina said.

"Sunnie? Have you been hanging with Pinkie Pie?"

The girls shared a laugh when Wallflower Blush came along.

"Hi, Sunset." Wallflower said. "Have you seen an elegant looking bat around here?"

"If you're talking about Batric," Sunset replied, "he's with his boss."

Wallflower soon met Vampelina. But, realizing that she's partially a vampire, Wallflower hid behind Sunset. "Please, don't let her bite me."

"Don't worry, Wallflower Blush." Vampelina said. "I'm not like a female version of Jerry Dandridge from "Fright Night"."

Wallflower felt a bit of relief. "Whew. That's a relief."

The three girls shared a good laugh. This has been an interesting night. Later, Sunset slipped in her pajamas to get ready for bed. She keeps thinking about her time with Vampelina. "The other girls won't believe this."

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Sunday morning came. Twilight and her friends gathered at Sweet Apple Acres. Since there were no chores for Applejack to do, she can just relax with her friends.

"Ah, nothing like the smell of sweet country air to relax by." Applejack said.

Pinkie Pie took a sniff, and realized something off. "Doesn't smell that sweet to me."

"Not everything has to smell like cake, ice cream, and other stuff like that, Pinks." Rainbow Dash informed.

Pinkie blushed, knowing that Dash is right. "Good point."

"Applejack is right." Rarity said proudly. "It is rather peaceful out here. Sweetie Belle would probably take off her shoes and enjoy the feeling of walking barefoot in the grass."

"Excuse me for interrupting you, Rarity." Fluttershy said. "I heard you and Sweetie Belle spent time with Jade J'Adore yesterday."

"Yes, I did. She was a great help with finishing a dress I was readying for Lyra. She and Bon Bon loved her little touches."

"I heard. Her little touches are hearts on Lyra's skirt." Sunset said as she turned to Twilight Sparkle. "So, Twi. How was your day with Yasmina Clairvoya?"

"Very interesting." Twilight replied. "She was fascinated with my book collection."

"Sounds like Yasmina could be a bookworm like you Twi." Dash said as she turns to Applejack. "AJ, I'm a little jealous of you."

Applejack was shocked to hear her spectrum haired friend say that. "Jealous? Of me."

"Maybe a little. I saw that video Scootaloo shot of you surfing a big wave." She then gave her farmer friend a pleasant smile. "I heard that Fianna Fins had a hand at that."

"Yup. Thanks to her water magic, I was able to do a little wave ridin'."

"Rainbow," Fluttershy said, "if anything, we should be jealous of you."

"Fluttershy is right." Rarity added. "You did get to ride with Meygana Broomstix in the air."

Rainbow Dash blushed, knowing that Rarity is right. Applejack got Fluttershy's attention. "I heard you had a relaxin' day with Sashabella Paws, Flutters."

"She was a very fascinating girl indeed." Fluttershy replied. "Even Tree Hugger is impressed with Sashabella's love for nature."

Twilight then turned to Pinkie. "I heard Trixie's birthday party went great, Pinkie. How did Cloetta Spelletta enjoy herself?"

"Cloetta was a great guest." Pinkie cheered. "Trixie told me that she and Bartholomeow are a unique team."

Rainbow Dash looked at Sunset with concern. "So, Sunset. Were you afraid that you're going to feel left out?"

"A little." Sunset answered . "But, last night was one of my best nights."

"Was that because Vampelina paid you a visit?" Pinkie asked.

"You got it. Wallflower Blush realized that Vampelina is not so scary once she gets to know her."

As the seven girls continue their day, Diamond Tiara walked down the street, heading back to her home.

"Bratzillaz Academy. BAH!" Diamond scoffed. "Bet there is no such place."

Soon, she encountered a young man with black hair and a skeleton type face. He had a well dressed rodent with a top hat and bow tie. They turned out to be Levitor and his little companion: Ratson.

"No such place, huh?" Levitor said. "Don't be sure of that."

With that, Levitor and Ratson walked off. This left Diamond shocked with disbelief.